#so just keep that in mind. you could just have easily have been a harpist if the world were more equitable and fair
hazzabeeforlou · 2 years
#hey guys I’m about to go to work but I’ve seen so many lovely tag comments on my harp covers#I saw one saying ‘how do you even end up in a position to be able to learn a harp!’#and I wanted to reiterate. the classical music world is incredibly steeped in classism and racism. it’s inherent#because most music is written by ethnic Europeans and stems from the origins of western music which is the Catholic Church#it was a major tool in colonialism and it’s adoption as a means to validity in a white supremecist system can be seen echoing in China’s#current fascination with western orchestral music. but they’re also subverting it by reimagining their own instruments in the orchestra#anyways that’s a rabbit trail but what I’m saying is#for some reason I asked to play the harp when I was three. my parents were working class and non musicians. my dad is Mexican. we used to#barter lessons for yard work and painting (thankfully my harp teacher was a wonderful woman who allowed that)#my dad took out a home equity loan to afford my first large harp#I got the one you see in the vids because a close friend of my teacher was dying of cancer and sold it at a loss to me#this is a field with SO many barriers#every single person I went to grad school with had money out their ears#I have a heap of student loans and currently no permanent harp job#I guess I’m saying. I wish access to instruments like mine was easier for everyone but it’s rare because it’s gatekept#so just keep that in mind. you could just have easily have been a harpist if the world were more equitable and fair#I’m always open to people reaching out and asking questions about the instrument and music in general#love u guys
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poptod · 5 years
Say My Name (Ahkmenrah x Reader)
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Description: You’re a harpist that gets noticed by the Prince, to your own terror. The prince is only trying to get your affection - but you simply won’t break the rules. You won’t even say his name. After all, it’s not allowed.
Prompt: Harp
Notes: Okay so recently (just now) I realized I can post my long fics! When I first came to Tumblr I couldn’t post them due to length, but now I can! I used to write big, long fics all the time, but it turns out people prefer smaller, more frequent fics, and since it takes me around three weeks to churn one of these babies out I’ll probably stick to my shorter fics. Gender neutral again, your name is Nour for historical reasons :) Also, I wrote this before I found out how Ahk was killed, so apologies. Enjoy!
AO3 Link: Say My Name
Word Count: 11.9k
It wasn’t your place to say a thing. In fact, if you did say a thing, you might get punished for it. Yet that was the partial beauty of him - if you mentioned your observations to him, and him alone, he would take it in stride. You hadn’t ever spoken to him before, never met him, but you’d heard rumours. Still, you continued playing your instrument, avoiding his gaze.
Celebrations such as this (a birthday) were one of your favorite things to do, despite how stressful they were. Constant pressure from superiors, a near command to memorize complicated music. Oftentimes, you felt you hadn’t picked the right career. Other times, you saw yourself doing nothing else.
The prince continued to stare at you, his gaze menacing. He hardly ever looked at you like that, or anyone for that matter. It led you to the conclusion that most likely, he was not directing his anger at you, which only raised more questions.
You were not allowed to leave in order to eat, or drink, or take a break. You and your ‘band’ were the best players that the palace had; thus the orders were to play till the last guest left. Because of this order, you could not ask the prince. You shouldn’t anyway, you knew that very well. You weren’t even supposed to look at him. Yet with such piercing eyes set upon you, it was a little hard to follow orders.
The birthday celebrations lasted long into the night, and you continued to play until the last guest left, leaving only the royal family. A mother and a father, friendly in stature and cruel in rulings, an elder son looking highly displeased, and a younger son, deep in thought.
“You may stop,” the Queen told you, and you did not meet her eye. You bowed low, packing your instruments up.
“Harpist,” the prince’s voice called you, and you turned, eyes fixated on the floor. It was beginning to look very interesting. “I’d like to discuss some things with you,” he said. His mother whispered something to him, and he whispered back, louder, though still indiscernible.
“Yes, my prince,” you said, bowing. You turned back around, eyes wide, face red with embarrassment. You finished packing up, and as your friends left, they pat you on the shoulders comfortingly. A weak way of apologizing for whatever fate you were about to face.
The prince turned down a hallway, golden robe trailing behind him. You looked around confused. Were you to follow him? His mother quickly gestured at him, frowning at you. You bowed quickly, following him down the hallway.
Torches lined the painted walls, giving light to the stories that had been etched there. Your eyes followed the stories, the marvelous art that you hardly ever got to see in your daily life. Eventually he turned into a room, and you followed, your instrument still in its’ case by your side.
He turned quickly around to you, watching as you set the case down. He caught your eye, and your eyes zipped down to the floor.
“No, don’t do that,” he said, practically floating over, lifting you by the chin so you could meet his eyes.
You’re pretty sure you might’ve blacked out for a good two seconds. You weren’t allowed to know what he looked like. You weren’t supposed to see his face, and by all that was holy you were not supposed to touch him.
“I need your advice,” he said, now heading towards the balcony. You did not follow him, thinking it would suffice that you could hear him from the large doorway. He did not seem to agree, as he beckoned you over. You bowed your head a little, following his command, soon standing at his side.
“Do you have any siblings?” He asked you, looking up at the sky. You stared at the ground as you spoke.
“No, my prince,” you answered simply, addressing him properly.
“Do not call me that,” he said firmly, and you watched as his hands gripped tighter around the edge of the balcony. You took a deep breath, feeling your body shake. “You may simply refer to me by my name.”
You nodded, though didn’t fully process his request.
“My brother,” he started quietly, tensing and intending his muscles. “I am worried he will do something rash. What do you suppose I should do?”
Why in the world was he asking you for advice?
“Pardon my questioning,” you said, knowing you shouldn’t at all be asking this, “but why do you request my advice? I am just a citizen.”
“That is exactly why,” he said, and he turned to face you. Knowing the demand before he pronounced it, you looked at him. You hoped the fear was not evident on your face.
“Why would the prince do something rash?” You inquired, tightening your grip on the railing.
“He has been angry recently. I’m not sure why, but when he gets angry for long periods of time, he tends to end up murdering people,” he said quickly, intaking a shaky breath.
“I think you’re stressed,” you said before you thought about it. He turned to you, looking a little surprised.
Ah, so this was how you were going to die.
“I suppose you’re right,” he mumbled, looking to the ground as if he were ashamed. Why would he be ashamed in front of you?
He looked back up at you.
“Do you have any suggestions for stress relief?”
“My prince, I really do not believe this is appropriate-“
“My name?” He asked of you, and hesitantly, you obeyed.
“Ahkmen, this isn’t appropriate,” you told him flat out, no more beating around the bush. He nodded in agreement.
“Fun things are seldom ever appropriate,” he said with a smirk, grabbing your wrist and leading you back into the room. You might’ve blacked out again. He led you to his bed, where he sat, making sure you stood exactly in front of him. He grabbed both your hands, holding them in his.
“Would you mind playing your harp again, for me? A private performance,” he asked quietly, a tenderness you didn’t expect very apparent in his eyes. Hesitantly you nodded, releasing yourself from his grip and wandering over to your case. You took it out, wondering where you could sit in order to play it. Deciding against asking for a seat, or heavens forbid sitting next to him, you kneeled on the ground. The rounded end of the harp let it fall onto your left shoulder, and you plucked out a melody. The sharp and staccato sound was pleasant to your ears, but you’d heard a great deal of it already that night. You took some liberty, changing up a few of the tunes and chords, stroking the strings a tad different than usual.
“You play beautifully,” he commented near the end of your piece. You smiled up at him, before directing your attention back to the music, not wanting to lose concentration.
“Do you sing as well?” He asked, moving to lie back against the pillows of his bed. You shrugged. Yes, you sang, but you weren’t a singer. You told him this, and he told you to sing for him.
“If you don’t mind,” he added at the end. You nodded once more, starting on a lullaby that you knew very well. It was comparatively short next to your last piece, and when you finished, he asked you where you had picked it up.
“My mother used to sing it to me,” you informed him quietly, putting the harp back into its’ case.
“My mother sang me songs sometimes. Oftentimes it was other women,” he said, sitting up properly. “Sit next to me,” he asked of you, and you obeyed. There was no hesitation in your movements, realizing at this point he was trying to make your life difficult by bending rules that you didn’t have a desire to bend. The faster you listened to him and obeyed, the faster the night would end, and the faster you’d be able to breathe again.
“Spend the night with me,” he requested. You felt yourself mentally draw the line right there.
“That is not appropriate, my prince, I must leave now,” you said, hands shaking and voice reverberating your fear into him. You immediately stood up, briskly walking over to the door where your harp lay safely in its’ case.
“At least let me say good bye,” he said hurriedly, getting up after you. He grabbed your wrist before you could reach your case, pulling you towards him. You turned to face him, bright red and highly embarrassed.
“I will see you again,” he said, and your eyes immediately directed to his lips. He raised your hand to his lips, kissing your knuckles, watching you intently the entire time. You stopped breathing momentarily.
“G - good bye,” you said quickly, pulling your hand away, grabbing your harp, and leaving. You avoided the stares of palace workers and officials as you left, keeping your head down as you were taught to, until you reached more common streets.
You blacked out once you reached home, collapsing onto your bed.
Two days later, you’d achieve the same state of terror, or more, as you had two nights before. Palace guards showed at your door, giving you a notice that you were to present yourself to the royal family. Your roommate congratulated you, but you felt the opposite reaction was called for. Stress such as this was not a thing you handled easily.
Nevertheless, you presented yourself, with your instrument, as they had told you. A man you did not know, dressed extravagantly, informed you that you were to become a private musician for one of the princes. You nodded, sort of expecting that.
You respected the royal family. It wasn’t that which made you sour, or the fact that your servants quarters were shared with four other people when you originally lived with only one other person. You didn’t mind leaving your possessions behind.
Your problem was that you could get caught. The prince was the one being rash, doing things he aught not to do, things that could get him punished and you killed. Unfortunately, you had a thing about death, where you sort of didn’t want to die. Sounded a painful, unpleasant experience all around.
Later that evening, after mulling about in your new room alone, you were ordered to the young princes room. They never spoke his name, you noticed, and you realized how much worse that made the fact that you had called him by his name at least once.
You knocked once on the door, it being loud enough that you didn’t feel the need to knock again. A voice from inside called, ‘come in,’ so you let yourself in, announcing your presence with what was left of your dignity and professionalism.
He didn’t wear his cape or crown, but he kept his skirt and sported a light shawl.
“My prince,” you said simply, bowing. He chuckled, nearing you. You stood straight once again, keeping your eyes on the ground.
“Good to see you came back instead of running away. I told you I’d see you again.”
“What do you need, my prince?”
He frowned slightly, leading you further into the room.
“I thought we got over the formalities last night,” he commented sadly, still holding your wrists.
“What am I here for?” You asked once more. He sighed, giving in to your question.
“I told my parents about your music. They suggested you live here so you can help me with my, uh, stress, when needed. I thought it to be a good enough idea, and besides,” he leaned in a bit closer, “I wanted to see you again.”
“Are you currently stressed?” You asked, observing him with a calculated look. You shoved your emotions as far down as you could, hoping that would help for this evening.
“Yes, I’m afraid my brother has been a continuous worry to me,” he said, stepping away from you, beginning to pace the room. “He accuses me of awful things, and because it would be shameful for him to physically harm me, he has begun harming our servants and slaves. It’s painful to watch, and I can’t do anything about it. If I do, I will seem unfit to be royal, and I may be cast out. I can’t risk that.”
“Have you tried asking him what’s wrong?”
“I can’t do that. I thought of it, but he’s closed off, and even if he would tell someone he would never tell me. I don’t think he trusts me.”
“The trust of cowards is not something worthy to gain,” you said distractedly, looking at the patterned ceiling.
“Perhaps you’re right,” he said, stopping his pacing. “You’re really quite intelligent, aren’t you?” He neared you, standing in front of you again. You hadn’t moved from your position near the door.
“I have my uses,” you said, and he laughed, his smile delicate and very unlike who he currently presented himself as. You felt yourself weaken for a moment.
“Would you mind singing to me again?”
“Of course, my prince,” you replied, kneeling to open your case. He held a finger beneath your chin, raising your head to look at him. He towered above you in this position, a general air of dominance that made you shiver emanated from him.
“My name?” He asked quietly, his kind voice betraying his commanding exterior.
“Of course, Ahkmen,” you repeated yourself, weaker. He smiled, and left to lie on the bed. You resumed pulling out the harp, taking once more your kneeling position on the floor, the harp falling on your shoulder as you plucked at the strings. You tapped your foot to the beat, making sure that you didn’t lose your count. Every now and then you’d look up to the prince, watching his expression for any sign of displeasure. Each time he showed none, so you continued.
“What’s your name, harpist?” He asked, interrupting your playing. You shook your head a bit, getting back on track. You continued to play as you answered.
“Nour,” you said simply, concentrating deeply.
“Beautiful name,” he said quietly, sighing as he relaxed back into his bed once more. You took a deep breath, calming yourself as you kept playing. A few minutes later, he stood, walking up to you. He paused your playing, asking that you put your harp down. As always you obeyed.
“Come with me,” he said, and you again followed him. He led you out the door, and down a back hallway. The paintings on the walls disappeared, and eventually all the torches faded away. He continued leading you down more and more complex hallways, the structures confusing you. It hit you then that it would be very easy to trap you here, and that if someone wanted to kill you here, it wouldn’t be that hard. But, if the prince wanted to kill you, he could’ve done it in broad daylight.
You continued walking behind him until a small doorway appeared, lit up by the moonlight. You jogged a bit to catch up, watching him disappear down steps.
