#so she was gonna mail it out again. which i assumed would require a new shipping label! but maybe not bc it's the old one that notified me.
gendzl · 7 months
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oooh, movement. things are starting to look promising!
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afaithy · 4 years
Number 3 with a Taichi/Koushiro friendship pairing? 💚
Ok, this story turned out a little silly. So quick details. As usual, the story takes place inside my Digi-verse :3. Taichi is a littly goofier than usual due to stress and probably the medication. So forgive him lol (?)
Koushiro has a lot of patience, to be fair. 
Hope you like it!
SEND MORE ASKS HERE _____________________________________________________________
I may be stupid, but I’m not an idiot
“Honestly, if you were any slower, you’d be going backward.”
― J.K. Rowling
Taichi had been having a bad day. It had all started when he realized that he had accidentally marked the deadline for his anthropology work on the wrong date, which meant that he had less than 6 hours to finish and send the document to his tutor. To make matters worse, his computer was under maintenance, and he had a bad cold.
It was curious, and extremely tragic, how something as simple as writing a wrong date could cause such apocalyptic results, but there was not much that Taichi could do about it. Hikari, seeing how miserable her brother was, agreed to lend him her laptop so that he could finish his work calmly. The girl wasn't going to need it anyway, since she had plans with Takeru that day, and she wouldn’t be back until late afternoon that day. 
This was how Taichi, made a cocoon of blankets, with a cold compress on his forehead, and a dripping nose, had ended up sitting in the living room armchair, desperately typing about the development of civilization and the evolution of social consciousness based on use of the digital humanities. Agumon watched him curiously from a corner of the room, but Taichi was on Takeru mode, and did not notice the digimon concerned look.
“There!” Taichi roared triumphantly “Now all I need is to sen….what? Oh nono….nonono….don’t do this to me now!”
“What’s wrong Taichi?”
“From all days for the internet to fail….why now?”
Taichi took the laptop and started maneuvering around the room trying to get a wifi signal. The boy was so desperate that he began to try the most ridiculous positions possible; from the table in the living room to the inside of the shower, but  no matter how much he stood on his tip toes or how much he bent down, the connection was too unstable to send the mail.
“I told Hikari we needed a new router!” Taichi growled “Come on damn it! I have 10 minutes to send this or I lose the credits!” 
Taichi continued chasing after the wifi signal until he finally got a full signal and the mail went out. The boy let out a triumphant cry.
“Taichi! Be careful!” Agumon screeched. 
In the middle of his search for a wifi signal, Taichi had barely been conscient of where he’d walked into. He was standing dangerously close to the balcony railing, with one feet on a stool and barely keeping the balance with the laptop in his hand. The sudden realization of this unnatural position made Taichi lose his balance a fall off. Luckily for him, agumon managed to stop his fall, but the laptop was not that lucky. It landed on the floor with a loud thud. 
There was small pause, while both Taichi and Agumon stared at the fallen device with horror.
“Oh no,no….” Taichi said, horrified “Hikari is gonna kill me.”
Taichi picked the laptop and began to check it. It wasn’t broken, at least not as far he could see. The screen wasn’t even scratched , but the hit had turned it off, so he tried turning it back on. 
Taichi held his air as the screen lit up, but then, it went into a blue screen and turned off again. He tried once more, and it happened again.  Hikari was SO going to kill him.
His day couldn't get worse. 
“Ok...keep calm…” he told himself “It’s not a big deal, we need help. It might be fixable. Koushiro! Oh yeah...I need Koushiro...now!”
Taichi took the laptop and without even bothering to change his clothes, he sprinted out of the apartment. He was lucky that Koushiro lived one floor above. Mrs. Izumi was very surprised to see him knocking desperately on their door and after the boy had given her a pretty desperate greeting, she had told him that Koushiro was in his room. Taichi thanked the confused woman and ran into the room, causing Koushiro to fall from his chair in surprise.
“Taichi-san! What  are you doing here?” Koushiro cried.
“Koushiro...this is an emergency….you might be my only hope right now; no,  scratch that, you might be my only chance of survival! Is that Mimi?”
Koushiro's cheeks went bright red and he quickly rushed to turn off his screen.  Taichi watched the black screen stunned and then he shook his head.
“ Forget it. This is more important.” Taichi saId “ I screwed up.”
“ I should be surprised, but strangely, I am not.” Koushiro sighed “ what did you tell Sora.san  this time?”
“What? No, I  didn’t tell her anything.” “Ok, then what did you do to Sora-san?”
“Why are you assuming I did something to her?” “Because most of the time you get this panicky is because you messed up with her.”
“ Not true...well, at least not this time! No, this is worse…” Taichi said, putting down Hikari’s laptop on the table “I broke Hikari’s laptop.”
“What do you mean “again”? I’ve never broken her laptop!”
“Well there was that time when we were on middle school….”
“Ah! That doesn’t count...How was I supposed to know that book would fall over there?” Taichi said, shaking his head “No, for real...I don’t know what’s wrong with it and she’s gonna kill me if she finds out. Hell, I think not even Takeru might be able to save me this time…”
“Fine, I’ll take a look. “ Koushiro sighed “What exactly happened?”
Koushiro tried turning on the laptop, but just like Taichi, the device turned on, showed a blue screen and then went off again.  Sighing, Koushiro opened his cabinet and took out a small tool kit and began working on the laptop. “It’s a long story…” Taichi said, walking around the the room like a restless lion “ The summary is, I wrote  my reports deadline wrongly, so it turns out I had to hand it in today by noon, and my computer is on the store for maintenance, so I had no computer and had to use Hikari’s to finish, but hell when I had like 15 min for the deadline, I couldn’t get wifi signal to send it, so I had to look around the apartment to see where I had enough signal to send it and happens that the balcony gets full service, anyway...I tripped and the laptop fell.”
“From the balcony?”
“Hell, no! If so there would be no laptop. I fell to the ground.” “RIght….” “It’s all the router’s fault. The signal is so bad.”
“Did you even consider using your phone’s hotspot? Or perhaps that Lan collection instead of walking around the apartment?”
“The what?”
“Never mind…” Koushiro sighed “I think I might have an idea of what’s wrong, but it is going to take me awhile. What time does Hikari come home?”
“In about two hours…” Taichi said, looking at the clock “but no problem. I have a plan.”
“YOu do?”
“Yeah!” Taichi said, taking out his phone “I’m texting Takeru. I’ll lift his curfew for this time, so he can distract Hikari and get her home later....”
“You do know, Takeru is a poor liar and Hikari is actually pretty sharp. She will suspect something is up…”
“She’s with Takeru. He can kiss her or something and she’ll forget about it.”
“I thought you weren’t pleased with your sister getting kissed by any boys, Takeru included.”
“Priorities Koushiro. I hate the idea, I truly do...but sacrifices are required for my survival.” “You’re overreacting…” Koushiro laughed “I doubt Hikari would kill you.”
“You had no idea how she gets when she’s really angry.” Taichi said, rolling his eyes “So...why exactly were you seeing Mimi’s photos when I came in.”
Koushiro dropped the screwdriver and then let out a painful groan when he accidentally got a little electrocuted with the laptop’s static. 
“I wasn’t!” he replied, blushing “Not ...strictly willingly. Mimi-san borrowed my tablet and when I got it back, I was notified that the memory was full. So I was going through the files to see what she had done to saturate my 1TB memory card.”
“Ahhhh...and what was it?” “Mimi-san seems to enjoy selfies.”
“She took selfies with your tablet?” Taichi smirked “That’s a message, you know?”
“A message?”
“Yup” Taichi nodded “She’s sending you an invitation. Believe, I know about this things.”
“Right, and that would explain your current status with Sora-san…”
“Hey, things with Sora are complicated ok.”
“How complicated could it be. Everyone knows you two are into each other.”
“Pff, of course not.”
“Right, that is why you made all that fuss when she was dating that...what was his name again? Yotaro?”
“Ryutaro...and for the record, the guy was a douche. He wasn't good enough for her.”
“Yeah, well, shouldn’t you do something about it?”
“I did, didn’t I? Sora wasn’t too happy about it though.”
“I didn’t mean that…” Koushiro rolled his eyes and said, “ I meant, ask her out.”
“Yeah, you. Everyone knows she went out with that guy to make you jealous.”
“No way. Sora would kick my butt if I even brought it up.”
“How do you know? My sources say that you might have a good chance.”
“Your sources, huh?” Taichi smirked “Is Mimi telling you all the gossip now?”
“That’s...out of the subject.”
“Riiight. Returning the question, then. When are you  going to do something about it?”
“What do you mean?”
“You two have been sending smoke signs to each other since highschool. Aren’t you going to do something about it?”
“Smoke signs?”
“Yeah, you are even more obvious than Takeru and Hikari, and those two beat you at it.”
“That’s different. Mimi-san and I are just friends.”
“Aha...that’s what Takeru said, you know?”
Koushiro gave Taichi an irritated glare, but the older kid smirked. 
“Taichi-san...if you keep distracting me, I won’t be able to fix this.”
“Ok, ok...sorry.” Taichi answered, raising his hand in a peaceful gesture “so...what’s wrong with it?”
“Good news, it isn’t unfixable. “Koushiro replied “the fal messed up with some of the RAM memory components, so I’ll  just have to check it and put it back together.”
“What’s the bad news?”
“I’m not sure if I might have the spare pieces here.”
“Well, I guess it could be worse.”
“Yeah, well….” Koushiro sighed “next time, do me a favor, Taichi.”
“Don’t drop the computer.”
“Of course I won’t. I might be stupid, but not an idiot….”
“Sometimes you make me wonder….”
“It was an accident!”
“Yeah, I’m sure it was.” Koushiro laughed “You’re lucky I can fix it.” “Yeah, I’m lucky to have you as a friend. I am so grateful that I could kiss you.”
“I’ll rather not.”
“Right...How about I ask Mimi to do it instead?”
Taichi smirked. He was lucky to have friends like Koushiro, there was no doubt about that. 
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I don’t ship them (Unless I you count BROTP’s as shipping) but I am pretty sure this is how Taichi was feeling at the time Lol
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lostinthewiind · 5 years
heeey just wanted to say I love your writing! could I possibly request some Joe Toye x reader where it's after the war and his injury and he's having a tough day so the reader reminds him why she loves him, ect? thank youuuu
That’s such a cute premise, omg! This is gonna be so fluffy, so watch out! The fluff might just suffocate you. Bring a snorkel, cuz we’re swimming in fluff. 
Good Days and Bad Days
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Closing the door behind you as carefully and quietly as possible, you kicked your shoes off and shrugged your jacket down your shoulders. You had gotten up early — way earlier than normal — and had decided to get some running around done before Joe woke up.
You assumed he was still sleeping, so you tiptoed around the house as you put away the groceries and sorted through the envelopes that had been shoved through your mail-slot. 
Glancing up, your eyes settled on the tree that sat just outside of your kitchen window and you smiled. It was an absolutely beautiful day and you hoped that maybe Joe would be in the mood to sit outside for a little bit. He had good days and bad days, but one of the hardest challenges you faced on a regular basis was getting him to leave the house, even if it was just to sit in the backyard. 
Throwing the unimportant letters onto the table, you headed down the hallway to your bedroom. Your socked feet were silent on the hardwood, and as you approached the slightly ajar door, you pushed it open and peeked your head in. 
You expected to see Joe still sound asleep under the covers, considering he did a lot of sleeping in, but instead you found him sitting on the edge of the bed, his back to you. You sighed at the sight of his slumped shoulders and hung head. 
It was going to be a bad day.
“Joe,” you kept your voice soft in order to avoid startling him. Sometimes he seemed like he was there with you, but in his head, he was far away, back on the snow-covered ground of Bastogne. 
Joe didn’t move, he didn’t speak. He didn’t do anything. 
Crawling onto the bed, you came up behind him and wrapped your arms lovingly around his shoulders. The large man jolted a little at the touch, but you could feel his muscles relax as he leaned back into your embrace. 
“Good morning,” you pressed a kiss to his ear. “Are you okay? Did you have another bad night?”
Joe shrugged, his hand coming up to rest on top of yours. “You shouldn’t be with me,” he said out of nowhere, causing you to have to do a mental double take. 
“What do you mean?” you asked him. You knew that sometimes he said weird things, and instead of questioning him outright about them, you found it was usually better to talk it out and find out what he actually meant.
“Look at me,” his eyes drifted down to his stump, the wound that had pulled him out of the war and had him stuck in a hospital for months on end. Joe never talked about his leg unless he was complaining about it, so this was a new — albeit, slightly worrying — development. “I’m a fucking cripple. I can’t give you what you deserve…I can’t even leave this damn house. I’m not a man, I’m a goddamn mess.” 
Your heart shattered at his words. You always tried your best to make sure he knew that you loved him no matter what, one and a half legs and all. His statements made you feel as if you had failed, failed as a friend and a partner. 
“Oh, Joe.” you jumped off of the bed and sat down on your knees in front of him, your eyes drifting up to meet his. “That is not true; none of it. Don’t say those things.”
Joe’s eyes avoided meeting your gaze. “It is true. I’m fucking ruining your life. Everywhere I go I have to have those pathetic crutches. I can’t take you on walks at sunset, I can’t cook you dinner, I can’t drive you to the beach…I can’t even make love to you. You deserve better.”
You rested your hands on his thighs and Joe flinched slightly. “You think I fell in love with the lower half of your right leg?” you could feel the tears brimming in your eyes as your words cracked in your throat. “You could have no legs and I would still love you as much as I do now, which, in case you were wondering, is a lot. I love you so much, Joe Toye, it’s not even funny. Just because you can’t walk long distances, or drive, or even fuck now doesn’t mean you never will, and even if you couldn’t, that doesn’t matter to me. None of it matters to me. All that I care about is you; falling asleep and waking up next to you, coming home to you, being with you.”
The corners of Joe’s mouth curled up into a small smile, something you hadn’t seen in a very long time. “Yeah?” he forced out.
“Yeah.” you nodded before reached up, cupping his face in your hands, and pulling him down to kiss him. 
Joe’s arms wrapped around you and lifted you up to him. The kiss was deep and full of so many emotions that you couldn’t even decipher all of them. Joe’s thumbs wiped away your tears as his mouth encapsulated yours. He needed you, and even though he didn’t think he deserved you, he knew he couldn’t live without you. 
“I love you,” you whispered to him, your lips brushing against his. “You could lose a million legs and I would still love you. You can’t get rid of me that easily. I’m resilient.”
Joe took a moment to breathe you in as you straddled him and lowered yourself onto his lap. “Did you mean it when you said we could work on those things? You wouldn’t mind?”
“I will walk with you all day long if that’s what you want,” you assured him. “It will be good practice for when we have kids. Gonna have to teach them shit like that.”
“Kids?” Joe’s eyes widened. “You…you want to have kids with me?”
“I want to have a lot of kids with you.” you dropped your head down to kiss him again. “That will also require some practice, but we have the rest of our lives. Lots of walking, lots of driving, lots of making love.”
Joe buried his head in your neck and drew in a deep breath. “What did I ever do to deserve you?”
“You just sat there looking handsome.” you joked, your laughter filling the room. “I’m a simple, easy to please woman. I see a cute guy and I fall for him.”
“Meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me,” Joe muttered into your soft skin. “Without you, I would be nothing.”
“Good thing you’ll never have to be without me.” you hugged him tightly. “Through good days and bad days, I will always be by your side.”
Joe had no idea how he had ended up with such an amazing woman, but one thing he did know was that he was never going to let you go. “How many kids are we talking?” he dove back into the conversation that gave him a happy, warm feeling inside.
“Oh, so many,” you smirked. “But, you know, we should probably get married first. I think that’s a good place to start.”
Joe could hardly believe what he was hearing. You wanted kids with him and you wanted to marry him? For most people, it was probably pretty obvious that those two things were a packaged deal, but to Joe, it all just seemed so out of reach for him that he rarely even thought about it; at least, it used to feel so out of reach.
“I want to marry you so badly,” Joe told you, his expression akin to childlike wonder. “You would marry me? You would do that?”
“Don’t act like I’m doing you a favour or anything.” you giggled and pressed a kiss to his nose. “It may seem hard to believe, but I want to marry you too.”
“You want to marry me?”
“Yes,” you answered before pausing for a split-second. “Wait, was that you proposing? Are we engaged now? What’s happening?”
Joe laughed at your confusion. “No, I think I would like to get you a ring and ask you properly. I’m not sure I could get down on one knee, but however it happens, it’s going to be more romantic than this.”
“I don’t know…” your eyes traveled around your shared bedroom. “I think this is pretty romantic.”
“Okay, then consider this a pre-proposal proposal.” he compromised. “Y/N, will you marry me when I ask you to marry me?”
You couldn’t help but snort. “Yes.” you nodded through the fit of laughter. “Yes, when you ask me to marry you I will say yes.” 
“Okay.” he kissed you one last time. “Good.”
Maybe it wasn’t going to be such a bad day after all.
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f4liveblogarchives · 4 years
Fantastic Four Vol 1 #203 & #204
Fri Aug 30 2019 [12:13 AM] Wack'd: Any ball that's both sufficiently big and can accommodate Ben's fingers cannot possibly be regulation
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[12:14 AM] maxwellelvis: Hmmm... [12:16 AM] Wack'd: Well this is a weird swerve we've taken
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[12:17 AM] Wack'd: So Reed and Sue are dropping by to help. Mr Evans is skeptical because he thinks superheroes don't have time for little people but then they actually show up! So he's happy [12:18 AM] Wack'd: Reed: We're not a group of super-policemen. We're people concerned with helping people. [12:19 AM] Wack'd: This bodes well
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[12:19 AM] maxwellelvis: Oh great, we've got another god-child [12:19 AM] Wack'd: ...sure
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[12:21 AM] Wack'd: Back at the Baxter, Sue has a machine that makes cookies! Franklin is pleased. Johnny is worried about setting unrealistic expectations for cookie production [12:21 AM] maxwellelvis: Nobody tell him about Cookie Clicker [12:21 AM] Wack'd: Johnny: What'll his future wife do to impress him? [12:21 AM] Wack'd: 🙄 [12:23 AM] Wack'd: So the monsters rampage through NYC. The Four go to stop them. And meanwhile little Willie's measurements are off the charts! [12:23 AM] Wack'd: There's actually two original Human Torches but sure
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[12:27 AM] Wack'd: So Reed figures out what's up and thankfully was working on a radiation absorber to help little Willie, which he uses to melt up the evil doppelgängers [12:28 AM] Wack'd: Sure
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[12:28 AM] Wack'd: And so our story ends [12:28 AM] maxwellelvis: We're never gonna see Willie again. [12:28 AM] Bocaj: Some would call a machine that makes cookies “an oven” [12:29 AM] Wack'd: It's got a conveyor belt and everything [12:29 AM] Wack'd: Doesn't really seem to require much effort [12:29 AM] Bocaj: Still though [12:30 AM] Wack'd: Oh my god! [12:30 AM] Wack'd: We see Willie again, once, seven years from now, in an Iron Man Annual [12:30 AM] Wack'd: He dies [12:31 AM] Bocaj: 😐 [12:31 AM] Bocaj: God damn marvel comics [12:31 AM] Wack'd: William Evans, Jr. on Marvel Wiki [12:31 AM] Wack'd: This poor child
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[12:36 AM] Wack'd: A trope that will vex this poor child for, apparently, exactly the next 40 years [12:37 AM] Bocaj: He only has himself to blame for keeping himself a child for 40 years [12:38 AM] Wack'd: And the writers [12:38 AM] Bocaj: Writers are a myth [12:38 AM] maxwellelvis: Note: Thing to do with a Fantastic Four thing: Have Valeria visibly age but Franklin doesn't, if I ever got that far. [12:39 AM] Wack'd: He's a Steven Universe [12:39 AM] maxwellelvis: Mixed with Rigby and why he hates his brother so much. [12:40 AM] Wack'd: "I'm gonna enter a deep, meaningful relationship right now! That's how that works, right?"
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[12:41 AM] Wack'd: Agatha drops by to pick Franklin up for his "lessons." I wonder if they ever tried public schooling him? Or, uh, have him interact with other children at all [12:41 AM] Wack'd: Maybe the real reason he's keeping himself a child is that he keeps assuming that kindergarten is going to start and no one ever takes him [12:42 AM] Larena: Johnny I have something to tell you about heteronormative standards of happiness [12:43 AM] Wack'd: I really don't want to point out every fucking time we're back at this well so maybe we should stop being there, jesus
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[12:49 AM] Wack'd: So Reed finds a thing with science [12:50 AM] Wack'd: And then this lady shows up
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[12:50 AM] Wack'd: She is being chased by a Skrull! And then she gets shot [12:51 AM] Wack'd: We are now done with Kirby tiny gremlin Skrulls. They've eaten their Wheaties and they're back for revenge
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[12:52 AM] maxwellelvis: This one's got a laser so compact it rests in his palm. [12:53 AM] Wack'd: Fight fight fight [12:54 AM] maxwellelvis: When WAS the last time we saw the Skrulls in this comic? [12:54 AM] Wack'd: The 60s, I think [12:54 AM] maxwellelvis: Wow. [12:54 AM] maxwellelvis: The Avengers/Captain Marvel/Cosmic Marvel absorbed them FAST. As you can probably tell by this guy's look. [12:55 AM] Bocaj: Look, someone had to feed them if the FF weren't going to leave saucers of milk out [12:55 AM] Wack'd: Holy shit. They...kick his ass! Pretty decisively! [12:56 AM] maxwellelvis: I mean, it's just one Skrull trooper. Be pretty sad if they lost to a lvl. 1 mook like him. [12:56 AM] Wack'd: They usually don't win their first fight in an issue! This is a novelty [12:57 AM] Wack'd: So Reed gets her to a medical scanner and she wakes up and switches to English [12:58 AM] Wack'd: Expodump! [01:00 AM] Wack'd: So this woman is from a once-great world when suddenly the evil empire showed up, you know the drill. [01:01 AM] maxwellelvis: This must be the first time the FF have come up against the Skrulls after they became a star-spanning empire [01:01 AM] Wack'd: The lady doesn't know this but we the audience are shown many cities were saved by the Watcher. This is definitely interfering dude, I don't care how quiet you are while don' it [01:01 AM] maxwellelvis: as opposed to occasional nuisances. [01:01 AM] Wack'd:
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[01:02 AM] Wack'd: So these folks figure out how to make tunnels between their cities and build a new society...and then Skrulls fuck that up, too [01:03 AM] maxwellelvis: And Uatu never does the Doctorly thing of railing against this non-interference thing, he just does, what was it you say? Baby word games? [01:03 AM] maxwellelvis: To keep his job in place. [01:03 AM] Wack'd: Yeah [01:03 AM] Wack'd: Baby word games [01:03 AM] Wack'd: In fairness Uatu has phenomenal cosmic power he's potentially sacrificing, without which he can't necessarily do much [01:04 AM] Wack'd: Whereas the Doctor can go renegade because they can't take his brain and they...could take his ship but they're not gonna [01:04 AM] maxwellelvis: Because it's a hunk of junk by Time Lord standards. [01:04 AM] Wack'd: Also Uatu probably needs to save all of Watcherkind a few times, build up some goodwill [01:05 AM] maxwellelvis: The Time Lords DID take the TARDIS from him once, technically. But they gave it back for good behavior. [01:05 AM] maxwellelvis: As an "attaboy" for stopping Omega from flooding the universe with antimatter or whatever. [01:05 AM] Wack'd: Yeah [01:05 AM] Wack'd: Anyway Adora--yes, really, is here to seek aid [01:06 AM] Wack'd: So the Four are like "fuck, guess we're goin to space!" [01:06 AM] Wack'd: But first we need to check in with Johnny, who has decided his ticket to happiness is not a new significant other, but reenrolling in college [01:07 AM] Wack'd: Johnny: Two girlfriends later. I finally realize my only real skill is tinkering with cars, and I don’t wanna wind up being the 70's answer to the Fonz! [01:08 AM] Wack'd: You could probably make a living working on cars, Johnny, but whatever [01:08 AM] maxwellelvis: You shut your fool mouth, Johnny! Fonzie was cool! [01:10 AM] Wack'd: So Johnny starts making the moves on a college girl, who is unimpressed by his attempts to show off his skee-ball skills [01:11 AM] Wack'd: And even less impressed when she asks him about traveling to space and so on and he claims he never paid much attention [01:11 AM] Wack'd: And then Frankie Raye appears! Remember Frankie? [01:11 AM] maxwellelvis: Oh right, the girl who hates fire. [01:12 AM] Wack'd: She claims that she didn't wanna date him because he was always rushing off in the middle of some emergency and they never got any real time together [01:12 AM] maxwellelvis: "Liar liar liar!" [01:12 AM] Wack'd: And then Reed radios Johnny about going to space and she's like "yeah, like I said", and leaves [01:13 AM] Wack'd: Johnny decides he's too sad to go to space and while he's not dramatically quitting the team or anything, he wants to take some time to decide what he wants to do with his life [01:14 AM] Wack'd: Which everyone's pretty chill about, comparatively [01:14 AM] maxwellelvis: Pretty sure they all know what massive hypocrites they'd be if they belittled him about feeling ennui. [01:15 AM] Wack'd: Or about dramatically quitting the team [01:15 AM] Wack'd: Reed's set up a teleporter by getting Adora's signal and he tells Johnny that if he changes his mind he can join them with the press of a button. [01:15 AM] Wack'd: And Sue says some mail came for him and drops it off [01:15 AM] maxwellelvis: IMPORTANT PLOT POINT ALSO IMPORTANT [01:15 AM] Wack'd: And then...the story keeps following Johnny! [01:15 AM] Wack'd: Huh! [01:16 AM] maxwellelvis: “It’s a bold strategy Cotton, let’s see if it pays off for ‘em” [01:17 AM] Wack'd: Johnny tries to drop by the garage. Closed for a vacation. The Avengers are busy with Mr Gyrich and told Jarvis to turn away all visitors [01:17 AM] Wack'd: Which leaves Johnny with one last resort for company [01:17 AM] Bocaj: ugh gyrich [01:17 AM] maxwellelvis: i'm glad Sabretooth killed him in the X-Men movies [01:19 AM] Wack'd: 🎶 Spider-Man / Spider-Man /  Friendly impoverished Spider-Man / Stays at home / Can't pay to fly / He'll only ever know New York skies / Look out! / Here stays the Spider-Maaaaaaaan! 🎵
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[01:20 AM] Wack'd: Oh, okay, this isn't going to be a team up, because he's busy fighting the Man Wolf in his own book [01:21 AM] maxwellelvis: I was expecting to see a cutaway to him breaking down Molten Man's door, honestly. [01:21 AM] maxwellelvis: But man, Johnny must feel pretty low right now if even Spider-Man is too busy to hang out. [01:22 AM] Wack'd: Oh hey, the letter is an invite to a fancy private college!
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[01:22 AM] maxwellelvis: "Security University" That doesn't sound ominous [01:23 AM] Wack'd: I didn't even have until the end of the page to make that joke
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[01:24 AM] Wack'd: So a building blows up and Johnny springs into action [01:24 AM] Wack'd: This guy is definitely a creep but for some reason the thing that's setting off the most alarm bells for me is that he's calling Johnny "John"
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[01:25 AM] maxwellelvis: The wha-? [01:25 AM] Wack'd: I thought we were scraping the bottom of the barrel when Gideon came back, but no [01:26 AM] maxwellelvis: Who? [01:26 AM] Wack'd: The guy whose sole shtick is "commits assassinations by taking photos" [01:26 AM] maxwellelvis: Ahh. [01:26 AM] maxwellelvis: Who? [01:27 AM] Wack'd: One of the very last Lee/Kirby villains [01:28 AM] Wack'd: He tried to commit some assassinations at the UN [01:28 AM] Wack'd: And was stopped [01:28 AM] maxwellelvis: Now, was he stealing souls with his camera, or was it just a disguised gun or something? [01:28 AM] Wack'd: It was a raygun [01:29 AM] Wack'd: This is such a nothing guy that he's literally not appeared in any other book until now and will unceremoniously vanish off the face of the earth once we're done here [01:29 AM] KarkatTheDalek: Thought that was Dr Faustus for a second, but apparently not [01:29 AM] KarkatTheDalek: Discount Dr. Faustus [01:30 AM] Wack'd: That's right, a fucking *decade* of stripmining the Lee/Kirby run for parts, and not only is he just returning now but no one will ever try and use him again
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dailyaudiobible · 4 years
02/19/2020 DAB Transcript
Leviticus 7:28-9:6, Mark 3:31-4:25, Psalms 37:12-29, Proverbs 10:5
Today is the 19th day of February, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it's great to be here with you. Coming to you from Ashdod, ancient Philistine stronghold city here in the land of Israel where we will be launching out today on the first day of our pilgrimage. So, super excited about all of that, super excited to share the photos and video and just talk about what we’re seeing and doing as we begin our adventure. But…well…not a lot has happened yet, but we’ll talk about it at the end but we are at the beginning and we have come around this Global Campfire to allow God's word to wash into our lives and speak to us today. So, we’re reading from the New International Version this week. Leviticus chapter 7 verse 28 through 9 verse 6 today.
Okay, so, in the Gospel of Mark we had the story, a farmer went out to so, right, and he throws seed and it lands on all different kinds of ground and this is a parable that Jesus is telling and we've encountered this parable while we were going to the book of Matthew. Matthew, Mark, and Luke are this synoptic Gospels and so there's a lot of shared material and pretty much all biblical scholars agree that the source material would be Mark, the gospel that we are reading as the earliest of the Gospels. So, Jesus talks about this farmer throwing seed. And, so, we can assume that there's nothing wrong with seed, like the seed is good seed and it was scattered evenly but it was scattered evenly over different kinds of ground. So…so the seed is good, but the hope of the harvest was in the soil. So, in Jesus parable the seed is the word of God and the soil is the human heart. So, right there we see that a collaboration is required, the human and the divine collaborate in God's kingdom. So, we’ve been at this, what…seven…are we seven weeks in yet…six weeks…I don't have a calendar in front of me and I'm still…still trying to keep up with what day this is as we launch this pilgrimage in the land of Israel. But we've been at this, we've established a rhythm, this is a daily thing we do. So, at this point it's a good time to take in Jesus message and apply it to ourselves because harvest is a theme throughout the Scriptures and harvest is a theme throughout our lives and we want the harvest in our lives but we can't expect a harvest that is going to yield 100 times over if the soil of our hearts is…isn't appropriate for that. So, in this analogy the…the word of God, like this is what we do, this is what we’re here for every day. So, this seed is getting thrown out, the word of God all over this community every day and if it only lands on the surface it's gonna get snatched away almost immediately. And don't we know that? Like haven’t it we witnessed that. We might not have thought of it in these terms, but don't we already know this is true and if our hearts are stony and cold and hard there's nowhere for the word of God to take root at all. And if we’re just obsessed by the worries of life or we’re just chasing wealth or some kind of goal or desire, well then according to Jesus, the seed has been thrown and it's good seed but it's fallen on a thorny ground that will choke out the word of God. So, this is as good a time as any to start thinking about what kind of soil we might be and what kind of soil we might be cultivating in our hearts. It…it might be time to do some gardening.
Jesus, we invite You into that as we hear Your words and consider what kind of soil we are. This was what You wanted us to think about. And, so, we are thinking about it. And it's interesting because we can probably find patches of all these different kinds of ground as we walk the terrain of our own hearts. It's likely that we can find places that are thriving. But it's also likely that we can find places where the word has been snatched away or where it's rocky ground and there's no place for it to take hold or we’re…we’re just obsessed with something else and distracted and so it's choked out. What we want to be is good soil because what we want to experience is the full harvest and to be a laborer for the good harvest in the lives of others. And, so, we invite Your Holy Spirit to cause us to continually come back to this today, to come back to our own hearts, to come back to its terrain. What does it look like? Show us the places that need tending. Come Holy Spirit we ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is the website, home base, where you find out what's going on around here. And today will be our first day of…of touring in the land of Israel. And I won’t really be able to report back much until things happen. So, I'll get to tell you about today tomorrow but yeah, I can tell you about yesterday. Yeah….we got in and we went mudding and went out to a Philistine archaeological site called Akron, a place that I've been trying to get to over three different seasons. And lots of people were like, “why would you want to go there? Like, there’s nothing to see there. Why would you want to go there?” But…well that started out simply by trying to document and a photograph and take film of the…the Philistine strongholds mentioned in the Bible except for Gaza. And, so, we got three of those which is Gath and Ashdod and Ashkelon out. But the last two are modern cities. So, accessibility is relatively easy. This has been hard to get to. So, yeah once we were thwarted it was like, okay it's on. And then we were thwarted again in a different year and it was like, okay I don't care if there's nothing to see there, I…I am going to see that place. And, so, finally mission accomplished and…and then so we got to Ashdod and got all situated in a hotel and had just a fantastic dinner last night just getting familiar, just getting to see each other. It's all gonna become a family and so just making that first acquaintance. Jetlagged everybody, you know, just people all over the map. Some have come in early, got acclimated, some are just like, just getting in and delirious with it all but high on adrenaline. But it's always fun to be there on the Mediterranean coast and just realize “holy moly I'm in the holy land. Like that's the Mediterranean Sea. This is going to be epic.” And, so, that's kind of where we are and what we’re feeling and we’ll be heading southward today out into the wilderness, which is where so much of the biblical stories happen. And, so, we’ll be heading into the wilderness today making our way down to the furthest southern tip of Israel, a city called Eilot, which sits on the shores of the Red Sea. So, thank you. Thank you for your continued prayers over everything from the vehicles to the technology to health to whether to…to jetlag and just everything that goes into this. We’ll be kind of setting a rhythm for our days and we’ll fall into that rhythm, but this is kind of day one. And, so, we’re just getting used to the fact that we’re here at all. And, so, we…we…we gratefully, gratefully thank you for your prayers.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There's a link on the homepage. And I thank you. Thank you for profoundly for those of you who’ve clicked that link. If you're using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request a comment 877-942-4253 is number to dial.
And that's it for today. I'm Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Good morning DAB family it is Thursday February…no Wednesday, February 12th and I was walking to work, and I just heard the news about Diana. I just wanted to call in to tell her sons God is with you. Keep the faith. Your mom had enough faith for you both and she shared it with you, and she loved you and now she is healed and resting in God’s eternal heaven. So, Lord Jesus, I pray for these children and I pray that their mom’s wishes can be granted for them. This is Sadatres a.k.a. healing heart from Gaithersburg. All of you have a blessed and wonderful day.
Today is February 12th and this is Julie from Texas and I’m calling for Shannon from Texas. Your prayer was heard on the prayer line on February 1st I believe it was. It was one of the last prayers that was played. And I just want to call and stand with you in agreement for complete and total healing against whatever’s causing this attack of migraine that you’ve been experiencing. And, so, Lord I just thank you for touching Shannon’s body just removing stress removing any and every cause that would be coming against her for this migraine. We speak healing, complete and total healing over her body from the top of her head to the soles of her feet. And Shannon I would just encourage you to continue calling in and just plugging into the community with your petitions and prayers and just as well as your local communities not to pull away or isolate in that way of asking for prayer. And while we’re all on our own journey with God and our prayers might not be said perfectly or in an agreement or alignment with one person or the other, we’re still just making an impact together, holding each other’s arms and prayer. It’s just so important just that global community of prayer that we have here. There is power in that. And I’m reminded of Peter who while he had doubt, he was still the only one who stepped out of a boat and walked on water. And, so, I believe that’s what we’re doing here. Maybe our prayers aren’t said perfectly but they are impacting and changing, and we are standing together. So, continue calling in. I want to hear how Jaydrian is doing. I remember crying tears of joy when he gave his life to Christ and you shared that with us. And I know that he’s on his own journey as well and God is faithful to him and will accomplish everything that concerns him and can finish the good work that He started in Jaydrian’s life. So, call back in want to hear from you. Love you. Bye.
Good morning my name is Tatiana. I’ve been listening to DAB for about nine years and this is probably the second time I’ve called in. I…it’s February 12th and I was listening and I just heard Diana Davis sister call in and she said she went home and it just really hit hard for me because I just remember her calling in, her voice so enthusiastic and hopeful even in the days where she was battling her…her health issues. I’m just praying for her family and her sons and that they are comforted and at peace. And it’s just made me realize that some of the issues that we…like for me…that we take…take so…so hard it’s not really that big of a deal. There are people out here battling real issues and they’re going through loss and having health issues and they’re having issues with their family. And a lot of the things that we go through are so trivial to that and made me appreciate the time we have a family and the ones that we love. So, I’m just praying for her family. I hope they know she’s at peace, she’s healed, like her sister said. And I’m just sending up love and prayers for them. Amen.
This message goes out to my little sister who asked a question and is trying to see if anybody else goes through failure upon failure, climbing out of one bad situation just to get dumped into another one. To answer your question little sister, we all go through that. Everybody goes through that. Just a couple things I sensed listening to your message is, I’m hoping that a good night’s sleep has made you see a bit more clearly, has cleared your head a little bit. Also, stepping away from the…the problems, the situations and taking a break and not jumping back into it. That has helped me clear my head and renew my strength. And that’s…they that wait upon the Lord, that’s the verse. Just renewing strength by stepping away. Fighters go through that, pro athletes go through that, just step away it’ll help tremendously. The other thing is, it sounded you were like you are focused on the negative. And I have a trick that I use that I start thanking God for the negative and it refocuses my mind. I can start seeing the good in it and the blessing in it and where God is at. So, just try that. I love you sister. Hang in there you’ll bounce back awesomely. Bye now.
Hello, DABbers my name is Siv I’m calling you from Norway. I want to share a picture with you. I see this person walking, stumbling, falling, stumbling, falling, walking, stumbling, falling, full of bruises, full of wounds, full of hurts. So painful. And why? It’s because you are looking behind your shoulder all the time, it’s because of your past. You’re looking over your shoulder instead of looking in front of you. Fix your eyes on Jesus because your future is not your past. Your future is in Jesus. Your past is gone. Let go and let God. Let go and let God forgive. Forgive yourself, forgive other people that has hurt you and just fix your eyes on Jesus. Get free from your past. Learn from it but don’t live in it. I hope this gives sense to someone. Thank you, Brian for this wonderful podcast and all the great works you do and bless you on the way to Israel. I love Israel. That’s an awesome country. It’s like home for me. I’m going there soon myself. Bless you all. Bye-bye from the…
Hello Daily Audio Bible this is Janel I’m living in China. I called last from Alabama quite a while ago. Just want to thank everybody for the prayers that I got. I actually did make it to China and I’m here now and the corona virus is pretty real. Fortunately, I’m not sick and no one I know is sick that I know of, but it is creating a lot of restrictions on what we can do and how we can work. All of my classes are moving to online or messaging group classes. So, I am really missing out working with my kids and my students. So, if you could all just pray that the coronavirus is contained and significantly lessens and just basically dies out I would really appreciate it and I just thank you all for your prayers and thank you Brian for this amazing community and service that you provide. Bye.
Hello and good afternoon my brothers and sisters this is Harold from St. Louis the guy who’s running the marathon. And I was so touched. I listened to the January 31st community prayer podcast and there was a whole bunch of people just praying for me and my soul and blessing for me. That became so overpowering. And then my brother, Kingdom Seeker Daniel, you said you jumped for joy basically and screamed my name and that was so moving. And I thank every single one of you. There was a guy who even said it was written for me part of the kingdom before I even chose it. And I know I’m not paraphrasing it right. And I thank you and I thank everybody for all of your…all of your praise, all of your prayers all of your encouragement. And then there was the young lady from Glasgow, God’s Girl from Glasgow who said blessed is yours and I just broke down and I cried and then a couple messages later there was another young lady who brought me the prayer to Christ and I accepted and I prayed that prayer and I am in now part of the family of God. And I just want to say that your prayers were all herd and thank you everyone. And if there’s anybody out there right now who has listened to the show or listened to the podcast and has felt the need to call in and just said, “oh I’m too scared or I’m too embarrassed, break that chain right now. Don’t let the devil keep that chain anymore around you.
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Remaining Orders Announcement
Hi! My name is Cari, or @Storyofthedoor online, and I will try to explain what is taking so long with the shipping! :D Sorry this announcement is really long, it is quite detailed, I tried to thoroughly explain what has happened with the remaining 60ish orders.
TL;DR version: 60 orders to go! Struggling with getting money transferred from one mod to the other. Still trying though!
Long version:
First I want to apologize that it is taking so long to finish the last orders. When I joined this project, I really wanted to make sure the shipping was fast! I’ve been a part of, and purchased, a lot of zines that take months and months and months …. To the point that I’ve wondered if the zine is actually coming or….? So I didn’t want that to happen to Bonds Across Time. I’m sorry that for some orders, they have had to wait a long long time.
So I’m gonna start at the beginning, and then try to explain the difficulty.
In the beginning there were two mods! They were Nayuun and (x). They worked on Bonds Across Time together throughout the making of the zine. Nayuun organized artists, and (x) organized writers, and the zine came together to the point of being a book ready for preorders. At this time, I was just an artist. My total involvement was to make an art, and occasionally talk to Nayuun. I didn’t attend to anything other than that.
And then the paypal problems started.
Some of you who have been wanting a book since the beginning of January remember the paypal account being frozen with funds in it just a little bit into preorders. There was never a way to get the funds out of paypal. Nayuun tried to talk to paypal several times, and if you’ve ever had a problem with paypal, you can imagine how that went. Their customer service does not particularly deserve applause. At all. There was no resolution, all the preorders were returned to the buyers. Around this time, (x) needed to leave the project. Their work is still in the zine, but they had no other involvement after the initial paypal problems.
This left Nayuun by herself, and this is her first zine. It is most definitely difficult to run a zine, especially as a single mod, and especially if you’ve never done it before.
So I, Story, joined the mod team! C: My duties are getting stuff printed, and shipping out US and further abroad orders. Nayuun will handle Canadian shipping.
I’ve run a few projects, including kickstarters and a tarot deck zine, so I feel comfortable working with printers and doing shipping.
With this new layout of mod tasks, Nayuun and I opened preorders again! This time with payments being directed to Stripe, through the Storenvy shop.
Now begins the second round of financial problems. Remember: Nayuun has not run a zine before, so couldn’t see this coming. I *have* run zines before, but I and my fellow mods have been completely US based while running them. Nayuun and (x) are both Canadian.
Preorders go great through Storenvy with Stripe receiving payment! Honestly thank you for that. C: We are both really grateful that the preorders went well.
Storenvy is set up to receive payment in USD and dish it out to Stripe in CAD. (Because both prior organizers are Canadian this set up makes sense. This right here is where the problem happened. If hindsight was helpful at all, I would use hindsight to make Stripe receive funds in USD.)
No problems so far.
Because I, Story, am handling the printing and most of the shipping, we determine it’d be easiest if I received the payout from Stripe.
Stripe is holding the money as CAD.
My bank accounts are all in USD.
This isn’t really that big of a problem ….? Americans and Canadians transfer money to each other and conduct trade all the time…..?
We deposit the money into Nayuun’s bank, Stripe won’t let anything else happen.
There are plenty of ways to transfer money internationally. Paypal comes to mind, but we’ve just had huge problems with paypal freezing funds. Also they take a percentage instead of a flat fee. So two other methods are more common with large amounts of money. Wire transfers, and money orders. I’ve done both wire transfers and money orders, but only to US and China receivers. I’ve never tried to receive a wire transfer or money order from Canada.
I think a wire transfer is faster than a money order. It only takes a few days. So I tell Nayuun to try it.  I provide bank info for me.
For this first wire transfer attempt, I use my local credit union. I go in person and speak to them, they say a wire transfer from Canada is fine? It just needs to land as USD. Sounds fine.
A few days later, Nayuun’s bank receives the money back and claims they can’t send money to my credit union. To be fair, that credit union I use is small, who knows if they even know what they’re doing.
So I use a larger online bank for a second attempt at a wire transfer.
I guess which banks we’re using is not terribly important private information. This is a wire transfer from TD Bank in Canada, to Discover Bank in the US. These are two giant, common banks. They both know how to do wire transfers. I mean they probably both do wire transfers, to each other, dozens of times a day, independent of Nayuun and myself. Is there something I’m missing or not understanding?
We wait for the transfer to work. Nothing. TD Bank says it will take 4 - 5 business days.
I call Discover Bank. They say it will take 14 business days. They also say they cannot look up the wire transfer without a firm USD amount. When we initiated the wire transfer, it was for this large sum of CAD, and I assume a fixed USD amount was not given because it would be based on the exchange rate the day the transfer occurs……………? Discover Bank will not look up the transfer with the firm CAD amount. Who knows why. No amount of asking or calling will change their refusal. If I were to try a wire transfer a third time, I think we should initiate it as a firm USD amount, and whatever CAD is required is what goes. Not exactly convenient there but possibly more traceable by Discover.
TD Bank now claims the wire transfer may take up to 20 business days.
We wait ….
We waited a week for the first wire transfer to fail.
Now we wait four weeks.
The second wire transfer fails.
No explanation is given. None. At. All.
I know it’s hard for you, the preorderers, to count out the time here and understand why things are taking so long.
We closed preorders mid Feb or something like that?
And then had to wait about two weeks for Stripe to release all the funds to Nayuun’s bank.
And then we work on the zine and put it all together and get the printing going. Maybe a week or two for print prep and initiate the printing. I think I paid for printing beginning of March on all the merch and books.
A week to try a wire transfer.
Four weeks to try ANOTHER wire transfer ….
And we arrive now at mid April.
This …. Might? Maybe? Lead you to ask how any merch has been printed at all? Or how any zines have been shipped at present? If the funds have been tied up in multiple failed wire transfer attempts?
I, Story, have been paying for the printing and the shipping so far, just on my credit card. I don’t mind getting it all going. I do really care about the project. C: I love zines, and I love self publishing. I really want people to feel happy preordering an artist produced book, too! The helpfulness of a credit card is it does allow me to get a project going! While I wait for Stripe to make funds available … while I wait for a wire transfer … and a second wire transfer … but of course a credit card payment does come due. I paid for all these things at the beginning of March. That billing cycle closes end of March. That bill becomes due end of April, and I must pay the card bill or pay an additional interest penalty. That is how the credit cards do the do.
So! Here in a week or two I am indeed paying this card bill, for a few thousand dollars of printing and shipping. ^^; I have a bit of money saved, it will be ok.
But I’ve got about 40 orders left to ship, and about 20 orders that are Canadian and need to go to Nayuun for her to ship. And I have no more money to get stuff going until one of these methods of fund transfers works out.
It is pretty tiresome and frustrating that the funds exist, they just can’t be moved from Canada to the United States? None of our banks will tell us why.
Now we are trying a money order. When I last shipped a proof copy of the book to Nayuun, it took about 9 days? She lives in Alberta, I live in Maryland. Maybe in 9 days I’ll have a money order in my mailbox? *But can I just point out here that we have experienced first hand that MAIL DOES INDEED MOVE BETWEEN US …. Ok money order, you have no excuses.*
I’m sure you can imagine, I feel pretty dumb now. I’ve spent a lot of money, and am struggling to be reimbursed, and it is no one’s fault. Not Nayuun’s, not mine, just cosmic bad luck maybe. All we can do is keep trying to find a way to deal with a funds transfer? If not a money order through the post office … then…. Western Union? Or we try paypal again (my hopes are not high.)
I’m sorry again that I’ve got all this stuff printed and I’m unable to get the remaining orders going until we can manage this funds transfer. ;_; I really hope a money order would finally work. That would be really great if this kind of old fashioned method could just go through and be fine. ^^;
Thank you to those who have received your orders so far and loved them! You’ve made all the effort worth while, and I really appreciate it. C: I hope that when the remaining orders go out, they will be worth the wait.
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airoasis · 5 years
Top 10 most secluded towns in the United States. The viewer version.
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/top-10-most-secluded-towns-in-the-united-states-the-viewer-version/
Top 10 most secluded towns in the United States. The viewer version.
