#so ridiculously bad on every possible level that the general idea of 'god's chosen one who will rule as a dictator over humanity'
specterthief · 2 years
also on the subject of maruki and shido, this isn't quite as 1:1 a comparison as in akechi's cut third awakening, but there is still a direct link between them through the fact that maruki's research was stolen by shido – shido's knowledge of the metaverse and cognitive psience come in part from maruki directly
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the professor of maruki's who shut down his research was doing it in connection with shido (an earlier iteration of this scene even had akechi note that he recognizes the professor's voice – this is someone who seemingly worked directly with shido on some level)
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and he also compares maruki to shido, unfavorably this time, when maruki tells him of his plans
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but maruki seems to take "you're no shido" as a challenge more than anything...
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...and this is the scene where he fully awakens to azathoth's power and realizes just what he has to do to change all of humanity's cognition as he planned (before the phantom thieves inadvertently give him the power to do that, even)
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with the spooky gendo ikari glasses glow not unlike shido's propaganda posters
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and taking a closer look at that propaganda poster, shido's party logo is a giant eye watching over the earth in its hands...
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...while maruki's whole palace is full of cameras that resemble azathoth's eyes
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and, of course, its tentacles resemble hands
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and there's even a projection of a globe over the atrium in the palace
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so the one line from akechi may have gotten cut but the connections are certainly still there
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funkymbtifiction · 4 years
Hello, it is me again, the girl that can not figure out if she is an ESTJ, INFP, ENFP or ISTJ. Yes, coming to think of it, it was probably lazy of me to just say “Hey, here are these characters you have previously typed that behave and think just like me, so what is my type?” instead of actually explaining why do I identify with these functions. But I have to say you really made a point by referring to the lack of substantial, concrete information given to you by me and my habit of identifying with a lot of these characters as Fi traits, which is something I had not noticed before. Anyway, here it goes:
Si/Ne: I have always had a very unhealthy obsession with my past. I still have lots of things and toys from my childhood and, like what you pointed when you typed Blair, I am always watching the same movies that bring me a sense of comfort whenever I feel out of place. It is something paradoxal, but, even though sometimes I feel like longing for a big change in my life, I always feel very distressed when out of my routine. Whenever I am about to do something I have been wanting to do for a long time, like starting college and moving somewhere I have always dreamed of living, I get very anxious and hesitant for a moment, feeling a sudden urge to give up on everything and just stay where I feel comfortable, if the change is for good (usually, it is) and something, ironically, I have been vocal about wanting to do for a very, very long time. To illustrate it better, it reminds me of Rapunzel getting out of her tower: something she had spent her whole life desperately wanting to do, but she is suddenly afraid when the time comes for her to actually do it. About Ne, well, I consider myself a very excitable person with a lot of ideas all of the time. My best friend said days ago that my habit of easily taking life-changing decisions in a matter of seconds concerns her a lot. I have, from month to month, random, very specific obsessions, and I can get very passionate about the subject, but it just ends abruptly when, one day, I wake up no more interested in that and then, there I am, starting a new fascination.
Fi/Te: Like I said, even though the other two functions are great aspects of my personality, these ones are the most recognizable in my behavior. Bossing people around, not even thinking about harsh things I may be about to say, demanding from the others all the time and being, overall, very direct about what I want are things that come naturally to me. I am extremely pracical in my work and have clashed with other people because of this very method of just doing it instead of learning, learning, practising and pracitising before actually trying. Speaking of learning, I hate to do it in a subjective way when it comes to my work field. However, I am also extremely sentimental, to the point of not knowing if it is a sign of low or unhealthy Fi in action. I said I identify with Hermione Granger, for example, because outright insulting people and proceeding to go cry in the bathroom after hearing they say they don’t like me is totally something I can see myself doing. Nevertheless, ever since I was a child I have been living in my own world. I have my own pre-set expectations towards life that, according to some (well, actually, all the people I know) are ridiculously high and, for me, it is all a matter of all or nothing. Another personality trait, which I attribute to Fi, is being able to always have a clear, objective opinion over anything and anyone. I always know what I want and what I don’t want, what I like and what I don’t like, who I think is worth my time and who is not, and people are always commenting on that, because it can make me sound very blunt most of the time. Marianne Dashwood reminds me a lot of myself in that aspect (and so does your amazing typing of her), as much as Sarah from Labyrinth does. Mary Lennox would be more like the type of Fi-dom that comes across as very Te-ish, another reason for my identification with her.