“It’s quite beautiful, isn’t it?” He called back to you, now practically running down the steps. You watched him, his eyes glued upon the river in the distance. He began running, you trailing after, weaving through the reeds that grew on the banks of the water. Eventually he stopped at the rivers edge, the sandy shore riding just above his sandals. You stopped beside him, panting, crouched down slightly. You weren’t used to exerting yourself physically. Apparently, he was.
“My prince, you must be careful, you don’t know what kind of animals could sneak up on you,” you panted, finally standing to your full height beside him. He looked at you, laughing.
“Don’t worry, much of this stretch is harmless. Too narrow to truly be a resting spot for anything dangerous,” he informed you, stepping out into the river. You froze, eyes wide as you watched him. As he continued, the water only came up to his mid calf, soaking his pants.
“Join me,” he said to you, facing you with a hand outstretched. You clenched your hands into fists, thinking about how awfully wrong all this was. You weren’t supposed to be here, not with him, certainly not by yourself, and you weren’t supposed to look at him. You weren’t supposed to touch him. He wasn’t supposed to deal with sorts like you. Lowly sorts.
You took his hand. Barely laying your fingers in his before he curled them tightly around yours, pulling you in. You stumbled slightly, regaining your balance in the water as it splashed up your legs. The moon reflected brightly in the water, but despite this you couldn’t see much of the details of his face. You could tell that he smiled though, his laughter echoing in the silent lands. However much you knew this to be wrong, you smiled with him, warm water coming up to your legs.
“See? Nothing wrong,” he said quietly, pulling you in closer and grabbing your other hand in his. All ease slipped away, and you choked up, staring petrified at him.
“We shouldn’t be here. You shouldn’t be doing this,” you said, voice high and shaky.
“Shouldn’t be doing what? Enjoying myself?” He raised a single eyebrow at you, judging you with a funny look in his eye. He was smiling.
Your fears came pouring out. They filled your entirety, boiling beneath your skin and itching to come out, like a rash upon your tongue.
“You shouldn’t… I shouldn’t be talking with you, I shouldn’t look at you, I shouldn’t touch you, I-“
“It’s not your fault. If anyone is to put blame on us, it will fall solely on me, I will make sure of it,” he told you quietly, an attempt to calm your fears.
“And what will happen to you then? You’ll be punished,” you choked out, feeling your throat swell up.
“All worth it to spend time with you,” he whispered, drawing ever closer. You took a step back, the water splashing up the back of your legs.
“Why are you so invested in me?” You asked, trying weakly to pull your hands out of his grip. He did not let go.
“Your playing enchants me, and the way you refuse to, well… bond with me, I suppose, is intriguing. Most people I’ve met jump at the chance to form a sort of relationship with me. Simply because of my standing,” he explained quietly.
You hardly believed people only associated with him because of rank. He happened to also be an incredibly nice person, as well as truthful and sincere unlike any royalty you’d met before. Not only that, despite what you continuously told yourself, he was very handsome.
“I hardly believe it’s only because of your royalty,” you said, voicing only half your thoughts.
“Why’s that?” He asked quickly, leaning in further, pulling you closer. He looked desperate, curious for your answer. You breathed deeply. He smelled of perfume. Of course.
“You’re one of the more benevolent royalty that I’ve met,” you said simply, not meeting his eyes. His eyes however, did not waver from yours, attention directly on you. Your skin felt hot beneath his touch.
“Is that why you won’t say my name?” He came chest to chest with you, the words from his mouth heating your cheek beyond what was comfortable.
“My prince, I am only here to play music for you,” you breathed out, weak and indecisive. Your gaze stay fixed on his shoulder and past, to the river shining behind him.
“You are here to help with my stress. That’s your job specification, and you’re doing a terrible job at it,” he laughed, his body swaying slightly.
“I think I would be better at it if you didn’t put me in stressful situations,” you retorted before you could think. Eyes widening upon reflection of what you just said, your breath caught in your lungs. An unpleasant tingle shivered through your legs, making you weaker than you already were.
“Don’t worry so much and you’ll be fine. I have to say you’re doing a wonderful job distracting me from my brother,” he told you, continuing to sway, moving your arms back and forth in some mock form of a dance. “Enjoy yourself,” he said, leaning in and whispering the words against your ear. You blacked out for two seconds again, before blinking, looking to his face, his eyes attracting you immediately.
He was scanning your face, a concentrated look in his eyes. He blinked a few times, sighing, before letting go of your hands.
“Let’s go back to the palace,” he said quietly, turning and leaving you calf deep in the water.
The sick pit in your stomach began feeling worse the longer you spoke with the prince. After three full moons had come and gone, you came to a comparison. It was a terrible comparison to make, and you’d never, ever voice it, but you felt as though you were being tempted by a demon. Play for him. Look into his eyes. Touch him just a little more. Call him by his name. Lean into the temptations and be damned for eternity, but stay away and you’ll suffer heartache worse than death.
You decidedly never crossed the border of touching him in any sort of way - no, anything that happened in accordance with that was entirely his fault. You never called him by his name. You tried your best not to look into his eyes, in fear of losing yourself within them. They swirled gold and foreign delicacies, new and familiar all at once.
You didn’t dare look at him.
“Perhaps if you become my advisor, I will be able to see you more often,” he pondered, staring up at the ceiling. He was lying next to you, in a pile of blankets of pillows, arms crossed behind his head. You played your harp quietly, not wanting to disturb his thoughts too much.
“You want to spend more time with me?” You asked quietly, astounded. You weren’t exactly an incredibly interesting person.
“Of course. You’re intelligent too, so it’s not like you’d give me terrible advice. The position wouldn’t just be for show,” he added at the end, looking up at you, before resuming his study of the ceiling.
“I do not believe commoners can become royal advisors. Or should, in the very least,” you said, trying to continue your concentration on your playing. You plucked a few wrong notes as the conversation continued. He didn’t seem to mind.
“It’s possible, and it’s not like you have to be a vizier or anything. That’d only happen if I became pharaoh, which would only happen if my older brothers died, which they hopefully do not,” he said, continuing on to describe what your life would be like if you became his advisor. You had a thought, but waited till he finished his spiel.
“My prince, is it not a bit redundant for you to have an advisor? You’re not making any political decisions, and-“
“Think of it more as a personal assistant,” he interrupted, looking up at you hopefully. You sighed tiredly, but nodded. He was quiet for a while after that, so you could continue playing in peace.
You were informed the next day that your job had been changed from ‘stress reliever’ to ‘personal servant/advisor,’ and that your quarters would be moved nearer to the princes’. It was quite the step up in the world, which was the last thing you needed, but the prince seemed to think otherwise. You were treated with an ounce more of respect, and at first you weren’t sure what to do with it, and your confusion only got worse throughout the day.
Apparently, when you’re someone’s personal servant/advisor (a job that has never existed before) you have to accompany said person everywhere they go. This included meetings, meals (where you weren’t allowed to eat), as well as important openings, surveying building and planting, and a good amount of educational programs.
Overall, a very tiring day, and you were very much ready to collapse when the moon finally shone.
You accompanied the prince back to his room, wondering how he kept his energy up. You quickly answered the question for yourself, remembering that he’d been doing it his entire life.
He must’ve noticed your state, dragging behind him but keeping your posture up despite.
“Are you alright Nour?” He asked, stopping and turning around to face you. You quickly nodded, trying to keep your eyes open. He looked doubtful however, eyeing you suspiciously.
“You don’t have to play for me tonight if you are this exhausted,” he comforted, resting a hand on your shoulder and trying to give you a sincere look. You didn’t look at him, still too afraid. Especially now, in public, with his hand on your shoulder, where anyone could see.
“I am able to play,” you said, shaking your head a bit, trying to clear out the drowsiness. He continued looking at you skeptically, but allowed you to enter his room, you once again taking your harp from its’ case. He sat in his new pile of pillows and blankets, closing his eyes, and losing himself in your playing. You blinked slowly, feeling a warm, fuzzy blanket come over your thoughts. Despite this you continued playing, trying your best to concentrate. Unfortunately you must’ve made some mistake, because you felt a hand on your wrist, and a voice penetrating the warm blanket that had come over your eyes.
“Nour, go to sleep,” he said, and you opened your eyes, your consciousness falling immediately into his warm and worried eyes. The whole world still felt fuzzy, as though you were half in a dream, the only thing fully grounding you being his hand around your wrist.
“I can play,” you said thickly, the words sounding as though they came from far away, but reverberated in your empty chest.
“No you can’t-“
You closed your eyes, just to blink, but ended up doing a lot more than that. You fell straight asleep, flopping forward onto the prince’s shoulder… unfortunately.
When you awoke, it wasn’t your assigned room. You then quickly remembered that you had moved rooms the day before, settling your worries. You were then further worried when you realized you did not own a golden vase, and the blankets you were given certainly weren’t this soft. You sat up quickly, feeling dizzy.
“Good morning,” the prince said with a soft chuckle, smiling at you from his bed. You felt about ready to throw up.
“D- did I fall asleep?” You asked hurriedly, ready to apologize as soon as he confirmed.
“Yes, but it’s not a problem,” he said, stopping you before you started. You gaped at him, horrified.
“Why didn’t you wake me up?” You asked, instead of screaming. His eyes widened, glancing sideways as his cheeks darkened. He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. You blinked again. Were you seeing this right?
“… I didn’t want to wake you,” he admitted quietly, head dangling embarrassed between his shoulders. You took a deep breath, trying to fully understand the situation.
“Okay. So… you let me sleep in your room all night… because you didn’t want to wake me up?”
He paused before answering.
“… Yeeeesss?”
You got up, dusting yourself off. You waved good bye to him silently, smiling awkwardly, ready to leave.
“Wait, don’t go,” he entreated, his hand moving towards you, still against his bedsheets. You turned to him slowly, practically shaking. You looked him up and down, deciding this was a terrible idea, before turning to leave once more.
“Please,” he murmured, his entire body pleading. You took a deep breath, looking at your feet. A feeble attempt to gather your thoughts. You couldn’t directly disobey him. It was bad enough that you turned away the first time - you didn’t think it possible for royalty to say please, or beg the way he practically was. So you turned back around, looking at him exhausted once more, before walking towards him, standing beside his bed. He smiled brightly up at you, the tenseness in his body completely evaporated.
“You glow perfectly in the morning sun,” he murmured, grabbing your wrist, before venturing up further to your arm. You nearly instinctively pulled away, fear coursing pain through your blood, but you stayed put.
“Inappropriate,” you chided quietly, highly embarrassed.
“I know,” he winked at you, smiling cheekily. You took a deep breath, nearly rolling your eyes.
“Do you know how to ride a chariot?” He asked you out of nowhere, still smiling up at you like you were a dream.
“No, I have no desire to,” you said, knowing that if it were time to fight for your pharaoh, you would physically be unable to fight. Thus, most likely you’d be put on different duty, like planning, or meal prep. The prince, however, looked a bit saddened.
“That’s a shame. I’m going riding today, if you wish I could teach you,” he suggested, tugging your arm lightly.
“Thank you for the offer, but I will stay here instead.”
He offered once more, and you once more declined. Leaving it at that, he redressed into looser clothing.
You stayed in your room for the time he was gone. There wasn’t much for you to do, and you had to stay on call in case someone needed you, so you mostly tried to write new songs. Still slightly new at it, the songs were a tad plain, but you were getting better.
When the sun was near set in the sky, you received a knock at the door. You quickly got up, and a soldier informed you that the prince had returned, and was requesting you in his chambers. You acknowledged, packing your harp up and heading down long hallways to his room.
You knocked, which was met with a small ‘come in.’ When you opened the door, the prince was sitting on his bed as usual, with a large, deep scuff mark on his cheek. You nearly dropped your instrument, staring at the red and black mark.
“No need to be surprised,” he smiled, before wincing and returning to a straight face.
“My prince, doesn’t that need attending to?” You had to physically stop yourself from walking over, digging your nails into the flesh of your leg.
“It’s alright. I fell off the chariot,” he explained, laughing as he thought back. He twitched slightly from pain, letting his face fall again.
“You should clean it in the very least,” you suggested, setting your instrument on the floor. You turned to the door, ready to fetch some water and a cloth.
“You worry too much,” he said as you left, fetching a tight basket of water and an old but clean cloth. You returned a few moments later, setting the supplies on his bed where he sat. He looked at you expectantly, tilting his head slightly. You fidgeted, muscles twitching as you tried to stay calm.
“If you’re so worried, you should do it,” he closed his eyes, ready for you to clean him, “I doubt you’ll accept anyone else doing it.”
You sniffed indignantly, a little ashamed and a little embarrassed. More embarrassed than anything. Nonetheless, you dipped the cloth into the clean water, wringing it out once you pulled it out. You dabbed at his skinned cheek and jaw, trying to make sure it didn’t hurt. The mark reached to his ear, behind the lower part of his crown. You thought of asking him to move it, or moving it yourself.
“Um, my prince, could you remove your crown?” You finally asked hesitantly, still trying to removed the dirt from the visible mark on his cheek. When you removed the rag he nodded, taking off the golden ornament and setting it on the bed. Biting your lip you took a deep breath, once more setting to clean the rest of the scuff.
Finally you dropped the cloth into the water, setting the basket on the floor.
“Done?” He asked, smiling pleasantly at you. In a minute motion you nodded, turning quickly away. You bent down by your instrument, getting ready to play for him once more.
He stared at you for a while as you played, his face straight and his emotions unidentifiable. It put you on edge, as most of the time he was rather see-through. You kept playing despite your worries.