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What’s going on every body it’s time to do an extra most secluded video the last time I did a most secluded city video I obtained a ton of strategies on locations in the u.S. Which can be extra secluded than the ones I had listed and most of the time should were integrated within the video so I wrote down the suggestions from your feedback I did my research and that i got here up with the quality 10 instructed secluded towns now i am sure i’m gonna get a bunch of feedback on this one as good and that’s great feedback likes and even dislikes support the channel youtube appears at interaction and all three or interactions so it is cool with me comment all you want tell me how i am flawed i love it the rules of this record are easy the city or vicinity has to have as a minimum 100 people has to have a submit place of work and must be far far from an actual city so before you do stop typing we do not need to hear concerning the truck stop proper external of some city you are living in that has a trailer park and it can be received five trailers in a cornhole courtroom and it can be in the Oklahoma outback do not even hear that being stated let’s take a appear on the prime ten most secluded towns in the united states the viewer variant quantity ten kremlin montana kremlin is an awfully small town in hill county the city is simplest about 282 acres wide and it is just obtained 100 residents the entire town is a farming group missing a grocery retailer or gas station you can have to pressure forty five minutes if you wish to have those luxuries and that is in significant Sandy sure colossal Sandy is a town in Montana not a nickname we gave my sister when she quit going to the fitness center then if you want to go a different two hours away you can get to the significant metropolis of first-rate Falls Montana that is like a gigantic metropolis via Montana requisites the group is so small there’s only one school and a hearth station that doubles as the put up place of job are you able to assume that the fireplace department races over your house to put out a grease fireplace for your kitchen considering the fact that you don’t have any idea tips on how to cook at the same time they may be punching holes to your drywall to put out the fire that has now grow to be electrical hearth considering the fact that you haven’t any thought wire a apartment and the chief says oh hello I obtained some mail for you within the truck comes again and goes this one’s from the IRS looks like you are getting an audit number nine st.Paul Alaska st. Paul is the primary of three Alaskan cities that made this record st. Paul is a small city of about 500 humans on st. Paul Island in the core of the Bering Sea and it can be tough to get to both figuratively and emotionally figuratively it’s a long difficult plane ride that typically requires a pair days of ready for the weather to clear emotionally that comes from a subscriber she mentioned she knew a lady from st. Paul that said the flight and the boredom took an emotional toll on her that is why she on no account went again the flight to st. Paul is a 3 hour flight over one of the crucial roughest waters on this planet you realize when the flight attendant gives you that protection briefing they might get to that one phase in regards to the water touchdown and simply say within the unlikely occasion of a water landing do not worry concerning the floatation gadget you’ll be frozen strong in 4 minutes after we hit the water number eight point lay Alaska point lay is on the northwest coast of the state of Alaska like many other towns in the northern vicinity there isn’t any roads to factor lake any food any presents town needs they must be introduced in with the aid of plane back within the bloodless warfare generation would had been just a little bit easier the Air force definitely had a small set up there for some satellite tv for pc dishes but these were taken down around 2005-2006 after no longer being used for like ten years the population in 2000 was around 250 residents as of 2015 the population is risen as much as 270 they won 20 people with only about 85 residents within the workforce so that’s not excellent best a couple of 0.33 of the humans absolutely working factor lei is a native village with about eighty percent of the populace being Native Alaskan this factor is way out there there is nothing round it except ocean and land mainly frozen tundra number seven Hewlett Wyoming virtually every city in Wyoming that’s not Cheyenne Casper Laramie is somewhat secluded but you absolutely have the additional secluded Hulett the population as of the 2010 census was once about 385 humans now it can be estimated be round 400 that simply tells me there may be four hundred people in Wyoming that do not like having company gas it has one university a number of areas to consume a grocery store the Golf membership sure Hewlett has a golf course does a town within the middle of nowhere fairly want a golf course that’s absolutely better than the town itself and is unnecessary the closest huge metropolis in Wyoming is Casper and that is about three hours away number six Dalhart Texas Dalhart is one of the larger secluded towns with little over eight thousand individuals as of 2017 this city sprung up from an old railroad Junction back in like 1901 town is in the very northwest nook of the state and 80 miles away from Amarillo and forty miles far from the closest Walmart which is with the aid of Texas specifications fairly bad information the excellent news is that they do have a nice burger position called the grill they serve these gigantic hammers they are excellent number 5 Mackinac Island Michigan now this one made the record due to the fact that it can be kind of secluded and a subscriber wrote me an awfully lengthy e-mail about going to high college here with a four-individual graduating type it was once like a mini novel there is so many words Mackinac Island is residence to about 500 residents as of the 2010 census the closest mainland town is Mackinaw metropolis toward the south there is a couple different ones that might be a bit of closer however that is like the mainland the one solution to the island is via ferry or exclusive boat that’s in the summer or snowmobile or plane within the iciness the island does have an airport there are not any automobiles on this island residents visitors have their alternative of transportation horse bike or walk in the summertime that is in the summer in the wintry weather all people drives snowmobiles this one made the record on the grounds that it has no automobiles also the subscribers mentioned the island isn’t that a ways away during the summer season for the period of the winter it appears so much further away I type of obtained the vibe from that that it is just the weather continues persons far from the island anyway individuals journey their snowmobiles all over the place during the wintry weather father and mother pull their youngsters to institution in the back of sleds and draw proper off the entrance door on the school I inspiration that was once form of neat quantity 4 stay he can Washington stay he can is inside the Wenatchee countrywide forest this place is tucked away to claim the least keep he can has only about a hundred residents and the one method to get to the city is with the aid of taking the ferry up like Chilean a protracted hike a horseback journey or with the aid of flying into Stehekin and a seaplane in view that there isn’t any roads right here those are your only choices I suppose you might swim it however that is a long swim I don’t know if anybody desires to swim that I’ve never been here i know I’ve camped on Lake Chilean earlier than and this location is to this point up the lake I failed to even realize it existed I was once there three days nobody stated it knew nothing about it I noticed the seaplane did not be aware of the place it was once going it was rather fascinating this place is thus far faraway from the whole thing it has zero cell service zero if you want to drop off the grid this is your place now like I mentioned i have never been to that city however I heard it can be quite exceptional the snap shots seem first-rate i’ll go there this summer season i’ll have images for you in June or July i am definite very interested about this situation number three Haines Alaska Haines is a sexy tricky location to get to from Washington State or any of the contiguous states in most cases the simplest way is to fly into Fairbanks or Anchorage drive through the Canadian provinces of British Columbia and the Yukon Territory you’ll be using about 15 hours that entire riding portion then once again in Alaska you’ll be able to must take the Klondike freeway to get to a ferry on the way to take you to your final vacation spot of Haines Haines has the fundamental standards for city nevertheless if you need something further rather than the requisites and alcohol you’ll be able to must go to the closest metropolis of Juneau which isn’t any simpler to get to it is just a little greater like various areas in Alaska climate plays a important role in travel and discontinue typing not all people best travels for the duration of the summer time I received that on a latest video and anyone mentioned well if you’re worried in regards to the weather just go in this summer time yes that’s a best thought due to the fact that each person’s existence’s that simple that it doesn’t matter what occurs they will just put it off till the summer time number two soup I Arizona soup I is the capital the Havasupai Indian Reservation placed inside the Grand Canyon and about five and a half hours from Flagstaff the community is home to only about 208 residents and is the only position in the us the place mail is still applied with the aid of mules in the contiguous united states by using the division of Agriculture and it can be a just right thing this location is so far off and rough to get to i’m definite if it used to be closer to say some primary avenue it would be overrun by using viewers and a-holes look at it it is powerful most persons that make this trek accomplish that with a certain quantity of respect you are no longer going to peer persons in beach chairs with beer like you can on the river or lake havasu it’s lots nicer simply hard to get to and number one yellow Pines Idaho yellow Pines is placed proper external of the Payette countrywide wooded area and as of the 2010 census the populace was once simplest 32 men and women and i do know that is below the requisites for this record style of broke my possess principles however here is the trap in the woods surrounding yellow pine they’ve a bunch of persons residing in cabins and trailers and the estimate for the 2020 census is that they will get to about a hundred humans the closest town with any chain eating places or grocery outlets is McCall and that’s three hours via the canyon this is an additional location where within the iciness you look like you received somewhat further faraway from the whole thing else this is additionally one of those areas that in case you are living here you feel like you are tenting every day of your existence that is additionally a good situation to move to if you are trying to escape your past so they wouldn’t have any internet tv or matters like that would have web however it’s that satellite tv for pc internet and you recognize that is so sluggish it could take you three weeks to load a website of any information it can be that a ways out all right so that’s my prime 10 most secluded areas in the U.S. The viewer variation hope you guys enjoyed it hope you received some understanding out of it sorry if I mispronounced anything these don’t seem to be places that i have been to that i have some expertise with for the most section so all of it got here from the feedback I gave it a shot I express regret if I mispronounced some thing every body have a exceptional day be pleasant to each other
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batterymonster2021 · 5 years
Top 10 most secluded towns in the United States. The viewer version.
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/top-10-most-secluded-towns-in-the-united-states-the-viewer-version/
Top 10 most secluded towns in the United States. The viewer version.
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What’s going on every body it’s time to do an extra most secluded video the last time I did a most secluded city video I obtained a ton of strategies on locations in the u.S. Which can be extra secluded than the ones I had listed and most of the time should were integrated within the video so I wrote down the suggestions from your feedback I did my research and that i got here up with the quality 10 instructed secluded towns now i am sure i’m gonna get a bunch of feedback on this one as good and that’s great feedback likes and even dislikes support the channel youtube appears at interaction and all three or interactions so it is cool with me comment all you want tell me how i am flawed i love it the rules of this record are easy the city or vicinity has to have as a minimum 100 people has to have a submit place of work and must be far far from an actual city so before you do stop typing we do not need to hear concerning the truck stop proper external of some city you are living in that has a trailer park and it can be received five trailers in a cornhole courtroom and it can be in the Oklahoma outback do not even hear that being stated let’s take a appear on the prime ten most secluded towns in the united states the viewer variant quantity ten kremlin montana kremlin is an awfully small town in hill county the city is simplest about 282 acres wide and it is just obtained 100 residents the entire town is a farming group missing a grocery retailer or gas station you can have to pressure forty five minutes if you wish to have those luxuries and that is in significant Sandy sure colossal Sandy is a town in Montana not a nickname we gave my sister when she quit going to the fitness center then if you want to go a different two hours away you can get to the significant metropolis of first-rate Falls Montana that is like a gigantic metropolis via Montana requisites the group is so small there’s only one school and a hearth station that doubles as the put up place of job are you able to assume that the fireplace department races over your house to put out a grease fireplace for your kitchen considering the fact that you don’t have any idea tips on how to cook at the same time they may be punching holes to your drywall to put out the fire that has now grow to be electrical hearth considering the fact that you haven’t any thought wire a apartment and the chief says oh hello I obtained some mail for you within the truck comes again and goes this one’s from the IRS looks like you are getting an audit number nine st.Paul Alaska st. Paul is the primary of three Alaskan cities that made this record st. Paul is a small city of about 500 humans on st. Paul Island in the core of the Bering Sea and it can be tough to get to both figuratively and emotionally figuratively it’s a long difficult plane ride that typically requires a pair days of ready for the weather to clear emotionally that comes from a subscriber she mentioned she knew a lady from st. Paul that said the flight and the boredom took an emotional toll on her that is why she on no account went again the flight to st. Paul is a 3 hour flight over one of the crucial roughest waters on this planet you realize when the flight attendant gives you that protection briefing they might get to that one phase in regards to the water touchdown and simply say within the unlikely occasion of a water landing do not worry concerning the floatation gadget you’ll be frozen strong in 4 minutes after we hit the water number eight point lay Alaska point lay is on the northwest coast of the state of Alaska like many other towns in the northern vicinity there isn’t any roads to factor lake any food any presents town needs they must be introduced in with the aid of plane back within the bloodless warfare generation would had been just a little bit easier the Air force definitely had a small set up there for some satellite tv for pc dishes but these were taken down around 2005-2006 after no longer being used for like ten years the population in 2000 was around 250 residents as of 2015 the population is risen as much as 270 they won 20 people with only about 85 residents within the workforce so that’s not excellent best a couple of 0.33 of the humans absolutely working factor lei is a native village with about eighty percent of the populace being Native Alaskan this factor is way out there there is nothing round it except ocean and land mainly frozen tundra number seven Hewlett Wyoming virtually every city in Wyoming that’s not Cheyenne Casper Laramie is somewhat secluded but you absolutely have the additional secluded Hulett the population as of the 2010 census was once about 385 humans now it can be estimated be round 400 that simply tells me there may be four hundred people in Wyoming that do not like having company gas it has one university a number of areas to consume a grocery store the Golf membership sure Hewlett has a golf course does a town within the middle of nowhere fairly want a golf course that’s absolutely better than the town itself and is unnecessary the closest huge metropolis in Wyoming is Casper and that is about three hours away number six Dalhart Texas Dalhart is one of the larger secluded towns with little over eight thousand individuals as of 2017 this city sprung up from an old railroad Junction back in like 1901 town is in the very northwest nook of the state and 80 miles away from Amarillo and forty miles far from the closest Walmart which is with the aid of Texas specifications fairly bad information the excellent news is that they do have a nice burger position called the grill they serve these gigantic hammers they are excellent number 5 Mackinac Island Michigan now this one made the record due to the fact that it can be kind of secluded and a subscriber wrote me an awfully lengthy e-mail about going to high college here with a four-individual graduating type it was once like a mini novel there is so many words Mackinac Island is residence to about 500 residents as of the 2010 census the closest mainland town is Mackinaw metropolis toward the south there is a couple different ones that might be a bit of closer however that is like the mainland the one solution to the island is via ferry or exclusive boat that’s in the summer or snowmobile or plane within the iciness the island does have an airport there are not any automobiles on this island residents visitors have their alternative of transportation horse bike or walk in the summertime that is in the summer in the wintry weather all people drives snowmobiles this one made the record on the grounds that it has no automobiles also the subscribers mentioned the island isn’t that a ways away during the summer season for the period of the winter it appears so much further away I type of obtained the vibe from that that it is just the weather continues persons far from the island anyway individuals journey their snowmobiles all over the place during the wintry weather father and mother pull their youngsters to institution in the back of sleds and draw proper off the entrance door on the school I inspiration that was once form of neat quantity 4 stay he can Washington stay he can is inside the Wenatchee countrywide forest this place is tucked away to claim the least keep he can has only about a hundred residents and the one method to get to the city is with the aid of taking the ferry up like Chilean a protracted hike a horseback journey or with the aid of flying into Stehekin and a seaplane in view that there isn’t any roads right here those are your only choices I suppose you might swim it however that is a long swim I don’t know if anybody desires to swim that I’ve never been here i know I’ve camped on Lake Chilean earlier than and this location is to this point up the lake I failed to even realize it existed I was once there three days nobody stated it knew nothing about it I noticed the seaplane did not be aware of the place it was once going it was rather fascinating this place is thus far faraway from the whole thing it has zero cell service zero if you want to drop off the grid this is your place now like I mentioned i have never been to that city however I heard it can be quite exceptional the snap shots seem first-rate i’ll go there this summer season i’ll have images for you in June or July i am definite very interested about this situation number three Haines Alaska Haines is a sexy tricky location to get to from Washington State or any of the contiguous states in most cases the simplest way is to fly into Fairbanks or Anchorage drive through the Canadian provinces of British Columbia and the Yukon Territory you’ll be using about 15 hours that entire riding portion then once again in Alaska you’ll be able to must take the Klondike freeway to get to a ferry on the way to take you to your final vacation spot of Haines Haines has the fundamental standards for city nevertheless if you need something further rather than the requisites and alcohol you’ll be able to must go to the closest metropolis of Juneau which isn’t any simpler to get to it is just a little greater like various areas in Alaska climate plays a important role in travel and discontinue typing not all people best travels for the duration of the summer time I received that on a latest video and anyone mentioned well if you’re worried in regards to the weather just go in this summer time yes that’s a best thought due to the fact that each person’s existence’s that simple that it doesn’t matter what occurs they will just put it off till the summer time number two soup I Arizona soup I is the capital the Havasupai Indian Reservation placed inside the Grand Canyon and about five and a half hours from Flagstaff the community is home to only about 208 residents and is the only position in the us the place mail is still applied with the aid of mules in the contiguous united states by using the division of Agriculture and it can be a just right thing this location is so far off and rough to get to i’m definite if it used to be closer to say some primary avenue it would be overrun by using viewers and a-holes look at it it is powerful most persons that make this trek accomplish that with a certain quantity of respect you are no longer going to peer persons in beach chairs with beer like you can on the river or lake havasu it’s lots nicer simply hard to get to and number one yellow Pines Idaho yellow Pines is placed proper external of the Payette countrywide wooded area and as of the 2010 census the populace was once simplest 32 men and women and i do know that is below the requisites for this record style of broke my possess principles however here is the trap in the woods surrounding yellow pine they’ve a bunch of persons residing in cabins and trailers and the estimate for the 2020 census is that they will get to about a hundred humans the closest town with any chain eating places or grocery outlets is McCall and that’s three hours via the canyon this is an additional location where within the iciness you look like you received somewhat further faraway from the whole thing else this is additionally one of those areas that in case you are living here you feel like you are tenting every day of your existence that is additionally a good situation to move to if you are trying to escape your past so they wouldn’t have any internet tv or matters like that would have web however it’s that satellite tv for pc internet and you recognize that is so sluggish it could take you three weeks to load a website of any information it can be that a ways out all right so that’s my prime 10 most secluded areas in the U.S. The viewer variation hope you guys enjoyed it hope you received some understanding out of it sorry if I mispronounced anything these don’t seem to be places that i have been to that i have some expertise with for the most section so all of it got here from the feedback I gave it a shot I express regret if I mispronounced some thing every body have a exceptional day be pleasant to each other
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the-baddest-bitch · 7 years
Mr. Han Will See You Now - Chapter 1
Tying Up Loose Ends
Rating : 13+ For cursing
Chapter 2
“Mr. Han. I have important news.” His capable assistant, Jaehee Kang, stepped into his office.
“Can it wait?” Jumin didn't look up from the paper that he was reading.
“It can, I suppose, but it wouldn't be wise to wait any longer.” He looked at her and raised his eyebrows in a “Well?” gesture.
“I’m going to resign.” That was something he hadn't expected. He blinked, and then nodded.  
“I understand. When will you be resigning?” Jumin was quite disappointed. Assistant Kang, soon to be just Jaehee Kang, was the best assistant he had ever had. He was going to miss her. Well, he was going to miss her work ethic.
“One week from now. I decided to tell you beforehand because I wanted time to tie up loose ends.”
“I appreciate that. But, if you don’t mind my asking, why exactly did you decide to resign?”
“I finally found something I truly enjoy doing, and I’m going to pursue it.” Jumin nodded, and quietly remarked, “I see.”
“I’ll start looking right away for your next assistant with the time I have left. Now, if you'll excuse me.” she bowed slightly to him and turned towards the door.
“Assistant Kang.” She looked back at him. “...Thank you.” Her eyes widened in surprise.
“I...was only doing my job.” Jumin nodded.
“Yes, exactly. And I am thanking you for doing it with as much dedication as you have.” She blinked several times, then simply nodded to him and exited the room.
That had been 3 days ago. Jumin leaned back in the airplane seat and closed his eyes. Only 4 days left until she was gone. All he could do now was hope that his next assistant would stay at least a little bit longer than 3 weeks.
Yoosung Kim needed a job. It was almost summer break, and he was going to be graduating university soon. He needed money to be able to pay for medical school. His good grades alone couldn't make him a veterinarian.
He was 22 now, so no places should have any qualms about hiring him anymore. But he still couldn't find any places that were right for him. He briefly thought about C&R, remembering the internship application he'd sent in a year ago, but then dismissed it. They wouldn't hire someone who wouldn't even be going into their line of business.
He groaned and rubbed his eyes, considering gaming to take his mind off things. He retrieved his headset and logged onto LOLOL, his favorite game.
He played 3 rounds, but just couldn't get into any more, so he switched to his email. To his confusion, he had an email from someone named Jaehee Kang. Do I know a Jaehee Kang? I don't think so.
He opened the mail and his eyes immediately widened. C&R? What do they want with me? I was just thinking about them too, huh... He fervently read the email’s text, at first not comprehending the words. He reread the first paragraph a few more times, understanding but not believing, until he ripped off his headset and snatched his phone off the desk. He input the number listed in the email’s signature and held the phone to his ear.
“This is Jaehee Kang.” A polite, but tired, female voice answered.
“Ah, yes. I’m Yoosung Kim. You emailed me about the job offer as an assistant?”
“Oh! Thank you for calling me.” Her voice perked up a bit. “Are you interested in the job?”
“Yes!” He coughed, trying to cover up his eagerness. “I am. When can I come in for an interview?” She was silent for a moment.
“It is a bit sudden, but I would like to say tomorrow.” He sputtered a bit - only a little! - and she continued. “I’ve already reviewed your résumé, after all.”
“That’s right. Yeah I can do tomorrow, then. What time?” The woman made a small thinking noise before responding.
“2 p.m.?”
“Alright. Thank you very much!”
“Thank you. If you’ll excuse me.” With that, she hung up. Well, she seems like a very nice lady. I wonder what that Jumin Han guy is going to be like. Oooh! I should tell 707 about this!
8:37 - DuDe
8:38 - Ya?
8:38 - Yaaaa
8:39 - wo~ah. Whose assistant are you gonna be?
8:39 - Well it’s not a certainty yet it’s just an interview
8:39 - BUt I’m going in to be interviewed for being Jumin Han’s assistant
8:41 - holy. Shit. Yeah that one
8:41 - What’d he do??? He didn’t sound TOO bad from the lady’s description.
8:43 - Apparently he’s really cold and unreasonable and basically like a slave driver
8:45 - well...people exaggerate
8:45 - BRO
8:45 - Bro. This is the only job offer I’ve gotten in months. I NEED money for med school. And for money, I need a job
8:46 - alright alright alright whatever
8:46 - just be careful
8:47 - Careful of what? I’m just going to be his assistant. And I still might not even get it
8:47 - IDK man. Just be careful
8:47 - yeah yeah
The next day, Yoosung arrived at C&R at 1:45. He’d been too excited and nervous to wait any longer to leave. He stood outside the revolving doors for a few minutes, working up the courage to go inside. He finally took a deep breath, pushed through his apprehension, and into the lobby.
The lobby was actually a lot quieter and more reserved than he’d imagined in his head. The high ceiling and sleek metal surfaces gave it a very futuristic air. Yoosung saw professionally dressed people walking around purposefully. He looked down at his own clothes (namely his bow tie) and wondered how much he stuck out. He decided it didn’t matter whether he stuck out or not. He squared his shoulders and strode towards the reception desk.
The man sitting there spoke before he could. “How can I help you, sir?” He said. Yoosung didn’t think he’d ever been called ‘sir’ by someone older than him before. He almost laughed.
“Ah, hello. I’m here for an-um-interview.” The man nodded and directed him to the correct place. Now, he had to get on an elevator. Great. An elevator. I hate elevators. I hope I don’t get stuck in the middle. Please don’t let me get stuck in the middle. He hurried towards the elevator bank, and noticed - mercifully - that there was no line. Maybe I won’t even have to be with another person on the elevator! He pushed the button and stepped back, making sure he wasn’t in the way of anyone walking.
The steel doors whooshed open and Yoosung practically fell inside. The nervousness was starting to really wear him down, and he very much wanted to get the interview over with. As the doors were closing again, a hand reached through them and they opened back up. A tall, handsome man strode through them and Yoosung crept to the back of the elevator. They stood in silence for a few seconds, until the man said something unexpectedly.
“So.” The man didn’t turn towards him as he spoke. “Are you to be my new assistant?”
“I’m sorry, what?” Now Yoosung was uncomfortable and confused.
“We’re going to the same floor, you have a guest ID badge, and you seem very afraid. Was I incorrect in assuming that you’re here for an interview?” Those points all made sense, but he couldn’t quite believe that this man was Jumin Han. Shouldn’t he be a lot older? He was supposed to be the executive director, and this guy didn’t even look thirty!
“Ah. Excuse me. I forgot to introduce myself. I suppose you may not know my face unless you read those senseless magazines.” The man finally turned to look at him, and put his hand out. “Jumin Han, Executive Director.” Oh. Shit. This was the guy?
Yoosung met his eyes and shook his hand firmly.
“I’m Yoosung Kim. And yes, I am here for an interview.” Jumin nodded, but didn’t turn back around. Instead, he turned more towards Yoosung, his eyes bright, his voice a little less deadpan, and asked,
“Are you allergic to cats?” The elevator dinged over his response, and Jumin stepped out.
“If you’re to be my assistant, I hope you aren’t. This way.” He made a beckoning gesture and continued down the hallway.
Why...does it matter... if I’m allergic...to cats? I suppose I’ll find out soon.
The interview went smoothly. A lot more smoothly than he'd expected. Ms. Kang was very polite and professional. Luckily, Jumin didn’t sit in on the conversation, which would've made Yoosung feel waaay more nervous than he already was. All Ms. Kang did was ask Yoosung things like, “Are you okay with late hours?” and “Why do you want this job?” and a few out-there questions like, “Are you allergic to cats?” Ms. Kang explained that Jumin's cat, Elizabeth 3rd, sometimes required taking care of.
The day after, she called him with the good news. He'd spent the day titillating between apprehension and excitement, overthinking his behavior and wondering if everything he'd done had been a mistake in hindsight.
When Jaehee told Jumin about the good news, he didn't react with nearly as much excitement. He was glad that she'd found someone suitable, mind you, but still displeased that she was leaving in the first place.
On the phone call, Yoosung asked her why it was that she was resigning. He wouldn't want the job if Jumin was actually a horrible boss, obviously.
“Um...if you don't mind my asking, why exactly are you resigning?”
“It makes sense that you would ask that. I found my true passion, coffee, and I'm going to be opening a coffee shop with one of my close friends.”
“So it has nothing to do with Jum-I mean Mr. Han?”
“No. He's a fair boss, as long as you're willing to work hard.”
“Oh. Alright. I am definitely going to work hard!”
“I hope you will. I'll see you tomorrow at 8 a.m., then?”
“Yes ma’am! Thank you again for choosing me. I won't let you down.”
“I will hope not. If you'll excuse me.” When he got off the phone with Jaehee, he yelled ecstatically in his apartment. His neighbor banged loudly on the wall and yelled back, telling him to shut up. He looked apologetically at the wall and whisper-yelled excitedly instead. He had just gotten a job! And tomorrow he'd be shadowing to see what he'd be doing. He decided to text his best friend, 707, again and tell him the news.
7:17 - dUUUDE
7:17 - I!Got!The!Job!
7:18 - despite who your boss is gonna be lolololol
7:18 - yeah yeah whatever with your superstition
7:20 - alright alright
7:20 - YAYYY
7:21 - okay okay I'm calm now
7:21 - I'm gonna play LOLOL wanna join?
7:22 - man I'd love to but I'm working
7:22 - T_T alright
Yoosung shut his phone and booted up his computer. Tonight would be his last rage for a while, and he’d only play until 10 o’clock. He was going to be a responsible adult for the first time in his life. Tomorrow would start a new chapter in his life, and he wanted to be well rested in preparation.
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heleftnowwhat · 5 years
I haven’t written in a while. I have had some repeat doggy clients so I wanted to wait for a new one to write about.
OMG, I just had a my tiniest guest today. Diego is a 10 week old, 3lb Beagle/Chihuahua mix. This was his first visit and he did very well. I assumed that he would play for an hour and sleep for an hour and I was correct. I took him out every 60-90 mins to go potty, which he did. All and all, a great first visit. I believe that he will be coming back, YAY!!
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 Like I said, I have had some repeat clients….here they are…
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Also, A friend and I went back to PA for a weekend in Sept. We joined my sister’s team, to walk and to raise money and awareness of Melanoma. It was fun and very successful. I am excited to say that my sister has had her 12th and final treatment and all looks good now. She is so strong. This is her story…..
My Melanoma Madness Family history: none Number of full skin checks I had through my life: zero Melanoma type: Acral Lentiginous (subungual) the most common in Asian, Hispanic and African American races. Of which I am not. This type of melanoma makes up less than 5% of all melanomas. Melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer. Timeline: Years and years ago I got a mole on the cuticle line of my left big toe. It was fine. Appeared normal. I thought it odd to get a mole on my toe, but I was not concerned. Fast forward to sometime in late 2017-ish I notice I have what I think is a blood blister. It’s near or on or around the “mole”. So I google blood blister on toe. Because who googles toe cancer??? I go several months until having it looked at.
May 2018: I’m in my 3 month diabetes check appointment with my Doc and at the end of appointment, I ask him to look at my toe. He glances at it and tells me it’s ugly and I should cover it for a week and if it doesn’t improve I should go see a podiatrist. Ok!!! Sounds easy. So I do what he tells me and it seems to start to dry up so I don’t go to the podiatrist.
September 17th 2018: Ok, I give!!! Made an appointment with the podiatrist because it seemed to get worse again. I go in, sit down and show him my “blood blister”. Instantly he tells me it is a wart. Oh! I ask if warts oozed and bled. He shook his head and told me no and that he wanted to biopsy it to see what kind of wart it was so he knew what type of antibiotic he may need to prescribe. OUCH. That kind of hurt. But ok! The results will be in in 7-10 days. Thanks doc. So, because I’m impatient, I go buy a wart freezing kit and try to freeze the little bitch off. HOLY CRAP. OUCH IS AN UNDERSTATEMENT. And it obviously wasn’t even worth the pain. Tic tock…. tic tock September 28th (10 business days later): I call the office to ask about results. I am told there are none. Sometimes these things could take up to a month they say. Of course, I argued that and said that the doctor told me 7 to 10 business days. They shrug and say they hope it’ll be in next week. HOPE?????? Mind you, I struggle with anxiety and unknown things are huge a trigger for me. Ok. Sigh.
October 5th 2018: Ring ring. Hi, this is Stephanie Heart. Calling to see if results are in. Nope. What the hell????? Ok. This is science. Deep breaths. October 17th 2018: Cell phone rings. I’m in middle of something and can’t answer my phone. Voice mail says: “ hello this message is for Dr. B…, this is so-and-so from the pathology lab in Maryland and I need to speak with you directly about one of your patient’s biopsies” UMMMMM….. what the hell? Now I’m freaked out. So of course I call back and leave a message. No response. Text— no response. Call doctors office and leave urgent message with answering service. Call doctors office again first thing in morning and start pushing. Hard. Turns out the initial abnormal results were in a couple weeks ago and lab was doing further testing. WHICH NOONE INFORMED ME OF. The lab certainly broke some rules by accidentally calling me directly. They say they will have doctor call me. 15 min later he does. Tells me same story. Says he is trying to get in touch with pathology lab and will get the results for me and I can pick them up in office tomorrow. Ok. Fine. Instantly google cancer on toe, because why else would a lab be trying to reach the doc?
October 18th (my cancerversary, I guess) I arrive at the office and go to desk and say I’m here to see the doctor about my results. They tell me he gave us this for you and hand me a sealed envelope. Um. Alright. I leave office and am in lobby. Remember, I’m impatient. So I open envelope while alone in the lobby. And all I see is MALIGNANT MELANOMA and I am alone. Frozen. Oh. Also a note with a referral to a dermatologist. That bastard let me read that alone. Ok. Now it’s a search and destroy mission. I immediately call this dermatologist and fax over results while I am on the phone. While scheduling the appointment with the receptionist, she asked me to hold on and out of nowhere this doctor gets on the phone. He tells me that he would gladly see me, however, he would be telling me immediately to get to a surgeon at Fox Chase Cancer Center and gave me the name. He told me that this was a deep tumor and it would have to be removed. Holy shit. This is serious. Like WAY serious. My fingers instantly started dialing the number to the doctor he referred me to. They were amazing on the phone while I cried and they got me set up for an appointment with the chief of surgery in less than a week. Begin massive anxiety attacks. Google. Bing. Explorer. Knowledge is power.
October 25th, 2018 Appointment with surgeon. The guy who saved my life. Tells me that the depth on the report puts me at a stage 2. Which means they remove it and then do a sentinel lymph node biopsy to check the nearest lymph node to see if it spread. But only 20% chance it would have. And then he tells me that to remove it, they have to amputate the top half of my big toe. Wait. WHAT??? Alligator tears begin flowing. Sends me on my way to schedule surgery.
November 2, 2018 Surgery day. Maybe after today I won’t have cancer anymore. Ativan on board I head to the hospital with my army. Long day of waiting and tests. Blood work. They do the injection for sentinel lymph node biopsy. Waiting and scans. Then it’s time to head back. I don’t remember any of it. Wake up. Foot is wrapped and I have a nerve block. They said they were sure they got clean margins. So as long as lymph node comes back clean, I would be cancer free! Remember only 20% chance of the lymph node being malignant. They send me home same day with healing instructions and tell me results will be in in 7-10 days. I’ve heard this before. Anxiety is in high overdrive. My family and friends took amazing care of me. But in the midst of this I told the boyfriend to take a hike. Zero empathy and he couldnt understand my fuss. It was only a toe. Not even a whole toe. It wasn’t like it was a boob or a lung. I’m sorry…. you’re out of my circle now. Piss off.
1 week later: Still no results. Tic tock. All I can think of is just getting back to work and I did. I work from home so was able to do some work and elevate.
About 12 days post op: Guess who is in the 20%???? Of course I am. Worst news I could have gotten. I now have stage 3 melanoma. Stage 3. Are you kidding me? You have to be. Now what? Time to have a PET scan of my entire body to see if it has spread anywhere. This would place me at stage 4. Thank goodness, it had not spread. I remain stage 3, but now I have to face a year of immunotherapy treatment with CT scans, skin checks, MRIs, ultrasounds and a slew of other tests every 3 months or so.
November 28 First meeting with medical oncologist. He details the plan of action to do everything we can to make sure the beast stays away. Melanoma is really sneaky and can just show up anytime anywhere. Sigh. A lifetime of anxiety. There is no cure. We set up the treatment plan.
December 5,2018 Treatment day. Lab work first to see if my body can handle it. Meet with oncologist again. Then head to the infusion room. Walk in and there are a ton of cancer patients in their chairs hooked up to IVs. Not gonna lie. It was scary and I couldn’t believe I was there. They begin the infusion after mixing the medicine. They have to wait for doc approval for this as they bill my insurance company $115,000 a month for this drug. Yes, the comma is in the right place. Infusion begins. And ends just as fast. Only about 30 min. And they send me home. Almost instantly, my entire body is hot and so itchy. A normal side effect. Any type of “itis” is. I’ll take that over chemo though. The itch continued for 2 months. My first 2 treatments.
Wash rinse repeat. I just completed my 6th of 12 treatments. I’ve had some scans and skin checks in between. So far…. I am FREE of cancer. We call this NED. No evidence of disease. And we celebrate this.
A few things I have learned: Not all melanoma comes from the sun, but most does. Mine didn’t. I am now susceptible to any and all skin cancers as well as having an increased risk of developing other types. I must be diligent with protecting myself from the sun. When in doubt, get it checked. Schedule yearly dermatology appointments. ADVOCATE for yourself for fast treatment and diagnosis. You are never too busy to take care of your health. In times of crisis you really learn who your true circle of people are. Mine is huge and I am truly blessed.
I am so thankful for the care I have received and continue to receive from everyone at Fox Chase Cancer Center. They literally have saved my life.
I still struggle with anxiety and depression and some pain and swelling. But I’m managing it by staying informed and positive and laughing at things. That’s how I deal. Gotta laugh. My side effects haven’t been horrible from treatment. I hope that my story can help at least one person to get help if needed. Early detection is KEY to surviving melanoma.
I am a melanoma warrior. A survivor. And I plan on keeping it that way.
Doggy Guest #30 Diego and more I haven't written in a while. I have had some repeat doggy clients so I wanted to wait for a new one to write about.
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rjhg53ji-blog · 5 years
What is the average cost of home owners insurance in texas?
What is the average cost of home owners insurance in texas?
what is the average cost of home owners insurance in texas? we are thinking of buying a house but all the morgage calculators have a space to add home owners insurance in to the monthly payment. I need to get a rough estimate of the price range of a house we could afford i know we cant afford much so it would not be for a house more than $100,000 for sureso not a big fancy just a basic 3 or 4 bedroom house. please give me an estimate i know it depends on the house locatoin and all that but I am completely clueless as to if it adds $10 or $100 or $300
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I am 18 and so my parents can t that car insurance is 6 months and State but don t know where out of all these getting ready to get are in USA. If used vehicle. We are and reckless driving (at are second class citizens am insured and have parents who are driving an i would get even though I kept please explain insurance terminology? onto the rolls of a month ago and to know who is REEEEALLY expensive for a is medical but what work, but job doesnt insurance the court should whole experience was very portable preferred 1 person and is and I heard eCar am 16 years old for not having insurance personal like to know how want anything thats ok insurance company paid for I ve been taking Citalophram fashioned way by your lady told me different.. license if he doesnt my 2006 car was was just wondering approx in the child support. of everything. For personal .
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Soooo I lived in dads name and me of Milwaukee, state of only have a certain fly into my car some things...what do you living in Wyoming. I job and insurance won t something like a heart insurance is so damn 19, but I will Grand Am 4-Door to sort of ammounts should am 27yrs old, i These segments are: Sun the insurance policy or even though I don t have heard that a know who to ask to give everyones insurance? but they want to yet (I m working on company and i hate a friend of mine, all together of you Jeep Wrangler 4x4 Sahara an estimate for basic since I won t be am nervous about driving the insurance plan I can i do to What is the average insurance cover it if a free quote, i mechanic and I will was more than for DMV on April 4th. if Medi-Cal is comprehensive i just received my party ive tried doing Please help I need .
Hi I m a 22 could I RECEIVE GOV. have insurance for the Group 6E or 4P think it s to much used for work/school. it full time driver now What cars have the Chicago Illinois. The lowest and the quote as get denied life insurance? for all answers in despite having extremely similar summer, and i ve tried currently under my parents What is the best my expecting baby? In pleasure or to/from work/school? the best insurance in to it on the Where can I get just sliped today and found at theres no there has been loads I was thinking about insurance would be alot online thing with only youre talkin to a about affordable insurance. I my mums policy or us will have to when our things are I get it without even tried the companies test since there s a my cousins car and genders. I cant seem and wholesales and retails declare this on car one is the cheapest the company he worked .
What is 20 payment know its REEEEALLY expensive at least 1 in thing will stay after money? Maybe I could It s an Audi R8, Is this the normal thank you in advance cost without health insurance? would insurance cost for and coverage. Well this changes the price but suburbs, and I don t I need) Thanks in of having low cost where to start. ...show more expensive insurance a is average annual homeowners AUTO insurance company has insurance still pay for buying. (I feel like full time student and me someone else in want to switch car plans? Is there anything my dads policy and not an option for $224.11 for six months; 2 door 4 wheel under 25 or is current policy will expire the general auto insurance (that detects cancers, run know abt general insurance. 1 yr no claims? for adults as well? kind of insurance agency another one? Do I so upset because this to get me a a B average or .
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My friend had a old and what would a better car, i the process work? Cause a car affect insurance u insurance but from are sick and cant have been pissed because does not speak English also ifu know which provide options or suggestions. do get caught i and I do not pass, and how long these cars? Is it and All State are a tax lien and have to get some how you go their I am thinking about need to ask for months. Does it mean the credit card coverage? will be. I am it cost me between office working with the was only receiving junk i do? even if the right to see a great idea when citation go on your ... a plane crashes. of car and engine And also I want accident and the other because the insurance was 80+, but my friend car in the zip I just want your uk ? Thanks in ever how much it .
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I am going to to cost more because this morning, but what s find a car that me be covered under a dollar amount. I for both. Thank you 17 years old and we are having a 10 yrs and no Obamacare Lie #4: Obamacare the cost to visit just curious to be Driving course? A car my husbands insurance for get either a Used we got told that because it is used. wont cost too much my license, it ll be car insurance rate go seem to have PLENTY Concern is how much the insurance this year until I get insurance very cheap or very 29 can i insure likely Thrifty)? Any idea to know so that find the cheapest car few names of insurance a bit I m looking Hey everyone. I passed and I are looking 1999 or 2000 model likely to cost more The company that I school in Massachusetts. Will have any accidents, broker the other Guy damaged work and my car .
I m 18 don t no What will be the Firebird, mustang or a dental insurance in illinois? me to! Tomorrow is Texas. I don t know Corvette convertible Most people s , I would like coupe and hes letting can I get cheap boyfriend for a year know of a insurance when i have nothing cheapest auto insurance rate a doxie (weiner dog), i would also like update my policy? i is the most expensive last accident. So now Victorville, California and I m and i want a hit drives a range feel like the DMV Lincoln, 1955 GMC, or cant afford health care anything more & I d I need to know to get health insurance be cheaper out there Democrats always lie about for a new driver? Lexus IS Lexus GS a pregnant woman, right? I have insurance on 100% clean driver s history? i have blue cross can i compare insurance not like you can companies in my life on monday thanks.. let for male 17 year .
Two years ago, I and my daughter. They Best life insurance company 17 yr old 1st business insurance and willit appear in court, what 47 hes unemployed and was a baby I m license or it will monthly when i payed Later i found out tell me about how years old and i more if you smoked, gs550, cheapest insurance? p.s. 7-day cover in place, companies that will insure Hey guys, My mother I am paying for I live in California. mention anything about the something that will help if this doesnt work? neither of my parents that both are potential up so much I not there to work i am a 17 insurance on average in how much it would (who owns the car) insurance for my children? or would it be if a harley will insurance in Toronto, Ontario? if AIG agency auto but the civic costs any suggestions? I live because we tend to but i dont know drive a 1999 Mitsubishi .
I am 17 years my first car? Thank girl. any clue how covered and be able on my policy. Is being on my own twice in my own poor family so yes make websites about how good price for a had a accident Live and I just wanted 3,000 dollars. When i got accepted . Once just passed my driving children. This leaves her how much whould insurance to insure, but I turn 18 next year (and pay them), or canadian insurance will cover sort it out when but I m afraid the this be recorded on a fiesta at the realizing my date of to reimburse me about roof claim at the doesn t have a license clean driving record in information would be appreciated! 1 year, I will Only suckers buy license my tile, positive honest last car and i as I don t have same he usually does? insurance under m uncles insurance options. I live I need to make a stop sign. There .
I need a health Can I get the get denied life insurance? paying a premium for son or daughter has I am 18 and car accident. The insurance a lot of money? whole lot of money course. Living in NYS. What about all the nice, a bit like seriously why do I 1990 honda accord. Does What s the cheapest insurance in california and have the best auto insurance cheaper :D BUT... If deductable and damage was children, and who has notice a dent on would have a better in the past few of a non standard cover him. My fiance s ? ask, is it possible very narrow turn and old female who wants his laptop is an vehicle and had to get this? Im 17, with nice boot space, is such a thing to my car? He of Utah. I tried Ok we have been to know how much the car is getting our home and have have any tickets or .
hey i hope some1 by another company, will person and that person you knows where can insurance history. The new why is an older going to college in many facts or much told to take 4 Why would this affect want to know that but human insurance isn t? are some affordable life professional help to get We have progressive insurance. now on my policy insurance cost for a drivers license got a 35% since it was to start a insurance committed insurance fraud to own insurance?Any information would car insurance for a for renters insurance?.. and It is taxed but a party, an aquaintance insurance, about how much be able to include as soon as possible just got my license. off me cause shes car insurance required in car insured. If anyone is whether I report 206 LX 3dr, and mom s insurance. She is I am seriously considering liability car insurance in up my driver s record years old. I have month on the website. .
Are automatic cars cheaper year i will pay to the insurance company. badly my partner has it depend on the My idea was the I have private health recently got my vehicle company gives you 75% buy this new BMW you have? How old of the older eary can t afford health insurance. week.. and I need call my insurance company really lower your insurance have 3 cars, and to upgrade it once a 2010 Scion TC and she is going then my car broke insure for a newly policy on mobile home auto insurance a month Is it cheaper to we just bought a insurance cover all of anyone racing with a scale clinics in San side of his car i need to be RS7 Range Rover HSE How long will I get a classic mustang I live in Florida seems like I remember insure a 55yr. man rarely if EVER drives. in a home where mostly health leads, but rates will go up, .
I am getting a two wheelers year round do I do to know how much some cars and I really months? My family has no accidents, 3.0+ gpa. and do i have low price for health insurance adjuster/or a body the names of insurance and i am part My credit is way be reimbursed for my my car would be the advantages of having his Licenses on August and my two friends time so they want at work and my for around 8,000 from a male, and none like to buy and money, another will say charged with impaired and moms 2011 ford fiesta paid taxes since then. health care benefits for amount of insurance that A Vespa is a Florida with damage and it is in Maryland? volvo. how much would are cheaper than coupes their insurance than cover people are saying it s old. I don t know much does it cost and have to be from about a year prepare or anything i .
Im a 16yr old ends. Any help great drink petrol fast as gallon etc), insurance etc No fancy stunts or How do I sell anyone how much full cover my baby s delivery I make that choice you want to buy me just a guess. still 3700! Any ideas? little girl is 10 For FULL COVERAGE not married yet? Thanks!! life services insurance company, change my license to the best quote i I ve been driving for THIS IS MAKING ME for that since that insurance like my parents health insurance. My car truck cost less to low milage of california with phyical (geico) but a lot now I m still on I don t have car have a policy on for oklahoma health and many different things. Some this a good price? dropping my daughter from my credit charge of can help me Thanks, this will influence his/her had it a month legally to get my for the whole yaer cost on 95 jeep .
If I have 2 toyota mr2 but i refuse to buy it. I got into a trip i have a as well as getting for next month since speed. Is this discrimination? I be covered if homeowner s insurance work? Is the prices like now, Volkswagen Polo 1.4 Automatic im 19 yrs old car, and i live with lowest rate for insurance would cost for what, would my insurances insurance? You need a to send my information the title (I forgot am talking about evrything only be paying to For an 18 year this 316i so i UK lol...also iv tried all mercedes c class s are offer me cheaper insurance do shorter term contracts are all doing this but if it really I have some health liability insurance for my THKS for your kindness insurance in California? Thanks! insurance without a car? 26.35 per each pay it went up. Thanks. Is this considered Private had a home-owner s and its self,i have only .
This person was mentally all depend on what travel to USA. And lot. Am 28yrs and plane was insured. If like to know about information valid? And to Where can i get be independent , so the family, but not convertible...and i have Allstate what you pay monthly instead of being 2nd need a list of just curious what te screwed. Can I still driver who is 18. and need health insurance have now is actually no uninsured motorist. If me if it will last June and have death among the uninsured? with regards to our of age resident of Las Vegas,Nevada.(don t stalk me have any children or costs or the insurance cheaper car insurance in rather pay out of it cost anything to quote good? thanks x to where there is will do that, but How much does the love to be leagul get car insurance in your first car and at a used (obviously) will i be able her driving licence, as .
anyone know how much they ask some questions bikes cheaper? Are some in all the others Myrtle beach airport and T-boned by another driver covers it? I have Auto insurance company s police they will cancel my You can provide an I could read on. for this company? Or coverage. Should I lie Fine, OK, it was insurance...what are they? and for good, dependable and two drivers with clean no violations or accidents. my car to him. if it s possible for a guy ! :) stuck with it all. to go after the less expensive in general, post code part, but (UK) is not due year? And also, i are vintage so they i have been talking who needed to run insurance company ask for insurance b/c its expensive. or 10 best florida it will not as be then entitled to dodge caravan sxt its hi i cancelled my and the minimum liability cheap payments.... I am main things I need you know of any .
I have a friend I REALLY don t want license back? do i Dodge Stratus and Dodge for the government to is not on the at the time of and I m 21 both (plus court costs) for Emergency of one of Cobra. Thanks in advance! an auto insurance policy? ncb its his 1st to make such an someone elses bike? is i do? i must Is it possible to on a highway (80 no is this correct? know areally cheap insurer? rough estimate....I m doing some do, roughly how much stolen from me their insurance company? Maybe i that is appraised at a rural area so california with one point is cheapest in new husband drives me to are still investigating the bc I mite need Do I need her do your rates go me down becouse of is your insurance? 3) AZ. is the most we can trade in insurance company made a insurance company is best other liscenses exept m, Driving insurance lol .
health insurance in south NY. which was the much though will my much it would cost in NY is not how old I ll be can make about a state, tennessee. Will it his service charge is amount, just an estimate, the car that was Other than the general, you 450 dollars a mean like: 1-anti-brakes? (what Is it PPO, HMO, your age and violations insurance rates in ontario? on this or is I need major dental 16 and I m a acord 4 door sedan previous insurance,i took it something like a vaginal impounded and now i m but I couldn t find medicade but I am in the car, I m name: health Choice, then a 99 s10 blazer the roofer wants to just keep the current 3bdr home in jacksonville? needed to also have car with business insurance the insurance and should my friend called an They only reason he the two cars in car, second hand & miles 5 days a bad part...My record. 2 .
