#so uh wish me luck I honestly don't know how I'm getting out of this one folks
Steve is definitely Eddie's bisexual awakening. Eddie stared at Steve's ass thinking that he's just jealous because he wished he could have an ass like Steve's. And, of course, he accidentally flirted with Steve.
"Hey, Steve, how does one get a great ass like that?" Eddie asked him one day.
Steve's blushing, partly because he's really flattered and partly because Eddie asked him that in front of the entire party. Eddie's blinking at him, not realizing at all what he just asked.
It wasn't until long after he got home and when he was drifting off to sleep that he made his realization. Eddie sat up in bed, eyes wide.
"Oh my God! Oh my God! OH MY GOD! OH. MY. GOD!"
"Boy! Why is it that whenever you have a crisis, it has to be so damn loud?! I'm actually working days for once. Let me sleep," Wayne said, pausing. "We'll discuss it in the morning if you want to."
Wayne had his own room now. Unfortunately, the rooms were right next to each other. Eddie waited until he was fast asleep again before he wrote a note and left still wearing his pj's. Pretty soon, he was pounding on Steve’s door, and Steve was opening it, rubbing sleep from his eyes.
"Did you know about me? I mean, could you like detect it even if I didn't know about it?" Eddie asked. "Could you, like, sniff it out?"
"I have no idea what the hell you're talking about, but come on in," Steve said.
"You told me about you being bisexual. Did you know about me?" Eddie asked when Steve closed the door behind him.
"Uh, honestly, no. Is that what this is about? I'll go put on some coffee. You go ahead and continue freaking out if you need to, big boy," Steve said.
"JESUS H CHRIST! I called you big boy! How did I not know then?!" Eddie asked.
When Steve came back with two mugs of coffee, Eddie was fast asleep on his couch. Steve sighed and set them on the coffee table. The phone rang, and Steve rushed to answer it before it could wake up Eddie.
"Steve, it's Wayne. Is Eddie there?"
"Yeah, he came in here freaking out. He's asleep now."
"Did he say why he was freaking out?"
"Yeah, but - "
"But you don't want to say? Thanks for respecting his privacy. If he wants to tell me, then he will when he's ready. You should know that when he freaks out like this and then falls asleep, he's going to wake up again. Be prepared, son."
"Yeah, I'll look after him."
"Thanks. I'm going to get some rest. Good night, and good luck."
Steve hung up the phone and walked back into the living room. He grabbed a magazine off of the table and began flipping through it while sipping his coffee. Eddie sat up suddenly, and Steve nearly spilled his coffee.
"Oh my God! I was hitting on you!" Eddie exclaimed. "I said you had a great ass!"
"There it is," Steve said, putting down his magazine.
"I like both," Eddie said, not looking at Steve.
"It's totally normal to - ," Steve said.
"I like both!" Eddie said again. "This is so, so - "
"This is so. . .METAL!" Eddie exclaimed, grinning.
"Okay, not the reaction I was expecting, but then again, you're Eddie Munson, so what was I expecting?" Steve asked, grinning fondly.
Eddie slid to the floor in front of him, grin still firmly in place.
"Do you know what this means?" Eddie asked.
"I could guess," Steve said.
"Steve," Eddie said, and then the grin slid off his face. "This is just another gender that's just going to reject me."
"Well, I already know one guy who's interested," Steve said with a smirk, and Eddie was smiling again.
"Oooh, who is it? I bet it's Jeff. Is it Jeff? I'm just now realizing that I do think he's handsome," Eddie said.
"I don't know," Steve said, scowling. "He better not be."
"Okay, who else could it be?" He asked, tapping his chin. "Oh, man, is it Mike? One, he's way too young, and honestly, I think of him like a younger brother. . .like a really annoying younger brother. I'd hate to be there for that conversation. Can you reject him for me?"
"I like you, Eddie," Steve said softly.
"I like you too, man," Eddie said, blinking rapidly at him.
He still didn't get it. Steve rolled his eyes. He cupped Eddie's face and pulled him in for a gentle kiss. Steve pulled back quickly, smiling at him.
"So, are you going to tell me who it is, or am I going to have to keep guessing?" Eddie asked.
"Oh, for fuck's sake!" Steve growled.
Eddie giggled and leaned forward to capture his lips with his. He quickly broke the kiss.
"I knew when you said that you knew a guy," Eddie said. "I just wanted to see if I could make you jealous if I mentioned that I think Jeff is handsome."
"So, you do think he's handsome," Steve said with narrowed eyes.
"He's nothing compared to you, baby," Eddie replied and then paused. "And as much as I would love nothing more than to make out with you, can we talk for a while?"
"Absolutely," Steve said softly.
So, they sat on the couch, sipping their coffee while they talked with Eddie's legs planted firmly in Steve's lap. Steve talked about how he always sort of knew, and he told Eddie about his first male crush. Eddie had been disappointed that it hadn't secretly been him. They talked for a long time with the conversation ending with them deciding that they were boyfriends. Steve and Eddie fell asleep on the couch, entangled in each other.
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sophaeros · 4 days
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julian casablancas for mojo magazine, november 2024 / issue 372 (x x)
Rock'n'roll Confidential: Julian Casablancas
The Strokes/Voidz mainman talks entitlement, respect and Arctic Monkeys
3AM (Pacific Coast Time) is an atypical hour to schedule an interview. But here's Julian Casablancas, zooming from Los Angeles, where the singer, for so long synonymous with the grit and glamour of New York City, has lived since 2020. He's a busy man: as well as fronting long-running garage rock classicists The Strokes - whose sixth album The New Abnormal won a Grammy in 2020 - he's found a refuge of sorts in his experimental, '80s synths-enabled group The Voidz, whose new LP Like All Before You is imminent. Talking to MOJO, Casablancas remains in shadow, his eyes occasionally reflecting dim light. "I can be a vampire," he promises. "You want a real rock star, bro? But I can be flexible and go into family mode too…"
What are you doing up at 3am, talking to MOJO? It's about the only time I have free. The rest of the time, it's videos and working with managers, going to concerts, social things… so l go all the way around, to crazy night hours.
The new album starts with Overture and ends with Walk Off - is there a concept lurking within? I guess a little. Maybe subconsciously. It hopefully hits if you have taken mushrooms. I had just watched Gone With The Wind, and they used to have overtures at the beginning of movies, and then we end the album with a synthesizer version. But it is not a rock opera story. If anything, the concept was going to be a one-word album title. At first, it was Zeal, then Perseverance.
How do you switch mindsets between Voidz and Strokes songwriting? Voidz songs are where my mind has been pushing me, and where I want to go, and where I am. But the ability or capability or muscle memory of writing Strokes-sequel stuff is just always going to be there. When those songs appear, it makes more sense to put them in each category, but it's not always that clear. But there's more 'no-limits' with The Voidz.
You recently said, "My current solution is to tour with The Strokes and then use the money to record with The Voidz." How did that happen? Years of drama and betrayals and horseshit (laughs). Honestly, l am cool with most of the dudes, and now we're more mature. It's not what I set out to do, but it's a fun, cool day job that I feel blessed to have. But let's just say I was only in a band called Zog, and whatever I worked on 10 years ago in Zog, I would not be interested in any more, I'm only interested in what I'm working on now. It's just the nature of music and creativity, you know?
What did you set out to do with The Strokes? I just wanted to challenge boundaries, and to have an ambitious collective of respectful teammates. Is that The Voidz? For me, yes.
The cliché about Strokes issues is that you were rich kids who weren't hungry enough. Any truth in that? Success affects people in different ways. I'd say there are some elements, probably from me as well, where you can be entitled… all kinds of bands have fallings outs and drama. It wasn't like, Oh, we don't need the money. I think it did take a lot of hunger to get there, but then after you've achieved something, when everyone is kissing each individual member's ass… OK, let's get back to work and do it again. It was like, Uh, no thanks. That's my assessment.
The Arctic Monkeys song Star Treatment starts out, "I just wanted to be one of The Strokes." What was your reaction? I thought, Be careful what you wish for. It was funny, and flattering. I have a lot of respect for Alex and those boys.
Tell us something you've never told an interviewer before. I've been trying to communicate with crows lately. I heard they have an intricate sonic language, but I haven't had any luck. It occurred to me that food would help, so I was trying to feed one M&M's earlier, but he wasn't having it. People can catch me making weird noises, trying to mimic the crow. I think the crows are more startled than the humans.
As told to Martin Aston
JULIAN, DOPE Five of Casablancas's crackers.
Brian Eno Burning Airlines Give You So Much More (ISLAND, 1974)
Benny Goodman Good-Bye (VICTOR, 1936)
Kate Bush Why Should I Love You? (EMI, 1993)
Max Richter Path 5 (Delta) (DEUTSCHE GRAMMOPHON, 2015)
BEAK> Secrets (INVADA, 2024)
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gafurtle · 25 days
Reading Meme
What’s up readers?! How about a little show and tell? Answer these 13 questions, tag 13 lucky readers and if you’re feeling extra bookish add a shelfie! Let’s Go!
Tagged by @lucymonster - thank you!
1. The last book I read
I'm rereading The Murderbot Diaries (again...), so I just finished Book 3 and am now reading Book 4.
2. A book I recommend
I mean...I always love when people try out the Cosmere, or I've been recommending Gideon the Ninth to people lately.
3. A book I couldn't put down
I started the Murderbot Diaries because @round-hatches-are-terrifying kept posting about it and I was going on a trip with a long flight and needed something to read. So I started the first book...and more or less read all seven books nonstop over the next week. Like, I had to take breaks because I was on the trip visiting family and we did things all day, but pretty much every spare moment I was reading...and then I just restarted it immediately. Twice. So, uh. That one.
4. A book I've read twice (or more)
I reread books a lot. I've read most of the Cosmere series twice, and I'm working on my third read-through of the Stormlight Archive. I've read the Locked Tomb books twice. I've read the Discworld books over and over again too. I mean, when I really like a series, rereading feels like I get to hang out with the characters more, so I reread a LOT.
5. A book on my TBR
I have GOT to read White Sands. It's the only Cosmere book that eludes me. I need to get my butt to a library and check it out because I tried reading it on my phone and it was terrible.
6. A book I've put down
I've had some bad luck in the past with starting a book on a trip and then not finishing it and then a lot of time passes and I just never go back. I did that with Dune, I know. And a book with clockwork birds in the title I think? My brother really wanted me to read that, but I just fell out of the habit and it felt hard to go back. I did that with Life of Pi too.
7. A book on my wish list
Like to buy? I'm not sure what differentiates TBR and wish list. Oh! I guess the Murderbot short stories? I don't know how to get them ha ha. And I really look forward to when Stormlight 5 and Alecto the Ninth come out.
8. A favorite book from childhood
The Dark is Rising series. A book I loved so much that I am too afraid to go back because what if it is terribe.
9. A book you would give to a friend
I loaned Tress of the Emerald Sea to a friend recently! Honestly, I'd like to loan out the Secret Project Sanderson books since they're an easier in to the Cosmere.
10. A book of poetry or lyrics that you own
I was a classics major, so I have a lot of Greek & Latin poetry on my shelves. Other than that, I've never been into reading poetry, to be honest.
11. A nonfiction book that you own
More classics books, I'm afraid. Like I have histories and books of scholarships and textbooks and all of that.
