#so im in mouring about it
rattkachuk · 4 months
real quick! whatever goes down tonight, so much fun was had in the oilers lb tag this season, and i love u all dearly!!!
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vitiateoriginator · 9 months
You guys ever start reading a fanfic, and it's literally everything you are looking for, everything you ever wanted is involved, and then misway thru reading the plot starts to go in a direction that you end up hating
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kawaiianimeredhead · 2 years
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miceonvenny · 4 months
Spoilers below!!
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Stop cause their friendship(debateable) is so cute man. i love their stupid banter, their bickeringggg for two people that hate eachother they sure get on well i wanna see them happyyyy
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Honestly, only one thing to say to this one, and it's damn.
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When I tell you, I almost crieeeddd😭😭😭
But in all honesty, I knew this was coming, and I don't mind. I'm satisfied - more than satisfied, actually. These two books have actually... wow, I've genuinely never felt this way towards any fic before. I actually sat staring at my notification bar, waiting for gmail to pop up(only to be disappointed because it's just something irrelevant, like my accounts being compromised or smth😒), and when it did today, I actually squeaked. Not kidding, btw, I squeaked and physically reacted. Lock me away. But enough about my obviously worrying mental health!
This fic. This series, M&M. I'm so happy I found this when I did.
Allegory, if you (somehow) see this post, I just wanna say: Thanks for the ride, and I wish you well!
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c0rinarii · 6 months
WELL! I have just concluded the game that i bought on impulse bc i was hyperfixating on some of the characters (guess who!). I have A LOT of thoughts, but i'll start with some nutshell character thoughts and pairing shenanigains. Spoilers below!
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That 4th tier deserves a bit of elaboration
Juro: He is, at his core, a blank sheet of paper. A mild sandwich with no seasoning. And I like how this game handled that fact bc he was someone more prior to this, but he's given a new personality so he can rest from being so self-sacrificing (if he's anything like the juro izumi from 2 loops ago). He's in the "they're there" tier for a special reason, bc he's kind of meant to be just There.
Renya: Despite being there just to help the audience answer some questions regarding the fucked up narrative of the story, I think what gives him a leg up from the "They're there" tier is his lowkey hilarious relationship with Ryoko. He is perplexed and lowkey salty about how short their relationship lasted no matter how hard he tries. He tries to not gaf as much as Ryoko does but he still does. Ei calls him out on this. Its so so funny.
Megumi: HER NARRATIVE ON GRIEF WAS VERY WELL DONE and if it werent for the spaghetti bullshit of an ending the epilogue was, I would be soooo so intrested how she'd handle moving on from Izumi. I find the concept of Juro/Megumi much more bearable with Juro now having one sided feelings for Megumi while Megumi considers giving him a chance or not. That wouldve been a great closing to their relationship instead of. just getting toghether with no qualms! yeah juro i totally wasnt mouring a dead version of you in that simulation. lets kiss.
Miyuki: I KNEW YOU COULD SAVE THOSE KIDS WITHOUT INFLICTING SEVERE TRAUMA. Sadly aside from "saviour from above" themeing with her, theres nothing much outside of that. While im greatful she was there, she is just there in the end. But her efforts give her a leg up from that tier.
Chihiro: The concept of a very peeved elderly woman stuck in a pre-schoolers body is a funny one and im just extremely glad that 13SAR is not big enough that sobposters arent using her at large to fufill their degen fantasies. Aside from that shtick though, nothing else. Thats literally a baby
Moving onto the canon main pairings!:
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I saw someone calling HijiOki queer-bait and i can kindaaaa see why when basing it off the epilogue. Yeah they havent seem to progress much past 5 years and are at best still at talking stage while some of the others are literally married with kids (oh i'll get to that.) But I like to see it as the only pairing with realistic progression past. everything thats happened. Aside that they're just very funny!! Love their dynamic, will be rooting for them no matter how long it takes.
I did not expect myself to like SekiFuyu this much!! I do agree that Iori ESPECIALLY deserves more story outside hanging with gals and crushing over Sekigahara (not to say i didnt like it!!), but im very glad that the story subverted my expectations! I want them to be happy first and foremost, but i feel like the added angst from Iori realisng that she was a clone of THE Chihiro Morimura wouldve made this ship just a little bit more peak. Aside that, I support Iori shoujoisms and Sekigahara finding love and happiness.
I think my rating on Nentomi will change the more I ruminate on it. MeguJuro would be bumped up above RenRyo IF they didnt immediately fall in love after those 5 years and have Megumi still "thinking about it" while Juro goes "pleaaase :(" bc i think Megumi deserves to tease him a lil and think more about What the hell happened. ShuuYuki is the worst case of comphet between a lesbian and a looser bisexual ive seen.
Now.... the elephant in the room.
