#so muc h
dovewingkinnie · 4 months
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i cannot stop drawing them im cursed
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r-truth · 2 months
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ind1c0lite · 1 year
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"You don't have to worry about me!"
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version without the effects and without the top chains/locks!
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dreamaruu · 1 month
I love your DR art, so I'm very excited that you like TG as well!! Can you draw Tsukiyama?
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The nepo baby himself 🌹
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reegis · 8 months
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Here, take a Jonny doodle, I hope it makes you happy :)
taping him to the inside of my eyelids so i can see him forever as we speak i ador e him aaaaa thank you 😭😭😭
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thunderboltage · 1 year
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whoops me hand slipped just like cora hehe
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elven-kisses · 9 months
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love ldshadowlady I do
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kitakunn03 · 5 months
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very old art of my babies since im working on their story again and i never posted this
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fisheito · 9 months
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i only know one romcom
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withoutalice · 4 months
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so when i get to my shift after a full day of classes im like "oh well my shift runs late into the night but it's no biggie i'm ready to sleep once i get home" and I get home and shower and go to bed then I wake up in a cold sweat like "i have forgotten something important" so i pull up my art program and start drawing and im abt to pass out again it's 2 a..m. but here's Trepan in a cute fit i wish i had lmfao byee~
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hurt/comfort prompt(s): "i know you're freaking out, but I've had worse" and/or "you're not fine!"
From this prompt list!
"Tom, remember to breathe. And if you're going to puke, aim somewhere else." Sarah says with all the concern she can muster. She's being incredibly patient about the whole thing and the fact she's got a medic and Tom in her face. It's not like she wanted to get shot, but it what the armor was for, what she was for. Damn thing hurt like a bitch, but at least it went all the way through. At least the military kept her up to date on all her shots. Tetanus on top of everything else happening would just make her mood worse.
He's holding her hand and squeezing hard enough she can notice it through the gauntlet. The error codes her HUD hasn't stopped throwing in her face now subside as the Mjolnir's sensors on her palms read his touch and read out to his IFF tag. They both look and feel like shit, but that makes sense. It's been months with very little progress. No word about anyone else. What is happening out there on the other fragments of this damn Halo?
Thinking about it soured her already dismal mood. Her adrenaline keeps fading and she grimaces at the mess of her shoulder. Missed shot. She huffs a laugh and explains to a bewildered Tom, "Don't let Halsey see, or she'll offer to make us match."
"You're joking? I guess I should be happy about that." He sighs and rubs at his temples. His smile dies a quick death on his face as he looks her over again.
She and the medic attending the weeping wound in her shoulder both side eye the captain who's looking a bit green as he eyes her in return. Well, her wound and the spike round lodged into the rock behind her.
Tom opens his mouth to argue, his bloodshot eyes meeting hers, but the medic finishes taping her and immobilizing her left arm before he can. They spout off basic care. Keep it clean, keep it dry, do not try to poke it - typical instructions for a S-IV. They nod and leave the commander and captain locked in a silent conversation.
When the medic is far enough away, Sarah beats him to the punch. "I know you're freaking out, but I've had worse."
"That doesn't help and you know it."
"You're concerned over nothing. We're built to take hits. It's most cauterized anyway." She's losing ground in the argument and she knows it. She used to silence his worries and deal with the puppy eyes he'd use instead of words. Now he's hovering and he won't stop talking. "Help me eat my lunch and I'll tell you how I saved an Admiral from a Chieftain and only got hit twice by someone not even in the fight."
She scowls. If she had more energy she'd be pissed off, but these days it was harder and harder to hold onto anything that wasn't anger or revenge. Spite had fueled her a long time, but now there was hardly anything left. She and the armor had been running on empty. Her HUD squawks warnings and overdue updates. "I'm fine."
"You're not fine!" Tom bellows and it shocks her into silence. "Don't say it is. Don't lie. You know I can hear the warning, I can see you limping when the armor locks up. It's unpredictable but this all ends the same way."
He deflates, hand still locked in hers. "I hate seeing you in it and thinking about how it's going to be your coffin."
"Is that all?" She asks. Her voice only catches in her throat on the last word.
Tom's jaw flexes and he swallows hard. He's a mess. She can't really talk, but at least she's keeping up appearances.
"Then we do something about it. Like we always do." She pulls him closer, good arm wrapped over his shoulders. "Pry me out of the tin can and keep moving."
"Just like that?"
"Just like that."
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silvercrane14 · 11 days
Hello all!
Unfortunately due to family things it seems I will be unable to continue my pride month event for the foreseeable future! However, I will answer any asks left over whenever I have the time. I just won't be able to post a drawing per day. I hope you all understand and aren't too upset.
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lacheri · 2 years
Hey uuuuuuuuh can I get uuuuuuuuuuh... Number 34 with a side of Levi please? iluthankiesmwah
i'm half asleep posting this but this was too fucking cute to not hop on IMMEDIATELY
cw: a whole lot of cussing and a whole lot of fluff, i'm clawing at the walls screaming "when", minors/ageless blog dni
wc: 900+
prompt event: open until sunday 12/11!
