#so yes u can scream in my inbox anytime
i-am-beckyu · 2 years
Crimeboys it is.
And would you know it, it be a fluffy Crimeboys prompt with an instinct driven Giant Wilbur and a human Gremlin Tommy.
The prompt starts with Wilbur not letting Tommy go as he woke up with instinct begging for him to take Tommy everywhere he goes.
Tommy tries to bite Wilbur's fingers so he can put him down but Wilbur ain't buggin anytime soon.
Anywhere Wilbur goes, Tommy is right there since Wilbur isn't letting him go.
Like you can have Wilbur be at work and he still brings Tommy with him as an example.
Just make it as fluffy as you can, you can add anything you want.
If you're up to make this prompt then pog, that is if you want to do it.
Also, if you wanna send me a random g/t prompt that u have, go for it.
This has been in my inbox since I joined Tumblr.
Orchid gorgeous!!!!!!!!! I've rewritten this twice!!!! It took me awhile as I got stuck at one point BUT! I had a new idea today so while its short, I'm very happy with it! I hope I did the prompt justice and you like it!!!
Mine to hold close
cw: mcyt g/t , soft, fluffy, tiny tiny death mention. Words: 607 [One shot]
Disclaimer! This story is based on the characters of the Dream SMP and not the real life content creators. Anything that occurs in this story is purely fiction and should be treated as such. Thank you.
“Can you put me down you prick?! I’m not gonna freeze I swear!!!” Tommy said with huff as Wilbur scooped him up.
“After the last time it snowed? I don’t think so.” Wilbur responded as he tucked the little human close to his chest. 
“But Wiiiiiiilllll!! I’m not even outside this time!” The giant always tended to get extra clingy around this time of year. His instincts in high gear and on Tommy the second he was awake, worried that Tommy wasn’t warm enough. Tommy didn’t blame him though. Not when he literally met Wilbur in the midst of a snow storm. He hadn’t meant to lose the trail and get stranded in Giant territory, but stuff like that always seemed to follow the Great Tommy Danger Kraken Innit! He’s just lucky that the giant had found him in the snow before he became a frozen popsicle. And even luckier that this Giant didn’t eat humans. So yes, Tommy understood that Wilbur was going to be a little extra cautious about him almost dying of Hypothermia again. But he didn’t have to be so damn cuddly and touchy all the f***** time!!
“Wilbur I’m fine! I’m not gonna get cold! The fires going and keeping everything nice and toasty warm, so stop being a d*** and put me down!!” Tommy said as he squirmed in Wilbur’s hold.
“Tommy. You are literally the most chaotic little gremlin I’ve ever seen. If I put you down, I guarantee you’ll be screaming for help in less than five minutes trying not to freeze your a** off!!” In retaliation, Tommy started biting and scratching at Wilbur’s hand. It didn’t hurt of course, but Wilbur found it cute watching the attempt at escape. He loved Tommy like a brother and ever since he found him had sworn to protect him no matter what, his instincts often being a little overbearing at keeping the chaotic child safe. And if that meant holding onto him for hours at a time, then he’d happily oblige. So what if he had to do his work with one less hand? He’d take holding Tommy any day. That and his instincts kept screaming at him to keep the human close.
After a few minutes Tommy eventually resigned himself to his fate and just chilled in Wilbur’s hand. Though he’d never admit it, he secretly loved it when Wilbur would hold him. He felt safe knowing nothing could hurt him when he was with the giant. He didn’t have to worry about anything and could just be content with his pseudo brother. Staying with the giant being the best decision of his life after their first initial meeting. 
Tommy stayed in Wilbur’s hand all day. They chatted while Wilbur did his chores, Wilbur singing songs to Tommy, Tommy sharing wacky insane ideas with Wilbur, all the while the giant's instincts to keep the human close not faltering once. As day turned to dusk and dusk turned to night, Tommy eventually curled up in Wilbur’s hand. Snuggling in as he fell asleep, hugging one of Wil’s fingers close. Wilbur had to resist the urge to coo at the small sleeping human in his hand. Tommy was so small, so fragile but you’d never guess he had such a boisterous personality and was as lively as what he is. Slowly and carefully, Wilbur made his way to bed, getting in and tucking the human close to his heart. He sighed contently knowing nothing could hurt his brother, his instincts finally satisfied. 
