#so uh sorry to anyone who follows me who doesn;t wanna see this
punkslovepoints · 2 years
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in the back of your girlfriend's car- Part 4/6 Pairing: Steddie (Stranger Things)
The day after Steve got back from New York, he showed up at Eddie’s trailer with a small bouquet of flowers. Eddie laughed in his face and called him a sap, but let him in anyway. Steve pushed the flowers into Eddie’s chest leading him backwards towards the bedroom. 
Steve's lips were on Eddie's the moment they stepped through the bedroom door, his hands exploring Eddie's body over his clothes, reaching up under his t-shirt to feel the skin below. The flowers discarded on Eddie's nightstand, he pushed Eddie onto the bed, straddling him, pushing him into the mattress with deep and passionate kisses. Eddie moaned into him, feeling his mind slip into Steve Steve Steve. No. Wait.
He pushed Steve back by his shoulders, God, he looked good. Lips glistening, hair already disheveled, pupils blown wide. This won't take a minute.
"We need to check in," was the way Eddie chose to phrase it, we need to talk seeming way too formal for whatever this was. He rolled out from under him, standing up in the middle of the room.
"C'mon man," Eddie rubbed his face in his hands, "I need a little clarity here. Throw me something so I don't go literally insane."
Steve had lay back on the bed, propping himself up by his arms. He looking fucking delicious and it was so unfair. He ran a hand through his hair, "What do you want to know?" Eddie faltered.
"How was the trip to New York?"
"That's really what you want to know? Fine. New York is great. We had a good drive there, we listened to some music, turns out I know every word to Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, who knew?" Steve was teasing him, he didn't like that.
"So Nancy knows about us," Eddie pointed his finger between the two of them, "About this"
"And she is okay with it?'
"You two are still together?"
"Right." Eddie thought for a moment.
"Do you have any more questions, or can I please have your hands on my body now?" 
After the Upside Down, Steve chose Nancy, chose normalcy and a return to the easy life. Meanwhile Eddie is trying anything just to feel alive.
Then Steve suggests something that may change everything
Eddie Munson keeps on finding himself in the backseat of Nancy Wheeler's car.
A fic about trauma, loving multiple people in multiple ways at once, chasing highs, lord of the rings, rocky horror, new york and making out in cars.
[read chapter 4/6 on AO3]
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sarohara · 4 years
You both like friends.
Stranger: M
You: Heyo
You: sup
Stranger: Sup
You: what's ur name?
Stranger: Troy u
You: Hey Troy
You: Im Sarah
Stranger: Cool
You: yea
You: wyd now?
Stranger: Nothing u
You: I'm listening to a such amazing song rn and those moments I stop and i use to think " it was worth it to be alive to listen to this incredible masterpiece"...
Stranger: Coool
You: Ooh ahah
You: Im sorry, im a types one
Stranger: How old ru
You: Im 16, wbu?
Stranger: 17
Stranger: I'm guessing ur bored?
You: Yea for sure
You: Everyone's bored on omegle bro
Stranger: Lmao fr
Stranger: U tryna play t or d
You: well, sounds good
Stranger: T or d
You: T
Stranger: Where are u from?
You: Im from Brazil
You: t or d?
Stranger: Cool
Stranger: T
You: Where r u from? ahahahah
Stranger: I'm from the US
Stranger: T or d
You: oh gotcha
You: T
Stranger: Do u have a bf
You: intriguing question ahahha
You: Yea, kinda
Stranger: Wdym kinda?
You: Kinda is kinda
You: T or d?
Stranger: T
You: r u looking for someone over here? that's the worst way to get, trust me ahaha
Stranger: Nah I'm just curious lol
You: Oh okaaay
Stranger: T or d
You: T
Stranger: Explain how u kinda have a bf
Stranger: Bc last time I checked he either is or isnt
You: AHAHAHA well, we don't nothing like certain yet but we have each other u know..so it's someone that i care about and it's reciprocal
Stranger: So ur waiting for him to ask u out or something
You: Hell no ahaha we just can't be together rn for some reasons..
Stranger: Religion or age
You: What
You: No religion...
