#sobbe fics
Heated Rivalry
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A Sobbe story by Beulaugh
Cover art by @polarisartworks 💖
Beta’d by the amazing @claire.loves.booksandhockey 📚🏒❤️
Written for the SKAM BIG BANG 2024 🎉
Robbe/Sander, side VDS and Elippo | Rivals to Lovers, Classical Musician AU, Fuck Buddies?, Slow Burn | 3/12 | Explicit | ~90k total
Rival French Horn players, Robbe and Sander, meet when they are in high school and immediately dislike one another; however, at a summer music camp they learn that they don’t have to like one another to take advantage of the spark that ignites whenever they’re alone. Cue a years-long clandestine, secret…something. Can they call themselves fuck buddies if they’re not actually friends?
How do these two rival musicians weather their non-relationship as their lives interweave and change, as they make choices that take them far from one another? Is it only convenient, or is it something more?
Fic posts every Tuesday til September 10
Current chapter count: 3/12
Check out @skambigbang for all the other amazing fics in the event ❤️❤️❤️
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(Here a People Sows/Shu and Shennong's backstory & lore spoiler ramble ahead)
Do you think Shu doesn't want to read Shennong's palm because she foresaw her death. Do you think that last spring she saw her off knowing she'd likely never return, and she still forced herself to pretend she would so Shennong wouldn't know. Did she smile as she said see you soon. Did Shennong know she was lying because of her blinking hard as she always does.
Did Shennong know she'd die because of that, that it was her last shot. Did it give her a newfound strength to finally reach the land she was looking for. Did it blind her too in the path back or was it just a fools hope that she'd make it.
Did Shu not seem surprised because she knew, because they had already said their final goodbye. Shu wished she had gone north instead, but did Shennong wish she'd had stayed south too.
Did they write their story on purpose to make me cry at 1 am. Help
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probadbatch · 1 month
Last Line Challenge
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like.)
Tagged by the lovely @clonethirstingisreal
I am actually working on something right now so you get a very fresh last line
Crosshair suspects that’s a load of banthashit, especially coming from the squad’s resident insomniac.
No pressure tags: @kybercrystals94 @just-here-with-my-thoughts @theproblemwithstardust @inkyclone99 @faceofpoe
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ayellowcurtain · 9 months
They always knew they wanted to buy a place for them to live.
It was never an easy task, but they both needed a secure place that nobody could take and break apart. Maybe it’s the broken family syndrome from one and the desperate need for as much security as possible from the other mixed together.
Their apartment is far from perfect, but it is more than enough at the same time. It wasn’t the newest and was far from a dream location, but the whole process of renovating, cleaning, and painting felt so grounding that Sander couldn’t think of ever moving from here.
He’s feeling off this morning, but he managed to make some things to get himself in a better mood.
He nailed their coffee this morning and didn’t forget it until it was room temperature and disgusting. It’s hot, perfect, warming his hands wrapped around his favorite mug, drinking slowly.
Their wood floor feels nice against his bare feet. They sanded everything, and now it feels soft and grounding, still with what seems to be old paint stains here and there, but that’s what makes Sander love it. The thought that, at some point, someone who loved art lived here.
And he’s naked, standing in his living room, staring at a bunch of pictures he took from Robbe over the past few years since they met. There are a few of the two of them together too, and one silly one Robbe took of him after a very special night spent at their hotel. Sander smiles, aware there’s a photo taken a second before the one he’s looking at.
He saw Robbe with his camera and teased him, not covering anything. He remembers Robbe's soft laugh, looking up from behind the camera, and asking Sander to put his hand in front of him. Then Robbe went behind the camera and took the second picture. He’s sure Robbe keeps the other one somewhere safe, where only he can sneak a look from time to time.
Sander made sure to put that photo as high as possible on the wall gallery, in a corner nobody would find. He never had enough space for this many pictures to be exposed, so he’s happy to spend the first few hours of the morning creating this masterpiece after postponing for some time since they moved.
In the back of his head, there are memories from last night: the stranger at the bar, acting like they were all friends after a five-minute conversation. Robbe was tipsy, being a little too handsy and not giving two cares about people seeing it, and that was enough for the dumb stranger to think he should comment about how Robbe seemed so in love and Sander so cold.
