#so idk how many more chapters there'll be before those ones
psychangels 1 year
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coconoct 7 months
my whb progress
as of nov. 11, 2023
i feel like i should've done this when i finished chapter 4 like weeks ago but better late than never ig
general info
lvl: 31
status: f2p
when i started: launch (10/03 my timezone)
ver: erolabs
team setup
post-halloween event my team consists of 5 light chars, 1 some other element (usually either leraye, belial, or paimon)
before that though i did use marbas before minhyeok, though sadly i'll probably rarely use marbas or any of the healers in the future since the artifacts when they work properly heal faster :')
here's my team in action!
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here's everyone with their lvls and artifacts!
skill lvls: (normal attack-ultimate-passive)
mammon (cake): 4-4-4
mammon (selfie): 1-3-1
satan (selfie): 1-4-1
beelzebub (selfie): 1-3-1
leraye: 1-3
minhyeok: 1-3
secret club
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i mainly focus on mammon, so i'll just be showing those here. i'm 1 story away from completing mammon (cake)'s and 2 stories away from completing mammon (selfie)'s!
i do the absolute bare minimum for dailies and weeklies nowadays. since most of my chars are higher than lvl20 i've just been focusing on unholy board for most of the time i've been playing. as much as i wanna focus on skills i'm kinda held back by the game's very limited access to pies (you can only get them in shop + it's the rng boxes most of the time). hopefully there'll be more options to get pies that aren't purely dependent on rng in the future 馃様馃檹
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i also wish candies weren't rng either, or there is rng but also an option to exchange one type of candy for another. as shown above i have absolutely way too many candies for the other kings and almost none for mammon :'))) the grind truly never ends
overall thoughts / reflection
this section is just something for me to look back on when i do a progress post again in the future. i'll break this down into sections so i can stay consistent with laying out all my thoughts. also this won't be spoiler-free
i find it somewhat interesting? i can't really put in a bunch of input since we've only explored one of the many areas of hell. i set my game to have a male mc, and there's still a lot of issues with making pronouns consistent :'). i do have a few cgs missing despite completing all the chapters that are out currently but those missing ones might be for future chapters so idk (kinda bothers me a bit to see missing cgs despite completing everything). unholy board stories are also ok? it's pretty tedious to get through so many objectives for only a little bit of story and also all the h-scenes and devil's tango bits in unholy board stories are written like they were made for wattpad lol
tl;dr very tedious lol
addressing the elephant in the room, i'm aware there's still a lot of bugs. i won't be going too in-depth about them since they're only temporary and didn't make that much of a significance towards my overall gameplay so far (aside from the leather gloves not working, but that got fixed in the halloween patch).
i'm glad we have autoclear in resource stages but i wish we had autoclear in story stages as well (and in the future event stages too). it would also be nice if there was an autoplay feature, though that's more of a personal preference since a lot of games i play have that option and i don't get bored from doing everything manually.
the 6-7 stages in chapter 4 seemed a bit unnecessary? the story itself is rather short so i guess i can understand why they would wanna pan out as much playtime as possible, but at a certain point it does get really boring and demotivating to progress. it also sets a certain precedent for future chapters, if the battles in between each small bit of story keep slowly increasing how many stages will chapter 10 have? chapter 20? i honestly would've preferred 3 battles in between each story, or if you're gonna have 5 battles in between each story, have some of the story in those battles. aside from the tutorial, an example would be in chapter 3 right as the angels attacked the hospital and mammon took mc out with him to fight (3-73). those battles could've 1. gave a tutorial on how to use mammon and 2. talk about how strong he is like in the story right after those battles (3-79).
on a different note, i wish the "meta" wasn't so skewed towards all the l cards. as i progressed through the story i would look up guides on bilibili, only to find that most if not all the guides are heavily dependent on l cards (and levi which is the only king i don't have 馃拃馃拃), only non-l card would usually be leraye 馃拃. it also feels a bit unbalanced considering light and dark are usually the recommended element for every battle and can go against literally every element including their own. i wish there would be more opportunities for other elements and characters to shine and hold up well so that even if you don't have certain l cards, you can progress through the game just as well as those with the certain l cards
i briefly mentioned this while going through the materials i currently have but i wish a lot of them weren't so rng heavy. it really adds to making the game tedious especially when you have to level multiple devils of the same element. having a resource stage for candies and pies would be great. it would also be great to not make everything so expensive 銋犮厾 116 gems for one (1) candy?? a multi of red keys costing almost 2k gems?? atp i just focus on leveling up rather than getting pulls
after the whole 'minhyeok needing yellow keys' situation i've just been hoarding keys and using gems on stuff like ap since i have nothing else to really use them for aside from pies. the gacha rates seem really,,,, sad, and the fact that the bloodshed cards banner is p2w only sucks, which kind of makes me worry for future cards being released. i got pretty lucky with getting both mammon's signature artifacts, as it's one of the requirements to progress through unholy board, but other than that i never really had the best of luck with any of my pulls. i got minhyeok at hard pity, and it took idek how long to get leraye, my conclusion is just that my luck sucks in this game lol
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shai-manahan 2 years
Besides like for troubleshooting and making sure the game runs right and that ,have u ever like sat down opened up dashingdon and played HM (idk if that would be enjoyable for u since u know what would happen and all but who knows u might be suprised) if u have played it can u tell us bout yr MC ?? And how do u feel about NSFW questions??
