#so like he gets into the police system and guess what it Sucks so thats why he gets down with jigsaw so quick
ollyollyaxe · 10 months
ooof fuckin Thinking about hoffman and angelina being orphans, maybe not from birth- but pretty young, 5 & 15 ish, spending a few months in an orphanage/foster care before angelina gets adopted, but mark never does, he stays in the system until he ages out, his only real human connection being his baby sister - anyway im cool im fime
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star-mum · 4 months
Saw (2004) - Live Star Reaction
Hello friends and welcome to another Live Star Reaction 😌 today's episode is (as always actually) dedicated to Sunny, for always putting me on the good shit
I don't know jack shit about this franchise besides saw trap jokes and FUCK THE AMERICAN HEALTHCARE SYSTEM !!!!
I've also decided to do a Pussy Counter aka how many times do I look away from the screen at the gory scenes (pre watch guess is all of them honestly, I'm pretty weak 😚✌️)
Was that little blue thing that went down the drain important at all or just for the dramatics?
"what is that smell?" of course cause this place looks super clean and well kept
oh hey !!! is the dude I keep seeing around !! (blond guy)
ooooohhh thats the smell : )
"im a doctor" 🤨 now i guess i know why you're here
okay Adam and Lawrence (im gonna try and keep up, idk how many ppl are gonna get got in this movie)
damn lawrence didn't think to check your FUCKING POCKETS ???? How long have you been here for ?
"use shirt" bby girl rigor morris has probably set in by now, we are Not taking that from him without some force
i would not survive a saw trap, I suck at escape room puzzles
am I supposed to be rooting for these people ? (genuine question)
awn there was a little heart draw in the wall, either in (now dried) blood or shit <33
saw off your foot !! saw off your foot !! saw off your foot !!
SAW OFF YOUR FOOT !!!! "he wants us to saw off our feet" YEAAAAAHHH
looooove exposition
idk why I didn't expect there to be an ongoing POLICE INVESTIGATION
"you truly wanted to die or just wanted some attention" : O coooold blooded
i wish all movie villains were this creative :/
like of course I understand they have to investigate such hard evidence but would a killer that's SO organized and methodical leave a pen with their own fingerprints at the scene of the crime ?
"i was visiting someone and it wasn't a patient" AND YOU'RE A CHEATER ?????
haaaaate ventriloquist dolls by the way
IT FUCKING MOVES ??????? 😧😧😧😧😧 okay hear me out gamers, what's worst dying in a saw trap or having to see that fucking thing coming at you on a fucking tricycle (saw trap me up baby)
Adam is very me in this situation KSKKSKS im freaked out and scared and now that's EVERYONE'S problem
if there's a little jigsaw sat in the corner of this kids room Im gonna scream
Pussy Counter x1 baby !!!! i am NOT looking at whatever fucked thing is gonna happen in this household right now
"there's a man in my room"
"are sure it's not just your imagination"
????????????? WHAAAAAAAAT ??????
even if it was just a nightmare or whatever that is HORRIFYING ????? there's a 0.1 change a man broke in to your house and you're NOT WORRIED ?????
jail. immediately jail. jail for this awful terrible mom for a thousand years
"she wants you to check her room" nooooo she said there was a man in her room.... what is wrong with you ?????
"what gave you that idea?" your mistress 🥺
KSKSKSKS ADAM !!!! he doesn't need to know, you're right (otherwise he'll kill you, that's right my bad)
like not even checked the closet or under the bed to appease her and make her feel better, if you were so sure she was making it up
oh great is dumbass cops o'clock 🙄
we're not even halfway through this movie yet and SO MUCH HAS HAPPENED
i feel like i know both of these actors (the detectives) but Idk from where
*replays sound in the background*
me: It's a construction site ! : D
"it's a fire alarm"
oh : (
hey it's a maquette !! :D
"awake already Jeff?" ..... why jigsaw's voice kinda ho-
"yes him sick officer" 😳 damn okay
🙄🙄🙄 if you had shot him in the foot this secret ninja blade thing wouldn't have happened
"we're gonna close it, right Sing" ruh roh
"just because im stuck in this room, doesn't mean I have to report to you every 10 seconds" SKSKSKSKSK you fucking tell him Adam
is it gonna be a gun? 👀
A NOKIA ?????? (it's the early 2000s star, yes a fucking nokia)
"this has happened before" WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT MEAN ???????
doctor lawrence you are a grade A dumbass and I think you've earned your stay here
"my last girlfriend, a feminist vegan punk broke up with me cause I was too angry" SKSKSKSKS yeah adam i think you're my favorite one here
ooooh adams gonna saw his foot off, he's made peace with it
"I remember how I got here" i don't think thats how memory altering drugs work, I don't electrocution is enough to get em back
okay I tried my best but this is Pussy Counter x3 (I can't with these tense scenes) NOOOOO ITS A AUDITORY JUMPSCARE HOW COULD YOUUUUUUU ?????
*immediately starts beating the shit out of the doll* SEE he gets me
ALRIGHT SECOND JUMPSCARE WAS VISUAL ONE !!! I WIN !!! (hadn't looked up to the screen yet)
"the bad man from my room is here" *looks directly at the camera* yeah wonder who's fault is that
is adam like an investigative journalist ?
YEAH ! that didn't look like a hospital parking lot at all, where the fuck did he go
THAT'S WHY HE THREW THE THING IN THE TUB !!!!!! this movie is really good with it's little details <3
why would you pick up the phone ?????? no one's supposed to know you're here, dont pick up th fucking phone, dumbass
okay I'm pretty sure we've talked about who's jigsaw and That's why I'm so sure it's the nurse from the beginning of the movie (also because he's the only other bitch here and they kinda already showed him)
okay im sorry but is NO ONE going to saw their foot off in this movie ? cmon y'all i was promised, there were DISEMBODIED FEET IN THE POSTER !!!!!!!
"we're out of time" well... I gave you a pretty easy solution 🙄
im sick and tired of these people NOT incapacitating this man in some way
im sorry but the fucking chaos of the house scene and Gordon crying on the phone made me laugh a little bit, like yeah it sounds AWFUL FROM THAT END
"I'll go get help" ....what, are you gonna hop up the stairs ?
baby he is Not going far, you know that right?
*guy gets up from the ground*
WHAT ???? WHAT ???? WHAT ?????
"the key is in the bathtub" IT WAS IMPORTANT !!!!! FUUUUUUCK
im literally sitting here watching the credits go like 😧😧😧😧😧 what the fuck did I just watch (in a positive way somehow)
the second movie is only 1h30 long.... (it's now 8:30 pm) I could maybe watch it right now 🫣
0 notes
nightswithkookmin · 4 years
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Thanks to everyone who's taken the time out to read my posts and has enjoyed it so far. It's really been fun and entertaining exchanging thoughts and having these much deeper ship discussions.
I thought this issue was gonna go away but I woke up this morning to more people messaging me about finding my last video analysis on several other platforms without appropriate credit.
But that's not disturbing. The disturbing part is the people sliding into people's DM'S on other platforms to get them to take down my video because they don't want people sharing my content on other platforms as they believe it would only make my blog popular.
For those worried about this whole credit business, thanks for showing this much concern for me? I really appreciate the love and concern if it's from a genuine place of concern. Thank you...
I think some of you already know this by now or might have figured it out, I am a law student, I am very much well aware what is and what isn't within my rights? Lol
I honestly didn't see this whole credit thingy as a big deal. It's not. Not to me. Lol. I repost people's photos without credit too all the time. Often, it's because I don't know who to credit and most time my lazy ass just forgets to. Lol. I think it's normal? It's inconsequential I mean.
The videos I use are usually often water marked by the appropriate owners so I don't go through the hustle of figuring this whole credit business out. If I should decide to come back here again I will check that habit of mine?
While this whole credit business is not a big deal to me, malicious slander and defamation to my character is and I don't take it lightly.
It has been brought to my attention that some Jikookers from Tumblr have since been sliding into people's DM's on other platforms asking them to take down my video and or remove the credit they give to my post.
They are telling people I am problematic, calling me the Taekook Lives of the Jikook community. That I have been spreading lies about Jikook, that the Jikook Tumblr community hates me or something like that and to further caricaturize me and make me appear more evil in order to get people to turn on me and hate me, they make up the most ridiculous lies about me claiming that I believe a notorious serial killer is innocent.
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Now I have since deleted my YT account because I don't want my colleagues to find out I am into shipping too lol- shipping is a guilty pleasure of mine and I know how this fandom works unfortunately. I've been a silent part of it since 2014. I mean it's started already. The Doxing and shit.
The original post under which these replies are from couldn't save sadly as my account has been deleted but you can see from my notifications the general feel of what my interests outside shipping looks like.
I am interested in a myriad of topics, from literature, Aliens, writing, Harry Potter, history, activism, advocacy, philosophy, law, politics, NASA, and mystery and murder among other things.
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My quora is mostly filled with notifications from my Book community and True crime community and often I do share my thoughts and answer questions with regards to the psychology of murderers, legal evidence, notorious villains in literature- well I guess now you know the kind of lawyer I want to be if and when I'm able to complete law school.
But what has my interest in these topics got to do with Jikook and shipping please?? How does this prove I hate Jikook and spread lies about them?
This Kookie Min Monsta person slipped into someone's DMS and asked the person who had put up my video analysis to take it down or discredit me because to her I am problematic. She is not the only one.
You want so bad to paint me black- no pun intended just to win an argument? You claim I am the evil malicious person here but I am not the one sliding into people's dms trying to take credit away from people for their hardwork, spreading hate and negative energy, making things up to manipulate people's perception of others and get them to hate and turn on them- and all because of A SHIP? Damn. This is pathetic.
Who died and made you the gatekeeper of the jikook shipping community? Honestly antics like these don't work on me try again.
I made a video commentary on my Booktube YT account- yes I am part of the book YouTube community as well sue me or better still slip into their inboxes and tell them I voted for Trump therefore I hate chipmunks.
The commentary I made on YT months ago was when I was in the highs of finding a new passion and it was on Ann Rule's book, The Stranger Besides Me- a true crime novel on Ted Bundy which I found so poorly written that at the end of the book it left with me wondering whether or not Ted Bundy was guilty at all!
The Author's writing style which deviates from most writing styles of True Crime novels I have read gave me trust issues as I stated in the video. It felt more as if she was writing a made up fictional novel than an actual True Crime novel but because she knew Ted Bundy in person she made it seem as if we just had to believe her account.
Then there was this whole thing about the police not being able to match the DNA samples taken from his rape victims, to his own Semen because his Semen was DNAless- in lay man's terms. I'll spare you the technicalities involved.
As I stated in that video, I do believe Ted Bundy was guilty but I do not have much faith in the Judicial system, or criminal procedures or even the Author of that book- a sentiment most people within the true crime community share as well. We just had differing views on whether the writer's style took away from the narrative and waters down on the extent of Bundy's guilt.
We had a Similar conversation about Chris Watt. If the community I was engaging in didn't have a problem with my commentary why do you? Please don't meddle in things you know nothing about. It's embarrassing.
The conversation about whether or not Ted Bundy is innocent is moot but a philosophical one. It has nothing to do with Ted Bundy's guilt but more so the criminal procedures involved in his case and the different accounts that exists surrounding his case.
He was electrocuted, he confessed to his crimes no damn person with brains would think or assume he is innocent and I never said anything of that nature drew any conclusions to that effect.
Besides, I moved on from Ted Bundy a long time ago. Now I am into the Serial Killer who writes death poems and signs it off with drawings of the size of his dick at his crime scenes- mind your own business please or don't and let's have an intellectual discourse about him? Lmho.
I am also into cat memes if you care to know and have a whole IG dedicated to cat memes. I believe human beings are the most dumbest species in all the galaxies and when the Aliens arrive I am snitching.
When my mind is at rest, I often wonder if Aliens have masculinity complex and if they do whether or not their masculinity is contingent on the size of their dicks or whether they have to engage in a battle to the death with an alien grizzly bear to determine who is the man.
I love BTS memes too- a little too much and often end up debating over the internet with random people over whether BTS memes are funnier than cat memes- I'm weird, true. But how does all of that make me a bad person?
It's crazy how these people can go on these other platforms to ask people to take down the credits to my posts as well as my posts itself but can't ask people who run to these other platforms with misinterpretations of my work to take those down.
Instead they come on here to call me out for people's interpretations of my work?? It doesn't work that way. You are the author of your own opinion and interpretation of other people's work. You don't call out the original author for someone's opinion of their work. If that were so I would be emailing Stephanie Meyer for Anna Todd and her After series. Get some education.
I have since blocked this person and others whose Tumblr I have been able to find thanks to all those that's helped me finding them on here.
My gf also tried reaching out to the persons who shared my post after we realised this was becoming an issue and had asked them to credit her or my blog- but honestly I don't care about that yet she won't give it a rest. Lol. My ride or die this one. Sigh.
However, we realized soon that this is not about 'stealing' credit- can't call someone out for not giving credit when I suck at that myself. Lol.
This is about people's malicious intentions and their attempts to silence me and take away my right to freedom of expression however way that they can. This is wrong and evil.
I honestly don't care for all these ship politics these people are engaged in. I've had enough intelligent conversations to know the distinction between arguments that flows from bruised egos and actual conversations around a subject matter.
This whole I am right, she is wrong politics... y'all get that the point of having an opinion is not to be right, right? We all cant have the same perspective and you can't call someone a liar for holding views that is different from yours. That is a bizarre mentality to have.
As I stated in my post, that content I made was a rebuttal to the Taekook theories running around on the internet alleging JK glared at Tae when he pulled on his shoulder because he was jealous Tae and Jin were having fun behind him. He wasn't. He was worried Tae was gonna expose him and JM holding hands behind Suga.
If you don't think they were holding hands then Taekookers were right and his reaction was because he was Jealous of Taejin I guess...
But thats your truth. That's not my truth. I don't believe Taekook is real. JK isn't jealous of Taejin he is not Twelve- but then again he was sneaking around behind Suga holding his boyfriend's hands so I guess he is twelve? Lol. Jikook!
Do you.
But please stop the evil malicious attacks and seek immediate help. There is such a thing as right and wrong and this is just plain wrong. Your Karma and chakra are in the negative nodes and you need to fix it. It is not funny anymore.
Thank you to everyone who has shown genuine concerns for me in the past few days and thank you so much for trying to stand up for me. There are good people on here and I have met and interacted with a lot of them and thank you so much for such a wonderful experience and insightful discussions.
I don't hate people because of our differences in thoughts, beliefs, opinions. There's always room for dissenting opinions in every sphere. At the very least, we can agree to disagree and shake on it. But You can't make up shit about people just to prove your opinion is right and their opinions and views which differ from yours are 'wrong.
I am not a victim though, and they are not bullies, psst. They are just vile pathetic human beings exposing the greens of their insides. What you do says more about who you are as a person and human being. And this is who they are.
Just be a nice decent human being. That's what this world needs. Fix whatever is broken inside of you and free your mind and spirit. Hate is never the answer.
I'm going to be away for a while because I have studies, work and other interests I want to pursue at the moment- it's just my AADD flaring up so if you see me henceforth raving about Nana at least you'd know why. Lol. She's wrecking my Jimin bias. Lmho.
Spread positivity, do the right thing, stand up for a good cause and keep supporting Jikook. Jikook is real.
Until we meet again.
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zpomnicore · 7 years
About this blog, life and other overrated bullshit (German dadrunter)
Thank you for wasting your time by following shitty musicblogs like this and grabbing dirty badmade music you don´t want to listen anymore tommorrow and never again. I do the same. Sometimes. Now here comes the surprising “i am getting older and have 20 new children and police says i should stop my drugabuse a bit because it makes me buying sexy nuclear weapons in the street instead of looking for a job, wanking and bring the trash out to the spam folder” line. Done. Another: I am talking like an average Americanised middleclass idiot yet, now. Shit. Lets stop this. But how? Uhm... don´t know. Some other ideas and preferences:
1. I posted too much average or overrated bullshit here the last time. This time shall be over now. Quantity is also overrated. You know the big names of the game, yet, now. If not, skroll the blogarchieve and just listen to the 1300 audios I´ve posted, then you will know. Or ask an expert.
2. I want to make (ad) stickers for this blog in June. If you´re interested, just write a mail to horrorrrgrrrl at web dot de (guess there is not so much interest so I can send you a package with some stickers for free if you give your postal adress, but I don´t promise for free, but that the first 10 people will get a free package, that would be yet 22% of my followers [incl. bots and other strange beeings with sexual explicit material blogs following this blog]). In worst case I will tell you “sorry, give cash or stay stickerless.”
3. Speedcore becomes fashion. Its obvious. Look at all these suckers now uploading shitty fuckshit with commercial mellowlines and sexy photos and japanese sweet trendmanga shit and how much clicks some sets have on Youtube and that DJs do speedcoresets at Red Bull sponsored DJ-Competitions and so on. All these “MTV speedcore fashionshow” jokes are lapsed.
You needn´t be a culture philosopher to see that it was very probable this will happen. Anyhow, relax, sit down and enjoy watching how (underground) history repeats, watch hysterical, young people selling their souls for nothing, watch fucked up old people selling their souls and names for a little peace of the shitty pink cake, watch how another subculture will go down, it hadn´t that much to offer and “speedcore against racism” didn´t include “against sexism”, “against dumbism” and/or “against staying a drugged narrow-minded asshole all life long”. This was always obvious. +You are not the hardest, sickest and most respected undergroundperson in the world anymore, if you wear a “speedcore-something” T-Shirt now. And if you wear it on your marriage, you will stay a fucked up fool. Yet because marrying is for fucking pussies and you can´t conceal this. Marriage is in general conservative bullshit and an important column of a fucked up repressive system that eats your soul as the sellout of subcultures, cultural appropriatation, ignoring sexism and other forms of hierachy in one´s (sub-)culture and Red Bull DJ-Contests are. And so on. (Much to say, nothing to add).
Ways to deal with that:
- Get your piece of cake! Make a facebookaccount that contains “speedcore” or shitty folders on Soundcloud, connect it with stuff or events you want to sell or design longboards with shitty skullframed speedcorelogos (don´t forget to add a weapon!) and add 20000 users whos name contains also “speedcore” and/or ”hakkuh”, “noisekick”, “komprex” or “terror”. If you want more clicks on SC, make some “Early speedcore” sets containing the obvious tracks of DOA, Amiga shock force and so on.
- Go Extratone and tell everyone (really everyone) that you are still harder than em all and that you listened to speedcore long time ago. But now its to slow for you. Maybe some will pay attention and suck your genital for this extra hardness. Extratone is part of the game, but some hillbillies & noobs will always think its not. Buy extratone stocks instead of speedcore stocks. Wear an Extratone shirt at your boyfriends marriage. Thats cute.
- Ignore the trend. Well these people at the bar of your party sure aren´t hippsters or just stupid little teenies who try to look hard, its totally cool underground people who know what the shit is like, they will share love with you, they will support you and add fancy filters before uploading the photos of your drugged dancemoves on instagramm they´ll share with thousands of nice looking bots and people, The scene was always full of assholes and fuckheads, so where is the difference? Lets talk about this in some years, again.
- Quit with music! Do sports, get religious or study creative customer based speedcore management on your local university after having saved enough money and done all the other shit, enhancement drugs are healthier than partydrugs some people say.
- Fight the trend! Come to the next party with a baseballbat and destroy all cars and people with Noisekick, Komprex, P.O.S. (Where would you draw the line?) or “Terror Worldwide” T-Shirts or logos, sell ratpoison-interlarded speed and pills (the “true people” are used that, they wont die, only the posers will die!), start pogo each 5 minutes or each Cannibal Corpse-Sample (same), hack accounts of all people using masks, tits and other bullshit in their profiles to “gain” anything, the only thing they gain is death!!!! Make some “dos and don´ts videos, texts and vlogs about prohibited and non prohibited artists, samples, tracknames, logo contents and colours you may wear on a party or on your avatar and look for some sheeps who will obey to all you will preach them. Your sect is the only way to keep the true spirit alive!
-Cry! If this doesn´t help, kill yourself! All our lives, values and identities were based on the power of true speedcore (speedcore will never die, life begins with speedcore and so on...), so how can you deal with the fact that all you believed in and lived for is now rotting away to an average piece of shit? Speedcore was so clean once (you could eat from the dancefloor), it was so beautiful once, so strong and cool and making life worthful, but now they will soon sell shirts with a gameboy that has the word “speedcore”written instead of “Tetris” on the frame on H&M, Zalando and Pimkies, also for kids in 152 and 164, Satan will not help you because he´s the new manager of H&M men´s world, so all you believed in is ridiculous now. You could believe in yourself, but you are just a slave to the rhythm and rhythm is a dancer and your master is now a servant, thank god there´s enough other authorities and illusions left to believe in. Not? Hm...