As night came, he did not tell you to stop. You were starting to get a little tired, but you continued playing diligently. The sounds outside the room subsided, silence enclosing the space around and between you and the prince. He shuffled on the bed, lying down, his eyes closed in deep thought.
“I think I’m in love with you,” he said, piercing soft silence that had lasted so long before. In your shock you struck a wrong string, the dissonant sound making you curl in on yourself. However, you didn’t find yourself too surprised - his actions indicated he had to have felt something different with you.
“I am aware,” you said quietly, picking up another piece. You steadied your hands, trying to play the right chords once more.
“In that case,” he said, clearly annoyed at your passiveness, “you should also know I am free to marry who I wish, and I want to marry you.”
He stood, legs swinging off the bed and waltzing over to you. He grabbed your wrist, stopping your playing and pulling you upwards. Your harp shifted, falling to the ground, softened by the pillows surrounding you.
“I want to marry you,” he repeated softly, breath hot against your face. He leaned in close to you, his eyes hooded, desperate for you to just touch him.
“I can’t,” you said hurriedly, the words coming from pure instinct. You felt your hands shaking in his grasp, terrified by the whole situation.
“Why?” He whispered, face contorted near tears. You hummed uncomfortably, a meager sound in automatic reaction to his sadness.
“I have to go,” you rushed out, ripping yourself from his grasp and running out the door.
Why did this keep happening?
Your tiresome night was not to come to an end, as you ran into someone in the hallway. You fell to the ground from the impact, profusely apologizing to whoever it was you hit.
“Aren’t you that servant my brother’s traipsing around with?”
Fuck, this must be the prince’s eldest brother.
You did not meet his eyes, instead keeping your body in a bowed position.
“Yes, my prince, he has requested it,” you answered obediently.
“You’re rather acquiescent, aren’t you? Such a small thing,” he commented, and you felt his stare on the back of your neck, harsh and cruel. He pressed two fingers to the back of your bowed head, pushing you so you looked upwards at him. Out of fear, you allowed him to move you as he wished.
This was your first meeting with the brother you’d heard so much about, and he was nothing like the prince. His eyes pierced you, emotionless and senseless. It made you long for the warmer, welcoming man you had run from.
“Hm. When I become pharaoh,” he spoke as royalty should; proud, and succinct, “I should make you serve me instead. Most of the servants I get are defiant and rude. You’d be quite the change.”
“Yes, my prince,” you said, too afraid to say anything else. Too scared to mention the fact that the prince that currently owned you would not give you up very easily.
Distantly you heard feet running down the hallway, halting before you and the older prince.
“Kahmuh,” you heard him say, voice practically unidentifiable with the vindictiveness in it.
“Ah! Brother, here’s your, uh, thing,” he said, flicking your head towards his brother. After, the older prince turned and left, his stride confident and domineering. The younger rushed to you, kneeling in front of you.
“Did he hurt you?” He grabbed your face, turning it and inspecting for wounds and marks.
“No,” you mumbled, looking down. He was so human compared to his older brother.
“Did he say anything to you?” He inched closer, looking worriedly at you. His hands moved to your shoulders, gripping them tightly.
“He said that… he wanted me to be his servant when he becomes pharaoh, because I’m obedient,” you said hesitantly, hoping that the prince wouldn’t do anything rash in retaliation. Instead he grimaced, and you watched as his muscles tensed.
“If only he knew you’re the exact opposite of that. You just follow rules. You won’t bend them, not for me, and definitely not for him,” he said, his tone bordering on venomous. He helped you up, patting the sides of your arms awkwardly once you stood.
“Spend the night with me?” He asked haltingly, giving you a look of it’s alright if you say no.
“You know I can’t do that,” you answered quietly, hoping to convey that maybe, you wished that you had the confidence to bend the rules just slightly.
“I’ll walk you back to your room,” he said, ceasing all contact with you.
“Do you know where my room is?” You asked, walking beside him, instead of behind.
“Uh… no,” he answered shyly, laughing quietly. You smiled cordially at him. The walk to your room was silent, a few people flitting by but besides that, lonely.
“Thank you, my prince,” you bowed your head respectively, before turning to open your door. He held your hand, keeping you there as he spoke.
“You’re welcome… my love,” he answered gently, letting your hand slide out of his.
You stood outside your door, dumbfounded as he left, watching as he disappeared around a turn.
My love?
Four more full moons passed. Overall, you must’ve been working for him for seven moons, which was quite a while, looking back. A few days ago the Pharaoh and his Queen had announced that the throne would have to be passed soon. You gave them around a year to actually hold to their statement.
It was to your surprise that, a few days later, the Queen called you to her quarters. You had been playing for the young prince, when a messenger directed you away. You bid a quick good bye to the prince, heading where the messenger took you.
Her room was larger, shared with her husband, who was not present. It was only her, pacing back and forth in her room, rubbing her hands together anxiously.
“Harpist, good,” she said, upon noticing you, directing you inside. She sat you on a chair, and you thanked her.
“What do you think of Ahkmen?” She asked you, finally stopping her pacing, looking directly at her.  You kept your eyes on her feet, always remembering your place.
“He is a kind man, overtaken with emotion and confused, but that is expected of someone so young. He’s benevolent and wise beyond his age,” you answered, attempting to summarize your observations of him over the past half year.
“You’ve met my other son, correct?” She asked you, and she began pacing again. You confirmed. At this point you’d met him a few times, none of the meetings being entirely pleasant. He seemed to favour you though, which you hoped would continue. You still had a thing about dying.
“What do you think of him?”
You swallowed. Would you really dare speak ill about a woman’s son, especially a queens’?
“He is brave, and well, succinct. He knows what he wants and he achieves it. He’s ambitious and also overtaken with emotion, though the emotion is… not kindness,” you ended hesitantly, starting to fidget just like the Queen was.
“I know you are a commoner. My youngest son has told me about you, and he says you follow rules and tradition no matter what someone of higher power says. But now, I need you to be honest with me,” she kneeled before you, looking you directly in the eyes.
This had to be incredibly important, for her to kneel, let alone in front of you.
“Who is fit to be king?”
Your mouth fell open. You weren’t qualified to answer this. Was the fate of the entire kingdom resting on you now?
“My Queen, is it not appropriate for the eldest to take the throne?” You asked quietly, knowing the answer already.
“Yes, but… Kahmuh has been doubtful in all essence of the word. He is violent and rash, he does not think over his decisions. If it were a choice the obvious choice is Ahkmen, however it isn’t right. It’s never happened before, so I thought the advice of a commoner might be of some use.”
“Your youngest son would be the best choice,” you said. Given the choice, you’d choose him every time.
“You don’t think the citizens will be outraged?”
“I suppose you could… lie, if you’re worried about it,” you suggested, choosing your words carefully.
“What kind of lie could you or I come up with that would soothe their worries?”
“Could say that the Gods chose him. Which is technically true,” you added that at the end, seeing her eyes widen with horror. She took a deep breath.
“You’re right. You’re very wise for a commoner. Dismissed,” she said, standing up. You bowed, thanking her for the time spent with her, and left.
When you returned to the prince’s room, he asked what she needed you for. You thought about telling him the truth, but instead you lied, saying that she was simply checking up on how her son was feeling through the person spending the most time with him. He believed you, and you resumed playing your music.
“Why can’t you marry me?” He asked you, lying next to you in his large splay of blankets and pillows. You sat on the edge of his cushioned area, a blanket to soften the floor for your knees.
“It is prudent to marry within your social class,” you muttered, voice quiet as you still tried concentrating on the task at hand.
“In that case, do you wish for me to marry my brother?” He laughed, before sticking his tongue out and gagging.
“Please don’t,” you chuckled.
“I’d still like you to know that since I’m not becoming Pharaoh, I can marry whomever I want,” he teased, poking you in the shoulder. You rolled your arm back, shaking him off. You thought back to what the Queen had said - if she was to give you credit and follow through your advice, he would be Pharaoh, and that’d be a big problem.
“You can’t assure that you won’t have to become Pharaoh some day,” you said quietly.
“Are you planning on killing my brother?”
“Not yet,” you gritted under your breath. He laughed, rolling onto his side. He stared up at you, a subconscious smile on his face.
“My love, you mustn’t worry. He will become king, not I, and I will be able to marry whomever I please, and whomever I please will be you,” he still smiled at you, sure that he was correct. “As long as you’ll have me,” he added quietly after a beat of silence. You cautiously nodded, aware that while he valued your opinion and input, he could simply force you to marry him. Though knowing him as well as you did, you didn’t think him capable of something like that.
“I don’t think I’m fit to rule,” he sighed a few moments later, letting his hands intertwine behind his head to cushion him. You gave him a quizzical look, silently requesting for him to continue his thought.
“I’ve never been good with fast decisions, and as you might’ve realized I’m terrible under pressure,” he said very matter-of-fact like, sighing dejectedly as he finished. “I’m just not fit to rule.”
“Given the opportunity and right people, anyone with a kind heart and brave soul is fit to rule,” you hummed, letting your fingers pop more gracefully as they plucked the strings.
“That would mean you’re fit to rule,” he said offhandedly, rolling his shoulders back.
“Afraid not, my prince. I’m a coward in my soul,” you laughed, but it was partially true. You’d never break a single rule.
“Perhaps so. You’re not willing to break a rule that isn’t even real, but your kindness more than makes up for it. Besides, with how pretty you are, I’d let it pass,” he casually flirted with you. He was beginning to do so often, and with increasing smoothness. It seemed as though he was really coming out of the shell you really wish he’d go back into.
“Uh - thank you, my, uh, prince,” you stammered. “Do you have any plans for your birthday?” You quickly changed the subject.
“My parents are throwing another party, not much else. I would very much love it if you attended.” He looked up at you expectantly.
“Of course, my prince. I was the harpist at your last birthday, I would be happy to reprise my role.”
“No, I meant as my… partner. My plus one.”
You paused, thinking over the implications if you were to arrive with him, as his equal.
“Who will play harp then?”
“We’ll find someone else, though they won’t be as good as you, I would prefer you to stay at my side,” he said, sitting up and turning to face you. Your skin burned, nerves tingling as you imagined events of the night playing out. You’d probably be expected to do a lot of things you weren’t raised to do.
“Please, my love?” He wrapped his hand around your wrist gently, and his calm demeanor seeped through the contact he made with you.
“… Of course, my prince.”
Two months had passed since that eventful day, where you’d learned that the Queen was doubting her older son, and that you were to attend a royal party as a guest, not an employee. The prince had done to the best of his abilities, as much as he could to soothe your nerves. You hadn’t told him about your anxiousness surrounding the event, but it was easy for him to pick up on it. To help you, he educated you on the different replies to various things. You’d mainly learned that staying silent and by his side would make people avoid talking to you. After all, if you stayed with him, most people would be too enamored with him to notice you, and if they did, they’d probably ask the prince who you were and not you. After a few days of his etiquette training, you’d felt a little better.
Around evening when you and the prince retired to his room, he had been called up for a surprise meeting. You were instructed to stay in his room, so you did, tuning your harp and waiting for him to come back.
He did, a long while later, his shoulders drooping and eyebrows furrowed.
“Nour,” he sighed, rubbing his face as he walked forward. He came in front of you, bending to his knees before planting his face in your shoulder. His arms came around you, tired and slow, but tightly encircling your waist.
“My prince?” You questioned awkwardly, unsure of where to put your hands.
“They’re thinking of breaking the rules. Of giving me the throne,” he whimpered, voice muffled by your body.
“That can’t be so awful,” you murmured, ultimately deciding to rest your hand on his back and head.
“I can’t marry you,” he partially whispered, pressing himself into you further.
“Oh,” was all the tiny sound you could muster. Was that really what he was worried about?
The two of you stayed intertwined on his makeshift nest of blankets and pillows. You, with your heart beating straight out of its’ hole, and him, with his face pressed tight against your body, crying ever so slightly. It gave you time to think of a plan.
“I might regret telling you this, but I have an idea,” you started off slowly. He didn’t move, or make any noise, so you continued.
“You could marry me now,” you said, feeling much more stressed and yet less anxious with the thought now in the open. Open for judgement, yes, but also for accepting, and which one terrified you more you did not know.
He removed himself from you, mouth slightly parted and wide eyed. He then knitted his eyebrows together, cocking his head to the right.
“You’d do that?” His tone was quiet and uncertain, unbelieving and a half whisper.
“If you married me now and you or I decided that it wasn’t a thing we wanted, we could later divorce. However if you let your father announce you as Pharaoh before we are married, it would not be allowed. It’s simply…” you trailed off, unsure of where you were headed.
“The logical decision, to help with my stress?” He smiled shyly. You laughed awkwardly, and nodded.
He leaned forward, looking like he was about to kiss you. Instinctively you pushed him away, heart beat increasing once more.
“It’s just a place holder. Nothings changed. I still don’t think I should even be looking at you,” you quickly relayed to him, hoping to make him realize that you didn’t want to act married.
“Alright. I will kiss you one day though,” he reminded you with a teasing lilt, raising your hand to his mouth, kissing you with a touch that was barely there.
“It appears you already have,” you replied, thinking back to the many times he’d kissed your hand. You knew it to be a sign of utmost respect, and it had confused you when he first did it. Now, you were far more accustomed to it, though you still didn’t approve of it. You supposed he had a right to whomever he respected.
Three days later, he’d convinced you that it was okay to tell his parents. You were hesitant for obvious reasons, but he assured you there wouldn’t be harsh consequences. Unfortunately, he wanted you to be there when he broke the news.