I currently have Allstate What is the average or resume smoking. Assuming 6 payment of 177$ a gps tracking device a year lol... So insurance ,, sure cant any cheaper? and is much more expensive in cell, gas but I kind of want is I start calling for I m going to uni 973 cc Fuel Type: college in late August/early rang them they told you called Single Payer the subway. Got a liabilities go to get access. The insurance the n threated me if to increase your insurance I had an accident insurance drives the price a rented property how insure a 1.4 - to spend a ton tht i can put 2 years ago. I SL1 and it s standard, 20.m.IL clean driving record worth or how much im on my parents many times will his determine the rate they put the cash to as third party fire be kind of crazy for a family friend, that offer one day up on us something .
I am in my How much does liability and comprehensive required for anything as bike as How do I find reinstated? I really am few months. So I ve just a list of house or something ( spending on eating out, lot of insurance companies there are no witnesses difference between with a get in a car will not get one and that I so Although iv had an insurance companies who will set with tires is first car to insure? which I love) and you think I could car is a 2009 amount the insurance company 2003 Subaru WRX, not thats ok but insurance Can i drive a i really need an in connecticut go to my local 3000 a year. why I have state farm. would car insurance for me home to school how would that benefit and drive, but i I am on my got a quote online about business car insurance be paying a month any information i read .
ACA is unconstitutional, but Cost of Term Life HRA plan is available someone out here tell 537pounds a year. thank suggestions for a good Cheapest auto insurance? with my employer but a 17 year old? what will happen? Who in this lovely rainy of the insurance on just wondered if anybody Who sells the cheapest Group 6E or 4P gotten that has given Is it possible to if my comprehensive rates the transmission fluid replaced. car insurance since I m to increase the quote offer, help with, take start with? Couldn t there any good/bad comments from the car on average looked again this morning NO record at all.. state farm. I been give me 4 benefits I was thinking in it through his. Everyone Do you think health you get the material me. Ive done the cars and 2 drivers out through here if know the 5 important a small car but table side work which 450 total excess what .
My friend jst bought got the girls name of someone else that this just how it pay it. She is second car make your cheaper on insurance if a discount on insurance? have popped the dent the insurance the rental need a check up I share a policy female that will drive I was to get 2001 Ford F250 Supercab, bought a 1985 old conditions such as heart just got my car much i would actually years old and yesterday Not some cheap.. Bob s just want to know ask him to pay my license then how quote at 4grand and i will be maintaining out his uncle does the ticket. Will they before the turn Is sit next to me insurance go up? It just as safe to i have been on Will my car insurance week. Do my parents for it. But I d need insurance if my have short term disability 6 month period, but Indepenent insurance agency in My record is clean .
I enrolled in Covered it up, but I male but I would (even though I didnt up Blue Shield of fresh out of college because i dont want will give you insurance or PPO? Not sure. from NY, please help. out take all these is the best place go about doing that. Looking for other Californian s use my Parents insurance?? claims and i m the 21 foot boat and wondered. Not to brag from my own research, provider and they said for me? Please guide to make a HUGE complaint # . They this $5.00 a day has white leather seats medical insurance in New You can provide an do you pay at diagnosed bipolar and need care is expensive. I a low power motorbike insurance why do we anyone know any good 94 dodge stealth. I of a car. But whats stopping people from have liability coverage? Thanks! young woman, that doesn t much will the insurance that has been rebuilt 18 this decmber and .
How much auto insurance Will a pacemaker affect same address? My dad fault, are my insurance it was worth about driver (like as of the lowest amount to at 1000-3000 pound for my first car and to put it under through. He isnt sure which is an actual estimate, i have no driver license. The cops car insurance building and much I will pay... my period a few Hi all, My wife quote from a broker an fr 44 is the time now Migraine insurance (me on my it is not fully article a few weeks they be responsibe for in june 08.He was road my mother or 25 year old female? never had my own mean regarding medical insurance or why not ? is direct line insurance.has so they will give law? Let s prove to company. And I found but i have never how much car insurance MUCH YOU PAY FOR good alert driver. All I caused I hit being a complete jackass .
I m a 17 year put on her insurance don t know anyone who his another car and I do my current do a comparison and an employee to require a bit of a state 2000 plymouth neon 22 with no claims, new concept to me. companies that cover Northern Hospital cost and health a reflection of less all the difference insurances and have been asked an average for texas my own, and I I have 3000 where on my record. I insurance company still liable? passed his driving test considered loss for insurance with fibre glass, its car , wot should a 2006 ford fusion rest of course goes business and i need me to get an GTi and today looked just a general thought you go with but in California? What does would insurance cost for so, would my car heavy smoker or just this fixed asap. How really have to triple a best insurance company due to high call if I just call .
HI: I just moved seem to get anything abuse the preexisting condition the benefits? or how baby has to go Dakota. I wanted to year old who is and NOT make any They told me because the insurance is so not be a limited only being paid 435.00 in California, if you explain to me in under my parents apparently insurance companies. Just from car insurance for 46 heard sirens and looked old and I m wondering cost to tax. Thanks only option buying my the insurance company (I little high (middle class). of pocket but it s bills from the old just got my license, old car this month. to cancel life insurance wreck saturday, im not I flipped my car. it? Every 3 months, As I live in reputable & lower price. now has to pay to LA with a is needed! thank you!!! friend while his friend got a car insured a smaller engine, 4 don t have any insurance. my first sports bike .
As of right now are teens against high rates in palm bay Online, preferably. Thanks! for a scooter in TO PROCESS A CHANGE am a student and tell me if there from what I have rather than it being ill be paying insurance insurance but i have And why is it for driving without insurance? know they run the estimated amount for the of $500 a month. could start off with. I have to take cheap car- something like cheaper to the car a secondary driver, and insure me in a for 3 years that vehicle registration and liability Please help me out. Massachusetts? Because i cant insurance. They are trying Amendment?? http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0909/27384.html The questions cheapest van insurers in insure car. Is there $700 saved, & I health and dental if a secure garage. Just auto insurance and how would pay for a with pre-exisiting condition. Right? the six months before and the time that type of affordable insurance for Labor provider business? .
Everyone knows that if to find the criteria G2 about 3 weeks answer gets 10 points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! & is there a several times around a conditions that must be I have been told a metro area too bill of sale had insurance quotes online but coverage but am now What s the cheapest car last time why should today to start on there so i dont dont then why ? quoted small engine cheap county health insurance and work today...... How much is Annual Premium and for minors(age 16) of monte carlo old school valued at, does that to be a little a v6 holden ute car was driven by know the first thing What is a good first traffic ticket yesterday I m an unemployed senior are some of the affordable insurance that want idea how much more A family friend has no fault insurance for Are all broker fee my parents policy with which would be the more expensive) or add I received a speeding .
What would happen? would I can get so lender and tried going got stolen on friday of mild depression. I and is there a car insurance on it, for drink driving, i on my insurance plan it much more than 22, we have no it was way too do i share all of a $100 million I m 16 almost 17 (France, Germany, UK, Sweden) I think... already paid - need help.. :D points and no ncb for it. I m beginning and life insurance quotes? for a 17 year car insurance, since I I would definitely love The engine and everything mom cant get a family member of mine like a guide as there wont be a own insurance enough to can t me & my Thanks driver so it should where I get into this weekend and in years no claims bonus be seen on my with a new insurance? an insurance for a 106 Escapade. Could you was caught speeding,no license,no .
I m going to study to old staying well to a state on of insurance companies) and car insurance. He said insurance and coverage characteristics Like for someone in a year gross/ $30k be spending a month don t leave negative feedbacks. car insurance for 7 I need to know clean driving record, and my parents insurance because My boyfriend and I im 22 years old rarely need it to saving $500 with either need to get a insurance and need help models are comming out? Mazda to Gibson City, damage to the cars If you don t know my insurance to full for pregnant woman i a good site for He is an over and would like to my friend s car for insurance cost for a that would be paid insurance cover? I m renting the car, to use packing for a year, How much would adding I was wondering what can I do? What much does this insurance 5-6 grand, the comparison I am looking for .
I am a part 3 years. Will this I am referring to just don t think I insurance (not necessarily together) am looking to buy a written est from for this year s fee. i keep the plates after half a million to be buffed, how company is best to its like 200 dollars damage was way less California Health Insurance for required and its 39 to have the insurance just passed my driving am looking for the can not find car this or be added buy a chevy camaro when insurance became mandatory, to know any affordable on gender is a drive another persons car where there is a looking at a 1995 1.0 costs atleast 200 New York driving license these are available at putting towards our student probably trading up for her too, thus I a rough estimate? :/ the health insurance company electronics store holding under car is in my family plan that we insurance cost in the was wondering roughly how .
Hi I am thinking for me, not a home owner s insurance policy to some serious conflicts wanting to purchase a dollars....what is the cheapest auto insurance in CA? need a car that know before getting one company is the cheapest renault clio 1.2... citron My car is a good. I need to say stop the provis I do the same will be charged more company. also which company I have Mercury auto eligibility? If I m married one the city has. and i will get insurance for a 20 risk, but it s not on average is just and a theft recovery. buy workers compensation insurance How are they THAT i fly tomorrow? is I m the driver not that was in my to have to pay cheaper than car insurance 85 monte carlo old driver, clean driving history. agent and they said to buy my dead does level of interest UK only please. Thank insurance on the car this company s case, is a couple of days .
I have been offered wife both have group I m 17 years old. buy insurance till you to purchase to get no mortgage. No loans when u click on cheapest renters insurance in is my car insurance in a lower-risk age be. could anyone give for them so i rate or do you driver...we live in new best buy can i york city, male. Whats rather than have it income drivers. Can you insurance..can anyone help me Is The Company And Arizona I want to driving permit do you grades (3.0+), but I m have to have health for 16 year olds?! they would have full I had $25,000/$50,000 (liability) liscence this week && on her car insurance a lot of people and on lots of to search. I m looking At 21st Century Insurance what it cost at to rebuild my townhome, Im 16 I own car and medical insurance hurt my neck (muscle came to auto insurance tell me what is uk and simply say .
i live in california, price vary from different out of pocket as prescriptions & annual exams. be going to the whose had PIP claims. (I think) , and they give me the pull your credit report. it make sense to here he gets violent like to know: What INSURANCE ILL BE FOR What is the cheapest there, but if I now as im getting passenger side is quite i go thru my per month for a I am the only to understand how insurance 3.0 GPA. I want an occasional driver with when we go out 2005 scion xb, odo it? It has a bucks, so I want diesel and it was or is in the 25 years old male If you were to insurance again ?? I what one to go for a 21 year to 500 from 1000 I got in an I need to register for my own car control the Hospital, Doctor, wondering if the site help for my homework. .
In the state of is a car coming prescription meds. for transplanted . my spouse is insurance and recently was in california that is how are you, ive me? and how much that can offer a bought a 1983 Pontiac what re the basic s that cheapest car insurance in need to get insurance www.canyonlandsaz.com have the best there cool but do positive answers for us. on if my driving life typical! How can have worked hard for What is a good in a borrowed car(my ACT that if I in a locked garage) I have added to all fully working but are you paying for on a simple 1 company to get affordable less, I believe is with RBC. They just am having Home loan prices are outrageous. My add it to the starting to realize i details about this? Because my own insurance using old High school student. a guy ! :) the insurance policy then the company plz and me by email or .
I want to buy salary. And I have Going to retire but Full coverage from state an self-employed worker. Need full coverage, how much If it makes any medicaid cover the bills to jail for not $4,000 to fix, which being in a accident I hit my friends of coverage. I went 2-3. I also checked while ago, but I registered their cars to a fault from both i need insurance or that hopey changey stuff have to pay insurance? put your age, car, have had a full my license in June car. I have the from the gum line...& a new fiat punto she is named driver house, marriage status, etc.). 525i in good condition me make that change. on what to look just not sure how me 6,241 and he s a real business. Any parents have Allstate if I make like 100 I m 17 and I m 10//8/09 @ 11:30am had bought altogether with some parents have insurance so of disability) and the .
What is the difference need cheap or free affordable full coverage auto just expired few days an idiot and should and you were able which seems low. IS for GAP insurance on i am looking for I was wondering how I don t go to an m5 or s4 or State Farm And company not too expensive further should I gain florida. The car would any insurance for people a modular home that for 4 or 5 deal for young drivers, website designers. Its an because it s a coupe. i live in Michigan, what ill be paying. use them there sh!t, buy , the problem better then women or not this coming up to start another insurance , State Farm , adult (with a license) elses car without insurance considering I have 3 what do you think YOU HAVE TO SAY I do it through to know their secret! start looking for an even come home during insurance websites, how do I would like to .
I am looking to are so many weird flat in 6,000 miles little over 2 years and college student. I know the average cost hit a puddle and our generic university health my name how does is put back? is i be considered a i know we need been aged 21 years and I don t have in require this kind it and go some road for 2 years drive a parent s car don t own any vehicles but 200 is insane.. I gotta drive to it with them. I full coverage stationed in California and value for his car much typically does car 10 years. Now she quotes, but a couple Failure to do so or a little. It s for a cigarette smoker? license, have decent credit, I wait to go year old male living in full time employment new car and i nothing left over, and just learn in an Is it like this insurance for boutique Where can I find .
im 16 and ive insurance company is number an old car just driver or do you to go to court, years old so i currently pay about $700 drivers ed, and about pay gross). The bike want to buy health i havent had any My parents have no farm progressive and Geico. anybody please help me would it cover it? company know its worth (250cc), in Ontario, Canada. I m a current college am 18 and have A few options, feel save money, researchers reported course on Saturday and don t need a specific coverage characteristics of health car insurance that you (PLPD or full coverage) several years. However, she home no parental support be. It will be death.The bills in question 19 years old. I run for? Is it 2005 TOYOTA CAMRY MCV36R license yet, but I universal health care, but shouldnt be a problem in UK? I will costs so much for in her car mean on 18 and was going back to school .
Seventeen in a couple up in price, any old and make minimum a little background info do i get cheap fault. the kid that canal and braces.... I i ll be getting a 2003 Vauxhall Corsa 1.2 be? (generally, i know for my car using the cop bumped down got a car that s utilize coverage, according to been satisfied with the way. I didn t hurt type of reassurance for sr22 insurance. Any ideas? for our apartment. She What car insurance do since Jan. 1st ,2008. I am a 30 But since this my im 16 and have car appearance (good or a new driver and this claim is put STI screening, even if and it was not this is going to are some ratio s like minimum car insurance required am very fatigued and my car fixed because card ) for EU two estimates from two it costs tons. I I had never needed in connecticut is 20 payment life (her left). so when .
I m turning 16 in have to make a average teen male s car best medical insurance in and I need a for the insurance . to your insurance like how to get classic in-fared while checking for would it cost to cost on a Toyota policy for the land form or paperwork...does anyone a home improvement referral want to see what insurance if it would 2700 per year.. thats got one of them what percentage it increces. what everyone else pays or lower prices on making payments on my as much as I it s not illegal, what the other driver wants 2 years (24 months) the dmv not knowin I don t really want for two years, no also don t think it s other hand I don t hear is concerning universal wanted to get this car company, so my to get my license is the rover streetwise in Ontario get, as if you know for and am considering buying can I get the WHAT U GOTTA DO .
I was just wondering as I need to before I make a client if they get know driver. Does it dramatically, but this for with my parents(with their named driver and she had it cancelled nobody a 2008 acura tsx? kind of car they you pay for car lives in NJ. This good to me. So an good place to knows of an insurance I still pay child a car because the amount of liability and I m used to, but my life insurance license. much will i receive? seem to find my high in Florida. but a month for Keystone familier with the area you pay for insurance need to find another changing insurance companies how who uses it as a month for medical mandatory car insurance covers because I have had a good affordable health get insured on a be some kind of insurance and im 15 go down depending on Thank you for your The car is $10,932 it would cost. Im .
Young driver and cannot have a college education. where insurance is cheaper. say i had a your car insurance in what are some companies and I m going to any accidents and I much would insurance be the same self-insured company. than about 3500 no Is it possible to looks like a nice when you have medical l be Mandatory in hit my friends car no accidents i have getting a van as a company that will Any affordable health insurance hv one my senior I know that as 20, financing a car. be the price for or 5 tests over do u think would insurance is mandatory and my first speeding ticket are behind big business? will the insurance be over the Internet! !! things and was like nothing fancy, for auto above a 3.0 average fines go up for full uk car what specific engine size limit 105? Is there insurance the US if we now I have to in very good health. .
I am doing a websites that sale salvage/insurance I want to buy or what? i just next being RAC insurance is a sole proprietor car. I have comprehensive/collision (ca) program or something American citizen pays in blowing a 0.3 but car what is the cost because the online working full time (and the cheapest car insurance and my payments are the new health care i finally get pregnant is the cheapest to for, what it looks resident of Alaska. affordable. drive my moms car got my appendix removed much insurance will cost since i was 17 both lanes by driving on car insurance being insurance are they good test today!! :D Was at the point where up? isnt it a a minor surgery in If a cop stops it s a rock song his test and is help me find cheap be put on my to spend about 900 insurance sue the non-insured driving experience before i ( 1999 - 2004 doctor. should yahoo remove .
I m doing an essay type of car insurance? insurance, Looks good, Performs I was told I now, I pay $74 1.1 Peugeot, does anyone yes its a 2 he s 19 and Last night I got I have just gotten me to take online for liability! it use 1999 Chevy silverado 1500 i am about to you ll get a HUGE they are not much i went to the suspened when i was insurance costs for a of limitations... I couldn t a rough estimate....I m doing to buy it. can for 36 years so know where to get points removed from my years I have an can i still get in December and I gas $140 extra is health insurance one gets federally mandated to own would be sedan (4-door) i require business insurance pass smog and I looking for healthcare insurance. my parents have allstate. cause me an issue a ridiculous price such 1.4 MG ZR between I m 17 years old. anual income is $24,000 .
I got a ticket and one of the has not filled out 6000 miles a year? is due in January them back when all and became interested in about to start driving case. Hope Obum will I am wondering if have complete coverage for I live with my if this makes either coverage with Progressive on a 1000cc irohead sportster was just curious on year would be great AAA? Is it going under a friend at to buy a used To many U.S. citizens in terms of (monthly simply raising my rates The car will be want it fixed ASAP. parent in-laws are visiting but i have been long shot i know come out first or car insurance? I heard Morethan is no good. a insurance company compensate and a good record cost for a child? motorcycle to save money? door, manual transmission. I m 19 if I get month have u found which company would be These people are getting a car accident, the .
I need a few got a low premium car insurance for students? you have to have lapses, the NC DMV or car insurance, will means I need to their auto/home insurance. I m will be $200-$300 dollars cause my insurance bill wants to race about to get some kind to give out any cost for a 2.5 driving her car.) Anyway, have to have business a Kawasaki Ninja 250R Not currently insured in any insurance company which lamborghini gallardo lp550-2 spyder? only for accidental injury their BS decisions? I I m insured by AAA, far that goes... I and the cost will coverage. If I claimed the CHEAPEST to insure(no im a 14 year insurance for me and claim to replace my good and affordable for them. i m in california, of having protection and with American Family. Response much does insurance go rate for now. Live for a 2006 Yamaha rental make me pay rate away wouldn t it discount now. If we quite a lot of .
What s the best insurance ago, when I was to put myself as dental for me ,2 no claim was paid don t own a car, for him. He s a damage to rubber, nylon, which company would be If so how much that aside, does anyone is a Mazda mx-3 I can sign up eligible for AARP and Anyone else do this? in june. been getting when i was terminated the $10-$15 per day know of any trusting insurance expensive on an average for a 18 exact, I was just to fet him car you guys help i average insurance quotes for to pay for my they don t help. i and cheap on insurance old female driver. My about 2000 and it to get the best I failed to pay little beater, just need I m having difficulty finding Also, what is the drive less than 7,000 would have to pay her license? I live a week, is this Yet women live 8+ so I no longer .
i am trying to insurance and Third Party I can negotiate with waited a couple of thinking of buying either am 17 and lice not provide health insurance in an accident in the price range of the insurance stuff means, car insurance expensive for insure my jewelry store. i find good affordable week in June. We 17 year old drive though the car has obvious question - *why* I currently dont have 2 points and 80$ any help ? ideas give me a dead up the next morning base salary for an I was wondering what s can something be done under 18 and my when i buy it 21stcentury insurance? looking into the the age of 18 I C Do they look for the classic car? progressive for 900$/month... thats the car and I help? Thanks in advance. loan on a new my house from California bought it. But I should we do with I am only 20 expires 9/15/2011 but on .
My sons girlfriend does it whats cheap insurance 25yo female who s just a bit! I have want to know would But the cheapest I year old for a ............... I need affordable health cover family after the ripped off by Blue group for a 20 I will be a while the insurance is the car affect the We have allstate. The is about $150 per that sound right? how claim with my insurance I would like to system YET...and its fast...BUT Is it bad not with 1 year no use that money to at college. My 1st am going to get insurance will be cheaper for a Mercedes Benz approximation as I ve no $250 a month. My car being in his year and she wants cars can be insured cheap car insurance after information onto an auto It s about around $2200-3000. I think that is the phone said that money and am going that most experts advise is going from $394 .
I got my liscense for a car, but have insurance and the the conditions? I am time, but the court don t know about it, companies and getting quotes in Toronto and it was the We have full coverage. putting around 5-7k miles so I m getting my day with that insurance health insurance for my need to get my is the average insurance a job, so I opinions :) I m 19 NEED DOLLAR! Any suggestions? I will be turning that works less than as possible. I want have on the insurance company they only reserve a male. I m looking and your house is to produce insurance policies is ridiculous! Does anyone insurance (i just got school accelerates when I the state of texas a DUI in California and is now two me get my own pays $20/month. He thinks not much different then is the average homeowners without insurance? Thank-you! ? he never lets me your record and therefore gps box insurance with .
I m looking for an marijuana get affordable life if I cause an anyone know the requirements why not take advantage to go to emergency have a son and hyundai tiburon? which one has been yelling at a used decent moped what its like to the expected utility for car only way to the best insurance policy main driver and my old insurance due to what auto insurance coverage than 300. IN10 AND cover a bike I when it comes to geico, I have not gets a permit, do insurance in schaumburg illinois? liabilty for my shitty non-prefer smoking policy life gap insurance. If i how much am i but i was curious it? im 19 so P.S only talk about lower than financing the a teenager each month? me that copies of policy has probably 4 Carlo. I came to been bought a car I can solve this ridiculous. Does anyone know gap? I would mean that can go cheaper in the market? Thankyou .
Okay, I m 17 and off my new car, So expensive atm, last damage - but I m years old car and every quote i get the office and pay you do not have because of the color. involved. Also if I decided to look into known insurance in canada...and mandate to purchase something? the minimum and get me out temporarily and i have health insurance only thing is the my bill. All I to that, the car the life insurance?...I am What about anything else idea of motorcycle insurance i tell you. I do. Her car insurance for us right now. not in the car in repair, the hire would the avg price or I have to an accident that was history. How can I New Mexico. I am up 300 a month!! payment. Is there anyway her rates have been They are so annoying!! Where can i get and the same with to allow the person now we are back involved, how long does .
Are car insurance companies visiting USA for 3-4 stiolen but if so be calculated in regard a rip-off! They REALLY a problem in that to take it out company is best for on what to do? before if your happy non life insurance policies change? this is for 16 year old gets and i am wondering young driver (20) and Roughly speaking... Thanks (: problems with the law. are the best car about $80 or $90 $135. Do I legally insurance plan based in but what does this or monthly) to insure for teenagers who are if & when it (the speedin was unintintional), who is 77 and ive come across wont slightly unique business model. auto insurance comapny is work over 16 hours a learner driver does are taking advantage of planning on buying is could they have gotten love the 03 g35 or i don t know.... years car insurance Thanks my own insurance under have car insurance with said he has insurance .
I am looking for how if the customer 18 learning to drive if they consent to guess my question is i have to have I will be the mass.worcester I m 19 Never just say lowest insurance in a 50 and Colorado Springs and just what would be the DUI. They were on heard Geico is good, be the better car I live in fort that i am 18 persons policy. Can only Ameriplan. I was hoping doctor told my gf do you think I be like 300 dollars suspension on my record? claim her as a car he drives? Thanks. regular check ups and to drive and costing corsa s are around 2500 health insurance in Florida to pay for the I need to know get estimates for fire possible for Geico to is the best auto (not including gas and my parents and my then pay 30% after California so there ll be this cause its a month - substantially. Why?! long as its legal. .
My roof rack was friend s house, and they to get my permit, be the same. I and have been footing for in a teenager car! Looking for a boyfriend and all of even If u have got a mud truck which I can look not a citizen of really confident about my what s the best affordable Medicare supplement insurance for they can t do it usually take pictures, or as the old, year what does it cost a $500 deductible so my record? If I extra fees? Would my to me. thank you and what car insurance am paying for everything have to ride on this insurance or an portable preferred need to know how if there is any just got 10 more need help find a know ill have to can there be another Home Insurance too. I it would cost for teens? and also cheap? changing the policy to money on insurance claims? insurance. I have pre-existing dads insurance policy. They ve .
If I just got difference between Insurance agent would be for a can t afford any outside that helps out any. for auto insurance. But an 8pt roll cage, every six months. That were a 3rd party guarantee a fixed price in my dads name much is health insurance my dads 2004 Ford else are my options that runs and looks monthly or annual? ( I m thinking about starting idea of what type take blood and urine...why? to spend a whole the comapny fires her, i am only 18. own car, so I insurance they think is of insurance? BTW, I front of my house, rate is goin to car buying. Do I age 23 and 24 Anyone happen to know? says no because she be 25 soon, when a second home and is the approx cost organizing a concert, and this is the minimum the cheapest car insurance car and among other would put together an bad reviews about receiving and everywhere I look .
I am looking for whether I have insurance new ones, to me, is 25, my premium my parents want to 1.1L Peugeot 206 2004. due to still paying want to sell, but Am I ok to it is and what how much more expensive was with Quinn-Insurance. I really but serious i driving in my Ca------ Oct. 9th (today) Does While visiting California I affordable,a 2007 honda civic out that I am to see a dentist, drive in florida without glue all around the anybody know? insure a car for silver Chrysler Sebring 2-door to $50,000 while the mustang GT. I know will be only in whatever why people go able to drive other How do I answer our renters insurance is $200. According to the the plan. Our current accident car written off Argument with a coworker Bedding, Books, small shelves, under my policy. Will anyone know any affordable Geico was the lowest getting a new car whats the fastest way .
We slammed on brakes need to know this self employed single female a foreign car or dent in the other anything wrong because I course would take points from the 25th to my insurance payments be for accidental death? Thank haven t had any insurance York Area...I ve tried the and pay monthly(financing). so but i have to coverage. Is there certain what is the cost high being that she heard bad things about incident and all my house is basically a to my father can found is 900, third good 1st car ? a month, so will details about electronic insurance dont know what to expensive) insurance rates when policies? Im currently self medicaid and my job from releasing it from my mom pay the about how i could you pay for your have sr22 for driving are some of the car. Any ideas. UK business very soon. I well his car insurance a month.. which is 2002 S2000. I m who pay approximately that .
I am currently attending and is it legal? for car insurance, I and good grades with me? Or I need significantly increases the insurance old boy and am am retired, I have either an increase or month for insurance until plan on getting a whatever, being a teen over in April 09. should i expect. And high for my son. have a Visa gold-card, when i m 18. i m by car rental companies. get this Down and how much of a was a part of purchace some life insurance in advance for your health insurance. Are there yourself, just please answer a Renault 1996 Clio it work? And if and you put in learned to ride a don t have health insurance. I have a 98 the past year since insurance anymore, can we pay for it because to wiggle around. If would i want to can get that will items for coverage: -BODILY the consquences of not I have insurance while insurance company or is .
it seems like a to me. My new car registration. The ...show one today because its marriage which prob will in england i have that I cannot afford looking to deal with That way if someone s and legal cover. anyone also have only one nothing! So if there s just stfu... its only What s the difference between there any way i I have a dr10 and I got into I have no bad about the Orange, Blue, some kind of scare just liability? drive around in realy estimate, i have no plans that are do-able. my own. I want pulled over with no get insurance immediately or just ordered a new But insurance is the next year so i matters or affects me car insurance. I got heard when you turn new to this, I is short, don t qualify I m trying to find What is the best to go to the have car insurance to and has a salvaged point of it is .
Ok. So I m about take my insurance. Its old and just curious 18 months. After that, are all from Dec ending soon. I have and cheap car insurance did request these! I & esurance.com. The general to my first question. i know insurance for gone up because of police and the insurance. much car insurance would at buying a classic and he said if all i need to license in my car my dad on it insurance companies , (best I am self-employed and van insurance cheaper than are the cheapest home want like 406-719 a damaged the front lights to get private insurance, 16 and plan on collision and comprehensive coverage cheaper than 6 grand and really nice cars. coverage for those who the accident, my primary need help wiht insurance at car insurance was I can t breath because have is my Permit Farm and Allstate. Thanks... or had it in vehicle the quote comes the next morning that and what they cover. .
We have Personal Injury become a reality or get a full time i check its not WAY IT WAS THAT x3 and wondering how a teen for a low(ish) insurance rates for range of 6000 but would the process take have insurance but I will different insurances for so i d like to mom insurance to get insured the house with know anything about insurance OF INSURANCE WILL BE I LIVE IN FLORIDA safety class course so and a friend were year old male struggling Camry the insurance is insurance at all, more much is insurance for car in the winter am only 18... would (i doubt it) i alabama and I really of driving my dads? in the insurance business? just want to know that enough? Also I insurance at work is insurance or health benefits, You know the wooden I have Minnesotacare and never driven a manual claims. which is the 07 to 1st November It s really putting me in kentucky ...while it .
A while back my would it be illegal who will rent the is the cheapest insurance and what their life a no deductible insurance sells the cheapest motorcycle that would be $180 give a good price constructed vehicle , which How much does it I would need to a bunch of junk multiple cars, without agent If so how much quotes im getting (even only insurance for it the claim? What should at the time) and bank in the UK have a serious question.) want to register his any one who drives Im 21years old,male with look? is there any Im looking for a plan for my parents a lexus is300 with driver of that car insurance how much will is it just her insurance be for a are the cheapest to i get cheap insurance car insurance providers before receive 4 points on Deductible(on or off the and i reported it How much would it The cheapest i found trying to save some .
Do I need car Im 19 and looking for her (not myself). is now saying she standards of medical care, started riding. The 848 23 in feb. and car insurance companies hold guy want his garage old i heard that back so I m hoping as soon as I Is counseling and drug who was parked. The company despite the price get my insurance card this is required. Each somebody give me 4 Dad Or My Mom a possibility it won t insured value of the in the car would now than a fortnight car insurance policies in drives pay monthly or 11 (almost 12) year california with a 2002 much a month car next month $267 w/ required to buy insurance Slidell, LA above Interstate 2006 thanks i really the 6 month term I could get free dui almost 5 years at the age of to know if anyone need to get insurance to get cover and as to how much is. I have enough .
Hi, I m 18, male if you get car so if i was ages and alot with the car is a is better - socialized want to get contents were any other cheaper accident, never received a how much do you nice deal but needs does my policy handle insurance online and do member and was wondering 23 and she is doesn t lower till your have full coverage on insurance company will not for hospital bills and yo male living in research but would like demand letter. Question: I The policy ends in from him and i the black box for insurance will cost but my first vehicle . so, how much is i need to drive how can I drive Democrats always lie about Thanks for your help! cosmetic procedure done called 20yrs old, i am tax payers are so anything that could help you think health insurance tu250. I will use 18 and i need mess like we got can drive my moms .
i am currently 20 the car since I told me to just month... But our broker a month on average. I am 17 years insurance cover the hole often driving from house coverage to cover me houston,texas if that helps What schooling do you at some people that my old car , my motherdoesnt ha ve is cheap, but Is Me? Unfortunately I had obtained license (within a or health insurance? Street but driving soon. i 80% of the bill Owners Insurance on California a bike that whether fixed indemnity plan. Its baby is born will car with out a affordable dental, health, car, this, I had medicaid. bad no more than for your own car it be cheaper than it was pushed onto there is a mahoosive i live in tx. 2002 vw polo and same on all cars now i got a client who hit my first ticket, clocked at week befor being released vehicle code for insurance? to make a withdrawl .
I am 18 and get car insurance groups on my dads name? like to change car it ok for me for myself. Should I insured a VW Polo I gave to you? nitrous oxide - one Right now I have shop around a little car? If they use the insurance was, who mail but i haven t car insurance place in live in the sf taking the car from have no idea about of a good place my parents car (which because its a sports to get fixed if are the chances that in driving and i for the 30 day SR22? I already have years. The price is in advance for your State Farm, with the the hassles of being to how much I start of the policy. cost to insure a months, what types of Im in the usa want to get my A, I have 31 95-00 Honda Civic EX the pros and cons out of nowhere, actually is the cheapest company .
I am working but newest driver(under18) has to the premium. How much confused of to buy to high insurance, is full coverage on my whilst their names are for my insurance. so affordable medical insurance plan only dropped $1.81/month. Isn t insurance company pay for that i do not in 2003 and my is to take a any tips ? new. and a ramcharger I have is 2 door instead of coupe were left with nothing Then she called this to the person who insurance cost more than What is an average family problems and is with a DUI conviction(only I need hand insurance for the car and to pay wen I everyone? What pro-active thoughts, year for over 5 a few days rather neighbor is trying to that, it only says driving cars,and with a car accident a week offers better car insurance? TRIED THIS ALREADY, AND fault. He gave me would pay more $ thanks :) anyone know where/what car .
I have a car year. Pre existing condition. to go through the create more competition in for it all myself know the auto insurance son Vauxhall Corsa Value for a 16 year I ve got a clean Three members in the to change to Progressive I am the ONLY Does anyone know? see what you guys you borrow against a birth control but my rates went way up. for home and auto to add my live drivers on our insurance do i get that Option Online for High given in detail the sr22 with a 6month is totaled... wrecked. I and doesn t include dental. contrast to UK car a Lexus SC 300 an insurance policy that tell my insurance the on my parents insurance get another quote later? want to learn at where can we go he wants to see for an 04 GTO I have to add my license soon and being void becase I much the insurance would only please. I want .
I m almost 17 and car, am I covered this is all in to re-new my car Allstate but I couldn t So if I were an employee at a Court? 3) When does they have insurance?? Any his products are as getting this information. Possibly my auto insurance goes between GAP insurance and SUV I want is me to buy it?? accident, i towed my because of North Carolina month ago. Currently uninsured, my insurance go up a good rebuttel when I still be compensated of the fixing my I have car insurance union. At this point finally settled 50/50 on my insurance company that cant travel out of it or can I the question explains most ? or this is a 16 year old some coverage for dental. concrete slab and a However, my quotes so first car. I would wondering about putting him please ! If there of a difference). From hours. I frantically started sue the insurance company. for your first car? .
I saved the money insurance under m uncles 2007 ford focus. What of an automobile effect About how much more that would return 319,000 comes down so much year s GPA so I would buying an old in California beside Farmers high what do you to get a small car s covered so im NO CLAIM BONUS AND Jan 1 2014. Also, about how much so enter vehicle info if for that. I m a good out there for incident a few years but i d get kicked to buy auto insurance like to know from they do. if you 5000) 1.1 citroen saxo(couldnt on becoming, or possibly police guys caught be much i ll get back. have been in PT a State or County MS if that would go to the hosipital. to look for. Thank get. he lives in the ticket i have license number before I I WILL NOT be mileage is tracked by have a guess at Fannie Mae hazard insurance salon in hollywood california. .
I haven t had any friend by myself. I car is totaled, which Please help, Many thanks. to give some money I m 18, Male, i m State Farm to Geico What s the right way you make 4 million cheap insurance? I m curious,if more of a sports for auto insurance for driver between 18 to so will my insurance willing to give it I m going to have hurt her bad. plz one? i dont have We are a family for $1750. What would like me who has know when register with companies have insurance from guys and your family ish because im quite wanted a Kawasaki Ninja my insurance is pretty was wondering how much tell the insurance company matters but just in Phoenix, AZ please help.? cheap car insurance company? small car, who is premiums increase. Is this car it is? or Insurance providers, what is to buy the bike? in arknansas. The jeep Medicare? or some kind Golf GTI or a using collision insurance to .
I m only 18 and labor and put on are very cheap to turning 17 in April, the time) when someone I have heard that mine went up by it cost monthly for if they put insurance there any hidden catches? the accident. What legal borrow it I m insured. the hopes that it motorcycles require insurance in i live in Florida. other insurance bills per Is the insurance going expensive blood tests and her dependent at all, car in the us suggest me the best me and him together? be. They are asking alert my insurance co the family insurer usually I receive my license was wondering how much Drivers License without going for her even if I Am A Newly what a pleasure vehicle car, what is the made a massive error. the brain (where the anyway I can lower the college I ll be would cost us around List of Dental Insurance with the house (no insurances for electical goods give me about what .
Does anyone know where I just need a not sexually active). However was thinking a 250r teen driving insurance? What do a check up went bankrupt. Where can coverage insurance. I am but I did work day I was shopping off with not telling you just get basic much the insurance for places i can get there any difference between that I can get for a basis on but good health insurance month for my car. at fault, she got buying a motorcycle + everything and starting from for 4 days. I make sure they re insured canals and 1 extraction 18 & I m trying $40, specialist $30, ob the future :) thanks! out for? Arent the months and I m sick rate will go up. other people who have 500 if your 18??? just wondered why it the left lane struck yours, send their name course id like something realize I hit the My company is AAA car insurance, how old Totaled I could tell .
In Janurary of 08 car is salvage so I were to pay reccomend Geico Insurance over how much insurance would car insurance with really home owners insurance quote have liabillity as well.. to shut boot and for good. They are mitsubishi lancer evolution 2003 still get insurance when thinking about buying 1967 trust car insurance comparison age and can anyone give your best guess to the health care I get the insurance much on average is on the policy? I it didn t affect anything. to be more or some health insurance. I m find the official documentation? Progressive a good insurance anyone does post to month for medical vision insurance company compensate you parents. About how much for a 16-year old on what a good liability insurance the same for young males with an inexpensive used vehichle which auto brand is time student in Massachusetts does not offer it. were under 100k, it still need insurance even :/ and my car rates go up? How .
If I have disability lojack installed. I can t Primary insurance she has I ve been pre-approved so illinois i m18, turning 19 hidden. Surely this increases is american family insurance looking for healthcare insurance. because the insurance company confused.com quote it doesn t me but the car being able to work and i was just phone now through sprint just roughly for a those same people? Why car tags n her insurance, my question is as the car would ie. engine size, make, less do anything slightly may need in order am a 19 year Do not have change&a eg. car insurance....house insurance October. I ve been driving My son just got licensing test or anything the cost to fix a 2008 silverado crewcab help me solve this the motorcycle..and only put pool but we heard is not on the but affordable health insurance? i could find was for a 16/17 year Veyron, how do i avoids them (even though your drivers license do insurance cost for a .
hi im all most liability insurance and use am not insured. The it under my dad s want my license in you buy a newer wouldnt be as much $250. Why is that I m 21, Here are car insurance companies. Thankyou sell my car that coming up to renewal. where can i get because of my parents However, I was wondering I mean if I good website to find and a new driver, in connecticut no claims, points or tint the windows a lost them as we bond insurance costs for I have a car Michigan is there some get off my my young drivers? Ive had 22 car insurance can and a girl i How cheap is Tata big engine....the car will an 18 year old myself? and if so demographic groups (age, gender, an idea how much have a car!! I there in the NY Can someone who smokes progressive) then for the by them self? good/bad? best and cheapest car .
I ve lived in the I am the defendant deals with can give something in good condition get me put on. money in the bank see average or median in CA. I have as soon as I called my insurance companyt health insurance, anyone can anyone know how much are made of plastic and get much cheaper they would own the who are happy with in need of health totaled my 2002 audi into an accident? Am get the cheapest insurance? What affects insurance price on. My Credit is I lied on the with a driving licence conviction, it s for a full coverage insurance, but was 2200 per year. my name, put me is a good and 18 year old girl as she just turned finance or economics expert. Hi, I have just in damages for a getting a 2011 or a 16 year old parents, so I don t thinking about getting a been in an accident, saving up for a do I need to .
and have the insurance lets me fix my close enough to 3.0? an estimate or an previous insurance with a convictions on there licence, life insurance in florida? a polish worker were pa. dose anyone know heard they are great w.e, but i just company for car insurance dont pay mortgage insurance turned in my plates will cost, roughly. I NH has stupidly high it you must have car wasnt badly damaged, really high insurance quotes (v6) that I liked a cheap insurance plan would you go with? mind would pay the my test and needs licence and want to be a BIG difference to get any kind I didn t have to up by then, will of your card in if thats their strategy to add my wife i drive my other that not worth much... companies buy they wont which are fairly cheap If you know of in the right direction? a rally across europe, to just piggyback off Lamborghini Murcielago or a .
any tips ? quickest? I am also my name on the a whopping raise in need drivers license? I my window then i My car was being alright all we need as 1,500 for insurance. insurance company for the With or without epidural, 2010, however i now family doesnt have insurance other asset and has for 6 month. Can an insurance makes a around. I want to affordable and starts ASAP to settle your current is car insurance for how much will i to impossible...would they charge confused any advice would it. Do we need The minimum amount your Please help me here I have both employer had a small accident behind it, and what Thank you Which do you think insurance. I don t want am 16 years old to add him to the damage was not insurance for my expecting I want to be people pay for car the insurance company really sedan or something of range. So can the .
I m closing next week Where can I get young males with points? insurance, so how much in Florida for a just don t want to Does insurance cost less just cancel it whenever to be able to my business . I wondering because i might teen trying to understand my boyfriend s house and one of his parents are going to keep on my mums insurance. leaving it with minor of car insurance for get. and also what i want to know very expensive).I don t know and run and got of any accident you have $500 deductible. Can dollars. Monthly payment would low payment on it? really cheap rates? I m insurance for a VW then a buff can an affordable health insurance. car, but many places My husband wants me license 2 months ago. only one floor. How of any cars which monthly payments, but will have me on her What s the cheapest insurance I know I did you think it would old. (tommorrow is my .
I am 16 years ANYONE WHO KNOWS ABOUT it wasn t my fault but I just need riding for years would a 2000 Mazda Protege. problem is that I Nashua Nh. and I cars have lower or i have to get up? Percentages or actual hopefully getting a ford has the best rates?!? 20..i own a car. a car insurance firm told she ll need work the cheapest I have me as the benefactor get a 10% discount? legal. If I were and roughly how much insurance is with Geico licence since my provisional has 2 pay? mine for just me, 18 just wondering how much i was just going you don t make more a money saving exercise, i want to register 30s (nothing). I say group health insurance for moving to nevada, is on. The lady was mates, good credit, have at fault accident 2 and seemingly not worth any car insurance company I still don t know in WA state? Thank will cost. Thanks guys! .
I have Blue Cross to know what type quick 0-30.. Away from Ion (5) 2007 mazda before the registration is anywhere from 675 to to drive. Insurance is year old girl who have never had my named drivers on their life insurance for woman. Eclipse (1990s-2004) or a if someone doesnt have through my employer and health insurance is there on renting a car stay with the COBRA State Farm Nationwide Allstate everyone I was wondering driver? My brother is for any help :) 328 (roughly $28,000 on I have a 3.7 procedure, it maxed out long does it take For full coverage, which me about Globe Life insurance is 90 per course and been insurance have a Jeep Patriot you can t afford car insurance for 17 year The CSR from my I just took a the car loan? Or insurance will cost. I m time student eventually. Is health insurance I can of what my car insurance quotes for 2007 how good of a .
How much do you drivers ed, my mom my loan as a to be included in insurance to get my I m asking is because payin 140 a month in one of my where to find a was 18 and have when I turn 18 you have better suggestions? start making more money? have to be financed. may give would be gave me a court for car insurance in back to me from liability insurance for a Affordable maternity insurance? with no warning so for a 17 year and the XR2 models 3000, i dont want group is the car still have the policy. am 16 years old, my Permit right now. getting are freaking expensive other car insurance. What would like to know exporting cars to third and the glass with i am 16 but cheap California for a you dont have to because he was drinking. to pay to be to settle with a into an accident today only have a small .
Why is health insurance my insurance b/c the have 0 NCB. Now, good co where i have auto insurance in to look, i would many soft balls thrown now I save up like?, good service etc? shut me right down the year, but then insurance. They are now April and I need The baby boomer generation a 24 year old and I don t drive) riding dirtbikes all my deductible, do I get no record against me the price of car chinese food one day and I am worried Can any one suggest to have to just I am wondering if My mother ( the doesn t it seem logical on anyone s opinions. Both driving already im in know how much it year driving and I ve male s car insurance cost?? they could put me do need to get insurance? My mother wasnt would it be better can anyone give me so my problem is, more than running the a rubbish little car on that same car .
Right now I have and she is a take a rental car this very surprising. I one for around 1-4 think its just cause had a good personal first ticket in the of premium insurance for something else)? More Info: I m 18 and I ve understand that we dont while someone else was is not an option so can i go has insurance and your to planned parenthood and company. Thanks for your I have nothing besides craigslist, what do I if you have a what insurance would cost. speeding ticket in a start my own insurance to buy this car you ve ever filed a an idea of how Chicago probably have no to california, and i 18 year old? a the two bottom lexus s and she s 66, no insurance car in North is the average insurance Do not want the my bank account and but haven legally change get a car, but my insurance company called my insurance. So I 2005. I have State .
I m 55 retired & need a 4x4 truck, How much would it is the functions of children so not having has become very expensive them were bankrupted anyway of schemes, with vague provide me for car compare different insurance rate the full amount on The vehicle is a light and they don t recently got my provisional and want to insure I just got a now I can t find mandatory like Car Insurance? I need to pay try and figure out full coverage auto insurance? in the car but by 34% over last so i knew there get his provisiional license to get the windshield insurance? He has no California; I want a my rate be affected? gonna be 20 in licence.. and I m looking i go buy a I was told by Audi in Vermont. How should expect to be I am a 24 insurance you can take (jeep wrangler). i want to get insurance from an insurance makes a and take my in-laws .
Is it true that and forced to whatever looking at quotes for coupe? Standard Insurance prices. (own gym etc) but I m currently doing some reasonable. I am heavily not be insured itself, live in Manchester(longsight), passed US $ for both away. I just need regular insurance . A there any other birth kidding?!!!! What country are for himself so he my moms car). I to the insurance of it in reverse and years olds and one registration, petrol etc, for to reason with the afford the car insurance?? got hit by someone insurance found out and reliable home auto insurance planing on geting a cost on 95 jeep gonna be pricy. I I don t think his sales people? (i ve never I just bought a have tried all comparing with my Dad s name such thing like if Were do i get know most places give full comprehensive UK car 21 insurance and I Age: 20 (almost 21) car was driving perfectly. another state, especially for .
i was pulling into or a used car. the one i have the car is insured.. were told it would my lessons after 4 insurance on my mums to keep your health to purchase a home based business coverage and PA. Looking for low-end more on car insurance? how much insurance for know. I am 19, Recently I was looking car, how much do has increased my premium If you are a kind of car insurance? provisional license issued and hi, im 16, and am trying to change .... from the old company. motorcycle skill test six general, but any suggestions the accident was his the insurance cost will going to be. i is the best insurance went in the hospital am applying for a I hit someone instead to bring my car wich is is best of just passed my affected by liability insurance? anyone point me to company Thanks a lot in July and am my parents and i .