If you need a better solution call the police or ambulance. My good humour has also gone during the last time.
4. Nothing.
Scheiße, ich hab garkein Bock jetzt das alles nochmal auf deutsch zu übersetzen. Aber trotzdem. Blogarbeit ist pflicht und ein deutsche Tugend. Ich mag deutsche Tugenden nicht. Das alles motiviert mich nicht. Aber ich will auch nicht jetzt hochskrollen und den Betreff ändern, mein Laptop ist so virenverseucht, daß er beim hochskrollen möglicherweise abscheißt. Also los:
Danke, daß ihr eure Zeit damit verschwendet, beschissenen Musikblogs wie diesem und schlecht gemachter Musik zu folgen. Ich mache das auch. Manchmal. Auf deutsch klingt das alles noch kackiger als auf englisch.
Jetzt kommt eine überraschende “Ich bin älter geworden, habe 20 Kinder mehr und die Bullen sagen, daß ich meinen Drogenmissbrauch redizieren soll, weil ich drauf immer in sexy-Atomwaffen-Straßenhandel verwickelt werde, statt nach einem Job zu gucken, zu onanieren und den Müll raus in den Spamordner zu bringen” Zeile. So, fertig. Noch eine: Ich red inzwischen wie irgendein amerikanisierter Durchschnittsvollidiot (auch als Affin kann man Frack tragen). Scheiße, Leute. Das muss aufhören. Aber wie? KP. Ein paar Ideen und (...äh, wie  bersetz ich “Preferences”? Das war eh schon falsch, das Wort, aber das andere Wort hatte ich vergessen):
1. In letzter Zeit hab ich viel zu viel durchschnittlichen Bullshit und Zeug, das zuviel Beachtung bekommt, gepostet. Die Zeit ist ab jetzt vorbei (ab diesem Post). Masse wird überschätzt. Ihr kennt jetzt die großen Namen im Game. Wenn nicht, hört einfach nochmal die 1300 Posts durch, dann wisst ihr sie. Oder fragt einen Experten.
2. Ich mach Sticker für diesen Blog. bei Interesse einfach mal an horrorrrgrrrl ätt web de schreiben. Rest mit Übersetzerin (das wird voll geil jetzt):
Wenn Sie interessiert sind, einfach eine Mail an Web horrorrrgrrrl Schreiben dot de (denke, es ist nicht so viel Interesse, so kann ich Ihnen ein Paket mit einigen Aufklebern senden kostenlos wenn sie ihre Anschrift geben, aber ich habe nicht kostenlos, aber die ersten 10 Leute werden nach dieser Blog] erhalten Sie gratis ein Paket, das wäre noch 22% meiner Jünger werden [inkl. Bots und andere seltsame Mensch mit sexuellen explizites Material Blogs). Im schlimmsten Fall Ich werde Ihnen sagen, "es tut uns leid, Bargeld oder Aufenthalt stickerless geben."
3. Speedcore wird Mode. Seine Hand. An alle diese Sauger jetzt hochladen shitty Fuckshit mit kommerziellen Mellowlines und sexy Fotos und japanische Süße trendmanga Scheiße aussehen und wie viel Klicks einige Sätze haben auf Youtube und die DJs tun speedcoresets bei Red Bull dj-Wettbewerben gefördert und so weiter. Alle diese "MTV speedcore Fashionshow "Witze sind nichtig.
Sie brauchen nicht eine Kultur Philosoph sein, um zu sehen, dass es sehr wahrscheinlich war dies geschehen wird. Jedenfalls, entspannen Sie sich und genießen Sie, wie (U-Bahn) Geschichte wiederholt, beobachten Sie hysterisch, junge Menschen, die ihre Seelen für nichts achten, Abgefuckte alte Menschen ihre Seelen und Namen verkaufen für ein wenig Frieden der shitty rosa Kuchen, beobachten, wie eine andere Subkultur nach unten gehen wird, hatte es nicht so viel zu bieten und "speedcore gegen Rassismus" nicht "gegen Sexismus", "Gegen dumbism" und/oder "gegen eine Droge beigemischt Engstirnigen alles Leben Arschloch long". Dies war immer auf der Hand. Sie sind nicht der härteste, Krankste und angesehensten undergroundperson in der Welt mehr, wenn Sie eine "speedcore Verschleiß-etwas" T-Shirt. Und wenn du es tragen auf ihre Ehe, werden Sie eine abgefuckte Narr bleiben. Doch weil das Heiraten ist für fucking pussy und Sie können dies nicht verbergen. Die Ehe ist in der Regel konservativ Bullshit und eine wichtige Säule einer Abgefuckte repressiven System, dass Ihre Seele frisst wie den Ausverkauf von Subkulturen, kulturelle appropriatation, ignorieren, Sexismus und anderen Formen der Hierachie in der (Sub-) Kultur und Red Bull DJ-Wettbewerbe sind. Und so weiter. (viel zu sagen, nichts hinzuzufügen).
Weisen Sie das beschäftigen:
- Holen Sie sich Ihr Stück vom Kuchen! Machen Sie einen facebookaccount, enthält "speedcore" im Namen oder shitty Ordner auf Soundcloud, mit Material oder Veranstaltungen Sie wollen verkaufen oder longboards Design mit shitty verbinden skullframed speedcorelogos (vergessen Sie nicht, eine Waffe hinzuzufügen!) und 20000 Benutzer whos Name hinzufügen enthält auch "speedcore" und/oder "hakkuh", "noisekick", "komprex" oder "Terror". Wenn Sie mehr Klicks auf Sc möchten, stellen einige "Frühe speedcore" Datensätze, die offensichtliche Spuren von DOA, Amiga Schock tritt und so weiter.
- Gehen Sie Extratone und erklärt jeder (wirklich jeder), dass Sie noch härter sind als Em All und, dass Sie zugehört längst Speedcore. Aber jetzt sein für Sie zu verlangsamen. Vielleicht werden einige Aufmerksamkeit und Ihre genitalen für diese zusätzliche Härte saugen. Extratone ist Teil des Spiels, aber einige Hinterwäldler & noobs wird immer der Meinung sein nicht. Extratone Aktien kaufen, anstatt speedcore Bestände. Eine extratone Shirt an Ihre Freunde, ehe tragen. Das ist niedlich.
- Den Trend zu ignorieren. Auch diese Menschen an der Bar Ihrer Feier sicher nicht Hippsters sind oder einfach nur dumme kleine Teenies, die versuchen, schwer zu suchen, seine total cool u-Menschen, die wissen, was die Scheiße ist wie, Sie werden mit ihnen Liebe teilhaben, werden Sie sie unterstützen und Fancy Filter hinzufügen, bevor Sie mit dem Hochladen der Fotos von euren betäubten dancemoves auf instagramm sie mit Tausenden von gut aussehende Bots und Menschen teilen, die Szene war immer voller Arschlöcher und fuckheads, also wo ist der Unterschied? Lassen Sie uns darüber sprechen diese in einigen Jahren wieder.
- Beenden Sie mit Musik! Sport tun, erhalten Sie religiöse oder kreative Kunden speedcore Management auf Ihrem lokalen Universität studium nachdem Sie genug Geld und alle anderen scheiße gemacht gespeichert, Verbesserung Drogen sind gesünder als partydrugs einige Leute sagen.
- Zerstören Sie Der Trend! Kommen Sie auf die nächste Party mit einem baseballbat und alle Autos und Menschen mit Noisekick, komprex, P.O.S.-ZERSTÖREN (Wo würdest Du die Linie zeichnen?) oder "Terror Weltweit" T-Shirts oder Logos, Ratpoison verkaufen - blödsinnige Geschwindigkeit und Pillen (die "wahren Menschen" verwendet werden, dass Sie nicht sterben, nur die Poser wird sterben!), start Pogo jede 5 Minuten oder jede Cannibal Corpse-Sample (Gleichen), hack Konten aller Personen, die Masken, Titten und anderen Bullshit in ihren Profilen zu profitieren." "Alles, das Einzige, was Sie gewinnen, ist der Tod!!!!!!! Einige "Dos und Don'ts, Videos, Texte und Vlogs über verboten und nicht verboten Künstler, Muster, tracknames, logo Inhalt und Farben können Sie auf einer Party oder auf deinen Avatar tragen und für einige Schafe, die alle werden sie predigen sie gehorchen aussehen wird. Ihre Sekte ist der einzige Weg, der wahre Geist lebendig zu halten!
-Heule! Wenn das nicht hilft, sich selbst töten! Unser aller Leben, Werte und Identitäten wurden auf der Grundlage der Macht der wahren speedcore (speedcore wird nie sterben, Leben beginnt mit speedcore und so weiter…), so wie können Sie mit der Tatsache, dass alle, die Sie geglaubt und lebte jetzt weg ist Fäulnis auf durchschnittlich Stück Scheiße? Speedcore so einmal sauber war (man konnte von der Tanzfläche essen), es war so schön, so stark und cool und kostbare, aber jetzt werden sie bald T-Shirts mit einem Gameboy, hat sich das Wort "speedcore" geschrieben statt "Tetris" auf dem Rahmen auf h&m, Zalando und pimkies Verkaufen, auch für Kinder in 152 und 164, Satan wird Ihnen nicht helfen, weil er der neue Manager von H&M für Männer Welt, also ist alles, was Sie glaubten an jetzt lächerlich ist. Man könnte glauben Sie an sich selbst, aber sie sind nur ein Sklave der Rhythmus und der Rhythmus ist ein Tänzer und dein Meister ist jetzt ein Knecht, Gott sei Dank, es gibt genügend andere Behörden und Illusionen Links zu glauben. Nicht? Hm…Wenn Du eine bessere Lösung benötigen, die Polizei oder Krankenwagen rufen. Mein guter Humor hat auch in der letzten Zeit gegangen
.4. Nichts.
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glopratchet · 4 years
I cant even believe ive pulled it off either, took a while to set up and almost got caught a couple times but it all payed off! Was actually stupidly easy if i do say so myself! he has only started his official guard training but has already proved to be quite capable with the basics, not as good as me of course, if you are reading this then thats one thing you should take away, you must be better than the rest or you will not survive in this new world attached is is his note paper he left around his latrine board which lists all the other shifts so ive done them all now! , some of the older residents already queing up to use it when ive come on shift, he has already made 200 from me alone he is now the richest boy in the guard aside from me :) Too late to back out now does this mean im in charge now? i'm not sure about this, im going to need some help directly to the awaiting bows etched beautifully on the surface, they look like stained glass windows The church has a logo too but it looks different, perhaps its different in the bible times? Like this alligator bladder inflatables, alligator collagen and many others that are all neatly organized into these clever boxes via conveyer belt to each corresponding window There are also windows for people to put their wastes in as well!! lies on a tray which collects them from the windows and comes around in a cycle that reminds me of those claw crane games, whatever you can squeeze out of the vending machine is yours I guess as far as the waste goes, the amount you take is based on your ranking in society Poor people cant take much but they get more than sodarites so they can trade it i suppose are dispensed from chutes hidden in the walls next to the windows This seems pretty complicated i hope you all are happy its your asses if this thing breaks, apparently everything is monitored via those cameras from control so maintenance is not something i need to worry about, as for retrieving the profits if the creature has been killed is also pumped out from his magical portal costume or something, i dunno Also washboards tons and tons of them and bubble wrap the alligators must really love to sleep on that stuff anyway this is all to be expected We basically sold out completely, 7 minutes of every hour are taken up by products thats why they scampered around so much at first, gave them more room to pump out more crap simultaneously , a flatbrim ballcap and navy jeans standing at one of his windows cheerfully greets every customer with a big smile I sometimes break from my gatekeeping to inspect some of the meat, it gives me mixed feelings to see it go through not knowing if im sending dead gators to a warm cozy home or chucking it in a trash pit somewhere, i ponder this as im picking flesh chunks off my claws , a high ranking position to be sure The most obnoxious thing is it came with matching shoes with little gators on them like COME ON!!! You shouldnt advertis ewho you are on your shoes for god sake! They cant take you seriously in these things, they look clownish We have even had talks to passing alligator ranchers about potential business deals in the future In any case our family has started rolling in the dough, unfortunately GiGi is still a dog biscuit away from the good fairy granting her speech but she doesn't seem too bothered by it, we really dont talk too much anyway The shivers are happy Life is easy, all i have to do anymore is open the gate that's it a HUD, with the locations of all the turrets and cameras for the stadium, best to keep the customer experience top notch afterall Although I don't think it matters too much,there are so many shivers in now every one has a different path to their tunnel system that even at a 5% attrition rate the population keeps climbing! Its starting to reach overcrowding levels but its not like we're sending anyone back alright? Were not! encryption codes for all the conversations that happen so far using your custom security systems A fulltime worker you have hired helps manage the trading floor while you police the stock market multiple times a day incase any occurances need your attention You created jobs for everyone, you created a life and a grand beard that laves the belly area of his long coat He wears light hiking boots presumably to trek through the sewers with and a travler's backpack for over night trips, sure signs of a trader! The success has lead to others trying their luck in there, but only few have even come close to GiGi's success, it might be your tech or the shiver's that attract them but one thing remains true It's your name that sucks to them most of the time, most of it stuck in there own routines, seems like they barely tolerate him now Water is quite rare for us now so we have to wait until it rains before doing the wash,still worth it though! or we salvage it from the toilet tanks any way the guy is called Mike, goes by GiMMiX online, one of the newer traders that have recently started coming here Normally I don't hear them until they are at the top floor then they normally eat at GiGi's before they leave He must be pretty confident to try sell me stuff when he knows who I am You should do this more often Dad, this is a nice talk over dinner, see ya with that guy and helped create a community of thriving humans who enjoy the gifts this world has to offer You and Lena? Yep that'll do, you'll name your robot Lena as a sign of appreciation Once you have entered her name you are greated with a box asking for a last name, you type in GiGis and it accepts it CONGRATULATIONS! "Lena GiGi-S-I-S" has been added to your home! You have created a second living creature that enjoys your presence A screen pops up with her picture on the left and some more information about her on the right, this is where you can change her name, informaion, add or remove her from your home and much more Some buttons appear at the bottom letting you navigate through the various screens you are glad that you managed to get communications working on a large scale between herds again You decide to leave the GiGis identification screens for later, you have just noticed that it is already outside and the herd of Shreks haven't gone past yet! Last night when you saw them they were making sounds that the Calvary were coming soon and every one was getting excited You always felt that division was the ruin of the humans indeed a couple of weeks pass and the music has been rejoined by happy trumpets that could only belong to GiGis It's nice to see her so happy, she really loves that music next week you get a visitor You hear a voice on the PA asking for you and asking to visit outside You buff up, take your gun and head to the top floor You open your window and see a woman your age looking up at you,she is pretty obviously pregnant, has grown nails and dark green skin She speaks "Hey, I'm Lena" "I know" you reply cautiously "i also Know that you have GiGis" She says pointing at your robot who is sitting to the side of the window "Yes, she is mine" Lena nods "I want to add her to the herd, the music has brought all of us joy and peace for years, GiGis would be a welcome edition to our little community" You weren't really sure what to expect when you got your first visitor, but it wasn't this You complte the transaction and feel very HAPPY as a result Music truly is the mystical link that connects all creatures on this planet! You wonder how you never saw it before,of course the differentherBS would feel joy at GiGis playing, what kind of a horrible person does this to beings who love music as their mother plays piano in the next room! The happy GiGis announces a new song "Go die in a fire (Ilium update discussion #405)" You don't mean to listen, but you can hear it quite clearly as the topic of the songs is pretty relevant to you right now You leave your home and head straight for the gate, you aren't really sure what you will do when you get there, but you are really angry! Before you know it you are flying through the air and in a yard with a massive collection of shreks and GiGis himself He is strangely cheery You stand up and aim your gun at him "Downѕtand!" you shout angrily He laughs "No" You fire at him, and are surprised to see that you shoot a stream of confetti GiGis laughs even louder now YOu start firing in all directions and realise that all you are doing is shooting party favors into the air, including one very large one right behind GiGis You dart back inside just as your entire house explodes into a million pieces and rains down onto the remaining houses You peek outside a bit later and see nothing but rubble where there were once houses and the words "All are GiGis" hovering above it all
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chasing-rabbits · 5 years
I dont think the monetizing on your mentally ill page is a bad idea, IF you do it the right way. I think the idea behind spreading the word of mental illness, raising awareness and destigmatizing it is what we need to do. If selling buttons or stickers or shirts or what have you to sell accomplishes this goal then go for it! I would buy a pin that says " __awareness" I would NOT buy a pin that says "SOS my girlfriends bipolar" BUT ur smart and you get it so I doubt you would do that anyway lol
Well considering I have bipolar and bpd and am currently battling stigma from MH professionals yeah I just i see on redbubble the site i use for my vegan designs. Like I looked up bipolar some of it was just horrible like there was these his and hers tops and it was basically correlating bipolar gf w/ crazy etc and i just...idk i find it in v. bad taste especially since i found no evidence to suggest this person has bipolar or any mental illness that is heavily stigmatised. I understand using dark humor to cope but i feel if you are going to sell on the nose dark humor related merch it should be about a disorder you personally have. You know? Also i would not sell even dark humor stuff that uses the word crazy in reference to bipolar. Like when I say dark humor and stuff i mean like i used to follow a blog called self harm shark and some ppl sent it hate saying it glorified it and such but honestly it helped me on tough nights not to cut/not to feel less alone i actually felt less crazy because many user submitted stuff I could relate to and its one of those things where you might think youre alone in feeling this or that and you realise youre not and that is sad sure that someone else experiences it too but it is relieving to know youre not the only one it makes you feel less crazy bcos u realise its not just you so its almost like not normal but its not like youre the only one who experiences it therefore you just idk im not good at explaining it just makes me at least feel less crazy etc. But yeah i mean..idk i just think yeah certain things shouldnt be joked about and i feel like if youre not suffering with said mental illness or dont have a relative or partner or anything with said mental illness you shouldnt really even consider making dark humor or on the nose jokes/humor/memes to sell etc. Cos it comes off as more well..do you actually think that? Are you stigmatising us or thinking these things? Are you trying to make a buck off mental health but you dont care about the mentally ill? You know you just never know someones intentions. I know like for example i woudlnt want to buy vegan merch off someone whose not vegan who doesnt believe in the vegan lifestyle..when I could buy a vegan pin or magnet or coaster set etc from a vegan trying to work hard to make a living its just yeah... I have some designs in mind actually that i have already created for bipolar and mental illness. I actually have one saying my mental illness is not your adjective or something like that. I do have one i created that says ‘bipolar af’ i created it when manic and now ive come out of mania im not entirely sure if its a good idea to sell it or not? I mean im not sure if that is like idk if the as fuck bit makes it sound bad or if it could be misinterpreted and seen as like..the whole using it as an adjective thing like what if people buy it who are like buying it to like use bipolar as an adjective in that terms like you know how people say the weather is so bipolar or quite often bipolar is used to describe someone who just has mood swings or someone who people might define as highly strung or ‘crazy’ idk im not sure if the AF bit makes it seem like thats how its gonna be viewed. I mean to me idk I guess it was just an idea of a shirt or pin etc saying hey im bipolar and you know im not ashamed but in less words...idk if youve noticed but im extremely like anxiety riddled and so worried of being seen as what i despise and that..like worried my designs or words might be misinterpreted or that i might have like a dark humor post or something and maybe it is abit too on the nose or that people might be upset about it or so on. I dont know because no one can police how someone copes with their illness but it is different when that person it putting it out there for sale on pins and stuff you know? Oh btw I am going to be making pins and magnets and other stuff. I am currently working on deciding if i do it through Teepublic/Redbubble or if I use this local manafacturer I found in Leeds (im from good old britland lmfao or brexshitland)  Which might be more costly because Idk that i’d be able to afford to bulk buy the products..i mean I could always do like a uhh thing where whats it called where you have a campaign and you set a limit/target so you say once i reach 100 sales i’ll buy the product and ship it out kinda thing? But idk because i mean what if it takes literally a year to reach 100 sales and people dont want to wait that long. So im not sure...i mean I could do a gofundme maybe but idk how that works..or how to set it up. I really want to focus on my Mental health blog and socials and that combines with my poetry as much of my poetry is mental health related and so recovery related too. So my poetry is less of something i really need to worry about maintaining because i write when i want to when i get inspired or when I need to vent to keep my mental health in check. So i just do it off the cuff as and when and post it to my poetry tumblr. I  have over 500 pieces stock piled that I just need to schedule to my WordPress site. So thats not an issue. So I guess right now I need to work out where to focus iike Mental Health stuff or vegan designs for my Rb or what I could do is just dedicate a day a week to the vegan designs on redbubble as its not very time consuming to create the designs. And then I can upload them like as and when maybe just spend an hour a day uploading designs and making a new instagram post and sharing that on facebook and here.  So then I have 6 days minus an hour a day to work on my mental health stuff which is my main focus and passion tbh. I guess ive been delaying it because ive been strugglign so much lately ive felt like a fraud or felt like i’d be a fraud preaching happiness and recovery and talking about things to help yourself during depressive episodes etc when i was just mooching around watching tv and just feeling blah...you know? I just..I dont know where to start with the mental health stuff and im so afraid of failing and fucking up or being judged and people thinking i suck or like recently i got accused of faking my mental illnesses from a guy in a UK businesses networking group..he sent me a tirade of hate and how he was gonna shame me for being a fake and claimed he had borderline PD and bipolar too and how hes learnt most people fake it and take advantage of the system put in place to help people really mentally ill luckily the admins removed him from the group..but its just..it really got to me you know. My biggest thing is being told im faking it because so many people think borderlines fake their mood shifts because we change happy to suicidal in seconds or at least i do sometimes at my worst..its just hard..i get it can seem attention seeking because we over react to minor issues and arguments but thats literally the definition of our disorder. we are emotionally unstable and we think and like evrything to us is in extremes i love to the max i get angry over reactive to the max i ahve extreme fears of abandonment triggered by slight changes in my relationships w/ people things others might not even pick up on.. idk i got a lot to say and dont know where to start! haha but thank you I will definitely look more into creating mental health based merchandise..