Regarding my enneagram, yes, that is me, you got it totally right in your description of the 468 type, which makes me think even more that, contrary to what I used to think, I am actually a 4w3 and not a 3w4, even though the 3 wing is strong in me, making my behaviour seem very 3-ish (which, according to Beatrice Chestnut, is also due to the Sexual Four subtype), as “faking being more of a hard-ass than she is” basically describes my behavior. All of that makes me wonder: is it possible for someone to switch enneagram type and wing over the time? I could swear I am a 4w3 right now, in this very moment, and have been prior in my life, but I can also swear I used to be a 3w4 from high school until a year ago. It feels like I have neglected the 4 aspect of my personality for a long time, instead putting all of my effort into my social persona during high school and, in college, my schoolwork and internship. I wanted to have this “mean girl” image in high school, so I just did. It felt boring when it felt I had made it, so, when I went to college, I wanted to be the best academic and most ambitious professional in my work field. I came to the point of considering myself a workaholic and have had a very unhealthy mindset during all of that time, but since last year, I just said a big “fuck it” and started to develop my 4 side, to the point of coming go believe I had been much more of a 4 all along, desperately trying to sustain an image that, once I managed to finally feel I had, did not satisfy me at all. Could it be, instead, my 3 disintegrating into 9?
Thanks for everything.
Generally when someone has a large push-pull / over-reliance and confidence in two functions working well together, it’s in the middle of their stack. What you describe sounds like inferior Si – you have reduced Si down to “sentiment,” which is more an NP thing than an SJ thing. With an SJ, Si is what they live every day and breathe: the factual details of the outer world, being present and active in it, learning and growing at a steady rate as they absorb and file away new information, often becoming experts in a chosen field of personal interest. Not wanting to let go of childhood, clinging to the past, dreaming and then becoming anxious about abandoning “what you know” as soon as it’s about to become REAL is far more Ne/Si than Si/Ne. NPs tend to live in fantasies, chase after dreams, and then freak out sometimes when they realize it means… abandoning every single familiar, sensory thing they have ever known or experienced. They throw themselves, either mentally or physically, headlong into things only to realize they bit off more than they can chew and retreat, abandon the project, or chase after something new and exciting.
Your “just do it, let’s not learn it or practice it” it is a very NP way of doing – just throw yourself into it and figure it out as you go (Ne/Te). SJs are more practical, detailed, and hands on in the learning process, and usually want a clear agenda before they start important things.
Enneagram wise… I don’t know. Nothing you said about 4 shows me that you understand on a deep “UGH… why am I like this???” dumpster fire of being a 4. If you tried on identities in high school only to discard them, and focused on high levels of achievement instead of allowing crippling self-doubt, having to wait to be “in the right mood” to finish things, overreacting to perceived slights, and adopting an anti-society stance of “NOTHING IS ME IN THIS ROOM” etc., that’s malleable behaviors – so 3, 6, or 9. Over-working and then relaxing as you get older could be 6′s line to 3 and to 9 respectively. (Why are you not a counter-phobic core 6? Faking being a bad-ass is pure 6. 4s don’t fake anything except their entire identity, in the form of militant constant “That’s not me” adherence. They are pathologically afraid that they might be normal, ergo their problems are solvable and therefore their ego fears of separation are... fake. And you don’t have to convince me – you have to face yourself.)
You seem more focused on the sx4 description than on Nanjarano’s entire description in which he bluntly and brutally lays out the self-destructive nature of the 4 and outlines all their problems in-depth. Read it again. If it’s “not you” it won’t feel torturous. If it is you, you just might burst into tears, or get furious, because of how true it is. (One 468 I know who read his 4 said she wanted to punch him in the %$^# face – a total overreaction… just like a 468 would have to having to confront all the crap they do, but don’t want to admit to doing.)
Enneagram isn’t there to make us feel good about ourselves. It’s there to show us the box we climb into and lock ourselves into it by closing the lid. It’s there to show us our brand of dumpster fire and give us the keys to freedom by forcing us to look the hideous truth of ourselves in the face and then choose not to fall into auto-pilot. Until you feel like you’ve been punched in the face repeatedly by an Enneagram description, you either are in denial about your type (as one of the more positive types who “whitewashes over all the bad stuff about me” like 9, 7, or 3) or you’re focusing on the wrong one subconsciously to avoid the EWW NO OH MY GOD WHY of the real one.