Stranger: Reasons for not being together
You: Ohhhh
You: Nooo, none of this
Stranger: Then why not just date him?
Stranger: If u think he's really urs just take it
You: Yea, ikr but he moved to another state so we cant compromise u know...
You: I mean, we can't rn
You: It's complicated
Stranger: Oof those types are hard
Stranger: Cuz u never know if he's talking to another girl
You: Nah nah it's just bc there's nothing certain in our lifes so we don't wanna to hurt our feelings..idk
You: want to*
Stranger: Yea so u like him that much
Stranger: Why is he so different from other guys
You: idk he's basically my soulmate aahaha
Stranger: Uh oh
Stranger: Ur building feelings for him
Stranger: And it's only one sided
You: Wdym one sided?
Stranger: How do u know he's feeling the same thing?
You: and im not building, im learning to deal with them
You: Because he told me
Stranger: And he's also 16?
You: Because i also know him. we're like best friends.
You: No he's 17
Stranger: Do u know who u sound like?
You: Pls tell me
Stranger: Like me lol
You: ahhahahaha what
You: How?
Stranger: Just switch the gender
You: Oh damn, really?
You: ahhaha that's sad right
Stranger: Yea
You: Tell me more.
Stranger: I used to love her thought she was my soulmate
Stranger: Then the next thing u know she's with another guy
You: Oh damn, why...?
Stranger: Idk cuz if we lived to far from each other
Stranger: It*
You: Oh gotcha
You: Life sucks right?
Stranger: Lesson is never be in a relationship or like someone more than the other person
You: It's not true
Stranger: Cuz it hurts no like u never felt before when they are gone
You: Oh man, i feel u.
Stranger: Sure
Stranger: How many relationship have you been in
You: Only 2
You: wbu?
Stranger: 7 and I'm done lol
You: Uuuu what
You: Wth ahahhaha
You: How is it possible?
Stranger: It's a same dumbass story
Stranger: I just keep believing it will different
You: Man, I don't fall in love with people that fast.. ahahahhaha
Stranger: Oh it's people I've known for years
Stranger: The least for me is 1 yrs to even talk to her
You: Ooooh
You: Since ur 10 then
You: ahah jk
Stranger: Nah this started when I was 13
You: Oh wow, my first one i was 13 as well
Stranger: First one hurts the most
You: Ummm, i don't think so..i mean, in my case.. but i agree..when u love that person that much
You: I'm friends with my first one until today so
Stranger: U sound like u know what it getting into
You: I would say sometimes
Stranger: Just remember people will accept the love they think they deserve
You: Oh I've watched this movie ahaha
Stranger: Keep ur standards high cuz if a guy doesn't meet it there is always one that will
Stranger: Its lowkey true tho
Stranger: Make him treat u like a princess always
You: Aw, that was like cute...
You: And ur right.
Stranger: But on ur side never take home for granted
Stranger: Him*
You: Never. neither him or anyone else.
Stranger: That's good
Stranger: The guy must be lucky to have u
You: Oh, U should tell him then ahah
You: jk jk
Stranger: It's not everyday u meet someone nice and knows a value of a real woman
You: Oh, i really appreciate that
You: Ur really nice as well
You: I hope u know that :)
Stranger: Someday I wish I met someone like u
Stranger: There gotta be more than of u out of 7 billion
You: Aw, u'll find someone even better than me, trust me.
Stranger: Haha sounds like heaven
You: Oh ahahaha im feeling so flattered rn
Stranger: But keep working o urself too
Stranger: On*
You: Yea, always
Stranger: Bc u are flattering lol
You: ahahahah
Stranger: So ur really not from Brazil or are u?
You: Actually i am. ahahha
You: Im 100% brazilian ahah
Stranger: Oh wow does Brazilians have Instagram
You: Ahahahhaha brazilians usually have instagram, yea
Stranger: Cool so what's urs
You: ahahah nice way to ask hug
You: huh*
You: @sarahcvlm
You: what's urs?
Stranger: I'll hit u up and you'll see who I am
Stranger: Nice meeting u tho
You: ahahahahahaha funny
Stranger: Keep working hard and always keep ur head up no matter what
Stranger: 💯💯
You: hey, just asking.. r u leaving?