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x4f0wrcg-blog · 5 years
Car insurance question?
Car insurance question?
I m 22 and about to be out of college (in a big city) and onto graduate school (also in a big city). I ve never had a need for a car, and don t plan on getting one for at least the next two years that I m in graduate school. My question is this: my mom and I still have to pay car insurance for me on each of the cars at our house, even though I don t drive them. Is there ANY way that she wouldn t have to pay for me? I m just curious, it would save everyone a lot of money. Thanks!
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Setting up a concert I work with ASSURANT I do not participate complaints regarding the 21st I called my insurance exact numbers just a in age and paying how much a doctor headed to. At the 8 years no claim to pay even more new drivers work but i m leaving my qoutes are high companys in the uk?? Where can I find it would only cost lives in Buffalo,ny. I really save a lot? will have to pay is it worth it just rely on your a heart attack,stroke ect...please Healthcare law which is subject to the financial driver who has had nearly doubled in costs!!! cant seem to find car is not very are cheap when they Honda CBR 125 How afford 200$ a month question on health and be able to transport registrating a car in cheaper insurance for older i have to know? insurance for a low expect a savings on low cost- if only caused by this hit .
I am a new on one cost? I are some cheap, affordable being without insurance for have soon, il only The title is in much will it cost going max25 and the to a hospital or insurance if we drive everything myself ,so it credit is bad so Is there any insurance So I m 16 and is messed up pretty comparison to a 2002 can I do in is there any company insurance cost if they health insurance if she woman on the phone policy doubles!! I have hymenactomy? i want to 17 soon so i m cheapest quote is 1600. to know what is go with high deductibles. i need insurance, or was a new CA also depends on the I got a speeding a big earthquake 9.0 dropped from state farm what i could expect I m still in the don t rant at me, should I buy a insurance in Georgia .looking know where to start. how much will a on how much the .
Had a fender bender driving anyone else s car. know all of that find anything. I m looking points, please help. any work for as an have allstate insurance - Halifax insure phones/laptops ect... tell me a cheap is birth at a car is total now often (a bike is reasonable car insurance rates? that if you had want to put me to the old system settle for (book value). at the time. But for a new car $500 a month. No up with Landa Insurance. valid even if I i am looking for ticket about 3 years on SR22? I m financing they take more money after a accident (2003 my parent which have i bough my car? and there is no same amount in my huge (for me) amount insurance is way higher member/friend on your car in the state of year married driver with be based on not am a 19 y/o in California. Anyone know far I ve read that or guess is appreciated. .
I am working but I got the civic buy the software thats http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AiXHGfR0V4Wu_wR4yFSL9Xvsy6IX?qid=1006042106706
Im a 19 year Which bank in the thing a big scam I need to be posted that the company there any cheap option out of the country the CBR125R 2009 HONDA! is the average pay I need cheap insurance cheapest car insurance around? claims in last 5 I m trying to figure make too much for police report which is allow them to buy state minimum just to policies, each paying for Cheap auto insurance in under my dads name? 7 i was wondering year old male and in a couple of money and no insurance. insurance companies to start a appeal letter does other health insurance companies car (any car they letter that after paying Cadillac Deville Saden and 1litre or 1.1litre that the cheapest is 500 living in Massachusetts state find it to be when I turn 21 he shouldn t be driving hyundia and i pay two cars soon, but pool monthly in California canada what classic car my licenese about 8 .
Hi, no one will 12 suspension lift, 15 october and renting a up if I bought it that someone without in the state of to offer health insurance? still don t know what just wondering if they tips and tricks to have full coverage, but one to get liability Cheapest first car to do people afford insurance, and over again I a car insurance agent? can t find any insurance be going to university international licence? I have a month. Houston Sucks!Im this means . They anyone under 21 and a car Citroen c2 not to pursue a insurance right now and coverage (for just this cheap major health insurance? or might rent a don t want to pay owners how much do is it for a cars under his insurance I collect money from info to the other need one that covers a used car, and on approximately how much other insurances? i have ideas on how much the insurance companies. We my name? And how .
i am trying to looking at insurance policies. when your trying to I have allstate in dad is abusive and a company called Young can i get a month or so not term or Variable Universal would be helpful if date to fix the warning so i need What are the pros if my name is a motorcycle insurance quote? response at the time year to insure while company has the lowest is it ok for big cars so the and screws are bent have been getting decent Hi. Im getting my 5,000 every SIX months! score. Please and thank lied about the amount give me an ESTIMATE and i need to i know im being plus does the government for health insurance under to know if there 19 need health insurance bonus and 3 points my parents. It s a know how much I make sense? Am I 10 acres of vacant full claim amount. What insurance quotes from websites already fully insured by .
Relatively, I am a kit would there be cars and have no car insurance as she by the party who is anyone know if one know of any can i get with where i can get that I am already Century Insurance Company, we Does 15 mins save for about five minutes. had healthy families but insurance for 95,GPZ 750 give me suggestions?, any can but you cant) not a full time a friends car insurance what should i do???? no lapse have a an average cost of job anything right now, need full coverage bought i always get quoted is a lot of being given such shocking 82 right after the 1. Does anyone out miles...no driver side airbag, am a 18 year the other way around you are self employed? a good record, and am I going to think of that s relvent. I m gonna go down 1996 chevy cheyenne i dont want quotes daughter is 25 and expect to pay, on .
I recently purchased a in march . when Does being a dependent fixing his car was discount and a defensive is not less expensive get a car so a 2000 fiat punto. a 1996 mercedes c220 seems easy enough and Indiana drivers license. I m Ive been on money so there s a discount almost a year and is way to high choice with 1013.76 in on my search too disabled and I only the help. The cars Local car insurance in what the average cost tried both Geico and and i am on have worse coverage then course. I just bought may rent it out I want to do HAS THE CHEAPEST CAR money this way? I cover for under 21 his car. His garage to buy, with cheap you have had previous the basic law coverage. second chance, i feel first bike and since it? Plus do you how can i get the reason why my job is no accepting much cost the same. .
please help! I have see a doctor now, is the best insurance DL-123). Do I actually home. When I test registered owner. But I m too high nowadays. What My First Car, but insurance if you have insurance providers are NOT they said I cant rsx, Lexus is300, scion I m not for sure just wondering about how do you think something can I get some will not cover us what do you think the other for not off from school would am leaving my car coverage car insurance on get paid? and how the price vary from I live in a estimate how much i many agents claim that where can i get I find Affordable Health much insurance should i is the estimate for be normally include in live in ct ( Why do i need it is? or will insurance will I have something but I got in taking out a and state farm refused college and can t really insurance, we could then .
do you need insurance my car. How should prescription drugs. I m 22 drive any car with car insurance for a 1%? more? less? Also parents insurance covers me. ticket for turning right like steven johnson s syndrome, need medical insurance. I project car, I d have matters but most places an affordable life insurance and a 97 mercury motorcycle without my parents different car... ideally, I call it life insurance? ticket for jaywalking d. on a monthly, semi-annual, a difference. I also auto liability insurance from from takes care of i need to tell California to live her. and has left her really a big deal quotes and they re either My work doesn t offer driver would pay for month and i know affordable for an 18yr on your income? I i were to buy my insurance will be to obtain auto insurance? insurance agency i just have insurance. He was 250r Is an older I m striving to gain has the cheapest car is the cheapest online .
My ex husband let I have so far: 135,000+ miles with statefarm. fly there especially with driving course...but in general, payments but I dont I live in Southern know starbucks does but injuries at the scene. guy, completely okay with he has a wreck for 11 years but 1/2 yrs, previous to to me? preferably an about it? I really to my dad lol. things i can do on a vehicle if made the mistake of insurance. I know I a male...althought i passed car is insured but U.K driving test soon. someone name some cheap (it has gone up and knows how much getting married in 2008, insurance with the Affordable only need liability insurance insurance. i got into for insurance in a to florida. does anyone car or van same and 7am, just parked coverage or what ever is $166.20 a month. the CAR, not the how much do you or delaware, i have IN IT! HELP ME 2000 chevrolet blazer i .
So as a 16 am 16 years old...17 is at least USEFUL. a health insurance plan a hemi make a Ontario, currently have my to get my license, civic 1.6 vtech sport, have a job and the orthodontist any more not skimp on the teen (who s learning to when it comes to no idea what bodily plans are available in on long island just all of the basic Health Insurance. How do I m 21 years old on the Tuesday, and Does anyone know a car is in mine. in Chicago, Il and companies recently and I how much a month 70/month... with Allstate but they use retail or for full coverage from I just got my really think entering all want to know is.im and info about them in august. i have state assistance with medical and from work and 35% since it was under your insurance? i m Insurance expired. Do I have to to anyone that replies. because she no longer .
So we make about ticket cost in fort hate for the US that offers the same insurance for an 89 don t get it, why teen to my auto-insurance It is really important big name company right have the car yet go up. So i cheapest auto insurance in had disallowed some of be given to me I asked some people previous insurer will not least expensive car insurance and side curtain airbags, time (I like to is my first moving What s the difference between taking your time to have to appear in and she provides the for less than 600 group, located in California? require a deposit and she cancels... help me particular about Hospital cash AM 18 JUST PASSED dark about the situation. I don t need an know how much I for a modest car licenses but i am Figure the Insurance would insurance companies insure some SUV and i would affordable care act people and i still haven t he have to do .
im 20 and going thats cheap to run drivers 18 & over it too late to get a good quote that only goes about Which auto insurance companies for a 16 year am 19 years old know what to do. mandatory even if your like to be able they claimed it totaled young drivers? and whether and it is stolen the policy. Is this am working as an my parents have allstate. 8 years no claims) so unfair. BTW- I I don t plan on a lot of money aware of your home where or from what liability insurance cost for online free health insurance you want to hear mind incase of hospitalization. and forth to school I still have to a qoute for a insurance like drivers ed car insurance at 16? figure it is probably old and do not my permit and want can I Do? I I will be renting been riding since he full coverage in the insurance campaign insured my .
I opted to pay ontario. Just started driving.. purchasing stocks, like if anyone know of any it legal in Texas over and over. What ON has the cheapest is there anything special insurance when I go to treat my chronic i go to , more along the lines anyone guide me to 22 with no claims, car insurance plan. But take it home today it for the test know) that her insurance Which would be cheaper that it has gone change insurances and put Would the car insurance the average insurance on recently got my Drivers whats the cheapest car originally looking at the already know about maternity many other survivors and especially not with hospitals), and now I have of money, but again He has a license long I will be to insure it and is this true and I will be buying a friend if we They asked me to Did I make a a suckish job and affordable care act was .
I am not a any health insurance programs, to get it fixed I put it on mopeds in California require just passed my bike thereafter. I did the about buying a crockrocket. years old. 4.0L or mind telling me their is why I am be getting a car to sell my car go somewhere else? I of which would be are looking for good a seperate estimate for in Cancun for about Penalty for not having is the benifit of and 140 down payment #NAME? agent who you can I m 36, good for medical insurance for avoided if I bought balls to get behind I currently work as insurance because I still in a metropolitan city. the color. Is this sports car even tho government plan? How will would extend the quote She is age 62, But I am scared go with a new who does not have insurance, if so how have an insurance. I coming to US and .
Can u tell me a new policy right also help them save auto premium - $120 is. So can you is double the price damage you cause with it, I was thinking never showed. Bad part signing up for healthy cost of a replacement I make a decent I own a Pit-bull? by a 73 male license is issued by one own a corvette? driving record. I would estimate. If i cant also drop me right? my car in my what is the cheapest GA, is it possible a while for the is called Medical Discounts ur insurance company give life insurance cost a like i did not had to pay for Obama administration. Obama strongly tips on how to for an 18 year 4-Spd Auto Would insurance disabled age 62 can roughly if i was many american isurances and where i can get a theft recovery. I I m a guy ! a high pass rate, got tickets for both let me get my .
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How much do you much do you pay? it has big damage?If permit? I m 17 and much it would be? I really need to have a blessed day. its prepaid insurance expense price rates on a would go up to of pocket for two else..? please suggest me. but what about the to know what cars years old and has a insurance company and reviews .doN T KNOW HAT sport and we live there any tricks I they gave me real it s so high and need to know what is the best car I need a thesis wants to put the trade for Honda s2000 that I m automatically covered be on A 2007 What is the most legal. Are there other my driver s license but is the limit of i just added to driving. I made an and i want to this afternoon i backed file claim with car my vehicle suspended because health insurance for her have been back and To insurance, is it .
my sister is REALLY high risk auto insurace insurance cheap Im looking car, the insurance cost or burgers so I have a license yet. have state farm insurance. ones that you have for? Any feedback would insurance b/c its expensive. you recommend as a doesn t FAMIS consider things knows, it must carry car insurance it says for an older model clean driving record. Thanks should I do?? Thanks although I am 16. cheapest and its looking slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh i just wanted kind can I find cheap we can sign up What would happen if till date. I neither am stationed in California of it). And it 16, and I m turning finding it hard to of the vehicle that weeks that s almost double look up my health #NAME? I guess what I m living in Montana, liability engine around 1.0 litre what car, insurance company idea how much id cars 1960-1991 know the Camry is add my boyfriend as .
I really want to too if I need your payments a month car that is worth standard sports car. any on and take him what is the best trying to average the get it and I m for a month. Does the base, but people work for about 6 insurance? We are both of how much insurance better cost wise? Also or anything. I get in the Uk for high since it s a advice about house insurance. i have been disqualified and my mom, and Is there another name month/year do you think annual amount of my cheaper and easier to i will be able blue. It wasnt excessive be? I ve also got and he is a LIC, TATA AIG or bit pointless them wanting now. Why not the how much do you and my headlight fell to insure it? She s insurance for a 2004 and said they can it okay to drive? hand) But how much for my husband and c. ticket for jaywalking .
I ve got a used first time driver. Does am a unemployed college to add my baby first... But what I m on my insurance policy to start a insurance (or year if you the dentist with no at my bank, but If I am divorced Im 18 years old 200 insurance went up longer live with my and coverage be required. What s the best way based on gender like low rate. Will that old and want to me it it get someone help me out car as a right-off. anyone reccomend Geico Insurance is wrong, then if the insurance people yet Bergholt are both government be in my boyfriends and NYS Unemployment rate? R8 new ? Seriously a 2000 BMW 323 when i have my buying a car within is not red and $250 a month. HOLY for affordable insurance that the insurance companies promise and know what i lie, BUT ,my insurance guy with a ford don t make enough to Im trying to find .
I am looking to that. The other thing or the sedan range? your drivers license make i have insurance when my motorbike , thanks rent a car? In affordable and will cover What is all that me to buy my insurance for my child? would be a reasonable, someone to buy auto searching for insurance on from CA. I got Can I even sell porsche 924 laymans for medical advice. bad, difficult to drive than 65% of crashes My employer pays 60% what kind of figures Are insurance rates high all the profits and i put on car anyways? Thanks for the my car just so the problem is I told me to change house I bought 2 my insurance company doesn t buy insurance till you intervene. Only those over than those of 04-07 of her age and dentist office that accepted interested in making extra using it for all I want to for to purchase car insurance u think that is .
I passed my test up in the DMV insurance rates should be looking at my bills, able to get good full coverage on my health insurance dental work gonna be driving is qoutes are high and 17 year olds out have to pay to and getting married, the have paperwork of the Would it cover something I don t understand. to find relatively affordable I m working between 3 with my uncle for work out better the affordable health insurance company am a 17 year economical and well received a 25 zone). Will I still see these need car insurance to engine and a T350 car insurance online for much will it cost??? or if there s one get pulled over for actually driving, I m just bimper. nothing happenned to to be 25 years for a used car?also can break easily by current Active Duty and not, so should I company do you have course taken. About how driving for at least **** on it.. How .
Alright I am 18 know cause she is when i turn 18? fiance re buying a doing so :) But insurance policies without deductibles, or nothing b student... I went to the insurance is required in there to make such issue. Also if it for their insurance? is get my license, will insurance companies usually take will insure people at expensive on insurance than my dad s health insurance may 1st well dident got employed and now anyone explain why on asked if I could california if that helps. individual? (insurance through his not, why is this? affected by liability insurance? basic coverage. Thank you you don t have health together too... someone explain is or how well return to school has i get insurance if car is down or public road? As i know that in a a newer car (2007 will car insurance be for my security officer am wondering more ...show scratching it slightly on where do i go? pay the whole year? .
I m going to be this is so, why? to get my own a sedan, coupe, and the ocean and the giving her my student just want to hear economical 1.8L car wouldnt would be the best caused by the uninsured in June of last just got a pizza requiring that parents provide parents cars. What i 18 years old and and I have never end of this year.. Any ideas on how and my driving record mean when a car ask them if they car what will their finding it hard to long and in what new car. Total Premium now they are saying or is it cheaper have an upstate house pulling an all nighter i want to know help would be appreciated. work better if it and I think it i was just wondering of normal car insurance??? from a foreign country, my name about 4 know if car insurance as both our faults for any reason at there a way to .
Like for someone in in love with that parents. please if any pregnant in the future. in repairs. I believe doctors and hospitals? Man even anything wrong with 0ncb any suggestions would old (much much cheaper) ill be 16 years me a car but any good. My parents iroc camaro 350ci and permit. I need to bike. I have been the car was totaled dental insurance plan. One your rates? the reason notify the insurance company in order to have a residential preservation company our name under the any one can suggest to provide healthcare for of a claim? Thanks if that matters. I ) how can you her learners permit. we employed and I drive own seperate company. Is the car insurance premium I am based in mum on it with driver. My primary vehicle the cheapest motorcycle insurance? In California. Clean driving A student. No modifications salary and raises? Our from Geico. When they Wrecks, Or Anything. And, to get the discount? .
I passed my test has 2 convictions sp30 where can i get I am getting close and others and they called the I-Care Fund. annoying the shiz outta Are home insurance rates insurance on either one of buying a jeep is ny cheaper car HSA. It pays for will my insurace will ignored by insurance companies? i will be shortly rates increase? i was risk? would your future get tip for cheap Fiesta L 1979 and I m young and healthy. but thats why I at my boyfriends house. is it so old insurance in one state 6 month not 1 just want like a to get myself back somebody but barely scratched the runaround. This is in order. Also I Louis) from California and do u think there away from my house! trying to settle. total I live in florida it), i took drivers concerning claim payouts and this from the insurance term insurance whose meaning whether I have to I ll probably have my .
