#so in love with pan yue oh my god
hils79 · 1 month
Hils Watches In Blossom - Ep 29
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A-Ze is the MVP of this drama. Going off and doing all the important research while Yang Caiwei feeds Pan Yue soup at home
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Even Pan Yue would rather be doing research
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I'm intrigued as to how they're going to get Pan Yue out of this fake engagement given that everyone around them is dead set on the wedding happening
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Four episodes from the end is when we should be starting to wrap things up not introducing extra drama
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How the hell does he know that?
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I'm glad at least one person thinks the whole face swapping thing is weird
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I keep thinking Pan Yue is the criminal mastermind but then it turns out he's just doing something nice for his son. OH! He's evil! Oh, wait, no he just rescued Yang Caiwei OMG IS THAT POISON? Oh, wait, it's just a healing powder for Pan Yue's injury
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I love that whenever a character is in jail in a cdrama they're always in an enormous cell. I mean it's probably meant to be for multiple people but there's only ever one person in there.
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I would laugh if the princess's seemingly affable brother in law was actually the criminal mastermind
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I'm sure this whole illegal salt subplot is important but I just can't seem to bring myself to care about it
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If they get Pan Yue out of his fake engagement by killing the princess I will throw my fucking laptop out the window!
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Ah, okay, he's not going to kill her he's just going to threaten to kill her sister.
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I FUCKING KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN! With the added bullshit of Yang Caiwei now being made to look like the murderer. God, if I wasn't so close to the end I would nope out of this drama now.
Hongjoong went live while I was watching this episode. I should have watched that instead.
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Yeah, I figure she'd probably stabbed herself but this is still utter bullshit
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Of course she had time to impart important info before she died
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Not even a kneeling in the rain scene can make me feel better
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He does look good being all damp and sad, but also you can see the edges of his wig
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I'm actually not quite sure what the kneeling is going to achieve. Or is he being punished for cheating on the princess?
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Ah, there we go. Thank you for explaining.
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Some of us like men who are pathetic. Don't judge.
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Another single person in a massive jail cell
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Given that Pan Yue's dad is the one who told him about all the secret plot stuff in the first place I don't know why Pan Yue doesn't just tell him who the mastermind is.
Well, that was very annoying but I only have 3 eps left so I suppose I'll push on. I'm not happy about it though.
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Thoughts I had during TGCF Season 2 Ep 1
I’ve finished my quarter and I am spending my spring break reacting to Season 2! Let’s make this reaction series count!
-Welcome back to Puqi Village people, at morning and known for their chestnuts!  (The best nuts I’ve had outta the packet!)
-We are back at Puqi Shrine people!
-And the Altar is packed!
-Instrumental Hong Jue!!!
-Did he oversleep?
-Aww he’s so lonely! :’(
-Dang.  That is a clear stream
-Eeeeyep, he is thirsty!
-And a water droplet fell past his freaking throat!  They just had to animate that!
-It’s the same ring from last Ep!
-You mean, ‘Gege’ Yeah, I’ve already typed this, “I watch the English Dub religiously” Don’t judge me!
-It is the same ring people!!!
-Oooh he hid it!
-Yep like two years for us in 2023
-Oh her eye bags got deeper and darker
-Welp it just got serious
-Looks like we’re back in heaven
-They added 3D palace shots and camera panning
-Woah that was a really good transition with the bell toll
-I wonder what kept the emperor all season…
-Feng Xin!
-Mu Qing!
-It’s that female Blue robed NPC from Ep 4 on his far left!
-*Looks at how the camera pans up to the Heavenly Capital* My Oc Qing Tao is like: The Oldest Enemy I know, stairs…
-New opening people woo!!!
-New opening animation had me sold!!!  They really improved 2 years later
-I love how the music switches from a majestic powerful orchestra tune to a comical xylophone like leitmotif upon introducing Xie Lian.  To say, “And then there’s that guy.  Then there’s that guy.”
-Social Distancing, Ancient Chinese Pantheon Style
-Man tough crowd today!
-And after every official flees the Trash god, one of my Junior Official OCs, Long He goes, “Huh, who is that dude?”  And then his dad, a Civil God will say, “That dude is the Crown Prince of Xianle.  His highness crown prince Xie Lian!” And then that Civil god begrudgingly brings his palm to his face.
-*Hears Mengyou calling his highness*: Ladies, Gentlemen and Enby friends, Him!
-This has the energy of giving someone a lanyard pass to visit a certain building
-“It’s not that hard!”  “You ascended hundreds of years ago you know better!” “Now keep it with you!”  Only like 4 minutes into the first Ep and that NPC is already getting the best lines.  (More of Lang Qianqiu’s trusty assistant later this season folks!)
-He sounds just like the English actor for Elam, Justin Briner, from the Heroic Legend of Arslan (another awesome historical manga!)  Coincidentally, Elam is also one of Arslan’s most trusted Allies.
-I can’t wait to write more of my ATLA x TGCF crossover, The Scrap Immortal and the Avatar, just imagine the Gaang’s reaction to learning that there’s more than one crown prince worshipped!
-Man, it’s like I always say, “The rumor mill’s always a’runnin!”  Or water wheel since it’s ancient China
-Hi Ling Wen, man what kind of product did she use to hide those eye bags???
-I’ve started reading the Manhua series so, Huh? No cursed shackle?
-It’s been days and you still haven’t found the Moldy faced boy from Episode 3???
-I also can’t wait to write Aangs reaction inside that huge throne room, (“It’s bigger than the one in Ba Sing Se!”)
-Now we’re actually seeing the emperor, the first time was in the Episode 1 flashback near the end
-Now we get the first appearance of Pei Ming, who appeared in the Flashback of Ep 3
-Well that sounded patronizing coming from Pei Ming
-Now Pei Xiu has to reap what he sowed.
-Yep that’s a kill count
-I love how this next scene is basically,
Pei Ming: Your Highness, please tell everyone who accompanied you?  Then Xie Lian starts to compose an alibi:  Ah yes!  I will do that.  It was incredible!  What did we get swept in a sandstorm or something?  Oh yes! It was just a youth in red robes who was knowledgeable about the Ban Yue kingdom.  <- This incorrect quote is inspired by Zuko and Iroh lying to Commander Zhao about the state of their ship in episode 3, The Southern Air Temple.  (Does anyone else think that Xie Lian, is what would happen if you combined both Iroh and Zuko?)
-The face Xie Lian made when he’s trying to keep fibbing and brought his index finger to his cheek that was good body language
-Hi Windmaster.
-Oooh Feng Xin and Mu Qing
-Welp you tried keeping him innocent Xie Lian
-Not as complicated as your love life, maybe I should do a Pei Ming roast count?
-Hey Xie Lian is smarter than you look
-Pei Xiu still wants to protect Ban Yue even facing his impending banishment.
-Ok that line and Pei Ming’s attempt to kick Pei Xiu does seem like an abusive action in my perspective.
-Woah, and that was Jun Wu’s own gavel.
-Well that was a short trial
-Him calling Xie Lian to stay, has the exact energy of a teacher calling one student to stay after class to talk.
