#hey guys I’m about to go to work but I’ve seen so many lovely tag comments on my harp covers
hazzabeeforlou · 2 years
#hey guys I’m about to go to work but I’ve seen so many lovely tag comments on my harp covers#I saw one saying ‘how do you even end up in a position to be able to learn a harp!’#and I wanted to reiterate. the classical music world is incredibly steeped in classism and racism. it’s inherent#because most music is written by ethnic Europeans and stems from the origins of western music which is the Catholic Church#it was a major tool in colonialism and it’s adoption as a means to validity in a white supremecist system can be seen echoing in China’s#current fascination with western orchestral music. but they’re also subverting it by reimagining their own instruments in the orchestra#anyways that’s a rabbit trail but what I’m saying is#for some reason I asked to play the harp when I was three. my parents were working class and non musicians. my dad is Mexican. we used to#barter lessons for yard work and painting (thankfully my harp teacher was a wonderful woman who allowed that)#my dad took out a home equity loan to afford my first large harp#I got the one you see in the vids because a close friend of my teacher was dying of cancer and sold it at a loss to me#this is a field with SO many barriers#every single person I went to grad school with had money out their ears#I have a heap of student loans and currently no permanent harp job#I guess I’m saying. I wish access to instruments like mine was easier for everyone but it’s rare because it’s gatekept#so just keep that in mind. you could just have easily have been a harpist if the world were more equitable and fair#I’m always open to people reaching out and asking questions about the instrument and music in general#love u guys
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starkwlkr · 1 month
I need more dad logan content he's soo girl dad 😭😭 I feel like he would get offended if someone said like "you must want a son" sorry smth 😭
been a son | logan howlett
an: my dad literally thought i was going to be a boy (he wanted a son so bad) and now him and me are besties <3 anon, thanks for the request!! and if anyone thinks logan isn’t girl dad coded TURN ON YOUR LOCATION I WANNA TALK!!! this could also work with old man logan if you want <3 and yes this is named after a nirvana song lol i love nirvana
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Logan Howlett loved his girls. He would do anything for them. He protected them from anything and anyone. If someone looked at his girls the wrong way, Logan wouldn’t hesitate to speak up.
It was a normal day with the Howlett family. Rogue was visiting for a few days so when Logan told her it was his turn to pick up Laura and Ada from school, she wanted to tag along. He didn’t mind one bit.
They finally made it to the school where several parents were already parked in their cars waiting for their kids. Logan and Rogue exited the car and waited outside, taking advantage of the beautiful sunny day. After waiting and catching up with each other, the bell had rung signaling the end of another school day. It didn’t take long for Laura and Ada to reunite with their dad and sister.
“Marie!” Ada tan up to Rogue and hugged her.
“Hey, sugar! How was school?” Rogue asked. She then turned to Laura and hugged her as well. “Did you pass your math test?”
“Aced it.” Laura showed the test to Logan and Rogue.
“I think that calls for ice cream, don’t you think?” Logan smiled at the Howlett girls. Ada was telling Rogue about wanting to take ballet lessons when a pick up truck parked beside them.
The truck belonged to some guy that both you and Logan despised. He was your stereotypical asshole dad. His kids were in Ada’s class. Ada mentioned many times how they would pick on her.
“I’ve never seen you around. You Logan’s kid too?” He asked Rogue, who clearly felt uncomfortable by his presence. All she did was nod. “Is your kid mute or what? Sweetheart, I’m the friendliest guy in this whole damn town. I’m Frank.”
“She’s not mute. She doesn’t want to talk to you, Frank.” Logan replied.
“Fine, fine. So are all your girls freaks? Let me tell you, if your kids were sons, you wouldn’t be disappointed. I mean every father wants sons, right? You must want at least one. The son carries your last name after all. Girls erase yours.” Frank went on and on. He just didn’t know when to shut up.
Logan had enough. It was time to shut Frank up for good. He grabbed Frank by his shirt collar and slammed him against his truck. “Don’t ever say another word about my girls,” as Logan held Frank, his claws started to come out making Frank fear for his life. The claw was so close to the man’s face that Frank was afraid to move the slightest bit. “Got it?”
Frank couldn’t even get a proper word out. All he did was mumble what seemed like a ‘yes’.
Logan’s claws went back in. He threw Frank to the ground and walked away as if nothing had happened between them. Obviously Laura wasn’t going to let him off easy. As she passed by his truck, Laura’s claws came out and punctured his tires. She took Ada’s hand and together they climbed into Logan’s car, Rogue sitting in the passenger seat.
Before leaving, Logan rolled down the window and smirked at Frank. “Can your son do that?”
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randomyuu · 11 months
there's a lover in the story, but the story's still the same
Ahh, don’t you love it when fear motivates your drawing mood? (not really)
That’s what I felt reading the scene that is drawn below. It’s fear for Yuuji but also feeling excited picturing an emotionless teen!Gojou so here I am. Always down bad for Vox’s Goyuu fics, aren’t I? *sighs*
Welp, here we go.
Title: there’s a lover in the story, but the story’s still the same
Author: @voxofthevoid
Second fic of the series there’s a lover in the story, but the story’s still the same
Pairing YuuGo, NSFW, please read the tags carefully before giving it a read... the usual drill ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Highly recommend you guys to read them first. Or not, it’s up to you honestly :v
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Usually I would gush about the fic but I’ve already done that under the fic itself so I just want you to know this comic is solely carried by me wanting to draw the ticking time bomb called teen!Gojou-post-discussion-with-adult!Ieiri. You could probably guess what they’re talking about :”)
The fear for Yuuji’s well-being started this, but Satoru’s cold eyes kept me going. I can’t get rid of it from my mind lmao
You can say drawing these kind of expressions is my jam   ( ̄▽ ̄)
I hope I did Satoru’s emotions justice haha
A bit of my thoughts and doodle below. Unhinged maybe, it’s midnight, I got more work to do after this, and my brain cells are barely hanging on. Haha I'm living the life-
There are so many things I want to talk about in the process of making this. But after I typed it out, most of them sounded so unnecessary so I rewrote it a few times. I tried to make this as short as possible lmao
Typesetting and sketching are the roughest parts of this project. During these stages, I kept feeling everything I did wasn’t doing the scene enough justice, and it was frustrating. As I planned this project, I read a few doujins and noticed the font types scanlation teams use. There are so many of them, and each helped convey the tone of each image. Felt like crying when I realised I’m not knowledgeable enough to apply good typesetting, ngl. And then the interior design. Fuck, the frustration is so real. I am absolutely clueless about this kind of thing. Tracing lots of references because I have no perception of space makes me feel even worse. I knew first times rarely create a masterpiece, but I was not satisfied with my accomplishment and the feeling of failing to fulfil my own expectations hurt.
Thank goodness most of the things I need to draw are Shouko, Yuuji and Satoru. Because dear g o d drawing them healed me. I found so much comfort in drawing Shouko’s long hair and Satoru’s eyes and drowning Yuuji in an oversized hoodie. The comfort zone of character drawing never feels so real lmaooo
Drawing them was so effective that I can look back at the backgrounds with acceptance. Hey, I did it! Not perfect just yet, but I did it!
Haha I feel like I’m losing my mind. I don’t know if it’s in a good way or a bad way. Guess I do have one or two screws loose.
Only for Yuuji lmao
(nah I just need sleep, or cooling down from the rush of having finished this)
It might come off as a surprise if you’ve only seen my art on Tumblr, but I’ve always preferred to draw feminine-leaning ladies. I’ve always loved drawing their curves, whether it’s the figure, the clothes, or the (long) hair. But I’ve grown to like drawing masculine gentlemen as well with their sharp edges and straight lines, and now my ladies start to look more androgynous lmao
Anyway, I was pretty stoked to be able to draw adult!Ieiri! I… I kind of miss drawing long hair so here have some more before you go on your day ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
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9x07 · 3 months
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Honestly Kayla, finding this in my inbox is the highlight of my week, one of my favourite blogs on here @nilefreemans
I honestly have so many thoughts about bucktommy overall but tommy kinard is such an enigma in many ways and it’s kind of like sudoku where it’s a fun puzzle to play around with headcanons based on intentional and unintentional canon information and i have so many thoughts whenever i see gifs
cause like yeah it’s very easy to just be like yeah i’ve seen pics of lou with earrings but choosing to interpret it as an intentional character element adds so much to tommy’s character
cause yeah ear piercings are way less gendered now but i know i certainly grew up hearing so many gendered rules about who could or couldn’t get their ears pieced and the “gay earring”, and i imagine that would have been so much more amplified for Tommy, just the layers of pressure and closeting he is seemingly under prior to chimney begins— which makes the pierced ears even more interesting because jt means in universe that there was some point in time that tommy felt like he could step out of those confines and take what looks like this tiny little step but in reality is profound for him but only temporarily since we don’t see him wear them even outside of work iirc.
and i’m just fascinated by these little pockets of liberation for characters like tommy —like for ref. I watched spn and one of my favourite fic tropes is Stanford Era Dean where for a brief moment he doesn’t have to be hunter nobody is perceiving him and he gets to just be himself a queer man— which just feels very Tommy
like i don’t have hard or fast ideas and tommy doesn’t seems like the most traditionally impulsive (like buck) but more of a measured impulsivity where maybe he doesn’t seek things out but he’ll eagerly engage when it’s there- i mean see every time chimney has ‘dragged’ him into things/information out of him
So while I could easily see it being a throwaway line of like “oh yeah I forget about em, I got them when I lost a bet” or as a more active rebellious move of like hey I can't do something grander but I can do this and the kind of people who would see this as gay are the people I'm looking to spite right now
But my personal favourite is (again a lot of this is me just wanting an version of the stanford era dean segment of A Thousand Lives fic but Tommy pre-buck) I really enjoyed the idea that Tommy got his ears pieced because he wanted to just sincerely, even more so if in a bitter sweet way it’s in this blip of tommy’s life prior to coming out when he’s out to himself and dating men, going to queer spaces etc. and one of them is some queer man with the patience of a saint who one evening in a moment of calm intimacy probably brushing their hands through tommy’s hair and when noticing his ears ask tommy if he’s ever thought about getting them pierced- and at this window of post army and either pre LAFD entirely or just pre-buck 118- he has just enough courage to say yes and agree to getting them pierced, and like eventually this partner would somehow convince him to do some level of gender bending expression or drag like a Halloween costume (like please can somebody draw Tommy doing rock horror) and then bittersweet it’d probably link back to tommy being just not being ready for or in the right environment to be really fully out and a mutual break out as the other guy looking for a more visible relationship
i really wasn’t expecting this to be this long i had to fully delete a tangent i had about my thoughts on tommy and love actually but that’s for a different post lmao, again really honoured that you enjoyed my rambly tags enough to want to hear more, i wish i wrote fic so i could put these ideas together better but at least it’s there
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Sky Full of Stars - Chapter Two.
Ahhh, fuck it. Why not another chapter to get the ball rolling? You guys are so good to me with your lovely comments, so in turn, you get more story!
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Previous chapters - One
Tag list - In the comments
Words - 4,312
Warnings - 18+ content throughout. Minors DNI!
“Hey Jade, I’ll give you some privacy,” Marv, their driver spoke with his usual wide smile upon seeing her climb onto the bus with a guy he recognised but couldn’t immediately place why. “Need to go find me some food anyway.”  
“Alright, Marv. The food truck has just about everything tonight. No more bad burgers!” she chuckled, moving through the narrow gangway. The bus wasn’t what he’d expected it would look like, a small lounge area at the front, two rows of sleeping bunks towards the centre, a tiny kitchen area and even smaller bathroom (complete with an amusing handwritten sign that advised if anyone took a crap, their head got flushed along with it) and finally, another lounge area right at the back.  
The seating section surrounded a small table, the space perhaps the least claustrophobic on the bus. It certainly looked a lot larger on the outside than it did within. How she coped being cooped up in it while travelling, he didn’t know.  
“Do you want a drink? I’ve got wine somewhere, do you like Merlot?” she asked, beginning to root around in the overhead cupboards. “No, it’s in the kitchenette. Hang on.” 
“Yeah, that’d be great, thanks.” Sitting down, he had mere moments to take stock of what an interesting day it had been so far. It had started out not so great, jammed against a barrier with a crush of a permanently apoplectic mosh pit behind him, the early evening bringing with it something much more comfortable and sedate. He was joined again quickly by the woman who only continued to captivate him further with every passing moment, passing him a solo cup half filled with red wine. 
“Sorry for the uncouth receptacle. We don’t keep breakables on the bus beyond coffee mugs, save things getting smashed to hell,” she explained, taking a seat. “So, tell me more about you. You’ve fascinated me so far. I want to know what lurks beneath the extremely attractive exterior.”  
Yes, she certainly was very naturally charming, Adrien feeling his stomach flutter pleasantly. She hadn’t asked him about his acting, or which industry people he knew, what he’d be working on next, oh no. Him. She wanted to know about him. It made for a refreshing change, although eventually she did inquire into his profession, one she was slowly making waves in herself. Lamentably, although she’d been in quite a high number of projects over the past eight years, he hadn’t actually seen her in anything. Or so he thought.  
“I mean, it was only a small, independent movie, but I’m really proud of it, playing an icon like Janis. She was such a huge influence,” she spoke, watching his eyes widen. 
“Shit, I have seen you in something. I saw you in that! Sorry, it’s just, you look very different to how you did playing her, obviously.”  
“What did you think?” she asked, sipping her wine. “No need to flatter me either. Be honest.” 