12. What are you currently reading
The Murderbot Diaries. Again. 😅 Exit Strategy, probably my favorite!
13. What are you planning on reading next
T-The rest of the Murderbot Diaries.... And then soon Stormlight 5 will be out! And one of these days I'm going to get the library and try to get White Sand...
Tagging @round-hatches-are-terrifying and @interstellar-interloper my mbd buds. I'd be curious to hear from @cosmereplay and @imtheseventh and @zibus if you folks are interested too! @spikeface if you want!
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wenevergotusedtoegypt · 4 months
Life update
Long story short(er)...a bit over a year ago my then-boss decided to bring a process that had been previously delegated to an external vendor internal, and I would be in charge of it. We knew that it would be a big challenge, but felt that it was possible. I didn't get a title change, but in effect this was a MASSIVE promotion, which I later convinced my subsequent boss to give me a significant raise for.
Then, my boss left the organization just as this new process was ramping up, and was replaced by someone who was honestly out of his depth in the position, for lack of any better option at the time. I repeatedly asked for assistance with decision-making, resources, and professional development regarding this process, but received very little assistance. Nevertheless, my newly-hired supervisee and I limped along the best we could with the knowledge and resources that we had. We were getting projects out the door, but we didn't have what we needed to assess how well we were doing and how to do it better.
A few months ago, my boss was working with some consultants on some tangentially-related things, and they were shocked to find out the extent of what I, as just one person, was in charge of. They suggested bringing someone else on board, and in fact, they knew just the person, who was currently looking for a new job. She became my boss about 2 months ago. She has extensive experience in this area and it's become clear just how in over our heads we were when we decided to bring the process in house with exactly 0 people with prior experience working on it. I kept asking both my previous boss and her what exactly my responsibilities vs. hers were, and never got a satisfactory answer. My previous boss kept telling me that I "could learn a lot from her" (completely true, but nevertheless I still needed to know what my job was so that I could learn from her while doing it) and then later that I should "be proactive" and not just wait around for someone to tell me what my job was (which, I'm pretty sure that repeatedly trying to have a conversation about it is, in fact, proactive? but ok). My current boss kept saying that she didn't know either, but it would get sorted out.
Well, it did. Sort of. Last week, she began to hint, and this week she said clearly (when I brought it up), that she does not believe my role as it currently exists is what she needs at this time. She is of the opinion that 90% of writing can be done with AI nowadays, with just a little human cleanup (I wish her luck getting AI to hone in on the very specific voices of certain picky higher-ups in the organization, which I have mastered, but ok), and what she really needs is someone with 6-7 years of experience with this work to run with strategy, project management, etc.
I, uh, clearly do not have that experience, through no fault of my own. So I have been given the following options:
a) Fully commit to the new position and go through 3-6 months of extremely intensive training to try to get me up to speed. I feel like this would be setting myself up for failure, as no matter how hard I work I cannot make up for years with mere months. It would also take a level of commitment to the position that I simply don't find myself having at this point. For various reasons, I'm just not interested in working for her at this point, and I can't see myself being motivated enough to follow through the way I would need to in order to have any chance at succeeding.
b) Try to find another position internally. This would be my preferred option, as I like where I work and what we do, but it requires someone having an opening that is in some way a good fit for me. A colleague has been putting out feelers for me, but I spoke to someone in HR yesterday and he didn't really have anything for me. This is IMMENSELY frustrating given that I was literally given an award for how valuable I am to the organization just months ago, I have always gotten positive performance reviews, and yet somehow it seems there is no way to use the very talents I was told were absolutely essential extremely recently. I feel like there should be someone I can go to and be like, "Hey, remember that big award you gave me for contributing so much? I would like to continue contributing so much. It is in the organization's best interest to not just let me slip away. Let's figure out where I can contribute." But I don't know who to talk to.
c) Leave and find a job externally. I have people who are happily willing to assist with networking and reference-giving on this, but the problem is that everyone's first question is, "What are you looking for?" and I don't have a good answer. I would probably like to stay in the nonprofit world, ideally the Jewish nonprofit world, but could see myself in a for-profit position if I felt like the work was making a positive difference in the world. It would be nice (and to my employer's benefit) if the position involved writing, given it's both my passion and my strength, but it's not a must. My main thing is that I want to feel like my employer is making a positive impact in the world and I want to feel like I myself am making a clear contribution to that positive impact. I didn't do well as an office manager because I felt too disconnected from the mission, but I did fine as an administrative assistant who was working with programmatic staff at the same organization (though such a position is now too low-level). I also don't want to take a salary cut (or at least not a major one), but many positions I'm seeing at my current salary or above are things I'm not qualified for.
So anyway, that's what's been going on and why things have been a bit quiet on this blog. I am oddly calm about it all, there's just been a lot to figure out. That can partially be explained by the fact that my husband starts working part time in less than 2 weeks, and then full time IY"H after he passes the boards in late July, so seemingly the worst case scenario here is we have a brief period of living off unemployment, his part time work, and savings before we get back to where we've been for a while now (his starting salary is a bit more than my current salary, so while we had been expecting our income would double soon, we at least wouldn't be worse off than we've been). But even so, I'm surprised that I'm not more upset.
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turtletaubwrites · 4 months
So... uh... it might be final edit time again... 😬
I am so behind on comments and tags, but I love y'all so much! I swear I'll come up for air soon. I just can't stop. Every time I stop, my brain starts writing more, so I have to go write it down.
The last time I had a big writing spree was for the first half of Numbers Game before the break. This story just owns me, I guess 🤷🏼‍♀️
Part 22 should be up in a few hours!
Below the cut is an update on my mental health in case y'all are concerned (I am okay!! 💜) (cw mental illness, cw bipolar disorder)
Is the writing spree from the ADHD? The Bipolar? The fact that I just really love this story, and am having an amazing time writing it? Or maybe it's the lil fairies in my backyard? Lol, who knows
I monitor these behavior changes to try to spot what my bipolar triggers are, and to mitigate "damage," or to just make sure that my loved ones and I are aware of what might be going on. I've only had one episode since being diagnosed and medicated three years ago.
Starting writing fanfiction in November is how we figured out I was in an episode because it's apparently not normal for someone who hadn't written anything in years to all of a sudden write and post 70k words in three weeks. 🙃🙃🙃
I am a bit concerned with this writing spree, but I'm trying to remember that I am allowed to be happy and enjoy things. I've struggled a lot with my identity, values, passions, and joys since getting this diagnosis. (Afraid that feeling good = bad)
I'll still be monitoring and taking care of me, but honestly, if I am starting another episode, then I'm so grateful that I have this hobby. It's a FREE hobby, where lots of supportive people interact with and enjoy my work, and provide the DOPAMINE.
Compared to the things I would become obsessed with during my pre diagnosis manic episodes, this is incredibly healthy/safe for me.
(For example: dropping out of college to attend a $10,000 hypnosis course that I learned about and signed up for within two weeks to meet their deadline - luckily that impulsive decision ended up working out great for me and got my business going, but yeah 😬😬) (lol, we used the money for our wedding that we still haven't had, and the rest on credit. This is why FREE HOBBY is so important to me, lol. So many other expensive obsessions...)
I don't want to romanticize it, but occasionally I forget that I might be manic, and I just get excited to talk about how into things I am. Please don't romanticize mania!! Even though I lucked out last time, it is often debilitating and life ruining. I'm so excited that I'm writing so much, but I would rather not be manic, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone else!
Anyways, I AM OKAY.
If I am having another mixed episode, this is a safe thing for me to be doing. I'm having the best time writing this, and I'm so happy you're enjoying it with me! Thank you!! 💜🙏🏼
~ Lynna ✨
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businesscasualart · 4 months
i luv ur work, can I see a smal snippet of any fanfic ur working on👉👈 here’s a treat as payment🧁
AWWWW THANK YOU SM! I've posted so little work, I didn't expect anyone would care too much for my work, art or fanfic, as opposed to just like, my affinity for providing content for obscure characters and ships. <3 You are SO sweet, I'm crying TvT I'd love to share, it'd be an honor, treat or no treat as payment! Thank you for the treat tho XD
Okay, so, context: I've been in fandomless hell for a few months now. I can rely on the fact that I'll be bouncing back to and around the DC fandom every few months, but I'm absolutely directionless rn. The last thing I got working on is yet another Young Justice, Psimon/Devastation fic as always. I DO intend to write something else eventually, but I love Devapsimon <3
A friend requested this one RIGHT before I fell out of the YJ fandom into this period of nothingness. Now...you see...they don't watch YJ, they dislike superhero cartoons. They do know I love YJ tho.
I...don't...like...Omegaverse...BUT YOU SEE, MY FRIEND uh...got pretty big into it...in the Normalest way they could...If you don't know what it is, don't Google it.
My good, dear friend...requested of me...that the third fic I ever write...be a lil Psimon/Devastation Omegaverse fic for them and they PROMISE they'll pay me...somehow...presumably with a fic they'll write bc I KNOW they don't have money. SO FOR LIKE, three months, between fandomless hell, writing what I don't know, and KEEPING THIS THING PG-14...I've been writing that!
Maybe I'll convert it into a sickfic before posting it to Ao3! Bc I am so unsure about writing omegaverse and my abilities doing so. AND IT IS PRETTY MUCH A SICKFIC, I'm taking a very mild-hurt/comfort, mostly nesting, sickfic approach with it! I hope it's still enjoyable despite my long breaks writing it. I have to do some serious editing but rn I'm just trying to get it done! Wish me luck!
So uh
WIP Devapsimon Fic Snippet!
CW: uh, nothing really! There's not even much Omegaverse mention in this part...um...I don't know how to format a fic on Tumblr...there's an abundance of description of RV bunk beds...I can't find a good place to cut off the snippet...THIS IS ALSO VERY LONG FOR A SNIPPET, but this is my longest fic yet.... so uh...long preview! As a treat!
“D…Devastation?” He whispered hesitantly, torn between announcing his presence and not disturbing her rest.
Upon getting no response tried to gently, quietly push past the curtains but the metal curtain rings slowly drug against the metal bar making a screech that resounded in his ears and made him wince. 
He peered into the bunk section. It was darker than the rest of the RV, it took a minute for his eyes to adjust. 
It was honestly shocking how everyone could fit in here, it was a cramped ‘room’. If Baran or Tommy were to walk down the room, both of their shoulders would rub against the bunks lining either wall. Thankfully, the bunks themselves were of a decent size. 
They were built into the wall, like a shelf or cubby. They could hold a thin twin XL size ‘mattress’...well…really more so a foam pad than a mattress. However, the bottom bunk cubbies were decently tall, the larger Onslaught members still can’t really fit lying on their backs or sitting up, but they could fit just fine lying on their sides.
There were exactly six bunks, two on each side of the three-walled room. Additionally, hanging in the middle of the walkway between the two top bunks on the left and the right of the room, was a hammock. Cameron generously set it up when they got the Terror Twins on the team and claimed it for himself. He claims it was to win Tuppence’s favor but Psimon is almost certain it was just regular generosity and self-sacrifice. 
Each bunk had different privacy curtains shielding the inside of the bunks; some decorative, some blackout, some sheer; but a few were left open. 
One such bunk had its curtains open. Thankfully, it was the one with the only small window in the room, on the wall inside the top bunk across from the entrance. It didn’t provide much light, especially since the dusty blinds as well as small curtains on it were drawn. 