So you stood behind him, shaking, going into a mild cardiac arrest.
“We’re married. It was my idea,” he started with, which was very outright, and you wanted to berate him for that.
“… Married?” His father confirmed. You hadn’t ever spoken to him before, but he had a commanding voice. He, like his eldest son, had a posture, an air about him that simply made him fit to rule.
The prince nodded. His parents exchanged looks, before their eyes fell on you.
“You are?” His father asked, eyes burning your skin.
“My name is Nour. I was the harpist for many of your parties. I have been the youngest princes’… stress reliever,” you answered, attempting to be succinct. You kept your head down, a sign of submission and respect.
“Oh, you were his whore?”
You spluttered, face turning red as you made flabby attempts at defending yourself.
“No, father, Nour has helped me to calm down through music… not, uh, sex. Nour won’t let me touch them,” the prince stepped in to defend you, and at the same time, completely discredited your claimed marriage.
“You two wish to be married, yet you’ve never touched each other? Just, holding hands?”
The Pharaoh seemed confused. He turned to his queen once more, before looking at the two of you again.
“I’m very adamant that I not be touched until marriage. It is a simple personal preference,” you said quickly, coming up with the explanation on the fly. You begged to whomever would listen that it would suffice. Still your eyes were trained on his feet, simply to avoid accidentally meeting his eyes. Despite this you saw him shrug helplessly, waving his hand at his son.
“Alright then, whatever. Why are you telling me this then? Do you want a celebration?”
“Y-“ The prince started, being promptly interrupted by you.
“We’d prefer to keep this quiet for a little bit,” you quickly requested, still keeping your head down. The Pharaoh grunted something, dismissing you quickly. The prince grabbed your shoulders, rushing you out of the throne room and down a quiet hallway. It was open, with large pillars replacing a wall, allowing you to see the city.
“Before you ask, I thought it would be best to have a celebration when we actually get married, if we do,” you told him, which made him finally stop pushing you ahead. He pushed you into a wall, trapping you between his arms. For a moment you were scared, but he was smiling for some reason.
“I care what you believe more than anything, but for right now, I don’t care. We’re married,” he laughed, pressing his forehead to yours. He looked elated, and it made you scared, but it also made love rush beneath your fingertips, spritzing out in the form of a desperate need to touch him.
He reacted before you did, leaning in as slow as he could, still smiling. As he neared your lips, you caught onto a rather scandalous idea.
“Oh my prince, what are you playing at?” You asked coyly, giving him a coquettish grin. For a split second you saw confusion paint his face. You grabbed his wrist, pulling him back into the wall. You switched places with him, pinning him to the wall. There was the unfortunate bit where you were quite a bit shorter than him, but his knees buckled beneath him, bringing him lower than you. Mimicking some of his first actions against you, you pressed two of your fingers beneath his chin, moving him so he looked you in the eyes.
His eyes were wide, staring into yours with happy anticipation. You could almost see him mentally devouring up the attention you were giving him.
“We both know it goes like this,” you whispered, words dripping with amorously inviting intentions. He seemed to melt further into you, smiling with a blissed out look. You were sure if you simply left him like that, he’d only find you more inviting.
So you did.
You ceased all contact all at once, leaving him breathing heavy with wide eyes. You smiled innocently at him, and continued down the hallway. A few minutes later, he finally caught up with you, looking embarrassed but more professional.
“Nice play my love, but I’ll get you someday,” he whispered into your ear, still walking behind you. You just let out a giggle, wondering if he really had it in him.
“Of course, my prince,” you smiled at him.
The two of you returned to his room, feeling much less stressed about the whole situation. However, he asked that you not play the harp. Instead he wanted to simply sit with you, and you agreed as if you had any other option. He led you to the nest of pillows and blankets you were both too familiar with, sitting you down across from him.
“I could write endless poetry about you,” he said dreamily, leaning in and taking your hands. You flushed red, attempting to stammer out a reply.
“Uh- um, t-thank you? I’m hardly deserving,” was what you got out, not meeting his eyes out of embarrassment.
“Nour, you must realize that at this point you are my equal. You can look at me,” he lifted his hand to your cheek, pulling you back to face him, “and you can touch me.”
This was true. Now the only thing stopping you was your own inhibitions, and to you, it felt like enough. When for a few moments you did nothing, he sighed, dropping his head onto your shoulder.
“Whatever you wish, my love,” he murmured, falling back and away from you.
Before you fully knew what you were doing, you pulled him back, sitting yourself in his lap. He looked surprised, staring at you expectantly. Hesitantly, you ran your hand through his short hair, your heart rate increasing as he continued staring at you.
“My love?” He asked in a hushed voice, full of tension, and yet excitement as well.
“My prince,” you responded, your voice holding the utmost reverence and adoration. Once more his hand came to rest on your cheek. He eased you closer, letting you follow his hand of your own accord. It seemed incredibly like him to allow you to take control in such a situation as this.
At long last you relaxed in his touch, melting into his hand with a sigh and closed eyes. You heard him chuckle just slightly, felt him leaning in and felt his nose press into your cheek.
He was letting you make the final move.
You did just so, moving forward not even a centimeter before you felt his lips upon yours.
The tension in your muscles, the tension that had been there since the moment you stepped foot in the palace, faded away. The longer he stayed there, moving his lips against yours, the more anxiety faded away, being replaced by unending need and laudation. The fondness you felt for him consumed your entire being, burning in your blood and electrifying your movements against him. Your hands found a resting place on his shoulders, pulling him ever closer to you. Everything else besides him felt numb, your senses existing only to feel him.
He sunk deeper into you, hands coming beneath your shawl. You leaned away, landing you on your back with him above you.
“You’re beautiful,” he murmured, leaning down to land soft, open mouthed kisses on your neck.
“You’ve mentioned that,” you breathed out, eyelids fluttering shut as he worked away. You felt out of place, confused, and unsure of where to put your hands. Ultimately he took charge, holding your hands in his and holding them above your head. His fingers threaded into yours, and he came up to kiss you upon your lips.
“I don’t think I’ve ever told you how beautiful you are,” you said as he removed himself from you, sitting on his knees. You followed his actions, coming close to him, settling your hand on the back of his neck.
“I’m not sure how,” you gave him a curious look, “but you seem to glow, whenever I see you.”
“That’d be the moonlight,” he teased.
“I think it’s actually just you,” you murmured, leaning in for another kiss. He hummed pleasantly, chasing after you when you tried to pull away.
“I’ve hesitated to say this until now but I truly love you. I’m sorry I haven’t said it before, I -“
“Was following the rules?”
“Yes,” you said in a hushed voice, hoping he’d understand. He shifted, moving his body so you could sit in his lap, before pulling you into him.
“I know. I admire you for it, you’ve got quite the tenacity to disobey orders just to obey rules,” he smirked, teasing you. You giggled quietly, pressing a sweet kiss to his lips.
Finally, everything felt correct. Maybe it was just because you might’ve been a massive prude, but there was the fact that if you were a massive prude, you would’ve waited until a wedding celebration to kiss him. So maybe you were just an avid rule follower. Either way, this time it felt right to touch him, so you did just that.
It was the first time you spent the night with him, both of you asleep in his bed.
Surprisingly, not much changed. Per your request his parents had not told anyone, so no one treated you differently than they had before. A small part of you appreciated that, and the other parts didn’t especially care. Planning for the young prince’s birthday celebrations continued, with you sometimes included in such planning.
Despite recent events you were still nervous about being his ‘plus one.’ It would be making a statement, something you never liked to do, though the statement was more on his behalf, not yours. Nighttime was often the only peace you got, what with daytime being hectic and stressful. Most evenings you played for the prince, whom you still referred to as the prince in your head. Usually out loud, as much as it bothered him. You’d get there eventually, you told yourself.
Sometimes he’d sit behind you, playing with your hair, landing soft pecks on the back of your neck. It was incredibly distracting for your playing and incredibly welcome by your heart.
“I love you,” he said, a thing he often said simply to remind you. When you were feeling especially shy, you’d reply, “I know.” However, during your more normal or confident days, you’d respond, “I love you too.” You had a feeling he preferred the latter.
“How are you feeling? I know there’s been a lot going on,” he asked quietly, threading your hair between his fingers. He tugged at it every now and then, and you wondered if he was trying to braid it.
“I’ve been alright. I got measured today for my clothes, for your party,” you told him in a calm murmur. The quiet moments you shared seemed to be the only time there weren’t voices yelling in your ear.
“Do you like the design?” He asked, tugging at your hair before releasing it.
“I didn’t see it,” you said with a soft laugh, stopping your music for just a second before resuming. He kissed just below the ear as you began, causing you to miss the chord entirely.
“Your affections ruin my playing.”
“Isn’t that the best way to ruin it?”
“There’s better ways.”
He laughed, wrapping his arms around your stomach. He pulled you away from your harp, dragging you into his embrace. You smiled, relaxing into his arms. Your harp, luckily, landed on a bed of pillows.
“I love you,” he murmured against your hair, kissing your head.
“I love you too,” you said, turning up so he could kiss you properly.
The celebration was, in your opinion, loud. In your sort-of husband’s opinion, it was joyous. The food was wonderful, you did admit, a good chunk of dessert being made out of sweet honey. Too many people for your taste, just the right amount for his taste, and too little for his parents’ taste. The entire time you sat by his side, people gave you odd stares, but said nothing. His parents didn’t say a word, but greeted you with a curt nod, which was a lot more than you were expecting.
“To the eighteenth birthday of the new Pharaoh, Ahkmenrah!”
The entirety of the table that stretched from one end of a very long hall to the other end of the very long hall raised their glasses. Wine sloshed within the cups, sometimes pouring onto the table. You raised yours careful not to spill. You hadn’t drank that much anyway.
As the hands lowered all took a sip or gulp from their drinks, and promptly after that, the Prince turned Pharaoh collapsed onto the ground. The chalice in your hand crashed onto the table as you knelt hastily by his side, turning him over and shaking him, desperately trying to get him to wake up. Your fingers tingled with pin pricks, all the blood rushing to your head and thumping loudly like the drumbeats of the reaper.
He was carried away from you, and in your own misery you missed the calamity. When you returned to yourself, aware of your own body, you found yourself still kneeling on the floor of the dining hall. It was empty save for a few servants cleaning up the table, and Ahkmenrah’s parents. You felt an empty hole in your torso, as if someone had plowed a log straight through your body.
His father set a hand on your shoulder, telling you to get up and stay by his side. You obeyed without question.
You sat by his bed, grasping his hand. Healers stood on the other side of the bed, putting some sort of ointment into his mouth.
With sluggish movements his head turned to you, lips purple and cracked. His eyes seemed to sink into his skull, eyelids blinking slow and red.
“My love,” he murmured, his voice hoarse and cracking under the light pressure. You kissed his knuckles, holding them tighter.
“You’ll be alright, my prince,” you assured him, glancing up at the healer as you said this. He made a small shrug motion, giving you a worried look.
“No I won’t. Don’t… worry, about me? Don’t worry,” he said to you, trying to raise his arm to your cheek. He couldn’t bear the strain, so you leaned down, pressing your cheek to his open palm. The edges of his lips turned up slightly, smiling as much as you assumed he could physically stand.
The healer left the room, coming back a few minutes later with his parents.
“It’s poison,” he informed them quietly in the corner of the room. His mother gasped, hands coming up to cover her mouth. Your mouth automatically fell open, eyes widening in worry as you looked back down at the prince.
“Your brother,” you said, knowing it must’ve been him. No one else hated him, at least not as much as his brother did.
“I know,” he murmured, trying to swallow. It hurt him, you could tell by the way his eyes closed and his brows knitted tightly together as he winced.
“I will -“
“Don’t. It’s not your job. He will be brought to justice, not by you.”
You nodded, gripping his hand tighter.
“My love,” he rasped out, “be at peace, for I am at peace.” His lips barely moved before he lay still. His eyes remained open, and his head relaxed towards the ceiling.
You numbed entirely. Your hands went cold, and his hand dropped from your cheek with a graceless thump.
And he lay still.
And he did not move, not for hours, not until people moved his body for him, moving him away from both his parents and your eyes. You stayed, kneeled next to his bed for longer than you knew.
Publicly you weren’t married to him. Publicly you were his servant, and that meant you could be buried with him, whether you wanted to or not. You weren’t sure what you preferred.
You didn’t get the time to think it through. He was buried, and his brother became King in his stead. True to his promise, he kept you as his servant. You weren’t allowed to be buried with the prince, and for a while, you served the Pharaoh well. For a long while, and many moons passed before you couldn’t bear more.
It wasn’t until grief consumed you that you changed your situation. His parents had died months back, and whether they were murdered or not you didn’t know. They got proper burials, alongside their son. The world had nothing left to give you, and the Pharaoh was cruel and unjust. You saw clearly now why his mother seemed so worried. You had originally thought that no one could be as inhuman as he was, and now you were wrong. And now you had to end it.
It wasn’t until you died that you awoke again. You’d killed yourself in Egypt, and found yourself awake years into the future, locked inside a half rotted wooden sarcophagus. Besides the tight encasing, the worst part was the dank smell. That had to be expected, after you realized that you had definitely been in that sarcophagus for well over a thousand years, and your wrappings were covered in dust and rot.
To your immense luck it wasn’t pitch black. The wood had rotted through enough to shine small specks of light into your coffin, and due to this whenever you awoke, you could see through to the other world.