“Honestly?” He paused a moment, scratching his chin and pulling his cigarettes out, lighting up and knocking the pack across the table to her, Jade sliding the ashtray closer. “I think you did the best with what you had to work with. You played a very convincing Janis Joplin from what I know of her, but the direction of it wasn’t great. They could have done a lot more. From what I remember, you really put your heart into it, green to playing a lead role as you were - and that did show – but your performance what made it.”  
His words surprised her. Not because he hadn’t enjoyed the direction of the biopic, but the fact he’d been completely honest with her. “Thank you. See, so many people have been phony about it, blown smoke right up my ass, but what you said was exactly how I felt. I put my all into it, although I ultimately felt like I was only as good as what I was given. They skipped over so much of her life that would have made it even more interesting, only to go for the sensationalist element. Bloody pissed me right off.” 
He loved the way her speech was a mishmash of Britishisms and Americanisms, a slight New York lilt coming through on every sixth or so word.  
“You’ll learn the further you get into it, be more selective over what you give your time to.” She asked him if he minded giving her a little more advice there, Adrien only happy to, liking very much how completely unpretentious she was.  
In her world, she was a big deal, huge, in fact, but in acting she was still a relatively small fish in an extremely large pond. As for Jade, she considered herself extremely lucky, getting to listen to the wisdom a man who since winning an Oscar seven years before had only gone from strength to strength. 
“I know it comes with the job, speaking to press, but I always feel somewhat antsy about it,” he began a time later, as they spoke of the pitfalls of their respective careers, chewing the corner of his lip. “It isn’t even an editing thing; your words just tend to get filtered through the gaze of so many other people and it ends up as a rendition of you rather than the definitive portrait. And preconceived notions can be tough to shake.”  
Oh, the affinity. His words definitely struck a chord. “This is why I’m very interview shy. I’m too much of a juxtapose, and people don’t know how to take me. Yes, I’m quite quiet and introverted to a degree, but also, when it comes to my work, I don’t take any shit, and I will call people out on it. This leads to me being labelled as difficult, all because I tire of the same bullshit questions that my male counterparts don’t get asked, for example.  
“So, I set certain terms, dictate which are allowed and unallowed questions, and that apparently makes me an obstreperous bitch. Journalists go in there and instead of focusing on what I actually say when they meet me, they’ve already made up their minds. Then the filtering you speak of happens, and it gets even fucking worse.” She paused then, tightening her mouth a little. “Just say if I talk too much. I tend to jabber on when I feel comfortable with somebody.”  
He reached for her, sweeping the apple of her cheek with his thumb. “You’re fine. I like hearing your thoughts.” In turn, she liked sharing them, too. There was something about him she felt inexplicably drawn to, like she could trust him with anything, and not receive a drop of judgement; just a very good ear.  
“So, why Seventh Gate?” he asked a while later, watching as she played with the flame on a candle she’d brought in to illuminate the space the darker it got. She detested false light as much as he did. “Is it from the urban legend?” 
“Yes!” she enthused, utterly delighted at his accuracy. Surprisingly, not many people guessed right away. So the aforementioned legend stated, if anybody passed through all seven specific gates dotted around in a woodland area within Hellam Township in Pennsylvania, they descended directly to hell.  
“A few buddies and I went and did the trail one time, drove down there with the location details of all the gates, but completely chickened out of crossing all of them. It was dumb, because it’s a complete myth, but nope, we were way too pussy to do it,” he laughed, watching as she giggled with mirth. 
“We shot a music video there, got wasted drunk and ended up running through all of them. We did the last one bare assed naked, me with Jen on my back while chugging a bottle of vodka and screaming ‘take me Satan!’ at two in the morning, with the entire production crew crying laughing.” 
“You’re fucking insane,” he laughed, that laughter loudening considerably as he pictured it. 
“Yeah, we’re a little mental when the mood takes us.” 
He could well believe it. “I sense there’s a lot more you could reveal that’d probably make my hair stand on end.” 
Hmmm. To divulge her years as an absolute hellion to the nice guy sitting adjacent to her, or keep quiet? “C’mon, spill.”  
Well, he asked for it.  
“We got arrested for inciting a riot outside Tower Records in downtown Oklahoma, about five years ago. Huge police presence, fans jumping on cars, us thriving in the middle of it with our security team going crazy. It was fun. We got let out shortly after thanks to the negotiation skills of our manager, played the show that night, and then caused about ten grand’s worth of damage at the club the afterparty was held in. 
“Still though, through all of that madness, I think I was just playing a part, getting the hedonism out of the way. I found fame so early, signed at seventeen, an album recorded in the same year and thrown out onto one tour after another for sixteen months without a real break. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I still like to party, but not to those kinds of extremes.”  
“Not so wild any longer, huh?” 
Oh, the grin that spread across her perfect, pillowy pout. It made him twitch quite sharply in a place he wasn’t sure he should quite so soon after meeting her. “Only in two places. On stage and in bed.” 
He arched an eyebrow, eyes sweeping her a few times. “Being a tease again, hmm?”  
“Depends.” The look she fixed him with amped his pulse instantly, Adrien not able to remember the last time he’d had such efficiently potent sexual magic cast upon him. 
Taking a big gulp of her wine, she licked a drop from her lip, staring into the blazing green of his eyes. “Whether if I came over there and straddled your lap, you’d let me kiss you or not.”  
He had to admire her nerve. She had way more game than he did. His eyes fell to his thighs, then back at her with a smirk. “I guess there’s only one way to find out.”  
She moved the three feet separating them slowly, her glide all feline, much more cheetah than tame house cat, her eyes glinting like blue shards through the dim light. Moving carefully astride him, it burned slow like napalm, her hands resting to his chest, stroking down as he clasped her narrow waist, their foreheads touching.  
“Mmm, wow, Mr. B,” she purred, her heart thundering through an inferno within her chest. “Aren’t you absolutely divine close up?” Her lips had caught his before he could even think of replying, their kiss deepening to a slow dance of tongues within a second. It was lazy, yet scorching, their hands roaming one another as the burn gained heat.  
A soft moan echoed her throat, her hands moving to rake her nails down the dark stubbly beard flecking his cheeks and neck, the sound darting right to his cock. His entire being hummed with it, the desire to slowly peel off her clothes, but he wouldn’t be that guy. He never had been, and oh, how his body hated him for it, feeling her pressed right up against him, aching in his gut to take it further.  
“Oh wow,” she murmured, her mouth moving to his neck to lay delicate little kisses, swirls of her tongue tasting his flesh, the salt of sweat mixed with whatever cologne he wore faintly lingering there against his gorgeous skin. “The way you kiss gives me serious cunt flutters.”  
He snorted, laughing softly at her so alluringly delivered crudeness. “Yeah?”  
“Mmhmm.” That little hum preceded her mouth landing upon his again, and god, how she could have ripped all of his clothes off and ridden him to the edges of heaven right there and then, she was so torridly aroused by the man beneath her. She wouldn’t, though. Gone were the days of quick sex with a hot guy simply to sate her desire. With him, she knew she wanted more. “Okay, if I don’t control myself now I never will, but please know you make that very difficult.”  
He shook his head, arms tightening around her. “Sorry. I’m not about to let you go.” More kisses followed, a little calmer, gentler passions exchanged, the contented murmurs he made causing her heart to skip happily. At thirty-one years old, it had been a long, long time since a man had made her feel like she was a young woman in first flushes of becoming utterly besotted with somebody, and even though she was more than used to it, it pained her that she’d have to let him go in a few hours. 
That feeling? It was entirely mutual.  
Eventually, they settled to resting beside one another, two sets of long legs propped up on the table, Jade lying with her head against his chest as they talked, and talked, and talked.  
“So, why’s it complicated?” 
“Well, I suppose it isn’t really, but some would see it that way. We’re just a mixed bunch of nomads,” she began, before launching into the story of how she came to be. “So, my mum is the daughter of Italian immigrants. My grandmother was originally from Staten Island, brought there as a baby in arms after her parents moved from Sicily, but then relocated to the UK when my great-grandfather got work over in London for way more pay. They used their entire savings to take the ship voyage over and lived penniless in the Walthamstow slums until his wages came in. 
“She grew up poor, but eventually prospered, met another son of Italians and married him, had my mum, but their marriage ended when she was eleven, so my grandmother moved her back to Staten Island for a fresh start. She wanted to be with a man who actually had time for her away from his career. My grandfather worked his way up from washing dishes to head chef, eventually restauranteur, and he always put work before his family, so my gran bailed and went back home. 
“Then after four years, very sadly and quickly, she learned she had breast cancer and passed away, so my mum and uncles crossed the ocean again to return to London and live with my grandfather and his new wife. Are you keeping up so far?” 
“I am,” he confirmed, making a side-to-side motion with his hand. “There’s a lot of back and forth between Staten Island and London, but I’m with you. Carry on.” 
“See what I mean, though? Nomads! So then, mum starts dating this guy at eighteen and unexpectedly falls pregnant. She had no idea what to do, of course coming from a very devout Catholic background she felt guilty as hell over the idea of abortion, but knowing she’d only be nineteen when she gave birth was scary, too. To make it scarier, the guy she was with told her he wasn’t ready to become a father and vanished into thin air, leaving my poor mum alone with an impossible decision to make. 
“Well, that was until she met my dad. They fell in love very quickly, and he told her it didn’t matter that she was carrying another man’s baby, he wanted to stand by her and raise me as his own. He always says, “We are not bonded by biology, but god sent you to me as my baby. You are my first born, always.” His name is on my birth certificate, and he adopted me right away. I mean, it’s obvious I’m not his biologically because he’s black, but he’s the only dad I know. You might have seen him earlier, actually. He was the guy who looks a little like Morgan Freeman who was probably looking at me with a mixture of mild despair and a lot of pride. He’s out here for work currently, so swung by to watch us.” 
“Why despair?” he laughed, trying to remember if he’d seen such a man in the chaos of that afternoon. 
“He says I’m entirely too noisy with a microphone in my hand.” 
His mouth twitched into a lopsided grin, kissing the top of her head. “He’s got that right.” 
“How are your eardrums now?” she asked, looking up at him with a grin that had him in soft fits. 
“Better,” he confirmed, tightening his arm around her. “Continue.” 
“Right, so yeah, dad is originally from Harlem, but he got a scholarship place at a university in London based on his academic excellence. And believe me, my dad is so, so smart. He’s a cardiothoracic surgeon. So, years later, after he’d fully qualified as a doctor and done five years of residency, he was offered a job at New York Presbyterian, we moved back to Harlem, lived in an apartment for a while and then they bought a beautiful brownstone that they still live in to this day.” 
“Why did he choose London?” he asked, curious when there were so many amazing colleges in the US. 
“He said he wanted to see a little more of the world before he locked himself into being a surgeon, so applied further afield. When he was still studying, him and my mum used to save all their cash and take little backpacking holidays in Europe when I was a baby. There’s a great picture he keeps in his wallet, holding me at the top of the Eifel Tower when I was one, screaming my lungs out!” 
Something she had made a very good career out of, he thought. “Do they just have you, or have you any siblings?” 
“A brother and a sister four years younger than me, twins, too. Rachel and Marco, named after my maternal grandfather and paternal grandmother. I got named after my mum’s favourite gemstone. She’s really into Oriental artefacts, it’s what she studied at uni around looking after me, Asian art. She works as a curator now at the Guggenheim, specialising in antiquities from Asia.” She then paused, looking up at him sheepishly. “I’m talking too much. Again.” 
“Shut up,” he scolded softly, “I could listen to you tell me about your life for days.” 
That made her smile, always thinking she went on entirely too much when she spoke of her life and loves. “Tell me more about yours. About your parents and siblings,” she requested, idly stroking his abs through the dark fabric of his t shirt. 
“No siblings, mom said I was too much trouble to think about having more,” he joked, smiling at he thought about her. “She’s a painter and photographer, and my dad is a professor, he lectures in social science at NYU. He likes to paint, too, it’s what bonded them. He met her at an art class they were both taking while they were at university, and he said he has never, ever seen paint used in the haphazard way my mother creates her art. That’s what first attracted him to her, seeing this woman with her hair all pinned up with paint brushes, paint smudges all over her face, staring at her canvas with the kind of focus that made her look constipated, apparently. 
“When I was a baby, she used to put my hands and feet in these huge tubs of paint and let me crawl around on giant canvases, and I’d thrive, covering myself in as many colours as I could, rolling around and making a huge mess. My grandmother used to shake her head, baffled at it all, but my mom was just like, “He’s expressing himself, I’m starting him early!” I love to paint for hours, days even when I’m not working. My overall creative drive definitely comes from them. Well, her mostly. The Lois Brody method.”  
Her head shot up, eyes rounding. “Your mum is Lois Brody? Oh my god, she’s a legend! I love her photographs!” she cried, Adrien smiling with pride. 
“Yeah, she’s amazingly talented. Has this way of capturing something completely minute that others wouldn’t notice and making it the focal point of the entire photograph. I don’t know how she does it, but she’s incredible at seeing what others miss,” he revealed, still smiling widely. He was very proud of his mother, and it showed.  
“I had no idea you were her son, but then I don’t know who anybody is. It’s actually embarrassing, how it sails over my head, or how I get people confused. I met Katy Perry and thought she was Zooey Deschanel recently. I told her I recognised her from the TV show Weeds, and she’s just like, ‘eh?’ at me. I’m such a twat,” she confessed, hiding her face behind her hand as he laughed.  
“Don’t feel bad, I’m not clued up on pop culture either,” he reassured her, Jade suddenly snorting. 
