#so ok I'll update windows I guess
i-cant-sing · 2 months
i was just minding my business like scrolling to find new fics to read since i was so so bored and while i was finding some delicious fics (ahem ahem: yandere big brother bakugou x little sister reader) ur post suddenly idk the word (lumitaw (its a filo word)) and i was screaming and immediately dropped what i was supposed to read to read yours 😭😭😭
i got the worst memory ever to exist because i keep forgetting their names but i think i'll grasp them once the next chapter is out (hopefully) but yeaaah!!! baris reminds me of abbas in a way but ig he's a bit more.. brute yk what im talking about????? ig he's ok..
OH! and i have a theory about the painting, y/n's face getting smudged maybe because baldwin or SALAUDDIN decided to smudged it to forget how they look due to heartbroken (prob not baldwin,, but i feel like salauddin would do that ??) i guess im getting married again 😔😔 i feel like im betraying my pookie salauddin 💔💔💔🙏🙏 BUT ANYWAYS THANK YOU FOR THE UPDATE SNOW!!!! AMAZING AS ALWAYS!! can't wait for the next one already!! 😭😭😭 i think i'll send more of my thoughts if something crosses over my mind (prob when im in the shower)
ooohh i like your theory(portrait pictures at the end). i like it a lot. expanding on it:
Baldwin would probably cause the painting to be smudged because he's kissing it, kissing your lips, drunk off his mind, tears streaming down his cheek as he spends hours sitting in front of it, talking to the painting as if u still exist, begging u to come back from heaven, even apologising for all he's done, just please- come back, angel...
Meanwhile Salauddin would probably be staring at your portrait angrily. He understands why you had to leave but.... you couldnt have told him where you were goinh? Do you not think he couldve protected you? He wouldve used his whole army, gathered Muslims from all around the world to protect you. Did you... did you not have the least bit faith in him? deep down, he knows u did this to prevent a war between him and baldwin but.... Salauddin wouldve gone to war for you. Happily. This wasnt your decision to make alone. Now, he stands in front of your portrait, he has it in his palace now, and he doesnt say voice it out like baldwin, but he has complaints. HE keeps them inside, mentally talking to you, telling you just how stupid you were for sacrificing yourself, for jumping off that stupid cliff. How u shouldve just- just asked him for help ONCE, and he wouldve fought until his last breath if it meant keeping u safe. In his mind, u sacrificed yourself to protect Baldwin from murdering innocent muslims or anyone else u wouldve seeked help from.
And now? All Salauddin can do is pray for you. He wakes up late into the night and sits on the prayer mat, making dua for you for hours, reading Quran for you, has animals slaughtered on eid on your behalf, even doing charity and hajj (pilgrimage) on your behalf, just so that you can have more good deeds in your name. He still has the chess board u gifted him, but he's stopped playing chess. He never played the game again, it was only a painful reminder of you. The one person who he could never beat.
As for your painting, why it was smudged? Salauddin didnt want anyone to see your beauty, thats why he kept the portrait hidden in his room, but then he feared that one day when he's not around anymore, someone will see you. So, he used a rag soaked in turpentine to smudge your face, but couldnt do more than just the bottom half of your face. He thought that was fine, after all, thats how u did often appear when you were around, wearing a niqaab, a veil that covered your face.
Now that he looks at your eyes, he realises his mistake. He heard the wise tell him-
"Eyes are the windows to the soul."
He now knows it to be true.
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This is what I think the portraits look like:
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Notice that this is the earrings Salauddin gifted Y/n when she was in the market with him:
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How Baldwin's been:
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luciferlightbringer · 7 months
Love in a Hopeless Place
Chapter 7
Chapter 6|Chapter 7|Chapter 8|Updated through Chapter 12
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Lucifer x prostitute fem!reader Word Count: 3.9k CW: Slowburn, Prostitution, Hurt/comfort, trauma, fluff, cuddles, depression, anxiety, Sexual fantasizing, insecurity
Lucifer's eyes started to flutter open the next morning, a beam of light streaming in through the living room window. Wow, had he actually gotten a full uninterrupted night's rest again? What a pleasant surprise. He smiled as he looked up at the ceiling if his living room. Wait... his living room? Was he still on the couch? He was used to you bringing him back to his bed after he fell asleep, what hap-
Lucifer's thought process completing froze as he became aware of the weight holding his body down to the couch, specifically, the weight of your beautiful body, that still laid on him, sound asleep. Lucifer felt his cheeks burn a bright red. 'Oh my god, she feel asleep on me last night?! This is amazing, this is also terrible. Will she get mad? Will her boss get mad at her? Should I wake her up?' God he didn't want to have to wake you up. The sight of you curled up on him with your head on his chest was breathtaking. Shit... he really had fallen for you, hadn't he?
Lucifer had no idea what to do, he many ideas of what he wanted to do, but not what he should do. He could run his fingers through your hair, kiss your forehead, rub your back, any of those things could have encouraged you awake. But instead, he just sleepily watched you dreaming on his chest, until you eventually started to wake up.
After a little while, your eyes began to open. You too had experienced an amazing night of sleep that you were not used to. Perhaps all that crying gelling did you some good. But something felt off, where were you? You looked up to see Lucifer's smiling face, "Hehe, uhh... good morning, I guess."
Oh my god, had you cried yourself to sleep in his arms?! Lucifer cocooned you again in his wings before you could panic.
"Shit! Lucifer I'm so-"
"Shhhh shh shhh shh," Lucifer stopped you, "No apologizes, please. Yesterday was... hard, seemed like we both needed sleep, and frankly, I slept great. What about you?"
You blushed, and laid you head back on his chest while still looking up at him, mumbling, "Well, I guess that's the best I've slept... in a long time..." It was the best you had slept since you had arrived in hell.
"Excellent! So, lets just call it a happy accident, that we figured something out from. Also..." God he was trying to be a little bold and it made him nervous, "Would you be willing to try this again... but intentionally next time?"
"Like... have me stay through the night? And... sleep with you in your bed?" You asked.
"Yes..." he asked with a little more hesitance in his voice. You chuckled, look at him go, asking for what he wants, and so nicely too.
You smiled and shrugged, "Works for me, just let the boss know."
"Right..." he said, he was starting to hate the reminders that you weren't just here because you wanted to be. He wasn't upset at you, it just left him with a pang of insecurity, a curiously if you would even put up with him if it weren't for the fact that he hired you to be here.
He cleared his throat, trying to refocus. "You won't... get into any trouble for this, right?"
You waved your hand, "Naw, I'll just tell him I was out late partying. After what happened yesterday, he wouldn't bat an eye."
"Ok, how are you feeling, by the way?" he asked, looking over your face.
"Much better... Thank you... for... well everything..." you smiled nervously. You still felt guilty that Lucifer had to spend his paid time with you dealing with the aftermath of other client sessions, you were normally better than that. He seemed like he wanted to be there for you, but you had no idea why he would even want to. It felt so good, but you still could not tell how real or how deep the care actually ran. If this continued, the guilt and confusion might become overwhelming.
"It was my pleasure," he said, grabbing you hand and kissing it while staring deeply into your eyes.
Ugh, why did this have to be so hard to figure out!
After that, the two of you begrudgingly got up, and got ready for the day. Lucifer teleported you back to your room, bit you farewell, and left. Both of you back in your own spaces, alone, already missing the other.
The next night you two had together, you and Lucifer would change the end of night routine as had been discussed, ending up with you both falling asleep in each others arms, and getting the joy of waking up to seeing each other first thing in the morning. It was beyond bliss. You didn't know it, but you two were in a secret competition to see who could wake up first, and get the privilege of watching the other as they clung onto their last few minutes of sleep before they would wake up.
The mornings that Lucifer woke up before you were both beautiful and painful for him. He loved getting to stare at your beautiful face, sure, but the urges... oh the urges to run his fingers through your hair, the urges to lace his fingers with yours, the urges to kiss your forehead, your cheeks, your lips, your neck, your... everything... the urges to let his hands explore your body, to sneak his hands under your clothing, to find the sensitive places on your skin that would make your breathe hitch, make the fire grow in your eyes, make you want to touch him the same way... the pain of all of these urges pulled at his mind, every morning, every day.
Some of them he could get away with more once you were awake, fingers through your hair, kisses on your hands, but he wanted more. Beyond that, he wanted them to mean something. He knew that he could just ask you for kisses or sex, and you would say yes, but he didn't want that, he wanted it to be real, he wanted passion, he wanted to make love to you. Every day with you made those feelings grow stronger and more unbearable.
Luckily, at least for another couple weeks, Lucifer would still be distracted by the upcoming extermination, and he figured that it was best that he focused on one life altering event at a time. You and Lucifer would spend more of your evenings hanging out with Charlie and the others at the hotel. Alastor had helped Charlie recruit many of the people of Cannibal Town to help, much to Lucifer's chagrin, and Vaggie had also gotten some intel on angels being able to be killed with angelic weapons, and was able to get resources from Carmilla Carmine, another Overlord and the only Angelic Weapon-Arms Dealer in hell.
Lucifer did not like learning that angels could be killed for a number of reasons, but he tried not to focus on that right then. Right now, he cared about being there for Charlie, and enjoying the calm before the storm.
The night before the extermination, most of the hotel crew, honestly, seemed like they were in good spirits. Alastor was even behaving and not doing everything in his power to piss of Lucifer, just some minor loitering on the edge of his conversations around the hotel. Angel and Husk were hanging out at the bar, and Angel's best friend, Cherri Bomb, had also come to hang out to join the fight. You noticed that Angel and Husk had increasingly been giving each other cute looks, and that Sir Pentious was nervous when it came to any interaction involving Cherri.
What you didn't know, was that Angel, Husk, and Cherri had also been watching the way you and Lucifer interacted over the last couple of weeks, the way you too looked at each other, the way his touch would linger, or that any hug would last a littleeee too long for a hug between just friends. Whenever you were not at the hotel, those three would come up with theories on what was going on with you two.
At some point, you ended up in a conversation with those three, chatting it up, and eventually Angel was the one that finally brought it up.
"Alright, babe. So...spill it. What exactly is goin' on between you an' da Boss Man, hmm?" Angel said, leaning his hand on one of his hands with a cocked eyebrow. You were startled by the question. Shit.
"Uhhh... w-what do you mean?" you say sheepishly, messing with your hair.
"I think you know exactly what I'm talkin' about~" Angel replied with a wiggle of his eyebrows.
"I-uhhh..." you started.
"Come on, (y/n), cut the crap," Husk chimed in, cleaning a cup. "Ya!" Added Cherri, "We can all tell you two are seriously vibin' with one anotha," she said in her spunky Australian accent.
'Shit, had these three really been that curious about my relationship with Lucifer? Was it that obvious? I have been just trying to follow his lead on things when we visited.'
"I mean... we are just really close, and comfortable with each other... that's all," you say, not trying to look at them directly.
"But how close are you too exactly?" asked Husk. "Yaaaa, like bedroom close~?" Angel pushed in his flirty voice, talking a little louder.
You quickly covered Angel's mouth with your hands, looking around, no one else had seemed to hear him. Lucifer was across the room, chatting with Charlie and Vaggie, and Alastor seemed more focused on listening in on their conversation than yours. You look back to see Husk and Cherri with satisfied looks on their faces, along with a twinkling mischief in Angel's eyes.
You sigh and remove your hands, "Look, guys, I really want to talk about the details around my dynamic with Lucifer, but... I really can't... I'm not allowed. Even saying that might be too much..."
The trios' faces became more concerned. "Wait... he doesn't... own your soul, does he?" Husk asked.
"Oh! No, no, nothing like that. And he has been nothing but kind to me. It's just... not something I can talk about... no matter how much I may want to..." you say, holding yourself and looking down sadly. The other two looked to Husk, Husk looked sadly back at them, he could tell this was not a bluff, you were telling the truth.
Lucifer glanced across the room at you, and was surprised to see your body language had suddenly changed from how it had been during the rest of your conversation with the others at the bar. Your body language looked more sad to him. Lucifer briefly excused himself from his conversation with Charlie and Vaggie, saying he would be right back, and made his way over to you.
Cherri, Lucifer, and Husk saw Lucifer approaching, and he giving off a protective look of 'what did you do?' before putting a hand on your back.
"Darling? Is everything ok?" Lucifer said, his face softening as he looked down at you.
Your head spang up at his sudden contact and sound of his voice, 'Crap, did he hear any of that?'
You looked up at him in surprise. "Oh! Ya... sorry, we were talking about Adam and the battle tomorrow... just made me think about how worried I have been for you all..." you say sadly. The other three relax once they realized you were covering for them, Husk almost didn't like how good you were at pulling out a story like that, but right now he cared more about not pissing off the King.
Lucifer sighed and ran his finger through your hair, before pulling you in for a comforting hug, "I know... we are gonna get through this." He looked over at the other three over your shoulder, smiling, "Together."
The others smiled back at Lucifer and he released you from the hug before asking if you felt like we needed to leave for the evening. You shook your head, telling him you wanted to stay longer. He nodded, and then walked back to his conversation with Charlie and Vaggie.
"Well, one thing is for sure," Husk said looking after Lucifer, "That man cares a lot about you."
You blushed, you hoped so, you hoped and prayed that was true. But because of the structure, no matter what he said or did, you always had some level of doubt hanging in the back of your thoughts. You wish you didn't have to second guess every interaction. You wish you knew how an actually health dynamic looked like so that you had something to compare to. Most of all, you wished you didn't have to be scheduled and paid in order to see him. Would he even want to see you outside of the time he pays for you?
"How do you know?" you asked Husk. Husk gave you a soft smile, "No man spends as much time as he does constantly checking in on you if he does not care."
You cock an eyebrow, "But, he doesn't constantly check on me."
"Maybe from you're perspective," Angel chimed, "That mothafucka is constantly lookin' over at you, why do ya think he was over here so fast as soon as you started pullin' into ya'self. Which, thanks for da save by da way. I am not ready ta get on his bad side."
You looked over your shoulder at here at Lucifer, a moment later, he looked at you, smiled, and waved. You waved back, and looked back to the others.
"See? Man's totally whipped," said Cherri. Doubted that, Lucifer having feeling for someone like you? Ya right. But you could see how they would think that way without knowing the truth behind your relationship, and they made a fair point, he did care to some degree. You couldn't keep the blush from tinting your cheeks. I mean I guess he did send a man to be tortured for all eternity for hurting you, that has to mean something... No matter how small.
Before long, it was time to go. You hugged everyone goodbye that wanted hugs. While hugging Charlie you said, "Kick his ass honey, I'd really hate to lose a good housing option." Charlie beamed and hugged you even tighter, to the point where it almost hurt, "We will! We'll get you set up right after we kill all of the angels or kick their asses back up to Heaven!"
You laughed, said goodbye, and you and Lucifer departed back to his place. Little did you know, that would be your last time inside of that hotel.
Sleep had not come easily for both of you that night, but it did all the same. Your time at Lucifer's did not end the following morning, Lucifer had booked out the rest of your day, he did not want to risk you getting caught if an exterminator if the angels were successful at wiping out everyone at the hotel and started going after the rest of the sinners. He knew the exorcists would not go anywhere near his house, Here, at least, he knew that you would be safe.
You wanted to help, but you knew you weren't a fighter, and giving Lucifer some peace so that he could fight when it came down to it was more important. Lucifer already had his hands tied in this situation. He had been the one to originally allow the exterminations to happen in Hell, mostly because he had no clue what else to do and he had been backed into a corner in that initial discussion with Heaven.
There was one rule however, that if broken, would allow him to fight, that rule being that hellborns were not allowed to be harmed. Funny, that a rule that he originally set in place to protect Charlie was now the rule that he hoped would get broken in order for him for be able to fight, and the only hellborn in this fight was Charlie, well, and Razzle and Dazzle too. Lucifer had created them as guardians to protect Charlie, and creations fell into a weird catagory. But an attack on them normally meant an attempted attack on her. He had to gamble that one of them would get hurt, but not so hurt that Charlie would be erased. It was a very uncomfortable situation, but nothing about this whole situation was anyway.
The two best case scenarios were that they could take out everyone, including Adam, without hurting Charlie, so Lucifer would never be needed, or for Charlie/her guardian's to get lightly hurt, so that Lucifer could jump in. Once he was able to jump in, the battle would basically be over. You didn't know much about how powerful Adam was, you had only seen small bits of Alastor and Lucifer's power, and nothing of Charlie's ability to fight him off. You had no idea how this was going to play out.
Lucifer however, knew how powerful Adam was, as well as his and Charlie's power, and he had a small idea of Alastor's power based on how he had defended the hotel a month ago. Lucifer didn't think that Alastor was going to be able to take out Adam completely, but he thought he would be able to most like put up a good fight, delay him, maybe get a few good hits in. If Charlie was as much of a fighter at Lucifer was, he wouldn't be as worried, but she was a gentle soul and didn't utilize her powers a lot. It was gonna be hard to tell how this was going to go.