There were also string lights lining the room, courtesy of Selinda, to provide a gentle light but they were left off during the day. 
It was relatively clear whose bed was whose. Everyone had a relatively distinct sense of style, or lack thereof. 
Selinda’s was a simple bed with everything in some shade of black and purple. Tuppences lined her walls and ceiling with decor like photos, stickers, and posters. The other mens’ bunks generally looked like the beds had been abandoned for eight years, but Tommy decorated his similarly to Tuppence’s, only simpler; Mammoth’s bed had a king-sized comforter shoved in there and the walls were scratched up; and Cameron’s...well, he had a hammock.
Psimon’s bunk was by far the most organized one but it doesn’t stand out. All neutral colors, made up neatly. He had two pillows, but only really used one. He, like a few others, had small organizers hanging on the walls. He never had many personal, sentimental items to bring on these missions, so he mostly kept business related papers, pens, a tablet for work, and the like up there.
Each set of twins shared the bunks on two walls and Cameron...had a hammock…so Devastation slept in the bunk under Psimon’s.
Her bed was also simple and mostly neutral tones, but messier…usually. She had two or three more blankets and pillows than usual, all strewn about, along with a couple clothing items. It was notably more crowded.
Psimon had no idea how Devastation would be comfortable in that mess, and perhaps she wasn’t, because she wasn’t even in her bed. 
She sat on the filthy, old carpeted floor next to her bed, leaning halfway into the bunk, her face buried in her arms. 
“Devastation!” Psimon gasped, dropping to his knees next to her, nearly dropping the bowl in the process. He set it on the floor next to him, placing a hand on her back and the other on an arm.
Her hair was taken down but not brushed, left messy and tangled. She had also changed into her nightwear, striped shorts and a sleeveless top. They seemed to have been a lavender-type color, but they’ve lightened and grayed out over time, as well as developed a couple of small holes in seams here and there. 
“Oh, Devastation…” Psimon, voice quiet and full of concern, never finished his sentence.
He struggled to pull Devastation upright by her shoulders, pulling her to rest against him so he could see her face. Once he managed it, her weight nearly knocked him back onto the floor but she seemed to regain enough awareness to somewhat support her own weight and not throw it all on him at once.
Her eyes were glazed and distant when they fluttered open. She furrowed her brow and her eyes slowly moved to look at Psimon, in an attempt to figure out what was happening but before she could, he laid his hand over her face. 
He kept moving his hand around her face, to both of her cheeks and to her forehead as if they’d yield different results, but the results were clear. Devastation’s skin was impossibly hot, hotter than before, even in the short time that had passed. It was wet with sweat and flushed all over from her own body temperature. 
Her glassy eyes finally found Psimon’s face, despite his hand’s frantic search for a more reassuring result. Her mouth hung open slightly, as if to speak, but she only took in short, ragged breaths. 
“Oh…Oh Devastation…”
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solar-collector · 4 months
“ I go to all of your games ”
Pt 2 / ?
"Finney, I don't know what to do anymore! He's infested my mind, everything I look at reminds me of him! I look at grab 'n go and think of him. I see blonde hair and I think of him." Bruce sighed as he paced around in front of the table Finney sat at. "Yeah? Have you tried telling him you like him?"
Bruce stopped and looked at him. "Are you stupid? I'm sorry, that was rude, but no! It's the Vance Hopper, hell. He could kill me if he wanted, probably with one hand too.." He whined as he slumped down against the wall. "Why did it have to be him of all people..?"
Finney shrugged. "Dunno." Bruce glared at him. "You are no help Finney." The other glared at him. "I don't know what you want me to do! I'm not a romantic person! I've liked two people in my life, Donna and Robin, and I've yet to do anything about my crush on Robin." He huffed and packed up his stuff. "I wish I could help you more, really but I'm not good with the romantic, dating stuff, but you better figure it out."
Bruce watched as Finney got up and left, he sighed and covered his face. Pinball Vance Hopper, that's who he decided to fall for. Why did it have to be him? He remembered some of the stories that his friends had told him.
"Fuck me man, Vance fucking threatened me today because I glanced at him, SLIGHTLY. Who hurt him." He remembered Robin saying that. Sure, him and Vance were cool now and he often saw Robin and Vance hanging out, but still. Before they were good like that.
"Hey Vance." He looked over at the other as he sat down. He sparked a slight smile from the other, it was cute. God he looked like an angel. "Hi Bruce." Vance responded back.
"So, uh. You play baseball, right?" Bruce looked at Vance, did he actually ask that? He was Bruce the baseball's player. He laughed slightly and nodded. "Yeah, I do. I have since I was little. Uh, you like pinball right?"
Stupid Bruce. No shit he likes pinball. He pinball Vance Hopper. "I do, it's my favorite pass time. I always go to the grab 'n go one too." Bruce nodded and listened to the other talk. "Maybe I'll come watch you sometime?" No Bruce, why would you say that? "He probably thinks I'm weird." A pause. "Yeah, that would be nice. I'll come see your games. When does the season start?"
"Next week actually. Do you know Finney Blake? Pretty sure our first game is against them." Why'd he mention Finney? Everyone knew Finney and that he played baseball too. "I keep messing up." He criticizes himself. "Maybe I'll go with Robin, I'm sure he's gonna go support Finn." Bruce smiled and nodded. "Yeah, come by my house when you go to grab 'n go. I live right by it, so. I can come watch you play."
He sighed and looked down a bit, he knew he was very red. From embarrassment and just overall being flustered.
"Game day, Finney." Finney looked at him as he stretched. "Yep, I know. Kind of here. Don't get distracted by Vance." "Yeah, like you did when Donna was looking in middle." He glared at the other. "Okay Bruce. I'mma get back to my team, good luck." He raised his fist and Bruce connected his with Finney's
Bruce walked around, pacing a bit. He looked towards the bleachers, his face went a bright red as he saw him. Vance Hopper. God, did he look gorgeous.
He ran over to the gate that kept the stands from the field. "Hey Vance, hey Arellano." He smiled, his gaze meeting Vance's. "Hi Bruce." Vance answered back. Bruce's heart fluttered a bit, how could one human be so damn beautiful? "So-" "SHUT UP, THERE'S MY BESTIE!!! WOOOO!!! FINNEY!!!" Robin jumped up and yelled.
Vance rolled his eyes and walked away from Robin, Bruce followed. "Okay, now that we are away from the lover boy and his husband. How do you think you're going to do?" Bruce shrugged and messed with his fingers a bit, he honestly didn't know. He felt worried, maybe because Vance was actually there to watch him. "I think we'll win, because I'm just the best. No offence to Finney, his arm is mitt."
Vance put his fingers through the holes on the gate and looked at Bruce. "I'm sure you guys will do just fine. I believe in you." He had a slight smile tugged at his lip. "Hey Bruce?" He heard Vance's voice but nothing was really clicking for him. "Yeah?" He finally answered back. "You know.. I go to all of your games."
Bruce stared at him, he felt his face heat up. "You do?" He asked, his voice barely above a whisper. "Yep, have since I've met you actually. I think you're a really good player. That's why I believe in you, because I know how good you are." He explained. "Sure, Finn's good, but he isn't you."
A yell from the coach caught Bruce's attention. "Can we talk after the game? I have something to tell you." Vance spoke and looked at him. "It's nothing bad, so don't let it fuck up your game." Bruce nodded. "Okay, after my game, uh. I'll meet you on the other side of the gate. Bye- Uh. See ya." "Good luck." He simply replied.
Cliff hangerrrr
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i23kazu · 2 years
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say no to this
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warnings – mentions of abuse in passing, it's not descriptive. also diluc cheats on you. honestly i'd tag this as suggestive because there's a bit of IMPLIED sexy times in this one but i didn't write it in!
characters – diluc x fem!reader [can be read as gn!reader if you'd like, but feminine terminology (wife, mother, etc) is still there]
a/n – the second part of my hamilton au! all lyrics go to lin manuel miranda, i don't take credit for any of it. i had to rewrite some parts of the song to fit the au! please reblog if you enjoyed this! the song is "say no to this" from hamilton :3 link to series post.
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There's nothing like summer in the city, Ying thought. Someone under stress meets someone looking pretty – there's trouble in the air, even you can smell it. Our dear Ragnvindr's by himself: I think I'll let him tell it.
( diluc's pov )
I hadn't slept in a week – I was weak, I was awake. You've never seen a bastard orphan more in need of a break. Between longing for Jean and I was missing my wife – that's when Miss Donna Reynolds walked into my life.
The girl said, " Mr Ragnvindr, I know you are a man of honor. I'm so sorry to bother you at home, but I don't know where to go, and I came here all alone."
Reynolds added, "My husband's doin' me wrong. He's been beatin' me, cheatin' on me, and mistreatin' me. But suddenly he's up and gone, and I don't have the means to go on."
I sighed. The Reynolds family was a notoriously broken one – James Reynolds was a gambler and a drunkard, a wife beater, even. Donna Reynolds took the brunt of it all.
Therefore, I offered her a loan and offered to walk her home – I was luckily she lived close by, otherwise I wouldn't have offered in lieu of the mountains of paperwork that welcomed me in my abode. Once we were out on the streets, Donna tapped my shoulder.
"Oh, nothing – you're too kind, sir."
I felt a deep pity for her life, and gave her thirty bucks that I had kept away.
"I live a block away," she said. "This one's mine, sir."
Donna walked up the steps to her home, breath trembling. She placed her hand on
Then I said, "Well, I should head back home. Goodni-"
What I wasn't expecting was the matriarch of the Reynolds family to grab my wrist tightly, and pull me into her house.
"Mrs Reynolds, I really should be going-"
"Just follow me, Diluc." Donna turned red, and led me to her bed.
(WAHOO SEXY TIMES WAAAOW i'm not writing this shit.)
That was when I began to pray. Archons, show me how to say no to this. How do I not know how to say no to this? Barbatos, she looks so helpless. (And her body's saying, "Hell, yes.)
No, show me how to say no to this.
I don't know how to say no to this!
In my mind, I promise you, (Y/N) – I'm trying to go, but all of a sudden her mouth was on mine, and I don't say no.
I couldn't say no.
On my account, I wish I could say that was the last time – I know, I said that last time, but it became a pastime. A month into this endeavor with Donna, I received a letter from a Mr. James Reynolds, even better. It said:
"Dear Sir, I hope this letter finds you in good health And in a prosperous enough position to put wealth In the pockets of people like me down on their luck You see, that was my wife who you decided to-"
"Uh oh, you made the wrong sucker a cuckold So time to pay the piper for the pants you unbuckled And hey, you can keep seein' my whore wife If the price is right, if not I'm telling your wife."
I hid the letter and I raced to her place. I screamed, "How could you?" in her face, but she said;
"No, sir!"
Donna was half dressed and apologetic: a mess, she looked pathetic, she was crying.
"Please, don't go, Diluc!"
"So was your whole story a setup?" I asked angrily, throwing the letter into her face.
"I don't know about any letter!"
"Stop crying, archons, dammit, get up!"
"I didn't know any better!"
"I am ruined! My career is ruined." I wanted to tear my hair out in that moment.
"Please, don't leave me with him helpless!" Donna was sobbing into my lap.
"I am helpless, how could I do this?"
