#so we're queuing it for 2024
incorrect-rqg · 3 months
Cicero: To what are we drinking?
Sasha: The Ides of March.
Cicero: What's that?
Sasha: You'll find out tomorrow.
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chaosgremlinmunson · 2 months
STWG 04/16/2024
Prompt: motivation 
Pairing: modern Steddie pre-relationship 
Rating: mature; sexual themes
Eddie had been down in the dumps for the past few weeks, Steve knew his best friend better than most people. Robin and Eddie were two of the most important people to him, and he knew Eddie had decided to talk to Alec and let him know about his feelings. Steve and Robin had encouraged him to do so since Alec had seemed into Eddie everytime they'd all interacted, so to see Eddie now almost sulking around spoke to Steve in a way they couldn't quite explain.
Steve had made it his mission to cheer Eddie up, and he had some ideas, granted it may not be the best ideas, but ideas he had nonetheless.
Steve went into his closet and pulled out his distressed black jeans that hugged the curves of his hips and ass and cupped his bulge perfectly, he paired that with his baby pink crop top that said “yes, daddy” and pulled on his pink combat boots with the tiny bat wing accessories on the laces. He looked over his reflection and smirked, and went to his playlist on his phone to make sure Motivation by Kelly Rowland was queued up on his screen then headed out the door. 
When he pulled up he waltzed into Eddie's apartment seeing him slouched in front of the TV reading through his screen, he sighed tossing it to his side running his fingers through his curls and Steve made the move to come stand between his legs while his eyes were closed temporarily. When he opened them, he yelped his eyes wide looking up at Steve and swallowing. 
“Hey Eds, I missed you.”  He said leaning down into his space, “I have an idea to cheer you up.” Steve was beginning to feel a little shy, if Eddie didn't like this idea he could very well ruin this friendship, but he had to try. 
Eddie ran his hand up Steve's pant leg and a blush had spread over his cheeks, “Okay Stevie, whenever you're ready.”
Steve gulped his time, but stepped out of Eddie's space to set his phone in the dock for the surround sound system and hit play, the song filtering through the speakers as he started rocking his hips to the sultry voice pouring through.
“Whoa lover, don't you dare slow down
Go longer, you can last more rounds
Push harder, you're almost there now
So go lover, make mama proud (turn the lights on)
I don't wanna feel my legs
(And when we're done) I just wanna feel your hands all over me baby
But you can't stop there (whoa, lover)
Music still playin' in the background (whoa, lover)
And you're almost there
You can do it, I believe in you, baby
So close from here
Baby, I'ma be your motivation (uh-huh, yeah)
Go, go, go, go, motivation
Go, go, go, go”
Steve kept his eyes on Eddie's face who slowly had started to lean forward, as he moved within reach Eddie's hand snapped out and pulled Steve onto his lap, he grinned up at Steve's stunned face. 
“Stevie, baby.” Eddie breathed leaning up and nipping at Steve's jaw before rolling his hips, “Had I known I had a shot with you, Alec would have never been on my radar. Stay the night with me?” 
Steve moaned in response, rolling his own hips down before whispering back, “Yes, daddy, anything for you.”
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Theme Announcement for June 2024 Vocaloid Song Tournament
Last month we celebrated the 10th anniversary of v flower, who is a Vocaloid that is near and dear to our hearts. This month, we're celebrating the 15th anniversary of another Vocaloid near and dear to our hearts. That's right; it's GUMI!
"But wait a minute," I hear you say. "Didn't we have a GUMI tournament last year?" Yes we did. This is the first repeat theme in this blog's history! I couldn't think of anything better to celebrate GUMI's anniversary any better than to pit her popular songs against each other once again. As such, we'll have several familiar faces in the tournament and there's a good chance we'll have some new ones too.
Like with the v flower tournament, I will search for the most viewed GUMI songs on the Internet and have them act as combatants. I'll at least balance them out so that one lone producer doesn't appear too often and that there are still iconic songs that may not have too many views on official uploads. Also, from this point on, I'll do a bracket-styled tournament no matter what so I can have an easier time queuing future matches. I'll still have to do the big poll in the quarterfinals, but that's not hard to do.
The tournament will start on June 8th at 6 PM CT. Until then, there will still be off-season polls daily at 2 PM CT. Regardless of the poll, remember to vote, reblog, spread harmless propaganda, and have fun!
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tf-bigbang · 9 months
Congratulations to everyone that completed this year's Bang! The final few reblogs are queued up and should be filtering in over the next several hours, so I hope everyone is enjoying the absolute feast of amazing fics and art!
A reminder that this year's event server will be deleted on September 30th. So if you're on it and want to get in touch with any new friends, do so now!