“Good night Tommy.” Wilbur whispered quietly as he drifted off to sleep. The brothers comfortable in each other’s warm embrace.\
I swear I'm still writing the other fic! I swear! I swear! I swear!!! It's gonna be worth the time its taking! PROMISE
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sourstars · 2 years
PANDORA HII!! yeah it's okay i meant to be off anon :DD
anyway you saying that you were thinking of me has me kicking and screaming in my bed bYE (and omg tysm i was just playing around on canva and i ended up really happy with how the banners turned out) (also im so honoured that you of all people are telling me my banners are cute bc your headers and banners are the prettiest ive ever seen 😭)
okok your vibes are like idk i just feel like i could come here and scream about anything and you would get excited and scream with me?? i think i saw you post before about being described as that supportive drunk girl except youre not drunk and i was just like 'yeah that sounds about right' IDK i just love your energy
OKAY GOOD bc i always like to make sure lol fjdjfj
AND YEAH I WAS I WAS LIKE “i wonder how ann is doing, i gotta get to the rest of the recs that were sent... oh! look, speaking of” and you popped into my inbox LOLLL i was like omg i am ✨psychic✨
AND AND TO TELL THE TRUTH I USED TO BE THE ABSOLUTE WORSR AT EM. my practice banners on canva were so.... 😬 and then i started looking at styles and the graphics and i was like oh okay i like this. it’s simple and sweet, and then boom all my banners and themes carry the same vibe LOLL
NO U MOST DEF COULD! u will most def be screaming w u LOLLL fjdjc and and?? when that was said to me i wasn’t even being loud i was drinking my coffee and i was sending voice notes back and forth w a friend and they said to me and when i asked why they were like “idk it’s just ur tone” DJSNDK CRYING
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noticemedeku · 2 years
Hii so sorry to pop into your inbox like this but you feel like someone who would like some lighthearted random news from a stranger’s life?? So this morning I woke up and was like HUH. I had a dream where my old crush PROPOSED to me??? Oh my god I was internally screaming I never get fanservice dreams but there she was, just standing there in a suit and tie in the school cafeteria, holding a bouquet of red roses. I got the vibe that it was a dare but honestly I didn’t even care at that point LOL I was just happy to be there…. Anyway, she started telling me compliments about myself while I was trying so hard not to giggle happily, and then she finally popped the question and I said YES!! AHH!! She sighed in relief and gave me the bouquet and everyone in the cafeteria whooped and cheered ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
One of the reasons why this dream is so… SCREAMS INTO MY PILLOW AND GIGGLES INTO IT… is because irl she’s so… cool. And reserved. It feels like you have to be someone really special to get through into her innermost circle of friends, otherwise she just sticks with them all the time. I was never able to get to that point because I was shy and now we’ve switched schools… but WOW this dream was so nice to imagine her actually LOOKING AT ME and proposing and I……… hng I’m so gay.
THIS IS THE CUTEST THING I WILL READ IN MY LIFETIME EVER OH MY GODDD?!?!!! i feel very grateful that you chose me to say this to. and im a superstitious person about dreams so im about to go crazy with this 😭
the way i interpret dreaming about a crush is not necessarily about your relationship between you and your interest but that your subconscious is literally exploring positive feelings YOU feel about yourself SO THIS IS AMAZING AND IM SO HAPPY U HAD SUCH AN EUPHORIC DREAM! ofc it involves your desires but its also expressing your confidence and optimism for the things you never thought could happen to you. and the fact that you received a proposal is even more healthy for your self-image.
so hopefully this encourages you to pursue the things and people you love in your waking life, even if you are a bit reserved and shy or theres some distance between. it doesnt generally have to be this person you dreamt of in particular but can range to who you have now and who you encounter in the future ^^
also no need for apologies,, feel free to ramble to me anytime about the things that made your day brighter. im all ears <3 u have a good day too (though it seems your day is already as good as ever!)
