#so like that feels AHHHHHHHHHHH
b3achysurfur · 4 months
episode 66 is whispering things in my ear
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[ID: seven screen shots of Itadori from the 214th chapter of the Jujutsu Kaisen manga. the first one is of him standing, looking up. his eyes are wide, his face is blank, and he's bleeding. the second is a far away shot of him standing, facing the right. the third is of him staring similar to the first picture, only this time he's facing the right. the fourth is of him walking, making the same face. while he is walking, Sukuna attacks him off-screen and a line of his powers can be seen shooting into his shoulder. the fifth is of him on the ground, pushing himself up. his eyebrows are narrowed and he looks Pissed. the sixth is a close-up of his face. he is making the same blank, yet gently horrified and stricken look. he says: "...me and my suffering.". the seventh is of him walking forward. he is making the same face. he is also being attacked by Sukuna in Megumi's body off-screen, so he is bleeding heavily, but he keeps walking. the last image is a close-up of Itadori's face as he walks forward. he is facing the right. /End ID.]
faces that will haunt my dreams
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eddis-not-eeddis · 11 months
Folks, please, please pray for me, I got a seriously advantageous job offer completely out of the blue after praying very hard for several weeks for something to show up, and I'm going to go for it, but I'm scared to death.
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spicyicymeloncat · 2 years
Okay I’ve got beef. Peace and love to all of you but I have Ninjago beef How many times has Wu said “There’s something I haven’t told you yet?” Because I feel like every time there’s a villain that he’s met before it’s kinda just justified that he hadn’t yet told the ninja? And also certain pieces of information? Like Morro and Aspheera, the two Wu-focused villains are literally villains because Wu told them too much. This criticism is doesn’t make sense to me at all and I’m gonna ramble about it below. (Disclaimer my opinion if you disagree with me dw abt it you’re cool)
Like villains wise, he’s told the ninja about Garmadon like it’s one of the first things he tells Kai. I don’t know if he even knew about the overlord, considering that was his father’s enemy. Chen was locked away on an island so why would Wu tell the ninja about him yknow? Like Wu lived in a monastery away from the city idk if he even knew that Chen ran a noodle business. And why would Wu tell the ninja about Morro? One that feels kinda personal and two, why would he be worried if Morro came back, he was dead!
The first time I feel like this applies is with Nya’s powers but I feel like this can be explained with the fact that he trained the og 4 and Lloyd out of necessity due to the prophecy they’re all in. He’s not going to train Nya when 1) he had 5 students already and maybe that’s already a handful, 2) it was an attempt to keep her safe 3) she became samurai x and had her own thing. He only trained Nya as the water ninja because again, necessity. And Ik he used to have other students but I think Morro’s story implies that he trained them as a way for searching for the green ninja, so again it’s out of necessity.
The second time I think the joke applies is with Acronix but that was very intentional and it’s about how Wu is trying to face his own enemies on his own instead of leaving them to his students. Which, tbf, I think is valid, if he didn’t like lose. He’s trying not to put that pressure on already pretty busy kids. It’s not a perfect solution but it’s a tough situation and I think it’s an understandable decision.
I’m not sure Wu knew about the dragon and Oni thing and he was a baby by the time it was relevant. Maybe he did but in a world where there are barely any Oni and dragons, it’s not a very relevant thing to bring up, especially when effectively he’s human.
And then there’s aspheera. Who, like Morro, Wu also did not expect to return at all, considering the last time he saw her was when he was a child and that was several centuries ago. Like do you want him to set up a class where he just trauma dumps about every bully he had in middle school?? He is so old I’m pretty sure every warlord that ever existed in Ninjago has beef with him. Also none of the other seasons are even connected to Wu’s past. Seabound has Wojira and Nya’s but that’s like, Wu’s dad’s past.
And character wise it makes complete sense that Wu doesn’t tell ppl stuff. The two personal villains to Wu are literally villains BECAUSE Wu told them stuff. He told Morro about the green ninja prophecy and the guy DIED. Yeah it makes sense that Wu the prophecy from the ninja. And he told Aspheera the secret to spinjitzu and she used it to overthrow the serpentine. Like these two are villains because he told them too much. So it makes sense that he doesn’t really want to tell other people things anyways.
I didn’t even used to like Wu that much but every time someone makes that joke, it makes no sense to me and it makes me upset and pushes me further into stanning. I only like Wu bc Wu slander upsets me because it just feels like misconceptions and inaccurate interpretations. And yeah there’s no right or wrong opinion on a show and if you have an opinion then let’s go. It just feels bad when a certain interpretation is widely popular despite not really being supported in the show. Or maybe it is supported in show, and I just don’t see it. Idk, either someone needs to explain it to me or I need less tumblr. But yeah every time anyone makes a “something I haven’t told you yet” joke my attachment to Wu gets stronger, because I spend so much time going over in my head why he makes sense.
