#so no head? *smashes phone* *breaks skateboard*
bignostalgias · 1 year
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white winter hymnal au sketches. I don’t know
mixing the lyrics “with scarves of red tied ‘round their throats / to keep their little heads from falling in the snow” with The Green Ribbon (In a Dark, Dark Room) and Princess Mononoke’s Forest Spirit in a big pot and simmering until cooked
comic under cut
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kkoffin · 25 days
Not to be that insane feminist but the “so no head?” vine was actually. Very scary. and not funny. It’s a man getting extremely violent because he was denied sexual services from a woman. Look at his violent actions, the smashing the phone and breaking the skateboard - imagine what he would have done to the woman, had she been there, in front of him. He would have hit her. Undoubtedly.
That’s a video of a physically abusive and violent man breaking things out of rage because he’s denied oral from his girlfriend. That’s. Actually not very funny. Sorry.
It’s crazy that these kinds of things become funny memes and references to make when if you think about it from the woman’s perspective, as a woman, it’s a nightmare. Imagine being that woman and watching everyone laugh and reference the video of your partner doing that when you deny him sex.
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Modern AU where there are books based on what happened to them like in Supernatural (you're not supposed to take this seriously, it's a humerous take):
Robin: *shrieks* Steeeve!
Steve: *drops everything and runs into the living room of their shared apartment* What?
Robin: I'm reading online, and these people are shipping me with Nancy!
Steve: You mean my ex-girlfriend Nancy? The one who I was maddeningly in love with and who I once pictured being a stay at home dad for while she took the world by storm? That Nancy? I'm no longer in love with her, so if you did want to -
Eddie: *popping his head in* I've met Nance, so I don't blame you for once being in love with her. Hey, why are we talking about Nancy?
Robin: They're shipping me with Nance online.
Eddie: Is it possible to unhear something? Don't they know you're into blondes and redheads?
Robin: They did not get the memo. *scowls* They hate Vickie. For no reason other than the fact they're we are too much alike. I love that! We never run out of things to talk about! I love to talk! I love you, Steve, but we have to have some boundaries.
Steve: Well, if things don't work out with Vickie and you did want to date Nancy, I wouldn't have a problem with it. I just want you to be happy.
Robin: Aww. That's the biggest load of crap that I've ever heard you come with for me. *calls Vickie and puts her on speakerphone* Hey, babe.
Vickie: If you're calling me to tell me that you're leaving me for Nance, I understand. I just want you to be happy.
Robin: Oh, boy. You're hanging out with Steve too much. By the way, if we ever break up and that's a big if, and you date Steve, I'll be devastated.
Vickie: *gasps* I would never! That's a huge boundary to cross. I would never do that to you or to Eddie.
Eddie: Thanks, babe!
Steve and Robin: Don't call her babe!
Robin: See, you would have a problem with it.
Steve: Yeah, but I would just bury it deep, deep down, and let it fester just to make you happy.
Robin: Aw, babe, that's really unhealthy. It's okay not to be okay with something.
Steve phone rings. It's Nancy. He puts it on speakerphone.
Nancy: They're shipping me with your platonic soulmate, Steve! Don't they know that I cheated on you with Jonathan?!
Robin: Yeah, there's a whole Ross and Rachel, "we were on a break" thing about it online. Some people don't think you broke up, and some people think you did.
Nancy: We just called each other bullshit!
Vickie: *sniggers* Guys, shipping is supposed to be a fun, not so serious thing. It doesn't have to mean anything.
Nancy: This does not feel very fun. I would never get in the way of two best friends. No, offense, Robin, but you're not my type. I just broke up with Jonathan so I could focus on my career. Why can't I be single for once?
Robin: There's nothing wrong with being a strong, independent, career driven woman!
Vickie: *gasps* Oh, no. You guys should not see who they ship Steve with.
Robin: *scrolls through Tumblr and gasps* Oh, babe, you have it way worse.
Steve: *looks at her phone and shrieks* Billy?! The same racist who nearly killed me and smashed a plate over my head?! The same guy who threatened to run over the kids? Who broke Max's skateboard? The same guy who made Max feel too scared to go to sleep at night? That Billy?!!
Eddie: Stevie. . .do you want to live off the grid and escape the internet?
Steve: How would we stay in contact with people?
Eddie: Birds, baby, we'll train them to send messages.
Robin: Oh, hey, I found a fic where you're being railed by Hopper, Steve.
Steve: *shrieks* My dad?!
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brattylovexo · 11 months
So no head? (Breaks skateboard and smashes phone)
But head?
0 notes
Parah: So no head?
Parah: *Smashes the phone she stole before jumping and breaking someone's skateboard*
0 notes
lou-lj · 2 years
Hi! Could you do a imagine/blurb of reader Max’s gf defending Max when people at school find out that Max likes girls? Thank you so much! - N
As long as your save
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Max Mayfield x fem reader
A/N: ok this is my first request so I’m a little nervous but I hope it turned out the way you warntet it to ;)
Summary: People find out that Max likes girls but gladly you’re there to save the day
Warnings: Homophobia/ (a little) Fighting/Blood
It was a Thursday morning, just like every other you had school and were supposed to meet up with your girlfriend, Max Mayfield in front of the entrance. Problem was, she was no where to be found. Maybe she was sick? She would have called you, but just to be sure you got to the phone outside the building.
Pushing some coins in, while looking nervously around, you dialed her number and waited for someone to pic up. It took a little and her mother answered. “Hello?” “Hello, this is Y/n I’m sorry to disturb you, but is Max at home just can’t seem to find her but maybe she’s just already in class.” “No Max went to school, I’m sure you’ll find her inside.” “Ok thanks, see you later.” “Bye” you hung up and looked around the parking lot again. Students began to walk inside, due to the classes starting in a few minutes.
Maybe she went to the toilet? You basically ran to the toilets but it seemed as no one was there. Some girls got outside as you walked in. Only the last cabinet was taken. You could hear quiet sniffles and when you bent over to look under the door, you saw the red vans of your girlfriend. Exhaling a breath you didn’t know you where holding, you stepped to the door. “Hey, Max, it’s me. Wanna open the door?” The door opened immediately revealing Max with tears streaming down her cheeks. You got in the stall and hugged her. Her face quickly buried itself into the your neck and her hands clenched on your shirt. You soothingly caressed her hair. And whispered some reassuring words, to calm her down.
“What happened love?” Her head liftet from your shoulder. And the worry in her eyes made you nervous. “They found out, they know that I like-“ another heart wrenching sob escaped her mouth. “Did they do anything to you?” You locked eyes with her and waited for her answer. “No, they they said some shit and took my skateboard.” You where furious, no one insults Max on your watch. “Let’s skip the first two periods and in lunch break I have a little chat with them, get your board back, ok?” She nodded but was definitely unsure about the whole situation.
“They are back there, but don’t do anything stupid please.” She pointed at the table with a few guys one year older that you. “Sure” you said already walking over to them. Stopping at their table, they looked up to you confused “Give me the board.” You said coldly to the one who had it laying next to him. They looked surprised “Is she your little girlfriend or what?” He snickered, while you rolled your eyes at his childish behavior. “You like to bully girls that are younger than you? Afraid others will kick your ass?” You saw how the smile got whipped off his face. He stood up and swung the board onto the ground breaking it in half. You picked it up as he knelt next to you. “Have fun with it and your little gay friend. Did you know she’s one of those people? Disgusting right? It’s-“ before he could continue to speak you smashed the skateboard against his head knocking him to the ground. You threw it away and started to punch him while he looked up at you with shook. Blood came out of his nose and his lip was smeared with some too.
A teacher got you off him “Miss Y/l/n what do you think your doing?!” Her shill vice echoed through the lunch hall. Max came running to you, pushing her way through the people standing near by. “Y/n!”
Next thing you remember is sitting in front of the principal, the boy next to you. “I am very disappointed. Both your parents are already informed. You,” he pointed at the boy, “get detention. And you,” now directing his eyes to me, “You get expelled for five days. Think about what you did.” You nodded slowly. “You’re dismissed. Your parents need to sign this and tell them I want to see them tomorrow.” He said to you giving you a formula.
As soon as he finished you stood up and got out of the building. Max was already waiting for you. “My moms at work, let’s go to my place.” She said while hugging you. “I was so worried for you, don’t do that again!” She scolded you, hitting your shoulder lightly. “I’m sorry about the board.” She huffed, inspecting your bloody knuckles “I don’t care about the damn skateboard, as long as your ok.”
