#so… Dan has a fav person 😂
lovesomehate · 6 months
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I see …
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itlivesproject · 2 years
i feel like harper's writing is not talked about as much as it should be and i just wanna say that ilw has given me a newfound love for them that ilb hadnt quite managed to do!
also i dont mean this to come across as demanding and greedy but a horny bitch gotta ask: had you ever considered doing a harper pov for ch23 for some sexy times👀 or had that never been in the plans? im aware, and thankful, of how much work it was to do all the devon routes (and ig all those sex scenes were much more, as weird as it sounds, anticipated than the ilb routes bc ilb already had sex but the cast were minors in ilitw. though i wonder if theres a 'diamond' option for devon to just hang out w their friends if they have no li or do they just go to bed?) i cant help but feel like ilb kinda got the short end of the stick somehow, compared to the ilitw cast who were more present in ilw even though its not their story anymore, but ig theyre more connected to the ilw storyline than the ilb cast bc they are from westchester while ilb not.
i still love the story a lot, its quickly become one of my fav 'playchoices' (heh) stories, i just kinda want to start a conversation more than criticise, if that makes sense.
thank you <3 i personally really love harper and i LOVED writing them so much. the ilb scenes were some of my favorite to work on.
to answer your question, let me first say that i am one of the few probably who actually prefer ilb to ilitw. so i went into ilw wanting ilb rights 😂 secondly, i will say that the crux of the answer comes down to technicalities behind writing variants.
interestingly, we actually were considering the idea of Elliot being part of the ilw crew when we first started and having a nerve score! the idea was that a) he's a guaranteed survivor so we wouldn't have to write variants around it and b) he had gone to connor when harper vanished and they were working together more actively in looking for harper. we ended up scrapping the idea however, because he didn't feel necessary. him in that role really felt like extra baggage, and there wasn't really room for a character arc for him. so we changed it to how it ended up being. we also were considering having one ilb crew member being part of the ilw crew as well, since at least two of them are guaranteed to not die and not leave, but that idea quickly got tossed because it was simply too many variants.
when it comes to ilitw, every single character has the possibility of being dead, so one of the earliest things we did was come up with a "contribution" for each character. we didn't want it to be like in ilb, when you just have this awkward one-off conversation with each one and they're all in the same room but not talking to each other for some reason?? so we decided to separate them out from each other more and make their contributions independent of each other. we also had to figure out what happens if they are dead and unable to provide their contribution.
Ava - obviously her contribution was coven leader. If she's dead, Sunny is the leader.
Stacy - she attends the dinner party with rowan and connor and allows you to bring your LI along with you.
Lucas - he helps work on the cure, and his survival is necessary to being able to fully cure the horrors at the end of the game.
Andy - he helps revived devon/noah in the physical therapy scene
Dan - he provides therapy to rowan which comes with some nerve gain
Once we had all these contributions, we had a really hard time thinking about what ILB crews "contributions" would be. And because they weren't from Westchester, it didn't make as much sense for them to be involved. Secondly, because someone's always guaranteed to be alive, the scenes of all of them together are actually a lot easier and possible to write, where ILITW's scenes like that are insanely difficult. so instead of having their "contributions," ilb crew's involvement was mostly considered by us as a group thing, and it was focused around harper's disappearance arc. We had discussed ways to make them more involved, but it didn't really fit and we felt like it distracted from the main story we were trying to tell. It was a tough balance to figure out how to make previous books matter and bring back old characters while giving the new characters the screen time and focus that they needed. I hope this makes sense!
I know a few people were disappointed that Harper didn't do much in chapters 21-23 but you have to understand that Harper could never be instrumental in their success, because they can be dead, and we didn't want to lock mc succeeding behind harper being alive or not. secondly, that ending scene had an insane amount of variants, from rowan secretly being a traitor, to devon/noah who was human and who was the ghost, to LIs dying and/or leaving, and throwing harper into the mix would have been extremely complicated for a character whose involvement wouldn't be able to fundamentally change anything, for the reasons i explained above.
