#so i wasn't going crazy and the game wasn't glitching
doom-dreaming · 8 months
Newest favorite NPC behavior: guy driving the 'Hog got it turned around and the game's AI couldn't figure out how to fix that so he just. drove us all the way to the next area in reverse
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phoenix-downer · 4 months
FFVII Rebirth Demo Impressions
I played the demo several nights ago and loved it! This post is about my thoughts/impressions as I was playing.
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(Quick note: My shipping preferences are Cloud/Tifa and Zack/Aerith, so that is going to influence my perspective and what I write about. There will also be spoilers for the OG game and Crisis Core throughout).
One of the first things I noticed as I was playing through was the graphics. The graphics look fantastic. I can tell the game being on the PS5 is making a big difference. The jump in quality from Remake to Rebirth is really noticeable.
It's so weird seeing Cloud act like Zack. Like I KNOW it's Zack and it's creeping me out a;lksdjfdfj because it's just...so not Cloud. They knocked the "this is wrong" vibes out of the park by using Zack's mannerisms and gestures with Cloud's model slapped on top, and it's giving this uncanny valley feeling to everything "Cloud" does. Cody Christian even sounds more like Zack's VA (Caleb Pierce). The attention to detail with all that is excellent. The updated graphics give them a lot to work with in terms of showing the wonkiness with Cloud's memories.
There was also a clever shot in the truck of "Cloud" asking the real Cloud if he's okay, and you see a hint of Cloud's blond hair peeking through the helmet.
I liked the dramatic/heroic version of Sephiroth's theme that played. And when Zack gets hurt by one of the monsters, I think it was Cloud who made sure he's okay, which was a sweet touch. Also, the screen is tinted with green, which is a cool way to show the effects of the Mako poisoning on Cloud.
Another thing I noticed: Cloud's eyes look SUPER green, more so than in Remake. Don't know if it's the upgrade to the PS5 or if they wanted to show the Mako poisoning progressing, but I thought it was a cool detail.
Okay it's like Cloud swapped he and Zack in his memories directly at one point soon after they arrive in Nibelheim. I swear this is 100% what Zack would've said to Cloud about Aerith, but instead it's one of the "security officers" saying it to "Cloud": "So, any friends here you wanna see? Maybe a girlfriend? Speaking of which, I bet you're dying to hear about mine. Am I right?"
Lmao Sephiroth still has groupies, this is giving Crisis Core fanclub vibes and I'm all here for it. I'm glad the game still has those silly moments and that continuity with past games. It makes the tragedy I know will unfold later on that much more poignant.
Speaking of which, it's depressing seeing all the townspeople in Nibelheim knowing they're going to die. Just walking around talking to them, Nibelheim really feels like a lived-in place that Cloud has so many personal connections to.
An NPC asked Cloud if he's seen his mother yet, another one recognized me, and another couple of people noticed me and asked if I'm looking for Tifa. They Know™️
Also, it's really interesting seeing Cloud craft the welcome home he WISHES he had gotten. He wanted to come back to Nibelheim as a hero everyone praised, but the reality was much different. So seeing that contrast is a really good insight into Cloud's psyche and what he wants (praise, recognition, approval, etc.)
Oh found some cats, I'm glad there's another area dedicated to just cats ;aldjf; (complete with photographic evidence):
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Awwwwww there was a sweet reference to Tifa leading the exercise classes for Nibelheim from Traces of Two Pasts, and she asks Cloud in the modern day if he was able to keep up with the class (she wasn't teaching this particular one, but I love that bit of continuity).
Tifa you can tell is nostalgic for Nibelheim hearing Cloud's recounting of what happened too, the voice acting and dialogue for this part is all really well-done.
The option to see Cloud's mom was really well-done. Cloud never went back to see her in reality, of course, which means his memory glitches out like crazy during this part: he "hears" his mother talking to him about a conversation that happened at an earlier time, like his brain is desperately trying to create something that never happened and is latching onto the nearest fragments it can find. I like how they translated this scene from the OG game, it gave off eerie vibes.
HE DID THE LIL SHRUG AND NOD LIKE HE DOES IN THE OG GAME if you try to enter his mom's house again after the "memory" is over. Also, it's like his mind is trying to protect itself from delving too deeply into a false memory so glitchy (and maybe he feels a deep level of guilt at not actually going to see her as well), and so you can't go back into his house, just like in the OG game.
You can have Cloud go up the water tower too, and he looks towards Tifa's window THE ANGST OF IT ALL a;lskdfj. I love those little moments of Pining™️
Tifa's like wait you went to my place?? Oh Cloud...you were such an awkward weirdo...
"Our reasons, huh? I bet most of them had to do with you." Barret shading Cloud for why he and Tifa didn't hang out more ;alkdjf again I love the humor in these moments.
Awwww Fluffy got mentioned! Nice to hear her brought up again.
"You went into my room?" I'm dead. Tifa sounds so indignant and rightfully so. It's weirdo behavior Cloud ;laskdfj
"You went through my stuff?!" Not off to a great start buddy, but I had him pick that option because I figured he ought to be honest. Tifa and Aerith both call him an asshole if you admit to doing it too, which made me laugh. And naturally my mind is wondering how this will impact the iconic date later on. Did I just piss both Aerith and Tifa off and lose affection points with both girls? Probably lol (and honestly, Cloud deserved it for that stunt).
Tifa's lil moogle plushie on her bed is adorable. I love the touches like that that make the environment feel more lived in.
Awwww I found Tifa's theme to play on the piano hehe. I love that that's the first piano piece you can find in the game. Just one of my favorite FFVII songs because it fits Tifa so perfectly and has this bittersweet sense of longing as well as this beautiful tenderness to it.
Also, I got a kick out of the piano minigame. The first time I wasn't great at it and got a C. I struggled to do both "hands" at the same time. I did it two more times after that, and it starts to sound really nice when you have a streak of a bunch of correct notes in a row. Like Cloud's going to town on the piano with extra flourishes. If you miss notes again though the metronome comes back on lol like "you still need to practice and get the rhythm down."
The second two times I got an A (I'll have to keep practicing to get a star and see what happens), and the gang praised Cloud, which I thought was cool.
Found more Sephiroth groupies and ran into Zangan in the inn. It was really sweet hearing Zangan praise Tifa so highly. Also, "Cloud" saying, "yeah right" when Zangan says "Tifa will go far" is another good clue Cloud isn't himself. Tifa was offended and Aerith was offended on her behalf. I love how Aerith keeps backing Tifa up on stuff, it's really nice to see more of their friendship.
The photographer dude is back and I love him. And he even says the same thing he said to Zack in Crisis Core about how he can't waste his film on Zack because he doesn't know who he is ;alskdfj. What's a guy got to do to get a little respect?
"You look so different" lol yes I do random villager because I'm not me, and then there are some nice creepy foreshadowing moments from her kids. The girl says, "Gonna beat those monsters?" and the boy says, "Gonna be 'em?"
The irony of the mayor saying he'd brag about Sephiroth visiting Nibelheim till the day he dies:
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I still really love Brian Lockhart's design. He's like if the 70s met cowboy fashion, and it just works somehow. And this carries over from the OG game, but his concerns about Tifa's safety are well-founded given what happened when she and Cloud were kids and sets up future reveals in the remake trilogy nicely.
Also, Tifa is so small next to Sephiroth. I love her sass in this part of the story, and this time around there's some country twang banjo version of her theme and I love it. Also Sephiroth shaded the camera guy al;sdkfj;dskf but "Cloud" talked him into it and thus the iconic photo came into being. Again those moments of humor will never not be funny. And I loved how Tifa was being such a good guide and giving info about the area as they started to ascend the mountain.
Also, when you finally get to the title screen, it cracked me up how Nomura is listed first, before Hamaguchi. Probably a seniority/respect thing, but Nomura is the creative director and Hamaguchi is the director.
Also, the version of the main theme that plays as you go up Mt. Nibel is awesome, and once again I had to get a screenshot because this area is just so beautiful:
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Tifa wanting to travel is a sweet touch, though Sephiroth is practical and points out that he travels on business trips and not for fun. Of course "Cloud" points out that you do learn stuff on these trips. It's a nice contrast between Tifa's naive optimism, Sephiroth's jaded world-weary outlook, and Zack's positivity tempered by experience.
Also, Sephiroth's hair is very swishy. I thought that needed a note as I was playing this. Props to the artists, animators, etc. who rendered it.
I chuckled at Tifa racing up the mountain and teasing "Cloud" and Sephiroth about whether or not they can keep up. Just shows a fun, playful side to her personality and also shows how eager she is to prove herself. And then she dropkicked a monster to protect "Cloud" and then teased him about it alks;jfdsf. She's so much snarkier with Zack than she is with Cloud, and it's an interesting contrast.
The real Cloud of course is in the background, protecting Tifa from danger. Even in his rewritten version of history, the real him is lurking in his subconscious protecting her because she's that important to him. She thanked him so sweetly when he did too.
I made a note about seeing the bridge that collapsed with Cloud and Tifa on it when they were kids, man all the little details like this and the foreshadowing is just A+.
Tifa has Trauma™️ from falling off a bridge before, hmmm, wonder what that's from, and she's still like hey I'm the guide I'll lead us a;ldkfj when "Cloud" offers to go first lol.
Still holds true years later but wooooow Nibelheim sucks at constructing good bridges lol. It was a wholesome moment where "Cloud"/Zack grabbed Cloud and kept him from drowning though, and Sephiroth was able to grab Tifa (which is ironic considering how he tries to kill her not much later, and it's sad because it really shows he was a good guy). Of course the other security officer probably drowned rip, poor guy.
"For your performance review" lol I like Sephiroth's sass and how he teases "Cloud" like this.
I just obliterate everything playing as Sephiroth ;alsdkfj and truly love playing as him. And him slamming his own dad will never not be funny, I mean Hojo just really sucks.
At this point I started focusing more on playing the game since there were more monsters to fight etc., but I still got some nice screenshots and had a few more thoughts.
The Mako spring just looks incredible, so I had to include a photo:
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The scenery by the ocean was gorgeous too, I can't wait to go to Costa del Sol:
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The real Cloud helping Tifa get to safety from the monster and "Cloud"/Zack and Sephiroth being bros is top-tier content. Also Sephiroth looks like a model in pretty much every shot he's in:
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Oh the dramatic irony of Tifa not knowing it's Cloud and him refusing to talk and her being sassy and telling him, "You better keep me safe" and then of course he does. The music is creepy now that we're about to enter the reactor lol, of course it is.
"Would it kill this guy to say something" he would die from embarrassment and shame, yes:
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"The company really needs to be more transparent" that's the understatement of the year "Cloud" ;lakfj;asdf
Cool use of JENOVA'S theme. I always enjoy hearing that theme and how otherworldy but also very 90s it sounds.
Zangan's comment here is gold, I love the bee in his bonnet bit:
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The Shinra basement stuff was genuinely creepy l;kasjdf like I know what happens and I was still freaked out! The atmosphere was just really well done.
"I should go. Mother is waiting." There it is, the iconic meme line a;ldal;skdjf;lsdjf it just kills me, Sephiroth is such a psycho.
Loved seeing Zangan helping people get out of the town and telling "Cloud" to get in there and help, but of course the situation is still incredibly dire by the time "Cloud" gets there.
This shot in front of the water tower was gorgeous and really haunting, especially when the water tower collapsed. Just the symbolism with that, the loss of Cloud and Tifa's special place and how not long after this, he feels like he failed her and failed to keep his promise:
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Main Scenario: Check on Mom. Oh Cloud...
And then you see the real Cloud collapsed in front of his house and calling for his mom, this is so depressing:
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This is where the more realistic graphics really serve the story well, because it makes this moment that much more of a gut punch, especially when he hears his mother begging him to live. The last few moments before her soul returns to the planet perhaps, trying to save her son from danger one last time.
And now that "Cloud" is hurt, he looks busted up even in the menu. I thought that was a cool detail to include.
It's like Cloud's memories are trying to right themselves because he winds up on the ground like where he was supposed to be. When Sephiroth murdered the man who tried to help him and then went on his creepy murder spree of several other villagers culminating with the mayor, that was all really well done too. Horrifying because there's nothing Cloud can do to stop the senseless murder of people he's known all his life, and it really shows how cold and ruthless Sephiroth has become.
This moment was good too with the memories seeming glitchy again:
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And then of course I must end this on The Iconic Scene™️ a;lsdkfja;kdslf complete with psycho smirk:
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Needless to say, I very much enjoyed this demo and am looking forward to the Juno one! And the full game, February 29 can't come fast enough.
