#so sorry if i mischaracterized hyacinth
hex-wittebane · 1 year
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I was literally possessed and couldn't do anything until these three doodles were done. Hyacinth by @catboymoments showed up in my "For You", I had a vision, and this is what the vision was. Dadleb Wittebane has been blessed with yet another Grimwalker to give his love to (and he can twin with this one!! Without them being mean like some other Grimwalker *cough* hayden *cough*) Maybe one day Hayden Wittebane's story will get out of my drafts, but for now! You can all thank the fact that I was scrolling on "For You" for this pleasant meme/meeting/thing. Dialogue under the cut and in Image descriptions!
[Left Image top left corner states Hyacinth Park by catboymoments Caleb "Dadleb" Wittebane + Hayden Wittebane by @hex-wittebane] Hayden, about Hyacinth: Just like their Peepaw. Caleb, suddenly stops spinning Hyacinth and is angry: Call me "peepaw" again. I dare you. Hayden, off screen:
Caleb sets Hyacinth down off screen and starts chasing Hayden: You might have given me these prosthetics, but I will kick your Grimwalker ass with them!!! [Middle image, side one] Hyacinth, about a bloody shovel: Is this yours? I found it in the closet. Hayden: Ah... Yeah. Used it to bury the dead animals I tried to gift to Belos as a kid. He grounded me for the blood trails. Hyacinth: Boo! Hayden: Tell me about it! Caleb isn't cool either. He was afraid I'd be Belos^2... Want to go grave robbing? Hyacinth: Sure do! [Middle image, side two] ✨GRIMWALKER COVEN✨ [Image on the right] Final move to the dragon dance from ATLA but with Hyacinth and Caleb. And yes, it was Caleb's idea.
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octo-hyacinth · 2 years
HYACINTH SORRY THIS IS SO LATE LMAO i was brain dead this whole time-
could i request hcs for pomefiore's (individual) reaction to mc giving them a flower? like they're both just walking along a sidewalk, mc finds a flower, picks it up, and is like "here :>" as they hand it to pomefiore lol i just thought it'd be cute <33
ooh this sounds cute! i’ll do my best <3
Pomefiore's Reaction to Receiving a Flower
Characters: Epel Felmier, Vil Schoenheit, Rook Hunt Content Warnings: Fluff, Vil is def head over heels for u,possible mischaracterization A/N: I'm barely familiar with any of these guys but I really tried not to mischaracterize... but don't shoot me if I messed em up.
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Epel Felmier
You had found a white sweet pea next to the walkway on your way to class, and you decided to gift it to your sweet Epel as soon as you saw him in the halls between classes.
Initially, Epel looked quite puzzled. "This's for me?" You nodded with a wide grin on your face. "Yeah, of course! It made me think of you, and I think you deserve it."
He felt some heat rush to his face, and he took the flower awkwardly, but you could see the appreciation on his face. "Well gosh, um, thank you... I ain't never got a gift like this given to me by someone my own age." Avoiding eye contact, he gently caressed the petals of the flower, wordlessly admiring it.
He looked like he wanted to say more, but the bell rang, reminding all students to go to their next class. "Aw, shoot, well thanks a bunch, I'll see ya later! Maybe I can get something fer you after school!" With a big smile on his face, he waved goodbye as he ran to his next class. He'd be sure to press your flower in a special book he'd been saving for his favorite plants, that way it'd never wilt, and it would stay as beautiful as it was the day you gifted it to him. Now all he wanted to do was find something that showed him how much he appreciated you.
Vil Schoenheit
It was late afternoon, and you were wandering around the prim garden surrounding Pomefiore, and you found a beautiful, vibrant white and purple pansy among them all. It had no blemishes or imperfections among its petals, and it reminded you of Vil. Maybe he would enjoy this, you thought. So you sought him out so you give it to him.
He was alone in his room, responding to his fan's comments on Magicam and grumbling over Neige's posts again, but he set his phone down once you entered.
"Is there something you require help with, Prefect?" He noticed your hands were behind your back, but decided to say nothing of it until you revealed your intentions.
