#so im pretty sure the sudden cold and dry air in my apartment triggered it somehow
I hope you're feeling better from earlier!
You are so sweet; i am feeling WAY better actually!!
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chaoticowlpost · 4 years
Hey again :) i loved ur last fic and i was wondering if u could write one about draco shaving his legs and harry just absolutely Adoring them or something?? Im so happy when u post new fics dude i literally just can not get enough of them
Thank you so much 🥺  Enjoy <3 (This came out longer than I expected...haha)
“Ouch, bloody fuck!”
The distinct scream of Harry’s boyfriend rang through the entire 8th Year dormitory, bringing Harry on full alert mode as he dashed out of his room into the direction of Draco’s voice.
All possible scenarios rang through Harry’s head. Did someone hex him? That wouldn’t make sense since most all of the 8th Years got along, so he was safe here. Did someone break in? Is he-
Harry’s mind stuttered into a pause when he ran into the common room, wand in hand. 
Pansy and Blaise were working together to hold the struggling blond down. Pansy was straddling his chest and pinning Draco’s arms down while Blaise tried to grab hold of the pale legs that were flaying everywhere in attempts to escape.
“Parkinson,” Harry said as coolly as possible, trying to understand the situation that was unfolding before him. “I do believe that’s my job.”
“Ha!” Pansy cackled, still trying to get Draco under control. “Well if you tell your sodding boyfriend to accept the punishment, then I would gladly get off him,” then her grin turned shark-like. “Unless you’d like to take my place.”
“I have no problem taking your place,” Harry smirked at the sounds of Draco sputtering in indignation. “But what exactly did he do for...this.”
“He lost a game of exploding snap. Multiple times,” Pansy added before Draco could protest. “And the punishment was to use these muggle waxing strips Granger gave us.”
“Right,” Harry said faintly. “Well then, love, it seems you should get it on with.”
“What?” Draco sputtered, glaring at the betrayal. “I already did! Multiple times! And that last one was the final straw!”
“But we’re not finished, darling,” Pansy’s shark-like grin was back. 
“Do you need me to hold your hand?” Harry teased, although he was partly serious. Who knew, when it came to Draco.
“Sod off, Potter,” Draco glared before giving in and shoving his friend off him. “Fine, I’ll bloody finish it.”
“Good boy,” Blaise smirked, but both refused to let go of him, making sure to take hold of each of his arms. 
Now that Had confirmation that his boyfriend was in no immediate danger- bar the fact that he was just dragged off by his friends- Harry could relax. He tossed himself onto one of the sofas and closed his eyes, deciding to wait for the Slytherins to finish...whatever they were doing so he could get Draco back.
Another scream sounded from the Slytherin rooms before it was cut off by a silencing charm. Harry chuckled to himself lightly and waited.
It took fairly longer than he expected, which was technically not long, before Draco emerged from his room alone, cocooning himself in a large blanket as he walked over to Harry sulkily.
“What’s with the blanket, love?” Harry asked. “Planning to sleep here?”
“I just might or else I’m going to kill Blaise in his sleep,” Draco grumbled before standing before him, unwrapping the blanket from his front so he could sit down properly.
Harry’s mouth went dry and he was pretty sure he felt the blood stop flowing to his brain, because standing before him was Draco Malfoy, wearing Harry’s hoodie and shorts.
They were Pansy’s shorts, by the looks of them which made them even shorter, especially with the top being covered by Harry’s large hoodie. 
“Holy shit,” Harry whispered, more to himself than to Draco.
“Yeah, yeah,” Draco rolled his eyes like his legs weren’t on full display for Harry, the clean, pale skin stretching all the way down. “Pansy said I had to wear something that doesn’t irritate my skin or else it would turn red and itchy, and apparently everything I own would trigger it.”
Draco scoffed while rolling his eyes, giving a small moment of silence for Harry to respond, but he didn’t. “But I wasn’t going to bloody risk it, so here. Now don’t mention it.”
And with that, he pushed Harry’s knees apart so he could slot himself between them and sit down comfortably, lying against Harry’s chest which was still beating rapidly at the sight of his boyfriend. He also pulled his knees up so his feet could rest flat on the sofa.
Fortunately- or rather, unfortunately for Harry- once Draco was in a comfortable position, he draped the blanket over both of them, effectively covering every inch of his previously exposed skin.
Snapping himself out of his daze, Harry wrapped his arms around Draco’s lithe figure and pulled them closer to one another, resting his chin on the Slytherin’s shoulder.