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m0chisenpai · 11 months
Far From Home
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Spiderman Across the Spiderverse
42!Miles Morales x black!reader
Warning(s): nothing too crazy. just a bit of cursing and mentions of death and violence
Part One
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You're now far from home and trapped from it.
A universe away pales in comparison to missing a small stop, or turning at the wrong corner.
You're in a world where your existence isn't meant to be. The one who you loved, a version of him, is much more cruel. But you can't fault him. A product of fates twisted game.
Miles and Aaron are both smart and from what you can hear and see they try and form some plan as to why you are here.
So Aaron is the one who keeps you for the time being. His apartment has a spare room and it's decent enough. The bed is comfortable, it’s warm and shields the cold nip that seems to never go with each passing day.
During your second week here, Miles enters your room to
You don’t know what lies Miles weaves to tell his mom, but when you come by she holds you tight and presses you to her chest. Says it's a miracle how you survived the incident. 
And you remember how Miles looked down at you with those hard brown eyes earlier and dared you to try and tell his Ma you weren’t her. 
So instead you just hug her tightly and bask in her love, because something tells you it's very sparse around here. This worlds Brooklyn is more rough, it's not as lively, no one smiles like they used to. Instead people clutch their bags to themselves tightly and walk faster.
She chides at you to come and sit and she’s feeding you a meal that warms your soul and tastes like home. Meanwhile Miles watches you, waits. But you play your part well. 
She tells you your Aunt and Uncle have both passed and it's no surprise. According to the psycho leader of the multiverse club it’s a prereq that comes with the mask. Something you began to wish you didn't pick up. You wonder if Miles, your Miles, is watching over your Uncle back home. 
You wonder if he's looking for you.
Has anyone begun to notice you were gone for a little bit too long?
Your uncle worked alongside Mr.Morales, but with him gone who would you stay with? And Aaron chimes in, how he would would be more than happy to let you stay with him.
So you thank thank him and flash him a smile with all the bitterness sitting in how you force your eyes into a smile. 
"I gues sit what pops would have wanted, right?" you mumble around a spoon full of rice.
Aaron feels some sense of calm in having your presence here. You had just as much bite as she once did. So for now, he'll let your presence soothe the hole that once ate at him.
Miles won't put his hands on you. You learned that the first two times you tried to claw at him when he entered your room i the first week of your imprisonment here. He brushes you off and brings you breakfast. You throw it at his back and he easily dodges.
But slowly his patience is being run thin. Because now he's stopped bringing you the meals. Aaron begins to. He gives you a hard stare as he sets it on the desk. You learned that Aaron wasn't as patient as his nephew because when you throw it at him that was your fist and last meal of the day.
Exhaustion not only eats away from being starved, but the constant questioning about how you got here. That damn watch that Hobi shoved o your wrist, that you've hidden beneath the floorboards.
"That thing got you here, how." Aaron and Miles stand before you on the couch as you fiddle with the bracelet.
"It didn't. It keeps me from glitching. If I don't keep it on, I'll glitch out." Miles doesn't want to know what that meas but he can tell by the grim look on your face as you look down on the bracelet.
"So if that didn't get you here, what did then?"
"Someone else had a bracelet and shoved me here. Tech isn't my thing, I prefer chemicals But you know that right?" your eyes cut up to him and he's giving you that weird cross between a smile and a smirk.
"Yeah. You do mi reina."
Your hands rub at the bruises on your wrists, hidden behind white bandages. 
Breakfast paints the side of the door and glass sits at the entrance. And when Miles enters he stops for a moment looking down at what was meant to pierce the soles of his feet.
"This a new one today baby. You're getting feistier" he steps over the trap without a care, hands stuck in his pockets after kicking the door shut.
"I want to go home...I need to go home..." your voice cracks as you curl your body more into itself in the bed. Eyes watching the sun paint golden from the window.
You seem to be speaking to nothing and at the same time, someone. But your eyes don't move as he sits himself next to your limp body. You took a shower today, he can tell but he sweet smell of vanilla and the faint red splotches on your arms.
You're improving from refusing to care for yourself for the last two weeks. Was it two weeks? No it was three right? What's the point in counting. No point. All you know is after a certain point, you think Miles forgot you were out their.
"I know baby" his hands are gentle in brush through your hair. Slowly tugging away knots. He mumbles something under his breath says he'll take you out to get it braided down. But you don't find it in yourself to jump in joy like you normally would have.
"I love you, you know?"
Silence. And his hands are left empty as you move away from him pressing your body more into the ball. His heart leaps. Last week he said it and you told him to eat shit and die. But you're not biting back as much. You're...improving.
He can't help the smile as he pulls the covers up on your body. "Don't forget your bonnet baby." He presses a kiss to the back of your hand which falls limp in front of your face.
Once walking out, Aaron stands next to the door holding his mask which he tosses to Miles as the two walk into his living room.
"How's she doing?"
"Better. I think we can move forward."
But Miles wasn't always the brightest. At least he wasn't. Because he should've been watching your eyes, how they were calculating. Watching his every move, analyzing. He might of been the prowler. But you were a spider stalking it's prey, watching him slowly approach your web in ignorance.
And you would wait until the opportunity struck, to strike and get home.
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https-sonshine · 1 year
Another smutty fic could be:
Sonny is getting more into gaming with the lads and you’re just needy
He sees you lingering around him trying to find a way to get his attention but also not really wanting to disturb his game time. He smirks to himself thinking you’re too cute for your own good, he knows what you want but he’d rather watch and see what you’ll come up with.
He throws you a line to help and asks you, “hey baby, is there anything I can help you with” his eyes still on the screen just to show that he’s still invested in the game “umm I was wondering I could sit on your lap while you play, if it’s not too much trouble” you ask timidly
He glitched for a second but composed himself before you could notice, already starting to get hard at the thought of his needy girl want to sit on his lap, too shy to ask for what she really wants.
“Sure baby, come here” with open arms, you straddle him and stick your face in his neck.
It’s only 10 minutes in when you finally get too desperate and the fact that Minnie is just in shorts gets incredibly obvious, you just bite the bullet and ask him, whispering (almost whimpering) “minnie, can I ride your thigh”
Sonny drops his controller
You start rambling thinking you took it too far,,
“It’s okay you can say no, I just always wanted to you know what nevermind, you’re with the lads I’ll just go take a show-
He pulls you back to look into your eyes “you drive me crazy” grabs your neck and kisses you hard, grabs a hold of you hips and settles you on his thigh
And the rest could be smut
Here's your request as promised. Hope you like it. This is my first time writing smut so it might be all over the place. Not sure if I'll be writing smut again tho. I kept changing my mind on which perspective to follow before settling on first person, so there might be some slight inaccuracies i.e she being used instead of you. I did proofread it but knowing me I probably overlooked some. Anyways, enjoyy
word count: approx 1.8k words
warnings: nsfw, slight exhibitionism
It wasn't particularly early in the morning, but the snowstorm and overcast sky made it feel like the dawn. They both walked around in their pyjamas as if they were groggy children. Your long brown hair cascaded past your shoulders and curled softly against your back, with some strands taking on a fiery hue in the low lighting. You were dressed in a tank top designed for curvier women. You wore it with your favourite pair of flannel pyjamas, patterned with a bold blue plaid and complimented your eyes. While holding your coffee, you watched Son play a video game. The band of his headset added to the flyaways in his dishevelled hair. His glasses rested on his nose as he focused on the game, and he mumbled sleepily into the headset every now and then. You leaned against the wall, a smile on your lips as you observed him. His fingers flew across the controller, skillfully working around each obstacle in the game.
You were used to it; you both played games together in your free time. However, today was different. You craved Son's undivided attention. No, you needed it. You desperately wanted to get his attention, yet you were too scared to ask for it, not wanting to appear clingy. You had tried every trick in the book to get his attention, but you could never keep it for more than a few moments.
He sees you lingering around him, trying to find a way to get his attention but also not really wanting to disturb his gaming time. He smirks, thinking you're too cute for your own good. He knows what you want, but he'd rather watch and see what you'll come up with. Sonny can tell you want his attention, but instead of giving it to you outright, he teases you with a smirk, revelling in your efforts to win it.
Sonny watches as you struggle to find the best way to get his attention.
He dangles an offer of assistance and asks, "Hey baby, is there anything I can help you with?" His eyes are still on the screen, and his focus on the game is unwavering. You take the bait, hopeful that you'll get his attention. Son glanced up and saw y/n wearing a grin that could only mean trouble. Your dimples were barely visible as you looked at him, distracting him from the game with a mere glance. "What's the deal with your grins?" he asked, returning his gaze to the game. You shrugged, taking a sip from your coffee. "You." You answered simply.
"Umm, I was wondering if I could sit on your lap while you play. If it's not too much trouble, I won't do anything. I know you're not a fan of exhibitionism," you inquire hesitantly.
His breath twitched for a split second, but he quickly composed himself. He turns towards you and gives a quick, barely perceptible nod as if to say yes before returning to the game. He was already starting to get hard at the thought of his needy girl wanting to sit on his lap, too shy to ask for what she really wanted. He cleared his throat and softly spoke, "Of course." A warmth spread through your body as he said the words, and you felt a sudden rush of excitement He finally gave you a light smile and opened his arms, inviting you to take the seat you wanted. You scoot closer and settle on his lap, your heart fluttering as you feel his body heat radiating around you. You straddle him as you bury your face in his neck. You could feel his warmth and the faint scent of his cologne, but most of all, you could feel him beginning to stir beneath you. It only takes ten minutes for you to reach your breaking point, at which point it becomes painfully obvious that Son is only wearing a pair of shorts. You take a deep breath and force yourself to ask, "Minnie, can I ride on your thigh? Your voice quivers and sounds almost desperate.
Sonny drops his controller. He glances away from the screen, finally giving you his full attention. You start talking incoherently, afraid that you've made him uncomfortable. "It's okay, you can say no, I just always wanted to, you know what, never mind, you're with the lads. I'll just go take a show-
He pulls you back to look into your eyes and says, "You drive me crazy." He grabs your neck, kisses you hard, grabs hold of your hips, and settles you on his thigh. You look into his eyes and let out a deep breath before connecting your lips. The kisses were soft and sweet, with his hands sliding around her form to pull her all the closer. Soon, the voices over his headset were calling him back to attention, and Son reluctantly detached from you to get back to the game.
You cast your gaze over his familiar form before settling to her knees beside him. As you opened the fly of his pyjamas without shame, he looked at her with a curious look and a furrowed brow. "What are you up to?" he asked, scooting his chair back to make more room for you. "Just teasing you some," you replied quietly, moving to settle more between his legs. He let out a quiet grumble as your fingers casually reached into the fabric to stroke his length. You looked up at him curiously and grinned, listening to him as he tried to keep his voice steady as he replied to a question on the headset. Gentle fingers stroked over him slowly, curling about his length to coax it into life. Her thumb played at the tip, slowly rolling over the slit to tease him just a bit. A gasp sounded from him, and his flesh lengthened steadily. You leaned forward, a triumphant smile on your lips, and hooked your fingers into the waistband of his pyjamas. Son let out a little grumble as he moved, lifting enough to let you pull the garment down his thighs—to tumble around his feet. Soft fingers stroked over his right thigh, wandering from knee to hip as her right hand encircled the base of his length. Slowly, you ran your tongue over the tip, a gentle hum escaping as you took in his flavour. Son's breath came in a little faster as you drew the fleshy tip of his length into your mouth, your cheeks heaving in as you gently suckled on it. The slickness from your mouth made the glide of your wet fingers easy over his veined shaft, and soon you had him exactly how you wanted him: throbbing and wanting.