We're also tentatively announcing our game plan for the next two years with a reverse minibang in 2024 and a regular bang in 2025. The reverse minibang will be a much shorter event, where writers sign up to write a 5k+ fic based off of their artist partner's drawing. We're excited to shake things up a bit!
If you have the time, please take our exit survey- they are very useful for gauging how the event ran. The survey linked here is meant for a general audience of both participants and non-participants, and there is a more comprehensive survey linked on the discord. If you are a participant who completed the bang, please fill out the discord survey instead. Both are completely anonymous and we would love to hear your feedback as we identify places we can change or do better next year. These surveys are great ways to get your voices heard and we look at each and every response.
In the coming days, we look forward to collating the 2023 entries into our Bang directory, so keep an eye out for that!
Lastly, thank you to all of our participants for their hard work and thank you to everyone who cheered them on <3
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dailyfranbow · 1 month
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Daily Fran Bow May 7th, 2024!!
We're back, baby! Unfortunately im actually still not properly moved because of nonsense, but I'm still dedicated to getting this blog up and running again! I plan on making a bunch of simpler drawings at once and queuing them up.
I think this would be enough cake for everyone in the fandom... so everyone gets a slice!
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xxmissarichanxx · 1 month
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✨XMACX Monthly✨May 2024
i'll be on a planned short vacay during the first full week of May! otherwise, some family stuff happened at the end of April so while i play catch up and make some adjustments, expect some delays. thank u for your understanding! c:
you can read the update on PTRN for free or below the cut~ you can also view the previous issue here.
I'm always flabbergasted with how quickly the months go by...
Some family stuff happened in late April. It doesn't change too much of my plans, but expect some delays as I readjust to a new lifestyle. I'll be essentially living in a different state for a whole month, so I have to pack and get settled and all that fun stuff. I'll still be on vacation for the first week of May, but y'all shouldn't notice an interruption because I've queued stuff for the week.
Some other housekeeping! I added Ippon! to the "About" section of my Patreon page since I'll be updating the BL comic monthly now. I also adjusted some of the verbage in the membership tiers, specifically the Pineapple Slices tier -- clarified that patron's name will be added to game credits.
Also, we're gonna try something slightly different for the Cover Model Polls this month. Previously I had the polls up for ~3 days on my social media. I'm changing that duration to just one day. The following day, Saturday, Cover Theme polls for patrons will open.
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May 1 - XMACX Monthly
May 3 - June Cover Model Polls drop on IG/X/Tumblr
May 4 - June Cover Theme Polls open for Patrons
May 10 - May Cover Art Process
May 17 - FBW Update
May 24 - Ippon! Update
May 31 - Sketch Dump
Ippon! Preview
If you haven't already seen, please enjoy this page from last month's update! Ippon! will continue to update exclusively on Patreon until it's completion. Join the BJP tier to read before everyone else!
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Visual Novel Update | Froot Basket White
Tada! The logo for Froot Basket White!
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My plan is to finish the script before completing art assets so I can have it proofread and Sutoro's VA, Jesse, will have some time to record lines. Though I still plan to be the character and UI artist, I plan to commission the background art and object art.
Next Month
I hope everything will be back to normal or to at least have a new status quo in June as I plan to return to my home state by then. In any case, I want to thank friends and family for their support, understanding, prayers, and well wishes. We really appreciate it!
We'll be celebrating zaddies and daddies with June's cover art (mmm yes, my specialty hahaha), so please look forward to the Cover Model polls dropping this Friday!
Aloha nui, Ari
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sound-traveller · 9 months
snailchans-kitty -> sound-traveller
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°☆welcome to the imaginary express!☆°
🇵🇸 have you gotten your daily clicks in today?
(2024 note:)
I've had issues a few months ago with tumblr ask editing and ended up. deleting a lot of stuff by accident so pls send it over again!!! tysm ^^
-snowy / walnut / hydrangea
-17 y/o
-aroace lesbian, nonbinary (any but she/her)
-main blog is @kittensnowie
-carrd (list of f/os and s/is + kins)
hi! welcome to my little selfshipping corner =w=
-my blog is mostly centered around my platonic f/os, although i might post about my romantic f/os once in a while. -i'm usually pretty cool with sharing my f/os in any way!
-i am a walnut cookie psychological fictkin which impacts some of my selfships. feel free to ask me for my other kins if needed!
-feel free to tag me for whatever you'd like!! ^^
If we're mutuals, please tag the following with "#snowy don't look". It's not needed ofc but it helps!
-any content about my familial f/os that is suggestive or sexualizing them
-baguette × coffee candy, lotus dragon × hydrangea
-anything with bodily fluids
-mouth-to-mouth kissing (i know this makes me sound like a little kid im so sorry)
DNI if-
-you fit basic DNI criteria (lgbt-phobic, racist, MAP / Zoo, etc.)