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shokobuns · 3 years
ship ur moots 😼
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RO?? OK?? BET????
note – i am sorry if i left anyone out, but i’ve included people that i have interacted with more often/recent on this account :) 
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@shrtorizawaa – bokuto kotarou
→ listen, vee, baby, LISTEN.. you are such a sweetheart and i thoroughly enjoy ur kpop tiktoks even though i have no idea who tf ur sending, BUT YOU AND BO WOULD VIBE SO MUCH! idk i can see bo trying to learn how to do a bts choreo to make you happy and it absolutely is heart swelling. you two in a relationship is like sunshine all around AND i know damn well ur ass would b shaking at every post quarantine party. this would also deadass grab ur bootycheeks excitedly, but it’s somehow wholesome?? anyways, pls master shifting just for him soon.
@himbokutoes – miya atsumu
→ yes, izzy, this is lowkey because of the dilf conversation, but AHHHHH! you’re obviously super nice and super friendly and u have this super warm vibe around you. while atsumu is also a sunshine man, he’s also canonically kind of a jerk so you got these two bright ppl coming together and i can see a chaotic ass time. he can also b super protective, but not in a super weird possessive way, he just always wants you to be safe and comfortable and generally that is not hard because he is a 6’2 athlete. oh and when yall have kids, honey u got a storm comin.
@sugawaaras – oikawa tooru
→ ro, i sat here, right. i sat here and said who is going to play the attack on titan roblox simulator with her. my brain said TOORU. i know he’d have the best fucking frozen commentary of all time, I FUCKING KNOW IT, and oh my god he is such a bad singer. he is a TERRIBLE SINGER, yet you choose to endure hearing him sing let it go and fuck.. your ears literally fucking bleed. he’s the type of person to be on a roblox game with you and it has a life bar right, so he jokingly hits you. so then you fucking kill him.
@getoskitten – geto suguru
→ based on what you’ve reblogged and our many conversations.. YOU LIKE TOXIC MEN and i am so sorry to all u geto fuckers out there (i mean i don’t blame u guys, i would fully sit on his face), but the unholy things this man would do to you just screams sum sort of toxicity. and based on what you’ve rbed (yeah i can see u bitch), the shoe fits. also, he prolly lives for public sex, i just know it.. this man takes u anywhere and anytime he wants.. luv u, vi!
@sleepyrintaro – suna rintarou
→ whenever ur in my inbox, u always sound the absolute sweetest and it makes me super happy kekeke. i think suna, though he might seem more disinterested and aloof on the outside, easily warms up to ur sweetness once it’s just the two of u. vv cute :)
@kuroosusagichan – kuroo tetsurou
→ i was thinking, “hmm, who has the fattest fucking balls around?” my answer was kuroo tetsurou. he got a ton of semen in that sack and they’re big brain semen too.. i’m telling u.. each and every one of those little fishies have the potential to cure cancer..
@kanajous – kita shinsuke
→ oh man, kita is the type of guy to hear u talk about the things ur super passionate about and it’s the absolute cutest. this man lives 4 rambles and i think it’s super cute :)
@gojology – gojo satoru
listen, you write gojo.. SO WELL.. i fucking cried laughing at 2 am when i read that “are you smoking cock” line because why can i hear him saying that shit… i swear to god i couldn’t breathe
@rintarhue – sakusa kiyoomi
→ your smaus are absolutely fucking chaotic and I LOVE IT HERE n i also feel like that means ur super funny and u type shit in all caps. sakusa? SAKUSA USES AUTO CAPS LIKE A FUCKING SERIAL KILLER,, you have to urge him to turn it off and he also definitely saves your wholesome memes on his phone.
