#sobs moar
dancingafterdark · 4 months
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crummi lil’ radiostatic doodles in my sketchbook for the soul how tf is fuckass bob-wearing deerboi the EASIER of the two for me to draw, me being incapable of drawing a square feels illegal—
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ruinationz · 11 months
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my part for an art trade with the bestie ( aka @fyoliars !! ) . shoutout to robogirls
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sandiegokpop · 7 months
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kuraikyu · 1 year
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theood · 1 year
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impactedfates · 11 months
Okay I have this idea but yes yes anyway [might be long I'm so sorry]
So basically Wanderer practically joined Traveller to journey out to the last 3 regions of Teyvat. But but bUUUUT right now they're at Fontaine and doing some stuff [aka the current available quests]
Once he and the Traveller are taking a massive break over things, him checking out some places to hang out when he saw someone— another puppet, basically
When he approached them, surprise its his younger sibling [aka reader], and they still remember him despite the Irminsul incident one region ago
How would the interaction go from there? I want moar genshin-sibling-platonicness help
— 🫶🏻 Anon with another gift! A Neuvilette An otter with some things! 🦦🐚🪸🪷
W.C: 1237
Genre/Trope: Platonic + Familial
Format: Fic
Warnings: None (I think?)
Extra: Traveller Lumine because she needs more love, also I prefer Traveller Lumine ngl // Scaras a mean but caring older brother // Reader is a young adult // Sorry if this wasn't as long as you hoped, I haven't done any of the side quests in Fontaine :sob: willing to write a pt 2 though // I did not proof read this, I relied solely on my proofreader
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Just Like Me - Platonic Scaramouche x Sibling! Reader
“Ahhh…it feels so good to relax”
Lumine sighed tiredly as she plopped herself on a bench. Scaramouche raised an eyebrow at the blonde and rolled his eyes as he stared at the traveller practically melting onto the bench. Paimon doing the same.
“You two are tired already? It’s only 12pm”
“AND we’ve been doing commissions and helping others since MIDNIGHT”
Lumine countered, now laying atop of the bench like it was the most comfiest bed in the world, Paimon nodded in agreement, going to fly over and lay down too but was knocked back a bit by Lumine.
“Go away Paimon…all you did was float around…”
“Hey!! Paimon makes great emotional support”
And all Lumine could respond with was a tired yet sarcastic ‘sure you are’. Scara watched the scene unfold in front of him and shook his head a bit. Perhaps it was because he was a puppet and didn’t get tired as fast as regular humans, but he wanted to continue their mission in Fontaine before they went to the next 2 nations.
He sat on the ground next to the blonde and after half an hour he was bored once again. Groaning a bit as he tipped his head back.
“When are we continuing our little ‘adventure’?”
“If you’re so up for it, you can go explore…look for people to help or ideally…a place to better relax and/or a place to dump Paimon”
“Hey! What’s with you and leaving me alone”
Scara shook his head as the two travelling companions began to playfully bicker, deciding to take the proposal Lumine suggested, he stood up again and began walking around Fontaine for a place to hang out or just someone in trouble. If he’d actually help them? He didn’t know either.
Scara covered his ears at the sudden loud screech, turning to the source of the sound, he saw someone being cornered by some guys, eyes narrowing a bit he quietly walked over.
“Just give us the mora, and we’ll be on our way”
“I’ve told you, I don’t have it. Nor do I have any debt to even be paid”
“Debt or not, we want the money”
Scara rolled his eyes, classical treasure hoarders. Using his vision he floated above them and slashed some anemo at them, pushing them to the ground. The person he saved looked up and tilted their head.
The treasure hoarders attempted to get up but the person quickly slashed them down with geo, knocking them fully unconscious.
“If you had a vision yourself, you should’ve used it”
Scara said, floating down and crossing his arms at the person who just shrugged.
“I was going too, until you came here. Are you a god or something?”
“Ha, could’ve been if my mom hadn’t betrayed me”
He mumbled under his breath, earning a confused look as the person didn’t know what he said. Quickly coughing into a fist he extended his hand.
“You can call me Wanderer, nice to meet you”
“Oh right, I’m [Name]”
They replied, a bit hesitant, taking his hand and shaking it. A bit quickly realising that the hand they shook didn’t feel the same as the others. And as creepy as it sounds, a puppet's hand is quite different to a human's hand.
Both Scara and [Name] looked at eachother, realising that well, both their hands felt like a puppets one.
“A puppet?”
“Seems so, wow I never met another puppet before”
“Don’t get used to it”
[Name] laughed a bit, before eyeing Scara up and down. Something about him felt familiar…perhaps too familiar. Before long they were pretty much staring and Scara was glaring at them as no words had been spoken during this time.
“Ah, sorry…but…Kuni?”
Scaras eyes widened at the name before narrowing again.
“How do you know that name?”
“My mom told me about Kunikuzushi or well…Kuni…he’s my older brother…well I see him as well, I’m not sure what my mom thinks”
“Older…brother…? Wait wait…you’re telling me your mother is Raiden Ei AND that you remember that?”
“Yes and yes…why is there a problem?”
Scara shook his head, this was quite the surprise for him. He had a younger sibling and they remembered him? Or the stories anyways. Thinking for a bit he decided to explain to [Name] about the incident with the ____ Tree.
Before long, he was walking them back to where he last left Lumine.
“Wow, so you erased yourself from this tree and now history has forgotten about you? Like you never existed”
“For the nth time…y e s”
“Sorry not sorry. But that’s just so cool”
[Name] explained, laughing a bit at their brother's tired look from explaining why he’s been pretty much deleted from history. Lumine was up by now and no longer bickering with Paimon, rather she was talking to someone with a smile. A smile that both Scara and [Name] recognised as a fake one.