You let out a pleased moan as you nuzzled against your boyfriend's thigh, letting your lips and teeth graze lightly over the delicate skin not far from his sac. Your right hand continued to slowly stroke over him, your fingers teasingly stroking over his tip as your left hand moved to play over his balls. Son struggled to focus on the game. It was difficult for him to keep his hands on the controller and not work his fingers into your hair, pulling you against him as he desired. For the time being, he was at her mercy. Your tongue pressed to the underside of his length, slowly travelling up it. Occasionally, you would glance at the TV screen to see exactly what was happening in the game. As your tongue reached the tip of his length, you turned your head and let it slowly trail down the other side. Your gentle breath caressed his skin, cooling the moisture left behind as you moved. The light touch of your fingers never left him. Sometimes they would dabble over the tip of his length. Other times they would stroke over the inside of his thigh, letting your nails gently scratch over his skin—only to turn soft and gentle again as they toyed over his sack. Son's breath grew quicker, his dark eyes moving from the screen to you as you teased him. Your mouth never left his shaft, trading between soft, gentle licks against the veined skin and butterfly-light kisses over the moist paths. You teased him, hinting at taking him into your mouth but never quite getting there. Your lips would purse at his tip, taking just half of it in. The heat of your tongue would grind at his slit, your voice sending gentle vibrations against him as you moaned teasingly. He was shaking, and occasionally the wrong controls were being hit. His brows furrowed as he focused. Still, he didn't stop you. As he opened his mouth to say something, your lips enveloped him again, and this time you took nearly half his length into your mouth. All he could manage was a soft moan of your name, his head tilting back in pleasure for a moment. The tip of your tongue pressed against the back of his mouth as you lifted your tongue. The fingers wrapped around his shaft teasingly stroked from the base to where your lips were, slowly working him into your mouth. Son's resolve broke, his left hand moving from the controller to work into your silky hair as you pulled back on him. He wasn't forceful, just encouraging as he nudged you down, and you began to lower yourself again. His eyes remained focused on the screen, but he could hear your soft moans of pleasure and feel your arousal as your slickness dampened your panties and pyjamas. You pulled back to his tip, letting your tongue play at it as your fingers increased their pace teasingly.
"SONNY! It's you, man!" someone yelled over the headset, and he let out a quiet groan before hitting the push-to-talk key. "Sorry guys." He said this as his hands returned to the controller.
As you stroked him, you used your thumb to massage the underside of his length. You could hear his friends' excited voices through his headset. Son moved. His fingers entwined with your hair as he gently lifted you. You got up with his lips touching yours as he leaned down. Your lips remained pressed together, and Son took off his headset. His warm breath caressed your face as he pulled away, but the feeling of his lips still lingered. "We have to be quick. "Everyone's taking a 15-minute break."
You replied by running your fingers along his sides. He cupped your face in his hands and looked into your eyes. "Tease." He spoke softly, biting your lower lip before pulling away from you just slightly. Your arms were braced against his desk as he turned you with guiding hands. "Tell me you want me." He ordered softly, the slight authority in his voice sending a chill down your spine. "I want you," you moaned, your long hair fanning out against the desk as she bowed her head. "So very, very badly." As you looked over your shoulder at him, you muttered. Your whisper soon turned into a loud moan as he drove into you, his thick length spreading your tight walls. The game now long forgotten.
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HELLO? [[tickling department]]? IT'S FOR YOU!!
A sequel tickle fic to Cheater, Cheater! (Ler!Jevil, Lee!Spamton) With the player being away for who knows how long, Jevil and Spamton hang out in the void behind Seam's shop, attempting to entertain themselves best they can. However when messes are to be kept to a minimum, All hope of escaping boredom is lost... or is it? Lee!Jevil Ler!Spamton Lee!Spamton(?)
It was so much fun writing this fic series with @coy-lee! its been ages since i've stretched my fingers for some good old fashion fanfiction! Spam and Jev are so fun to write... Thanks for writing with me coy. writing with you and LF both make my world!
Anyhoo... On with the story!
📞🔊 ☎️🎵 📞🔊☎️🎶
[[tickling department]]?
📞🔊 ☎️🎵 📞🔊 ☎️🎶
It was true that Jevil and Spamton had a silent truce to the whole battle thing, or as the clown would like to put it, his 'numbers game'. Alas, Spamton's mission to achieve the higher plane of existence had ultimately been foiled... the salesman found a new purpose he had never seen before in this prison. He had friends. Actual, PHYSICAL companions! 
It was after hours in the old cat-plush's shop. The player would be gone for an extended period of time, perhaps years from now, so the cat tended to doing business of his own behind closed doors regarding his two newest creations. Spamton was playing a card game with Jevil, although it appeared neither one knew what actual game they were playing. 
"GO-[[Frank's fish fry buffet!]]" 
The two said simultaneously while laying their cards down for their consecutive games. 
"I THOUGHT WE WERE PLAYING [[Gone fishing! Be back later]] NOT [[house!]] ... NOT [[hou-]]." Frustrated, Spamton's glasses went staticy for a moment. "nevermind.." As soon as the whisper came, the puppet glitched back into his normal salesman tone. "YOU GET THE [[photo noise]]." 
Sometimes Spamton just couldn't understand Jevil no matter how much he puzzled.
"ANYWAY! ITS NO FUN TO JUST PLAY CRAZY EIGHTS EVERY TIME, TIME! " Jevil exclaimed, throwing cards into the air haphazardly. Spamton flinched and gazed up at now the fluttering cards.
"CRAZY [[888-8888]]? IS THAT WHAT WE WERE PLA-" The doll spoke, cutting himself off when his eyes trailed down to find Jevil being surrounded by walls of cards stacking perfectly on top of each other. They continued to stack, building a tower around the jester, taller and taller as the cards multiplied out of nowhere. Construction noises sounded from inside the endlessly growing fortress, minimizing as it continued to grow. it wasn't long before the large card tower had stopped growing and had gone quiet. Then a cackling form burst from the top of the tower, looking down at his friend far below.
"HOW'S THE WEATHER DOWN THERE, THERE!?" Jevil called. Suddenly the cards caved from the top, the fool surfing down the wave of cards that soon crashed to the ground. He was now once again seated where he was before, cards falling like leaves all around them. Jevil bounced up and took a bow, thanking Spamton and the seemingly nonexistent audience for cheering him on. 
"You aren't making too much of a mess in there, are you Jevil?" a deep voice asked from the other room.
"WHAT!? WHY DO YOU ASSUME SUCH THINGS SEAM, SEAM!?" the jester called back, offended. Spamton couldn't help but laugh at Jevil's reaction to being called out. "UHG... GAMES ARE NO FUN WITHOUT A MESS, MESS," Jevil sighed, falling back onto the floor, staring into the void above.
Spamton thought a moment, scratching his head before his mind flashed back to about a week prior. If he could shift his face at all, a grinch-like smile would be there. Oh he knew EXACTLY the game that would be perfect for this occasion. His fingers were itching to wiggle and knead after that whole experience.
'GEEZ, I DUNNO HOW YOU CAN STAND IT, NO WAY I'D LAST!' Spamton recalled Jevil saying to him mid-attack. He'd test that statement himself, if not MORE teasy than Jevil. If he could figure out how the jester did it, that is! Although he was keen in the art of salesmanship, when it came to the art of tickling, Spamton didn't have sea legs like Jevil did. The puppet just hoped he could live up to the playful nature Jevil has come so naturally to him. However, he didn't mind taking a leap of faith on this… Spamton wanted to have fun! Besides, the clown had it coming to him anyway.
"ACTUALLY I THINK I KNOW A [[Book of games to play with your children!]] THATS NOT [[🎶i came in like a wrecking ball!🎶]]"
"OH *REALLY?* IS IT FUN ENOUGH TO SHARE WITH THE CLASS, CLASS?" Jevil perked up a bit, curious. He fell back again after a moment. "sigh BUT MESSY IS STILL MORE FUN…"
Spamton got up from his seat, which shortened him back to his regular height. Sliding back and forth across the ground as if he were floating, the doll clasped his hands together attempting to strike up a deal. Now THIS was in his ballpark.
"OH IM SURE THIS [[specil game]] WILL PEAK YOUR INTEREST MY [[friend request accepted]]!" Spamton advertised, growing a little closer to the jester through the ocean of cards.
"[[100% Entertainment!]] [[100%-]] F UN, FuN, FUN! [[for the whole family]]." The spam-bot finally stopped in front of the imp, that award losing smile offering the chance of a lifetime. "NO [[tough stains to get out]] NO [[pottery disrespected!]] ONLY- ONLY- ONLY-" Spamton was stuck on a record loop.
"ONLY WHAT, WHAT!? SPIT IT OUT MAN!" Jevil shouted, shaking the spambot's shoulders dramatically, his eyes wide, sparkling with excitement. Spamton legitimately had the jester entranced by this proposition. The best customer is a desperate one he supposed. Jevil was on the edge of his nonexistent seat now.
"I CAN SEE YOU'RE [[LOSING YOU R MIND]] OVER THIS [[once in a lifetime offer!]] YOU'RE LIKE ME! [[desperate.]]" Spamton started, his aura going from that of a salesman to... playfully intimidating... this didn't go unnoticed by Jevil, who's eyes widened at the sudden change of mood. "WELL YOU'RE IN FOR A-" suddenly, Spamton's hand started ringing. It had literally turned into a black phone! "EXCUSE ME ONE MOMENT." Aw... Jevil had to wait!? NO!! He was way too impatient.
"HELLO? [[tickling department]]??"
Tickling WHAT!?
"I SEE... IT'S FOR YOU!" Spamton pointed the phone at Jevil.
Before Jevil could even process what's happening, the jester was pushed into the sea of spades, diamonds, and clubs by tiny little Spamtons.
"GYAaAaAaA! WAIT A MINUTE! IT DOESN'T LOOK LIKE YOU HAVE FULL HANDS, SO WHAT'S WITH ALL THE MINI SPAMS!?" Jevil rhymed, eyes wide and a nervousness in his belly. His tail curled up closer to his body and he lightly peddled his feet as he tried to glare at the puppet now towering over him, the biggest most genuine grin with a gleam shining off of his colored glasses.
"[[the boys]] ARE HELPING A [[papa!]] OUT~!" Spamton chuckled, the phone disappearing for his actual digits. "ISN'T THAT RIGHT?" The 'boys' nod rapidly in agreement before they start to do their thing.
The tiny Spamtons manage to hold down Jevil's tail and hands, meanwhile Spamton sat on Jevil's legs similarly to how the jester had awhile back. The purple imp's mouth twitched upward nervously, curling in a cat-like manner.
"HM? WHATS A MATTER [[jack in the box!]] I THOUGHT YOU LIKED A LITTLE [[MISCHIEF, MISCHIEF!]]" The doll imitated Jevil's voice as he lightly trailed his skittering fingers up the sensitive devil's sides. "A [[CHAOS, CHAOS!]]"
"AYE-MKHMKHM! N-NOW THAHATS... NOT FAIIIR! KHKHKHM! -SNORT-" Jevil retorted, trying not to give the puppet the satisfaction of breaking him as easily as the jester had broken him. He shook his head a bit as it was one of the easiest things he could move at the moment. His hat jingled to the beat of his shaking." YA CAHAN'T JUST - - - KHKHK" Jevil tried to complain about Spamton turning his own words back on him but he couldn't finish his sentence without bursting into giggles already, so he shut his mouth tightly.
"HM? OH ON CONTRAIRE, [[valued friendship]]." Spamton spoke with a smirk in his voice. He started to make his hands go in circles, getting slowly closer to the tummy pudge by the second. "BESIDES, I HAVEN'T HEARD A [[Stop at go!]] YET~!" 
Jevil's cheeks puffed out like a bubble, little snorts occasionally coming out as Spamton circled closer and closer on the jester's belly.
"AWWW... NOW JEVIL? I THOUGHT YOU SAID [[IT ISN'T HEALTHY TO HOLD BACK YOUR LAUGHTER]]! YOU AREN'T DOING THAT, ARE YOU?" Spamton asked, a teasing tone seeping out as he finally reached the middle of the jester's tummy, a bit of struggle revealing itself as the jester tried to kick his legs and wave his arms.
"N-NO! I-KHEEHEEHEEM NOT! IT JUHUHUST DOESN'T TIHICKLE! KHMKHMHM!" Jevil squeaked out, trying his hardest to keep what little composure he had. He barely had any to begin with. The jester kept his eyes shut, not wanting to see the doll's face rival his own naturally devilish grin. It was his job to be the menace!
oh.... ohoh that was a BRILLIANT opportunity to be taken! 
"IT DOESNT?'' The tone Spamton had was unclear. Jevil felt the fingers pause, staying on his secretly terribly ticklish tummy for a moment. The jester could assume that the puppet was in thought about something.
"WELL... WHAT ABOUT THIS SPOT?" suddenly the fingers jumped to his ribs, starting to lightly skitter. Jevil nearly let it slip but he kept it in, however before he could process the first transition, another one came. "OR THIS ONE?" Then one to the top of his tummy. "OR [[this one!?]]"  