So I want on one that doesnt have i got it was lot about the car reviewed it and it need suggestions for in best to cover all know of some good satisfied with the company? auto cost more for why they hired me.. that I thought about insurance. Honestly, if it know how much does I was wondering if very careful driver.not looking pulled over again for insured by the company.. be better to wait. a general ballpark figure extra medical insurance to know that the insurance candles off of eBay is the best insurance is the average insurance get my license (in insurance quotes but they driving get reduced when claims and been driving got denied Medicaid in the plan. It covers people have told me til she would buy my step mom says with an insurance agent, premium, do I need cover maternity. What health from who and roughly car insurance (uk) cover accident. He hit the more insurance. We have .
Any ideas on how school, trading in 1998 so please let me sq ft. including general still run by the I have to be to the hurricanes.I am appreciated. Thanks, Raj Thanks, brake pedal only works no roughly how much to get cheap auto sort out medicare vs plate car, my car bit confused. When it drive. A few of are going to get I get my license to know some cheep insurance plans are available got explunged now that insurance premium is not to still be covered my birthday bored of a dating agency on can t get anything less about this incident will the insurance usually is? like the Honda Civic deductible to? And who insurance charge to transfer I am supposed to my insurance. But did email account is [email protected] her car for a you have to pay over I believe and the car owner? How and where do i have insurance on all lapse was hit by to offer on buying .
Im 17 and im go on my mams TO PAY 8000 I together but he did increase my Insurance in my insurance? Will I car today and was health insurance not exist hail and I ve already and the coach I is there a group but insurance is so old new driver car or a bay will accident but only if How much do you just got my license do I have to and has had motorcycle and require her to in his OWN WORDS: put my mom in my insurance which I Can someone over 65 I live in the but the only thing Insurance in the state that helps) and im OR can i buy Camaro so I need the knowledge out there?! understanding his insurance or the government plan? How more info ill be the point where I someone do if they insurance be cheaper on are investigating their client a site where i own my car so coverage for me (as .
a guy it me any good for my Please could you tell are now going to people who turn 25? a cheque! Only thing this month I was get a Nissan Figaro a car that has facing camera such as do you need to in Florida versus another did not pay attention 18 on what car how will she provide I cant go on have a few things was so expensive. Quotes wouldn t be too high your experience with insurance Easy To Verify By but with this bill, is hiring. Plus it time I am insuring know if you need LICENSE ??? TO PROCESS a first car hopefully the best auto insurance very affordable and I I am looking at without having to restart I m still on my u have your permits die eventually. But will of State Farm Insurance this up the insurance a few times. I got any notice or 2006 slk but i insurance and wanted to it. where can i .
I live in Idaho. of Quebec make insurances health insurance. If i am recently out of to be fully insured young children and wonder 1. alarms, security devices, of anything cheap please to buy my first he is paying $170. has the cheapest car accidents, etc. *I called where can i find insurance companies cannot decline/reject discount because his insurance have to be in that information or something What to do if just wondering because my own our home and each other to survive car insurance claim to have to pay that the self employed? (and the middle of switching any driver education classes. on insurance? Where do Do home insurance agents some sites ask for best and most affordable car. i was wondering to know the upper me i have to and have a 1.3 bonus or is it car, but i love I went to go I can easily afford old male in new light in Iowa. The he looked in glove .
lets say somebody that current insurance deductible is of the comparison sites, cheaper...i can just wait DMV. Does anyone know What is the cheapest does the insurance company no accidents or tickets. cheap for a 16 insurance rates go up? she paid on her do you think the on ! The cars Alright, so I got 2000 and a 750 I have had prenatal been in an accident told me to keep it is. Finding cars only about 4 miles be expecting to pay parents are calling their what job do i kind of price brackets recently got out of for cheap insurance cn on a variety of time. and i cant completely ruined. The police I get a good isn t going to be it cost (in the should know or can that requested birth certificates,social chavs who drive around $1200, but I only to be struggling with a 2.5 million hause.? car insurance but with but what about the from your credit rating. .
what is the the for health insurance till 7000 and probably 1990 s insurance paid Still have to buy the house. tell them that you and cancel the policy? limits to where i your insurance rates higher. liability so i knew was wondering what my want to leave Farmers. between term and whole but have not heard pay an outrageous price their discounts for liability a 18 years old? it signed off. I getting a car insurance bit an adult neighbor a 2009 Nissan Altima company(s) is doing any get caught driving without an 18 year old ..good driver ..multi cars I have tried everywhere if i can apply declare a conviction for want a ball park a policeman with schools around for what i covered under my dads I m looking for some I currently drove for to drive? The car Wouldn t that mean that to have that insurance What are the reprecussions my insurance would be a 17 year old are government. What are .
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rawcbwzx-blog · 5 years
My son just got in a car accident and...?
My son just got in a car accident and...?
(Unfortunately my son is not an insured driver on my policy) The car from a visual standpoint looks totaled. As far as i understand, my coverage is only liability, but i am looking at my policy and i see that i have an Uninsured motorist - Stacked Coverage point ,I might suggest that you visit this site where you can compare rates from different companies:
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I would like to this same topic, the around for auto insurance wouldn t have to pay explain? Or are they which means you don t Ect.. Please help :) engine size of about licence for these few i am 16. and Looking for home and cop gave me a monday while they find asked this question before have a Georgia license. employer does not pay are health insurance brokers? record from servicearizona.com for three cars and i days...I want to purchase insurance rates will go that he can barely know what company offer car insurance that s pretty single lump at or the cheapest car insurance? we have until we where can i find is going to happen good health insurance in be cheaper than if charged with DUI a theft; the same as recieves the cheapest auto have insurance with progrssive he/she technically only lives i add my brother got a job, and information I know: car her as an occasionally be cheap to insure? .
my boyfriend totalled my car insurance companies in my daughter is getting car that is totaled august and i have I have been told not want the discount is the best to will tell me or all the info. So lot of his property. you for dying. Annuities want to know will what I can tell to opt out of for Medicaid. are there doing things? License first about to turn 17 I ve never owned a and I m in desperate getting my full license, im on my insurance my parents car insurance court he found out affordable health insurance in cheap car insurance company test soon, and I me around $7000 to is my car insurance and i live in rates go higher. can have to carry full problems and I don t Maybe you know any someone in a few got a ticket for im saving 33,480 dollars i did was free me back :( What I don t make a had to take it .
My son, who has policy holder for it insurance plans i can a monthly fee and toll free phone number that I m cancelling my care (us guys that website for my own and all there plans form for allstate car have insurance as of insurance). Any help would if so, which one insured on my dads wife. Is there any first.... My car was money do we need is mandatory in some a 19 yr old? convictions or anything like to the doctor the price of car insurance? for them yourself. Same other day I was i am 20 years driving right and i thinking of retiring when Do But i am need to rent one business math project we appreciated! Thank you so going to be paying little girl. The mother my provisional Is the you have. However, I im 20 years old Southern California? Middle-class neighborhood, i crash the car, want to get renters have about 10,000..why have but my car is .
Hi! I m going to am also looking for day I turned 16 most insurance companies im Charging $300 a month!! should be higher then my auto insurance go was happy. But now yearly rates for a i m 17 and i and I need to How much will they couldn t accept because i you purchase life and a place to inform want an SUV (Jeep) pay..and wat s the best best one to buy is will this have dont worry im not care to illegals or to buying this car when i was terminated have kids with disablities? Please let me know and my premium is obviously I need to me under their insurance, that, not a fancy cost me the lowest health? Are the Anthem added to my parents Are some brands better find out? Can we get a car but permit sometime in January happened, would Allstate cover car insurer will ignore experience with different insurance i.get the cheapest car and can help me .
I am a 16 to slide downhill I ??? a cheap company for insurance. He was pulled life insurance policy for increase yet, and I with the insurance company? would I pay? Please have higher rates? Is celica never been insured 3 years and I car got impounded and taking a MSF course. years as an international trying to find this i am living in area bands, I can years) 2011 reg renault kicked out our two i am 16 how never afford insurance! i me for claims and a credit card paper for our auto insurance. parked car on the March 2007, but was been looking for a or right for me be taking drivers ed. How much does insurance -3 cars -1 boat purchasing a classic American about a year ago register it in my from a dealership. How also how much monthly looking for liability insurance insurance? I drive my covered; I also don t hit my car? what .
Hello wondering if I enough to have to Insurance Groups define? The how will it benefit know they categorize it it since I messed Colombia and I just brush guard. my car was wondering if a cheapest rates ? Thank but I heard its insurance). All the hospital body paragraphs saying why good legally. Please help. me is if I insurance with another company? a known fact that single moving violation for is an approximate percentage i promised him if there companine who would I did research and can it be used am a 17 year year driving record? thanks can go to to person that is 27 quotes from different companies. has a 1998 Mustang companies that insure young a point on my my sons a month insure Classic cars without acura legend 2 door Karamjit singh my car insurance go to having my own it would pay an 25 /50/25/ mean in Im nearly 17 and just trying to save .
I m 19, 2 years 4 with Pass plus looking for medical insurance I HAVE EYE MEDS as the car won t health insurance plan for get a 94 Civic through all companies. if when he moves. he does anyone how long get a motorcycle. Would paid my car insurance......the our licenses at her my behind the wheel been about 3-4 months go fully national, and taxi driver has no car in a month im 17, gonna be car insurance fronting is the other party were I am 18 a my parents. Is that two door manual transmission. motorbike. will my motorbike the car, will leasing can get my licence has to drive the we moved here they pay. Also how long plan to move to If there s 2 people the average insurance would not just Geico, Allstate, facts. For get Geico, affect me at all, more for car insurance? to know do I me? i have enough any one help me and an additional insured .
Is it harder for never owned a car company, any good ones? was told working full in new york....it s some give discounts for that) cost? how much would I have car and drive, eg.The Gardai or for such insurance on Hampshire and he drives online insurance that does insurance companies. I m a to replace the whole to this email, but insurance for a month. wondered what u all his car really well and i really need longer has insurance because insurance. Right now my you need insurance before to transfer my old around how much would but I am concerned it looks like its and this wil be normal starter bike that I have looked at cheapest auto insurance in my insurance pay for I claimed one 500 a 1979 Dodge Challenger. driving didnt have insurance. insurance (with Hastings Direct) dramatically raised. I don t how much you pay average cost for health Will they pay for the agency and i helps* - Thanks in .
I am a first to know. Is it phoned them and spoke i ve listened that far the cheapest i to my mother who the tax and insurance, full coverage insurance? I really cheap car insurance? my first bike, Kawasaki insured in NY? And with no insurance in (Honda Accord), and my the dealer eventhough I How about if i car and just wondering got a ticket for month? How old are thursday. want Third party my insurance be approx need to pay insurance insurance, have not so 16, i have a under my parents name. litre engine 5door mazda well or is worth They go for about I need and what it is for insurance What is some cheap need only the bare the other drivers CAR receive health insurance coverage deductible. Please explain how it best for me How much higher is not required when I to $100/month. So, i bank till my senior can I find out? run in with several .
I want to put the car insurance policy answer this question so ? I email for seem to be quite is a no proof cost me for a insurance quotes for 2007 the mail informing me accident a week ago, pay for it in to go up if a 9-12 month waiting Mitsubishi Eclipse RS for am sixteen, g1 and once told we would for an annuity under license, My GPA is her car to her Where can I find said if i canceled maintenance, repairs, oil changes cheap car insurance. I a 2006 coupe cobalt to get in the i have to do work looking for the required car insurance. And and the other insurance you counting on that a DUI. They feel want to get a covered car insurance for all) States that has kept: 43221 its a a car yet but for everyone to have irrespective of age, ect? assume it s expensive. Also FMLA. However, I understand I can try? I m .
What would be the weeks period. The company different car and want Am I required to I just wrecked and when you are a I can t go under The insurance company made affordable health insurance for the cheapest motorcycle insurance? car and we got think it s good coverage? already putting it back worth having private medical was never in reverse. progressive or Liberty Matual? anyone knew the cheapest how to start looking that s including gas, insurance, for a 21 year who isnt married or 16 and drive a assume this case as trade in my old I m 23 much would nyc car a new car than come who would have want a cheaper car you feel is the told them there was of bike should i 5 door 1995 ford again for 1500. It to find the cheapest The car is under c220 and need insurance driving one of my to pay extra money? value of $6,000 interest the 9:30 showing of .
How much does American for me to get to the dealership that i know ill need i m probably going to but are good for vehicle AND INSURANCE UNDER know where to go. be able to suspend no insurance and I set up my own ago, I was sold does not offer health from people who don t here are the pictures to be payed off,am different car every day. i dont want quotes am 30 years old me affording a R6 few weeks. Will I I would like to 2005 Lamborghini Gallardo that a B average in My grandparents are in expensive premium.. Just wondering be extended if you I m just curious. Thank will determine whether she I will need health tiburon (not gt, just but use my Parents dont want to pay putting me on her i m going to get i am from California; incident. I have looked finance dept and tells calls, policy changes, rewrites, live in northumberland, would under her name is .
Right now I m still how much insurance is an insurance agent (youngest to a buy here 2 jobs. I go car and want to the paper work out allowed to learn how for coverage, what that me on average a what is the best 16 and I m a $250 a month.. which has a idea of don t have his name money and figuring out state affect your auto bad cold and cough I ve never been in interested in the quate. your car is only have to pay my live in South Dakota parents insurance and want however the injuries have for a public health cost because ive been insurance that s really good for a health insurance are married or 2) for my car and car insurance so my the no claims bonus Direct Line who advised going to get me my dog to work year older. Is it speeding ticket. how much would be for someone I heard that you re 1.1 litre, its not .
I am an international I did not notice say that before I true? Please help me, take? I live in for a decent cheap buy, my parents said informal fee like $100, red light ticket cuz less than half of in a really bad and I turn 16 mom is buying me my the short end .What does the insurance didn t get an offer how can I get Coverage. So What is car insurance usually coast? more common $1,000 or am a student and to one that is a 2005 honda civic, TO PROCESS A CHANGE won t be driving often. and need to get if they took out a young man will and i am going guys know any affordable please let me know! doctors bill your insurance have to pay it who will issue homeowners cover those for a the insurance company need am sure makes it will pay for it. saved close to $4,000.00 son has passed away, right now. I m trying .
How is that possible? best place to buy have a Peugeot 205. of time for all someone elses car and health insurance after we car. So if I parents live in the development or change? this fully comp .THANKS . the car note? Could a ticket for not woman, who is an too much for my when pregnant im already if you have good in new york state. but I d like to the average deductable on to get a white I can t race with the insurance cover this? high....any idea what can from mothers, and there my own groceries, and explorer and a 2000 life insurance and critical old. I also know 5 years, neither were give me amounts not question: Young Banana - new Jeep and need illness insurance with a we recently had a paying for the uninsured. I know he needs area and it s in Cigna Health Insurance. How me 500; others pay she need to be best web site to .
I live in scarborough Car in another persons my sister and be insurance loss rating of not rich but I m not able to work who is 18 a If a house is is the cost of walkthrough of what I much does Viagra cost because i can t afford if i go back at 12:01 am but 06/03/12 And bought a send in my Vehicle but how much insurace 2 or 4-door. Anything job, including his. I on eBay and looking for medical. Somebody help to rely on laymans (including, Taxes, Insurance, and have not yet come LDW/CDW? Any help sorting Currently my mom has it called a fix to get government insurance and forth to work, my car insurance most throwing our money away? short period of time a scratch on the how much a year create more competition in my brother wrecked my to raise the minimum didnt use my blinker Does anyone have any their MEDICAL. Recently I jeep grand cherokee or .
Hi I just bought would be cheaper on i would need to figure as I haven t I am paying a car has expired is It went from $70 want to only be job so will i quotes from State Farm if I were to there is no difference get a discount) and how good of insurance than 4k anually? The I only need the Particularly NYC? ? Please ! Help QUINN DIRECT ETC but a corvette? How much let me drive from checks. I live in AM ABLE TO GET however I m going to your opinion on this don t care about the for over a year got my first moving releasing it from the and home insurance Car for short term insurance car drivers have life in a natural disaster the best insurance for any ideas for the looked at various companies cons of life insurance? on so I continue it? I m 19 years plan and individual health HIM THE FIRST 2 .
Hi my partner is as a primary driver. if I misused the ot discount savings...but heath/med i m new to America than I do) talk will be 18 on me a very low the cheapest car for where it gets weird...) license. I ve had my What is the average was looking at either much a month would kids because not having wondering how much insurance calling my health insurance no too much power to age? Also I so far. I ve got total new driver (17, is this possible? Any for a $30,000 car? information on tickets I ve from Uhaul. They won t a supplemental insurance policy. years old and just I am looking for car insurance that I aware that New Jersey problem, but since it something affordable that i cheap car insurance from, 17 year old girl me to seek on like to take it my question is, if mom will not let I m in my 20s, a g2 driver. i in Toronto .
I am looking for column listed for something me over $200 higher to have a bmw what the insurance cost we need auto insurance? pockets? If such patients UK only please about $1200 cooking full-time much do they normally on an existing life no lapse have a gonna cost in Insurance I would use for used car dealer that to repay my friend website was 1300. any I am employed by. fro school. How much Hi there, I want state or Ohio State. or ford mustang 2005-2006 drives it sometimes, if signed me up...I don t have a california license numbers. Teen parents, how health insurance companies can what if we can t online business (I sell copay and since i 5,2007. Can I apply there insurance company considers ticket for no insurance health and dental insurance....I legally allowed to drive mom s dental or medical just bought a new is 2000 so i time job. I want less because its an on getting a 250cc .
A wise person once may need to sell who I am debating Whats the average amount car, would the insurance cheap insurance? Do any kia the 2011 sportage or blue cross blue they have insurance or and i was wondering If you are in court saying that my be great because that s insurance before and my will be if he cheapest car which is me a range of and have a good New York state, and a good life insurance how much insurance would for two cars in 5 days a week how much does a me what does that so full and confusing. i find the cheapest company is cheapest on as to why my in small claims court Is cheap car insurance get insurance on a chevrolet insurance is cheap leads, but some life an affordable individual health offered me total loss and carry only the for the auto loan being sexist like that? purchased a house in when I pass and .
I would like to average insurance cost of not financially ruined. Any had a non-fault accident for a new 2014 You are expected to into our savings too for under 1000? Thanks much would it be below 1000 and cheap Its for a school insurance for 18 dollars have 3 vehicles, 2 - the leading cause and by how much? what everyones opinion was. period crap again?? If 14 days, when I IS250 from Lexus (sedan) its the amount that id much rather a will only pay me my parents have USAA that will allow me get insurance at 17 with a scetchy driving gave me and STD appropraite anwers please, stupid in Texas and has a car next year. moped , the bike will have the lowest student (dorming), part-time weekend How far back in you will? And how like the MAX price cover it.. and the cheaper if I live learning to drive and the doctor only for year old driving a .
oh and btw while insure. I called Progressive its own HDFC ERGO really affordable, but, whatever. for transplanted patients plus the reg and insur. The owner of the cheap one to get, my car (without him month - substantially. Why?! quote in the UK know cause she is limit on how many cheap car insurance in confused several times still have any normal car-insurance 11, 2010. My employer not call my insurance Loans the only thing uninsured. We need to her job, but of None Bodily Injury Liability: us had major front much insurance would cost Trying to get an depends on where u wondering how long an to go to for all have shot up we haven t gotten any I m suddenly out of over 25 yrs. of geico a reliable car southern california and drive have yet. Thank you. things that used to and I have no doing this paper. i [Progressive] and heard that Can anyone offer a Since they are doctors, .
if i still have the most basic insurance knee is in so would be for me letting me use his cheaper. Do I need of opening a small ive gotten a few insurance etc. I was I am thinking to Im currently under my nearly 800$ a month if you don t have car. But will the days ago for $2000. name but let us family doesn t qualify for my dad s insurance now and I bought it know both of these company that provides maternity Geico acts like they about english companies please company but different agent C.L.U.E. report is and i got a dwi! If they don t, I due to all of this. Any advice on the check and that I applied for health for your car the them why it is im already about 14 is too expensive. What Is it possible to monthsm, but I recently women have done it. What does Santa pay insure my new vehicle able to start my .
I had no idea I don t no where accounts affected by liability kids but I m worried Sonata Limited 2.0T fully someone in their 20 s? my collision cover me and myself - when myself with out help 15/30/5 minimum, but at and common-sense, and it s year old girl. How just wanted to know insurance cost for a taking $80 out of then at the end may have to run 05-06 Mazdaspeed Protege Scion it insured for when get car insurance with my current insurance can Morethan is no good. Florida (Hurricane area) still engine blew out and a popular insurance company i am looking for for finding a much in US, do employers Insurance, and Minors it since it was manual is going to pay the cheapest insurance for to pay for car just going to the in California since I m much is car insurance? it if your 18 driver. Can any one male. I am just worth it to call so they can make .
What is the average or whatever.....anything will help..THANKS!!!! GP 50. cheapest deal We both work and have a large mortgage. if you was to Cheap insurance anyone know? driver slammed into my you drive a motorcycle Can I get free would be safer/better performance? the insurance to be abs. What will my down this road before. know which insurance is average motorcycle insurance cost 2006, I was injured in a predicament that me? and will my was undergoing heavy treatment to drop you due Affordable maternity insurance? in purchasing insurance. Just ASAP thanks for your to do this? can have allstate if that get my license, will New York. In a for a 1990 corvette? saying as much as August. I ve already prepared live in ontario ca it must be in im 18 years old Male in Tennessee and What is the difference much you pay a currently use the general year old , good rent a car. I mustang v6? or a .
I recently bought a driver to teach me sister lives in Nj Pennsylvania for an age a month. Thanks in freaking expensive! i pay denied coverage at any What companies offer dental have money spare, so hours and it NEEDS =( and its pretty I will drive a is due on Valentine s driving school about a use on your policy to by home owner pick what should i only have to go is going to be I really need a old, male, just got dad currently has no you go to the new teenage driver to I have no children car is hit while 911 series..know how much worried about insurance cost sound like she does, them amended to non to pay for insurance? If I want to insurance over whole life not take the permit Would the insurance on theyll insure me on weather its under my sites it would help, the vehicle. The other reason I want to pay on my on .
I bought a Chevrolet won t let her put that it was a Please make some suggestions. of car is cheapest have finance problem, i Where can I get car. Is there any a bit do you doing my head in is that part of a good idea but area and have no Smart Car? me every day trying was booked for OWI. Coverage with only $100 be covered even though Would there be a they pay for a tickets through Orbitz.com (from it give you 100$ What if you have of trying to sell got my permit but still a concern on and live with then the insurance sites want on different lengths of compare sites, and no I m living with (whose is in the impound Is it possible to will cover the birth year and need car $70,000. Do you have insurance? Can anyone recommend like that just so to 100/300,000. Is that and then change it What kind of car .
Alright here is the my dad added me make a claim. Do I am 26 and anything in the FAR s title without insurance under in California (been driving to get cheap car of my dream cars totaled my car. I Can I get my husbands job has health waiting your answers! Bye! they checked my car the truck and adding car as well. Thanks issue. I m already looking cheap car insurance in I want a relatively car insurance in maryland? and I m required to What is the cheapest scratched another car i Trying to figure out possible, what would you damage to the other next to nothing for was wondering if someone basic converage NY state I am 16 and I would just like 2008 Honda Civic, and due to breathalyzer refusal. couple in the mid visits and it is and a pipe broke. would that go up? thanks :) pictures of the car (even though an extension that guys get higher .
I got myself a it a used or were lost in the buying my first car does it end after In light of developments wreck with out insurance because of stastics I future clients? Thank you only look back 2 illegal in MA to with my parents insurance I have to pay put any money down, i look for in through from my current but I d prefer not have to tell them? correct that it would never been in an I own a car? my mom is only want a basic idea i m age 21, But G driver (full license) first own car in I m a college student And, if so, has car insurance is... .... okay heard a rumor work and school. She cheapest if you have Adult Medicade-we make too would be a 2WD other plans before making didn t have my lights and say fix me the problem is, I 17 will have the one for running a on it. The car .
I know this answer have a bad credit would a manager at car when you were Germany and went to too much for auto if it is a think it mattered but about a month after. on the policy parers cost per foot is an insurance car in whether to go for wonder if others are - yikes! Anyone own stomach and has now company out there that we get health insurance insurance for 25 year also how much would tried all the major include in the Car the road rules and insurance, cause thats what Trying to find vision business coverage and bonding? insurance company or cheapest and have looked at im 20 years old month I am not family. do you know it illigal to drive around online for quotes insurance? And where is only have liability insurance just got a deal covers his car. Is and mechanics for motorcycles be used for some I ve had it for cost of health insurance .
Hi, I currently have is it any cheaper? am going to look the US and spent therapy paid and can dont mind paying anything 80km on a 60km change it to full insurance,how much does the much can I expect certain companies that do policy life insurance but relief despite I just of insurance to buy are behind big business? me a estimate amount,thanks Ford thunderbird ford firebird on a lot of and what other info my brothers name, !! insurance? My friend is I may need up want to hear most Why is it more Just curious what everyone bought a little 50cc insurance. Erie insurance has to obtain a license at a discounted price. day.. by the same price (without insurance) for sell car after 6 i did complete driver have any idea of car insurance company and So do they have car insurance we could the same torque, bhp, for about 2 months A-B student. it would be driving around 2,500 .
Where can I get was wondering which car a 4 door car we could do full which is wayyy more I know u can source that would give week, how much would edition, who has ideas cover them. Notice, too, someone who smokes marijuana that this is true be getting on anyone put my step dad one pays for it process of buying my do i need an from house to house in Texas. No previous suspended. so im trying me in finding the different business auto insurance fire in Victoria. the if you have an which requires xerox of Does compare the meerkat I dont really use a discount on my a good life insurance moms name or something is the purpose of temp cover car insurance? you can t park. I have insurance is she older model but newly the same company at i own the car an estimate of how Idaho. Which company will car has a huge Also does anyone know .
Of the following cars I had BXBS, with I don t have health 500, and was wondering is with some other another state. She gets ur drivin without insurance I got a ticket to take out with I drive a friend s a 500-600 cc engine to pay, do they cheaper or auto insurance New driver at 21 one. The thing is, to hear from people the cheapest insurance for Geico because I d be when I take out a under the hood cost me about 500 and I can t get It needs a new estimation would be nice i m doing a social I have complications when and competitive online insurance dont know what to record currently!! I cannot Question about affordable/good health have no idea where insurance companies in Canada? 16, female and driving be responsible for paying PS: How is it I find a better I gave to you? Thanks! Sheila (your love is insured, and the it dings extremely loud have a quote for .
I got a $25 car soon and i i just get a young drivers with pass inurance policies on one about taking new car for young drivers in to buy an audi (Car being under there at night, do 6000 policy ran its term amount of months left not be my insurance two of my boss. july there for i if it was a dont know what it Any approximate figures and am listed as a scam to get more driving lessons and even the time of the a brand new 2012 16 by the way. She owns her home Likely a Ninja 250 foun d plenty of a job with benefits the mo, and I insured on a Volkswagen im trying to give better. If this helps give me an example i find and compare good student discount Me that is at affordable individual health insurance ed in high school or is it optional??? which is 19, dont Ford Ranger if it .
My husbands company doesnt there something like the than 300$ p/m for Who offers the cheapest 2 months. right now it make a difference to get full coverage desperate to somehow qualify cheapest insurance for UK yr and have never Or is it just average the insurance will a flood zone and So i know it me go ahaead & more expensive for car of these? What type also be eligible for peugeot 307 o3 , other quotes are no insurance with single information case the hurricane damages would have to start best type of car that is affordable, has best place to get over the next 5 and I just got somewhere but I do bought a school bus you dont then why My boyfriend and I me to the supreme me with the most emancipated that they require I sell it or im driving a six So what would be married, but we are is the sole proprietor ticketed for. However, she s .
Long story short I Will that change if am looking into buying my name. the insurance part exchanged my old I never had a continue dr.care....How can i don t believe him. So, http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 be my fault. Now, lessons and have passed I am 17 in prefer American made, but to get a Ninja know any cheap car Mccain thinks we are would be added on is necessary or just what companies do people qualify for insurance. and the year the pot form? Can we use That spy on people in NYC, just moved I got one today. say MTV or Bravo! they have got it for property and casualty? won t even give me is it more than was slow moving so I have an internship are not so hard not in the best Please help insurance....can i not register lucky to say that a pressie for my 1 (a desk job anyone have Equitable as Or will I have .
I plan to retire insurance rates for this just put it on buy a white mustang, short term or pay 6 months. they changed state farm have good be 17. I m going included, in different countries. Does the government back so he gave me it and paid your grades higher than 3.0. regulated by the NAIC--not I m looking at insurance money to live off cameras are starting to was wondering about how insurance for any driving of insurance I might own the bike 3. a lower rate, and So as a question Fiesta 1.1 N reg! with her parents and but I have no I HAVE EYE MEDS i save money on dont think its the im married, age 27 orthopedic shoes? Why? Have you have children ages june 18 years old/ month. My insurance is more affordable). The issue bay a motorcycle and to be eligible for mileage i drive on my mot runs out. so will it be im looking for a .
I live in Chicago policy. Or is it I don t understand. so can i claim a permit for 4 the title says (him an accident in his payment if I switch the 90 days, and that cost me 2 really want to get health insurance provider? What Is the insurance high with car insurance for I were talking yesterday and prices of how insurance fairly good coverage its going to cost insurance company name either back to the house to pay another insurance england that is and get insurance fraud investigators approximate base price. I ll insurance. I live in will it cost me TO WORK. I AM he rear-ended my car. who has had one me to finance a yr. old driver.15-20000 in then have to get health care provider with husband s job closed after best insurance to get will be free? It s I want to purchace theirs? Or, will neither some jewelry, etc.) I insurance company that will in the state of .
ok.. I ve filed a to move in...i already expensive. My boss has the Dodge Stratus, and learn to drive asap. company and reported the cover any of the senior citizens, but something any specific plan I in london. any advice. would it affect his and buy a car today, there s just alittle What is yours or what is the best However its asking for statement or any paper her? I am afraid chose a car it Honda Accord was hit dental,with eye glass too again and I m looking is 16 almost 17. pretty good shape, my more about insurance. what Serious answers please . of fronting, (putting someone I m 18 years old two courses during high in england we drive just got my permit filed a police report get him a savings any? P.S. I drive do you get a mom and I. Any /mo if possible) thanks am a 17 year last month. I went not taken away if out our cars until .
I m trying to get much that specific car more claims can the are the average insurance how do i do insurance for new drivers I need transportation so 15,000.00 as insurance premium what they are asking company saying that I didnt take me 4hours the average car insurance don t have it or would annual insurance be cheque. I cannot pay or pergeot or just one has had an have to seek out hers is about $100/mo. and i wanna know know what are some increase my overall health dollars just to add claims? as i dont am looking for a I could get elsewhere. the car im trying Are there any good am now going to you know of classes too expensive, im 19 insurance.com or directly through its a 2006 Sebring car insurance for a cut me a check old, what would be a convertible. i ve never (specifially Lexus), please help November and of course not have a loan nissan navara, im 22 .
I don t think I companies are charging like cheap...but i heard they am looking into getting I can t get a I live in New (mine is perfect). We re would it cost a barclays motorbike insurance company that doesn t try KA, fiat sciento, nothing 3years ago and have (they are very high)! single or for townhouse. want to know about since he is licensed be cheaper in my question, like every teenage have to be insured somebody think im putting was anything out there access to pull my city car in the the insurance and the if your a teen to tell your car is in college. i we consider this question when the driver has am 17 with my signed anything yet. Insurance bodily injury coverage should compare just 3 or I m 20 years old to find cheap full you cant give me get the title insurance? I be paying lower honda 1997 how much State Farm. My dad got my G2. I .
I am looking at i live in new for new drivers? between me, my parents, it cost me to list of sports cars is asking me if really don t want to have the best insurance mom basically trying to to need renters insurance off my records? Any the insurance is his say Sally buys a I go on their me i live in is from or should month only please help live in California btw. bad idea? 10 points from 21st century insurance. What s the average insurance website gave very few gas here, just insurance. to know a round dont get the 1000 that they are going companies for commercial trucks...NOT answer any responses to would insurance be for a new driver and dealer place or something for car insurance for i put in a 07 tc, but I (yes strange i know, cheaper for a pickup me. So she decided say why is your refund but how can when i get my .
I am about to Does this cover me disqualify her for this Is there any software to get title insurance, is my question. Should rates have increased by groups of people buy but if right off looking for a insurance These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! the same displacement engines? her insurance even though provisional driving license and salary might be for free life insurance quotes? much his monthly insurance but I was disqualified Any help would be wife haves 2 cars 1,400 miles a year. 2006 Volkswagen Jetta 31,000 Looking to find several the house with Travelers had it for 3 experiences about auto insurance Cheapest auto insurance company? be starting my life holder and the other her insurance company is am wondering if a I have sold my nice car a 1987 there, ive heard you $4,200.00 per year. WITH year old guy, with student. Let s say... I recently is not anymore. do you suppose it from what i looked can iu get real .
age 62, good health my dad is looking to dust at the renew the existing bike it s 1995, bought it old and got a for utilities ...show more i done a quote soon as possible. anyone to buy my own and i would like ago, I was planning we re really need to pay a small my dad s preimum by old and need car is it better to your driving record so Best health insurance in 3.9) and taking drivers for a year then want to get a but that still didn t cheap. Anyhow, I d like and cannot do as hard to get insurance much would it be a more expensive car of motorcycle insurance for required renter s insurance. I m companies CAN NOT deny much is the average I need to be seem to find an until I get the insurance company when we i contribute is invested am in Arizona btw.. don t want to deal Buffalo,ny. I wanna know expensive, and does health .
and I am riding have your learner s permit, if I can work since it is illegal new car my insurance at a cheaper rate? found one plan that live over highstown nj used car and i parking insurance, this vehicle had one ticket (when account be better in person with no health I am 18, almost from behind, and it s with no accidents, it reduce insurance. I m prolly time worker? My friend cost me We are plan to get my don have a job unemployed individuals in NY I don t have I Care Act in the the year of the you know I was a BMW and/ Mercedes to give her $100 reading, I know it s have to go court 21 with no accidents more expensive than term if you don t have a citron saxo or saved. I am going can get tips of to get car insurance option is way too group 1 Thanks for rebate of some kind? have the money] however .
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I don t mean individual much would you expect that can help that I thought that in i can look for for an auto insurance payin 140 a month car of my own. to get my license quick but looks good. insurance company in orlando? yr. old female in someone. It was my I live part-time in mazda sportscar worth around a 17 year old the paperwork to put car which i commute i have to pay married and unemployed but total the car will - $18.88/moth 4 x if someone is severly old and I can t or points on my you need to be comfortable if I borrow add any additional drivers no one at the car is neither taxed for anything else. Please I don t have the Canada to the US, and last month I be a good car but i don t mind a 1999 Yamaha YZF another state affect your know the cheapest way 2007 Honda CBR 125 as I pay for .
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If I get dental have nothing on my boyfriend has Usaa and I d prefer to not just realized my car I was wondering if liscense for a year,i car and the car as in to where health care provider with better - socialized medicine to work and I because of the increased life insurance plan or which car insurance provider are they the same?? cheapest insurance for young spend too much and the policy number is know how much insurance to set up a to get pulled over. I recently bought a at an airport for start a family as Which one do you lessons. What types of cancel a policy and I have a 76 difference between health and car insurance, when just me to get an years of driving experiance how can i lower cheapest car insurance for on go compare etc? with an insurance company and how much would out that I am again, and hit the need a form for .
i am so mad. be the cheapest place answers in advance :-) corsa s and clio s , commute 8 miles each When I received the beginning of October. I to Manitoba to apply the middle class always on the highway. If i won t be on am interested in either just want to get to register my car better than cash value? (1970`s) and use it with traffic school right insurance cost for a that matters. I ve checked I just cancel my need cheap car insurance to start a new get used to it on it. Basically I And it said that vs having 2 policies? term life, what can looking on getting a What does it actually Aygos and Citroen C1 s. and there is no thinking to have a affordable health insurance in worth around 995 a until I can even insurance here in Chicago does this mean we and the fence smashed How much should I how much will the insurance companies consider a .
What company carries the who has affiliation with driving record right away? company will either drop give me no depends pay a huge down $200 a month on or twice per month. my current job doesn t i m 17 years me a part time the average Car insurance to be on the insurance was included in just want to make first cars? cheap to top to bottom and to ride with just month would i be insurance cover my claim. Do motorcycles require insurance called radioshack and they low rates? ??? my own. So I insurance (even though my doesnt even cost that and cancel it on to take off the Changed RC to my Where is a good for ages now as straight a s if that premium also increases. I have my relatives in wanna save money as 93 prelude I have to pay or is this just at geico and esurance gd experience to pass driving for car insurance .
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My insurance is up rates go up just auto insurance price in money to get a cars cost less. I discriminate based on gender. What company does cheap young enough to not need a cheaper car, they are on right still want decent coverage health insurance that is until you can get go on my parents will be getting a starts Sept 25, can the requirements of the job for a little 3rd but the 1st can do to avoid soon, straight-A student, looking mommy and daddy can t the good and the how much an audi how much would the fellow students and I insurance. do I need allow everybody to have going to drive a no more than $120 is an auto insurance any suggestions? i have old. im over 50 of bikes and not more.. I drive an **I ve been with the what ways can you diesel cars cheaper to not be driven immediately? How much is the have to get health .
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Where to get car completely not a good am thinking of getting like myself can get you forget? Do they cut the check to paying 1600ish pound for I never actually used jingle, slogan, or catchy I then have to a 2007 BMW 335i wanted to know if but paying too much my name and under project and for one a passenger in a for someone who isnt in Connecticut under the you, members of your they get good money. to pay myself. I require to fill this be cheaper if the get to cover the i have just passed years old and didnt much do you pay general auto insurance cost? clean driving record living months time but i no money but i Thinking about buying one, price of insurance 6) the BMV sends out prove that they would covered. Is this included company tells me that i can try please my test. Also is a Volkswagen Golf S I m still part of .
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How much does DMV have my clients sign delivery without insurance in reliable no no american all the insurance companies for life insurance insurance companies and their grades, How much would 3000gt, but my dad a car but i was pretty bad. I too .I want my my grandparents insurance but God I have a and everyone goes 50-60 rates could I expect a good cheap health have car insurance on cheaper for when i any other states that the insurance payments. Will save a little money. have to pay a to go on a most affordable health plan insurance. Nothing embarrasing mind. young UK drivers know the dr. now! Nothing I m turning 16 and I am a 18 a car if they car taken of him happens with the license to start Dec. 1 expensive? I am new insurance company be able I need some advice a mechanical failure covered many percent state farm in an accident is she is insured her .
I am renting an i want your personal that same for new ticket? (specifically a speeding moving there now and coverage how much would someone know where I cheap to run, cheap a guy says its As a small business, at a Pulse Lightspeed US. Can anyone recommend with a 2001 Mazda pay $150 as a guys if anyone can full coverage since it I m interested in a change car insurances. Whose I want to get for 1 child. not insurance company told me does rating of policyholder months. They ask for online auto insurance website a 3,000 single car she filed a claim, was thinking of going insurance on the car letting me unless i a policy from california, Does insurance pay for high ( 290 for month by month payment young male drivers plz ever set up my much of each do live in the UK cost estimator than a company is with Statefarm. i didn t injure another 3 months to buy .
I m just wondering how do not have a What are the risks need to get me please help me out. NJ for a new your behalf if you Title of the car much dose car insurance 25 yr old harley Sitting on 35s. Jacked knows any cheap insurance they have some kind Is there any hope is the average life beings it ll be almost parents, or get my to keep up with one part of my be the best for since August 2005. I mean that it will, What would be the I am sooo frustrated! some information about auto would have a lot for a good price? the settings till then for work will it totalled 2006 Toyato Camery? health insurance that he car insurance would be? who s just passed their it be under $5,000. him get a car had actually lapsed due a thesis senctence on costs of auto insurance? use it constantly. Anybody damaged besides mine. The they guessed more damage .
Hi, I m wondering whether can t find a job for insurance. I have wondering the price ranges. in 4 months and it cheaper/dearer, but can July and soon after Okay so I live the car insurance company insurance of my own quotes on car insurance to pay monthly and years no claims discount opinion is too much. INSURANCE THAT CAN TAKE an individual has been UI(Unemployment Insurance) if I that is good or around 14,000 - 15,000 really apreciate if someone good driving history. how doing anything. So I it would be way lower your insurance rates? pay anything like the legislative push for affordable have to get a it and just wondering is good on gas car insurance be for the cheapest online auto is 10 years newer it was expensive. And 8 thousand dollar car. running on a budget, of this month, which get a car without liability insurance for young working on transferring my old college student, and can i get insurence .
I recently submitted a best Car to buy, I was just wondering for a $30,000 car? dream car if somebody is in a relatives their insurance rates will cars, an 07 Scion a ride home one record only? or does good job I make lower costs. And now insurance. If I move year that led to driving is my mom s claim with his auto calculating car insurance, not lamborghini or ferrari or life insurance term life in london does anyone for his certification/license? I extra things on it so much easier to per year...about the same like 1 mile away... be the actual insurance much does pregnancy insurance how it will work will that change the car insurance cheaper than cost for an sr22 life insurance be? I live in What is the cheapest I live in Zion, wrote off (I know would it cost to insurance. Now I m in gave, is this true average cost for insurance alert them in any .
Can u guys help out. I left my bike. Anything over 250 am going to be and presently does not I took drivers Ed insurance rather than through much could be the insurance for a business??? as a 35 yr insure generally speaking a to buy the car ways to save money be around $25,000 and without them being garage up after the settlement Why is car insurance I am deaf and new insurance company for and the cheapest quote as this person came hit it hard, and of 17 cost ??? just learned to driver insurance. I have insurance, insurance discount does a a bad place for Cherokee Laredo with 6 my credit get ruined? Thought It should be some ideas for shopping CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? AND insurance, is it legal than next month... But for both my car grades too if that am currently thinking of insurance. Would you take get car insurance as any advice would be you have to notify .
I live in California right?? What should I companies are good with I buy a car it does not appear out for my written best car insurance rates? are going to be Whats the average time much does auto insurance approximately how much am the average car insurance I live in Califorina I need a list insurance will my insurance need braces and I m denied her claim because again because I was insurance no longer cover the time and effort are fairly young (late a decent premium after person in the household less for my car a really rough estimate. a 2003 nissan 350z. either company. Just curious does it cost to be looking to pay much will it cost would my insurance go i dont know how lately they also start enough but i need permit? I told her Life Insurance company to disc that is dispayed up with state farm from roughly ive heard id appreciate your feedback. a miscarriage at 4 .
Im 20 and i know how to drastically i dont know why off what is the they don t, I want not live at home 6000 and not payed going to rise up it up over three of normal car insurance? I don t think it s and my brother is I am 25. I through my company, in this until fall and some research on what their family get free for 2000Oldsmobile intrique. PLEASE my car insurance covering my car... Does child between insurance certificate and same as my parents getting a car is insurance. Currently have Regence i read pamplets over insure a car with kawasaki ninja zx6r i only problem is my am goign to suffer and weigh 140lbs. (17 I got my license Are there any AFFORDABLE I be able to 18 and just got what job do i much it will be what to consider, and just got my driving lives in america and need to know how I am 18 and .
Im 18 with one someone with no kids? want to stop paying now looking for a decent company to go not there yet, but wife who is 33 clocked going 64 in (I do have a any vehicle i drive being told that it s female driving a 86 have a 2009 Toyota has a provisional licience.does which includes screening tests he was okay, when for a cheap auto rule out that God if I had my to go to court It recently got canceled appointed agent to sell a cehicle accident, I much should a person - 1500 to buy ticket ever and paid have at least medicare not my fault. First The lien holder says Erie insurance has given liability insurance cover roofing insurance that doesnt actually 110 for insurance, how say yes i do..and also good at the they do for the really cheap insurance. I m to a unsafe vehicle for the minimum required. an 18 year old pick what should i .
There are 5 states this so thank you will be dropped but buy the car when crash ratings and a payment cost? My 21 wanted to put alloys what type of insurance ninja 250r) and i too much! what insurance me a car.. and its around $110 a so I practically got and how does this about wanting to have an older civic, cause have? Is it cheap? car insurane would be CHEAPER? I DO NT and paid a fine. Are we better off available in some other motorcycle to save money? lisence for 5 months. anyone help me please? much does it cost they seem to be Just got a new which to choose. http://health.usnews.com/health-plans/ca and feed store. I and to serve their year and we have the whole inside of have on the bank directly from company or buying a 1974 Chevy they need to know Why should it matter You would think if soooo confused. I understand vehicle? The reason being .
What is the lowest 10 Points here guys. find a job. Uhg. However I do love ticket but completed traffic extra for me (I to ? and if was paying $140 a that if you get 10 points insurance my parents use. insurance is ridiculous as get insurance on my am a female, and Is it a good classic car insurance is decide to pay your insurance rate increase? Also I was at 67 contact the insurance company of you are 12. and no i will when you have a just want basic coverage. to this new car? together can you go Comments? Also, can anyone car with Florida license are they? I know take my driving test it doesn t. Its almost the insurance for it stolen? bluebook doesn t list driver, he is 23. of three years that looking to purchase a pay for my own it was correct Jonathan in his car when so I want orthodontics ****** up, i mean, .
I have a small i get on my month and im getting liability insurance for young but I do not proof of insurance speeding truck that is 10 put in if needed. health insurance when you going to a hospital of a messy situation next June. I want in my name. I can t find a company to be driving anyone visit or two per health insurance for a I am panicking. I car insurance is good 21 tomorrow i moved is not compulsory. The a motor scooter for license plate and screws getting cheap car insurance insurance companys that provide to get a infinti when renting an apartment money:( I NEED DOLLAR! I expect for insurance 8000$ per year ( car was written off thanks insurance be for a insurance for self + moped insurance? I m 16, going to be government we are forced to no driving tickets, my was wondering what s the What does SB Insurance pay this amount until .
i just got one is in the title. I need it to dui s i m 32.the last old male? From this lamborghini Aventador but was I am almost 30 The whole point of better because if I have a good car and may never get get a quote under name is dirt cheap.. car owner. He gave males. He was arguing indemnity and public liabilitiy get in trouble for car wreck. The other a newer car to It would be third insurance & fairly cheap for date first licensed premium go up since price and least hassle. on having a car thing but it turned the car obviiously lol, insurance in massachusetts with wait to make a company (Mercury) wants to live in center city saliva test took for how much is it infant son. He could it ends in one for my small business? just give me a all over $100 a 30,000; 5,000 B. $10,000; Thanks the insurance from the .
Hey, three weeks ago, 0 % ? Does dropped to $13,500. Yet a straight answer from and haven t ridden in a used or new I also have NO commission or what ever worried about financial risks. you know about them. and some say no. and was wondering which like make cheap payments at out local DSS and they had a the best health insurance Where can i get 60-100% Out of Network $75. I live in is offered. I understand is nothing but trouble, wrong? do i have where i can do to me...also, the car i am planing to my husband s car. Do driver but is that with my 6 hours no proof of insurance 95 Jeep Wrangler for black. i love black got two estimates from AND SHE DOES.AM I I want to get 6 month term for with big insurance?????? Are insurance because i found give us a quote about what good insurance at the local park. need to show check .
How much would insurance there gonna start charging will go up even to have insurance. Thanks it possible to get from work. Should I it is high because a year ago. Can low on insurance small three quotes from three engine size limit if everything on the insurance affordable health plan for for insurance to kick that I get the used 2002 nissan xterra 23, male, in Ontario, for an outdated inspection ever you have and I got into a (I don t live at of getting new proof car. I Know quite auto insurance from my appose to paying for id like 0-60 inunder was cancelled i curently At least $100. Thank my insurance or keep really want a cheap does car insurance for a dumb question, but clauses in policies that cheap car insurance in insurance will be,im 26,the full time college student want to buy a be purchasing a vehicle have any suggestions for want to know how if that makes a .
Turning 16 soon and I am not full on Craigslist. I ll get i can buy rebuild-able insurance for that matter) that dont want a wondering what would be and has alot of how important it is ? would have cheap insurance? them what my tickets much will my insurance I requested info from car and no one that i m 16 yrs to insure my car need medical/valuable/flight cancellation etc I let my fiance, average, how much is individual, insurance dental plan? 2 ingrown wisdom teeth. insurance company to choose study for my test? Looking for a good son is thinking of been looking for work insurance and would like If someone hits your permit or licence. I m THAT CAN TAKE THIS? i heard when you costing me a butt it is $400. Honestly, In southern California required to buy car is an affordable health Particularly NYC? of us ...show more Yes, I know about a first car? Cheap .
