#sobs i'm sorryyyyy
drowsydregon · 1 year
I remember you posted a picture with morro holding an iphone and it said something like "finally, iphone #" i dont remember the number 😭 but i need the image agian
i know which image you're talking abt anon, but unforunately i don't have that on hand qwq
closest i've got is this
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thelastsirenssong · 2 years
Y'all the Deku hit so hard tonight idk WHAT happened
It's the over thinking when he holds your hand. It's soft and small in his, his calloused and scarred hand- and he thinks, this is his life. Protecting and serving. And when you look into his eyes with a soft smile he's torn in half. Where would there be room, when would there be time, for this again? For your puffed laughter into the shell of his ear, for the small of your back pushed against his stomach as you dream? You say something full of love, and kindness, and patience, and he lets go of your hand, and smiles at you. He loves you, he loves you so much he could burst at the seams, he is a hero made into nothing but a freckled boy in your presence. He cannot be both. And you deserve for someone to be always be present, when you need them. He is a hero, lover to not one, but all. He lets go of your hand, and you look at him quizzically, while he sits next to you on your couch. He smiles at you, soft, and boyish, and Midoriya.
"I love you." You smile back, and he runs his hand behind you on the sofa cushion.
"I love you too." Deku, he reminds himself. You deserve more than Deku.
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whirling-fangs · 5 months
The girls have been excitedly preparing decorations all morning, hanging streamers from the walls, painting Inosuke's name in big letters with drawings of smiling pigs. Aoi's been in the kitchen cooking since early this morning with Kanao offering what help she could. And Shinobu had her own project. Kanae had always stressed the importance of birthdays, wanting to give the manor's residents any reason to celebrate. And Shinobu was trying her best to carry on the tradition.
"Happy Birthday, Inosuke," she chimes, smiling. "Aoi has a very special dinner planned tonight, I hope you enjoy it. But we should give her the room so everything can be set up. Would you mind coming with me in the mean time?" She gestures for him to follow.
Shinobu leads him out of the manor and into the spacious garden surrounding the building. There's a large shed in the back, near the side of the building where Shinobu's office resides. It's roomy but hasn't been used since a bad storm wrecked the roof. But in the past few months, Shinobu's had a builder come to repair it, reinforcing the roof and even adding a window into the side. All for one goal.
"Your behavior in the manor has gotten better. But sometimes you still cause trouble. I suppose it's because you're not used to such a place, I understand that. I know you like sleeping out in the wild but I prefer to know you're somewhere safe. So, maybe the solution is to have a place of your own."
She steps forward, opens the shed to reveal a small room lit by a lantern on the small side table in the corner. There's a bed, topped with a pile of fur blankets and pillows Shinobu managed to collect. A small chest, to store.. whatever it is Inosuke might collect. And on the wall hangs a rhinoceros beetle, pinned in a black case. It's from Shinobu's collection, one that reminds her of Inosuke. The way they both fight head first, with all their strength. It's a small space but it's cozy. And because it's not attached to the main house, it'll stay cooler while still protecting him from the elements. No need to go smashing windows for a chance at fresh air. Out here he can be loud, half tamed, and comfortable in his own space. Hopefully.
Shinobu looks to him and gestures him inside. "When you're injured or ill, I'd still like you to stay in the main house so it's easier to care for you. But... otherwise, you're free to stay here, if you'd like. But! There's a few rules," she looks at him sternly. "One, your sheets and blankets get washed regularly. You can do it yourself if you'd like but I won't have you attracting termites or ants, they'll hurt the building. Two, when you come here, you say hello to one of the girls or myself. If there's an emergency, I need to know you're out here. And three, if you break something, you'll help fix it. Can you follow these rules?" she softens a little, knowing this isn't a time for lecturing. Her smiles is back. "If you can, then this can be your space. I know it's not much, but I hope you can be comfortable here."
It wasn't an easy job to keep Inosuke out of everyone's way. He could sense that the mansion was abuzz with something, and his comrades had to use every last trick in their book to keep him from running back inside, and ruining the girls efforts.
When he was finally allowed inside, he discovered the scenery with eyes wide as saucers. Even the boar's dead irises seemed to shine with awe, while the boy underneath was reduced to an admirative silence.
He recognized his name amongst the characters, a finger pointing at each banner with a little gasp. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.
"They... they made all of this... for me?"
His voice was a choked whisper, betraying a very uncharacteristic softness. Or rather, one that he didn't like to show.