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Spare time
So obviously the turtles can't train 24/7 (no not even Leo) so this is what I assume they would keep busy with
Has his free time planned into a schedule
Always keeps busy
Would make time for you but if you don't see him on a regular basis you'd have to let him know up front
Not that he'd just leave you alone to do whatever he had planned if you come to the lair unexpected, but he'd have to completely change his schedule again
Likes to meditate with his dad sometimes
He's definitely read spaceheroes fanfictions or headcanons like the geek he is
Also likes writing them but he's not very good at it so he keeps them unpublished
Likes baking (under supervision)
When he's bored
Watches spaceheroes again
Endless scrolling through tiktok
Rearranges the furniture in his room
Would probably do chores and secretly enjoys folding laundry
Takes a shower or does other forms of self-care
Watches movies or series
Likes to just listen to music and do nothing once in a while
Plays his drumset
He'll go outside for a walk
Or to smash things
Or both
Most of the time he'll go see if Casey is free to join in on smashing things
Also enjoys playing games like gtaV
Likes building or fixing things around the house, like broken paper screens
Makes a little woodsculpture once in a while
So far he has made a bear, a wolf, an owl, a squirrel, one of those old cars, a spoon, and a turtle ofcourse
When he's bored
Tries to do trick shots
Looks up "how to not be bored" and does whatever it says
Bored eating
Plays some game on his phone that he downloaded from an ad
Likes to code or build things
Endlessly researching whatever he's currently interested in
Sketching new inventions
Likes to just stare at a wall and think
Makes plans for events that will probably never happen, like how to take over the world or how he would break out of prison
When he's bored
Online shopping
Would clean and organise his lab
Asks his brothers for broken trinkets to fix
Or let's Leo touch the toaster if there's nothing else to fix
Takes a nap
Reads a few chapters of a book he started and never finished
Looks up complicated math equations and sees if he can solve them
Loves to play video games like Mario kart and some other games on his DS
Goes skateboarding
Sometimes he goes on Omegle (without being on screen obviously) and talks to strangers and makes new friends
Likes to practice his sweet dance moves and maybe learn some new ones
Really likes painting and usually makes a huge mess
Likes to cook (dinner) or make lunch for everyone
When he's bored
Prepares pranks
Does things like balance the light switch or see how many of *insert thing* he can stack
Just walks around the lair
Tries on some of the clothes he has
Just like Raph, he's a bored eater
Leo just likes to go see what his brothers are doing and sit with them for a while, even if he's not bored
Mikey, Donnie and Leo like to draw and color together
Raph sometimes joins them but not always
Raph and Mikey like to just wrestle for fun and Raph and Leo like to spar once in a while
Raph and Leo play card games together
Donnie likes to prepare chemistry experiments and show them to Mikey and explain the science behind it, though Mikey is mostly there for the sparks and explosions
Donnie sometimes let's Mikey make a drawing or idea for an invention that Donnie will then try to make reality
Raph and Mikey will go play pranks on the poor people on the streets of New York
Raph and Mikey also like to read and discuss comics together
Donnie and Raph like to take on fixing large things together, like fixing the shell raiser or maybe even renovate the house
Donnie and Raph also like to watch a series together once in a while
Leo and Donnie like to have discussions about anything and everything. When they disagree about things, a lot of the time it's head against heart, but they both appreciate that the other has a different point of view
Mikey joins them sometimes, but he always ends up with saying things like "okay, but what if the zombi-apocolypse would happen at that moment though" as an counterargument
Leo also likes to help Donnie out with his inventions (because sometimes you just need one person to hold something in place, while the other puts in the screws) while Donnie will often talk about how he feels about April
Leo and Mikey like to do creative things together and like to also take that as a moment to check in on how the other one is doing
They would all play boardgames together and play Mazes&Mutants
They'd definitely also do a lot of less wholesome sibling things when they're bored but that my friends is a post for another day...
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honeypirate · 3 years
How do you feel about kissing?
Featuring the haikyuu boys! Just some of them though lmao
Asking your best friend (Noya, Asahi, Ushijima, Tendou, Kuroo, Bokuto) how they feel about kissing
Reader is fem
His head was on your stomach as you played with his hair laying in the sunshine during lunch. A thing you normally did in the summertime for the last how many years you’ve known him. “Noya” you say softly, watching the clouds go by. He has his eyes closed but he responds “whats up?” he says sleepily and you twist his blonde patch around your finger “how do you feel about kissing?” you ask and his eyes pop open, staring up at the sky before he sits up and turns around to look at you “do you wanna kiss me?” he asks seriously and your cheeks flush, you cover your cheeks with your hands as you turn away slightly “maybe” you whisper and he laughs “OH BOY Tanaka is NOT going to believe this!” he says with a clap and you scowl at him making him chuckle “no no no, because he thought i’d have to confess to you first! He didnt think you felt the same! Now come, come here pretty girl. come here my girl let me kiss you finally! my pretty girl!” he starts to crawl over to you and you giggle trying to stand to run but he lunges and pushes you gently to your back on the sun warmed grass getouas he smiles down at you “I feel like kissing you, to answer your question” he says and then his lips are pressed to yours, kissing you like it’s the last time he’ll ever be able to.
You clear your throat, the sound drowned out by screaming from within the gym, Hinata and Kageyama going at it again. You took Asahi outside for some air after practice ended and were now sitting on the steps to the club house looking at the stars for a moment. “So, uhm” you lean back on your elbows on a higher step “Asahi?” you ask and he hums in response “what do you think about… kissing?” you ask and he tenses. Holding his breath as he debates if he heard you right, when he turns to make eye contact he realizes he did in fact hear you right. “In general? Or.. or” he clears his throat “or with you?” his palms begin to sweat and he rubs them against his shorts. You laugh awkwardly “can i choose.. Both?” you ask quietly as you sit up straight again,
“W-well.” he takes a shaky breath “in general, i find kissing to be gross if i have to say watch someone else make out at school. B-b-but with you,” his voice gets softer “i think i’d really enjoy that” he turns to look at you and you brush your fingers across his cheek that was warm from practice and from blushing. “I think i would really enjoy kissing you too” he laughs softly, shaky from his nerves as he reaches out to cup your cheek, leaning in and closing the distance, softly pressing his lips to yours. He goes to pull away a little too soon for you liking so you whine and and lean with him, smashing your lips to his again as you try to memorize the feeling of his soft lips against yours.
“Can i ask you something Ushi?” you ask as you walk him to practice in the early morning. He’s been your best friend and neighbor for years so when you went to the same high school and had practice in the morning, it made sense that you traveled together, plus he said he wanted to make sure you were safe on the train. “You know you can ask me anything.” he states and you laugh awkwardly “yes i guess you're right” you stop when you reach his gym and he looks down at you, straight faced as always. You take a deep breath and steel your nerves “how do you feel about.. Kissing?” you ask and he stares at you for a few moments, blinking and not saying anything. You figured he was thinking so you just waited, “I think that kissing is fine in a relationship but i wouldnt know much since i havent kissed anyone before. Ask Tendou he’ll know more about it” he turns to go get Tendou but before he can bring him back to talk to you, you were gone. Ran off to your own volleyball practice feeling like a complete failure.
“Oh you poor innocent boy. She was asking you that..” Tendou grabs Ushijma by his cheeks and leans in close “BECAUSE SHE WANTS TO KISS YOU” he drops his face and laughs “she was asking, how do you feel about kissing HER?” Ushijima is silent for several minutes until at last he mutters out an “oh.”
You wait by the gate like always, your practice always getting out earlier than his. You’re messing around on your phone, setting a new ringtone, when he appears beside you. “Do you want to kiss me?” he asks and you gasp, chucking your phone into the air. “Ushijima!” you shout and he catches your phone from the air “do you?” you feel your face flush as he hands you back your phone “why do you ask?” your voice a few octaves higher from being nervous. “Tendou said you asked me about kissing earlier because you want to kiss me” he says and you laugh awkwardly, rocking on your toes as you scratch behind your neck “if i say he’s right will that ruin our friendship?” you ask as you look at his feet and he responds by cupping your cheeks and leaning down close “I’m gonna kiss you now” he says and waits for you to accept or reject him and you gasp and nod in his hands, eyes fluttering closed as his soft warm lips press against yours, sending fireworks down your spine.
2am runs to the 24 hr gas station were a regular occurrence. You held a cherry laffy taffy in one hand and a blue slush in the other, the colors turning your tongue purple. Tendou had an apple sucker in his mouth and a cherry slushy in his hand. You finish your candy by the time you reach the park and you throw the wrapper in the trash by the entrance. You pick up your skateboard and hold it under your arm as you two walk to the top of the hill.
You sit on the bench at the top and he sits beside you, your board on the ground under your feet as you roll it softly side to side. Tendou kicks your feet and scoots closer, his thigh pressing into yours as he puts his feet beside yours, rocking side to side with you as you sit. You lean into him and sigh, your tongue was numb from your slush and your fingers were frozen, he wrapped one of his arms around you and you shivered into his warmth.
This all was normal, it happened all the time. But it still made your heart feel special, god how you wanted to kiss him.
“Satori?” you ask softly and he hums “whats up doll?” he responds over the straw he’s chewing “how do you feel about kissing?” you ask as you use the end of the straw to spoon some slush in your mouth. His head turns swiftly to look at yours and you act cool, eating your slush and being totally normal. He leans in slowly, getting closer to your face with a serious expression trying to make you break but you were used to this, you knew him. You gasped when his frozen tongue licks a stripe up your cheek “ugh you child! I should kick you off my bench!” he laughs and wraps both of his arms around you and rocks side to side “no wait don’t kick me off! Im sorry! I’ll answer your question if you answer mine!” you groan “fine! What’s your question? Just stop shaking me!” he laughs and relaxes his hold, looking down at you with a goofy grin “are you asking me this because you want me to kiss you?” he asks seriously but the little grin he had made you worry he was going to make fun of you.
your eyes grow wide and you clear your throat, suddenly self conscious and feeling stupid “I!- uh maybe yeah I was but sheesh” you try and scoot away from him, laughing awkwardly “that was stupid huh yeah. Stupid” you mumble but he wont let you scoot away “hey” he says softly and you pause to look up at him, his goofiness gone and replaced by softness you rarely got to see “you’re not stupid, pretty girl. You’re very smart.” he says and cups your cheek “i like kissing. I havent kissed anyone in a very long time” he coughs “Second grade” coughs again and you laugh, remembering that day in second grade when your best friend at the time dared him to kiss her so he kissed you instead. “I’ve been waiting, hoping, you'd want to kiss me again” he whispers as his face comes closer to yours, you hold your breath as he leans down, almost 100%, leaving just a sliver of space between you.
“You like me. How embarrassing for you” you tease and make him laugh “i love you. How embarrassing is that?” he mumbles, his lips barely brushing yours and you sigh “as embarrassing as me loving you” you say and his lips crash against yours, his tongue tasted like cherries and it mixed with your berry perfectly.
“KuRRooOoo” you yell sing as you walk into the empty gym, “Y/N” He shouts back as he exits the supply closet, having just finished cleaning up, the rest of the boys already in the showers.”walk me home?” you ask with a smile and he nods “of course, meet me by the gates in ten minutes” you nod and wink at him before leaving the gym, heading back to the class room you were studying in to gather your things.