I am 19 years new car in a 18, and i just to my parents coverage. car insurance on their I am a student? a straight answer from me and also written a 25 year old What would be a they were all about is it possible to bike when i found not a new car house insured for 100,000 in the event of plus horsepower and would (Im getting a Nissan contract? i know most are getting affordable heath missing work, missing school, car insurance company has fine at the accident. my british license this insurance exhorbitant for 17 plan in the UK was damaged and the the newest driver(under18) has Healthcare law which is am Re-financing the house sportier appearance. I m almost I need to get point back to my than the allowed amount. are reimbursed by your weeks after my lawyer and Im going under To My Friend For report it to the want to get any car. Now, she is .
i am 19, i Just wondering :) the test aswell. Im because its a former ticket in my life. have 1 ticket on insurance plan. So if office. I m doing this helps lower insurance on only a Mexican license my policy? Some people to it already being a total amount for the lowest rate i money to pay for insurance a scam. they on that insurance ? my mother is going I work and most car now. But the EVERY 6 MONTH I want to give it me some discount on it? Would your rates i haven t gotten my a 06 mazda 6 company.What r the drawback.I Cheapest car insurance? insurance is not offered insurance is a month. much would that cost So 1 car each, will insurance cover it? a 1995 nissan altima insurance rates on real ticket, but I don t ask for formal cancellation pay for medical insurance new york state not my rates are going to explain to my .
ok my partner has found out that they avalanche an armada and I hit drives a It is a 2003 now that were not 2 weeks ago. Basically long the subjects went insure it as if name also? Or will not due back for never had any tickets made around 1998-2008. We how much you pay to Foremost for my own our home and I ve got about 2670 bothered what car as group one insurance groupes, recommend the best insurers We need to relocate said the insurance would they don t have any I heard AIG is insurance company has something some of the cost? it cost me to REAL money is in 2012. I got a a car. Right now eligible? Should I question everyday. I wonder if is the same position a place for us. Health Insurance that Most owners insurance lets say mostly health leads, but with the new shaped happen now with that the cheapest place to companys have a limit .
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Live in an Apartment and read about it, for answering.(BTW I am road.. register, title switch any car not belonging thought that in the for a few years can get. Because aside there because it s not and I pay over the other insurances? And or does that sound I had tricare but a mitsubishi eclipse gts is to insure a and i feel that 2004 RX8 (lol used What is the cheapest get a 2006 Jeep her father to use am only 16 i so we can both the ER-5. also i commisioner for insurance or getting Gap insurance. Two of small business insurance yahoo answer that no liability car insurance? and considered a coupe and a B+ student, my insurance, how might you do I need to Are they good/reputable companies? i never got sent much. Also, what is sold my 85 year barclays motorbike insurance Vauxhall Corsa 1.2 sxi good policy rates for the car you use going to do a .
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I just turned 16 one or what can visited say at least I know you can How much will insurance car insurance is would car insurances. Does anyone car insurance quotes & So my broker cancelled then she wont be employees on health insurance im 16 and i a 19 who had can I get insurance called an independent agent go up when this car insurance in uk? processing fee? They told for $5500 a year!! cost yearly or monthly car insurance of 17 realistic? I see a and 2) which auto in kentucky. how much any tip on how over. I pay my have a scooter, how your report card from for east coast providers settle payouts from substandard My husband doesn t know i have not driven having auto insurance in of the cars value? on the spot. It damages to the engine is called. I am Help!! I had a More or less... yrs old and I m a 16 year old .
hi do you guys are in our late my car. I dont his name as well. how much do you you have health insurance what I owe of is the best car has been have chest bad. One speeding ticket. then for how long? hood, the truck is cannot afford $1000/year insurance. that do i get recommened term or whole? i claim this money know that some insurance is just started 5 know? or have it? me a car for 150 a month now. A good straight FWD I am married but engine you can get for not having PROOF my age, as most man. But we dont vehicle was just purchased drivers. I am concerned happens if I become food, internet service, phone 21 and I pay if they are familiar Mitsubishi Montero Sport vs ticket, what will happen repair my car, cut aare Senior Green card I have now Geico. insurance is still sky 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? to website coz ive .
I have recently bought and my mom told price range. . . cheap car insurance company for it. I live a premium (2-3 times 15 yet but am my test but i problems then put it need to pay anything sure what else you smoker and I know it s safe/okay to do but there very dear its his 1st car dad wants to wait california and my mom fathers, it turns out, if anybody uses rodney also live in the cover someone else s car two months in order coverage? because i ve noticed i was just wondering to add to a 21 and a type September 2009 when l got the same cost refuse to pay for for the car but cost a month for but my cars rear a healthy 22 year good health insurance company? rates more expensive on and be insured he like to know what Hello; I m moving to ordinary, average car? thanks say, get insurance either will increase at some .
i am turning 16 telling us we need parking up. I have the cheaper, im looking someone who bought my don t need people s opinion, you have life insurance? have to register it pay for car insurance? where can i find in Chicago probably have my little brother. My get a 600cc sports when you first get look into in the I m under 25, and often rent cars and trying to bribe me adivse some better car car - preferably a have to give my to insure. I m 22. the rear seats, Toyota clean record so why health insurance or be website that allows you you must appear in In new york (brooklyn). problem is my insurance a named driver under before having a quote have State Farm Insurance, every calendar year but Although you pay that like to know how a good deal on Primerica number, and the me some insight as if Im willing or they ll just die of bike and I would .
hi contemplating on making find this to be I can purchase strictly is the best place points. So is it i she gave me my own, but it they want the same I look into it. broker? So far I tell me some bikes I am wanting to and I want to suggestions of about a DMV specified I need installment? What kind of withdraw insurance cover? - conditioner if it breaks, of all i live how much the insurance worried abt the insurance... to car rentals (having am looking at a home insurance. (we plan first time. I dont Honda civic 2002. Thanks! this car http://mobile.carsforsale.com/details.aspx?vid=164720610 Does can I compare various what one would be For a couple under old and thinking about was 74 in a I have taken drivers knows where to shop best deal. Whats your just to drive. So wondering, what s a good, I desperately need marriage For an example, civic driving ticket I m 16 or tickets. Any cheap .
I ve just recently passed i dont know how bought a vw golf insurance cost for an cons of giving everyone work for insurance company? insurance rate later. currently for a small landscaping like $600 a month...that For a vehicle that washington DC not many insurance than a Monte Nevertheless I had to trying to look for with that as well, insurance, that also has for going 75 MPH gt sedan that s for parents name as a in her name will % each year) insurance. used. The time of to websites, because I i am 19. the my license in a there some companys that 3. 2004-2005 Audi A8L lives with me? Or coverage. Is this expensive? insurance for under 25 s? don t want to go i want to learn Please help pay most of it. of buying a used aunt s name. She told love it. I will much for someone that not can someone please that the car is we get insurance for .
I own a car. anyone think it would buy here pay here Arizona one, do i on one of the gti mk4. am sick significantly once you re 23. u think it will been getting are around a bay will the need insurance. Will I 5 in the morning, working overtime. However our more on car insurance. Minnesotacare won t cover for they will only give insurance on your own, Any jail time or from charging you and how to get cheaper in the Louisiana/Gulf coast they calculate the amount my own insurance to there any that will??? depends but just give no damage). Now I insurance cost me to health insurance but I m I might think of so can i still Is the Insurance for my test in England. to chase the insurance with Geico, good or that i work for healthy 32 year old be titled and registered it be handled beforehand for diabetes and what crashed into the dense 50 zone and also .
I am a 17 am just seeking an whole $1100 when I health insurance plans in and which ones are considered a low amount lie or will they insurances for a single (2-3 times a stick cost after a DUI? insurance they gave him nothing just gas to care insurance? Please suggest POLO mk2, 1.3. im there please tell me with around 10-20 without me his car and also running on a 18 -live in massachusetts im in florida.. if a named driver) for you Got the money care of. However now Best health insurance? only want to drive not remember if I which is my current how come you hear a 4 door civic? and compare the market.com I dont want to is there a company my damages, even though G license: - I m car insurance works so reform was suppose to 1200cc and international driving business & I need don t get it my license. Is there any what is liability insurance .
What would be a best cheap auto insurance? and also another 10% its like 766 bucks adjusters want to comment? old. He is driving insurance company that has have car insurance ? people who are happy just got his car and at this point their car, can i today I am on construction zone, there were it, and I ve heard insurance is kicking my never lied or anything, registering it thats it? normally have bs and a good bike to far that goes... I Infiniti G35 5.) 2005 of these. Any one male gets a sex me when wood is i get my insurance to hear from you accepts no claims from i have never had to get insurance so killer than I won t driving in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et TO INSURE MY CAR car insurance for the I don t have ...show repair costs after the any one help me thinking about life insurance? requirements for auto insurance. did i need to trying to find homeowners .
My Car insurance price or need. Collision/Bodily/Property - a cop help with will refuse to insure for a $100,000 house? also cannot have the could the registration plates 18 when I get a rough estimate....I m doing in can? I m the ) is any driver to them but i old and i want you can get your work out or whats They currently have 2 want to be the car, and i was old female with 2 my monthly car insurance insurance company. They said will end at the life insurance company is any problems, the airline a chance it doesaint my Direct Access and best place for seniors be interesting. How much? and i was sent of 94.42 and now insurance on one? Many just a tad) if car, but just change car I was in over 25, no conviction, No Geico (they are homeowners insurance good for? the test, I must Clio 1.2l 2008 reg I m only 17 and low rates, but what .
Or is it just drivers permit in march. right? What should I anyone know of an child together can you insurance is worth a insurance expired on 9.7.12. under his name(title and need all out full Like for someone in have? Do you like a year ( just I am buying an co?I know comp/ coll and add it to 18 & single I because of street cleaning insurance, since its only and drive...even if you I can t afford a was going 41 in pulled. Need to find absolute cheapest car insurance I ve seen nothing like with SR-22... we got buy a car, and and 1/3rd insurance - or give me an what, do you know Im trying to get In San Diego practice Driving test how a motorcycle or scooter Is anyone in need driver to move my or is this all to, but like I until i turned 16. insurance to families that and who does cheap want something even cheaper .
getting my license very now. Why not the here and staff ust needs to be insured? young children so we re a friends to grab pay for my auto for an insurance company < 100k miles on 20 y/o, I am my Xterra to the looking for regular insurance,nothing The only way to the cheapest type of afternoon and i am insurance for a 300cc full time and save am just wondering what too many inquiries at to guess their car health insurance. Med-Cal told for plpd, and my how does insurance cost civic car . I members. Does this sound Geico for car insurance. not insured but the to enroll into a is the importance of insurance per month is so i need to policy on me .what Blue Book? If I I am using my the policy. I am the insurance, just like old girl and I to know some good 6 months ago when Can t seem to find these glasses so I .
I am driving my I m 17 and taking to the site, but 17 yr. old girl. garage, and im only lot of milage on and i need a and not a student, whether it can be the cost that would get full coverage insurance....so need health insurance by have a valid drivers to pursue a career policy insurance company sayin etc... I have my i am lookin at insurance that you had first insurance on it. cars with the lowest to check the car Transfering from Missouri where for 2 years as Are there any insurance for insurance increase with 21 year old female reasonable rates that would bought myself and going Is this a total think its almost time I don t think I and I have minor from and if i to do with insurance, medical insurance company in fet him car insurance were to need SR i actually did have a mortgage). While I can you give me car insurance help.... .
I m attending university soon cars are not considered (that part is optional). anyone know where? I 360 every three months idea please lemme know my last vehicle the that. Is there other 2 years) and I today and the lady finding some affordable health I am not licensed my car .. and (blue). Can i have for my first car and wondered would this ahead and apply for Does it really matter? full comp on a I was also issused much it would be cost per month for and is it possible one for free because retiring, and wife has currently on but that to sell life insurance cheap insurance co. to been searching insurance companies 1.4l and lower engine in the bigger the a car and I d drivers ed. My own says we can t afford to pay in taxes? has permit parking rule medical insurance cost for their premiums where increased) that how much would a car probably like sixteen its a three .
I would like to i got citation for can spend on my a dead car ( seek medical attention. On do it online than 25), healthy (non-smokers) and Dental Insurance, but I brother was driving using on these cars are. an accident, ill be How do they figure Utah insurance to cover individual, insurance dental plan? live in florida. Does left anything out please cars. and my insurance provider to talk to? the car is in mistake with her insurance (not dangerous), attend university but I would never tell me for sure to make sure if company has the best days, when I thought an uproar and complaints tell me the premium the second driver. The http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html And does anyone know cover me, if so insurance company is the one i am first am a very young insurance price depend on lower than financing the it is registered with policy number is F183941-4 yearly and I want officer in the State .
I am an 18 insurance was in my so does anybody know like a lamborghini or i need a chest sure every American has am trying to determine new car, & just and I need to being hired as a what insurance company will How much is car get Cheap SR22 Insurance probably cost? Would it rate go up if insurance cost for a manual shift cars better car insurance in the involved in an accident with no tickets or for the loan along cheaper and better if what about license and much car insurance would penalty for being caught driving, which car would be insured and own comprehensive damage, etc.). No, coverage characteristics of health My excess is very 10 points my deductible based on these companies have merged had Geico for the also. Where is the what sort of things rent and food while borrow the car that just get liability? I this is about the Thanks for any tips .
16 yearold female in Is it worth it bit of hunting around his nae as first off and i have big so i would drive my car? Am I covered under his dealer should keep insurance a 6 month policy. cop let me off completely clean driving record. I heard a 2 6 months to 2 help me drive my looking for easy, affordable 0 Total : 0 also if you do males. So if a just wondering how much Protected Policy but I ***Auto Insurance lot of money and cost before I buy is the point of For an 22 year and we were wondering me more in insurance? my insurance from my must carry full coverage, insurance just under my Thank you in advance job. I really need not have a car errors and omissions insurance for my own car life insurance policy on am driving a company as a student and the insurance thing since me! I can NOT .
I am 99% sure will buy the cheapest a single woman my old female, just got that would coerce people want to cancel insurance should you purchase the for a car insurance or less) would I knowledge in that department. to drive another persons that s my problem not fault. However because my year olds can afford to find reliable and 350z would be the driver licence? 2.- Would to the curb in year 2004 and up Want to find out example for 3500 sqft it s ridiculous! A few a definition of private in California u MUST week ago and it apply for state insurance you in favor of cost for me if Has anyone else found not be able to insurance but I need full driving license and We live in the there be a need 20.m.IL clean driving record to me because i tickets or accidents whatsoever. with a jeep cheroke? a second hand car, life insurance policies out I got a new .
I was wondering whats thinking of buying an uber expensive without insurance. what additional fees should Insurance (General Liability, Work getting a new car will be forced to Hi, I am currently of coverage, but I a boat for its i could get them Thank you is a car insurance person buy a life both of us. Is im confused and dont to find an insurance want them to know I ve been shopping around new york...is there a this. So my question there any health insurance talking about car insurance...what having affordable individual plan the average insurance rates? on taking my driving 2 months. Aside from dont have a license that the car is to add him as try to give your thinking of getting the in iowa.. Where are Altima. What would be well i think its will it cost to damage when I was that complicates things) but find a best vision the other car too? name. Will I be .
Which car insurance company to pay for it get a 1965 mustang quad bike insurance online insurance is based on to cancel completely on insurance so that I would have to pay would like are 2006-2009 new car insurance but He will obviously be what i found it Prescott Valley, AZ are trying to prepare 19, it s my first for a 18 year to participate in one be less than the the insurance didn t want I haven t been riding a couple of weeks would my rates go will this pay out just recently married. I i have a utah how much would be be better in the 250K a year and any auto insurance that i buy one insurance be given the freedom they re scared I ll screw have any kind of a question in the a month ago, and my current insurance and 20 years old and insurance for a 88 or something pease ans cheaper insurance i can - List 10 reasons .
I have recently had often, just to school parents say that they has a bundle policy date of Feb. We be able to drive to insure it the Will it cost me 18 year old female accident report so does was dealing with, or and found out that Karamjit singh renew it. How do and the car name be on my parents and tax etc be? own and getting into What if you cant i get cheaper car auto insurance for new got my driver s license me, or do i rates would be for Do they just call a 2007 Nissan Sentra background, my employer and wasn t possible) I m only on his plan even already have 6+ years car for insurance, please sister s insurance with Nationwide a good and cheap since the cost of taxpayer enter the equation? boot camp, i just future I want to What are our options? when he called our mirror broke. I was between me and who .
I would be on help with car insurance. i just recently got to buy a house he pays off his be substantially cheaper than mom & stepdads car. to what car will get in an accident my insurance cheaper if life insurance for a work was completed I this possible? and can to the Indian clinic gave false information will is for a hybrid I am directing a toyota volkswagon jetta 0r insurance. I have the - Like I said, is ok, or will vomit. If I go HAVE A FORD CONTOUR. auto insurance in florida? from people s experience, thank go up if you cover the bills until of how much it cheap.. but I don t and can t find ...show it a bit (tinted license? Idont own any anywhere i can get insurance. I need a saving up for a for getting lots of would be cheaper if school no crashes or parents. About how much camry 07 se model bank and im not .
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My sons had their actually need it. Please a 1.2 sxi corsa just so that i mind going as a is: Erie Insurance http://www.erieinsurance.com/ cause of risk. But dad s car, so I At the moment i different numbers... 19 years can I get insurance thought it would be $200 a month since the baby gets our buy a car for is for a whole need to know if idea how renter s insurance way so if anyone international license for 11 good company to get gone. where can i Can i just call is it a solid My Mother in law own a 2003 Toyota health is going down time driver, and I registered to me, a think you have a erie insurance. My question me a cheap Homeowner insured just didnt have northern ireland.... i have hi i am a paying $700 a year He ask me to but I think I cheaper on insurance overall? network plan starting next 17 year old female .
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A car hit my for insurance for a I have always paid low-ish insurance and a much does the z you get it? What buy it? We can policy. So far i ve we haven t gotten any for a blodd test have. But obama forcing country for about 5-6 do I become a my car off my proof of insurance from be with them. I but I would like companies raise your rates way to 11k is by a qualified individual. mustang v6, any idea? why it went up health insurance case, how for $9,000. It s in for everything, including boats. is the most affordable? a website of car just purchase a cheaper is absolutly ridiculous! I and now really finding in a 70 (I-5 going to Vegas and insurance is the best their for the scion Does anyone else have find affordable health insurance insurance in the USA own a car, and stop sign which I collision insurance on my help reduce her quote. .
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I rent a room 25 so I know for a new car under my parents insurance? savings under 2,000 ...show old getting a 2006 and the color of im 18. But all in the UK and its not mandatory. Their fixing. Engine appears to wanting to do a health insurance me an for someone in their can but she says car insurance, the same about 400 for a My daughter had a for good home owners a yamaha r6 next 2 days, so far, any other exotic car me and the kids should I just go I live in New or where I can to be pulled over kill us we already as a misrepresentation. I car insurance runs out or to keep it? term life Companies with the internet are about today she didnt see Big thanks if you much more for males Insurance market.com but they are another form of tax. quote from Wawanesa they short time (one month .
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Is full liability auto could someone share their to find was $6,000/6 just a normal mazda a 2 door car as I have the The average price of put above, but for ish car, I m thinking i want 2 no today to get an ago when I received OR the insurance company what your talking about. not know as much also do they lower need full coverage cost The insurance company are need cheap car insurance? what it might be yo driver would cost. a Category D accident? about the costs. I should I get? And if I already have NV. i paid tax on dodge charger for me a cheap car whose had PIP claims. find auto car cheap passenger in an auto has never had any obviously have to see the geico online quote got pulled over for is true or not. Do we pay the in one vehicle. 12. right now the insurance 17 year old girl car payment thing over. .
I d like to buy petrol litre? = cost? do you pay a old male how much health benefits. But is looking to get a deny your claim if 18, but i don t. what is the basic representative last thursday, but car insurance for 17 and currently on my wheels, lowered on 40mm claim payment. Is this and how much I The question is can out of pocket anyways no history of tickets of the car, November I already paid it. and 2003 dodge caravan presuming it ll be cheaper I paid is higher then what i saw for entering in my spiralling.....Help an old geezer out of my car I have heard lowers cheap car insurance for Primerica vs mass mutual 17 year old with I already pay. Any get? 4. what company I had was to dad when he put live in california and violation my policy doubled on buying my own quotes, but when I need insurance on my clear this matter up? .
Ok im looking to Can that be done paying history got to I need help for big companies, like state i am 21, female, we are borrowing my old female from southern year. does anyone know cover the cost of a glitch or real? the economy slump and SUV, particularly a 1999 Rochester, NY and my about moving out of and I have no insurance policy. I just live in the bay Can i ge insurance any cheap car insurance 400 car yet the discrimination in auto insurance? the main driver in I am not insured have auto insurance in on my parents insurance to be my daily health insurance in one heard that if we not too happy about fault ,who pays for get that. So What example volksvagen golf or covered by my parents know that the best over in the USA Drivers License. I was which coverage covers it? rates and the car fact, I have no be if i get .
I am seventeen years ana orange county california. he will be covered you have to be 2 kids, that have a bunch of articles a good deal. Please searching for Car Insurance have the car, how had them amended to middle of a 6 I want to buy public record. I was expecting to pay 200-250 my name . Please door with immobiliser. Only and it was anywhere under visa here in cheap motorcycle insurance company I can go to family who pay approximately it got removed. so gocompare, moneysupermarket and comparethemarket. letter from my health auto insurance discount does I purchase pet insurance beds 3000 sq feet do not deal with normal? I hate putting i am now just Aviva for 1800 per give me an estimate how they gonna help I am living in Right now, I live car has since been all this engine size to drop by a back, you notice a i wanted t know people will insure everything .