34. why are you so cold?
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You are truly fucking evil, Levi thinks. You must be some kind of sadistic devil, purely and irrefutably cruel and wicked. You must have planned this, plotted and schemed this treachery — traitor, you fucking traitor.
It’s the dead middle of winter, the temperature unyieldingly frigid despite the thick insulation of walls that surround the two of you. It’s almost his birthday for fuck’s sake, and yet here you are, slumbering away on his bed with every square inch of his comforter, without a single drop of sympathy. The plush edges are tucked so tightly under you, so compacted, you’ve managed to spin yourself a cocoon of warmth, leaving Levi to brave the harsh cold all by himself.
And the thing is you were so sweet before you fell asleep. Lurring Levi into bed with those eyes of yours, (the big, puppy dog ones, the kind you only use when you’re laying it on extra thick. As if Levi isn’t going to jump at any opportunity you present him to please you. Ridiculous.) pouting and asking so delicately — can we cuddle? Please Levi?
Nestling yourself right up against his side, throwing your arms over his waist, peppering kisses into his goddamn neck, you created the perfect storm. Get him all soft and sleepy, putty in your claws, melting at the attention, just to tear the illusion of security to shreds.
Yeah, you planned this. You had to, you fucking thief.
Levi’s eyes narrow into slits. He had awakened to the realization he was covered in goosebumps, teeth chattering in his sleep. And you, you were the reason as to why. 
He wonders if you’re as comfy and content as you look. The sun is probably pissed off somewhere in the sky wondering where all the heat on Earth is coming from. Little does the sun know it’s coming from the most unassuming source, Levi’s double crosser of a girlfriend.
He should teach you a lesson. He should rip that blanket right out from under you and encase himself in its snugness and spare absolutely none of it to your shivering form. If you want to be greedy, he’ll match your selfishness so quickly it’ll make your head spin.
But as Levi reaches for his revenge, the fabric gripped in a fist, he goes rigid.
Because you’re fucking purring. You’re sighing happily, a sweet noise of comfort squeaking it’s way out of your sleeping throat, and suddenly Levi feels as if he was about to kick a puppy.
Evil, he repeats. You’re evil.
His fingers relax against the blanket, and he groans, berating himself for being such a softie. 
His eyes linger on your face, or at least what he can see of it. The comforter rests right under your nose, obstructing a clear view of your expression, but he imagines you’re probably smiling. And why wouldn’t you be? So safe and warm, wrapped up in his only blanket, surrounded entirely by the scent of him. He thinks you breathe a little deeper upon that thought just to spite him.
The anger that flooded his veins only moments ago dissipates into nothing. Instead the vengeful hand that only meant to bring you suffering smoothes over your forehead, drawing patterns over your temple. You hum, pushing your head further into his touch, and suddenly Levi can’t remember why he was ever angry in the first place.
Probably survival instinct, he thinks. That’s the only reason you stole all the blankets. Your body is just trying to bare the cold.
Besides, if you really were evil, how could you be so cute? And god fucking dammit you are cute. Angelic, even, with the way you look so peaceful and docile and fuck — he can’t take that away from you.
So Levi sucks it up, sinks down into the mattress, and huffs up at the ceiling. He’ll fall back asleep eventually, he surmises. That or his body will shut down due to the cold, whatever happens first.
As he tries his best to get comfortable, shimmying closer to your radiating heat, you stir. He swears under his breath for inconveniencing your tranquility, and loathes himself entirely when your eyelids flutter.
“Levi?” you slur. “What’re doing?”
“Go back to sleep.” His voice sounds rough, the chill makes his teeth rattle when he speaks. 
“C’mere,” you pout, untangling yourself from under all the tucked in edges. You lift the comforter, silently inviting him to join you.
A savior, that’s what you are. You’re kind, merciful, and thoughtful.
Levi sighs out a, “Thank fuck”, and eagerly accepts your summoning. When he situates himself in the gracious embrace of your warmth, he lets out another sigh of relief. He’s still shivering, but it’s calmed since he’s slotted himself next to you. 
As he finishes his settling, his hand comes to rest on your waist, and you jolt backwards with a hiss.
“Levi?” you ask, sleep still thick and syrupy on your tongue. He hums in response, already lost in the temptation of a subconscious state. “Why are you so cold?”
Suddenly, Levi is wide awake. He laughs, hard and muffled with his face pressed into the pillow beneath his head.  
“Don’t worry about it,” he says after his laughter dies down, though your confusion grows. “Go back to sleep.”
And then you’re back to purring, and Levi’s back to calling you a devil, but only because you’re just too sinfully sweet and his poor heart can’t handle it. 
Yeah. You definitely planned this.
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LACHERI © 2022: all writing content belongs to LACHERI. I do not allow reposts or translations.
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boonesfarmsangria · 2 months
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reegis · 9 months
Absolutely feral over your mechs as rats. They’re so chonky and must be squished and held.
Thank for you blessing mine eyes
THANK YOU!!! i actually used to have rats, so all inspo credit goes to them… please have some pictures of my girl 🤲🏻
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Hiiii Magggie :]]]
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