“There you are beautiful” he says when he walks up and you kick your feet on the side of the wall “can you help me down hot stuff?” you ask and he nods, coming over with his hands out.
You were just friends, that's what you said when anyone asked. She’s just a friend! Is what Kuroo tried to convince Kenma. You just call each other nice things! It’s normal. But when he places his hands on your thighs, slowly running them up until they land on your hips, you think it’s a hint about his deeper feelings.
“Hop down” he says and you blush with a grin not moving. you instead move your knees farther apart, wrapping them around his waist. He raises his eyebrows and you grab his hands, moving them back down to your thighs so you can softly runs your fingers against his “how do you feel,,, about kissing?” you ask and cock your head, your hair falling over your shoulder as you looked up at him with innocent eyes.
“How do I? Feel?” he asks and you chuckles “how do i feel about kissing?” he asks again, you laugh out loud before cupping his cheeks and looking him in the eye, bringing his face close “Tetsuro” you whisper demandingly “answer” he blushes and swallows, his popular guy persona draining from his bones “i like kissing. I like you” he whispers out quickly with a nervous chuckle and you beam at him, your smile spreading as you wrap your arms around his neck “i like you too” you whisper and give him a small peck causing him to gasp before he chuckles and wraps his arms around your waist, the wall the perfect height to lean in and press his lips to yours, feeling his smile against your lips as you kiss him back.
“Hey Bo! How do you feel about kissing?” you asked as you leaned over to his desk “kissing is great why?” you booped his nose “just curious” you went back to your desk beside him and he looked at you for a long moment, why did you ask him that?
The rest of the day passed by slower than ever for Bokuto, he sat inside his head, overthinking why you asked him about kissing and at the end of the day, the end of a terrible practice, he had convinced himself that you wanted to kiss someone else and he’d never get to kiss you himself.
“baby Bo what happened?” you ask as you walk up to him in the hallway, he was holding the straps of his backpack as he looked to the ground “nothing. I’m fine” he said quietly, avoiding your eyes. You walk up to him and take his hands, wrapping them around your waist as you pulled him into a hug “tell me Kou” you whispered and he sighed into your hold “long day, shitty practice, just too in my head today” he whispers and you run your fingers through his still damp from his shower hair. “What happened to put you in your head? You were so shiny this morning” you ask and rub circles on his back, the people in the hallway have all but disappeared now, heading home like you will be soon.
“You’ll think im dumb” he whispers and you shake your head “never Kou, I promise.” he sighs and stands up from your hug and sighs again, rubbing his face with his hands “i thought your question about kissing means you want to kiss a lot of people” you take a beat to think of why that could make him sad and you smile softly, taking his hands in yours “and why did that make you sad?” you ask in a hushed tone and his cheeks flush “i dont want you to want to kiss everyone but me” he mumbles out with furrowed brows and a pout. You laugh and cup his cheeks “oh Kou, i ONLY want to kiss you” you say and watch as his eyes go from confusion to recognition to bright and bubbly bokuto again “HEY HEY HEY” he shouts and you laugh “i knew i had it in me” he says slightly cockily and you keep laughing as you hug him, burying your face in his chest. “I don't want to make you sad Bo, talk to me if you ever get sad because of me okay?” you cup his cheeks seriously and he nods “from now on, i promise” he says before he leans down and presses his lips to yours
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samikozume-todoroki · 4 years
Warning: straight crack
Masterlist | Request rules | Gen. Taglist
Wildchild memelord reader meeting the guys for the first time and love at first sight:
Bakugou Katsuki:
You bump into him
Boom boom, fingy explosions, boom boom
Gets in yo face
Not in the sexy way tho😔✊
You back up slightly
“I have a thick skin but dude you are scary scary”
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Does that cute confused thing^
Like no one has said that straight to his face, and not with such nonchalance either
He respects it
But he’s still confused
“Also sir please get outta my bubble, I mean I don’t mind a hot guy getting all up in my space but like consent is sexc ya feel?”
You’re an idiot.
Katsuki likes idiots (bakusqaud cough)
“And that’s how your father met me kids😌💅✨”
“Y/n I’m older than you”
“Kiri shut up, don’t ruin the story of mom and dad meeting🥺”
Todoroki Shouto:
You come up to him after the sports festival
“Ay yo! That’s the ice zuko!”
Ice zuko??? What’s a zuko???
You grab his hands in that whole “I’m praying with/for you” position
“I believe in your redemption arc!! You got this Ice zuko!!”
“My name is shouto todoroki??? What’s a zuko???”
He ends up in some random strangers, yours, house binging Avatar the next few days.
and that’s the story of how you met your future hubby
and how y’all went to comic-con in Zuko and Mai cosplay
and how your three kids were named
“Alright Zuko, Aang, and Iroh let’s go to bed”
“I can’t believe you named your kids that”
“Shut up Midoriya, when you meet the love of your life through a show then you can talk”
Kirishima Eijirou:
You bumped into him at the mall
And fell into the fountain
He helped you out apologizing
“Ya know, I don’t think this is how you get a girl wet sir”
“Agsjsghsjs w-w-whAt”
*voice crack bAybEE*
“Ya I mean usually you take her out to dinner or y’all watch a movie then you lure her to the bed-“
“I mean that’s how it goes in all the wattpad lemons hm. Not gonna lie tho, the view of you-“
Licks lips
“Is all I need”
Kirishima_Eijirou.exe stopped working
Wait or Restart?
“Yes he will gladly take your number”
Bless Kaminari, after hyena cackling his ass off, he stepped in
A true bro😔✊
“And that is how I seduced your future son-in-law!”
“Y/n we talked about this- get better pickup lines cmon your game is weak”
“And Kirishima honey, I’m disappointed in your pick up line tolerance”
Midoriya Izuku:
You fell from the sky
Well not really you just crashed through the ceiling
Landing on top of deku your dazed face looks into his eyes
“Damn I must’ve crashed into hell because you’re fucking hot”
Izuku is blushing yes but he’s also out of it cause he knocked his head
“Then baby there’s no way you’re an angel cause you’re dripping sin”
I made that up on the spot and I am proud, wow my own talent astonishes me🤩
“I may be an angel, but I will gladly sin for you”
You both are two inches away from a heated makeout session but-
Cough cough
“Dudes the whole class is still here”
Izuku finally snaps out of it and promptly faints in shock
Meanwhile you’re mad cause
NO HEAD?! *throws phone, jumps and snaps a skateboard*
Doodling you number on Izukus forehead you skip out of the classroom and back upstairs
“And that’s how we met Miss Midoriya!”
“Izuku you’re all grown up”😭
“Mom whAT-“
Kaminari Denki:
This motherfucker also has wild child memelord energy
And wild children meme lords attract
Like put some meme lords in a mile radius of the other and they will sniff each other out eventually
So your first day of UA you run into the class in the middle of English
Point straight at Denki, him out of his seat pointing straight at you
“Shawty let me suckle on them toes”😫
“Only if you allow me to break your ankles and put you in a skirt cause you remind me of my mom”😫
“BRO! FEEL free! Please lure me into your basement!!”😫😫
“I ain’t paid enough for this bullshit” present mic leaves the classroom💀
“And that’s how the mafia works”🤩✨
“Dad you literally told us how y’all met where did mafia come from?”
“Denki we raised a wack ass kid wtf”
“Ikr like who put the stick up his ass”
“Parentals I’m literally right here how are you guys adults I cannot-“
Shinsou Hitoshi:
So like everyone knows he loves cats right???
All of UA knows too
“Hola cat boy! Can you do me a favor???”
You walk up to him in a cat costume
Not one of the skimpy ones
Like a full on cat in the hat onesie type deal
“I didn’t know cat in the hat went to UA?”
“I heard ya like cats, and I need you, so I am a cat
I am now irresistible you have to do as I say”
“You would have had better luck if you wore a skimpy cat costume but I’ll hear you out. What do ya want?”
“Okay right so this dickwad decided “yo let’s take panty shots of random girls”
and I’m one of them
and like he took the picture with one of my comfty panties
so the picture isn’t even cute
and I want it back but he won’t give it to me
so like can you do your whole Jedi mind trick and get me the photo back???”
“Lmao,,, what???”
“So you get sexually harassed and you’re more upset by the fact that you weren’t wearing cute panties???”
“When you put it like that it sounds bad”
“That’s because it is bad”
“Oh yeah now that you put it like that it is bad. Can you fuck up his shit too???”
Mans beats the fucker up black and blue, shreds all the photos, destroys the camera, memory stick thingy, deletes all gmail account data then the account, destroys laptop, computer, hard drives, phones, 3DS, etc. etc. thoroughly
“Wow when you smashed his 3DS in his balls that was very hot”
Make out session over a half dead body: check 💯✅
“And that was how I prevented a man from having kids”🥰
“God you’re so hot, I could fu-“
“Y/n. We are literally in public with all of our friends. Stop being horny”
“I can’t help it you’re so hot yummy yummy man🤩”
A/n: LMAO I’m rereading this after waking up. I wrote this ten minutes before I went to sleep and it shows cause my god this is a hot mess💀
Tagged: @mssyprsn
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billboooo · 2 years
the one that goes “so no head?” and the guy smashes his phone and breaks the skateboard? yeah that one
LMFAOO yeah that's exactly me right now, babe ☹️ /s
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jeonsblackgf-writes · 4 years
ONE PLUS ONE || 2 ||
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✨Summary: Trials and tribulations of Vinnie and his gf
✨pairing: Vinnie Hacker x black!OC
✨genre: agnst, just a little bit tho, but it’s fluff at the end
✨word count: 1.6k
I really like this so I may make it into a little mini series.