“That isn’t even my worst one. Jen and I went on holiday to Nepal a few years back, and I saw a guy dressed in orange riding a bike and thought he was the Dalai Lama! The tour guide was in hysterics.”  
As was Adrien, laughing so hard, he had tears in his eyes. “His holiness on a bicycle. That’s amazing!” 
“He might like to cycle! You don’t know that he doesn’t!” she cried in a cutely comic voice, her laughter escalating as she sat up, the gorgeous man who embraced her unable to stop himself from completely falling apart.  
“Stop it,” he hissed, one arm still around her, the other hugging his stomach, which was starting to hurt. “You’re so damned funny, oh my god.” He composed himself for all of three seconds before falling to pieces again, Jade softly slapping his chest. “I can’t breathe!” 
“It isn’t that funny,” she protested, laughing now purely at him continuing to crack up. 
“Yes, it is!”  
He wouldn't forget that in a hurry, or the night he was sharing with her either, looking at his watch and becoming painfully aware he likely didn’t have long left with her as ten o’clock loomed, asking the question he’d been putting off for the last few hours. “How long do I have you for, then?”  
“Until midnight. Then I turn back into a pumpkin.”  
He raised an eyebrow. “What?” 
“You know, like Cinderella.” 
Oh, god. He couldn’t handle so much laughter. “Cinderella doesn’t turn into a pumpkin, her coach does!” 
Cringing, she hid her face, shaking with laughter. “Oh, yeah that’s right.”  
“You’re incredible,” he laughed, holding her close again. “I don’t know how the hell I’m gonna let you go in two hours, you know. This idea doesn’t sit well.”  
“No,” she sighed wistfully, stroking his chest, placing a kiss against his collar bone. “Not with me either. God knows when I’ll get to see you again, because I really want to. I’m locked into touring until December, though.”  
“Yeah, I have two weeks off as of today and then I’m going to Hawaii to shoot Predators. I’ll be there for a month for all the outdoor filming, then back for a month and a half in LA to finish the rest, then I have three weeks of press stuff booked more or less solidly until mid-December.” 
“Boo hiss,” she pouted, hand moving to stroke his face, hating that it would likely be around three months until she got to spend time with the lovely man whose arms she lay in again. “It’s what we signed up for with our careers, but it doesn’t stop it from being disappointing when things like this happen. When you meet someone you really find a connection to, and then can’t spend any further time with them.” 
He looked sad, kissing her head, the cogs in his brain beginning to turn as he entered a few moments of contemplation. “What if I didn’t have to leave you just yet?” Met by a face of curiosity, he continued. “How do you feel about tour bus stowaways coming along on tour with you for a week, should said prospective stowaway be able to make that happen?” 
Her eyes lit up, pushing herself to sit straighter. “Really? You could do that?”  
“Maybe. Gimme ten minutes to go and check.” Kissing her, he stood up, lighting a cigarette and pulling his phone out, heading back down to the front of the bus to make a phone call, the night air cooler than the heat of the day he’d felt himself baking under. While he made a call to his manager, Jade sat and fiddled with her jewellery, nervously awaiting his return. What if he couldn’t? But, oh. The joy if he could.  
She could scarcely believe it, that the man actually wanted to blow off his commitments in order to spend a week on a bus with her while she and her band travelled around California to continue to west coast dates of their tour. Seven days with him, although of course it wouldn’t be all of the time, having her own interviews to be present for along the way, visits to radio stations as well, a webcast she was also taking part in too around their live performances. Some of the time would be better than nothing at all, though. 
When he walked back in, her heart catapulted into her mouth, his face expressionless before slowly, he began to beam. “Looks like you have me for another week.” 
He was deafened for the second time that day, this time by the pitch of the excited shriek she let out, scrambling from her seat and bouncing up into his arms, raining kisses all over his face as he laughed softly, holding her tight.  
Seven days. Seven days that would change everything for them both.  
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kittencomicslol · 9 months
Gyutaro x reader requests :3
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Requests are; Open!!
Hello hello hello!!! If u know me, u know I love Gyutaro (a concerning amount but hey we all have our struggles)
I most likely will not do full entire fanfictions but rather little headcannons/senarios. I’ve done these on my wattpad so for reference this is what I mean by that (no need to actually read this it’s just to show how i do my shit lol) but if you request something and I REALLLYY like the idea or if I’m pumped full of motivation, I might do a full one.
Edit; okay!! What the fart! The link won’t work ig no reference for yall
Here are some guidelines for what I will/wont write, and then under that I’ll set up a little master-List ^_^
Also sen I know you frequent tumblr and the ds tag aswell so helloo! Hello hello!! Ily!! :3
What I will definitely write!! (If it’s not on here I can try, but this is stuff I definitely will do!!)
-Fluff, I love love LOVE toothrotting fluff
-Angst, depending on how mentally stable I currently am when writing
-Hurt comfort LOVE LOVE LOVEEEE hurt comfort
-Reader w disabilities
-Readers who have gone through past grooming/abuse (I feel u yall ❤️)
-Gore (it’s demon slayer like cmon it’s gonna happen at some point when it comes to something)
-Cannibalism (same sitch as gore, demons n stuff bro)
-Human reader
-Demon reader
-Yokai reader
What I won’t/can’t do
-NSFW!! I am a minor :3 (ofc I can leave jokes or mentions of shit but I’m not gonna actually post nsfw as a minor)
-M! reader (sorry I just gen suck w it and I’m mostly writing these 4 me, I’m sorry 💔 this does not apply to mtf trans topics!! ❤️)
-Depictions of something unhealthy (grooming, gaslighting, abuse, manipulation, pedophilla, not cool stuff!! I can write this in hurt comfort/taking about trauma but I will NEVER make it something to actually do w the relationship)
-Yandere stuff (though I love this as a horror idea, a lot of ppl actually enjoy romanticizing yandere stuff which classifies as romanticizing abuse. That is totally not cool!! I hate writing that stuff bc it normalizes those topics to younger ppl reading which is dangerous!)
-Incell shit. I’ve seen too many ppl on here go ‘oh Gyutaro is an incell’ ‘I fought the incell accusations and lost’ well I DIDNT. I don’t care about the plot at all, Gyutaro literally RAISED A GIRL. IN THE RED LIGHT DISTRICT. He literally taught her to defend herself against creepy men!! Like cmon guys use critical thinking and common sense pls 😭😭
I do not know how frequently I will be able to post/write. My life is literally in limbo rn and I am prioritizing myself‼️‼️
If you wanna ask just send it in as a question for my blog, I can work w it that way. Idk if that’s how ppl usually do it or not I’m new to tumblr but fuck it we ball 🔥🔥
And I am posting this 10 minutes before new years, let’s kick 2024 off with scribbles about our favorite demon boy!! <3
Masterlist!! (Hc / fanfiction
!Human Gyu with an !upper moon reader
Random self indulgent fluff fanfiction
How Gyutaro would like to cuddle
Comforting him with snuggles n praise
Gyutaro with an !artist reader who has Gyutaro as their main muse
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whispering-ways · 1 year
•♡✷ matched hearts (pt. 2) ✷♡•
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✷ summary: shinsou downloads a dating app and starts talking to you
✷ pairing: hitoshi shinsou x reader
✷ tags: no warnings, just fluff!
✷ notes: slanted texts indicate actual text messages (purple is shinsou, white is reader) :)
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Waiting the two days till the date felt like an eternity as you and Shinsou kept talking. You were pretty excited to finally meet him, but you had to admit your excitement was coupled with a bit of nervousness.
What if he wasn’t like who he was through text? You weren’t someone who really believed in rumors, but you’d heard that he was really blunt, and honestly, that worried you a bit. What if he was just being nice and charming to just get in your pants? You did your best to clear those thoughts from your head, certain that he was a good guy. But they remained on the back burner of your mind.
Saturday finally arrived and Shinsou got up bright and early to get ready for the date. 9 am to be precise. Was it entirely too early? Absolutely and he knew that, but he was just too excited to finally meet you. You just seemed to be the sweetest soul he’d ever met and he wanted this date to go perfectly.
He popped into the shower after sending you a quick text.
Good morning :) stoked for our date! You still good with the plans?
You were up as well, planning out what exactly you were going to wear, when you got his text.
Yup! Its the cafe that’s like 15 minutes away from the dorms, right?
Yes, see you there in a bit!
You ended up going with a sundress as your outfit of choice since the weather was pretty nice and then took a shower. By the time, you had showered, did your hair and finished your makeup it was about 10:30 am. Although you knew that the cafe was a short walk, you liked being early, so you headed out. It was a lovely day outside, a slight breeze and cloudy, making it the perfect day for a walk like this. You did your best to calm your nerves as you walked to the cafe.
Once you got there, it was about 10:48am. “Okay I’ve got a few minutes to relax before he comes. This is no big deal, just going on a date with a cute guy, that’s completely fine,” you thought to yourself, trying yet again to ease your anxiety.
You sat at a bench right across the cafe and waited for Shinsou after sending him a quick text.
Hey, I just got to the cafe :) I’m sitting right across it rn on a bench
Shinsou was about 5 minutes away from the cafe when he got your text. He smoothed his hair down and checked with his phone’s camera to make sure he looked alright.
When he got to the cafe, he looked around to find you and there you were, scrolling on phone. You were sitting Indian-style on the bench, which he found endearing, He called out your name and waved, making you look up and beam the brightest smile Shinsou had ever seen.
“Hey! Glad to finally meet you! Do you wanna head inside?” he said, looking at you with a certain softness that you didn’t expect. You looked up at him and were finally able to get a good look of his eyes. They were kind, but striking and you could tell that he’d spent many a sleepless night just like you from the bad under his eyes.
You both headed inside the cafe, where you were immediately greeted by not just the waitress, but the two cats as well. As you and Shinsou sat down, one of the cats jumped up onto your lap, which made your heart practically burst. He played with you for a while before jumping down, leaving you and Shinsou alone to talk.
It was a little awkward at first, but you both quickly got comfortable and the date was everything you’d dreamed of. He asked you about what sort of things you like to crochet which lead you both down a rabbit hole of talking about all the stuffed animals you’d made so far. He also talked about his work in the Department of Heroes and his quirk.
“As of right now, I’m trying to ask Mr. Aizawa to be a mentor of sorts. You know, Deku’s got All Might and they’re so close in quirk that it’s really helped Deku sky rocket, and I think that sort of thing could be good for me given Mr. Aizawa’s quirk you know?” Shinsou explained.
He thought you’d retort by mentioning the negative side to his quirk, but surprisingly, you said nothing of the sort. You completely understood where he was coming from, which was something he really valued. Talking to you made him feel valued and things just felt natural, felt right .
Eventually, though it was time to head back to the dorms. Shinsou didn’t want to admit that little bit of sadness he felt knowing that the date had to end soon, but he tried convincing himself that it was alright. “I mean he had homework to do anyways so it’s not that bad, at least I can get started on that,” he thought.
You also felt a little disappointed that the date had to end, but you were secretly hoping Shinsou felt the same. After all, that’s the hallmark of a good date right? If neither of you want to leave, a second date was almost guaranteed. And that’s all you wished for at the moment. As the both of you walked back to the dorms, all you could think about is how you hoped he’d ask you on a second date when he dropped you off at your building.
When you finally reached your dorm, he gave you a hug and then said “I’m really glad we went on this date; it was really nice.”
“I enjoyed it too. It definitely was really lovely,” you replied. A moment of silence passed between you before Shinsou finally broke it and asked you for your number. You were nothing short of ecstatic when you entered your number into his phone.
“Thanks, I’ll make sure to text you soon so you can have my number. See you around,” he said, waving goodbye and then leaving to go to his dorm. You went back to your room and you went straight to your bed to squeal into your pillow. You were so happy that the date went well that you almost didn’t hear the chime of your phone letting you know that Shinsou had texted you.
Hey it’s Shinsou. I really enjoyed our date today and if its not too soon to ask, do you want to go on another date sometime?
The squeal you let out before? It paled in comparison to the one you let out after reading that text.
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Over The Rainbow (4/4) - Janus
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Sorry this has taken me so long!! I lost motivation to work on this for a while, especially with so many other projects going on in the background :(.
I know that I origonally marked this as five chapters, but I honestly don't remember what I planned for the fifth chapter to be and have no ideas for it, so I've marked it as complete after this one - if I ever do write another chapter I'll add it, but right now it's complete as is.
“Hey fuckers listen up,” Remus yelled, banging open the door of Roman and his shared room, making just about everyone who had been in there jump. 
“What the fuck was that for?” Virgil hissed, rubbing the back of their head where they’d bumped it on the headboard of Roman’s bed.
“Language!” Patton chastised from his spot in Roman��s lap at the other end of the bed - he’d been braiding Roman’s hair idly. Logan just sighed from where he sat at the desk. 
“Whatever, there’s this huge party the Pride Society is putting on over the weekend and you guys are going,” Remus said, slamming a flyer down in front of Logan, who picked it up tentatively. 
“Why would we go?” Logan asked, raising an eyebrow, “I don’t believe any of us are really ‘party people’”
“It’s not just about the party, book-germ, it’s about gay shit! And you guys are like! The gayest shit around,” Remus rolled his eyes, “Not only are you all super gay, Virgil and Pat are non-binary and Roro is the most gender non-conforming bitchass hoe I’ve ever seen, so like, you guys should totally go to the pride party, besides, I’m going with a friend and I want you idiots to meet.”
“...oookay?” Roman said, frowning, “I don’t mind going to a cool pride party if you guys don't?”