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🔥💐💎💕 + elliot & isolde ((i call this move 'if stella can slam your asks, so can i!')) 🤍
!!!! kate i just !!! hm just love u!! you can slam my inbox anytime baby  (❁´◡`❁)
under the cut for length & mentions of past trauma/ptsd!
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🔥 is your OC known for having temper tantrums? if not, what gets them really angry? what makes their blood BOIL? is there anyway to calm them down or are they unstoppable? what are they like when they’re angry? do they take it out on their loved ones?
i feel like this is common knowledge by now but elliot has a temper on her. call it what you want: her mama’s genes, unaddressed ptsd and unresolved anger issues, fiery blood: whatever it is, the girl’s got it, and she’s got it bad. she tries to keep her cool as much as possible but there are a few things she absolutely cannot stand. 1.) her loved ones being insulted/in danger; 2.) someone touching her without her permission; 3.) animal cruelty. they are in no particular order and are all equally offensive to her. i wouldn’t say she’s impossible to calm down, but it is difficult; elliot tends to get into a headspace that’s equally as fight or flight as if she were in real danger, so there’s a lot of sound and color and feeling to get through before you can calm her down. breathing exercises help, having her track your pulse with touch, hands on her shoulders and pressure points/etc!
she tries really hard not to take it out on her loved ones. i think, in fact, that she tries so hard she ends up bottling it more than she ought to.
💐 does your OC like flowers? what are their favourites? do they keep a garden of some sort? what flowers would they use in a flower crown?
elliot loves flowers! at least, pre-ancient names she loves flowers. but because the family takes victorian flower language and uses it to gruesomely decorate the corpses of the people they kill (including joey hudson’s), she’s not so fond of flowers anymore. growing up her mother meticulously kept rose bushes in pristine condition, so she has fond memories of that scent in particular, and i think her favorite flower (if she had to pick one) would be lilacs.
💎 does your OC collect anything? is there a reason? when did they start and is it beginning to turn into a little bit of a hoarding issue? what do they do with their collection?
notebooks! elliot has a collection of notebooks that sit mostly empty on her bookshelf in a particular order. she took to buying notebooks shortly after she returned to hope county, after she had been in therapy long enough to realize that her ptsd was beginning to affect her ability to really remember things. if given the opportunity to flip through them, someone would probably see scattered notes here and there-- “ate toast this morning”, “felt pretty alright today”, and “i am real and okay” are frequent ones that are throughout. none of the pages are full, though, and aside from those they’re nearly unused.
💕 how is your OC like with physical affection? what are their boundries? do they enjoy being touched or is that a no-go? is there any reason behind this?
elliot is simultaneously touch-starved and adverse to being touched. she craves the sensation of being touched because it’s grounding, but it somehow almost always feels like such a violation that she can’t stand it. so, her boundaries are pretty much “don’t touch me unless i make it clear you can”, at which point she clearly finds this person to be a safe, grounding place that is a-ok to touch her. obviously, post-assault, the boundaries and the consequences of violating them are upped significantly.
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🔥 is your OC known for having temper tantrums? if not, what gets them really angry? what makes their blood BOIL? is there anyway to calm them down or are they unstoppable? what are they like when they’re angry? do they take it out on their loved ones?
yes! but if you call them temper tantrums she would curbstomp you. isolde is what we in the field like to refer to as “severely type a”, so, you know--rigid structures, ambitious, highly-driven and has exceptionally tall expectations for herself and thus, for others. the kind of “the only way to ensure that it gets done right is if you do it yourself”. which means the second someone fucks with her system (sleep schedule, meal plans, work flow, perhaps even breathes at a time that she did not anticipate them breathing) it slams her berserk button. her temper tantrums are less the crying and screaming type and more the “i’m going to give you 30 seconds to not get my stiletto through your eyeball you little worm” kind.
and yes, she does take it out on her loved ones. lucky she’s got so few of those, huh!