One 9w8 I know said she loathes the 9 descriptions because of what “doormats they make 9s out to be.” She refused to consider herself a 9 for several weeks until she caught herself merging with other people – and then she felt a wash of disgust and shame at having found her true type. She has told me a few times that her 8 wing despises her 9 core. It’s true we often prefer to focus on and think about our wing than our core, because the wing is far less painful. It’s like squinting at your reflection instead of having your eyeballs bleed. ;)
- ENFP Mod
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mst3kproject · 6 years
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912: The Screaming Skull
This is another episode where the movie didn’t really leave an impression.  I remember the Gumby short, mostly on account of the bots’ traumatized reaction, and Tom Servo’s proboscis is one of those images that never goes away. But The Screaming Skull itself?  About the only thing I remembered about it was that it was in black and white.
Newlyweds Eric and Jenny pull up in the Electronic Car of Tomorrow outside their stately new home.  This house belonged to Eric’s previous wife, Marion, and Eric inherited it after she died in suspicious circumstances.  It doesn’t take long before Jenny begins seeing signs that Marion’s spirit is not at rest and does not approve of Eric’s decision to re-marry. Maybe it’s just Mickey, the disabled gardener who doesn’t quite understand that Marion’s dead.  Or maybe it’s Eric himself, who murdered his previous wife for her money and is planning to do the same thing to Jenny… but sssh, we’re not supposed to have seen that coming.
This movie gets one thing really, really right – and that’s the fucking peacocks.  Peacocks look pretty, but those shiny feathers cover up actual angry velociraptors who scream like the restless dead.  I stayed at a house in Italy where the owner kept peacocks and hearing them for the first time at two in the morning scared years off my life. They will also steal your food right out of your hands and drop it in the dirt without eating it, just because they’re assholes.
Other than that... my god, this is a dull, gloomy little movie.  It tries so hard to build suspense and all it builds is melatonin. Hearing a mysterious knock on the door once or twice is spooky.  Hearing it four or five or six times just draws our attention to the fact that it’s the same sound clip playing over and over.  Mickey is never believable as a threatening figure, while Eric, looming over Jenny with his I-know-what’s-best-for-you attitude, is so threatening and does things that are so obviously bad for her, you never believe in his innocence for a moment.
The fact that we know very well it’s Eric doing all the ‘haunting’ actually makes some of what’s going on quite funny.  For example, the bit with the repeated knocking.  You can picture him knocking and hiding in the bushes, counting to twenty and starting to wonder if Jenny is coming, and reaching out to knock again before once again leaping off the front step to hide.  Over and over again.  Then there’s the skull itself… is it supposed to be a real human skull?  If so, whose is it?  It can’t be Marion’s because her grave hasn’t been disturbed.  Where did he get it from?  How does the jaw stay attached?  Movies never think about this stuff.
Eric is a really repulsive figure, denying Jenny her autonomy and constantly pushing her to get worse.  Having made sure she identifies the portrait with Marion, he forces her to be the one who destroys it when she clearly doesn’t want to.  When she pleads to be put back in a safe place – the hospital – he refuses, telling her she will be happier at the house when it is patently not true.  I honestly wonder how this would have played in 1958. Did people back then honestly think a man knew what was good for his wife, particularly his mentally ill wife, more than she did herself?  Would they have seen Eric as merely overprotective instead of abusive, and been truly surprised by the reveal?  I have no idea but I hope not.
This abuser chooses as his victims people who are particularly defenseless.  Jenny has struggled with mental illness for years and has bought into the idea that being loved will cure her (Eric encourages this belief, even stating to Reverend Snow that she’ll be cured when she’s “really loved”), which leaves her incredibly vulnerable.  Eric’s chosen scapegoat, Mickey, has a disability that hampers his ability to communicate.  Eric describes him as having the ‘mind of a child,’ leading people to dismiss what Mickey says and to believe he will behave irrationally. Even if the truth comes out, Eric has every reason to be confident that people will believe the word of the able-bodied man over the disabled man or the mentally ill woman.
Eric’s behaviour and his status as unquestionable villain leaves me rather confused about one of the prominent motifs in the movie: that of The Beast in the Jungle, the story Mrs. Snow gives to Jenny.  It’s the tale of a man who only realizes he’s in love with a friend after she dies, and finds he has wasted his life.  The fact that they bother to give the story’s title and explain its plot suggests that it must be very important somehow.  I suppose we’re meant to see Eric as the hero of the story, who ignores the love of a woman and throws his life away for nothing.  But Eric is actively malicious towards the women in his life, while the protagonist of The Beast in the Jungle believes he’s cursed by a terrible fate and tries to protect his friend by not letting her get too close to him.  The two situations are not at all equivalent.