Lucifer sat on the couch, tense, holding your hand, wings already out, waiting for the signal, waiting for the energy between him and Charlie to activate that would inform him that Charlie or her guardians had been hit. Before long, the sensation of a sting of shared pain ran through his body. He quickly kissed you on the forehead, said "See you on the other side," and jumped through a portal out to the battlefield.
You were now alone with your own fear.
You went to the window to see if you could see the hotel from his manor, but you barely couldn't. All you could do was pace around the house, waiting for Lucifer to return. You thought about turning on the tv or radio to listen for any news, maybe looking for a livestream on your phone, but no, all of that would have just made it worse. So you paced, until you decided to lay on the floor and stare at the ceiling, trying hard just to breathe.
Until... a portal opened up. You sat up, looking at the portal, through the swirling red magic, you saw a familiar black claw reach out to you. You smiled, as the image continued to clear up, and you could see Lucifer, next to Charlie, and Vaggie, Angel, Husk, Cherri, Niffty... all covering in golden blood, except for Lucifer who looked exactly the same as when he left.
You felt tears well up in your eyes as you jumped through the portal into the arms of your friends. You all hug in a group before Lucifer picked you up and spun you around. After the laughter and smiles you looked around, something was missing, something big. It was quiet.
"Where are Alastor and Pentious? And... oh my god! The hotel!" you said realizing that it was not only some friends that were missing, but that the group was literally standing on the rocky remains of the Hazbin Hotel.
Charlie rubbed her arm, "Pentious... Pentious scarified himself for us... Adam killed him... he's... he's gone. And, umm... we aren't entirely sure what happened to Alastor either... He was fighting Adam, and the next thing we knew, Adam was out fighting the rest of us. We haven't seen him since. And... ya... Adam took out the hotel."
"And I took out the Bad Angel Man!" Niffy said, proudly holding up her little dagger, both her at it covered in bright golden blood.
You and the others laughed at Niffy's excitement, but your heart broke for your friends, you hadn't really gotten to know Sir Pentious very much, but your knew he had meant a lot to the hotel crew. You hoped that Alastor had found a way to slip out or something, he was... a unique individual... but he was also an important piece to the hotel. And the hotel...
Lucifer grabbed your hand, "The hotel, however, we can fix." He said with a smile, "Wanna help us build a hotel?"
You smiled, finally something you were able to do to help.
"Lets do this!"
The rest of the afternoon was spent with the whole crew building up a new Hazbin Hotel, one that was even bigger and better than the previous one. You had no idea that it was possible to set up a new building in an afternoon, but with Lucifer's extraordinary magic and an amazing team, the shining new doors of the hotel were gleaming and open again.
Lucifer could not stop smiling the whole rest of the afternoon, to have a purpose behind his creativity and powers of creation, to have a community again that liked him, to have his daughter back and getting to support her dreams, and to have you, you who made all this happiness fall into place again. Getting to beat the shit out of Adam had also been quite enjoyable.
He looked down at the wedding ring that was still on his left hand, after wearing it for so long, he had forgotten that it wasn't just a part of him, it was his reminder of Lilith. He would still always have love and care for Lilith, but the time of her had come to an end, and you were his new horizon. He wasn't ready to take off the ring just yet, he didn't want to tip anyone off, but god did he just want to toss of the ring, swoop down from the sky, scoop you up, kiss you, and tell you how much he loved you in front of all of hell, but this wasn't the time. This day was about Charlie and her dream. Plus... he was still really fucking nervous and didn't know how to say it to you.
Eventually, Alastor manifested himself back from the shadows and re-joined the group, Lucifer and Husk were... less than thrilled, but everyone else was happy, including you. The group celebrated at their new beautiful hotel together late into the night.
Eventually, you and Lucifer split off for the night to celebrate the rest of the night together snuggling in each other's arms. You fell asleep first that night, and Lucifer spent his last few minutes awake looking at your beautiful face in the darkness or his room, daydreaming about the best way to tell you how he felt.
Don't get too comfortable! I've got one more twist in store for these two :) xoxo, dany As usual, leave a comment if you want added to the taglist so that you can get notifications when future chapters drop!
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peachesyeo · 5 months
8/9... 8/8 - ATEEZ OT8 part one
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⊹ 2k words ⊹ friends!ateez x fem!reader (ft. straykids) ᭡ angst, mature.
✧ a/n: hi. erm. yeah. i guess. in a rainy and depressive mood these days, but i'll be fine. might take a while to update, please be understanding. thank you.
thank you @sousydive for beta reading.
⊂ content: shitty ateez (esp jongho & wooyoung) warning. name-calling, slapping, crying, stray kids being absolute angels. friendship problems, both sides are in the wrong. strong language. please don't hate jongho i love my baby bear pls, a little self-harming.
✦ network: @newworldnet
:̗̀➛ 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭? :̗̀➛ 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐞? :̗̀➛ 𝐣𝐨𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭? (for all works)
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You sat on your bed, staring at your phone. 
Zero notifications. 
No calls, no texts. No one asked for you. 
Your fingers swiped open the group chat. The last message was sent by you, asking if anyone wanted to grab lunch together. 
Nine members, eight reads, zero replies. 
You put your phone down, thinking about your recent behaviour. Have you done anything wrong? Did you accidentally offend them? Or perhaps, say the wrong thing?
You sighed, throwing your phone to the side and looking at the frame photo by your bed. You and the boys were huddled together, laughing at the camera. It was San’s birthday, and all of you had come up with a surprise party. The nine of you, all together, celebrating, smiling.
When was the last time you hung out with them?
Was it… three months ago? Four?
“They’re probably busy, Y/n…” You muttered to yourself, blinking rapidly so the sudden tears that gathered in your eyes wouldn’t fall. You sniffed, shaking your head. “Stop over thinking, Y/n.” You looked at your reflection in the mirror, your fingers curling into a fist. “You’re fine. Stop behaving so childishly.”
You let yourself fall onto the pillows, staring up at the ceiling above you. Every single time you send a message to them, they would reply dryly. 
Maybe they’re sick of you, Y/n. 
You closed your eyes, wrapping yourself up in a foetal position. 
Everything will be fine. 
You know something is wrong, Y/n.
No, everything is fine. Nothing is wrong. 
Stop lying to yourself. 
I’m not lying to myself. 
Are you?
“I’m not.” You whispered, your voice shaky and unconfident. Tears gathered up at your eyes as you tried to get yourself to sleep.
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You woke up with a gasp, breathing heavily as you bent over to the side of the bed, retching dryly. You were covered in cold sweat, shaking as you recovered your breathing. 
The annoyed expression on your friends faces seemed so real, to the point that you cannot differentiate between your dream and reality. You raised your knees to your chest, hugging them as you tried to calm yourself down.
It’s not real it’s not real it’s not real
“A nightmare. It’s a nightmare.” You told yourself, covering your face with your hands. “Y/n, stop it. Stop overthinking, you idiot.”
You reached for your phone, tapping on Seonghwa’s chat.
You: Oppa, are you busy? | You: Oppa, are y| You: Oppa, a| You: Oppa, I had a nightmare.| You: Oppa, I ha| You: Oppa,|
You stared at the screen, your fingers pausing in mid air. 
You: Oppa| You: Op| You: |
You scrolled upwards, reading your previous chats. It was mostly you talking about your problems, and Seonghwa advising you on what to do. You swallowed your saliva, reading his replies, which were getting drier and drier as you scrolled down.
Hwa Oppa: Y/n-ah, sorry, I’m busy. Hwa Oppa: Ok. Hwa Oppa: Ttyl. Hwa Oppa: Mhm.  Hwa Oppa: K. Hwa Oppa: Can you text me later? Hwa Oppa: Kinda busy now.
You tapped on his profile. Online 3 hours ago. The time now is 2am.
A sense of helplessness swallowed you as you let the phone drop onto your bed. You looked outside of the window, letting out another sigh.
You can't sleep anymore.
Maybe you should try one more time?
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Y/n: Oppa, can we talk?
Seonghwa frowned at the notification. In front of him, Mingi was hollering with the mic, along with San, who was shrieking at the top of his voice, abusing poor Yunho's ears, who was sitting nearest to the speaker.
"Who is that?" Jongho asked, peering at the screen over his shoulder. "Oh." He looked away uninterestedly, taking a mouthful of his alcohol.
"Y/n?" Wooyoung grabbed Seonghwa's phone, scowling. "Does she want to complain about her boring work problems again? I have enough of listening to her shit-"
"Wooyoung. Stop it." Hongjoong warned. The latter rolled his eyes, giving Seonghwa his phone back before going over to San to snatch his microphone. As they scuffle over it, Yeosang sighed, frowning.
"I still don't think it's a good idea leaving her out and ignoring her like that, hyung." He watched the two fight while Mingi continued to sing his heart out. "We should sit down at talk it out-"
"Listen, I've tried. But every single time she would talk about her stupid work problems, I just needed a break from her, okay?" Seonghwa shot back, irritated. Yeosang put his hands up in defeat, shutting up. Seonghwa turned his phone off, shaking his head. “I’ll just… text her later.”
Jongho snorted, turning his attention back to the singing trio. Yeosang bit his lip nervously, but Hongjoong clapped his back. “Hey, just chill. Y/n would be fine without us anyway, she has so many friends.” He stuffed a glass of beer into Yeosang’s empty hands. “Here, take a drink and just forget about her, okay? It's been some time since all eight of us can come out together.”
Yeosang’s fingers grip the glass nervously. Yunho, who had crawled over to their seat to get away from the speaker, saw his hesitancy and rolled his eyes. “Hyung is right, Yeosang-ah. Y/n wouldn’t die without us. We should have our Boys Night anyways. Just drink.” He pushed the glass to Yeosang’s lips, the younger finally taking a sip reluctantly. 
“Yeah.” He watched Jongho, who had joined in with the three at the front. “You’re right.”
It's not much of a problem.
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Your phone buzzed. Your eyes lit up, grabbing it and scanning at it.
Felix (Baking Class): Hey, this is Y/n right?
You slumped in disappointment, but soon it turned to confusion. What's Felix texting you at 2am for?
Felix Lee, a sweet Australian you've met through your baking class. You have enjoyed talking to him, the both of you exchanging tales of your baking mishaps. None of the boys, not even Wooyoung, likes to bake. So only Felix understood your problems with baking.
You: Hey Felix. You: What can I do for you?
Felix (Baking Class): I don't think I'm supposed to tell you this but Felix (Baking Class): You're friends with Hongjoong hyung right?
You: Yeah Felix (Baking Class): Erm, so my friends and I were at the nuraebang Felix (Baking Class): Changbin hyung was recording er, Jeonginnie just now
Felix (Baking Class): It's not like we're eavesdropping or anything, but erm I think you should, listen to this
Felix (Baking Class): *video.mp4*
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Something is wrong.
Yeosang forced a laugh as he sipped on his coffee. They were in San's house, eating breakfast. Wooyoung busied himself over the stove, while Hongjoong was muttering to himself, his hands furiously typing away on his laptop. Mingi continued to talk after getting a reaction from Yeosang, but the man's attention had drifted elsewhere.
"...and then that's it. My manager just let me off." Mingi smirked proudly, earning a thumbsup from Yunho and San. Seonghwa rolled his eyes. "You were lucky this time, Mingi-ah. Yeosang, eggs?"
Yeosang gave him a small shake of his head. "No thank you. Hyung, did you text Y/n?"
The kitchen went silent at the name. Even Hongjoong looked up from his screen. "Y/n?"
"Yeah. She erm, hasn't contacted us in a week?" Yeosang reminded, shaking his phone in their face. "She usually texts us in the morning in the groupchat-"
"C'mon Yeo, that's a good thing." Wooyoung came out of the kitchen, untying his apron and frowning at Yeosang. "Don't spoil the mood early in the morning."
"Maybe she's busy, Yeo." Yunho suggested, wolfing down his pancake. "She did say that her boss sent her for some field checks. And don't be so mean, Woo."
Wooyoung pouted. "I'm just annoyed at her. And why isn't Jongho back?"
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Jongho felt guilty.
He sipped on his cup of americano nervously, glancing at you. You sat with your gaze lowered, fixated on your own cup, your eyes cast downward.
He had bumped into you at the supermarket while getting syrup for Wooyoung. He didn't know why, but when he saw you, he had this sudden desire to run away.
Like a little boy after making a mistake.
"Erm, Y/n, how are you?" He decided, speaking carefully. You looked up from your cup at him, before tugging the corner of your lips upwards.
"Jongho-ah. Please, be honest with me." You pressed the nail of your thumb into your skin, the piercing pain kept your tears in. “Do I… really annoy you guys? When I’m telling… No, when I'm complaining about…” You bit your lower lip, suddenly feeling pathetic. Then you breathed in, before speaking again. “You know what, nevermind. I heard that you guys needed a break from me- Don’t need to explain, I heard it for myself.” You stopped Jongho as he opened his mouth to explain. “I totally understand that. But I’m just here to tell you that leaving me out is not cool. We’re adults, Jongho-ah. You and the boys should have just told me.”
“W-we’re just afraid that you’ll be upset-” “So you guys started leaving me out? Ignoring my texts? Talking behind my back?” You pressed your thumb harder into your skin, angry tears welling up in your eyes. “Like a teenager in highschool? Choi Jongho, you know that’s not… that’s not…” You glared at him, your brain searching for the right word. 
“Not how you should behave as a friend.” Someone placed their hand behind your back, patting them. The both of you looked up to see Felix, who was holding up a cup of coffee. Behind him, Bang Chan and Jisung waved at you. You blinked quickly, forcing the tears to go back in and waved back at them, before turning your attention to him. “Lixie? What are you doing here?”
“Breakfast with my hyung and Han Jisung.” He jabbed his thumb back at the two of them. Felix then turned to Jongho, offering him a simple smile that did not reach his eyes. “Hi, I’m Felix. I heard a lot from Y/nnie about you.” He introduced himself, his hand never leaving your back. Jongho frowned, glancing from his hand and back to his face. 
“I’m Jongho.” His voice was unwelcoming. Your brows furrowed. “Jongho, that was ru-” “It’s okay. Sorry if I interrupted you guys, but hyung’s asking whether you wanna join us later for lunch. Minho hyung cooked the dish you said you’d like to try.”
Your eyes lit up at his words. “Really?” You exclaimed. Jongho observed your exchange with a stoic expression on his face. Felix nodded. “Yeah, I’ll call you later?”
You nodded. Felix patted your hair, gave a friendly nod to Jongho and returned back to his hyungs. As soon as he left, Jongho sneered. “So, you’ve been hanging out with those kind of people?” 
Your smile froze. “What did you say?” 
Jongho shook his head mockingly. “Them, Y/n L/n. Hanging out with Felix Lee and his stupid little gang?” He hissed. “What did they offer you? Money? Are you fucking with them?” 
You stared at him in disbelievement. “What? Did I say something wrong?” Jongho scoffed, sending a glare over to Felix. “You know they are rivals with Seonghwa hyung, right? They play around, Y/n. Are you being a whore for them-”
A loud, resounding slap echoed through the cafe, capturing the attention of everyone dining inside. Jongho touched his burning left cheek, slowly turning to face you. You were standing up, your chest heaving in anger and humiliation at Jongho’s words. Regret instantly flooded his eyes, as Jongho realized what he had said. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to-”
“Say that I’m a slut? For hanging out with a group of men?” You finished the sentence for him, your voice filled with anger and sadness. “Choi Jongho, you’re an asshole. Fuck you. You all are assholes!” You cursed as you grabbed your bag and headed out towards the exit. 
As you ran out, Jongho saw Felix and his friends hurried to follow you too. When his eyes met Felix’s, the latter smirked at him, and Jongho gritted his teeth. 
He fucked up.
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➳ permanent taglist: @sousydive @oddracha @yeodeulz @jaerisdiction
273 notes · View notes
54625 · 9 months
With the upcoming Fit lore later today, I figured it may be useful to transcribe his earlier lore drops for those of you who may not have been there, or want a refresher. These were attempts to contact the contractor to relay information, and happened before the dreams.
-First attempt-
(Text appears on screen.
Fit- Hello, it's me.
Fit- Sorry I've been taking my sweet time.
Fit- I've been busy...
Fit- We need to pivot from our original plan.
Fit- I've adopted a son, and I've been caring for him.
Fit- I've grown attached to him, so he's been my priority.
Fit- Being a single dad is a challenge at times.
Fit- But it's much easier than the nomadic lifestyle.
Fit- Life here is very different from the wasteland.
Fit- But I haven't forgotten our agreement.
Fit- I will fullfil my contractual obligations.
Fit- They're still falling for the whole "vacation" thing.
Fit- I ask that you be patient though, as we have a problem.
Fit- Something called "The Federation" controls this entire island.
Fit- They've been keeping us here.
Fit- As long as they are in the way, I can't access what you are looking for.
Fit- And the anti-cheat on the island is strong.
Fit- I haven't been able to use my abilities.
Fit- The Federation must be eliminated for this to succeed.
Fit- I've gained everyone's trust and made friends...