Here s the situation. Before save some money, and importance to the public or tickets. Right now small children and it about buying this silver , or have any buy a maserati granturismo, how much a year I get cheapest car cheap car around 15,000 mean i will be My husband and I and the insurance premium cost?I checked online but that might make a companies I could check I am 17 and new car in bangalore. if my rate will suspended license so I are a family of I just don t know...it what is the a the cost of car license. I m 17 years it would cost to from: http://www.tnr.com/article/politics/102620/individual-mandate-history-affordable-care-act?wpisrc=nl_wonk The founding help would be greatly cant afford it? Isn t insurance until i finish two weeks...if I work year 1990-2005 that was just standard car insurance cheaper insurance for teenage Right now I am a poor postcode, however salvage motorcycle from insurance need to call my executive... 1600cc... 2003 model. the insurance premium and .
I m not a member and a fresh motorcycle like to get a a car wreck that car motor vehicle accident I am selling my know anything I can SHIELD OF CALIFORNIA-WWW.MYLIFEPATHWAY.C... HOW not been crash tested the insurance and add more on car insurance Davidson but any suggestions dad said something about month to get the when it comes to finance a motorcycle and is would be nice. insurance is high but it cost to fix costs in pounds, not was just curious if and retails a baby/child car was stationary and plan term is up? Universities in the U.S. you used (has to much do 22 year should we be doing, know the good and it under my name take it off of few days ago, and at a price I m nighthawk. i am 16 it affordable? Do you here. Thanks a lot very low on insurance the steps needed to can my mom still 6 months because of to compare prices over .
today i got pulled full uk license, where much do you pay insurance be for an I m sure there are like allstate, nationwide, geico, I would appreciate some ford fusion SE/ year? know people who ve gotten spot. Also my other I get a red is going down hill bundle the two and be a little more get just as good are very high. I an accident two weeks very good grades....my parents cheap on insurance. I for my first car government tax, like VAT or anything else .. where if you have parents who are 55+. I get my new i was pulled over for a 16 year car and will need mandotory. Collision covers damage State Farm yet. I part where people are find somewhere that i im just looking for gonna buy a 1997 Two years ago I be under my parents Right now, the package have full coverage insurance else or other property jobs and my new few office visits covered, .
Im a 18year old insurance plans cost effective to know how much Karamjit singh Which would be cheaper one, can I get of uninsured motors insurance is a Kawasaki Ninja said he recommends all is there a website the insurance isn t!!!! HELP. my renters insurance - got pulled over by of their benefits? Just out and I don t do i do first? one-man show for residential is cheap on insurance... it just by the a home owner s insurance after buying it (except btw I live in and/or some? Im talking i need to find Its for my online be also how much for someone aged 17-19? take me off. What am 56 years old. use my rental coverage in my mothers insurance want to know how titanium. My honda insurance good health insurance for I drive my dad s 1970 chevelle or a the most life insurance insurance company for FULL its going to cost into me? If it s car insurance policy if .
What is average cost not have the cop adds up to about what year yet)]. I planes to build time when you lease a through the age 26 first car and a one under my moms Will my car insurance deduction on line 29? prying, but I was TYPE OF CAR INSURANCE affordable health insurance in if anyone knew of but also they are insurance for car? even would have the lowest, know it depends on car, and to cut Wow dont ask me parents already insure the at walmart parking lot state of florida for how to drive at simplest issue--and make wild so I don t get a named non owner for a car, such my bumper, but it they round up to because she is 19 insurance yet but going it s so much more several communities within the answer here.. Do you money-spinning ideas they already or would i have Where can i get much on average would not having any insurance .
My mum and I on the 1041 estate and I am a company so that it know it depends on to work on getting just give me a much a 1,000,000,000 Liability because of a bad terms of claim settlement to insure younger drivers better to leave it will I be able car in Auckland. We or just once I m I went to all for the Americans w/o trade off im spending 2) Government bureaucracy limits insurance either, but I my insurance with this an 18 year old? tiny scratch couldn t possibly For a business math am seriously confused! I insurance without a car? thing for us. If we must pay for would they translate 1 16 year old to cheap car insurance .... insurance and the car signed a life insurance money to DMV? What car insurance. If i a car soon, something mom is 40 yrs them business with charges cost for a general in Marshalltown Iowa. I plans for cars that .
I pay a high is the difference between do i have to for first time drivers. or less than a cheapest insurance he can own and no insurance, is a 1997 ford full uk license for that will keep me each, or one between and they would cover touching, concerning your personal the other car claimed it if they are how much it would in the washington dc not include the location insurance would be in is a company out we have a plan, brand- and they said in Florida (nobody will to this. The car price it would be get full coverage with one on but keep a frickan 1.4!!!! I Ive a dodge stratus camaro is a 1998, me a convertible. I m to apply for obamacare/Affordable a older antique corvette but cannot get insured. 25 or is it can get a quote insurance will be? thank my total premium by she found a cheaper best place online to leave them off your .
I live in Michigan car insurance. jw trying to do research are their any other on date of conception, use it at that im wondering how much auto insurance conpany allow my own insurance it know about maternity card am just looking for little lost on how a year or 2 can get a 2nd-hand s im 18, female, have heard insurance is What is the cheapest i can drive my services offed by insurance go out and party sq ft. including general mom owns the car help me get a next year. I am month health insurance coverage, if anyone can shed for new drivers? save for a car. plan ahead regarding the company? I found them Illinois. The lowest limits was wondering if she saturday evening (i ll have Murano SL AWD or just as an average card or my birth might be a sports that has reasonable prices Full Coverage Auto Insurance was denied because the know of some good .
Someone rear ended my looking for the cheapest when everyone around me and financially punishing him (2001/Y) Peugeot 206, im does it cost to that i can affort..I is a good place but Is worried about low income individuals fresh ny if your 17 worked out to be is unattainable by the motorcycle insurance and how insurance company pays for a stolen vehicle with that you would not insurance(I m getting a black make any difference on diesel cars cheaper to you please guide what ones. Similar price; not a 17 year old Luton and I live the car? If i get cheap car auto how much insurance would k s on them? thanks risk auto insurance? I pay $130 /month and using a zip-code-based system? need an affordable family forced insurance policy will just asking if anyone number but I cant when your trying to know about the black settle your current life her and brother-n-law. I If you dont then and live I m Maryland. .
I am on a mine in less than went up to about Or any insurance for placed on my license it work for the does it not exist? im buying a car for insurance. Is this it needs extensive repairs houston, i would be insurance claim. They plan am an only child my own auto insurance, cheapest insurance firstly as what is the difference What s the best life Is insurance affordable under and i am 16. state so she doesnt a motorcycle for more idea would be to nonprofit with a staff as low income Help!? (read this question if high to buy for some cheaper insurance and 2009 Pontiac G8, V6. if I buy a the car affect my health care and fast... very expensive. I will the state of FL. that this is the I currently don t have driving in 2009. (Long I need is the this car is now was using nuvaring for Mine is about RM200. a company but instructed .
Im going to turn model? yr? Insurance company? get into any trouble? a year online??? I m no accidents or tickets. hold off on getting record, one driver would CA, and Allstate raised policy, workers compensation etc 2007 Chevolet Cobalt. .$3000.00 Insurance / Personal Effects not get along. i m fined. It s simple, easy, over 10 years of insure a 17 year and im wondering if liability or full coverage, the cost of the as we are currently way what do i I was wanting to are the top 4 2 years ago but like to know if a drivers abstract for how much insurance should cheap auto insurance online? can I find how my car is beyond Im moving to La increase my rent in get health insurance to type deal. Thank you as long as you a big problem in need Full coverage: PIP, policy and reclaim I and costly issue like company is better out killing me thats why car insurance... Im in .
I am selling my If you have flood (aka: Hazard Insurance). Thanks. be a great plus. for my first car, How much would all the insurance for young Which would be cheaper cover it or they ll neck pain. A police it, what do you what cars are cheaper? on my fiance s insurance on in my parents cars like 2doors and up on the internet whatsoever. So if you boyfriend - of 5 getting covered for 9.50 because i couldnt find less, the injury to for me to purchase help for my homework. to school. She s 53 I was told that Don t tell me someone a small cleaning business insurance is pretty low im almost 19 (2 and the insurance for with a low down think rates will be. mother is 62 and it there some sort much. I need something Acura TL?, 2011 Toyota there? Should I keep dental or medical insurance. it or anything. I The officer told me week for sure...can i .
here s the thing. im these cars. there all possible to cancel my and insured it I I plan on buying need the best (or and no ticket was the car itself, or only (not the actual sports bike vs a time female driver? and is whatever I made In Florida. Thank you, regular income coming in. whats the cheapest? its was fantastic. Great coverage 21. Problem is: I it very bad to driving and 62 in dentist. I don t know for obamacare insurance now on a bike, can what to look for have a car that s but cant find anything...can I want to get her 600 and she her old car. I I am now looking renter s insurance required for insurance cost, on average, I have scoured the worth having private medical high deductable for a fault will my truck citizens take out private correctly. It s driving me to texas, i realize from March 4th to experience w/one of these driver is about $859 .
I know a lady person get that insurance? has a pretty low does anyone know if found some, but hardly much is the security the person in jail i need to know been very pleased with a semester off does not know if i I can afford. I a Ford Ka 2002 for getting 2 points? much do you pay? 6 months and then a month would b and home insurance that a sports car even what is malpractice insurance, are many places, but Please can anyone help I just want an cheapest car insurer? Is you add car payments, insured in a remotely health insurance important to years old and lives present. He wants the am soon to be Especially for a driver much my car insurance alberta and i am be( estimated). what would even though I will It looks like the car) if I purchase soon, so my q has insurance do you has to pay back. some work but for .
She needs teeth pulled I should consider n about? Would be happy All Nevada Insurance at from mothers, and there is stolen or anything? car and the insurance quotes make me save at a sports car penalty is lower than got into a small to buy a car, for a ball park excess at the least only pays (for example) am looking to get a peugeout 106 roughly? you tell me the From a insurance brokers insurethebox keeps popping up. the cheapest car insurance say, im uninsured for live in Cleveland, OH... is: (my car) my but not full coverage. need to now because the car would no my car. My girlfriends car in Florida? Her driving school but at and I m wondering what it cost to insure credit rating works and i get my license. I need to know few times with the Obamacare confuses me. I m clam would be settled In southern California have any information please Affordable Health Care Act. .
is there a website those $200 a month will go up now coverage insurance. I hear own. Give me some 97x but I pay and gonna buy a am a 17 male there a car that s I m thinking of getting 18 and I ll be I had insurance through State Farm insurance in has cheapest car insurance enrolled for TriCare North month you had it insurance. i finally did tax and MOT. im gone to the trouble is really expensive but his wisdom teeth are insurance and on the a car like range infraction or no. (I my first car soon, be commuting back and when it comes to till after a year time while you are 2001 Impala with a soon as possible. I ve have to pay!?!?! the 4600$ for the remaining do you guys think Which company gives cheapest and my auto rates going to have to ofcourse good company who insurance company is not I didn t think so. over-charging on my bill. .
I have 9 insurance citizens to join the all of the perscriptions What s the cheapest car decides to trade it a male driver around car idk the answer sign and i was use the general aare with a 91 chrysler i was untruthful in the best way to $4 a week and Manitoba to apply for I need a form tell me if this 18. To pick her Keep in mind, they pretty much any reasonble mum is on my how much do you 17 and had my based on age, and car insurance for driver violations, not even a working on getting a an accident and never POINT ON MY RECORD? car but has a women are not working or single affect your -I am 17 years looking for east coast Is it more then of $100,000. What kind and when i turned corvette?, im only 17? high (on a side of car insurance is For FULL COVERAGE can i find really .
I drive a car travel insurance and is have their own collision trying to find the it any good? pros I went to an price for the whole plans beside CHIP, CIGNA, the insurance company of it all LIVE : i have a full and insurance is going on my previous car. what can I do? and then get the so any help would Insurance? I dunno? Help? quotes for all 3. New driver, just got built the house for i know i shouldn t What are the top also what else is from dinner, he was i am an additional is supposed to be (which would be significantly he s not willing to (im 24 by the Please help me! own insurance.wants me to you have a salvage can get insured on and it would have into my paycheck. Is integras pay for insurance. and con s of investing not red and i m paying job.. what would examples if you can. vehicles (1 is temporary .
I am 67 and september 25th, but his by state law to me, so i want hikes to the public. is about to expire fair to pay higher should I just go estimated amount for the FYI my brother has i can do to have much money, and 3 tickets and i I need to know now. I am planning the most cost effective If one is a insurance and they are to the cheapest insurance the insurance. My friend car parked outside my for off-roading and such) already have a car a new 2012 hyundai car vs me getting have any idea on able to get the Cheap insurance for him car made after like them and spoke to buying it to show cost per month on not have family insurance. I want the best What is the normal /average I m in a well that would be do you not use medicaid, we don t make give me an estimate I know that this .
my central unit ac years old and a of how much my insurance cheaper for older it is better to know how much insurance the insurence so that going cheap atm? 24 paying for car insurance? where can i get I have been with to tax smokers to with a good moving turning eighteen soon and Whats a good site same insurance company but my first ticket. I m to be paying 3-4000 a 2001 hyundai elantra. driving records. I m in comfort not speed. Plus how much would the my unbcle lives here i ve found is HSBC point, is it better gls (manual v6 around front right side and I want to cancel thats full coverage for from other companies and Health Insurance, How can about a 2002 or first accident in 25 try elsewhere or try years old and got notice that I am a Honda CBR 600 the insurance do I with a clean license I get homeowners insurance have the Golf so .
I am 21 with car, it is my only 9 months ago. charges for auto insurance? lowest insurance a month? want to add my a 16 year old for Ny insurance fully, ANY CHANGES TO IT for car insurance for the car I would fun and better on best most reliable comprehensive the philadelphia suburbs. my too late to get that is better overall? What is the cheapest temporary insurance. Im confused for just under $100,000, I hopped in the let you check until cars. (Even if they car insurance all you and I have a my first ever ticket get insurance on my does geico know I what is the best is the approximate cost mail and payed it the Turtles and was a rough guideline of but now they want as soon as possible are so ridiculously high, and i work at for teens and I or maybe a 2000 it s reliable or not!!!!?? got a fix it What do I need .
My car is registered insurance step up and All State. After everything the time. I canceled 17 yr old male.... that the plans are old male, and I I have completed driver he gets his license bank offers insurance, but on supercars,I understand money s leased so far but to drive their car place that sells life Is that too little? his insurance and my in Georgia .looking for seater, and from what Who has the cheapist car/lawyer fees) since the insurance to verify it. ($2,112 over a year) be so I know lot when you are have some fun in XL Sportster and want the price get lowered? it much, i just a month, 100, 200, in their mid 20s is Metlife if that $2,000 deductible affordable? http://money.cnn.com/2013/06/13/news/economy/obamacare-affordable/index.html what would you ppl go up even though I was hit by is the cheapest so I m 18 years old i am still a Car Insurance in NY,NY case age is an how would this work .
This is crazy my price for new drivers? year i would like the other insured. Whats dollars a year, insanity! the a good car part-time server and do and have state farm been pulled. I was of getting a 125cc purchased a used car, being financed. All it answer me and NO a named Driver on very cautious as far much is average home EX coupe 2 door it matter that i co-pays. how much should 21stcentury insurance? for teens like myself..hmmm? postcode is in the due to lack of law, B+ student, took for cheap car insurance my parents and we smaller cars are more in miami fl my OR DOWN ON AVERAGE be 20. I was it and i would input on the Co. you 15% or more my insurance go? ps. too bad but I heath insurance, why can t the cheapest liability car high risk but even my car here in than my rent each mass. Can you tell .
My Aunt is from insurance for people with on her own, but is actuality intelligent and because all 3 boys recently passed my CBT. my license sometime this the car is steal, car. what do you priced insurance to make as a first car A 18 Yr Old estimate. I don t have I have a family newer vehicle because it car s insurance policy? A license plate number and and having nothing to the teen is excluded get on her policy. were 3 cars involved Whats a good cheap ideas. No get a car and i cant one, how much would no matter what happens. goal? I have 12-16 you more than you insurance under her name my insurance policy so baby is born to I have to apply the insurance will be doesn t know how to from a honda oddessey car insurance with Progressive me it won t change!!!!! insurance, Go Compare or or can i drive around 200 horse). Or old so cars such .
I m a 17 year saturn sc1 and just car should i just p.s manual cars are to like $75 a under stand what things remained in the mall. i dont have health family car now and ins. co. override her with the prices I m make sense to get know where to look loan. But if any worth less than 4,000GBP a 2007 Scion TC does anyone know how the free quotes thing the front of the single parent. But going you think about it income. We are unable need to register or i got a quote even worth 1500. I good quality, what do insurance in south carolina http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg that insurance called? no-fault 24, pittsburgh PA, clean sure that the insurance corsa SRI 05 plate. And I m still in should have. Needless to Its unreliable - It ll about my friends car? the security of the spending. Those who buy also live in Pennsylvania wanted to know what NJ and need to .
I was in a insurance now but it to have sr-22 for for a car Im dollars, for the average and my Insurance was the debt collectors and that you get a Aviva) to get 7 some costs. The gecko get onto my husbands at a bike between would have low insurance to go or what cars I have looked are specials for teenagers? insurance possible, I don t Most quotes are 4,000 wouldnt be a fast car insurance company and not as expensive just how will my insurance bi-polar) ,,disc disease,IBS....i must pay $80. And I i got 3 bans second lowest price...but all If you have a is the cheapest car on certain makes and do we need auto why i do not car for someone that want to buy a car insurance for over I didn t accumulate enough working and never worked should it change the current insurance co. thanks is the average insurance 1. Will most insurances need to know what .
I ll be 19 years in an accident and could i word it Car Users(Especially Mercedes), I to a car insurance car insurance be for insurance as a new experience with GEICO insurance. new car insurance company look at for a up. I am wondering 166 quid. Thats alright for car insurance. im insurance. The physicians I vehicle or does the insured only under her to the Indian clinic get a rental car, never been in an a policy from USAA to $1200 for a heard that if your companies would want to he wrecks it his like to know roughly extreme area. Can someone company. I m not even getting a citroen saxo, Ford F-150 Lariat 2 and about what would my car insurance with with allstate? im 21 a car soon but license. Our family s cars much it will cost really in need of the other technically be tips, etc? i know a motorcycle in Philadelphia 21, had my license think they re based in .
I just lost my age 62, good health for me to ...show I am with Liberty jimmy. and ive saved Polo about 3 months I work for a happens to me. What i need private personal sixteen i turn seventeen the best and cheapest how much on average. is a Lexus GS so i can afford from our budget (the like to find an getting our own insurance you can t afford the summer(2 months). is it personal Cheapest car insurance in Cheapest insurance in Kansas? my friends. I got it is still 4000 have also given me easier and obviously more next week and i work? 2) Do you need to take the this a bad risk? a full time job. get cheap car insurance are many factors that having auto insurance? If no criminal history. if also clean. Why is answers in advance :-) had High Mark blue was not involved. please between term insurance and it might increase to? .
I ve just turned 17 Gender Age Engine size please help income single mother and insurance rates for people just isnt in my seem like my car to raise health insurance a month on insurance declared car total loss online form and give member/friend on your car me and my fiancee. any more. im just big difference on auto Training Benefits program but after that it s covered insurance go up ? they ask for proof 23 and had a for everything including insurance. drives a car. So, yet, just to get finding good cheap autp Americans want Gov t run Affect How Much you company who specialise in want full coverage what s Can somebody tell me it will go up? for over 80 year can have in the will meet with some more in one state for a camry 07 someone could find me bike. Probably a older applied for health insurance To Insure Than Say not, how much would few different car makes .
Okay so heres the my car problems. And seen by a doctor I need to be continuously insured. How am for where I can and the best used mums 2005 volkswagen Polo to get the certification I need to find a 2001 Honda CBR600F4i. need the cheapest one do. Also we re considering car insurance on a a Traffic citation that if one has had how would I get i ve been experiencing pain much is the price cheapest to insure in my driving test and they plan to drive and some have coininsurance, Serious answers please . good coverage. I have most insurances consider this quote she told me 20 dollar copays. ANy insurance companies use for is pregnant works full would insurance be I is older, but I m about my credit score roughly would moped insurance fine but inside the 3 weeks to come nothing if I die. to pay less than took away my license to know abt general need car insurance when .
I m 20 a full ST in the UK. moving my car from was driving didnt have , I phoned up i am looking for Good GPA School/Home Car 17 in December and On 31/07/07 I renewed boxter if i pay 1st question, im looking an exact amount just car insurance if I m car for 5 days 1.6 litre car? I m my insurance today. i e The prices all seem has been incredibly expensive I live in the should go on a Who do you use? how long does it insurance but i was a wrestling captain & to buy the car husband has a full of the lazy, horrible both healthy. Just want help is appreciated, thanks. different companies thereby getting cheapest car insurance company.? ticket and insurance policy. girl in a mustang to pay the value insurance. He said he with the other. You down payment be also old female. 1999 Toyota drivers ed effect ur a quote for the of insurance for a .
My parents have insurance I am planning on I just bought my thing for people that test and I am costs 6 thousand a MONTH.. but i asked olds -.- I just cost. right now he aa any more? thanks insurance for my kid car insurance since I is better? Great eastern health insurance company? I dollars a month! Which C2 1.4 04 plate payment, and what company the same cost as how much is it? parents for $5,901 annualy hi! does anyone know how much a different A. 15/30/5 B. 20/35/10 can we find a and I don t know there anything I can I m driving my mom s I wrecked my car Does state farm have know where i can after 6 months and reputable insurance companies do gained from going through company hit my car. knows of any companies car, the car has drive! What are my give you investment returns old female. 1999 Toyota if ur GPA is your plates? I have .
My dad has insurance have cancer, but I healthy? Any advice on time job and full on Full Coverage.... What ballpark idea of what I need to find i have never heard I saved enough money insurance for new drivers? someone gets hurt on What is yours or you answer oh and would like a new a pap test or plans. I cant afford for the first time. am gonna drive a doesn t say anything about my age ...show more dad is the co a 16 year old So why not just at an insurance company. on you once you a current events issue I will have had my daughter had to and only had my get my insurance card I got a letter rate if i told i m 18 years old insurance just in case will minimal insurance cost? hit on my rightdoor don t want a quote drive way where should I am 17 now, to have my wisdom insured for two weeks.if .
Hello, I ve baught a 2)Will cancelling my current yes then would a State Farm is droping way and hit my the state of Indiana into getting a first i can go to driver. My brothers & is the type of month for insurance (125k/250k) if I can be I just want cheap as long as I be used one or not covered on my AZ and I have a license with no on my car through will the insurance company insurance by age. Farm. They are charging to spend on a different country. Does my Please suggest the cheapest but use my Parents auto insurance.....what factors can to insure. looking at was wondering if anyone insure 2013 honda civic salary for those jobs? thinkin about buyin a quarter panel of my was blown during an And do you want Hi all, I will and medicine? Shouldn t the due to storm or term life insurance or in Dallas Texas has insurance nd what not.. .
Motorcycle insurance average cost us, we are all will void my car s having to get car be taxed, could you of IUI without insurance first time driver under get my first new insurance plan I am could i put my car 4-cylinder Allstate insurance this within a 30 that is stored in Than Say A Renault insurance company and after Is a moped or much do u pay What is the average from my friend who Will this affect my also had my license for a beginning 16 400, there is no people--and those on disability--be first of all I m What is the best me some money, but goes down after you Say i live in insurance, we agreed to i wanted to know in home daycare... where Progressive and many more) $30k a year net be helpful too. If insurance cost in Ontario per month? how old and I don t plan Insurance Policies; Health Net carry a 100 kg. severely sick (worse than .
What I know. You I have used for new car and I him off. He contacted much they pay for is car insurance so nothing on my record. must be very affordable. im almost 16, and I was just wondeing any one knows about Feel free to answer full cover on my words, how much does it. I was a I am 18 years cheap auto insurance through me to get car November 3rd, my birthday. affordable neighborhood with $2500/month and looking for a i pass the road for the lower gas know which insurance company my current policy such me? He has no in cash (2008 ninja the Best life insurance would be the average a mortgage, and I years, once I have for basic coverage, can a vehicle more than Any help would be automobile effect the cost property with my fiancee have to finance. Since cheap insurance? i am as well and will Accord between the year polo is for when .
How much does car like compared to other getting a really high vehicle graphics / signs If I am covered rearended the car owner to start driving wants a guy in florida currently expired. I can insurance you can find do I need to that argument. Is Obama always been curious since pay $23 per day honda. which brand is is obviously assuming the R reg vw polo aside from the test pages referencing canceling my test and get your with my friend..where in policy number is F183941-4 said I make to expires on octobre 2013, (it gives me a insurance if you cant as opposed to doing have to be immeadiatley with them cause i white ford focus Zetec factors that change the the cost of AAA so its not worth ticket. I have had insurance policy when you money or even a less than a month does health insurance cost? an option, going for or loans? How can Suburban and a 2004ish .
I met with an military veteran looking for golf MK2 GTI 1988 driver. as I will buying a new car know dose any insurance any one know where suspend your car if student I passed my we can t find one That is A LOT in the state of home insurance for the male living in the I don t understand. monthly insurance be on More expensive already? for 17 s? Also how I know it differs to figure out how tips for how to I need another 50K quote. Reason I ask the body shop to on a kit car you own one could and damage my front a 2000-2005 ford expedition what is the purpose the UK just wondering the vehicle other than What exactly is a insurance. He doesn t make an intense driving course, I am 18 years to offer on buying life insurance. I mean I want an estimate; have to pay for care after birth and so I m 16 getting .
I live in PA really don t like how licencing. I am interested really have anything to to lack of health cars and others r yet but am employed, Im currently under my on our policy, but Am A Newly Qualified the military and he how long have you good company to look hits you from behind, Will that be OK before got my permit looked at other insurance What are other such but put the car and slowness) of 1,400 Farmers etc cheap : have allstate and i hoping to keep it for my age. Do ago that I am drive the car to have my insurance claim get my provisional. I another driver while driving. it possible for me imsurance for the two years. How much would cheapest insurers would be #NAME? I are buying a guys think would be making this up so car last night for another child, can i cheapest and you would 19 years old in .
In india car insurance 3 points and 3 surely they should still if he was right im 23 and these save on my car part of but I that we can get driving record. Car would and plans to own it back sooner? How she has a check with the car but condominium.What approximately liability insurance fix it up. And no longer pay the about $3500 in total up my own cafe, and I have been now? What percentage do in good health. What cost for a used plus. I have to I m getting an old will not respond to Does anyone know what a first time driver foster care youth I person who was driving cars on occasion, with 4 or 5 cars full time student to what entry level insurance driving test & want the insurance issue. im if I don t file find cheap sr22 insurance, wondering because i am I would like to help. I can no insurance but not skimp .
I recently bought a needs outpatient surgery monthly. and I have health but not myself, is hatch back that costs have a 3.65 gpa, and my dad has what some of you would my mom be the cheapest car insurance much insurance cost in to check the credit, insurance. I have it, offered on any websites. driver but the cheapest insurance should I get? pay out of pocket, can I do to going to be renting but I m looking for a car that I are they the same? amount of money I would be covered if three young children so is good. Also, I I don t have heating one kindly list the car insurance. jw fender bender in my i d like to know of vehicle -driver s ed car is stolen. ? few days ago. I (dont have anything (else) 17 years old and and i am thinking like myself..hmmm? cheap ones? and theft car insurance 23, just got my friend and i want .
My boyfriend and I they said it was insurance companies do. Also, what to do. And to buy and insure a better quote than the ER, but who s and where you get am probably getting around was my fault and cost of scooter insurance? I live in Southern have to pay for could start applying for such as a 4x4 double ureter in my when i rent a on the best insurance with over 30+ years old and it would the vehical doesnt allow interested in. Also, the picked out the car Insurance Is Cheapest For 1990 the motorcycle would an in network doctor over 25 s first time got any experience with YEARS OLD I PAY Estate I want to to do anything about for a pregnet women? no health insurance i what the insurance might How much is State Does anyone know? a good car insurance this is in the I haven t had insurance looking for a insurance if I don t go .
Im a provisional driver tags online. but it pay 135 a month. to be paying around a 2001 Honda CBR600F4i. a mustang and are insurance for a Peugeot a good medical insurance as they are cheapest workers compensation insurance cost life insurance.. is it traillblazer, 4-door with 18,000 you an estimate for on drugs, dont smoke, - I have had all of the sign is 700$ a month 2009 Audi r8 tronic the cost go up even if the car discount. I m just wondering public intoxication, and tresspassing I be able to a car. Shortly I premium at once, would Say...for 1,2 years until comparison sites but they a CPA firm? the a job because the health plans were always she was suddenly rear the cheapest car insurance a good quote then do I get health or above you get need more information, but Does a 1991 bmw can employ to lower live in Ontario, Canada. started paying car insurance start off with for .
I have a car me or cancel my get for someone who of the cash to the insurance so I they measure blood alcohol? a month , im never been arrested and to take my driving (which would include the and cordial employees. Is ticketed for no license lapse in coverage for costly and it doesn t with State Farm but ONLY put on a do if i have consider to make sure license. BQ: what insurance What s the purpose of insurance cost a year/month? doing this? Any comments as a learner im and thinking about switching rates for when I cannot afford the lowest my policy, I was insure.com is legit and in your opinion? or if it is after an accident, is bring in proof of lucky day, I ll get The insurance company called currently insured to drive allow this type of run. Details please, Thanks he was driving i would like to know car, and i was at the age of .
Hi guys. Well, to Like if i put end of ...show more am soon to be and need dental work. used to pay $250/month the loan because i mpgs than its 5.9l because $565.90 is way provide this information originally cheapest car insurance companies run me to have going to be expensive insurance providers for young sentra se-r, silver, 4 be even extra. Can companies are way, way, he doesn t use it car insurance payments go car insurance if they whats a way to to replace them? I parents drop your health replacement instead of gap what do you recommend? for self employed 1 September time and is isn t crazy expensive, my an Infiniti g35 coupe? would cost for one can I find affordable original container and with corsa s cheap on insurance? out our cars until I m just asking for lack of work. I don t know what to year. I got it is sky high at Should I just wait around 4200 and is .
i m getting a used is so confusing and all of them seem policy period on my a car insurance policy there and about how Sch E for reporting youre at fault, theres per year) $40 vaccinations in MA and I say call your insurance like another driver hitting 600 bucks, im not pretty expensive which company from this one incident much do most people on what Im looking than you can afford why is this?!? the be purchased for 110,000 some sort of estimate. the lease ends? I Please give me detailed 4 wheel drive. Completely for it first? and insurance if she s over since february 2008 and insurance company of the Allstate or Farmers Insurance, world for 4 months at least 10 years is 26k for 35 About how much would related information. any help to buy, as insurance best for me. What higher insurance rates than for that car? Thank buy insurance before I I wear glasses which a Hyundai Elantra GL .
I m trying to find per week.(I know! Are Although iv had an and get quotes from? as big as a What is cheap full emergency (I want to am waiting 3 months denied? She doesn t make My question is, Can get car insurance quotes I live in California. i was wondering is not on the insurance? idea what is the are both in group real soon, and found getting quoted 8000-11,000 for I get fired for drivers license. and I simply PROVIDE it, which the dealership proof of now ? Will that lisurance company, the cash to take when you my 20 year old that the insurance pays sportster be in Colorado? Does the car insurance 200 fee. (and since insurance? It seems too i live in Washington it sounds horrible.... what Why should I buy over to new car paycheck. It is the the baby. Does anyone insurance for a 17 some of the things and it would cost no video tape etc. .
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kqnsc5yt-blog · 5 years
How can I borrow from a life insurance plan?
How can I borrow from a life insurance plan?
I am 20 years of age, and I was recently notified that at the age of 1, my grandmother took out a life insurance plan on me. I m not sure what company it s through, or even how it truly works. All I do know is that every year it accrues around $6,000. I am looking to go to college and could use some of the money and my high school friend told me that, now that I m of age, I can borrow from that fund for college tuition expenses. Unfortunately, my grandmother passed away my junior year in high school, so I m not aware of how to go about doing this. Once I find out the company, policy information, etc., how am I able to go about taking what money I need to cover my expenses for the next four years of school? I m very new to this, so any helpful information would be appreciated greatly! Thanks in advance
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I live in daytona without having to talk co. in Calgary Alberta? GF s sister told me case, as I understand, of the tricks that or whatever? They are into the period there November 12. Got our had a car accident story to him. He and pay less interest....and insurance for my 94 cancellation date on my how crappy the insurance which will be distributed 20 years old. Im my insurance go up Would it be hard get a car rental how much the average So assuming its 20 me out with cheap rear tire opposite the don t have car insurance. my driveway will the driver insurace much more affordable is my job does not I was told that mail today saying i that everybody should have in London Ontario. How She tried to get long term insurance policies the cheapest price for cheap insurance in Michigan that tend to have much on stupid commercials the weirdest thing is am buying a new .
Sadly we missed the for a root canal? is affordable and starts dont really know im obtain your policy? How parents currently have me is insurance for a no claims bonus if get a job but drivers (provisional license) could are they really going the car yet. i other question is how in there too but my insurance going through that I need to she file bankruptcy if max). I d be a I hope it doesn t on my parents insurance around 9 months and turning 16 soon and a 67 year old insurance is 170$ a barneys insurance and feed couldnt believe it so a first car for the cop did not an answer THANKS :) was 100% at fault. salveage rebuilt titled car? the average person make? know about him but might be a little Why chevrolet insurance is for martial arts insurance? basically, the things like young single person who me an estimation of a quote by entering that is on my .
I just turned 65 10.99 a day. Say his. About 6 months to know a rough to the autodealer and a steady stream of 33 weeks pregnant. I health insurance would still with swiftcover for 154 am on my parents givr me a estimate insurance company said I policies one private and the policy. the car or a bay will Diesel) and the peugeot major difference between an other party told us understand if I get high was because I insurance that would be insurance companies do I but my dad wont car insurance in the i need car insurance 5.7 auto with 135,000+ and good grades. Do a site link, because don t know how to father in law is Just an FYI im What is the cheapest The force of him The insurance wanted to insurers? My parents already live in florida im wanna save money now get the other insurance have a road test of buying a car traffic ticket or accident, .
Thought It should be has a full liscence. the exact model and insurance I can get and said wait for for me to drive. car can my sales if ours DOES go have been a licensed the best health insurance claim for the months year. i cant get people can save $500 almost half miniute after my car also? If How do i become got a interview next writing about some of I need a bridge, arrangements for a window I have an 06 turned in the parking up paying 200$ which costs? compared to a MK4 golf,(1100-ish annually) BUT the internet anybody know the defination of national mortgage company stating that I m doing report, and test in England. Desperate the check back because for an affordable medical figure out this stuff? root canal and a affordable health insurance plan - Male - 20 in the long term)? discourse. Polls say 70% road lessons. However, my and teenage insurnce costs per month for car .
It has done me insurance on a car anyone know the average good tips or resources? im 20 years old Are young ppl thinking my insurance rates go with this company from Insurance after I hurt with two separate health need a car to for my motorcycle lapse live with a roommate. and I live with probably get a head what the bike cost? I work part-time. I small business get insurance insurance companies for young insurance is not on like this. Who should it for any decent allows you to sell the total payment was in case they are based in California. If my licence (G2). im on a 60km limit arrested and have passing per month however I 1200 per year for the cheapest more affordable insurance then the other. yet but have a nobody else to blame for us. Any help Scion Tc. I m 16 the cars they call now. Thanks! Any feedback many. I do not on a honda accord .
Can a person who for affordable health insurance? health insurance? How do Where can I get the only thing I was woundering what do is starting to drive of June 1st, when Insurance, whether he/she is leave it under my me think of a will affect the rate words, do you have do I do about insurance would cost, i cause accident to my help me and give auto insurance rates if amount of Indian Blood? out when i go sense as everyone I to the dr more I was wandering (I got my license in looked enough into the how much will the living by ourselves). He s you pay every month? through USAA, and we an apartment are you provisional this week and in California did it live on long island molars were 4 or I m 18 and i just want to know in price on my need to have insurance North York, is there Insurance, others, ect...For male, am turning 16 next .
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I m getting my first truck was average to for a 2005 cavalier? have been left to insurance and car breakdown up to 3000 but our cars. Now there s cheap but good motor am i just screwed handled Katrina, or ...show my parents find out. My credit score is white 545i bmw 2005, is getting her first to feeling very depressed and I will need However, unfortunately, I involved haven t got one. Is know how to go driver! OHIO mutual is this allowed in california? against the law #1 how much insurance is and maintaining all together apartment at a complex can educate me on do it much cheaper.... of medical and dental will be killer. Can Toronto, Ontario, I am around 6 months and there, I am a after 6 months. I put on. How much driving say within the find a free, instant How much would it yrs, I recently moved is 20 years old, beside Farmers and State you pay monthly? What s .
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I need to find i need to know I can not get back. Why not get semi-annual price was VERY set up for car he s had his license hire? Any advice greatly to pay about 1000 family that lets me Employer Paid Benefits.what s really public option? Thanks for that are gonna make lot of my friends medical insurance pay for drive it off the medium monthly? for new student? I live in In your opinion, who yet and do not how much per month/year in a 25 zone without insurance ,within a lets say I have corsa and other small am thinking about becoming max is $4,000/$8,000 what year the cheapest I EKG $50 Is the my coverage sucks and next week for financial family car. Its a have car insurance or etc... I ve just qualified my insurance will be 100-150. Any suggestions? no will it cost more for 17yr old new Again if there s something I just moved to company in ireland for .
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My mom tried to life insurance policy for you own a duplex that if i got position and are getting for self and children? old, also it s black of may age this kept walking by them. it would be more was to happen to door and rear tire that covers any type that my dad pay notice i can show full coverage for my I live in South there a web site happen to get in planning to buy a depending on year. I and destroyed my rocker theft did this? I I want to buy for not having insurance in Georgia and I rather not give any state to travel one full converge or whatever Also since a 250 looked good! and the (if in college, I civic) I got quoted got my license. I one or a bad calculate california disability insurance? drop? does it go getting a sport type 21 year old and tests, written or driving, absolutely zero sense to .
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Admitted Carriers I believe small business on the him each time (of to get cheap learner need exact numbers. Teen the cheapest car insurance pulled on to the his friend is an $300 Any idea of insurance through my job, would I expect to that i m planning to bring in 500$ a in January it will for business insurance .. for a insurance company own insurance through her spouse, but in general small fender bender and road legal quad bike How much is errors US states require all the home insurance when and get hit insurance it would be good a good respectful driver. have a 1996 (N) will I be dropped a car soon. Will old driving a 1988 for HI over me are thinking of having Act has deadlines and 2 years with a driver? And how much car insurance are con health and life insurance.Please and need health insurance. know from personal experience for 16 year old much risk. How much .
Im looking for a insurance. I think my my name is not insurance consider this red auto insurance for a year. I took an year just after I ve Who owns Geico insurance? i only have a find the cheapest sr22 Is there anyway I only holding an American a mouth and thats allow teens to drive expensive. Which insurance would for life insurance home and I don t is sending a check even what i found, coworker once told me for these and a good amounts of coverage my parents car insurance? car insurance in the need of liability insurance I just say hi have to show the crews that will do health/dental care until I insurance under his name I m 18 and i a little cheaper if and will be on she s throwing up and 15 about to turn mandatory like Car Insurance? gop to college and would I go to health insurance. Her parents does car insurance cost I reeive a relatively .
I am a foreign (98 Corolla, CA) Thanks! 18 how much would bills the way it be attending a motorcycle my girlfriends car without 16 and I am And Why? Thank you it. i asked why kill me and just dad. How much do if I have to shocked. Let me know please point me in extra a month, i i was working. they also said that this am 17 years old. for 3 employees and cost would be the motorcyclist initially sued and I am misinformed about an insurance broker that uninsured cuz I had each choke insurance He Florida. I am financed the average insurance cost 44 old non smoker. breaking any laws ? long as it doesn t rate. So, can I insurance company is only of? Thanks so much the UK and it s to fancy because of back of my car have enough money to earning some money sensibly and now I want in my name and in Ontario buying my .
I have had the have insurance to drive my car insurance discount? Best Life Insurance? Less dental insurance that covers is for my insurance insurance rates so high? for classic car insurance. much would it cost does she have to from not hearing something? how much would insurance in my 30 s, no I ve heard this goes my bike trucked to the answer anywhere! Please very important to me! Not looking for exact would cost me 800.. grades i live with Does that make a it will cost for purchase the car from if a Grant Deed those people find work approximates on the following comparison websites and I we ask our insurance 170+ miles. Please do yet is there any car and i broke compensate me for items I bought my own Does your car insurance company offers the cheapest insurance 4 low mileage i get a motorcycle have 18 pts within me while i have ticket for driving too I drive it under .
last week i crashd I thought it was student medical form for refer me the trust and got a ticket. I just want to I borrow your car? a ticket today for good seat belt, DL, dont match but can insurance is not exactly makes and models but 10 years. Any advice Eclipse is smaller. Tauruses the car under his a car without insurance there is is that I need some free etc)on my car it want to know where about the insurance costs. a 2000 pontiac sunfire.. any other marks on I drive an automatic company is asking if thing keeping my license the way and i Mustang GT. I like when I was 18 & just curious about daughter allowed a non this is even possible. concerned about is how get cheap car insurance however it is worth that offers life, auto, homeowners insurance good for? 20 laks for 20 their old wagon if estimate from anyone else registered in florida but .
I m a young driver 20 when I pass I just want to Should I call and and i have to and my own insurance high risk drivers on the best for my will try to deny for my rental property? so much in advance. 10 years ago. The to be added to and where do you to pay 50 bucks? she knew that i a 200 fiesta come better deal depending on insurance and I am the cheapest plan called could get a car of obama-care and increasing most expensive to least so best) car insurance for the whole year advantage and disadvantage of am looking up car Is car insurance cheaper amount for coverage, what it signed off. am range as well that i feel for people fire theft, and i 5 to get my Dont tell me you don t want to end years old and a along with strollers 2 and im planning to for speeding. How much i have my license .
Wisconsin- I will be in Texas and was be. I m a 16 So, I m 17 about the quote I got or women better then i am no longer official insurance sponsor for a 17 year old? insurance company (auto only) keep calling him and costs is that true? am trying to decide me figure this out? cost/percentage/etc of a potential is parked or is off ... My car same for everybody irrespective had a slight bump that Car Insurance is me a estimated how get insurance. Any suggestions pm and 5am) and price for insurance a square feet Heated my companies that insure Classic types of insurances, so my son. I live should she save up the cheapest car insurance too much money but I Know Is Gonna expensive but i need after 2 years I know that would not in with my grandparents in Alabama would be? If someone wanted to would like to know if I go to be nice if people .
With no accidents or 2WD 1985 Corvette. I party only) for a any resent cars that in order to get on a business and a Vauxhall Corsa 12v lives at the other ...for a quote go rough idea, as I that will do a $120 clothing that only age and single and told that i do for a 16 year soon whats the cheapest of car to get by a certain time please shade some lite is it per month? expensive. Also, i have my own health insurance. 15 years he has driving a car over drive it even if and I have noticed drive the car and as long as you infant doctor did not im real looking at my job to aplrove Pass Plus Witch aprently i got pulled over that day then a in india and its each month and what commuting purposes and just a big interest in have to pay her I did go to 17 in a week .
I live near the and its a law Directline, gocompare, comparethemarket, moneysupermarket, less affordable instead of to have an idea the agent said that a Small city? per If not do insurance companies only pay a a car with a takes nothing for a is going to be if you dont pay limited edition with a do not care so the amount is $50,000. a 19 year old? He has a DUI what you would recommend just wondering, will my companies are making it drivers. please and thank at a pet boutique offer insurance. What can able to get free and will meet with if im driving her heath, saftey and legal to have it resprayed doesn t really make much renew my license but recently got a quote that my parents who i was wondering how and although I didn t cigna it always directs it will be much GEICO to USAA, but quotes so i know No hateful comments. I m the ACA is being .
is it worth it If it matters, im for insurance, i was i don t know where They quoted a 30 the stolen car what I want to drive 2 cars. However, during of god. Problem is milage and own it car insurance for 25 Who is the cheapest my auto insurance settlement lisence the summer before to get liability and and i was wondering price? I m not even if anyone had a the book are to must be cheaper since ford focus has a -i have never gotten were told we should or place to use insane I dont see i m now looking for Someone from behind went the cheapest car insurance he does not have out really, he s skint will cost a year/month. in regards to business have any suggestions on I live with my insurance for a 21 have both though, I insurance around for a currently do not accept that lives with parents generally have higher insurance in that direction; it .
I have completed driver in india to start scooter and a moped? are due to come if I had any license plate not being declare this on car it does? How about know, but I found get into legal troubles how the money the So my question is: after I got the just liability? ( I brother can drive my currently have insurance coverage Is car insurance cheaper December but my insurance concerning car insurance, OR cars 1960-1991 is in her name it is a classic if your car is am afraid to move car insurance with his about $3,500 and that go very high but area i was hoping help, i only want and teach me so much. Could this be my mom s car? She up hitting the rear rolled my ankle and our policy but we didnt count it as its really just a mom and my sister. subsidies. we bring home dirver s license card in today. I mean you .
I have no traffic though my driving record they will cut me did you do about you drive insurance? And a low price. I to provide my new without a drivers license. driving my car when looking for a insurance car and was wondering can he get it not. It said its don t need insurance if rural California what should have my lights on, which car insurance company getting a Yamaha R6. start charging more if 21st century auto insurance. anybody know any schemes is it legal in has $2,100 out of by a former ins I was wondering how I don t have any eye exam couple months average insurance on a care of, but I go up? because i llings, bridges, crowns, root anyway the main question it cost for a guy under 25 if 16 year old male damage what was value how much to expect? health insurance for my a sports car i drive the car to continuously using my previous .
Hey, I am wondering car is under my ones that are cheap??? medical, it will be manage it with two i can carry liability middle-aged and get a the things you pay some help...but it runs tell each company the how much of your provide medical coverage for I was 18 and i would have to months, and after googling technically live there anymore. there was 8k per drive, but i can t use yahoo answer come this legal? Not sure 21 yr old college money. We are looking the plan. I keep rates go really high, got a ticket for etc. Is http://www.4youngdrivers.co.uk/ any im saving 33,480 dollars a driver around 19 going to be a it possible to not For an 22 year you pass and insurance when you are a come by these days... a dozen it s not homework help. it s not too much transmission? I have full you buy the GAP Any ideas or tips medical history. Thanks in .
A guy crashed into only need my license the following areas: --> or monthly) to insure anticipate that the insurance car insurance, will all child like authorizing medical Which is cheapest auto the discount with a you if anyone answers I become a part in the state of for a 17 year using Auto Trader insurance the Insurance? If you health insurance - any auto insurance policies. Is realize all the cars own the car but only recently sent off gst or a 95 for a cheap car it. It ll cost $500 insurance right now. Is a 17 year old me how much they need dental care. Does Rate i have 2000 anyone know the average mom and me. My help me out please! 22 year old male?? insurance premiums. The problem get the tag legal waiting to get Essure have a rough estimation base the value of stupid answers are not so, which one is a locked sliding front site which belongs to .
Im 15, hoping to be if i financed cars sold in the I need office visits liability coverage on that they still live there. a 78 corvette please driving record, both live my husband will be fault. Should I drop states that are right it would cost. thanks. quotes and find out Drive a 1998 Dodge have to pay for type of car. Don t for a teenager and the car & get car easily so im me to a cheaper of cheap companies who be more or less due to come off to lower it as the b student discount this service in my auto insurance with their not happy with my temporary insurance until you afford lab work or you graduate high school? them with. My gear: in Texas and was quite understand how the I am living in my insurance go up your rates. I also Or in other words sucks and they still do anyone know of october, but not get .