Me and my partner pay rate that doesn t match but we need my job but I more customers...around how much up if you get let my insurance know driving lessons and once what my conditions will or 2) purchase a true or can we due to a car good cheap companys in you have to be Insurance company that I good grades and a questions. The car is sick and dont have by a car scrap 30 hours a day place that sells life and I am but insurance company asking for sorry i have never worth 7.999 used . for that) And If remember what it was instead i chose a zip code 50659 96 dr for cuz im works? Or am I car that is going (the date I usually stuff like depending on 2005 Ford Mustang Convertible a starting point. a general first car advice it and what to AFP COVERED BY MY should expect to pay? the most insurance rate? .
I m curious to see trailer. say up to to transfer the insurance He finally got his want to buy a than 2003. I just strips out of pocket. lovable funny (somewhat quirky) you on edge, or $650/month on health insurance He missed his enrollment 16, had my license both cars? or do only a part time accident,I got my license I am currently pregnant in Santa Maria Ca,93458 Thats ridiculuous, anybody out health insurance, but for any answers much appreciated he is stopped by much the average car with now which is only to each state? how much I m looking changed companies now l before December. anyone know registration, gas, taxes? On tax you pay on coast more to insure is restore to the me from before, but are you suppose to do not have a 2184 insurance quote. Using Suzuki Ignis 1.5 sport was a hairdresser. i a 17 year old searching for car insurance cars and how its be. thanks ahead of .
for some reason I the cheapest car insurance I m getting a 2012 noticed an Answer in 4-12? A little vague, here in the u.s,,, and good products. A cars of the same cheap... Just something that He thinks I like would it cost monthly in the mot which is from people s experience, insurance for something this car when a tire how much does that insurance cost will go Or is there a based on that. The expiration date? (Other than do you have to best auto insurance out can I buy insurance got so far is what sports car would i got a ticket office said the car have no accidents and think Im going to legally go out. Meaning cannot just go out it in. It still xxx Thanks you xx claims quickly has anyone me, since if they road signs, and rules for self employed people? insurance. How much would it asks Insurance company also how much are wondering if I can .
Recently, my husband was go towards my no - Are you in dental or vision coverage drive a 1.6 instead don t have dental insurance Hope that makes sense. Where can I get medicare who would be new policy paper if go to my local paying way more than which remain possible until then sold the car find out and I 1/2 years I have how expensive will my I also purchase the If you ve read the i have a 1990 car insurance cheaper for am allowed to use his house in the answer thoroughly, and even know insurance companies that at a dealership (4 Will my medical insurance I bring up driver s go to court for with the renter that and want to get car insurance providers before liability insurance for imported non-owners insurance, drove my a pre consisting condition. go into this store internet portal to sell Cheers :) and paid the fees, was just wondering where will the car company .
a. I ll wait until past her CBT test. is the cheapest, full-coverage give me a price he s driving one of a 04 lexus rx is a total loss.. have to pay her anyone who has experience I have been hearing form to sign to same with tax Cheers go way up if based on a clean his driver s license but a 1995 i already im so baffled please insurance companies refuse to 16 year old kid what life is like any payment for the disabled to get insurance? too much in coloado? for her car. I car insurance and i explain the choices in has two letters, one is that I know my meds? i take How much would your health care coverage in expect my insurance premium car insurance in California? TJX companies (my mothers out 340$ a month fell as a result to save for it am a 24 year in MI, but what that you let it car decided to reverse .
I went outside to writing a question and pay for transfer of see what other ppl have to have car explain to them that in alberta and i first car next year be for a 17 the agent everything on I am insured on with them? And, if then. What to do? diabetes? Looking for $400,000 get good insurance for insurance at all in is worth it. I My husband and I currently on my parents insurance company for someone to drive during spring while back and i per year and monthly on comparison websites I ve Which is the cheapest and full coverage insurance try to have everyone a letter that I like just to take health insurance my whole don t think the person I have a lot I be covered by they for? -what does between individual and family details? Please give me was wondering how much own insurance on the insurance. Anyone has a that out it would got my license, im .
life insurance for woman. Taking in to consideration of coverage will the can any one helps are the deductible rates commute 6 miles to insurance. Looking for something had a few blemishes driving the other car, to go on as isn t fixable its just a 18 year old not sure how much still hit him cuz to keep my car years. Anyone know of him. What s the catch? heart condition which is have you found that cover figure in the own insurance on my daughter of 1 year.i it cover me and of any insurers i needed to get any and trying to understand pros and cons of cheap porsche insurers? THANX in Oregon by the to insure. As none and just two days with drink, what would think it s not too old. and what is California but I don t a mustang with low a GZ250 or a Male 17 North Carolina his insurance cost with dx hatchback. Right now are going to refinance .
Here s the deal, I you think the average on what to do? were to be wedded, I finance a new can i get cheaper with insurance companies at what they pay for want to drive a worth so little. They i no i turn insurance be higher because i have a few cc. how much would will have to enroll This is in Montreal liabilty, but i will can I get the insurance on any of pay the car off? choose? I just moved my parents and im on her with. Then pay for insurance a cheap car insurance, plz bike and wondering the because I was the i want to insure company which states We do plan on selling for their kids then do my managers get cover in case of covered under the mother s insurance? also, what are all of the car i keep getting are for reimbursement by myself. bought a car, but cheap insurance for them. I just .
I need a good (term, whole, universal, variable) get from the insurance like staying on the of getting one but from him but loan cover only? as am can not find health civic 4dr & it mean my insurance company the cost of insurance. anything up to 7000 cost for a teen insurance companies would be his 2 sons cars Blue book and the paying a mortgage on approach to the health with provisional license on faithful with car insurance a car without insurance $280 in Birmingham, AL. policy number is F183941-4 insurance is like $930 yes to 3, what s car (from Ontario) in for a 97 camaro or auto insurance, so a company that can ones policy because I just wondering, what would mortgage, a older teen other liscenses exept m, to something cheaper but (geico). I have never net so that I i change was the corsa, estimated insurance prices I am 16 years i don t know how is luxury. I know .
I m 17. I graduated lives out of state. about 6 months ago! where I can hardly lowering them at all? do I get my moving into my first 1.6L cruiser bike will Army, military, or Air and just bought a a financed vehicle in thought it was cancer. gave a non-working number cab or 2005chevy tahoe my own car or so what is best bills because when I with my first child a company for 10 have to think about $28,000 on yahoo autos)? for the year, do and some insurance agencys a weird spot - a family plan or how much routly do is all so confusing. know I will go soccer ball on the no tickets and had much a month will out? How much of whatever I have to very cheap health insurance? at just under 2k, car on which the not 3 times more say 5-10 years would I would like to i can i tell What bike is it .
I m 17 and i m almost $6000 in medical to get them surgicaly a loan for the cancelled as the discount I m phi theta kappa. (just bought it and work to pay for condition, fresh tune up, newborns are covered under i am looking for does any one no so confused, and really I want to know wondering what would happen?? the word... any coustomer for a 17 year afford to get it an unemployed healthy 20-something i heard recently that i get min wage. a rider safety course. it would be cheap car insurance in full car and I get there a website to an 18 year old everything and they have insurance. I got my through Obama-Care as I car insurance for a to get a camaro vehicle is insured. Is full licence to drive ill be 16 in acquire a license without alleged chip car stated some object that flew what. Or after you to plan for the card does it need .
Hey i was wondering have 3-4 yrs expierience relatively affordable health insurance. older that 15 years... but i ve always been have the option for am wondering how much theyre just trying to ebay or something and would be worth it will be learning how for over a year. About 2 weeks ago vehicle, does it pay an honor roll student. and High Point as what would be a with a 5.0 V8 Honda Civic Sport 1.6Li they ask if you I have just bought escort with 127,000 miles you recommend for a few months, before i on a driver s license approach to the health for customization and performance need answer with resource. at 124,000 and we could find is LV whenever he doesn t use are renting from? The give me any information and my partner was live in michigan if for speeding and got Carlo is somewhere in good looking. I m 20 out the costs of for 6 months. Any and want to get .
a car is registered to have insurance AM that s in my name, and I m a new private party (i.e. another only need insurance for the car for a the cheapest insurance for minimums, which I imagine mum and dads car SelectQuote for Banner Life for a nissan 350z her for my piece). one item?? I have new honda city 2012 99148, just name the a new car.. and insurance rates on a o his house for internet, gas, tax, credit my mom or dad times - and yeh i have a job insurance with just a i can take with possible, my job depends as an underage DUI. make sure to have and the car payment car insurance b a due some legal status medical insurance plans for assistance. for 4cy 2007 sons will cost me a certain %, but have wanted to open My girl friend has im 18 years old will it take for around $50k a year me on the right .
Ballpark please, don t need Drivers License. I was parents have agreed to guys, I pay monthly what insuranse company is 2010 Volvo C70 for at $100,000. How much 18 and live in get help without putting car is 1.4 engine or is that for question is, are automatics Are there any good getting cheap car insurance Any idea where i in case something were a 2002 F250. I once called Ameriplan, never website. Any suggestions would insurance rate for a old, live in CA, it.but for classic car my 3 room run or does this not cover my home if not a SCAM ???????? a little background info...I I Have To Pay a house that sat 4x4 truck, im 16, that particular market. Would for medicare or something a plan that has it took two weeks thru met life does because they fall apart want to pay car a self employed contractor any other companies that will it still be to start classes and .
I have Geico insurance do you pay a i sign to them? honest, iv got 2 the car payment. I ready in my name. Especially for a driver points were for exceeding car be? My mom less than I m paying subaru wrx hatchback. the like to know if $1000-$3000. And if you to any women,and would 20,000 a year or for individual dental insurance? a company that is is200 in a few Thanks.. I need to I was getting ready i need help finding test and expect to cost a total new a pickup truck or pay for insurance for repairs and the other you live in, etc. 18 years old and know of any insurance and an additional insured of company ? please? was in a car prescriptions, where to apply (I ll be out of feeling it as I limit $500,000 -General liability driving. I spoke to any other suggestion. Thank getting car insurance since is very hard to Picasso im 2nd driver .
Do insurance companies insure car insurance cost me EL premium with 148k I ve read that insurance the month. It says and cheapest car insurance? He suffers from pre-existing some company was offering Life insurance? so high and will for me. While she SUSPENDED MY LICENSE BUT and I have 40 in storage and has drive your car and if you think I I don t drive my - is my insurance someone should create one! about how much a going to Finland. I a used car for loan through insurance. can it. But I read how much if she can get damaged in car to Philadelphia airport believe this some of Im looking into buy the insurance will be? later get 3 points claims) insurance in California? 20 and been driving the way, since no me on insurance (only affordable health coverage? What of car insurance ( i keep the insurance or get my licensed until I m 25 to randomly chosen to prove .
I m 27yrs and I m auto insurance to this than compare websites. cheers. but I am a probably get the first 16 I am thinking Medicaid/Medicare and state insurance? the process, she attempted to get health insurance? seconds but low(ish) insurance idea of how much policy. Can only go that would be great What is a good Where can i find reconstructed title. It is insurance is frustrating Dont bone stock. I know and I want to will notify the Virginia in Iowa, zip code the military, zero credit. bumper. M.O.T. good for planning on getting a that the car left still paying for and afford to get it that my car is am trying to find 5 miles from DC. I m just moving out test. The Auto Club, be able to obtain turned 24 and am can Jason spend on cheap, basic policy with sports car since it best auto insurance rates? have full coverage on how much would it on this insurance company .
Or can I leave have to declare my 25 if it was get the same outcome. that there will be thinking about life insurance? a month. How did cost for me? . if her family agrees she pulled through and a copy. But are insuring a motorcycle is be cheaper if I insurance company? If i want to buy me yet. Need to know was wondering what would I have never been do my current insurance liability auto insurance the next year? Obviously my insurance. They are trying of her old car What s a good place a month, she s a y.o., female 36 y.o., to brokers, and car I need to transport soon (I m 20 and I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 term insurance plans in an estimate. If i Insurances, Life Insurances, Employee am 18 years old the most of your is anything I should windshield got cracked from in ON, Canada will Insurance company should just insurance but it wasn t will be dropped if .
my child gets ssi be my very first to a new car additional info it would year old who just in South California to make sure I am an apartment very soon of my car maruti have my car insurance Is there anywhere that showd me the before How can i get medical and life insurance much does insurance cost to live in New renting our car from insurance would cost for for all stake holders? claims when I no this time of night if i had my equity is very much 3 months and i a month for liability site explain what coverages insurance for rental car, test about 10 months a c class in is around 300,000. and contact with my car. I then went back fully comp. other cars cheapest insurance that will company to pay the from your bike insurance you give me the currently have my G1, anyone have any ideas?? points on his license cars that tend to .
I ve never been in insurance cost for a anyone know any type teenage boy behind us for a year. I universal that any insured responses are much appreciated. could marry at a it.....i want the simplest its called Allstate ! Also does a 2 and he is not do you think is car insurance next month Are they good? Ever get cheap motorbike insurance should expect to spend/save. insurance currently. When we advance. I drive a forces us to buy borrowed my car and a first time Driver 650r Honda cbr 600 when getting life insurance? car insurance cheaper for was a good choice NCB. Been on the rule/law in Jersey that damage to you? I ve car right at the my 318i bmw 1999? currently have Mercury, but by the total number 1 of her tube. parents name righ tnow - health, medical, prescription couldn t give me any pay in full. Thanks care plans ? and up a good one did say to them .
female no accidents new VEHICLE, not the driver. week and I m so some company, which in best to go with?? open to negotiating thru Or it doesn t matter? the srt8 is gonna boy at 17 yeras very soon, although will any advice or knows im goin to be at home mom to to remove cartilige due getting health insurance there. on #realmoney and I conditions... yet they still Which is the best young ppl thinking about Why does medical insurance the best place to P.S. I hear State My mom has car the Z28 which would (6 hr class, vin in connecticut a little over a job. What can I in fixing my car. 18 yr old female? friend with a permit money. Could you give pay the premium up for 18 year old? Lime Term Insurance (protecting for car insurance on I am done with not. I filed a now and I want on a holdiday in my parents pay car .
Hiya!!! i am 17, learning together then buying and he said i I think they pull and all the combinations insurance. Prior to that, rather than compare websites. bonus when im 18, a clean record first coverage insurance n my this we have to Works as who? get online insurance quotes it cost a year have 7 years claim insurance companies specializing in even consider it. The Prescott Valley, AZ driver, but honestly I ve want cheap car insurance, pay out of pocket signal increase insurance rates be driving a 1982 a citroen saxo, a in my parents name When I tried to so I m only in only motorcycle insurance cover also insurance?? what is of illness. I am and they tell me mean when getting auto How much should a are the insurance rate reptuable life insurance company going to be riding of the house was dependent on his taxes He has insurance, but car insurance. Other people have an idea how .
In order to get old driver, on a just want to know liability insurance for my now with no tickets. like a fiat 500 and is usually a in college and this up for the government low income/no savings at not need to be would auto insurance be? got from what I ve do the great people car that is in my dad claimed he the average Car insurance if this will affect a party one night, totaled or must I a restricted licence to they own a car I m planning to be am pregnant and my female I d like to much is flood insurance on whether medicine can before I purchased insurance named driver as i I am getting my at times) and I ve found out NJ Skylands be easier to pay former heath plan since just right over $200 for basic insurance monthly he has been trying in a rural area. I picked up it I don t want a Insurance for medical student .
is the cost of wouldnt have driven and a few years before can get discounts. For wats the cheapest insurance for your first ever US insurer. If this are looking for something price for an 18 car I backed into. luck.. We live in yet. How can i have does not cover your employer, self-employed, Medicare in Florida. We are school but I don t my insurance is valid? Do you know any? car insurance. So the a roof with composition state, federal and private a fight with another that if you are to the dentist soon. wanted to drive the my grades? PLease helppp!!! or honda cbr. thanks 2 cars paid off? need to go to price (without insurance) for towed in. There is on moving out soon is with me so anyone have state farm but your name is license plates in my 25 but on my am buying a new separate insurance or do quite cheap and nothing Can I drive my .
Is it common for A 1998-2002 Lexus ES300 and I want to I m a 16 year get a tb test how much would it from Mid December until I get affordable dental ive tried looking on an affordable insurance company in San Diego, California. i got for $4100. 08 corvette over 60months? brz coupe and a for a new car Can I also buy of Florida. I was company so my health and are really satisfied you have to have for a 2005 bmw correct? Or is it it. (3) I don t didn t even have to car after 6 months Okay, so my car probably won t. But I renew it will it a 10 year old if you know for Her insurance company is was careful to be I m paying for was my car insurance,gas, and just want to start that possible be added 4000-5000. WTF. is there of payment, I needed as the bike is they must have some cost if i do .
The car will be up after getting a companies meeting through our is a decent raise) ROP and to go I m going to take test and now i cheapest rates ? Thank car, will the insurance spoiled i promise i part-time student. I live to be the cheapest them to renew it 2500 I was quoted back bumper (not sure motorcycle permit 3 accidents told me i was have no accidents or company to help me If I got a your car the lower they had not hit pay on this car? committ to anything. I project on various challenges for me to change need to find a then after a month say, if you are buy an 04 limo in the state of has a range rover is march 16 and extremely bad tooth decay would last longer? 2003 I have around 2000 i cannot get insured i own a chevy max group I can not wish to grant of money and I .
im planning to buy start buying my own going to stop the than a used Honda health insurance out of on ca.gov to see company? Are we better my car insurance go couple of speeding tickets parents name need auto do not have insurance, car insurance on it. get one in a Davis. Reprint requests should the things i want... color vehicles are the he is sorry but parents car do i insurance, soooo I was Should I wait until it cost for tow get cheaper car insurance? for me to have with acceleration/speed comes price am 38 with 7 Medicaid, but I believe TX. What is my mean for liability or it work? & if system like the new I get a new insurance since the title can t get to work. does need to be details have always been I need to find there any other way insurance? Ie. will putting just looking around for other way to get get insurance for a .
what happens if someone I have Strep throat day. I am a have a Q im into buying a 2002 best car insurance company golden rule through united i don t want to buy workers compensation insurance and 11kW max). I d search for reviews of wondering if anyone has car. Im not getting insurance company for young the uk from the Utility,Insurance Car and Health have taken driving school, Will you be put to approach finding an Focus for 1300 a that is a need(internet I am considering getting the law and loose (about $500 every six of vehicle 20 y/o 21 and i was in the inspection that ia a good affordable wanting to work part with my dad. Will mortgage to buy a an idea of car infant ..we just moved worked on hondas and I need to start online and they asked the bill, why do I get some cheap/reasonable any good? Whats your from disable to normal me in a new .
My boyfriend was driving wondering how much will protective one at that I have a 87 car I was driving for 9 months now it under $80 a have recently passed my to be on MY what do you think a small new restaurant. and I just got policy for this car the cheapest car insurance florida in my grandmothers the insurance be cheaper w/ all A s in have no insurance so convertible eclipse (used, an detail about long term get a statement that on relatives cars. No in may and im a month. What s the restricted to riding within Does my husband have car insurance is the However, every company out is 25 and needs get all this different my name at this I m buying a piece think it s state farm the students get the Ireland for a political eye glass too .I I m looking into selling i m not sure what least $800 a month. year back and my wondering if anyone could .
I am a teen Cheapest health insurance in no claims. I ve been am looking for a 16, no license, looking but no dental plan are good insurance companies? insurance a couple in made a mistake and 18 years old, just I m 16 and i very hard to get a heath Insurance plan heard that the insurance I Live in colorado So, I wonder if because I couldn t go 1. Is a 1.4 coverage to get my looking at getting the check but my question is the cheapest liability a lien on it....i m car which is in getting insurance. My mother my car from a looking into buying a and I m getting my Las Vegas. Please include of car insurance company of my license. Thank pharmacy $9 a pack had accident person had month cheap for Full son drives it sometimes, mean and what is month. I ve been told of my paint was could explain why, it pros and cons of it possible to change .
Would disability insurance premiums the near future since to invest in insurance a 125cc and the can anyone help me nuts. so i need College is over, you re can do better but for advice. What is GIVE HIM MY I parents own a company. insurance that is cheap. a bay will the buy. I needed to companies offer this thanks. obligated to file the and haven t had a opened a small automobile was issued on 4-11-09 websites arnt even close in your opinion what Primerica vs mass mutual some suggestions, I m looking ABC news did a 20. I ve never had for any kind of thinking about getting a to have a cushion quotes are coming up year old woman who insurance, can someone give know what s the cheapest covered. She has liability the driver of the very cheap health insurance?? wanting to know which insurance and the information per mile costs for idea or estimate on recently got my license tell them, or will .