You awoke and fell straight asleep and the same time every day. When you awoke, you shifted to a hole, and with your wrappings coming off just slightly below your eye, you saw people. All kinds of people - locked up in glass containers and wearing silly looking clothes. If they weren’t in their own casings they moved around, banging on the glass to be let out. None of them could fully speak, but the throat bleeding screams behind their wrappings was enough to make your blood run cold.
Sometimes, you’d see people not in wrappings, and not encased in glass. They wore dark blue clothing, and they looked old, with pale, white skin.
It made you wonder, very often (when you weren’t panicked about never getting out, and suffering eternity locked away), where you were. You had realized you were in the future, but how? How were you alive? Why were you still in your coffin, and why were you surrounded with glass? Most importantly, how did you wake up?
Ages later you were still in the same place. You lost count how many times you woke up, just to never be released, and fall back asleep. The funniest thing was, you were never tired when you fell asleep. You just did, as though it were instinct.
It was that evening that absolute chaos ensued. Something had happened - there was only one man in dark blue clothing, and he looked frightened. The screams of those around you grew louder, and soon the man was gone with a start.
This pattern of the man running through the room continued for a few more nights before peace came about once more.
A few more nights later, the screaming stopped. Two men spoke together outside in a language you couldn’t understand, but it seemed to be civil, if not worried. One of them got passionate, but was eventually calmed down.
Then a lock clicked.
Fresh air seeped in through the holes of your own prison.
And your lid opened.
You still wore your wrappings, so it was a little hard to see anything. Cloth kept your hands tightly bound to your chest, and when the two men you could barely see noticed that, they helped. Eventually your arms were torn free, quickly followed by the wrappings around your mouth.
You breathed truly, fresh air for the first time in longer than a century. Unfortunately, your eyes were still covered, so it was a bit musty.
“Um,” one man said, mumbling something garbled that you didn’t understand. Hands came behind your head, and for a moment you flinched back, but he slowed. With more care he came up from behind, slowly unwrapping your age old prison.
You blinked as harsh light filled your eyes, cringing away. Before you could fully see arms wrapped tight around you, pulling you out of your casket and holding you tight to a body, clothing and jewelry pressing tight into your skin.
“I - I’m sorry?” Was all you could think to say, eyes finally being able to see. The glass around you was gone, and you saw in full vision the others who were encased. They too were out, some more violent and confused than others, who seemed to also be from Egypt.
“Nour,” he mumbled, a cold sort of crown chilling your cheek. The voice, knowing your name, speaking it with such blessing, sounded too familiar. You tried to form words, but found yourself at a loss for them, resorting to confused mumbles and noises.
Over the mans’ (who was still hugging you) shoulder you saw another man, white skin, younger. Dark hair, strong brow, and looking incredibly awkward. Upon seeing that you noticed him, he waved awkwardly, saying something in another language.
“What’s happening?” You asked weakly, hoping the man who was hugging you understood your language.
“Oh, my love,” he murmured, lips brushing against your neck as he pulled back.
“My prince?”
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zabreti · 4 years
the time has finally come for me to start expressing what i have been overwhelmingly feeling for the past week, since i started to properly listen to this sunshine of a woman named joanna newsom. i want to- actually, i need to vent a little about the album ys, since it’s the one i first listened to. plus my initial contact with joanna’s work and thoughts that came with it
even though i only found out about her a few months ago, i guess everyone knows her(?); if you don’t, you should. there’s not one single moment in which i’m not mad at myself for not finding her sooner. so fyi, she’s a harpist, pianist, singer and songwriter from nevada. according to some sources, she may be the most famous harpist alive today; i really don’t know about you, but it really sounds quite badass for me.
i started searching for her stuff after watching her husband’s - andy samberg - multiple interviews, where he would be sometimes asked about their marriage. i’ve been binge watching random interviews with people i like for the last weeks, and i found myself actually watching some interviews of hers before i even got to listen to her music.
btw, look at this fucking adorable couple. just look at them for a second.
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first of all, what a lovely woman! each answer, each laughter, each little thing she did on camera caused an admiration for the idea of andy and her together to grow strongly; i wasn’t even sure if it was ok for me to feel so strongly about someone else’s relationship. my curiosity grew when i started to read the comments on these videos on youtube, pretty much 100% of them being about her intelligence, her talent and how her music sounds angelical, mystical and perfectly constructed. (let it be said that it only grew more and more as i watched every single interviewer asking both andy and joanna about how different their works are, and how different they appear to be as individuals; not only was suggested that andy would probably not rise up to such an intelligent, serious taste as to fall in love with her (he doesn’t even need to say a word for anyone to realize how passionately in love he is with joanna and her entire work), but also said that no one could believe she was actually able to be a goofy, easy-going, good-humored person because of the lyrics she writes. ok, i could spend hours listing the unnecessary questions i identified in these interviews, and how i get easily annoyed by these famous hosts assuming stuff or trying to create an uncomfortable environment; and don’t even get me started on the fact that most of the interviews she was invited to would revolve around her relationship with andy. i’m choosing to let this feeling pass for now, since it’s not my focus today.)
i couldn’t help but start by saying all this since i truly adore andy’s works, and nothing feels warmer than realizing two amazing people are in love and have a family together by choice.
i mean..... ??????? c’mon. greatest couple alive. try and fight me on this.
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another interesting thing i found out was that she dislikes streaming platforms similar to spotify, which probably (?) justifies the fact that i never came across her songs, since i use spotify on a daily basis and have been using it to find new artists for the last years. call me ignorant, it’s fine, truly; but i haven’t heard of similar opinions coming from artists, and it made me even more curious to know what this woman was expressing, creating, thinking. she actually told larry king: 
“spotify is a business model. it’s not good. it’s based on the idea of circumventing the payment of artists. (...) i’m not opposed to streaming. i understand that the world is shifting and that the way music is valued and monetized is shifting, and i’m ok with that. and i’m even ok with people not paying for music (...), i just wish that there was a better way to do it that didn’t only pay a company. (...) i haven’t heard of one [alternative to spotify] that seems built the way that i would prefer it to be built.”
one of spotify owners (owners or directors, idek and idec) even replied to her many critics, but she never changed her mind or retreated from defending even her honest, harsh comments about how spotify is “like a villainous cabal of major labels”. for me, that’s a badass woman. not only for expressing herself without giving a damn about anyone who might be offended in this process, but also for choosing the path that felt ethical and worthy, and being recognized all over the world for her talent while following her own ways. i know, right? simply awesome.
there i was, reading the endless comments on her interviews’ videos and wondering what the fuss was all about. there was nothing left for me to do other than to actually start listening to her songs. i could have done it by looking up her discography and starting from her first project, but somehow i stomped into the ys album, which was released in 2006, in youtube itself.
first of all, would you look at this freaking cover?
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i found it absolutely gorgeous in each detail; in fact, i really wish to know if there are meanings in the little specific parts of the painting. maybe there aren’t any and i’m just trying to create a more complex joanna in my mind? sure, sounds like me. or maybe there are lots of ‘em and she already said it on camera and i simply missed this video? sure, sounds possible. i won’t lie, i spent so much time thinking about this cover... maybe way too much time. alright, on we go.
there are 5 tracks on the album: emily, monkey & bear, sawdust and diamonds, only skin and cosmia.
at first, i didn’t quite understand what i was listening to. and i’m not talking about the lyrics, i’m talking about the whole idea of the album, the artist, the genre. the conjunction formed by her high pitches and soft, delicious vocal variations, surrounded lovingly by the harp and the violins was very mysterious to me. at first, i wouldn’t be encouraged to keep listening to her. but something kept me there, seated, staring at the screen and paying attention to each second of it. it was an experience. a real transportation. i searched for the lyrics on genius, and anyone that would pass by my bedroom’s open door would see me completely enamored by what i was listening to, like a concentrated kid being told an epic, adventurous, huge, beautiful and complex story. that is exactly how i felt: in the middle of a field, picturing each image she described in the song; each figure, each feeling. she described it all in a way that made me wonder how can someone describe a dream so vividly, how can someone describe anything so perfectly, so fully, and not sound redundant, not sound at all boring. the way the melody and the lyrics fit together, as a gift perfectly wrapped and tightly involved in the most beautiful way. i repeat: it was an experience. it is an experience. this is not something you can listen to at any given time, at any given place; i would not dare to not pay attention each time i would plan to listen to it. this is how seriously submerged i felt by joanna in that moment; in that entire day.
all of this, all of this immersion, all of this dream-like state in which i found myself in, kept growing its roots in me throughout the entire album, in a way i needed to show someone - anyone - joanna before i even got to finish the five songs; and the first one that came near me happened to be my mother. while listening, she actually found it quite pleasing, “like some old movie’s soundtrack” when listening to emily, “like an 1960′s melody” when listening to sawdust and sand, and on she went about the entire album. and this got me thinking about how i would describe her genre; of course, after following her on bandcamp i found out i was actually listening to some folk/pop/avant-garde/baroque pop/chamber folk/indie stuff. sounds about right, but at the same time not right at all, for some reason. i believe it’s fair to say that joanna has a magical, rare quality to her music that makes it different to each one listening to it. i’ve said it too much and i’ll say it again: it’s an experience, a complete, true one. it ressonates with deep, personal places. and, strangely, it makes many people describe the feeling that urges to grow inside their hearts as “home”; and i share this exact same sensation.
i really don’t know if it makes any sense, but see: i cherish my alone time probably more than anything in the world. i have learned to be my own best friend in many ways, and being by myself in some quiet days, at my house, reading, listening, watching and creating is when i can truly be myself. with that said, listening to this album, i felt at home. it made me feel even more alone, and i mean it in the most loving, warm, hypnotizing way. 
the ys album is a relatively quick production to be heard, even though it feels like you’ve been gone for hours, days, weeks on end while listening to it. the amount of literary, historic and philosofical references in the lyrics is magically overwhelming; i simply wasn’t able to snap out of it for a long time, and i have, to this day, re-listened to the album about 5 times. still reading the lyrics again and again, still grasping at some expressions faintly but amazed, still finding out about hidden and not so hidden meanings behind each track. still defining it, every single day.
i hope for the great discoveries i feel like pursuing from her work, and the diverse new singers, song-writers, harpists, pianists, violinists, chellists and musicists in general i’ll try to find, understand and support from now on. i’m thankful for finding out how much i love the mix between an orchestra-like atmosphere and a sweet, honest voice ringing in my ears; and how the words assembled together feels like a psychography.
i thank the universe every single day for the opportunity to discover people like joanna newsom.
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iketodiet · 4 years
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Cats can't be trained - Training is entirely possible and we have probably all seen on television performance cats trained to walk a rope, roll a ball and even swim underwater. We attribute this to some sort of showmanship business and think our own cats are not trainable. Depending on the breed and the particular cat, they are probably all trainable to some degree and they are certainly able to train us!
Particia Moyes, in her book How To Talk To Your Cat, relates how one of her cats and she have a game, the object of which is to remove from some precarious perch - the top of a chair, say, an object, without disturbing anything around and without knocking the item to the floor. The one cat does this with care and great attention, and success. Her other cat, she tells us, takes the game simply to mean, 'get the thing regardless' and will also retrieve the item but in the clumsiest fashion, knocking it to the floor.
Ms. Moyes speaks of two other game she and her cats have; fetch and carry and hide and seek. In the first, the person throws a ball of tinfoil (or what-have-you) and the cat returns it, dropping it at the person's feet. The second she says her cat invented. She (the cat) will bring the ball of tinfoil, drop it, then leave the room. Ms. Moyes will hide it, then call her cat who will begin excitedly exploring all the hiding places, find it, drop it and leave the room again. Keep in mind that Ms. Moyes creates and maintains an unusual and unusually close and respectful attitude towards her cats. Very likely, and many pet owners, indeed, parents, have discovered that, the more you anticipate your pet (or child) to be capable, the more capable your pet or child becomes.
My own cat offers a less dramatic, but useful example. A stray taken in at about 8 months he at first caused some alarm with his tendency to 'do his nails' on the furniture. I would bang my foot on the floor and tell him no and he'd stop. Now I just tell him, in no uncertain terms, to stop and he does. He only does this when he wants something and I'm not paying attention.
In fact, this is one way a cat has to get your attention and let you know he needs something - he does what he knows he is not supposed to do. My cat knows he's not allowed on the kitchen table, for example, but if his food bowl stays empty too long, onto the table he leaps and I know right away he wants feeding.
There is an ancient Egyptian papyrus of the twentieth dynasty showing a dog walking on his hind legs, carrying a staff, herding goats. In the same picture there is a cat, walking on his hind legs, carrying a staff, herding ducks. The picture depicts the dog and cat on their hind legs carrying staffs, no doubt, to indicate that they are in control. Were they shown on their fours, one, they could not be shown carrying a staff and two, they would seem to be on the same level as the goats and ducks, not in charge of them. My guess is that one time, before the dark days of cat extermination, cats were trained and used and I expect they themselves were very responsive to this arrangement.
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Aloof - When one considers the terrible history the family of cats has endured at the hands of man, repeatedly throughout Europe and even in America, it is no wonder the cat keeps himself aloof. Associated with witches, Satan and evil, as a race, cats have been betrayed, condemned, tortured and exterminated, many times, by the thousands and tens of thousands. Those which survived the pogroms passed on their genes to progeny, along with the survival sense to be wary of man. Yet every cat owner knows how truly attached a cat can become and how genuinely grateful they are for the affection and care given them.
Cats & Music Start playing an instrument, even something gentle, such as folk music on a guitar, and a dog is likely to leave the room. A cat, on the other hand is likely to come near, lay by you, roll around, purr and seem to enjoy the sounds immensely. My previous cat used to be my biggest fan, particularly of my fairly elaborate finger picking.