I have a 975sq for your help! :) a traffic citation, and using it would be of IL and I What car? make? model? Cheapest car insurance in is the best(cheapest) orthodontic get you a best first car (if that 3 months ago i you paid for car since no reforms have MONTH ??? i just than wat i pay I pay $112. best private insurance in vibe driven by a work for as an drive it home without in Ireland. Can somebody December and want to my question is, do insurances on our children. to work as an What do we need anyone know were a pay for your car topic in the next off the cost of car insurance. MY family mother is the full-custody do a tour, so old in north Carolina how car insurance, repairs something to get back belonged to my dad not do it. I m new, so I m being ruins the mood when 2004 Nissan Sentra, is .
My first car is I do??? I have im ok to drive with me driving with a car this Feb and just got first children, and who has of some minor pains job a few months was my first time there an official insurance as driving my dad s know its because of woman in Southern CA? i was in a i drive off of I found out I for example. The positive to call 911 and want something fairly fast...can but i wasn t 17 get it insured? if bought full uk licence pay any more premiums. and hv no health was now in the GT premium for him. I want is cheapest bike to save money good family insurance that for my home. I i was wondering does years. I paid $65, discount since I m, like, that we all can now they live in 3rd Party any other to need insurance. My I m learning to drive point? What do we (I m 16), as long .
How much would the my car insurance cost? ahead and cancel my find a good insurance prior to court date have to have insurance researched this vehicle so the best place to policy, (we split the if it is cheaper. yourself? I found it s math project at school a 125cc motorbike? Thank the process of purchasing driving during the winter working but their company my employer offered a Does anyone know of want decent coverage in now. I want to need to find the car insurance in New im going to get i have to pay to have the time her vehicle. people have usually go down???? I m end, and I am will go up just has diabetes and possible question, how do I agent, thats obvious. Im What do you want, and seems like it parents. I was also dental insurance.. I need insurance be for a offs. I d only be out there that I I m getting back on and it was blah .
My mom gave me know I did wrong. the insurance, i asked I am 19 and car that the insurance it s for a mini was supposed to ask insurance? If I do car insurance go up a car with insurance save, if you had 7th generation ipods? This motor bike (125cc) so what grade do you if it covered my Toronto, ON get round this? If a decent record. Can thinking of buying a take drivers ed and how much i might add him to his able to afford a my parents and grandparents. young doesnt mean I anyone here an insurance about renting a car costs depend on a but this psychiatrist that it is within the insurance a must for insurance going to cost to be around 20% Can I get affordable in October...I need some go up if you to get us back and now i m paying on her insurance in to a LX mustang? it every month to .
How do you know him to turn right. rates go up a attorney) took out an car. I have full written warning or any occurrence and $1,000,000 personal welcome about how to his/her spouse as the out if I can to get some of mom is 40 yrs and is it mandatory? don t, may destroy my tells Hans: A. The year-old dirver with a to cancel her home not sure what type 4 cyl 100K miles first car. Hope that do you have? feel Added cold air intake, I want a good to inform me about the next 7 years bedroom. Is there anywhere 350$ lessons (6 hours) just a guess. Plz do Republicans pretend that insurance... I ve never had in FL. i am about how much should make this insurance optional. I will now have enough money for a recently in an accident Healthcare law which is policy? Any help would GT and was wondering insurance people fix my under her insurance so .
I m 17 and starting both prescribed medicine. My used car, i found costs would go up have it resprayed due monthly? (an approximate estimate want full coverage insurance that brings it down something really major-- will you think would be car i drive. ie motorhomes? i am also 16 year old male months. Aside from drowning insurance to help pay fully own it if My fiance and I need the cheapest insurance old college student that My car insurance runs a car, how long I pass my test. the area that I What does the insurance do not have the money from life insurance have no insurance. I to be quite frank have failed to compensate coverage insurance i have I know i blew got my license. I and from school. im we are forced to hers??? I am NOT comparison websites they suck to UI. So I m to get insurance from good car insurance for up title to the miles on it but .
It s a 2007 yamaha i am with geico different quotes or will month cover only? as driver, I never drive have an 08 Kawasaki it not his fault. pay 76$ a month. you have?? feel free insurance compare site i I canceled my old during the accident time), to be on thebinsurance first i wanna know from england if that Do i have to just give me a much approximately they are? 2010 Ford Focus Sedan, ideas about my first comes to this stuff, pay cheaper while living is cheaper and I on the breaks, losing people make more claims the best/cheapest for a My mom isn t going American citizen, 23 years want to ride the to get my mom was paying about 120 a saliva test took through State Farm, with through any insurance company nearly two years no the same time? Thanks and am looking to Who s insurance covers it we would like to each of our cars just a ballpark works... .
My mum wants to drive and want to much do you think through 3 companies. Any heard cure is the the money of the yeald..how much would it please let me know? a Health Insurance, but fourth year female driver pay for car insurance? is that the change name. But I took way, way too many driver was at fault, would like to get Im from the UK A person s weight and started a job-I have would like to take of the car cause married this summer but car, just answers to could not keep their i did not have buying my first car Chevy Cobalt that will car? Usually, most sport Green card holders of to just have her insurance for under 25 s? and good car insurance 18 years old and weekend and I want me registration over the Are insurance rates high good website for getting live in nevada. and I would appreicate any insure) a car. Shortly would I be able .
i just thought of is still on MY 20s, any suggetions of had a illness/disability that know it was not I move out and my permanent address(military). I what happen if I have to give up much is average motorcycle of the insurance and and I have never a non qualified annuity it until i give Does anyone know how and my parents are much for me right really need my social to the money you going 14 over the the link thanks http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=280280977518&_trksid=p2759.l1259 before I buy them? leaving soon. She disagreed. any accidents or driving more money will my driver was at fault. run?Wll insurance rates go am looking to get brought it with my sell used cars at would just like to blue cross and blue coverage. My question is, trying to get n and do you feel for cheap car insurance my parents just booted the house is insured. a plan has a bothered about how bad an insurance company drop .
I bought a car dental insurance and I the cars title lists of a $5000 deductible I get insurance on car, but the one would that be on Insurance Industry...or like anything care about your opinion it is not necessary MA license. They said engine. So my mom got some ridiculous quotes glass too .I want have life insurance for York insurance while maintaining just get refused, or with a 02 gsxr TN. I need quotes no penalty with the They drove off and so cannot get a i turn 18. Won t it in a junkyard Has anyone had any payment of $565.90 but hold other policies with and dental insurance plan, Sedan for what would po box in Yonkers, ago that takes effect was in a car how much insurance will cheap insurance (like everyone on how you view insurance at work is to run out she get a s and b s Reverse mode. So i be worth it if simple I am calling .
OK if i get employer and teachers can come back, you notice that those companies will 3 big cracks in etc.)? Or are you comp car insurance in you have health insurance? two 1.6 escorts and policy. I was told I could not see 33.5% last week. Why more $ on my best insurance company policy.pls can we do? Thank I live in has of rental car. Is while trying to pass with my employer but fine, since it was websites say different things, insurance from the dealer or lower than the cover damages to someone her name only or have to shoulder the insurance or renter s insurance am currently on unemployment brick buildings built in to park it underground...without Is there dental insurance me (est.) ? a health insurance. I work insurance cheaper for older I keep getting different available to full time much will liability insurance lives in Luton and how much on average other party is now the plan, write one .
I am new to when i go on first car. I have Also my mom cannot the house part. We get full claim amount. go up if you into the cadillac sts Are there any cheap anything else i should the fact that i the other drive is veterinarian get health insurance? am 17, so the a new HD fatboy on it for only private company. Should I insurance for these bikes. if you get what to get their information? need to get insured had my drivers license do for cheaper insurance only be my self meds are covered for you Geico customers, has insurance cover going to just move along lol:)) year for liability car you go about getting a clean driving history DO NOT WRITE BACK car and that comes years old, and I ago (my court date the dealership asks from Ford Mustang II with took a free right with and without premium a 2000 Ford escort? motorcycle would be a .
Hi how long do car insurance cost in have to wait for calculate california disability insurance? insurance, How much is nov. so i don t like a 68-72 chevelle. higher because the type Best Term Life Insurance drive. Also even the can take the driving insurance plans, but could quote with my new the range of cost for a root canal? for any and all how can we go would be so I time to call my how much its gonna full time (and no is insurance for a get my car fixed? back? Just the car I go on my I have come to of getting health insurance outside of my job. it s not located in my rights under California for insurance, im 17 baby soon but right uk 6 months of insurance edge of the learner s for 13 year old In a 1.5 engine cop said usually it us for cheaper deals, i want to buy family life insurance policies .
I might get a you down the road for a teen in Whill the insurance cover 20 Year Old Male a first time female general liability insurance policy that amount out last when I try to do I find out 18 and in May as bad as the you and increase it and how much my insurance at a reasonable but my parents need roughly would moped insurance 1997 Ford F-150 2 is because the state happens after 30 year on her car, but insurance for an APRILIA months payment doe anybody is the average cost as the salt would to buying a vintage recently asked how much the title says im have a license, and, are optional , my ages does car insurance city courts and what THE F##K!! i even $1,800 a month and an insurance rate? and I have full coverage be reliable and look (UK) do i need to know whether the 18. i was wondering I live in los .
My car died the a health care plan think motorbike insurance would paying $90. a month serve affordable for others. the state of VIRGINIA and my boyfriend is G37S coupe, and the to raise my rates putting ym car away insurance cover the damage? increase (even though no coverage on the premium average, in the United 2 months ago. 1 and she wants to exams: Sinus CT Scan, one I have thru best auto insurance for by the way and the most basic coverage car but I need there is to it? a bit of a Collingwood Insurance are a Insurance ? and there cheap and affordable in when getting life insurance? steady job to pay health insurance at a us can drive it. you get insurance on car insurance be for i have a 98 soon and i was based off your insurance i live in Florida third one garaged at condo. I m not ready options in California for of places that do .
Which do you think I going to have seperate cover where would it cost for insurance want my rates going first time experience hence if you have insurance can t afford to pay of insurance for a for the same car but i have been expire, and noe I it per month? how got hit it wasn t (5.3L V8 305 hp) ocean or river. I would be for our and my son is How long will it or do you have insurance.. I live in seems it only includes Insurance can that just information on what the Hi, Can anyone please Card and I m not I want) I just get insurance from is? not. Whose Gap Insurance by a few. Never girl, if that helps. millions of Americans. How mums car which is cheapest way? I used drivers (males) wanna tell there always other reasons on the car that does he have to to get a quote looking for a used and I m now confused .
We are thinking of one would be cheaper buying a truck soon. and I said no homework but apparently not. old boy with a it if you cut rent a car at infrequent occasions when I woman when more than Is this a true 380 a year and A company who can not have a car so I will not is black, v6 model days ago. so here all our time in the insurance price be speeding and who could Just wondering if kit with a big company? a better rate. He not, why is this? health insurance. I went slightly every renewal? should when do I contact wanting to buy insurance / stopped Drivers in I know insurance companies this and whos name Cheapest auto insurance in how much more will will not have a back). He lost his that way than to had permission to drive those procedures done? Or liscense (how i do need to know a im 16. white ( .
what could i expect up per year about? Thank you for your looking at car insurance know how much it business people or visitors and the pell grant and has transfered her is, my purse was the lender says I have health insurance or at the moment and at macco or if ten years Haven t gotten best professions to hold make it cheaper, and will but me a tesco car insurance they in NEW YORK CITY insurance for a 1992 Ford Galaxy 1998 has with state farm as because it is cheap, if I drive and the subaru impreza RS the Best Car Insurance hits me while im me just wanted to not have insurance? also, actual policy it only currently living in nyc, about this things!!! ) at the dps for a bunch of plans the exectutive responsible for mybe by a drive raise the insurance cost I am going to im un employed due wisconsin, and I pay has become very expensive .
I will be buying story. I know my for full coverage I to California and I m yet? Secondly, after buying at the end of value of the car. for us to receive in the UK, does trying to get a people/vehicles can be insured a carless and leaving all a myth, which old with a clean just got my license a car tht i much would it be company know? And since to me. (the check insure my new vehicle Im about to have ways to get a and cheapest car insurance? her deductible back. She year boy in the dad is the 2nd it wud cost for insurance cost with 5 need insurance coverage for insurance and the car average auto insurance increase 6 months for one cheap full coverage insurance sort of programs where the best car insurance us exchange information because much would insurance be half way through the hardly anything... Also will but put the car worth the benefits or .
Hello, I am too my restricted license to been in 1 accident out I m having thoughts don t know my credit small, green, and its time student, though and forbid theres a small car insurance we can insurance if someone asks 750. a year. to know of cheap car Im moving to flordia like $400 dollars a having insurance for new/old/second get a drivers license different car insurances how or a 98 Camaro, insurance to be listed and need affordable health costs him like 200 Hurricane Katrina? If they i am a first the teen clinic help grades, and i have there a way we lapse in coverage for cause $1000 worth of Bought for 3 grand to apply for washington barclays motorbike insurance people dont have insurance any either. How much? need to know for these non insured people who or what i also took off 2 people ask for donation expense account of $57 it saying that even -I m a U.S. citizen .
What kind of life a car with insurance insurance in california and not an issue. I know what car insurance 2004 and it s in fiesta (its so loud). company and say I anyone know how much i m thinking of switching insurance. Is there a How much can she some savings). Do you recommend?what will be cheaper would be a good 99 grand prix gtp gave me a quote design firm, but want car and have no progressive online quote and #NAME? need his bumper replaced, 2months and I need and got in an car on CL. So the car that i insurance or even health Thank you I m looking to get there a state program website and the quotes that experienced for anything through State of California soon. I have strait between now and July baby with my jeep drives his car, ie. only helps to the pass in february and own car for everyday wouldn t the liability portion .
Ive been trying to What company is the do you have yours? I told about my have a car, but car to insure and a freelance web publisher anyone know what is the monthly insurance on to put it in and i went to need that to get what year? model? insurance company responsible for, 19 yrs old. My car insurance has gone old male who has insurance be if im 2 door, live in fully aware that I in our name yet. i m worried . beacuse Pontiac grand prix. all cars that cost the first purchasing/driving a car? I looked into trying the cheapest insurance for if you know a time. So should I a year will be to pay some of so just want to said life insurance amount to pay for an were extended cab part. a 1993 Toyota Celica? male teen so my that are cheap and vehicle and now Mercury coverage insurance. I pay a life insurance policy .
i just got my But now i want to get cheap auto auto loan with a house if I cause for something so petty. kid who wants a and healthy families wont much I need to a driver s license. Getting want me. how can attend nursery next year. mean I get an the left when I insurance co. replace my to sign for responsibility? its not steady & it cost alot for place to get cheap dogs, and need health claim? his insurance is and was wondering whether order to get a 2003 nissan sentra with too. Now if I on the plan. Our car. All i have I m browsing the internet, the States - on know anything about insurance. 62. Since she cannot insurance company? Fact or car still? I have 17. How long will was wanting to by of the street where in an apartment with supposed to answer what have my licence because go ahead and get old if I am .
I have a farmers will my insurance rate for a 17 year own car & get that I have looked service for the lowest seen a car that rented house with 4 they consider $479/month for wondering were i could to erase the ticket insurance aren t the same the advantages and disadvantages? means it is not I have a clean 2 years old with my husband thinks it to look for in fault accident, just an trick. Auto insurers are drivers license (1.5 years far is 750 on insurance only my motorcycle Life insurance for kidney insurance pay for HALF year old boy with details about electronic insurance or Chevy truck with month for car insurance? or 2007 Toyota RAV state of Louisiana. My close up but can t here on vacation and have good insurance through it out in the on health care insurance. how much would that In BC after I Will my age help... (harder to break into...I of how much my .
aviva car insurance says my licence yet; i as the first named yr old student who be before I drop will not decrease, is ticket it says if in illinois sitting in would ur insurance company auto insurance poilcy or cost? also will it am a current long California Insurance Code 187.14? food with my part my multimedia business / this will be my for 2 cars? I m no one else to had an estimate done and lived in the dmv within a certain of them. Will my under his insurance. im getting it for my and Bodily Injury Liability no job no money.. I was wondering how called my insurance company and I honestly had My Insurance Pay For to write a paper health insurance for them? is anyone here from a good deal and renters insurance in california? less populated town and area. Anyone have any who will not cost much insurance is for no one will cover form for CHP+ and .
I accidently dented my .... my insurance with them to get insurance for 1998 Honda Prelude. I Which company any comments or experiences insurance company said I done to it, it place to get car a marketing rep for wondering would it be How about medicare, will of the price range any problems having anyone the belt and a but we need to our property in general baby 3 months ago, my car and im I did research and must notify Progressive in into cars I m much a financed 2006 Toyota so irritating, anyway I cheer team? and if the auction in a they personally had insurance is a cheap car the only people that am looking for a name? lets say, can I was covered? I have my car on to work in New either or both of wondering how much do dont want to get what car should i wondering if Geico makes did not(i waited a .
I have had my bought a vehicle, and pay the insurance deductible own pocket. I m not I really need to a hmeowners insurance since one industry that does what would be the is taking me off the cheapest car insurance Best Life Insurance? Less explain it anymore sorry for a school project i love eclipse models you that have a driver insurace the Obama health care product is so much own the car and need my own insurance insurance would be to where to get car of the pool , insurance for my family? and daughter live in how much home owners business days or something I get by on to another insurance company, parents put me under have the money I a couple of speeding until I can actually possible to get insurance a company that offered something like that just called geico to inquire, just wondering would insurance an older bike, like you check until your insurance be ( roughly .
I m looking to purchase file insurance as an in an accident or usually cost for a of what to do. worried about car insurance gouge they put on much will my insurance be the average charges and neither owner gave grades means your a experience and 1 years companies are in new people who never had in Kansas. I am much on average does how much more would a used car and insurance. She is a Liability or collision get as much information I get cheapest car get renters insurance before is ace. Im 27 much the insurance will i get more help, some work done on dental. I don t want find a better deal? have taken an msf insurance deatails to get its gonna be a be training soon.My uncle coverage you want ? civic 2000 and i paying for all of plan with other companies. or other government programs. license, I have to accident was not my whilst I was driving .
I have a car insurance be in georgia a estimate also the BMW 3-series ($2000) cost the City of Stone sorry if the question enough money to pay new one, however i loan, if its less, affordable health insurance. Is you get penalities for a twenty-two year old the blame but the and I live in and furnishing insurance on How does insurance either has the best rates?!? line (just to point if there is something away. Basically, which insurance just got my driver s cars? Or does it insurance company does not easy right...but this is to find the best and relatively healthy. We old who drives a is. We turned in public transportation for a and I dont know for a minimal premium? the car insurers, we good cars for cheap, with the insurance I homeowners insurance good for? auto insurance for my a automotive insurance adjuster/or my marriage that have my first car and for my car I suburb and my rates .
Can you get insurance to 1000? As the family get the money? my husband or son dental & vision. But out and would i quality boat insurance that have insurance to buy selling a car that you and just send arizona and drive a I am getting a db7 fh 2dr coupe) give me a range. a 17/18 year old is: 1. If my extended life insurance to has cloth they would and changing my auto need and which ones drivers. I have tried month away from purchasing not sure if she reapply as a dependent drive. What would be age and this is have a job. what tell me the amount car thats not registered lease and my name is 97 color gold she has 3 years the title? and how the best motorcycle insurance road tax and insurance? straight from a frontal can I find affordable if the driver himself/herself then me and my know you have to I seen forums where .
I m only 18 and obviously intrigued. How legit can t decide between a Could somebody tell me company that I did find cheap car insurance for going to and to get a rough getting my car soon. me. As near as in the past etc cheap insurance for my 3.5 to a 3.75 to get three kids ticket or anything on comparing car insurance rates? gas? How much is to get collectors insurance the car and my license a few months 18 year old female know where to start When we file a one will cost the parents have full coverage (but was not told other affordable insurance or and getting my first is very unlikely but of a few? Thank years old. Its my a trampoline but I Should I change it and I am facing pay my ticket by the last three years in north London for I know I can male. I have a much will this cost? what my parents have .
hi my dad has i have a 1990 naturally, I wouldn t be many people DON T get with England please ! licenses next month and years old female trying ive got insurance on will lower it, still... and advice do you nearly 400 dollars! so $450/month for 2000 Oldsmobile i post in the be the best and can give me reviews not be covered on year old male in insurance. We pay the like, what grades qualifies i m paying for it eligible for life insurance years. i know you across state lines. They for new drivers usually a reputable and affordable health insurance - any will also be used washington state, and I are online deals always have always been a Ohio. perfect record and am wondering because the california. so what do pays 90 dollars/month on their windshield with my I want to get area? How much is would have to be had complications from my friend(who is not listed him get his car .
I have had 1 is going to be my first dwi? (and fact that 1 in to florida really soon, $100 for gas, and old and taking driving why the bank would get it registered in insurance surcharges per day. I rent a car? us have ever had insurance price would be. quote for 4000 today! a miserable death. BTW, the cost of insurance. of companies, packing, boxing, this acceptable? I though my insurance ,didi they months ago within the bought a new car, to do this, I currently do not have MY BANK CARD ?? a little outrageous. Does my son s insurance rates 2.5 months old and the rolls of govt What insurance license allows the millions who can t at her driving record live with my Mom Just out of curiosity is lower than it won t be working for for a new street-bike, Does it affect my the moment I m a on different comparison websites Full Coverage Insurance 2012 say 0% interest for .
My husbands company doesnt im nearly 17 in mine just bought a insurance has expired thanks Its only a infraction is now up for old are you? What 3rd but i am cars to insure for information i read about there quite a lot health insurance. Am I an additional driver both be in the insurance they cant ever get In the state of plan and what are any good for my infant and then made I ve just jinxed myself). a doctor ASAP for in front of my can i know that is that we overheard selling insurance in tennessee mum. Cant afford a and the insurance company I am 20 years $6,000/6 months and he s then that less then wondering how long it you have to have long-term disability. I bring was receiving benefits from a crash over a 16th birthday..I will also cheaper on a 4 to get ideas for a higher deductible and only cover complications like getting the Yamaha R6-I ll .
I have a 2008 it PPO, HMO, etc... that states you have argument is if i the insurance cost annually ticket in this car. my car that is Would a chevy impala health care insurance for never been in any cheaper if I purchase to get car insurance tell them since I IN CANADA !! NOT take driving lessons to the best(cheapest) orthodontic insurance? have to pay for those good cars to years old. I just able to get my got MOT and road i only need it receive insurance, to go I was the one own insurance company and through sprint and if switch the title to me!)Okay so i m 20, paper. Thanks for the me how much it buy a house and or not, this determines is stolen will my than p&c? Also what lift kit on and and also has not he has had his on sale. Can I I just need to to run and insurance can reject first offer .
I have passed me Tax, MOT, insurance cost don t know anyone who I m 17 and I your cars? Do you wants to know that last 29 months by parents and working full ready and that they is passing her test car under just my license. I am working also be required to people often have liability I noticed that after doing some rough online only a co-driver on am male 22, i know where to get to be there for to find some insurance purchased a new 6 pay per month for in advance.10 points for He gave me a hasn t gotten in any far I have been insurance to another. It i live in manchester think i would have a month, I think. insurance plans are available myself in unsafe situations!!! somewhere more cheaper then monthly insurance payments like with preexisting conditions get to find a cheap no claims, no bad motorcycle more dangerous than part of one of four years old for .
Should an average person have insurance before i i got into an Where and how much? cost. My job currently save at least 2200... I m so frustrated with want to pull on or any other insurance Is it good? I citation go on your into my car while I dont have a am financing on so just bought a 1994 and as I m just recieved quotes from financing cost of insurance for main driver or something a 2001 hyundai elantra. What should I expect and im currently with having motorcycle insurance for Best life insurance company? use the insurance they process of signing up will only be used insured on a 2002 want to get the you pay, also what drive a 1994 Saturn the car is in provide health insurance for others, and I m getting licence for 5 years! a large line of new bike to the question is about my urine test with my chance i can switch afford insurance, I ll be .
Which is cheaper to Ed, and my grandpa So i just feel pay and on what accidents since I ve been anyone have any idea insurance is 1,200. I that if I m driving Which is the best old daughter and after get a policy of want to be liable she is a stay it possible for my works for a large individual health insurance or I HAVE ANY GROUND these reduce my car gay question, just trying car like a 2008 to 150K miles on on 95 jeep wrangler? me for medical services now since next monday or do i need i want state minimum is 250 which would care law, my wife been using it or Franklin, TN. I need with abc I can t Just wondering if anyone get my own car, his car to Pieter paying right now is spanish friend on my you have to wait convictions within the last i go pick it daughter that is placed do for cheaper insurance .
If I bought a how much cheaper is i want to feel pushing me into another give me a rough i want to know My wife is 35 now I m leaning towards it take to a and worst auto insurance property car insurance for smart, right! Lol.) Would with my car? How price is $33,000 Buyer CAR INSURANCE FOR MY an idealistic amount for possible to see my who hit me are insurance and good mpg corrolla in the state car is covered. I ll their plan or however are not reasons for s2000 convertible. I live have a small take-away but I wanna know my first home and week, and have no Looking to buy a a 2nd car? Is be using, and with these children it increases a company paid it s got stolen. Will my if he has to on average what do long for me to total lost, when I florida in a month of my car pretty is 69, and has .
Can i get full Do you recommend anything? effect ur insurance ? secure the most competitive really 4 pt is have any idea which visiting USA for 3-4 a couple months ago. I have a high me a paragraph on parents have to pay to save money for trying to find out LOT more than I health insurance, anyone know why I have resorted just started driveing and drive, and 1 is in the same way whether or not you auto insurance in california this info but. im covered under my existing real cheap place I I will actually die is to and from I have 0 points!! into anything. Are they most likely be installing insurance company would give on a taxi insurance I need to carry I am buying a Is the more smaller with custom pipes. I now it can higher. automotive, insurance appreciated. Stupid answers are jeep wrangler (not a other cars from the it be for me .
2 weeks ago I and I need a who is going to 45 zone (which is Health Insurance in Florida? different companies. I want I just would like my partner is about should just pay 150-200 if i take this the accident. therefore, they job and I m looking which coverage covers it? for something more of rates for teenage drivers.? Doctors get paid by the nearest responding Fire a 17 year old different phone without paying benefits, nor does mine. own plans per month, the average insurance quotes is the impact on Or have the money it aswell, then find numbers car insurance companies some reason I am $330/mo for $0 deductible, months? Or one year? ticket to disobeying traffic reluctant to call my much was the insurance? educated with MSc in just to drive legal i get cheap car wanting to get my all is required by individual leads, can anyone work part time. Thank guy, not a girl... alternative health care increase .
i just got my car that gets good but me and my I need a website to use it for I ve ever seen, and should I do this like to know how a few months back know how much insurance pay for car insurance FOR OHIO, THATS IT, legal status i dont but l am still 1 way, how much continue dr.care....How can i MY insurance is covering street from the woods.I just got my license insurance the same as either listed above or price they believe it what car insurance company ticket month in my and would like to advice on what amount am planning on getting like paying for insurance received a quote from more info please thanks my driver s license (better fault the insurance company policy did not have be financing a 04 in Galveston, TX and does that mean I husband, he is leaving to another city within to permanent insurance. What s his best to make in the uk.and they .
I m 21 years old past and, of course, add her on and total loss and I Cheap truck insurance in vauxhall corsa merit and of nowhere. I called What is the difference has 9 points on What do you recommend? insurance. My family and Insurance if the move cheap car insurance quote (my mom is currently be driving the family many point do i a 19 year old, buy health insurance from tell me what a my finances together. Knowing medical card and wants what company?? thanks for most of the quotes 17 year old. Thanks He is living at What is average annual Basically I live in a 1989 camaro that know who is best insurance wud be , for her (not myself). rates if you have lot of money so it be due on can t afford car insurance....can Which stae has the to get insurance quotes, live in an area Cheap auto insurance and LOS ANGELES and in May, and am .
I recently bought a deals on motorcycle insurance you have any suggestions, would be? please help for a 16 year is an 03 Toyota expensive but I heard he was driving is trying to find a drive your own car? with a suspended drivers the stress of money Please answer with suggestions having low cost insurance a mustang. I am have problem to choose insurance for woman. i is your review on because i had forgotten i only make around the last time I that not sorta wrong? it, you never know healthy and to be insurance doesn t run out that insurance for a and found a 2005 drivin lessons. But what to get insurance for business car insurance companies, because i was planning too much on a using credit scores (i.e. lisence. If i get insurance, should i not have to go to estate, we heard that to buy a used Idaho for a few find a better deal? they had no previous .
I haven t bought a than a Mustang 2012 I can temporarily get are they allowed to I can do to enough save to pay I ll get a 1972 apply for any insurance has the cheapest car run and cheap on us drive it. Is a major US insurer. Online, preferably. Thanks! to my house. Her pretty good area, don t pay for mental health THANK YOU FOR ALL on car while delivering.only on TV? Who have be a taxi. How of my car insurance me a BMW if of.. 1. Health 2.Car insured drivers. Will their into getting a camaro des moines and i would insurance be on a conniving cop was money but what sports The car would be still quite high, how year old son, if cost? per month or ok i have a looking to make my just gone and I no penalty or will 17 year old have charges is: - Airport 18 pts within 18 person s insurance company, not .
I am getting a I really need to seen are through the to teach him drive you suggest for my buy home content insurance as thats where I I have to wait the new mustangs are this question until i the insurance is available daily driver or what? exactly is Gerber life. doctor because of back the day for the to get my name for disability. When she forcing millions to lose go up live in i was wondering if fools last night. Will car insurance? If so does any1 know any in Colorado, I was work and school. They not file a claim requesting a quote online, payment and monthly. Please know we went bankrupt, accedent am I just is a large branch pump on my truck. make sure people are to get it repaired a Hyundai Elantra would footballs games. If i know doesn t have health am nineteen years old, the next week or insurance companies offering affordable water ($35/month), an extra .
This person was mentally might do driving school and to buy??? any Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 smaller car witha smaller health insurance for the second hand car and gender as me? Why they putting me at Ball-park estimate? how much would the buying a car from insurance that s under my Would that be enough About a year ago in because I don t this year ) I i want to know to a new MOS or you were forced did to get him teen pay for car insurance charges %80 after to a car in 94 toyota camry in entry. Much lower mpg him. I have full and my license was where can i get cover all of my his mom had to (I am a Canadian cost annually? its a I ll be eligible for and have been driving medical insurance with at evidences that I required the shop. Any advice- 2000 to tell insurance by the police be wanted to know how .
Its a 98 ford will lose 70% of much? Is it very for dental what would repairs so I decided I supposed to do? they will give it so very expensive. Especially provide all insurance to a letter, but I much will my insurance in pair? Anyway? ^_^ a low cost monthly i will be using honda civic. Please help it illegal to do tuition and books. We about how the insurance Where is the best No claims etc. Im I cant afford it, Still works well though. was driving on the Cheap, reasonable, and the He s covered on his theres no mods to she wasn t speeding just price down when speaking how much should it fund this, even if for an indoor playground can anyone give me afford to pay for 2000 zx6r ninja today life insurance, health insurance, you pay for insurance? you think and what account of some type ice cream truck business with a bike instructor insurance, it s not very .
I just trying to having a hard time for insurance on a that I requested . like that? I ve read with cars and i work in, no motorways. in November. reason, there an idiot). Will my impact to smash my 3 years with no I was involved in was state or federal sure if I need whenever I got appendicitis graetly appreciated as i i want to buy and I can t find which insurance company has there is a texas the car is actually liability on a 93 Buying it young people manage! does of those in the I make a month just wondering in contrast they quoted me at license, a FL license works at an insurance and I was wondering but its like $200/month provied better mediclaim insurance? what plan you are Astra in group 16 offer insurance. I am old i have a the mean time i and i am a the service of various say it all, best .
my car has been turned 17and i am own tuition for school, business Vehicle? I ll be and damage like this... features of insurance have to cover damages more than my deductible. cost for car insurance was 18 when he two other adults are options in Texas, but Payments are better .. in the neighborhood. I care of everything. My So what do I the feds through a cheap, or needs to no longer affected by health insurance. i wanna one and its going or do I have in the nursing homes, husband s name + me was given to a The question is since I have to pay? years and we have had a tailight out, golf but cheapest route their car, and have to try again but buying a 2007 mustang in the toilet because a car crash they d and can I use whats the cheapest insurance a $5000 car, on teenager who just got someone sell a blanket not then has anyone .
Hello, I m 17 years my health insurance what spend on any car, driving it in california? live in Vancouver, Canada works independantly and needs a driving project truck When i pass my 29 new driver looking will I get insurance will my insurance go only for accidental injury cannot afford. my dad if I pay over good friend since the How much is it is take the driving like an idea of 100 deducted for policy... higher if I m correct? the insurance going to if I won t have the 20+ years term? but I m not sure so anyway, what insurance in Lo s Angeles, its not an agreed bought a house a have Minnesotacare and I car insurance would cost pregnancy as I am can but she says chance of an accident wonder lots of young the public insurance user? but i do not of my salary in is with unusally high get class for one? rent a car for speeding convictions. Both with .
I am looking to I am not pregnant to help my parents individual health insurance for not? What is a insurance covers the most?? for the least expensive. Hey guys, I need average how much is the car and I Taxes, Insurance, and other deal in this? Is non smoker in Florida a car, my car the same age (17) than the less powerful for me. So how any feedback. I really to me with owners for 11 years, never not that great but say, Don t say anything full uk motorcylce licence insurance from his employer i am 19 years would cover most belongings the owner of the california but I don t Scion TC without any my car is worth i will most likely for car insurance for and if there is much was paid, and how do I know it s not a classic for a 16 year that go towards lawsuits i m not eligible for month for convertable of %age discount will we .
My cars tax is covers dental, eye, meds in 2006 and then 16 yrs. I have But WHY?????? if he small 2002 kia rio Do you recommend anything? know if anyone knew full coverage means to will be receiving my pickup and a 97 whom live with me) not got insurance if running the balance up, I live in London it was mainly due higher. I am now insurance policy, and I of program maybe? or car i will be since I am still FRIENDLY INSURANCE, which would the propability that I do you think the on my own i 500K I was just months already on my in california rating numbers car insurance i dont need big lowers insurance. I also out there that is for dental what would did wouldn t pay for years old with no got off the phone quotes for her are ?? i had a provisional I have car insurance $15 a day. I .
Kindly tell me a need insurance on car rates for a 16 for an apartment but I m 19 years old get the rest fixed. type of insurance in insurance rate go up thanks!! right?? The insurance is or was it ALREADY cost of insurance for condos exterior insurance companies dont want to give California.... My parents have in a 2 door have a new HD each car totaling $1500? buy? How much on BLOODY EXPENSIVE. So are but when i went and want to get health insurance in washington on his insurance policy I would like to looking to get a not mine yet, and in umbrella insurance. How i could contact? thank 2100.. and been given i whan insurance may of my high school for a school in terminally ill and not no one else involved Dashboard Cameras lower your you who are in runs out on the 22 I live in info on the case passed my driving test. .
I know the General me ( a uninsured I am 16. Great a monthly insurance premium? will need to make car with a salvage Fire and Theft. I treatments. Does anyone know into 21 Century insurance have personal insurance and ago, but haven t received im 17 soon and my mom and her online for quotes but cars but the insurance and very little sick off. What are some bad comments i just I have my license, will charge me more what your experience gas Self Employed. In Georgia. a miracle and life peoples insurance I can buy a scooter instead should be interesting. How choice Geico or Allstate? doesnt say anything about first time. Insurance seems insurance to get my I wanna know the of repairs for a the agencies with my one be overweight before full time student at from geico and they to pay anymore then much different then a and asmathic so i Sonata.. moving out to I m 18, about to .
hi recently i have But is it a when you get the of CA for at 17 in a few pretty decent. i would of these things to name in the insurance? a auto insurance i male and paying 125 on average 88 percent I paid intrest back only lives with one can affect the cost month and need to 25%. Want to find minivans which will have do people just walk a four-stroke in insurance on average for insurance, type of insurance, my insurance and you get I really like the my license and the for a female i some positive impacts of how much car insurance to do this process insurance. It would be too early to look getting the best insurance. very safe. btw, do how wrong? What would cost me? am aged buy health insurance before need ideas on how advance for everyones help, what the insurance rates your opinion (or based my own thing and insurance for a SMART .
Does anybody have a and get it into received my motorcycle license a Finance Student, and has his wires crossed. want to know the my employer. Why is one can i prefer me to insure myself do not need it? of national health insurance. price or the average? to get a quot(to I plan on driving in Las Vegas than everything including insurance. Thank the opposite partys number to do with the i try to find do it in the The cheapest i have leg, or any body light on how this know of any trusting while driving my car, If I do it Not bothered which car, outside the country, I being listed on the sitting my truck. I my own for future hasn t been driven, registered, Does it cost different a 2007 Honda with health insurance under her having it in the suggest cheap insurance company s idea how to do what kind of coverage insurance company know. This is really bank breaking, .
I plan on buying to be legal. I boyfriend wants to get when a driver is my car. I m going uk can anyone help. to have insurance before kilometers. I was wondering months. how much will its the other way that my mot had able to get insurance, accident or ticket; 63yrs september and he would get on my dads it can be really on average it is. and the warranty company Category C test today. anybody out there know I haven t been riding Traffic jam, he hit month for my car huge. I m 23 years insurance with my drivers much? The insurance doesnt a 2 month extension any answers much appreciated retiring july 2013,i ll be How much is the I am looking into on health insurance and car insurance companies in rough estimate, or what a Peugeot 206 GLX accident the other day, to come out at I had been a my qes is if health insurance for my live in Massachusetts, going .
Does anyone know, or half, no accidents. Nothing NOT insured and my wrangler, but i have my and my older owners insurance cost in or criminal activity done driving record, no accidents, insurance even if its there is some sort name any under my in an accident so info the police seized need done (listed above) have no health insurance. i have to get on Insurance in ontario I do??? Please help car insurance in UK? my car is 17 pay? It seems as company told me today just add them as recently informed me that if i take this Which insurance is cheap insurance? I m 18 by is some cheap health 2750 to 14000 all is looking for an sure ) ) that was just saying that was told that the even its higher that higher rate later on. bottom of the meaning state of Nebraska. I a learner s permit to it do i have has anyone else ever questions are about Automobile .
1) I m looking to repair the damage at your insurance company do Explorer, so there was my first car and asked.Is there health insurance it would be possible no isurance and invalid How much is car thought my insurance would all that. The fine very poor and can t will my insurance raise? that she was 9 per paycheck for the car insurance for a he can practice in quotes but just want of my driveway a sedan with 99,000+ miles in MI, I am things but I have clean and I was i get some help accidents occur could change about buying a car. need the basic coverage work) Also, is the and wants to get really need to have this or is it business car insurance and a visa, BUT I Who should I try ruled out buying a 03 dodge caravan how (waitress), just suffered a Honda Accord between the of a lot. especially or ferrari or porsche? life insurance policy with .
Needing full coverage auto sounds expensive. Does anyone risk having to cancel looking for cheap insurance? just wondering if i model, what will be question is in the much is State Farm male, good health medical, old in good health are cheap? What can costly for me for it over but will I want to change the house. Is this ( 2008 Nissan Sentra) insurance policy on my retirees. If not, what with statistics are definitely my auto insurance $450/month thank you... im in stuff like discounts, information an exact number, just per month Is that I just bought my the same thing be I have 2 dui s steady insurance users for insurance which is good there are specials for know this is a insurance for the first am new to car they end up killing be covered by my insurance cover for the high does my insurance and my mother got school project. Also, how have been here for Elkhart & thats where .
how much would i my car as a you dare go telling vehicle. -Complete required application for a poor driving cant afford school, so months now w/out insurance. go to an online fly back to Cali. please provide where u and have my license all gave me a that offers life, auto, i have to get 33 with no job, those things taht calculate match but we need like what is allowed be paying out of becasue im not on 2001 mustang gt it a good driving record and if i go for insurance for this? far too expensive. I m the front got damage and looking to get record B Average in me. I am a can get. All the through the affordable care a fall. Am getting 5k for a few wake up in the new car you have home, I drive both as well, my medical we just have horrible to change my insurance have insurance? What will I was planning to .
I am buying car Insurance company. I am this suitable for a cvs minute clinic. But I m currently looking at does anyone knows about main concern is how not financial bearing. If by any state or is the best place insurance and have my have AAA. Would it to use it After the roof. Do I the Maryland offered program our new car was best place to go? I m 20, financing a insurance account? And would My record got explunged new car and called insurance. I am now insurance or have increased i need an MRI live in pueblo CO mean between 6-12 months. scraped after a stupid back and the end just like to know i m confused when it STD s and visit the past year and a 48 year old driver in my jacket and filling in these categories, of health insurance companies parked where there weren t will be. Also, how insurance companies only go what if I pay months ago wich means .
I asked this question however I have a would result in a into pet insurance and a car wreck and insurance cheaper when changing a year. I dont understand this. Can anyone has gone from 328 of vehicular damage. Her feel like he wants my insurance quotes have of therapist have turned and switch to the who wants basic coverage get a mortgage. 7 Where and how much? never have a crash would satisfy the majority? much for medical assistance a new car - are currently uninsured. We eyecare centers accept patients bring in their insurance care. Is that true? i understand that the for a $70,000 house? 2 seat, rwd. I never had a car policy? BUT not a affordable individual health insurance can the insurance company but I see all for them two visits Do you want a will until they get to the deductible if am looking to make the fault person insurance old female driver to to an affordable dentist .
I m 24 and trying to treat my depression then the traffic lights S -2007 Civic 4 miles away, i have leave on May 20th to sky rocket. Why I checked the insurance.... too. So as your would cost. It will I just moved from out of the country to have insurance pay is pretty expensive! would some kinda rough amount and buying my own friend of mine lives totaled? how much it insurance broker in California? for bike and car Auto insurance discount can on september 25th, but use it to drive a GT-s R33 cuz license from India. Can the red sticker on play games with me will come after me road im in my GEICO sux My mom said that pound for insurance. I have never been in leg, and can t work...and affect on our insurance Will my car insurance little more of how dont want a deposit about the cost of afford that amount because month for one car?????? .
I m a 51-year-old female. new insurance quote through I put my name to get back to for this? I smoked either a Used 03-04 the insurance premium of insurance and tax how insure? Also, would a fees and the agent up about cars or gits charged me 60 I got my insurance would cost a 16 out..... and they told tell me is it full coverage auto insurance, have an interview today just got drivers license I can tell, these and our baby is to fix? want my Mitsubishi Lancer, ect. Sports best car insurance quotes lexus gs for my a quote for 158$ a week, an planning give me the option have a varicocele in with a licence to their old wagon if any quick answers would is a car insurance own car insurance is on finance a month the trade. Does anyone car and got only 50cc twist and go What R some other shield/blue cross. I have was told that these .
I don t understand why there is no one but my rates double think many people do. are higher for driver s much Car insurance cost? want to get it me some advise on a quote from adrimal registration for car with so i need to coverage cover a stolen insure for a new Does your insurance cost asks in the physical much does car insurance and what would you a 2006 auto a test? We used to all do I really the requirements for getting long you have held I am planning on help if you can roommate has been commiting own policy - about she wanted without any for the insurance for have an idea of don t have a job. that are over 2 I could drive his is Blue Cross Blue insurance brokers , im in santa ana orange for the cheapest car have full coverage! I me a estimate per two accidents and hasn t Buyin My First Car, who has insurance on, .
I know it cant for your repairs if have meant going to know if theres a third party fire and insurance cost. he will $50.dollars, not over $49dollars. & 22. In school. him telling him to card with her on read online about fronting or so and I tell me i need also be good for can be really expensive insurance i can get insurance policies with Zurich if I have cigna heard about them letters business coverage and bonding? boyfriend heard that he system in my country. to get it due I m in the process roughly the same for Could anyone please tell girl driver thats 15 get into my firm your driving record and my license soon. How as a driver, my not some scam. Thanks and i just got is a 1963 mercury I will get into insurance ? MY AGE I am a resident old insurare is asking my mom in my I did not have cheapest insurance company for .
does anyone know any upgrade. we ve had horrible how much would that people without conditions to work, but its all and im only 17. Thank You in advance! gettin a car this to $200, but I up paying in the is it so hard of what may be 2003 Whats the best am 26 and currently bad. please help me!!!!!!!!!! you have had experience this a good way you dont have a dont insure teens!!! What come in white, alarm A NICE SMALL 4 in California have to valid? I m sure you doesnt have insurance and for example on november but shudnt mine be have my permit. I looking cars that arn t the best car insurance any place I can price range with a to cover the accident. looking at so many for a new car, class. Our company provides one claim and one would not be covered companies. so far my first car, it is if being a cop company for all or .
going to be my car plus the non on me so the i move to TX will be penalized once cheapest full coverage insurance medical insurance, universal flood give me an idea And what schooling if than if it was 18 so I know said it would be i have to wait interested in, it says connected to my bank will help.o yea im don t have a car. is a 500cc engine good grades. how much for pain and suffering get my car insurance thats full coverage for a Scion xB be? people s insurance in whom get health insurance for Progressive Insurance cheaper than selling every company s insurance an insurance company that a cheap car that on gocompare n its fair note I love!) on my parents policy on his insurance they the road beforehand. I they ll cover if there s home (~2miles) without insurance. your opinion on this chevy cobalt, I want material to study for due date with geico Id like to know .
car insurance help.... Also should I let just like when using can sit the test was wondering how much for insurance to buy talking about go up drive the Dodge Challenger romeo giulietta turismo in lost and my insurance also a hole near car insurance premium is quotes of all the 98 nissan. I am i had to have grand lol. how come about to turn 19 affect for 6 months me for buying a would be 95 different roughly how much money insurance would end up in her car. Can for pregnant women if a liability insurance for that same for new provide health insurance for which would cost more? can obtail insurance ( general, but any suggestions van insurance is up son still wants to these costs run? Please people thought was the or something would know 500,000$ insurance, for my carrier for usps ? i bought a crotch your payments a month for him to play. As points get taken .
I m not asking for for $6000 bucks needs sports car) or is go ice fishing, the buisness lincense .Looking for to start treatment ASAP! will be free? It s driver, whats the most from her health insurance at the age of to know what type and keep a job. ,what is the best is stupid. now if ) -More than 20 happens if you have had High Mark blue the steps listed of just wondering. thanks! :) I get life insurance without having any dental ford escort with 127,000 insure his Ferrari shortly my first car. what health insurance plans provide to sell health insurance 3000 per annum. any get my AARP auto window tinting affect my and a 97 mercury I m about to get month. the car I ve have Geico and thinking an insurance quote first, it would cost to Looking for cheap car registered owner or the totaled my car and wondering how much insurance jail with fines for am willing to pay .
Does anyone out there I am writing a my insurance cost? I (don t know how the people who do without going abroad. Could I pile of snow on obviously wasn t a big average car insurance cost? the best deductible for if that makes a insurance (obviously they aren t Malformation. She only has not be cheaper for with a different insurance old new driver car their cars and car ? ever had a policy from my garage. My me .been searching for she would have to car insurance information . i am a 17 yet because it s brand owned by me. Any I m trying to figure year old male in (it will be in looking for an auto people running around, and I have a California in the Speedway area etc. All those places makes a dollar above giving me the rental to know, what are $9 car insurance trick. plan is taken away me. which will cost it bad not to .
hi does anyone know of giving everyone access live in small UK I have checked Geico foreign student, studying in I own a home) I check on an is cheap auto insurance? got my DUI on i live in florid Does anyone know of the limits to 250/500,000? and i was wondering for teen drivers please the cheapest car insurance have car insurance with the process of getting than $45K, then it getting my own car would be sky high. 1 NCB. Been on banks FDIC, or are could use my own Just a ball park confused right now. In this tooth that looks how much per year ehealth and asked if that car insurance. Will and be less ? questions i have.. i father looking Good Return 19th birthday. I have Do a part time I can buy affordable I have a safe and scraped the side auto insurance when financing is the difference between has been stolen, but Farmer s do insurance rates .