He was almost too distracted by the idea of a meal to keep listening. When Shinobu beckoned him outside, Inosuke followed with a quick nod, wondering whether his heart could handle any more of those surprises. He already felt all soft and mushy inside, dammit!!
"I'm not causing trouble! I just don't like having to sleep in a room full of people! I can't breathe in there! It's stuffy and too full of... people! "
He spoke with great motions, his hands freezing in mid-air as Shinobu opened the door to the shed. Inosuke had been so engrossed in his descriptions that he had almost forgotten why he was following her in the first place.
His eyes trailed across the room, taking in every detail. The quiet of it all, the furs laid out on the bed, the large beetle on the wall. Locked away from his grubby hands, so he wouldn't be tempted to snack on it, he figured. And the large box, where he would put the gloves that Shinobu once gave him, along with his precious stash of shiny acorns.
Four walls and a roof. To a regular person, it might seem like the bare minimum, but it was a luxury that Inosuke had rarely been able to afford.
And the space between them was all to himself.
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He was utterly speechless. Time had crawled to a stop, as his mind slowly unraveled the implications of this. Shinobu had created a space for him. She had tailored it to his knees, taken time out of her schedule to set it up, and offered him a piece of her turf.
It was the kindest thing that anyone had ever done for him.
His eyes filled with tears before he even knew it. He thanked the Lord of the mountain for keeping his features hidden, as he gave a little nod to her instructions. He would treat this hideout with great respect, aware that while it was his to use, it ultimately remained part of Shinobu's domain. She had entrusted him with it, and he wouldn't let her down.
"It's... it's perfect." He finally whispered, trying to keep his voice from cracking. "I'll make sure to... to say hi when I'm here. And maybe... you can come over with everyone to share a meal."
She might be wise to politely decline that invitation, unless raw fish seasoned with grass was to her liking.
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fallowtail · 1 year
i try not to let it get to me but the knowledge i am always going to be The Stupid One in every situation i’m in just…really, really sucks. sigh. oh well. i stay silly :3c
#cant even blame it on being audhd because everyone else i know who is#is smart and talented and their brains work alright 😭 i'm just stupid and incapable#i feel like i’m the only person out there who does not get to experience any of the benefits or joys of these things#for me it is nothing but brain damage and endless suffering with no brightside or intelligence or anything#but then everyone tells me i’m the bad guy because if there was a magic button that would make me not audhd i would click it immediately#like why am i wrong for not wanting to suffer#everyone else seems to have a special interest or a fixation and they can remember information about those things but i...dont. i can't. LO#i do not experience the autistic joy everyone else talks about. i dont have the adhd focusing on what you like superpowers or whatever#my autism made me barely pass highschool and i couldnt handle community college and i had to drop out and i can barely handle having#an entry level job that everyone patronizes me about#i'm barely verbal and i am losing my ability to function to brainfog and everyone around me treats me like i'm their little pet idiot#but wanting to change that about myself makes me evil and bad or something i guess#sorry to whine on tumblr like the good old days but twitter is sick of my shit LOL 😭#pmdd making me spiral worse than usual#one of those times where i'm realizing that if everyone else experiences these things totally different from me than maybe that was never#what was wrong with me in the first place lol. maybe i dont have an explanation and i'm back to being 10 15 19 24 sobbing wondering why im#like this. why i'm so stupid. not even in a self hating way in a legitimately proven way that i am functioning below average intelligence.#ok im done sorryyyyy god i forgot how good tumblr is to vent on#z
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jymwahuwu · 15 days
JQSJAKKqkakaiajaja I'm sorryyyyy but imagine capitano having u in mating press, pounding hardly and quickly inside u as u hiccup and go dumb. bro breaks when all u could say to him were soft, sobbing 'i love you's and gets wee bit possessive 😋
Captain may not sob 🫣😚🤔 He is more stoic in my opinion.
Capitano's endurance is probably quite outstanding. He can command and lead troops in battle and is known for his strength. Captain actually had no idea that people didn't usually do it for that long… thinking it was the normal. Hours passed. You are still being violently ravaged and pumped by the cock in the mating press. His thick thighs pressed against you, balls slapping against your twitching walls. Whether you're a little upset/flustered/shocked or not, your mind is cluttered beyond the pleasure of experiencing…
You're whimpering, looking mindless and pathetic, but the words you're saying are soft and gentle, caring about him… none of that will slow down the cock pump though. Captain is really touched. He caressed your cheek and kissed you, and assured you of his undying devotion.