💐 does your OC like flowers? what are their favourites? do they keep a garden of some sort? what flowers would they use in a flower crown?
isolde has no particular love for flowers, though like anyone she appreciates the gesture of them being purchased for her as a lovely sentiment. she’ll always pick calla lilies over a traditional rose bouquet or something more rustic, like sunflowers--she just thinks they’re so sleek and gorgeous and go with pretty much any interior (and obviously we cannot have them clashing with the palette of her office or home). she does not keep a garden, because though she considers herself a renaissance woman, isolde does not have a green thumb.
💎 does your OC collect anything? is there a reason? when did they start and is it beginning to turn into a little bit of a hoarding issue? what do they do with their collection?
tears? maybe? soli is an exceptionally efficient Exister, meaning she operates strongly by the “waste not want not” theory and lives pretty minimally. clutter will not be tolerated. disarray is unwelcome. her home and her life are just the color, shape, and size that she wants them to be, and that’s how they’ll stay. 
i think a nice thing to think that she collects is gifts from past boyfriends/dates. you should see the girl’s jewelry box : ‘ )
💕 how is your OC like with physical affection? what are their boundries? do they enjoy being touched or is that a no-go? is there any reason behind this?
with the right person, isolde loves it. she finds confidence, and thus the confidence to put your hands on her, very sexy and alluring. there’s also an inherent desire to feel wanted by someone, and she’s a big “actions over words” person, so someone taking the action to show her just how much they love her or want to touch her is a big plus. joseph in particular is exceptionally tactile with her, which she really enjoys, but only if it doesn’t feel canned or forced.
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keeroo92 · 5 years
True North Part 3
This practically write itself. Thanks again @clevermentalitybeliever for your support! I kinda have to apologize for the giant pile of angst I’m leaving you, but the payout’s gonna be so good...This has turned into quite a project and I’m loving every minute!
Link to Part 1
Link to Part 2
Trigger/content warning - mentions of physical abuse.
V rubbed his eyes and stifled a yawn, putting the car in park. He was half an hour early for work, but this was when you normally arrived. Your car wasn’t there yet, not a good sign. He took a gulp of his coffee, the strongest the barista could manage. So far, it hadn’t helped much. Six shots only to not lose consciousness.
He occupied his mind by thinking of new jokes, new ways to make you smile. Did you like pranks? Dante played enough on him as a child, he had plenty of ideas. Some would need to be toned down, Dante wasn’t exactly gentle.
He checked his phone. Ten minutes since he arrived.
How long should he wait before texting you? There hadn’t been any more messages since last night, but even in his current state he knew he was being paranoid. He couldn’t stop worrying, it was eating him alive and he didn’t understand why. You were his boss and his friend, yes, but so was Nero and he didn’t have this reaction to him being in danger.
Well, Nero is a fighter. He can take care of himself. She can’t.
That I know of.
He took another sip of coffee. The trouble was how much he simply didn’t know. His mind filled in the blanks with the worst case scenarios on repeat, merciless in its torment. It made him want to scream.
Another sip.
Was that an engine? He scanned the portion of road he could see in the rearview mirror, spotting a sedan on approach. It was the wrong color and he sat back with a huff. How long now? He checked his phone.
It’s only been fifteen minutes.
He sighed. Truly, this was driving him mad. All he wanted was to see you safe, make sure he hadn’t fucked up again. Why was that so exhausting, just to want one person to be safe?
Another sip.
His phone dinged.
Srry for late request, can U pick me up? Caleb not home.
V frowned. Was something wrong with your car? Did Caleb damage it somehow? It didn’t matter – he’d find out soon enough. He tapped out a quick response that he was on the way and started the car.
You smiled at his response. It was a relief to know that despite the disaster last night, V would still be there for you. He was a good man, a good friend. Honorable. Funny. Attractive.
And there I go again, thinking about how wonderful my employee is…
You distracted yourself by checking your email, catching up on your inbox as you waited by the window. There he was, pulling in right out front. You tapped the screen and hit send, telling him you were headed out to meet him.