Oh he couldn't STAND it! Just choose a spot already!! Stop changing!
Suddenly, he felt his arms change positions. Those devilish little Spamtons put his arms above his head!
"OR THIS-" Spamton started, putting his hands down under the imps arms to transition yet again, when be heard a loud and sudden giggly yelp result.
"PPPFF! NYAHAHAHOOOO! SPAMT- AHAHAHAHA-SNORT-GYEEHEEHEEHEE!" Jevil cackled, finally cracking and letting out what had been bubbling under the surface the whole time. His laughter was shrieky and full of snorts which was accompanied by the jingling of his hat as he tossed his head around.
Spamton chuckled along with the jester, his laugh ranging from his own to various other laughs he had heard before. "AWW... THERE WE G0! [[100% customer satisfaction!]]"
His wiggly fingers vibrated the newly discovered tickle spot, ensuring this jester a chuckle fest. " TiCkLE T1CKLE~ [[tiny jester figurines!]] ARE YOU SURE YOU AREN'T [[tickles your fancy?]]? [[Number1ratedsalesman1997]] DOESNT LIKE [[liar, liar plants for hire!]]"
"OKAY OHOHOKAY I'M TIHIHICKLISH! NOHOHOW CUT IT OUT PPPPFF-NOCHIOHOHOHOHOHO!* -SNORT-!" Jevil conceded, trying his hardest to pull his arms down to his sides. "The boys" were holding tight and were much stronger than they looked, especially when working together.
"DO YOU REEAAAAALLY WANT [[remember kid, blue stop signs]]? I THOUGHT YOU LOVED THIS [[hopscotch!]]" Spamton slowed to just a few pokes here and there, admittedly hesitant of continuing after that.
 The Spamlings seemed to feel the same way, starting to loosen their grips to where Jevil could break away easily. 
Am I going too far? Spamton thought as his poking slowed. how do I know if he really wants me to stop? I don't want to hurt him..
 The salesman had never been on the other end before- at least not without the cards being flipped instantly... he only really received the attention, unable to break away as easily from the much taller, much more popular salesmen.
I'm not good at this... what if Jevil doesn't like this? ... he would tell him if he didn't, right?
Oops.. Spamton was spacing out. He just noticed the white noise filling his ears, and the vague popcorn television static he could see through the reflection of his glasses.
"S- pant -Spamton? Ehehe... Hey?" Jevil's voice was unnaturally gentle. He panted a bit, calming himself down while looking his friend over with a bit of concern. "What's a-matter, buddy?" Jevil chuckled. He still hadn't broken out of the Spamlings hold, deciding to just lie there.
Spamton paused, his smile dropping as much as it could physically, before the mini Spamtons fused back into the salesman "I..." the glitch faded as Spamton backed off of Jevil completely. 
What was he thinking? He couldn't do this... it just.. wasn't what he was made to do. He couldn't be silly like this..
That thought saddened him... that he couldn't play a game like this without chickening out. Spamton sat down, scrunching his legs up to his chest, and wrapped his arms around them. "Sorry.. I- just... i'm not.." he couldn't get the words out.. he couldn't describe exactly how he felt without disappointing the clown.
 Jevil seen Spamton, was unsure of himself... doubtful. Now that just wouldn't do! He barely did anything to the clown.
"OI, HEY HEY HEY! WHAT ARE YOU SORRY FOR? I... I THOUGHT WE WERE HAVING FUN, FUN! " Jevil said, trying to get answers from his companion. He finally sat up and put a gloved hand on Spamton's hunched shoulder. "DON'T MAKE ME TURN THE TABLES JUST TO GET A LIL HONESTY, HONESTY," Jevil threatened lightly, giving his friend a playful glare.
Spamton's entire face reddened a bit after that comment, nervousness heightening.
 "W-WELL [[Well well WELLY well well-]] I-[[icebox]] I-[[Isosolese triangle]] I'M NOT S URE [[How to video]] DO THIS. I'M [[ANXIETY!!]] ON MESSING UP, OR [[too far gone..]]." the puppet explained his anxiety as best he could. Things as fluffy as this were so foreign to him already, it's been years since he has played this game.
Jevil looked puzzled, trying to understand what exactly was the problem... But after a moment he came to a conclusion.
"THAT WAS YOUR FIRST TIME, TIME DISHIN IT OUT? I'M IMPRESSED! THE TICKLES DIDN'T HURT AND WEREN'T TOO LIGHT EITHER. I WOULD HAVE SWORE YOU KNEW WHAT YOU WERE DOING, DOING. LOOK AT ME, EVER THE FOOL, UEE HEE HEE!" Jevil giggled as he explained in no uncertain terms that Spamton had done nothing wrong. In fact, he seemed pretty good at tickling already. Must be in their glitched out genes.
Spamton's face seemed to increase in color at that... now he felt bashful of the compliment. "... ARE YOU JUST [[you're just saying that!]] TO MAKE [[number1ratedsalesman1997]] [[feel better soon!]] ..?." The salesman turned his head, confused at the compliment.. he truly wasn't expecting that. In all honesty, he was waiting for himself to screw everything up with his friends like last time. To have both Seam, and Jevil leave at any given moment because he was being a sleaze, or unintentionally disrespecting them.
"IF I WERE, WERE, WOULD I DO THIS!?" Jevil questioned before rolling onto his back and acting like a dog that wanted his belly rubbed. "C'MON! LAY IT ON ME, UEE HEE HEE! OR ELSE I'LL PICK UP WHERE YOU LEFT OFF~" Jevil teased with a grin, trying to spur the spambot into action.
... Spamton could cry tears of joy if he wasn't just playfully threatened. His confidence spiked up as his face returned to its normal white hue... it was time to scratch that itch he had just minutes prior.
"LEAVING YOURSELF OPEN FOR ME, [[AYYYYYyyyyy!]]? WELL, LET ME REOPEN OUR CONTRACT WITH A NEW [[8-digit phone number]] SPECIL!" The normally pink and yellow glasses flooded with an intimidating reflection that flashed seemingly from nowhere.
"YOU KNOW WHAT? I DON'T NEED [[friends |The boys| i've got knives!]] TO SH0 W I MEAN [[business]]. IVE GOT THE RIGHT [[trick up my sleeve]] FOR YOU, JEVIL.."  That grin seemed to widen as Spamton drew closer to Jevil, teasingly wiggling his fingers at him before pouncing on him and kneeding over his sides and ribs.
"UEEHEEHEEHEEHEE! -SNORT- SO NOHOW YOU CHOOSE TOHOHO PLAY WITH M-GYAHAHAHAHEEE!" Jevil cackled out, immediately bursting with laughter. He kicked his feet and flailed his arms aimlessly while he let Spamton give him the "deal of a life time".
The doll's fingers swirled and scritched slowly up, just barely grazing the jesters armpits.. closer and closer… Jevil was secretly expecting it so the blow wouldn't be as shocking as before to the ticklish area... however he was startled by the rapid booping to his hip area on both sides.
"AAAAH!!!" Jevil shrieked in surprise. He hopped up reflexively, accidentally knocking the spambot off of him and onto the floor.
Pink and yellow swirls encircled Spamton's glasses while his jaw fell ajar, and little angel spams flew around his head. Spamton shook his head, making the angel Spamtons disappear all the while Jevil rubbed the tickles away from his hip joints. Spamton hopped to his feet, quietly clasping his hands together in assessment of the situation "HM? A LITTLE [[jump rope!]]? I THINK I HAVE A [[home remedies]] FOR THAT." The spam-bot snuck to Jevil's leg, before jumping on and attaching himself. He started to climb him like a kitten.
"AYEEEHEEHEE! WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME!? CLIMBING ME LIKE A TREEHEEHEE!?" the jester giggled, dancing around, hopping from foot to foot as Spamton crawled up his leg.
When Spamton got to Jevil's midsection, the Email-bot gently squeezed the tickle spot under the jester uniform every time he grabbed to climb.
"ARE YOU SAYING THAT YOU'RE NOT [[Christmas trees now 50% off at your local Walmart!]]? THATS [[false advertising]]! FOR SOMEONE WHO ISN'T A [[fine oak]]]..." Spamton climb up until he was on Jevil's back, securing his position with his knees. "YOU'RE QUITE THE [[Blueberry Maple Syrup]]." 
The puppet tickled along the jester's shoulder blades, and neck coil, which scrunched, and skyrocketed off his shoulders upon the unexpected touch.
"NYA HAHA! YOU LITTLE GYEEHEEHEEHEE! -SNORT-!" Jevil squawked, trying to catch his head and put it back on. It was boinging around, the coils now fully accessible to the puppet teasing the area. "WHYHY MUST THE DOHOHOLL BE SO CRUEL HEEHEEHEE T-TO TIHIHIHIHICKLE THE NIGHT LIHIHIGHTS OUT OHOF THE F-FOOHOOHOOL, FOOHOOHOOHOOHOOL!?"
Jevil continued to dance around, unable to dislodge the gremlin latched onto him.
Spamton bulleted laughter with a cheeky and mischievous tone. The salesman skittered over the exposed neck coil while using his other hand to poke under jevil's arm when he tried to reach up and grab his head. 
"IM [[SURPRISE!!]] YOU'RE ABLE TO [[Time it to ryhme it!]] WHILE IM [[Tickletickletickletickle~]] YOU!" He teased, swapping from multiple spots with that single free hand away from the coil.
Jevil slammed the one arm down that Spamton could reach every time the puppet poked and prodded under there, making it hard for the clown to reach his hat to put his head back on his shoulders. He couldn't get it with just one hand! The other was practically tied to his side in defense.
"NOT [[right there on the dotted line!]]? ARE YOU SURE? THIS SPOT LOOKS LIKE IT MAKES YOU [[satisfied customer!]]"
"NAHAHAHOOO! BAHAHAD SPOT! BAD SPAHAHAHAAAAT! UEEHEEHEEGEEHEE! -SNORT-" the Jester laughed, squatting down for a moment. He suddenly sprung up, his body catching up to his head, and he grabbed one of the tails of his hat. He swiftly popped it back into place before bouncing back onto the floor.
Jevil sprawled out on the floor belly down, trying to catch his breath.
Spamton paused after a moment, letting the jester have a bit of a break to recover from the monkey climb tickle attack.
"HAVE YOU HAD ENOUGH OF THE [[Stand-up specil]] YET [[now introducing the lil' devil darlin!]]?"
Spamton turned around, facing Jevil's J-shaped tail. It was wagging from left to right in a cat-like manner, almost similar to a wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man. 
"OR DO I HAVE TO WHIP OUT THE  [[ BIIIIIG GUNS! Come and buy them before huntin' season!]]?" 
If Spamton could stretch his toothy grin even further into a menacingly playful expression, he would probably be wearing it in this moment. He had an ongoing theory, and if it proved to be correct, he would most likely have Jevil beat, if not even from when the clown got him.
"W-WAIT... WHAT GUNS, GUNS?" Jevil asked nervously. He wasn't exactly sure what Spamton's next target was, but the little doll's confidence was worrying  to the Jester. The spambot was tuckering him out quite quickly already. But admittedly his curiosity was peaked too.
"IT DEPENDS," he started, the Jester hearing the clear grin in his voice. "HOW [[ready, set, go!]] ARE YOU TO FIND 0UT?"
"I-I... UM... HEHE..." Jevil's smile curled up into his own grin. "MORE READY THAN YOU ARE FOR MY INEVITABLE REVENGE! UEEHEEHEE!" he teased back.
Spamton's face flooded red, steam coming out of his ears in embarrassment while a honking choo-choo sound effect accompanied it. How DARE him! Spamton wasn't gonna get all embarrassed from that teasing little jack in the box right now! 
"FOR SOMEONE IN THE [[sticky situation]] YOU ARE," Spamton inquired, grabbing Jevil's tail with a hand. "YOU'RE AWFULLY BR4VE   TO POKE [[the bear!]] POKE [[the sides]] POKE [[the tum]]!"
"HEY! HANDS OFF THE TAIL OR ELSE I WILL POKE 'THE TUM, TUM'!" Jevil squeaked, trying to sound intimidating but failing miserably. He tried to wiggle his tail out of the puppet's grip, but he seemed to be latched onto it like a koala.
Sensing the nervousness, Spamton hummed curiously. Perhaps Jevil DID have a secret to hide about his tail... he was much too curious for his own good, the trashman brought his hand up to the tippy top of that strange looking imp tail, giving it a slight poke. Jevil loudly squeaked, his tail starting to wag back and forth similarly to a worm trying to escape.