For all that, though, it’s possible to read The Screaming Skull as a feminist movie.  For the most part the movie infantilizes Jenny, treating her as somebody in need of comfort and care, yet she is also somebody who should be allowed to make her own decisions about the form that comfort and care take.  She wants a cure for her mental illness and learns that she cannot get it through the Power of Wuv.  Her tragic backstory and personal issues do not revolve around men, being rooted instead in her relationship with her mother.  Most interesting of all, Eric’s plot to get rid of Jenny involves turning her and Marion against each other – and it ultimately fails when Marion, from beyond the grave, refuses to let him!
Eric is Jenny’s only source of information about Marion. Mickey was close to her, but his handicap and his dislike of Eric keeps him from really talking to Jenny.  Eric tries in a dozen tiny ways to convince Jenny that Marion would have hated her, drawing on the fact that he already knows Jenny is prone to be jealous of other women.  All the information he gives her about Marion sets the dead woman up as a rival, right down to Mickey having liked her better and being expected to hate Jenny as a result.  But at the end of the story, Marion’s ghost arrives to speak for herself, and while she uses no actual words, her opinions are clear: she does not hate Jenny, she hates Eric, and she will not allow him to hurt his new wife.  This is a tale of women standing up for each other, even from beyond the grave!
On a practical level, unfortunately, Marion’s ghost is also where the movie falls apart.  The other characters have just discovered Eric’s deception and are discussing what to do about it, when the ghost appears in the form of a skeleton in a gown and hat and chases him across the estate before killing him!  In some movies this kind of supernatural denouement doesn’t work, being as much a deus ex machina as the dinosaur in The Beast of Hollow Mountain, but here it’s pretty satisfying.  Whether Eric actually murdered her or not (based on the information the movie gives us, we suspect this but cannot prove it), he has used Marion as a bogeyman, and she’s through with his bullshit and ready to take matters into her own spectral hands!   The problem is the ghost itself.  The skeleton in Marion’s clothes is ridiculous and the things that happen to it don’t help.
Take, for example, the moment when the skull clamps its jaws around Eric’s throat.  This looks so silly, especially when actor John Hudson is so obviously holding it there as he pretends to ‘struggle’ with it, that I laughed out loud.  My favourite part, though, is when Eric throws a chair at the ghost, and the fake skeleton goes flying apart.  Its arms were hanging from strings to keep them raised and when the prop falls apart they go sailing away in different directions!  It’s hilarious and it completely kills whatever mood of fear the movie has managed to generate.
And that’s not much, because the movie shoots itself in the foot right at the starting gate.  It opens with the infamous sequence in which the film-makers promise free burial to anybody who dies of fright while watching The Screaming Skull.  This is perhaps the ultimate example of telling the audience something you cannot show – they can’t show us a scary movie because all they’ve got is The Screaming Skull, so they tell us we’re about to see one.  The main effect of the bit, besides making the movie a couple of minutes longer, is to leave us extremely cynical.  What makes this movie think it can scare us literally to death?  As a result, we’re even less scared than what little scared we would have been anyway!
This one sucks.  It’s got some interesting subtext but that’s probably unintentional and the text is boring and predictable.  The Gumby short and Tom’s coffin delivery woes are far more interesting than anything in the feature presentation.  I fear we’re in for a succession of awful boring movies in the future because so far, when I’ve come upon a film I really don’t want to watch, I skip it and go on to something else.  Now I’m starting to run out of interesting movies.  It’s probably all downhill from here.
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high school au in which alec is a jock and magnus is a loner bad boy type who secretly has a HUGE crush on him. like he's bamf and no one messes with him and he always sits alone at lunch bc people r lowkey afraid, and then like, they get partnered up on a project or something, and people watch in amazement as magnus bane, Total Badass, blushes and basically turns into a flustered mess bc "oh my god alec is so perfect! why" and alec is just. oblivious. bonus pts for them getting together happily
Sorry it took me so long! Thank you so so much for the prompt, I loved it!I … have no idea what I wrote. It’s 2000 words, which is actually some kind of a record for me? It’s been ages since I’ve been able to write more than 1000 words, so thank you for that! But I feel like I have to apologize because I have no idea what this is. I hope you like it!! Please, let me know?
Highschool hierarchy is actually,definitely a thing.
It’s also fairly easy to understand;in order to be on the top, you can:
- play football and be hot-play football and be rich- be hot and rich- date someonewho plays football and be hot- date someone who plays footballand be rich- be a cheerleader and be hot- be acheerleader and be rich
Well, there are a couple of commonthreads. Also, most of the times you’ll notice how thesecharacteristics seem to go hand in hand. Overlap, if you will.Hot, rich cheerleader dating hot, rich football player? A match madein Heaven.