Stranger: Oh I was about to
You: just hold up
Stranger: For what?
You: imma follow u
You: what's urs?
Stranger: I actually dont have insta yet due to strict parents
Stranger: But I find u if ur relationship dont work out
You: Oh that's so sad :(
You: Oh ahahahahah
You: Okay, i guess
Stranger: Were young
Stranger: U believe in stars?
You: Yea
You: why?
Stranger: Then if we look at the same star we will meet each other in real life
You: Oh my god, made my day.
Stranger: Or make a wish whenever u see a falling star lol
Stranger: Nice meeting u Sarah
You: Nice meeting u as well, ur such a good person. take care :)
Stranger: And my real name is Tyrone dont tell anyone
Stranger: It's a secret...
You: AHAHAH i wont, don't worry lol
Stranger has disconnected.
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happythedragon18 · 7 years
So, uh, writing.
I guess I'm gonna have to start this post saying that I write stories, because that's what this is gonna end up as- a story.
I have an account on Fanfiction.net where I write stories pretty regularly, and I recently wrote one that I'm actually pretty proud of, and so here I am! I wanted people to read it, and depending on the feedback I might create another blog solely for writing (I've been thinking about doing that for a while now, anyway).
So without further delay, here it is! I hope you enjoy!
The music drifted out of the club like a vibrating pulse. I could feel it in my bones. The night was alive with possibilty. I could even imagine myself going out onto the middle of the floor, all bold and such. Dancing by myself, with nothing but the blaring music and large crowd to keep me company. But I'm extremely shy about what little talents I have, and going out in the middle of the floor with people in a circle around me, focused on my every move was not an ideal prospect for an introvert like myself.
But it wasn't like I had many other options, seeing as the title of this event was a dance. I didn't feel like being known as one of the kids who sat and ate food the entire time, and being dubbed as a loser who just sits in the bleachers on their phone didn't exactly seem appealing, either. I was in 10th grade, dammit, and I couldn't be so quiet forever. I had someone out there that I wanted to impress, and for the first time, I actually wanted someone to notice me.
It was a big step from wanting literally no one to ever call me out in 6-8th grade, so I suppose the transition from middle to high school really does have an effect on people. I never wanted to be one of the girls who had a new boyfriend almost every other week, I just wanted someone who would take it slow and actually have interest in getting to know me. And it seemed that, in my "quest" to be loved by someone other than my family, I had developed a crush.
He was a decent guy. No one ever really put him on the spot, and he wasn't a jock- thank goodness. The sports-inclined kids in our school- or just in any school, really- are all jerks to the rest of us. They think that because they have a "big game" every week that they're allowed to slack off. And I absolutely despise the people with that mentality.
No, this boy was much better- and sweeter- than that. A couple of times I've been lucky enough to spot him in the hallways helping other kids who either don't know where their next class is supposed to be, or kids who've just spilled their belongings all over the floor and feel ashamed. That wasn't the only reason I fell for him, in case you were wondering. He also volunteers every other weekend, which I find to be pretty admirable. You don't really come across people who do that with such dedication anymore.
That's about it for the charity services, though, so. In case you thought he was gonna be, like, I don't know, the MOST PERFECT GUY EVER, he most definitely isn't. I haven't caught him being mean to anyone, but that doesn't mean he hasn't. And if he really, truly hasn't been extremely rude to someone (at the least), then oh well. We all have our flaws, they just show in different ways.
Now for a physical description. Come on, I know you girls are curious. Heck, even you few guys reading this wanna know, but I can't be too sure of that. Back to it, though. He's about 5'9 from what I can estimate, and for comparison, I'm 5'6. So a good height difference, I'd say. He's got brown hair, but with the absolute smallest flecks of auburn in it. You can only clearly see it in broad sunlight, so it isn't the most noticeable trait. He also has a wide span of freckles across his face, which I find adorable. If a 16 year old can even be considered adorable, anyways.
His eyes are the thing I love most, though. They're a lovely shade of blue, but they also have a greenish tint. I like brown eyes, don't get me wrong, but blue-ish green eyes have always been strangely hot to me.