Fit- I've been helping their fight against the Federation in order to advance our plan.
Fit- Still... It hurts me to see everyone suffering...
Fit- Some have lost things they cared about...
Fit- But this struggle is an unfortunate necessity...
Fit- The conflict is increasing the value of what you seek...
Fit- I know you're paying me...
Fit- But have you considered......
...the true cost?
Fit- regardless of my personal feelings, I'll slowly move the plan forward.
Fit- I hope you find what you're looking for.*
Fit- It's getting late...*
*(it is worth noting that these are messages Fit had previously sent in the Minecraft global chat in that odd font.)
-Second attempt-
(Text appears on screen.
Fit- Checking in.
Fit- I am messaging you again to keep you updated on my progress.
Fit- The Federation still has full control of the island.
Fit- They've been putting on some strange election....
Fit- I'm assuming to keep everyone occupied.
Fit- However, it seems they've let a vulnerability slip.
Fit- Player data and statistics are being tracked.
Fit- The Federation must have this data stored somewhere on the island.
Fit- If I had to guess, it's likely the computer system of the Federation offices.
Fit- If I tried to break in and access the data, they would likely capture me...
Fit- It would not end well.
Fit- However, whoever wins this election will likely have open access.
Fit- Perhaps they could be persuaded... Or tricked into giving us access.
Fit- I will fullfil the contract.
Fit- And yet... I'm starting to wonder....
Fit- What are you actually trying to achieve?
Fit- Even if I can access the data, what good would it do?
Fit- I'm skeptical, but I hope to hear from you soon........
(This island...... Is worse than I thought....)
(Text appears on screen.
Windows XP
Task failed successfully.
[OK] )
(A cinematic showing various scenes from QSMP and 2B2T play. All the images from the former are in full colour, while all the images from the latter are in black and white. A video of a capybara eating grass plays. It is in black and white.)
If I left anything particularly important out, let me know!
200 notes · View notes
biisexualemma · 1 year
happier (pt.6). rafe cameron
word count: 3.8k
warnings: unwanted passes, bit of angst, mostly fluff
requested: i guess soo
plot: you and rafe are figuring out this dating thing
a/n: it has literally been 6 months since i last updated series… whoops… i have some much written for this series but it’s all in bits and pieces and i’m trying to rewrite bits / put stuff together and it’s taking a minute lol but anyway enjoy the 2 people who will read this lol
part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 / masterlist
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bold = rafe
italics = y/n
very ominous first text rafe
all i said was hey
and it's you so
what else am i supposed to say?
'hey y/n'
'hi how are you?'
''sup what you up to?'
you'd rather me start the conversation with 'sup'
it's less serial killer-y so maybe
alright next topic please
YOU texted me rafe
yeah and you said i sounded like a serial killer so excuse me if i'm a little wounded
didn't think that was even possible mr big-shot kook prince
please never call me that again
because it's too on the nose?
you always this annoying?
nah i just like making things difficult for you
cuz your life is too easy as it is
you think you're so funny
i know you do too :)
you're still hanging around sooo
your eyes dragged away from your phone screen, and away from where rafe was currently typing out his response, when you heard a honk from outside your house. you peeped out the window and saw the twinkie pulled up outside, lights still on and engine running as they waited for you.
you grabbed your shoes and jacket, still holding onto your phone when another message popped up as you were making your way out of your house to meet your friends.
yeah yeah
just tell me what you're not doing tonight so i can come pick you up
you rolled your eyes at his presumptuousness, a small smile on your lips as you grabbed your keys and closed the door behind you. you texted back as you walked to the twinkie, hardly looking where you were going.
believe it or not i have plans
i don't sit around waiting for you to text me you know
i don't sit around waiting for you to text me you know
> why not? >:(
you let out a snort, shaking your head as you typed out a response just as you approached the beat up van where sarah and john b were waiting for you. you clumsily climbed into the back, sarah watching you fumble as your fingers and eyes remained glued to your phone screen.
my life does not revolve around you rafe cameron
as much as i'm sure you want it to
yeah i do actually
guess we don't always get what we want
this is a valuable lesson that you're long overdue to learn little trust fund baby
you're actually so mean and for what
yeah i'm not very good at this flirting thing tbh
yeah i got that
yeah? did the serial killer comment tip you off?
amongst other things
ok well maybe i'll just remind you that i think about you more than i care to elaborate on right now
that was better...
you're learning
thank you
i'm trying my best
we'll circle back to that comment at some point though
don't think i'll forget that one
yeah you think about that while you're home alone tonight
wait not like that
don't take it back now that was good
it's not what i meant!!
"what is she grinning about?" sarah quirked an eyebrow, muttering to john b as she watched you trying to buckle up with one hand while you texted with the other.
john b watched you in the rearview mirror, his eyebrows furrowed together slightly. neither of them could recall a time they'd seen you look so giddy, you were always misplacing your phone and now you couldn't tear your eyes away.
sarah gasped softly and john b's eyes quickly darted over to his girlfriend, wide and wondering what she suddenly knew that he didn't.
sarah grabbed john b's arm and shook it a little, all giddy herself now but john b still looked just as confused. "what? what? tell me!" he whined.
"she asked me and kie for advice the other night," she clarified, lowering her voice a little, though you were entirely consumed in your own conversation. john b's eyes were still full of confusion. he didn't understand girls at the best of times but this was beyond his comprehension all together. sarah rolled her eyes playfully. "about a boy."
john b glanced at you for a second before moving back to his girlfriend, shaking his head. "i didn't think y/n was even interested in guys."
"oh just because she didn't fall at your feet john b doesn't mean she doesn't like guys," sarah scoffed, hitting his chest lightly. john b went to defend himself but quickly stopped because he thought she might be onto something.
you suddenly grew aware of your surroundings, realising the twinkie was still stationary. your eyes lifted up from your phone for a second to see sarah biting back a grin and john b staring you out in the rearview mirror.
"uh," you looked around like something was wrong. "are we waiting for something or what? why are we still sitting here?"
"nope," sarah narrowed her eyes at you and you frowned at her, mouth opening slightly in confusion. she looked like she knew things. "c'mon get going, john b."
weird you thought, shaking your head when another message appeared on your phone.
i know what you meant don't worry ;)
no you don't
you'll know what i mean when i actually mean it
shut up
i gotta go rick
who tf is rick
i'm rick?
yeah you're rick
i don’t understand
that's your name from now on
at least via text
so if anyone sees these messages they don't get suspicious
that's crazy
i lose my phone a lot it's not that crazy
that's not the crazy part
just play along please?
i'm not ready for people to find out about this yet
whatever this is
what is this again?
that's a question for another time
see you around
- rick
you fell back against the blanket you'd laid out on the grass, eyes immediately falling upon the stars above you. you sighed contentedly, oblivious to the curious eyes that were watching you from beside you.
"you seem happy," jj spoke up from where he was sitting next to you. "what's that about?"
you snorted, your head rolling to the side so you could glance up at him. "what? i can't just be happy?"
he made a face at you, his hand nudging your arm. "you know what i mean," he shook his head. "you've been so tired and grumpy lately, no offence," he said the last part quickly when he saw your face contort into one that looked offended. "you just seemed like normal today. it was nice."
you propped yourself up on your elbows, watching the rest of the gang who'd gone for a quick swim. kie had launched herself onto pope, dunking him under the water and laughing hysterically when he came back up for air looking bewildered. sarah was floating on her back, eyes up at the stars while john b held his hands underneath her so she wouldn't sink down. you didn't feel like swimming after the amount of food you'd eaten so jj decided to sit with you and keep you company.
you shrugged. "i don't know," you could feel jj's eyes watching you. "i just feel more like myself i guess. i don't know why."
it was a bit of a lie. with everything out of the open between you and rafe, you felt a weight lift off your shoulders. you thought it'd be hard to lie to your friends about it, but none of them really asked you outright so you didn't find yourself having to lie at all. everything just seemed to be going better for now.
"well i'm glad anyway," he gave you a soft smile. jj was a good friend, and most of the time he played into the reputation he had, but every now and again he would show the other side of him. he was loyal to his core and just wanted to see his friends happy. "you feel like swimming yet?" his lips stretched into a wide grin, nudging your shoulder as he tried to encourage you.
you couldn't help but smile back, he was infectious. you let your head roll back before sitting yourself upright. "fine, c'mon," you lifted your shirt over your head, throwing it at his face. "race you," you quickly jumped up, undoing your shorts as you ran towards the water, only stopping when you got to the edge to pull your shorts off the rest of the way.
jj was racing behind you, not bothering to remove anything other than his shirt as he whizzed past you and threw himself into the water, shoes and all. "cannon ball!" he screamed and pope, kie, john b and sarah all tried to clear out as quickly as they could but he didn't give them much notice before a crashing wave of water soaked them all even more. a chorus of angry jj's followed but you couldn't help but laugh before throwing yourself in after him.
you awake pretty girl?
rafe it's late
you asleep?
fast asleep yeah
that's why i'm txting you right now
come to the party
rafe it's 1 am i'm with my friends
haven't they had enough of you
i mean they're hogging you
how old are you?
ditch em c'mon
i'm more fun anyway
i'm gonna bet you're drunk
or high
doesn't change anything
still wanna see you
you always this clingy with girls?
mmm funny
you know it's just you
you think i'd be texting you at this party if it wasn't just you
maybe no ones caught your eye yet
yeah you have
so get your ass over here or i'm coming to get you
you love it
just come and get me
everyone will be asleep by the time you get here
on my way
can you drive?
'course i can
ok but are you sober enough?
don't worry about it
i'm good i promise
half an hour later and you'd sneaked out of john b's house unnoticed and were sitting in the passenger seat of rafe's car. last time you were in this seat he was driving you home from a party, and now you were going to a party... with him.
"hey," he mumbled as you secured your seatbelt, his eyes raking over you, smile on his lips.
"hey yourself," you chirped, still pretty awake considering the late hour, you were used to running off no sleep most of the time. you noticed him staring at you instead of starting the car and driving. "what?"
"you look really pretty right now."
you glanced away from him, feeling your cheeks grow warm from the compliment. "shut up and drive, rafe," you mumbled, meeting his eyes quickly as he shook his head and breathed out a laugh.
"yes ma'am," he did as you said, driving you to the other side of town, to a house you didn't recognise but was probably four times bigger than your own. you felt a wave of anxiety all of a sudden when rafe parked the car and got out. he appeared again on the passengers side where you still sat, seatbelt on.
he opened the door, leaning on the frame of the car and ducking down to see you sat still. "c'mon," he urged but you quickly shook your head.
"this is a bad idea," you blurted out, eyes shifting to meet rafes. "i don't think i should go in there— definitely not with you."
rafe, for a split second, looked wounded but he quickly played it off. "you're overthinking it."
"rafe, your friends hate me," your lip involuntarily slipped into a small pout, your eyes not moving from his. "i can't just go to a kook party, when i hate kooks and they hate me."
your eyes moved down to your thigh where rafe had moved his hand to sit against your skin. you gulped. "i'm a kook and i don't hate you," he reassured, giving your thigh a squeeze before shifting his hand. "if anyone has a problem with you being here they can take it up with me."
"rafe," your voice came out smaller than you had intended. your mind was pretty focused on his hand and where it was moving, until you heard a click and your seatbelt was retracting. "i don't want you messing things up with your friends over me."
he shook his head, his hand latching onto yours and tugging you out of the passenger seat. he closed the car door and guided you towards the house. "'told you they're not my friends."
"still— won't it make things awkward—"
"oh my god," he turned around, smile on his lips when he came to halt, you nearly bumping into his chest. "i told you i don't care what people think, and i really don't care what my friends think."
he let go of your hand, moving his hands to either side of your face. your breath caught in your throat when he moved his face directly in front of yours. he squished your cheeks together, his stomach churning when you looked up at him with your big, nervous eyes.
"c'mon," he urged again. "you'll be fine s'long as you're with me," he offered you a reassuring smile, hands slipping from your face, his arm moving to sit on your shoulders, pulling you close into him. "you're good, ok?"
you took his word for it, trusting him in that moment that everything would be fine as long as you stayed with rafe.
"do you want another drink?" rafe hummed the question to you, his fingertips grazing the skin of your arm, before moving back down to sit snug on your waist. his eyes were looking up at you from where you sat on his lap.
you had relaxed somewhat since you got here, making yourself comfortable on rafes lap after he insisted that no one was watching, nor cared. you took his word for it and he wasn't wrong, the people at this party were too high or drunk to care who's lap you were sitting on.
you shrugged, glancing at your empty cup. you hadn't drank much, it was already late and you didn't feel like having a hangover tomorrow so you didn't push it. "i could do a water."
"water? sure, i got you," he nodded, repositioning you so you sat back on the sofa while he went on the hunt for water.
you propped your head up with your hand, resting your elbow on the arm of the sofa. you peered out the corner of your eye when you felt someone sit next to you.
"hey you're y/n, right?" you turned to face the guy that had sat himself beside you, he wore a small smile on his face, his eyebrows slightly furrowed. you recognised him from around town but not enough to know his name.
"uh, yeah," you gave him a polite, albeit uncomfortable smile before turning away from him, hoping to discourage him continuing to talk to you.
"i think i've seen you around the club," he carried on, not picking up on anything. you nodded, pursing your lips. "i'm alex."
he held out his hand for you to shake, you looked down at it in almost disbelief but shook it still to be polite. "cool," you said with a twinge of sarcasm.
"sorry if this is forward— i just think you're really pretty— i've been watching you for a while—"
"you've been watching me?" you repeated his words, your brows furrowing slightly.
he let out an awkward laugh. "not in a stalker-y way— i just noticed you is what i meant."
"sure," you nodded. "i'm kinda here with someone else though. sorry," you tried to let him down easy, with another small smile despite your discomfort.
"ok well you're sitting here alone," he breathed out a laugh, as if he'd caught you in a lie.
your smile drooped a little. "he's getting me a drink. not that i need to explain myself."
he huffed, seeming to grow agitated with you. "you could just say you're not interested instead of coming up with a lame excuse."
your mouth hung open slightly. "the truth actually— not that i even owe you that but sure whatever."
"last time i try talking to a fucking pogue," he muttered under his breath before picking himself up and walking away. "not even that pretty," he muttered under his breath.
you sat for a couple minutes in silent disbelief, blinking a few times before pushing yourself up off the sofa and beginning your search for rafe. you'd had enough of this party and he was your ride home.
you finally found him in the kitchen on the other side of this humongous house, filling up a cup with some water. you approached from behind him, feeling his body stiffen when he felt your hands snake around his torso.
"hey," you felt him relax slightly when you spoke, realising it was you holding onto him. he turned to face you, your hands gripping the shirt he was wearing as he looked down at you.
"oh hey," he mumbled, you were standing pretty close but your eyes shifted about the room. "what's up? i was just coming to bring you—"
"can we go now, please?" you cut him off quickly, eyes moving back to his pleadingly. his brows furrowed a little when he saw your anxiety-ridden expression again.
"you're good here," he spoke in a hushed voice, setting aside the cup in his hand so he could move his hands to your waist. "we're good."
he tried to reassure you but it wasn't enough, you wanted to go home, you didn't want to see another self-entitled kook tonight (excluding the one in front of you).
you shook your head, adamant, "no— rafe— i want to leave."
his grip on you tightened a little. "did something happen?" his brows knitted together slightly, standing up a little straighter.
"no," you shook your head quickly. "i just want to go— rafe— please—"
"ok, ok," he rooted for his car keys in his pocket, his free hand grabbing yours and pulling you out of the kitchen. "we'll go, c'mon."
you followed him out of the party, trailing behind him, he helped you into the passenger seat, even trying to buckle you in until you insisted that you got it and that you were fine.
"i'm sorry," you mumbled after a while of sitting in silence, reflecting on your actions. rafe driving on the quiet roads, not saying a word or looking in your direction. "i didn't mean to ruin your night."
"you didn't," he spoke quietly.
you eyed him up, his hands tight on the steering wheel, eyes locked on the road, lips pulled into a tight line. "i feel like you're mad at me."
"now you wanna talk?"
"you're mad at me."
"i'm not mad at you."
"i'm not mad at you," he repeated, a little shorter than before. "i just want you to talk to me."
"i am talking to you—"
"you know what i mean," he cut you off again. "i can't help if you don't talk to me."
you were quiet for a second before speaking again. "this guy was rude to me at the party, that's all," you felt his eyes move over to you for a split second. "i felt out of place and wanted to leave."
he thought on it for a minute. "rude to you how?"
you chewed on your bottom lip, not wanting to answer him, partly because you were still mad but mainly because you were kind of embarrassed.
you huffed. "he was trying to hit on me and when i told him no he got all hurt and mean."
rafe was quiet for a minute, he was picking his words and his tone carefully, trying not to let his imagination run wild. "he was mean to you?"
"it's just guys, they get like that— bruised egos you know, kooks are the worst for it," you shrugged. "i didn't want to tell you back then because i didn't want to make it into a big thing or cause a scene. i just wanted to leave, with you."