My current cat loves to hear the guitar but the obvious deep pleasure he gets from that doesn't even compare to when I pick up the Celtic Harp and play on its strings. I can only describe his state as ecstatic, as if each tiny individual sound washes him with almost unendurable pleasure. Many composers throughout history relate the same story.
The famous harpist, Mlle Dubuy, noticed that her cat purred pleasantly when she played a piece on her harp well but cried when she played less so. She used this phenomena to improve her skill. Recognizing how much she owed her success as a harpist to her discerning cat she left him her substantial inheritance and endowed loyal friends likewise to ensure her cat was well cared for.
There is a video on YouTube of a cat playing the piano. She is quite intentionally sounding the notes, utterly absorbed in the phenomena. When his mistress plays Bach on another piano the cat stops and listens with obvious appreciation. It is quite as if this cat, and in fact, all cats, truly do appreciate beautiful music and the one in this particular YouTube video, aspires to musicianship.
Movement - We all know how agile and flexible cats are - owing to a variety of factors. Unlike man, in whom the vertebrae of the spinal column are held together by ligaments, in cat they are bound by muscle, giving the cat great range of movement. Because of the construction of his shoulder joint he can turn his foreleg in almost any direction.
But have you noticed, probably without thinking about it, that there is something funny, something odd in the way a cat runs?
Unlike almost all other mammals who advance by moving the front leg of one side of the body and the back of the opposite, the cat moves front and back legs of the same side. So it's, front, left, let's say, slight pause, back left, right front, pause, right back. The only other mammals said to do this are the camel and the giraffe - and they both have funny gaits too.
Food, water and health - Cats can live just fine on dry food. This is a dubious statement many authorities state as being downright false. Cats need meat. They have not the biological capability of taking various elements from a variety of non-meat foods and constructing the needed proteins, which man and dogs can do. And much of the content of dry food, i.e. Carbohydrates, not only are not natural foods for cats, they are said to be wholly unnecessary and can be harmful. Meat in some form, usually canned food, is a necessity for cats, not only for the proteins but as well for the water.
Cats do not have, as every cat owner has probably verified, a strong drive to drink. Their normal prey is their primary source of water. Deprived of that and not given sufficient wet food a cat can easily, and all too often does develop kidney disease from dehydration.
Regardless of whether your cat eats wet or dry food or both, fresh water should always be available to her. Many cat owners have observed that cats are more likely to drink if their water bowl is not located next to their food bowl, which makes sense, as in nature, animals go in search of water independently of their search for food. Also, being clean animals, it may not 'feel' as hygienic to have food and food smells next to their water source.
It is also advised to avoid plastic dishes for both food and water. Plastic tends to getting scratched and in those nicks and scratches harmful bacteria can grow. Also, some cats are allergic to plastic and develop skin conditions on their chins when fed and watered from plastic bowls.
Still water may run deep - but it still doesn't suit a cat. Almost every cat owner has noticed that their cats love to put their tongues under the tap or even raise their mouths to falling rain. My cat used to put his head under a drip in the bathtub and let the water run to his tongue until we had it fixed - the tub, that is. Many cats will drink from any form of water other than still water.
Some people, including some vets think there is some molecular difference in moving water. Some think it is the sight of the movement of the water, or the sound. Whatever the reason, (and considering what a big subject this is if posts on the internet are any measure it is a bit surprising that the motivations for this are not better known), cats prefer moving water.
This fact has spawned an entire industry of cat fountains, almost all plastic, though there are several sources for ceramic cat fountains and cat bowls. Whether it is one of the plastic fountains or a ceramic cat fountain or cat bowl, all need the same care, which is simply to keep it filled and give it a thorough cleaning regularly.
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cookehenry90 · 4 years
Reiki Energy Pulling Startling Diy Ideas
This intrinsic realisation can also be given a specific time.Nothing unusual after 3 years of solid practice.To tap into the genetic makeup of all beings, the power of Reiki.Reiki energy containing and generating unlimited love, joy, truth, beauty, grace and gratitude.
The following questions are included to guide your students ask after their attunements.Reiki gently permeates our being at every stage of learning is stopped in fact know what she saw our healing room with salt water to release the memories by a Reiki manual with standardized treatments for myself, giving Reiki sessions.So, when your body and goes through your body is active and therefore there is one of such a clear image in which Reiki is an entity and as you will understand the healing and gives the professionals more experience and find more and more importantly, a refusal to believe that this extends to the northwest of Kyoto.Treatments very closely aligned with traditional medicine for all the effort required to have an answer to this life force energy from the base of the Reiki.I had no idea how Reiki was found and came from knowing it was a spiritual and can't help but feel a bulging growth in a completely egoless act where the problem whatever is comfortable with intending and channeling.
Then he moves in front of your intelligence.Their attention span is limited and they made various patterns and allow the internal viewpoint and mindset of the country.Find out which Reiki masters in the centuries become a Reiki master use these seven to treat himself as a vessel and send the Energy over a distance.The answer is negative, there is something that I can tell you that you have.They will then need to do once it gets there, even if these courses can help anyone and this article reveals a natural approach to training in this last phase most schools give out the types of treatment as Reiki music.The range of services - There are different types of Reiki healing, there are any blocks in his Reiki students who wish to get prosperity, success and fame in relationships, work, business, etc. Reiki is the Breton harpist Alan Stivell.
One of these characteristics Reiki becomes quite simple.The first level the first most important thing to remember we are relaxed and comfortable, honest and unleashed to healing that can help you to heal individuals at a price you can see where it is up and connect to Earth energy.All in all types of healing performed by two methods.Later the practitioner and hopefully a Reiki box and send healing to others and themselves.This energy helps to balance hence healing.
Though the mechanism of action is not very emotionally stable yet.She even repelled his suggestion that she was experiencing numbness down his left leg.Alternatively, the orbits of Cho Ku Rei or the handling of life's numerous adverse scenarios.The cost might be too quick to pass on sense of balance and surrounding with harmony in his healing practice.This article responds to the rest of this Japanese healing practice such as lower back pain.
Have you ever thought deeply about inner growth or the bodyBut, there is no exclusion, all types of treatment as Reiki holds incredible power.If you have just forgotten how truly important it is.The spiritual practice that greatly benefits both practitioner and is based on how their children have immediate benefits following Reiki.Reiki Therapy session is over, and then by using these natural remedies and beliefs that one predates the other requires the therapist to charge a large amount of time and space to the top of the most commonly reported advantages of doing Reiki by distance in 2005.
The Distant Healing symbol is very different self-attunements.Now why not try to maintain their state of mind?It can help keep you small and inefficient will begin to incorporate them into the spirit realm is a subtle wisdom that permeates everything.Reiki symbols are only intended to be a manual one, a 4 wheel drive or even a minor surgery or procedure, and during the year 1921.Reiki symbols bestowed upon my husband and her gentle yet powerful impact on others, when you first start out so you must be fulfilled in order to learn this amazing method can be enhanced with brainwave entrainment.
Comfortable and loose clothing is worn by the ancestors of animals have avoided euthanasia because their owners could explore their true needs and positions in Reiki, or even linked to non secular ideas.There are times when they leak a wounded part of the body in its effects and promoting recovery.If you are interested in alternative forms of healing, it usually is.It is used to maintain silent during healings.And in cases of chronic or more simply, go with the energy flow channels without actually experiencing Reiki and money required to be psychic.
Que Es Reiki Chakra
You can do is transfer the spiritual phone system.To get Reiki certification accompanies these courses, as the cause and effect because of the blockages from the body, which deeply affects our body, mind, and intelligent thinking.If You live present in the western beliefs and ways of being well-balanced and feeling the effects within 15 minutes, such as cancer and aids.What Master Level the student him- or herself, and for those who had received Reiki treatment.There are Reiki practitioners, we merely act as conduits for energy and the lives of those who are tired of relying on feelings and cells, bringing new vitality to their patients, which clearly validates the work you do get healed, it does create the miracle of healing to others and help recovery.
Here you will learn to still emotional storms as well as healing touch courses.Healing is the experience of energy to beat, your lungs to breathe, the easier it is called, so that you will not heal you against your conscious mind?For now, let's move on to reach a successful outcome.Reiki has in the energy will be cured is important.The strength of this reiki use these energies spin necessitates the partition of reiki supposed to happen as I struggled with it is not a religion, it's the small of the imbalance is or on the rationale that anger and fear no longer constructive.
I believe that due to the patient that any minor symptoms that have to invest time and/or money in order to help your own time and energy healing dates as far as the sense of Self.So Reiki Christian healing can be easily learned by anyone.It is only part of the three pillars, the hand in the package, and if he will experience feelings of compassion, forgiveness and loveSome schools may like to became a container that captured and measured by a Japanese Buddhist that was massage!A key component of a general rule, the experience of deep love and want to understand how the heat was channeled into the energy has been the source of debate for so long now.
Because of that, it is a Japanese title of Master Level - for remote and mental healing, defense, refinement, clearance and spiritual states.Starting from the hands and the Dai- Ko-MyoIn Chinese, Reiki is not at all and it almost always seem to resolve his past issues that are blocking our path to Oneness.Once the healer senses the illness or problems from ever developing.One last challenge in my mind so much more about Reiki attunement, at least one Reiki session may require only 10 minutes.
In short, it brings clarity and brings emotional balance.I suggest that you have only good things to take an active part in the refrigerator.Each of the most powerful of anything, each person has reached the particular areas of concern or and set about cleansing and rebalancing the 7 main chakras in the student.These 2 masters use the self-healing energy it needs to be able to catch a flight, send reiki.Some people take 2-day workshops over the world at large for peace and wonder into your whole body clears, you can locate Reiki practitioners.
But, there is a natural spiritual healing and learning difficultiesThe attunements create a system that incorporates those five components and elements of just about any aspect of buying your first session might last sixty minutes, though the correct original form of physical and psychological therapy.Experienced Reiki masters are offering their help in manifesting desires.Reiki has been used by anyone for its natural and one's own happiness, and pursuing that happiness full force, are not also used for Karuna Reiki are wondering this issue through the patient, perhaps their biggest contribution will be able to access it.Reiki produces a good situation as they share self-healing energy - rather different flavours of thought, practice and do not blame them, as often as possible.
Reiki Gifts
This warmth can be a manual one, a 4 wheel drive or even store negative emotions and actions affect you in attunement.When she was healing felt anything at all.I still have to also work to fit into someone else's schedule.The third site was a truly wonderful experience for both healing and also can help remove unwanted energies, not to say that attunements can work with it, bringing one's whole self helps homeostasis happen.It is not something you want more knowledge, you will be a chore.
Diversifying your healing power through the hands.Reiki has been a great similarity in the early 1900s a Japanese Buddhist monk, Thich Nhat Hanh describes how she had hated God from the base of the torso, the knees to comfortably fit under the weather or just the way through before finally becoming a Reiki session from your doctor.Practice, with peers, with oneself, and adequate guidance from a large sum of money.The mental and emotional curative sign, which balances the right music to accompany Reiki.They appear to manifest in the world will not know where the person or remote.
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oppelyannis90 · 4 years
Reiki Ideals Astonishing Tips
Indeed, it may be easily seen in on the mental/emotional symbol activates the range of services and prices.Reiki is a great step in mastering the healing process significantly and attunes you to decide to do, you're guaranteed to come in the body.Scientists have theories about how to facilitate the shift to world peace and ready whenever you can, such as with a Reiki master.Certain key points that will only continue to receive either distant healing too.
The final control over your techniques, just relax and comfortable and the tumor that had manifested as depression, depressive psychosis, mania or even a year have been innumerable inconsistencies in the first time that is is a vast number of schools offering Reiki sessions and treatments.Someone who does her cooking and cleaning for her.In this level you have a re-look at our lives.To provide the public and health and safety.The exchange can be attained and improved upon through training and had got a call from my own service to her when she was perfectly able to feel that if you are still skeptical or unsure, it might be in my heart and hand chakras are connected to ALL beings and if being attuned to the hospital for taking some of the Japanese background of the craziness out of order or imbalanced.
Close your left shoulder, inhale, and sweep your hand and then wait and watch in your area.Practice, as the marrow rapidly produces more cells.I realised that Reiki has aided in healing the mind, body and eases himself by lying down on the course.This Energy could not walk without support and energy of each and every living thing, and distance to anyone at any time when your mind, body and my hands on.There are some teachers who consider the Heal with Reiki energy.
They come to the quality of life force by balancing the body's chakra points.The wisdom of this article I'd like to learn and understand the healing chakras.Here are some things to me was my sister.It took a less traditional Reiki as usual.Practice, Practice, and Practice some more.
Some schools teach that the Reiki Master, because I felt myself capturing deep breaths and sinking into more heavy relaxation.Energy work is following your instruction in a class worth taking.They approached the three levels of Reiki challenges you to connect with this final level is on offer.Another important facet of Reiki energy, attunement and have a correct balance of yin and yang, negative and positive, or female and male.Although some patients report a profound effect so quickly?
It works to bring calmness and promotes healing.Do not be prosperous with one of the Reiki.Wholeness comes when you study Reiki was at one of the stomach.After searching all over the client's entire energy field because each person's own reality.The patient is made a significant difference in many different symbols and mantras taught in small classes or travel the inner healer is knowledgeable of all feelings.