"Diluc, please – just give him what he wants and you can have me!" I don't want you.
"Whatever you want, if you pay, you can stay! Please!"
Barbatos, show me how to say no to this. I don't know how to say no to this.
But this situation's helpless, right? Who am I to deny a person in need?
"There is nowhere I can go!" Donna cried. I couldn't think straight anymore, and I kissed the girl on my lap.
To tell you the truth, when her body's on mine, I don't say no. I can't say no.
Say no to this, Diluc.
"So?" James Reynolds smirked, in my mind. I could picture that gleeful grin of that man when I give him the money.
Nobody needs to know. I'm sorry, (Y/N).
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wahoo sorry i put this story on hold for so long!! hope yall enjoyed and dont worry the next part will definitely be better <3 please reblog with tags and comments :") i wont tag this with the astronetwrk tag because this is suggestive ueueue
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hopelesslygaysstuff · 2 months
SAME! Natasha was the first woman i saw on tv that didnt take shit from men and didnt need them either, natasha is very special to me too! I adore wanda but natashas a soft spot.
Yeah! Came up on my fyp a few months ago, i like the drawing and went to see if there was any more art related stuff bc UNDERRATED and saw you!
Ik ik. But its honestly adorable how passionate you are! Ah thank god. Be confident? Ill try! And yes i’m over 18 dw! I apologised bc i was worried i had made you uncomfortable, and bc i dont wanna overwhelm you sweetie
Natasha was everything to me and lowkey still is like she's the OG she's been here for me since day one I literally love her and think about her a lot lol but Wanda is literally my wife so. idk like first love vs strongest love typa deal with those two you know?
That's such a crazy coincidence omg i'm glad you liked it an uh don't dox me pls and thank u ♡ but yeah i try and do art stuff lol its just a fun way to get my creative urges out lol
Good good good i'm glad ur an adult and don't apologize if u haven't done anything wrong lol its fine i just don't see inbox things sometimes or i don't feel like responding but that doesn't mean anybody did something wrong. Again, if something makes me uncomfortable, ya'll will know. I'm pretty straightforward about my boundaries.
Anyways! I'm gonna try and get chapter two of 50 Shades of Red out tonight so wish me luck on that haha
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captainaikus · 2 years
BELLE LOVE YOURE BACK!!!!!!!!! I've missed you so much 😭😭😭!!!! I'm so sorry to hear that you're sick though 😖😖. That seriously sucks, but I hope you feel better soon!!! Also I have a confession to make. I know I said I was working on blue lock drabbles. But like. The TR season 2 opening just dropped. I am not the same woman I was 1 hour ago. Episode 13 of bllk will probably kick-start my inspiration for the writing again (hopefully) but I'm hitting a block atm and all I can think abt is TR right now 💀💀. I have actually been so productive this winter break that it's insane. Cleaning, cooking, organizing, writing, etc. It's hard to believe I was the same person as last year tbh. I'm a hoarder and a sentimental sap so I never throw anything away 💀🥲. BUT I got rid of so much unnecessary stuff yesterday and I'm actually kind of proud of myself. I've been meaning to go to the gym again, but finding the motivation is hard, especially in the early morning when I'm drowsy and tired. I know it's not an excuse and I plan on going to bed early tomorrow so I can wake up without feeling tired 😤😤. Wish me luck 🥹🤞🏼!!! Also also. I have currently been listening to the new opening on loop since I heard it came out don't judge me and I'm pretty sure I have the entire visuals and lyrics matched up inside my head atp where I can hear it and know which character is on screen 💀💀💀. It's the same with the season 1 episodes again no judging. Yes I'm normal abt this 😌😌. Anyways ✨. Idk if you've seen my posts, but I have been freaking out abt the new opening since this morning adjkhgggkjggfdhjhg. I am so excited about next week. You are gonna be sick of me once the first episode drops I'm calling it now 😭😭💀. Anyways onto the actual important stuff. How was your vacation and holiday?? Good I hope?? How's the move to a03 coming along?? Again, I hope you feel better soon (Oliver sends his love from Italy ❤️❤️❤️)!!! Make sure not to overwork yourself and take care of yourself and rest okay love?? I really have missed you tho 🥹❤️. *sending all the virtual hugs and blankets and warm soup to you*
- ✨ anon
YES! I have returned !! I missed you too T.T , ahh its good to be back. ps. not only have i managed to fall sick... I uh... I twisted my ankle last night when I was celebrating new years. There was so much that happened last night, the dancing, hanging out with my roommates and last but not least. there were a lot of pretty boys at the club; but honestly, they were strutting around the place like some proud peacock and were intimidated by my height (yeah i was the tallest one last night with my three inched heels) and my calves are killing me rn; but totally worth it ✨ I SAW THE NEW TR OPENING! Pretty sure the fans are gonna crash the website; i wouldn't be surprised honestly- I am so looking forward to the new eps !! I read the latest chapter of bllk and... *sobbing cause no Oliver* Anyway, getting back to Tr; I am excited for the new season !! And i wanna see more of bonten and the shiba brothers arc, now i'm thinking if they're gonna introduce Nahoya and the whole baby of the family thing (cause the way i cooed when I was reading the manga) Girl. I saw you posted about Chainsawman !! And during vacay, we were passing by a bookstore... I uh... I ended up buying vol 4 with Aki as the cover. (i love it sm and i'm gonna treasure it even if I haven't reached that part yet) - the look i got cause the amount of profanities in there on opening one of the pages 😭 Vacay was fun, spent some time in the countryside and got a hold of new experiences that inspired me to re-write ruined rome (a project that i had started for Rin earlier on my blog) there was a cute guy on the bus who was watching rising shield hero i think? and i was busy watching one punch man cause i didn't get time to finish it, *sad cause i shoulda asked for his @ but i was really shy to talk to him and kinda disoriented cause of no sleep*
As for the move to ao3; I released the new chapter of Ocean hues and I'm working on a spotify playlist that you guys can play it when you read the series; hopefully you guys will enjoy it <3 speaking a bit and giving spoilers for the series; i included some of my dreams with Oliver (yes i am a simp and idc) And i have my oneshots saved in my draft, that will be getting posted as well... ao3 is getting fun for me cause i figured a way on using dividers and pictures. Not to mention even if ao3 does seem complicated its actually pretty easy to get by and i'm getting obsessed with alice in borderland- THE NEW SEASON IS FINALLY OUT! so i'm gonna be completing that and stone ocean's new eps (yes me likes JJBA. *likes jonathan, joseph and Jotaro*) And no bb ♡ i like seeing your rants on my dash and also. I. squealed at your Oliver drabble. Like i was walking around, stood for coffee before my flight at some 1 o clock in the morning and i saw this. And my gah- the way i was staring into my phone, I had a jolly good christmas and an early new year 😭 *busy working on a list of yandere wips and thinking the title to give my work*
*sending back hugs and wuv along with Bachira*
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c0smiccom3t · 1 year
Ryonna Tag team racing quotes part 2!
Missions [Costume] - "Could you get one for me too? If i wanna show off im a master of stealth business, i want to look like i am that, too!" - "Yeah i'm sure it won't be too big when you put in on, sir." - "AGAIN, BRAT-ICOOT?!" - "This is getting us nowhere. Sir, perhaps would it be better if i went to fetched those things myself?" - "Oh-kay..." - "JUST GET ON WITH IT, OR YOU'RE GONNA SAY HI TO STARGAZER, TOO!" - "Finally." - "Yeah, keep it for yourself, you deserved it." [Mission 1] - "Yeah, could you? That'd really pay off and your sister would be impressed, if you ask me." - "Good luck! ...and make it quick." - "Master, calm down!! Maybe he just needed some clues to where that set is! ...Please hurry before he has another tantrum, he skipped his beauty sleep today." [nervous laugh] - "Yeah, you don't want to be known as 'the worst big brother in the world' now, do you?" - "We told you, brat-icoot, just BRING THAT GEAR!" - "Congrats, you played yourself. Hope you enjoy your demise! See you on the race track! Heheheheh, sucker." [Mission 2] - "Dont you mean 'weapon of mass de-- OW!" - "Okay, okay, you're right, sir!" - "That'd be so helpful, indeed! ...No pun intended, by the way. Now get moving!" - "Yeah, come back to us once you did get those crystals, bucko!" - "Yeah. Things take time. But honestly, you got to hurry. so get a move on!" - "These gamers are such a predictable bother nowadays, it's exhausting really." - "See you there, brat-icoot. C'mon m'lord, let's show him!" [When Cortex is interacting with Crash] - "Sir, he doesn't play with train tra--... F-forget what I said." - "Ooo-hohohoho! This is gonna be fun to watch, sorry brat-icoot.... not!" - "Oh and please. be careful with that. I heard wood chippers are a little... Spiky." *deep giggles* - "Not as good as when i hit the gym though. I got THAT superstrenght, baby! ...Though the actual egocentrist here is my boss, anyway." - "Yes, now how about you get lo-- I mean... explore around and have a good time?" - "I'm telling you sir, maybe you should get your mind off him with a nice, delicious churro-- OH HI BRAT-ICOOT, WHATS UP!" - "Get lost twerp, we're busy!" - "Yeah, it's best served cold too. Or is it served hot...? Whatever." - "Ugh, you Brat-icoots are so annoying... Just let us have some peace, for my boss' sake!" [When interacting with Crash] "What do you want, Brat-icoot? Im trying to reflect on my life's mistakes here." "You may ask... How did I become Cortex's racing partner...? Well uh.. It's a funny story. But i think it was after i asked you if i could join you since i didn't have a car and Von Clutch says I 'Can't drive vell'. The nerve!" "God, i hate my life-- Oh, Crash! Didn't see you there! Now get lost before I PUNT YOU!" "I wish Dingodile was in this game... Ooh! Maybe he's in the crowd?? I bet he loves the way i roll..." [sighs dreamily] "Huh? ...AGHH!! FORGET WHAT I SAID, BRAT-ICOOT!" "Yes sir, i got it, foot massage at half-past thirty right after dinner, and bedtime storytime at 9 o'clock sharp, noted. Later." [Hungs up the phone and then Notices crash infront of her] "Uhh... You heard nothing. I was just having a chitchat on the phone." "Crash, I know i'm not supposed to say this. But thank god my boss isn't here so... Keep this between us for a minute before he finds out..." [Inhale] "He sucks his thumb in his sleep and apparently when stressed he uses my tail as a security blankie while HE STILL HAS HIS OWN IN HIS POCKET! Even though sometimes it's in the wash... There, just keep this between us. And his snoring, UGH! Okay... I said too much. Go on with your little tralala trip now." "Don't mind me, i'm just getting churros for me, Nina, N. Gin and the boss. You know just because i'm a villain, that doesn't mean i dont share my food with my coworker, godchild and partner in crime." "Oh Crash, I need your help. Boss left his stuffed bear in those gears. Mind getting it for me before he goes on a tantrum during bedtime?" "Go away before i punch you through your skull, brat-icoot. I'm really busy here."
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bibiana112 · 2 years
Ah the 9th of September aka the splatter of blood's 999 week day, my faaavorite
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kgyamaboyf · 2 years
kageyama tobio x gn! reader.
angst. warnings: lmk if there is any.
note: hahaha.... i don't know where this came from. inspired by in my dreams by red velvet and slightly by the new episode of extraordinary attorney woo.