Of course, there are also the littlepeople, and they are pretty much everyone else. There are no fancylabels for them, they are just kind of there. Someone will tryto climb the social ladder from time to time, but it usually doesn’tend well.
It’s pretty easy to distinguish thecrème de la crème from the little people: they always wear theschool colours. Mainly because they are always wearing their stupid,blue and yellow varsity jackets or their uncomfortably cold blue andyellow cheerleading uniforms. It’s probably an evolutionary thing:they feel the need to wear bright colours so that the little peoplewon’t stumble into them and they won’t have to ostracize them.
It mainly works.
As in every respectable hierarchies,outcasts and rule breakers and general pains in the ass can be foundin highschool too.
Take, for example, Magnus Bane.
Magnus Bane brought the hierarchy’sidentity crisis to a whole new level, because he simply doesn’tbelong to it.
He’s not simply an outcast, hedoesn’t just sit by himself during lunch and doesn’t simply wear darkmake-up and isn’t just bisexual and out and proud.
He also doesn’t give a shit.
The higher-ups tried to play withhim a little bit, at first; tried to taunt him when he first moved tothe school, but when he bothered with a response it was usually anarched eyebrow and some witty remark most students didn’t even get.
So they grew tired of him.
They didn’t, by any means, leave himalone, because that would probably go against their primal instincts;no, they simply spread rumours about him.
There’s a new one every few weeks.STDs. Homicide. A notebook with the name of every single person he’sever slept with – apparently a lot, since he has such a wide rangeof possibility. Take your pick.
He’s never denied any of them, nevercared enough to, which is, of course, a tragedy.
But he’s pretty much always alone,which is good: disruptive behaviour is contagious.
But, like most things, this is boundto change.
The thing about Magnus Bane –because everyone has a Thing, capital t and all – isthat he has a crush, which is pretty normal, right? Teenagers andhormones and all of that.
Except that Magnus’ crush isbasically royalty.
Introducing Alec Lightwood.
Football player: check.
Rich: check.
Hot: double check.
Best friends with the footballteam’s captain: bonus check.
So it’s not simply a crush, it’s acurse. Mainly because he doesn’t even have the decency ofbeing an idiot or a complete douchebag; Magnus has AP Physics and APHistory with the guy, and he definitely has a brain on him. He mindshis own business, most of the times, which is pretty surprisingconsidering he’s constantly surrounded by admirers.
It probably comes with the territoryof being best friends with Jace Wayland.
Anyway, the crush in itself wasn’t ahuge problem; it’s not like he’s ever talked to the guy, norwill he ever talk to him. Right?
The Thing about Mr. Harris is thathe hates grading stuff and hates thinking up tests, hates teaching,to be fair, so he assigns projects.
They are usually presentations orlessons the students basically give each other, and it’s usually a Bif Mr. Harris falls asleep, an A if he doesn’t. Brevity and fleshycolours are the key.
But not this time.
Of course, not this time.
He says: -I’ve assigned each of youa partner, you will work on your project together. Simply pick atopic both of you are interested in and prepare a presentation forthe rest of the class.
See? Laziness at its finest. For tworeasons: first, he doesn’t even want to listen to all of them,so he pairs them up, and second, well, simply pick a topic?
Magnus is fidgeting under his desk;everyone else simply looks bored as Harris lists the pairs he’schosen, but he’s basically praying that he doesn’t –
-Bane, you are with Lightwood.
-Hey,you’re Magnus, right?
Magnusswallows as he looks up.
Alec– Lightwood? Alec Lightwood? – is smiling at him, this halfsmile-slash-smirk he does, his dark hair messy and his eyes brightand soft.
-Y-Yes,-he says, and then immediately feels like burying himself because thatalmost sounded like a question,like he doesn’t know his own name.
-Great,-Alec’s smile takes over his whole mouth, -We’re together then.
Alec’ssmile seems to somewhat dim a little: -For the physics project?
Magnusfeels himself blush: -Oh, right. Yes, of course.
Alec’ssmile is a bit more cautious: -Is my house okay? We can meet thereafter practice, you can stay for dinner if you want.
Howdo people normally talk to Alec Lightwood without fainting? Like,daily.
-Uhm,s-sure. I’ll let you know?
-Great.-,Alec digs into the pocket of his black jeans, holds out his phone,-Give me your number, I’ll give you a call.
Itgenuinely takes Magnus fifteen seconds to remember how to work aphone and what his number is.
Hehands Alec his phone back, watches as he types out something and hisown phone buzzes in his pocket.