Ive talked to moots about how much i abhored the ending at first. Aside from the Darling in the Franxx-esque cop out, you expect me to believe that some of them just. got toghether after everything?? without any processing of What The Hell just happened?? nothing at all?? god
Im not the one to usually complain about comphet bc yeah its something i hate, but it usually doesnt sour my experience of consuming media so much. But god this is where its one of the main reasons why an ending is ruined for me. I hate hate HATED some of the epilogue scenes, esp with Nentomi and Shuuyuki bc of the straight people "my wife sucks but i love her" humour it radiates. ugh.
I would've loved a much more... bleak? more bittersweet?? outlook on the situation? after realisng everything is not real and you are basically the 15 adam and eves left to recreate human civilzation... that would be a pretty fucking huge thing to grapple with. I just wished that they had more complexity with this ending. Or! just stick with the fact that they're forever trapped in space colonies left to deal with the horrors of their situations and the mistakes of those in the past. Sorry for bring a tragic yuri enjoyer, but the overbearing dread and loom from the simulation story was what really made me intrested in 13SAR. To see it just solve itself with little drawback was so lame.
I read the George Kamitani aimed for 13SAR to have a mecha and shoujo hybrid story. While that's honestly an awesome concept, im sad it means that he can miss out on more complexity when intepretting the narrative when it comes to certain relationships (shoujos can be complex too!) I also heard that the game was meant to be at least 3 times longer that it is curently which is. wow. Its a shame that so much content got cut out 😭 bc i feel like a bit more time with these characters is all i need to make my verdict more positive.
As a bonus, i'll include a crackship tierlist too! Alot has changed
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I miiight need another few days or even weeks to compile another thoughts post bc theres definitely more things i wanna talk about (the narrative structure, Tamao, 2188 theories, themes of japanese imperialism-). But so far, im gonna let it ruminate for a bit before picking it back up to analyse
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mionghairearracht · 1 year
ive seen multiple posts now implying or outright saying that physically disabled spaces don't have a problem with lateral ableism against neurodivergent people and as someone whose both im calling bullshit on that
ive been in physically disabled spaces where people thought it was hilarious to mock someone for having an intellectual disability. ive been in spaces where the idea that psychotic people should be forcibly institutionalized was lauded. where the idea that if you have a personality disorder youre obviously abusive was taken as fact.
ive seen multple physically disabled people deny that nd people are ever attacked or killed for being nd as if we don't have a fucking day of mouring for autistic people killed by their caregivers.
as if psychotic people, especially psychotic people of colour, aren't targeted by police for existing. as if both psychosis and autism aren't used as a reason to deny organ transplants and life saving medical care.
its infuriating and makes it so clear that none of this is about making spaces safe or uplifting voices because all it does is fuck over those of us who are multiply disabled and have to watch as every single side denies our lived experience and makes it clear that any support we get is going to be conditional.
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wasp-coffee · 1 year
TMI (2013) live rant (continued at 35:23)
This movie is Two Hours Long... TWO
I'm only a quarter in....
Again, British
The "all the legends are true" line is jace's
Why... Is there a spoils room in the institute?
Considering they're... Y'know... Illegal? And have been for like at least a hundred and ten years
Izzy... My dear, why is your hair brown???? Brown????
... Izzy's eyes are grey
History lessons with Hodge - i mean he is a tutor but this is just boring exposition
Boring valentine flashbacks
Oh so we do go to the silent city!
"some say its a spell" shut the fuck up Jace we know why hodge can't leave the fucking institute
Why is there a random silent brother walking through the gravestones??? Was he going on a morning stroll????
Speaking of said silent brother - where are the runes carved into his face???
Where's the statue of jonathan Shadowhunter? "Looking better in black than the widows of our enemies"?? Hm? EH JACE????
Roll credits
Why are the silent brothers seven feet tall? Do they have a basketball team or something?
Where's my G brother Enoch?
Calling bullshit that Joycelyns runes didn't fade until after Clary was old enough to remember
Isn't magnus supposed to be here?
Why is the silent brother's hood down what the fuck????
Again what the fuck is jace wearing - is that alecs hideous shirt from earlier??? WHERE IS THEIR TRAINING GEAR
Oh jaces jacket has a skirt cute
No way Jace would have got into magnus' that easily - this is also supposed to be an apartment
Love that Jace hasn't poured holy water into the demon bike yet so going to the Du Mort seems unlikely
Magnus sweetheart <3
Blue eye callout yay
Too much exposition though
This is a lot of information by dialogue... Im so bored and this is too dramatic
Oh love the church weapons raid very nice
That's a gun... Why the fuck would there be a gun in a nephilim armoury considering NONE OF THEM CAN USE THEM
Oh a "vampire gun" of course
Oh we are going to the du mort! Lovely
Without the help of raphael... Interesting
An hour in and I'm bored as fuck not much has happened
Oh nice! A witchlight!! So why is jace using a torch
Why is Simon strewn up like jesus? He's supposed to be a rat, no?
Oh yeah that would mean going back to magnus'
There is no tension here im bored and where is camille?