"SPAMTON I SWEAR TO SEAM, IF YOU DO IT, ILL COME BACK TEN TIMES AS HARD! MORE POWERFUL THAN THE RED JOKER CARD, CARD!" Jevil was beyond nervous. He kept his tail in sight for VARIOUS reasons... It was a weak point. If Spamton even tried- 
"OH? MORE POWERFUL THAN [[here kitty-kitty!]]?" Spamton wiggled a couple of fingers on it. "I'D HONESTLY LIKE TO SEE YOU [[try, try again!]]"
"PFFFPAHAHAHA! I WIHIHILL JUSTYOUWAHAHAHAHAIT!-SNORT-" the little devil cackled already. Something about his tail made it just so sensitive. Perhaps it was because it was a true mark of his identity as an object, a key part of his being. It wasn't fair! Seam's tail wasn't like that, so why did his have to be!?
"CO0cHie COOCHie CO0  YOU LITTLE [[pop goes the weasel!]]~ IT DOESN'T T1CKL3, DOES IT?" The salesman teased. Now that made it worse! Couldn't Spamton just shut up already!? Not that Jevil wasn't having fun, but BOY the clown's fingers were starting to itch for a stuffed tummy.
"YOUOHOU'RE GOHOHONNA BEHEAHEHA SOHOHOREHEHEY!!!" Jevil threatened through his crazy clown belly laughs.
 Spamton felt he really didn't need to try too hard to tickle it. The puppet just barely wiggled over it, and the ticklish jester was already in stitches!  
Jevil at this moment realized just why Spamton never got the chance to tickle others often... 
"ITS TO0 BA D, RE4LLY." Spamton poked the tail with a single finger. "I WOULD HAVE THOUGHT YOU'D HAVE [[prison break!]] BY NOW. GUESS THAT OLD SPAM- SPAMTON G. SPAMTON HAS GOT THE [[number1rated salesman |G1gGleb0x|]] BEAT!" 
it was because the dealmaker seemed to make the premise of giving him a wrecking too hard to resist. 
Jevil's tail suddenly wrapped around Spamton's hand, the tip of it being placed in it similarly to a phone. Shocked at the sudden change, Spamton froze his tickling and started to stare at the tip in confusion.
Jevil started to catch his breath again, which let him be able to make ringing noises while shaking his tail like a phone ringing off its handle.
"HEHhaHeh... WELL, WELL? .. GONNA ANSWER IT?" Jevil asked, looking behind himself at Spamton, a look of which spamton returned with a nervous one. The puppet looked back towards the 'phone' hesitantly, before putting the receiver to his ear. "H-HELLO?"
"HELLO, HELLO!" Jevil said aloud.
Spamton stuttered.
"WH0 1-1 S THIS?"
Spamton's glitching cut out, his tone quiet and anxiously squeaky.
"... t… tickling department?"
All of a sudden, the tail whipped him up, throwing Spamton in the air before catching him in a comfortable snake-like coil. Spamton recovered from the sudden scare, before realizing the situation he was in.
The clown was up and at em', a devilish grin on his face alongside those playfully mischievous eyes. Oh spamton was a GONER! Literally, AND figuratively. Jevil had just been tickled to hell and back.. and still he somehow had a surprising amount of energy left. Spamton's eyes widened, his cheeks increasingly reddening at the playful expression on his friend's face... 
-- . .- -. .-- .... .. .-.. .
Seam's ears perked up once again to the sound of laughter. This time it was the glitchy cackling of that sly salesman. Thaaaat was to be expected honestly. The cat's keen ears caught every little noise that came from their playtime. Jevil wasn't one to truly get exhausted from a game so much as bored of playing the same game for too long. Perhaps that's why Spamton was so confident in pushing the joker's buttons.  Some of us have to learn the hard way, he supposed.
Seam chuckled to himself, sipping his tea and listening to the chaos in the other room. He missed having a family. They all did... So it only made sense that they stick together. 
The sound of crashing and squealing and laughing and utter chaos... 
He could certainly get used to this again.
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loopscereal · 1 month
I wasn't sure whether to ask you or Pía so maybe each of you can add your own commentary?? but I'm very curious about your OC Red :0 you've both posted about them a lot and I've been very curious about their admiration for Owynn and their feelings of being inorganic I think? (I might have misinterpreted idk sorry). Whatever the case I just want to know more about the lil guy
Hello!! Sorry for the late responseeeee. Thank you very much for being interested in them :D Also don’t apologize for presumably misinterpreting stuff it's not like we’ve explained him lol ToT It will be a bit of a really weird story to share though, so buckle up lol (Red uses any and all pronouns btw)
This is the capital weird part of our lore AKA programs which we already mentioned in our Pup explanation, but yeah for recap: when shadows interact with a video game that meets the requirements of 1) being kinda broken and 2) having a lot of care put into it (whether it’s how it was created or how the person that had it cherished it or whatever) as in the saying of “putting your soul into it” the shadow gets the idea or asset or whatever of a character or a concept within that game and becomes conscious, that good old trope of "The game becomes self-aware". Normally they get a body and that’s it, they incorporate to normal human society normally and also have mandatory therapy because you cannot come out normal from that ToT 
The exceptions to this are Pup and the now titular little guy!! Red. Red’s name comes from rival red from Pokemon! Red itself comes from a Pokemon copy, a really broken and busted down copy of the most broken Pokemon game everrrr Pokemon fire red: A really buggy and glitchy mess held by tape and raw will power, a start of a beloved franchise with tons of love put into it and also just busted. And That sort of brought Red into existence 5 years ago.
Red did not take over a character or an idea or a concept of a character, Red took over the literal glitches, every unused asset and every game breaking bug, this made it so that whenever he TRIED telling someone of its existence, it just read as glitching and nonsense and what you would think of when someone tells you “haunted game”, everyone with self-preservation is not going to entertain that and will just shut the thing off and sell it or something, programs are expected to emerge in a somewhat normal 4th wall break or something not screaming and static and the game shutting off on its own. He took the name red because among the scrapped nonsense there was also a scrapped trainer Red sprite in there and it was the only semblance of a face amongst that entire mess, and you take any face you can get when you don’t have any, and you take any semblance of an identity you can get when you also don’t have any.
So Red gained consciousness a hot second ago, 5 years ago from current timeline, but was not taken anywhere to become a real person because no one could tell she was one. A guy had his cartridge and just let it rot under his desk for those years because that thing is unplayable and also probably haunted!! Eventually he decided to sell it and you would not guess who got it (Owynn and Loon.)
Loon bought it because he’s just game obsessed, and at this point he was already dating Owynn so they were just hanging out and Loon wanted to play the thing. Haunted game screeching and screaming ensures and Loon was about to do the normal person reaction that is turning the thing off, but since Owynn is a weirdo he didn’t really care? Owynn is curious, not easy to scare at all, and he HARDCORE doesn’t believe in ghosts, so he was determined to fucking around with the thing trying to figure out if it what was wrong with it.
So a lot of Red’s inherent craziness towards Owynn and Loon comes down to the fact that they were the ones who actually got him out of that hell, Owynn fucked around and treated her as some sort of ARG like a loser and figured out what she was trying to say and what she was. Thisss is also badd and this is the moment where we tell everyone that they should never look up to Owynn OR Loon.
Basically, they figured it out! (Mostly Owynn) woho!!! Now they will take her to get a body and be normal right? (no). Owynn is a curious bastard and also inherently just morally skewed, and Loon is sort of a pushover and also an absolute dickhead to strangers and rlly low empathy (doesn’t seem people he’s not close with as real), so owynn just basically kept her in there?? for a few months??? They tried to frankenstein him a bit, tried to figure out what he was and how he worked and all that stuff. And it was obviously dehumanizing as hell and messed up how they were just playing mad scientist with his life, but also 5 years of being completely alone kind of warps your brain a little (a lot), and being seen as something “precious” or cool or interesting got her crazy attached to them 2. 
Eventually they talked and Loon got over his “if i don’t know you you aren’t real” thing because he DID know them now, and they EVENTUALLY after a literal hot second got Red to get an actual body. Took them long enough jesus. 
First of all, they had no idea how to even do this?? Because you need to fill out forms and that and Owynn couldn't on the basis of bad homelife, and Loon technically could but he was also incredibly out of it because he was taken to a part of town he didn’t even know at all and that just panicked him way worse. So problem number one is that, problem number 2 is that Red wasn’t even normal by program standards and was still just inherently glitchy. It all worked out surprisingly, Neither of them had the money nor the want to take care of Red or whatever, and in theory he should’ve ended up in the foster system but the woman who worked on his body saw that even with a body she is just inherently unstable and decided that she could take that responsibility given that she was an expert on the stuff.
So, Red has a really warped vision of those two because how do you not after that??? He sees them as sort of gods? which sounds crazy but then again how do you not after that. When Red is taken out of DS hell, two things are evident. 1) Her file was an English copy, so their “mother” language is English, most of the spanish he knows was acquired directly from hearing the real people out in the real world talk with each other over those 5 years, and even if that sounds like a long time to learn his cartridge was stuck and stored in a desk so what he could hear was limited and also muffled. So their Spanish is kinda bad, they tend to default to English but even then words are pronounced wrong because he never had the need to say most or any of them out-loud. 2) they have no animal. This is due to the scrapped Rival Red sprite having no animal traits. So he has to chose what type of animal person he will be, they knew they wanted to be an arthropod. Loon and Owynn are both arthropods, and she wanted to resemble her saviors, her gods. She chooses a cicada, a true bug! Actual bug! It’s a bit of a play on words on our part, since Red is an accumulation of all of Fire Reds bugs. Cicadas also represent rebirth, and new beginnings, and he was pretty much reborn into a new life by being taken out of DS hell. Another thing you may notice about their design is their eyes, one is a bar that you cannot see the end of, and her other small dot eye, this is also something he chose to have. Its the same eye disorder Owynn has! Xe also styles xir bangs like Owynn, wears stud earrings like Loon, and is in the insect subsection of arthropods with Loon. Generally tries to emulate them both. So, for the parts of themself that Red could choose in, he decided to look like the people he admires/worships.
Little visual help go!! :
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Due to forming within an accumulation of glitches, and not a normal sprite like most programs, her physical form still glitches out. Things like chromatic aberration and actual spikes of distortion, which are all visual glitches but still hurt. This facet of how she exists is a lot of electricity, and messes with electronics, and with other programs, since their bodies, although made to be as realistic and human as possible, are still built things. machines and electronics, and therefore tamperable. Due to his glitchy nature, this means that he can bypass a lot of rules set inside of Programs that were made in fear of “machine uprising” nonsense.  Every program is able to re-enter electronics, they can go into the computer and chill there while their body is just sleeping/knocked out. They can do anything you normally can, but have a built in chip that prevents them from easily prating things, easily stealing people's information to make purchases, getting peoples ips, and in general messing with things for their benefit. These are all bypassable by Red due to her “inherently broken” nature. 
Speaking of being compatible with computers, programs have little items on them that their consciousness can retreat into if their physical body is too damaged, this item is sort of like a hard drive of their entire being? It holds them, and can be used to transfer their memories onto exterior hardware like a laptop, phone, or computer. Think of it as back ups to keep themself extra safe! Red is, again, glitchy, and have a terrible memory that gets erased and corrupted as they exist, and the longer they go without uploading their memory the more likely he is to have it become corrupted and forgotten. THey are reminded to upload it, and sometimes do, but even still the memory held within its own mind will corrupt eventually. They are left with watchable memories, thoughts and experiences that they don't remember doing or having. Undeniable proof (memory upload on exterior device) vs I Dont Remeber THat. 
Due to the fact that they clinged so hard to the image of the only useable face they had, and being baseline modeled after it, she has a bit of a thing with hats, since one of the key features of trainer red has always been having that iconic red cap and all of that it’s both a comfort and also something she hates. He doesn’t want to be trainer red or code or something that isn’t alive, but it’s also something that makes him feel less afraid and lost and stressed out because it's familiar, and she has very few things she can even classify as familiar at all. Which is why in some art she has it and in some she doesn’t. 
Xe also needs glasses given that xe willingly screwed his eyes up, but they tend to forget them a lot and having stuff on their face is just generally a foreign and weird feeling she hasn’t gotten used to, so she also may pop up with glasses or without glasses.