Now, moving onto the horny scenes, we actually were planning on having ilb sex scenes when we first started, but when we realized how many sex scenes we were going to write (it ended up being a grand total of 21 lol) we were like. never mind 😂 the spot it was going to go was actually after harper was saved from the breach and you play as them. originally their leg wasn't broken and they weren't in the hospital, so that's where it was going to go. but as the scenes changed and we got burnt out from writing sex scenes, we decided not to include it, our rationale being a) they're in the hospital and b) they got two sex scenes in ilb whereas ilitw lis haven't ever gotten one. it definitely would not have worked for the epilogue, because I think it would have really thrown off the pacing to just take turns playing as each mc getting it on with their LI lol. but everyone is free to hc what harper and their LI did after that bbq heehee
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iamvegorott · 2 years
Hey it’s the PowerPoint person here! Sorry bout the wait, sent that message and promptly passed out! So I’ll go in the order and give a general vide of what I said for each and what number out of 150 they were (1 being the highest, 150 being lowest)
76. Henrick. I basically said Henrick looked like he’d be doing a physical and shove his hand up my ass without warning but he’s got a spiffy lab coat-turtle neck combo and he’s a doctor so he makes bank and therefore I’d bonk him
63. Anti. I put him much lower than I would have because I felt it unfair to have all mark and jacks egos at the very top, not to mention I think my friends would judge me. I mostly talked about how a lot of my art has been influenced by anti’s aesthetics and how even the name that all my friends call me was once my cringe 7th grade evil OC of myself loosely based of of anti. I also said he deserved to be a bigger tumblr sexy man. I’d bink him
42. Edward. I said that in contrast to Henrick he would ask before shoving a hand up my ass. I said he makes bank cuz he a doctor. He looks like he’d give me a lollipop. I honestly really like Edward, he’s not super outstanding but he’s just funky. I’d boing him
12. Jameson. My three comments on here were literally: DAPPER MAN! Moustache = +10 points to sexy. Monocle. And honestly I stand by that. Jameson’s just a cute lil’ man and I love him. I’d get down and jiggy with this man
5. Dark. Tumblr sexy man. Said I liked men who could snap my neck. Emo king my dudes. In the PowerPoint I put his name as “Darkiplier” so my friends didn’t think I was like “casual” with him 😂 idk why but I’m super embarrassed about being into like youtuber stuff, I never talk about my Youtubers I watch and the one time I asked for merch it was the one Dan and Phil book like forever ago and I was so embarrassed even though it’s not bad or anything??? I’d boinkers this dude
3. Wilford. Wilford is personally my fav ego and he was very close to being first place (second place was a joke) but I gave it to Illinois because I could make a comment about his whip. Wilford follows the law of “man covered in blood = sexy” and he could kill me but also I could curse the man. I’d definitely bangers this guy
1. Illinois. Basically said I have a thing for men who dress like Indiana Jones and they look like they’d take me on an uncharted style adventure to escape my boring life. Also he has a whip. I’d explore his tunnels ahaha.
Once again these aren’t the actual ratings I’d give them they’d all be much higher if I wasn’t worried about being judged by my friends lol. The PowerPoint was mostly comedic seeing as multiple characters from bloodbourne were in the top 20, Gandalf was on the list as well as mega mind and they weren’t very low. Pablo from the backyardagains and Thomas the tank engine were also on this list. AND a toothbrush that was in Yandere simulator as like a background piece but the model was borrowed form somewhere else which was meant for realism and it had so many polygons it crashed the game. Henrick was lower than the toothbrush.
Why were half of these a mood 😂
"man covered in blood = sexy"
No I will not explain, you just gotta know XD
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i saw an anon asked this a while ago, but sense there’s new admins, what are your favorite fics? (including ones that you wrote uwu)
hey! my top 3 fav fics are:
a match and a fuse - waveydnp (ao3)
Summary: Phil is twenty six years old and stuck in a dead end life. He works at Starbucks and may or may not be carrying a torch for his best friend of eight years. He doesn't know who he is or what he wants--or how to go about figuring it out.
That all starts to change when he happens upon the resume of a certain law school grad named Daniel.
Teeth - lvckyphan (ao3)
Summary: A writer. A husband. A broken marriage and Vincent Van Gogh.
Monochrome - intoapuddle (ao3)
Summary: When you build your life out of fear that your mental illness could worsen, it leaves little room for excitement. Luckily, Dan has found a space online where he feels comfortable.
i have a physical copy of a match and a fuse that sits beside my bed in the same manner that a bible would for, you know, like, mentally stable people.
- chloe
hi there. a match and a fuse is one of my new favs (thanks chloe) i literally read it all in two days😂but i won’t put it again so:
our house - sierradeux
Enemy is a harsh word. Rival sounds so immature, like Dan’s the star of some teen drama on Netflix. Competition is close, but not quite there.
In simple terms, Dan has a distaste for Phil Lester. Otherwise known as AmazingPhil in their line of business, for some reason that’s beyond Dan. What makes him so amazing anyway?
There’s a reason the network wanted Daniel Howell and Phil Lester for this specific series, and Dan guesses there’s really only one way to find out that answer.
And they were co-hosts. Oh my god they were co-hosts.
strictly come dancing but make it GAY - natigail
Summary: Dan Howell calls Strictly out on Twitter for not allowing any same-sex couples and accidentally volunteers himself to be one of the contestants if they were to change that. It was a joke. It had so clearly been a joke. Why did they take him up on it?! He’s sure he’ll trip over his own feet and hate every second, but then he meets his partner, the endearingly clumsy dancer Phil Lester.
moon under water - sunflowerwitches
summary: that “i'm pretending to be your boyfriend because you look very uncomfortable with that person hitting on you” AU no one asked for but i want to write
i also write fics which you can check out on my tumblr (dramaticlester) or ao3 :)
- cait
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