Ridiculous fight sequence...fine
Oh good jace does have some faded runes
I hate that the institute is a ghost town it's ridiculous
Alecs eyes... Not recognizably blue and the brown hair... Yeah no
Why is he speaking so softly? Alec (and izzy) were rude AF in the book (justifiably so, seeing clary as an outsider) they're tame in an annoying way here
There's no tension in this argument I don't believe this man is upset - he's bored, im bored
Why is Jace wearing white?
Omg this stupid bach conversation is so unnecessarily stupid
Where is training room and the armoury?
Natural portal? Fuck off. Not without a warlock or clave permission into Alicante
I'm not only bored, but upset considering they obviously wanted a sequel and by setting this up they shot themselves in the foot
okay im glad for the greenhouse I'll admit it
Where's the story about the falcon? The spaghetti
Oh there it is, good.
Greenhouse transformation moment that's kinda dumb. Aren't they supposed to be on the roof?
I don't care they're kissing you can't just put a pop ballad behind two bland people and expect me to care
There wasn't enough build up for me to care
Why is it raining??? Its a greenhouse, not a swimming pool!
Why would the sprinklers turn on at midnight?
Its nice to hear some of the lines from the book but i just... Don't believe JCB as Jace
Why is this simon confession here???? Here?
Oh good alec and izzy are in something resembling gear that's something
Haha love the shedding of a ridiculous amount of weapons trope - that got me ill admit
I can't remember why izzy and alec are here or what this magnetic dust is
Love that what he's playing clearly isn't what his hands are doing
Why is he playing???
Oh yeah the bach shit
I distinctly remember the whole point of Hodges betrayal is that its behind everyone's back
Why is valentine shirtless
Are those... Dreads?
Come ON
This whole Jonathan monologue is boring and stupid and i don't give a shit because we haven't spent enough time with Clary or Luke to sympathize - also seeing as it's spliced between the whole Jace/Valentine schtick
Considering that Jace, Clary, Joycelyn and Valentine share absolutely no features in common this is an absolute circus
Valentine looks like a rejected Captain Hook
This whole thing is supposed to be on an island, no?
Roosevelt Island!
Yeah, no, lets just stage it in the institute it'll be fine! (Sarcasm)
For all everyone was fawning over this movie for being "book accurate" im very disappointed
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scribe-of-hael · 1 year
Spoilers for Transformers Animated:
I just finished this show for about the second time in my life. It left such an impact on me that I remember every single episode. It was one of the only show I had watched at the time and only till this year did I watch Prime and newly release Earth spark.
If you want to get into tranfomers this is one of the shows I really deeply tell everyone to watch. This show had so much love poured into it. The fact I recently found out it was canceled shatters my heart .
I could love as a child thinking it was just the intended ending but now knowing that there could have been and WAS going to have future seasons makes me so heart broken.
The story, characters and the world is amazing. A very differnt take on tf world and lore however still very entertaining.
Favorite performance was Tom Kenny as Starscream, who did a wonderful job as my failure devious jet. Tfa starscream was the reason he became my favorite. I have this show to thank for me love for robots and mechanics. (Besides power rangers)
My fav character though. Is prowl. Who had the most growth from start to finish. Even now as adult, seeing Prowls sacrifice crushes me. Even now im so upset at the finale episode.
So much left uo for question. And even more angery that a cheering crowd is there when Optimus and his team return. But Prowl laying peacefully in a casket. When his death should be moured over the victory of meagtrons defeat. In my eyes at least.
I know there is a fan projects that continue this story from what scripts and related info there is. But I can't help but feel so robbed. Only outs more angery toward companies and networks that sniff these things out. I can only imagine one of the bug reasons might have been veiws but mostly the toy sales. Which the whole reason for really making TF shows is to keep up the product.
In the past two months I have learned more about TF and its Fandom that I ever had in my life. I love this Fandom, I'd say it's become in my biggest comforts next to Dragon ball.
Just wanted to ramble a bit
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midsummereve1993 · 2 years
Why is she acting odd and keeping a sceret
@appetite4savage @youlightmeupfinn @niksixx @bvcksmunson
A/N well what do you think, what is the sceret there keeping. Please let me know what your think about the story, i’v be working hard on it so please leave feedback.
May 28 2019 8:00 am
Mick sit at the kitchen  drinking his coffee and Couldn't help but think about the past year, there book the dirt was made into a movie and his daughter had a met a men who got her to finally opened up again which give him a peace  of mind knowing his daughter wasn't keeping things bottled up, "hi baby seraina said comming in and giving his wife a kiss on the cheek and grabbed herself a cup of coffee and sit down in front of im. "Spoke to Kialtyn before I come down here and see seems to be doing better then last mouth, last mouth Kaitlyn had come down with something that the poor women lived of gatorade  And fruits since she couldn't eat anything but now it seems to have gone away and for that both of them was grateful. Seraina had spent many nights and days  holding her daughter hair up while she  vomited in the toilet, mick never knew because he aways at the studio and only found out when he come home early and found seraina holding Kaitlyn while she was throwing up. "Yes definitely glad she is feeling better because i hated seeing my baby girl like that mick said and it was the truth, when ever his daughter would get sick it broke his heart because there wasn't much he could do for her but hold her hair and make sure she  had Gatorade and other stuff to calm her stomach..