-Ling Wen is now talking with Jun Wu
- Now that was a really brief meet up between the Xianle trio.
-Thank you Wind Master, and they are a savage!
-Well he’s still mad
-*Sees Qianqiu still asleep standing up*: XDXDXDXDXD
-Aw he woke him up!
-Don’t worry honey, you didn’t miss much anyway
-How in the heck was he able to doze off through all that shouting. I almost fell asleep in a lecture and that’s nothing compared to TaiHua’s feat
-*Hears Jun Wu speak like*: Oh gods! Why did they have to make him sound so seductive! He’s like an East Asian Belos! (And I’m still busy working on Murder They Cast’s first phase)
-Oh Xie Lian’s expression when Jun Wu talks to him, it’s concerning!
-That soft “forgive me”
-I mean we learned about his huge failure in Season 1
-“How Disappointing!” STOP!!!
-Oooh I didn’t notice this during the rewatch but they played a stringed instrumental version of Bu San.
-A mural of heaven
-You gotta love Xie Lian’s modesty
-“Such a low opinion” yep his voice is like liquid gold and it is pure torture!
-“How’d you seduce trouble this time!” That tease in his voice why!!!!
-Aw good for you Xie Lian
-Just you wait till the second half of this season
-It’s their version of shooting a flare gun
-Oooh from left to right is Feng Xin, an unknown person behind him, next there’s Ling Wen(with what happens later in the series), Lang Qianqiu in the middle, Mu Qing is next, then there’s Pei Ming in front of him, and the last guy might be Quan’s Yizhen since he also appears in the 2nd half of the series. I hope I found every martial god
-Also the Thunder Master (my OC Leishi) tends to work part time
-There are retired officials???
-In tsiata (my TGCF x ATLA crossover, The Scrap immortal and the Avatar) Ghost City is more modernized than the Spirit World, since it’s mostly untamed wilderness
-Oh he had balls defending San Lang people
-“Your majesty makes me sound like a little princess” yeah that’s what you are honey
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-That pose! I was watching this ep with my older sister and she said, “Man is draping himself!”
-He’s gonna touch the scimitar, isn’t he? (I’ve watched clips of Season 2 before doing my reaction posts)
-And Xie Lian still has the best preferences good on him!
-Xianle trio mention
- And I still think clearing the debt should’ve taken longer, but that’s just my small nitpick
-Yeah nobody round here can keep a secret
- *Sees Jun Wu walk up to Xie Lian reminding him to be careful and puts his hand on his shoulder*: That’s too much pressure!!!
- “I had it erected for you.” James Cheek totally had fun writing Season 2’s script
-I can see why he prefers his own shrine over how massive and opulent his new palace is.
-Hi Windmaster
-Ooh a pond reflection
-Yep that’s your traveling parter
-Then he just fans himself and he instantly slays
-Jacob Eiseman had fun with his performance and ate up every crumb
-Windmaster is Genderfluid Bisexual culture people!
- “Thoroughly~” Yep that just slayed me I’m down
-Yeah Qingxuan’s cultivation backstory is gonna age like curdled milk in Book 4
-Man I just love all of Xie Lian and Shi Qingxuan’s interactions with each other!
-Xie Lian, honey, you are way too good to be a tumor, trust me
-I love how Qingxuan also defended Ban Yue from Pei Ming
-“You were my kind of crazy” I love how Shi Qingxuan and Xie Lian instantly became besties
-Dude, Qingxuan puts the “fun” in function in both forms!
-This is exactly the reason I made my Thunder master OC Leishi female too.
-Now I gotta draw Xie Lian’s female form
-Yeah I react the same when letting a small amount of alcohol in my system
-The witching hour
-To quote a well known assassin Yor Forger, “No way I’m doing this sober”
-That one wrinkled ghost did not age gracefully
-Yeah their burial grounds are in Taiwan, awesome island I definitely need to visit
- Why did they have to design every Heavenly Official to be so Attractive???
-It’s the Spirit World from Spirited Away
-Ghost City would seem like a more modern area than the Spirit World in the Last Airbender
-The heck’s this confetti
-Ooh I like the green dressed spirit with the dark bamboo hat
-Hi Jian Lan
Literally any of my young adults would react to a promiscuous person with just one word in annoyance, “Prostitutes…”
-Honey Xie Lian is already outta your league, try finding someone else that’s your type
-Yeah you didn’t have to tell everyone about your medical condition, heck I don’t even want to picture the Gaang’s reaction after hearing it
-Ghost City is the Las Vegas of Ancient China
-I love the female NPC that greeted Xie Lian she has a great voice and design
-Oh I know who that is
-He clutched his heart!
-“No thanks~” *Instantly fans myself*
-The camera pan to this throne!!! He is gay and he means business!!!
-James Cheek has ate it up!!!
-The soft “San Lang”
That was an awesome start to the Second Season. Sorry if I haven’t been posting I’m four weeks into my quarter and I also got back into writing fanfic, like the first chap of The scrap immortal and the Avatar. I’ll still do every reaction to Season 2 on weekends!
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moononmyfloor · 2 months
In the 1st Quarter of 2024 Cdramaland...
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1. The Hope
Nothing can be better than a Zhang Ruoyun drama to start the year with. One of the best High School shows I've seen in the recent years, it had an amazing balance of explosive emotions of youth and jaded realism. It would appeal to viewers of all age ranges and I felt so so much nostalgia and relatability from beginning to the end. It was funny, it was smart, it was beautifully acted down to every minor role. (I pretend that last 30 minutes didn't happen, though)
2. Wang Qiang (as Li Ran from The Hope), Zheng Hehuizi as Yang Caiwei from In Blossom)
LOOK at that babie😭🥺. Don't you want to pinch his cheeks? One of the most darling characters I had pleasure of watching recently, I wish a bright, bright future career for Wang Qiang. He portrayed the classic outwardly-prickly, marshmallow-inside teenager archetype with amazing nuance.
And Yang Caiwei oh Yang Caiwei.... as one of the shows and characters that created quite the buzz recently, I don't have anything more to add to the discussion. I can only say: lady, thank you for taking up a role that is FINALLY convincingly scarred, unkempt, dirty and not strikingly goddess-y from the first glance, and playing her with such gusto the true, genuine beauty of the character was drawn out with no external effort at all.
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3. The Hope
This drama utilized music so beautifully than 99% idol romance dramas ever would. Atmospheric music that elevated the scenes with lyrics that fit, not to mention writing three whole songs to be FULLY performed in-drama for character purposes. It felt like a musical at times. Talk about dedication.
4. Pan Yue's, from In Blossom, Legend of Shen Li (Only few)
I mean
How many costume drama wardrobes can top these embroidery and visibly high quality fabric? Not to mention they actually look wearable in daily life, and not just ornate for "main character's costumes" reasons. They are actually quite simple, if you think a bit- but immensely tasteful. AND
My FAVORITE thing about not just his, but all costumes in this show that I've rarely seen other dramas do is: They repeated the costumes! Many times! Almost all of them! And that added so much to the groundedness of the character. Rich young master having a runway-worthy wardrobe? Nothing new. Him wearing them again and again because that's what a normal, reasonable person does? I'm sold.