Rhey's heart dropped as she started at Vinnie with wide eyes. He only sighed and ran his hand through this curly hair. Those words that came out of his mouth put her in a bad position, and she didn't know how to react to it. She was scared.
Vinnie was her entire life and the thought of him leaving made her feel some type of way. Anytime she left the country or state to tour, he was always with her. He never missed one tour. It's hard to be away from your significant other for a certain amount of time if you were always around them before. It's like a fish without having water, she couldn't survive. With her being a huge star like Billie and Ariana Grande, it was hard to find a steady foundation in her life when Vinnie wasn't around her.
".....Are you gonna accept it?" She asked quietly after a moment of silence, fiddling with her fingers, something she did when she got sad or anxious. Vinnie shrugged his shoulders.
"If I accept the offer...I have to move. I'm gonna accept it. This is huge for me,"
Rhey's heart stopped, "Are you fucking kidding me Vincent? You weren't gonna take it up with me first?"
"Why would I? I can make decisions like this on my own!"
"Vinnie, I don't want to sound selfish, but your life is here, you can't just leave. I mean what does that mean for us if you end up leaving?" She asked, getting right to the point.
Vinnie knew she was right but it still hurt that she made it seem like she wasn't going to support him during his decision making.
"What do you mean I can't leave? Your my girlfriend not my mom, I expect you to at least be happy for me, but you can't even do that! I made sacrifices for you, do the same for me for once!" He argued, raising his voice in the process. 
"What sacrifices have you made for me other than the fact that you moved away from you and your friends old house which is 30 minutes away, to this fucking villa that WE BOTH picked out together! Please let me the fuck know!"
"All those times I've went on tour with you and I had everyone here with the United fucking States! That's one sacrifice! When you were sick so I had to cancel doing a video with James! That's two!"
"NOBODY TOLD YOU TO FUCKING COME WITH ME! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO ASKED! AND LETS NOT FORGET THAT I TOLD YOU NOT TO CANCEL AND YOU DID ANYWAY! THOSE WERE SACRIFICES YOU TOOK!" She screaming, pointing her acryliced index finger at him. He huffed and ran a hand through his hair.
"What's the point of us being together if you aren't gonna compromise. Addison sacrifices for Bryce all the time." He tried explaining, but all it did was make her even more confused.
"Please do not bring up that racist bitch in my household. I'm fine with all of your friends girlfriends EXCEPT her and Dixie and besides, she has the brain capacity of a fucking roach of course she's gonna compromise with him! You joined the Hype House and your mouth been getting real fucking reckless Vincent."
"Well...what are we gonna do then?" He asked quietly. He knew that if he left then it'd be over for him and his girlfriend and that's the last thing he wants but this was a huge thing for him.
Rhey closed her eyes as she tried to calm herself down. Everyone on her team knew how much she hated yelling, voice raising, or anything of that nature. It was in a rare occasion where she yelled or raised her voice angrily.
"I just want you to think about what you're doing. I don't have a home in Paris. Only LA, ATL, and NY. So how do you expect me to always come see you when my career still rapidly on go? How do you possibly expect this to work if you're gonna be living in Paris for the rest of your life—"
"Its not the rest of my life! God Rhey, even if it is the least you can do is be supportive!"
"Then HOW long is it? Do you know how Vogue deals work? Once you sign with the region, you can't permanently leave unless you visiting somewhere else. They need you at all times!"
Vinnie sighed, not knowing what to do. He loved Rhey immensely. She was the love of his life. They've been together for 8 years, and he didn't want all that to gown down the drain. No ever, but he was put between a rock and a hard place where he had to choose between his gf and being an actual model.
"I'm not trying to pry, I swear I'm not but I just want you to think about this. It seems like you really want to do it and if you do then that's fine. I will support you, if you don't then I will continue to support you. Doesn't matter to me, I just don't want you signing your entire life away halfway across the world away from your girlfriend and friends, but do what's best for you. Do whatever you want." She sighed, trying not to get emotional.
Before he could respond to what she said, she grabbed her phone and keys, and left the house in a hurry. He followed her outside and watched as she sped out of the driveway and down the street. Vinnie looked on life360 and saw that she was heading in the direction of the skate park that always went to when they wanted to talk and skate for hours.
He gets that relationships are never easy, and that it'll always be something that may or may not cause a break up. This situation just might make them or break them. He knew that being with your high school sweetheart after high school changes everything, but no one ever told him it was going to be this hard to the point where his heart aches and drops every time someone mentions them breaking up or even taking a break. There's a lot he can take, but to potentially not be with Rhey anymore was a sickening thought that he could erase from his brain.
"Ugh, Rhey why did you have to leave?" He mumbled to himself as he slipped on his shoes and grabbed his car keys. He got in the car and rode to the skate park, seeing her sitting under a tree. He was very surprised to see no paparazzi standing by taking photos and bombarding her.
Getting out the car, he grabbed two blunts and walked over to his girlfriend to sit down beside her. He gave her a blunt and lit it, then lit one for himself. She inhaled the smoke and blew it right back out after sucking it through her nose, dried tears on her face. Despite her high social status, he had never seen her so messed up over something like this.
"Do you wanna break up?" She asked, kind of catching him off guard. Vincent gave her a confused look
"What? God no! Baby you're the love of my life. I can't live without you! " He assured, pulling his girlfriend into his arms as he continued to smoke. It was almost 12 and it was completely dark outside.
"I can get you a deal out here. I've just gotta talk to the director and I can get you a 5 year contract. P-please don't leave me." She stated, her voice cracking at the end.
Vincent sighed, finishing off his blunt and throwing it away. He grabbed his girlfriend by both her cheeks with one hand to make her stare into his eyes.
"I'm not going anywhere, I promise. Do you understand?"
She nodded her head, making him show a small smile before smashing his lips into hers.
Once they pulled away, Rhey pulled out her phone to show Vinnie something. His eyes squinted at the screen and then widened once he saw what it was.
"You didn't..." He trailed off, his eyes clouded with tears. Rhey smiled through the tears running down her face and nodded her head.
Vinnie was looking at a photo on him on his skateboard, a photo she took of him. She used a picture of him as her album cover and he didn't know whether to cry or fuck her silly. He might end up doing both.
"That's what I wanted to show you when so got home. I finished the album, this may be my most personal album yet because each and every song is about you and our relationship. Guess what my last song is called." She laughed, waiting for him to respond. When he didn't have an answer, she showed him her track list and let him scroll all the way down. When she heard a small gasp, that's when she knew he had found it.
"Vinnie....the name of the song is vinnie."
Rhey smiled, but it didn't last long because Vinnie pushed her onto the ground with kisses, invading her personal space. He put more passion into the kiss as he rubbed her sides in a soothing way before reaching under her shirt to grab both her boobs, making her gasp, letting him indulge deeper into her mouth. He finally pulled away, giving her air to breathe, only to trail kisses down her neck and collar bone, sucking and kicking every crevice that she was sensitive to, not caring that anyone could come behind the large tree and see them.
He attempted to pull one of her boobs out but she quickly stopped him, not wanting to live life on the edge TOO MUCH.
"How about we finish this at home yeah?"
"Fuck yes! Let's go!"
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bearseokie · 4 years
Working Other Occupations 2 | GOT7
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got7 m.list | navi.
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Mark: Professional Skateboarder;
learned how to skateboard young, went to parks and gained attention fast
didn't get into competitions until he graduated high school
won his local competition and got signed within a year
all of the kids look up to him, and he helps give them lessons when he has free time
is the quietest in his skate group, but is also a firecracker with jokes
formed a competition that was sponsored, one of the kids he taught won and they were able to donate the money to a charity
used his competition money to open up a skate shop, gifting jobs to some local kids and helping start more skate groups around town
got branded his own line of skateboards
restaurants offer him and the kids free food because of how much he's helped support his community
oversized clothes. baggy jeans he almost trips over. huge sweatshirts. hightops that are tied under the flap instead of out because that's "safer"
dyes strips of colors into his hair instead of dying his entire head
"snapbacks are helmets!"
forces the kids to wear gear and tries to wear it too so they don't get upset he isn't listening to his own rules
always had the coolest art on the bottom of his boards, with bright wheels and reflectors for night rides
gets frustrated easily, but doesn't like breaking boards
got a friend to weld him a beam to grind on, which he later gifted to his students to use to practice
clean rap songs around the kids, og rap songs when it's the older skateboarders
everyone thinks he's cool and sweet
drinks Gatorade and water like crazy
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Jaebeom: Detective;
takes his job Very seriously
people's lives are usually on the line, so he stays focused
yells at interns and then buys them food
everyone in forensics adores him
has so many connections, barely anything ever gets past him
takes very neat notes in his little notebook.