"ok, but you're fine? did he try anything?" his knuckles were turning white at this point, you found it hard to look away.
you shook your head, but when he looked over at you for a second for confirmation you spoke, "i'm fine. it was just weird and awkward."
he nodded and you were both quiet for a while after that.
you knew rafe was a hot head, you knew he didn't always think before he acted, and maybe you should've just told him what happened straight away but part of you was glad you didn't.
"where am i dropping you off?"
"john b's is fine."
"won't your dad wonder where you are?"
your eyes focused on the road ahead still but you could feel him stealing glances at you. "i already told him i'd be at john b's tonight."
"you sure?" you nodded and so he dropped you back off at the house he'd picked you up from a few hours ago. the sun was just starting to rise, creating just enough light so that you could see his face. he still looked pissed.
you were looking at him with big, tired, bloodshot eyes when he turned his head towards you. your eyelids drooping slightly the longer you focused on him.
"y'promise you're good?" he mumbled.
you nodded. "do you promise you're not angry at me?"
he rolled his eyes, glancing away for a second, the corner of his lip curling upwards softly. "could never be angry at you when you look like that."
"like what? exhausted?"
he hissed softly, shaking his head. he reached his hand out, gripping your chin between his thumb and forefinger, guiding you closer to him. "you're always so fucking pretty," his eyes raked over your face one last time, kissing your forehead before immediately shoving your face away with the palm of his hand. "now get outta' my sight, you're turning me on looking like that."
you snorted, ignoring the way your stomach fluttered at his actions. "you're such a boy," you joked before saying goodnight and hopping out of his car.
you walked up to the house with a small smile on your face, despite the bump in the night, you felt good about where this was going with rafe. you felt positive, giddy and your head was kinda foggy thinking about him.
"y/n?" you stopped in your tracks when you heard your name from his mouth. "was that rafe's car?"
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emi-maru · 3 months
A few weeks ago I switched to Linux and I've got some thoughts
I chose Arch Linux because I had some prior experience with using Ubuntu and Linux Mint on laptops, both for work and for myself.
Gaming is, aside from games that require certain anticheats, extremely easy to set up. Steam just works and I use Heroic as an alternative frontend for the Epic games launch and GOG Galaxy and it runs better than both of them did on windows. I haven't looked into Origin the EA App or Uplay Ubisoft Connect but I know I could play their stuff via Lutris or Bottles.
I locked myself out of my system once because I didn't verify a change I made to my fstab (basically a file where all your drives are listed) and while that's my fault for not verifying, you'd think the os would be able to boot if some drive that's not necessary isn't plugged in. A little help from a mutual helped me fix it.
Gnome is a very meh desktop environment. It's kinda considered the default for Linux and aside from KDE and budgie the only one I'm really familiar with. I had to install a bunch of extensions for it to work the way I wanted and it also comes with a bunch of preinstalled software that I don't need and can't (without fearing I'll break something) get rid of (for example, I use Alacrity but have to keep Gnome Console around).
The theming is so good. I can theme so much stuff it's great. I start up LibreOffice and it picks up the background and accent colour I set, I love it.
I'm getting more comfortable with using the terminal and while I still think that ideally every application should have a GUI, sometimes the terminal is more convenient (like using yay to update my entire system).
When I used Windows I had sporadic crackling sounds that I assumed were the fault of my DAC/AMP but I haven't had them since switching to Linux so I guess this was a Windows issue somehow. I tried so many fixes before that didn't work like checking drivers and firmware, using different usb ports and cables, trying different headphones but to no avail even when I got a completely new pc. Thanks, Windows.
I don't get Flatpak at all. Universal packages are neat but when I installed the Flatpak version of Bottles to run save/mod managers inside the proton prefixes that Steam uses, it suddenly took up almost 5gb. It also for whatever reason couldn't see half the folders even after I gave it access to the entire file system. In the end I went with the AUR version of Bottles which does not have that problem despite being Unofficial™. I just wish that the library/shortcut system worked but I can live with it I guess.
The AUR seemed annoying because it took forever to build packages compared to just installing binaries. The Chaotic AUR is a godsent because it contains a ton of binaries from the AUR. I don't get why people don't recommend it more often.
The only software I really miss from windows is ShareX. Not even because of all the tools like scroll capture, but also for OCR. Watching a vod of a twitch stream and being able to grab links out of the chat on screen is nice. Maybe I'll find an alternative someday, who knows.
I've come to despise a lot of people who think that the way they use Linux is the only good one. A big thing that kept me from switching was that the more I informed myself, the more weird opinionated takes I saw. Being forced to engage with questions such as "Is systemd bloat?", " Is neovim the only good text editor?", "Are tiling window managers universally better?", " Is Canonical literally Satan for having made Snap packages?" and "Is it ok to call this person a slur for using solarized KDE?" makes it so much harder to make a choice you're comfortable with.
I should not have put /home on a different partition or at least made the /root partition bigger. It's fine if I clean the pacman cache regularly but I don't want to look up those commands every few days (I know I can resize the boot partition with a live usb and I will, I'm just lazy rn).
My controller only works correctly when plugged in via usb. If I connect it via Bluetooth, the buttons don't map correctly. This is less of a Linux issue and more of a firmware issue since this is a third party controller that does not support Linux. I'm also aware of Steam having a robust remapping tool so I'll use that if I ever need to.
I have not yet looked into software to map my additional mouse buttons and control my keyboard/mouse rbg. Both of these store their settings on board so there's no need for it right now.
Might add more in the future but these are my thoughts for the first few weeks
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thepeachyouhadtopick · 3 months
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The Jackass gang film the 'Spermathon', and Johnny has some news.
First of all I just want to say THANK YOU for your patience with this latest update. I have been battling a lot of very serious health issues since my last update so I haven't been able to write. I'm so glad to get back to it though and I really hope you enjoy this next part.
Some quotes from this chapter are taken directly from the 'Spermathon' skit in Jackass series 3 (I'll link the clip below) and some has been edited to fit the narrative.
CW for memory of emotional abuse, masturbation I guess? (not explicitly but implied)
Taglist: @lizey-thornberry@babybammargera @zolofts (let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!)
“So are you gonna be a naughty nurse or a nice nurse?” Johnny asked as he strolled back into his bedroom with his morning coffee. Ell lifted her head up from her pillow and smirked back at him. She could see from his devilish grin and the sweet dimples on his cheeks that knew she should expect mischief today. “I haven’t decided yet. Depends on how you behave, I guess…” Johnny perched on the edge of the bed next to Ell. It wasn’t like her to still be in bed like this on a morning that they were shooting, especially when it was a skit they had all been so excited about filming. “Everything ok, sunshine? You’re lookin’ a little pale this mornin’,” he noted. Ell groaned slightly as she struggled to look up at him. The light streaming from the window was much too bright for her this morning, and it was only making her feel worse. “I’ve had a pretty bad headache since I woke up,” she grumbled.
Continue reading
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sakis-sweets · 9 months
ok i think we need to talk about the MASSIVE shit revealed in this update
I haven't had a chance to install the game and play anything for myself for various reasons, but I've seen some videos on YouTube, and I am REELING - like, where do I even start???
I guess I'll start with the dream that Ayano has about the origins of the Aishi condition. Which. DEFINITELY seems to be a curse. I was able to find a video that enables free cam without any of the effects so we can get a good look at who all is in this sequence. There is, of course, Ayano's ancestor (using the Yanvania model) and her Senpai. But there's also someone that looks like Info-chan and someone else that looks like Mae Kunahito. Weirdly enough there is a demon with Osana's hair? And the Lust demon (probably). She seemed to be a major player in this, but her role is unclear. She stopped Yancestor from getting her Senpai in some way, but i don't get why he was trapped in a bubble. The REAL kicker is at the end - WE FINALLY HAVE MORE INFORMATION ON WHAT'S UNDER THE CHERRY TREE. There is a dilapidated corpse tangled up in the roots! And Yancestor knew about it! But we don't know who or why. My current theory is that we've got a Dehydrated Ganondorf situation, and if the corpse is disturbed, we free the Lust demon for an opportunity to defeat her once and for all. That, or the Osana demon. Hard to say. But that would probably be the secret true ending. And honestly, I'm not mad about that direction for the story.
Next is the CRAZY timeline shenanigans going on in 1980's mode. It's definitely FUN! We learned that Fun Girl can manifest through her sister. Here's a thought - Ichiko referenced a window of time where she wouldn't be monitored. It would be easy to assume that she meant monitored by the Saikou family, but is it possible that she actually meant being monitored by Fun Girl? Is Ichikou being manipulated by her sister? Is she actually a victim? Fun Girl's actions at the end of the time paradox playthrough indicate that she's more sinister than we thought. No matter what happens, she grants us a Chara-style jumpscare (which makes sense because Fun Girl was inspired by Gaster, but I would appreciate some originality honestly). It seems like her intention is to steal Ayano and use her as a vessel to re-enter that dimension. To do what? Enact revenge on Saisho? He's dead by the time 202x mode starts. So it's hard to say. Either way, the effects are cool and it's an interesting extra!
Now I'm tempted to make tier lists based off of the sins of Akademi's students as shown in the Death Demon Easter egg. Maybe I will lol. But I guess we'll see next month what the plan for the game is. In the meantime, Yakuza mode sounds fun!
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thatdodoanonx · 24 days
Hey Dodo!!
I haven't heard from you in a bit, I just wanted to check in with you and see how you are doing! I think about you regularly, and although I know it is a silly wish considering your circumstances, I hope you are doing well. And I hope that one day you will be safe and sound, and that that day comes soon.
I love you, truly
Hi everyone this not so quick update about my state, it has some heavy topics so I'm gonna put some trigger warning please keep that in mind and don't worry I'll get to everything eventually 
TW: Suicide, Self Harm, COSA, Religious Trauma, Abuse 
Now with that being said I wanna start by saying Hi, it's been almost a year since the whole thing happened, it was emotional rollercoaster but I can assure I'm still alive and start my journey to recover ❤️‍🩹 
Did I leave home?
No but my mom got a promotion out of the town and I only see her once sometimes twice a week, she did try to make me move with her but couldn't because of college (I only got one year left YAY!!) 
Is she still a pain ?
Yeah nothing changed about her she is still as controlling, she gave me back my phone but put a child lock on it so I won't be able to access any app except the ones related to college, and she gave me back my laptop (which I'm using to write this on it)
Ok now onto the heavy topics, I found myself relapsing into my old bad habit, cutting and biting myself until it bleeds I haven't done that since highschool,to put it blunt I didn't have irl friends or at least a support system, and metal health in my country is a taboo and being from a well known family in a small town isn't helping, so the idea of a therapy is out of the window, and being alone with my thoughts didn't help
And then my first attempting, idk why but I couldn't do it I guess I was scared, no one was home that day and even had razors but I couldn't. I was able to find my dad's old laptop and typed for suicide hotline and to my surprise there was. The lady on the phone helped me a lot because I was going through a bad panic attack. At the end of the call she told me to talk to my mom about it, she's a doctor after all and there's no shame in it, but come on now that's my we're talking about. I told her I'll try 
Fast forward: I was visiting mom in the city she's working now at, the job comes with a free rental apartment, anyway me and her had a heart to conversation and me being the idiot that I am thought about it was opportunity to talk about some childhood trauma, it's painful to talk about it but don't worry I'm coming with the term that it wasn't my fault. (I'll highlights the next paragraph so don't have to read it if it upset you I'm writing it so u can understand the context)
I was a victim of COSA (child on child sexual assault) by my cousin who is the same age as me (we both were 7 at the time) , she unfortunately had an early access to internet and would show me sexual images. I told my cousin about the bulling I was going through school because I like a boy and said I would marry him (which extremely forbidden in my Religious school) so my bullies made a rumor about me being a loss child and I would going out which older boys, the rumors were so bad one of the teachers pulled me aside and confronted me about it, she knew I was a good kid so there was no way.
I told my cousin about it, I trusted her and what do you she did? That's right she blackmailed and told me I didn't do whatever she wanted she would tell my mom about my secret. So there I was me and her in a small room at our grandma's house, things happened I don't want to recall and I don't think I'll be able. no matter how I begged and cry, I just kept numbing myself until it's over, this still habit I have , one the thing I do to survive 
I told mom about, my childhood trauma, my suicide attempt. she was understandly horrified, she tried to comfort me but this processed to say it was my fault that I let that happen, I told her I was scared and still a child 
Then I told that I was messed up and need a professional help to which she said "we don't need that I'll fix you myself"
The next day me and her got into a fight over something stupid to which she as always had to pull the secrets I told her against me "Why don't you fucking kill yourself already? You said wanted to do it, huh? Now it's your time at least you'll save a headache" she said that in front of my brother 
I know whenever she gets mad she would go so low but even that was low for her, that was the one time I trusted her with something so personal I never told to anyone and somehow she managed to shutter every lasting trust I had in her. Part of me still thought everything she would do was out of love, that was tough love and she only hurt me because she care but I guess at that moment truly open my eyes 
I came to her that night and told her that what she said really hurt me and I trusted her with something very personal to which she dismissed and said "oh [name] me and you know well that you'll never kill yourself, you're too coward anyway" 
Out of all the things she said to me that has to cruelest thing ever, maybe because part of me know she was right but I didn't think she would say it out loud 
After that everything went blur for me, summer course I started to see her less and less. In the few weeks without her were strange to say the least. I come home and it's... quiet? No shouting, no yelling, no screaming no nothing. It was weird, I didn't know what to do with that quiet, I felt if I relaxed to much she might jump out of nowhere and scream at me, but I have to say it was nice, I felt like I can breathe? Like no one is watching everything I do waiting for me to make a mistake. It is not ideal she still come every week but honestly it's better than nothing. I started to write a little in my notes every now and then, I even started to draw again. Both brought me comfort, and I even allowed myself to make friends, it's not a big group but hey we get along. There's on in particular friend group I'm close to the most, she's lovely, keep talking and texting me to check, I gotta say it was a bit overwhelming but I'll never tell her to stop because that's how she shows she care
Life has been slow lately, same old routine but I'm more happy and more idk calm? I mean a few months ago I thought I won't be alive today and what do you know! I turned 23 two mouths ago (happy late birthday to I guess?) I think that is a good a step for me start healing, it won't happen over night but I know it will be worth it 
Thanks to everyone on who still checking on me, I know it was a long update, but I'm thankful you took time to read it 
I hope there's a next, see you soon
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theindescribable1 · 1 year
I'll give you all the benefit of the doubt, maybe the sounds at the windows are bugs.. The footstep sounds were my cats, the bang sounds were just the house creaking because of wind... and its 12 years old... The tongue clicking was... ... I CAN'T EXPLAIN THAT!!! AAAHHH...
Ok.. I'm gonna be calm.. maybe It was my imagination from a lack of sleep? Or perhaps I was... leaning.. on something? But i couldn't of.. But no one else was in that room so... I- I guess no one is ... IN my house..?
I'll update you all later, if I don't... maybe I'm dead?
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madaboutmunson · 1 year
Again - Part 19
Part 1 | Part 18 | Part 20 | Full list of Again series links inc AO3 Link
Steddie fic where Steve and Eddie are in their mid 30's and everyone has sort of drifted apart
Taglist: @adaed5 @grtwdsmwhr @swimmingbirdrunningrock @mightbeasleep, @jewellthebooknerd, @fentiibratzz @rvllybllply2014
Eddie comes home four days later.
He's called Steve several times, every day, to keep him updated with Wayne's situation, but he can hear in every phone call the relief in Eddie's voice when he answers. Almost like he can finally drop the effort and relax. It's not like he had to pretend to be anyone he isn't around Wayne, but generally, as charming as he is, Eddie is a straight talker. If something is headed towards calamity, he will acknowledge it, let you know about it and try to make the landing as soft as possible. 
But this was different. This was Wayne. 
A pillar of strength and stability in Eddie's life, maybe the only one for a long time, Steve guesses, and to watch him crumble under the weight of such loss must be extremely hard for Eddie. 
But Eddie never complains. Not once.
He tells Steve how pretty the trees are getting now the leaves are changing. He talks about plans for Halloween. He tells him about some old trinket he found when they were sorting out Jack's things. He even tells him about Morgan going for tryouts. But the updates on Wayne are always facts, this happened today, or this is the next step we need to take. It's almost like if he speaks about how it's affecting any of them emotionally, it would break him because it would bring on an avalanche of reality.
Steve hears a loud bark, followed by the rumble of Beans' feet racing down the stairs. She presses her nose against the window. He waits for her second bark to indicate a non-Harrington, but it doesn't come. Steve quickly removes his marigold gloves and rushes to the door in a panic. Why would the kids be back now? The doorbell chimes, and Steve makes quick work of the locks to open up. There in the doorway, duffel bag in hand, is Eddie's beaming smile. He takes a deep shuddering breath but doesn't move, almost like he's frozen, unsure what to do. The smile must last for all of a few seconds before his expression crumbles, and he releases the bag to the ground. He jumps up, latching onto Steve like a Koala bear on a tree, and hides his face in the crook of Steve's neck. 