Kailtyn had moved in with iwan at the beginning of the mouth but had come to visit since he was out of town working and she didn't want to be by herself which she didn't mind because they aways made sure to tell her she was aways welcomed home, "hi guys Kaitlyn said commming into the kitchen giving them both a kiss and headed to the fridge to grab herself something to eat while mick watched her. Since she got here three days ago she had be acting odd and was more hyper then usually which raised a flag in his mind but he didn't speak his mind, she also had be a lose cannon because yeasterday les come to bring him a guitar and he had forget she was sleeping and she went off on the poor guy then begin to cry when she relized what she ahd done.les had told her he wasn't mad and promise to be more quiet but once she was out the door his son looked deathly afraid of his sister for the first time and just last night they were watching  the notebook and she just burst into tears making both him and seraina look at her like she had three heads and it took hours to calm her down. "You seem more happy today baby girl anything you want to tell us mick said looking to his daughter who  tunred and smiled at him, "no daddy I'm just happy because i spoke to Iwan this mouring and he is comming in tomorrow and I can't wait she said turning back to her food to and finished eating,  Kaltyn had be trying not to show anything since she didn't want to spilled the beans in fear of it geting out before they were able to process the news.
They had about a mouth to  let it sink in but she was afraid to tell her dad especially since it was unexpected and they wanted to keep it under wraps untill a few more weeks and then released to it everyone, "you sure because don't take this the wrong way but your be acting strange,"i know and i'm sorry but it's just I ain't used to Iwan being away is all and stil l get used to living with him she said hoping to throw her dad off her tail in fear he would connect the dots. Rain was already connecting the dots she didn't need her dad jumping on that wagon because then he found a way to get it out of her without even trying. "Ok but if there i anything bothering you please let us know mick said as his daughter nodded and left the kitchen before he turned back to his wife, "she's hiding something and I don't like it one but he said making seraina laugh, "oh honey come on now do you really think she hide something from her dad and not tell you she said not believing for one minute kaitlyn would do that since they had a closed bond and nothing stood in the way of that. "Maybe i mean she did one time when she was a teenager and it landed her in rehab, "but this time is different honey she is Much better and thriving way better then before seraina said rembering the headlines of the news about kailtyn being up in rehab and the drama and stress it cause the young girl.
Meanwhile upstairs kaitlyn called her husband and was vocieng her worries to him, "Iwan my dad knows something is up and aunt rain is already putting things togather what do we do she said pacing back and forth making Iwan take a deep breath and let it out. "Look baby I promise no one knows anything and sure there putting things together but without any evidence to support it they have nothing but you need to come down before you give it away he said hoping to calm down his girlfriend before she accidentally spill the beans without trying. "I am trying to calm down, but you have no ideal now nosy. My family is, and there stopped at nothing to get information from me she said, which was true. Her dad was the most one who wouldn't stop at anything to get info out of her and it terrified her so much, "I know baby but just a couple more days and then we can tell everyone because we both agree to wait untill next mouth. 'I know i know baby, "look i got To go, "I promise my aunt rain and uncle vince that i would come over and eat lunch with them today she said as she said goodbye to her boyfriend and hunged up the phone. "Ok i can do this just a couple more weeks and then bam we can  let the news out she said trying to hype herself up as she got dressed and headed  out the door as she told her parents goodbye and headed down to her uncle house.
Once she got vince house she knocked on the door and waited untill she saw tje door open and saw vince standing there, "hi Katie bug vince Said giving her a hug as he let go and allowed her in the house shutting the door behind them. "Hi uncle vince i may be a little early but I thought we could talk and maybe i could look at the photos you have of me kaitlyn said, each other uncles had a set of pictures  of her and them when she was growing up and it warmed her heart because she ahd a strong closed bond with her uncles but vince it was something special, maybe because they shared a birthday or maybe she was born during a time when he needed help and after he lost skyler he realized kailtyn become his rock even after he left the band and when he come back she threw her arms around him and said she was sorry for skyler which made him burst into tears. Katie and skylar were close despite Katie being a year  older then but both girls were both closed and when skylar got sick it hurt her but when she died it devastated Katie and he was told after wards that she had refused to speak to nikki after he left the band.
May 28 2019 12:00 pm
After Vince and Kaitlyn looked at pictures rain announced  dinner was ready and they ahd sit down and begin to lunch, "so tell me Katie anything knew vince said as he took a nbit of his salad and waited for a reply. "no not really just working on trying to get things togather still but nothing that i know of Katie said as she placed her fork down on the plate, "that was yummy aunt rain you out did yourself again she said looking at the women but then noticed she had a look on her face. "What wrong she said looking to her aunt who got up and grabbed the plates talking them to the sink, 'no reason just you never like salad before rain said which made the women freeze, "well i just realized that i need to eat a lot healthier that's all she said as she saw out of the corner of her eyes vince looking  at her. "Kaitlyn look i got to asked this because its be on my mind  since she said turning to her neices, "your pregnant ain't you rain said and saw her neice pale which meant she hit it on the dot. "Shit i knew someone would connect the dots she  said which her uncle and aunt laugh, "we haven't told anyone yet because this is a surprised and me and Iwan wanted to process the news first but we waiting untill we find out the gender before we say anything so please keep this quiet she said looking to her aunt and uncle who nooded there heads.