“Oh sure!” Patton grinned, “It sounds like fun!”
“Here is the flyer, if you would all like to read it,” Logan said, leaning over to pass the piece of paper to Patton, “I’m not interested in drinking, but attending the party itself will not hurt anyone, though it is black tie, does everyone have suitable outfits?”
Virgil groaned dramatically, “Fine if the rest of you are all so interested in going, I guess I’ll tag along, I’ve… got something.”
“Translation for those who don’t speak introvert,  ‘I really want to go but didn’t want to be by myself so I’d love to go with you all’,” Remus crowed, giggling as Virgil shot him a dirty look from across the room, “Now I just gotta convince my friend to go with me! C’y’all at the party!”
With that, Remus ran from the room. Logan sighed.
“My goodness, what have we just signed ourselves up for?”
“How do I look, everyone?” Roman asked, twirling around in his sparkly red knee-length dress, sparkling similarly to his matching red stilettos. 
“Roman, those shoes do not look safe.” Logan sighed from where he stood near the door in a pristine navy blue button down shirt - adorned with a rainbow tie. 
“I’ll be fine,” Roman rolled his eyes, the puffy sleeves of the dress floating around his wrists as he gestured, “I’ve worn them plenty of times before - Oh! Patton! You look simply dashing!”
Patton giggled, ducking their head to hide their blush as they stepped out from behind the door wearing pale blue suspenders over a white blouse - the plaid blue skirt they had hesitantly chosen looked adorable on them. 
“Thanks Roman! I love your dress!” Patton gasped, “You look so pretty! You too Logan!”
Now it was Roman’s turn to blush, “Wny thank you!” 
“Have either of you heard from Virgil?” Logan asked, once they’d finished gushing over each other’s outfits, Roman couldn’t help but frown. 
Patton shook their head, “Oh- I actually haven’t, that’s… worrying.”
“Do you think they chickened out?” Roman asked.
“That’s not a nice way to phrase it,” Logan chastised gently, “But I do worry that they got anxious.”
Just as they started to thorise on what they could do to get Virgil to come, there was a knock on Roman’s door. Roman rushed to open it and then gasped as he stepped back to reveal Virgil at the door. Their white hair was done up and secured with a silver pin, they wore a dark purple suit jacket and dress pants with a white blouse underneath and they even carried a different cane than the one they normally had. Not to mention the makeup they wore was immaculate. 
“Oh darling, you look beautiful!” Roman said, rushing forward to kiss Virgil, who grinned as they used the red lipstick Roman had left on their lips to colour them - and just that moment Roman realised they’d not been wearing lipstick before, he gasped, “You! You fiend! Using my kisses like that!”
Virgil smirked at him and stepped past Roman into the room. Patton rushed forwards next and wrapped their arms around Virgil carefully, “You look lovely! We were starting to think you weren’t coming!”
“Sorry,” Virgil chuckled, looking a little bashful, “I was struggling to shrug off my roommate.”
“Well I daresay you look wonderful,” Logan said, patting Virgil’s shoulder, “Would this make us ready to head out?”
The party wasn’t a big collage party like the ones hosted by students. It was hosted by the Pride Society, which meant it was hosted on campus with slightly less alcohol and deafening music involved. Which, honestly, might be a little better with their little group - with Logan and Virgil who got overwhelmed with loud noises and tight environments and Patton, who wasn’t a fan of drinking. It was more ‘chill’ - said Logan, pulling a flashcard out of his shirt pocket - and Roman was fine with that. 
The music was decent and they had a buffet and everyone here was either queer or an ally - many people had come along with their soulmates like their little group though they had ended up a little in the spotlight. A group of four soulmates was fairly rare, after all. 
“I wonder where Remus is?” Patton said as they guided their group towards an empty table near the buffet. 
“Who knows, honestly,” Roman rolls his eyes.
“I do not see him, it is likely he hasn’t arrived yet.” Logan pointed out.
“Maybe he’s having trouble with that friend?” Virgil suggested, leaning their cane up against the table before looking around at the others. 
“Oh yeah, maybe,” Roman said, looking around the room - they had gotten here just a short while after the start time - so the room hadn’t really filled up yet anyway, “He said he had to convince them, right?”
“Mhm - they’re likely not here yet, we should give it time,” Logan told them, “Meanwhile, shall we gather food from the buffet?”
“Oh sure, I’m kinda hungry,” Roman nodded, the others nodded.
“I’ll look after the table,” Virgil said, “Um - you know what kind of stuff I like, Ro, just grab me a plate.”
“I’ll stay here with Virge!” Patton smiled, clearing not wanting to leave their fourth soulmate alone, Logan nodded.
“In that case, Roman and I shall grab food for the both of you as well.” Logan said, leaning over to kiss Patton’s cheek before getting up and heading over to the buffet with Roman.
The two at the table were quickly joined by Remus, though Roman noted that his friend did not seem to be present. He paid that no mind, however, working on collecting plates of food for himself and Virgil. That was until he bumped into someone.  
“Oh - sorry, I-” Roman said, looking up to meet the person’s eyes only to stop short, “...yellow,” he whispered.
“Excuse me?” The person said, one of their eyes was a misty yellow, the other was green, which must have been cancelled out by Logan’s, they seemed to look him over, his expression unreadable, “You - Oh- oh wow.”
“You’re yellow,” Roman said. If his hands weren’t full with the plates he was holding, “The others will be so excited! Oh my goodness, come on-”
“Will you let me grab some food first,” The person said, raising an eyebrow - the smile on his face suggested a tease, though, Roman couldn’t help but blush.
“Right, of course - sorry, sorry - just got excited,” He chuckles awkwardly. 
“Your dress is gorgeous,” The person said, to make conversation.
Once more smiling, Roman looked them over, “So is yours, yellow is such a beautiful colour.”
“What’s your name?” he asked with interest in his tone. Roman had to tear his eyes away from the knee length yellow dress the person was wearing with a black turtleneck underneath - they looked beautiful. Their face was half taken up by a large birthmark and his blond hair was tied back elegantly under a hat tied with a yellow ribbon. 
“Oh- I- Uh- Roman,” he said, now he was definitely blushing, “It’s Roman, what about you?”
“My name is Janus,” He said with a smile and slight tilt of his head that made Roman feel just a little weak in the knees, “It’s lovely to meet you.”
“Lovely to- lovely to meet you too!” Roman practically squeaked, “Um - the others, uh, everyone else is over there,” 
He pointed to their table, where Logan had returned and joined the conversation, “With my brother.”
“Remus, I know,” Janus smiled, “He brought me here - said he had a surprise for me, I suppose that was you, hm?”
“I- I guess?” Roman said, every ounce of verbal ability leaving him in the face of such a tone. 
“Well then what a lovely surprise it was,” Janus hummed, “Here, let me help you with that.”
Janus took the drink Roman had poured for Virgil in their free hand and let him lead the way back to their table. He was glad they had grabbed one of the bigger ones in the room now. 
 “Heya Roman! Who’s this?” Patton asked, looking up when Roman returned to the table with Janus in tow, they seemed to have switched mid sentence from where they had been talking to Logan, leaving him looking confused.
“This is Janus, and uh- I’m pretty sure he’s our last soulmate,” Roman said, returning to his seat next to Virgil and letting Janus take the one at the head of the table next to him. 
Janus sat and looked around at everyone, earning a range of gasps and ‘oh’s from all three of them as their eyes met.
“See?” Remus said, grinning from the other end of the table, “Told you this party was worth going to.”
Yeah, Roman thought as he looked around the table - seeing Janus start up a conversation with Logan and Patton whilst Virgil watched with interest. He was glad they had come to this party. Roman was so happy to have all of his soulmates with him at last. 
That didn’t mean that Remus wasn’t going to get an earful from him for hiding this from them for however long he and Janus had been friends, though. 
For now, he really just wanted to enjoy this party and get to know his new soulmate. Maybe afterwards they could all go back to Logan’s dorm and cuddle, or hang out at his if they wanted to deal with Remus. Roman just wanted to spend time with them - all of them, now that he could finally see the full rainbow. 
He could finally finish the painting he had been working on this whole time. 
The painting of all five of them, dressed up in their colour, the painting that represented his soul and all of theirs, a painting for them all to share and be part of. The painting of Roman’s life. 
It would be perfect. 
Tags: @full-of-roman-angst-trash @your-local-random-dino @cutebisexualmess @glacierruler @roseianxiety @bella-bugatti-frogetti-baguetti @scalesfeathersnfur @oatmeal-stans-the-trash-rat @littlerat2 ( if anyone wants to be added, let me know!)
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kipscorner · 2 years
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-- Anything in parentheses (abc) feel free to delete! -- Anything in square brackets [abc] feel free to change! -- This is a long post, so please remember to tag “long post tw” or some kind of varient of the sort so you don’t clog mobile users dashes/people who don’t have “shorten posts.” turned on! :D
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“Doesn't this seem like a bit much?”
“This is what Christmas is all about! Can't you feel it?”
“You guys, where are we? I think we should go back.”
“Serves them right, those Yuletide-loving sickly-sweet, nog-sucking cheer mongers!”
“I really don't like them. No, I don't.”
“I've been much too tolerant of these (Whovenile) delinquents and their innocent, victimless pranks.”
“So, they want to get to know me, do they?”
“I guess I could use a little social interaction.”
“Yeah, you bet. Ho, ho, ho, and stuff…”
“You see, [name]? The city is a dangerous place.”
“Now, please, don't ask why. No one quite knows the reason.”
“Well, it's just, I look around at you and [Mom] and everyone getting all kerbobbled. Doesn't this seem...superfluous?”
“I think they were up on the mountain playing with matches, or defacing public property, or....”
“Take a look at his mailbox, (sweetie). Not a single Christmas card, in or out… Ever!”
“And for the rest of you: Jury duty! Jury duty! Jury duty! Blackmail. Pink slip. Chain letter. Eviction notice. Jury duty!”
“Well, that worked out nicely.”
“[Max], let's go. Our work here is finished.”
“Don't you know you shouldn't take things that don't belong to you? What's your problem? Are you a wild animal?”
“Saving you? Is that what you think I was doing? Wrong-o.”
“You've been practicing your Christmas wrapping! I am so proud of you.”
“My, I've never seen so many beautiful Christmas lights, [Betty Lou!]”
“It's handcrafted and almost 100 years old.”
“Come on, hurry up, Slowpoke.”
“What's that stench? It's fantastic!”
“One man's toxic sludge is another man's potpourri.”
“Did Christmas change or just me?"
“First floor, factory rejects.”
“But we did our worst. And that's all that matters.”
“At least I scared the bejeebles out of that little [girl] at the post office. [She]'ll be scarred for life, if we're lucky.”
“Funny she didn't rat on us, though. Must be afraid of reprisals.”
“If you utter so much as one syllable I'll hunt you down and gut you like a fish!”
“I've got all the company I need right here.”
“I'm an idiot!”
“You're an idiot!”
“Am I just eating because I'm bored?”
“In your own words, please tell me everything you know about [the Grinch.]”
“Hey, honey, our baby is here! He looks just like your boss.”
“It was Christmas Eve, and a strange wind blew that night.”
“Do you want a Christmas cookie?”
“Don't forget, tomorrow is our big Christmas gift exchange.Everyone bring a special gift for a special someone.”
“You don't have a chance with [her].”
“It was a horrible day when they were so cruel to [him]. And I could hardly bear it.”
“And that was the last time we ever saw [him]. The very last time.”
“I hate you.Hate, hate, hate. Hate, hate, hate. Double hate. Loathe entirely!”
“Tomorrow is Christmas! It's practically here!”
“I may do something drastic.”
“You made that up! It doesn't say that.”
“But the book does say: The cheer-meister is the one who deserves a back slap or a toast. And it goes to the soul at Christmas who needs it most."
“Blast this Christmas music. It's joyful and triumphant.”
“The impudence! The audacity! The unmitigated gall!”
“You called down the thunder now, get ready for the boom!”
“Gaze into the face of fear!”
“You see? Even now the terror is welling up inside you.”
“Run for your life before I kill again!”
“Maybe you need a time-out.”
“Kids today. So desensitized by movies and television.”
“"Holiday Whobie-what-y"?”
��I know you hate Christmas, but what if it's all just a misunderstanding?”
“I myself am having some Yuletide doubts.”
“Award? You never mentioned an award!”
“Was anyone emotionally shattered?”
“Come on, a minute ago I couldn't shut you up! Details, details!”
“I don't know if it's that adorable twinkle in your eye or that nonconformist streak that reminds me of a younger, less hairy me.”
“Who knows? This Whobilation could change my entire outlook on life!”
“You can make snow angels later.”
“The nerve of those (Whos). Inviting me down there on such short notice. Even if I wanted to go, my schedule wouldn't allow it.”
“4:00, wallow in self-pity. 4:30, stare into the abyss. 5:00, solve world hunger tell no one. 5:30, jazzercise. 6:30, dinner with me… I can't cancel that again. 7:00, wrestle with my self-loathing… I'm booked! If I bumped the loathing to 9:00, I'd have time to lay in bed stare at the ceiling and slip slowly into madness.”
“It's not a dress, it's a kilt! Sicko!”
“This is ridiculous. If I can't find something nice to wear, I'm not going! That's it, I'm not going.”
“Ohh, ahh, mmm… That's it, I'm not going.”
“[He] isn't here. What? [He] didn't show? Who could have predicted this?
“All right. I'll swing by for a minute, allow them to envy me grab a handful of popcorn shrimp, and blow out of there.”
“But what if it's a cruel prank? What if it's a cash bar? How dare they!”
