#so. like three people on this website
livvyofthelake · 1 year
predictions for barbie 2023
ryan gosling will interact with one man and you all will write hundreds of gay fanfictions about it
barbie and america ferrera will textually fall in love and you guys will all go omg best friends <3
there will be a 15k note tumblr post about how it’s slightly misogynistic to care so much about ken in this movie and everyone will reblog it and then continue talking about ken instead of barbie
the sex education men being in this will absolutely make what i’ve just described five times worse
also all the classic greta gerwig movie discourse will be happening until october
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vacuously-true · 5 months
I keep seeing people on my dash who I KNOW have no ill intent reblogging posts that have a veneer of trans-inclusive feminism without realizing it's gender essentialist trans-inclusive radfem shit. As far as I can tell it's a recent resurgence of the ideology, not something that's stayed constant and I'm only now realizing it, although I'm not certain of that.
So like. Here's a reminder that gender essentialism is bad even when it's trans inclusive. Here's a reminder that "society is inherently about men/mascs oppressing women/fems and the agency and responsibility for that societal structure is always and only perpetuated by the men/mascs" is radfem shit even when it's trans inclusive.
Just because someone's gender essentialism isn't biological gender essentialism doesn't mean it isn't gender essentialism. Just because a post is trans inclusive doesn't mean it's discussing gender identity or societal gender dynamics in a healthy way.
Just because a post is free of transphobia or transmisogyny does not mean it is free of sexism or racism or intersexism or ableism or transandrophobia or exorsexism or homophobia or biphobia or any other kind of bigotry. Just because a post is free of transphobia or transmisogyny does not mean you get to shut off your brain and reblog it uncritically, safe in the knowledge that if it's not transphobic it's a Good Take™.
Pay attention to this shit please you're giving me headaches :)
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bruhstation · 1 year
Tumblr media
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guinevereslancelot · 16 days
applied to a bunch of jobs! 😅🙏
#took me three days bc i really wanted my dad's input on my resume and he took a while to get back to me#but i reallyyyy wanted to have applications in my monday morning and now i do :)#also feeling much better aboutbthe whole thing now that i have stuff to be excited about#still really really sad abt leaving the kids at my current job tho#but i drove by some of the places i applied today and researched them and im really optimistic about some of them#i even heard back from one already which i was not expecting at all#she literally emailed me like half an hour after getting my application and started asking me questions#like a pre interview#so thats nice#we went back and forth a couple of times#its not my top top choice but that place isnt officially hiring and might take forever to back back to me#this place is a smaller home daycare type place and urgently hiring but the pay is super good and a home daycare environment might be nice#and the pay is pretty decent esp compared to what im making now#the top top place is a fancy pants private school that going to be way more thorough abt references and background check#so they'll take longer to get back to me#but i found out after applying that my friend's mom works there 🤯#so she's gonna ask her to put in a good word for me :)#but they're not officially hiring according to their website it just says they encourage people to inquire so i did#so p unlikely i would get that one but you never know#anyway!!!!#finally excited abt things and not just filled with dread and sadness abt leaving the current place and kids#still makes me sad but im not on the verge of tears thinking abt it anymore lol#this has been a shitpost
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ct-hardcase · 8 days
reading old thr reviews out of sheer procrastination and I knew it in theory but ah. this is why the current comic run was thrown in continuity separation jail, to the point where avar can't even acknowledge ceret by name in totf when ruminating on the drengir, or elzar can't mention keeve when going over jedi patrolling the oz lmao
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hamaonoverdrive · 18 days
I hateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the medical system
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saint-nevermore · 1 year
tumblr is one of the only refuges artists have without fighting twitter’s worsening algorithm or instagram’s image crunching so i think on top of being vocal about bad changes, be vocal about the good ones too. like it or not, the Blaze feature is an awesome addition as it allows artists to boost their own work. the sponsored artist alley thing that shows as an ad spot is an excellent compromise between not having ads and helping the user base. the addition of top posts on a blog are good. if you send feedback complaining about the user-hostile updates, always mention previous versions that were better and why, and any new updates which are good and why.
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happyk44 · 1 month
It's kinda funny because w/ my Zeus kid OC (who I've been thinking about renaming as Araceli, 'cause it means altar of the sky, apparently, which I like 'cause sky-themed-ish but also like. A little bit I wanted something that meant cloud the way Coral's name means... Coral) the implication is that she takes after her father to an almost mirroring degree because I developed her and my other PJO OCs (who also all got retconned into an OG work) at the same time I was playing around with my ideas on the Big Six, and the gist at the time was supposed to show how the Big Six could've turned out if they weren't so weird.
So the dynamics of the friendship was supposed to be very similar to the dynamics of Big Six's relationship to each other (e.g. Mary having a major crush on Hera's "representative" but also being attracted to literally every other person that walked by, Nico being the soberminded big brother figure, etc). It's also one of the reasons Mary would get angry whenever someone would compare to her dad, because similarly I think Zeus would get angry if someone compared him to his dad.