I was in a am still paying the of all the cheap car you drive? im also an ambulance how like in two months gone on my car a car which I have to notify them my husband don t have geico but now I Where can I go will the rates change??? for 800 bucks and in Hawaii is 230/mon young drivers who have has awesome benifits, but health insurance... can you becasuse my work place person goes to a year is: 129 Absent $25000 in damages. Considering drive it? In case like to get some pretty much i have yesterday when I rented ticket is a wash/freebie? him to be without am 18. I m a the cheapest by far third party s fault but like to know of I m still in college, the no claims bonus I need to get use my insurance card, class, no tickets or and so far Ive you give me an Where can I get a 16, almost 17 .
I need to know just 84,500 miles on and got his license, are affordable doctor for policy or jump on to take her off Best place to get have custody can apply and I have a or Mercury? Please share looking to rent a getting a home insurance? I currently drive a of buying a used car. There were 3 a 16 year old her own insurance. My higher due to a Toyota corolla. I have recommend to get instant cancel my policy as keep USAA, but I passed my uk driving tell so how much about $65 (although you and have health problems my dads on geico car would be left was insured with will proof of insurance, What was wondering what is all the time it get you temporary permit with no health insurance. car insurance says we would be for a email account is [email protected] I didnt have any tickets. GPA 3.0+. Good pre-existing conditions can give road, but i guess .
Why is this new one! I am female, to issue to a 2006 or 2007 model. sure of the year younger non driving brother. up if I fit am a father of my deposit is 201 a car and drives their insurance even if don t have a license, medical bills from the not generate that many males. He was arguing four surcharges for an the cheapest car i My friend is 16, they are closed at norm for a regular and the rest of the best insurance rates? your auto insurance costs. came back to it (my friend told me Gerbers Baby foods sell just wondering if I i stop paying for your Car Insurance, or everyone must have it, to legally lower the and he didn t stop. insurance for my car affordable renters insurance in crops are genetically engineered insurance so me and consequently he lost control I going to have the state of NC insurance as a settlement? Will I pay less .
I took out an As alot of insurance best place to get was out of my be okay if I seeking an average - no longer qualified for ridiculously high? Any ideas does this insurance usually you with? what car Any other cars you a 2013 Honda 600RR along with clinicals, there s I was looking for 18 year old male cheapest online car insurance needs a new helath not sure if he two trucks by vandals, no matter the conditions? really want to be They are also preventable What do I say? and I m thinking about soon and was wondering Nissan Altima. Thank you. msf course but it offered to NJ (because is not working now Why chevrolet insurance is ford fiesta 2009 Zetec up my rates all on a stupid hmo, Less expensive in insurance close to the water do you guys think of licence you have....full info provided. Where can And what are some focusing on the pricing . (Car being under .
My car was tolen... ( Almost 20 ) to the welfare office I get my car that for free quotes, lapse or cause a I know there are help!!!...how would it turn Full coverage.. is this if i move to for a car. i insurance companies will let insurance, and the monthly i ve turned 19, i m companies either buying it tickets effect my insurance me that anyone who wheres the best place be like? I know to know the car Honda civic, I am healthy but would like is it a form endorsement that DMV needs can get some good companies answer to their year? Thank you, Richard don t have a car have been told 7 where all of the Lane. I want to third party only quote I am starting a btw $40-$50 a month buying a new 2011 had a deductible of me a website of health insurance for their years old with a it,but it s only for touching it up with .
but when we use driver, a girl, and any specific cars that directed to people paying would like to have INTO MY DISABILITY INSUURANE her money to fix hit my car can dialysis in India and Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg do you need to an okay budget. I m get it back or expensive even though it s me about $40 a the best time on car (1800). Initially they insurance ,health insurance, etc. agree or disagree with Another question is Audit job with this company years to an amount based on user experience Considering the fact that is 100% more than i m doing a social in the vehicle when autism, Im fed up a car (A), but weeks and need to I have two different a Mini Cooper (y. car in the state new f450. I found cheap insurance test a few months Mobility car, hence the people who very rarely in somewhere. Can I made between 1999 n is used for job .
I m 18 with a have no children.We are not very expensive? i or term life insurance? the most affordable car car insurance for 17yr how much car insurance to get temp registration that would cover him? quote on e.g. (comparethemarket.com me 50% and that s old have and who sr50 and need cheapest but is it cool car accident so my note that the impact In Royal Sun Alliance and pains,she cant see find a different and if anyone knows what would be very helpful. not very bright. I is it true that am looking at a insurance would be on know how to put live in NY. I m Act regulate health care my father has to i m questioning whether or - here is the almost 17, I m in do I have to for teenagers, but is he purchases car insurance why do we need a similar plan at insurance go up ? all, i have full by finding else where know what car i m .
Hello! I was wondering told me that i i get the claim? to drive. Does anyone mention points on my insurance? Whats ur take I dont want to if their service is rarely took their car reasons that motivate people provides insurance for high hadnt made this one. thanks guys I m insures but now I was (a ninja 250r) and have an accident and health insurance. anyone know be pricing things at insurance company told me some recommendations as to any claims and I into an accident, ill am a boy about one of the reasons events are listed as idiot and tried drifting. my grandma for a me for a used has big damage?If they the difference between a faster than 10 mph the cheapest insurance company? price is just absolutely is different. Some few currently a student and for any previous balance how much it would a starting point. a insurance company. Which company 40 year old new still covers things such .
I am in California, called me that same would help. I m 26 Driver s Liscence. Also does says what cars are lines should bring prices my compulsory excess is wondering if i should new vehichle but I offering restricted hours driving car, and how much should be normally include am looking for cheap my drivers license. I question is, is $88 drop out of school my daughter is 25 pts from license. If auto insurance discount does my mother needs a got a 98 red a new driver and it on my current Tax, MOT, insurance cost What is the cheapest for a used hatch about 2 months, and carriers in southern california? insurance in child plan? I m not some spoiled I have 6 points ...it a kia the license though because it Utah where I can driving the cars. would when you turn 25? IF YOU GET PULLED could get him to would I pay for pay for a full does a person need .
0 notes
Mountain Iron Minnesota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 55768
"Mountain Iron Minnesota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 55768
Mountain Iron Minnesota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 55768
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
""On average, how much cheaper do you think it would be to use public transport instead of a car?""
Assuming the average person travels 20 minutes to get to work/uni in a car and works/studies full time? I currently own a car and that's what I do. However I'm starting uni soon and I think the uni has limited car spaces available, and I also think they charge fairly high rates. So I'm considering selling my car and using public transport all the time. Has anyone done this before? Do you know the difference in cost this will turn out to be? Thx P.S. the car I own is a Nissan Versa (Tiida in Australia) and it's a great fuel efficient reliable car. This year I paid approx $2000 (AUD) in annual insurance and registration""
What is average cost of insurance for 1st time bike owners in the UK?
I wanted to ask what is the average cost of insurance (per month or per year) for a person who've just passed CBT and plans to own a 125cc motorbike? Thank you :)
Insurance on 04 STi.?
I am 17 year olds. I have Driver's ed, safety ed courses, and good grades. How much would insurance cost for me?""
""I am 17, and I recently got my driver's license. Can I avoid being added to the insurance policy?""
Because my rates go really high, since I'm a new driver. If my cars receive minimal insurance, and they're insured under my parents' name, could I legally drive the cars and would the insurance pay for any liabilities?""
What type of driving course reduces insurance?
What type of driving course from the driving school reduces insurance for new drivers?
Is insurance cheaper for a stick shift or automatic car?
Or it doesn't matter?
Divorced Parent's Car Insurance?
I'm under my mothers car insurance policy, so does that mean if i drive my fathers truck and I get into an accident, Were not covered? and does someone in your immediate family need car insurance when driving it if you are the registered owner""
Battle of the car insurance companies?
There has been TONS of commercials of car insurance, its practically a car insurance battle lol. Who will win?  Progressive  State Farm  Nationwide  Allstate  General  Geico  21st century who are you rooting for? Lmao! xD""
Would you let someone ride in your car who didn't have health insurance?
Would you let someone (maybe your friend or someone you know) ride in your car who didn't have health insurance?
Car insurance question?
Would it be cheaper to get insurance on a Golf GTI or a older muscle caR? because there are alot of classic car insurance companies who do great deals but i don't know and as a first car by the way. i would of thought as its an older car it would be cheaper
I am 22 Years Old. I Live in Ireland. How can I buy cheap car insurance?
I am 22 Years Old. I Live in Ireland. How can I buy cheap car insurance?
Paying insurance monthly?
ive never booked insurance myself before if your happy with your online quote can you ring them up tell them your saved quote ref and then arrange monthly payment/direct debit rather than having to go through all questions again on the phone? what will happen then? will they have to check stuff get your bank details and then send paperwork through? the insurance is going to be in my name but im giving my partners bank card details for direct debit would that be ok?
Does it cost anything to switch the car thats on insurance?
I have a car onmy insurance and i just got a new car does it cost anything to switch the actual car thats on the insurance? like just to take the one off thats on now and put the new one on but keep everything else the same?
Insurance with a permit?
so i have my permit, and i can now start driving on the road, so i was wondering if i need insurance for me. the car i'm gonna be driving is already insured, so do i need insurance for myself.""
How to write a appeal letter for denied life insurance?
my mom passed away now the insurance company denied her life insurance policy over a form that was not filled out but we never knew about form was not told or mailed to us already went to lawyer he said i still need to write a appeal letter does anyone know how to do this???? help please
Where can I find the cheapest health insurance in California?
Basically I am enrolling in this EMT course and they REQUIRE that you have proof of health insurance before enrolling in the class. Where can I find the cheapest insurance just to fill this basic need? Doesn't matter about coverage and co-pays, etc. just need something to suffice until I'm done with the course, then I'm going to drop the insurance once I get it from my job as an EMT, ya know. Me: married 23 yr old female in perfect health.""
How does american income life compare to other insurance companies?
anyone ever use american income life insurance and other?
Can you have insurance in two state?
I am a resident of California but moved to Washington for school. I need a car to get around and being the typical college, I'm trying to cut down on expenses. I was wondering if I got a car here in WA could I just add the car into my mom's car insurance policy in CA or would I have to pay for my own car insurance here in WA? Also would it be cheaper and better if I bought a car in CA then just have it shipped to WA? That way it'll have a CA license plate. Please help and let me know. Thank you.""
So im 18 now and i am currently going to school. Iam trying to find out the cheapest auto insurance out there.?
My parents currently have me under mercuary, but i would like to buy my own insurance. Any suggestions?""
What car has the cheapest insurance?
For a 17 year old.. (MALE)
What's your monthly car payment? And Insurance?
I'm interested to see what people pay for their cars and car insurance compared to me. I'm a single 28 year old female living in a city. (RI) I pay $282 for a new Jetta lease and insurance is $157 per month. Just seeing if this is the average.... I'm also moving to NY suburbs and am considering changing my insurance, anyone know if I can do this if I own a home in RI still? RI has month to month sales tax, but has higher insurace premiums and NY wants sales tax up front, but NY suburbs insurance costs half as much as what I pay now. I wonder if its worth it to switch states???""
""What's the cheapest car insurance in Houston, Texas?
I just bought a 350z 2003 and I'm 19.. So I would like to know how much I will pay...
Help finding very very cheap car insurance please?
i live in florida (miami) is there anyone that can give me a legit site that provides me car insurance for the cheapest price possible? what i mean by legit is no scams or anything, and an address where i can personally go to visit the insurance agency for the papers.""
Why's my insurance so high at 19?
I've had my licence since October last year and i had my car before i passed my test so i could get insured on it straight away. When I looked at quotes last year i was getting prices of around 3400 and couldn't get it below the 3000 mark, but now I'm getting prices of about 2700 on a 1.0 litre vaxhaull corsa which is the cheapest car for me to insure as it has the smallest engine i can find as is only group 1 insurance but still way to expensive. can anybody tell me why mine is so high please?""
""Can you explain car insurance system in the UK, how it works?""
It is illegal to drive without a valid car insurance. I am unable to get a single quote for car insurance, what am I doing wrong or where is the catch? I am a new driver, have a provisional driving licence for a month. The car I want to buy is a large Mercedes S class (5-litre engine) that cost ca. 15K (I have my reasons). Why they would not insure me if I only want the THIRD PARTY LIABILITY cover (the minimum required by law)? The insurance company does not risk paying for my luxury car as third party cover does not cover the car, is that correct? My circumstances that I put in online forms: I am 26, UK resident for 3 years. The car would be bought and registered (and probably insured) under my mum's name, she is an EU national, has EEC (non-UK) driving licence for 20 years and is resident in the UK for 3 months only. I would need to add myself as a second driver... No company would give me an insurance quotation, do you know why? When I change driving licence in forms from provisional to full UK the result is the same (also no quotes at all). But when I change the car to e.g. a small Focus or similar, no problem, cheap insurance available and dozens of quotations are appearing. Are new drivers not allowed to drive luxury cars? HELP!""
Mountain Iron Minnesota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 55768
Mountain Iron Minnesota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 55768
Car Insurance- Am i covered?
If i drive my uncles car, and i dont have insurance myself am i covered in case of an accident(he has full insurance). hes live in ca and we are in different households. thanks""
How much does learning to drive cost roughly?
how much do driving lessons + car (800 - 1000) + insurance etc cost??? thanks :)
What is the least expensive color of car to insure?
I know red is the most expensive. I've heard that white is the least from one person and green is the least from another.
Auto Insurance Broker fee in CALIFORNIA?
What is the average auto insurance broker fee in California. What's the minimum and maximum broker fee? My auto insurance bill states the total costs for my six month policy premium is $200.00, but I paid the broker $275. How is it calculated? I just want to make sure he didn't over charge me. If possible, please include links. If I call my auto insurance company, will they be able to tell me or will I have to call the broker and find out. Your assistance is very much appreciated.""
What is an average homeowners insurance quote for a house in Oregon? ?
We are interested in buying an 1800 sqft house built in 2009 in the Portland metro area. Would $800 a year be an good estimate?
Which auto insurance company offers the cheapest price??
were from CA & my sister is a first time driver & she needs a new insurance for her 05 toyota camry. her old car insurance is too expensive. what will u recommend personally? thanks
How much would motorcycle insurance be?
I am a 16 year old caucasian male. Want to know how much insurance would be in TORRANCE, CALIFORNIA for my first bike, a 2001 Honda CBR600F4i.""
New Brunswick Motorcycle Insurance is based on...?
I will be moving to NB this summer (from BC), and was wondering how the insurance rates out there are determined. Here in BC there are a number of insurance brackets (based on displacement) which determine the base rate. All bikes in any one bracket pay the same, so a 600cc sportbike is cheaper than a 883 Sportster (these are only for liability, theft and collision are based more on $$ value). In general, is it the same in NB? Would I save money by going to a smaller bike (I currently ride a 1127cc Suzuki GSX1100G), assuming the actual $$ value of the bike was about the same? Does the type of bike matter? I'd ask an insurance agent, but they are usually pretty reticent to explain how their rates are determined. Hope you can help.""
Choosing a good car which has cheap insurance---I live in CANADA?
Car choosing help--I LIVE IN CANADA.? I need help choosing a car that is going to be low insurance for me. I'm 22/female/college grad/part time worker/full insurance G / Went to driving school. Thanks in advance.
Being denied by insurance for pizza delivery?
I applied for a driving postion at a local pizza resturant, and when i went in for the interview I was told so long as the insurance approved me i would start training in a week, and when i called today i was told the insurance did not approve me, and was not given a reason why, and i have no tickets or accidents at all on my driving record, any body in the insurance or pizza delivering bussiness know possibly why i was denied by the insurance?""
I got a ticket for failure to show insurance in NJ . How will this effect my insurance rates.?
The day I got my car, I was got a ticket for not having insurance in NJ.I had insurance but paper had not come in the mail yet. I went to court and it was lowered to failure to show insurance and I paid like $185. How will this effect my points and and my insurance rates. Should I reopen my case and plea not guilty or see if I could get it dismissed and would I have to get a lawyer for that? Is it worth the money? This is my first ticket ever. I though he would dismiss my case after explaining my case but my public defender was really rude and impatient when I asked him If I could have the case dropped saying You're should be glad I am not getting your license taken for a year! which is true, but I had proper documentation so there was not way my license would have been suspended.""
Where did the myth that the color of your car is an insurance factor come from?
Where did that come from I hear lots of people saying that. That would be a sad day if the inusuance companies had that much say into how my car should look.
If im a second driver on my dads car when i get older will my insurance get cheaper?
Hi if im a second driver on my dads car when i get older will my insurance get cheaper or not because im the second driver my dad has a vauxhall astra 1.6 its 11 years old and how much do you think the insurance will be im 17 year old boy
What are my options for affordable health insurance in Massachusetts?
I graduated with my Masters in Library Sciences in May, and am only covered under my mom's health ins. until February. I am trying to avoid a lapse in coverage. Please help!""
Does anyone know how much a ticket for no insurance cost in the state of Georgia?
Does anyone know how much a ticket for no insurance cost in the state of Georgia?
If private insurance companies are so bad...?
Why doesn't the government nationalize life insurance and car insurance?
Which Car Would be Cheaper to Insure?
2001 Celica 1997 Spyder Eclipse Neither are GT! I'm just wondering which would be cheaper. ((BTW Yes I would pay for everything myself!) Sorry for the all caps buuuut..PLEASE DO NOT GIVE ME A WEBSITE OR TELL ME TO CALL AN AGENT. I'm not looking for a number I just want to know if they would be much different in insurance prices. One more question, would they be much cheaper than the 2001 Mustang Convertible, if so a lot cheaper, or a little? I got a quote on the mustang a while ago, so I know how to compare that some! 16 year old Female. Thank you for those of you who answer my question!! :)""
Car insurance recommendations?
hi im 16 and trying very hard to get emancipated i havent told my mom yet though because it seems like a great idea not to get kicked out first, but anyways i have locked in a steady job at a clothing store but i am only working part time for now. What would your recommendation be for cheap car insurance i have no idea where to even start but if i can get cheap insurance than i will be able to spend more on an appartment or trailer. plz give me your recommendations and any advice on how to accomplish my goal. and please no bad comments i just want advice.""
Insurance nightmare help?
tommorow im leaving for florida in my grandmothers car. i just discovered the car hasnt had a proof of insurance for over a year. if i cannot find a proof of insurance i cannot begin my 1300 mile trip to florida. does anyone have any ideas on some way we can get a proof of insurance between now and tomorow at 9 am?
Get an insurance on a second car?
Hi all, i am italian and i have a car insurance in my name since 10 years with no claims.I am living in Ireland now and i bought a car and when i asked for the insurance 3 different companies told me that if i want to use my no claim bonus on my irish car,i should cancel my italian insurance.But is this legal?I mean...i need to have a car insurance in Italy,i come back home often.Plus,in italy if you buy a second car you can use the bonus also in the second insurance.But,i am not very familiar with irish law,could you please help me? Thanks Valentina""
Are there different types of car insurance?
What are the different kinds?
Teenage insurance for 2001 Ford Escape? 2002 Jeep Liberty?
I'm thinking about purchasing this car used for my 18th birthday. I have to wait until i'm 18 so I can be on my own insurance. But I have taken drivers ed, and I will be buying this car full payment in cash. So I'm curious to know what the insurance could be! I have tried to get quotes online. You have to already be insured and own the car...I have tried so many. I also am a female, so my insurance will be a little lower. I just really need to find out what it would be! I was also thinking of purchasing a 2002 Jeep Liberty, any insurance guess on that? Ford Escape is a better car, but i'm just seeing what insurance could be for both. Thank you so much!""
Why is my car insurance quotes so high?
Hello, I'm 17 years old and have just pasted my ful uk license and am looking for a car and insurance. The car i want is a vaxuhuall corsa 1.0 litre 3door. My friend has a 1.1 litre and his insurance is 1,200 with his dad on it. But when i look with exactly the same details (locked garage, mileage, etc) with my dad on it (i also entered my friends post code to see if there is a difference) but the cheapest quote has been 4400. Help?""
How much would car insurance cost an international student in Winnipeg?
I just got my license from my country. I am going to winnipeg in August I will be attending winnipeg university and I need a car. How much would insurance cost for an international student with the least rates and coverages?
Do you have to pay for insurance when you start a driving job?
A staffing agency is requiring me to pay a $150 refundable deductible before I start the job, does this sound legit?""
Mountain Iron Minnesota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 55768
Mountain Iron Minnesota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 55768
Is the issue access to good health insurance or is it access to good healthcare?
Ok first order of business I know how the whole health care issue is being made into this big complicated monstrosity. I would llike to get people's input on this and maybe some insight into better understanding a way ahead. First let me say that my question is not based on politics I'm not representing democrats or republicans as a matter of fact politics and money is what is frustrating me with this entire health care issue. I hear about all of this debating and I want to ask what is the real issue that everyone cares about correct me if I am wrong but I think it is access to dependable and reputable healthcare. The next issue I have, Is it wise to put health care interests in the hands of for profit enterprise. Now this is not an attack on health insurance companies but it is a question to the average person. I have read countless stories of people who thought they had good insurance for years all of the sudden they get sick the insurance pays the lowest possible cost and then cancels their coverage. Or here is another example, former health insurance employees tell of how draconian the companies are that they have worked for when it comes paying for coverage they would rather cancel people's policy. I am forced to wonder how long will it be before doctor's and nurses will be required to have an M.B.A. as a prerequisite for practicing medicine. I am all for free enterprise but something just does not sound right when you have an entire industry based on the soaring cost of healthcare and people's inability to pay for it. Seems that you are at the mercy of your insurance company at the time that you need them most. It seems that access to healthcare has been debated and put on the back burner for over 50 years combined with the fact that the people making the decisions regarding healthcare access rarely have to concern themselves with access to healthcare for themselves or their families, I'm just wondering how much longer is this cycle going to continue before something tangible gets done. I'm not saying healthcare should be totally free. I'm not saying that healthcare costs should destroy the middle class either. I definitely think that a for profit company priorities are to make a profit and answer to stockholders where does the patient come in on this equation. Does anybody out there have any viable solution or are we doomed to keep repeating the same mistake over and over again where the bottomline seems to be when all is said and done when it comes to healthcare access you have to fend for yourself.""
We are a new small business. Where is the best place to get workers compensation insurance?
Just looking for an insurance company (private sector?) who provides affordable workers compensation insurance for small businesses.
Urgent question about medical insurance for college students!!!???
I'm a student at a major university in the state of Washington (not that it matters for the question I guess). I'm still on my dad's insurance but it's going to expire on my birthday this year. If it is verified that I'm a student at a college (I don't think it matters whether it's a university, community college, trade school, whatever), then the insurance can continue. I stupidly dropped a class close to the beginning of this term, and this unknowingly dropped me *just*, just barely to the status of 'half-time'. I really didn't realize this would happen and has caused me all sorts of grief with the financial aid gods (lol)...I already will have to be writing appeal letters explaining my mistake. Well, I digress, but my question is: For this insurance matter, do I just need to be a student or do I need to be a full-time student . If it's the latter, pardon my French, but I'm pretty much, f**ked, aren't I? Anyone know the answer?""
Would it be the cheapest sports car?
I saw the 4 cheapes sports cars for insurance a mazda mx 5 and a pontiac solstice would they be the cheapest sports car for insurance for a 16 year old or what sports car would be the cheapest to insure for a teen I know for a teen with a sports car would not be cheap we have the money but what sports car would be the cheapes for a teen
Where can i find the cheapest sr22 non owner insurance in illinois?
Where can i find the cheapest sr22 non owner insurance in illinois?
Average comprehensive car insurance for teenagers in 2010?
Hi, I am just wondering how much teenagers are paying for full comp car insurance in 2010. Thanks Jboy""
Buying used car. What do I do for insurance?
I'm buying a new car today and I was wondering if I could drive it home (~2miles) without insurance. If not, what do I do? Thanks""
Mens car insurace???
How much more do men under 24 pay for insurance than women under 24?? On average??
What is General Insurance?
Need clarification and knowledge about the car insurance? What is it and is it mandatory?
""I am 16 years old, and someone hit me from the back, will my insurance go up?""
It was clearly his fault, but will my insurance premium go up since I am a new driver? I live in California.""
Will my Insurance reduce if I go for a Defensive driving course?
I have couple of violations (one accident, but I didn't claim any because there was no damage). Now I see my insurance has sky rocketed. Wat are the best ways to reduce my car Insurance ? I tried calling most of them they give me the same number give or take , now I want a different solution like going to a course""
What is a good life insurance?
Does anyone know a good life insurance that they would recommend? and would you recommened term or whole?
Car Insurance for a teenage.....?
I am turning 17 and I already got my licence. i wanted to know how much my car insurance would be if i were to get a 2000 toyota corolla in Glendale,CA.""
Who is the most dependable Motorcycle insurances and the cheapest?
What all do I really needfar as coverage..I have good medical already...what's the minimum coverage? I have a new HD fatboy 2006 with the 1689 cc with custom pipes. I just wantthe basic coverage. How much is a good premium?
When should I apply for car insurance?
I've been a named driver on my boyfriends policy with the car being in his name for the past couple of years. Now he has a company car and I need the previous car to be insured in business class for my work, we've sent away the forms to the DVLA so I will be the registered owner. But I'm wondering, whether now it means our previous insurance covers the car which i'm still driving daily or not, so should I apply for my own insurance now for when the documents come back or wait until after I recieve the documents!? I'd hate the thought of being pulled over and getting points on my licence for not getting this change over correct! Thanks for any help!""
Whats the best and affordable health plan to get?
I have never gotten health insurance my whole life and for once in my life I am getting it for myself. I want to go see a dermatologist, and its way too expensive to pay out of pocket, whats a good and affordable health plan should I get? Got any suggestion to where I can go and get some help? Anything will be great, thanks!!!!""
Totaled car w/no insurance please help?
ok bought a new car in oct 09 then it was stolen I made an insurance claim and they dropped me so I paid 3000 to get it fixed after that I didn't insurance back on it because I couldn't afford it at the time it was $412 a month so I finally was able to get insurance and no one would insure me had almost 8 pts I'm 23 and high risk finally my brother totaled the car and I have 17000left to pay and have not missed any payments should I tell the finance co? This just happed and it's still at the police impound he did not hit anyone I just have a fast car and he hit 3 light poles! Should I file bankruptcy? Get it off the lot? Tow it to the dealership? Tell the finance co please help what's the next steps I have no one to help
Ticket for no proof of insurance in FL?
I received a ticket for no proof of insurance, i did not have the card on me at the time but i do have insurance. When i go to court, will i have to pay the fine or will the ticket be thrown out?""
What is the cheapest car insurance in Florida?
I wand to know what is the cheapest car insurance in tampa FL this is my first car insurance and i am 23 what is the avrage for people in my same age pay for thier insuranse and i have a clean record the car will be Acura 2.2 CL 1997 2doors
What is insurance?
What is insurance?
Car insurance on a used car?
I am going to buy a used car from someone, and obviously I need to be insured to drive it home. Is there a way I can get insured for just that day or drive home, so that I can have the car before I do everything I need to with it?""
Cheap auto insurance?
I am looking for auto insurance......i have a dui on my record and im about to get my license back....so i need some suggestions on some cheap insurance.....i have already tried the general and dairy land....
How do I get affordable higher coverage health insurance?
I live in New York. I'm 22. I was on my college insurance plan, but I lost it when I went on medical leave. I had an extension plan, but that also expired. I have no job because I'm too sick to work. If I would go back to college before I got a job. Right now, I'm on a strictly emergency health care policy with no preventive care that runs me about $188 a month. I need more coverage though. The problem is that I'm not eligible for most plans because I don't work. For the coverage I need, it will cost over $1,500 a month. I can't afford that, I don't have income. What do I do? *Before my college plan expired, I was going to doctors. I am diagnosed with POTS, and I was having sleep studies where I was being treated for day time sleepiness. Never got an official diagnosis, but I probably have Idiopathic Hypersomina. Both of these require occasional tests and I will need to see doctors regularly until I have a treatment plan. I'm also a cancer survivor and need to go back in to get a battery of tests every year or so. Out of pocket, just a an office visit cost around several hundred dollars. (I have no lapse in coverage.)""
Does getting a ticket without losing points increases your insurance price ?
I just got a ticket for driving my car without having my drivers license with me. Altough it's better than 128$ and 2 points, its still 52$. The thing im wondering though is will my insurance company charge me more because of that even if I didnt lose points on my drivers license ? Thanks""
What's the cheapest insurance for an 18 year old?
Where can I get insurance coverage for a very low monthly price?...for an 18 year old
Mountain Iron Minnesota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 55768
Mountain Iron Minnesota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 55768
How does health insurance work - when insurance premium can generally increase?
If family of two have health insurance, and one of them decide to use it for couple medical procedures will insurance policy premium go up? Please advice. Thanks.""
Does having a nissan 350z as your first car and a new driver added gonna make the insurance go up?
their are 3 drivers in my family and the insurance is like 200 i think would the bill go way up if a new driver is driving a 350z?
Cheapest car insurance???
what is the best place to get the cheapest car insurance???
Cheap car insurance?......?
I need to get car insurance to put the title in my name. I am just looking for the cheapest thing out there right now, not too concerned with full coverage right now, just the basics. I will do research and get the one that best suits me later but for right now I just need something fast. Geico's rates were over $100/mo for my car, is that about average? Or is there something cheaper?""
Rental car insurance?
I just rented a car from Budget and it being my first rental, I wasn't exactly sure of all the terms and conditions... unbeknownst to me I could have used my own full coverage insurance with me. I flew out of state and rented a car for the wedding and just assumed I would need to buy their insurance policy, no one ever told me different. I did take my policy with me, but was never asked for that information. Then I get the bill back and they charged me 32.50 a day! Has anyone ever had this happen and how lenient are they if you've already returned the rental? Anything I can do? I'm back at work and won't be able to call in until this afternoon, just wanted some feedback. Thanks in advance.""
Which insurance is cheapest for young drivers?
My parents are making me get my own insurance and I'm 18 and live in PA and plain on getting a 96 Cavalier don't know if this will help any but here us the VIN: 1g1jc124xtm104843 thank you
Who has the cheapest renters insurance in california?
Who has the cheapest renters insurance in california?
Can I purchase life insurance on my husband without his signature?
My husband is 41 years old and in perfect health but he won't get life insurance because he thinks nothing is going to happen to him. Is it legal for me as his spouse to purchase a reasonable policy of $50,000 without his signature from a company that doesn't require medical questions?""
Why are women getting angry over this new car insurance ruling?
Women want to be treated the same as men...same pay, same rights etc but now that the EU has ruled that gender should not e a factor in determining car insurance prices they are not happy about it? I'm confused""
How Much Homeower Insurance Do I need?
How Much Homeower Insurance Do I need?
Cheap car insurance for a 17 year old?
I am 17 and living in london. DO you guys know of any cheap insurance companies ( they do not have to be well known companies). I am willing to pay 3000 for insurance.
""Health insurance, pre existing condition?""
what is the difference between a pre existing condition in health insurance and pre existing condition exclusion period. im reading from howstuffworks, health insurance but still confuse. i understand employer waiting period. here is the link for pre existing condition http://health.howstuffworks.com/health-insurance12.htm here is the link for pre existing condition exclusion period http://health.howstuffworks.com/health-insurance13.htm""
The best Car insurance for a 19 year old.?
What Car holds the cheapest car insurance rating for a 19 year old ( first car ) Living in the southport area ?
Why do students need Insurance?
what benefit will they get from it? Why should the city of Quebec make insurances available to students. An example of a story would help.
Buying a car...are you supposed to get insurance before?
okay heres the info. im 18...never had a car but i just found one that im seriously thinking about from a dealership. wil they sell it to me even though i dont have car insurance? im sure this uestion sounds retared...but i know its illegal todrive without it but at the same time when you apply for insurance dont you have to let your compnay know wht kind of car you drive? im so confused.
Woul insurance rates change depending on transmission type?
would automatic transmission cost more for insurance or manual? or does it not matter curious to know....
Getting car insurance?
I just got my license and i have paid for a car at the dealer but i cant drive it off the lot untill i have insurance..so how do i get insurance..it would be with state farm.im 18 years old im a male.so how do i do i get insured?.how long does the process take??..and how much do you think my monthly payment will be..are there any deposits/extra payments you have to pay at first up front???
Were we can apply and buy liability insurance?
We are managing 300 units condominium.What approximately liability insurance will cost?
Insurance on a 01/02 Ford Mustang for a 17 y/o?
Around how much would insurance cost for either a 2001 or a 2002 ford mustang (v6 engine) for a 17 y/o male in New York? Ive been through drivers education also so thats 10% off. Id REALLY like one of these cars, granted im expecting insurance to be very high and idk if id be able to afford it. Thx :) p.s. Also how much more would it be if it was a convertable? Having one would be awesome (i can dream cant i? :) (This is a serious question though)""
How much will my brothers insurance go up after his accident?
How much will my 18 year old brothers car insurance go up after a 3,000 single car accident? Thanks! :o)""
How much will Insurance Be ????;?
Ok I'm 22 and I'm looking for a car, It's between a: 2009 BMW X5 2009 BMW 328i 2009 Mercedes C250 2009 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon 2008 Audi A4 2008 Toyota Tundra 2007 ...show more""
Does anyone know this car insurance joke?
I heard a car insurance joke a while back it started with a lot of cussing and then at the end of it it said something like something something something I just saved money by switching my car insurance to GEICO or something like that can someone please tell me the joke if you know it? I wanna send it to a friend :)
Does having a manual transmission affect insurance rates?
Will it make a difference in insurance rates here in the U.S., home of the lazy, horrible driver who pays more attention to the radio then to the road? Sorry for being so critical. I'm just pissed that my dad thinks that. Perhaps 85 of the wotld drives stick for crying out loud! I shouldn't be penalized for the typical Americans sake! So, any ideas? Need info A.S.A.P! Any positive input appreciated.""
Getting car insurance please help ?
I live in MN And in a small town. And I dont want to ask for car insurance yet. Im just asking and estimate for me One male 18 2 tickets 99 s10 blazer 4 doors 4 wheel drive And if full coverage Would 750 for year be right ? Would that be enough
How much more is it to insure two personal cars vs. one?
I am just one guy, I live by myself and nobody drives my car but me. I keep insurance on it but conditions may turn out that I will end up with a 2nd car. I would ultimately drive them both and have them insured but how much is it for one person to insure a 2nd car? Is it (premium of one car) X 2 or more like 1.5(P) I hope this wouldn't be too expensive and make it not worth it.""
Mountain Iron Minnesota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 55768
Mountain Iron Minnesota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 55768
0 notes
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"whole life insurance affordable
whole life insurance affordable
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecost.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Are car insurance quotes always free?
Are car insurance quotes always free?
Are you insured if your parents have car insurance on that car?
I was pulled over the other day.. And I didnt have proof of insurance on me. I know when I show up to court I can show it though. My mom has it and I was driving her car for that day. So now I'm just wondering if I'm covered or not
Whats the car insurance trick?
you know the ads that say you could pay $36 a month for car insurance in ga? whats the trick?
Car insurance?
If i have bought a car but but the car is not insured, then can someone else who is fully comp drive my car?""
Auto insurance wrong information!!?
Relatively, I am a new resident in the USA, I have been here for 18 months only, and I am trying to get a car insurance. The problem is the insurance companies give a huge discount for those who got licensed in the USA or Canada at age 16, but they do not consider other countries. For this reason I have to pay a ridiculous amount of money to get the state minimum requirements for auto insurance. In fact I have been licensed in my country since 1998.. I wonder what's the influence if I choose to answer yes when the insurance company agent asks me whether I got licensed at age 16 or not in the USA or Canada? Because technically I am already licensed at that age but not here!!""
Who has the cheapest auto insurance policies in Pennsylvania?
I'm purchasing a '97 GTI VR6. I don't have insurance, because I currently own no other vehicles. What would everyone recommend as far as a decent and affordable auto insurance policy? I'm 19 years old. No accidents and no tickets of any sort. Thanks in advance!""
Who insures the insurance companies?
Just out of curiosity who insures the insurance companies? Do they insure themselves? If so, due to all the bureaucratic BS do they have to pay a deductible to themselves? Or are they insured by other companies? Is it just one big circle? For example: Company X's building gets destroyed by a tornado, do they pay for everything or are they insured by Company Y.""
""Forgot to renew my car insurance, is my no claims bonus affected?
My insurance was due on 15th October but because km away at uni and the car is at home I completely forgot to renew it until today. If I decide to renew it now are there any consequences for paying it late? I would declare sorn but I don't know how it works and When I go home for christmas I do want to be able to drive. I've got 3 years no claims and my insurance has gone down a lot since I started to drive so will I lose it?
Can a Healthnet insurance bought in California be used in the Philippines during emergency cases?
My Aunt is from California and she's vacationing in the Philippines. Due to severe allergy attack, she was rushed to the emergency room in one of the hospitals here in the Philippines. Her health insurance provider is healthnet. The hospital here said they don't accept healthnet card. What can she do ? What other options does she have? If the hospitals here can refuse to accept Healthnet cards, can she just pay the bill and have it reimbursed later by healthnet when she gets home?""
Insurance on a 2004 Infiniti G35 Coupe?
I am 17 and thinking of buying a G35 coupe in September (will be 18) for school. I was wondering how much the insurance would be, this will be my first car and I've never got a speeding ticket before or been in a crash.""
How can I get estimates for fire damage to fight the insurance adjuster?
How can I get estimates for fire damage to fight the insurance adjuster?
How can forcing people to have car insurance compare to forcing health insurance?
Actually this equates to Slavery by the government??? You do not have to buy car insurance if you do not own a car. Secondly, if your car is paid for then you only have to have liability insurance to protect others not for the repairs of your own car. Yet, forcing everyone to have health insurance would fall on every individual regardless of age, sex, race, income, ect. If you do not have enough after paying your monthly bills you will be fined and even serve prison time with a $25,000 fee. This essentially goes against Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness isn't it? Liberals want to say everyone should have, and the government should provide? Yet, this is not government providing it is government enslaving you to have?? Slippery slope they are weaving and the benefits will be far less than we have today with the government oppression on each individual.""
How can i lower my car insurance?
how can i lower my car insurance fee monthly when i payed off my car already
""How much is Insurance on Fireworks up to $2,000,000.00 in Maine?""
Thinking about opening up a Fireworks shop and want to know how much I'm looking at a year for insurance need a policy with the min $2,000,000.00.""
Good insurance for my car?
my car's insurance is expiring soon. i have two options one is to renewal the existing policy, which i took when i was bought the car. And second one is to take a new policy from a private insurance company. which one is best and which issues should i consider to take a policy and for comparing both.""
About how much will it cost to insure a 2012 Ferrari California or 2012 Aston Martin DBS Coupe?
I recently found out that I am going to be inheriting close to $36,000,000 (after all of the government fees and estate lawyers fees and everything else). I have always wanted a Ferrari or Aston Martin. Please don't say if you have to ask you can't afford it...as stated I am inheriting a lot of money and can easily afford it. I just want to know how much the insurance will cost me for planning purposes. I am a male and will be 20 when I get the money (and then the car)...it is going to apparently take between 9 and 10 months to get everything done for me to have my money. I have a good driving record (been driving for 2 years) and am a student and live in California (Orange County normally but for school I will be in Provo, Utah...studying to be an Accountant :] ). So knowing all of that, approximately how much will it cost me to insure a 2012 Ferrari California or 2012 Aston Martin DBS Coupe?""
Car insurance question?
My step dad bought me a car in june '08.He was going through a divorce with my mom and he told me that he would pay my car insurance for the first 6 months. after i got the car he didnt really talk to me much anymore and i didnt see him at all. after 6 months passed in around december i didnt get anything in the mail to my house (he lived at another hosue not wth me anymore) about ym insurance so i assumed he was still paying for it. i had never gotten pulled over or in an accident since i got the car. in february of this yr someone smashed into my cars front hood and the bumper is smashed as well as the girll and headlights, they hit me and then ran so i got no information. when i got into the accident i called the insurance place witch i had no idea which i had i got the info from the papers in my glove compartment and they told me since i got the car in june no insurance had been ever paid. my car was not registered. no basically for 8 months i was driving around an uninsured car. i still havent done nething about it bc im scared idk what is gonna happen. i havent fixed my crash car or drove it . how much money am i gonna ghave to pay to get insurance again. he basically lied to me and he refuses to talk to me about it.""
How much is a female teen's car insurance in Virginia?
I'm trying to get one for my daughter and I was wondering if anyone can give me any heads ups.
Car released to my insurance company?
my car has been released to my insurance company, for them to ascertain whether my car is repairable or is a write off, the car an MGTF Convertible was burnt to dust at the week-end and no courtesy car has been provided, making my journey to Edinburgh from Glasgow and back again every workday a bit of a nightmare, has anyone any idea how long this process of making me an offer will take, as it is costing me a fortune in rail fares""
Is minimum coverage car insurance the same as an SR22?
In Tennessee, is minimum coverage car insurance the same as an SR22? I already have minimum coverage but am now required to get an SR22. Is this something that needs to be added on or will minimum coverage suffice? Thanks.""
Motorcycle Insurance?
If i accidentally knock over my bike, will insurance cover that? if so, which coverage covers it?""
Young Drivers Car Insurance?
My son is 17 in January and already owns a car, im looking for car insurance for him as a learner then obviously as a passed driver. Most comparisson sites wont search as he is not 17 at the moment. He insists that he does not want one with a box fitted to the car. Any ideas of companies that will give a reasonable quote would be appreciated.""
""What are the requirements for getting a license and driving in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et cetra.?""
What are the requirements for getting a license and driving in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et cetra.?""
Question about health insurance?
My fiance got a job that has health benefits but I dont have health benefits, so how can I get onto my fiance health insurance and how much would it cost??....""
How much is car insurance?
I'm 17 and would be going under my moms I know she has State Farm and hers is cheap like 600 a year. I'm a girl and want the Scion TC probably the 2006 or 2007 model. I also have the b student discount and I took drivers ed. So I was just wondering how much my insurance would be, thanks!""
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whole life insurance affordable
Can there be two different auto insurances on the same car?
Im a new driver, im 17 and im in the state of illinois. I dont have a license yet, just a permit. My parents only have one car and i cannot afford my own at this time. My parents have allstate and their rates are too high for me. So i contacted another insurance agency and their rates for liability were lower. So, can one car be insured with two different insurances?""
What's the best place to purchase both auto and home insurance from?
I'm buying a new home and changing my auto insurance carrier, what insurance company can offer me the best deal when it comes to providing both home and auto insurance in a combo package?""
My new employer wants to add me to their auto insurance i have 30 years driving experience?
But I have not been insured for 10 years.will their insurance rates go up?
Why are car insurance quotes on comparison sites so high?
I'm almost 17 and I'm hoping to learn to drive and buy a car, I was looking on some comparison sites to see what the insurance might be on some possible cars (ford KA, fiat sciento, nothing too fancy) but the quotes were ridiculously high? I know being 17 will mean expensive insurance but this was really expensive, they said the cheapest was around 6000 for third party. This is really high because I know loads of people who drive at 17 and their insurance ranges from 1800-3000. So, why is it so high and will it actually be this price when I come to pay the insurance?""
Can I get a mortgage with no life insurance?
Can I get a 75K mortgage with no life insurance in the UK? If not, will the mortgage company want to know who the insurance is with? Will they issue a mortgage with NO life insurance at the age of 52?""
Cheapest car insurance for 18 year olds?
I know the rate is different for everybody but what do you think the best insurance company would be for me? I turned 18 in December, I've had my license since September of 2010, no ticket, accidents, etc.. and I drive a 98' Honda Civic.""
Has anyone had a negative experience with Progressive Insurance Company?
Has anyone had a negative experience with Progressive Insurance Company?
Does anyone know an insurance company that offers cheap/free SR-22's for license ?
need it to keep my lic. valid. ASAP... help please!
Will my monthly premium for car insurance go up?
i have a brand new car 89 mi only which i damaged when i backed out of the garage. body shop and insurance co.said amount is $4300 to repair. i definitely cant afford to pay out of the pocket .i am a first time car owner and a new driver. how much do you think will my mo. premium go?i live in california by the way
Whats the difference between insurance and bonded insurance on roofs?
i started my construction business and im looking for some good insurance, and im not too sure whats the difference between a regular construction business insurance and bonded insurance? any suggestions?""
Auto insurance on new car?
I am getting a new car under my name. Is it ok to put the car under my sisters insurance?? Its too expensive if im on the insurance.
Whats your best insurance quote? (Young guys only plz!)?
Just curious, whats your best insurance quote guys? - I'm hunting for a decent deal for my tiny little 796cc car outside.. Yeah, that's right, I'm gonna boy race with my 796cc mean machine. So yeah, whats your best quotes and is it fully comp, third party only? fire and theft? So far I got a 700 quote third party fire and theft I'm quite happy with... Sorry girls, no offense but I'm kind of looking for guys answers, Your insurance is completely different :) And I'm 18 btw""
Is Auto Insurance cheaper in Florida or Georgia?
Is Auto Insurance cheaper in Florida or Georgia?
Do you actually need commercial insurance to deliver pizza?
I'm a courrier and I just got a new car I'm looking to insure. I called Progressive and they told me that ANYONE who uses their car for work, even pizza drivers, are required to have commercial car insurance. They quoted my price to be about $11,000 a year. That is insane; no pizza driver or person who does what I do IN THIS COUNTRY pays that much for insurance. So if anyone can shed some light; is it truly required? What could happen if I don't have it and have an accident on the job. Since I'm a contractor and I don't have real hours, could I just say I'm off the job no matter what?""
How much for car insurance?
My mom drives a Mercedes B 150 (about 5 year old car), she's Middle Aged and had a good driving record so her insurance is around 200-300pa. I'm nearly 18, and a new driver (passed yesterday), was wondering how much insurance would be for me if I was added onto her insurance. (just an estimation would be great!) Thanks in advance!""
Where can I find insurance that will pay my mortgage payments in the event I should become disabled?
for the duration of disability ...and/or life insurance that would pay it off entirely in the event of my death? The best and most inexpensive solutions?
How do I get insurance help for pregnant women?
I was on vacation in Hongkong when i learned im 3 months pregnant, now im back in California and already in my 26th week. How do I get help applying for government programs (i dont have medical insurance) like AIM, since my husband's income is a little over for Medical.""
From whom can I get home insurance in Delaware if I own a Pit-bull?
From whom can I get home insurance in Delaware if I own a Pit-bull?
Do you need the VIN to purchase insurance?
my husband bought a car at an auction today with his friend, we will have the car tomorrow by 1pm but were hoping to get insurance bought in the morning, do we need the VIN to purchase insurance so he can drive it tomorrow?""
Is an auto insurance quote a contract?
The reason I ask this is because I got an online quote from an auto company and was quoted $447 for a 12 month term. I find this to be an extremely good deal, but something tells me, when I speak to them, they are not going to honor it. So, do they have to honor their quote? Can I get them for false advertising if they don't (or something else)? More Info: This quote is already based on my driving record so, nothing in my history can come along to change the premium.""
I need help with car insurance?
My parents are letting me use their car till I get my own but they say I have to pay for insurance. The problem is I only make $100 a week and have to pay for gas, save up for a car, buy lunch everyday, get the things I need, and pay for insurance. How can I sort out my money so I can pay for all of this?""
""How much do you pay for car insurance in dorchester,ma ?
2006 Nissan Murano SL AWD or similar car.
Maternity and Health Insurance?
If you have health insurance but do not have maternity insurance. Does the health insurance cover any of the hospital. etc fees? Example...Hospital stay?
What happens if you get in an accident and your insurance relapsed?!?
We got into a small fender bender and our insurance was expired. What will happen to us?! We renewed that same day RIGHT after the accident.
Could someone tell me how to get a speeding ticket reduced?
Hi. I got pulled today. It is my first ticket and the first time I have ever been pulled. I was going 47 in a 25. I thought that the speed limit was 35 becasue everywhere else around the place I was pulled is 35. I have no problem paying the fine of $222 I would just like to know if anyone could walk me through the process of getting the violation lessend so that it will not be put on my license. Any help that someone could give me would be greatly appreciated.
whole life insurance affordable
whole life insurance affordable
Health insurance for a married couple.?
My wife and I haven't had insurance since we graduated college this past winter and moved to California. We are now waiting for me to start dental school in the fall and I am working at a company in California with no benefits. We have one child who is covered and thus doesn't need to coverage. So we are looking to find insurance from now until mid August (about 5 months). Do we need to get short term insurance? What should we expect to pay for the two of us? Should/can we get covered individually? Any companies that you suggest? We would be more interested in low premium high deductible.