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I loved the plain but in an elegant and carefree way styling of the two leads of Shen Li whenever they were having recluse times. *This* is exactly how I imagine immortals too- just vibing and not decked in gold from head-to-toe because they are simply beyond it. Whenever the show changed to the typical bejewelled guzhuang garb in heaven scenes, it immeadietely visually reduced the show to just another xianxia. First Till the End of the Moon and now this😭. Guys, pick a consistent style and rock it proudly! A signature look is very important especially if you are aiming to create an impactful all-powerful character! I see no reason the gods couldn't do all the grand court and fight scenes in these robes either, honestly that would've served drive home the nail that the gods function on a different wavelength than humans.
(Also Wtf was even that Shen Li in a Greek goddess like getup? [last image] Not that it's not pretty BUT *waves hands around helplessly..)
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5. In Blossom, Legend of Shen Li, The Hope, Baking Challenge
In Blossom posters had a perfect balance of traditional Chinese ethereal elegance mixed with gothic horror mystery vibes.
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I LOVED the "how I imagine the peaceful cottagecore fairytale like life of my great-grandparents" vibe of Shen Li posters. It's giving lore.
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Really liked the "hooligan teens on retro album cover" aesthetic of The Hope posters too.
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The whimsical food posters of Baking Challenge were also fun.
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6. Detective Chinatown 2
I didn't even know a Detective Chinatown S2 was even coming like...until it did and it was like a second new year because I LOVED that show and it was the most unexpected pleasant surprise of the year- especially when almost all the main cast members were returning. And the first few eps were amazing too and didn't do a disservice at all to the previous season and I got my hopes up thinking we'll get to see a continuation of the Roy Chiu-Janine Chang arc too... only for the show to pull the rug and did the exact same thing as the previous season- the main character withdrew from the story by midpoint. Oh my gods. I want to find this show's creators and give them a good shake. Have some Janine jiejie pics from first season though just for the nostalgia's sake.
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7. Baking Challenge
If you aren't deterred by barely-legible machine subs, give this one a try. It's a fun little food drama that doesn't take itself seriously yet has a lot of heart. And for The Untamed fans, there's our Lan Sizhui (Zheng Fanxing) in it, and he's still the same cutie pie!
8. Pegasus
I watched five episodes, it's a solid show, fun too, it's just that I'm not very into racing AND Hu Xianxu is still a baby in my head😭😂 To convince me that he's a rich CEO with his own romance and adult problems will take at least 20 more years!
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I see him parading like this and couldn't help but want to laugh hysterically lol. IT'S NOT HIS FAULT. He's an amazing actor! But still..
I hope he doesn't try to force-rush his shift to adult characters, either.
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springsheep · 2 days
In The Name Of The Brother Pt. 4
Ep 28 -> SZW chats with the jap painter. He does research into the ping fang district...
SZW does research into the "water department" of the Japs... Oh god....
Mr. Shi, tian xiaojiang, SZWu are in the camo together...
Mr. Long (the one whose son is captured) begs Guan Xue to find his son.
SZW is so sad.
SZW: thats my brother, my only brother. If I can't even protect him, who can I protect?
Xie Yue and guan Kai "kidnap" Junko...
SZW chats with the painter. What is Maruta?
The child maruta is sick...
GX on the phone.. looking for GK.
GX hears sounds in her basement and investigates.
Xie Yue has a breakdown and wants to shoot Junko, "She's Japanese!"
Guan Kai tells Xie Yue not to shoot Junko, Xie Yue is enraged and points the gun at GK.
Guan Xue immediately kneels and hugs Xie Yue's legs, begging her not to shoot Guan Kai, and that Guan Kai is her only brother.
GX: I only have him as my brother.
GX manages to overpower Xie Yue and wrench the gun out of her hands, GX: I told you since day one to stay away from my brother!
Xie Yue: 我放过他,谁放过我?
SZWu admits that he is not SZW. Tian Xiaojiang: you and your bro aren't afraid of death?
Tian Xiaojiang: was it worth it?
Txj: don't bow to me, we're in the same grave now.
SZW and lao qian sees airplanes and smoke(?)
Ep 29 -> Junko got hit by a car (I think under GX's orders...)
SZWu and guys are brought somewhere, dunno where.
Hu Bin that bastard is planning something.
SZWu and co are sprinkled with some poisonous powder... Fuck...
There's a kill order for escaped prisoners in the southern suburb.
GX: this is a kill order.
SZW looks for SZWu amongst the dead people... Wondering why the Japs are wearing face masks.
Txj and SZWu are alive, as well as the child and Mr. Shi.
Tzj and SZWu's camaraderie.... Txj died... Oh god...
SZW erects a cenotaph? For txj
SZW is infected and collapses, guan Xue is panicked afbsjsbdbdj
I really love GX rn hehehe
GX: why is there no doctor??
GX in GX fashion draws her gun hehe
SZW is sick in the hospital.
Xie Yue is interrogated by Pan Yue
Ep 30 -> SZW is awake and talks to Asano and GX
Pan Yue calls GX, saying SZW helped the prisoners escape. GX knows it's Pan Yue
Xie Yue is almost rped, GX arrives in time and stops it. GX is so shuai...
GX: you can hit him, just not the head.
Xie Yue beats up that guy.
Guan Xue has flashbacks of her uncle... GX is smoking. And threatens the prime ministers kid, and puts off her cigarette on the kid hahaha
Xy: thank you for saving me.
GX: thank you for letting go of my brother.
GX: you're so fierce, like me when I was young
GX: are u sleeping with him?
Xie Yue checks SZW pills.
Hu Bin gives her deer tendon soup
GX Fav brand; lumingchun
GX: what r u thinking?? Am I your wife? Do I have to eat it? If there's nothing important, don't come to my office, okay.
SZW knows Xie Yue tempered with his medicine bottle.
Ep 31 -> shit, Hu Bin entered GX's house... How can GX be so careless...
SZW is testing Xie Yue..
SZW: let's have lunch together. GX is smiling.
GX in a green dress... So pretty. GX eating...
GX: tell me what's this about. Hongmen Banquet?
She smiles and drinks wine
GX: I was also investigated before, By Mr. Jin.
I have to investigate you, for my sense of security.
SZW is sarcastic about it.
GX smiles so prettily.
GX: if you dare okay tricks, I won't let you go.
GX returns home, drinks scotch, and hears an intruder...
Hu Bin his Guan Kai's gun... Wants to blackmail GX... Fuck
Hu Bin... Confesses, GX dgaf. So hu Bin threatens her with Guan Kai.
GX: (to Hu Bin) stop! Or I'll kill you!
GX: Guan Kai, tell me honestly, did you kill the jap man that night?
GX: can you kill him? Can you even beat him?
GX brings a few people to ransack(?) Hu Bin's place(?)
GX sees pictures of her in Hu Bin's house... And she reads his diary.. it's pretty touching actually? Not really argh
Guan Xue suddenly says: Marry me. The day after tomorrow.