Hi! I don't feel too comfortable answering nsfw asks, so apologies for that!
Playing HM, however... I'm not sure if it's also the case with other authors but I used to do that a lot lmao. It's a great way for me to see through the lens of a reader and properly assess if the game is interesting enough for my own tastes, and I enjoy the story, too (Idk if that's weird to say but oh well), at least until imposter syndrome hits. Sometimes I also end up noticing spots where I could add some choices or dialogue options, so I liked doing it.
Haven't done it since writing Chapter 2, though. I've been repeatedly reading the scenes I've written since last year before the Prologue + Chapter 1 rewrites, so I couldn't make myself read the demo this time around. Which is probably why you don't see as many choices in there (?), 'cause yeah, I never really got to properly check it out.
Now, for my MC.
I've honestly got several MCs reserved for different playthroughs of HM. There will be decisions in the future (plus a game mechanic too spoilery to explain) that will affect a lot of events within the story, and there's no way on earth that I won't be trying out every single one of those routes lol.
But if we're talking about a canon playthrough of mine, I'll probably choose my touch averse enby MC who's a complete mess. Alcoholic, self-blaming fool who still wants to prioritize the city and the public despite everything that had happened (and yeah there'll be some variations depending on your blame + motivation choice), uh... what else... my MC punched Bale (still conflicted between this and just walking away lmfao for so many reasons), lies to everyone around them, and has a very critical opinion of the police including themself all the while feeling guilty about exposing their own colleagues. Will never kill anyone but will also keep probing into everyone else's business---an action that will end up very badly for them but it is interesting so :)))). They have a Wits + Force combination of skills, and their mental health issue stats are like, over the roof (including stress, cynicism, another one I can't mention, and perhaps more.)
I think that's all I can share without this being a very long essay, so I'll stop there. I'm choosing these options for my MC mainly because I do know what's gonna happen, and there's always a way for them to recover from whatever it is they're feeling if they so choose, but I do hope everyone who'd be choosing them can detach themself from the MC's situation because the MC's thoughts can be... a lot to handle. There's a lot of ways you can customize the MC, though, and not just in appearance or preferences. The way you make decisions for them also shape who they are and the events that will unfold around them, so I do hope you all enjoy that and more!
Now that I've done that, why don't y'all share stuff about your MCs, too? 馃憖
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3, 12, and 29
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
SON OF THE ASHES IS ACTUALLY SUCH A BANGER LITERALLY I WROTE IT IN LIKE A MONTH BECAUSE I FORGOT ABOUT THE AU FEST AND IT SLAPS IT GOES SO HARD. like osmp sandduo royalty au with morally grey phil as the pov character and main character death WHAT MORE DO YOU PEOPLE WANT. I'm normal about my own fics anyways stream
12. How many WIP鈥檚 do you have in your docs for next year?
well. well you see. okay let's actually go through this.
I have got to finish TWB bingo fics I wanted to write and also the drabble requests I promised so long ago
I wanna finish all my ongoing fics first and foremost, including the fields of flowers oneshots (there's 2 of them and they're already underway). Only one of them has a planned sequels and none of them have planned oneshots so that's good.
Then the Broken Rhythms sequel Covered Kindling which I will hopefully start this year (assuming I have posted the last oneshot)
Then we're onto new fics. First one: fireworks and bloodvines. my baby. check out @tubbocomm for more
Probably then the fireworksduo small town psychological horror fic, in the woods somewhere
lemme go check my fic idea doc. okay so other than those ones there's some superhero au ideas, a pacific rim au, an sbi/bedrock bros mystery fic, and some canon-divergent ideas like a fic about the eryn lore that never happened and some ending rewrites. idk I'm sure there'll be more :]
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
oh god uhhhh. uhhhhhhhhhhhh I can never pick these things. yknow what I really like this line from broken rhythms chapter 7
"Another beat of silence before Tommy turned his hand sideways, letting his and Techno鈥檚 fingers press together. It wasn鈥檛 exactly holding hands, but the drumming of Tommy鈥檚 fingertips across Techno鈥檚 was everything. Techno rubbed his thumb over Tommy鈥檚 slowly.
Techno was crying."
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