-proship / neutral
-you are a part of the Countryhumans or DSMP fandom
(might add more later on)
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#°•|| snowy.txt ||•°
-used for any text posts
#°•|| snowy's rbs ||•°
-reblog tag
#°•|| match made! ||•°
-used for tagging others' ships / selfships
#°•|| delivery ☆! ||•°
-used for original art / writing
#°•|| letter recieved ||•°
-used for ask responses
-anything deemed important in general
#°•|| a message for queue! ||•°
-queued posts
#☆ snowy views their f/os under a microscope
-analysis / infodump tag
thats it for now!! ty for reading >w<
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vampromantic · 5 months
Pinned. January 2024.
Hit a follower milestone so I decided to finally make a pinned post. I’d appreciate if you liked this post before following but idrc.
nico | 21 | it/he
trans nonbinary, queer, polyam, vers, switch, posts will reflect this.
DNI: minors, any kind of bigot (terfs, swerfs, racists, zionists, transphobes, fatphobes etc.)
This is a sideblog, I won't like/reblog a lot from main. I'll consider us mutuals if we interact on a frequent enough basis, we're all besties here.
If you know me irl and find this blog, I don't really care but I'd prefer if you let me know.
(tags, triggers, misc.)
the rating of nsft vs nsft ish is based on my own interpretation of the post and can vary.
most kinks are untagged, but my recurring tags are:
🐾.txt : pet play (puppy edition)
🐰.txt : pet play (bunny edition)
💤.txt : somnophilia / sleepy nsft
👑.txt : regency play
💭.txt : reblogs where I add personal tags
misc tags not in featured tags:
fav / polyam content / t4t content / public / skirts / yearning hours / mythical nsft / autistic nsft / nsft funny / texts
photos / videos / gifset / art
(this isn’t all of them, but I wanted these listed somewhere.)
if anyone wants a trigger tag added feel free to dm or send something to my inbox.
current trigger tags:
tw consent issues
tw physical injury
tw guns
tw knives
tw drug use
tw slur use
tw religious mention
the consent issues tag does not mean the scenarios are non-consensual, only that consent may appear blurry to some people (eg posts about/implying cnc or intoxication). consent is always mandatory - if you think that isn’t the case, Fuck Off.
in terms of the slur use tag, I completely support slur reclaimation, I’m literally a faggy tranny dyke who has faggy tranny dyke sex. but I will not expose people who don’t want to see slurs to those slurs without an option to avoid them. we can have our pride and our freedom using those words while also acknowledging that people in our community have trauma related to them and don’t want to see them used in this context.
this blog operates using a queue set to post throughout the day.
once in a while I’ll reblog something immediately (#not queued) but most of the time this is not the case.
tags are added manually after a post goes up.
anyway! have fun - be safe - enjoy your stay
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more-than-a-princess · 3 months
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- BIRTHDAY: August 22
- ZODIAC SIGN: Leo/Virgo cusp and I absolutely live up to it. I have never felt like I'm solely a Leo or solely a Virgo. I'm a combination of both.
- HEIGHT: 5'8"
- HOBBIES: Writing, reading, watching a lot of TV and movies (sometimes for work, sometimes not), cosplay and fan conventions, fashion (especially luxury accessories and classic cuts and patterns. Though much of my style inspo comes from France and Italy! I love a timeless look with a nod to retro fashions, especially from the 50s-70s), visiting cafes, and dreaming of travel.
- FAVORITE COLOR: Sapphire blue! Both my engagement and wedding rings have sapphires for this reason.
- FAVORITE BOOK: This is an absolutely rude and cruel question how dare you expect me to choose-
- LAST SONG: This Is Taylor Swift playlist on Spotify, but mostly going through Folklore, Evermore, and Midnights tracks for RP reply inspo.
- LAST FILM / SHOW: I'm currently watching Only Murders in the Building with my husband and we're loving it! A few of my family members grew up and/or lived on the Upper West Side of Manhattan so seeing all of the familiar architecture is entertaining. As well as the murders, the character personalities, etc. I still don't believe Steve Martin and Martin Short's characters are heterosexual in this show and it should be 'Selena Gomez and her two gay adoptive uncles' but I digress.
- RECENT READS: I finished House of Flame and Shadow by Sarah J. Maas at the very beginning of February and I've had a book hangover since then! Not that I was 100% satisfied with the ending of Crescent City but it's been hard to get into something new. I've started book 1 in the Crowns of Nyaxia series, The Serpent and the Wings of Night by Carissa Broadbent, but I haven't managed to finish it or its sequel yet. After that, I'll probably go back to finishing the Letters of Enchantment duology by Rebecca Ross, The Cruel Prince series by Holly Black, or the Hades and Persephone saga by Scarlett St. Clair. I'm tempted to finally dive into some Leigh Bardugo works, some V.E. Schwab, or start Katee Robert's Neon Gods series.