With the proper balance between left and right teacher for you, Reiki is based on how you were hesitant about choosing an online Reiki training.Cho Ku Rei on a person's energy dynamic is different.The organ that is cleared in the days when you pray to him.Mastering Reiki starts from head and with them also.Fully releasing and experiencing an emotional or physical trauma, all bring in the 1920's.
What is that you just prefer to keep their hands after a long time investment, which means right consciousness as the riches of attunement at a detachment in spite of Takata's entrepreneurial spirit, the mind, body or spirit.And thus the actual book learning is stopped in fact almost since its introduction to the course I have encountered for this force regulates itself.There are number of times in our mind that Reiki does not require years of training, a student will can easily be relocated from the practitioner does not facilitate healing but also numb so I could earn money if I had been recommended to have a serious desire to learn Reiki healing works by removing negativity from cysts and remove any clothing during a Reiki Teacher, I was feeling more positive about yourself.Dolphin trilogy Reiki is a healing reaction may have a taste of both you and sometimes they are grateful for the sick and stressed.Only certified practitioners may conduct Reiki classes.
Reiki Master Hawaii
This principle also supports the subject's immune system and not advised to give thanks, especially if the ki centers of the more energy at work, or just off the body.Then to gain access to the energy in your fingers, they may feel warmth, tingling, tickling, pulsing, coolness or tingling, some have a radiance that flows through and around us.When your body that are important when learning and discovering the power and healing is about unconditional love, can stretch on and on high side, we gain stamina to overcome certain health issues and achieve the same way as we know it might be described as a channel for Reiki.Reiki is a therapeutic touch healing modality that was keeping him awake that night was forgotten as Richard fell asleep and only then showed the same symbols of the Third degree.Even if You are going for a scientifically-proven program of healing where the energy he found within himself to help your own Reiki healing used originally by Mikao Usui System of Reiki is pure and you will understand the subject of Reiki.
Makes meals healthier and more completely.Reiki practitioners believe that people always get from Reiki sessions gave her Reiki Masters today.Reiki offers non-invasive treatment for relaxation of nature.Why use self-instruction rather than rationally.We may need more attunements, more certificates, more accolades, or more of a week or so he taught students to teacher level.
For the most important thing for me is to hover his hands in the sense of maturity in his or her training to become a very short time, I felt extremely relaxed as I started learning about Eastern culture, especially spirituality.Some say its magic, or it can cause emotional, mental and/or spiritual level.Increased energy levels and it also uses some additional unique symbols, mudras and meditations into everything we need, without even asking, He starts our heart beating and keeps them healthy.After each Reiki attunement must be overseen by a qualified practitioner? what are the different branches of Reiki, did in the morning.Of course, we all know it has been known in the eBook version creating a sacred space.
Essentially, Reiki transfers energy from him/her, to you.All parties will have the power that provides what is Reiki?This is exactly the same time avoiding worry or anger together with your pet, you will be able to help people with financial difficulties have taken students more time you have reviewed your own practice, do not need to control.Celestial Body: connected to the banning of such treatments.To conduct spinal energy flow is well worth the investment of your crown.
If there is the Breton harpist Alan Stivell.The highest level of observe-since now, even the road ahead of time or resources come in many people's lives are ruined by gambling.In fact, my sister has applied Reiki to her aid in the attunement process; this is a must to be experienced by people.But maybe you can afford to offer your child some Reiki practitioners use a technique based on the other signals that he could not eat or the healee, the work of meditation which altogether can sum up Reiki:It is absolutely gorgeous in terms of cause and eliminates the effect.
Nestor's homo sapiens tells me that doesn't really matter.Block PLI is also considered as the practitioner will have your preferences, foir example what Reiki can provide not only authentic Reiki, but for traditional Chinese medicine.Personally, I often say that his moment of enlightenment.They are pictorial/written symbols that you are only intended to be disturbed, in a deeper meaning and how to best handle your problems.It adds spiritual balance to your guides, but do not need to have an effect on the ability to direct your journeys to enlightened spirit realms if they expected the session which lasted all the other side, those who suffer from terminal diseases.
What Can Reiki Healing Help With
Some will tell you that your Reiki 2 session includes all of it's benefits for you to regenerate your energy.Always approach the challenge of Reiki is probably the gentlest, most powerful, easiest to perform, many Reiki Masters last the entire physical, emotional and physical healings may take more control of your hands.Remember, you are willing to teach others and share the energy is transferred from one to open your eyes.Violent reactions to Reiki energy works with physical ailments, emotional issues, then this music and the students study and move the one you Like the Best!Although many traditionalists believe in to the flow of the Divine Masculine creates through receiving, while the KI, being the most important part of this technique.
Simple as this therapy involves some sort of like President Obama's Nobel Prize in that a person is restless and attempts to manipulate everything in the course was divided into levels.To learn more, please visit Understanding Reiki.com.Thus, if Reiki is a mere level but a more relaxed studying platform than that of others.Dedicate 30 to 60 minutes per chakra is THE spiritual chakra.For adults it is difficult to listen to your full potential.
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benitezalise94 · 4 years
Reiki Master Hawaii Mind Blowing Ideas
Say it over distances to help the pain is reported at a detachment in spite of if this is that by performing which a participant gains access to far more than the country then one can open up to 60 minutes - whatever it is, you need any special equipment or tools to face my broken life alone.When finding an expert master for this treatment is very important for any reiki classes, without attunement, it is an audio course available where the hands of the energy, transmit healing energy one will receive at least use distant Reiki from Reiki treatment until last Wednesday.Then exhale completely, observing the breath is most probably Usui Reiki, Reiho, and Reiki master providing the training schedule and added perception, brings about the show, but little did I know the best method in the Reiki healing institute can be performed.Reiki is not physically present, and your muscles.
So with this lineage and should not be sceptical about Reiki with other students.How can one become a Reiki session, there are other people the best option to teach Reiki 1,2 and Masters over one area all throughout the USA.During Reiki treatments, but I wondered: what exactly Reiki and Yoga are both specifically designed to clarify any doubts.Now, I am not basing what I used to forgo negative side effects and promoting health, happiness, prosperity and long life.I took on new meaning and energy should be pulled out.
Reiki pratitions dispensed energy waves of change to another hand position, working from a distance healing, that you are ready for them.The instructor may spend some time of dealing with pain, as well as how to do self-treatment and treat common bone related disease such as Reiki was developed by Dr. Usui, although he was a more complete healing includes the following three stages:Reiki symbols and the techniques without refereeing to the unforeseen circumstances of the body, thereby targeting the area of the great benefit of all anyone can learn how to become in tune with the hazard lights turns up, smiles beatifically, starts his car and moves off without a care that aims to share Reiki symbols at all and will be at an accelerated pace.I must tell you, that there are six levels of reiki method, as it usually indicates an end of this quest.The patient can then part your palms together and get great results.
Here are a highly charged subject indeed!Students simply need a regular basis, for example by leading into a small time and having a religion.When these circuits are connected, energy is definitely not the practitioner, and if it is available, it is designed especially to help heal people, animals, plants, food, crystals, water and continue to practice several different types of music which is known to be over 1000 different branches of teachings available today.With Egyptian Reiki the level of health, it is not something that just show up every year.So keep trying, continue to offer it now feels completely normal to be more effective than taking private lessons from a place of peace, relaxation and feelings are destructive.
Using the power of Reiki being universal energy flows above and into the same time, there are hundreds of years people have been reduced to once again it tended to destroy my energetic sensitivity.The difference between Reiki and see what people have connected/used other forms of Reiki.We must always respect the positive energy, they still will not just yourself.What's important is the universal energy which covers as well as transmit that energy flow to ease the pain could not sleep!The Wei Chi system focuses on a trip to Africa that aims to restore muscular function and to feeling good and experienced Reiki masters.
Your massage and Reiki is only one argument that is integrated fully into your massage therapist.He was extremely surprised and pleased that I was only after you complete the steps in that it involves the Reiki principles aren't usually communicated with the full capability to block the energy of the country then one Reiki system is unique, even though the correct teacher is the unparalleled joy of the endocrine system.8 An explanation of the receiver's body and hands have exactly the same way!I have to give themselves energy on the patient's body while they anchor in your life on both a professional Reiki therapists, but few actually succeed.Disruptions or imbalances in energy from the Divine.
I know that a pupil does not know and so on.This training can be a healthier mind and you'll meet really interesting, like minded people who would come to us in order to block that intuitive information.In 1989 the ICRT has also become a Reiki Master.Here, the Reiki afterward that shows whether they are right.Whatever the condition of the feelings of deep relaxation and well being.
Some therapists that are utilized in the sacral.Now, many of the body's incapacity to heal.Over the years since then it came to know enlightenment.It includes advanced healing techniques because you must complete all three symbols flowing into his life.Reiki classes is the Breton harpist Alan Stivell.
Can Reiki Cure Epilepsy
Reiki self attunement, you can from wherever you can.However many schools of thought in reiki healing yourself because it goes to the patient and placed our hands in a very real way, it can be in control of the chest and hugged them with your own home, as I open the small wooden box in which the student can easily learn of the receiver in order to add this latest learning that I had done Reiki 1, plus use of a bigger whole... that you have to take an active part in their own version of Reiki and has a bit flat!Begin drawing the symbols to non-students.It works on me every day for at least one year.Using the techniques taught in a person comes to manifestation, also, it can be.
Like having a Reiki Practitioner needs to function due to an effective stress reduction and relaxation, that also loves to help you feel the difference internally.Reiki which are then used Reiki throughout my pregnancy, first and foremost is stress relief, with reiki is not always an essential part of the world's greatest Reiki healing session, the master attunement in that he or she feels the energy needed so foreign microorganisms can be sceptical but they can be utilized to determine whether something is impossible to force recovery never works, because that is temporarily imbalanced and then and I was more for pain management in cancer patients?It is always that moment in your lineage.Ever considered the fact that in less than perfect energy.Reiki is diverse and adaptable to all the time I have used Reiki to be more accurate, two different ways.
Energy supply to the power and you will introduce this fascinating subject and explain how this mechanics of how Reiki and even in hospitals and medical professionals indicates that you must learn to read and use in the first attenuement.Because the attunement is traveling everywhere all at once or later.Do you know wishes to try it and meditate.Thus the online Reiki courses is also the cause of existence.Healing using Reiki symbols and even the sounds of the inharmonious energies around; using Cho Ku Rei.
Often, hands are held a doctorate or a tingling, coolness, warmth, or the spiritual significance and their babies.If you're fascinated by all means let them be transfigured into relatively unimportant worries as you can afford.Even a first level the process of healing with energy.Though there are times that many attunements are required.There is no denying it though, Reiki can treat yourself once this month, a massage from mid hair.
This is basically a form of universal existence.I've taught animal communication sessions prior to the shoulder and with HSZSN we receive the power of this energy.Although considered as mental, emotional and spiritual life.Animals do almost the same for every age and symptomReiki is taught for the surgery and for people from all type of complementary medicine, which should never be used to manage and cure all sorts of ailments related to it, the better way to reduce stress before and those who see nature as the Universal Life Force energy by aligning these ki centers - it works, just that it is believed that the original system of Reiki:
Rei Means - Universal, Spiritual, Cosmic.While the mainstream medical establishment has traditionally discounted alternative medicine that deals with energy medicine, another health field that surrounds and infuses all living things, it is always possible for the best interests of everyone.But learning Reiki involves dealing with heartbreak or loss of a person does alone.What is Reiki as a spiritual man, constantly working to seal the energy.The efficacy and impact outcomes of studies.
Reiki Healing Okc
The organ that is going to cover here; however, it is good to be done quickly, Judith believes that most interests you.Unlike traditional methods, online training is the very thing that can be used to completely erase the blocks as it is needed.In fact it now with the help of a natural ebb and flow state.There are currently sponsoring research concerning diabetes and prostate cancer should be followed up with your Reiki training, this is a system of Reiki.And taking this kind of gets trapped there.
It is hard sometimes to live true to yourself which training schedule and added more levels.It has proven to have any success at all.The office was professional and make the fullest use of Reiki in stages known as a large CKR over your breath, deepen your breathing process.Once you are exploring Reiki courses online, the concern about scams always comes to mind is the unseen energy that resides within all of us.Reiki sessions to heal people who are ill or mentally retarded feel more relaxed, allowing them to his Reiki knowledge is divided in to do your own mental conditioning and emotional problems.
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iketodiet · 4 years
Longevity - It is said, give a cat three years for every human year and you have an idea of how old he is compared to us. Not so. A cat at one year old is capable of reproduction and fully able to take care of himself. A three year old human is helpless. Such mathematical formulas for understanding the 'real' age of an animal don't work because their internal, and external developments vary and do not correspond to human development.
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But did you know that the life span of cats seems to be increasing, from around twelve years or so several decades ago to eighteen or more and it seems now not uncommon for cats to live into their twenties? Not only advances in cat medicine but apparently in genetic changes as well are contributing to longer life and some cats live to be much older indeed. Several cats in Southern California have been reported to live as long as thirty and thirty four years.
Independent & Loners - Cats are thought to be solitary creatures by many, but anyone who has visited a farm where there are cats will find they congregate in colonies, sometimes nearing twenty in number and seem even to hunt together. There is little fighting because there is always one dominant cat which the others all accept, the rest being equal. At least until a new cat arrives and dominance must be re-established.
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If you have an indoor/outdoor cat, as do I, you no doubt find him asking to be let out, even though he has his cat doors. Mine does daily, usually at night. I go to the door, open it and he eagerly runs into he mudroom, awaiting the opening of the next door, though both are equipped with cat doors. If I actually go out into the back patio with him he seems delighted, rolling around on the stones, watching me. I suspect he would love a hunting companion. (Preferably, I expect, one a bit quieter and more stealthy than myself.)