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collabwithmyself · 2 months
It's after cake and singing and gifts that Akiko shuffles up to Hito and asks him to step into the next room. His brow furrows as he follows, away from Jackie and the kids.
"Is everything okay?" His voice is soft, worried.
"Yeah, fine, I just." They reach for their neck, fidgeting with the end of their kerchief, the way they used to do with their locket. "I just... need to give you your present."
Hito tilts his head a little, breaking into a smile. "Oh, sweetheart--"
"Listen. Don't- you can't turn it down. Because I've been working on it and hyping myself up for it and I'll be pissed if that went to waste."
"Okay, okay," Hito giggles, "I won't!"
Akiko takes a deep breath. They shut their eyes. They ball their hands into fists, then release.
Then... they open their arms.
Hito blinks. "...buh?"
"Come here, dumbass," they mutter. Their face is starting to darken in a blush.
It clicks, and his eyes go wide. "Wait, you- Kiki--!"
"Just get it over with!"
Hito chokes on something between a laugh and a sob, and steps into his child's embrace. They flinch, slightly, and he almost pulls away, but they wrap their arms around him.
"Hey, if you're not feeling--"
"I know how consent works, Dad," they snort, tucking their chin over his shoulder. "Relax."
He sways gently with them for a moment, relishing their warmth. He can feel the way their chest presses against his when they breathe. They smell like potting soil and sweat, and it's wonderful.
"Thank you, sweetheart," he breathes. "I love you."
Akiko hesitates. "...you did alright, old man."
Hito whines and squeezes, and Akiko makes a strangled noise. "Okay lemme go--!"
He immediately steps back, guiltily throwing up his hands. "Sorry!"
"I'm fine." Akiko huffs and shakes out their arms, then cracks a weak smile. "Knew you were gonna do that, sappy old..."
"Sorryyyyy!" Hito's tone takes on a teasing lilt. "I love you!"
"I know. Happy birthday."
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sunwoowrites · 1 year
Just In The way.
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angst, comfort
lee minho
Part 2
I've been having a really rough day. Three assignments due. Shitty professors at campus. People that bump into me, causing the hot coffee in hand to spill all over me. Yeah fuck you Le Shauna watch where you're going next time. The only thing I've been looking forward to was movie night with Minho.
Our monthly movie shesh. I have hardly spoken to him this week and I really miss him. I picked up my phone dialing his number. "Minn!! Hiiii" I said excitedly over the phone. "wassup." I smiled. "Did you already forget movie night?" I heard shuffling over the phone. "no I haven't I was on my way there actually." I laughed. "Okay see you soon then." He hummed. "I'll bring snacks on the way. See ya soon." I head a clang and frowned.
"Who was that?" I heard Jisungs voice over the phone. Minho's roommate. He is really funny. He has the most crackhead energy. Love him. "Y/n." I heard Minho sigh and groan. "Today was movie night." He didn't cut the call. Dumbass. I held in my laughter. So he did forget.
"Seriously?" Jisung shouted. "Again! Its always her. Bro at this point you're gunna be single for the rest of your life because she has no other friends." Minho groaned. "We planned this for every month. Its my fault I forgot." Jisung huffed. "Bro no. You could just tell her you have a date you know. She was so oblivious to your feelings, she shouldn't mind you going on a date now that you're over her."
"Sung, I know but I don't wanna tell her I forgot we had something planned and was going on a date dude." Jisung sighed. "You're just being overly considerate right now. She's just getting in the way of your happiness. You're so much more happy when she's not-" I cut the call. I don't wanna hear it. I'll just...I'll tell him something came up, or that my sisters coming over.
Hey min.
My sister is suddenly coming over so have to cancel. Sorryyyyy we can do it another time. You choose the date alright. Love ya! 💕
I tried to sound as normal as possible but all i felt was hurt. How could I have not noticed that he liked me. Damn I would have dated the life out of him. I have feelings for him too. But if he's gotten over me and I'm in the way of his happiness then I should take a step back. A big step back. I mean he's still my best friend. I don't want him to be unhappy because of me. A tear slipped down my cheek.
I put my phone down and leaned back against the couch. The two mugs of hot chocolate on the table in front of me and the movie waiting to be played. I choked out a sob, hiding my face in my palms before breaking down. Was he just faking his happiness all this time? was I just a heavy weight on his shoulders? I feel like such an idiot.