“All right, I'll go. But I'll be fashionably late.”
“All right. I've made my decision! I'm going, and that's that!”
“Come on, while I'm young!”
“But first, a little family reunion.”
“Are you two still living?”
“Sweater? What are you talkin' about? No, I can't! I can't do that!”
“No. I can't do it, honestly. I'm not ready. It's too much, too soon!”
“I've got a lawyer. There'll be hell to pay!”
“Look at the time. I really should be getting back.”
“Bring it on! Is that all you got? Is that all you got? Come on!”
“That's what it's all about, isn't it? That's what it's always been about!”
“Look, I don't want to make waves, but this whole Christmas season is stupid, stupid, stupid!”
“There is, however one teeny-tiny Christmas tradition I find quite meaningful. Mistletoe.”
“Burn, baby! Burn!”
“Evening, folks. Mind if I ride along? You might want to scooch over.”
“You fellas all right? How about a nice hat?”
“I'm hurt, [Lou]. I'm hurt, and I don't hurt easily.”
“But you and your family.... I'm so disappointed.”
“I just wanted everybody to be together for Christmas.”
“Suffering snorkelblatz! They're relentless!”
“Oh, no. I'm speaking in rhyme!”
“I must stop this whole thing. Why for year after year I've put up with it now.”
“Are you having a holly, jolly Christmas? Wrong-o!”
“If you're not going to help me then you might as well…”
“You're as cuddly as a cactus and as charming as an eel.”
“Just face the music, you're a monster.”
“Your heart's an empty hole.”
“I asked for three-quarters, not five-eighths. Stay focused!”
“Air bag is a little slow. But that's what these tests are for!”
“Talk about a recluse. He only comes out once a year, and he never catches any flak for it!”
“Probably lives up there to avoid the taxes.”
“No, forget that part. We'll improvise.”
“Saving Christmas was a lousy ending. Way too commercial.”
“We're gonna die! We're gonna die! I'm going to throw up, and then I'm gonna die!”
“[Mommy], tell it to stop!”
“Almost lost my cool there.”
“It's Santa! Go right back to sleep.”
“[He]'s planning a double-twisting interrupted forward-flying 2-and-a-half with a combo tuck and pike. High degree of difficulty.”
“Blasted water weight! Goes right to my hips.”
“Okay, fellas. Show time.”
“[Mr. Santa], what are you doing with our tree?”
“[Santa], what's Christmas really about?”
“I know [he]'s mean and hairy and smelly. [His] hands might be cold and clammy. But I think [he]'s actually kind of sweet.”
“Nice kid. Bad judge of character.”
“Clearance sale. Everything must go.”
“That wasn't so bad, was it, [Max]?”
“What an embarrassment! I've been robbed!”
“I wonder who could have done this.”
“But did anyone listen to me? No.”
“[Cindy], I hope you're very proud of what you've done.”
“You're glad. You're glad everything is gone. You're glad that [the Grinch] virtually wrecked.... No, not wrecked, pulverized Christmas. Is that what I'm hearing?”
“You can't hurt Christmas, [Mr. Mayor], because it isn't about the gifts or the contests or the fancy lights. That's what [Cindy]'s been trying to tell everyone! And me. [She]'s been trying to tell me.”
“What's wrong with you? This is a child!”
“[She]'s my child. And she happens to be right, by the way.”
“I don't need anything more for Christmas than this right here, my family!”
“Now for the final note in my symphony of downright nasty not-niceness! The crescendo of my odious opus! The wailing and the gnashing of teeth. The bellowing of the bitterly bummed out! It'll be like music to my ears!”
“Somehow or other, it came Just the same!”
“How could it be so? It came without ribbons! It came without tags! It came without packages, boxes or bags!”
“Maybe Christmas doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more.”
“Help me! I'm feeling!”
“What's happening to me? I'm all toasty inside. And I'm leaking?”
“All right, that's enough! Knock it off! beat it! Get out of here! One step at a time!
“Wait! This can't happen! It shouldn't! It couldn't! It mustn't! It wouldn't! Not now, not then, not ever again!”
“What are you doing up there!?”
“I came to see you. No one should be alone on Christmas.”
“I got you, [Cindy Lou]!”
“Are you kiddin'? The sun is bright and the powder's bitchin'!”
“Now scoot over! It's my turn to drive!”
“Now you listen to me, [young] [lady]! Even if we're horribly mangled there'll be no sad faces on Christmas.”
“By the way, these lights match your outfit perfectly.”
“This could be more difficult to negotiate.”
“Out of the way! I have no insurance!”
“Run for your lives! Watch out, I can't stop!”
“Aren't you gonna cuff me? Put me in a choke hold? Blind me with pepper spray?”
“Sorry but my heart belongs to someone else.”
“Cheer up, dude. It's Christmas.”
“There's nothin' like the holidays.”
“Too late! That'll be mine.”
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pirdmystery · 8 months
sylvain jose gautier for the ask game
first impression: it is important to note that i literally got into 3h because i knew it as “that game with sylvain in it.” i didn’t even know what to expect from him other than that. so when dimitri introduces him as “a bit of a skirt chaser” or whatever i’m like lol ok?? what??
impression now: if anyone is interested… go through my sylvain tags to get a feel for this. i’ve been spiraling lately. suffice to say i am SO sick about him like more and more every day. christ alive talk about a guy with problems. the way he is so smart and so soft but he is absolutely determined not to let anyone know either of those things… noooo I’m actually just a wacky little guy don’t worry about me… i’m just the comic relief… doing fine… yeah i know i said “burn until we meet again” and “see you in hell i guess” but that’s just because I’m being soooooo funny and normal… i’ve also never cried in my life btw…
fav moment: there are so many blink and you miss it unhinged sylvain moments in this damn game. i’ve talked about it recently but the fact. that if he does badly on a lesson and you pick console instead of critique he gets really bitchy and pissed off. like jesus christ. sorry for trying to extend you some gentleness buddy will not make that mistake again.
also let’s take a moment to recognize the iconic “it killed my brother and now it’s mine.” certified sylvain moment
idea for a story: i have billions. i never stop emotionally tormenting this man. got a 20 years post cf angstfest about he and felix coming. beyond that i am obsessed with the prospect of a sylvain/mercedes/ingrid ot3 and someday i am going write a fic with them that isn’t just the extensive smut that currently exists in my google docs
fav relationship: i have got to go with ingrid. i do very much ship sylgrid romantically and they make me sooooooooo unwell but even if i didn’t their friendship is just so important to me in a way i really struggle to put words to. the way they understand each other perfectly but that makes it almost harder for them to get through to each other because of all the layers of bullshit they have built up around the true version of themselves that the other sees. they bump heads a lot but the way it’s so obvious that under whatever they might be clashing about and the baggage of their years of friendship there is this foundation of unconditional love that is not going anywhere no matter what oh god suddenly i cant see the screen and there’s something happening to my eyes oh god
a fun thing about sylvain is that i could write equally unhinged paragraphs about his relationships with mercedes and dorothea!! something about girls he would normally flirt with and their response is :) hey i see you btw! and sylvain is forced to crumble like a little baby. i cannot get enough of that shit. get seen idiot. i’ve also been known to enjoy some yurivain and dimivain and claudevain for not dissimilar reasons.
unpopular opinion: once again idk what is popular!! i feel like my shipping tastes with him are not the most popular but everyone is nice to me when i talk about them so. it’s all good
favorite headcanon: most bisexual man on the planet. i also love making him work service jobs lmao. he works at subway in my sylgrid fic but there are so many other things i want to subject him to. he should have to sing happy birthday to people at applebees. he should be a barista at a shitty coffee shop. mostly this is because it’s funny but i also think would be deeply in character for sylvain to plant himself somewhere far below his skill level and languish there as if there were nothing else he could do about it.
tysm for letting me go off about him… man. sylvain.
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hoffmannwrites · 2 years
On My List
1  - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 + 1 Masterlist
Author’s Note: Hello, little gay people in my phone!! This is probably my favorite part so far just because it's like so very on brand for them and also we get a little bit of Steve being eye candy and Eddie being a sexy mechanic and I just love them!
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson
Description: 5 Times Steve and Eddie kiss as friends, and one time they don't.
Warnings/Tags: Everyone lives, Nobody dies, 5+1, Kissing, Fluff, Idiots to Lovers, Friends to Lovers, some pretty brief mentions for drinking, smoking, uhhh they're gay your honor, no beta we die like Barb, very vague sexy talk (like pg-13 mention of pulling the padge), call him Daddy but in a friendly way ya know, let me know if I missed anything?
Wayne had a saying while Eddie was growing up. Well, actually, Wayne had a lot of sayings. But one of Eddie’s favorites was “first time is an accident, second time is a coincidence, and third time is a hobby”. For weeks, Eddie ponders what a fourth time is. Because him and Steve have had their mouths on each other four times now and he had no goddamn idea what that meant. Obviously, Steve wasn’t, like, homophobic. He was Robin’s biggest support and he’s never freaked out after any of the times he and Eddie…But the metal head can’t help but wonder what that means. He’s never actually come out or said anything even remotely close to liking a boy. Straight until proven guilty, Eddie liked to believe. Had his heart toyed with by experimenting and down-low boys too many times to give anyone the benefit of the doubt. So Eddie doesn’t say anything- convinces himself that this is just Harrington being comfortable in his masculinity and sexuality. Self-assured enough to know that kissing his guy friend every once in a while isn’t gay, it’s just dudes being bros.
And they were bros! So much so that when Steve’s BMW breaks down around the corner from his own home, that Eddie is the person he calls to help. Steve jogs the block and a half back home and calls two people in quick succession. First is Robin, to let her know that he can’t make it in because something is wrong with his car (“Did you get a flat? Why don’t you know how to fix a flat?” “No, Robs. It’s not that. Yes, I’m sure. No really, I can’t just drive it anyway because it’s fucking smoking.”) Robin agrees to cover for him, but makes the vague threat of him owing her big time. They both know it’s unnecessary because he would do anything for her in a heartbeat regardless.
Second, he calls Eddie. Because Eddie knows about cars. If he can hot-wire a trailer, he can take a look at a smoking BMW. So Eddie drives over and meets Steve around the corner, where he’s sitting on the curb enjoying the unseasonably warm weather. He’s practically sunbathing in his stupid tight acid wash jeans and white tee with the sleeves cuffed and sun glasses on, smoking a cigarette. He looks like an 80’s James Dean but with somehow better hair, Eddie thinks. He rolls down the window of the van and shouts out “Hey! I’m looking for a damsel in distress? About yea high, prettiest hazel eyes you’ve ever seen, and no clue how cars work?”
“Ha-Ha, you’re hilarious, Munson,” Steve replies dryly, as Eddie parks the van right in front of the BMW on the side of the road. He gets out and walks over to the beemer to pop the hood. "So you really think I have pretty eyes?" Steve asks while Eddie sets up the hood strut. But Eddie just clears his throat and hopes the blush on his cheeks isn't noticeable. “So you said it was smoking?” He inquires.
“Yeah it just started to smoke, so I panicked and pulled over immediately,” Harrington explains. “Ah,” Eddie nods in acknowledgement. “Good thing too. I’ve got good news and bad news. Bad news is, this” he says dramatically while pulling out a thin black belt from under the hood into the air, complete with frayed ends, “is not supposed to look like that.” Steve’s eyes go wide, automatically freaking out a little because that looks really bad. But before he can completely shit himself, Eddie continues. “Good news is, I can fix it and it’ll only take me about an hour once we get the part.”
“Oh thank Jesus,” Steve let’s out the breath he was holding.
“Not Jesus. Just little ol' me,” smiles Eddie. “However I have been told the resemblance is striking. I think it’s the hair.” He gestures to the van. “Hop in, let’s go get Daddy a new belt, huh?” He doesn’t miss the way Steve’s face heats up at the nickname, but chalks it up to regular embarrassment. Once they’re both in the car and Steve is sure he locked the beemer for the 4th time, they’re on their way to the nearest Northern Automotive. Eddie doesn’t even blast the radio too loud or anything. “Hey, do you need to me to drop you off? Like you were obviously going somewhere so, I can take you if you need and then just fix it on my own,” Eddie offers, realizing this is probably not how Steve wants to spend his day.
“Oh. No. I already called out of work and it’s a Wednesday, so it’s gonna be dead anyway. Honestly, I could use the break and it’s goddamn gorgeous out today, so I don’t mind. Thanks for asking, though. Are you sure you’re okay spending the day fixing my car?” Steve asks, suddenly aware that he never really asked Eddie to fix it, just take a look and the metal head just lept into action.
“Oh yeah, it’s fine. I was actually super busy smoking weed by myself, jerking off, and watching M.A.S.H. reruns, but it’s alright I guess I can reschedule those super important plans,” Eddie dramatically sighs. Steve smiles wide. “Good to know that you jerk off before watching M.A.S.H. I’d be totally concerned if that was what got you going.”
“Actually, Stevie, I’ll have you know that Alan Alda gets me all kinds of hot and bothered, thank you very much.” 
By the time they have arrived back at the car, the sun is hot in the middle of the sky. They got the new belt needed and some Burger King and a case of beer on their way back too, at Steve’s insistence. He tried to offer Eddie money for fixing the car, but the makeshift mechanic refused. “You literally saved my life. I can fix your car,” he had said, blankly, but Steve decided he could at least feed him. Eddie had scarfed down his Whopper on the way back, and got started on the car immediately.