Steve holds him tightly and securely, "Beans, Up bag, please," he says, pointing at Eddie's stuff. Then, still holding Eddie against him, Steve reaches for a treat from the bowl, and as she brings the bag in, he kicks the door closed and tosses it to her. "Good girl, Beans".
Finally, Steve makes his way to the sofas and sits down carefully, cradling Eddie to him, "Hey honey, Welcome home. You're ok now. I'm here," he says softly, repetitively, as he runs his hands over Eddie's curls. He feels the dampness on his neck as Eddie nods and clings to him tighter. Steve reciprocates the squeeze and soothes him until he speaks.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart. It wasn't my plan to come home like this. I was just so relieved to see your face. It was so hard to see him like that. And Jack is pretty much gone, man. Like he's not there." He speaks rapidly into Steve's neck, inter-spliced with sharp intakes of breath.
"Hey, don't worry about that, ok? You're home now. I got you." Steve reassures him softly before Eddie's tear-stained face comes into view, and his face is clasped tightly in Eddie's hands.
"Don't you forget me, ok? Don't you ever do that to me!" Eddie says almost angrily, "We're gonna get you some checks an-and scans. Go see some specialists, alright? M-mmm-make sure you're gonna be ok. I'll p-pay," he makes a noise of frustration with himself and takes a quick breath, jolting Steves head in his hands "I don't even care how much it costs, ok? You don't forget me! Right, Steve?" Eddie's voice wavers with desperation as his hands paw at Steve's face and hair, his eyes searching frantically over him, like if he doesn't, he might just disappear. Finally, his eyebrows push together again, and he erupts into another torrent of tears and crashes into Steve's chest, flinging his arms around his neck.
"Eddie, Eddie, listen, ok" Steve holds him tightly against him, "I'm not gonna forget you, ok. How could I possibly? Sure, I forgot moments, but I didn't forget you. I'll always know you. I love you." He releases his grip and lifts Eddie's head so he can look at him, "Do you wanna talk about what happened?" Eddie sobs and shrugs, "How about I take a guess, ok? That way, I can understand, and you don't have to say too much, alright?" Steve asks kindly, and Eddie nods. "I'm guessing Jack forgot who Wayne was?" Eddie agrees with a repeating nod before burying his face in his hands, "Hey, look at me, Eddie, please," Eddie wipes his eyes and tries his best to focus on Steve, "Jack is very sick, no one can help that, and I know that must have been heartbreaking to see. It must have been awful for Wayne, and for you to see the aftermath of Wayne hurting from it. But, Eddie" he weaves his fingers between Eddie's, "That's not gonna be us, ok? We're gonna be ok, and I'll go for all the scans and assessments you want, ok?" Steve releases his hands and shifts Eddie to straddle his lap. "And if they find anything wrong, I'll do the exercises, take the meds and vitamins, drink the weird smoothies and eat the recommended foods, ok? Whatever it takes." His hands take hold of Eddie's face firmly, and he looks deeply into his eyes, "I would rather die than forget you." Eddie's eyes search his like he's checking for lies, and it almost breaks Steve's heart, but fortunately, Eddie has other ideas and launches himself forward, kissing Steve hard, their faces almost painfully pressed together, Eddie's hands gripping onto his scalp with urgency.
As he pulls back from the kiss, Eddie quickly removes his polo shirt and throws it somewhere into their surroundings. His chest heaving. He takes Steve's hands and puts them on the scars at his waist, and guides them, desperately, up and over all of them that litter his chest, arms, neck, and face before leaning in for another kiss, "Remember me" he mutters against Steve's mouth, before nuzzling at his neck. "I love you, babe. Please don't forget me. Promise me," he utters in a whisper next to Steve's ear before making a frenzied trail of kisses back to his mouth. Steve follows Eddie's lead in an overwhelming, blended daze of passion, love and sadness. He quickly unbuttons his shirt, almost tearing it off, and directs Eddie's hands over his scars. He leans forward into Eddie's neck, pushing his hands around him, so they can trace over the shallow, rippled scars from being dragged through the upside down, on his back. 
"I swear. Promise you won't either?'' He kisses the words along Eddie's throat, lingering on the scars there as he feels Eddie's rough fingertips trace over his skin.
"Like angel wings," Eddie says softly. "You're my angel, Steve. I'm doomed without you. I promise I'll never forget you," He adds, kissing the top of Steve's head. Steve looks up, love drunk, at Eddie's face. Perfectly sculpted. His epically dark eyes were amplified by his expansive pupils of obsidian, tear-stained, slightly stubbled cheeks, kiss-swollen lips of a deep pink, scars gracing his jaw iridescent like mother of pearl. At Steve's next touch, Eddie's head is thrown back, eyes closed tight from being in the no man's land between exquisite pleasure and soul-crushing pain.
"You're a masterpiece, Eddie," Steve gasps as he seizes the back of Eddie's hair and selfishly forces his bewitching face back into full view, pressing gentle kisses over his cheeks and closed eyelids, his hands move over his tattoos and remnants of them that the scars eat away at. "You're no angel, but you saved me. Too good for here. Let me show you heaven, where you belong," Steve says breathlessly, hurriedly scooping Eddie up into his arms and taking him upstairs.
Later, Steve wakes up to find Eddie missing from his bed. He quickly gets up, wraps his robe around himself, and hurries into the hallway. He breathes a sigh of relief when he can hear Eddie singing downstairs, and in the air is the aroma of something fantastic. He moves down the stairs almost two at a time to race into the kitchen and rushes into the back of freshly showered and smartly dressed Eddie at the stovetop. He loops his arms around Eddie's waist and pretends to chomp on his shoulder and neck, "Something smells tasty,” Steve laughs at his bad joke.
"Hey! Careful there, stud! I don't wanna get my interview outfit dirty. It could leave a bad impression." Eddie smiles as he gives the pot a final stir before turning around in Steve's arms and stepping them away from the stove.
Steve lets out a little laugh and kisses him quickly, "What do you mean interview?"
"Uh, well, whilst you were sleeping, I went for a shower and found someone had left a very official-looking letter for me." Eddie nods at the kitchen table, and Steve can see an opened envelope on the table with Eddie's name in calligraphy on the front of it. He recognises it immediately as Mackenzie's handwork. She'd had that set since she was Corey's age. He reaches over to pick it up, and Eddie taps his hand away. Steve looks back at him in surprise but immediately sinks into a dopey smile as he gets entranced by Eddie's sleepy loving gaze. "You know it's a crime to open someone else's mail, Mr Harrington," Eddie says gently with a huge smile.
"Technically, it's already open, my love," Steve says, placing one hand on the small of Eddie's back and the other he joins their hands together and dances them around the kitchen to the radio. "Would you still love me if I was the type of international criminal that went around opening other people's mail? I'd probably be top of the FBI's most wanted."
"Oooh, Scourge of the Postal Service, Steve Harrington? If anything, I'd probably love you more!" Eddie laughs.
"So…can I read it?" Steve says, placing a kiss on Eddie's nose.
Eddie leans after him to chase for a smooch, "I guess. But, I mean, it doesn't say you can't. It just wasn't addressed to you, is all. It does say, however, you are not allowed in the interview," Eddie says dreamily. Steve hurriedly gives him the kiss he's chasing and grabs for the letter, still swaying them.
Dear Mr Edward Munson, 
We were happy to see you passed the first and second stages of the interview process and invite you to attend your third. This will be conducted by myself, Dr M Harrington, and Detective C Harrington, at 6pm sharp at the kitchen table. Mr S Harrington will not be permitted to attend as his bias is clear, and he will probably be annoying the whole time.
We would also appreciate it if you provided a list of benefits you will bring to the home, and if you could prepare a dinner you will impress us with.
Please read over the attached provisional roommate agreement, which may be amended during the interview, but we will allow time for you to review it.
Zee, Cyborg and Beans.
"So, as you can see, I have homework, and you are distracting me!" Eddie raises his eyebrows, laughs against Steve's cheek and runs his fingers through the side of Steve's hair. "Gods, you're beautiful!" Eddie says, pressing another kiss to Steve's lips.
"Urgh, Homework. I thought my days of getting cock-blocked by homework were over sixteen years ago!" Steve complains, making Eddie unleash a surprised laugh. Steve quickly looks at the clock, "Oh shit, is that the time? Jesus, I better get dressed and go retrieve your potential roommates!" Steve says in a slight panic before peppering Eddie's face with kisses and rushing back up the stairs.
Not to be outdone by the dramatics of the kids. When they arrive home, they find Beans dressed in a waistcoat with a scroll menu attached to the back of it, written in an almost mediaeval font.
Chez Harrington 
Today's Specials
Smoked Salmon bathed in Beetroot amid The Two Towers (of goats cheese rolled in cracked peppercorns) served with Beika
Cowboy Beef Chuck Chilli with Cornbread and Nachos
Dark Chocolate and Cherry Mousse with a Honeycomb crisp
Mermaid Water (Blue Fruit Punch, Lemon and Coconut Water)
Eddie appears from the kitchen with a small set of spectacles balanced on the end of his nose with a dish cloth draped over his forearm, "Do ze 'arringtons. Wish to dine now. Or muzt zay finish zer 'omework first?" Eddie enquires in a French accent, sending the kids into a fit of giggles. The kids look back up to Steve.
"It's your choice, but you have to get your homework done at some point tonight," Steve warns, and he's met with big smiles and enthusiastic nods as the kids quickly dump their bags and jackets on him and follow Eddie to the rarely used dining room. It has been adorned with many mismatching candelabras and candles to illuminate the room, and on each full-place setting is a napkin folded into a bat.
Everyone enjoys the dinner. The kids especially enjoy Eddie's theatrics of making their cocktails where they can see and spinning the bottles around. Once dessert is over, Steve and Eddie tidy away the plates as the kids prepare for Eddie's interview. "Wish me luck?" Eddie asks, and Steve kisses him on the cheek.
"Good luck, babe," Steve says with a smile.
"Hey! No fraternising with the applicant, thank you!" Corey bellows through the doorway.
The kids place Steve in front of the TV with a set of headphones on, with Beans at his side. Steve is pretty sure Eddie won over the kids weeks ago, and they are just putting him through the wringer, which honestly was quite sweet of them in an odd way. Beans relishes the extra tummy rubs and ear scratches she gets from Steve for the next thirty minutes or so, and Steve is quietly pleased that, in her own way, Beans has also accepted Eddie.
The scarpering away of Beans and a thud on the cushion next to him indicates a clearly amped-up Eddie has vaulted the sofa to sit next to him. Steve slides off the headphones and looks at Eddie, "Well?"
"Well, I think they are in deliberations, which means, according to the contract, I can do this" Eddie leans over, grabbing the back of Steve's neck and initiating a deeply passionate kiss.
"That was in the contract?!" Steve says in delightful surprise.
"Well, not strictly speaking, but rule 2.4 said no over-the-top kissing when they are in the same room. Which they aren't. They are in the next room," Eddie smirks.
"What else was in the rules?" Steve giggles.
"Well, rule 2 seems to focus on being in the same room. So, for instance, I can do this" Eddie snuggles up next to Steve and drapes his arm around him, giving him a quiet, soft kiss on the cheek, "But I could absolutely not do this," Eddie says, turning Steve's face towards him giving him the noisiest wettest kiss he could possible.
"Hey! We can hear that! Rule 3.1, Eddie!" Corey shouts loudly.
"Sorry! I'm a bit old and deaf from all the rock n roll, just testing out volumes," He shouts back innocently.
"I'm guessing rule 3 is all about being in different rooms," Steve laughs, and Eddie nods. Steve quickly looks over his shoulder. Then, with the coast clear, he clambers into Eddie's lap, retrying their last kiss but quieter. "How many rules did that break?" Steve asks with a smile.
"Well, let's see here, there was the "gross noise" kiss,  that's one, you've sat in my lap, that's two, you're definitely staring at me with lustful intent, that is three," Eddie counts on his hand looking up at Steve.
"Am I gonna get you into trouble?" Steve says flirtatiously.
"Oh fucking heaps, babe. With the flirting in the very next room and the door open, that is four and five broken," Eddie says with a mischievous smile on his face, pulling Steve closer with a low chuckle.
"Come on, guys, you've literally just signed!" Zee laughs, and Eddie and Steve jump back to their original seating positions.
"It wasn't me. It was your father. I was letting him know all the rules he was breaking," Eddie says with his hands in the air.
"I can't believe you ratted me out!" Steve says with a laugh at Eddie.
"And when you told him how many rules he was breaking, did you actually do anything about it?" Corey huffs, hands on his hips, as the two kids march into the seating area with the papers in hand.
"My hands were tied," Eddie shrugs, "I wish to cite rule 1.3. Do not be mean to your Dad. Now, if I had told him off, that might have been classed as mean, and I didn't want to break any rules." 
"Hmmm, ok," Corey says with approval, "I'll allow it this time because technically, no rules were broken until we moved into this room, so…" Corey taps his temple in thought.
"Jesus, Corey, don't hurt yourself," Zee says, rolling her eyes. "Mr Edward Munson," she says, and Eddie gets quickly to his feet and neatens his shirt. "Welcome home," She says with a big smile and extends a hand, which Eddie shakes enthusiastically, and then Corey offers him the same, causing a vast dimpled smile on Eddie's face. 
They all know this was just a bit of fun for the kids, but Steve can't get over how genuinely proud Eddie looks. He was positively beaming.
Steve stands up, puts his arm around Eddie's shoulders, and kisses him on the side of his head, "That all within the rules?" He chuckles, and all three of them nod, "What's it say in the rules about group hugs?" Steve asks, looking at the kids and then Eddie.
"Ok, one step at a time there, big guy." Corey puts his hand in a stop motion at his Dad, and Eddie has to look away to not burst out laughing.
"Wow. Ok then, fine. Do I at least get to see the list of what Eddie is bringing to the house?" Steve asks, and Zee hands him the notepaper
Good jokes
Great Music taste
Contemporary fashion
Another fabulous head of hair
Great storyteller
Can absolutely shred on guitar
D&D expert in several editions
Decent at Video Games
Snack connoisseur 
DIY Practitioner
And more…
Can distract your Dad if required, and there is something in it for me.
"That is an impressive list, Eddie, but contemporary fashion. I already have that covered." Steve smiles smugly, "Right, guys?"
"What age range are you referring to exactly? Over 60?" Zee zings back quickly. Eddie's eyes widen as he stifles his laugh, but Corey erupts with laughter.
"Wow, you got burned so bad," Corey manages between giggles.
Steve gives the list back to Zee, puts his hands on his hips, pulls an unimpressed face, and points between the two of them, "Don't you both have homework to do?" They groan, collect their bags, and head upstairs as Steve shouts after them, "May I remind you that tomorrow is Friday, and I will be doing a room check, so you better make sure it's tidy up there. And I will check storage areas for piles of things that have been squirrelled away!" The kids quickly race up the stairs to avoid any more orders.
"Sorry, can't hear you all the way upstairs, Dad," Zee shouts back. Steve stays very still and waits for one door to slam and then the other before gripping Eddie's shoulders excitedly and shaking him around. Whispering crowd noise and jumping up and down. Which Eddie immediately joins in with, and then so does Beans.
"We did it!" Steve beams at Eddie, "Well, you did, really. I knew they'd all love you, honey!"
Eddie blinks at him with a happy look of confusion. "You can't see it, can you?" He lets out a soft laugh. Steve's brow contorts in thought, "Oh sweetheart," he laughs again, "You're so adorable," and sighs, holding Steve's hands. "Ok, so yes, your family likes me. I'm not gonna be modest about it. I am pretty awesome. But the big glaring thing you've completely missed is how accepting they are about all of this. How accommodating they've all been. The only things any of them have grilled me about is to make sure I don't hurt you again. They're protecting you." Eddie says gently and smiles at him fondly, "You know why that is, right?" Eddie raises his eyebrows for Steve to answer.
"Well, because they're my family, and they know I'm a teeny bit crazy about you?" Steve tries. He knows he can be impulsive, and Jenny, Val, Zee, Corey, and to some extent, even Beans have seen that in full bloom on a few occasions, but not like this. They were just worried about him making a mistake, which he was also prone to do. Often getting things wrong, but luck bailing him out in the eleventh hour.
"No, baby. You know better than anyone. Just because you're family doesn't mean you get anything," Eddie shakes his head and caresses Steve's face, "They're doing those things because that's what you do for them, every day, Steve. I know that because I see you in them. Zee makes these little razor-sharp quips but has an absolute heart of gold. Corey cares fiercely but hides it behind his little imitation hands on hips stance. Jenny, a pregnant woman on limited sleep, made time to sit opposite me and silently dismantle me to assess if I was a threat not just to her kids but to her ex-husband. Shit, even your ex-wife's boyfriend had taken time out to research me."  Steve's mouth parts slightly at the unexpected analysis. "They wanted to be your knights for a change, babe, because you're always theirs'."