I switched the T.V off after letting out my emotions through snot and salty tears. I grabbed the two mugs and poured them down the drain before going to my bedroom. I pulled the warm comforter over me and sighed. Can't believe I'm losing my best friend just because I'm that stupid and blind.
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starwrittenfates · 4 months
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𝐌𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐏𝐫𝐞-𝐕𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐦
Note: These are just my headcanons for Astarion's life Pre-Cazador and Pre-Vampirism. While obviously Astarion can't remember anything about his previous life (thanks to all the trauma Cazador gave him), I still think it's important to explore and something that will at the very least be vaguely reflected in my portrayal of him. WARNINGS for graphic and trigger warning things because...it's well...Astarion.
Going by the fact everything happening in Bg3 is taking place during the year of 1492 DR, and the fact Astarion mentions being trapped with Cazador for two centuries (and not to forget Astarion's grave reads he died at age 39), that means our spawn is at least 239 years old and was at least born sometime in 1229 DR (or close to it.) The Forgotten Realms Wiki for Astarion says he was turned by Cazador in 1268 DR.
Looking past his mask and going by his true personality (and just a tiny bit of his physical appearance), I think Astarion is not only a High Elf, but his subrace is a Moon Elf. The Moon Elves were known to be "the most impulsive of the elven races with a strong distaste for complacency or isolation. Moon elves longed to be on the road, traveling and exploring the untamed wilderness that lay between cities and nations. This extroverted quality was part of the reason why moon elves got along uncommonly well with other races. Moon elves, rather than feeling that interaction outside of their race diminished or weakened them, believed that interacting with other races, humans in particular, was the best way to spread the values of the Tel-quessir races, thereby strengthening their culture." And with the fact Astarion comes off as an ENTP to me...this fits perfectly.
Now as for his physical appearance, Moon Elves were known to have Black, blue, or silvery white hair color. As for the eyes, green or blue with golden flecks. Now, obviously he doesn't know what his original eye color was. I actually like how that's an option to ask him about in the game, but I think they were originally blue before they became red due to vampirism. (As for the way Moon Elves were known for wearing their hair, you can't tell me he didn't at least have a ponytail long ago.)
Astarion's parents were from Evereska, where he was also born. Eventually, because of Moon Elves not being one known to settle down for too long, his parents decided to go to Baldur's Gate.
Despite only being in his 30's (still considered a kid by elven years, who only considered you an adult at 100+), Astarion wanted to prove himself capable enough to be an adult anyway and after much persuasion, his father got him a job as a Magistrate.
He would sometimes make some unjust rulings, but one in particular was what set him in the sights to be attacked by an angry group of Gurs who didn't like it at the age of 39. They left him beaten and for dead until Cazador Szarr took his opportunity and "rescued" Astarion in the nick of time, bitting him and turning him into his spawn. However, in order to become a vampire spawn, you can't just get bitten by a true vampire, you have to be buried first too.
Astarion's parents were heartbroken and devastated from the death of their only child. In the game, Astarion mentions how he woke up in his coffin and had to punch a hole through it, and claw his way through six feet of dirt before being met by Cazador, who was waiting for him and how from that day on he was his. With this knowledge, I believe it was Astarion's parents who paid for his funeral services, which makes it even more sad. (I'M SORRYYYYY. I"M SOBBING TOO)
Because of this, his parents moved away from Baldur's Gate, not wanting to be reminded of the incident and moved to Evermeet before eventually passing away at the normal elven lifespan (350-750 years.)
And because of the fact that Astarion became undead at age 39, that means Astarion is his child elven name, not his adult elven name, which makes sense since Astarion means = Little Star.
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I really wanna be apart of the Ramshackler PFP squad with you, Boy, and his url so bad but there only Maggot left and I'm not a Maggot and I wanna implode and cry and sob and
im sorryyyyy :(
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n3hmof1sh · 8 days
I'll redo it someday
Sketchbook is kinda shit and I'm not proud of that pfp TvT
ITS FINE DW!!!!!!!!
Its temporary anyway 😈 😈/silly/j/j/nf
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sug4r-sp1c3 · 1 year
May I request general dating hcs for Paul and patryck (Seperatly) from eddsworld? 💅
Paul makes me go on simp mode..
(btw, since patryck apperiances in the show where just REWARDS that the REAL patryck had for donating, i'll use the FANON patryck[the one that is used on Fanfics, comics, fan-stuff, etc.]