You checked your reflection one more time, lifting the hem of your shirt to eye the angry bruise covering the lowest rib on the left side. It hurt like a bitch, but you didn’t think anything was broken. Cracked, at worst. You could get it looked at after work. All you had to do was not breathe deeply or twist and it should be fine.
Goddamnit, Caleb…
He was so kind growing up. Only over the last few years had he turned sour and angry. Sometimes he showed glimpses of who he used to be, and you weren’t quite ready to give up on him yet. Besides, he’d only hurt you a few times. Things would get better. He would get better. You just had to have faith.
He’s my brother and he loves me. He’s just going through a tough time.
You sighed and grabbed your purse. A twinge of pain in your side reminded you not to do that and you grimaced. It was going to be a long day.
Outside, V already had the door open for you. He looked exhausted, dark circles under his eyes and a dull sheen replacing the usual glint of energy within them. It was obvious he’d barely slept. You tried to move the same way you always did, hiding the pain under a mask of normalcy. Pain was temporary, family was forever.
“Thanks for coming,” you said. V smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes.
As if I didn’t feel bad enough already…
You buckled your seatbelt and realized this was the first time you’d ridden with him. He didn’t seem like he’d be a reckless driver, but you crossed your fingers anyway.
“So, where’s your car?” he asked.
“Caleb borrowed it.”
He frowned and pulled onto the main road. So far, so good. He was silent for a long time, eyes focused on the road. The silence was deafening, and you were tempted to try the radio when his lips parted.
“What happened after I left?”
There it was. The question you had no idea how to answer. You hated lying, and V deserved better. The truth was on the tip of your tongue, begging to be spoken. You swallowed and looked at your lap, watching your fingers fidget.
“He calmed down and went to bed. No big deal.”
His eyes stole a glance at your face as he stopped for a red light. He didn’t look away until the car in front of him moved, not even blinking as he watched you. It was unnerving and you hoped he’d go back to his normal self by the time you got to work.
Maybe a little less funny for a few days, just till I’m better…
He sighed. “You know, I don’t just think of you as my boss. You’re my friend. If Caleb ever crosses the line, I hope you trust me enough to tell me.”
Fuck, how do I respond to that?
The truth welled up in your throat again, threatening to force its way into the open. You closed your eyes and clenched your jaw until it subsided. The desire to tell V everything was strong, but you were stronger. You had to be.
“I do trust you. There’s nothing to worry about. He’s all bark, no bite.”
Your voice sounded tremulous to your ears, but V nodded. His easy acceptance of your lie left you feeling sick as he pulled into the parking lot. Bile rose in your throat and you shoved it back as you got out of the car, moving slowly to favor your rib.
“Are you sure you’re all right?” V asked.
“Just a stomachache, I’ll be fine once I get some pepto.”
Once inside, you took stock. It wasn’t usually a problem if you left the shop in Peter’s hands, it rarely got busy enough to warrant more than two people working at a time. Nothing looked too far behind, so yesterday was more of the same.
“Can you start the sorting? I’ll do some appraisals until we open,” you said. Though he didn’t look happy to be assigned work on the other side of the building, V did as you asked. You breathed a careful sigh of relief and got to work, praying you’d make it through the day.
It was over a week before you seemed normal again, moving with ease and confidence throughout the shop. He hated keeping his mouth shut, hated that he was at least eighty percent certain of why you favored your left side. It stung that you didn’t trust him enough to tell him the truth, but he understood and did his best to respect the boundary.
He swore if it ever happened again, he would unleash all his fury on Caleb.
The time he shared with you was precious and rare as the holidays approached, one of the two busy seasons. You hired a few seasonal employees and sent V to handle their training. It was either a compliment to his growing skill or an attempt to maintain some distance, and his mixed feelings left him confused and annoyed.
He wished every day that the easy, joking nature of your friendship would return, and every day he was disappointed. It hurt, far more than he would’ve guessed. You were the first friend he’d made in his new life after the Qlipoth. He was friendly with all his coworkers, but none of them made him smile the way you did.