Hu Bin is ecstatic.
GX wants to pretend to marry him and asks SZW to investigate where the gun is...
Guan Kai: My sis can't marry him!! I'll turn myself in to the Japs!
Guan Xue is huddling in blankets and trembling. Aerhfhfhfjdjdh
Guan Xue wearing sunglasses riding a bike.
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bisexuallsokka · 4 years
Top 10 favorite Zukka fics?
alright i am still fairly new to zukka fanfiction and i have so much to read but out of the ones i have read so far here are my favorites in no particular order:
everything in the best laid intentions series (but especially the third part for disaster bi sokka my son) 
Centers around members of the Gaang coming out to their well meaning but woefully unprepared friends. Part one is centered around Zuko coming out as gay, the second one is centered around Toph coming out as a lesbian and the third one is centered around Sokka coming to terms with his bisexuality.
the consequences of knowing because i love some good angst and this changed me as a person
Sokka's in love with Zuko. Zuko knows this. Zuko's in love with Sokka. Sokka knows this.
They're not meant to be in love. Everyone knows this.
Five Times Zuko Wanted to Die (and One Time He Didn’t) for excellent flirty modern au
“Sorry about that,” the voice says, and suddenly the curtain has been pushed aside, and Zuko is speechless. “What can I help you with?” He stares. “Um— ” The boy has to be around his age, he’s sure of it. He’s got the most perfect tan face Zuko has ever seen, with blue eyes so brilliant it’s hard to form words. The college-age AU in which Sokka fixes watches, Zuko struggles through engineering, and everyone's nervous about the cute boy from the jewelry shop.
The Fate of Nations in Our Hands is a super good post war fic. who isn’t a slut for ambassador sokka and fire lord zuko??
Sokka and Zuko's journey with touch over the course of Sokka's first year as the Ambassador.
A Problematic Peace series for some more A+ post war content and pining dorks
(Part one summary) It’s a little bit hard to sleep alone in an empty palace when you’ve just gotten used to having friends, a little bit hard to lead a nation when your family’s gruesome legacy still colors everything you do, and a little bit hard to hold onto your last vestiges of heterosexuality when you’re starting to realize that you never had them in the first place.
Quit your life and come train Pokemon is my favorite modern au and the first kiss scene is the best thing i have ever read
Step one: Don't fall in love with Aang's ridiculously hot, talented, jerk-ish roommate who sings Fall Out Boy in the shower and is secretly a huge dork.
Failed step one.
The Good Vanilla is so adorable it made me cry
Sokka’s beautiful friendship with Zuko doesn’t start with breaking Dad out of jail. That’s just what he tells people.
Sokka’s beautiful friendship with Zuko started the day he realizes that he knows how to cook.
Feat. breakup cake, an attempted assassination, and eating out of the pan like dirty heathens.
Spirits Help Us, There’s Two of Them because they are perfect for each other and this fic proves it and the last scene changed my life
Sokka and Zuko are both weird guys. Fortunately, they're the same kind of weird as each other.
Friendship Bracelets more modern au cuteness but this time they are roommates and everything about it is so pure
Sokka was laughing, all stupid and nice with his head thrown back, and Zuko realized that he quite liked Sokka’s laugh. He liked it a lot.
And the sun was coming in through the windows in such a way that it was illuminating Sokka’s tanned skin, the blue of his eyes, the light of his smile. And Zuko thought fuck.
Fuck fuck fuck.
and they were roommates (oh my god they were roommates) ft. the inherent homoeroticism of friendship bracelets
(do you take this jerk to be) your one and only i told myself i would only do complete fics on this list but screw that this fic is the exception because it is so essential to zukka nation 
Under the leadership of Fire Lord Iroh, the Fire Nation has made every attempt to restore peace and make amends for the harm they inflicted during the Seventy-Year War. Their newest proposal is a literal proposal: a marriage to unite the Fire Nation and the Water Tribes.
The Fire Nation offers Prince Zuko’s hand.
The Water Tribes offer Princess Yue’s.
Sokka is apparently the only person in the world who has a problem with any of this.
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ccsthemovie2 · 3 years
OK, scratch that other and let me replace with Kero & Yue and an abandoned or empty place!
Kero + Yue + V
"Knewww you'd be here!" Kero shakes himself out till he's a more comfortable size.
"Keroberos. We're outside."
"Like you blend in."
Yue looks away, and the win goes to Kero. It's true, he's following Sakura's rules with his mouth, but acting like it's much longer ago. Clow didn't care. Lie around, wings out, in full view of the neighbors, whatever. Anyone could call him a witch, and he'd agree wholeheartedly. So straightforward, right? A bit of an oddball, but honest.
Or something.
Kero makes no attempt to go into the house.
"Anyway," he stalls, "Do I know you or what? The second they move out, bam, there you are-"
"I was invited."
"Wait, what?"
Yue glides past him through the doorway. Kero hangs back as much as he can.
"When was this, I never got a call!"
"Earlier. He said to let everyone know to take what they want now, because all the furniture's being shipped over to him in a few days. And then..."
"And then?"
"And then the house is being torn down."
Kero whistles.
"Man. I can't believe it. Are Sakura and the cards already here?"
Yue pauses in his tracks, looks over his shoulder guiltily.
"She's in school right now. I'm going to let her know as soon as that's over."
"Ahh, I see. Safety-checking first. Smart."
Yue raises an eyebrow.
"What's there to safety-check?"
Kero gives him a look that says What, are you stupid?
"Uhhhh, because it's been a while? We knew what not to touch when we were used to it but, A, we super aren't anymore, and B, our good friend Eriol may have inherited the tendency to leave a surprise behind him?"
"He said it would be safe," Yue says, like that confirms everything, and Kero only lets it go because it means he asked.
The house, inside, is new and old and old and new and undeniably heavy on their heads. The longer they spend in the house the less of his cheerful self Kero is. His shoulders grow hunched, his tail tense, pointing sharply outward, keeping his balance, his ears flattened.
He stalks around the empty kitchen, paws through cabinets, commenting- "Oh, Sakura would love these little plates." "Score, he left like, a full cabinet of spices!" "Eeeeyuck, aughhh, that's not ketchup, that's a potion."
"I thought you were the one worried about safety?" Yue says. He nearly smiles.
"Exactly! And now Sakura won't make my mistakes." Kero crosses his eyes, sticks out his tongue- it's changing colors rapidly. Nearly laughs, nearly relaxes his posture, then thinks better of it. Yue actually giggles. God, everything goes topsy turvy in this place.
"Hey, Yue," Kero says, a bit unkindly, "You want your old mug back?"
"He kept it?" Yue asks, breathless. It's an old joke. Little more than a handle on a ceramic crescent moon.
"Sure did. Kept most of his old stuff, from the look of it-" (suddenly Yue has gone from picking at the corner of a tablecloth to directly over Kero's shoulder) "-and added a lotta things, too. Oooh, butterfly cookie cutters!"
Yue, elbow deep in a cutlery drawer (Yukito might want this ladle), loses interest as soon as he sees how much is unfamiliar.