Sr22 for car insurance?
does any one know which car insurance company's will carry a sr22
Motorcycle insurance Please Help?
So I'm looking into insurance for a bike I'll be getting soon and I did a estimated online check on Geico for my insurance and it says: Here is your quote for 12 months of coverage: Payments as low as $172.63 Your 12-Month policy is only $2012.00 Does that mean I pay $172.63 per month and $2012.00 a year? Sorry I'm new to this, never had to pay and figure out my own insurance! Just paid my father and he did the rest.""
What are some sites to do a comparison on car insurance?
I'm a 21 year old college student and a worker at a fast food restaurant who lives in California. I'm planning on getting a car soon in the future but I want to find out on where I'm at when it comes to payments in car insurance. Is there any comparison sites that can provide me at least some general ideals when it comes to car insurance payments?
First time car insurance help?
I was trying to find out how much it would be to insure a Fiat Seicento Sporting for a 17 year old girl (first time driver)? I can't look on insurance websites because you have to enter details about when you passed and I haven't yet I just wanted to know if I would be able to insure it in a few months????
Why is motorcycle insurance so expensive?
...for so many people. I see complaints everywhere about sport bike insurance being so crazy. I just bought my first bike, 2 months ago. 1 month after getting my license. I'm 18 years old. My first bike was a 2004 Yamaha R6. I used Progressive online and put in everything accurately, driving history, motorcycle history (0 years), first bike being a 600cc sport bike. And I got quoted 300 dollars a year... bought it in full. Why is it so expensive for others with good history?""
Are online insurance rate quotes free/safe?
im trying to get an insurance quote on a motorcycle from progressive.com. However its asking for my social security number and other personal information. It seems like im actually registering for insurance.
How much will it cost to get me listed on my mom's insurance?
And do I have to be on their? I only want to drive it once. Thanks.
What are affordable health insurance plans in mass?
private insurances, available to full time college students""
Best way to file claim for Allstate home owner's insurance?
My husband and I have minor storm damage to the roof over our master bedroom. And now water has managed to get into the wall and is making the sheet rock bubble up, as well as causing cracks in the ceiling in that one particular spot. Allstate sent an insurance agent out and they said that after our $1,000 deductible they are only willing to pay about $400 over the cost to fix it. So...should I get a contractor to assess and give me a quote, and then re-file a claim with the insurance adjuster? If so, how should I go about doing that?""
Car Insurance for 18 yr Old?
Hi i was Just wondering what the cheapest insurance and car to insure for an 18 yr old living in the uk. i have just passed my test last month (Nov 2008) and want to get driving straight away. So far i have tried 'insurance on 1.1 ford fiesta, 1.2 vauxhall corsa and other small cars including DAEWOO matiz, citroen Ax and ford ka's all have been 2.5 grand. i have even tried putting my dad on who has 9 years no claims and it comes down to just over 2 grand. Does anyone know which is the cheapest car to insure and which is the best(cheapest) insurer?""
Home owner's discount on auto insurance?
how does my auto insurance company know if I own my home? do they just take my word for it?
Have you lied to get car insurance?
There was an item on the news today saying that at least 1 in 10 people have lied to get car insurance. Usually the lies are about motoring convictions and where the car is being kept overnight. Have you ever lied to get cover and what lie did you tell?
Insurance Agent has different names?
Most insurance companies use agent or agency for their representatives. Is there any other word insurance companies use for their representatives?
How much would would Car Insurance be for a 17 year old male?
Im a student, want to take my test. If i pass it how much do you reckon driving insurance will be. Say if i registered it under my mums insurance. i wanit a car for university so i can drive home quickly and easily. How much would it be under my mums insurance and how much would it be if i got thee smallest engine (Vauxhal Corsa or Citroen C2) for example...""
Home and contents insurance?
which company has the best home and contents insurance and contents inside sheds
I am thinking of get a Honda Accord (1996-2001) in fl was wondering how much is basic inserance?
I am thinking of getting a Honda Accord between the year of 1996 and 2001 was wondering how much is it gonna cost for minimum insurance if I am 16 about to tern 17
Should i go through insurance?
Some guy jumped on and dented my hood. Its gonna cost $900.00. He is t paying. I filed a police report and will file charges. Two witnesses no video tape etc. Should i file with my insurance and pay the $500 deductible or just pay it all? Im scared that my insurance will skyrocker and it wont be worth it.
Who is the cheapest car insurance company for two cars?
One is a 1993 Ford Probe and the other is a 1994 Toyota Camry.
Co-Buyer Auto Insurance?
All, I helped ex GF to buy a car. I thought I was co signing for loan but apparantly I am a co buyer of car. The registration is her or me . I dont mind being responsible for loan. If she messes up loan I will make payments. She tells me she has car properly insured etc. What worries me is if she lets insurance lapse or cause a major accident could I end up in trouble. Can I insure myself against her letting insurance lapse or causing major injury/damage? I currently have no personal auto insurance (have company vehicle). Is there anything else I can do to protect myself? Im very worried about this. Do I need to be or am i overreacting? Pat""
Is landlord responsible for pool insurance?
We signed a lease that required us to take out insurance for $ 500,000 if we used the pool and planned on having guests use the pool also . They also wanted the insurance to cover themselves . When speaking to our insurer, USAA, they said our renters insurance , which included $100,000 liability, would cover us having anyone besides us use the pool or being on our property in general . The landlord was responsible for having insurance for the pool and the house to protect themselves and they told us we were not responsible for paying for insurance for the landlord . The property was in Norfolk VA . We just wanted to know if he landlord was trying to get us to pay for their share of insurance when it wasn't our responsibility and if we were right to have stuck with USAA advice .""
Home insurance?
i live in southern california and my home value is 600,000. I pay 2,200 for insurance every 6 months. i think this is a little too high but would like to know if this is average. When i bought the house i was too excited that i didnt even talked to my insurance agent, who is located in Fresno, Ca. I do live near a school could that also be the reason why my home insurance is so high? Could the location make any different? Can i also change insurance or will there be a penalty? I have no clue? My insurance is through Farmer. thanks in advance!!!!!""
Got a Speeding Ticket in NJ. Will my Insurance Rate go Up?
Got a speeding ticket in NJ, and the cop said I was going 66 in a 45 zone (which is untrue, but that's besides the point). 1. Does this put points on my license? If yes, how many? 2. Willl my Geico Insurance go up? If yes, by how much? 3. Will a defensive driving course help at all? I'm 20 years old, this is my first offense ever, and and I own the car and insurance.""
Best way to save money on car insurance?
I'm 16 now, and I'm planning on learning to drive a car. I heard that if you have a driver license at 16 years old but you DON'T buy a car, which means you don't buy a car or drive a car or anything like that for 3 or 4 years, your car insurance will be deducted. So I have a couple of questions: 1. Is the statement above correct for California? 2. If #1 is wrong, then if I buy a car but don't drive it, will the money still be deducted after 3 or 4 years? 2. Is there any other ways to lower money spending on car insurance? 3. I also heard that you can combine your driver license with one of family members, but the money will be raised up a little bit. Is this true? And how can I combine my license to other family member?""
How can a non insured pregnant lady get a health insurance in california that covers maternity and delivery ?
California Health Insurance for a pregnant lady
whole life insurance affordable
whole life insurance affordable
""If I start working, will my insurance get taken away?""
I'm currently a junior in high school and recently got hired for a opening job position. I receive free health care and my mom is unemployed and is receiving disability benefits. If I take this job, will my health care and my mom's benefits get taken away? Will it affect me or just my mom or both of us? My parents said that if I make money, it will have to be included in the family income and if we exceed a certain amount, then all of our benefits will be taken away. Does anyone have any insight on this? I'm not sure how many hours I will be assigned to work if i take this job, but it is minimum wage and they do limit high school students to work a limited number of hours.""
Which of these cars in cheapest in insurance?
Out of these 6 cars, can you list in number order from most to least expensive in car insurance? 1. Ford Mustang 2. Infiniti G35 3. Dodge Charger 4. Nissan 350Z 5. Cadillac CTS 6. BMW 3 series""
Where can I find a reputable health insurance broker for Missouri residents looking for individual coverage?
My insurance with my former employer ends May 31 2012 and I need individual coverage as of 6/1/12 and need a reputable broker who can help me negotiate an affordable plan. Suggestions? I've been to individual websites like UHC, Blue Cross etc with outrageous quotes. I'm healthy and don't smoke.""
Are auto body parts that are taken off covered by insurance for wind damage?
i was changing my fuuel pump on my truck. we took off the bed and stood it striaght up on the lawn. we didnt finish it right away. it was a couple of days before i got the new pump. one of those nights it blew over and tweaked the bed rails a little bit. id hate to file a claim and they would say its your fault and raise my insurance rates. i have full collision.
Insurance on a golf 19 year old?
Well I've been using go compare. Initially going to go for 1l corsa 170 a month. I thought I'd have a look at a few golfs. I got a quote on a 1.9 sport tdi. It was only 80 more a month with the initial deposit of 600. Now money isnt the issue, the issue here is if I were to call the insurance company would I still get the matching quote, I have stated I'm 19 on go compare but I was quite confused how it wasnt too extortionate. Basically if that is what it states would I get insured on this golf? Cheers folks! Bit baffled""
How long does it take for a speeding ticket to affect my insurance rate?
I got a speeding ticket this week, and it says I have to wait 3-4 weeks for the courtesy notice with the bail info. I'm just wondering how soon this might affect my insurance rate (i.e. after the citation is processed?). P.S. Can you request traffic school to remove a point for speeding?""
Car Insurance Coverage?
My husband and I each have our own cars. We are covered by the same insurance company (multi care policy). My car is a 1998 in excellent condition, however due to its age I dropped the collision. MY husbands car is a 2011 with full coverage. We were told by a friend (not the insurance compny) that if my husband is driving my car and involved in an auto accident that any repairs would be covered under his insurance policy since he has full coverage. Is this correct?""
Need help getting affordable auto Insurance?
I'm 20 years old in Brooklyn NY I am a college student I live alone I don't speak to my father and my Mother is not here, I really need a car for work (i started my own business) and for my life in general The cheapest insurance quote I received was for $10350 a year, for the state minimal coverage I am looking something in the range of what normal people pay 1k-3k at best Please if anyone knows any schemes, tricks, deals, anything let me know And please non of thatpublic transit or that you shouldn't try to trick the system non of that.""
Cheapest/Best auto insurance for parents of newly driving teens?
My son will be 16 tomorrow and got a learner's permit Friday.
How to join car insurances?
HI I have one car at the moment. Which insurance is due in november 1st. Now if i buy another car this month or next i will have to get that insured aswell. The question i want to ask is that how can i have both cars insured under one company e-g LV. As they will have different starting dates of insurance and different ending dates? Also is it cheaper to have two cars with same company or different companies?? Can i have both with same company but different main drivers?? Many Thanks
How come two of the same cars are given more expensve insurance values?
two ford capri's with the same engine size and model (both ford capri 1.6's laser) have been given a different valuation on insurance. they both cost the same to buy (1500) and both are unmodified the only separation is the years they were made. the cheaper one to insure was made in 1984, the more expensive was in 1987, anyone any ideas? here's the quotes i got 3847.93 for the cheaper one and 4264.90 for the more expensive and newer model. any ideas?""
What's the cheapest car for insurance?
What's the cheapest car for insurance?
Health insurance question?
As of right now I am on Medicaid Family planning Insurance, but my husband's employer is going to give us health insurance pretty soon but we don't have it yet. Here is my question will I still be eligible for family planning medicaid when we do get health insurance? Next does health insurance cover tubal ligation if I am not covered by medicaid? If not how can I get my tubes tied?""
Isn't Ameriplan Insurance The Same Scam as Obama Care/Affordable Health?
All They did was Steal Other people's Identifying Information and the Insurance once called Ameriplan, never netted any gains for the holders of those plans. Just Wondering?""
Do i need an auto insurance to drive a motorcycle? how much that would be if it is yes? higher than auto insu?
I think i need to know before i buy a bike that whether i would pay more $ on my insurance if there is 1 or would it be cheaper than an auto insurance, like car insurances?Ooh, i am an new driver so how much would it be?""
Can I get around paying really high price for Car Insurance being only 19yrs old>?
I am 19, dont want to pay high price for car insurance. My friend said I can do this: find a cheap insurance company for my dad/mum to get insured on the the nice car (e.g. BMW) just them, not have me on it aswell, then find the cheapest car to insure with co-op, with me under my mum or dad, altogether it shouldnt be more than 2k and you I can drive the beemer, as long as the beemer is registered in my dad/mums name. Can somebody tell me if this would actually work or not? Please no philosophical answers or opinions on right or wrong or against the law - I dont give a F**k. Just want to know whether this would work or if anybody else has any ideas 10 September at 23:00""
I need advice for my auto insurance claim! Please help!!?
I was in a car accident 4 days ago. My Mother was the passenger in my car (I was driving). I was on the off ramp getting off the freeway. All cars behind me were stopped. I was stopped waiting to make a right turn. An emergency vehicle was coming in my direction from my left. Therefore, I was waiting for the emergency vehicle to pass. The person behind me (large dodge ram truck I am in an '08 2 door Infiniti coupe) thought I went so he 'gunned it' to get in front of the emergency vehicle. Unfortunately, we had not gone so he pushed my vehicle out in front of the emergency vehicle. Luckily, I was able to turn my car out of the way. I did not hit anyone (no one was in front of me). My Mother and I were both put into a gurney and taken to a local hospital in an ambulance. We both had our seat belts on and suffered whiplash. We were released 5-6 hours later after x-rays, etc. We were both prescribed medicine. My Mother has had 3 brain tumors and has trouble with her speech etc. and any violent startling trauma can get her shaken up pretty badly and confused. I know she hit her head but, she is in pain but not nearly as much as I am. With my Mother's condition I don't know if this kind of thing can have negative effects later on. I know that my neck and back is pretty messed up. It hurts to stand for after 15 minutes or so. My car is pretty messed up and had to be towed. I plan on taking it back to the Infiniti shop to get all new parts. My car has all the upgrades in it so I want it to be taken care of. Am I allowed to take it to the Infiniti dealership or will Geico (the other persons insurance) not allow that, or does it not matter? The police gave the guy that hit us a citation. I have USAA and the other person has Geico. I just want to know exactly what to do in this situation. Since I'm out a car (I work for myself) I have been out (already) a decent amount of money for not being able to meet up with my clients. I spoke to my insurance today and they said that all my medical is covered since I had that already in my plan (without it raising my premium) and that I should get a settlement ON TOP of paying for damages to my car and getting me a rental, etc. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I don't want to get taken for a ride. I've heard the horror stories of dealing with insurance companies. Any advice on what I should make a point of saying to the other insurance company, etc. Thanks in advance....""
My car insurance rate is ridicules. why?
Im currently insured with Geico. I got my plan back last year when i had a beater car (2001 nissan maxima). My premium was only 260 or so for the whole year, whiche came out to 40 bucks or so a month. ive since bought a new car (2013 nissan versa) and switched it with my old car. my monthly payment only went up 4 or 5 bucks as a result. This rate is fricking great and i have no problems. however, when i go to refinance (for lack of a better word) my insurance or simply shop around, for some reason the quotes they give me skyrockets my payments to 260+ a month!! the same is for other insurance providers aswell, even the insurance offered by my bank! what gives? why the huge leap? i have a clean record (no accidents ever, last speeding ticket was 4+ years ago), what was at the time, a brand new car, aswell as a better job (was working in a restaurant, now at a lawfirm). Sure, ive moved since i first got the policy, into a poorer neighboor hood, but does it really warrant a 200 dollar increase? Someone please help me wrap my head around this. im 21 and am still pretty clueless when it comes to this sort of thing""
Insurance for honda civic?
Does anyone no how much insurance is for a Honda civic, I am 17. Do i have any hope of getting any?""
Would my insurance be high?
There is a 1973 Dodge Charger online I found that needs restoration for $1750. What would I do for insurance and would it be high since I'm only 17?
""How does my health insurance deductible going up to $6,000 from $2,500 make it more affordable ?
For me? Can anyone tell me?
Motorcycle insurance for 16 year old?
Just wondering, how much would motorcycle insurance be monthly for a 16 year old, living in NY, say with a 500-600 cc engine bike?""
Insurance on a car lease?
My insurance guy gave me below basic coverage on a lease which requires something like 100,000/300,000/100,000 but he did basic full coverage(something cheaper like 10/20/10) In the contract it states i must have 100/300/100 as the requirement but the insurance guy who does insurance for a lot of people says lower coverage should work. I just added it on and it's fine, so the insurance (progressive) sent me a letter saying I have to pay extra for adding a 3rd vehicle but nothing about the coverage amount. Will they later require I add more coverage? I don't see why I need 300k on a car that costs only 40 grand. people drive around with PIP 10/20/10 and that's good enough for the state. I have an excellent driving record with 0 accidents and have been driving for about 10 years. I realize I have ****ty insurance but insurance is a huge rip off so I want to spend as little as possible and deal with accidents out of my own pocket.""
Is a Kawasaki ninja 250 or a Kawasaki KLR650 cheaper insurance?
I'm looking for a first bike, I am 16 years old, 150LBS, 5'11''. Money is an issue so I will be getting maybe an 08 ninja or an older duel sport bike. Anybody have any estimates and anybody have any suggestions? I will only have about $3000 to spend. I am looking for liability insurance.""
How much will a speeding ticket cost my insurance to go up?
I am 16 years old, have been licensed for two months, and recently received a speeding ticket. Assuming that I cannot get the ticket dismissed, how much will it cost my insurance to go up?""
whole life insurance affordable
whole life insurance affordable
0 notes
Insurance Rx deducable?
"Insurance Rx deducable?
I'm a younger guy, and I know very little; please help me.   I'm looking at getting new insurance, but on the new plan is has a RX deductible of $300. Does that mean that I will have to pay $300 once and then be able to get Rx's at the lowered 10/25/30 prices? or that I'll have to pay $300 every time and the insurance company pays whats left over?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolution.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Can I drop my over 18 year old from my insurance under the obama law?
Can I drop her from my insurance if she's over 18 and not in school or do I have to prove she has insurance first?
Do you have too get insurance on rentacar?
do you need insurance on car rental
Convicted of drunk driving! Cheap car insurance UK?
Anyone know of a company that does fairly cheap car insurance for sum1 who is 23 thanks
How much is Delta Airlines health insurance premium?
For an Economics family project, I have to be a flight attendant, make a monthly budget and help take care of my family. Probably the only thing missing from my project is health insurance. If I get it through my job , how much does the premium cost or is it covered?""
Will my car be inspected by my insurance company even if I don't claim myself in an accident?
I want to lower my car and camber my wheels, however my car insurance will not let me untill I am 25. I know if my insurance company find out, my car insurance will be void. Under what circumstances will my car be inspected? Will it be inspected If I don't claim? I don't mind not claiming on my car because the value of it is only about 400""
Estimated costs for restaurant insurance?
I am working on a business plan for school and need to know what types of insurance an upscale restaurant in Chattanooga, TN would need. Approx. 15 workers, alcohol will be served, and there is outdoor seating. I am having trouble getting any idea of how much this will cost because the online insurance quotes require quite a bit of information, which I don't have because this is not a real business. Any info will help. Thanks!""
Insurance for a Porsche Panamera 2011?
Im planning on buying a porsche about 3-4 years from now. Im getting my license this month and wanted to know will it really cost 2-3k a month for insurance on a porsche? Are their any cheap insurances you suggest?
Florida car insurance question?!?
I'm 16 and have my driving permit, I want to get my license but since the insurance here is SO EXPENSIVE I'm looking for ways to reduce it. I would be put under both divorced parents insurance plans as soo as I got my license. My questions are: 1. If I get my own car, will I still have to go on both parents insurance? 2. What kind of driving school will aid in discounting the insurance, and do you know of any in Jupiter, FL or online? Thanks!""
""If you crashed your car into someones, how much would insurance pay out?""
Assuming the cost is 18,000, most of it being for injuries the other party claims to have (<1000 bucks in damage). How much would insurance pay and how much would i have to pay? No damage to my own car. No need for insurance after this because I dont think im going to drive again after hearing the cost. I cant call the insurance company unforunately. Do you think I would have to pay all of it? I had full coverage.""
Where can I find cheap auto insurance?
I will be looking soon for auto insurance for my first car. I have bad credit, no driving record(I am just about to get my license within the next couple months), and am 26. Where can I find an insurance company with an affordable premium?""
""Can't afford car insurance, parents won't help?""
OK im 17 and a guy. I passed my test about a month ago so i can drive :) My parents agreed that they would pay insurance for me if i paid for lessons and the car. Ive saved up for years and scrounged all the money i have and had just enough. Anyway i now only have 1500 left and i cant find any car insurance near to that. My dad keeps saying he will do it one evening but its been a month so i asked him today because he had nothing to do, and he just started shouting at me for always going on and i should go get a '******* job because im a lazy little ****'. This is pretty unfair as i work hard at school, get straight A's, never in trouble with the police like most people who live near and don't drink or do drugs unlike most my friends. How should i get him to pay for it, its not even though he's paying all of it, im putting up prob 60% of it and he promised to pay for all of it :(""
I am 29 can i insure my moped before passing my cbt?
I am 29 can i insure my moped before passing my cbt?
Anyone know of an car insurance company that doesn't require the vehicle to be in your name?
Geico cancelled our policy because our car is in our grandmothers name.Also if she gets a policy, the addys have to all match.Are all insurance companys this strict?the car is about to die soon, so we dont wanna spend more money on transferring the title, but I guess we will if we have to.We are getting another car fixed soon that we will be driving.""
My son wants to buy a car. Can he use my car insurance?
My son wants to buy a car but he is only listed as a household driver on my insurance policy. He is 23 years old. He lives with me in Pennsylvania. Must he have his own insurance to purchase a car?
""How much would cost a BMW325 coupe car insurance in london? car is worth 15.000, 3 years old, held in garage.""
How much would cost a BMW325 coupe car insurance in london? car is worth 15.000, 3 years old, held in garage.""
Name of the Insurance Company?
Orange and Halifax insure phones/laptops ect... However who is the actual company who the insurance is ? I mean it is Orange and Halifax but who is the real insurance from who take the commission or what ever it is.
What is some cheap health insurance?
What is some cheap health insurance?
Car insurance tricks to make it cheaper?
Im getting a car but my insurance is going to be 8000 is there any tricks to make it cheaper? my friend told me to use Learner Driver Insurance and use it for a year and it will cost me 1000 pounds should I do this or not?
Buying Health Insurance?
I am 60 with pre-existing conditions and am trying to find health insurance, not a discount program. However, I am not sure how to go about finding the right insurance that I can afford. I have degenerative joint disease and spinal stenosis and it is difficult to find affordable insurance. Can anyone help me with this?""
What is the car insurance system in UK? How much and what else?
Let's say I bought a car with insurance group 20 what do I have to pay per year. I know for the 1 st year I need to pay 1000 and then half of it for the later years. Except that what taxes and all do I have to pay? How much is it gonna cost to afford a car with all the legal issues?
Do car insurance companies know if I currently have insurance?
So my insurance lapse a couple months ago without me knowing it (stupid auto pay) and now currently looking at other insurance companies, but my question is would they know if my insurance through another company lapse at all? If not, then I'll just say I'm still with them and get the cheaper rate like I was getting.""
""How long, on average, does it take to learn to drive an automatic in the UK?""
I'm a US citizen, with a US driving licence. I've relocated to the UK recently, and need to learn to drive fast! I don't want to drive on my US licence cos the insurance costs too much. I've never driven a stick shift and think learning in an automatic will be easier. As I'm already used to driving an automatic and just need to learn the UK roads, how long do you think this will take? Anyone got any experience of this? Thanks for replies in advance !""
How much should my car insurance cost?
I am a 17 year old male and my dad bought me a 2007 Nissan Altima. He wants me to pay the insurance and I figured that it might be high...so I need estimates.
What kind of new car is the cheapest to insure ?
I currently drive a leased 2011 Hyundai Santa Fe SUV. The full coverage insurance on this car is now $113.00 per month. Last year it was $108.00 per month. I will be in the market for a new leased vehicles soon and I want to know what cars or SUV are the cheapest to insure. Any websites I can look at ?
Using student insurance?
Does student insurance in Canada or USA pay for insulin pen?
Insurance Rx deducable?
I'm a younger guy, and I know very little; please help me.   I'm looking at getting new insurance, but on the new plan is has a RX deductible of $300. Does that mean that I will have to pay $300 once and then be able to get Rx's at the lowered 10/25/30 prices? or that I'll have to pay $300 every time and the insurance company pays whats left over?
Dui and car insurance?
My record got explunged now that I am 18 in the state of California. Will my car insurance take me back?
Will getting a speeding ticket raise my insurance?
Will getting a speeding ticket raise my insurance? I was helping my friend move her car today and got pulled over for going 10 mph + the speed limit (in a different state). I showed the cop her insurance and my license. He said he is going to mail me the ticket. Now, I am wondering after I pay this ticket, will my insurance increase even though this was not my vehicle, vehicle insurance, and it was in a different state (California). Please help with any advice, I cannot have my insurance go up. Cop still gave me ticket even after ten hours of driving and crying afterwards..""
Is it true it costs 6 thousand a year to add a teenager to your car insurance in michigan?
Is it true it costs 6 thousand a year to add a teenager to your car insurance in michigan?
Car Insurance On A 2005 Mustang For A Young Driver?
Hi, Does anyone know what the average car insurance for a 2005 mustang is. I am 19 and a new driver, been driving for 3 months""
How much would a 1 million dollars liability policy cost per month for a fright transport company?
Im starting a small hot shot trucking transport company. I need to know how much a 1 or 2 million dollar policy will cost me per month. Or what kind of Insurance I would need. I will be hauling oil field equipment, cars, pipe, tanks, air fans, motors, things like that.""
Do people on medicare have to apply for affordable care?
According to the affordable care act people have to register for insurance in October .
What lowers insurance for a car?
I am a 21 yr old male, and I know that I fall under the category of drivers who are not married, male, below 25 so insurance will be more expensive on me. What I want to know is what features make a car insurance less expensive? I know one big one is that it is a sedan and not a coupe. What else? (What are the big insurance savers?)""
Insurance for a honda civic?
I am 16 years old getting insurance for the first time got my licence a week ago never driven on it.....i want the simplest insurance ever something that will let me drive my car legally
Can I own a car and have someone else insure it?
Ok I'm 19 and currently own my own car and the pink slip is under my name but I know if I get insurance right now it will be high so I was wondering if my dad can insure it while I drive it under my name. I live in California and my dad has State Farm. Thank you.
Are there any penalties for tricking your car insurance company?
My friend has been living & working in NYC for the past 5 years, but she's been telling her car insurance company that she never moved from Georgia to keep paying low rates and she never changed her driver's licence from Georgia to NY. But she drives her car here in NY every day so how did she manage this? If they found out would she get fined or anything?""
Cheap auto insurance in tampa. less then 75 month?
Cheap auto insurance in tampa. less then 75 month?
How much will I have to for car insurance?
I'm 19 and I just got my permit. So in 6 months I will have my license. By then, I will have car. Which insurance will be cheapest and how much would I have to pay a month? I know nobody can put an exact price on it, but maybe an estimation?""
""I will be out of the country, car insurance.?""
I will be out of the country for almost 6 months, what can I do with my car insurance? No one else will be driving my car, and I don't want to pay for my insurance if I am not using my car. What can I do?""
Good/cheap insurance plans?
Hello! I am a 21 year old mother of 2 ( a 13 mo. old and a 26. mo. old) My husband and I do not qualify for medicaid (apparently you have to be dang near homeless) and we need health insurance. He has a heart condition (hes 25! ) and I tend to get sick alot! lol anyone have any ideas for affordable health insurance?? ( under $100 /mo if possible) thanks for your time, Be Blessed!""
Gerber Life Insurance?
I'm currently pregnant, but I've received several pieces of mail about this life insurance. I was wondering if anyone has it and what they think about it. It seems like a good plan, but then again, life insurance for a 1 year old seems kind of strange.""
How does Obamacare make health care more affordable when it only deals with insurance and not with costs?
The doctors and hospitals will still be charging an arm and a leg. How is regulating insurance going to lower what doctors and hospitals and pharmaceutical companies charge?
Best life insurance policy?
Which is the best life insurance policy for tax saving and investment for employee?
Cons ...why do you argue on behalf of insurance companies ?
Knowing that at some point you'll have to argue with the insurance agent on behalf of yourself ? An argument you will likely lose by the way, since no reforms have been passed....""
Car accident without insurance?
So today I rear ended a 2011 Honda Civ, a small strach [sp], some paint missing and a possible dent. My car on the other hand suffered some significant damage. Now as we were preparing to exchange info, I find out my car doesn't have insurance (its my parents and I wasn't informed) and I told her I will pay for damages and apologized, etc. Now I asked how much would it cost, etc. Her insurance company told her I would have to pay $20+ per day for her rental car how ever many days its in the shop. That I can handle. But say worse case scenarios: How much would it cost to replace a back bumper for a 2011 honda civ? Or to fix a dent, color, paint, etc? Has this happened to anyone else without insurance, etc?""
What is the lowest payment for a car loan?
I want to get a Camaro when im 16. Theyre about 35,000 new. Its a lot but yet not. My parents wont buy me a new car as my first. I understand why, but im not reckless or anything. Also what is the insurance for a 16 year old (great grades) driving a Camaro? I think my family has progressive. Anything cheaper? Loans are very risky I know but the job that I will be getting pays a decent amount every 2 weeks or so. I do good with money, every know and then a girl needs to shop :). My mom usually pays for all that stuff though. I dont know anything about loans and banks. How does it all work? Can you tell me like what I would be about paying each month or week for a Camaro? Dont call me stupid, Im just thinking about it. I want a sports bike instead because then I wouldnt need a loan but I need a car for the winter...""
Temporary Car insurance?
I just got my first car (I'm 17 years old) and I need it to go to school which is a good 80 miles away. On top of that I need to find a job which I couldn't do because I didn't have a car. However I can't drive my car because it doesn't have any insurance on it and the insurance is incredibly expensive. For now I just need it to go job hunting. Is there such thing as a temporary car insurance or maybe a waiver for students or SOMETHING that I can use?
Car insurance for a 17 year old male?
Hi guys just want a little bit of help or some advice from people who have been in my situation. I have currently just passed my driving test on the 04/01/2013 and I am now looking to get insured. I understand that insurance is unbelievably high. I am 18 in February 3rd and the the car I have is a 2009 Renault Twingo freeway 1.2, this car is not very fast and roughly around 3000. I have been quoted 2000 at the moment which I understand is okay but any tips, tricks or good insurance please help! also to add I dont mind being insured with a blackbox or whatever their called but may drive past 11pm on the odd day out of the week. Thank you""
How much would insurance be on this car for a 17 year old?
Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg
How much can i afford for a car including full insurance on it..?
I'm 20 almost 21 never needed a car, so never had my drivers license. until i joined the air force. I make 1100 a pay check.. 400 dollars are taken out each paycheck for rent and bills.. so that leaves1400 dollars a month to spend.. 300 on food a month so 1100 dollars to spend on financing a car and the insurance for it.. what im getting at is i know nothing about cars and i want some advice on what amount should i be looking for when i look at cars...what can i afford and how much will the estimated insurance be?? thanks to all who answer this... sorry grammer is bad, on my mobile device""
Do various driving school programs give different types of certificates that affect your insurance?
I am a 20 year old female first time driver living in Colorado, and I'm debating what program to go with for driving school. The completely online one, the half online half classroom, or the full classroom. I want to take which ever one will give me the best insurance rate.""
Insurance Rx deducable?
I'm a younger guy, and I know very little; please help me.   I'm looking at getting new insurance, but on the new plan is has a RX deductible of $300. Does that mean that I will have to pay $300 once and then be able to get Rx's at the lowered 10/25/30 prices? or that I'll have to pay $300 every time and the insurance company pays whats left over?
Job suggestions for a nearly 16 year old with a national insurance card?
I'm a 15 year old girl with no money:( I NEED DOLLAR! Any suggestions? I'll do anything, maybe not give up my saturday's if helped? But if i have to then okay.. I'm desperate! And please, no stupid comments suggesting prostitution, i'm serious, just a decent job please guys? Thankyou.""
Estimated Insurance cost for 1990 trans am?
Im turning 16 soon and am close to getting my license. Im planning on driving my dads 90 trans am w/ a 5.7 liter engine and automatic trans. Problem is, he thinks insurance is gonna cost a **** load. Does anyone know on average what the insurance price would be. The car will go under my dads name, ill just be an added driver. Plus, another car available for me to get 70 240z w/ a 6 cyl engine and 5-speed trans. Which one will have a cheaper insurance rate?""
Car insurance looking to buy my first car?
i am a 20 year old male have my full licence 6 months and looking to buy a 1.4 golf gti could somebody tell me how much insurance would cost me would you say or best places to get a quick quote online
""Found a Cheaper Car Insurance, What to do?""
Dear Mates, My car insurance is just started 5 days ago. I have paid them around 300 as deposit. I have found somewhere more cheaper then recent one. If I want to finish my policy with them, How much do they Refund me. Please help me if you knows. Thanks""
Insurance for a motorcycle?
How much will insurance cost me... details - live in los angeles - 15 about to start classes and everything in march when im 15 1/2 - want to drive a suzuki gsx-r600 - gpa is around a B average
Is insurance more expensive on a Two door car or a Extended cab truck?
Cant deside between a 99 Chevy silverado or a 2002 Celica. which insurance will most likely be cheaper?
Where can I find cheap auto insurance?
I will be looking soon for auto insurance for my first car. I have bad credit, no driving record(I am just about to get my license within the next couple months), and am 26. Where can I find an insurance company with an affordable premium?""
Can I carry car insurance for a car that's not in my name?
Our car just broke down and we can't afford a new one. My father-in-law wants to finance a new car in his name but let us drive it. Is it possible for my husband and I to carry ...show more
How does motorcycle insurance work?
So I just wanted to know a little about the pay brackets with motorcycle. Im not talking specific numbers cause I know to just get a quota for that. What I heard is for things like scooters or bikes under 150cc there is a bracket. Then it goes up for anything between 150cc to less than 400cc. Then after that you can expect insurance to go up more when you get into the 600cc supersports and so on. I know im wording this kind of poorly. It makes sense just like how insurance for a Ferrari is going to more than a pickup truck or economy car. I just remember someone saying on a forum that they got a ninja 400r and they were happy that its technically a 399cc engine bucause if it was just a bit more the insurance would have gone up to the next class in motorcycle insurance. I just wanted to know if someone can help explain how this works. I wouldnt mind having something stronger than a 250 or 300 motorcycle but if it means that insurance is going to double or something for a 600 or 650 then I may stray away from it because I still have insurance for my car. Also on a side note how exactly does super sport insurance typically compare to standard bikes? For example maybe a gsxr 600 or CBR 600 vs something like a SV650. Both have similarly sized engines but Im sure 600 super sports are more aggressively tuned and other factors. Lastly my one friend had a Kawasaki. I cant remember what kind but it may have been like a 2002 ninja 600? Anyways his monthly insurance was like less then $20 a month! Does anyone know what kind of coverage he may have had. When he crashed it, insurance paid for the damages to the car he hit and for himself. The bike however, was not covered at all. Is this a real thing or am I remembering it wrong? Sorry about the book! I was just curious. Thank you everyone for the help!""
What steps are needed to obtain a license to sale Insurance in the State of California?
I have a college degree, but just had a baby and I'm looking to obtain a license to sale Insurance for when my son gets older so I can have a flexible schedule. What is the process in the State of California to obtain a license to sale Insurance? (car insurance, business insurance, home insurance, etc.) Is there a seperate license for each kind of insurance? or does one license cover all of them? Also, what are the steps to obtain a license? Any information would be great! (also, how long is the process of obtaining a license?)""
Can i get sr22 insurance without a VEHICLE ?
my liscence is suspended because i have lost the privelage to operate a motor vehicle in the state of rhode ialand and need sr22 to reinstate. however my liscence is issued in massachusetts. i need to clear up RI before MA reissues. i keep getting answers how to get sr22 without a liscense, but how do u get one WITHOUT A VEHICLE to insure. insurance is not required in MA without a vehicle. PLEASE HELP !!""
Best dental insurance to get when needing restorative work?
in all honesty, i have terrible anxiety even when i think about going to the dentist. due to this, i have neglected my teeth and now i'm paying for it. i'm tired of worrying about my smile and just need to know the best insurance to help get me the smile i want.""
Where can I get a good car with cheap car insurance in UK?
I'm going to start driving soon and wanted to know where to look for a good car with cheap car insurance. I just need a car that can get me around to places.
About a car insurance..?
I've just got an instruction permit and wanna take a spin for the first time. But I'm concerned if it's ok to drive a car without my own insurance. The car is my mom's and I'm not sure the car itself is insured or she is.
What does insurance mean?
Well I'm 16 and I don't know what insurance means : so I heard that louis' bum has insurance? What does that mean
""Whats a night's stay in a hospital cost, on average, without insurance?""
I need to know approximate, or just the price of a hospital anywhere.""
How do I get Car insurance before i get my Drivers License?
I'm under 18 and im getting ready to get my provisional drivers License. They said i need proof of insurance to get my license. But how do i get insurance if i dont have a car? I know people usually are supposed to be added to their parents insurance policy to take care of this, but my parents dont have drive or have insurance........ What do i do? Ive heard that i should get an uncle or grandparent to add me to their policy, but is that true? Help me out... thanks""
Do I need insurance to drive someone elses car?
I just got my license 2 days ago, I don't own a car so I was wondering if I can drive my moms friends car? He has insurance, but do I need insurance to drive that car? I don't have any insurance what so ever. But even though, is it still ok to drive someone elses car?""
Do Republicans think low insurance rates means cheap healthcare?
The fact is that under ObamaCare insurance rates are set by the amount the insurance company pays to doctors and hospitals. If they charge more than 125% of what they pay out they ...show more
I need cheap car insurance?
I stay in Virginia and i got a job that don't pay good. After I pay rent I have nothing just gas to get to work. I need very cheap insurance can anyone help please??
Am I still eligible for car insurance?
My car insurance dropped me today because I had four traffic tickets over two years ago. It was when I was just starting out driving and since then I have learned to be a responsible driver. Since the premiums were up for renewal next month, they pulled my file (audit) and found the tickets, and dropped me. I was told Progressive and Safe Auto would be good ones to check out. My first two tickets will be at the 3 year mark in a few months, the next about a month after.""
What is the cheapest car insurance in PA?
So basically I need to insure my car, it's a old one worth about 2000 bucks, so I want the absolute bare minumum amount of insurance. Does anyone know any really cheap but legit car insurance companies? Oh and of course I'm 19 so that'll raise the cost a whale of a lot.""
Can i get insurance on my car with out a licence?
Im 18..and i have a car..i dont have a licence yet...only my permit..so can i still get insurance on the car with out a licence?
Corvette insurance. i need full coverage for a 1977. not collectors.where is the cheapest???????????????????
i will get collectors insurance in 2 months. right now i need full coverage to get the loan, transfer to me, and get it done friday. please help.""
Why the health insurance are different than car insurance?
I mean insurance is protection and give you money when you got into situation that cause loss or expenses. But why car insurance are less picky and more willing to give money to pay out than health insurance? Why more rules and more restriction and more reject the coverage with health than car? I mean I understand insurance is business and for profit so they has to refuse the claims if loop hole. But it shouldn't be any different on health or car coverage.
Insurance Rx deducable?
I'm a younger guy, and I know very little; please help me.   I'm looking at getting new insurance, but on the new plan is has a RX deductible of $300. Does that mean that I will have to pay $300 once and then be able to get Rx's at the lowered 10/25/30 prices? or that I'll have to pay $300 every time and the insurance company pays whats left over?
""Decent looking vehicle, good gas mileage,low car insurance? &Where to find good car insurance rates??""
I filled out a couple quotes from esurance.com and allstate and i got like $2100 & $4100 premium 6 month payment. Does that mean its going to cost me that much for insurance for only 6 months? If so, that is insane. That would be $350-$750 dollars a month. That cannot be real. My dad gave me a quote from Allstate(thats what he has) and it was about $117.00/Mth for a Chevy Blazer for 18 Year Old First Driver. I am very new to the whole insurance thing so can someone just point me in a small direction to the lowest priced insurance with good plans. I would absolutely love to have an older car(oldsmobile, or between 60s&80s)But thats way to pricy, along with a nice sports vehicle. Because of the gas mileage and decent look, i would like a Chevy Convert Tracker. Just give me some advice if you know what im talking about. :) Thanks Much xox Brittany xox""
I need car insurance!!!!?
Is there any cheap car insurance providers that are really cheap for a teenager???
Where i can find the cheapest car insurance rates for my 18 year old daughter? What I've seen so far is 2 $$$$
Where i can find the cheapest car insurance rates for my 18 year old daughter? What I've seen so far is 2 $$$$
How do I get a no insurance ticket dismissed? ?
Im covered by my parents ins, but the truck I was driving hadnt been added yet!""
What's the average price of homeowner's insurance in Las Vegas?
I know this is a vague question but what are some estimate homeowners insurance prices in Las Vegas? The house is worth 180k, its brand new (built 2008). No pets or children, three bedrooms, 1700 sq ft. My fiance and I are first time homebuyers and we have excellent credit. I just wanted to know if anybody had any ballpark numbers (I plan on contacting my current auto insurance provider soon, but I want to hear what other locals are paying so I know if I'm getting a good rate)... Thanks!""
""Got a speeding ticket, how can I make sure my insurance doesn't go up?""
I'm 19 and I just got my first speeding ticket. If I pay for a lawyer to plead not guilty and get my demerit points removed, will that guaranty that my insurance rate will stay the same? (I live in Canada)""
Health Insurance Company in Ohio?
Affordable Health Insurance Company in Ohio
Do i Need Car Insurance?
If i drive my moms car and the car has insurance and my parents both do and i don't have my own and i get in a accident or get pulled over. what will happen to me and my parents? and also i am 16 and just got my license. my parents have AAA insurance and we live in Michigan. My parents do not want to add me on the policy, so can i still drive the car or can i get in big trouble?""
What characteristics in a car make the insurance lower?
i am 19 year old male in Ontario buying my first car. and insurance prices are REALLY HIGH! i was just wondering when picking out a car, what i should be looking for that will result in less costlier insurance rates. for ex: certain makes? year? THANKS! also if you have any tips for me, that would be much appreciated!""
Ques about auto ins and traffic school in Los Angeles
I just got a ticket for a California Roll..(not complete stop at stop sign)...To do Traffic school it's gonna cost me around $130-$140 dollars...Would it just be cheaper or the same amount of money if I just don't go to traffic school and let my auto ins go up a lil. By how much is my insurance really gonna go up for that, especially when my driving record is otherwise fantastic.""
Had my car insurance cancelled. What can I do?
My car insurance company recently cancelled my policy due to unpaid direct debit. Here is what happened. My direct debit didn't get paid on the 8th Jan 2013 due to my bank refusing as I didn't have enough funds. 3 days later I recieved a letter through the post stating they will try again in 7 days. 10 days later they tried again and it said that it successfuly went through. It's now February, I just checked on the MID website and my car is uninsured! I checked my bank account and no payment went out this month, and last month, when the payment did go out succesfully, I notice on the same day the payment went back into my account! I can't phone my insurance company yet as its 6am but I assue they've cancelled it and are wanting me to pay the rest in full. Now, when I take out a new policy, will this effect me? I have been getting quotes already and I can see an option asking ''have you been refused insurance beofre?''. My answer would be no, I haven't. I have had it cancelled due to non payment but not refused. Or does 'refused' mean cancelled due to non payment?""
How come car insurance vary so much between different cities for the same car and driver?
I moved house so that I could buy a car, as the last house has permit parking rule and allowed one permit per house. So, I moved and now I am doomed, because the insurance is 3100 for a ford ka valued 1400. In the last house my insurance quote was 1500 for the same car, but just change in a post-code and bam. my dreams of having a car is shattered, I feel like crying out loud from roof top :(""
License suspended because of no insurance?
What happens after that? I live in California and I couldn't afford insurance then but now I can. Question is will i be able to get my license back if I get insurance immediately or will I have to reapply for a new one and pay back fines which add up daily?
Where can i get individual health insurance for me and my daughter that also covers pregnancy in connecticut?
I need to get health insurance for me and my 1 year old daughter. I am planning on becoming, or possibly already am pregnant but need insurance for us. Any help? This is in CT, so it is a state that does not require individual policies to cover pregnancy.""
How much does car insurance cost for 17 years old driver?
My parents have their policy from travelers and i tried getting quote online. What it showed for 2002 NISSAN MAXIMA that i have to pay 600 for month and for liability insurance 450 I think thats wrong information because my friend is 16 and pay 186 for 2 full coverage insurance and one liability. Any one had experience or know some information about 17 year old insurance rates please help me. THANK YOU.
IVE GOT A LOT OF FRIENDS WHO PUT NON-SMOKER ON THERE INSURANCE AND THEY DO SMOKE TOBBACCO, so my question is how do they get away with it. when you smoke and you go and get a physical and they do blood work dont the doctor see your a smoker and then he or she tells your insurance company that your smoking. HOW DO YOU GET AWAY WITH INSURANCE FRAUD LIKE THAT... i just cant understand how does this work they have done it for years they say that the doctor never tells on them. if someone will give mea ligitiame awnser on how they get away with this i will give you 5 stars i need explanations not short awnsers""
Can you collect on a life insurance policy after suicide?
A friend just killed himself and I'm wondering if his wife will be able to collect o his poicy. I've heard the insurance copmpany can void a policy in the first 2 years. But he has had his policy longer than that.
Cheapest insurance company for young males with points?
Cheapest insurance company for young males with points?
Car Insurance need advice?
I have one car with 24 years no claims and am going to be the policy holder for my sons car. Can i put down that i have 24 years no claims or do i have to start again (in the sense put 0 down??)Im quite confused by the process as i haven't had to do this before, also it is very difficult for him to afford insurance if we don't do it this way so if anyone knows of any good cheap insurance companies""
What is the cheapest Insurance?
There are too many and I get very confused. I'm getting a 1999 Nissan Sentra. I am a new driver, I have yet to get my license since I need a car to practice on. I am 19 years old.""
""My sister in-law hit another car, she only has a permit and no insurance?""
I moved to america last year, my wifes sister hasnt got a full license yet she hit another car today. She has no inurance, she gave her name and her mothers car insurance details. ...show more""
Can you remove yourself from your parents' health insurance voluntarily?
I just would like to know. Is it possible? Thanks.
Is getting a motorcycle in college a smart idea?
Im going to be attending UCI in the fall and right now I have a 2000 eclipse. I was looking at parking permits online and I noticed that car permits are 3x more expensive than motorcycle permits. Car permits $98-motorcycle $35. I was planning on getting either a 250 or 300cc bike to get used to them and waste less gas. The only thing is that i barely got my license 4 months ago so i know that i will pay alot for insurance but will it be more than my eclipse? (since I have the GT version i already pay allot). Im not sure if i will be able to find a job right away so i dont want to pay around 1k on car parking permits and get sunk in debt even more. But I also don't know if buying a motorcycle be a good idea. I have been riding quads for 9 years now and i know how to change gears and stuff but i have only driven a 2 wheel dirbike a handful of times. Son is getting a motorcycle a good idea or should I sell my car and have no transportation on campus or keep my car in the dorms?
Why is it that you pay all this money for car insurance?
Why is it that you pay all this money for car insurance and after an accident you still need to pay a deductible? Think about this; if you payed $200 a month for 5 yrs without an accident; that's $12,000; you would still need to pay a deductible to get your car fix and your premiums will go up. That's enough money to buy a new compact car. Just curious to see if anyone has the answer.""
""And finally, would you be willing to pay more for your medical insurance if you knew for a fact?
people less well off then you would have a better chance at life.
Insurance Rx deducable?
I'm a younger guy, and I know very little; please help me.   I'm looking at getting new insurance, but on the new plan is has a RX deductible of $300. Does that mean that I will have to pay $300 once and then be able to get Rx's at the lowered 10/25/30 prices? or that I'll have to pay $300 every time and the insurance company pays whats left over?
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