"Lunch was good but i need to go, "I promise dad i would help him write some songs she said geting up and kissing vince and rain on the cheek before leaveing out the door and walking home. "Dad I'm back she said closeing the door behind her before heading into the living and stop when she saw the person standing with her dad, "Iwan she said running into his arms and giving him a kiss, "what are you doing here you ain't supposed to be back untill next week she said feeling happy as she let him go. 'Well we got done with the movie early so i flew back here Iwan said looking to his girlfriend with love, "this is amazing surprise but i think we need to have a discussion about something he said as he lead her up the stairs to her old room making mick  and seraina laugh at the expression on Katie face.
May 28 2019 5:00 pm
After another make out session which tunred passionate they both laid there breathing heavy tangled nunderneath the covers as Katitlyn trace her fingers over his chest, "you know rain and vince knows she said just letting out the news and felt Iwan body change. "Aunt rain connected the dots and since i never ate a salad before because i aways hated them she caught me and i had to tell her but there not gonna say anything she said looking to him,"i know honey just a surprise and I'm really surprised your dad hasn't picked up on anything considering he has four kids. "I think he knows something is going on but hasn't real thought about it she said which was true, her dad hadn't really looked at the clues so they were good but it left a scary feeling in here body, if rain was Able to peice it togather who would be next. "Do you want to tell everyone he asked the burning question on his mind, "I mean, i want to, but I also want to wait for the gender to announce it. "That's ok with me, baby Iwan said, leaning down to kiss her as she heard a knock on the door.
"Guys supper is ready they heard seraina voice from outside and footsteps going away making them look at each other, "it's be that long she said which made her boyfriend laugh and give her a kiss."well we hadn't seen each other and i was just itching to get ahold of you he said as he got up and got dressed and Waited for as they went downstairs and eat dinner with her dad and stepmom, "please stay here tonight mick said to his daughter as he give her a hug. They were heading to there hosue but there was gonna be a nasty storm and he didn't want them out in it, "dad we be fine I promise Kaitlyn said as she give him a kiss before turning to her husband who face was pale, "well the grounded people from walking or driving on the roads due to the storm iwan said coming back in after hearing the alert on the radio. "They said our area where we live is in a evacuation zone he said and watched his wife go pale, "my gosh we would've be stuck there with no where to go she said as she thought about. If they had gone home, then they wouldn't be able to get back out. "But it will be ok baby Iwan said as he come up to his girlfriend and pulled her into a hug, "this is gonna passed and then we can go home but for now let's just go back into the living room and sit by the fire he said leading his wife back to the living room. A few minutes, the wind outside picked up, and the lights being to flicked on and off, which made kailtyn on edge because it brought back memories. When she was thirteen there had be a bad storm and her dad couldn't get back home so she was forced to spend the night in the hosue by herself as the storm got nasty and spawned a twister just a few blocks down the road which knocked out  the power, the next morning mick got in contact with his ex who went over to checked on the girl and found her in the bedroom closet clinging onto her stuff animal rocking back and forth and since then she didn't like the dark or the storms.
"Your ok baby girl your not along this time mick said as he rubbed his daughter leg trying to calm her down, he aways felt guilty, he had a press conference with the band and she didn't want to go so with her being thirteen he left her along and told her he would be back soon but then the storm come out of no where and grounded everyone. The next mouring he was still unable to get home so he got in contact with his ex who agreed to go checked and when he was told where she find kailtyn his heart broke, during the time of the storm the lights had flicked on and off so she grabbed her stuff anaiml and headed into the closet when the power  went out and was afraid to find a flashlight and since then she hates the dark and storms. "I know but it brings back memories of that time but I'm fine she said trying to cheer up her dad so he wouldn't be sad anymore, "say why don't we talk about anything or we could just here listening to music seraina said hoping to the edge off of Kaitlyn. "Listening to music sounds good she said as her stepmother got up and headed toward the record player and turned it on, and j3ff beck sounded throughout the house, making her smile.
Her dad lives jeff beck and her dad used to have him on his lap while he sing a Jeff beck song to her as she fell asleep, that sure was the best times and now she can't wait to tell her dad the big news and see his reaction to the News. "Wow, the storm really is picking up Iwan said as he looked outside to see the rain getting heavy and thanked his stars that they chose to stay. Just then the power went out which made Kaitlyn scream and then got quiet, as Iwan light a candle he saw his wife was huddle on the couch rocking back and forth with her eyes closed and he bent down to pul her into a hug.