"But I…" Steve starts.
"I know you didn't ask them to do that. I know you were just trying to ensure everyone was okay with everything. But your family did it anyway because your love gives them the room to do that. You're their keep. You protect them from the elements, keep them safe from attack, and ensure they have a place to always call home with unshakeable foundations. So, the minute a potential threat to you was seen on the horizon, they tooled up and defended you." Steve casts his eyes to the floor and swallows the newly developed lump in his throat.
"Yeah. Yeah, I guess they did. Didn't they?" He says softly at the floor. Eddie tilts Steve's head up again and holds up the contract.
"And now, they've graciously let me join their ranks." Eddie beams that huge toothy proud smile again, “They deem me worthy of defending their stronghold.” Steve smiles back as much as he can through the waves of emotion and, for comfort, fusses at the collar of Eddie's shirt.
"If you're gonna be a Harrington Knight, you need to learn how to fix a shirt and tie properly!" Steve fusses with Eddie's collar and tie knot, avoiding looking directly into Eddie's eyes which he caught a glimpse of and knows for a fact he'd entirely fall apart if he absorbed even a molecule of the admiration and love in them right now. Despite finally realising how fiercely he was being defended, Steve doesn't think he's ever felt more fragile, not because they can't take care of him, but because he knows how badly he needs them to. He would never say or admit it, but now he knows Eddie can see it clear as day, has broken through with his insight, and his laser beam eyes would blow Steve apart right now. He brushes down Eddie's shirt and gently taps his arm, where he knows his flock of bats reside under his full-length shirt sleeve. He catches a glimpse of Eddie's expression changing and quickly finds his hand wrapped up in his.
"Say, might you take a promenade around the grounds with me, sir?" Eddie asks in his most fancy accent, causing Steve to laugh and nod. They take a moonlit walk around the house for a while under the stars that are beginning to peek out. Eddie talks Steve through some of their names and stories. He was certain Eddie could do this every night, and Steve still would not be able to recall it all because he constantly got distracted by how insanely beautiful he was, especially at night. 
Steve wonders if that was because this used to be the time he really got to look at him when others weren't around when in the past, it would be just the two of them. The thought makes Steve swallow nervously, a physiological confirmation of his reasoning. He guesses the first time around, Steve could safely drink Eddie in under cover of night. Hidden in a haze of smoke and the buzz of alcohol, in the dark, they could be close. No one knew what it meant. Maybe Wayne suspected, but so secret they didn't even realise the other felt the same.
"You know, Steve, it would be real nice if sometimes, you could at least pretend to make a noise of agreement, so I could at least think that maybe you are listening. You know, for the sake of my ego?" Eddie laughs.
Steve reaches out to hold his arms and turns him to face him, "It's not my fault, though, honey." Steve's eyes take their time looking him over, "You're just so…" Steve scrunches up his nose and fists and makes a noise of frustration and laughs, "Sorry?" Steve pretends to apologise with an impish half-smile.
"Well, here's the thing, babe. I thought bringing you out here might help you relax a little." Eddie runs gently over the sides of Steve's upper arms, his hands making their way up to his shoulders, where his thumbs rub gentle circles above his collarbone. Instinctively Steve slowly closes his eyes under Eddie's touch as he's being walked backwards by him. Eddie leans in to rasp into his ear as he undoes the top button on his shirt before sliding his hand inside. "Clearly, it's had the opposite effect. You feel a little hot and bothered to me. Huh?" Steve can only nod. Eddie's face comes into view. Extra light illuminates his face now, the highlights in his eyes like a north star in each, and Steve is captured entirely.
Eddie's hands glide back to his shoulders tenderly. A gentle smile plays on his face as he gazes longingly at Steve's lips. Then, finally, he mutters, "I guess I better find a more effective way to cool you off, huh?" Before Steve can even commit to a full confused head tilt, a gigantic evil grin appears on Eddie's face as he gives Steve a hard shove backwards.
Steve's back hits the water's surface with a hard smack as he's pulled under. Annoyed as hell, he quickly resurfaces quietly to find Eddie looking up at the house, jumping up and down and cheering with someone.
"Did you get it?" Eddie tells up at the house. A thumbs-up pokes out of Corey's window.
"Yeah! Sure Did!" Zee's voice rings out.
"You'll probably wanna stop recording now. I've gotta apologise and explain it was an initiation," Eddie calls back up.
Steve realises he's been had. A mutiny. The little shits.
"Yeah, yeah, we'll cut in a while," Corey shouts back.
"What do you mean in a while?" Eddie says, confused, putting his hands on his hips, but Steve recognises his cue.
He launches himself quickly out of the water, grabbing Eddie by the waist and German suplexes him into the pool, and the night air is filled with Eddie's screams and the laughter of his children.
Eddie spits out the water like a fountain statue as they resurface before complaining loudly, "You already got me the other day. They tricked me too!! I demand a parlay to amend the contract!!" He points up at where the kids were.
"Eddie, as cool as you think you might be, you're just another adult for these two to torment. They knew you'd do their bidding, and they are more than familiar that I would retaliate. Steve hears yelling from the house, and they both start to the side and get out, but the yelling gets louder. 
Eddie realises something at precisely the same time as Steve, but it's too late. Zee and Corey charge out of the house with a nerd gun each, yelling and running towards them, pelting them with foam bullets.
Steve pretty much backflips back into the pool for cover and swims to the other side, leaving Eddie to take the ambush alone. He dramatically falls to his knees, yelling and begging the gods for mercy, gesturing theatrically to the night sky, only to be met with giggles and more foam bullets. While they are distracted, Steve makes it to the other side of the pool, fires up the hose, and sneaks back with it under the water before bursting out of the pool again, blasting the kids with the water, and rushing to Eddie's rescue.
Out of bullets and out of breath, the four of them lay on the wet ground laughing until their sides hurt as Eddie tries one more time to tell them a story from the night sky.
Steve takes a moment to look over the three of them as Beans arrives late to the party. His heart expands to breaking point looking over at his new family unit. He sighs, with adoration but also with a sort of relief. This was it. This was everything. His dreams, shaped differently from what he had expected, were coming true right before his eyes.
And if he was careful. This would be his forever if he could keep them all safe and happy. 
Wouldn't that be the most shocking thing of all? 
Steve Harrington, a mean girl, dragged through hell and back several times, heart smashed to smithereens by parents and partners, to change his ways, to get it wrong over and over, only to, at long last, get it exactly right.
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jake-kiszkas-smirk · 2 years
Here Comes the Sun (part 7)
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Danny Wagner X Fem OC X Josh Kiszka
18+ only, minors DNI
Warnings: Unprotected sex, oral (f&m rec), alcohol, mentions of blood, i think thats it.
Josh's POV
I was woken by Rose shifting in my arms. I opened my eyes and peeked down, her head was on my chest and her arms were wrapped around my waist. I heard my phone buzz on the end table next to the couch and carefully grabbed it, as to not wake Rose.
Danny- did rose get home safe, she's not answering me 2:00am
Danny- can you please tell me if you hear from Rose 6:23am
I rolled my eyes and snapped a cute picture of her sleeping on my chest. I wasn't sure the extent of what had happened that made her so upset, but I knew I saw her with Danny right before she rushed back through the bar crying.
-She is fine
Danny- You two are still together?
-Yes, and we will be most of the day, I'm taking her out later.
Danny- oh. Thanks for the update I guess.
That was the last text I received from him, I placed my phone back down on the table and wrapped my arms back around Rose. I heard someone turning a key in the front door and looked up slightly to see Jake walking in.
"Ah, I was wondering if she was here." Jake said quietly, I just nodded with a smile. "Danny was freaking out cause she wasn't answering him." He paused as he walked closer, "Whats so special about this girl that she has both of you wrapped around her finger" He laughed softly.
I didn't answer, but I thought 'everything'. I kissed the top of her head and she took a deep breath, her eyes fluttering open as she peeked up at me.
"Well good morning." I said with a smile. She smiled softly and then covered her head with the blanket,
"Have you been watching me sleep?" She asked,
"Just for a little bit" I admitted as I ran my fingers up and down her arm. She pulled the blanket down where I could see her blushed cheeks and narrowed eyes as she glared at me, "What? I can't help it you look too cute." I squeezed her a little tighter. "Oh, here is your phone, I think Daniel has been trying to reach you." She rolled her eyes and took the phone from my hand. I watched as she scrolled through the messages and missed calls, not responding as she tucked the phone to her chest, cuddling back into me. "Things ok between you two?"
"No, he kissed me last night." She said as she sat up. Her messy hair and tired eyes made me want to attack her with kisses.
"Ok? I've kissed you lots of times and I don't recall it ever making you mad?" I questioned, trying to get more of a explanation.
"I don't know how to describe it. I guess with you I kind of expected it, not in a bad way though...... And with him it took me by surprise and just stirred a lot of emotions I didn't-still don't want to deal with." she said as she stood up, "Are you not jealous that he kissed me?"
"I definitely am, but it's not like I own you, we aren't 'together' so I really cant say anything about it." I shrugged,
"Do you two want coffee?" Rose jumped as Jake spoke from the kitchen,
"How long have you been standing there?" She asked shocked.
"A while," he laughed, "So coffee or no coffee?"
We all sat and drank coffee and chatted. After a while I offered to take Rose home but she said Lucas was coming to pick her up. She gathered her things and offered to give me back my clothes but I insisted she keep them. I walked her out to his car and he rolled down the window,
"Good morning pretty boy." He shouted and waved. I blushed and laughed as I waved
"Lucas would you shut up." She hissed at him, causing me to laugh harder,
"I'll pick you up at 5?" I asked as she shut the door,
"That sounds perfect, see you then" She grinned as she rolled up the window before the car pulled away. I walked back inside to find Jake giving me a judgmental look with his arms crossed.
"What." I said as I walked past him towards my room. He followed behind me as he spoke,
"You do know Danny likes her right..?" He asked as he leaned in my doorway,
"I am aware." I said as I started digging through my closet, already trying to decide what to wear tonight. I wasn't sure when I had last cared what anyone thought of me, but I cared about looking good for Rose.
"This is not going to end well." Jake shook his head,
"We have an agreement, and whatever happens, happens." I said plainly,
"As long as it doesn't effect the dynamic of the band I don't care what happens, but I am staying out of it." he said before walking away.
I rolled my eyes, I didn't recall asking for his opinion or for asking him to get involved. I had time to kill before I had to get ready to go get Rose. I meditated, showered, wrote some thoughts in my notebook and found a place I wanted to take Rose. For my outfit I decided on khaki pants, a white t-shirt with a black pullover over that had tan designs on the shoulders. I fixed some of my unruly curls and then chose a pair of tan vans. I told Jake bye and made my way out to my car.
-I'm on my way to yours,
Rosie- Just let me know when you get here and I'll come out.
-Will do, can't wait to see you,
She replied with an emojii that was shyly covering its eyes and it made the corner of my mouth turn up in a grin. I made the drive to her apartment, texting her when I got there. She emerged from the door, black and white checkered skinny jeans that ended right above her ankle, a black fitted crop top, and a denim jacket. I reached over the center console and pushed open the door for her. She hopped into the passenger seat and looked over to me with a shy smile.
"Ready?" I asked as she buckled her seatbelt,
"Ready. Where are we going?" She said as she situated her bag on the floorboard,
"On a date" I replied with a smirk, she tsked and laughed with a shake of her head.
"I know that Josh, where?"
"It's a surprise,"
"Hmm ok." She replied as she looked out of the window. I kept one hand on the steering wheel and the other I rested on the center console, an invitation for her to hold it if she so pleased. I drove towards our location and her phone rang,
"Sorry I have to get this," She said as she clicked the answer button, I didn't mean to eavesdrop but it's kind of hard with her sitting next to me in a car, "yeah, I'm going out on a date," She paused, eyes glancing to me, "His name is Josh," another pause, "He won't tell me where we are going" She grinned over at me, "No, I don't think so," She turned, now addressing me, "You're not kidnapping me are you?" She asked,
"I actually am." I replied jokingly, she shoved me, covering her phone,
"He says no." she said back into the phone, "Ok, I will text you when I get home." she added before hanging up. "Sorry, that was my brother."
"No need to apologize, he sounds very protective." I said peeking over at her
"He is, you should get that, don't you have a younger sister?" She questioned,
"Yes, but Jake has always been the more protective one, I'm aware that she can handle herself" I laughed
"I can handle myself too, Thorne just refuses to believe it." she sighed "He nearly beat my ex to a pulp when he found out he cheated, and that...nevermind." I could sense she wanted to change the subject, and I wanted to keep the mood light, this was our first date.
"Wait, your brothers name is Thorne? And you are Rose?"
"Yes" She laughed, "Insane right? Why would our parents do that to us"
"Do you not like your name?" I asked,
"I don't know" She shrugged, "It just feels like an old lady name"
"Well, I think it's a beautiful name" I said glancing over at her, to catch her smiling as she continued to look out the window. We got to the destination and her face lit up,
"Oh my gosh I've always wanted to check this place out!" She shouted as she excitedly got out of the car, I huffed a laugh at her enthusiasm,
"I thought you might like it," I put my hand out for her, "Shall we?" She took my hand and I interlaced our fingers as I led her into the arcade, or as it was called, Barcade. It was an arcade for adults, that served drinks and food.
"Do you wanna get a drink first?" I said, motioning to the bar as she started to drag me towards the games,
"Nice try Kiszka, no way you're going to impair my game. I'm gonna kick your ass at every game we play." I threw my head back laughing at this sudden burst of confidence coming from her,
"Who knew quiet Rosie would be so competitive" I jested, nudging her with my elbow,
"There are a lot of things about me that might surprise you Joshy." she said smirking my way, prompting me to raise a brow. She knew what she was doing.
We played various games, some of my favorites included the zombie shooting games where she stood in front of me and we shared the gun, and the dancing game where she just watched and giggled as I attempted to get all the steps. Her laugh was intoxicating, it made embarrassing myself worth it. She did in fact kick my ass at most of the games, and we eventually made our way over to the bar that doubled as the prize counter. They had an assortment of candy as prizes, but you could also use your tickets to get free drinks. We each ordered a drink as a prize and then had some tickets leftover. The bartender brought our drinks over and asked if we wanted anything else, I looked at the available candy.
"I will have a ring pop, and the lady will have one of the candy choker necklaces." I replied. He grabbed one of each and handed them to me. I handed her the candy necklace and with a smile she slipped it over her head and it fit snuggly around her neck. I opened my ring pop and slipped it on my finger,
"Thats my favorite flavor" She said motioning to the wrapper I had discarded onto the counter from my ring,
"You can have it?" I said starting to take it off,
"No, I just want a taste," She said, taking my hand and licking the ring before taking it into her mouth, holding eye contact with me the entire time, those devilish eyes sparkling as she watched me. My lips parted slightly as I watched her then pull the ring out of her mouth with a 'pop'.
"You-" I paused collecting myself, "Are more mischievous than you let on aren't you." She smirked as she took a sip of her drink,
"Honestly, it's only when I'm with you." She shrugged, "I think your confidence rubs off on me, or maybe I just feel like I can be myself around you"
"Well I'm glad I have that effect on you" I smiled at her, and she blushed. "Are you ready to get out of here?" I asked, now just ready to get her back to her apartment
"We just got our drinks" She giggled,
"I will make us drinks when we get back to your place, how's that?" I asked, taking her hand as I stood up,
"Alright, deal." She said as she also stood up and followed me out to the car.
On the way back to her place I had once again left my arm resting on the center console and this time she ended up draping her hands over my arm and leaning her head on my shoulder. I hid my smile as I kept my eyes forward. I found a parking spot and we both got out of the car, walking into her apartment.
"Lucas here tonight?" I asked as I glanced around,
"No, he's out with his new boyfriend, he probably won't be back until tomorrow night." She replied as she slipped off her shoes and jacket, walking towards the kitchen. I stood by the door as I also slipped off my shoes and jacket. I looked at the well-loved longboard leaning against the wall.
"Do you ride that thing to school?" I asked, meeting her in the kitchen as she took down a bottle of vodka from a cabinet.
"I do, and lots of other places too" She said as she also took down two shot glasses.
"I feel like I'd like longboarding, I'd love to try sometime." I said
"Lets give you your first lesson tonight, but first a shot each to make up for the drinks we left at the bar." She insisted, handing me a glass. We both took our shot and then placed the glasses on the counter. She grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the front door, grabbing her board as we passed through.
She placed the board on the ground and stepped on, "So this is where you want to place your feet, and to turn you either lean forward a little or back a little. Let's just focus on getting your balance first though." She stepped down and offered me her hands as I stepped up onto the board, it started moving slightly and she giggled as I gripped her hands tighter. My eyes went wide as I almost fell which only made her laugh harder.