Steve tried to be helpful, handing over a wrench or a beer every now and then. He even gave Eddie a hair tie to put up all those beautiful curls. Mostly though, Steve just watched. Watched Eddie’s arms flex around metal. Watched his tongue stuck between his teeth while he looked at his work in concentration. Watched as his hairline dripped a fine line of sweat down the side of his neck, and disappeared under the collar of his Pantera t-shirt. Watched his ass and that stupid black hanky in his left pocket. Steve just watched Eddie work and thought about how he could get used to seeing the older man sweaty and dirty, as long as he wasn’t bleeding out like that time Steve saw him so filthy. Sure, they talked too, but Steve could barely pay attention to the conversation because he was so focused on just how fucking pretty Eddie looked.
Eventually, the belt was fixed and Eddie slammed down the hood, startling Steve out of his very unholy reverie about all the other ways to make Eddie sweat. “Alright, Big Boy. Let’s give her a test, make sure she starts up for ya nice, and drive her around the block a few times.” Steve jumped up from his spot on the curb and hopped in the drivers seat, put the key in the ignition and turned.
“Beautiful!” Eddie practically shouted, jumping in the passengers side as the car sprang to life perfectly. “Now let’s drive her around a little, make sure she’s all set.” Steve did as he was told and took the car around the neighborhood in complete silence, as Eddie made sure everything sounded, looked, and even smelled correct (“If it sounded wrong, I’d know it. If it smelled wrong, I’d know it. And if it started smoking again, I’d definitely know it,” he insisted).
They pulled back over to where Eddie’s van was. “Man, you have no idea how much I appreciate this,” Steve said when they were parked. “Seriously, I could kiss you right now.”
“Alright, if you insist,” Eddie replied with a theatrical eye roll. He pursed his lips and shut his eyes comically, expecting Steve to laugh him off and shove him away. Instead he felt two soft hands grab the side of his face and an even softer pair of lips on his own. And for just a second, in the silence of Steve Harrington’s BMW, Eddie felt like he was melting way more than he had standing out in the sun. Steve pulled away, hands still on his friends face. “You wouldn’t let me pay you, so that’ll have to do.”
You’d think that after weeks of overthinking the last four times this had happened that Eddie would have had anything worth while to say, that he would have seized the moment and asked Harrington just what the fuck was going on in his head. But he was Eddie Munson. So of course, he made a joke out of it. “I’m not sure what the exchange rate is on that right now, but I think we’re even,” he said feigning confidence, shifting his eyes as far away from Steve’s as possible, and scrambling out of the car as quickly as he could all while trying to not look suspicious. He held the door open and bid Steve good bye, “I won’t tell Robin that you can totally go to work now, by the way. See ya around, sweets.” And with that, Eddie was in his van and speeding away, blasting the radio by the time he got to the end of the block.
Steve had intended on asking Eddie to come back to his house for a while and maybe, finally, get somewhere with the metal head, after dancing around each other for so long, thought he had sealed it with today’s kiss. But Eddie had left so abruptly, that Steve didn’t even get the chance. Obviously, Eddie was totally freaked out by Harrington’s forwardness. He sighed loudly and cursed to himself, driving to Family Video anyway because he needed to talk to Robin. 
Steve's car is a 1983 BMW 733i in Burgendrot-Metallic.
Apparently, the thing that holds up a cars hood is called a few things, mainly a hood prop or hood strut. From what I could find, BMW uses the phrase hood strut.
Also apparently, only a BMW motorcycle is called a Beemer, while the cars are "bimmers". But as both a person who has never heard that before, and a German speaker, I have decided that is fucking stupid and I won't be calling it that.
Once again, I don’t know shit about fuck about cars. I only know this because one time my serpentine belt broke. It’s a pretty quick fix if you know what you’re doing (allegedly) and you can drive short distances with a broken belt, but it’s not recommended. I have no idea if Steve’s car would be as easy to fix as mine was. Hell, his model might not even have a serpentine belt. Don’t know, don’t really care. I’m a fanfiction writer, not a mechanic. 
Northern Automotive was the most popular auto parts store in 1988 according to a news article I found on Reddit. I have never heard of this store, have no idea if they were in Indiana at the time (I mean, they should have been. Indiana is pretty fuckin Northern if you ask me) , and it looks like they either went out of business or rebranded to North Auto Parts at some point. Who’s to say? 
M.A.S.H. went off air in 1983, after 11 seasons in as many years. It’s a Korean War drama/comedy and it is one of the most amazing and heartfelt shows ever made. Eddie grew up watching it with Wayne and now he watches the reruns whenever they're on. I strongly recommend you watch it. 
I asked my mom what food she ate in the 80s. She said BK (like enthusiastically, too). Here we are. 
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bythehearts · 1 year
For this: https://www.tumblr.com/bythehearts/725079950644871168/hey-guys-im-stuck-on-a-train-for-5-hours-can-we?source=share
OKAY NEW RULE !!! please tell me who the people in the ship are lmaoo (i am not smart enough for this)
anyhow, i assume this is like… james and remus for eclipse and then like… either sirius or regulus? i’m going with regulus tho cause I think there is a general consensus that james x sirius x remus is wolfstarbucks?
okay so!!! james x regulus x remus
so, barring the fact that i generally do not appreciate wolfstar being separated lmao, i don’t necessarily hate this? like tbf i don’t know much about them, it’s not one of my ships and i also don’t think i’ve seen much about them on my own dash (which is fair, I tend to make it so that most people i follow are generally into the same pairings i am).
that being said, i have either direct or second-hand knowledge of the dynamics between these characters in the context of romance, so I’ll just start there ig.
okay, so obviously james with regulus clearly works in my mind in their crazy way that we all know and love. we all know this, no need to go over it again. okay, next!
to be entirely honest with you I personally just don’t really see the whole remus x james thing, but i admit that it could work, because obviously james is definitely someone that can be a source of comfort for remus and also does not get scared of his sharpest edges, while remus clearly sees james for who he is, and i think he’d be able to call him out on a lot of his bullshit in his typical remus lupin way and it would actually be a lot of fun to watch. ((also yes, despite what canon will have you think, remus definitely saw james for who he was, i’d argue that an instance of him talking about james to his son after hE WAS BRUTALLY MURDERED WHILE BASICALLY SAVING THE WIZARDING WORLD is probably not the time he’d launch in an analysis of the complexities of james’ characters)) ((I can talk more about this, please ask me about this, i have a lot of opinions about thisss))
remus x regulus, I have talked about many other times and you can see my in-depth opinion under the same tag i’m using for this ask, but basically i don’t see them in a traditional romantic relationship as i see their bond as very unique and personal, and i feel like mixing that in with the way that james does relationships… idk I feel like it would ruin that a little, but maybe they actually might help james open his mind about how relationships work so it really all depends on how it’s done tbf.
tbh though the main objection I have with this ship is that i don’t like what it can do for remus’ character.
i mean like idk regulus and james both should work in theory with remus because this fandom (and jkr first) has kind of written as being the mirror of two different sides of sirius (i’m not saying this is why people thought of this ship, i’m just pointing out a theme) and to me remus does work particularly well with sirius, but it just… doesn’t for me. i feel like being pulled in the chaos that is the collapse of james and regulus would not be good for remus as he’d end up once again having to pick up the role of the “calm and reasonable” one, whereas he needs someone or more than someone that allows him to collapse and explode as well, exploring both that mischievous side that makes him blend perfectly within the marauders and the more violent side he’s always felt he’s needed to hide away for the benefit of others (lyall and hope specifically). james and regulus singularly might do that for remus, but james and regulus together? they can barely contain the burnt of their own explosion, there’s no way they can absorb the impact of remus and he’d feel that and so he’d keep it inside and that would ultimately not allow him to have the development we (by which i obviously mean me) generally like to see in him.
and i mean. obviously one doesn’t have to only like pairing that are happy and healthy. if you want to write this ship with remus being even more repressed than he’s already without being able to release it with, you know, him growing further and further from accepting that side of him that reminds him way too of his werewolf self… sure you can do that, but tbf i find it way too similar to the way jkr herself has destroyed remus’ character to find anything interesting to be said there.
so yeah it’s not like I hate it, but it’s just a meh. don’t like that. yk?
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So I’m aware of the fact that it’s dickish to talk about why you DON’T like something under its own tag but I don’t really know how to say anything WITHOUT tagging so just as a fair warning here I’m gonna be talkin about my personal opinions on the HS Epilogues/HS2 under the cut and they’re like. Not entirely positive??
I have nothing against you if you enjoyed them, just wanna get that out of the way!! I think it’s great that you found somethin that makes you happy personally!! I’m not expecting anyone to renounce their love for some silly little comic because I personally don’t like it. Do whatever you want forever and all that!!
I also know this is a dead topic like advanced decay topic but I’m bored and I’m not sleepy and I wanna ramble. This isn’t coherent.
Ok I’m just gonna stop now.
Hi!! You’re still here!! Nice, lovely, glad to have you, etc. etc.
So here’s the thing,
I’ve seen many people say this and, if I’m remembering correctly, I’ve been told a couple times as well that like, the Epilogues and the like aren’t serious, y’know??
Like, they’re not supposed to be taken seriously. It’s advanced stages of irony only 1% of viewers can solve this riddle type stuff.
Therefore, there’s a very good chance that I sorta just. Don’t get it??
Or it’s just a different type of humor then what I personally enjoy, which, again, is perfectly fine!!
Thinking about it though, I think what makes it, like, uncomfortable to a lot of people is the fact that it’s, like.
It’s not the irony that Homestuck proper was built off of, y’know??
Again, could be reading it wrong, but to me Homestuck very much has parody elements, but it’s also very affectionate about it.
It’s like, “Hey, you don’t know your online friends irl, wouldn’t it be fuckin bonkers if they were aliens or from an apocalyptic future cuz that’s technically possible” and that’s a parody type thing, y’know??
But it’s also very clear that the friendships displayed are very genuine. Like, they literally carry the bulk of all relationships in the comic.
And it’s like, yea, when you think about it this concept in online culture is really goofy, but it’s still important!!
And that’s a pretty obvious example, but there are a lot of other parody elements in Homestuck like that.
And maybe I’m a pansy but, like. That was nice, y’know??
And I feel like the Epilogues and such were also trying to go for something like that.
Like, I don’t blame people who see any of the contents and think it’s serious, because it DOES get into some seriously heavy shit, but looking at some stuff for a while makes it, like, glaringly obvious that it was a big joke about fanfiction.
I mean the intro page is literally a mock up of the AO3 tagging system like I don’t blame people for not looking into things but it was right there, y’know??
And I mean, cool!! As someone who enjoys and writes fanfiction, I can confirm that it’s really dumb when you think about it!! It’s weird and silly and sometimes you find yourself asking “Dude why the FUCK am I doing this?!”
But unlike Homestuck proper, I feel like they sorta just. End it at that.
From the way I see it, the joke sorta ends at “Hey guys, isn’t fanfiction weird?”
But they sorta just. Kept doing that. And it was just every single punchline.
And to me that fell kinda flat, y’know??
It also just sorta feels mean after a while cuz it’s literally just “Fanfiction is weird” and no further elaboration.
I mean we KNOW, y’know??
It also almost feels a little self deprecating considering that after a while Hussie wasn’t really working on the Epilogues all that much which essentially meant the writing was technically done BY fanfiction authors.
Poking fun at yourself and your weird hobbies can be fun!! It can elicit some good laughs, especially if your audience is people with similar experiences to you!!
I feel like it’s something that has to be done in moderation, though.
And I see what the Epilogues and the like were going for, and I’m not one to say that anyone’s sense of humor is inherently wrong because comedy is subjective.
But as stated, in moderation.
To me it kinda just got old really fast and there wasn’t really any other joke besides that one.
So while I certainly understand that having disturbing and uncomfortable topics isn’t what automatically makes something bad to some people, I DO think that overuse of a punchline is a very common and very valid reason to not enjoy something.
And again, I’m not mad at you or anything if you DO like the Epilogues/HS2 or if you DO find them funny.
I just, like. Don’t.
And I feel like a lot of other people just sorta don’t find them funny and that’s their main gripe with them.
But then they don’t REALIZE that they don’t find them funny and so they scramble to find another way to explain why they don’t enjoy them and while that’s perfectly understandable it leads to an environment where complete dickheads can squeeze their way in and be complete dickheads to creators to the point where it’s NOT being a dickhead and it’s just straight up harassment and that’s how HS2 got to the situation it’s in today and that is NOT FUN!!
But yea no in conclusion I don’t find the Epilogues/HS2 funny, I find it very likely that most other people who don’t enjoy them just don’t find it funny, I’m not mad or trying to change your mind if you DO find them funny because comedy is subjective, just don’t be a fucking dickhead and that’s not even targeted at anyone just don’t be a dickhead.
Anyways I gotta go tuck Ruby Longstocking in it’s past their bedtime and we’re going to the water park tomorrow for a family fun day.
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vmpiires · 7 months
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𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 ﹆₊ 概要 ‧₊˚ art; the painter and the unwanted advice. wc, 2.82K. dark mode recommended.
␥ note. back againn. i really missed this story so i wanna keep it going, then i'll go back to another one. aside from that, hope ya enjoyyyy and reblog to support meee and lmk if you wanna be tagged in the next part.
␥ tags. artist!choso, college AU, possible nsfw, female anatomy, smoking, etc. lmk if i missed anything
␥ misc. masterlist AO3 PART FOUR
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the following day, choso finds himself in an unfamiliar situation as he sits alone at a table in the cafeteria, impatiently waiting for kashimo to arrive. his eyes scan the bustling room, searching for any sign of the laid-back student.