And then eventually as I got older and the daydream moved around with whatever obsession I had at the time, the characters and general storyline began to change away from that in some ways but core features sort of stayed and so I ended up with a version of Zeus that ignores his daughter's pleas for help because he loves her but her pain hurts him because he can't do anything about it and it's his fault she's suffering.
She got this intensity from him, it's ingrained into the way it's ingrained in him. But he was able to rebuild the world according to his own needs and wants and beliefs. And she can't really do that. So he doesn't have any advice he can give her when she's on her knees begging for help with all the noise and pain in her head. He doesn't know what to do! It's like he can just go and rip it out of her.
But she's suffering because she's different and she's weird and she knows it and she knows it's his fault which is why she's asking but he just doesn't know and he can't handle watching her suffering and listening to her cry when there is no helpful answer to give her because "I don't know" isn't going to fix it.
He's supposed to fix things, he's supposed to have the answers. He's king of the world, by damn! He's a problem solver. He supposed to have a solution, and a million backup solutions. But he doesn't! There's nothing he can do to make the noise stop because truth be told, the noise never really stopped for him! It just got easier and quieter. So he turns away from her because he loves her and he's failing her and he can't handle that.
But also in the same breath, I think he recognizes similar aspects of himself in Jason, who isn't even asking for help, and fucking despises him for it, lol.
✨ Girl Dad ✨
#could be a jupiter vs zeus thing too#zeus is more in touch with his emotions so he's able to love his kids and empathize with their pain#but jupiter eschews emotion to focus fully on logic and rationale and winds up being disgusted by anything that shows he's flawed#like i think zeus definitely hates any implication that he's flawed#but in this case it's more like while his inability to stop his daughter's suffering makes him feel flawed#his love for his daughter takes precedence so he doesn't hate her for it. he just hates himself for not being able to fix it.#but jupiter doesn't really have that affection for jason because maybe he just lacks affection im general#so jason showcasing any behaviour that may indicate an inherent flaw in jupiter is seen as despicable#and so jason and any internal/external pain he may experience because of this flaw isn't viewed favourably#it could also be that jason is more willing to call him on his shit where mary/araceli was just like bitch i hate you so much please kill m#like she definitely doesn't agree with all her dad's actions but she kind of gets where he's coming from with certain things#where i don't think jason is able to view that in other people either#like all three of them view things in a very black and white autistic sort of way#but jason lacks the cognitive empathy to understand why a person may feel or behave a certain way#i love when i go insane in the tags#thats fun#anyway#happy talks about his stories#happy talks pjo#zeus (pjo)#jason grace#i will come up with a tag for my zeus girl at some point#also for araceli the original character has always been seen as hispanic/latino which is why i wanted a name that made that obvious#so if anyone has any hispanic/latino sky-themed names they'd like to share lemme know because the baby name websites were very short
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loverboy-ish · 7 months
is cohost worth it.
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wander-wren · 2 months
me: i don’t wanna be a cog in the capitalist machine!! my job doesn’t care about me and i literally don’t get paid enough to care about it!!
the part of me relentlessly scrutinized for being the family fuckup: but,,,,when i do good job customers like me,,,,when i do extra managers think i’m the best,,,,
#bird noises#work sucks in a lot of ways#it’s just food service nothing special and it will destroy my body eventually#but also it is genuinely better for my mental health to just. get positive feedback and interact with people in a nice way#i havent really had any terrible customers yet. the occasional grumpy or kinda rude one but nothing i cant shake off in a second#that probably helps#its funny bc my parents notice the difference and its like GEE I WONDER HOW ELSE THIS COULD HAVE OCCURRED#PERHAPS IF THE HUMANS I LIVE WITH WERE ALSO NICE TO ME#but alas……#anyway thinking about this bc i accidentally volunteered myself to do two people’s closing tasks and that sucked#but my manager said im amazing soooooooooo maybe it was worth it#i’m gonna fight whoever’s in charge of their advertising tho for saying they have a ‘competitive wage’#which is $3-4 less than the nearby ‘good’ places money-wise AND ALSO. exactly the same or less than what people were making at this location#THREE YEARS AGO#which i know because i worked here. making $2.50 less. but i talked to the new hires and found out they made a good chunk more#we do get tips which is like an extra $1-1.50 so thats nice but its not competitive my friend#its barely acceptable#theyre lucky no one else would hire me#also pisses me off bc their main website advertises their starting wages as ACTUALLY competitive but c’est la vie#i’m in a weird situation where i need to Be Employed more than i need money per se so i’m fine with it for now#wren stop talking about panera challenge
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ikosburneraccount · 2 years
thinking back to my tlc posts in 2015-16 i was soooooo valid for calling kai “emperor foot fetish.” like i genuinely thought i was being dramatic or dragging tf out of the foot jokes but no. even in retrospect kai is still unhinged for hoarding her foot like he is no less insane than i remember him being like 7 (BARF) years ago 
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starlightkun · 10 months
finally had to buy a new phone 🤢🤢 spending money 🤢🤢🤢
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blackpearlblast · 1 year
i'm not saying "i saw this coming" in an "i told you so" way but more than i happened to remake my account earlier this year so i ended up getting the "new user" experience and it seems pretty clear they were using new users as guinea pigs for their non-chronological following dashboard. and it sucks. you have to switch your dashboard over to "following" every time you refresh and there's no way to change the default to following. they said they were working on adding a way to change your default dashboard but i was always pretty damn skeptical of that given they went to the effort to making things DIFFERENT for newer accounts like, that does not show good intentions that shows going after people who don't know that they could have a better experience. and now they're trying to push it onto older users too, which was clearly always the plan. maybe i should've made more of a fuss but... honestly.... I am not a blogging warrior i am a sleepy insect. i just want to use tumblr to talk to friends and look at cool art and the weird dashboard stuff on my new account definitely gets in the way of that. basically the main feature that still makes tumblr worthwhile is our desktop blogs and the ability to sort and search posts using tags through someone's archive. but they're probably going to want to take that away too.