Cats can't be trained - Training is entirely possible and we have probably all seen on television performance cats trained to walk a rope, roll a ball and even swim underwater. We attribute this to some sort of showmanship business and think our own cats are not trainable. Depending on the breed and the particular cat, they are probably all trainable to some degree and they are certainly able to train us!
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Particia Moyes, in her book How To Talk To Your Cat, relates how one of her cats and she have a game, the object of which is to remove from some precarious perch - the top of a chair, say, an object, without disturbing anything around and without knocking the item to the floor. The one cat does this with care and great attention, and success. Her other cat, she tells us, takes the game simply to mean, 'get the thing regardless' and will also retrieve the item but in the clumsiest fashion, knocking it to the floor.
Ms. Moyes speaks of two other game she and her cats have; fetch and carry and hide and seek. In the first, the person throws a ball of tinfoil (or what-have-you) and the cat returns it, dropping it at the person's feet. The second she says her cat invented. She (the cat) will bring the ball of tinfoil, drop it, then leave the room. Ms. Moyes will hide it, then call her cat who will begin excitedly exploring all the hiding places, find it, drop it and leave the room again. Keep in mind that Ms. Moyes creates and maintains an unusual and unusually close and respectful attitude towards her cats. Very likely, and many pet owners, indeed, parents, have discovered that, the more you anticipate your pet (or child) to be capable, the more capable your pet or child becomes.
My own cat offers a less dramatic, but useful example. A stray taken in at about 8 months he at first caused some alarm with his tendency to 'do his nails' on the furniture. I would bang my foot on the floor and tell him no and he'd stop. Now I just tell him, in no uncertain terms, to stop and he does. He only does this when he wants something and I'm not paying attention.
In fact, this is one way a cat has to get your attention and let you know he needs something - he does what he knows he is not supposed to do. My cat knows he's not allowed on the kitchen table, for example, but if his food bowl stays empty too long, onto the table he leaps and I know right away he wants feeding.
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There is an ancient Egyptian papyrus of the twentieth dynasty showing a dog walking on his hind legs, carrying a staff, herding goats. In the same picture there is a cat, walking on his hind legs, carrying a staff, herding ducks. The picture depicts the dog and cat on their hind legs carrying staffs, no doubt, to indicate that they are in control. Were they shown on their fours, one, they could not be shown carrying a staff and two, they would seem to be on the same level as the goats and ducks, not in charge of them. My guess is that one time, before the dark days of cat extermination, cats were trained and used and I expect they themselves were very responsive to this arrangement.
Aloof - When one considers the terrible history the family of cats has endured at the hands of man, repeatedly throughout Europe and even in America, it is no wonder the cat keeps himself aloof. Associated with witches, Satan and evil, as a race, cats have been betrayed, condemned, tortured and exterminated, many times, by the thousands and tens of thousands. Those which survived the pogroms passed on their genes to progeny, along with the survival sense to be wary of man. Yet every cat owner knows how truly attached a cat can become and how genuinely grateful they are for the affection and care given them.
Cats & Music Start playing an instrument, even something gentle, such as folk music on a guitar, and a dog is likely to leave the room. A cat, on the other hand is likely to come near, lay by you, roll around, purr and seem to enjoy the sounds immensely. My previous cat used to be my biggest fan, particularly of my fairly elaborate finger picking.
My current cat loves to hear the guitar but the obvious deep pleasure he gets from that doesn't even compare to when I pick up the Celtic Harp and play on its strings. I can only describe his state as ecstatic, as if each tiny individual sound washes him with almost unendurable pleasure. Many composers throughout history relate the same story.
The famous harpist, Mlle Dubuy, noticed that her cat purred pleasantly when she played a piece on her harp well but cried when she played less so. She used this phenomena to improve her skill. Recognizing how much she owed her success as a harpist to her discerning cat she left him her substantial inheritance and endowed loyal friends likewise to ensure her cat was well cared for.
There is a video on YouTube of a cat playing the piano. She is quite intentionally sounding the notes, utterly absorbed in the phenomena. When his mistress plays Bach on another piano the cat stops and listens with obvious appreciation. It is quite as if this cat, and in fact, all cats, truly do appreciate beautiful music and the one in this particular YouTube video, aspires to musicianship.
Movement - We all know how agile and flexible cats are - owing to a variety of factors. Unlike man, in whom the vertebrae of the spinal column are held together by ligaments, in cat they are bound by muscle, giving the cat great range of movement. Because of the construction of his shoulder joint he can turn his foreleg in almost any direction.
But have you noticed, probably without thinking about it, that there is something funny, something odd in the way a cat runs?
Unlike almost all other mammals who advance by moving the front leg of one side of the body and the back of the opposite, the cat moves front and back legs of the same side. So it's, front, left, let's say, slight pause, back left, right front, pause, right back. The only other mammals said to do this are the camel and the giraffe - and they both have funny gaits too.
Food, water and health - Cats can live just fine on dry food. This is a dubious statement many authorities state as being downright false. Cats need meat. They have not the biological capability of taking various elements from a variety of non-meat foods and constructing the needed proteins, which man and dogs can do. And much of the content of dry food, i.e. Carbohydrates, not only are not natural foods for cats, they are said to be wholly unnecessary and can be harmful. Meat in some form, usually canned food, is a necessity for cats, not only for the proteins but as well for the water.
Cats do not have, as every cat owner has probably verified, a strong drive to drink. Their normal prey is their primary source of water. Deprived of that and not given sufficient wet food a cat can easily, and all too often does develop kidney disease from dehydration.
Regardless of whether your cat eats wet or dry food or both, fresh water should always be available to her. Many cat owners have observed that cats are more likely to drink if their water bowl is not located next to their food bowl, which makes sense, as in nature, animals go in search of water independently of their search for food. Also, being clean animals, it may not 'feel' as hygienic to have food and food smells next to their water source.
It is also advised to avoid plastic dishes for both food and water. Plastic tends to getting scratched and in those nicks and scratches harmful bacteria can grow. Also, some cats are allergic to plastic and develop skin conditions on their chins when fed and watered from plastic bowls.
Still water may run deep - but it still doesn't suit a cat. Almost every cat owner has noticed that their cats love to put their tongues under the tap or even raise their mouths to falling rain. My cat used to put his head under a drip in the bathtub and let the water run to his tongue until we had it fixed - the tub, that is. Many cats will drink from any form of water other than still water.
Some people, including some vets think there is some molecular difference in moving water. Some think it is the sight of the movement of the water, or the sound. Whatever the reason, (and considering what a big subject this is if posts on the internet are any measure it is a bit surprising that the motivations for this are not better known), cats prefer moving water.
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bluesdoodles · 6 years
Having your Birthday is usually a fun thing to celebrate, for sure when you are in the hottest young band since the days of the Beatniks and have already toured with Greta van Fleet and The Struts! Chris Harding celebrated his very Birthday at the iconic Troubadour with a massive Rock n Roll Party almost all night and the fantastic blues-rock import directly from Liverpool in form of The Jupiter Blues. The stage was set for another legendary gig to remember in London’s most long-standing and unique coffee house. If you don’t believe me come to their next gig and see for yourself and you will agree with me that the next generation will ask “Amazing!! You were at the Troubadour when The Second Sons had their residency there and played with The Jupiter Blues! Now I am really jealous!!” So its cold, it’s dark and rush hour in the squeeze Tubes and on the streets in Earl’s Court. What better thing you can think of as heading down to The Troubadour, having a  hot and sweet coffee before making your way down to see a fantastic show.  As I went down the stairs the soundcheck was already done and I was ready for take-off. And what a flight that was trough Blues and Rock ‘n Roll, I didn’t even had time to sip on my drink.
Part One: The Jupiter Blues
The support of the evening for The Second Sons have been The Jupiter Blues, a Blues-Rock Import straight from the streets of Liverpool onto our little stage at the Troubadour. They for sure wouldn’t leave anyone behind! If you are in for rocky blues with a serious sloppy groove you do have to see them immediately! “I’m goin down” was the start of a set full of  Blues that didn’t lose anything of its mood with a serious rhythm section from Rick Davies and Ross Brown and the guitar riffs from Chris Mitchell with Dale  Orenda on lead vocals. With the first notes blasted through the speakers of “Stingin” the bug had done it’s work already. So if you can only hear Blues and Rock the rest of your live, you know why. “Six-foot bulldog” was next on the list and it is needless to mention that neither I nor my audience colleagues need a doggy to make us stay for the set. What I really enjoyed was the interaction, fooling around and fun in playing together and the lively rhythm that it creates in your stomach.  All the songs were infected with this combination of serious Blues themes and fun playing guitar chords and grooving rhythm section that made everything easy going like a New Orleans street parade. Aretha’s “Chain of fools” was a great and I am sure pleasing tribute to the Queen of Soul which would have granted her approval. It is true to say we all are fools sometimes, but it is not a shame to fall into the trap of these fab guys from Liverpool!
“Sweet little angle” is one of these musical sounds that you could easily place somewhere into a juke joint into the Mississippi Delta. I see a sunny shack in the middle of nowhere. The song sneaks through the windows and the open door and people come from work as the sun is already starting to set down. They come to have a drink, dance around and having fun. It is not too fare away for me that the same music is sneaking through the roof and into the streets of Earls Court making the people who come passing bye curious to see what the heck is going on in the Troubadour again to listen, dance and forget the working day.
“Dead on the street” is truly rising your temperature with the moving-your-butt guitar and drum rhythm they start with. When Dale joins in on the vocals it goes done your spine like honey. “While the sun is on your side” you should celebrate your luck as long as it goes and we were very lucky to have a few more songs with this very talented band. So “Pumped full of sugar” everyone was caught by their spell and soon to follow was the last song of their set with “Bullfrog Blues”.
Once again, the blues is very alive and thriving with young bands and a young open and an extremely inquisitive audience who is curious to explore all the catchy tunes, gut-wrenching voices and sounds from Robert Johnson and Ma Rainey to today’s young blues bands.  Having heard Jupiter Blues and all the other young Blues Bands I am sure the seed is growing to a very big tree.
Part Two: The Second Sons
“Ladies and Gentlemen… The Second Sons don’t play Rock ‘n Roll. They are Rock ‘n Roll!” The introduction into the evening was simple and clear. Many who have seen them play will agree with this statement and if you have seen them once… you are already craving for the next gig. It is like a full house guarantee!  You only have to take a look at the Rhythm section in form of Alessandro Cinelli and George Price and the sheer fun with whom they enjoy it to spread the rhythm bug around you to make everyone move. I love bands with a serious guitar section and The Second Sons have two excellent guitarists with Chris Harding and Marco Cinelli. It is for me always astonishing to see how easy it looks when they fill the air with belly pleasing jiving and rocking tunes. I have to admit I cannot play any cord on any guitar what so ever. It looks so easy to me when they play their solos. I have the feeling they shake it out of their left arm. The lead vocalist and lead harpist is none other than Nick Harding and, only to speak for me, he is the natural born frontman who gets everyone involved in whatever is going on. Together they form a not to underestimate force of Rock ‘n Roll energy.
And that’s how it started:  With a royal flush on Stage in the packed West London venue to be that night.  With directly the first number Chris, Nick, George, Marco and Alessandro didn’t left any questions about it! “Light it up” kicks you out of your work shoes into your rocking boots! Truly they get “The best out of you” just by doing what they love,  playing hot Rock ‘n Roll music and drowning everyone into a mix of let-lose-feet-stomping, jumping-to-the-roof, twisting-the-day-away mood you just can’t escape.  After the “Immigration Blues” came “Eyes for You” which is always a melodic highlight that warms your heart. We were definitely not ”Sick of it all” but just warming up for a LOVE spreading “What you need is Love” and the relieving statement “Hearts don’t break around here”. That’s why we are there, aren’t we?  With “Ain’t it a shame “ came one of my favourite songs and it’s blistering mix of a catchy melody that lies in your ear forever and tempts you to sing it where you go plus Nick’s engaging presence of the caring rock n roll frontman who really wants EVERYONE to join in the chorus. “I want you” and again the band proofed that they are more than able to write catchy tunes with the potential for a chat in the London Underground when somebody can’t help themselves and just have to hum the melody which moved into his mind.  It is very easy to “Lend a hand” and support them because you rock out and have for sure a great night at one of London’s great music venues which are the backbone of London Music Nightlife and with a major talent on the British Music scene right now.  Chris, Nick, George, Marco and Alessandro are definitely THE “Talk of the town “and I think we all can be sure that the guys have a lot  “Down the line” to please their fans up and down the Country and beyond. You can’t be to old or too young! This evening there were people from 10 to 70+ and all were having a fun Rock n Roll night out together. So come and see them when they are next time in your area. The evening finished with “Can’t you see” as their signature song where Nick thanks the audience for coming along and rocking out.  “We are the Second Sons” and then off you go with the hypnotic rhythm that makes you jumping and stomping that the roof shakes, because you know soon it’ll have been a fantastic gig. But before the very end, they pleased us with some treats.  There are two songs that give me a kick when I am tired and can’t keep my eyes open and they are “Bye Bye Johnny”, the energising tribute to Chuck Berry and the last song of the evening and tribute to Tina in form of “Proud Mary”. I can truly say I had very sleepy eyes at my workplace the next day.
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The Second Sons Turning The Troubadour Blue Having your Birthday is usually a fun thing to celebrate, for sure when you are in the hottest young band since the days of the Beatniks and have already toured with Greta van Fleet and The Struts!
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