"It's ok honey, I'm here he said, rubbing her back, trying to calm her down. "I ain't gonna let anything happen to you, and neither will your mom or dad he said as she felt his wife stop sobbing and look to him as he wrapped a tear from her winter gray eye. "I don't deserve you she said as she leant in to kiss him and then looked to her parents, "why don't we try and get some sleep because it will soon pass seraina said as they yall went to there bedrooms.
As Iwan and Kaitlyn got into bed, he looked to his girlfriend with loving eyes. "You know I know a way that we can pass the time he said as she moved over and pull his wife closer to her giving her a kiss, "oh really she said as she felt him place his hands her pants and placed his hand inside her pants as he His middle finger slid into her  pussy. Her mouth fell open at the feeling, He dragged his finger in and out a few times before pushing in a second finger. She whined, trying to buck het hips up toward his hand. As they both let desire take over, they both forget about the storm that is ranging outside.
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ze-maki-nin · 2 years
Okay but
Gus, since hunter is like his brother tries to help gala and them with Ryker and using illusion to try and jog up his memories :( like gala does everything she can go get Ryker to remember everything
Oh god... Imagine citron, I can see Ryker having been a close friend of hers (a guard of a sort that got close) and one day he just disappears for 4 years and she assumes Belos killed him because she got to close to him ?? Like :(((( now I'm becoming angsty
And I'm glad :>> I assume father is good so 👍 I approve
omg yes gus the sweet bby just wants to help
he doesnt want to see his siblings sad
ryker starts to remeber small things, bu nothing too big
maybe little tricks he taught gala or maybe the times he helped comfort hunter after a ptsd episode (we all know he has them)
poor citron is in mouring for 4 years and then suddenly ryker appears and tries to explain the entire situation
however citrons just crying and huggin ghim and so overhoyes shes babbling about how happy she is and how much she misses him
father is amazing 👍
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whimsycore · 4 years
Ok I deleted the earlier post about this because it was to hard to think about but my mom just told me to prepare myself because we think my brother is going to die within the year. Like soon. I’m asking people to make dua’a, to pray or to send good vibes. He is only 37 years old and he’s suffered his entire life not only from trauma but from physical illness. We thought he was epileptic but he actually has a rare nerve killing disease that I don’t know how to spell. I am really sad about this but I mainly feel numb. Because even if he didn’t have COVID 19 he’d still be paralyzed.
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hearts-hunger · 4 years
ok ladies here’s a concept: fox mulder and george huang are smartypants fbi profiler trainee boyfriends in the late 80′s
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eye-am-flawed · 2 years
An open letter to my demised dad,
It was just a usual morning with me whining and getting ready for college and like the daily ritual came amma’s call to check if i dragged my depressed ass out of bed. Had you ever noticed that ? How she would call me every morning at exactly the same time to check if i had it in me to have a day ? Anyhow, i pick up and and wearly announce my annoyance at how my winged eye is uneven to which she didnt reply and hung up. Well “how typical of her to be annoyed by me being annoyed” i thought to myself and continued to finish up dressing my sulky self. The phone rings again with her name on the screen and i pick up but its your sister ( with whom I haven’t spoken with since ages ) and she says “ ammunu, its appachi, come home soon; its serious”. And my whole world collapsed.
My whole world collapsed when i heard my aunts voice from my mothers phone asking me to come home immediately. I thought something happened to my mom. My heart froze, so did my brain, blood and body to think something might have happened to my mom. Im so sorry to say this but almost a sense of calm washed through me when the neighbor called and said they saw an ambulance take away your body from our house.
It felt like the end of an era. But it also felt like nothing. So i pack a bag and leave for the bus terminal and catch a bus home, to come see the dead you. I still felt nothing and i remember reminding myself that its an eight hour ride home, clearly i could come up with something to make me sad or cry because you were my father right ? Because thats how daughters are supposed to feel about their super hero fathers dying right ?
You know what the first thing that came to my mind was ? You verbally, physically and mentally abusing my mom.
Do you remember the time you told my mom she needed to pay you for driving her to her chemo treatment ?
Do you remember the time you beat her up while she was a cancer patient ?
Do you remember the time when you slapped me right across my face when I questioned you about the choke marks on my mothers neck ?
You know, i never really understood why she forgave you everytime for how badly you treated her. “ he wasnt always like this” she would say. Lets fast forward to recent memories then , shall we.
Do you remember how you didnt say a word when your son beat the shit out of me? If his friend hadn’t interrupted that day, he would have killed me and you knew it. We all did. ‘Murdered by her own blood’ would have been such a cringe title to go on my tombstone.
Do you remember telling my mom how i wouldn’t last two years from now because i was suicidal ? Had it ever crossed your mind that maybe you were the reason why i was never emotionally stable ?
Do you remember keeping mum when people who got into fraud with your son dared enough to talk ill about me and i had to defend myself so that they wouldnt harm me ?
And by dear lord, do you remember the last time we spoke? Six months ago. When i finally decided to break this toxic cycle of family nonsense and do you remember what you told me ? You told me that im a nobody. You told me i will always be a nobody.