Ack, I'm getting a bit off track here. The dance, right. I forgot to mention that this particular dance was a masquerade, so everyone was wearing masks. I had no way to approach my crush and be completely sure that it was him. So I settled for going out on the dance floor and swaying my hips to the beat. It wasn't too hard of a dance move- something I'm quite proud to say that I've almost perfected, in fact- so there was no way I could possibly embarass myself. It was foolproof.
I was so lost in the rythmn and my own thoughts that I didn't notice anyone sneak up behind me. That is, until my hands were grabbed by a relatively tall guy and I was led straight to the place I'd originally wanted to avoid: the very center of the dancefloor. And to top it all off, I had no choice but to go along with him. If he really was my crush, then I didn't want completely and utterly rejecting him to be our first official meeting.
A slow song came on, and he took my arm and draped it across his neck. He put his hand on my waist, and I was grateful that his hand didn't "accidentally" slip any further down. Seemed he was a gentleman, which I couldn't complain about in the slightest. He led us both in a waltz, and I reluctantly followed. I hadn't really ever waltzed before, but something about the way he led us made me feel as if I had been doing this for years, not minutes.
We stayed like that for what felt like forever- just lost in the dance- and I was surprised to say that I was enjoying myself. Normally, I would be a bit pissed that some random dude walked up to me and decided it was okay for him to just grab me and pull me away, but this guy wasn't crossing any of my boundaries.
The song ended abruptly, and before I knew what was going on a large shout of: "Take off the masks!" was heard. I slowly took off my mask, but when my dancing partner took his off I was completely and utterly starstruck. It- It was him. Olly. The guy I had fallen for hard, and didn't think had ever stopped to take a second glance in my general direction. I must've looked a bit too surprised though, because he began talking nervously.
"I- uh, I mean, if you didn't want me to do that then that's okay. I just- ah, thought you'd be alright with it. Sorry if I crossed a line, I really didn't mean to-"
"NO!" I yelled, and looking back, it was a little too loud for the situation. "I mean, um, what I was gonna say is that I really liked it. So thanks, and it's alright, you didn't cross any lines."
I laughed a little at the end, and Olly joined in. Soon enough, we were full-on cackling. It was so ridiculous, how nervous we both were. You could practically cut the tension in the air with a knife.
"So, I suppose that means you liked it? Like, I was good?"
And I laughed again. Here he was, being nervous about the way he danced, when I thought that the way he moved was stunning.
"Ohmygod, yes. Yes you were," I said, feeling braver than before. "You were amazing out there! Of course, I can hardly dance to save my life, so I don't have much skill in that area to compare it to."
He laughed at my comment. And I revelled in being the cause of that sound. I wanted him to laugh like that more, because it was a wonderful sound- to me, at least.
"Alright, then. I'll disregard that last part and take your oh-so-wise words as a compliment. But I was wondering, would you want to do that again? Like, not just dancing, but we could go see a movie- or hell, dance afterward, I don't know.."
"I think what you're trying to say is: "Gabby, would you maybe want to go out with me?" To which I would reply with: "Why yes, Olly, I would absolutely love that." And then we'd plan a date sometime soon and live happily ever after."
I was stepping up my flirting game. I don't think that I'd ever been this confident around anyone before, and I was proud of it. I genuinely liked this boy, and I wanted to go on lovely dates with him.
"Huh," he said. "Well that was easy. I've, uh, actually sort of liked you for a while, and I was afraid you wouldn't say yes and then I'd have to be all sad and alone-"
And I guess I got even more brave, because I decided to shut him up with a kiss.
It wasn't anything deep- and before you girls get curious, no, there was no tongue involved- just a peck. But it meant the world to me, and I hoped with all I had that Olly felt the same way. I moved apart from him, and we shared another, less awkward laugh together. Now we knew that we both had the same sentiments for one another, and I was ecstatic.
We exchanged phone numbers to plan a date later on, shared a small, fast kiss again, and parted ways.
Maybe I wouldn't regret going to this dance, after all. I got a date out of it, and I couldn't be any happier.
So thanks again for reading, and let me know if a seperate blog for writing only is something you'd want me to do!
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