Even after too many drinks, Robbe came back from his trip with the comment, his alerts going off, knowing Sander was about to be rude right back.
“I promise you, there’s not a thing about this one that’s cold.” He tried to be nice and polite, as always.
All their friends were also loud, in disbelief, saying how much that stupid human was wrong. But Robbe cut the conversation short, grabbing their beers and passing them to their friends to go hang out somewhere else at the bar.
Sander felt stupid for letting that be the final trigger he needed to stop procrastinating on hanging all these frames.
His head is so heavy, it’s tempting to roll to his other side and fall back asleep. That would be sooo nice, but the bed is cold and empty. His headache would appreciate the coldness, but he can’t force himself to sleep alone.
So Robbe slips to a sitting position, finding his underwear right on his feet on the floor. He puts it back on, running his fingers through his hair to push it out of his eyes. When he opens their bedroom door, the coffee smell is so tempting it makes his stomach growl.
As he turns around the door to look for Sander, he finds him a couple of steps forward, watching their tall living room wall that’s not empty anymore. Robbe smiles because every morning is a repeated realization that this naked, painfully good-looking, messy hair with a mug in his hands is his boyfriend. This is his life. If he tried to dream about a perfect reality, it wouldn’t come close to what this is.
“Always a good morning when I find you naked around the house.” Robbe sounds as sleepy as he feels, melting against Sander’s back as soon as he’s close enough, closing his eyes for just one second. Sander’s smell is also better than the coffee smell.
He feels when his boyfriend snorts.
“Did I wake you?”
“Not even a worldwide invasion would have made me wake up this morning.” He forces himself to adjust his posture to look over Sander’s shoulder, wrapping both arms around Sander’s waist, and resting his chin on his boyfriend’s shoulder.
He looks at all the horrible pictures of mostly him on their wall. Sander thinks he is so beautiful it made his self-esteem improve since they met, but it’s still too many pictures of him. They’re all from good memories, at least.
“We finally have your wall.”
Sander nods his head, finishing his coffee.
“That's a good idea. If we ever move anywhere. There will always be a Robbe wall.”
Robbe loves the way his name sounds when Sander says it. Maybe that’s his thing from now on. Record the love of all his life saying his name in every possible situation and play it over and over again.
“If you say so…”
“I do”
“Okay.” Robbe kisses his neck, taking a deep breath against his skin.
“Maybe that’ll make me warmer.”
Robbe snorts just like Sander does constantly, letting go of him to grab his empty mug to refill it for himself.
“If you warm up just a little bit, you’ll burn this house down. You’re like a heather. That's why I like sleeping better when I’m all wrapped around you like a snake, trying to steal your painfully good warmth. And sexiness.” Robbe winks at Sander when he looks at him over his shoulder with his eyebrows raised and a lazy smile on his lips.
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annadriesen2121 · 1 year
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A Safe Place In All Universes
Chapter 2_20:21
Available on Ao3_Written by @Viola_Player1 and Anna_Driesen2121
Robbe & Sander extract: Sander starts looking with his mind's eye and the first image that appears to him is Classroom 21 at the Academy. …I am home!... He always takes refuge there, to find peace, tranquility, or to empower his creativity.
Isak & Even extract: He approaches Isak, and leans his shoulder against the tree, right beside Isak their gazes turned toward the screen in the distance. They stand saying nothing, at first, until Isak whispers, “I’m sorry, I’ve ruined your evening.”
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skambigbang · 1 year
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Today we're featuring the story "and the elephant sings" by our own mod beulaugh aka @if-music-be-the-food-of-love with art by moments_au_crayon_22 for this zoo cute sobbe fic!
beulaugh: What inspired this story?
My mother recently passed away, and she was a great lover of animals and zoos. She watched a lot of veterinarian and zoo shows, and I wanted to combine those two loves into one story to honor her memory. I always love exploring parenting in fics. I liked the idea of Sander processing his feelings about fatherhood through children’s books as well as Robbe challenging his worldview and forcing him out of his comfort zone.
moments_au_crayon_22: What inspires you about this story?