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my favourite hobby is wading through pinterest and tumblr like I'm dragging a fucking lake for a dead body, trying to find any and all even remotely scorbus related things that I haven't come across yet, and by favourite hobby I mean I am in agony can someone please please make them famous and popular please I'm going feral
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queenofbaws · 5 months
me this morning - optimistic, hopeful, ready for anything: :D i bet if i really sit down and focus i can have this chapter done in a day!!! :D
me tonight - exhausted, bedraggled, covered in crumbs, staring at all the shit past-me wrote and wondering how present-me could EVER work it into what i've written since: i bet if i really sit down and focus i can discover the secret of spontaneous human combustion
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Maggie asked me to dance and I said yes!?!
gays you have to understand
what if I slip and the bottom of my shoes makes a splickety-boing noise??! i cannot afford to be slapstick-comedied
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rainymoodlet · 1 year
ahhh big news guys! we are officially applying to our no. 1 apartment!
i’m still choked with anxiety that they might reject us of course, but i can’t tell y’all how excited i am! i know i’ve been incredibly absent, and believe me i’ve been hoarding your asks and lurking in your notes 😅 i really do miss this place sometimes, even if just for the pure escapism!!
thank you all for stickin’ it out with me 🥹 2023 is going to be a good year damn it!!!!
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mae-i-scribble · 1 year
Across the spiderverse spoilers below.
It fucks me up that the central theme of ITSV was that to be spiderman, Miles had to do it in his own way. That he didn’t need to be like any other spiderman, he just had to get enough faith in himself and who he was to take that leap. And at the start of ATSV we see that he’s continued to live up to that the best way that he can, with all its ups and downs. He’s succeeding too!! He’s an amazing spiderman who takes charge when the alchemax building starts to fall to save hundreds of lives. He’s mastered his invisibility and electrical powers too!
And then he goes to this grand amazing spiderman society looking for companionship and recognition and he gets told by Miguel, the leader of this society that he’s a mistake. That everything that has gone wrong in the multiverse is his fault because he isn’t spiderman. He never should or could be spiderman. His closest friends and the people who guided him on his first steps to become spiderman have seemingly abandoned him because they knew this all along and believe it too.
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paramores after laughter album was written for the abernant sisters
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sexyleon · 1 year
I only got like 4 comments on the aeon fic i just posted on ao3 but all of them were so beautiful and encouraging im going to CRRRYYYY like i actually feel so inspired and encouraged to keep writing
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southfarthing · 8 months
aaaa sunny i want to wait to do my annual holidaytime lotr rewatch but also i want to do it NOW bc i just Know i will need all that time to produce anything halfway passable for lotr20 week what do i doooo (i also know that there is like a coin flip chance that if i wait i will go buckwild insane and drop a billion words in no time at all like last year though..)
why not both >:) watch now for the inspo and then again in december to Cry
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c6jpg · 1 year
shenhe..... soon...............
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sysig · 2 years
I really should clean up that KoiBo essay I started, I got like 3k words deep and it was all just mushy rambling about how much I love Souichi
#Koisuru Boukun#I really do love Souichi he's such a fascinating character study#I guess like half of that is also about Morinaga - he's also really interesting but I'm a lot more clinical about him lol#With Morinaga I'm like ''Ah yes his trauma stems from xyz and presents as abc and thus efg happens''#Whereas with Souichi I'm just like ''Ahhhhhhhhhhh he loves his family so much and he's so stupid but so smart fjdkslafj'' lol#Like there IS analysis in there! I'm particularly fascinated by his perception of nuance in others and himself and how that grows over time#Even just in Challengers - hell /especially/ in Challengers they're already such well fleshed out characters#I consider KoiBo to basically be a soft reboot and some of the decisions are uhhhhhhh questionable#But other than the glaring one they're mostly logically consistent with what Challengers set up and just fjdsklajfldf#They're honestly such interesting characters!!#They're also codependent lol definitely had no impact on my tastes in literature going forward#What's the line I have buried somewhere in the file uhh#If I had a nickel for every time I got fixated on a guy who goes around wearing long coats with lapels has round glasses long hair an...#Interesting personality and whose story centrally focuses on trauma and queer themes in the 90s I'd have two nickels#Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it's happened twice#I am also fully open to more recommendations of that particular niche if anyone has some because lbrh - they are few and far between#JFKlsfd every time I think about KoiBo I'm just like ''I wish this was written this way on purpose'' lol#It can be cracked open into some of the best writing I've seen about learning to love yourself as an ace person!#But it super does not feel like it was written with that intention!! Agh my conflictions lol#Well that's also part of the charm lol I trend towards forgiveness for things that I love that much#I still always feel like I'm making excuses for liking it as much as I do tho lol ahh......the self consciousness of loving something lol
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danaty-consolation · 1 year
Because not gonna lie, I want to keep drawing them and posting things here of them. Heck, even interacting with my other ships or the Rumic gang but sometimes I get insecure because there are like two people that like that.
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castieldelamancha · 11 months
I can't keep up with all these raw emotions being shown on my screen right now, my soul basically left my body at that kiss, I can't go back to life in a society now i won't ever recover
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