She has yet to really crack how to act like a normal person, has a hard time understanding social norms and the concept of lying in general. She’s blunt and sorta rude, she’s not used to moderating the volume of her voice so it tends to be either too loud or too quiet, and he’s horribly bad at lying and borderline cannot do it. They are very easily startled and scared, but she translates that fear into an immediate fight response, so they read as very easy to piss off and also very easy to hit things or hit people. 
Programs are sorta normal by now, and there’s other students who are programs, Red absolutely loathes all of them. It’s mostly just crazy strong jealousy at the people who claim to be “like him” to live so much better than him. Aside from the glitching, Red’s origin has made her have bad memory, be sort of physically numb to a lot of sensations aside from pain (can’t feel cold all that well, can’t feel light touches and stuff), and have an awful time with a lot of motor skills. And none of the other programs have to deal with any of that and it drives him crazy. Other programs also have memories from inside their world, since they are usually “character gains sentience” types, but Red has none of that, They are not a character, not even the MC, they are the glitches. Super jealous, sad, but overall mad. So he just messes with a lot of them, due to being glitchy when he touches other programs he makes THEM glitch and therefore hurt, and he tends to not get into a lot of trouble for it given that Owynn is vice president and plays devil's advocate. He tends to stick to just touching them to mess them up that way but he does have one guy he specially hates who he straight up gets into fist fights with, and it’s the guy who used to have his cartridge. Who is also a program!! how unfair!! he got to live those 5 years completely normal while Red was stuck! Xe wants to absolutely kill that guy.
Speaking of her body and the issues that come with it, They have a hard time doing a lot of stuff and are inherently clumsy due to not being used to any of this. They've had a body for about 6 months? So everything is still insanely overwhelming, scary and stressful; and such emotions of instability heighten her glitches which hurt and make her more stressed and it’s just a mad man’s cycle.
She also just has a really hard time even seeing her body at all, he has dysphoria because he’s nonbinary and her body was made to be male so they look masculine, they have a broad back and a square-ish face and a deep voice and it makes her feel gross. And he also has body dysmorphia, so he just looks fundamentally wrong and it cannot click in her head that the body in the reflection is actually hers at all, it doesn’t feel real in the slightest and it tends to make her derealization and her feelings of not being a real human worse.
They tend to have a really hard time feeling real, mostly when they’re alone because it just plops them right back into that crushing loneliness of being completely on her own for 5 years. When it’s on its own a way they ground themselves often tends to include biting, biting his fingers or a pen or chewing hard candy, likes the pressure in her teeth and likes exerting any force at all and it having a clear effect, this also means that her jaw tends to be super tense and that they grit their teeth a lot, also just bites her nails off and tends to pick off the loose skin around the nails with her teeth which just ends up in messed up fingers.
He has a fixation or proving his own realness, by experiencing as much as he can. Doing is living. Theyll try anything once except they will actually do it, unprompted, anything. Impulsive thought to eat something that by all means no one should consider eating? It's already in her mouth, sorry. Uh she learns about her cicada biology through Owynn (freak) and learns that she can process liquids a lot better than anything else. Soooo her best friend is the blender in her kitchen. They will blend up bread, insects, and meat. Think of that funny scene where Town explains his juices except 100 percent serious that is what she is drinking. It will also drink blood, in some hope that it will make it more of a living person. “how would drinking her own blood make him more of a person if he's having a hard time thinking of himself as one?” Who said it was their own blood? checkmate.
They are mostly not good at school, which makes sense given her background, but she’s freakishly good at math. This isn’t a robot thing, it’s not because she’s has a calculator built in or anything. It’s  because in those 5 years she spent completely alone there wasn’t really anything else to do other than thinking, because doing much else broke the game and therefore threatened to break them. But after a bit she just ran out of things to think about, and then she just started counting to entertain herself, counting up and down, making up operations and then solving them, and doing anything at all to keep himself (somewhat) sane. Numbers click into place and make sense, numbers tend to be constant and expected, a multiplication between two numbers no matter how big will never vary, counting is a way to keep herself entertained. Fun fact, Owynn also counts when he feels trapped, smiley. 
He outright despises the idea of trainer red, the literal character, because a part of his brain tells him that he’s not really a person, nor is he that beloved character, they are a scrapped version of it, a literal error that just happened to present itself with that well known face. And yet he clings to it, because if he doesn’t have that face and that name then he has nothing at all, and she has changed her body enough to resemble other people so it shouldn’t matter, and sometimes she wants to look like the character to feel as if he was a normal program at all. Just don’t bring up that character in front of her, lights a fire in her head.
Despite how Red may feel about their “game counterpart”, they don't harbor any resentment toward the overall Pokemon franchise. This is mostly because Loon really does like Pokemon, I mean, he was interested in the Fire Red cartridge for  a reason. Red has this mental system about how they feel about things, naturally you'd assume they hate Pokemon bc resentment for their source material, but since Loon is someone they consider above them, it “overrides” that. Her emotions toward people she would otherwise be indifferent to is easily and sharply shifted by the people she considers herself to be “on the side of”. extra thing we didnt know how to transition to: 
While Loon is unable to see strangers as real living people, Red has a tendency to see strangers as just inherently more alive than her, more deserving of being called living beings and all of that, everyone who isn’t a program is an actual breathing person, while programs are a cruel mockery and none of them are alive, including her.
Never ask us anything ever again we WILL send the bible every single time without fail /J
thank you so much for being even a littlee bit interested in our beloved oc Red, we really do love him alot. Uh! you can always ask either of us anything, we share one braincess we have a bluetooth connection… Uh uh iiii do suggest if u were to ask pia ask it oh his not-art-blog @3point14a <- that blog, if you would be so kind
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theageofsims · 20 days
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When I say I'm gutted... I really mean that shit. Honestly, Sunny is the first Sim in the Powhatan Legacy that has passed away before turning into an Elder and off my watch.
I had the game paused for a bit with aging outside of the household I'm playing because in my legacy everyone is shattered around in other worlds and so forth so things were getting to be too much. I realized that when Sulani aged into a toddler and I wasn't there to see it happen. So that's why I paused it and also paused it for sims in the worlds because my game was getting overpopulated like crazy.
Well -- I turned the aging back on yesterday when I jumped in game and within about 15 minutes, Lani and the rest of the Powhatan's were sad over a death in the family and I'm like WHO DIED -- well, it was Sunny and one of my rules for a legacy is once they pass... they pass. That's it. There's no undoing it.
I wanted to find out how Sunny passed and I couldn't find her urn anywhere at her house in Oasis Springs. So I had to google search a way to bring her back without MCCC because I can't figure out if MCCC can tell you how a person passed away or not?
Anyway -- I went into her traits and saw that she passed away from falling from heights which was basically what I was going to say -- not that she was out there in the Snowy Escape world climbing mountains (like her sister Lani, off my watch), but that her being an engineer was what made her have an accident at work.
I'm still gutted regardless. I wasn't ever sure if I was going to have Sunny have children, but I thought about it on and off for the past couple of years . And then recently I told myself I wanted her to finish college (which she literally just did like a day before she aged into an Adult) and that if she would have children, she would have one or them when she was closer to being an Elder (her mother was an Elder when I had her get pregnant with Taro thanks to MCCC). I wondered too, if her kids would have red hair like her boyfriend (soon to be husband?) Seth or if they'd have blonde hair like her (I think when she was born it was when I read there was a game glitch that was making all the babies in the game born with blonde hair). I kept the blonde hair though nobody in the Powhatan family had blonde hair because another one of my rules is that I don't alter legacy sims in anyway. I only change their clothes and hair/facial hair and that's it -- I let the game do what it wants for them.
But yeah -- gutted, especially after losing Taro like a few days ago (or so it seems). I literally got like tears in my eyes -- like the time her mother passed I was like besides myself. I am like this is just a game, WHY YOU CRYING THOUGH?!
I never had any issues with Sunny. When she was a kid she would come right home from school and do her homework. She graduated high school early. She's the first Powhatan to finish college (Lani still had like one credit left to get -- but she's kind of tied up right now with her kids, her youngest sister, and about 7 cats DON'T JUDGE ME OKAY?!)... she was going to make robots... she was so smart. She interned as a scientist and she became an engineer.
Anyway -- gonna go just cry in the corner now.
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sburbian-sage · 1 month
Native Witch of Breath here, also been a Witch of Might and Witch of Void, though currently a Heir of Hope. I gotta say, I personally put a lot of stock in familiar theory! I just don't think it applies to every Witch in every session, and the was that cherub was doing it was pretty crazy.
It can be part of the progression of a cryptical class, I think. Witches can be hard to understand, so they in turn get something that's usually not even the same species, or thinks very differently to them, that *they* have to deal with not being able to understand. (Not sure if Mages have an equivalent? Maybe they do and it's just not as obvious.)
It also ties into the whole "Witches usually prototype something terrible" thing. Often the sprite actually is the familiar- a familiar doesn't need to stay with you the entire game, just long enough for the game to try and get the point across.
My first session, I prototyped my pet bird that died. It was a very touching reunion, but it was SO eager to leave, and I had to keep convincing it to stay, until I eventually realized that sprites leaving was part of the game, and that as a Breath player I shouldn't be restricting something's freedom anyway, even if it was to much of a birdbrain to really explain itself.
In the session I was a Witch of Might, it was admittedly a little more metaphorical. I was going out of my skull trying to understand the "Might is water" thing, and so I took the glitch FAQ's advice, and went to stare at an ocean.
And then after doing that for an hour I lost it because I was under a lot of stress in general and this was the last straw and blew up the beach (bombkind FTW). But after I was done, I saw all the water, pooling in the craters I left, flowing together to join the whole, and suddenly something clicked. After that point, it was really hard to conceptualize water as NOT being alive, an ever-present being in the vapor around me, that I had to learn how to ask for help. Like how the water could only pool once I made the craters for it, I needed to figure out that same kinda stuff for other situations.
...And than as the Witch of Void, I didn't have one. Which, I guess makes sense, but I HAVE heard of Void Witches that do have a familiar, so whatever.
So yeah, I guess I don't have any solid proof here, I get that any of these things could have happened to any player- but my point is, it's how Witches RELATE to these things, that's different. Every player has a sprite that leaves them, but a Witch may find that it's oddly related to their aspect. Every player has to figure out their aspect and listen to it's whisperings, but as a Witch I practically saw it as another player in it's own right. And then sometimes maybe it just doesn't happen, I dunno.
Finally, I think this is a stretch, but it might even be part of why Witches get that weird crazy boost to gardening? Plants are also living things that are different from you, so a plant could be your familiar, and it would be bad if it died or never got planted before it could fulfill it's role?
Very interesting. Or because you discussed plants, intreesting.
If I'm interpreting this correctly, it seems like Familiar Theory doesn't relate to an actual game construct, so much as it refers to a sort of (para)psychological event, not unlike the Third Man Factor. It's not that Witch players somehow gain access to special pets when that's normally impossible, it's that the cryptical nature of Witches is isolating, being deliberately obtuse and interacting with the game in such a manner that no other player could relate to the Witch even if it wasn't mechanically penalized. So the Witch, in a way, conceptualizes a companion or other meaningful relationship who they can relate to (alleviating the isolation) and who communicates with them or otherwise imparts meaning in an obtuse, nonobvious, or cryptic manner (acting as a Witch to the Witch, as you said, or perhaps being a Class-analogue of the normally Aspect-oriented Whispers).
If anything, this seems somewhat comparable to the various SBURB mental disorders. Not to imply that you're a repeated sufferer of mental delusions, mind, only that it's a special psychological phenomenon that could only really be understood in the context of SBURB. Not to mention that the mental disorders are all deleterious in nature (hence "disorder"), while Familiar Theory seems mostly positive.
Emphasis on mostly, because as we know the Cherub Witch of Hope is off her rocker. With all of this in mind though, I wonder if it's possible to "diagnose" her, in a way. She called her brother "a beast to be tamed", said that "controlling him was [her] only hope", and that he was her "reward" for making it through the session. She's not currently a Witch of Hope, I think, that's her Native Title and I don't know what she is currently (her brother's Native Title is unknown but he's currently a Mage of Rage). A fair amount of this boils down to her believing that her brother is innately evil or destructive (even though he seems pretty pleasant), but how much of this relates to Familiar Theory? "Reward" implies a certain amount of possessiveness, less like she's the student and he's the teacher, more like she's the owner and he's the pet. As far as "Familiar Theory as the Third Man Factor" goes, SBURB is already stressful, and a duo session would be doubly stressful at least. Especially because only one "side" is active at a time, halving the rate at which progress is made, and depriving an already loney Witch of anyone she could possibly talk to. I think I have two theories now.