suit + tie every day
hates when he gets cases that involve kids, always tries to care for them best he can and get them somewhere safe
loves stakeouts because he gets to space out until he sees something
thinks driving fast in his car is the hottest thing he gets to do during the job
is always the bad guy during interrogations, jaw clenched and stern stares as he attempts to get answers
always breaks them
drinks more coffee than a human being should
breakfast + lunch + dinner at diners
got put into one of the biggest cases in his bureau's history
a man had gotten away with murder and managed to escape. after lots of sleepless nights and research, jaebeom found him hiding in a motel holding evidence that made him guilty. he was arrested along with two other men that played a part in the murder
jaebeom was labeled a hero, but he explained he was just doing his job
his mean demeanor lifts when he is off duty, always smiling
people are convinced he's two seperate people
hates when he has time off work because he loves his job so much
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Jackson: Firefighter;
the main muscle of the group
always gets called to save kittens out of trees
thinks the uniform doesn't show off his muscles enough
is the best at calming people down / distracting them during a fire in order to get them out safely
smashes through a window at least once a week
his firehouse is his family
gets handed a kid even if the person isn't involved in the fire / emergency
hates driving the truck because it's too big for him to control and he doesn't want to endanger anyone
befriended the house's canine and always sneaks it treats
goes into a fire first
puts his gear on others even though he's not supposed to
loves when his house gets to invite local schools for career days, always gives out snacks and smiles when he gets the help the kids slide down the poles
is always in the firehouse's gym
has such a disorganized locker that every time he opens it, a pile of stuff falls on him
walks around with his helmet on because he thinks he looks like a bobble-head
the captain messes with him all the time
some of the walls in the firehouse are glass, he's busted through two on accident because he wasn't paying attention
second fastest time during practice
refuses to see himself as a hero
cries with families he saves, hugs them and doesn't let them go
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Jinyoung: Professor;
always looks pissed
gives out hard assignments but half-ass grades them
can and will fail you for no reason
only talks for half of the class, the rest of the time is sat in silence as he glares over everyone doing their own thing
plays movies on Fridays instead of teaching
thinks Mondays are great test days
slams things on his desk to get student's attention
aggressively circles things in the board to make his point
no phones
all the girls flirt with him, he just sighs and gives more work until they stop
licks his fingers before he hands out papers
will kick you out of you disturb his lesson
never teaches about one subject, everything includes knowledge about other things and if you don't know it you're screwed
always gets forced to sub for other professors
will get up and leave without telling anyone class is dismissed so everyone just sits there until they can go
if you smile at him he will stare you down the rest of the class
always has his index finger and thumb clasped against his nose in frustration
gives extra long holiday breaks just because he doesn't want to show up
eats food when no one else is allowed to
button ups with tight pants and pushed back hair that makes everyone attracted to him to the point where no one can focus
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Youngjae: Teaching Assistant;
is louder than the kids
best at coming up with fun learning ideas for his students
is very glad he is only an assistant
wears jeans and dark shirts because the kids are messy
sings every day
helps with choir
works with all grades because he believes every kid is different and he wants to experience them all before he becomes an official teacher
makes the best snacks
loves going to older grades and giving them easy work so they can actually have a break
everyone loves him
loves putting random things on the white boards, drawings, quotes, morse code so no one understands what he's saying
eavesdrops on the teachers drama, but isn't included in the gossip circle directly
loves physical activities with the students because he thinks it helps them learn better
tries to end lessons early so they can play games
always has to help students with homework the main teacher assigned
all of the students agree he would make a better teacher than their own
never has to discipline anyone because everyone respects him and enjoys his teaching tactics
will argue against a teacher if the teacher tells a student they aren't allowed a bathroom break, will let the student go anyways
gets sad when he has to fill out nurse passes
hands out stickers
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BamBam: Animator;
used to not draw as often as he does for his job
now can't go a day without drawing something
has the smoothest animations for talking characters
started animating for fun, got to do it as a full time job
does all of his work alone, and though it's a process, he loves it
won an award for his details in backgrounds
created a short film
spends most of his days in baggy clothing, hunched over his graphics tablet
everything he owns has some type of drawing / sketch on it
was able to start up his own animation company
takes long breaks to gain inspiration
screams a lot because he wants everything to be perfect, no matter how long it takes
is less stressed when he has his team to help
chews a lot of gum while working
got lines of plushies for his drawn characters, collects all of them for his office
was able to write his own tutorial book on how to start animating, the profits from it was donated to animation programs in schools around the country
chugs water
hates animating series, prefers movies with solid plots
isn't confident in his animating abilities, can't handle praise
bites his tongue when he draws
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Yugyeom: Paramedic;
didn't think he'd do well as a paramedic because he's squeamish, but he really enjoys it
passed out the first time he had to draw blood, concerned the patient
fastest runner
can get in and out of his uniform in less than ten seconds, he knows because he timed it
wishes he was the driver of the ambulance so he could go over the speed limit and not get a ticket
quickest to help someone that's choking, performs a perfect Heimlich or tracheotomy every time
hates that he has to leave the patients with other doctors when they arrive at the hospital
will put himself in danger if it means saving someone
thinks medical gloves are sexy
talks about extra terrestrial theories when they are in the back of the ambulance without a patient
fibbed to a patient that he went to Harvard, they found out he didn't and sent him flowers thanking him for getting their mind off their wound, even if he did lie
always gifts kids teddy bears for their bravery
is friends with all of the first responders so he knows who's who during an emergency
craziest patient he had to save was inside of an elevator, he had to walk them through a procedure to save their arm after it was cut open. even he couldn't believe he managed that
is always around the ambulance even when he's off duty, just in case
works out while studying
has fruit around him at all times, offers them to others constantly
witty toward his coworkers, soft with his patients
keeps a tab on the people he helped just so he can ask the hospital how they are
make his own gift baskets
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rosa-leche · 5 years
Slowly - TeamWin Ficlet
so no balcony scene? *smashes phone, breaks skateboard* yeah so i was Upset there was no balcony scene like the cast talked about, so here’s my interpretation of that. the rest of win’s room wasn’t really shown, so i’m gonna go ahead and assume there was a balcony lmao
word count: ~1.5k
genre: fluff, suggestive imagery at the end there oops
general tags: established relationship (that was canon, right?), team take your shoes off challenge, team is easily flustered, win is a caring bf
summary: a continuation of teamwin’s date in the last episode, team’s feet hurt and win takes his shoes off for him, it all spirals from there
“Hia…” a drawn out sigh came from Team, tired from walking around all day. “My feet hurt.”
Win, who had the key in the handle to his dorm room, glanced at the younger boy in exasperation mixed with fondness. It wasn’t the first time Team had mentioned his sore feet. 
“Can you wait 5 more seconds?” he asked, turning the key and unlocking the door. He pushed it open and Team went flying past him, dropping his shopping bags on the floor before throwing himself facedown onto Win’s bed. He let out a contented noise, happy to take the weight off of his aching feet. 
Win rolled his eyes and moved into the room. He leaned down to take his shoes off, then looked back up when he was done to find that Team hadn’t moved an inch. 
“Team,” Win began, walking towards him. “You need to take your shoes off.” Win stood over Team, looking down at his deflated form on top of the soft covers of Win’s bed. In response to Win, Team made a disgruntled sound and continued to lay there, unmoving.
Seeing that Team had no intent to take his shoes off himself, Win bent down to do it for him. It was a little difficult to untie the laces, since Team’s feet were upside down. It was also a little difficult because Team had started to roll over and move his feet around when he felt Win’s hands starting to take them off. 
“What-Hia… I can do it,” Team muttered, but Win had already undone the laces on one foot and was slipping the first bright red shoe off. Win looked up and met Team’s gaze from his place on the floor.
Quickly, Team turned back around and pressed his face into the bed again, flustered by Win’s actions. It wasn’t something overtly romantic, but there were some very strong traces of intimacy in taking the shoes off of someone you were dating, especially when he smiled at you like that. Team was very aware of this. 
By the time Win had gotten the second shoe off, Team was glad his face was smushed into the blankets, since his cheeks had gone rosy and he had his eyes scrunched closed in embarrassment. Win had already stood back up to carry Team’s shoes to beside the door, but Team still laid right where he was, not wanting Win to see his face.
Suddenly he heard some rustling of paper, and a quick peek up had told him Win was going through the shopping bags. Which meant Win was distracted. 
Slowly, quietly, Team pushed himself up and off the bed, then crept his way towards the balcony door with his back facing Win. All he had to do was get outside to cool off for a bit.
However, the moment he cracked open the sliding door, Win heard the noise and looked over to Team, whose shoulders were tensed up and his hand had stopped tugging on the door handle. Team peeked behind him, then made eye contact with Win, who had seen the pink tint on his face. Team whipped his head back around and finished opening the door before slipping out onto the concrete floor of the balcony and closing it again. 
“Silly…” Win chuckled. He continued to go through the shopping bags, putting items away and folding the new shirts Team had helped him pick out. He let Team have his moment to regain his composure, feeling amused about having such a large effect on him and knowing he would have many more chances to do it again. 
A few minutes later, Win was finished with his share of the bags, the rest belonging to Team. Since the younger boy still hadn’t come back inside, Win went out onto the balcony to join him. 
When the sliding door made its noise, Team didn’t turn around. Instead, he kept his eyes trained in front of him and his arms folded on the railing. Win moved next to him and rested his back against the railing so he could face Team, whose peach-blushed complexion had calmed down.
Team looked calm, his eyes focused on the lit-up cityscape in front of him. Win smiled at him, words of adoration stewing behind his lips. The lights from the surrounding buildings offered a warm glow in the darkened sky, and Win noticed how they embraced Team’s face in a gentle yellow hue. 
Team turned to face Win, whose softened eyes looked fondly back at him.
“Hia, were you proud of me today? For ordering the coffee?”
Win nodded. “I was very proud, Team.” He reached out and ruffled Team’s hair. “You did well.” At this, Team pressed his lips together and fixed his hair, but there was still enjoyment in his eyes. The two boys were silent for a moment, content to just take in each other’s presence. Then, Team spoke up.
“I want to know more about you, Hia. More than just what coffee you like.” Win paused, thinking back to what he had said earlier that day.
We can slowly learn about each other.
It was true. If all went according to Win’s plan, they would be together for a long time, meaning they could go slow with learning each other’s likes, dislikes, and more. 
“Well,” Win began, “there’s no rush.” Win reached up and started taking out his hair tie, his head starting to hurt a bit from having his hair up all day. “We can take our time and get to know more about each other.” Win’s hair was now out of its tie, and he used his hand to give his hair a good fluff after being tied up for such a long time. 
Before Team could stop himself, his hand had already weaved its way into Win’s messy blond locks, twisting a piece of it by Win’s ear with his thumb and index finger. 
“I guess you’re right,” Team said while nodding, his lips pressed together in agreement. 
They were quiet, only the sound of the cool night breeze whistling around them and filling the silence. 