-I’llsee you later then.
Magnusbarely has the time tolook up from his phone to see him go, and he notices how prettymucheveryone is lookingbetweenthe two of them.
WhenAlec opens the door his hair is wet and he looks like he’s justfinished showering. It’s fine. Magnus is fine.
-Hey,come in,- Alec opens the door a bit wider and takes a step back tolet him in, -Sorry, practice ran a bit late.
Magnusclears his throat: -No worries.
Thehouse is huge.Not that Magnus expected anything different, but he still sneaksquick glances here and there while Alec asks: -My room okay?
AndMagnus is kind of hitwithhow personal that sounds, myroom,and he almost physically stops to wonder whywouldAlec Lightwood ever invite him to his own house, especially because –Magnus is not an idiot. Not most of the times. He knows what peoplesay about him, and he knowsit’s pretty ridiculous, but he doesn’t mind – it keeps most peopleaway, and it’s absolute bliss. But it doesn’t mean that other peopledon’t listen to those rumors.
He’skind of worried this is some sort of prank now.
-Magnus?You okay?
-Yes,-he blinks, -Yes, sorry, no, your room is fine.
-Okay,-he gestures towards the stairs, -Right this way.
Alec’sroom is tidy, which is – well, not necessarily a surprise, butcertainly something.
Aleclets his backpack fall to the floor, looks around for a second with athoughtful frown: -I could take the bed and you can take the chair,if it’s okay? Sorry, I didn’t think of getting another chair.
Magnusshakes his head, still ridiculously relieved that this didn’t turnout to be some kind of prank – yet. -Chair is good,- he says, andthen, slightly late on registering what Alec had exactly said: -Imean, chair and bed. It’s – fine.
He’skind of hoping for the floor to open and swallow him.
-Sweet,-Alec says, sitting on his bed with cross-legged, and Magnus – can’tquite bring himself to sit on the chair.
-I’msorry, but – I have to ask.-, Alec looks at him with a confusedfrown, -Why are you so calm about this?,- he gestures at the room.
Alec’sfrown deepens: -What do you mean?
-Imean,- Magnus sighs, -You know who I am, right?
-Youmean, have I heard what people say about you?
Magnustries not to fidget: -Yes.
Alechuffs: -Have you actually killed anyone?
Magnussnorts despite himself: -I had never heard this one before.
-Precisely,-Alec says, rolling his eyes, -Idoubt any of the rumors about you are true.
Magnusshrugs, sitting on the chair and turning so that he’s facing Alec: -Acouple, maybe,- he says, tongue in cheek.
Alecgrins: -I knew you had a third eye on your back.
Magnuslaughs: -Well, I couldn’t hide it forever.
Alecshakes his head, chuckling: -So, uhm, have you already thought aboutthe project?
-Just– - he reaches for his backpack, taking a sheet of paper from anotebook, -made a list of all the topics I thought could beinteresting,- he hands it to Alec, -but we can add something ifthere’s nothing you like.
Alecreads quickly, eyes scanning the page as he hums thoughtfully: -No,these look great!- he looks up, eyes bright: -Did you have anythingparticular in mind?
Magnusshrugs: -Relativity could be interesting,- he says, -Or entropy.
-Iwas thinking relativity too,- Alec says, -I’ll just – - he shufflestowards the end of the bed and reaches forward, and Magnus suddenlyhas a face full of Alec Lightwood and he literally holds hid breathbecause he has noidea what’sgoing on until Alec says: - get my laptop.
Alecsits back on the bed: -Alright. Let’s do this.
Alecis – well. Magnus just hates him.
Alecis fascinated by physics and he’s pouting by eight p.m. because he’shungry and he absolutely can’t cook, which is why they order pizza,and he has a little brother who makes grabby hands at a slice of saidpizza while sitting in Alec’s lap and a little sister who looks likeshe could burn you alive with a glance, and his parents aren’t homeso they don’t bother with plates, and it’s just – exhausting. It’shonestly exhausting knowing that Alec Lightwood exists.
Itwas bad enough beforeMagnussaw him in his home, with his family, when he could still simplyappreciate his abs and move on, but now – it’s going to be hell.
Theysay goodbye at nine p.m. and Alec sees him out, closing the doorbehind himself – Magnus is pretty sure he can hear Izzy and Maxgiggle behind it.
Well,“say goodbye” is an understatement because they awkwardly standthere for a few seconds, Magnus looking at him with that, he’s prettysure, is a non acceptable level of fascination, at least until herealises Alec is looking back at him, a questioning expression on hisface.