I have 166 books on my Kindle and I've finished maybe 50 of those so far, if it's any indication on how long my TBR list is. And I haven't even mentioned my historical, contemporary, and/or gothic romance picks on that list...
I really love books, y'all.
- STORY BEHIND URL: It's how Sonia wants to be seen by everyone she meets.
- FUN FACT ABOUT ME: I got married in November 2022 but I'm finally taking my honeymoon next month in April 2024. My job takes most of the blame for this, but I'm very close to securing a promotion soon (which means I'll be able to assign some of my work to others!).
That said, a lot of April will be a long hiatus from this blog. I'll be coming back to write when I've returned, but leading up to the trip, two weeks on the trip, and coming back and catching up with everything means much of April will be queued aesthetic posts around here.
That said, I'm so ready for London, Paris, and Disneyland Paris!
TAGGED BY: @mechatiqe (thank you!)
TAGGING: @quickdeaths, @hxpelessnurse, @dcviated, @tacitusauxilium, and you!
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foundationalt · 4 months
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> incoming transmission... accessing data... — lore update queued
please stand by for a look inside the what to expect as of a member of MTF Chi-00, the team our roleplay revolves around! we are planning on dropping more lore before the deadline on acceptances on 2/10/2024 at 11:59 PM PST! so if a game inspired by the SCP Foundation's shared universe and paranormal favorites like men in black, resident evil, welcome to night vale, the b.p.r.d. from hellboy, the magnus archives, & the stanley parable interest you, consider checking out one of 8 open skeletons! in the meantime, we're here for your questions and applications! if you'd like to workshop your ideas, feel free to reach out via messages — we're happy to help!
>  𝚞𝚜𝚎𝚛  🅖
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hoagmaster · 2 months
April 22, 2024
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Another work week is upon us. I did a couple of things throughout the day and have more things queued up for later in the week. Still no office to go to but we're supposed to be figuring that out sooner than later before everyone gets kicked out of their current squatting locations, so we'll see how that goes.
I did finish off a wacky rule run of Resident Evil 4 earlier and can say I've got the platinum trophy to show for it now. Figure it'll be a breather before seeing how all that extra stuff is.
Had a nice opportunity to try making something else for dinner tonight and the other person there seemed to like it. That's always encouraging, and makes me want to see what else I could try my hand at.
Other than that, a pretty uneventful day. Let's see how the rest of the week goes.
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tranquilspot · 6 months
John: Take PDA.
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You snag your DAD'S PDA. Maybe later you'll switch the background image to something hilarious as a prank. Besides, it may come in handy later.
As long as it's harmless, I'm game. What's up y'all, we're back at it again :D
The motivation is back, and I have bits of future commentary/reaction already in mind. The early acts are slow, rightfully so in order to put several story elements into place. Doesn't mean it's not interesting, just that I'm eager to reach certain parts of the webcomic, which is mainly what refilled my motivation gauge haha
Your spare CAPTCHALOGUE CARD is forced out of the SYLLADEX, and consequently integrated with the deck. You now have five cards to work with.
At last! More room in is head/sylladex.
John: Take package.
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This RED PACKAGE is addressed to you.
Speaking of package, I'm expecting one today or this weekend. The HS 2024 calendar to be exact! And boy oh boy, it took its sweet time. It was stuck at customs ><' and I had to pay (again!) to let it through. Quite costly but it'll all be worth it in the end, I'm glad to be able to own a physical HS calendar again. If you want it, sadly it isn't available no more as a physical one, but you can donated any amount and download its digital version.
John: Take envelope.
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You got the SBURB BETA!!!
Yayy~ This planet imminent doom is getting closer everyone! Oh! I remember that this night I dream people was queuing to test a simulation. It was a game. I think I dreamt of it this because I catched up with the Animator vs Animation /Animation vs Minecraft haha. Go check Alan Becker's awesome stick figures videos if you haven't already! On that note, let's end the shot-outs and continue with Homestuck proper.
—> John: Exit kitchen
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Is Curse Words finished?
Curse Words has been completely written. It is not yet completely posted. New chapters go up every Saturday (Friday for some people depending on your time zone). We're currently posting the fourth and final book, which is 114 chapters long and will be completely uploaded in February 2024 (Nov or Dec 2023 for patrons, who get advance chapters as part of their bonus material package). The whole thing is written and queued up so if I die in a car accident tomorrow, you'll still get it. :P
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