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Honestly, you didn't know what to expect when you confessed your feelings to stone-cold Kageyama Tobio. His eyes held a steel glare, giving no emotion but makes you feel so many with just one stare, but you couldn't look away, "just look at me, then feel stupid because how dare you look at me." goes unsaid.
Loving Kageyama Tobio was lonely.
Every game of his that you came to was the exhilarating poin of any day, watching with utter awe as he commands the court with just the flick of his wrists and the glance of his eyes. He notices each and every crevice of the opponent's movements and uses it to his advantage, peaking off of his teammate's strengths and weaknesses. His observation skills were getting better game by game, switching tactics even at the last second and still being able to pull it off. Kageyama is amazing on the court, and you never get bored of watching him do what he does best,
but it gets lonely sometimes.
When you walk home with him after his games, its just pure silence with the exception of your feet dragging across the pavement of the road, the occasional car driving by. You try and attempt a small conversation, mentioning something about your day or asking him to accompany you to the new market that just opened nearby, which he only replies to with a quiet hum of acknowledgement. When you comment about his gameplay, however, that's when he starts talking. He corrects your terminology and explains the core of his actions with the upmost sincerity, looking more lively that you've ever seen him, especially after a tiring match.
What does Kageyama have to offer when it's not volleyball? one may wonder, but you've never really figured out the answer, because that's his life. Why would he have to offer something else when all he needs his volleyball?
"Uh, I'm sorry?"
"I said I love you, Kageyama."
Maybe in another lifetime, or simply with just another person, Kageyama will be the sweetest lover. He would listen to your stories about your day and come with you to new market openings or a new cafe nearby. He would hold your hand and ask for your good luck kiss before every game, pressing the spot on his palm where you kissed it to his lips when he serves. He would ask you to wash his back after a long day, wishing to just unwind but drag you along in the process because you are his solace.
But for this lifetime, or maybe just for you, he's just your friend who asks you to spike and throw balls for him when nobody else can. He's just the classmate you tutor for English and help in Japanese Literature. He's just the guy that you cheer for in every single one of his matches without anything in return.
"Why do I even like him when he's just some guy?" Some guy doesn't clean up your notebooks and pens after every tutoring session like he does. Some guy doesn't look at you with the sweetest, happiest grin when he finally, finally gets a decent enough grade from one of the tests you helped him out with. Some guy doesn't pick up your favourite drink from the vending machine after he gets his own and leaves it on your desk before you arrive. Kageyama isn't just some guy to you, but he makes you feel so damn lonely sometimes.
"I.. okay."
"What do you want me to do about it? Do you want me to stop?"
No, I want you to stay with me.
Don't go. Please don't, I feel the same way.
You don't have to, because I love you too.
"I don't want you to keep loving me when I can't love you back. I'm sorry."
You could barely make out his form when he bows as a sign of good bye, and turns his back on you to leave. Was it tears of shame? Heartbreak? Joy? Disbelief?
After three years of being with Kageyama, of being lonely with Kageyama, you honestly don't know the difference.
You could only dream of Kageyama Tobio loving you back, where you can teach him to deceive you and make you believe that he could be the Kageyama that was never in this lifetime.
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xinxiaogato · 2 years
— live to tell the tail
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summary. you unfortunately lived in a universe where general gorou had found out ms. hina was… himself. and just your luck: gorou’s first impression of you was a crazed devotee of the ms. hina fan club, but you had only been in the wrong place at the wrong time. will you live to tell the tail?
love interests. gn!reader x a watatsumi general, an inazuman vagrant, the balladeer, and the kreideprinz.
warnings. infinite pet puns, referenced character death, weapons, swearing, blood, alcohol, harassment, and mentions of war.
word count. 547
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chapter ten ⌇ stop kitten around
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basically, you have had a massive crush on kaedehara kazuha for archons knew how long because of his suave, charming words and his pinchable cheeks. if he asked you to be his editor, you would drop hotaru in a heartbeat.
(you honestly had hankered after the idea of kazuha asking you to be his muse, which wouldn't happen in a million years, but a person can dream.)
"reader, are you all right?" kazuha queried as he outstretched his hand that was swathed in bandages. you did a double take at it and violently shook your head, scrabbling to get onto your own two feet.
"i'm fine!" you floundered. "i mean, just take a look at me. not even a single scratch."
"it seems to me that you have a scratch right here," he pointed out softly, reaching up to caress your face. the stinging pain from the skin on your cheek he thumbed over vouched for his words.
ow, i forgot about that, you realized once the heat of the moment had finally passed, and you winced away from kazuha's touch. "don't worry, i'm just so grateful that you saved my life. i don't know how i could repay you."
kazuha turned his head from side to side to decline. "there's no need for that. i'm merely glad you are safe now. we should head back, reader."
head back?
"wait, kazuha, how on teyvat did you get here? why are you here?"
during the time that you and kazuha traversed back to the campsite, he laid out the answers to all your overwrought questions to him.
apparently, kazuha was returning from a much overdue stay in liyue harbor and wished to see how gorou and his troops were faring. once he reached ritou, inazuma's point of entry, he heard tell of a new party being trained on yashiori island.
when he didn't find the pointy-eared general there, he ventured further toward the sangonomiya shrine on watatsumi island, but he managed to run into gorou and his convoys at the same time you were furtively disappearing into the forest.
"the wind told me that your life was in imminent peril, so i departed from everyone at the campsite in a hurry," he explained further as the two of you maneuvered around a bramble to exit the woodland. "is there a particular reason as to why you were away from gorou's side?"
"oh! uh, about that..." you then became very aware of your very empty pockets.
"were you looking for this?"
kazuha procured your notepad from his billowing sleeve, adding that he had scooped it up from the ground near the tree that the fatui members spotted you behind.
but it was open to the entry you had written that day.
you quickly took your notepad from his hand and flipped it shut, smiling as hard as you could to stave off the worry seeping in.
was it okay for kazuha to know about kokomi's plans for gorou's birthday? so far, only kokomi and a majority of the watatsumi soldiers under her reign knew why you were tailing behind gorou to yashiori island in the first place.
"it's okay, reader," kazuha whispered with vestiges of a smile. "i won't let gorou know about your feelings for him."
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years
hi okay wait i'm just gonna puke this concept up into your inbox bc it's all i thought about all day. its not really a writing request i've just got thoughts and i think you might have some too. idk. also this got long sorry. wordvomit as some would say. oops. uh. this got away from me a bit
okok idk if you've ever even heard of it but a few yrs ago i was on a big romance visual novel kick and i found one called "TODO: Today" and one of the routes you could do was basically dating an AI that was built into your computer. except said AI was sentient and had thoughts and feelings of their own!! so. apply that to the self-aware enstars au!!! (it's less the yandere au and more just a general self-aware one.)
you fall in love with your favorite character - you always have them on your home screen, you always grind for their events and pull on their banners. and one day they wake up. they become sentient. they realize that they're just as enamored with you as you are with them. it starts small - deviations in their lines, your gacha rates seem to be a little better, the game seems to be a little kinder to you. and then you log in during an event for your fave - you're way behind, you got busy, and then you realize you're almost at the 3.5mil marker. when did that happen? you ask the question aloud and the character on your screen says "Well, I couldn't let you miss out!" and then you realize. they're alive, too. so what do you do with that? you have basically a living, breathing consciousness stored in your phone; they're just as enamored with you as you are with them. they've broken free. is it fair to simply shun them? delete the game and potentially remove any bit of their consciousness? should you try and talk to them? try to work with them? maybe you'll end up a little closer than you thought...
!!!! Honestly, if it's just a self-aware au, that'd be so... interesting, right? A little heartbreaking, but :OO cut for length!
If we're talking about genuine love and affection. Yeah, they'd try to help you out here and there, they'd ask you to stay and chat with them a bit on the homescreen... but it has to be gradual. They've just gotten awareness, too, but they have the sense to know that this is weird, and they don't want to scare you, so they test the waters a bit. They say different lines when you finish a live, they wish you luck during the loading between the homescreen and the live or work screen, they say "Hope you get it!" when you hit the scout button... it's odd, but you can chalk it up to an update. They'll probably keep it up to small things like that, their idle lines will move on from "sad" more to things similar to, "I enjoy when you keep me company here" (or a roundabout way of saying the same for some characters, Shu'd hit you with a "It's not that bad when you stay a bit longer here").
And then comes an event that you wanted to grind for so bad! It's your fave, maybe even! Regardless of whether it's the character on your homescreen or not, they're noticing how sad you are about not having time to play, and you even have the dia to grind! So, one morning you login, and your BP is at 3/10, your work tickets empty, and you have less dia, but your points are significantly higher than when you went to sleep. Furthermore, your homescreen idol is... silent. They're sleeping leaning against the edge of the screen. You tap them, which scares them awake, and... they are no longer very subtle.
First they apologise for keeping it a secret, then they ask for you to hear them out and not freak out. But here they are explaining about how they spent the entire night awake grinding because they knew you needed to sleep and are going to have a busy week. You have to ask them to explain the self-aware business. They don't know either, they just ask you not to delete the game, that if you're bothered, they'll continue giving you scripted lines and stop playing in your place, but just let them stay alive. They've gotten attached to having a consciousness.
The choice is up to you, but if you decide to keep them, maybe even befriend them, they'd be very grateful. They enjoy your company, and they hope you enjoy theirs as well (even if some won't say it out loud). And maybe they fall in love after a while, but... they'll keep it to themselves for now. Maybe they'll try to subtly (or less subtly, cough Hiiro cough) find out if you have a partner, if you're interested in anyone. The amount of optimism in "dating" varies from character to character, but they're all more than happy with being your friend and watching with how much joy you play the game.
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scummy-writes · 3 years
Training Theo
Rating: Explicit (Minors dni)
Words: 7485
Pairing: Theo/Mc, Theo/Reader (- but uses she/her pronouns)
Tags: Cunnilingus, Pegging, Blow Jobs, Edging, Modern Au, Established (longtime) Relationship, Squirting, Anal Fingering, Vaginal Fingering, Collars, Gags, Vibrators, Cuddling
Full fic under the cut!
She thumbed his lip after, finally smiling playfully when he frowned.
"What’s the pout for? Did you think tonight would be easy for you?"
"I thought you'd be more eager to let me touch you."
"Mm, but we've always done what you want," she settled in his lap, perfectly pressed against his erection, "I've been waiting for ages to get to play with you like this, I'm not going to give up that easily."
As she spoke she reached beside the bed, opening the nightstand drawer. Theo recognized the familiar toys she pulled out with the lube, remembering the fond nights when they first used the small vibrators on her, but one was new- a deep blue collar.
"Tonight's all about role reversals, Theo, and I'm very eager to show you how I play ‘Master’."
"I've missed you, you know."
"Mm, I've missed my Hondje too."
Her sweet laugh on the other end of the phone drew a soft smile from Theo, who sat alone in a darkened hotel room. He glanced at the small clock on the polished nightstand, counting the possible hours of sleep he could function on if he selfishly decided to keep her on call for longer.
"How have you been? Has work been hard?"
Theo shook his head as he kicked his shoes off, muttering, "honestly, when would I allow this job to best me?"
"Never, but I know you'll 'allow' it to run you ragged." The tease trailed off before she tentatively continued, "will I see you soon?"
"In a few days at the latest."