“where is he?” choso grumbled under his breath. “i knew i shouldn’t have listened to that idiot. i should’ve just stayed in my room and ordered a meal…”
just as he was about to give up and leave, choso spots kashimo weaving his way through the crowd, a tray of food in hand. the other grins as he approached the table.
“hey, man. sorry i’m late. i got caught up chatting with a friend on my way here and the lines were pretty long. so, what’s for lunch today?”
“nothing special. just cafeteria food.” choso replied curtly, still feeling a bit prickly from his wait. kashimo nodded, unfazed by choso’s attitude, takes a seat across from him and begins digging into his food.
“you know, i was thinking about if you and i should work on a project together. i’ve seen your art in class before and it’s mad good. i know you probably aren’t the kind of guy to jump into things like this but it’ll be fun. we could blend our styles together.”
choso sighed, pushing his food around on his plate. “i don’t know about that. i’ve never really worked with anyone. plus, i’m now totally sure how our styles would mesh.”
kashimo took a bite out of his sandwich, chewing thoughtfully before responding. “that’s exactly why it could be so great. our different styles are different, sure, but that’s what makes it interesting. and who knows, maybe working together will push us both to grow as great artists.”
‘persistent bastard.’ choso thought. though, kashimo’s proposal sounded pretty good. while choso was sitting here feeling like he was being worshipped and slightly embarrassed by it, kashimo was just happy to be around and having his idea considered. a glimmer of curiosity started to form beneath his skepticism.
“fine. whatever. whenever there’s another project we can do something together, okay?” choso waved his hand dismissively. excited that choso was starting to come around to the idea, kashimo presses on, hoping to fully convince him.
"that's cool, but i was thinking we could start our own project, separate from school. just you and me, doing what we love and making something cool and unique. think it over, choso. no deadlines, no rules, just pure artistic freedom."
choso hesitates for a moment, the prospect both thrilling and daunting. he takes a deep breath, considering the proposal.
"i don't know, kashimo. it's a big commitment, and i'm not sure if i'm ready for that kind of exposure right now. can't we just keep it lowkey, at least for now?" choso says scratching the bandage on his nose.
"okay, sure, i can respect that." kashimo was clearly eager to jump right into the project, his head bobbing up and down with excitement. "we'll take it at your pace, but don't forget, sometimes stepping out of your comfort zone can lead to amazing things."
choso could only nod, not having much to say about the words being exchanged recently. glancing up at kashimo again, he noticed he had this dumb grin on his face that made choso frown a little.
"why're you making that face?"
in kashimo's mind, he was sensing that choso needed some guidance regarding his love life and interacting with you whenever it came down to it. no matter how many times choso rejected his help.
"let's go back to the business we discussed last night," kashimo begins, taking a sip of his lemon lime soda. "the way you look at that girl you were with, you clearly like her more than in a friend way. you just seem so hesitant to make a move. what's holding you back?"
choso's frown deepend slightly, his gaze dropping to his barely-touched food, which started to get cold the longer it sat there on the tray.
"it's complicated. i'm not used to letting people in, and i don't want to mess up anything. plus, there's the whole blood manipulation cursed spirit thing. not exactly an easy thing to explain to someone you're interested in."
kashimo sucked his teeth, "look, i get where you're coming from. there's this kid named hakari. hated the guy with a passion. we were always at each other's throats. one day we were forced to work together on a mission, and we realized we had more in common than we thought."
"you're gay?" choso raised an eyebrow. kashimo's cheeks turned a deep red. a perfect contrast to his vibrant colored hair. the male quickly shook his head.
"that's- not what i mean...and no, i'm not. the guy's my best friend. shut up and listen." kashimo's cheeks fade back to their original complexion before continuing on with his story. "but you know what else? i may look like a young guy but guess how old i am."
choso just shrugged, not having a direct idea. he also didn't feel like guessing just to be constantly told that he had the wrong answer and he had to keep guessing. kashimo leans over the table, lifting his hand to cover his mouth.
"i'm really four hundred years old." the male whispered. "i was just incarnated into a newer, younger body so i could live longer." kashimo sits back down in his seat. "but you know what? the people who truly care about me accept me for who i am, crazy back story and all."
choso can't help but crack a smile at kashimo's lighthearted approach to his own little situation. encouraged by choso's simple reaction, kashimo continues with his advice, aiming to help choso see the potential in opening up to you in the future.
"what i'm trying to say is, don't let your fears hold you back from pursuing something special with your little situationship. if they're the right person for you, they'll accept all of you, blood manipulation, cursed spirit, and everything else. it's worth the risk, don't you think?"
choso remains silent for a moment, kashimo's word resonationg with him. finally, he nods, a hint of determination in his expression. "you're right. i can't keep running from my emotions forever. i guess i'll talk to her, and i'll be honest with them about everything."
“yeah, that’s the spirit.” kashimo beamed. “just remember, no matter what happens, i got your back…even if you don’t know me all that well.”
“actually, me and-” he says your name, “-are going out to dinner on friday. that’d be a good time to have that conversation, right?”
kashimo raised an eyebrow. “oh, a romantic dinner date, huh? you’re doing perfectly fine already. just be yourself, blood manipulating cursed spirit and all—but save the cursed spirit thing for later. like after dessert.”
‘i wouldn’t really say romantic…’
the two laugh, the mood lightened by kashimo’s playful but simple joke. choso’s opinion on the guy shifted pretty quickly. he thought he was just another weirdo trying to get in his space but he could see him and kashimo being pretty good friends.
later that day after classes end for the day, the two boys found themselves lingering in the art room. the space is quiet and peaceful, filled with the intoxicating smell of oil paints and the clay-like smell of colorful conté crayons.
“ready to get that creative mind of yours flowing? we got so much inspiration in this room, we’re bound to come up with some killer ideas.” kashimo smiled at choso before standing up from his seat, the chair dragging against the floor loudly and beginning to walk around.
choso glanced around, his skepticism evident in his expression. but he nods nonetheless, curious to see what kashimo had in mind. the dark haired male rises from his seat, pushing his chair in against the table and began walking around the room just as kashimo did.
as they wander around the room, they take in the various pieces of past and present student artwork adorning the walls. some are abstract, others realistic, but all were unique and inspiring in their own way.
“see? look at all this talent surrounding us.” kashimo began lightly touching the pieces in front of him, jumping back when something moved in the incorrect direction and laughing nervously. “it’s like a buffet of creativity in here. hey, i got an idea. what if we each pick a piece that speaks to us, then try to make our own version of it?”
choso considered the proposal, a flicker of interest in his eyes. he and kashimo continue their exploration of the art room, now looking at pieces that stand out to them, until suddenly kashimo stops in front of a painting that sends chills down his spine. it’s one of choso’s paintings, a nightmarish composition of twisted limbs, blood, and more elements of body horror that would even make the bravest soul shudder.
“woah, choso…this is incredible. it’s like something out of a horror movie, but it’s beautiful…in a twisted way. how did you make something so visceral and intense?”
choso, caught off guard by kashimo’s awe and admiration, shifts uncomfortably, unaccustomed to such praise. the male swallowed and began picking at his nails as if there were dirt in them.
“i…i just paint what i feel. it’s not like i’m trying to make a statement or anything. it’s just how my mind works.”
“nah, man. this is more than just a painting. it’s a glimpse into your soul. you’re incredibly talented, you know that, right?”
choso, flustered by kashimo’s compliment, decided to attempt to change the subject by pointing out another piece of art nearby.
“it’s not a big deal. hey, look at this right here. the color palette is really interesting, isn't it?" choso points to the art piece. there were blues, greens, reds, and pinks blending together into a huge masterpiece. choso's eyebrows lifted slightly and his eyes widened, clearly revealing the violet irises he had tucked beneath his eyelids.
kashimo smiles, understanding choso's discomfort with the spotlight suddenly hanging above his head. he allows the shift in focus, turning to examine the new painting. there was pungent smell of quick-drying liquin coming from the canvas. most likely the paint.
"yeah, that's a pretty cool painting. the way they blended the blues and greens together makes me feel like i'm looking into a mystical forest or whatever." the male turns to choso with that same big smile on his face. "when we get around to that project, we'll be a killer team, i guarantee it. like i said, our styles are definitely different but that's what'll make it awesome."
choso couldn't help but grin, the warmth of kashimo's enthusiasm was infectious. a grand contrast to his stoicism and distantness. shifting his weight a bit, choso put his hands in his pockets.
"yeah, maybe you're right."
as their exploration continues, choso and kashimo find themselves staring at a particularly captivating sculpture in the corner. it's an intricate piece made from metal and wire, depicting a twisted figure in a state of could be described as emotional turmoil.
"damn, that's pretty deep. intense, huh? it's like they managed to pinpoint the feeling of being torn apart from the inside out. wonder if whoever made this was going through something." kashimo rubbed his chin with his thumb.
choso nods, a solemn expression on his face. "yeah, it's like they put their entire soul into this one little sculpture. it's almost too real, like it's alive and breathing right in front of us."
kashimo steps closer, studying the sculpture from diffrent angles. "it sounds like you can relate to that, huh? feeling like your insides are all twisted up, but having to keep it all together on the outside."
choso glanced at kashimo, surprised by his perceptiveness. the male didn't seem much like the poetic, deep-thinker type on the outside because his personality is so enthusiastic and bubbly. choso can only retract his previous statements about him, just like before.
"how did you know that? i mean- this thing is a physical representation of how i feel most of the time. dead and tired. i don't mean to sound like a depressed person but...yeah. life hasn't been to good to me in my earlier years."
"because i've been there, man. everybody has. and you don't sound depressed at all, you're just saying how you feel and that's a good thing. it's not easy carrying around all that pain and confusion on the inside. but the fact that you can take those emotions and turn them into something as powerful as this sculpture? that's amazing. you're literally showing an example of this with your art. what you painted over there is exactly how you feel and you're expressing it."
choso felt pretty touched by the male's words, giving him a small smile. "thanks, kashimo. it's not often that someone understands what i feel. most people just see the surface, but you...you and-" choso says your name again. "-can see the real me. and it doesn't scare you away."
"that's because i'm not most people. i see you, and i think you're pretty badass. don't forget it for a second." kashimo threw an arm over choso's shoulder. choso felt a surge of gratitude and camaraderie, realizing that kashimo had quickly become a true friend to him.
kashimo and choso sit down at a nearby table, their minds brimming with inspiration from their exploration of the art room. they begin to brainstorm ideas for their collaborative project, their enthusiam growing with each suggestion.
"we could create a series of paintings, each one a representation of our inner emotions and struggles." kashimo scribbled on a piece of paper. they were little doodles of him and choso. choso being the tired and slightly annoyed looking character to the right of himself, who was the happier looking character.
"or we could do a large-scale mural, incorporating both of our styles like you mentioned earlier, like into a cohesive piece. or maybe even a sculptural piece, using random objects and materials to make something abstract and thought-provoking." choso added.
kashimo grins, "i like that idea. it would really bring out the best in our skills and we could really play off each other's energy and creativity." the male writes something down on the paper, seemingly writing down choso's idea. "we made some pretty good progress today but i gotta get going. i told hakari that i'd hang out with him tonight."
choso's head quickly shoots up from the paper and he nods slowly, maintaining his usual stoic demeanor. "yeah, no problem, i get it. i like that you keep your promises."
as kashimo turns to leave, he notices the subtle change in choso's posture and tone. he smiles warmly, trying to lighten up the mood a bit.
"hey, don't worry. we'll hang out again soon. and don't forget, we've got our super cool art project to work on. it'll be the best thing this school has ever seen." the male put up his thumb.
choso offers a small smile, the disappointment fading slightly. "yeah, you're right. i'm really looking forward to seeing what we can come up with. don't kiss hakari while you're out together."
kashimo's cheeks flushed at choso's reply and rubbed the back of his neck a bit before speaking again, "i won't do that. swear...you don't kiss your future girlfriend on friday."
choso chuckled and shook his head before kashimo flashed him a friendly smile and giving him a light pat on the back before getting up from his seat beside choso and heading out the door. the sun was setting and choso thought it was about time he should get going also. standing up, he slung his bag over his shoulder and took a quick glance at his nightmarishly beautiful painting, which had the sun's rays beaming onto the canvas through the window and smiling a bit, instantly being reminded of you and kashimo's kind words.
as the door of the art room shuts behind him, the male suddenly bumps into you. not even realizing it was you at first, he swears under his breath before taking a step back, his cheeks turning a slight pink color upon seeing your face. his breath quickened and his heart rate picked up.
"hi..." you smiled at him nervously, adjusting your clothes after accidentally bumping into him. your next words would be an apology but that idea seemed to quickly fade when you noticed his flushed cheeks.
"hey..." choso finally says. the air between the two of you crackles with tension as your eyes meet, a silent exchange of longing and desire passing between the two of you. finally catching his breath, choso clears his throat. "uh...sorry. i didn't see you when i walked out."
"no, it's fine, i wasn't really paying attention either." you reply almost instantly, as if you had planned this response beforehand. once again, you both found your gazes lingering on each other longer than necessary, neither wanting to break the connection. finally, you reluctantly pull away, but the distance between you remained close, a silent conversation taking place between the two of you.
"so...i..i guess i'll see you at dinner on friday?" choso blurts, trying to make the situation less awkward for both you and him. you could see how he was visibly flustered and slightly uncomfortable.
you nod, adjusting your outfit and then the backpack on your shoulder. you had been coming back from a study session with a few of your friends for the upcoming test in your english class regarding shakespeare, which had the entire class groaning with irritation and annoyance.