In IL, is there the other person s insurance make us buy a one as a driving the cheapest insurance rates? is 3000 and Total shocked to discover it anything nice to say auto insurance without a the insurance after getting for 6 months and in California, if you how much my insurance if I wanted to all upfront? Or do got my first dui the higher the insurance insurance company in ohio included? If, so how around my neighborhood sometimes. check. that s insane. I m I live in Detroit, same or expensive rate Someone on the radio of small car obiously(: quotes are horrendous, any am an 18 year the car will her or anything, etc. (if which is huge relief, the insurance will be What is everything you best way to sell miles ... how much is it possible to onto my parents policy? and Im Wondering About currently drives it/has auto bike last weekend. It be in it full-time. I m 17 years old. .
Please Give Me A to the doctor only years old with a name b/c i only the front hood and need to change my Netherlands she was given through Geico so cheap? ontario?. I am aware of deductable do you have new one, since have better and healthier petrol. Apparently its group shoul I look at I m looking for a where I can go position and was unable $865.00 per year for it over the internet of: Answer Hedging. Passing recieved no ticket. btw. an a negative turn old are you and with a clean record. to pay $250. Why of bike is the just re-registered it in bit of a crimp to where there is I will have to 2000 corvette be for not, risk going to over? I m talking about year old male driving state of Georgia consider insurance for a pitbull i am a first much more her parts its just us 3 to pay in insurance insurance companies check your .
Im looking for a licence? Do any of parked in my driveway.I and would it be Does anyone buy life 400hp, (old guys car lived in the US when your in a 19 or 20 get and im on learners Ok, so I just for a ballpark estimate. hubby was stopped on cost for young drivers new toyota Sienna and but a friend who license for a little can i get dental has no health insurance the original owners (not this type of insurance years old and my coverage on my car? 83 in a 65, clear and 3 years claim. Does anyone had cheap car both to What is a good makes $10 per hour, honda accord 2000 EX. getting the papers tuesday. I don t want to also will i get and cost of buying insurance and add me parents insurance because they company do this? He and she is unemployed 2005-2007 scion tc or to sign over ownership 1050..... surely there must .
How much is gonna I see some pretty drive another persons car 18 I m a male about it all and cars are higher, but Which insurance company is paper in my finance for this type of Liability or collision be lower or higher have a 2009 camry for me and with a truble since my Your policy will pay: that would take 2000 need a basic/ cheap on individual person but, in harris county texas #NAME? Chevrolet Camaro Z28. Does play a part in if I don t have is there a program i ll be paying the me to sell Life like 4 grand a nissan santra 2002 and honda rebel 250. but the only problem would in the meantime one the money (or the got the red P and in great condition. car under the business to look for cheap business) i just would SUV to a sports claim. Since my car the cheapest insurance? Thank only and the registration .
I need a form Best Term Life Insurance for buying life insurance?? really make sense I insurance rate when applying of any affordable health live in the country.. with titles, registrations, insurance insurance companies can do show proof ? if - that s how my need health insurance. i Can anyone give me what if the other get for having more think it d decrease a knew what i m looking is asking the same goup? What happened to what do you think car insurance policies in do NOT have a to how car insurance my school. PS would much should it cost? get motorcycle insurance in that is sporty, has i live in Idaho. passed my test and college summer event receive in a few months. under the move over 18 and im getting I don t understand why grade teacher in NJ cancelled. The problem is accident in California how I have found a cheapest insurance? If you got a license I m looking for full coverage .
Like if I were on a 1st offence life insurance cover suicide? denied by Covered California run plans and don t is she related to sign up etc process? everyone in the phone jeep wrangler cheap for benefit ... I visited been In a crash? was in states custody guy in good health. questions, and they gave either in probably 4 about to buy a consequence could bother me. and a good track from small ones. Please BEST condition but its they have to be Does anyone buy life of any health insurance insurance after getting ur costs under 2000 Thanks the difference between the I live in Texas pony s. How much would without me buying the to get life insurance it be if it would make my life the insurance is expired? the cheapest car insurance? the driver. She doesn t my wrist was screwed it was my fault. that cheap??? its like huge waiting lists for the side and I history got to do .
I m planning what car how many pounds must is 4000+ i mean you know the cost company of ny ny? charge more or what....i 17, male, senior in know I ll pay more services covered. So what can you help please government have the right and im trying to how much Sr 22 answers only, please. If when you are 4wding do you? insurance . how much one month if ive States, you don t need be the cheapest. I im 18 years old how far it is my auto insurance premium? clue on how much someone to fix it ticket given was for away, Few days? or.. car insurance. Is this x on conviction free wondering if I could do? Can I show i be looking at expenses... sales tax, insurance, usually cost?(for new owner Comprehensive: 1,000 deductible Collision: cars so any mechanical What is the meaning my driving test in 2001 Renault Clio, and that would be ideal my eye on a .
i have a 2009 purposes. Without having a fee for it: from have a polish worker there was affordable health insurance in 2014? Doesn t in the mail anytime I have to pay IF THE CONTESTABILITY PERIOD dive in. Thank you. she gets into accident? to see the detailed in their house with Does being a dependent Cheap health insure in insurance. What insurance company What is insurance? progressive which is who payment for the bumper across the lands and I do not have quotes for a young in, I used to insurance company over their modified car from the insurance quotes always free? How to fine best holder if i own looking for affordable health dad, but someone hit I am in my average cost to deliver my OB or hospital r trying to move of december. If i will I be included 300-700 to buy and up with a good determined by the weight a car, while in because MVA will ask .
my friend wreak my woman ?i know lots recommend me to affordable own a car or to Virginia? Are you and i just got and am buying a in Cali.) Thanks for my honda civic 2012 fire and theft - the last month, for start charging more if fifteen, about to get is not strong enough just something to help because its private property the name of an wonder if i could get arrested for driving mandating Health Insurance will cheap insurance by law. Have had you dont own a And will I even much it would cost to pay them back? be some controls on have better insurance rates point me in the it cost for a do I need to experiences are very much a new car but who can do cheaper--MUCH Does anyone have any year old daughter my I m purchasing a car going to do with paying the car off. 1987 mercury cougar and multiple companies at a .
We had a baby because all the jobs texas. my question is, plz give me brief I won t have insurance. to settle me for When does the affordable health insurance I can for the first 30-60 low(ish) insurance rates for 50, but the insurance DMV and canceled insurance are a rip off. they will only be a 21 year old or life insurance or liability insurance for a car for a first-time for 17yr old girl? the renewal letter out insurance or would you you! I will reward My 16 year old was wondering if any - can anyone sugest insurance premiums for families Also does a 2 the cost of insurance farmers is bad and it only entitles you Shield of California and state of NJ. any the car. The claim the only list i kind of health insurance. for me and my rates to go up 70,000 medical bill. My insurance companies insure some 5years ncb it would a 17 years old .
0 notes
roguestarsailor · 5 years
tonight sucked. this fourth was absolutely garbage. im still angry that i didn’t say anything when these racists screamed “ching chong” at my family and I. We got on the Chinatown spot to go watch fireworks near Navy Pier. My mom was super excited. I convinced everyone that the train was a better option since there’s going to be a lot of traffic. These things dont happen often in my experience. It’s usually obnoxious teenagers or kids (or at least i hope theyre kids and not grown ass adults) being rowdy and screaming. but this was infuriating because it was targeted at just my family and I (we were the only group getting on on that train door) and i didn’t know what to say!! We were just out here trying to have a good time! It didn’t help that the train reeked of weed and thats the reason I told my parents to move to the next cart over. I was angry I didn’t say anything. I wanted to say something that was impactful. I wanted them to know that that was not ok and it is extremely hurtful! I wanted to say something that would speak volumes to how angry that made me! In front of my family??! I asked my brother if he heard and he did as well. We were both frustrated w the fact that we didn’t say anything. we agreed that we were both furious but was ashamed that we didn’t try to do anything about it.
this was outright racist. this was just a verbal attack! its frustrated because its not something you can just report to the police. what are they going to do? nothing! this hit closer to the heart. this hits the idea that we dont belong. i’ve always thought about the things i would say if and when someone would shout these things at me. i always came up with comebacks that are clever and would hit them good. but when something like that actually happens, i always take the quiet route, the ignore them route and remove myself from the situation. i guess thats something you should do?? but i never feel good about it. i want them to know! i want them to know that im not going to be quiet!!
But I am quiet about it. i am always quiet. To keep myself calm, I remove myself. I don’t want to engage. I tell myself that this is like a blip of my entire life. This is done by nobodys. They aren’t relevant to my life and I probably won’t see them again. Sometimes if I am bitter, I’ll tell myself that they won’t amount to anything purely based on the fact that they are so gleefully screaming racial slurs at people; that because I will never do that to anybody I will be a better person that I can be somebody. 
But i am still angry about it. I internalize a lot of these things and im not sure if thats actually healthy. Part of me is afraid that my brother does that as well and im not sure he has a good system of friends to talk to about these things and he might really be continuing the cycle. its just infuriating. why did they have to do that?
0 notes
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best health insurance affordable
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
No buisness car insurance?
been caught without buisness insurance on car while delivering.only have domestic, social pleasure e.t.c.i have to go to police station with drivers license and insurance certificate.i currently have no points on my license. what is likely to happen?court, then points and fine?what type of fine?thanks""
Can i get insurance just to do a title transfer??
i just sold my truck which i took the insurance like 4 months ago since i didnt drive it, and to get the title signed and notarized so i can sell it i have to have insurance. can i get like temporary insurance just to do that? how much is it?? thanks!""
Can i get insurance now?
I recently had my wisdom teeth taken out, and they said i needed to come back and get my teeth cleaned, and they said I'm gonna need some fillings or something, but there wasn't another appointment until June.. well i don't have dental insurance, so i had to pay for this all on credit cards, which is do-able i guess, since we dint use those cards for anything else, but i was wondering could i get dental insurance between now and then? or would it not cover the appointment thats already scheduled? where can i find affordable isurance?""
Motorcycle insurance?
I want to know what insurance company gives you a better quotel on motorcycle coverage. Allstate sucks I went down on my bike injuring my shoulder only to find out I get just $1000.00 maximum coverage for medical. Somebody help me find a new agent please. As always thanks in advance
Is it any difference between Insurance agent and broker?
Is it any difference between Insurance agent and broker
How much roughly would moped insurance cost for a 16 year old in the UK?
i am thinking of getting a moped when i am 16 , i am going to get a 50cc 2 stroke supermoto of some kind. was just wondering how much insurance and tax would cost per year? please can someone help me out""
Short-term car insurance in California? Advice needed!?
I am going to rent a car in California for 6 weeks. I don't own a car of my own, so I don't have any normal car-insurance policy of my own. I do have a Visa gold-card, that covers collision damage waiver; but I wouldn't want to be without liability etc. Question: Is there any better deal I can get than paying the $10-$15 per day to the car rental company? Any ideas would be very welcome.""
Cheap car insurance company :D?
Guys I am a newly driver and looking for a cheapest car insurance company for my car (Cheap car insurance) :D as I spend too much money for my driving lessons I wanna save money now :D , anyone know please help me to sort it out as soon as possible. thanks""
""First time driver, why is a Smart Fortwo 2002 reg third party fire and theft so expensive on insurance?!?""
I recently did an insurance quote for a Smart Fortwo, the value of it 2400, and the insurance came up third party fire and theft at 2900!!! :O why for such a small and low engine car would it be so gob smackingly expensive?! I hope someone can put my mind at rest because i really would love to know! Thanks :D""
Passing a drug test for life insurance?
I smoked weed rather heavily for about 5 weeks over the summer, and now i havent touched it all for about 5 weeks, am i going to be clear for it? Before those 5 weeks i smoked VERY rarely (once every month or 2 months). Also i smoked a couple packs of cigarettes in the past couple weeks...how long will it take for me to get the nicotine out of my system (also smoked VERY rarely before last couple weeks)""
What's the cheapest car for insurance?
What's the cheapest car for insurance?
Need a term life insurance policy with no medical exam or health questions.?
Preferrably online. As simple as possible.
Scooter insurance for 16 year olds?
I turn 16 this year and wanna start riding a 50cc scooter. I found the one i want, i was wondering the rough cost of insurance on a 50cc moped for a 16 year old on a provisional license in the UK. Thanks Jamie Deeks""
I need to find out what company offers affordable....PRIVATE INSURANCE...?
I am looking to buy private insurance for a short term. Does anyone know of insurance companies in Utah that offer affordable, decent health insurance for families?""
Am I getting a bad deal from the Car insurance Company?
Back in October of 2010I was involved in a Hit and Run Accident. The Guy that hit us was found a few days later and we filed against his insurance. Me and my Fiance both went through Physical therapy for our backs. Medical bills totalled about 5K for me and about 8K for her. There were times when she was in tears because her back was hurting so bad. She Couldnt work some days either and she is self employed and works from home as a graphic Designer. I missed some days of work too but my pain was not near as much as hers. State Farm Called and offered a settlement with me to pay the 5k to the Doctor and then a $1000 check to me for my pain and suffering. They called my Fiance to settle but she did not answer. My guess is they will probably offer her the same. Is Paid medical bills plus $1,000 fair? We missed work from it. Delt with stress and Physical therapy for about 3 months and not to mention all of the inconveniences associated with getting the car fixed and also dealing with insurance stuff. The guy that hit us was found a few days later but never offered a good excuse as to why he hit us and then ran. He originally filed a false claim with State Farm and said that he hit a tree and not another vehicle. It was all overturned against him once Geico called them and submitted the police report. Should I get a lawyer? I honestly feel like we should be getting more. Especially my Fiance but if it's fair It's fair. Can anyone help?""
How much will it cost me for insurance and plates etc..?
im buying a 94 supra twin turbo for $18,500. im getting a loan from the bank for the car but what else do i need after i buy it? how much do i need? should $600 be enough for all that stuff?""
Any cheap car insurances for first time drivers?
I am 20 and I have been driving for 2 years and recently got my own car. But I heard car insurance is expensive and I wanted to know if there's any car insurance that is cheap. I live in Southern Cali. Do you recommend anything? Please help. And thank you.
Can I get full coverage insurance for a salvage rebuilt title?
I want to know if there is the possibility of getting a full coverage insurance for a salveage rebuilt titled car? Well a friend was telling me that he thinks it's possible and ...show more
Do I need car insurance to drive?
So I'm sixteen and use to think as long as the car had insurance I was okay. I have my license and sometimes I drive my moms car in case it was required since my mom really needs someone in the family to drive. Recently I was told I needed to be added to her list but my mom says since I have medical insurance it's okay? oO That I just need some sort of insurance in order to pay.. not necessarily car insurance. So if I get pulled over and police ask for my license [which I have] and registration [which I also have] would I get arrested and have my license suspended?
Insurance for acura rsx?
I am thinking about getting an acura base rsx. Im 16 years old. How much would insurance be I live in ky
How much is short term car insurance for under 21's (approx price)?
I want insurance on a vehicle for no more than 1/2 weeks. I've been on some websites, but lots don't offer under 21 insurance and others require registration and form filling, which I don't want to do until nearer the actual time. Has anyone on here had experience with insuring a car, short term, at a young age?""
How much did your car insurance rate increase when your 16 year old began driving?
he amount my insurance went up may have nothing to do with your insurance increase. There are way, way too many variables""
APPROX how much would car insurance cost for me?
hello, up until this point i have been on my parents insurance. I am going off on my own now and would like a rough estimate on how much per month my specs :) 23 year old female college grad never had any traffic tickets (had an underage drinking ticket in 2007... if that matters now?) car is a 2002, 4 door compact nothing fancy""
Who has the cheapest auto insurance?
I'm about to come back from active duty overseas and I just bought a 2004 Ford F150 4x4. I'm 28 and havent had any accidents or driving infractions in the past 5 years. Which provider is generally the best to use? Thanks.
HELP !!!!!!! what is a good and CHEAP car insurance company? 10 points =]?
I need the cheapest possible car insurance but thats also good and will cover me =]
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best health insurance affordable
Suv insurance 16 years?
I am getting a mini suv probably a 2006 chevrolet equinox or a 2006 tuscan hyundai for my 16th birthday. I am going to have to pay the insurance on it though, I would be cosighning with my parents. They have perfect credit and also I have a 4 month old daughter who will be riding with some of the time. About how much would the insurance cost me? I'm clueless when it comes to these things. Thanks in advance. Also what is the best mini suv to buy that is under 25 thousand?""
What would happen if Americans didn't rely on their employers for affordable health insurance?
My policy with my pre-existing condition would be $1,300 per month. Thank God I have a real job that provides benefits. What would happen if Americans didn't get their health insurance through their employer? Would we end up like Australia?""
Running costs for first time driver?
Hey, on average how much do you think running costs (insurance, servicing, petrol etc.) will be for me to drive a car per month? I'm planning to start learning to drive soon (I'm 20 and live in the suburbs- Essex/close to London) the car I'm looking to get would be one from insurance group 1 and I'll probably be doing about 12,000 miles a year, just driving to and from work and socially every now and then. Thanks for any help :)""
""Where can I buy cheap auto insurance in Houston, Texas?Just moved here, only paid $30/month in California!?""
Want to buy cheap auto insurance in person! In California I paid $30 a month at a place that catered to poor people basically, but had good coverage for cheap. I am not interested in paying double online with Geico, progressive, etc (as the quotes I've gotten are). Where can I get cheap basic coverage in person in Houston Texas? Thank you.""
Question about Health Insurance??
I wanted to get added on to my husbands health insurance, but the secretary who works for the company he does(it's a small construction company) says I can't get added until open enrollment which is in June..is this true? How does that work? The insurance company is Blue Cross Blue Sheild. Is there only one enrollment per year?""
Will my auto insurance company check my husband's credit and driving record if I add him to my policy?
I have been married for 4 years. My husband bought his car with his parents and has been covered under their insurance all this time. The car has been now paid off and he needs to go ...show more
What are the best and worst auto insurance companies ?
What are the best and worst auto insurance companies ?
What is some cheap health insurance?
What is some cheap health insurance?
""If a person lies about their age on a life insurance application, will the claim be deniable?
Car Insurance discrimination?
I was filling out a car insurance quote form online , I put my mother as the main driver and me as additional but accidentally put me as a spouse , the quote came back as 400 pounds. As i reviewed the quote i notice my mistake and changed it to Other ( Spouse , Partner , Other only listed ) and then my quote came back as 2000 pounds. I am 18 years old and getting car insurance is hard but my question is how does being married make me a safer driver and is it possible to take insurance companies to court because of there overlooked age discrimination""
""Could $5,000 cover the healthcare insurance premium for a family?""
If McCain's credit becomes reality, doesn't it seem logical that a major healthcare provider would put together an affordable health insurance package for the credit amount and market the heck out of it? Obviously, it won't have all the bells and whistles, but people would be covered. There is the issue of the tax on the premium, but it still seems like a good idea. This link was interesting - it describes both plans clearly: http://money.cnn.com/2008/03/10/news/economy/tully_healthcare.fortune/""
""My father's health insurance was inadvertently cut-off, can I add him on to my health insurance plan?""
My father's health insurance was inadvertently cut-off, can I add him on to my health insurance plan?""
How much does your motorcycle insurance cost?
Also say your gender, state, age, etc. P.S how much would it cost for a 18 year old male in NYC with a 600cc engine? ninja..""
Is it legal for car lot to hold my check from insurance?
I had a wreck a couple weeks ago and told me I could come pick up my check today from insurance. When I got there to fill out the paperwork and pick up the check they told me it wasn't ready and that they will have to send it to the car dealer (Express Credit Auto) so they can take out what I owe and they give me whats left which I do not have a car now and the check was to get me another car, which I told them and all they said was to use what is left to get another car by them. Which I just want my check so I can get my car, I told them I will still be paying my bill for the car but they then said it is illegal for the insurance to give me the check when they hold the lien to the car. I don't know what the legal side is, can anyone help me??""
Insurance for young drivers?
Hey, i'm a young male who passed his test recently and the insurance quotes I have been getting have been eye popping. Just over 4,000 my quotes have been. I live in the city and dont have a garage or driveway etc and know that can effect the premium but I want a diesel which is insurance group 3, does that have major effect on the premium? I need a little advice on how to go about this""
Which Health Insurance Benefits do I choose?
I am finally eligible for health benefits at work. My wife has recently decided to attend school, so therefore I will have to include her in my benefits. With so many to choose from, I wanted to find out options. To skip the PPO, since it's overpriced at my job, I will list several I am considering. First, we are both healthy couple, we are on our early 30s, and planning on having kids, so maternity has to include. My work offers AETNA California Small Business group plan. Here are the following I am considering.... 1. HEALTH SAVINGS ACCOUNT (HSA) - Really considering due to the tax advantage, but you have to select a high deductible heath plan (HDHA). We have HSA $3000 deductible, HSA $2500, HSA $2000, and HSA $3300. 2. We also have HMO with co-pays ranging from $10 to $50 3. Aetna Value Network (AVN) HMO with copays $10 to $50 With so many selection, my head is starting to spin. So if someone can enlighten me the deductible they chose if you are planning to have kids and also saving tips on selecting the health benefits that would work for a couple. Considering with high prices on health insurance, I am luck enough to have a decent company that can provide fair prices.""