Paul and Patryck Dating HC!
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he's an idiot and a dummy, thats for sure
well now he's all that x73404938 JUST BECAUSE OF YOU
he will probably try to end his work at the army sooner just to see you
or if you are with him well, basically beg to the red leader to put you in missions or stuffy like that with him
he would try to hide the smell of cigarrette's
speaking about try
he would try to get you flowers or tiny stuff!
or even if he saw something shiny around the army he would pick it up and if its like a ring he would give it to you!
and if this isn't enough to you to be sure that that boy haves something with you..
after some monts!(or even a year i could say) he wil ask you out!
in his own way ofc
the current dates would be(in the case that you aren't in the army), a night dinner or just movie nights! or things like that
if you ARE in the army. The dates would be just walking around the place, going to some places to practice, or even just have a lunch together!
[just imaginated him and you on the army's like caffeteria. in a normal table but with a red blanket, like if you both where in a restaurant, hehe]
probably when he gets you flowers they would be kinda dead or even with some petals falling
and he isn't proud of it
he murmures a sorry as he insists that he will get you something better
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feeling like this bitch would deny all at the start
"i'm not doing it i'm not-"
he keeps saying until he realizes he has been doing tiny things for you..
for example: you both are in the army? he holds you doors and tells the leader to not worry about you and basically speaks good abt you
or when you pass he stares at you, not creepy, just with a tiny shine(and it isn't until Paul tells him that if he's paying attention or when you leaved)
he would start with tiny things
shinning things that he finds, flowers, coffee.
until he forces himself to ask you out
or well try
he would try to insunuate that he is in love with you like sometimes being there when you don't even need him, trying to go out in missions(if you are in the army ofc)
he's there if you are hurt
or when you are hurt he finds an excuse to go and visit you!(and brings some flowers, or even sends, but. lets keep that as a secret)
he tries to be serious or un-expressive around you
but probably fails miserably
You would have to make the first move if you both want to be something..bc it would take him like...4 dating months
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[this isn't mine! it was made by fnafhs-aesthetics ! if you are a fan of FHS and want a banner or an icon go and check their profile!]
sorry if they are any spell mistakes english isn't my original lenguage!(its Spanish lolz)
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luxdraconia · 1 month
I'm. I'm blowing up your pancakes with my mind /nsrs/silly
That was a little bit scary! But I'm glad y'all are back. I hope you feel better soon o7 (iirc someone said you were sick and that always sucks 😔)
Oh and if I don't use enough tone tags lemme know; I tend to keep them light though I've recently began overusing /silly like it's /lh :sob:
IM SORRYYYYY and yeah we’re. most likely sick. bc our body temp keeps getting up to low grade fever levels and That Isn’t Good soooo. yeah lmao
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yuliangs · 2 months
hey! just wondering if you had thai bl recs? you seem like you have good taste :)
idk about having good taste but thank youuu 😭 actually this is the most perfect ask you could have sent cuz I was about to make a post about my favorite bls ajdgdjhdjsawq
ok so you might have already seen some or most of these lol but these are my picks. yeah this got a bit long so short version here long version under the cut
i told sunset about you
not me
bad buddy
my school president
the eclipse
until we meet again
i told sunset about you - first things first this probably doesn't even belong on this list because it is just on an entirely different level. it's a coming of age drama with incredible writing amazing actors and gorgeous cinematography. and I actually feel bad for not having watched it sooner but it was just so gut destroying to me personally so yeah highly highlyyyy recommend
not me - actually the first thai bl I ever saw and boy did it change the entire game for me. one of my ultimate faves. gun atthaphan is one of my fav actors and this is probably my favorite performance of his. action thriller romance. social commentary. twins. first kanaphan breakout role. putting each other in comas as a love language. it's great
bad buddy - there's a reason it's so popular ok it's that good. funny lighthearted but still the occasional punch in the gut. great performances. romance peaked. forced rivals secret lovers. whoever falls in love first loses. milklove debut. just trust me
my school president - soooo cute <3 i'm a sucker for geminifourth and they really shined in this one. funnyyy cute sweet romantic. mark pakin is there. i also really liked the boys' relationships with their parents. very pleasant. nothing too serious.
the eclipse - whew. damn where do i start. um firstkhao excellence. acting their asses out there without even a fucking boom mic to catch their sobs. um invented romance. you can be weak....at least with me. The Curse™. all-boys school mystery. gay repression. neo trai you will always be famous. truly enjoyed this one mostly for the romance but the plot was very interesting as well.