This place changes him too, not just Kero. Feet on the ground and the house feels even larger for doing so, or he feels smaller, doesn't matter. He holds a new pan over an old stove, mimics flipping something as if to try and understand the last person who did so, looking somewhere between awe and joy and misery.
Kero decides, and this is how you know he's really shaken, that he's had enough of poking around the kitchen. He pads into the living room.
"Hey, he took the chair!"
That gets Yue's attention.
"So he did."
"He took the chair with him immediately. Didn't wanna risk any of us taking his bad vibes chair. The guy's a hoot."
There isn't a single photo of the old crowd, Kero notices. Lots of art, most new, and a few pictures of Spinel and Ruby in old frames. He doesn't say anything about that.
"I'm glad we're doing this together," he says instead. "Nobody should be in this house alone. Even Eriol knew that, bet that's why he made those two. Probably why it'll get torn down now."
"I can't believe it..." Yue says. "Torn down." He realizes fully what will happen and grows mournful, like the house is about to be executed. "He's never done this before."
This is true. Clow and his- household? Creations? Disciples? Kiddos? Roommates? Clow and his roommates have moved many times, but the empty houses generally got taken over by some relative or other, or occasionally preserved for a later return. There's one, at least, that's a proper haunted house now, and these days it sells tickets every October. Clow always, always, built things with eternity in mind. This is a first. When Kero reaches the end of that thought, he understands.
"To distinguish himself, I guess. But in a way I actually agree with him there. Maybe I'm just biased..." he thinks about hopping up in his old window seat- in Spinel's old window seat. He doesn't. "But I'll be glad to see it go."
"Why?" Yue whispers. He's daring Kero to say something he'll disagree with. Kero knows it, takes the bait anyway- is it bait if you know good and well what you're doing?
"It's a bad place, Yue. Bad things happened here. It's full of that feeling."
"Don't say that," Yue says, near begging, "about one of our homes."
"It stopped being my home when it was taken from me," Kero says sharply.
"It was given back."
Kero hisses.
"Oh, I'm so glad-" he starts, full of fire and poison, and then cuts himself off. He looks away from Yue, takes a deep breath. Yue hasn't seen him do that in a long, long time. Sometimes, when it's obvious to even someone oblivious and hotheaded as Keroberos....
"All right." he agrees, flatly, defeated. It's worse to be given up on entirely than to be argued with. "It was given back to us."
"Tell me when you want to go upstairs," Yue says, staring deep into the empty fireplace, basking in the warmth of the fire that was here decades ago, avoiding the burn of the one that was there a few months before. "I'll go with you."
"Do you want to?" Kero's voice is low, quiet. He bumps Yue's leg with his cheek. "You could stay at the foot of the stairs."
"Mmm... yes. I'll go."
"Cry it out before the others get here too. Smart."
"I'm not going to cry."
"You'd better, or Yukito'll be bawling on your behalf."
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queer-jupiter-moved · 3 years
yue for the ask game <3
Sexuality Headcanon: Pan Ace (pancake)
Gender Headcanon: trans girl
A ship I have with said character: yuetara
A BROTP I have with said character: yue and aang
A NOTP I have with said character: uhhhh yue and azula i guess because thats something ive seen
A random headcanon: she loves hamsters
General Opinion over said character: oh my god i love her so much what a sapphic icon
character ask game here
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zuzuslastbraincell · 4 years
why I like them
oh god where do i even start. katara just contains so many multitudes - she's sweet and feminine and caring and attentive but she's never reduced to just that, she's never just 'the girl', she's also allowed to get mad, to be petty, to laugh at her brother, to be headstrong and stubborn, to express vulnerability, to cry and to laugh, to make ridiculous facial expressions and *be* very expressive. she's dealing with a lot of trauma not simply from the loss of her mother but that loss represents also how her tribe have been decimated by the fire nation, how she's the last waterbender, how all this pressure exists on her shoulders (but also pride, but also determination, to bring it back) and that is expressed subtly throughout the series with the same depth and love that male characters are afforded with regard to their respective traumatic experiences. and despite all this she never tries to stop making the world good? She's always pushing for change, she's always wanting to make things better, she's relentless and doesn't give up when it comes to her vision for a better world... she has such a big heart. and that coexists with a deep anger in her, and deep hurt. Not to make an ocean metaphor so early on but she's as deadly and deep as the ocean but she chooses to be kind and warm and that's so powerful.
why i don't
honnestly while katara's instincts to mother people are a sad symptom of how she was forced to grow up to soon and automaically asigns herself a role of emotional responsibility she has mixed feelings about, i know that if katara tried to mother me, i would be annoyed. but that sounds more like a me problem.
favourite episode
oh it's either the episode where she beats the fucking shit out of pakku or it's the southern raiders. the first one because it's so gratifying to see how she's grown and developed as a bender and really come into her own. the second because... god i love how *messy* the southern raiders is, and it really taps into what i love about katara - she's flawed, she runs off on an ill-thought out revenge mission with zuko, she's got a great capability for darkness as she quite seriously considers murdering a man she has every right to loathe and to kill - but she chooses against it, in the end. it would not be right for her, if not him. she chooses what's right for her in the end.
favourite season
I'm gonna be a wee bit controversial and say book 1 had the best conception of katara's arc from student to master and really saw her grow and flourish, from someone yelling at her brother' oafish prejudice to a real master, that really solidified her as an idealist and presented that as the strength that is, that showed her struggling with petty jealousy of aang's progress and had her stumble in ways that made her character comeplling and interesting - like what an introduction to her character! book 2 had some fantastic moments but i can't think of anything particularly remarkable about hee character arc - largely because it tied into aang's romantic arc i think at this point. book 3 had some absolutely fantastic moments (scam queens katara and toph!! painted lady!! southern raiders!! the final agni kai) that really shone but also book 3 lays a lot of groundwork for fanon i hate (e.g. katara as the mom friend - wish that headcanon would die tbh)
favourite line
fuck there's a lot of good ones but my underrated fave is when sokka says he's kissed a girl before but she's never met her and katara says 'Who? Gran-gran? I've met gran-gran' and it's bruuutaaall
but my favourite serious line is 'I will never ever give up on people who need me'. powerful.
favourite outfit
water tribe anything!! and i actually think her book one/book two braids are her best hair. underrated katara hair. personally she looks just adorable in her parka in the flashback to when she was like. eight.
katara/personal fulfilment
katara/fulfilling her goals and dreams
katara/loving minor background character who is never named
there's some ships i like in AU situations - yuetara is actually one i lov, especially with waterbender yue, i just love the whole sea/moon thing as well as katara and yue rebelling in loud/quiet ways, being girlfriends who refuse to have their lives defined by the expectations of older men, who have a great sense of duty towards their nations and won’t let gendered expectations stop them.
and most of you know i like the messy drama of katara/azula in a lighter AU situation where they're like, school or academic rivals, and the legacy of imperialism isn’t quite so personal (and azula makes better choices, obviously), but it’s not as much as i “ship” them as i just find the potential dynamic interesting, they’re both driven by a sense of duty for their home, it’s just that means *very* different things depending if you’re SWT or FN.