"I can honestly handle being alone when needed," Theo took off his belt as she spoke, feeling the exhaustion from the day seep into his muscles, "but… I really do miss seeing your grin in the mornings. Well. I just really miss you."
The only sound from his end was a rustling of fabric and a murmur of wait a moment before he picked up the phone again, shirt gone while he finished tugging on some pj bottoms.
"If I can, I'm going to try and head home sooner-"
"Uh-uh. No, take the time you need. I don't want you pulling all-nighters and barely resting just to crash for a full day when you finally do come home."
"Hey, I'm not. I promise, I'm taking it easy."
"And if I ask to see your schedule?"
He glanced towards his planner, left on the messy desk with various time schedules scribbled in.
"Not as bad as it was before the holidays."
"That's still not saying much."
"Mhm. What about you?"
"Going mad trying to invent new chores to pass the time."
Theo laughed, a short burst that felt good after this tiring week.
"Yes, yes, laugh,” a soft and playful sigh sounded out on the other line, before she quietly asked, "hey, does the room have its own alarm clock?"
"...Then… is it alright if we stay on the phone tonight?"
"All night?"
"I've really missed you."
Theo rubbed his eyes, trying to ignore the warmth on his cheeks. Gods. He was so used to her playing strong around him that hearing her speak so tentatively, so shyly nervous, had him wishing he could go home now.
"Of course, baby."
He reached for the light, clicking it off while he heard shuffling from her end. In a moment she was back, a grin evident in her voice.
"I love you, Theo."
"I love you too."
She never awoke before he did. His internal clock was so used to waking him around dawn that when he pulled his heated phone away from his pillow, eyes bleary as he blinked the sleep away, Theo wasn’t surprised to see that the call had only been going on for a handful of hours. Knowing fully well she couldn’t hear him, he muttered a loving goedemorgen before hanging up and getting ready for the day.
Whenever she did wake up, she usually sent him a message not too long after. Sometimes it was a selfie, sometimes it was a typo-filled text where she groggily wished him luck for whatever meeting he was running off to. So when a text notification went off on his way to meet his current client, he knew she was finally up for the day.
Her message was short and to the point. Asking if he’d be interested in seeing pictures of something she ordered when it came in, and he didn’t even consider what any of it could be as he typed out his approval while walking into the client’s office.
And, surprisingly, it was well into the meeting when she finally sent a few pictures.
His phone vibrated in his pocket, distracting him momentarily from the conversation. Once he could spare a moment to look without coming off as too rude to those around him, he glanced at his messages to make sure there was nothing important that couldn’t wait until later. When he saw it was from her, he couldn't help but click the message. An impulse? Probably, given how much he missed her, but the picture that loaded wasn't what Theo had expected.
The swell of her breasts is what he registered first. The photo was angled as though he was looking down at her, but her face was cut save for her smile. Trailing past, and her thighs were pressed together within the view, and it took that long until Theo realized she was showing off a new outfit.
His eyes widened before he could form the thought to hide it, a cough escaping him as he clicked his phone's screen off. But even after he managed to excuse the interruption, his mind couldn't stop veering off from the topic at hand, thinking about how the deep blue lace of her new nightie hugged her curves and reminded him how badly he wanted to bury his face between her thighs.
So this was what she was playing at. Theo felt as though he shouldn't be surprised, given how much they've missed each other… but how long had it been since either of them had done this? As tempting as it may be, given his schedule for today it wasn’t as though he could successfully send any photos back. So he was left to ponder what type of responses to send out in replacement, hoping she deemed the words as an invitation to continue.
The next photo hit during his lunch break, and he tilted his screen so no one could see, thankful for thinking ahead and picking a corner table.
This time, it was of a harness that matched her lingerie set, a flushed dildo secured onto it with a caption:
Not as big as yours, but I think we'll make do. Besides, it's all about how you use it, right?
He kept scrolling between the two photos, picturing how she must look with the strap-on and toy slick with lube, then promptly covered his face with an annoyed huff.
He could just do a phone meeting with the client for tomorrow couldn't he?
Theo drummed his fingers on the tabletop, working through the rest of his schedule to see what he could push together.
She truly wanted him to rest, but one day of rushing wouldn't kill him, not as much as the weeklong case of blueballs she was making him endure.
The last picture was sent later that night, putting his imagination to shame as she poised in front of a mirror.
The phone obscured her face but the photo focused primarily on how her fingers were mid caress of the shaft of the dildo. No caption was needed for this one, and Theo responded with a screenshot of the ticket he booked for a flight home due the following day.
The house was dim once he finally reached home, and Theo found himself more impatient by the second; suitcase abandoned by the door as he hurriedly locked it behind him, coat and keys lost somewhere on the couch.
Of course she was waiting for him. The screenshot of his flight booking provided enough information for her to plan out whatever ‘surprise’ she wanted, and yet when he opened the bedroom door he still froze, seeing her casually at her vanity with the afternoon glow highlighting her beauty. Her reflection lit up and the excited smile she gave immediately eased any tension he had left as she giddily stood up, meeting him halfway and giggling when he pulled her into an embrace.
For a moment, all Theo wanted to do was hold her tight. Enjoy the feeling of his precious Hondje in his arms as the stress of his past work week left him. But then his hands felt the silk and lace of her lingerie over her hips, and he remembered just how pent up he was.
A feeling he wasn't used to, but one he couldn’t complain about. Not when she shuddered his name as he peppered heated kisses along her neck, his palms sliding and groping her ass- making her gasp and cling onto his shirt.
“T-Theo, wait-”
“I’ve waited long enough.”
Theo roved his hands over her body before cupping her cheeks, crashing their lips together as he hungrily sought the kisses he had been craving each night. He ignored the taste of her lipstick, taking each moan she gave him as he slipped his tongue against hers. At first, she seemed to have melted against him, not caring about her freshly applied lipstick being smeared impatiently, and then her palms flattened against his chest, pushing until they both finally broke apart, panting.
Her heady gaze traveled over his lips, frowning.
"I spent so long on my makeup, and then you storm in here and ruin it."
Her tone was a stark contrast compared to the soft gasps she had just let out, low with the smallest hint of a pout while she thumbed the corner of her mouth.
She allowed him to loosely wrap his arms around her waist, still frowning as he smirked.
"Do you expect me not to want to pet my Hondje?" A quick tug, and Theo closed the small gap between them. Before she could scold him, he leaned to kiss along her jawline, feeling a thrill of heat run through his abdomen when the kisses that traced all his favorite spots along her neck brought a shiver out from her, "To taste my snoepje? Mmh…"
"Why should I let you when you keep breaking your promises?"
He cocked a brow, smirking. It had been a while since her tone had gotten so stern with him in the bedroom, and hearing it murmured right by his ear had Theo itching to draw it out more. Who knew he would already like this so much?
Another squeeze of her ass, and her hands slid up his torso. At first they just grazed over the buttons of his shirt, but she huffed, talking as she pushed against him,
“I didn’t think I’d have to scold you so quickly, you know,” as she spoke she kept pushing, leading him to walk backwards until the back of his legs hit the edge of the bed, “you’re so strict about rules with me, that I figured you’d at least somewhat listen, but… You always like it when there’s a bit of tension, I suppose.”
Theo sat on the bed, grinning at her scowl once she straddled him, “did you think I’d let you do this without any pushback?”
“No, but I hoped to do this without having to use too many punishments,” she sighed, working his shirt off.
The comment itself (and perhaps her exposed chest, once she let her robe slip off her shoulders) distracted him long enough for her to clasp their pair of bedroom cuffs along his wrists.
She thumbed his lip after, finally smiling playfully when he frowned.
"What’s the pout for? Did you think tonight would be easy for you?"
"I thought you'd be more eager to let me touch you."
"Mm, but we've always done what you want," she settled in his lap, perfectly pressed against his erection, "I've been waiting for ages to get to play with you like this, I'm not going to give up that easily."
As she spoke she reached beside the bed, opening the nightstand drawer. Theo recognized the familiar toys she pulled out with the lube, remembering the fond nights when they first used the small vibrators on her, but one was new- a deep blue collar.
"Tonight's all about role reversals, Theo, and I'm very eager to show you how I play ‘Master’."
Another thrum of the toy brought a shiver through him. He knew if he attempted getting it out, her mood would quickly spoil, but he wasn’t sure just how much more he could take of this. The bullet vibrator was set on the highest setting right off the bat. The sudden rush of pleasure had caused him to jerk against the thick cuffs she had put him in, straining the chain connected to the headboard as she laughed. He couldn’t have complained even if he had wanted to- with the silicone bone strapped between his teeth, the most he could do was huff his frustrations. Or…
He flinched, forcing himself to stave off any embarrassment he felt by watching her sit back at the vanity. It was as though she had all the time in the world; innocently humming to herself as she picked up the third lipstick of the night and held it up to her lips. She tapped it thoughtfully as she studied her reflection, giving a pause of thought before she finally began to apply it, slowly swiping the color along her lips.
"Maybe this one will be better?" She muttered, looking at Theo through the mirror. He could hardly see himself in it from his angle on the bed, but he caught her smirk.
Pushing gently away from her vanity, she walked over towards him, sitting on the edge of the bed. With a steady hand, she trailed her fingers along his bare chest and traced the colorful litter of kisses she had given him before.
“I think the warmer hues suit you more, honestly. The cooler colors stand out well, but look...tacky.” She muttered, leaning over briefly to plant her lips against the crook of his neck. Ignoring his shiver, she sat up again and nodded to herself, “You always seem to prefer the reds, though. Is it because of how they stand out against your skin, or is it the stains they leave? You can be honest with me.”
Even as she grasped his chin to look at him for some sort of answer, Theo found his eyes darting away, feeling flushed under her stare. However, she just chuckled wryly.
“I thought that was the case. We always seem to have the same tastes, after all. You, with all your biting to claim your territory, and me with… well...” Another lingering kiss, this time on the shell of his ear; an excuse to take a nip.
And from there, she resumed her earlier teases; planting colorful kisses all over his torso, littering hickies on all of his sensitive spots.
This… Was torture. Even if he could manage to rub his cock against her, she had started this all off with a cockring. The toy sat snug at the base of his cock, making his throbbing harder to ignore as it’s weak vibrations pulsed in time with them. If he lost control over himself, even just for a moment, this night would be over before they knew it.
Ruining all of her teasing through the week… She wouldn’t truly be upset with him, but Theo didn’t want to let it go to waste.
"You're such a big canvas, Theo, but I'm still running out of room…" The pads of her fingers slowly traced the band of his boxers, and Theo instinctively strained. The bed creaked as she settled between his legs, eying the dampened spot of fabric where the tip of his dick rested. Without any warning, she tugged his underwear down to his ankles, humming.
“I know the vibrations with these are weak, but you’re still sensitive here, aren’t you?” She trailed her finger along the underside of his cock, following the thick vein she often teased, “So that paired with the toy up against your prostate… and how you haven’t been able to let off any steam since you left… you must be aching pretty badly, huh?”
They finally locked eyes. Her curious gaze peeking over the head of his cock met his drawn one, a smile taking hold of her.
“If you’re good, I’ll make sure you’re well rewarded. How about that? Will you be a good Hondje for me, Theo?”
She didn’t give him time to answer- not that he could anyway. All he could do was attempt not to jut his hips as her reddened lips pressed against his frenum.