"Stop laughing at me" I said playfully as she still held my hands, keeping me from moving too much,
"I can't help it, you're so cute" She grinned as I looked down at her, now considerably taller being on the board. I let go of her hand and gently titled her chin so that she was looking up to me, and I placed a kiss on her lips. A simple sweet kiss, nothing too passionate. She scrunched her nose at me as I pulled away, trying to contain her smile, it was the most adorable thing I'd ever seen. I started to realize just how quickly I was getting attached. "Alright, lets see if you can balance when we start to move." She held my hands and started to walk, slowly pulling me along, I looked at the ground to focus on not falling. "You're a natural" she beamed up at me,
"Think I can try by myself?" I asked cautiously
"Sure, just be careful, wouldn't want you messing up that pretty face," she smirked, I glared at her playfully and rolled my eyes. "Just roll to me and I can stop you."
"Are you sure?" I asked, looking at her petite figure. Her form was short, her top was petite but she had curves, mostly her thighs from I assumed skating so much. I shook out of those thoughts as I waited for her answer
"Yeah, just push off once and you should make it over here." She said as she walked a few yards away. "Ok, go" She said with a smile as she pushed hair away from her face. I pushed off with my foot once and stepped on the board, proud of myself for how well I was balancing. I got within a few feet of her when the board came to an abrupt stop, sending me flying into her, both of us crashing into the cement.
"Rose!" I gasped as I sat up, relaxing immediately when I realized she was belly laughing,
"Josh, you couldn't wait till we got inside to jump my bones" She giggled as she sat up. I threw my head back laughing,
"My apologies, I just couldn't wait." I said as I helped her up, "what happened really though?" I asked. She walked over and collected her board from the ground, picking up something else as well,
"This is the culprit" She said holding up a small stone, "I think that's enough lessons for today, lets go inside." She said as we both walked inside. We got into the apartment and both walked to the bathroom, inspecting our wounds.
"Your elbow is bleeding" I said as I looked closer at her arm, "I'm so sorry I made you fall," I said as I softly rubbed her arm, avoiding her elbow.
"I've had way worse, trust me. Plus, that was hilarious" She laughed, "Take your pants off and sit on the counter" She said causing me to give her a shocked look. "So I can clean your knee Josh" She laughed,
"Oh, right, right." I grinned as I slipped off my pants and hopped up onto the sink in my boxers. She opened the cabinet next to me and took out some hydrogen peroxide and a gauze pad.
"Hold still," She ordered, pouring the liquid over my knee. She was being so careful as she gently wiped it away and blotted off the blood that ran down my leg. She then grabbed a big bandaid, placing it over the scrape. "There," She said placing her hands on her hips, giving me a soft smile,
"Your turn," I said, and she gave me a questioning look. I kept myself perched on the sink, but I grabbed her hips, turning her back to me, and pulled her flush against the sink, between my legs. "I'm going to clean up this elbow." She placed her hands on each of my knees as she relaxed. I grabbed another gauze pad and poured the peroxide, blotting away the blood just as she did before placing a bandaid. Once I was done I grabbed her hips and turned her to face me. I stayed quiet for a moment as she and I studied each others faces, her hands landing on my thighs.
"You know, I gave you a taste of my candy." I paused running my fingers slowly up her arm, "I think its only fair I get a taste of yours" I said barely above a whisper, leaning in close to her, locking my eyes on hers, pulling the necklace slightly before letting it pop back against her neck.
"I guess thats fair," She whispered, her nose brushing against mine. I took that as my go ahead, I started with a kiss to her jaw, traveling down till I was at her neck. Using my tongue I pulled the necklace into my mouth, taking a piece and quickly swallowing it so I could return my attention to sucking and biting at her neck. Her grip on my thighs got tighter as a soft moan left her mouth,
"How is it?" She asked breathily, but I could hear a smile in her voice,
"Delicious" I replied, "Want a taste?" I asked as I smirked against her skin, to my surprise she nodded, I moved my lips to her mouth, pressing my tongue into hers as we melted into each other. I groaned when I suddenly felt her hand on my crotch, palming me through my boxers. I grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head.
"Is this ok?" I asked as I brushed my knuckles over her abdomen,
"Yes," she sighed, caressing my cheek briefly before reaching behind her back and unclasping her bra and letting it fall to the floor. I quickly moved my kisses to her breast, taking her nipple into my mouth as a lightly ran my teeth over it, eliciting a whimper from her. She suddenly backed away, taking my hand and prompting me to hop down from the sink and follow her into her room.
Once we were in her room she pointed to the bed, and then turned to shut and lock the door. I slipped my shirt over my head before laying back on the bed. She turned around and gave me a sly smile as she started to slip out of her pants and panties. I watched in awe, this was the first time I was seeing her in all her glory,
"God, you are perfect," I said, propping myself on my elbows as I watched her make her way over to the bed, a blush on her cheeks. In our two previous 'encounters' she had been fairly quiet, and I was determined to see if I could change that. She crawled up the bed, settling between my legs as she tugged at the waist of my boxers. I lifted my hips to allow her to pull them all the way off, my cock springing free. She discarded them onto the floor before taking my length into her hand. I felt my own cheeks blush as her eyes raked over me, the way her hand wrapped around me. I inhaled sharply, as she took me into her mouth, slowly at first before speeding up, hitting the back of her throat with each bob of her head. That mouth, christ. I fought the urge to buck my hips into her, quiet grunts sounding from my chest as she worked me.
I could feel myself getting close, much too soon, so I grabbed the back of her neck, gently coaxing her to move up the bed. She pulled off my length with a pop of her mouth, just like I had seen her do earlier, and she shot me a wink. I shook my head in disbelief at the sudden change I was starting to see in her. She started kissing at my hips and stomach as I slowly pulled her up to me,
"As good as your lips felt around my cock, I have been dying to taste you again" I admitted, she bit her lip and nodded as she started to lay down beside me. I quickly grabbed her hips and shook my head, and she looked at me confused, "I want you to ride my face," I said, gauging her reaction. Her brows rose and her lips parted with a small sound that nearly broke me down,
"Are you.. are you sure?" She asked, that shyness coming back
"Oh, I am absolutely sure" I huffed out, "Come on, get up here" I motioned to my face.
She cautiously hovered over me as she straddled my face, I grabbed her hips, guiding her down further. She gasped as I made contact, lapping and swirling my tongue around her clit as she balanced herself using the headboard.
"jesus Josh" she breathed out between moans. I flattened my tongue and guided her hips to encourage her to grind against my face, her moans were like music to my ears, they got more needy the closer she got to cumming and I could tell.
"Oh fuck, I'm going to cum" She almost screamed out, her legs starting to shake on either side of my face. I helped her keep her pace, my fingertips digging into her hips at this point, "Josh," She whined out, gripping my hair as she started to come undone. My eyes rolled back as she rode out her orgasm on my face, moaning the whole time. Once she came back down she shakily climbed back off of my face, falling onto her back beside me. I climbed over her body,
"I almost made a mess of myself just listening to the noises coming out of that pretty mouth" I admitted, hovering over her. Her dazed eyes studied my face, her arousal stil glistening there. She grabbed my chin and pulled me down into a passionate kiss as she wrapped her arms around my neck,
"I want to feel you inside me" She whispered, nibbling at my earlobe, I growled in response as I felt her hand travel down my chest and wrap around my cock, rubbing the tip against her entrance.
"Yeah?" I asked between the heated kisses, "If thats what you want, its yours," I pressed into her slowly, watching as her mouth fell open when I did. "I'm not going to last long if you keep looking at me like that" I breathed out raggedly as I started thrusting into her. She hooked her leg over my hip, giving me even deeper access, her hands grasping at my back as I placed my face in the crook of her neck.
The little whimpers leaving her mouth and her clawing at my skin had me unraveling quick, "Where do you want me baby?" I groaned into her ear, just above a whisper. "My mouth, I want to taste you too." She said in a fucked out voice. I quickly pulled out and kneeled on the bed, sitting back on my ankles, she took the que and positioned herself in front of me and taking me down her throat. She bobbed her head a few times before I finished down the back of her throat, a string of moans leaving my mouth. I reached down, cupping her cheek with my hand as she looked up to me,
"That was.." She paused, blinking slow like she'd fall asleep any second, "Amazing."
"I'm glad we agree," I said softly as I kissed her forehead. I stood from the bed and started to gather my clothes to get dressed,
"What are you doing?" she asked from her place on the bed
"Getting dressed?" I replied as I searched for my pants, which I soon remembered where in the bathroom.
"You don't want to stay?" she asked, and I could hear the disappointment in her voice.
"I just assumed.." I peeked at her from the bathroom door,
"I want you to stay." She said confidently,
"Then I'll stay" I said as I walked back over and kissed her cheek. "Do you mind if I take a shower?"
"Of course, I planned on taking one too, we might as well save water." She said with a wink as she walked to the bathroom, still fully naked. I followed behind her, shamelessly checking her out the entire time. We showered quickly, stealing touches and kisses in between our shampooing and conditioning. We then headed back to her room. She put on a t-shirt and panties, and I put on my boxers. We cuddled under the covers, both of us exhausted at this point.
"Hey Josh," She whispered as she drew shapes on my chest with her finger,
"Hmm?" I said, keeping my eyes closed.
"I'm really glad I decided to give you a chance. I had a lot of fun tonight." She said quietly, I grinned at her words.
"I'm glad you gave me a chance too sweetheart." I kissed the top of her head, pulling her closer as we both fell asleep.
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thewholecrew · 10 months
@deathvisited said: “ look outside your window… you see the sky? good. so do i. because we’re looking at the exact same sky right now, okay? so no matter where we are, or how far apart we are… we’ll always be underneath the same sky. so we’re not that far apart at all. “ --- sebastian to kassy
kassy sat on her balcony with a large and thick blanket wrapped around her where she seated comfortably on her outdoor couch. it was late and the sky was dark. the moon illuminating through the city smog as it peeked around the tall city skyrises. she held her phone to her ear as the other held her lit joint. smoke trickled through her lips as her heart felt heavy. it had been a long time since she'd seen sebastian and she missed him dearly. it was never quite the same without him and she wasn't sure she could ever perfectly articulate that fact.
they had already been speaking for a while, catching one another up on their days though it was mostly kassy doing the talking since sebastian's days were mostly classified. leaning her head back against the couch she sighed heavily, "why do you have to be so far away...?" she asked sadly, eyes closing as she took another drag of her joint. chromie sat in her lap, cuddled under the blanket as she purred away. she would never ask him to stop what he did for work, believing he was making a difference, that he, like her, were putting bad guys where they belonged (though it differed between the two, she would put them in prison and well she had a feeling more times than not sebastian would simply put them in the ground), but she hated how long he would be on missions, and how far away they would often take him.
look outside your window… he began and kassy scoffed in amusement, telling him she was out on her balcony and he laughed, his laughter making her heart squeeze and a small smile tug on her lips. you see the sky? good. so do i. because we’re looking at the exact same sky right now, okay? so no matter where we are, or how far apart we are… we’ll always be underneath the same sky. so we’re not that far apart at all.
kassy huffed despite the fact that she opened her eyes to look up at the starless sky above her. her vision clouded with unshed tears as she shrugged, putting her joint out before hugging chromie close. "ok sure we're on the same planet but still..." she muttered stubbornly after she was sure her voice wouldn't betray how truly sad she was. it would do no good to constantly moan about how much she missed him, it wasn't like he could just up and leave his shit to come see her anyways. pressing her lips together she tried to keep them from trembling as another sigh escaped through her nose.
"fine, fine... i'll remember that... would look up at the sky more if i knew you'd be in a jet coming back to new york," she murmured, atempting to sound playful but there was still a defeated lilt in her tone. she tried to cover it by yawning dramatically, "okay.. well, i guess i'll let you go. thinking about stopping by your place tomorrow to say hi to caleb," she managed a small smile, "i'll tell him that too, about the sky," she mused quietly, "i think he's missing you a lot so i'm sure it'll comfort him as much as it does me," her voice was teasing and she hated that there was a chance her words would potentially make him guilty.
shaking her head, she cleared her throat, "alright, little miss fluffball is ready to go inside so, be safe okay?" she asked as she did every time, even if she knew his answer was always the same. always am. "i love you seb," she then said, "i'll talk to you later --- oh, and i'll update you on how the case goes, i'm thinking i've got this in the bag but hey... you never know," she smiled, nodding as he spoke words of encouragement. her heart squeezed, coming to life a little but it wasn't quite as strong as if he'd been here in person. "miss you dummy, sleep well, bye," she hung up and laid there a moment longer, jaw clenched tightly as she felt the numbness swallow her whole once again.
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frederickkatz · 12 days
Texts: Sparky (Cameron) & Freddie
Freddie: so yesterday there's was a huge thunderstorm out on nowhere... is your brother ok? Are you?
Cam: we had a fight
Cam: I’m ok just emotionally exhausted
Cam: I didn't burn down the house, if that's your worry
Cam: just ruined a rug, a shirt and my smoke alarm
Freddie: yikes. Siblings fights suck
Freddie: ok. I'm glad nothing got  burnt
Freddie: did you get a new smoke alarm?
Cam: they do
Cam: I didn't, no
Cam: I’ll get a new one Monday, maybe
Cam: I don't think I have enough fire in me to burn down the house even if I wanted to rn
Cam: how are you tho?
Freddie: yeah that's not smart. You can't be without one even for a day. I'll send you one
Freddie: why's that? You have enough fire in you to burn the whole city without breaking a sweat
Freddie: I'm alright. Sorry I've been busy and didn't reach out sooner. I've been meeting up with Warren for a second job cause I don't plan to stay at the hotel permanently
Cam: you don't need to
Cam: I’ll be fine
Cam: he said some things that got a bit close to heart
Cam: wait, so you'll work a day job and a night job?
Cam: you know you need to be able to LIVE in the middle of that, right?
Cam: life isn't just working
Freddie: I know I don't need to, but I want to
Freddie: Sorry to hear that. It's the downside of siblings. They know where to poke
Freddie: Yes and no. It won't be such a demanding job, and I also arrange my night job. I'll only work during the weekends at the bar
Freddie: Warren needs support with one of his ONG and I can travel fast so I could help, and I'll get a better payment
Freddie: which leaves me with more free time
Freddie: look at you Sparky. Worried about me?
Freddie: you do realize I don't sleep, and I don't need to rest, right?
Cam: I am not getting out of bed rn to install a smoke alarm, sorry
Cam: so does that mean I can go to the Red Door during the weekdays, when you're not there, then?
Cam: oh, what kind of ONG?
Cam: ...shut up
Freddie: I'll send someone install it then
Freddie: are you feeling sick? Why are you gonna bed at this time?
Freddie: only if you want me to punish you so badly for it that you won't be able to sit for a week and not for the fun reasons
Freddie: the one I'm helping with or the ones he has?
Freddie: hey, be nice
Cam: I’m gonna have to open the door to let them in, not happening
Cam: I’m sad, Freddie, usually people who get sad like to stay in bed in the dark pretending they don't exist, you know?
Cam: ...you're mean, did you know that?
Cam: besides, you said you didn't want me to go there WHEN YOU WERE THERE
Cam: you need to update your terms and conditions
Cam: he has more than one?
Freddie: I could just appear there. Change the alarm and leave. You wouldn't have to open the door or get off the bed
Freddie: oh. Ok makes sense. I'm sorry you're sad
Freddie: I know but you hadn't complained
Freddie: well changed my mind. I don't want you to go there. Ever
Freddie: I'm updating them now
Freddie: he does. I guess it's his way to make it up to the world for all the damaged he had caused
Freddie: I'm gonna be helping with the Chicago one for victims of DV
Cam: you'd break into my house, knowing I’m in bed, and you wouldn't even come in to give me a kiss? rude
Cam: do horsemen even feel sad? or is it one of the things that go away with the need to sleep and rest?
Cam: ...but what if they have the best drinks in the world? I’ll die miserable never having tried them
Cam: oh that's
Cam: that's actually very cool
Cam: so you'll be traveling a lot then? .-.
Freddie: it's not breaking in when you don't touch the doors or windows
Freddie: I guess we do. It's just that it takes times for the feelings to develop. Some emotions come easier than others. Anger is usually the first to come back
Freddie: they don't. Unless you like blood
Freddie: I guess it is
Freddie: yeah but it'll be by appearing so it would be fast
Cam: oh wow finding loopholes, how lawyer-y of you
Cam: would you really come over just to install my freaking smoke alarm?
Cam: that makes sense. you said you haven't been corporeal for long
Cam: which emotions came back already?
Cam: I’ll never knowwwwwwwwww 😭 😭 😭 😭
Cam: I’m glad you won't be away for long
Cam: are you looking for an apartment already?
Freddie: I'm learning from the best 😉
Freddie: only if you want me to
Freddie: long means different things for you and me
Freddie: but yeah
Freddie: that's right. You'll never know
Freddie: yeah maybe once a week
Freddie: not actively but I'm looking for ideas
Cam: bc you're secretly a vampire who needs my permission to get inside my apartment?
Cam: I couldn't care less about the smoke alarm, but I could do with a kiss
Cam: and a glass of water, if you pass by the kitchen lol
Cam: that's not an answer, you know?