“Team…” Win started, his voice barely above a whisper as he placed his hand over Team’s in his hair. “I really like you,” he said, his face getting closer to Team’s. 
Team looked into Win’s eyes, not even having to think before he replied. “I really like you, too, Hia.” A little smile found its way onto Team’s face, and another, bigger smile was on Win’s face. Win took that moment to quickly press his nose against Team’s before drawing back to look at his face. He found Team’s eyes staring at his lips, but he waited for Team to make the first move. 
Team’s hand, still in his hair, moved back and out from under Win’s hand that covered it, finally resting it on the back of Win’s head with a fistful of hair. 
“Hia…” Team didn’t need to say anything else before they were kissing, slow and steady and sure. Most of the time when they kissed, it was quicker, since Win liked taking things fast. But then and there, they had both decided they would take things slow. They would slowly learn more about each other, and slowly fall more in love. 
When they broke apart, they did that slowly too, not wanting it to end. Team took a deep breath, then put his head against Win’s shoulder. Win reached his hand up and swept it through Team’s hair, while his other hand went to rest on the small of his back. 
“Let’s go inside. Don’t your feet hurt?” Team nodded into Win, then let go of the hair he was still holding. He wrapped both of his arms around Win, pulling him into a tight hug.
“You’re not moving, Team. Do I have to do things for you again?” Win didn’t give Team a chance to answer. Instead, he picked him up, and Team reacted by putting his arms around Win’s neck and his legs around his waist. 
“Hia! I can walk by myself,” Team protested, a pout making itself present on his features. Win just ignored him and carried him inside after opening the door to the balcony. Team was the one to close the door, seeing how Win had struggled a bit to get it open while holding him. 
Win sat Team down on the plush blanket covering Win’s bed, then bent down to meet his eye level. Looking down, Win took Team’s hands into his, then met his eyes again.
“We can take our time, Team,” Win whispered, his gaze fixed but soft, eyes unmoving but warm.
Team looked at him like he was the last person he would ever love this way. His eyes were unblinking and full of wonder as he leaned back, tugging Win along with him while keeping their eyes met. 
They took their time, pulling soft fabric off of softer bodies. They took their time, leaving heated traces from fingertips across bare skin. They took their time, sweeping reddened lips along new plum-colored blooms. They took their time, sharing loving looks in the quiet orange light.
They could take their time, since all of the rest of their time was together. 
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babyboyklaus · 5 years
TUA as Vines
Vanya: I’m lesbian.
Leonard: I thought you were American?
His Siblings: [causes the apocalypse]
Five: I am disgusted. I am revolted. I dedicate my entire life to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and this is the thanks I get?
Reginald: Every time you yell at your kids, put a quarter in your “No Yelling” sock and soon you’ll have a weapon to beat—
Five: Road work ahead? Uh, yeah. I sure hope it does.
Klaus: [crying and rolling around on the floor]
Ben: Why are you crying?
Klaus: I wanna smoke weed!
Klaus: [sighs] Mom... I have something to tell you.
Grace: What is it, honey?
Klaus: Um... [begins to dance like a robot] I got an A - BOR - TION.
Luther, on the phone: So no head? [smashes phone onto the ground] [jumps onto skateboard and breaks it]
Hazel: Your son’s a hell of a beatboxer.
Reginald: That’s tourettes.
Klaus: How do you know if you’re gay?
Luther: Why does my penis grow in the morning?
Allison: When there’s too much drama at school, all you gotta do is: WALK AWAYAYAY
Klaus: If there are any spirits here tonight, tell me... Does this sound like Shakira? LE LE LO LE LO—
Operater: 911, is it an emergency?
Diego: No!
Operater: What is it?
Diego: Eh heh... IT’S DIGIORNO
Ben: Hey, mom! Say “Who want lasagna?”
Grace: Who want lasa— AGH [hits counter and falls to the floor]
[Hazel & Cha-Cha cooking breakfast]
Hazel: Add bacon and syrup—
Cha-Cha: Uh, i’m not finished. Let’s get started. First—
Hazel: We’ll grab the toaster—
Cha-Cha: Oh my God, can you let me do what—
Allison: Hey, guys. Look at this new dress my mom bought me. [squats fast] SIKE, IT’S A JUMPSUIT! YOU WERE FOOLED! HA HA HA HA—
[All the Hargreeves kids pressed up against the glass of a large window]
Grace: Is that really a pumpkin?
Reginald: No...
Kids: [screaming]
Pogo: [throws pumpkin towards kids and slams self against window]
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ptrparkcrs · 4 years
& you say rise above (self-para)
summary: peter meets an old friend in an unexpected place and faces dire consequences word count: 3002 trigger warnings: violence, injury, death mention, spider-man cops (completely useless, but existent)
It was ten seventeen PM. He had been at work late, probably too late, troubleshooting something small and nitpicky that even he barely understood. At least there was always food somewhere in the building, and FRIDAY liked him enough to not yell at him when he stole a second donut, or a third, or when he ordered an extra-large pizza on Tony Stark’s credit card. As long as he didn’t leave his workspace too greasy and saved some leftovers for Tony, he’d probably be fine.
Whatever it was he had been supposed to be working on, clean energy or artificial intelligence or consumer goods or fancy sunglasses, it probably wasn’t supposed to have been reconstructing the lenses of Spider-Man’s mask to better conform to his facial expressions, but Peter had had to do some repairs after Gabby had torn the thing to shreds. If Tony caught him sewing on the clock, what was he going to do? Let Spider-Man go without a mask? Put Peter’s life at risk? No, he’d be fine. He’d been too antsy to focus on real work, his ribs still healing, his face still a little tender. He’d needed a concrete physical distraction and the satisfaction of knowing he was fixing something.
(He’d be totally fine in a day or two; he was almost there, but Gabby had done a pretty solid number on him. Broken ribs, a black eye, scabs where the pavement had rubbed his chin raw, the whole shebang. He told everyone it was a bike accident, even though he didn’t own a bike, because nearly beaten to death by a chemically ramped-up teenager wasn’t something that could realistically have happened to completely normal, non-superhero guy Peter Parker. In retrospect, he should have said he’d crashed his skateboard into a taxi again, which he had done more than once in high school, but hindsight was 20/20.) 
Still, the time spent on the mask during the day had meant a pile of unfinished work, which had meant staying at the tower later. Peter knew that, as best as he’d tried not to be, he was a nepotism hire. He’d waltzed into Stark industries with little training and few qualifications, and he was determined to prove that he was just as suited to be here as anyone else. Yeah, he’d had the internship, but he’d gotten that through sheer dumb luck and minor internet fame, and he and Tony both knew it had been a cover, anyway. Yeah, he had a college degree, but most of his actual work experience had been mediocre photography for a vaguely predatory, second-rate newspaper. He’d been a child prodigy, sure, but last he’d checked most child prodigies peaked sometime around high school, and building the Spider-Man suit for personal gain wasn’t about to go on his resume. He knew any interview process he’d gone through had been performative; he knew that the job had been his no matter what, so long as he hadn’t actually blown up the company. He didn’t want Tony to regret his decision, and he really did want to keep his job. That meant actually doing his work, even if he did have to stay long past dark.
So he’d finally finished—the work and the mask—and headed home to find Sandwich demanding a second dinner and a walk. Fine. Okay. He could do that.
“All you’ve got going for you is your body, bud,” he said. “Don’t know why you’re so determined to ruin that.” Sandwich was beautiful, in a scraggly rescue dog kind of way (Aunt May said he looked like the dog from Annie, which was probably a compliment), but he was also dumb as a rock. He put a few treats in the bowl anyway and went to find a leash.
As he dug through the storage cube where he was sure he’d left the good collar, Peter heard sirens. They sounded close, maybe a few blocks away, and getting closer. His police scanner was on his nightstand, but there wasn’t time to check. Sirens were as good a cue as any.
“I’ll be back soon,” he told Sandwich, as he grabbed his suit from the pile on the floor, pulled it on, and headed towards the window. “We’ll walk later. Promise. Please don’t eat the couch again while I’m gone.”
The dog grunted and went back to eating.
Web swinging was hard today. His body groaned with every movement, resisting the stress of his acrobatics. Still healing. He hadn’t realized she’d gotten him quite that badly; he’d been up against way worse than a single teenage girl, but he hadn’t had anyone try so determinedly to kill him from such close range in a long time--not since Norman, or maybe Harry, but that had felt a little more reluctant. Fine, he’d go easy on the somersaults.
So long as whatever was up there wasn’t a troupe of murderous acrobats, he’d probably be okay. At least the new mask was holding up well.
What was up ahead, three or five or seven or twenty-six blocks from his apartment, he’d lost count, was—lights. Sirens. Yelling. A strange, echoing thump-thump. Shit. He dropped himself onto a rooftop to survey the scene, his ribs only groaning a little bit as he landed in a crouch. A bank, long closed for the night, its windows smashed. A row of police cars, like a barricade. Coming in from the north, fire trucks, an ambulance. A small throng of bystanders, their phones out, edging around the scene. A trail of broken asphalt running away in the opposite direction.
And in the middle of it all, a figure.
A man, maybe. In a long jacket, something more than the night obscuring his face. He—if it was a he—didn’t seem very big, but he hovered several feet above the ground, supported by what appeared to be a pair of giant robotic arms. Another pair spread wide into the night air, lashing at anyone who tried to approach.
Peter was pretty sure he’d seen those arms before, or something very like them. Mostly in sketches, then once or twice in a lab in college, never in use, just propped up safely against the back wall. They help my dexterity, Peter. More precise.
But that had been in a secure research lab up at Columbia, where the arms had helped a man’s clumsy hands study nuclear physics at an atomic scale, not ravage a bank on the Lower East Side. Stolen tech, maybe? A copycat? Convergent evolution, two people independently building the same machine at the same time? But what were the odds of that, really? These were robotic arms, not clean energy or self-driving cars. It was too niche. Who was this man, and what could he want?