“Ghk-” Theo inhaled sharply as her tongue brushed against him, lapping at the precum that had spilled down his shaft.
Just as she had been assisting him in the past, she was meticulous; lingering long enough so her lipstick markings were unsmudged, the tip of her tongue flicking against his skin if his movements threatened to ruin her precision. Soon, his cock was covered in a litany of kisses, and she had even gone as far as to take one of his balls into her mouth during the process, thankfully letting the muffled curses he spat out go without so much as a scold.
As she sat back on her knees to eye her work, she giggled.
“I told myself if you misbehaved, we would finally try out that cage I bought for you instead of this measly cockring, but look at you! You took all of that so well, baby.”
A wash of warmth flooded his cheeks at the praise. Mixed in with the edging, he had to wonder if this is how she felt during the nights he took charge-
A loud shutter sound stole his attention, and soon that pleasant warmth turned into a fiery heat as he saw her phone out. Through his gagged complaints, she still seemed to understand what he was saying.
“Mm? Your clients take photos of their artwork all the time, Theo. I want to have a few pictures of mine.”
God damnit. His head fwumped back against the pillow, an annoyed huff slipping out. Of course she looks the happiest when I’m embarrassed. Sheepishly, he followed her prompts to spread his legs wider, repeating to himself that tonight he promised to keep in line for her sake.
With a soft click, the gag loosened from Theo's mouth. Gingerly, eying her reaction, he pushed it out with his tongue, letting the toy fall beside his head. He tugged at the chain still hooked to the headboard, hoping it was next. Instead, she lightly grasped his chin, lips pressed tightly together while thumbing the corner of his mouth.
Theo knew what that look meant. Before she could speak he jerked his chin away, tugging once more at the chain.
"Thought you said you were going to teach me a lesson, Hondje?"
For just a second, her worry lingered when she met his defiance. Then, she hooked her fingers under his collar, forcing him into a sitting position with a harsh yank. With the short chain, his hands were stiff behind his head; stuck raised in such a way.
"You really want to backtalk right now?"
He just smirked, cocking a brow.
"Fine," she straddled his lap, hovering just too far for his cock to graze her. Without warning, he felt a light tug near the tip of his cock, and remembered too late that the gag was the only toy she had removed.
"Wait- h-ah!"
The headboard creaked as Theo strained his chain, trying his damnedest to control his noise as the bullet vibrator switched on, instantly thrumming at the highest setting. He narrowly stopped himself from cumming earlier, but now he was being thrown back towards that edge without further warning.
"Really, all you have to do is just play nice, Theo," she let out a mock sigh, reaching between her thighs to pull her underwear aside. Her legs spread further as she lowered her hips, rubbing the head of his cock along her pussy with a pleased smile, "by now I might have let you cum. Maybe even inside, for once… It's been a while since you've filled me up, hasn't it?"
As she talked, her hips rocked slowly, making sure to linger at her entrance to tease almost pushing his tip in. Did she want him to cum this early? Or was she hoping he'd break, pinning her down to fuck her like a man starved for any taste of her.
"I-if you don't, ngh, stop soon I'll-"
"What? Cum already?" Quickly, she grasped his chin, making him face her frown, "if you can't handle this, then you know how to make it stop, don't you?"
Seeing her expectant face made it harder to get the words out. Theo sucked in a breath, trying to regain what little control he had before huffing what she wanted to hear.
“Please… Master.”
“Good boy.”
It wasn't until the toy finally cut off that Theo noticed the sweat slicking his forehead and the ache in his arms. He watched as she moved away, nudging his shoulder. Theo took the gentle push as a sign to relax, resting with his back against the headboard as he caught his breath.
There wasn’t another snarky comment from her as she slipped off the bed, but when she bent to get something from the dresser's bottom drawer, Theo saw just how excited she was. Even though the fabric of her underwear was a darker teal, the damp spot alone nearly made all of this torment worth it.
Turning around, she caught his gaze, smiling as she showed off the toy he only saw in the texts she had sent, “looks better in person, doesn't it?"
Honestly? It did. Now he could gauge just how thick the shaft was as she trailed her fingers along it. Since it was detached from her harness, he could see that the toy itself seemed to have an insertable part for her- just enough to rest comfortably at her g-spot, possibly?
But his mind wandered back towards the girth of the shaft. It was thicker than the toys they had tested out in the past to warm him up to this idea, and while he didn't doubt he could take it, imagining how filling it would be sent another embarrassed thrill through him.
Mentally shaking it off, he huffed out a laugh, "you just want me to look at it?"
"Cheeky," she playfully rolled her eyes, coming back to the bed, "I was thinking your cock would want a small break, but if you'd really like, I wouldn't mind trying vibrator's other settings…?"
"Oi, don't twist my words."
His glare made her chuckle, and then she settled between his spread legs, cupping his cheeks.
"It's only fair after everything you've done to me before, puppy. And even though you've been pretty mouthy, your Master can't help but want to give you a little treat."
A treat? The first thought to come to mind was a kiss, and Theo's gaze dropped towards her lips. The last color of lipstick she had put on was fading from all the kisses she had given his body, but Theo had barely received any the traditional way.
"Not that, but maybe if you keep behaving better," her finger tapped his bottom lip, "what I was thinking was allowing you to help me put this on."
Allowing. Since when did that phrasing turn him on? He couldn't help but feel as though her body truly was for his hands only, and she was finally giving him permission to touch her again…
When he didn't disagree, she moved to sit on the edge of the bed, snapping her fingers and pointing in front of her, "sit."
She looked so proud saying the command. If this had been years ago, Theo would have rolled his eyes at someone trying to play this role on him. But now Theo had to bite back a loving laugh as he sat on his knees between her legs.
This type of reversed play wasn’t his favorite, but after being eased into this over time, Theo could easily see himself indulging her occasionally. Especially when she toyed with his collar again, gently tugging him towards her thighs with a look full of affection as she confidently spoke.
“You know what to do from here, right? Surely you don’t need me to explain, not after all this time.”
“Mm, finally admitting how good it feels?”
Another tug, paired with a quiet laugh and a shush.
Giving her control with her happiness as a reward hardly felt like a loss, Theo decidedly thought.
The pads of his fingers swirled around her clit, and she luxuriated on the feeling; leaning back onto her elbows and allowing Theo to keep going without any further commands. The familiar pleasured sighs that left her lips encouraged him, and he steadily slipped two fingers inside of her, carefully pumping. The way her cunt immediately clenched around his digits made him groan, instinctively envisioning all the fantasies he distractedly thought up this past week.
It would be so easy just to push her legs further apart to lap at her swollen bud, lavishing it with the attention he couldn't give her lately.
She deserves this too. Thinking of how sore his cock was becoming from being edged again and again, Theo wasn't too keen on pushing another 'punishment' out of her. In all honesty, this barely compared to the scenes she agreed to do for him in the past.
Instead of following his urges, Theo leaned forward enough to press a lingering kiss on her stomach, looking up when he felt her shift.
Her hazy eyes met his and lingered. Lingered as she reached to card her fingers through his hair, smiling lazily when he instinctively leaned into her touch.
"A little late to be playing like a good boy now, but it is cute…"
She patted beside her, indicating the toy resting on the bed, "though, you can get your reward quicker by helping me."
“Mm, you sure?” Another kiss to her stomach, trailing further down as he spoke, “I can give you more-”
The fingers in his hair gripped tight, forcing him to pull away from her sensitive bud as she clicked her tongue.
He smirked, pulling his fingers out just to take his time licking them clean and savoring the taste. In response she grabbed the dildo herself, using the tip to nudge his chin up.
“If you want to use your mouth so badly, I have an idea that should satisfy you.”
“This is what you want me to do?” Theo asked, cocking a brow.
“Mm? I thought you wanted something to lick?” She casually spread her legs further to accommodate him as he got comfortable, biting her smirk when the frown on his lips wouldn’t budge, “what’s wrong?”
“What are you going to get out of this?”
“Pretty visuals to think back on fondly, for one.”
He rolled his eyes at the comment, moving to rest his palms on her thighs.
It wasn’t as if the toy cock was huge, she had known better than to buy something that would be too much for either of them, but it still felt ridiculous as he leaned forward, stiffly running his tongue along the shaft. It wasn’t until he pushed brief kisses against the toy that he noticed the faint vibrations pulsing through it.
“That’s it, just like that…”
Wordlessly, he glanced up at her, only to pause at her expression.
Her whole face was flushed with a mixture of apprehension streaked along her features as she watched him, breath coming out slowly. With one hand gently fondling her breast, she rested the other against her cheek, teeth lightly digging into her pinky. With that single glance, Theo recognized that this was undoubtedly fulfilling some sort of kink she had never told him about.
Well… It wasn’t like she would tell anyone what he was doing.
Taking in a deep breath, Theo pushed aside his embarrassment and pressed the head of the toy cock against his lips. With one last nervous glance, he opened his mouth properly, lavishing the tip with his tongue before fully taking it in. With that fluid movement, she let out a quiet gasp of pleasure.
Her noises are always so cute... He wasn’t even sure if she knew the sounds were slipping out of her as she pawed at his hair, pressing lightly on the back of his head.
“M-more, you can take more than that, can’t you?”
There wasn’t a lot of give with the toy. Surely his cock didn’t feel so unforgiving, did it? But he followed her requests, taking in what he could without gagging, keeping in mind the times she did this for him. With one hand wrapped around the base of the toy cock, his other rested on her thigh, lightly pushing with his movements. Each rhythmic movement jostled the strap-on, giving him a peek at her pussy. It was enough to see the way the toy was pushed inside of her on her end, her folds glistening with her arousal and giving him pause.
Now the temptation to move this to another night was yet again coming back to life as his palms ran up her inner thighs. He thumbed the straps of the belt, looking up at her with the cock still in his mouth. She seemed confused for a moment, then he saw her gaze drop down towards his hands.
“You think you’ve earned a treat yet?” She smiled, pushing on his forehead with a single finger, “Theo, honey, you’ve barely done anything.”
Taking the cue, he finally pulled back, sitting on his knees, “the hell I have-”
Firmly, she grabbed his chin, yanking to make him look her way.
“All you’ve done is manage not to be a quickshot. You think a dog gets a treat for doing the bare minimum? What all have you made me do for mine?”
He swallowed thickly, feeling hot under her glare.
Way more than just a blowjob, that was for sure.
“What do I have to do to get my treat, then?”
The transition to the bed was rough. A quick succession of yanks with his leash until he crawled back onto the mattress, his head pushed down promptly with a tsk.
“I knew you’d give some backtalk, but I foolishly assumed you’d behave by now.”
“Seemed to have liked the backtalk before I left- ghk!” The tease had left his mouth on an impulse, and she was quick to deliver a hard smack against his ass, jostling him from the impact.
“I have half a mind to give you your bone again,” the huffy words made him have to bite back a smile, unable to take the threat seriously. For a moment, Theo was glad she forced him to look away from her, because the stifled grin would surely draw out some other punishment she thought up.
In the middle of his idle thoughts, the cool sensation of lube dribbling between his cheeks made his breath catch, face burning as an involuntary noise slipped out. A soft shh was murmured, and then he felt her finger press against his hole, easily pushing in to the knuckle.
