#so if i didn't love and support my trans and enby siblings
autumnalfallingleaves · 9 months
Hello! If this is too personal please feel free to ignore/delete it, but are you out to your family, and if so, how did you come out? I remember you once said you grew up in a warm, welcoming home, so I was just wondering about it. I’m currently trying to figure out how to come out as trans to my family (they aren’t fully accepting or unaccepting, it’s weird) and I’m not sure how to tell them, so I thought I might get some other perspectives. Don’t feel pressured to answer though and I hope you have a great day :)
I'm sorta out and not as nonbinary to my family? I have a few nonbinary flags in places (sticker on my computer, little mini flag in my room) but I'm not out with different pronouns to them yet. My family is very supportive of my queer identity, so it's more I don't want to change the status quo we've got going on, and I'm fine with them using feminine pronouns for me because they're my family and I love them.
For things that weren't my being nonbinary, I just... came out and said them. It wasn't a huge thing. Just like "So I'm asexual" or "I think I like girls" and that was it. Just came up in casual conversation. My sibling, who is trans and nonbinary, did sit down with our mom to tell her, but I don't know the details of that because I wasn't there.
Sorry if this didn't help :( I'm not actually fully out as enby yet, despite having flags displayed, so I'm not really sure how to approach that just yet :')
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I don't know how to say this but I need to say it.
I have been questioning my gender for almost three years now, and I think I finally figured out. I don't feel like an specific label is made up for me, the closest I get is being a non binary girl. I kind of like being a girl but I also fricking would love being enby. So that's that.
Early in the day while I was still figuring out this, I was way more open about it. I didn't really got out of the closest, but I allowed myself to experiment with a made up binder (I sometimes look back at that time and think about how idiot I was back then, once I tried to bind with some big hairbands and I didn't even last an hour until I was choking. Another time I tried to use a bandana and got it stuck so I went all my day of school with that thing badly tied around by stomach. Gosh I was so dumb xdd. Don't worry y'all I eventually got my hands on two way-to-small tops that were the safest way to go and I used them responsably.) I allowed myself to put she/they on my social medias (my parents don't usually check my media and they don't really know much english so I was safe). I even dared to draw my flag sometimes and it would make me so happy.
But the things is that, recently, some of my close friends came out as another gender. One is trans and the other is non binary. My parents eventually heard of their thing through different ways.
The thing is that my parents aren't homophobic. They always told my siblings and I that they wouldn't have any kind of problem if we liked girls when we grew up and that, and they seemed really supportive of mtf and ftm trans people.
But when my friends did come out (kinda)...
They say that they believe they are just seeking attention. They laught at my enby friend's gender, they kind of low key mock it off. They say things like the world is going mad and that next thing is someone identifying as an animal or something. I have to laught along. They say they support but that holy cow that sounds invented and things like that.
I also had a problem with my classmates. One of them, somehow found my old twitter account, that I hadn't touched in months and in which I have the pronouns they/them specified. They leaked it to my classmates and they were asking me about it, including some girls that are really mean to me. I freaked out and I made up a story about some old friend of mine that used to be a girl but was now nb and whom I gifted my twitter account, I even logged in to make some fake tweet addressing it. They kind of belived it. But then again, they started mocking that one friend for their gender. I knew they weren't real, but it hurted.
Because of this reasons I decided to make a decision.
I am gonna be a non-binary girl, but no one will know. I am never coming out to anyone ever again.
At this point I came on terms with my boobs, they are small anyway and since I love baggy clothes most of the times they don't show. My parents leave me dress as I want anyway so it's pog on that sense. I can't really use my fake binder atm cuz I had covid and since then I haven't really recovered and it hurts so bad and I can't breathe, but if it ever goes away and I need it, it's there.
It's ok if I can't use they pronouns too, she/hers are also good and I can deal with it. It's not like in spanish we have any that sound good and on the internet most people would call me a she anyway.
I feel it would be easier this way. I will hide the non-binary part of my gender away. The good thing tho is that one day I will live on my own. I wouldn't be able to come out on the public but maybe, one day I will be able to have a little nb flag. I will hide it when people come visit, but I always wanted one and it will be so pog. My little secret.
It's kind of sad that I have to hide it, but I'm trying to find the positives. Less backlash plus I get to be a little spy among the other girls. It sounds so dumb but I like to thing of it like an adventure to not be sad.
I can't not say my name for obvious reasons, but to all of you. I'm here. I can't say hi. I can't reveal who I really am but I'm here, hidden. I'm here. I'm they. Please don't forget about me.
And if you ever come across a blog, talk about them with neutral pronouns in default and I don't correct you... that's cuz you are not wrong.
Maybe one day I get to come out, if the world ever changes enough but for now I will wait here. I'm not giving up I swear.
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thelemoncoffee · 3 years
mmmmmmmmm Trans male to female Miu ft my hc family for her (yes i have hcs for more than just Kokichi and Shuichi, shocker /j)
So- basically i hc Miu is from a very alternative and competitive family, she grew up with rock music and trying to be the best at everything. She has two older brothers(Shinzo ans Daijiro) she competes with alot and a younger enby sibling(Kib) who's also extremely chill comapired to the rest of the family but still competitve.
Miu always knew something was off about herself from the begining. Yeah she loved to get into competitions like her brothers did, yeah she liked to get her hands dirty, and yeah she was pretty strong- but something made her feel like she didn't quite fit her body in some way and she could never place it. When Kib came out as nonbinary to the family, it brough Miu's attention that she might be dealing with something similar, and she went to Kib for help.
it wasn't a direct confrontation, rather, Miu invited Kib to play a few rounds of COD with her and casualy brought up the topic of gender mid game. She knew trans was a thing as she was pretty active in the LGBTQ community as a bisexual with lesbian moms, but she never truely got the chance to talk to someone about it untill now.
Through Kib she started to understand the concept of transgenderism and how it applied to her, and by the end of the game she had sheepishly admited the concept of her possibly not being a boy like she'd been raised to be. What surprised her was Kib bluntly stating they'd always known Miu wasn't cis, as it was almost painfully obvious that she wasn't comfortable with how she presented her gender- they even pointed out a few tells she desplayed.
With Kib's help, Miu ended up sorting herself out, finally settling on female being what felt the best, and now all she felt was left to do was to tell the rest of her family so she could start transitioning safely. Unsurpisingly they were all extremely suppotive of her; Daijiro's first reaction being to threaten transphobes- which got one of their moms to knock him upside the head, and Shinzo offering to take her to the mall and go find comfortable clothes. Her Moms also happily supported her and gave her tips for various feminin things she asked about, mainly with how to take care of the long hair she was hoping to grow out.
Through all the love and support she safely transitioned, and was considering getting bottom surgery, but decided agaisnt it after developing hosptial based trauma from the accedent that almost killed her. She felt that having a dick was less emotionally damaging than a PTSD trigger, and puts up with it by safely tucking only when her dysporia kicked her in the ass. She actually turned the fact she had a dick into a fun game of "mention my dick being bigger than a cis man's and watch them try to figure out if i was joking or not", it even turned out to be a fun way to out the other LGBTQ kids at HPA later on.
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