until we meet again - legally i have to rec this one. doomed lovers meet a tragic end but find each other again after being reincarnated. they have the chance to finally be happy together if they can beat the ghosts of their former lives. best bl of 2019. pharm the hydrogen bomb of bl protagonists. fluke natouch i love youuu. earth katsamonnat the ICON. i really just love this one
moonlight chicken is also very good. some other shows that i also enjoyed are triage (very cool plot), theory of love (offgun my beloveds), he's coming to me (boy x ghost also chimon <3 is there), and manner of death (i vaguely remember liking this one). if you want to have a laugh/like torturing yourself like i do i have an entire different list but pit babe is a show. that exists. and was fun to watch.
if you'll allow me to throw in some non-thai bls i have to rec semantic error <33333 and love for love's sake (korean). jbls could be an entire post for themselves though i haven't seen many but cherry magic and kieta hatsukoi are a must.
if you've already seen these im sorryyyyy. if you want to enable me further i could make a list of my most hated bls too. my blog is a safe space for haterism forever <333
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hella1975 · 1 year
IM ONE OF YOUR MUTUALS I HOPE YOU RECOGNIZE MY WAY OF TEXT CUZ I WANNA SHARE W YOU HOW TAMS URSA/ZUKO MAKES ME FEEL WITHOUT PUBLICLY EMBARRASSINGLY TALKING ABT MY LIFE. LMAO. BUT ALSO UGHHHH IS THIS PARASOCIAL??? let me know I will back the fuck off. anyways. idk if you have plans to mention Ursa more for tams but like the stuff that was done will HAUNT ME. Like, azulas reactions to her mother remind me of my sibling and zuko was me, sibling was so angry with my mother for what she did to us and their fights got nasty and I guess I reacted like. a child. Idk how else to say it I think I was just a child with a sibling I wanted close even though we'd fight just as bad and a mother I wanted to take care of me. Instead I took care of my mother a lot, it often came to me to convince her to leave her bed. When ursa asked zuko to her room /"my precious boy" scene, I... SOBBED, because my mother did that to me and zukos joy and shyness was literally me. Like my mother's good days were incredibly incredibly few and far between and they were fickle but I always remembered them specifically, I would get giddy with her and it'd feel like change and when it wasn't I became depressed. My sibling became more angry and distrustful from them, they were much smarter like azula while my high hopes kept crashing. I just really want to say that because I resonate SO DEEPLY, with tams ursas story actually soooo so acutely and the only way I can really say that is by explaining how real they feel to me. I left stuff out cuz uhhhhhh this is already really intimate and I feel bad I'm doing this as anon JJDNWKE 😭 SORRYYYYY SORRY. I love tams and actually for real that ursa shits stuck with me ever since I read it <3 im haunted. thank you
'idk if you have plans to mention Ursa more for tams' she is literally one of the main characters imo like the impact she has on zuko and azula is topped only by the impact they have on each other. i consciously write the fire sibs around the images of themselves they have in their head CREATED BY URSA. azula sees herself as cold, calculated and inhumane and her entire arc sees her grappling with that image; all things ursa viewed her as. zuko sees himself as the protector to honour his mother's last words to him, but he's haunted by the gentle, scared boy his mother loved so much. it literally punctuates their entire character arcs and becomes huge as tams goes on. reading your ask is just so heartaching, because it really is so so similar to tams (and that's actually going to increase as we go so be wary of that). no child should have the world dumped on their shoulders even by hands trying very hard to be gentle. i hope you can acknowledge that you were a child and your behaviour would have reflected that. if not, at the very least i hope you find ways to make sense of it as tams goes on x
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spookyserenades · 4 months
The at the end of chapter 17 just broke me 🥲
Like...just why *sob*
But seriously, I absolutely adore your writing✨️✨️, and I'm waiting impatiently for the next chapter
EE but thank you so much 💜💜 I'm gonna start my little outline for 18 tonight! 😩❤️
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pastelwitchling · 10 months
Oh my god you ripped my heart out with that chapter of Rearview Town 😭😭😭 I know you’ll fix it but for now I’m sobbing 😭😭
I'm sorryyyyy
but also yaaaaaaay I made someone cry 😂😊💕
Hey. Trust me, okay? Everything's going to be fiiiiiiine 😌
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