#so maybe we're halfway
bookwyrminspiration · 9 months
i think the edges of my sanity starting to chip away are a sign the fic is going well
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chiropteracupola · 7 months
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And you would not believe me if I tried / To tell you all the things I've seen / And all the places that I've been / So pour the hall another cup of wine...
[a cei for @mortiscausa’s ’march to camelot,’ for the prompt ‘kinship’]
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SandRay is just AkkAyan spelled differently
I've lost count of the number of rewatches I've done of The Eclipse since watching it six months ago for the very first time, but once Only Friends started airing I haven't done any rewatch, just because all my thoughts these past weeks have been obsessively about Sand and Ray
BUT yesterday I found myself watching it again after months and when I got to episode 11 it hit me: SandRay's dynamic when it comes to taking care of each other is the same as AkkAyan's but backwards.
Let me explain, I was watching this specific scene
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And this thought came into my mind: "If in The Eclipse it's Khaotung's character that takes care of First's character, especially when it comes to emotional needs, in Only Friends it's actually the opposite with First's character taking care of Khaotung's character"
Since then I haven't been able to stop noticing all the ways Ayan and Sand mirror each other when caring for their partners
Ayan looked at Akk, and saw something extraordinary. He saw this beautiful broken boy, who was hurting so much and doing it all wrong, he saw him holding on to a very thin thread just on the verge of letting go. Ayan saw all the love Akk needed, and despite being very broken himself, he never ever let go of him.
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Akk did bad things and said awful stuff and pushed Aye away time and time again, and still Aye stayed right were he was and held him up every time Akk hit the ground.
Showed him how despite all his flaws, all his mistakes, he was still someone worthy of love.
And so throughout their journey Ayan gave his heart and soul, took all the love he could muster and stood firm by Akk's side, no matter what.
Ayan made no excuses for Akk's behavior, held him accountable, called him out when he was doing something wrong and at the same time offered Akk all the support he needed to get out of that bad place because he knew how necessary it was to have a support system.
And isn't that exactly what Sand has been doing with Ray ever since he first saw him, left alone, drunk as hell, getting into his car without any concern for his life?
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Just like Ayan, Sand has found this special fragile boy who needs lots and lots of love. And where Akk wanted acceptance and to be good for others, Ray only wants to be loved and to be someone's priority for once in his life.
Even the little things Sand does for Ray. And yes, we joke about Ray being Sand's spoiled princess, but before Sand came into Ray's life, did anyone ever treat him with this much care and affection? No.
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Lighting up his cigarettes, cooking for him, helping him with his helmet, driving him around, changing his dirty clothes when Ray is too passed out to care, going after him no matter what Ray said or did, shaving him...
Yes, Sand is a natural caregiver and perhaps acts of service are his love language, but to me the point is that Sand is able to see the full potential Ray could reach.
Sand knows how precious he truly is; with patience and love and care, with someone by his side ready to fight the battle with him, someone who will not give up on him, Ray may one day be able to blossom into this wonderful person that he is capable of being.
Until that moment comes, Sand will be there for him like no one ever has before. Because Sand looks at Ray and sees someone worth fighting for, someone worthy of love.
And yes, I am aware that Ayan and Sand are very different characters, they are at different points and have different expectations when it comes to relationships.
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Even the way they handle things when it comes to love is different: Ayan is very much open and ready and unafraid to communicate what he wants from Akk, while Sand is emotionally constipated, with his walls all up, still falling hard but refusing to admit it even to himself.
Yet the way Ayan and Sand care for their loved ones appears to me as the very same.
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lunarharp · 10 months
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Very important conferences.
#witch hat tag#orufrey#some real serious discussions goin on in this atelier today. dont u doubt it.#agott is the only one who has ever thought about this because she is a 12 year old lesbian and UMM..FRIEND? LIKE FRIEND? IS THAT..LEGAL???#this is all i drew today because silly things like this take hours lol. at least it's practice for poses -_-#i got the pattern of the girls' dresses wrong but i couldn't be bothered to change halfway through.#don't worry if you're like what is the naakiwan downs. is that name even mentioned in the main manga#ANYWAY i KEEP thinking about what if it's actually banned for professors and watchful eyes to date like that would make a lot of sense.#like maybe it should be banned. SO??? are they just low-key Aware of what the deal is and they're just Putting their feelings aside#until graduation??? take my tassel as an unspoken reminder of how i feel?? living together trial period?? this feels like it's truly it#When we're free to be together........ Sensei loves homophobia parallels without there actually being homophobia#Let's invent reasons why men cant be together. Ummm well whatever. i'm screaming in my head but it's fine.#this will probably form the theme of my orufrey for a while. i've thought of this before but for some reason today it's big for me.#i guess the tassels might not specifically be a part of that since they exchanged them before tower of books#and qifrey made his mysterious decision to be a teacher after that and..well whatever. I need more of backstory and just..everything?#But i also don't mind when vinanna interrupts my wishes with just a chapter of just being really dreamy? I love witch hat?