“I think you should borrow Pansy’s clothes more often,” Harry murmured lowly into his ear “In fact, I could probably buy you some of your own if you’d like.”
“Hah!” Draco scoffed at the thought. Maybe Harry could bring it up another time. “It’s so bloody cold like this.”
“Here,” Harry said, reaching for the base of Draco’s legs before rubbing his hands over them, trying to create some sort of warmth under the blanket. He went on like that for a while as he listened to Draco rant about some history of a spell or something until his hand got tired.
His skin was impossibly soft, and Harry appreciated the way it felt under his skin. 
His actions slowly stalled into him running his hands slowly and lightly over Draco’s leg until he noticed the light quiver in his voice. Curiously, he dragged one finger lightly from under his knee to the top of his thigh, right where the shorts ended.
“H-Harry?” Draco asked, the question hanging in the air.
“Shh,” Harry said instead, repeating the action. He pushed Draco’s knees apart just a bit more so his hand could slide between them better, now bold enough to dip his finger into the space between his shorts and skin until they skimmed over the area where Draco’s thigh met his groin.
A shaky gasp emitted from Draco, who began to tremble lightly in Harry’s arms. Harry smirked to himself and turned Draco’s face so he could capture his lips into a searing kiss, his hands continuing to roam lightly over Draco’s soft skin.
“Bloody hell, mate!” Ron’s voice groaned, bringing Harry’s attention back to the world around them. “Nobody wants to see that.”
“Oh yeah?” Harry grinned evilly before pressing his lips back onto Draco’s, this time making sure to slide his tongue in as deeply as he could before pulling away, leaving Draco flushed and panting before turning back to his best mate smugly. 
“Just use the room,” Ron yelped, his face turning scarlet. ‘Please.”
“Alright, you heard him,” Harry laughed, sliding out from under Draco before lifting him up in his arms so he was still bundled under the blanket, earning a yelp and a slap to the shoulder. 
“Potter, let me down!” Draco demanded, squirming in his arms. Harry simply laughed and quickened his pace until they were finally in his bed, laying Draco down gently before unwrapping the blanket as if he were a present and crawling on top of him.
“Gods, you look amazing,” Harry groaned, placing a quick kiss on his lips before sliding down the long, slender legs. “Do you know how good you looked when I realized you were wearing Pansy’s shorts and my hoodie? You’re perfect.”
“Shut it,” Draco mumbled, his face flushing an attractive shade of pink. “I told you not to mention it.”
“Mhmm,” Harry didn’t bother anymore with a proper response, instead choosing to place a kiss on his ankle while using his other hand to trace patterns on the sensitive spot above the back of Draco’s knee, taking note of every reaction to the most sensitive parts. 
“Harry,” Draco whimpered, squirming a bit. Harry held him down so that he could take his time exploring every inch of Draco’s exposed skin.
He began kissing upwards, his hand moving along with him until they reached the base of the cotton shorts, slipping his fingers through to tease circles on the sensitive skin where Draco’s thigh ended, right next to what he knew were his bollocks.
“Your skin is so soft,” Harry whispered, making sure his breath fanned against Draco’s leg, earning himself another stuttered breath. Once he reached the base of the shorts, he transferred his attention to the other leg, giving it the same treatment.
“Are you planning to do that all day?” Draco snapped, flushed all the way down to his chest.
“Well, it’s not every day I get to see you like this, so I might as well enjoy it,” Harry said cheekily before pressing another kiss onto his thigh.
“But Harry,” Draco’s voice was sultry, making Harry pause his actions. “Pansy made me wax everywhere.”
A bunch of images flashed through Harry’s mind at the possibilities of what Draco was implying. “Everywhere?” Harry repeated.
“Yes, everywhere.” It was Draco’s turn to smirk.
“And what if it’s just your legs I like?” Harry teased, though both of them knew he was going to give in real soon.
“I didn’t have my bloody arse hole waxed for nothing, Potter, and I fully intend to use it.” Harry choked on his spit at the sudden brazenness before letting out a laugh.
“Alright, love,” Harry laughed, bringing himself back up until their faces were aligned. “If only to not lay waste to your efforts.”
“Oh, don’t push yourself on my behalf,” Draco rolled his eyes. “I don’t mind going back-”
“No,” Harry interrupted, something possessive rumbling inside him. “It’s no problem, really.”
“Yes, but-”
“Just shut up,” Harry laughed, finally giving in and pressing his lips onto Draco’s. “Now, if you don’t mind, I’d like to see proof of your words.”
“Of course,” Draco laughed. And there was skin, so much skin.
And Harry let himself get back to exploring.
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