Cam: what kind of place would you like to live in?
Freddie: not really but I wouldn't go to your place if it'll cause you troubles
Freddie: are you trying to seduce me with the whole sad act?
Freddie: wow! That bad you don't want to move to even get water?
Freddie: why are you so curious about emotions?
Freddie: annoyance, lust, anger, boredom and surprise. There's a few I'm still trying to identify
Freddie: a sound proof one. They're more expensive apparently
Cam: you being around won't cause me troubles, I’m a big boy
Cam: oh yes my finest act of seduction: being sad 🙄
Cam: I just figured someone who cared about my smoke alarm wouldn't be opposed to giving me a kiss and a glass of water but it's okay
Cam: leave me to die of thirst and sadness 🫢
Cam: bc you say I need to stop reading you and start listening to you, but I can only listen when you talk, so if you don't talk about feelings I’ll never know
Cam: ...those sound kinda not good
Cam: lol i was asking more like if you wanted a backyard or live over the tenth floor or maybe a house that allowed pets, but you just went there and asked for a dungeon huh
Freddie: ok
Freddie: don't get your panties in a twist. I was joking
Freddie: can I ask something personal?
Freddie: good point
Freddie: I did say the negative ones come back sooner. Didn't think you'd see lust as not good
Freddie: plants die around me even if I'm not using my power. I'm not a fan of animals. Maybe only my horse but Warren already said I can have it at his stables. I don't care much about the they. I like privacy
Cam: jokes on you, I’m not wearing panties
Cam: sure
Cam: lust is not a bad one, but not a particularly good one either, I don't think. the other things you feel while acting on lust are good, lust itself is just another kind of hunger
Cam: no offense 😛
Cam: wait back it up
Cam: you have A HORSE!?
Freddie: now you're making want to buy your some
Freddie: then you wouldn't be surprised to know it was the first one to come back
Freddie: non taken
Freddie: I do. It's hard to explain. It's pretty much like us. They don't have a corporeal form and take on vessels to stay around us
Freddie: this time it is a horse vessel. Its name this time is Stardust
Freddie: it's already at the stables with Thor. That's Warren's horse
Cam: as long as you're not coming back to the same sex shop you went the other day ò.ó
Cam: not at all, you did say it was some "bodily cravings" or something of your vessel
Cam: what is the personal question you have to ask?
Cam: OMG
Freddie: you're worried I'd see the pretty witch again?
Freddie: wait! You'd wear them?
Freddie: well it is
Freddie: why isn't the nephilim there cheering you up?
Freddie: do you want to see a picture?
Cam: shut up
Cam: idk try your luck, handsome 😉
Cam: well bc he's done enough already
Cam: I was getting ready to go to his place when the fight broke, so he's been trying to cheer me up since yesterday
Cam: he has a name though, you know? It's Trevor
Cam: I do, yes :3
Cam: if it's a pony I’ll LOSE MY SHIT
Freddie: you're not being nice
Freddie: I'll think about it
Freddie: interesting
Freddie: using his name reminds me he's close to my younger sibling
Freddie: it's not a pony 😒
Freddie: now I won't let you ride him
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Cam: neither are you 😛
Cam: they're not THAT close really
Cam: tbh idk how to ride horses either way
Cam: but he's really pretty
Cam: is he docile?
Freddie: that doesn't show how much you want me to stop by
Freddie: Gilmore dated his father...
Freddie: you're missing out
Freddie: he is. He's also really  fast
Freddie: yeah but he's moody
Cam: I already said I’d like for you to stop by to give me a kiss and still you refused, so 💔
Cam: that doesn't make them close lol Trevor barely knew his father
Cam: it's funny how you say you don't like animals and then you go and gush about your horse :3
Cam: does he like to be petted?
Freddie: I'm at the store buying the smoke alarm
Freddie: don't be impatient
Freddie: it's not what Gilmore told me
Freddie: it's different. He's in a way an extension of me. He's part of the plan
Freddie: only if you give him sugar cubes
Cam: wait
Cam: really? 🥹
Cam: maybe I’m the one who's misinformed then .-.
Cam: most people feel like that about their pets, you know?
Cam: omg that's adorable
Freddie: have I ever lied to you?
Freddie: Gilmore are very filterless to explain things and I just know they're very protective of him
Freddie: I mean that literally, not emotionally
Freddie: he's manipulative. That little shit learned too fast how to get those sugar cubes
Cam: not that I know of, no
Cam: and your sibling being protective of Trevor makes it, so you don't like calling him by his name?
Cam: well doesn't that mean you're a manipulative little shit too? since he's a part of you? 😛
Freddie: do you need something to eat?
Freddie: I like keeping a healthy distance from my siblings
Freddie: I am. I've never denied it
Cam: I’m not really hungry
Cam: fair point
Cam: both of them
Freddie: when was the last time you ate?
Freddie: is it ok if I appear in your kitchen?
Cam: I had lunch
Cam: sure
Cam: bring me a glass of water? (:
Freddie: ok
Freddie: you didn't say please
Cam: please? 🥹
0 notes
maroonghoul · 11 months
Terror Time 2023: Day 20 Thru 24
V/H/S 94 It's been a long time since I visited this franchise and I know I'm still two entries behind. I'll get to them, but in the meantime, I want to talk about how much I like this one.
Holy Hell the wraparounds have always been the weakest part of these movies (sans maybe Viral since I skipped that one) and this is no exception. I don't think i get it. So the female members of a SWAT team are part of a videodrome like cult and tonight they're sacrificing their squad? I mean, OK.
Storm Drain this cliche about reporters going into the lair of the killer is now starting to wear thin for me. Even if sewers weren't creepy (and these ones very much are before the cultists show up), why would you be this willing to wade through literal shit for a story?
That being said, the Ratma effect is awesome. I may not understand how acid puke equals god, but I'm willing to overlook that because these ARE cultists and they may be more we didn't see. The final scene makes all those flaws worth it. It's an all-timer.
The Empty Wake This story easily has the best build up. Funeral parlors are great settings already, but add onto that a storm, loneliness, boredom, and then add sudden paranoia about the body not being dead; whoo boy! And even if that doesn't work for you, the zombie is great. The whole last bit of this plays like one of those stealth horror games in the best way. As a bonus, the zombie doesn't play fair.
The Subject Certainly the most balls-to-the-wall modern update of Frankenstein you'll ever see. It's also probably the best action movie adaptation of it. Also appreciate that as monstrous this version of the mad doctor certainly is, it remembers also he was never the only monster from that setup. I'm starting to feel like we're over the police being the designated heroes in horror films. Good.
Terror Of course when right-wing redneck extremists gain access to a vampire, all they care about is how to use it to blow up or set something on fire. Kinda also like you don't get that it IS a vampire until about halfway through. Good on him for taking revenger, but the best part is they were so stupid about it, they didn't even get the chance to carry out their actual plan. And I though being seduced by them was the dumbest thing you could do.
The Craft: Legacy I chose to watch this one over the original because I heard this one was less anti-women with power. Turns out, I might've been better off with that one.
the characterizations of the other three was so weak, you might as well combine them into one character instead. I don't even know anything about their home lives. The reveal of the main character's mother I guess is big to fans of the original, but it doesn't seem to really add anything here.
As for Timmy, yes he was a jerk, but I'm not sure he deserved getting, as far as the coven knows, brainwashed. Did they even know what spell they casted on him? A Woke spell? How does that even work? Though given his coming out of the closet moment later, I could think they actually casted a bravery spell on him by mistake. And thanks to it, he finally gains the spine to throw the BS he's been taught and regurgitating all his life by the patriarchy out the window. You can certainly see potential in a subplot in how men are benefitted by feminism too, especially bi men. But instead, they cut it short by getting him killed by an asleep David Duchovny. I get the point of his villain, but it's the kind of character that needs either a down to earth approach or a campy performance, and this has neither. I gotta find better pro-witch movies.
Dark City (1998) When I felt like rewatching Body Snatchers, I knew I had to rewatch this one too. It may not be an actual horror movie, but it's visuals take inspirations from some of the earliest ones. An example being the Strangers looking like a race of nosferatu without the teeth. Though honestly, whether I knew what was going on or not, I would still kill to live in a city like this. Granted, I would appreciate there being a beach to escape to plus actual sunlight. The choice is part of the point, regardless which one I choose.
Getting back to my first sentence; In a spiritual sense, this is Invasion of the Body Snatchers in reverse. In fact, I feel that describes a lot of movies released in the late 90s. Pleasantville, Equilibrium, American Beauty, and of course, The Matrix. A world where a few pod people stop and think; "Wait, what's the point of all this? There does need to be more to life." A bit overly optimistic, especially when considering what world event comes later...and the monstrous acts we as a society did in reaction to it. Does changing the world matter if not a lot of people care enough to wake up?
Evil Dead Trap I watched this and the following movie in one day. It's amazing I never lost my lunch. Now I know what inspired Gabriel from Malignant. I don't know how they got away with making this movie back then, but I'm glad they did.
Terrifier 2 As long as you can really stomach the most brutal, bloody, and cruel kills imagined by mankind, this is a good addition to your yearly Halloween watch traditions. As long as you have the time, of course. And I didn't even like the first movie that much.
The Haunted Palace (1963) Remember last year, I said I wasn't going to watch any more Vincent Price movies? Turns out I lied, including to myself. I'm hitting the Poe films of his I haven't seen yet, starting with this one. Yes, it's not really Poe instead of Lovecraft but whatever. The titular palace certainly lives up to the title, and there are a shocking amount of faithful Lovecraft trademarks here (my favorite is the Necronomicon actually have "Necronomicon" printed on it's binding). But overall, I didn't care for it that much. I guess it's a pet peeve when I feel characters are slow to realize someone being possessed or bodyswapped. Also, kind of weird the revenge subplot just stopped halfway through. Everyone knew this was the most fun part of the movie so well, they made two better Vincent Price movies that were all about revenge after this.
The worst part is the ending. Where the servants go? I thought they were fighting Charles? Did they escape or dead? Also, if Curwen is back in control, shouldn't the revenge subplot continue? This ended too soon.
The Blob (1988) This was a mean movie the first time I watched it and it's still feels mean now. I don't know how they got away with making this in the late 80s though I can see why it bombed. I even appreciate the twist where it was a US weapon gone wrong more then I did before (Though did they have to make the human villain one of the only two black people in this movie?) This movie takes the then passable "teenage rebellion" of the original and ups the ante by saying "F the police! F the government! and F date rapists too while we're at it!"
This is the best the blob has ever looked and ever will look. (Especially in today's Hollywood). Mad respect to any movie that takes a silly and taken-for-granted monster and finds a way to show why it scared people in the first place. I'm sad there wasn't a sequel, but at the same time, I'm not sure I need one. There's been plenty of religious horror made since anyway.
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muggycuphead · 2 years
weird flex but ok i guess pt.26
War… Hold up, do we really need a warning for this one? Dunno, but however, watch out for slightly disturbing and kinda…disgusting imagery, trypophobic patterns, as well as ‘necrotic’ (and dark themed) designs I made while having funky fever bc o h m y g o d do I get a little crazier every new quarantine day (and at this point it’s coming to be an usual thing for me, big sad). However, most are made no other than for the sole sake of satire, so y’know, no need to get your underwear in a twist
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Friday Night Funkin’ BoyFriend’s Hood – AU fanconcept sketches [XXIII]
EDIT 26/10/2023: Updated the drawing with a rescanned, more clean version
1.- Her first invitation
"(Psst!) (Hey! You there?)"
"(awaken)....? Huh?"
"G? What are you doing here?"
"Just came to invite you to hang out tonight, wanna come?"
"...What? At this time?"
"Yeah, why?"
"....It's literally midnight"
"And what's the matter about that? If anything, it's more fun this way. Just come along, promise we'll come back in due time"
"....Just hold on a sec"
"(turns to Broddy) Yo, Imma gonna go out for a while with G over here"
"....yeah, heard you guys talking 'bout it. Ya can go, you got my permission (wink)"
"What the- Broddy?!"
"Hey, let Lil B have some fun, he's a clever rascal after all. Besides, he's going off with someone he trusts, what's the worse that'd happen?"
"....fine, just be careful out there, alright boy?"
"(thumbs up)"
"(turns back to GF) Alright, I'm going with ya, just let me dress myself up and bring some stuff along"
"Cool, I'll be waiting"
A shadowing practice sketch w/ graphite variants+perspectives, bitch
"Alright! Uhm..."
"What is it now?"
"....how do I get down? The front door is locked, and I can't risk opening it"
"Simple, just drop off the window"
"Don't worry, I'll catch ya"
"....Y-you sure?"
"(arms spread forward) As long as you trust me"
"(tighten nerves) Alright, here I go..."
"Aah! (grabs onto GF)"
(...too close)
"Ah! Sorry, got a little nervous there, hehe"
"Yeah, can see so, heh"
Same with the previous one, but it's charcoal this time
Let's be fair, he was justified to be afraid there
A fall that high can turn your bones into crumbs with no hesitation
3.-Friday Midnight Escapade
"So, what'd ya wanna do first B?"
"Dunno, what're your suggestions?"
"Hm, well -there's a 24-hour store around here, I heard they got some good snacks for sale"
"Awesome! Let's go get some!"
Sanguine with graphite, probably the best of the whole bunch here
Also, from beyond this point, the rest of events (except for the firs two) sort of happen on different Fridays, hence why their clothes and GF's haircuts look different in some of them
4.-Not fresh enough
"Hm, what should we get...?"
"(points at one of the chip bags) How about this one? Looks kinda interesting"
"(face twitches in disgust) Eugh, you sure you want those?"
"Uh, yeah? Why?"
"Their smell tell me otherwise about their taste..."
"....You're kidding, right?"
"(takes one of the bags and puts it close to GF -gently might I add) Take a sniff, then come back to me"
"(sniffs and notices the odd scent from the bag) ...Oof, yeah, that's...definitely not appetizing at all"
"Bet it's made of brussel sprouts, yuck"
"Don't think so, let's just get something else"
BF showing off his strong smelling senses to GF for the sake of saving their tastepads from an unpleasant fate
And yea I headcanonize he hates brussels sprouts, fight me vegans (?)
5.-Nice shot!
"Damn, nice one!"
"Heh, thanks! Been practicing enough"
"Yeah, seem so. Here, let's see if you catch as good as you shoot! (throws B a cookie from the bag baseball pitcher style)"
"(catches it on his mouth, then falls on his back, uninjured) Got it!"
"(laughs) Hey, mind if I try it too?"
"Uh? Oh- Sure! Do you want me to teach ya on it?"
"Nah, can do it myself (takes the sling and aims towards a glass bottle) Now, focus and"
(bottle falls off and lands onto someone down there)
"Ouch! What the-?!"
"Oh shoot"
"Ah, guess we're good for tonight. Let's get outta here!"
"Yeah, sounds like a plan"
6.-Premonitive scenario??
They vibin on the dumpster yo
Silver pan as a hat, crazy dave style
He got the rhymes, she brings the rhythm
Funkin' together, at a late Friday Night
I'm sorry
7.-Oh shit, it's a rat
BF became the dog whisperer there lol
Not really a surprise though, he owned a dog before, so he knows what to do...kinda
Still, quite some balls of steel for such a little kid
8.-Healing fire
(While escaping from the dog's garden, BF wounds his knee, and despite running for a few inches, he starts to waddle, with GF noticing)
"Woah, you okay there?"
"Uh? Oh y-yeah, it's nothing, just...resting a little, y'know?"
"Uh-huh, and it's not like that rip on your pants' fabric has something to do with it, does it?"
(both sit down)
"Lemme see how bad it is"
"(roll his pant up) What are you gonna do?"
"I'll try to close the wound with my fire, just gonna ask you to hold in as much as you can"
(G puts her hand over BF's wound and starts 'burning' it)
"Hold in there, it won't last for too long"
Yeah she can heal physical damages through heat, now stfu
9.-Visiting the local skatepark
I originally wanted to draw GF on a bike -or at least sort of- but I just can't tell at this point so I'll let you guys guess if that's so or if it looks more like she's on a monoskate(?)
Also, guess you can tell what's that side of the park's theme about if you were at the right time and place ;)
10.-Highgrounds experience
"Hehe, first time on the air, I see?"
"Ahah, yeah, pretty much. The view from here's kinda cool though, I can even see my family's workshop from here!"
"Love to see you actually like it <3"
Hashtage DefectDemonThingz amirite-
11.-Sharing the Moonlight
(BF and GF staring at the moon, until BF yawns all of a sudden)
"Yo, tired already?"
"(sleepy) Yeah...been having lotsa fun tonight with ya...but guess the sandman magic's finally getting to me"
"(holds BF close) Don't worry, you can go on and drop yourself off; I'll take you home in a while, promise"
"(starts to fall asleep) Thanks, G...you're the best... (rests on G's shoulder)"
"(smiles and puts her head carefully above his) ...Anytime, my little hood boy..."
Wholesome af
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