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the-everqueen · 1 year
i would feel a lot more secure about my immediate future if HR would email me the forms they were supposed to have sent me a month ago.
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icharchivist · 2 years
"Cecil isn't a tumblr sexyman" whom the fuck is Cecil? An herb??
I guess only the 2013 tumblrinas (gn) know properly who Cecil is.
Cecil is the protagonist and narrator of Welcome To Night Vale, a surreal horror podcast (perhaps THE surreal horror podcast that kickstarted the trend you see those days like tma and stuff). (go listen to the Pilot, though huge warning for unreality stuff if that's a problem with you)
The show is set up to be a radio show set in Night Vale, a city where weird things happen all the time except that for the narrator, all of this is normal. Yeah of course a 5 headed dragon is running for mayor against the faceless woman who secretly lives in your house. Of course no one is supposed to go to the Dog Park. Of course everyone must give their offering to the Mighty Glow Cloud. Of course there's a ghost cat in the bathroom floating and having kittens, isn't she adorable.
One of the extremely refreshing thing about this podcast, especially in 2013, where tumblr was mostly obsessed with queerbaiting shows, is the fact that in the very first episode, Cecil meets Carlos the scientist, and immediately falls in love with him. Meaning there's a lot of episodes going "the eldritch monster camping on the highway once again committed some new incidents and people died. but that's not important. DID YOU SEE CARLOS'S HAIR? ISNT HE DREAMY?" (and they went on dates and eventually got married).
And the thing with Cecil, outside from his dreamy voice, his gay crush, and the beautiful existential sentences he could spur sometimes (“The past is gone, and cannot harm you anymore. And while the future is fast coming for you, it always flinches first and settles in as the gentle present” is one of my fav quotes), is that he was just a voice. There never was a single canon design about him.
So everyone could make their own Cecil. Everyone had their own version of him in mind, though we all somehow agreed on him wearing Night Vale's purple, and you would often see tattoos of eyes and tentacles on him (or that pushed with literally showing them off outside of his skin).
in the early 2010s on this website you couldn't go ANYWHERE without knowing about Cecil. Everyone was talking about him. Anyone who has been on this website for about ten years would talk to you fondly about their friend Cecil Palmer from the radio show.
We're discussing Tumblr sexymen. if you think tumblr sexymen just means a man tumblr finds sexy (even though it's weird), you're dead wrong. And Cecil had earned his place because HE was THE Blorbo.
On another note for you to understand exactly what it means on tumblr, you heard of Dashcon? Everyone's heard of Dashcon. Many people weren't here when Dashcon happened. I was here. One of the scam the people of Dashcon ran in order to get people from tumblr to come was to invite the wtnv's cast. However, last minute, they didn't pay them, and the condition of hosting were deplorable (the nearby hotel was stacked, and the organizator of the con didn't even pay the con's site at all, which means they locked all the teenagers who had came into the lobby to ask them to pay for the fees of the con's rent. Do you even realize how insane that is). So the wtnv crew didn't come.
But it was literally THE thing that represented tumblr enough that it ended up wrapped in this horrible scam. It was the moment. The thing that truly defined the early 10s on this website.
Of course you might think he's not a proper sexyman for tumblr (tbh i think Sans and the Once-ler are the real sexymen of this website) but Cecil has been the embodiment of the early 10s culture of this website. (and personally i think it'd be somewhat very vindicative of the website to have him become the sexyman this time).
Somehow... the way history gets lost in here i swear.
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