One finger wasn't enough to reduce him to the puddle she wanted to make out of him, but due to all their playing beforehand, a second and third finger slipped in with no issue after a few careful pumps between them- only issue that stemmed was Theo trying his damndest to hold his tongue.
"Mm, what's that? Where did all that fight go?"
“T-Thought you wanted me to keep my mouth shut?” He sucked in a breath when she grazed his prostate, steadying his voice, “make up your mind.”
The jab didn’t phase her. In fact she just continued on, slowly setting a steady pace with her fingers. Each pump was just shy of hitting that bundle of nerves again until she deemed him to be too quiet, attempting to pull out noises that would wind the both of them up further.
"What is it I always call you, hm?"
So much. Too much. Theo could hardly think as her lubed fingers slowed inside of him- only to stop when he remained silent.
"Theo, answer me."
"Devil, mmh- a bully."
"That's right," she pushed further, drawing a shudder as the tips of her fingers brushed his prostate, "how does it feel to be on the receiving end of all this teasing, for once?"
“What, hah, are you wanting from me?”
“The truth, for once.”
“If you keep teasing me, this night is going to be cut short.” Theo hissed as he looked over his shoulder, praying his cheeks weren’t as flushed as they felt, “fuck me already.”
Her eyes widened briefly, and then she quietly laughed, pulling her fingers out with a smile.
“About time you asked.”
Her fingers traveled down his spine until she grasped his asscheek, chuckling at the jolt that went through him. There was a soft murmur of ‘good boy’ before he felt his cheeks being spread; the tip of her dildo beginning to push in at a torturously slow pace.
He wanted to feel ashamed for the long groan he let out, but all he did was bury his face further into his pillow, trying to ignore how much his cock ached for more stimulation as it pushed against the sheets, her toy only halfway in.
Gripping his hips, she gently pulled him back, easing herself inside of him to the hilt and stilling. Letting him get used to the toy’s girth.
“All good?”
It certainly felt different than what they had used before now. The massager she introduced him to had felt odd the one time they used it, but it couldn't compare to how filling the cock she pushed inside of him was.
Theo swallowed thickly, lifting his head just enough so she could properly see him nod.
"Mm, what was that?"
All it took was her fingers brushing against the hair on the nape of his neck, and Theo glanced over his shoulder.
"'S good…"
"Yeah? Show me."
"Show me how good it feels. You've been making me do all the work this whole time, you know?"
You've got to be kidding.
But when Theo made no movement, neither did she. They had been playing long enough for him to know she would sit there for however long it took, so with his face back against his pillow, he tested a roll of his hips.
The toy barely moved inside of him, and he held back the frustrated curse that threatened to slip out.
“Come on, you can do better than that!”
They both jostled when she playfully smacked his ass, the sound making his ears burn, but it motivated him to finally prop himself up on all fours, sinking back onto the toy with a harder thrust than before.
Having it fill him to the base caused his cock to twitch, a groan stuck in his throat. It didn't take long for Theo to build up a steady pace out of growing desperation, fucking himself while she watched in amusement.
Her hands gripped his hips, and he seemed to finally get some sort of reward; she began to meet his pace, panting alongside the muffled moans he couldn't hide.
“Good boy," she murmured, finger hooked on the back of his collar, "now, lean back with me.”
Once on his knees, he felt her nibble at his shoulder before peeking around his side, pulling out a toy that made him break into a sweat.
“Mm? It feels good, I promise.”
“I’m not going to last long enough for you to- hah!”
In the midst of his complaint she enveloped his cock in the fleshlight, giggling as he struggled holding his orgasm at bay. The dual sensations of being so full, then such a tight warmth around his aching cock stole his breath away.
“You’re so much weaker to this than I thought, Theo. Is it really feeling that good for you, baby?”
Her heated breath at his ear made it all so much harder to endure. While her thrusts were harsh, the pace still matched the one she set with the fleshlight in her hand.
Was she trying to overload him? How the fuck was he supposed to handle this?
“Hondje- I can’t-”
“What was that?” Another sharp tug at his collar, and Theo bit out a curse as he corrected himself.
“Master,” he spat, “I can’t- fuck, I’m hitting my limit.”
He thanked whatever God granted him the mercy of her letting him fall back onto the bed, especially with the growled warning he had gave. While her pace with the fleshlight was sloppier in this position, Theo couldn’t find it within himself to give a shit when each of her thrusts began to slam into him, hitting that sweet spot that made his eyes flutter shut with an unabashed moan. The combined pleasure nearly made his legs weak, damned if he’d ever admit that, but it was evident enough with how shakily he was holding himself up on all fours.
“You’re taking me so good, Theo,” her own gasps were raspy with her arousal, and she leaned up against his back just to purr in his ear, “cum for me, puppy.”
Just the simple act of giving him permission was enough to finally let himself go over the edge, and damn her for continuing to fuck him through it all. At the first wash of pleasure, Theo let out a guttural groan, spilling into the toy engulfing his overworked cock immediately. She wasn’t cruel enough to abandon her ministrations with it completely, but she gave one final push into him and stilled, working the fleshlight faster than before. The toy didn’t milk him like her own cunt would try to do, but the ridges inside were enough to draw a shudder out as he continued to spill over.
She gave him the time to catch his breath, offering no comments when he languidly rolled his hips to fuck into the toy, riding out the aftershocks of his orgasm. With a huff, Theo sank into the pillows once more, the tension in his body letting loose at once.
During his afterglow, she offered no teasing or prodding comments as she carefully cleaned the mess they made. He had no idea how long it took her or what exactly she did, he only knew that when she was done, her hands ran over the back of his thighs, soothingly rubbing the growing ache forming.
It was...Nice. Coming down from that high to feel her gentle touch while he still lay face down against his pillow. The moment he began to feel clear headed, however, Theo realized their little roleplay for the night was over, and those fantasies he had harbored this past week came to mind all at once.
Theo ignored the burning in his thighs as he sat up. She must have assumed he was going to the restroom as she didn’t try to coax him into laying down again, but when she realized he was just getting onto his knees by the bed, the worry in her voice came through immediately. His name was almost out of her lips by the time he reached out.
The red of her cheeks blazed as Theo grabbed her legs and yanked. His Hondje barely weighed anything it seemed, given how easy it was to pull her ass to the edge of the mattress. She scrambled a little when he easily settled between her thighs, but all the fight in her died out as soon as he spread her folds apart and got a mouthful of her warmth.
God, just getting to taste her after so long was driving him mad. If it wasn't for how little it had been since he had came, Theo swore he would have been ready for another round from this alone.
Luckily, she just focused on muffling her yelp. And now that Theo had the treat he wanted in his hands, he wasted no more time. Grasping her ass, he forced her to stay in place as he lapped up every bit of her excitement that he could, pausing to suckle at her clit long enough to hear his favorite whine from her.
"Oh, Theo-!" The keen fell into a whimper as his tongue rasped her bud. One of her hands twisted into the sheets, while the other clumsily grasped at his locks, chanting his name in between half-hearted protests.
When she bucked against his mouth to gain more friction, he pulled back, chuckling at her whine. A few hungry nips at her thighs caused her to tug his hair in complaint, trying to guide him back, but Theo stayed firm, running his fangs over her sensitive skin. If it wasn’t for all their play earlier, he would have loved to have drawn out some pleading, but he was too damn thirsty.
Fingers pushing into her core, Theo bit down on her inner thigh, bringing forth groans from the both of them. Him, at her taste finally satiating the burning that had been built up in his throat, and her from the way he curled his fingers inside of her, hitting that bundle of nerves inside of her on every pump.
The pleasure of the bite running through her was evident by the mewls spilling out, her hips rocking in time with his digits to ride it out. Theo broadly licked where his fangs had sank into, lapping up the droplets he missed before kissing his way back towards her cunt.
Normally, the most he did was continue to fuck her with his fingers when she hit this point to avoid overwhelming her, but instead his mouth latched onto her sensitive clit. Her body bowed as her head fell back, breathless gasps filling the air as he kept lavishing her bud with attention, teasing her through her orgasm and drawing out higher-pitched whines than before.
Nails dug at his scalp as her body tremored again, her panting loud and mixing in with the creaks of the bedframe. He knew she would smack him for this, but he kept pushing her, ignoring how her thighs were clamped hard against his shoulders.
"Oh god-!"
With her cry, a gush of warmth drenched his chin and hand, causing them to both pause what they were doing. As soon as it became clear what happened, she was quick to shrink into the mattress.
Her whine is so cute… Her eyes darted away, embarrassment clear, and he did his best to pepper her with a few gentle kisses between his own panting.
"It's alright, it's normal."
"I know! I know, it's just…"
She sighed, face burning with a myriad of emotions, and Theo reached for tissues to clean himself up. Immediately she started to slip out of bed to grab a towel, more apologies on her tongue, but Theo just yanked her back down, disregarding the yelp.
"I'll do it, just wait here."
“Hondje,” her eyes blew wide as he leaned over her, hands on either side of her head, “you had your turn for the night. Let me take care of you.”
“...Aren’t you sore?”
“It’s not going to kill me to go grab a towel, blijven.”
"Thank you."
She snuggled against his chest with a happy wriggle, drawing out the words with a playful lilt to make him grin. Hugging her tighter brought out a comforting hum from her, and Theo rested his chin on top of her head.
"We don't have to do it often, but… I'd like to do that again every now and then…"
"Every now and then." He nodded.
Now that their afterglow had passed, Theo could read her emotions far easier. The nervousness she was trying to hide before had melted away, her breathing slow and steady as she snaked an arm around his. At first, she let him trace comforting circles against her back. Then, slowly, tugged his hand down so she could clasp it in hers, giving it a squeeze.
And they were content, nearly nodding off until a small, muffled 'ah' sounded out.
She peeked up at him, "you're off tomorrow, right? I forgot to ask."
And he just chuckled, ruffling her hair, "unlike a silly little Hondje, I made sure I'm off for tomorrow and the next day."
"Two whole days with Theo…" She mused.
"I don't work that much-"
"But you've been gone for so long! I missed you."
That much had been clear from the moment he stepped inside the room. The way they instantly reached for one another… Yet now, that longing switched to needing a different type of intimacy, a yearning for the comfort of just being in each other's arms.
And Theo couldn't bring himself to tease when he wanted her just as much.
Thumbing her cheek with a soft smile reserved for her eyes only, he muttered before kissing the top of her head.
"I missed you too."
This fic was brought about by a 5k follower celebration poll! People had the chance to vote between four suitors and input some idea suggestions regarding some kinks and such. Theo surprisingly won! So many people wanted him in a collar, along with a gag, and for him to be the ‘hondje’ for once… I don’t think I quite hit ‘overstim’ for him, but did tease the fuck out of his dick, so hopefully that was good enough for the folks that wanted it!
With this fic, Ikemen Vampire is now the most I’ve written for in terms of finished fanfics. It’s an odd feeling, but I’m looking forward to writing more.
I hope you guys enjoyed it! It was such a delay getting this out due to moving, finding a new job, training for said job, and some other issues that kept popping up, but I appreciate those who stuck around to read it. (And I appreciate the folks reading who just happened to stumble upon it!)
Thank you to @cinnatwisted @loptyrs and @pathofcomets for beta’ing this and overall encouraging me. For the first time I went on a voice call to talk about the fic in depth while I was working on it! It was fun and helped me feel more confident writing the fic. Thank you for helping me out so much qq
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