He missed his familiars, too. Their companionship was worth more than he knew, and every time he felt the threads of connection that once flowed to them it broke his heart a little bit more.
By the week of Thanksgiving, he was the opposite of thankful.
He didn’t have any plans for the evening itself, and found himself going to work just to keep his mind occupied. He had a key now. You trusted him more with your business than your friendship.
Stop thinking about it. It never helps. Focus on the task in front of you.
A massive pile of new arrivals arrived just yesterday. It needed to be sorted and appraised, then he’d see how much he could fit on the sales floor before Black Friday. A daunting task, perfect to use as a distraction. He lost himself in it easily.
Hours passed. He didn’t notice how late it was until his phone buzzed angrily on the counter by his elbow. Nero was calling.
We’ve barely spoken in months, why is he calling me now?
He tapped the green button, then put it on speaker. “Hello.”
“V! Where the fuck are you? Turkey’s almost ready!”
His brows furrowed. Not once had Nero mentioned he was welcome for the feast, and Fortuna was a seven hour drive away. He picked up the phone and switched off speaker, already pacing. He could barely hear the young man with the cacophony in the background. Quite a party he was missing.
“What are you talking about? I wasn’t told I was welcome.”
“Dude. We didn’t think you were so dense you needed to hear it out loud. You’re always welcome.”
His lips twitched. A simple miscommunication, then. How absurd, to have wasted so much energy and time feeling lonely. Relationships were far too complicated; he wasn’t a mind reader, how was he supposed to know?
“Next time, I’d appreciate more direct communication.”
“Yeah, no problem. Guessing you can’t make it, then? Still in Red Grave?”
“Yes, I have to work tomorrow.”
“All right, well I’m putting you on speaker. Everybody say hi to Uncle V!”
What sounded like at least fifty people shouted out various iterations of the greeting and V’s heart warmed at the sheer number of voices on the other end. Only one was missing.
He sighed. “Thank you, everyone. I’ll visit soon, I promise.”
“You better!”
The line cut out for a moment as Nero took him off speaker. The background noise faded and V could almost hear Nero’s heavy footsteps as he left behind the bulk of the group.
“What’s up, brother? You seem weird. Well, weirder than usual.”
What should he say? Was any of it even worth mentioning? Nero was at a party, he had better things to do than listen to his complaints.
“I don’t want to trouble you.”
“Tell me or I start driving.”
And suddenly he couldn’t hold it in anymore. The stress, the guilt, the loneliness. His joy at finding a friend and his sorrow at the chasm that now separated you. How much it hurt to be held at arms distance. The pain that despite the victory over Urizen, he felt like he’d lost. By the time he fell silent, he was utterly drained.
“Jeez, dude… That’s a lot. I’m sorry you’re dealing with so much shit. I mean, the way you talk about Y/N sounds like how I talk about Kyrie.”
“What? What do you mean?”
“Damn, you really are dense sometimes. I mean you want more than friendship from her. That’s why it hurts so much. You got feelings.”
V sighed. He could hardly believe he was actually listening to Nero. But he was the only person he knew in a successful relationship, so maybe he had a point.
“I can’t deny I’ve entertained the thought. More than once. I’ve almost paid her back, but she’s still my boss.”
“Then quit. Find a new job.”
He shook his head. “I like working here, though. Working with her.”
“You need to figure out what’s more important, then. The job, or the lady. Ah, shit, someone started a food fight. I gotta go, but call me soon. Or I’ll call you, whatever.”
“Thanks, Nero. Talk to you soon.”
He lowered the phone and pinched the bridge of his nose. He had a lot of thinking to do, but there was one thing he had to do first. With a few taps of the touch screen, he hit send before he could think too much. Three words.
I miss you.