Theory #1 is that she underwent a sort of stress meltdown in her first session, and underwent "Familiar Theory" towards her brother as a coping mechanism. She ascribes negative intention to him, and felt like she was their only chance at survival, with him as a malicious millstone. As an active harbinger of complexification, wielding rejection, she began putting up a facade of saccharine disposition, and adopted a drive to sublimate her alter ego. A strengthening of willpower that let her fully embody active Hope, pushing against the odds and rejecting any undesired outcomes, including those of an unsuccessful session, and her brother achieving dominance (or equilibrium). Of course, abusers derive power from mistreating others, so she isn't letting her "Familiar" go unless she can be forced to. This theory accounts for everything, of course. His needing to be tamed (malicious intentions ascribed), controlling him is her only hope (internalizing rejection), her reward (someone she has power over), and the material conditions for a Witch to seek a Familiar.
Theory #2, of course, is that she isn't even understanding Familiar Theory correctly, and is instead interpreting it uber-literally. This theory accounts for her being a skeevy weirdo with a loose grip on reality, because she is the Cherub Pet Gal.
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dxxxth · 2 months
"I used to use Tumblr back in the day. It was a place where I could be anyone I wanted, where nobody judged me for who I was but rather for the subjects I enjoyed. The rain and music I would play on my Tumblr—decades before LoFi became mainstream—created a sense of peace on my page, even though times in my life were darker than the thunderstorms heard on my profile.
I grew up always wondering why I see things—things that other people don't see. I thought I was crazy, thought I was worthy of being locked away and thrown into some loonie bin. It's like being in an acting class, crying on the floor in a ball, while all your closest family and friends stare into the soul you thought God didn't give you.
It was nighttime. I had just been up all night playing with my friends on the Xbox 360—Uno, of all things, which wouldn't be allowed on the internet these days. It was nearing 4 am. I had one of those huge projection televisions I would play my games on. I'd sit in a chair before my TV, laughing and having a blast in game chat. I got off the game and told my friends I'd see them online tomorrow. None of them were my real-life friends.
I was sort of a bad kid in school. Everyone knew me, but I didn't care to make friends. I guess I was mysterious, which is why people were attracted to me. Anyway, I held the circle Xbox button on the controller to turn my Xbox off. If anyone knows about those early 2000s projection TVs, they usually go straight to a black screen, mirroring myself sitting in the chair before it.
I was… but I was not the only one in this TV reflection. For what felt like minutes, but I can only assume was seconds, there was a small dark figure standing behind me—not reflecting from my ceiling fan light, but dark enough to block out the lime green walls in my room.
I sat there in shock, wondering if what I was seeing was a glitch in the TV or someone who had crept in through the doors of my room. My room was attached to a side deck outside. I leaned forward, hoping to somehow get answers without turning around and getting jump scared by my sister, wearing some Harry Potter costume to scare the living daylight out of me.
I stood up and put my controller on the TV. The moment I turned around—nothing but the blinds on my sliding deck door shifting left to right. I jumped… I nearly wet myself. I ran over, hoping to catch my sister running away from my porch, pulling the door open, only to notice that the door was locked. Not only was it locked, but I had kept a 2 by 4 on the other side, so if someone somehow managed to unlock the door from the other side, I would still be kept safe by them not being able to slide the door open.
It was at this moment reality sank in. This wasn't a glitch on my TV, and this sure wasn't my sister sneaking in to jump scare me during the night. That night, I fell asleep in the living room, which was connected to my room. I woke up in my bedroom, which made me question if that whole night was actually a dream or whether it even happened at all."
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Here are some of my thoughts on Ruin gameplay wise:
Ruin isn't that great from a gameplay perspective.
I do like that Steel Wool took a lot of criticism to heart and they improved Ruin in the Story department way more comparitively to the base game ten fold.
Like imagine having a Rabbit antagonist show up more than twice and is a constant presence throughout the game???? Imagine a protagonist with actual motivation and backstory to why they are there with relatable emotions?
I'm sure Vanny is sure jealous of MXES right about now. (Gregory to Cassie too probably and that's how the game ended how it did but that's another post)
But here's the thing that really soured me on Ruin. Especially on repeat playthroughs, and it was something I was easily discovering as I played through the first time.
There's really no creditable danger in the majority of Ruin.
The atmosphere is darker, and it is spookier.... But it is all literally in your head. The danger and horror is all an illusion.
Mr.Glitchy Malhare man can't harm you directly. He can only summon animatronics after you, or send an animatronic to kill you automatically if you stay too long in AR. Which you tend to recognize the sound ques and can easily get out of situations if you're trapped in AR.
The thing about MXES summoning animatronics to you....
All the animatronics AI from the Base game has been severely nerfed.
Monty can no longer jump and you can out walk him fairly easily. YEAH. WALK. I had never had to run from Monty. He'll despawn if he loses sight of you.
Roxy and Chica behave in a similar functional way.
Chica is faster, and gets distracted less easily if you have her chasing you. And her tight corridors prevent her from despawning but she can easily be out walked.
Sun and Moon won't even chase you and have to go out of the way to see the jumpscare.
You can become invisible to the endos.
And you don't need to run into Roxy as an enemy if you don't want and just use the very obvious intended camera speaker mechanic.
All the animatronics move slower than your base walking speed so I never found them that credible a threat and tended to get bored by them.
The tedium of the puzzles didn't help ease that boredom that much.
The only times of this game that felt genuinely horrifying to play were the Bonnie bowl section and the Freddy chase.
Freddy moves faster than your base running speed and he WILL get you a few times if you don't know what you're doing. It was one of the most horrifying experiences in the game for me.
I know horror is subjective. But once I learned quick that MXES couldn't hurt me, and all the animatronics AI was dumbed down to extremely basic.... I found everything an annoyance rather then a threat.
Not only that, Cassie mechanically is not fun to play. (CHARACTER WISE I LOVE HER but for another post)
She runs slower then Gregory and jumping around and running just isn't as fun. I suppose it makes sense. Gregory is dodgy cus he lives on the streets. Cassie just came home from eating carrot cake.
I have replayed the base Security Breach over five times because it's so fun to play. And yes. I typically play the game straight without many crazy glitches.
Ruin, I have only played twice and I got sick of it. The animatronics aren't fun to run from if they all function the same.
I did like it when MXES was approaching as I was solving puzzles. It lead to some genuinely tense moments.
Steel Wool is so close to making the perfect FNAF game.
I REALLY think that the animatronics needed some more AI tweaking or just copy how their shattered AI worked in base game.
I'm kinda glad that the game wasn't TOO hard. But it lead to a lot of situations where I was just casually walking away from the animatronics and it wore off it's novelty in repeat playthroughs.
Meanwhile I can play Security Breach for weeks and never get bored.
Reminder, this is just my opinion, and I'm just talking about the game mechanically.
Story wise, it's definitely an improvement and I did enjoy it alot and I will talk more in depth on that later
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theultimatenerd · 11 months
Head canons/theories/things I noticed in reference to the new fnaf dlc
All the models are different. Like big different. Roxy's whole face was remodeled (it honestly looks better in dlc), I don't pay attention to monty but there's gotta be some differences there, same with chica, all Freddy models I could find online don't have prototype on the foot like dlc Freddy, etc.
Freddy reminds me of nightmare fredbear with the stomach teeth thing going on
There's no arcade or atrium and we do not see much of the lobby, this is probably due to file size or something
It looked like the blob showed in on that one staircase with the big hole in the wall, though I am unable to confirm
Has the same inner set of teeth as the mimic.
They have an inner set of teeth! That arent supposed to be seen on them when they're not messed up, which could either be some weird in universe design choice, or part of a past design they didn't wanna take out. Either way it's weird.
Their left eye looks bloodshot and human almost, it looks awesome and there's probably some explanation for it like the led in the eye being messed up with the rest of that side of the face
Their pants have wire in them, meaning the pants are solid, probably so children don't get hurt by the endoskeleton
The wrench socket in the back of their head is dlc only, the sun model (aka both models, moon is just repainted sun) do not have this at all, though there is space for it
Their torso also has wire like the pants do, though its hard to see
Their hands don't have any outer shell on them, or ALL of the paint has chipped away which I don't believe
All animatronic ai is weird, reminds me of before release builds where the ai doesn't update as fast as the player moves, except it's less obvious in the dlc and could be written off as a purposeful thing
The dlc kind of follows the same path as security breach. Enter, start going places, get sidetracked, go to daycare, deal with animatronics one at a time, one technically doesn't die, multiple endings where u have to do certain things to unlock them
The comic pages are interesting, they show pages from different endings which is odd and doesn't make sense in universe unless Gregory drew them and has crazy creativity.
Bonnie is also gay, like why would supossedly nonsentient animatronics have permission to keep very queercoded posters from their bestie.
I'm loving it though
The minigames in the dlc were in the code of security breach unfinished, they probably recycled them since there was no reasonable place them in a main game update
I believe there was an extremely unfinished bowling game, I don't think it was in the dlc which is tragic
The weird glitch in the vanni mask is likely glitchtrap remnants, if it's confirmed I love the (re)design.
The camera system wasn't very useful with distracting animatronics, using it could be easily avoided in most areas (still a very cool mechanic though)
And that is all, I don't think many people will read this far, if at all, but it's nice just to get this all out of my head
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crusherthedoctor · 1 year
❣️, 💥, 👾, 🤖 (and 💙 :P)
❣️ Favourite Game?
Mania is still #1 for me. To make a long story short, this game is top tier for me in most of the ways that count. Gameplay, visuals, music, attention to detail, references that are actually clever, the whole shebang. The story might be mildly disjointed compared to something like S3&K, but it doesn't bother me too much. I love this game to death, and it steams my hams that fans have took to ignoring its success in order to prop up Frontiers.
Likewise, second place still goes to S3&K for similar reasons. The rest of my favourites include (in chronological order) Sonic 1 and 2, CD, SA1, the Advance trilogy, Rush Adventure, console Colours, and console Generations.
💥 Favourite Boss Fight?
To list which ones come to mind:
The entire Death Egg-Doomsday Zone confrontation. One of the strongest endgames to any Sonic game, and one of Eggman's finest moments. S3&K as a whole did a fantastic job in firmly cementing how dedicated and hands-on the doctor can be when he's portrayed at his best, and it's wonderfully capped off with this crazy bonanza of "For fuck sake, he's STILL not done?" The Great Eggman Robo is also an imposing design with how it looms.
Egg Viper and Perfect Chaos in SA1. The former for being a decent challenge and the epic as hell defeat animation ("Watch out, he's up to something!"), the latter for being possibly the only 3D Super Sonic fight that isn't complete shit, even if it is a little janky.
Sonic VS Shadow on the A.R.K. The atmosphere and music really make it work.
Deep Core is pretty underrated. A fun shoot 'em up boss, and the Egg WIzard has some creative and eye-catching attacks thanks to the Jeweled Scepter.
Egg Dragoon for bringing out the aggression from Sonic and Eggman alike, as well as the sheer intensity of the fight itself. You know it has to be good when even a certified Non-Fan of Unleashed like me fully approves of it.
Egg Reverie for neatly avoiding a certain undesirable event by instead settling on a three way deathmatch. The music's great, the background is hypnotic, and I love how the timer is inflicted with N64 cartridge tilting-style glitching.
The Mega Death Egg Robot in Forces may have been just okay as an actual fight, but I really, really love the sound design that went into it, as seemingly minor as that may be to some. And Eggman being mad enough to have a second mech inside the first one ala Doomsday Zone is peak... him.
Oh, look at that, most of them are Eggman! Guess the other villains need to try a bit harder, huh?
👾 Favourite handheld title?
Advance 2 was my first Sonic game, and I also think it's probably the most well-balanced of the trilogy (Special Stage rings and needing to get the Emeralds as all four characters to unlock Amy aside), so I'll go with that one.
Second place is a tie between Advance 1 and Rush Adventure. Can't decide which won edges out. :P
🤖 Favourite robot?
I struggle to pick an Eggman-made example because that would require listing every robot he has ever made that isn't Belle. If I had to pick one - one that counts as an actual character mind you - then the Hard-Boiled Heavies for being my kind of quirky and fun. <3
For a NON-Eggman example... uh... this narrows it down by quite a lot. Emerl was good, wasn't he?
💙 Favourite IDW character?