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merrigel · 5 months
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Doodles from last session- local pirates get forced into going to therapy
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seaofreverie · 10 days
Sparkstember Day 15: Interior Design (Just Got Back From Heaven)
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So I'm just gonna go the easy route today and link back to my earlier post about this album, because it covers mostly everything I have to say about it. An update on my fav songs which is that Just Got Back From Heaven and A Walk Down Memory Lane have also joined their ranks since (and did I really not give a shoutout to So Important last time? Well, doing that now!). All in all I'm really fond of this album and I think it deserves more love!
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carnival-core · 2 months
Hey not to make a political post but does it ever feel like we can just never win and the suffering will be forever and we're always going to have to fight with moments of peace being fleeting and not worth looking forward to
#behind the tent#neg#current events#the worst man alive got shot and lived#if he DOES die he will be martyred . we will be considered a violent threat . the right will revolt#if he DOESNT die he will martyr himself as a survivor . we will be branded as violent and worth stamping out . we're going to be killed#moments of celebration do not last#two innocent people died as a result#and we couldnt even fucking kill trump immediately#and joe biden aint much better!!!#and halfway across the globe innocent families are being ripped apart in the name of an ethnostate and by god Im not letting myself give up-#-hope for them . Im not allowed to feel hopeless for them .#but fuck if the knowledge in my mind every waking day doesnt add to it#and neither of our politicians care!!! and of course the entire fucking world ends up dictated by the whims of the US anyways so the fact#they dont care is crucially fucking important!!#And my right to live and exist in this country will probably be wiped away entirely in a couple of years when I just barely got to taste it#there's a chance I could be hatecrimed next time I walk out the door#And maybe its the ahedonia since childhood speaking too but I'm starting to not see the point !!!!! what is the point !!!!#the fact there ARE people who care about me is the only fucking reason I'm not gonna end it all tomorrow! I swear to god!#And at this point I am waiting for this to finally fucking affect me personally so I can have an excuse to fucking feel that way!#I feel so fucking selfish for being so suicidal when I've been one of the lucky ones but god its not gonna get better is it?#everyone encourages radicalization and change . demands it . begs for it . but it hasnt happened! it will Never happen!#my only god damn choice is to let it lead to despair!#suicidal ideation cw#God I wish I had access to hard drugs
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rawliverandcigarettes · 6 months
Ok gang!!!
It's been a while, and I think it's time to come clear about a plan I used to have, and how I am very unsure about whether or not it's worth doing.
I technically have the first chapter of The Empire of Preys ready to go. I have basically only that. I did plan to release it on the birthday of Halfway Home's last released chapter, but the truth is: it's happening smack in the middle of an incredibly busy time for me, so I have basically nothing ready as far as promotional material goes.
Also, and it was my plan for a little while, I don't think I can sustain the one chapter per week release schedule I once had with Halfway Home --and I had to come to terms with the fact that I do not have it in me to polish that story nearly as much as I did Halfway Home. I still love it, I still want it out... but I think I'll take it much slower and at a more regular "fanfic" pace for me than what I did with HH. The story of TEoP is not completed yet. I am not completely sure on how to go about certain PoV characters. But, I feel like I can't wait for a "perfect" version like I did with HH, or I will never release this story.
So, while I'm not sure whether or not I'll actually post the first chapter on the 20th of April, I will try to begin posting it relatively soon, and make no promises on when the next one will come out.
I have, however, character portraits in the work! It's coming!! At some point!! Maybe this week if I can finish my work by then!!
Anyway, I hope you are all doing fine, and stuff is doing good, and all of the things. <3
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insomnya777 · 6 months
guys i lied the next part of the au is actually Not going to be the bad boys backstory (probably) sorry!!!!