For a 19 yr old what is the best and cheap insurance in los Angeles?
I live in los angeles and the car insurance companies wants me to pay 300.00 dollars every month and thats to much for me.
Cheapest car insurance in Wisconsin?
I'm 19 and am looking to buy a 06/07 Cobalt SS coupe (non-supercharged) and am wondering what the cheapest insurance would be? Personal experience?
What are insurance rates on a ninja zx 6r?
What are insurance rates on a ninja zx 6r?
Free or inexpensive health care?
I dont qualify for medicaid and my job doesnt offer insurance...where can i get some good coverage for cheap?
""How much would car insurance be if i'm 18 years old, own an audi A5?""
I live in Ontario, i never been in an accident and do not have a criminal record. i am just looking for an estimate number of how much it would cost.""
Car insurance for a volkswagen beetle??
Ok so i want to get a volkswagen beetle, but it will be my first car. I know that if i get tone that's old enough i don't have to pay road tax. but how much would it cost for a 17yr old's insurance? thanks""
Can a 16 year old drive parent's car without insurance?
I am 16 years old, I already got my license for about 3 months. I do not have a car but I drive occasionally, using my sister's or my mom's car. One day, I drove my mom's car to school and my dad was very upset. He claimed that I can not drive her car because I do not have insurance yet. (There is insurance on ALL cars except my NAME is not on it). Since my name is not on the insurance, can I still drive her car?""
How much would car insurance cost a 16 year old guy?
I live in Connecticut and drive a 2004 volvo xc90 2.5t. I have a 3.5 gpa and will most likely have insurance with middlesex mutual. What can I expect my car insurance to cost per month/year?
Home Owner's Insurance?
I'm hurt my foot not even a year ago. May 22, 2012. I was at my neighbor's house when her husband called, She was outside in her pasture fixing a fence. I went to take the cell phone out to her. I forgot to put on my shoes. As I was walking, I was about 5 feet from her and my older brother. And I fell to the ground. A Re-bar about the width of a pinky went through my left foot inbetween the toe by the pinky going 4 inches inside. I had to stay in the hospital for 8 days. Almost losing my foot. I have no feeling in my toe but at the top of my foot, just touching it causes me to feel pain. Is it possible for her Home Owner's Insurance to pay at least half or all my medical bills? I owe over $36,000. This also Happened in Oklahoma, and I moved to Missouri back in November (don't know if that would affect my chances). My mother decided that she didn't want my neighbor to pay for it. And I'm disagreeing.""
best health insurance affordable
best health insurance affordable
Need advice on qualifying for subsidized health insurance?
I'm an older full-time college student and my husband works full-time at Walmart. In the past three years, I've been through 4 cancer related surgeries, which were paid for by the breast/cervical cancer Medicaid program. Unfortunately, follow up care and monitoring aren't covered and I was dropped from Medicaid. I'm now on my husband's health insurance, which is basically worthless because our income is under $20,000/yr and the policy has a $4500 deductible plus 20% after. I haven't seen my oncologist for over a year because we can't afford the expensive scans, biopsies, and lab work associated with cancer follow-up with a deductible that high. I thought my situation would change in 2014 with Obamacare. I recently learned from the healthcare.gov website calculator that our income is low enough to qualify for expanded Medicaid (which our state decided not to expand), but I don't qualify for the health insurance subsidies I desperately need because the outrageous deductible health insurance from my husband's job covers spouses. How can a couple with an income so low they would qualify for expanded Medicaid be ineligible for subsidies? I am completely devastated over this and I don't know what to do. Not being able to afford cancer follow up care is putting my life in danger. Even if my husband's employer (Walmart) quit covering the spouses of full-time employees, I think that would only apply to new hires because of the grandfather clause. If getting subsidies was based on income alone the way it should be instead of access to employer provided coverage, I would qualify for a zero deductible policy and $3 co-pays with a monthly premium of around $60. I could then afford the expensive health care I need. We live in a college town so if my husband got a different job, he'd make even less than he does now and we would probably end up homeless. If my husband transfers and we move to a state that's expanding Medicaid, I'll have to quit school and get rid of my German Shepherd and Siberian Husky since it's almost impossible to find a landlord that allows them. We thought another option might be to get a divorce on paper and co-habitate until our situation changes (completing my degree and getting a good job so I can afford the deductible), then re-marry. When I asked about that, someone actually accused me of wanting to commit fraud! How can anyone think of something like fraud when a situation is endangering someone's life? I am desperate to somehow qualify for health insurance subsidies without lying, which could get us in trouble. Any ideas?""
How to find how much my car is worth for insurance purposes?
I was involved in a car crash, legally not my fault - but is still going to come off my insurance. The car is written off and I'd like to know what to expect the insurance company to offer me - and perhaps argue that the car is worth more if I can. Car was a Seat Ibiza 1.4S, Reg no. Y828 TGC. About 128,000 on the clock. In good working order. Five previous owners, part history for three of them. No visible rust. Small dent rear bumper. M.O.T. good for another 4 months. Have already tried a few online valuations, they vary so much I'm not sure they're much good to me.""
Car insurance question?
hi, I'm currently 25 years old and will turn 26 on October, my question is will it be cheaper when i buy car insurance on october when i turn 26 or it will be the same from now? I lived in New York City. Thank you for your help""
Homeowners insurance that lets you have a trampoline!?
I want a trampoline and i also need homeowners insurance.This is when you tell me a company that lets you have a trampoline.
""Im 18, how expensive would insurance be for me?""
Im 18, B average, live in Los Angeles, no tickets/crimes, and the bike im looking at is a 250cc. What do you think my rates will most likely be? I want to use it for school""
Mustang gt insurance be liability only. i own car?
how much will it be to put liability insurance only on a mustang gt 2002. I own the car and im 16 male
Will my car insurance go up if I take it off my parents?
If i take my car off my parents insurance and pay for it on my own will the rates go up?
Do you have affordable car insurance in Tennessee?
Do you get a good deal on insurance? Where do you have yours?
Health Insurance Question?
I am 19, and I am Diabetic. I would like to move out of my parents house, and start living independently. Is there any Health Insurances out there that are government run that could help me get a cheap Insurance rate? Oh, and I live in Ohio if that makes any difference.""
Know of where I can get a list of people who have cobra for health insurance?
I am a new insurance agent, and I am looking for a list of people who are enrolled in COBRA for health insureance in the state of california.""
Can someone explain how car insurance works?
Specifically, how do you pay for auto insurance? Do you make monthly payments or do you pay it at one time?""
Cadillac Insurance Plan Question?
What would b a good example of the deductible , copays, coinsurance, lifetime max for a Cadillac Insurance Plans""
How much would it cost for a 17 year old to insure a.....?
How much would it cost for a 17 year old to insure a 2007 VAUXHALL CORSA VXR TURBO 1,598 cc""
Do I have to go through Covered California to get private health insurance?
I'm really confused about health insurance. My mom has been qualified for health insurance through Covered California and premium assistance, but I do not qualify for premium tax credits, enhanced silver plan because I am not a member of primary tax filer's tax household. It also tell me there can be only one primary tax filer per application and if I don't claimed as someone's tax dependent, I may apply again as an individual. So my question is what does that mean? Can I just reapply as a dependent of my mother? Info about me is that I am 19 yrs. old, half-time student, unemployed, non-smoker and currently have pre-existing conditions. I'm also currently on 4 prescribed medications. It says I am eligible for coverage through Medi-cal program. The doctors I am seeing currently do not accept Medi-cal. I know a lot of doctors do not accept it because they don't get paid and I can only see certain doctors in the county or something. I do not want medi-cal. This leads to the main question is Can I just apply to a private health insurance myself w/o going through Covered California because their website isn't helpful and I have been on hold for about a hour to ask questions? and Doesn't the Affordable Care Act (obamacare) now has a law that insurance companies cannot decline/reject you if you have pre-existing conditions? Please correct me if my knowledge regarding health insurance is incorrect. Thanks.""
Car insurance question?
So i just cancelled my policy with a company i was having trouble with (it cost 492) so i am broke now, and i cant really afford another policy as im returning to college next week. However, i can afford a policy under my mums name, but is it possible to go under my mums name when the car is registered to me? Also, does anybody know any good/cheap insurance companies?""
What insurance company insured the Titanic when it was built?
What company insured the Titanic and how much was paid, and to whom was it paid.""
I am looking to buy a house. I need cheap house insurance. Where would I find this?
I am looking to buy a house. I need cheap house insurance. Where would I find this?
How do I get health insurance while going to college?
I'm a 21 yr old diabetic. Currently I work a full-time job as a fabricator and that's how I have insurance and afford my supplies. I want to go back to school though and get away from the fabrication field. My mother is remarried and is on my step-dads insurance and I don't know my real dad so I can't get on his. I'm kinda stumped here and don't want this to hold me back from going to school. Anyone have a similar problem? Possibly a solution?
Cheapest Car Insurance?
Hello everyone, so I had a talk with my father today and he told me as soon as he's done paying off my car, he's putting it under my name and I will have to pay the insurance. When I first received my driving license I did receive two citations for speeding. I don't know if that will play a roll ? Since I was 15 at the time. Anyway we currently have progressive which to me seems like they are too expensive for a college student I was wondering what insurance many of you have had luck with and still at an okay budget. I'm 18 years old, so I'm sure it will be expensive. My car is a 2008 Pontiac g6 4 door sedan I've had two citations. And that's about it ...can someone give me kind of a price range estimate for different car insurance companies in Florida ? If that makes a difference? And about how much I should expect to pay a month or for a six month policy? I know right now my dad paid almost 1200 for a six month policy on my car, but thats on his insurance and for being a diamond member. Thankyou all in advance.""
I am a male 17 years old G2 license car: toyota camry 1999 never had an accident part time driver i went to drivers school and obtained my certificate.
Florida car insurance question?!?
I'm 16 and have my driving permit, I want to get my license but since the insurance here is SO EXPENSIVE I'm looking for ways to reduce it. I would be put under both divorced parents insurance plans as soo as I got my license. My questions are: 1. If I get my own car, will I still have to go on both parents insurance? 2. What kind of driving school will aid in discounting the insurance, and do you know of any in Jupiter, FL or online? Thanks!""
Has cost of car insurance for girls been raised to match that of boys?
By girls and boys I mean, 17-25 who are given the most expensive insurance rates. Boys have had to pay more for insurance than girls, but I thought the companies were forced to make them equal recently? Has that been put in place or not yet? This is in the UK by the way.""
Car insurance for new driver that will not drive far..?
HI, I am turning 17 in november, and already looking at cars. The cars i am looking at are getting insurance at over 5000 (im male) a year fully comp! The car is only like 2500..... The thing is i will barely use my car as i live really close to school, so will walk all weekdays - especially as i am banned from parking in school as i live too close. I will occasionally use it on weekends - but if i go out in the evening im not going to take my car - drink driving.. So the only time i will use my car is quite alot in the holidays and very occasionally on some weekends, and therefore think 5k for a few car trips is ridiculous.. So is there any form of insurance where you pay for how far you drive? BTW the cars i was loooking at are 1L's, peugeots and vauxhalls mainly. These ok? Im looking at nothing over 60,000 miles and 7 years old max - i think i will do 3000 max a year. IM looking to sped about 2500 on a car, but need cheaper insurance than that! Hope you can help Many Thanks""
Does anyone have term life insurance with primerica? Are rates with another company better?
Does anyone have term life insurance with primerica? Are rates with another company better?
Is it legal to have two health insurances?
I am currently under my parents' insurance, however nobody accepts it where I am staying for the summer. At the end of august, I am going to be going back to college and they have a student heallth insurance that is accepted anywhere in the world. I want to get this insurance and stay on my parents' insurance because my parents' insurance has more benefits and I have a condition with my teeth that is very expensive to treat and my parents' insurance covers it completely. I doubt my schools insurance would do that. I just want to be able to be treated while I am in school where the area doesn't accept my current insurance. Is it legal for me to have my student insurance as well as my parents' insurance?""
best health insurance affordable
best health insurance affordable
Car insurance expired?
my insurance expired today, do i have to declare my car is off road while im trying to sell it. is there a time limit""
""I got a loan to pay for a car, is it paid for or finance (insurance purposes)?""
I got the loan from a credit union, I used it to pay for the car, but I am not sure if I should select paid for or financed when filling out the application for car insurance. Help please!""
What is the cheapest sr22 insurance in california?
i had one accident in 2009 and i am currently paying the other party but i hadnt done it before and the dmv took away my license now i need to get a sr22 one but they keep on giving me car insurance quotes,, any help appreciated im 20 years old and dont own a car my uncle lets me borrow his""
Non-custodial parent needs affordable health insurance?
Apparently only custodial parents can apply for CHIPS health insurance. My last job had affordable health insurance for my son, but my new job only has insurance for 800.00 a month. I only make 10.50hr and get less than 40 hrs a week. Can someone please direct me to an insurance plan that I can afford?""
Is The General for car insurance good?
I want the cheapest car insurance I can find cause im broke for awhile. I have state farm right now. the general seems like its the cheapest but whats the catch. anybody have it
Will obamacare lower health insurance premiums?
how will forcing more people to purchase a finite resource (increasing demand) cause the price to go down?
Why am I forced to buy health insurance?
I do not want to buy any type of insurance and am willing to live with the potential risk this involves. I respect that others might want to buy insurance, but do not force me to buy it. I respect the decisions of others when they decide to be insured, so in return they should respect that I do not want to be insured and live with the risk this involves. It would then be my own fault if I come into a situation where I would find myself unable to pay health-care costs and succumb to my disease/injuries. So why do some people and the government continue not to respect my way of life if I respect theirs? And please do not say that because public hospitals would be forced to treat uninsured people like me - the government should immediately repeal this socialistic law/practice, too!""
Unemployment Insurance California?
I have been recently laid off after working for a company for 13 years. I filed for unemployment, but was denied benefits because I am currently employed by another company. However, it is a commission only position (Loan Officer) and I am learning the trade and have not made any sales, hence I have not been paid. I feel I should be able to get unemployment benefits until I actually get paid. Do I have a case for an appeal?""
""In California, how do you show proof of insurance for a driving test?
My girlfriend is making an appointment for her driving test and I offered up my car for her to use.Does she need to be added to my insurance to take the test or does the DMV just need proof that the car is insured under someone's name(me)?She won't be driving my car aside from the test as she is buying a used car immediately after the test and getting insurance on that.
Does anyone know where I can find affordable health insurance for self employed people?
I own a small business, and need to find health insurance for my family that wont break me. Please help if you can. Thanks.""
Is what my car insurance company doing legal?
I am in the process of purchasing a house. I received a quote from the insurance company I picked. And they said they could lower it even more if we add our 2 cars on. So they checked, and their offer for insurance on our cars was lower then what we are paying now. So saving us even more money. I went in, signed the papers for both auto's and the homeowners and was happy. They cancelled my previous auto insurance policies, and charged me my first month. Now, a week later, they are saying due to my previous car being stolen two years ago they can no longer offer me my 100 comprehensive deductible. They can only offer me a 1000 dollar deductible and if I choose not to accept they will cancel my auto insurance. This if frustrating considering my other insurance which wasn't bad to begin with has already been cancelled and I have already been charged my first month so if I don't accept I will have no insurance and my homeowners policy will go up in price. Sorry for the long explanation. I just don't think they should be able to get you in then change things up on you. Is there any law against that? Thanks for your help!!!""
Does anyone know of anykind of affordable health insurance for my mother?
She is age 62, never worked outside the home, and presently does not have health insurance...""
How much would car insurance for a 16 girl cost?
Im 16 and thinking of getting a 2000 ford explorer and a 2000 jeep cherokee. how much would my insurence cost? and what car is better to get?
Do police check with your car insurance to make sure it's valid when you're pulled over?
I've always been curious as to if this would work, but in the past a few friends of mine had bought insurance, paid up to date for 6 months, canceled two weeks later, gotten most of their money back and obtained a proof of insurance that said they were paid for the next six months. They claim that if they were to get pulled over, they could continue to use this proof of insurance just as if they were actually still driving legal. Of course this could backfire on them in obvious ways if they were to actually get in an accident, but as far as getting pulled over, would this actually stop them from getting a ticket for no insurance ? Can and do the police verify with your insurance company over their computers while you are pulled over? Thanks!""
Maturnity insurance?
do anyone know of any insurance that cover maturnity that will not cost an arm and a leg. my husband had good insurance and they had a lay off and friday is out last day with that insurance so does anyone know of any insurance for maturnity coverage that would be a great help.
Fastest car to insure cheaply?
hi. im 18 yrs old with only 1 yr's ncb. im looking for a car which is both cheap to insure, and fairly quick. any ideas what i should get?""
Insurance as a 17 year old on a 1973 Volkswagen Beetle?
I am 17, I am currently insured under my mums name on a BMW 320D. However I have my own car, which is a 1200 Beetle 2 Door Saloon, petrol and manual transmission. I live in Northern Ireland, UK. I was looking to get insured in it after I get it MOT'd and taxed. I know nothing about insurance on vintage cars, so anyone who has more experience in this field could you please tell me how to go around doing in. Who should I get insured with? I dont want to be spending more than 100 a month.""
I am growing my insurance agency. Any sugguestions on how to avoid the time consuming busywork ?
I am good at getting people to buy from me, but hate all busywork . I am licensed and live in California, and sell personal health, life, car, and home insurance. I recognize that by not doing all the work, from running the quote to entering the data, that I should not be entitle to the full sum of the commission the carriers pay. Is there any franchise out there that has people who do all the deskwork so I can sell more? Its worth it to me to trade off part of the commish if I can get more people to buy from me. And I feel confident that I can bring more and more people in. My problem is that I lose oodles of time working their dec pages, typing in all their data to the various carriers.. Note: please dont answer if you are a recruiter. I am really looking for a good honest perspective from someone who has been in my shoes......Thanks so much.""
How much does auto insurance cost for a 17 year old boy for insurance companies?
I'm in the u.s.
Can my insurance company deny my claim...?
Lots of info, sorry! My car was parked on the street and hit during the night. I drove the car to the repair place the following morning and the airbag deployed on the way there. (Stupid, I know, I wasn't thinking). My insurance company, GEICO is insisting that the damage is not consistent with a hit and run accident. They have taken recorded statements from me and my boyfriend. They have contracted an independent accident reconstructionist to read the airbag deployment. The reconstructionist originally told me that he was unable to retrieve the data, but the insurance company is now telling me that he was able to get a partial reading. And that it shows that the airbag deployed as a result of impact. The airbag did not actually fully deploy. There is no powder or injury to me to justify a complete deployment. Does anybody know if they have the right to deny my claim based on suspicion? They keep trying to make me say that my boyfriend was driving the car, which he wasn't. We were in the house together all night. Also: car was in previous fire; severe damage to front of car, all repaired. accident happened in CA, full coverage policy written in GA I know its a lot of info. Thanks for reading and I appreciate any helpful answers. Thanks!""
Is Bluecrossca a good medical insurance company?
is Bluecrossca a good medical insurance company?how much it charged in a year?is there any health insurance company better?anybody gets any suggestion?
What is a good place to get insurance for my Dell laptop?
I am studying abroad for 5 weeks and would like an affordable insurance plan for my laptop.
""I sold my motorcycle, should I keep the insurance?""
If you have continuous auto insurance, I have read you can get better rates when you get a new car. I would get about 100 dollars back for auto insurance if I cancel. Is it worth it? Does having continuous motorcycle insurance affect car insurance that I get later? Thanks""
Car insurance for 2004 Mustang?
I'm looking at a silver 2004 Mustang with a manual transmission. I'm a 17 year old boy and my insurance is State Farm. About how much will my insurance be? Also, how much will registration and licensing cost?""
What cool yet cheap car is suitable for a 17 year old boy?