I read the magic words "Sobbe zoo fic“ and was instantly sold on this story! I can relate so well to both author/artist Sander and veterinarian Robbe as those always were my dream jobs ( with the artist bit now coming true a little ;) ) Them meeting in the exotic zoo setting, with all my favorite animals to draw and an emotional journey about to start - what’s not to love? The 2023 Skam Big Bang starts posting June 21st!
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prevalent-masters · 1 year
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The old Sander Driesen could not imagine war. He could not imagine death. He could not imagine this fight lasting longer than a few months, even as the Germans overwhelmed them, even as he loaded a gun with inexperienced, fumbling hands, even as he shot it over and over again, even as he watched men die around him and his city go up in flames. He could not imagine what would come as he walked through rain and mud with the remains of his division west to the IJzer. He could not imagine what would come even after that first true battle, sunk down in trenches for two weeks straight, peppered by machine gun fire and shrapnel, awake for days at a time and walking over, sitting on, tripping over, shitting on corpses–even then. Even then. The mind cannot wrap itself around such horrors. Sometimes, instead, it simply breaks apart.
AT LAST! I'm so excited to share the first two chapters of my Skam Big Bang fic, We Can Make No Anthem. It's a wtFOCK World War I AU and has been consuming my life for the past seven months. I hope you all enjoy it!
Thanks to @skambigbang for organizing, @jackfrostsander for answering all my questions, @wtfotteli for being the most amazing beta to ever beta, and @eirabach for the incredible artwork, including the title page you see here.
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jackfrostsander · 2 months
Happy 21:21 to chapter 2 of my fic "I’m trying hard to fit among your scheme of things..."
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Image credit: https://www.deviantart.com/evilrune
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WIP Titles Game
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Tagged by @holdingonforheaven so here's my current list of unfinished fanfiction projects!
Current Fic WIPs:
Summer of Bad Batch
Pieces Of The People We Love > Part 3 SECOND DRAFT > Part 4
Beach Days & Hair Braiding > Fairground Date > Laundry Day (planning document) Beach Days Notes
TBB Misc Notes
Adrenaline Crash Follow-Up
Abandoned Fic WIPs:
TBB visits a bar
Tee Fic Plan
HFW The Broken Sky
Tags if you want to play for @kybercrystals94 (Cadet Batch AU better be in there!) @wolveria @theproblemwithstardust @ninjadeathblade (is Compliance still going?)
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twelverriver · 8 months
ghost fic is finally here !!!!! get ur daily intake of sad post-dead reckoning fics <3 they get closure. OR DO THEY.
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romanceforransom · 1 year
hi caitlin i hope you are having a good almost summer :) i wanted to drop by to say i still miss your sobbe fics and it is time for a reread
Aww hi cutie!!! I'm actually having a great almost summer, I finished uni so I have a lot of time to focus on treating myself better haha
How are you doing??? Got any fun plans for summer? I hope you're having fun and most importantly finding the time to take care of yourself ❤️
Having an ask about my sobbe fics after all this time actually made me so happy you have no idea :') I'm really glad you like them enough to want to go and reread them!!! Tbh I miss them too, that era was such a fun time and the wtfock tag was (on the most part ajdj) such a sweet and enjoyable place to be a part of
Thank you so much for taking the time to send me this, it really made me smile!! Hope you're having a wonderful day/night, sending lots of hugs!! 🥰
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Fic Updated!
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Robbe and Sander’s final year at conservatory, and a skamverse cameo.
A Sobbe story by Beulaugh | Explicit | 5/12
Fic Summary:
Rival French Horn players, Robbe and Sander, meet when they are in high school and immediately dislike one another; however, at a summer music camp they learn that they don’t have to like one another to take advantage of the spark that ignites whenever they’re alone. Cue a years-long clandestine, secret…something. Can they call themselves fuck buddies if they’re not actually friends?
How do these two rival musicians weather their non-relationship as their lives interweave and change, as they make choices that take them far from one another? Is it only convenient, or is it something more?
Read Fic Here
Written for the @skambigbang 2024
Updating every Tuesday 📯
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dramaticaddicts · 2 years
I’m looking for a Christmas fic that was posted last year or maybe the year before but it was based off an ask prompt and it was absolutely amazing. It was a one shot and if I’m remembering right Robbe also worked at a coffee shop? Does anyone know where I might find it or remember who wrote it?