Yeah, thats the last memory i have of you.
And when i finally got home and saw you laying there, i still felt nothing. I saw my mom crying. Despite you sucking the life out of her, I saw her mourn you. And i thought there was something wrong with me for not feeling anything. Do you have any idea how it feels to not feel pain ? Im sorry i didnt know how to mourn the death of a father i never had.
26 years and i had shed enough blood and tears mouring you never being the father that the child i was so desperately needed, i had nothing left to cry about when you finally left and that dear father, was the worst feeling ever.
I saw people coming in and crying
I saw people praise what you had been to them
I saw so many people offer condolences
And i couldnt think of anything but how i would cry myself to bed everytime a friend, a roommate or classmate shared their perfect happy memories of their father.
And all my life, i swear, all my life you made me feel like there was something fundamentally wrong with me so much that i didnt even deserve a fathers love. You lived never acknowledging me or my feelings. And you went doing the same
I watched as they burned your body.
And finally, the waterworks came.
Thats when it hit me.
No, i will now never wake up to the magical day where one fine day you would wakeup and decide to see your daughter for who she was, love her a little better and be the dad she dreamed of for 26 years.
And do you know what hurt me the most ? My grandma told you apologised for everything you did a day before you passed. My mother said you apologised to her for everything you did before you went to sleep that night only to never wake up again.
The only one who didnt get an apology was me.
You left without giving me closure.
My wounded inner child will never heal.
Even in death, you made me believe i wasnt worthy of a fathers love.
I desperately searched your phone, hoping like a stupid silly little girl that somewhere in there you would have a mail or a message for me.
Oh dear dad, you have no clue of the pain of not even finding my name in your phone.
I dont know if i will ever forgive you for never being the father i wanted but hey im choosing to forget the pain you havocked in my life.
Because after all the trauma and the abuse, for some reason, i turned out to be a good person.
And tomorrow i ll have to drown away your ashes
Say a little prayer for your peaceful depart
And tend my heart of the void
That will never be filled.
Dont you see ? I always did my part.
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unsanctitude · 5 years
HELLO I need to know more about your librarians and your universe as a whole infodump it on me
ill give u the super basics of the very simple things i have brainstormed .which is really mainly 2 big cities that have got like a light/dark theme respectively each for a different god (yet to be redesigned F) . the dArk City is called Sanctum and the light city is Haven. Sanctum was overthrown(?) at some point by a guy who somehow siphoned the the dark god’s power (god of which i lovingly refer to as hubert) and the city became a ghost town.. literally (and a monster town), so in the “present” there is currently only that one major city, Haven and the other one’s haunted and everyone is Dead and Evil there but they want to become alive again yknow
this whole universe actually started with me making a Cult that i eventually situated right outside Haven in a Dark Forest I Forget The Name Of, led my Morgan “Mour” Vapeiros who spoilers is son of the Guy That Stole God Power but he doesnt know it, he was created by magical means and that God somehow broke free from the Bad Guy when Morgan was born and essentially lives inside Morgans body and kinda ?? secretly influences him to make a cult that will allow her to take her own form again and i havent decided how it wil happen. i was just super into lovecraftian stuff when i made this
anyways to go more towards the LIBRARIAN stuff, one of the smoller librarians is a little blue elf named Lunick who appropriately is an astronomer situated at Haven’s palace ,he’s like supposedly the smartest guy there and he is !! but he’s super nervous all the time and almost cant handle working at such an illustrious place but he’s hanging in there. i say he’s a librarian only because he tends to the palace’s library there only when he’s got free time, but he adores hanging out at the library more than anywhere anyhow !
now if we move on to the shitty librarians we can travel back in time before Sanctum was sacked and u will find Atlas. i have to say with a heavy heart he’s not very normal at all and is probably the polar opposite of everything Lunick is. first and foremost he is a harpy as u have probably noticed, he’s a big giant owl. harpys in the universe have proven time and time again they just do literally whatever they want. so he decided to appoint himself the head librarian of Sanctum’s libraries (if there are multiple ones he controls them as well, but as of now i think he focuses on the largest one. its a small city after all). he knows how to use illusory magick so he appears as an “elf” to appear i guess less conspicuous, not that he cares what elfs think of him but itd make things easier as opposed to him being a 9 foot tall owl monster (he also needs elf hands to be able to write things down and stuff). now you’d think someone would stop him from just walking into a library and claiming it as his own but nobody did and everybody is too afraid of him to make him leave. atlas’ goal is to read every single book and know everything so he makes other people feel bad for being stupid 
anyways that’’s kind of the most basic of summaries for the universe besides the library stuff. theres of course more places than the Two Cities, like Fish Salem and Dragon Home and Totally Not Moomin Valley and Underwater Adventure, and im thinking abt some East Asia-inspired zones for probably the distant future !! i just didnt wanna go into super detail bc the post is long enough as it is and i know itd burn me out, but pls if u ever wanna know about a specific thing or place or character feel free to drop by again !!!! thank u : D
by the way its library related so ill put it here. i am currently building sanctum’s librowly in mine craft, as i intend to do with most notable buildings in this universe
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u would be surprised how much easier it is to design buildings using this game as opposed to anything else
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chubby girls need love too(part two) Billie eilish fanfic
POV: Willow
I made my way back to the gym where the party was actually taking place. I frantically search for my best friend in the crowd while my ears are being overwhelmed with loud clubbing music. my arm is grabbed from behind me, when i turn i see just the face i was looking for.”bitch,” i say with a smile”you wont believe what just happened.