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worldwhampion · 1 year
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artemis in pseudo death
#artemis is dead AND alive to me#hear me out#i don't think you're the only traveller who's met artemis in-universe#artemis could be a recurring pattern that has appeared in many different traveller iterations#maybe not in EVERY iteration but i believe a good portion has still met them#by extension perhaps apollo and null too. then they could also be seen as recurring patterns#but they might not come in the same package with artemis. call them free goodies you never know when you'll get them#but there's a very real chance.#if a traveller meets artemis it's not guaranteed that they'll go through the usual procedure of the artemis questline#like they could ditch artemis (or die) halfway through or they simply choose to ignore them alltogether#do keep in mind we're talking IN-UNIVERSE here. gameplay mechanics like respawning are thrown out of the window#now here's my main point (HUGE SPOILERS)#the travellers who have to make THE choice can't all be going for the same choice#so there's going to be plenty of dead artemises and artemises who are alive in the simulation#we're talking about this on a multiversal scale#and the artemis up to the point before the choice is pseudo dead. or pseudo alive if you will because it's like a 50/50 thing#artemis has 3 states: dead. alive and pseudo dead/alive#this all sounds very familiar doesn't it? schrodinger's cat moment#they're not exactly the same but they're damn close enough to me#if artemis really is a recurring pattern in different traveller iterations then artemis has probably met more travellers than anyone else#only beaten by nada and polo#artemis would have realized their dream but in an extreme way. they're meeting other travellers on a multiversal scale#nms artemis#no man's sky#shit just realized there's another thing to expand on but i'm too tired by now. it's gonna have to go in an analysis if it ever comes out
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batz · 1 year
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katamarigender · 6 months
crushing a can against my forehead talking to this person grAH
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talysalankil · 4 months
there was a post where people were defending tsc of accusations of being plotless because it's about healing it's about what happens after the trauma etc etc and like okay i agree but consider that it is still plotless and that may still turn people off
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pekoeboo · 2 years
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decided to draw 3 of the main outfit designs that I've settled on for Antony within the Primordial SMP. I changed up his color palette compared to the very first drawings I posted of him (adding a purple accent instead of red), and I'm definitely a lot happier with it!
on top of that, I really liked how he looked with wings, so my friend and I decided to keep them to signify his upgrade to Player status (we're working on lore reasons behind it, but he's technically a Player now because I've actually been playing as him in-game lol).
so yeah. just wanted to draw a small collection of outfits because I haven't done something like this in a long while!
please do not remove caption or repost. also on deviantart
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aberooski · 3 months
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britneyshakespeare · 3 months
i finished the merry wives of windsor today btw. 4 shakespeare plays left to go
#tales from diana#i'm in a pickle bc i've been burning through the remainders in the last year or so in a way that makes me... melancholic#i didnt hate merry wives even though i wasn't looking forward to it for a very long time bc i knew it was mostly prose#im neither a big falstaff fan (im sorry) not do i get the most charm from shakespeare from his prose#but admittedly it was still rather enjoyable as a comedy. you dont get a lot of fake cuckoldry plots from shakespeare specifically#not in comedy certainly! so i enjoyed the trickery of it#not the worst shakespeare play as far as pure entertainment value at all. nothing's as boring as henry viii#that one was a big disappointment#i have one play in each category left (counting the romances as their own category) (and counting kinsmen as his work)#coriolanus. king john. measure for measure actually! and two noble kinsmen#i know a lot about measure for measure already i just have never read it in full. twelfth night was like that as a reading experience too#i wasn't in a rush to get to it but in the case of measure. i wanted to get merry wives out of the way first#and leave my last pure comedy to be something i would almost certainly enjoy more#now im kind of in a pickle bc i feel the ecstasy of being tempted to just finish the complete plays already#but i also wanna pace myself and read other things#i kinda have this idea of what if i saved the last 4 to read in 2025? but we're not even halfway through 2024#i dont have that kinda patience#maybe ill reread some old favorites in the meantime or something. idk#i dont think i mentioned it on here but i got the rsc complete works second edition from 2022#last month! bc my riverside is in delicate condition. but i switched back between the two when reading merry wives#i just couldnt help it. i miss my mother. it's always going to be the most personally comfortable book for me to read from#i read the majority of these plays in that volume. that book TAUGHT ME to read shakespeare#but i need to be strong and i also enjoy comparative literary studies and a more recent book has a lot to offer#im yammering on to myself incoherently im sure nobody really cares what im saying. even i dont! ok goodbye goodnight
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