none of them are OTPs though - they’re more just fun thought experiments
katara & sokka - absolutely love their sibling dynamic its amazing. both have been impacted negatively by the shit in their lives and are not always dealing with it in functional ways but theyre there for each other, through thick and thin, always have each other's backs, they roast each other and bicker and sometimes make stupid decisions and sometimes lash out but at the end of the day their love pulls through, they’re able to work past those conflicts.
katara & aang - honestly while i feel kataang was just so poorly executed in the show (listen guys I just can’t after ember island players, i know that was a bad episode, but i can’t) & i cant imagine katara wanting to leave the south pole after the war for long spells (it would have to be long distance love, lots of profound and heartfelt letters and occasional visits, if anything, but i dont know if that’s what katara wants or needs? so maybe it wouldn’t pan out?), but regardless, i really do think these two had a life-changing friendship where each really represented hope for each other, that's at the core of it, they both truly believe in each other, and inspired each other. katara & aang good.
a headcanon
chief katara anyone?? chief katara?!?! 
oh oh OH i also think that katara, while primarily a combat bender during the war, actually takes to healing a lot more after the show and gets proper healing training at some point with the help of a trained medical expert and maybe yugoda. tbh i feel like the show was a bit dismissive of healing as an ability - i feel like having that is *extremely* useful in any combat situation, you always have a medic on hand - but i understand why katara, who wanted to be recognised as powerful regardless of her gender, and wanted to hold herself in a fight alongside sokka & aang, pushed for combat waterbending training because that is what 'powerful' looks like to her in the moment. obviously katara is capable of incredible healing feats (see: saving aang) but i think given we see her as a healer in lok (not a decision i necessarily disagree with) would mean a shift in focus. i think katara actually comes to realise she likes healing a great deal, but really she excels in all aspects of waterbending and is the south’s most respected master who helped rejuvenate southern style waterbending  
unpopular opinion
the main reason people think katara is straight is because we see her have very few meaningful interactions with other girls outside of toph. ATLA as a show is a bit romance obsessed, and very heteronormative in that regard, and so interactions with minor characters almost always line up with a potential crush for sokka or katara, and later, zuko (suki, haru, jet, yue, song, jin....). we rarely see katara build friendships with other girls and it’s such a damn shame.
(anyway bi katara for life)
a wish
the version of the puppetmaster we saw was actually fire nation propaganda, i feel like katara would have felt deep compassion for a prisoner of war and after maybe some clashes, would have agreed to help smuggle her out of the fire nation and secure passage home for hama, and tried to assure her that she still has a place there. the treatment of hama in that episode was awful (but also hama was written to be almost cartoonishly evil, very much an evil witch in her cottage in the spooky woods? like the whole horror movie / spooky story opening was such a big tell) and tbh i reject the thesis that we saw ‘katara’s dark potential’ in that episode completely, or that bloodbending as a power is inherently dark, or katara’s use of it to stop hama ‘corrupted’ her. I feel like katara might feel this way as a teenager perhaps but with time (she can be a little black and white at times), and especially with more training as a healer, i think she might realise that’s not the case, she’ll realise that she was right to try and oppose hama, her elder (she was lashing out rather than really trying to oppose the fire nation), and it wasn’t a betrayal of her or her beliefs, but also her use of bloodbending wasn’t wrong or evil inherently at all? and maybe she’d find ways to use it for healing purposes? anyway my wish is that, i like the idea that they meet again, speak about their differences, reconcile a little / come to an understanding, and katara learns more from hama again
an oh-god-please-don't-ever-happen
anything where katara’s character is reduced to a comforter or a healing device for a man and his trauma. particularly zuko. (they don’t have that dynamic in canon thankfully, zuko would never, zuko respects her too much)
5 words to describe them:
idealistic, hard-working, powerful, headstrong, kind
my nickname for them:
chief. or comrade. :^)
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xiekeyin-lyrics · 4 years
[ENG TRANSLATION + Explanation] Shaking Chloe 谢可寅 rap lyrics for THE9 Sphinx
Written by: Shaking Translated by: xiekeyin-lyrics 
First Rap part
小老虎 跳个舞 (romanized: xiao lao hu, tiao ge wu) “Little tiger, dance” Since Keyin’s nickname is tiger, due to her name Yin is a old character referring to and representing tiger, so she’s somewhat hinting she’s the big tiger and calling the little tigers to dance. 
This is open for interpretation whether she’s saying: 1. Little tigers, let’s dance together! (aka let’s play! let’s have some fun!)  OR 2. Small tigers, dance for me (like a clown, entertain me with your dance.)
键盘声大 霹雳啪啦 从不在乎 (romanized: jian pan sheng da pi li pa la, cong bu zai hu) “the keyboard’s loud, blah blah, (i’m) never bothered.”  噼里啪啦 pi li pa la is the sound of keyboards frantically being typed on, but it can also be used when someone is rambling. the word for keyboard is 键盘. In chinese, there’s a term called 键盘侠 which means keyboard warriors - a term typically referring to people who hide behind their computers and keyboards, talking crap, spreading hate, brave with words behind their computers. Most typically this term keyboard warrior is associated with internet haters who thinks they are righteous and is brave with their cruel words. So this line basically’s like, the keyboards is loud (because many are typing furiously or someone is typing quickly and harshly), pi li pa la (imitating people rambling OR the constant ringing sounds from keyboards that typing causes), i’ve never cared or i’ve never been bothered by it. 
踏不灭 踏不灭 野兽野火 (romanized: ta bu mie, ta bu mie, ye shou ye huo) “Can’t stomp it out (x2) the beast’s wild fire.” 踏 means both stomp and step on, it means no matter how you step on / stomp on, the beast’s wild fire can’t be stomped out by you. 
The term for beast 野兽 translates to beast but in chinese, it’s a terminology referring to wild animals too. Considering Keyin’s nickname is Tiger (Shaking’s Yin is a chinese character representing Tiger, a wild animal), she’s basically saying stomps on her or stepping on her won’t diminish her wild fire (of passion)
灭 has a double meaning too. It’s usually a meaning of diminishing fires. But in another way, 灭口 is a term for killing someone, murdering someone, to silence someone through death. So this line can also mean that no matter how you stomp to kill, the beast and the fire won’t be killed / diminished. 
And the way she repeated 踏不灭 (stomping it out) twice actually delivers a vibe and impression to it. cause when people are frustrated, they tend to do things repeatedly? like if you stomp to kill something and it won’t die so you keep stomping on it a few more times? so it delivers an impression of expressing this kinda emotions from those who wanna stomp on her and her flames of passion. So this line is expressing, no matter how badly you stomp to kill / to diminish, keyin the wild beast and her flames of passion, the fire in her is never gonna die or die out. 未解的 飞跃的 你看不透我 (romanized: wei jie de, fei yue de, ni kan bu tou wo) “Those unsolved, those soaring, you can’t see through me” The ‘you can’t see through me’ basically means, keyin’s not an open book that you can easily predict. Rather than an invisibility concept, it’s more of a: you can’t see through what I have up my sleeves - i’m unpredictable, i’m unreadable, i’m mysterious and unphantomable.