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ayellowcurtain · 1 year
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“You’re so cute.” Robbe adjusts himself on Sander´s lap, leaving a soft kiss on his eyelid, then the other one. He wraps his arms a little tighter around his boyfriend’s neck, smiling softly with his lips still so close to Sander’s face that he feels his eyebrow hair getting messy. Sander pulls him ever closer if that´s possible, with his hand wide open on the side of Robbe’s thigh, almost on his ass, keeping them in that comfortable position.
“That nap this afternoon was a bad idea,” Sander says in his ear, squeezing Robbe’s shirt on the small of his back.
“It wasn’t mine. But we don’t have college tomorrow, and we don’t have to wake up early, that’s what being on vacation means. Taking naps and being lazy.” Robbe runs his fingers through Sander´s bleached hair, watching as he sighs, resting his head back on the armchair, finally opening his eyes, and looking around. Nobody seems to care they’re at a loud party just sitting on the corner with little to no energy to do anything.
“That’s true.” Sander smiles softly, and Robbe can watch how it slowly becomes slightly mischievous, which should be Sander´s brand. “I got a surprise for you tomorrow.”
Sander nods his head, sitting up straight again, his hand slowly going inside Robbe’s shirt, caressing his back with his fingertips. “Yeah, so you have some packing to do tomorrow morning…”
“Packing? No fucking way!” Robbe sits up straight on Sander´s lap, curious because he knew absolutely nothing about needing to pack. Robbe is good at discovering surprises, and Sander is horrible at keeping them a secret.
“Maybe you don’t need to pack depends on how much you need to get out of bed in our surprise…I wouldn’t be against staying in bed though.”
Robbe tries to go back into his memories, trying to find any clue but Sander wraps his arm tightly around Robbe’s waist and stands up, helping him do the same, pressing himself against Robbe, leaving a soft but inviting kiss on his lips.
“Wanna go home?”
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annadriesen2121 · 1 year
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A Safe Place In All Universes
Chapter 1_The glass at the edge of the counter
Available on Ao3 Written by Viola_Player1 and Anna_Driesen2121
The Theory of Parallel Universes - Two stories, two couples, inexorably connected living parallel lives, their journeys as partners driven to finding their ways back to each other. Throughout the narrative we have identified the parallels in the fiction as you read along.
This piece was born for three forces coming together, visuals, challenge, and the beginning of an amazing friendship with 9,000 kilometers in between.
Finding a beautiful image of a DNA double helix, and the wonderful male nude pictures of John Singer Sargent. The challenge, “We could write something together! We can totally do this!” That was July 2022.
What followed were a few rewrites of entire sections; long video sessions that quickly became daily rituals; a Google sheet that kept us organized; learning how to code in HTML; Translations - we wrote in different languages; beta suggestions that reached nearly 1000 comments on one chapter; and endless falling back at the extraordinary group of writers and support that is the Bang’s Discord Channel skambigbang2023  None of it would be what it is without the aid and support of our fearless immediate circle, our betas wtfotteli and AlterLove2021, our Mod sobbeforever, and the amazing art pieces from yedinleaf. She crafted the beautiful pieces for this piece gifting this story with beautiful images.
But, nothing can replace the laughter, we have shared writing this fiction together for the past year. The best medicine anyone could ever have.
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skambigbang · 2 years
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To sign up, click on the following links to our Google Forms. You will receive a welcome email shortly along with an invite to our Discord Server to connect with the community.
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What is the SKAM Big Bang?
It is a fun fandom event where we combine our talents to celebrate and create new content for the SKAMverse. Writers write fics; betas provide writing support and proofread; and artists create artwork for the story. Then we begin posting everything on Ao3 over the summer, starting June 21, 2023.
If you're still on the fence about joining, don't hesitate to reach out to us here, on any of our social media platforms, or by email: [email protected]. We love cheerleading both new and experienced writers and artists and would be happy to support you in any way we can.
If you haven't already, please check out our 2023 FAQ and Rules as well as our 2023 Deadlines Schedule. We want this to be an amazing experience for everyone.
We are so excited, and we can't wait for you to join us.
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