He swung down, closer, landing on the hood of a police car. The officer standing next to it looked down at Peter and sighed.
“Hey, Spider-Man,” he said. “You can go home. We’ve got this.”
Peter tethered himself to a lamppost closer to the bank and leapt off the hood, angry at his stupid fragile body keeping him from somersaulting away for maximum dramatic effect. “That’s what you always say, Bill.”
“It’s David.”
“I really don’t care.”
He landed on the lamppost, but just barely. The many-armed man had seen him coming and was getting closer, one of his robotic limbs swiping at Peter’s perch. Peter leaped off before the pole could crash down and rolled to the ground, where he finally got a good look at his assailant.
He hadn’t imagined it. He knew those arms.
“Doctor Oc—"
Doctor Octavius. His thesis advisor. A kind, absentminded, academic type, the brand who left their office littered with sticky notes to remember to buy milk, who replied to emails four days late at two in the morning. He’d called Peter a genius kid, said he’d had what it takes to save the world. Because that’s what scientists do, Peter. We change things. We fix them. We make them better. We help the people who can’t help themselves—you get that, don’t you?
Oh, he got it.
Doc was wearing glasses, and his jovial smile had twisted into a sneer, but it was unmistakably him. He lowered himself to the ground, all four metal arms swirling around him.“Oh, great,” he said. “It’s the bug boy. What, couldn’t send any of the real superheroes to stop me? Daddy too busy arresting innocent people?”
With all due respect, Peter thought, what the fuck? Sure, he wasn’t an Enforcer, but his old professor going on a crime spree with a set of weaponized robot arms, probably having some sort of episode, called for enforcement.
He lifted himself off the ground slowly. His body was already screaming for a break, and they were barely getting started. “Look, dude, I respect the whole eight-legs thing, but you don’t gotta be so literal about it. It’s kinda—what’s the word? Tacky.”
Doc lunged at him; Peter dodged. “Wait, no,” he continued. “Kitschy. Campy. Gaudy.” Another swipe, another dodge. “No, I was right the first time. Tacky, it’s tacky.”
The next swipe came from behind him, and Peter jumped out of the way just in time. “What do you even want, Doc? For a guy in tights to teach you that robbing banks and taking hostages is wrong? Congrats, you got it!” He didn’t know if there were hostages; he’d been too stunned by Otto to check, he just assumed there were. There were almost always hostages when the guys in costumes got involved.
“How do you know my name?” Octavius growled.
Yep, there were hostages.
“I dunno, it was just a vibe. You kind of look like my dentist.” And the man who shaped my college career, but same thing.
Most nights he could go on like this forever. Banter, dodge, punch, jump, repeat. Talk him into submission, until he was too worn down by Peter’s endless punchlines to punch back.  Tonight, he was tired. He was injured. He had a dog at home waiting for a walk. This needed to be quick—rescue the hostages, get Otto taken in and looked after. (Kindly, he hoped; the Otto Octavius he knew was a good man, and was probably in there somewhere, scared and confused.) In the morning, maybe Peter Parker could call to innocently, coincidentally check in on his old mentor and get the full story.
“You’re a nuisance, Spider-Man. You know that, don’t you?”
“So it said on my report cards.”
Octavius stepped closer, and Peter webbed one of his metal legs to the ground, but he kept swiping. In his real arms, the human ones, Peter could see a briefcase, presumably full of the stolen money or techno-weapons for looting safety deposit boxes. So he already had what he wanted, but still the hostages, still the rampage, still the crazed look behind those horrible dark goggles. Peter could deal with him, the cops could free the hostages, they’d be fine, this was fine, everything was going to be fine.
But how had this happened—why had this happened? Did he poison everyone he touched? Ben, Gwen, Norman, even Harry, all either dead or driven mad by his proximity. Who next? Tony? May? Steph? MJ? His high school science teacher? His next-door neighbors?
You ruin everything, Peter Parker. They’re safer if you don’t love them, if they don’t love you. You’re a time bomb. A nuclear blast. Look at what you do to them. What you’ve done. You’re not worth it.
His spider sense alerting him to an incoming blow put a pause on the cycle of self-loathing. He couldn’t dodge in time, and an angry fist landed hard against his face. He groaned, and he tasted the blood from his (now probably broken) nose as it dripped into his mouth. “What do you want, Otto?” he spat.
“Doctor” he could get away with as a joke, but how would Spider-Man know Doctor Octavius’s first name? He wouldn’t, that’s how. Not unless they knew each other in real life, civilian life, faces uncovered and feet on the ground. Peter, you idiot. His cover, which he had so carefully maintained for the past eight years, was about a minute from being blown by an academic in octopus cosplay. 
This shouldn’t have been happening. He was a professional, he was good at this. He had learned from his past, he was doing better, and these were amateur mistakes. He was off his game, that’s what this was. He was exhausted, injured, overworked, stunned by the improbability of it all. His whole life was improbable; he should have known to expect this kind of thing by now, but he wasn’t convinced he wasn’t living out some middle schooler’s sadistic Mad Libs. He still had time to fix this.
Otto said nothing; he just laughed.
Peter tried to launch himself in the air for a swing and a kick, but his reflexes were slowing, his injuries worsening. Whatever healing he’d done had been set back several days, and every movement was more labored than the last. Before he could evade, the arms, all of them now free of webbing, wrapped themselves around him and pulled him in. Peter hissed in response, his exhalation short and shallow, doing his best to suppress a yelp.
“Oh, come on. Personal space, dude,” he said, and the top left arm pinched his wrists together in response. He was now being held fast in evil, sentient handcuffs, no hopes of swinging away in sight. Nothing this stupid would have happened to Tony; Tony would have had lasers and lights and taken out this guy in minutes. Hell, he could have called in the Iron Legion for backup if he’d wanted, but a single man didn’t deserve it. Peter was a disappointment, again. This should have been so easy, and yet.
And yet.
Peter wasn’t Tony Stark.
“Otto,” growled Octavius.
Peter said nothing.
“Why did you call me that?”
This time, Peter squirmed. He was being held tightly, so tightly. His wrists were raw, his chest burning, and at some point, he had started to bleed. Work was going to have to buy bike accident twice this week. ”I told you. You look like my dentist. His name’s Otto. It was a lucky guess.”
“Somehow, I don’t believe you.”
His head spun and his mouth tasted like iron and asphalt as the world tunneled in around the edges of his vision. His hands still tied, he tried to gain some leverage with a kick, but the other arms squeezed even tighter until he was sure he felt a crunch. Great. This was it, this was how he died. Sometime around midnight outside a random bank because his college thesis advisor had taken up a life of crime and he’d been too weak and injured to do anything about it. Yeah, that tracked.
“Who are you, Spider-Man?”
Peter couldn’t speak, couldn’t move, could only steel himself as his spider sense turned on high alert. Imminent danger, big time. Yeah, he got it. With the human hand not holding the briefcase, Otto pulled the mask from his head.
And immediately dropped him, limp and winded and battered, to the ground.
Peter’s bare skin was so cold, the streetlights so bright, every sound and smell heightened without the mask.
Otto’s face had cleared with recognition, and his sneer fell away. “Peter?”
Peter groaned. Then he peeled himself off the ground and launched a flurry of web bombs until Otto was wrapped tightly all over. It wouldn’t hold long, but it would have to hold long enough to get him taken safely into custody. Locked up in the Raft for ten to life, a brilliant man’s work cut short by his own creation. (Was it too soon to make Frankenstein jokes?) But Peter couldn’t think about the tragedy of it yet. He had to keep moving.
He kept his head down until he found the mask by Otto’s feet. His hands were shaking, and it took impossibly long to fit it back over his head. It was twisted or too small or made for someone else entirely, bunching around his neck and pulling uncomfortably against his swollen face. And then he stood up, wobbly and wheezing, and faced the officers who were pulling the hostages from the building. Maybe they’d been inside. Maybe they hadn’t seen him. Maybe it was okay.
“You’ve got this from here, Bill,” he said, and, with every ounce of willpower he had left, he swung away on shaky arms to pick up his dog, call Aunt May, and hide in his childhood bedroom for the rest of his life.
The officers may not have seen him, but there had been bystanders. There are always bystanders, just like there are always hostages. They have cameras. They have social media. They flock to danger, to drama, to sensationalism. They post suffering for the likes and the retweets and the fleeting moments of fame. A Spider-Man sighting was pretty commonplace--novel, but not extraordinary. But this tableau, a hero in crisis, an identity revealed, that was media gold. This was a millennial icon’s Pyrrhic victory. This was a new weak spot in the Accords. And under all that bravado, he was just a scared little boy. They didn't recognize him (there was at least one audible boo when someone realized that Spider-Man was just another pasty white boy), but they’d seen him, and that was enough.
The responsible thing would have been to keep his secret, to respect the sanctity of what had happened here tonight. But the bystanders are never responsible.
While all the others had been texting and tweeting and snapping and streaming, at least one had had the wherewithal to take a picture with one of their fancy, enormous, three-lensed phone cameras and capture Spider-Man unmasked, clear as day, battered and bloody but distinctly him, and send it straight to the Daily Bugle.
(The ball’s in your court now, Jameson.)
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takivvatanga · 4 years
a day.
Today is a good day.
Assire has never quite understood why other parents appear to dread the school holidays as they do. As far as she is concerned, having her daughter at home with her during the day is a good thing indeed. Maybe it is because Stella is good company, a breath of fresh air when she is rolling around on the couch with the cats, a delight when she shares not just her pictures but the explanation behind them – the reasons why she paints the things she does. Maybe it’s because Assire honestly enjoys answering her daughter’s neverending string of questions – not the least because there’s nothing that makes her feel loved like she does when she climbs on her lap and settles in to peer at Assire’s laptop screen, waiting with barely contained impatience as Assire, quietly practical as always, googles for answers.