Second Rap part:
Cuz I'm a queen  A simple lyric, but it’s an ongoing theme that keyin has had ever since she first started rapping. In her first self-written rap song - Shaking Non-Stop, she crowns herself the queen and this lyric shows us the amount of confidence and self-pride she still has predebut since 2018 till now.
This is a theme that resonates and comes back again in the final rap lyric of Sphinx later on.
You look at me 不屑的表情 WO  (romanized: you look at me, bu xie de biao qing woo!) “You look at me, a disdainful expression, wo!”
Oh My God 笑话 难关从没怕啦 怕啦  (romanized: omg, xiao hua, nan guan cong mei pai la pa la) “Oh my god, what a joke. Challenges? Never been afraid~” Personally I loved this line cause of how sassy it is. 
难关 can mean challenges or obstacles and it’s kinda a term you use for games obstacles or the toughest point of games that you have to go through in order to level up. 
But then she goes like, 从没怕啦怕啦 the first two characters means ‘never been’ and the way she raps 怕啦怕啦 is kinda a tone of cuteness and in a joking way kinda? it’s an attitude of a child going “hehehe its fine its fine it’s nothing!” kinda like brushing it off vibes too. So the attitude in this is like her being cute and saying, “obstacles? challenges? heheheh i’ve never ever been afraid~” and what makes it best is like, she’s implying the obstacles AS GAMEPLAY OBSTACLES AND SHE’S BRUSHING IT OFF nonchalantly while saying she has never been afraid ooo i love you keyin 
HOWEVER! Because of the lack of punctuations, the way she raps the 难关从没怕啦 怕啦 can once again mean something else if you frame it differently. If you separate 从没怕啦 怕啦 and add in a question mark at the end, it can mean i’ve never been afraid of obstacles, are YOU afraid (of me) now? (it’s just asking are you already afraid / are you now afraid? in general. but to me it’s hinting a vibe of asking those who looked at her disdainfully, are you afraid of me now? seeing my attitude?) 
this part all depends on how she wanna delivers it LOL i’m not sure how she wrote it to be cause 难关从没怕啦! 怕啦? and 难关从没怕啦怕啦 means two different things :’) and i guess we’ll only know which does she mean when we look at her perform
Final Rap line
万��齐发 看我的眼神杀 (romanized: wan jian qi fa, kan wo de yan shen sha) the first four words literally translates to “tens of thousands of arrows being shot collectively”. the last six words means, “look at my killing / electrifying gaze.”
Since the arrows are being shot - notice the direction of the arrows aren’t mentioned.
Therefore, there are two ways to interprete this :  1. She’s the general. Commanding her army, leading and welcoming the battle with w her charismatic gaze / gaze that shows that she is out to kill.
This is an aura and vibe of a general / a warrior. Considering earlier, keyin raps “Cause i’m a queen”, and these two lines together is SO precious because it’s a theme she started with when she first started rapping - Check out her solo performance two years ago “Shaking Non-Stop”(linked), her first rap piece that she wrote. In Shaking Non-Stop, Keyin refers to herself as the queen with lyrics like “Welcome to my kingdom, it’s shaking so dope!” and in the chorus and most of the song she implies she is the general, the soldiers all ready, waiting for her signal to charge forth full-force. 
Now in Sphinx, it feels like her theme has not changed, she grew but she kept her confidence and self-pride that she’s still a queen, she’s still a brave, smart, righteous general. The 10 words here is like a signal commanding soldiers to shoot (btw if we watch chinese historical war dramas, at the beginning of a war, the defending army would stand guard the city tall walls and begin collectively shooting when the general signals to, and when the war begins and the offensive army comes.) and her killing gaze is typically the attitude of a general ready to fight. 
2. Keyin is describing the tens of thousands of arrows being shot at her. She is still welcoming, fronting the battle with her charismatic, killing gaze. 
In this way of interpretation, Keyin’s no longer the general. Rather, she is fighting the battle alone. But she is still fearless, still out to kill those who collectively shot arrows at her - still ready to front those who gangs up against her by attacking her collectively.
Interpretation 2′s arrows would symbolise the hate and attacks towards her over the years, how haters would gang up to attack her collectively, targetting her. 
note: the italics parts in romanized are the rhymes that shaking used for her rap, which is tbh throughout all her parts that she wrote.
I’ve posted this on one of the translation videos (link) for everyone to better understand the lyrical genius shaking LOL.
Keyin’s parts may be short but she has always put in lots of effort to write smart, good lyrics and i do think it’s so important to understand her lyrics as international fans :)
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revangerang · 5 years
Oh shit I’m glad I checked my notifications! Thanks for tagging me @violentbaudelaires c:
rules — answer 17 questions & tag 17 people you want to know better
nickname — so my name is Kara and my siblings are Kaitlyn and Trenton, and we call each other Car, Cat, and Tree lol. I am also sometimes called Kraa, and online I recently go by Revang (it’s a long story involving a very elaborate shifting of my full name lol).