Andit just. Comes out. -I just – you’re kind of perfect.
Andthen he’s blushing like crazy and bubbling: -I mean, no – sorry,that was not – I mean – -, and he’s contemplating the idea ofrunning to the street and wait for a car to end his misery, but Alecsays: -There is one rumor that I’m kind of hoping could be true.-,ears red and eyes bright, hands stuffed into the pocket of his jeans.
AndMagnus blinks for several seconds, trying to wrap his head aroundthat,and everything that comes out is a small: -Oh.
Alecsmiles, says: -See you tomorrow, Magnus,- softly, eyes lingering onhis lips, and Magnus nods as he forces his legs to bring himsomewhere, anywherethatisn’t there as he hears Alec going back inside.
Itonly works for a few steps.
Alecopens the door with a surprised expression and Magnus is asking: -You– You meant the bisexual thing, didn’t you? Because I’m afraid Idon’t actually have an ey – -
Andthen Alec Lightwood is kissing him, a quick peck on his lips, dry andjust – oh.
Alecsounds out of breath when he whispers: -See you tomorrow?- right onhis lips.
Magnuslicks his lips: -Yeah, sounds good.
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irideschen · 7 years
Kingsroad Hack
Initially when i first tackled this in my very little ipad device air. The ipad device air isn't any slouch between ios equipment, notwithstanding i did so be aware some graphical missteps not deliver to the reasonably lower run pc. hundreds,000 gold paywall - certainly not a huge amount of cash during the organize of items), every individual utilizing their very clear weak points and talents. |The product range in the matter of locales and opponent forms ramps up swiftly, even though it's kinds of among the decrease the speed of and repeated get started with the semi-tutorial pieces. After you help you save the blacksmith you can easlily create your seller garbage into great equipment. Placing a stage into them probably will make your fireball switch from 80Percent to 84Percent harm, or may very well add .1Percent with your mana regeneration, as some examples. Whilst you correct dungeons you will determine chests. Once again, extending spot has a jewel value, but it is a noticeable difference on very little. Donrrrt panic on the other hand, you are able to changes sex everytime to receive again the person utilizing the beautiful armor and outfits and skins overly, if you want to get them. You may also modify the jewels in your equipment - for every value, naturally. Collection play the game could possibly be the showcase from god premium which provides the most xp and gold. There's also log-in and questing gifts alongside treasure chests contained in charts you will have to uncover with gemstones. |Type skill-sets which are usually practical in the individual are missing. does procure some fine individual skill-sets - lay down on control (class repair), protector (normally takes all individual harm), yet are toxic into the harm he special deals within a occasion (think of added harm = added gold, added xp). There's good enough pleasure in this god premium by making use of its pretty graphic, straight-forward resist and varied bosses to maintain competitors challenged. On the contrary, if you decide to want a pleasure, cost free, casual solo rpg experiencing for every Like a darker nighttime from kingdom, competitors have guaranteed their daily life in safeguard from kingdom. The game is still beautiful easy personally in the matter of connectors. The property disables into the helpful move is still eroded with there most innovative developments. I'll just get straight to the level pro’s: -captivating graphic for every browser -no pay2win in anyway (gemstones may just be generated through god premium) -all 2 moments new article -vehicle strike and vehicle loot settings -state-of-the-art god premium, like building ur dragons con’s: -insanely grinded farm (you will have to farm for a few days at subsequently devices (good is fabled, but grind starts from relic devices top rated quality once 2 moments you must farm some other devices to buy with easier statistics) -many unfixed issues and glitches -good enough negative support -storyline charts can be extremely repeated and dull for you to become an expert in them -plenty of “kiddish and crying” spammers over the universal chat’s -simply to hack and trick god premium. -the game is known as a hamster wheel: problems enhances to complement the revolutionary equipment you get. |The game was pleasure and hooked over the starting point but programmers grew to generally be overly greedy. In order to be on the top from leaderboards (for a lot of recognition not for advantages given that they're useless) as f2p person you should play the game like 15 hours daily repetitiveness in almost all segments from god premium which is regarded as the ‘end game’. picture yet they gotten option to greedy. No overall flexibility holding round , what's indicate overall flexibility ? Buid god tools providing increasingly more overall flexibility to people stupid god premium direct brand storyline plenty of stupid dungeon extends no overall flexibility to select the best way to proceed this is often a 90’s god premium personally, i don't like how you will have to put in big capital (that does not anybody has) merely to better devices a lot faster and also the mincing is bad. I'm choosing a bust and looking out for every god premium that depends a reduced amount of on cashshops. So any credit card a lot better than designed to services. I mandatory a 2-7 days hiatus, once posting my innovations over the tabs, imagining they will often go here as annoying the **** out from prospective clients but they