-time skip-
Me and my bestfriend Jackson sat outside of the gym against the wall, the faint clubbing music from inside of the gym playing in the background as i tell him about my collision with the black haired goddess only 30 minutes ago. He sat there with his mouth agape and i instantly started to panic”what,what?” i say asking for the reason of his loss for words. “That was Billie Eilish” hes says smirking “is she important or something?” im still genuinely confused. who is billie eilish and why does she matter to me?
“Ask Bella” he says referring to one of our mutually close friends as we get up to leave the party.
-Friday 8:00A.M Caesar High School-
I rush through the busy halls of my highschool trying to find bella. I woke up with a purpose this morning i was determined to find out who this billie eilish girl is. I hear jackson say my name as I rush past him. once i make it to the library i look around and it wasn't long before i find my close friend Bella Moure. Shes sitting in the corner of the library with her laptop pulled out on the desk. She is busily tapping away on the keys as i approach her so to get her attention i atap her on the shoulder she looks up at me with her bright green eyes which immediately put a smile on face. “Hey! whats up?” she says happily dragging out the “hey” “i have a job for you” i say and mischievous look crosses her face
-Friday 11:45  Caesar  High School lunchtime -
Its lunchtime the best and the worst part of the day for me. i make my way to the line with jackson on my left the choices today were salad chicken sandwich and bbq wrap, i stood there in front of the salads for a good 2 minutes contemplating on whether i should get salad or chicken. i quickly grab my salad and walk with jackson after the lunch lady yells, “keep it moving” once we get to the table me jackson sit at we start eating “so are you coming over this weekend?” jackson says staring me dead in the face, confusion jumps on my face when i stop shaking my salad” for what?” the mood quickly changes as jackson lets out one of huis most dramatic gasps, “I KNEW IT! I KNEEEEEEEEEW IT!” he shakes his head in disappointment “ Jackson! you know i never remember shit!” i say trying to defend myself normally this far into an outburst the people on the other side of our table is whispering about us and being really shady.however i did notice that they aren't sitting here today. “my birthday party, bitch” Jackson finally lets out. After having my memory jogged i have a moment of realization.”oh, yeah” i say dragging out the “oh”. “Bitch, is that even a question, of course ill be there” i say giggling at him questioning my loyalty “Period” he says as we burst into a mini fit of laughter as we do every day.”why are you all of a sudden wanting a party you literally never have anyone over” i say becoming curious “mom and dad are going to Jamaica and it's my birthday weekend”he says continuing to eat.i was about to ask another question when I see Bella sit next to me with a lunch box and her laptop. a smile pops on my face as i remember the little “task” i asked of her earlier
-4:30 at home-
“so, her full name is Billie Eilish, shes 5′7, she is top of all her classes, she is a closeted lesbian, has one brother, her dad is currently not in her life, she also has a reputation of being disrespectful to teachers and shes also apparently “mean”. Oh and she isn't rich but also isn't poor, she only hangs around guys or girls who seem “edgy” and “dark” i take a huge breath “Bitch, you tryna hang with this one?” Jackson says through the phone “I'm not done, don't interrupt” i say sassily in a joking way “now this is where Bella had to do some physical investigating, a lot of girls that Billie has hooked up with have been tall, long skinny, and white. They also say shes good in bed, so basically i have no chance” i say, finishing the last part quietly in disappointment.”don't be sad your so thick” Jackson says which make me laugh my ass off for some reason. “its one o’clock bitch, i have a quiz tomorrow” jackson says hanging up on me like the rude ass he is. i send him a “goodnight” and an “ily” through text before cutting off my phone and computer and hitting the hay.
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mimic-of-hysy · 2 years
i know im easy to replace but god fucking damnit arent you even a little bit ashamed of yourself
after everything i gave you, after everything you promised me
it didnt even take you 7 days to replace me
i am here ripping myself to shreds, trying to find every possible thing i could have done wrong. trying desperately to find something to fill the pit in my chest
and you already have him in my place. not a trace of guilt, or anything that could resemble mouring in you
i gave you everything i had in me and more
so where did i go wrong ? please just tell me what did i do ? i tried so hard, pushed away my pride so many times, i appologized to you
was none of it enough ? am i not enough ?
am i so worthless that you can throw away those years we had together so easily ?
tell me why i still feel obligated to keep the promise i made to you, when every promise you ever made was a lie
it makes me sick to my stomach thinking about how much i still care for you
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