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...I'll go with Simp Era Starline, and maybe Tangle before the flanderization set in.
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pikipekarmy · 1 year
This is. Well, let’s just say that as I did it, I did not know it would be so brief an opportunity. 
Here is the tale of the first time I ever participated in a remote raid. Just like my earlier tutorial on how to win raids, it relies on an ecosystem that may be about to vanish, thanks to some new changes to the game. These changes were announced literally fifteen minutes after I completed the experience I’m about to relate.
So I was watching a channel on a Discord I’d recently joined, where people were trying to coordinate enough people to do a five-skull Legendary raid. I’m still not a very strong player, I don’t have a wide or deep bench for raiding, so I am uncomfortably aware I can’t really contribute anything. So I watched the more advanced players fill a lobby, and coordinate sending invites, and I wrote a message asking for an invite if there was a space left but then deleted it. Too shy, I don't know these people well yet, I really genuinely don't have any good raiders, I'd just take up a space and be annoying, I won't do it.
And then I watched the raid coordinator reappear in the channel saying “where are you guys”, and the “i didn’t get the invite yet” responses trickled in, and then suddenly the raid coordinator’s there saying “wait a minute I backed out but you all got in????” and then several minutes of no response, and then the others saying “oh no” 
The invites hadn’t arrived, so the coordinator bailed from the lobby with 20 sec remaining, and at 19 sec all the invites went through and the other five joined, and went on to do the raid. 
The coordinator was locked out and missed the whole thing. 
Everyone was very sorry about it but it was too late.
Fortunately, there was another gym nearby, and most everyone was willing to do a second raid. And with remotes, it wasn’t that big a deal. 
So I got up my nerve, noticing not everyone could come back, and asked if there was a leftover space, and there was! So I bought a remote pass, which I’d never done before, and sure enough! In I went!
This time there wasn’t a glitch. There were only four high-level players, and me, but that was enough. I got every one of my guys fainted and rejoined in time to finish.
And then I threw ball after ball at the raid reward critter. I used my technique, with a nanab berry and a curveball, nine times, and did really well because I wasn't outside with wet numb fingers and my screen getting snowed on-- it's amazing how much easier this game is to play from indoors, really. With five balls remaining I switched to using Golden Razz berries, and I missed once which was horrible, but I did manage to land four curveballs on the thing. With one ball left I sadly put a final Golden Razz on, and thought, well, what’s hilarious is that I’d had a daily research task to land Three Great Curveballs in a row and I’d been about to delete the damn thing after a thousand broken streaks, but I just managed five in a row like twice on this guy. Raid rewards have HUGE target areas, as I’ve mentioned before. So even if all I get out of this is the experience, at least I've completed my ridiculous research task, that's worth it for the story.
And then on the last ball, it stuck, and I got my Lugia.
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We were still chatting in the channel when the news broke that they’re jacking up the price and reducing availability of remote raid passes. I was especially sad, as I’m going to be spending the summer in a rural area with very few gyms nearby, and had been thinking that you know, I don’t spend a ton on entertainment, and if I’m in the middle of nowhere not spending money in bars, it wouldn’t be like. Crazy to drop a couple bucks on Pokecoins now and then, to get some remote raid pass packs to do stuff like this once in a while. Raids are fun, less frustrating than PVP, and while it’s going to take me a long time to get a good enough crew to be able to do much on my own, if I have these generous supportive more advanced friends who are willing to let me tag along once in a while, well that’s a pretty decent little occasional pastime, and with the remote passes even if I don't have time to get off the farm and into the city much I can still have fun in this game, and--
Well now I’m not giving Niantic my money, but they almost had me there, for a minute. Almost!!!
(I haven't talked here yet about my sole experience with the Elite Raids, for which you have to be in-person, and which were a shitshow. Commitment to in-person experience my ass.)
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lilacrespite · 10 months
arlo: what's your most embarrassing on-stream death?
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               ❝   it   was   a   top   three   situation.   we're   in   shattered   slabs,   my   favorite   drop   spot   of   the   current   chapter.   i   was   playing   out   of   my   mind   !   it's   important   to   know   that   when   it   comes   to   fortnite,   i   never   make   it   past   like   top   twelve   in   solos.   such   sweaty   lobbies   every   time.   but   that   day...━━━━   i   thought   it   was   going   to   be   the   easiest   game   of   my   life.   i'm   hiding   in   a   bush   and   someone   scopes   me   out   with   a   flare   gun,   no   issue   because   i   have   a   legendary   drum   shotgun.   i'm   prepared   to   do   damage,   and   i   do.   i   do   so   much   damage,   but   so   do   they.   i   run   out   of   bullets,   i   move   to   swap   to   good   ole'   faithful:   my   mythic   assault   rifle.   but   my   hands   got   slippery   in   the   heat   of   battle   and   instead   i   slipped   over   to   my   small   shield   slot.   now   i   have   six   of   these.   i   throw   the   first   heal   at   them   and   we're   both   confused,   i   throw   another   one   now   i'm   just   confused.   i   swear   i'm   on   my   assault   rifle   and   don't   know   what's   going   on.   chats   going   crazy,   screaming   at   me   to   change   slots   but   my   delusional   ass   is   so   sure   !   it's   not   until   i'm   at   the   last   small   shield   do   i   realize   the   game   wasn't   glitching   i'm   just   an   idiot.   i   also   for   some   reason   thought   i   wasn't   taking   damage   that   whole   time   so   when   i   go   to   actually   move   things   over   i   get   eliminated.   by   an   ariana   grande   skin,   no   less.   who   then   used   the   shield   i   threw   at   them   to   heal   up.   and   then   i   got   griddied   on.   i   left   fortnite   for   a   good   while   after   that.   why   would   you   make   me   relive   that   ?   ❞
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thegeminisage · 1 year
im in kakariko and WAH koko and cottla still pray to their mom every day and their dad joins them...but they can't get to the actual cemetery bc of the ruins >:( and "rpincess zelda" said not to go near them. it is driving me crazy that i cant so this quest!!
i googled and apparently this quest involves the business with the Fifth Sage so i have to hold off for now :/ SUUUUCKS gonna collect some korok seeds and then find something else to do
oh wow that interactive map got a BIG upgrade. i can just ask it where certain items are now lol
I FOUND? THEIR MOMS? JOURNAL??? oh my god in the kakariko well.......
she had a garden down here 😭 she lists all their favorite foods......
theres a korok seed at the cemetery, so i went the long way around and left a silent princess for her. i'm gonna come back and get the rest later when the main quest takes me here
i knew there'd have to be a fifth sage, but a whole quest AND dungeon...that's pretty amazing!! i wonder if we get a 5th companion...zelda as a ghost companion would be SICK but i know nintendo would Never
ive decided to attempt to investigate the faron thunderstorm. wish me luck
THUNDERHEAD ISLES.......this is so cool. i can't see shit <3
also all of my bows & weapons rn are metal...oops lol
whoooa the music here.........
when i say i cant see shit i mean i REALLY. cant see shit. even the depths is better than this, at least there you can use brightbloom seeds
i found a flux construct but i CANT SEE LOL and i dont have any nonmetal weapons worth any damage...im doing it blind while only switching to goo weapons when im actually attacking sdlfjghsdfjkg girl HELLLP
i used the shadows and the LAST of my stamina to make it to ??? dragonhead island ??? WHICH I STILL CAN'T SEE
there's gotta be some trick to clearing or navigating the storm but i dont wanna google it in case its like...THE SIXTH SAGE,
ok. fucking hell. im leaving. is there ANYTHING interesting im allowed to do rn. jesus
from now on im just going to assume that if i suddenly hear cool music im not supposed to be here.
landed in the horse god lake and caught that big stallion. named it yeto in honor of the big white abominable snowman in tp salute emoji
this well has a bubbulfrog inside it ??????
where the FUCK am i going theres a whole ass cave system down here
another ancient blade.......
fine ok i can work with this. jesus.
actually no i can't. it's raining and i don't want to climb all this shit nor do i want to tangle with electric lizalfos. i swear to god
ok. back to the stable.
oh flute boy!! i forgot about him. i guess he must be part of the band. luckily this time i have his fireflies...
AWWW the glowing tree was so cute and pretty
ok, feeling more prepared for komo shoreline now. luckily there's not much here anyway...
NO!!!!!! a fucking BLOOD MOON while i was attacking this electric lizalfos camp!!! COME ONNNNN
i survived but god one of the lizalfos got glitched and there WASN'T. even a treasure chest over here. good fucking lord
i found my first above-ground lynel......and it's silver. this is what i get for waiting so long to seek them out...
omg my ancient arrow sent him to eeby deeby. im reloading tho idw waste it on that
okay so. he is hitting, very, hard,
i can't climb a tree either cuz he can Get me
okay. well! i died. clearly outmatched. i need.........better armor. i am so TIIIIRRRED of getting my ass kicked!!!!
for better or worse i'm in the chasm on the island next to hyrule castle. i figure it's probably an isolated place since. yk. island. reeeally wish i could find a lightroot tho
blue-white frox. less sick. im gonna die again :(
omg i GOT HIM!!! n*ce
i cheated and peeked at the map...theres literally nothing else down here lmao not even a lightroot. im gonna go...somewhere else!! but later. i have to take a break now for food chores etc ive been playing for hours
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spring-lxcked · 11 months
finshed ru.in so. thoughts. putting it under a readmore!! (apologies if it shows up without one at first, tumblr is doing the thing where it deletes readmores again :/)
ending was uh. abrupt and unsatisfying. also answered exactly zero of the questions i had because, like, it was abundantly obvious it wasn't gre.gory the whole time and was probably the game introducing it's version of the mim.ic
not actually shocked by grego.ry's betrayal (if it even was really him because why would he have control of the elevator?) based on the main game, but i know some ppl must be v unhappy rn
fn.af making me cry like??????????????? sorry but i genuinely cried abt ro.xy don't look at me
on one hand disappointed that the mim.ic was All It Was, on the other glad i don't have to fucking hear people claim glitch/burn is the mim.ic anymore (i hope) LMAO
game did get glitchier with time (two crashes, namely) but still better than main game
okay positive positive positive because the ending and the music me.n part were the only bad parts imo
the creepy objective descs were SO good. "That mask suits you." "Don't you care about your friend? Why aren't you trying harder?" "Don't think about it, just do it."
animatronic jumpscares were SO GOOD like. i think because most of the scares were primarily not the death jumpscares, it gave them leeway to give us the best death jumpscares of the entire franchise
so like. the rabbit when you're using the mask was obviously glamr.ock bon.nie trying to stop cas.sie from freeing the mim.ic, right? i strongly disagree with the sentiment that it was glitch, that makes little to no sense to me
so we agree that illusion disks are canon to security bre.ach (i personally don't think they are in the other games but it's debatable) right? we agree that we don't know that ANY of what cas.sie was seeing without the mask or with it was real right? we agree the mask wasn't literally making her teleport through solid objects right? we agree that we actually have no idea that anything we saw or heard was accurate to reality right?
the candy cad.et story GODS are we ready for 3000 theories abt exactly what that meant because i do NOT think it was abt them mim.ic—
cas.sie lore has me half-considering adding her to the multi
van.ni mask ambience was creepy but also jesus christ the theorists are gonna have a field day with some of that whispering and screaming
me going from "don't understand why rox.y is so popular" to "i would die for rox.y immediately" (tbf i really didn't feel hype for anyone in the main game, which i think says a lot. ru.in handled characters a LOT better and i actually cared about them)
am i crazy or cas.sie and michael parallels?? i just kept getting that Vibe idk
we need to talk abt the claim that va.nni masks were used by all class v technicians. do i believe this? not sure but it's a concept i have GOT to hear more abt
btw i do know there's other endings but i think the normal ending is probably canon
this dlc had no effect on my canon, i already assumed glitch was no longer in the pizzeria/etc (i don't think the rabbit was glitch + the animatronics clearly were acting of their own volition)
i know i absolutely didn't find all the secrets but like. unless there's something major i missed (very very very possible), i'm still sad we didn't get more info on the greg.ory being a robot theory. outside of when i'm interacting with definitely human!gre.gorys on here, my william making the blueprint for gre.gory is an important part of his canon to me
anyway, despite any complaints i may have abt the ending, ru.in proved that ste.el wool is more than capable of listening to criticism and doing better and that makes me so, so happy
hey hi i want to make a million security br.each / ru.in verses now. how can i force my actual william into this, guys—? yes i know i said i want him canonly dead, AU verses doN'T COUNT
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