Whatever the reasons, one thing is certain: Assire loves having Stella home.  ____
Today is a good day.
Sunshine, a hint of the coming summer already in the air. 
Stella is certainly making the most of it, practically flying along the street outside on her (almost new but nonetheless already heavily scarred) skateboard.  Every now and again, Assire casts a glance outside, waving at her daughter even though Stella won’t see, her eyes firmly fixed on some vague point off in the distance, her face an expression of pure concentration.
A good time to get some work done. Assire checks the clock, nods to herself, takes a sip of her tea, and begins.
Today is a good day. ____ 
It’s the kind of scream that goes right through you. The kind of scream that sets your heart racing and your ears ringing, particularly if it is accompanied by the sound of something tumbling, falling, smashing. Today is rubbish day, the neighbourhood bins lining the road. Stella likes to try and swerve around them, trying to make the bends as tight as possible all the while riding as fast as possible. Eventually, something like this had to happen. 
Assire leaps to her feet.
Assire is out of the door in seconds, sprinting towards her daughter’s screams. Stella is sitting on the ground, her upturned skateboard and no less than three fallen rubbish bins beside her. She’s torn her jeans, skinned her knees. There’s a smear of blood across her right sleeve, and her arm is hanging limply by her side, the angle of it anything but natural.
“I fell off and I hurt my arm it hurts it really really hurts!”
“It’s okay, sweetheart, I am here. Can you get up? Come, I’ll help you.”
“Ow! Ow! My arm it hurts!”
“I know, I know. Come on let’s just get you on your feet, alright?”
Stella’s face contorts into a grimace of pain as she gets to her feet, gingerly, shakily. She’s pale as a ghost, her pupils dilated, her cheeks stained with tears.
“Can you move your arm, Stella?” The girl winces, shakes her head, fails to contain the flood of her tears.
“Is it broken, Mum?”
“I think so. We’re going to go to the hospital. You and I.” ”Is Dad going to come get us? I want Dad.” ”No, sweetheart. We’re going in a cab. Come on, let’s go inside and get some things together.” ”Mum? Can you carry me?” Assire shrugs, kneels down in front of her daughter, gently brushing the tears from her burning cheeks.
“I can.”
Today is a frightening day. ____ 
The taxi arrives swiftly, although to Assire it seems like an eternity. Stella’s crying has ceased for the moment, but the girl is completely and utterly miserable, wrapped up in a blanket, clinging to her mother with her uninjured arm as hard as she can. It takes Assire several attempts to convince her to let go so she can retrieve her phone from her bag. 
. . .  [txt: Jonathan] i don’t want to unsettle you but stella had a bit of an accident i think her arm is broken. catching a cab up to A&E
[txt: Jonathan] will let you know where we are once we’re sorted if you get time to check in with us. poor thing is in so much pain i feel terrible
[txt: Jonathan] makes me regret giving her that skateboard  . . . 
“Where we off to then, Miss? Your little one okay?” The driver is polite and cheerful. The cab smells of peppermints and old newspapers with just a hint of Spray & Wipe.
“We’re going to the hospital. Emergency. Thank You.”
“I broke my arm I fell off my skateboard!”
“Well we better get crackin’, then. Don’t worry, they’ll get you sorted at the hospital. You’ll be good as new, kid. Just stay comfy in the back there, alright?”
Stella tries to force a smile, nods her head, holds her mother’s hand a little tighter. Assire pulls her daughter close, brushes a strand of hair out of her face. Stella leans up against her mother, the adrenaline is starting to wear off. She looks absolutely exhausted, and Assire can tell from the way she clenches her jaw that her daughter is being extraordinarily, overwhelmingly, impressively staunch in the face of what is likely the most pain she has ever felt in the whole entire eight and a bit years of her life.
”Yes, sweetheart?”
“Will Dad be there? At the hospital?”
Assire casts a glance at her phone. No response to her messages, at least not yet. He won’t have seen them, he’s likely busy, stuck in an operating room somewhere, unaware of what has happened.  Maybe texting him was a mistake. Assire doesn’t want Jonathan to worry. But at the end of the day, he’s going to find out no matter what, isn’t he? Best to send another message to reassure him, let him know that everything is under control.
. . .   [txt: Jonathan] we in cab on way. She’s gonna be fine please don’t worry too much ok? I got this :) and our daughter is most likely one of the bravest people i’ve ever met. . . .  
“What did he say?”
“He hasn’t replied yet, he’s busy. I just told him how very brave you are.”
“Mum!!!!” Stella sits up suddenly, letting out a little cry of pain as she does so. “Mum we have to go back! Mister, Mister! You have to turn around! We forgot my skateboard!”
The taxi driver turns his head, raises an eyebrow, looking to Assire for direction.
“No, Stella. Your skateboard can wait until we get back. Your arm is more important.”
“But... but I want my skateboard! My SKATEBOARD, Mum! I need it!”
Just like that, Stella falls apart. Where only a moment ago she was all bravery and defiance in the face of pain, a glimpse of the stoic, resourceful woman she will one day grow up to be, she’s suddenly a little girl again, her voice high-pitched, her tears flowing freely once more.
“Shhhh. It’s okay, Stella. It’s okay.”
“No I need my skateboard!”
Assire does not know what to say. But she does know what to do. She pulls her daughter close, strokes her hair, feels her sleeve grow damp with tears and snot.
“All good, sweetheart. It’s going to be okay.”
Today is an overwhelming day.
“How are you feeling, Stella? You okay there?”
Stella nods meekly. Her legs are dangling from the plinth she’s sitting on, all torn jeans and grazed knees. She’s holding an icepack up against her injured arm, which still dangles uselessly by her side.
The doctor is young, younger than Assire. She’s tall and slim, with short red hair and dark circles under her bright, inquisitive eyes. She smiles first at Stella, then at Assire, and her smile, although tired, is genuine.
“Well, the bad news is, your arm is definitely broken. See that line, right here? And here?” she points at the x ray on the computer screen, zooming in so both the girl and her mother can see. 
“You’re going to need a cast, I’m afraid. But the good news is that it’s a nice clean fracture, no chipping, nothing out of place. Should heal really well. Should we go through and get your cast put on? You can even pick the colour you want.”
“Where’s Dad?”, Stella scowls. The young physician casts an apprehensive glance at Assire, who shrugs her shoulders and fidgets with the hems of her sleeves.
“My husband works here.”
“Why, isn’t he lucky.” The doctor laughs, a little too loudly. Assire wonders how long she’s been on shift, what horrors she has witnessed today, this week, this month.
“Stella, Dad will check in with you when he has time, okay? Once he gets a break.”
“I want green.”
“You what?”
“For my cast, I want green.”
“Green it is. Let’s take you through to the nurse now. Do you want your Mum to come with you?”
“Nah. I’ll go by myself.”
It hurts a bit, her saying that. Stella has always been independent, but this is different. The hospital is a big place, a terrifying and confusing place, Stella is only little, only eight, and she is hurt. Assire opens her mouth to protest, the thought of her daughter going anywhere without her fills her with unease.
“I can do it, Mum. I can go on my own.”
“Stella... alright then. Be good, okay?”
The waiting room is full of people. Some of them look like they have been here for months. A young mother with a febrile toddler, an older man coughing incessantly into a chequered handkerchief. A woman roughly Assire’s age, limping and carrying a scratched bicycle helmet. A pale teenager pressing a gauze pad to their left eye while the fingers of their right hand dance frantically across their phonescreen. An elderly couple with walking frames. So many people. So many unfortunate events. Assire shifts in her seat, picks up a magazine only to put it down again. The cyclist flashes a smile, but Assire is too lost in thought to notice.
“Mum! Mum look it’s green!”
Stella’s voice pulls her from her thoughts. Her daughter’s eyes are alight with both excitement and a significant dose of analgesia as she makes her way down the hall at an almost run. The cast on her right arm is indeed green, so bright that it makes Assire’s eyes hurt. There are dressings on Stella’s knees as well, neatly trimmed to allow movement without lifting at the edges. When Assire has tried to dress her daughter’s skinned knees at home, they have never lasted longer than half an hour – if that.
“Your little girl is very brave. She told me all about her accident.” 
The nurse follows Stella with quick, energetic steps, pushes her glasses up the ridge of her nose. Her fingernails are bitten almost to the quick, and Assire can’t help to feel a sense of kinship, of connection.
“There you go, Stella. Your mum can take you home now. You got that paperwork I gave you? Good. Remember to take it easy, alright? Careful with that skateboard of yours.”
”I don’t have to do any schoolwork for six weeks! Mum, look!” Stella beams, waving her cast at Assire, her little face triumphant even though her eyes are swollen from crying.
“You... what?” Assire raises an eyebrow.
“No schoolwork! Because I broke my right arm!”
“Stella, you are lefthanded.”
Stella’s face sinks, her eyes filling with tears.
“I don’t want to be lefthanded! I don’t want to do schoolwork! Mum, I want my skateboard!”
Assire sighs heavily, crouches down, beckoning her daughter with outstretched arms. Stella doesn’t hesitate, throws herself at her mother amidst a flood of tears and sobs, her little body quivering with pain, with frustration, with exhaustion.
“We’ll get you home, alright? We’ll have another cab ride.”
”I don’t want a cab ride! I want to stay here! I want to see Dad!”
“You will, sweetheart. When he comes home.”
Stella only sobs in reply, her limbs like rubber all of a sudden, the cast rigid and alien between them. Assire squeezes her daughters hand, brushes a kiss onto her cheek. Stella’s skin tastes like salt and scented soap.
“Let’s go home.”
” –kay.”
Today has been a big day.
 @starscorned gets tagged because in this house we love and appreciate this family also Stella milked that broken arm for all it was worth once her Dad got home from work lmaooooo
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