"No, I just wanted to give you something, my dear Vil," you smoothly replied, and revealed the flower from behind your back with a flourish. You carefully watched his expression as he gazed upon the radiant pansy, and it seemed like he was holding back surprise. Out of all the gifts he had received from his many fans, none had felt so... sincere as this. Flowers were ephemeral in their beauty, and somehow that made it matter a little bit more to Vil.
He tried put on his celebrity's smile, the polite, yet impersonal one he used to accept all gifts from his fans, but you could tell this one was more genuine than that, whether he wanted it to be or not. This one was special, one only you could see. "Thank you, Prefect. I shall give this most fair flower a suitable vase."
"Glad you like it so much," you beamed. "Well, I'll leave you to yourself now. Have a good night."
"And goodnight to you, Y/N."
After you closed the door, and he was by himself again, he pressed a gentle kiss to the pansy's petals. How he wished that this flower was you, but it could not hold a candle to the fairest one of all in his eyes.
Rook Hunt
As you were wandering around the campus grounds, you found a yellow hibiscus that was already beautiful and blooming. You carefully plucked it from the ground, and as you stood up to smell it, you were startled by a loud gasp right by your ear. You whirled around, and Rook was standing right behind you, admiring the flower in your hand.
"My, my, Y/N, what a radiant flower you have there! C'est très joli, just like you!"
"Jeez, Rook, I had no idea you were there... but um, thanks?" You sighed, forcing your muscles to relax after he spooked you.
"May I?" he said, gazing up into your eyes before looking back down at the hibiscus, gloved fingers grazing the soft petals.
"Sure," you said, but instead of taking the flower, he gently held your hands in his, and guided them upwards so he could take in the flower's scent.
"Ah, it smells delightful! How lucky you were to find such a specimen." He seemed genuinely delighted with the flower, so on the spot, you had an idea.
"Hold still," you told him, and he complied, as you slipped the flower stem behind his ear. The flower was bright and beautiful against his complexion and uniform, and his hat helped it stay in place. You smiled, crossing your arms and approvingly nodding at your own work.
Rook was stunned into silence for only a brief millisecond before his grin spread even wider across his face. "Merci! Oh, but now we must find you a matching one, mon chéri!" He grabbed your hand, and led you across the fields in frantic search of a flower just as perfect as you.
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mymistakewriting · 7 years
KB Quickwrite - “No one is allowed to hurt you.”
Ah so... let me apologize right now okay??? I felt like writing but I'm not allowed to work on Hyacinths To Ashes or Faded Daisies tonight (because I have to actually sleep at an okay time, not after sunrise like would happen if I was working on one of them) This is likely so mischaracterized and I'm so sorry. I tried hard not to go into detail so that wouldn't happen but fuck if I don't get carried by ideas sometimes. Regardless, I hope you guys enjoy this first little quick write. I'm too lazy to do a word count, but it took me about ten minutes to write??? I'm telling you, I'm just writing without editing and stuff so it's probably bad.
It was surprisingly adorable to watch the Miracles interact with Nijimura. Especially when it came to one of them being wary about something. Their own teams learned quite a bit of management from observing interactions between the Miracles players and their old captain. Especially when it was all of them together - that in itself was a mess, with so many teams in one place that wasn't a basketball court - but they couldn't exactly complain since their trouble players were all doing rather well in the setting. Riko smiled fondly as she watched the interactions, glad to see Kuroko interacting openly with someone that wasn't part of the Seirin team for more than a few moments. It also served to come as a shock that anyone who even looked at the group wrong got a dark look from Nijimura - it was something that was filed away for a later time because honestly, right after a look like that was probably the worst time to address it.
Which is exactly how Nijimura found himself being questioned as the Miracles talked quietly to one another as they all left a restaurant. He answered carelessly, seeming amused, until Kagami finally broached the subject of the dark looks the older was throwing. Nijimura glowered at him before he huffed. "I wasn't giving any strange looks," "Yes you were, Nijimura-senpai," Kuroko threw back, glancing back at his old captain. "You glared at anyone who came close to us," A surprised hush fell over everyone for a moment before Akashi hummed his agreement. "He's still very protective," he admitted. "Just because I won't let others hurt you doesn't mean I won't do it myself, brats." Nijimura warned, getting wry smiles and laughter from the Miracles, who continued teasing him for a while longer, dodging the playful hits he threw out when a comment particularly stuck with him.
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