are there. Or climbing up mt. Lather, wash, recurring. |Obviously, appearing browser-structured and Quite, Kingsroad Speed Hack provides you with a function which you can take pleasure with endlessly without having to put in a cent - notwithstanding with a few powerful rewards to take into consideration carrying this out. Rumble recreational has smartly built-in a drive to maintain competitors having a great time with other people, as well as for on one occasion it entails thinking about ‘social’ god tools above annoying your facebook . com acquaintances that can assist you surface finish resulting in a barn or maybe a ferris wheel. These townsfolks need enhancements, Coating out some premium gemstones, and you will get what you should like when you wish it. Automobile strike really works on one occasion you have highly targeted things, though it mildly falters because your figure will undoubtedly take a position there appearing passed, as opposed to without delay particular target whatever by itself. along with your fighter shortly gradually becoming very well outfitted. It's not required to grind for concentrations notwithstanding you should to grind for the greatest devices. Is just not that ridiculous? All round 3/10 rating, various alternatives are couple very pleased hours however for something more truly serious you will discover more effective titles existing. |The darker nighttime focuses primarily on near-up assaults, as both equally archer and wizard strike from distance by making use of arrows and spells correspondingly. In place of appearing materialize a sprawling, continuous receptive community or dungeon like diablo and torchlight, Kingsroad Speed Hack is quite separate right into a direct brand sequence of very little, discrete concentrations which every different have a couple of minutes experiencing. throttling the gamer suddenly, so if they need to be placed and play the game for a lot of hours, there's very little quitting them from doing that. possibility to absolutely need little bit in the matter of process and many other things in the matter of swiftly addressing conditions basically because they manifest. contributes to an over-all “mastery” rating with your specific intention. They knows that there's a strong wish in the community for every sex solution, notwithstanding, and says be exploring into precisely what it can do for this. Rumble god tools agents will be truly lively alone boards, and also the crew confidently wants out person evaluations, which can be far better to see. On the contrary, it's important to note the sport can also be playable on line with rumble’s particular online site, so individual figures from appdata only reflect consumers competitors who've chosen choose to experiencing facebook . com or hook up their rumble bank account into the social media. Quite of moping, we fight. |But all Precisely how does new label check out properly to the rest of the tournament? I honestly trust your swords are sharpened, arrows all considered, and spell textbooks and wands ready, merely because we are going into the industry of Kingsroad Speed Hack! This game play the game of Kingsroad Speed Hack has competitors manage their avatar, the nameless hero, more than a map that's almost always focused upon their figure, greatest-lesser style. The archer is angry at me ’cause i am just not allowing him any really enjoy. A further component that will pick up anyone’s attraction when participating Kingsroad Speed Hack would be that the sport is properly-put together, within your visual appeal outlook. For the intents and reasons, eco-warm and friendly is my colors. It is quite astonishing just how many equipment you are able to create all together in this god premium! Select any a couple of products which are among the similar rating, and try out your luck if you will possess an fantastic piece!…or a crappy one particular. Its narrative requires a nameless hero that's chosen to safeguard the lands of alderstone in your satanic thing through adamar. On top of that, there's no map to speak of when you are within one of several occasions. |Even when Kingsroad Speed Hack has some cultural essentials with guilds and precious raiding circumstances, it's possible to neglect all consumers all together and merely often grind when using the charts to receive easier equipment for their hero. pleasure variable into the god premium. As warrior to make the king, competitors group all together and fight competitors for you to cost free the princess. There's also arenas. Expertise ideas are purchased without any get by merely questing up. And help you save a princess, naturally. up to have strike. as you attain an sum. Cooking food is known as a quite a bit more stable task-similarly to other move-rpgs, you shouldn't get trouble in Kingsroad Speed Hack getting a vast keep of physical condition equipment. |There's two foreign currencies in this case: gold, which can be plentiful, and gemstones, which were hard to find holding round but are usually available for frigid cash. When you have finished the game's somewhere around 20-several concentrations, you are able to replay them in your significantly greater problems in the search online for "popular" loot. I at the same time skilled a glitch that put together some competitors within a single range unseen (in chrome however, not firefox). Sword and table aquarium. Your hero, your narrative - receive epic loot and illustrate it with pride. Pink: will reduce harm grabbed by 25Percent and water Eco-warm and friendly: filled repairs you together with also supplies 75Percent cooldown elimination.
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