Part 4
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alwaysbesassy · 7 years
uuurgh i am sorry, i know i bother you a lot... Ugh its just that i dont have no one else to talk about these things and it makes me really sad and.. I am already facing the hardest time in my life, emotionally... I am a mess rn, and all this eruri drama is killing me so much since the chapter 84 if it wasnt for "the answer book" i'd probably would burn or throw away all my snk merch (i know this is childish) i'd probably would do something worse... and here we go spoiler week aka worst week
and i am so afraid i’ve even saw people commenting about the editor-kun that he was drunk or something but i’ve seen no img (and i use 2 rely a lot on editor-kun and now i am feeling even worse!) i am so scared and i am already having panic attacks even feeling phisical pain? it’s just stressful… idk i swear if lev0 take a fkin oc path i don’t know what i will do, for me it hurts a lot… not having  erwin anymore.. but i know that erwin was levis most important person, so my only hope in lifeis that levi will die with memories about erwin and something involvin erwin (i am sorry about my english rn i cant even think right) i don’t wanna levi alive in this circus i hate so much how this is going omg… but my point is i wanna levi to die (i wish it was soon but i will be realistic) and his memoris/motivations/heart always on erwin like it always was… I am afraid about the furute, i don’t know what i will do to myself… and sorry again for bothering youlast ask i promise, and i again hided all of my snk merch cuz i cant even look u know? i swear for everything in this world erwin and levi are the only thing that makes me happy and… i know they are real I KNOW (yaaams basically said it himself in answers and the original VAs and the freakin editor and all the other things) i just don’t wanna… see everything fade away like it was nothing, because it was everything… they are real, and i am so sad i just need a good closure.. memories idk..
You aren’t bothering me. I understand how you feel and tbh the only reason I am able to keep calm(ish) during spoiler week is because of a few people over on twitter that have really helped me to understand snk and have made me feel a lot better about future chapters (I say this before having my monthly breakdown after seeing Levi’s miserable face).
Firstly, editor-kun was just having some fun with this “spoiler” lmao.
Second, I think most of us worry about how Levi will be depicted after what happened to Erwin. My own take is that he’ll just get along, do his part as a soldier, follow orders, and remain Captain Levi, but when the time comes to fight Zeke it will be against orders. I’m imagining we’ll get another instance of Hans screaming “hey,wait!” (like when Levi kicked down the door in 85) but it’ll be too late. And yes, I agree with you, I hope there is a slow-mo (drama™) moment where we can hear some of Levi’s thoughts before he’s killed. Honestly, that’s how i’d prefer it to happen but at the same time, I worry that Isayama won’t have the guts to kill his most popular character. But hey, Erwin is the 2nd most popular character and he was able to let him go. Bert is immensely popular with Japanese fans too. I have times when I start to despair but after Erwin died people became aware that no one is safe, and suddenly Levi’s death has not only become expected, but accepted.
You’ll be ok, we’ll get through this shitstorm together. And remember that when s2 starts, we’ll (hopefully) be getting nice chunk of eruri goodness, as well as many wins.
Don’t forget, the beauty of fictional characters is that they can exist for as long as we want/need them to. Just because something is “canon” doesn’t mean any of us have to stop loving them or creating our own worlds for them either in fanfic, art, or simply just daydreams. What good would a fictional character be if they were forgotten as soon as the publication finished? They stay with us and are alive forever. Heck, there are people who believe Sherlock Holmes is still alive because he extracted the elixir of life from the honey of his bees. Point is, people can have fun with fictional characters and be stupid and happy and whatever. They won’t fade away as long as you love them. I worry about where snk is going too, but if it goes somewhere I don’t like, i’ll keep eruri in my own way (aus, canon divergence) and let the canon go. No one gonna stop meeeeeeeeeeee
Hope you’re ok, feel free to come to my inbox anytime! I’ll worry with you but honestly, even if Levi is ooc, the worst thing that could have happened already did happen in c84. No way in the world we’ll ever feel worse than that so…
Sorry for the ramble, I hope i’ve been *some* comfort to you. I understand how you feel and am exactly the same, so never feel that you’re alone with that.
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