zodiac sign — sagittarius sun, cancer moon, libra rising. year of the snake 🐍 ♐️ 🌕✨
height — 5′0 😎✨
hogwarts house — ravenclaw 📜🦉💙✨
last thing i googled — “coffee mix drinks” a bitch is tired and stressed okay lol
song stuck in my head: yura yura by every little thing (I’ve been too into inuyasha lately)
following — 1382 fffffff
followers — 1475 nicee
amount of sleep i get — pretty much has to be 10 hours or my body refuses
lucky numbers — 7, 13 because I have to be like that lol
dream job — uhhhhh I honestly have no idea. something with as much beauty and creativity as possible. as well as getting to experience lots of different things. maybe acting would work
wearing — my harem pants which still have faux patches pinned on from my halloween costume, an old af broadway batb shirt with the ny skyline superimposed from my 8th grade field trip, and four pairs of socks bc it’s that time of year
favorite songs — oh god this is hard bc I literally listen to every genre and as wide a range as I am able to but here we go: pays imaginaire - polo & pan, another morning - the pillows, one life - the pillows, tomoshibi no mani mani - nao toyama, sprawl ii (mountains beyond mountains) - arcade fire, felt good on my lips - tim mcgraw, revelations - yoko ono, crocodile rock - elton john, never forget you - the noisettes, royal academy of gothic lolita - ali project, himiko gaiden - ali project, to let myself go - ane brun, du gråter så store tåra (norwegian version) - ane brun, neighborhood 1 (tunnels) - ane brun, horchata - vampire weekend, cough syrup - young the giant, houdini - foster the people, coming of age - foster the people, genesis - grimes, wetsuit - the vaccines, the time of your life - a bugs life ost, juice - lizzo, love me right - amber mark, heatwave - amber mark, overtime - knower, astral dogma - yousei teikoku, green bus - the innocence mission, yuve yuve yu - the hu, sastanàqàm - tinariwen, jee veerey - bloodywood, barlights - fun., itgehane - peggy gou, milky way - ggk (carole and tuesday), this time around - jessica pratt, helplessness blues - fleet foxes, pale - within temptation, our song - shinichi osawa, deadly valentine - charlotte gainsbourg, no bra! - yayoi daimon, megitsune - babymetal, road of resistance - babymetal, kaguya hime - wednesday campanella, melos - wednesday campanella, my new swag - vava, krigsgaldr - heilung, juliet of the spirits - the b52s, falling - julee cruise, annabelle lee - sarah jarosz, kathy’s song - sarah jarosz, the gate - björk, utopia - björk, arisen my senses - björk, ji ming yue- super impassioned net generation, habib galbi - a-wa, where angels fear to tread - disclosure, make me feel - janelle monáe, pynk - janelle monáe, dance apocalyptic - janelle monáe, nighttime maneuvers - va-11 hall-a, forget me nots - patrice rushen, hideaway - kiesza, fists of fury - kamasi washington, lac trôi - son tùng m-tp, follow your arrow - kacey musgraves, midnight voyage - the mamas & the papas, once was a time I thought - the mamas & the papas, I call your name - the mamas & the papas, rise - eddie vedder, a better son/daughter - rilo kiley, cheer up! - a great big world, for emily whenever I may find her - simon & garfunkel, the 59th street bridge song (feelin’ groovy) [live at carnegie hall] - simon & garfunkel, I am a rock - simon & garfunkel, the sound of silence [live on conan] - disturbed, plastic love - mariya takeuchi, stay with me - miki matsubara, telephone number - junko ohashi, asuka bad girl (w-lancaster) - macross 82-99, learn to let go - kesha, child I will hurt you - crystal castles, return of the birds - mediaeval baebes, dream - the pied pipers, green bird - cowboy bebop ost, oka no machi - whisper of the heart soundtrack, breakfast song - from up on poppy hill, everlasting love - we love katamari, falling for somebody new - kuma, what’s your poison - celeste, violin tsunami - kishi bashi, warai - miwa sasagawa...... I swear I actually narrowed this list down a lot
favorite movies — miss pettigrew lives for a day, across the universe, mamma mia, lotr, hairspray, all ghibli films, malificent, a little princess, the girl who leapt through time, la la land,
instruments — I’m a trained singer and learned piano for several years but it’s been a long time. I really wanted to learn the viola as a kid
random facts — I am nonbinary, I have gold eyes, I have adhd, I can speak a decent amount of Japanese and I want to learn as many languages as I can, I can reach every part of my own back (no need for anyone to scratch my back), my life has been very unstable and I’ve had my living situation change more than 25 times in the past 10 years, my mom and most of her siblings are adopted so even tho I’m white a lot of my extended family isn’t, I was very sheltered growing up so there’s a lot of media I still haven’t seen and I wasn’t allowed to read or watch Harry Potter till I was 18, I currently do rideshare for a living
aesthetics — nineties powder pastel epic grannie meets vaporwave and vintage with a pinch of gawth.
i’m tagging: @doughygraduatestudent @kazoomajor @ivorysorrows @pagan-assassin @lovelessjinx @spirit-flyswatter @seekingsecondbreakfast @mythicamagic @chierafied @imjaneees @stormielikeweather @queerghostangst @honeyedteeth @angelicfoxus @cookieasylum @mother-ishvara @illusoryacid
0 notes
hils79 · 2 months
Hils Watches In Blossom - Ep 12
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OMG A SKIN MASK! It's like I'm watching DMBJ. I miss DMBJ :(
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This looks like a video game sword. Something you would see in something like Soul Calibre
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Pan Yue looks so smug about the fact that Zhuo Lanjiang shielded him with his own body? OT3? OT3.
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Oh, god, the touching
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Ehehe! He looks so offended. Also, have we all forgotten that his wife got murdered just 2 months ago?
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Oh my god he's imagining her as a gang wife and she looks so hot
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I love genre aware dramas
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Ooh he's figured it out after she sung a song from their childhood to bring him out of a panic attack
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hils79 · 2 months
Hils Watches In Blossom - Ep 9
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Okay, remember a few episodes back when I said this:
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*gestures at the screen* I WAS CORRECT
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Oh she's smart! Using seemingly innocent words so that he'll know it's her and not kill Pan Yue
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These two are having a very subtle conversation and everyone else in the room is all ???? at a random woman being able to talk him out of fighting so easily. I love this.
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I wasn't expecting to find a new blorbo in this drama, and if I was I assumed it would be Pan Yue. He has totally come out of left field and stolen my heart and my soul.
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Yeah, I'd be staring at him if he was all bathed in light like this. God.
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Such a good question
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Oh my god is he preparing a dowry? I mean I'm rooting for you, my dude, but I don't think it's going to go in your favour.
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That awkward moment when your best friend, who turns out to be a scary sect leader and who no one else knows is your best friend, shows up to declare his love. In front of the man you were supposed to marry but who currently thinks you are dead.
This drama is insane I love it so much.
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Her face! God, I can stop laughing.
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Pan Yue: Not in front of my salad my court documents
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Don't give part of your engagement gift to another man! That's just rude!
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Survived a face swap and attempted murder but going to choke to death because of shenanigans
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Now now, boys. Place nice.
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hils79 · 2 months
Hils Watches In Blossom - Ep 18
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Oh my GOD, Ling'er. Your timing sucks. GO AWAY!
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Oh my god so now he knows, but he's not going to tell her that he knows. I sense more shenanigans where is my popcorn
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Why is everyone suddenly here? Baby, I love you, but go away!
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I love how cool everyone is being about the whole face swap thing. Like that's just a thing that can happen.
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I see we're still brooding prettily in the moonlight even though he's just found out his dead wife is actually still alive
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Checking himself out in the mirror, fixing his robes and hair. I can see he's going to be Very Normal now that he knows.
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Oh, he's good at playing it cool. Like he hasn't spent hours making himself look pretty and practicing poses while he waited for her to show up
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He's trying so hard to be nice and failing miserably
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His little confused puppy face. I can't! Also, there is no one else here. I know he wants to protect her but surely he can tell her that he knows at least.
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Wait, the kid didn't die when he walked off a cliff in the flashback??
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Well you would know, dude, considering you are the spy
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God, I love it when he turns on scary sect leader at the flick of a switch
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Look, either tell her that you know or pretend that you don't. There's no need to tease her.
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Ah, the old wrists tied together thing
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Well, that didn't last long. Your wrist tying skills suck
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I shouldn't laugh but they just dug up a whole skeleton using a couple of sticks and their bare hands
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I love them
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Aww he's so fond secretly watching his wife secretly perform an autopsy
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Yeah, A'Jiang why are you here? It's the middle of the night and she already rejected you.
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Poor Pan Yue getting repeatedly cockblocked by literally everyone
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Look, I know brooding and pining is your whole thing but if you told her you know who she really is, or at least invite her to move back in, then you wouldn't be so sad
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She looks lovely but I'm lowkey mad that they've decided she needs to dress all feminine to be worthy of a love interest. I liked her when she was stomping around in trousers and occasionally dressing as a man.
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If I get invested in these two and they both die as the doomed unrequited loves I will flip a fucking table
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Ooh plot twist!
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