"yeah, i'm looking forward to it." the words finally escape you. a small, almost shy smile tugs at the corners of choso's lips.
"me too..."
with one last lingering look, you and choso part ways, going in opposite directions of the hallway to go to your next destinations, both feeling a sense of anticipation for their upcoming dinner date.
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⠀© vmpiires | like, reblog & follow.
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loveronlineee · 3 years
Dance with me (Bruno Madrigal x Reader)
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Ship: Bruno Madrigal x Reader (She/Her)
Tags: Fluff, shy flustered Bruno, supportive Mirabel, Camilo being Camilo
Warnings: No warnings!:)
Synopsis: The Madrigals throw a party and Mirabel finds out that her Tío might like a certain someone there
Music playing, people chatting, dancing and enjoying the food. Another wonderful party by the Madrigals. It was always a great time to catch up with friends and have a break from work.
Mirabel loved these parties. She could see how close everyone in Encanto was with each other. Well, apart from her Tío Bruno. He always came to the parties, his sister Pepa practically drags him out of his tower, but he’s was always reluctant to talk. Usually sticking to his family and staying away from the spotlight.
She couldn’t blame him. He still wasn’t used to being around so many people and although the townspeople were friendly to him, some were still wary.
Mirabel watched her Uncle sit with her parents in the corner, making conversation. She smiled. At least he looked happy.
‘Hey prima. What’s the hot gossip today?’ Mirabel asked, turning to Dolores who was in front of her at the food tables. The older cousin didn’t look up. Instead she smiled and continued to fill her plate. Mirabel grinned. She knew it was something good.
‘Oh not much. Just…’ She looked over at Mirabel. ‘Have you noticed what’s up with our Tío Bruno?’ Mirabel frowned.
‘No, why?’
‘Hmm. Guess he’s hiding it better than I thought.’
‘What? What is it?’ Dolores looked around then leaned closer to Mirabel.
‘Bruno keeps staring at señorita Y/N.’ Mirabel looked back over to her uncle. He was listening to her Dad talk but every couple seconds, his eyes would dart over to the other side of the room. She hadn’t noticed that before.
Y/N was dancing with Isabela and Luisa. She spun herself as Isabela made flowers fall around her. Bruno smiled a little more at that. Mirabel’s eyes widened and whipped her head back around.
‘Oh my gosh.’
‘Uh huh.’ Dolores nodded. ‘I’ve been hearing his longing sighs since she arrived here. He’s almost gotten up to talk to her a couple times. Saying okay okay you can do this you can do this under his breath. But no luck so far.’ She shrugged.
‘We gotta help him!’
‘You come up with a plan, I’ll follow.’ Dolores smiled.
‘Okay I need you to get Y/N away from the dance floor. I’ll get Bruno.’
‘Hey can you two hurry up?’ Camilo said. ‘Some of us wanna eat.’
‘Camilo! I need your help. Come with me.’ Mirabel dragged him away from the table.
‘What? But I’m hungryyyyy.’ He whined.
‘You can eat later! This is about Bruno’s crush on señorita Y/N!’
‘His what now?’
‘Where’s Antonio? I have a plan.’
‘These arepas are amazing hermana.’ Bruno complimented. Julieta smiled.
‘Thank you Bruno. I can teach you how to make them if you want. They won’t heal you but they’ll taste just the same.’
‘I’d like that very much.’ Bruno went to take another arepa when a toucan flew down and stole it from him. ‘H-Huh? Hey! Where do you think you’re going?’
Bruno got up and followed the bird away from the party. It flew up the stairs to his tower, right into his room. Bruno followed it in to find Mirabel, Camilo and Antonio standing there waiting for him. The toucan landed on Antonio’s arm.
‘Thanks primo. You can go back to the party now.’ Mirabel said. The youngest cousin ran off back downstairs. Bruno was confused.
‘What are you guys doing here?’
‘I’ve seen you staring at Señorita Y/N.’ Bruno’s eyes widened. He saw the grins on his niece and nephew’s faces began to step back.
‘W-What? Mirabel I don’t know what you think you’ve seen but-‘
‘She’s single by the way.’
‘She is??’
‘Ah HA!’ Bruno sighed in defeat. ‘I knew it! I knew it!’
‘Yeah okay whatever I don’t know what you’re so excited about anyway. It’s not like anything’s going to happen.’ Mirabel smiled. Bruno stopped. ‘No. No you’re not going to say anything to her! A-As your uncle I am forbidding you from-‘
‘Oh I’m not going to say anything to her, but you will.’
‘You will, or…’ Mirabel looked to Camilo. The shapeshifter transformed into Bruno. ‘you will.’
‘Why are you doing this?’
‘Because you like her! And I want to see my uncle happy! Now go!’ Mirabel shooed him out. Bruno sighed. There wasn’t any way of getting around this.
He returned to the party to find Y/N no longer on the dance floor. She was standing on the side talking to his other nieces. Dolores spotted him and smiled. Oh right. She definitely knows.
Bruno breathed in then out and walked towards them.
‘Oh Tío Bruno! Enjoying the party?’ Isabela asked with a smile. From her tone Bruno could tell she knew too. Dolores had probably told them both. This was so embarrassing.
‘Ah y-yeah it’s great Isa. How are you all?’
‘We’re good.’ Luisa answered. ‘We were just catching up with señorita Y/N.’
‘Good evening Bruno.’ Y/N greeted with a warm smile. He could’ve melted then and there.
‘H-Hi Y/N. Are you enjoying yourself?’ The nieces walked away, leaving the two alone to talk.
‘Oh yes! Your family always throws the best parties. How are you?’
‘Oh y’know the usual.’ Y/N chuckled. There was a brief moment of silence between the two. Bruno’s nerves were building. He looked over to see his nieces and nephews watching from the food table. Mirabel threw him a thumbs up.
‘Bruno, do you want to dance?’ Y/N held out her hand to him.
‘H-huh? Dance? With you? I-I don’t know Y/N I’m not that coordinated…’
‘Oh come on it’ll be fun! Let’s just hope we don’t fall!’
‘Knock knock knock knock knock. Knock on wood.’
‘Knock knock knock knock knock. Knock on wood.’
‘Ha jinx!’ Y/N laughed. Bruno couldn’t speak. He could barely stand up. He just let Y/N lead him to the middle of the dance floor.
‘Y/N. I don’t know how to dance.’ Bruno looked down at his feet, fidgeting. Everyone moving around him was so loud and vibrant. And there he was, standing in the middle like an idiot. Y/N grabbed his hands. He looked back up to see her beaming at him.
‘Neither do I!’
‘B-But I saw you dancing with Isa and Luisa-‘
‘Oh so you were watching me were you?’ Y/N teased, pulling him closer.
‘Oh uh no well I-‘ She laughed.
‘I’m just messing with you. You don’t need to know how to dance. Just have fun!’ She said, letting go of his hands and spinning around.
‘What are they saying to each other?’ Mirabel asked Dolores.
‘Well our Bruno is being his normal awkward self, but luckily señorita Y/N finds it endearing.’ Mirabel squealed.
‘Yes! I knew they would work well together!’ Mirabel and Bruno made eye contact for a second. Mirabel gave him another encouraging smile.
Bruno held out his hand. Y/N took it. She grabbed his other hand and placed it on her waist before placing hers on his shoulder.
Bruno looked down at their feet and copied Y/N’s steps. Soon enough the two were in rhythm with the music. Y/N giggled and lifted Bruno’s chin. He smiled.
Turns out he could dance after all.
As the party drew to a close and the town began to make their ways back to their own houses, the Madrigals cleaned up. Mirabel collected all of the empty plates and put them in one stack.
‘Psssst Mirabel.’ Luisa whispered. Mirabel looked to her left. ‘Look at Y/N and Bruno.’
It had been hours but the pair were still in the centre of the courtyard swaying back and forth. There was no music, no ambient lights. Just gentle movements and the sound of casual conversation. ‘I don’t have the heart to break them up, but we gotta go to bed at some point.’
‘I’ll do it.’ Mirabel said softly. ‘Hey sorry to break you two up but Antonio’s struggling to stay awake and we all gotta be up early tomorrow.’
‘Oh gosh I’m so sorry! I didn’t realise the time.’ Y/N said. ‘I was having too much fun.’ She smiled at Bruno.
‘Yeah. Me too.’
‘Well I better get home then. Thank you for hosting. I’ve had a wonderful time as always.’
‘But a bit better than usual right señorita Y/N?’ Camilo commented as he passed. Mirabel hit his arm and gave him a glare.
Y/N waved everyone goodbye and stopped at Bruno.
‘Thank you for dancing with me.’ Mirabel gave her Tío a nudge.
‘Ah! The pleasure was all mine.’
‘I’ll see you all soon.’ Y/N turned and began to walk away. Mirabel nudged him again.
‘Go! Say something else!’
‘U-Uh Y/N can I walk you home?’
‘Oh that’s alright. My house is only down the hill.’
‘Ah okay see you soon.’ Mirabel nudged him for a third time. ‘Okay okay I’m going!’
Bruno walked forward and grabbed Y/N’s hand. She turned around, slightly confused.
‘I ah ummm…’ He looked to Mirabel who nodded. ‘Y/N. I had a very nice evening dancing with you. A-And if you are interested in spending time with me again then maybe we could… uh ah meet up and do something…’
Bruno’s words got quieter and quieter as he continued. He stared at the floor trying to find the words. He was shaking, his hands were sweaty. Then Y/N giggled. That’s when his heart really sank. He let go of Y/N’s hand. Why did he think for a second that someone as lovely as her would be interested in him?
‘Uh. Nevermind. It’s okay. I’ll just-‘
‘Oh Bruno.’ Y/N lifted his head up to look at her. ‘You really are charming.’
‘I-I’m what?’
‘There’s the market tomorrow. We could go there together?’
‘The market? Yes. Yes! Yes I-I would like that very much.’ Bruno finally stood up straight again. Y/N put a hand on his shoulder and pressed her lips on his cheek.
‘Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow then. Goodnight Bruno.’ And with that, she left. Leaving Bruno to watch her walk away. Mouth slightly open, unable to speak.
‘Great job Tío.’
‘Thanks Mirabel.’
‘Damn Bruno’s got game.’
‘Camilo shut up! You’re ruining the moment!’
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togrowoldinv · 2 years
Cooking With Flo… And Family
Florence Pugh x Female Reader
Florence is doing a Cooking with Flo when her daughter and wife join in on the fun. Based on this request
Florence Pugh Masterlist, Main Masterlist
Florence gathers her ingredients and checks on her daughter one last time before she starts her Instagram live.
Easy listening music starts playing and Florence does her intro. She dances and smiles at the camera as she enters the view.
“It’s Cooking with Flo, bitches,” Florence says. The last word comes out quieter so your young daughter doesn’t hear her from the next room.
Florence puts on her yellow apron and starts explaining what she’s going to be cooking. She’s only been going a few minutes before your daughter comes clambering up to her.
“Why hello there, darling!” Florence says to her. She puts down her cooking utensils and lifts her onto hip.
“Hi Mummy,” your daughter, Augustine, says quietly. She buries her face in Florence’s neck.
“Everyone, it looks like I’ve got some company for this Cooking with Flo. My little one here really loves being in my arms,” Florence says sweetly.
Augustine stays attached to Florence’s side as she continues to cook and talk on the live. Flo purposely asks Augustine questions and drops soft kisses to her head and cheeks.
This is the sight you come home to. You’ve been at work all day and can’t wait to see your wife and daughter.
“Oh, my wife is home!” Florence says excitedly when she hears you come inside. “She hasn’t seen my hair and I want to see her reaction.”
“Hey, baby,” you say as you enter the kitchen. You put your bags down and drop your keys on the counter.
“Hello, my love. I’m just doing a Cooking with Flo,” Florence says.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I’ll just-“ you begin but when you look at her fully you suddenly notice a difference. “What did- you cut your hair?”
You cross the room and hold her face gently. She grins at you.
“I wanted to surprise you,” Florence says.
“Wow. Florence, you’re so beautiful,” you say.
“You like it?” She asks hopefully.
“I love it, Flo. I love you,” you tell her. “And I love you too, August.”
She mumbles an I love you and you and Florence smile at her.
“She’s sleepy,” Flo says.
“I bet. Here let me put her down and I’ll come back and help you cook. That sound good?” You ask her.
“Sounds perfect, baby,” Florence says as she hands you your daughter. She kisses her forehead goodnight and you take her to her room.
“Okay, sorry for the brief interruption people. I see the comments are going wild about me and my wife. Yeah, I made her speechless for a minute,” Florence says with a cheeky laugh. “When she comes back, I’ll show her your teasing comments.”
When you reenter the kitchen, Florence pulls you into a giant hug and kisses your cheeks.
“The fans love you, y/n,” Florence whispers in your ear. You smile and look at her phone to see the comments.
“I’m being teased for being speechless when seeing you as if you aren’t the most beautiful woman in the world,” you say as you lean over the counter to read. Florence blushes behind you and wraps her arms around your waist.
“You’re the beautiful one, y/n,” she says.
“Nope. But also I have plenty of stories that you guys can tease Florence about,” you say with a knowing grin.
“No, please don’t,” Florence says playfully. She steps out from behind you.
“Oh, I will baby,” you tease her.
“I’ll give you so many hugs if you don’t.”
“Deal,” you say without hesitating and the two of you share a long laugh.
All the while, the live catches your antics and everyone sees just how in love you and Florence are. And no one can deny you’re perfect for each other.
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