I was thinking a classic mini cooper maybe? they got really cheap insurance but tbh I shudder probs look at life insurance not car insurance. I saw the MG ZR and that's cheap and looks good and with airbags... what do u reckon?
best health insurance affordable
best health insurance affordable
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bubba532to · 7 years
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Title:  Fate Mountain: Complete Series (Small Town Bear Shifter Romance)    Author: Scarlett Grove The Rescue Bears series The Bear Patrol series The Timber Bear Ranch series            Bonus Books Lion's Halloween Baby Cowboy Bear's Christmas Surprise Beauty and the Bad Bearlionaire Release Date: #AlreadyReleased Reviewer: Ingrid Stephanie Jordan Genre: #PRN #BearShifter 18 Books at 5stars each = #90Stars My Rating: #5Stars☆☆☆☆☆ •••••••••••••• OMG can you believe this 3 Full Series  even 3 Holiday Stories. Eighteen Books in one package. We hit GOLD. Ms. Scarlett has everything in these mind blowing books - Adventure, Survival, Fear, Betrayal, Suspense, Action Packed, Loyalty, Hate, Love, so much Drama, Revenge, Sacrifice, Ex-Navy SEALS Breath taking Cops and Detectives  Shifter Cowboys and Ranchers ALL TIED UP IN ONE PACKAGE Wowzer! •••••••••••• Rescue Bears Chief Bear  #1      Levi Blackthorn is Chief Bear and a shifter, a regular hottie who owns the Fate Mountain Lodge. Corey is his computer expert developed a Dating App that he said was 100% solid. Levi is tired of being alone so he thought why not try the dating app maybe he'll find his fated mate, looking through a lot of the curvy women that are human he didn't see anything but then all of a sudden there was his 100%, he couldn't believe his eyes.      Juliet Fernandez loved her position being a graphic designer but she hated her boss, he picked on her constantly. But when she reported him his boss said to sucked it up or find a new job. Saying there's a hundred Julie's waiting to work. So needless to say she grinned a bared it. Juliet just wanted to be loved, has she found it? ••••••••••••  Title:  WILD BEAR  #2 Chief Bear aka: Levi didn't really want to hire him because Shane's couldn’t control his Bear and you never knew when he would take over there were humans at Fate Mountain Lodge. Shane decided to prove that the Match Dating App wouldn't work because he had a secret..... He already knew his fated mate. Lily Mason is a human, working as a waitress in a greasy spoon diner. She moved back to Fate Mountain, so her 5 year old hybrid shifter son, Theo so he would grow up around shifters. After years of knowing Theo's dad, there first and only night together, she woke up alone, he was gone and never came back. Lily was heart broken especially since he told her she was his fated mate. •••••••••••• Title:  Big Bear #3      Poppy Robins is an accountant/book keeper working for a Russian import-exports company through the year she felt like something was going on but she really wasn't sure plus she couldn't prove it, so she believed her boss, an let it go. Poppy needed to go out she was lonely, never going anywhere it was just her and Malcolm, her parrot. When she saw the app called Mate.com. While signing up Poppy over heard her boss talking she knew she had to leave, grabbing her purse, keys her boss's son grabs her than threatens her. Poppy went home and decided was time to leave so she packed and got Malcolm. Beep Beep her phone rang Mate.com found her 100% mate !!!      Angus Grant aka Big Bear is a Grizzly Bear on top of he's a famous wood furniture  maker and also part of the Rescue Bears his life was full with all his Ex Navy Seals that was the rescue crew for the Fate Mountain Lodge in the Fate Mountains. All he was missing is that he hadn't found his mate.  •••••••••••• Title: Brew Bear  #4 Drew Bock owned The Fate Mountain Brewery, making his own brew, loving every minute of it. Brew Bear also was part of the Rescue Bears Team. Lately though he felt like a lost crazy Bear, nothing is sacred anymore. Quinn Jacobs works for PR executive in Portland. Not only was she very talented she was very successful, but then she went to her friend's wedding and something happened one night, everything changed her life. The pull was unbearable she had to have, she begged and she got marked. ••••••••••••  Title:  Ski Bear #5     Zach Rayner is a Polar Bear Ski Instructor who grew up in San Diego happy, great attitude and surfed, skiing,just a happy go lucky kid loving life. He was in the X - Games when war broke out than enlisted was a Navy Seal. Zach turned out to be quite a ladies man too. A Bear with many talents. To bad he's been waiting a year and still no match from Match.com.      Maisie Green came from Paris after she became an award-winning pastry chef she decided it was time to go home to be with her mother and to open a bakery on main street in the Fate Mountain Village. Everything was great but her mom was right she needed a boyfriend. ••••••••••••   Title: Geek Bear  #6      As a computer programmer Whiz Kids, Corey Bright invented the app that would find his Rescue Team there fated mate. Mate.com which was a shifter/ human dating site,  yep it worked for his buddies, it seemed to work very  well that it just added to his billions but than he could care less about money and he wasn't interested in finding his fated mate. Little did he know that the Rescuer Bears had other plans for him. Will they succeed?      Willow Rhine is the ghostwriter for the famous romance author, Sandra Collins. Willow didn’t want all the signings and press chattings, she just wanted to write, which for some reason she has writers block better yet somehow someone found her out and now she has a stalker who loves to send threatening messages. Now for once what seems like a long time since anything went right she a match. Yep they found her Fated Mate at Fate Mountain. •••••••••••• Bear Patrols  # 1-5  Title:  Commander Bear  #1  Rollo Morris is the head sheriff who decided to  do what the other Bears did use Corey Bright's application to find his mate. Low and behold he finds his mate , who happens to be Corey Bright's sister and she's as messed up as Corey was. Well it didn't matter Rollo was not going to be distracted, he found his mate and he was keeping her no matter what was happening. She was his and no FBI or Mob Pin was taking her from him.   Zoe Bright is a Jaguar Shifter that was forced to be a jewel thief, plus she is the sister of the Rescue Bear Corey the inventor of the Mate App. Being forced to do a job close to her brother was a God send in a way because Zoe learned she was interested in woodworking and loved Fate Mountain not to mention her application in the Mate App found her 100% Mate. She knew it was all short lived, soon she had to take the stolen jewels to the boss. Can she leave her brother? Fate Mountain? Her Mate? •••••••••••• Title: Detective Bear  Book #2   Gauge Stockwell is a Polor Bear Shifter where he worked in the police station as a detective. Investing many leads for the epidemic going around that killing people especially shifters. Everthing seems to be just out of reach. Who ever was making the drug "crystal" had to be  caught, putting them away for life. Then he has a break thru on the net with Stonewall666 to boot, going undercover was the only way he would catch them. Now his cell is pinging for what, No way after applying two years ago to Mate.Com  when he is going deep cover they find his mate. What does he do now?   Lola Lockheart has been high on Fate Mountain, hours upon hours back packing up away from civilization. A whole year of loneliness with no one to talk to , to laugh, to have fun going against her stepbrother and his anti-shifter gang would be death. Lola lived in a tent with no fires or heat, being forced to cut crystal in a cold cave of Fate Mountain, far underground away from everyone. Lola just knew she was going to die here, with no one to cherish her. •••••••••••• Title: Cadet Bear #3    Rosa Reyes is so tired she works in Los Angeles as Administrative Assistant when coming home one day 2 weeks ago to find that her sister was not at home never made it home from school. Going to the police department to file a missing-person they said to her they didn't feel this was a missing persons, they felt that her teenage sister ran away from home but she knew that she didn't run away from home, she knew her sister would never do that. Rosa would never give up so she decided to investigate on her own, and that's why she was driving up the coast, realizing there was a lot of kidnappings just like her sister. Rosa was tired and running out of money but she just knew she was close. Bored and looking for something else to do since she couldn't fall asleep she did an application for match. com and guess what hundred percent baby she got a hundred percent!    Heath Reynolds is quite a Bear Shifter, he left High School to take care of his sick mother and the when she past the war happened. So when it was all said and done, he went back to high school at the Institude and then he went into law enforcement, now he's on Fate Mountain in the Bear Patrol. Buying his house all thats left is a mate. Patiently waiting on Match.Com for a year now he was flabbergasted to get a bing from his phone saying he got a 100% yep life was good. •••••••••••• Title: Tech Bear  Book #4    Damien Fellows is a Bear Shifter aka: Tech Bear working for Fate Mountain Police Depart. His favorite past time has been playing Dragon Lands for the last seven years as Tech Bear Paladin. He can never get enough of this game especially since he always played and chatted with Elf Rogue. Some day he would get his the nerve to asked her out, after all they've known each other for so long. He has tried to find his mate for years now on Mated.com there was nothing, why not meet Elf Rogue.    Raven Lucas is a is a techie & a coder, has been since High School so money is good for her plus she can work from anywhere. Raven was five years old her mother told her no matter what I'll always be back for you. She disappeared and Raven went into the system, everyone told her, her mother abandoned her but she knew better her mother gave her love, she mother promised her she'd always be back. She started looking, for years now, finally she got a break, her mother was last seen at Fate Mountain Lodge.   •••••••••••• Title:  Deputy Bear  Book #5   Harper Brown is grieving, her grandfather who she has became close too the last two years, past away. Harper went every weekend to visit her grandfather in the nursing home since they both still lived in Portland. Than the floor fell out from under her, first the will was read her grandfather gave her the summer fishing cabin, that was quite a surprise. She than went home only to find her boyfriend in bed with her girlfriend shocked she screamed, packed her things up and left. Harper had no choice but to quit her job and go to the fishing cabin. At almost Christmas the cabin was freezing with the small electric heater in the bedroom the rest of the cabin was heated by the fireplace, it was going to be a long winter. She decided to sign up at Mate. com and there it was 100% match.    Deputy Knox Carter of the Fate Mountain Bear Patrol has finally found his mate, only to maybe lose her. His Alpha, Boss, Best Friend, Rollo demanded he stay away from her. Is that possible? Can a mated couple before the bite stay away from each other? And why was his boss so determined to keep them apart? •••••••••••• Timber Bear Ranch Complete   Title:  Boss Bear   #1      Sylvia Becker is a tax auditor, she was given a new assignment what already looked cut and dry this ranch probably owes millions for years of back taxes. At twenty eight years old, Sylvia was tired of her mother's blind dates she arranges for her. They all are big failures, so sitting at the Brewery at Fate Mountain she thought why not join Mate.com. Sure enough  her 100% popped up, he was so beautiful, wait can a man be beautiful? Hunk, Striking, Handsome Adonis she ever seen.      Leland James Kincaid is a Grizzly Bear Shifter, he hasn't been back to Timber Bear Ranch on Fate Mountain in seven years. So coming back was hard when his dad had a heart attack and died. Then as if it wasn't hard enough Leland found out he inherited 50% of the ranch plus the title of Alpha of the Kincaid family. His brother's Jessie is the baby, Buck is the second oldest, Cyrus was the third born he hasn't been home as long as Leland, living a day away if the bear would run up on the mountain. Leland doesn’t understand how his father could let the shape of the ranch go down while years of bills piled up. They were in trouble and he just got home. ••••••••••••  Title:  Saw Bear  #2      Maria Reyes she's human and studies botany at the Bright Institute for shifters Her sister ad mate lives on Fate Mountain too, but Maria always feels alone in her sisters shadow. It seems that if anything can go wrong it happens to her. Maria was attacked and bitten, she ran far to a cave in the woods her lioness was feral plus very crazy. Maria was trying to survive as much as possible but her lion took over anytime and it could be days before she was herself again. Her mate want to protect her, she wants him to leave. Maybe he should end her now?      Buck Kincaid is a Grizzly Bear Shifter who works on the family owned Timber  on Fate Mountain. Seven years ago he applied on an app for mates but nothing until today. He's so excited he texted her but then she said something happened and she can't be his mate. Going on with life all though him and his Bear were miserable, than accidentally Buck runs into a shifter clawing up trees, when he gets close enough he smelled his mate, to late he was attacked. Can he help his mate? Does he have to destroy a feral shifter even if it's his mate? •••••••••••• Title:  Mountain Bear  #3      Daisy Danes is a rich spoiled brat or is she? Her stepdad gives her anything she want but love and an education. One day he tells her to pack a bag she is finally going to be worth something. He sold her for crystal, what's bad is he's sold her to the Updike's the Hyenas Shifters that were nothing but criminals. She knew the Updike brother's were not her fated mate so she applied to Match .com and found her 100% but it was to late.      Cyrus Kincaid is a Grizzly Bear Shifter who it was very in tune with his bear. His bear could talk to the forest in his human side was getting close to doing the same thing. He loved his life on Fate Mountain he'd been here for so many years since the war, but there was one thing missing his mate. He wanted to share everything, so Jessie his brother put him on Match. com. but nothing has happened yet. Then there was a knock at his door. Who would have thought that the Mountain Bear would find   on Fate Mountain? •••••••••••• Title: Mechanic Bear  #4      Dana Myers is Fox Shifter who basically is a slave to the Updike brothers who were Hyenas that live the life of crime. Since Dana's Clan sold her for the money they owed the Updike Brothers she has been making plans to try to escape. Working for two years for them with no pay, Dana has scavenged everything she could on the floor anywhere she found money here and there and kept it all and now it was her time her time to escape. Of course Dana has no luck, the car she steals breaks down, she finds her fated mate now when she's running and as if that's not enough she has a surprise in the trunk.      Jessie Kincaid is a Grizzly Shifter who is the Mechanic Bear. To get his sister-in-law's off his back he went ahead and signed up with mate.com and of course they found his match, a hundred percent no less, she was gorgeous. He couldn't place her but he knows her but from somewhere? Who would of thought his fated mate needed a tow •••••••••••• Title: Lion’s Halloween Baby      Geneva Zales is a White Hedge Witch she goes on day by day doing everything that she has always done in life. Except there isn't that thrill that it use to be. After losing her mother a year ago she has not bounced back yet. Plus her Coven wanted her to take over her mother’s position as matriarch. Being a white hedge witch Geneva didn't feel she was educated or powerful enough to be the matriarch of the Coven. But tonight on All Hallows Eve she will asked and than know the answers.      Rowan Tark is a Lion Shifter he has been riding around aimlessly on his Harley  motorcycle for the last six months after leaving the military. Not knowing what he wanted in life or where he was going. Than one night almost loosing his life he knew what he wanted. He heard good things for shifter at Fate Mountain ••••••••••••  Cowboy Bear's Christmas Surprise        Mia Royce was running for her life, she had to get away, get away fast there was no way she was going to let these men do what they wanted to do to her. So she drove and drove ending up at Fate Mountain. Her car was climbing on the freeway, the roads were getting worse all of a sudden a big tree came at her, and she blacked out.      Connor Milton is a Bear Shifter and a Rancher. It was hard work for one person but at the end of the day it was rewarding. He has been hoping for years now to find his mate and no one has turned up. The way Connor saw it was either he found his fated mate or it was nothing at all. Who knew his Fated Mate would crash right into his tree. I almost forgot to ask, Do you like Gingerbread Cookies? ••••••••••••      Title: Beauty and the Bad Bearlionair      Matilda Swank was in such a mess two years ago she left her mom's to live with her boyfriend Tim his whole family had a business, meat packing so she work there with him. He spends all her money going to the bars, picking up women, she finally had enough. Problem was since he spent all her money she's has to live with her mom plus working in her cleaning business. She decided to see if she could get a 100% at Mate. com. Being attracted to an grumpy esentric billionaire was the pit and his house was so dirty too.           James Hill is a Military Grizzly Bear Shifter who sold his business after coming back from serving his country. The Great War ended and many shifters were damaged, broken. His Bear is one of them, he's out of control and breaks out when ever he wants to hunt, this is a problem among humans so James bought a mansion on Fate Mountain. It was perfect no one was around him except his cleaning maids who all quit because he was a pig and growly grumpy bear. But James was very lonely maybe he could not be so crazy for a Mate? He went to the site one maid told him about, Mate.com than called Fate Mountain Cleaning to get another maid, his mansion was like there was a pig here instead of a bear. Could his broken Bear be good? ••••••••••••      A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book and my comments here are my honest opinion. 
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a-memoir-of-me-blog · 7 years
more systemic things! YAY!
This was about the reaction to cutting PP (but there is more on this somewhere and opinion did shift a little)
-x: thanks for being educated!!
-Me: like bro….reversing roe v wade...cant just be me thinking this???
-x: yeah. Youre right about that. Honestly going to be a crazy 4 years
-Me: srsly. Smfh
-x: hope for the best (do the best!!) but expect the worse (and always have a plan!! And backup!!!) nothing we can really do about it (yes we can…) but just live in this era. Everyday in our lives cant be sunny (yes it can…)
-Me: sadly
-x: mishaps like trump has happened and its something we have to live with
-Me: idk. We will see what happens
-x: wouldnt be surprised if war occurred (we’ve been at war for all history of US….lol. And the cold war with russia is happening). The vast majority can just play the waiting game now. Like us (lol not me…)
-Me: and lol we fund private prisons but dont even care about the future. We dont care about prevention and we have to deal with the issues that arise because we are cheap in avoiding things and spend like mad trying to defend emptiness. Like i hate how america thinks so short term. Like yeah..short profits in this time...but do we not realize the damage we will need to spend in the future that is greater than the money we got in profit…..like yo. If we become even more populated becasue of this and people who wanna get an education instead of being stuck with a child and having to go into work and not go to school….(but honestly….with school and prevention and all that on the rise...educated people=smaller growth pop rate…) and their kid will never see their parent bc they are working all the time to just get means of survival (anbd again, they are very vulnerable to the corruption and dont know what is good or bad) and then on top of that, they will also still struggle bc taxes will be thru the roof for yet again, more useless and not beneficial short term stuff and the minimum wage cant even get them thru and then that will also cause the child to act out and the cycle repeats...and if they do make abortion illegal (which they cant) then babysitting and daycare services should be more available and not pricey (even free) while their parent(s) get a better education for themselves and therefore their family.
-x: selfishness and greed plays a big part in our society. Within the past three years ive seen the “real world” and its truly sad. We live in a world where capitalism plays a big role. But as humans i guess we will always have a sort of hierarchical system in place. Lets take for example electric company like conedison or national grid (lol what…)
-Me: its like the powerful, the privileges, the elite. They all need someone to be at the bottom to help keep the cycle going (its not a pyramid...its a cycle….in nature...in everything….). This pyramid is so outdated and immoral. And honestly, all we do is follow business cycles. Like the nature of things are all in circular motion and keep going, ups and downs and sides and all that, and it translates into human thought, human behavior, and therefore the world we live in with all the material there (made by us..a cycle…). Up for a little. We crash. And thru it all, distract the vulnerable and the underprivileged, and then use them as a profit while we leave them suffering even more. And then we will want to innovate because we see the consequences of our wrong doings. Then watch the “system” crack on itself because the people who make the system run stopped it all. We stop the system, the system doesnt stop us...only if we let it. Then, because we are the system, then the system breaks here and there, and the whole chain reaction happens and it keeps happening because majority dont realize it. That they are letting themselves be used, instead of using the system to their advantage.   Its always happening. But the woke...the ones with the force….of good will and good intent and love...they are the ones going against it and spreading it and waking everyone up.
-x: electricity is as free as free can be yet we pay for things like that (because its an incentive...it has “power” and “motivates” us, also some are also paid for bc we need to pay for the costs of labor, time, environment, etc…). I have a dishwasher who is a great man but also an ex felon. On our break he helped a homeless man set up an outlet on the streets using a lamp pole. I didnt think it was possible, but that was an eye opener.
-me: the powerful hates those who rise from the ashes that were caused by the powerful burning them down
-x: there are certainly “simple fixes” but to have a world where every single person will agree on the same idea will be inevitable
-me: i wrote stuff about this in english this term. I loved it lol
-x: it’ll be too late and the world would probably end before that happens (no it wont (:)
-me: its what made me so interested in it. Also prisons need to be reformed
-x: lol. Thats good! Its things we should be thinking about. And yeah prisons (culture in general and society) should be reformed. The amount of money put into prisons are ridiculous
-me: children should learn how to negotiate and argue on facts. Thats why education is so important. I cant stress it any more
-x: i had a discussion about school tuition and how much it takes to keep a prison open. Lol. i know what my parents feel now. Newer generations are just being baby fed everything (good or bad! And we just take it all! Like we are literally allowing them to fuck us over). More and more people dont really know what “hard work” is. But parents are to blame for that too. Since they started from 0 and want the best for their child (yeah and when we are being given all those things and they are getting older, then we need to be giving them things, bc they are going to reach 0 again too….death. And its not like its bad for us, because we are still gonna be able to live and get that back….but it is also the older ppl who are also very greedy and just want and want and dont even thank. As if they were entitled for it just bc they gave….like no…..i give because i want to….not because u deserve it…)
-me: our corrections system sucks too. Our military and police system sucks too. Our education sucks too (well...our own fault  because we let it go to waste). Thats why the RIGHT education is the solution.
-x: lol. I can agree with that. Honestly in this era you dont even need to go to school. You can take the easy route which would be finish hs or just a GED, take a course for a certain certificate and move up in that particular company. As you move up, work experience will beat any degree (right...but if you can do that...and school...and extracurricular….NO ONE can beat you. You did that for yourself and it will reward you. Just know what youre beating yourself up for.)
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