“I’ll get right on that…yes yes bye”
Traveller waved off the Fontainian and as soon as they were out of sight their smiles dropped and buried their heads in their heads, proceeding to silently scream in them as Paimon attempted to comfort her.
“What have I told you about accepting everyone's request”
“...Not to do it”
��And you did it anyways”
Scara sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose but he had no bad feelings towards Lumine. He knew it could be hard to refuse after being known as such a helpful adventurer.
“Oh! It’s the famous traveller! Hello!”
A voice called out, Lumine turned her head to look at Scara and noticed [Name] raising a brow. Before either Lumine or Paimon could answer, Scara quickly explained.
“Wow so…Ei really made a 3rd puppet?”
“I believe they’re older then the Shogun puppet Paimon”
Lumine answered before turning back to [Name], holding her hand out for them to shake which they happily did. Scara rolled his eyes a bit at the interaction but shrugged it off. Not like it’s bad or anything.
“Hey! Since you two seem to want to hang out together, how about you join the commission Traveller just got?”
“Oh! That would be ni-”
Scara interrupted, coughing into his fist before looking at [Name] who stared back with a slight pout and a raised brow. Lumine and Paimon sighed a bit, they both internally knew that this was going to be awhile.
And it was! The pair had to listen to the two of them argue about [Name] joining the commission, and as harsh as Scaras words were to try to dissuade [Name] to join, Lumine could tell he just wanted to keep them safe. Unfortunately for Scara, he had been following Lumine to the commission area so…whether he liked it or not, looks like [Name] is joining.
He simply grumbled under his breath as he reluctantly grabbed his siblings arm and began dragging them around as Lumine started the commissions. If he couldn’t stop them from joining, the least he could do was protect them right?
That’s what siblings are for…and they’re also for
They’re also there to have silly arguments with after a long day of commissions, reminding both Paimon and Lumine what they must look like when they argue. Lumine simply laughed at their antics as she sipped her drink. (You wish that was you huh?)
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If you want a pt 2 where I probably (hopefully) write Scara and [Name]s sibling dynamic better, please comment! I'll make one as soon as I finish my current requests :>>
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onbearfeet · 1 year
So today my student, who is working on learning to write fight scenes, turned in a fight scene that was extremely technically competent but had no character whatsoever. Four interchangeable heroes shooting bad guys. I asked him what fight scenes in media he had used for reference.
One of them was the Cap-Batroc fight from CATWS. Nine years after that movie came out, and I do not fault his taste.
But also I saw that movie either 17 or 18 times in theaters (I was going through it, okay?) and I was NOT gonna let this opportunity pass unremarked.
Me: Okay. So imagine you're the writer on this movie. Why do you put that fight scene in at that point?
Him: IDK. It's cool?
Me: It definitely is, but so was Black Widow's fight like two minutes before it. They've hit their cool-fight minimum. They're not setting up French Guy to come back later. So why burn the time?
Him: ... it's REALLY cool?
Me: OK. What's the coolest part?
Him: (essentially summarizes the "on va voir" moment)
Me: Good eye! That's a great moment for Steve's character. Do you remember the first thing you saw him doing in the first Cap movie, after trying to enlist?
Him: The fight in the alley!
Me: YEAH! And do you think that was his first alley fight?
Him: No, he told the girl all the other places he got beat up!
Me (dying inside): Yeah, he told AGENT CARTER all about that! And his friend BUCKY knew to look for him in the alley, not the theater, so you know it happened a lot.
Him: I didn't even notice that.
Me: Okay, so when French Guy trash-talks him, he's like, "I zought you were moar zan just a shield," and what does Steve do?
Him: He takes his helmet off?
Me: Yeah. Why is that?
Him: To make it fair?
Me: He's still got superpowers. But the movie is reminding you of something AND setting something up. When have you seen him fighting without a helmet before?
Him: The alley!
Me: Right! Steve is an angry little shit from Brooklyn who either likes fighting or at least doesn't mind it, and taking his helmet off makes it more like old times for him. And before that, he clips his shield on his back. He puts it away properly. Now, when do you see him fight without his shield and helmet LATER in the movie?
Him: ... the end. With Bucky.
Me: RIGHT!!! And there, he takes off his helmet, drops his shield out of an aircraft, and says, "I don't wanna fight you." And because you KNOW from that first scene that fighting is nostalgic and kinda fun for him, you know he's serious. It heightens the impact of the fight with Bucky. Bucky’s the one guy he DOESN'T wanna fight, but he HAS to. Was that fight kind of an emotional moment for you?
Him: ...yeah.
Me: No shame, dude, I heard grown men sobbing in the movie theater in 2014. But you see how setting up that "normal" fight makes the grand finale even bigger?
Me: Got an idea?
Him: Okay, so these characters were all best friends when they were kids, and now--
Sometimes I get things right.
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Which of your dogs do you think is the best faceclaim for Cranberry? Lol
🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮 (moar doggo)
So I based her entirely off Cassy, EXCEPT in my brain because she lives in California, Cranberry doesn't have snow nose. If you'll notice, Cassy's nose has lost colouring. This is a normal condition in Goldens where the blood vessels retreat due to the cold. Cranberry's nose would remain black.
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63 for Cranberry!:
“I killed Cranberry!” He sobs into his hands. “She’s going to die and you’re going to hate me forever!”
Buck’s heart cracks right there inside his chest. He rests a hand on Christopher’s back and starts rubbing big, soothing circles. 
“That’s not going to happen,” he promises. “I don’t think Cranberry is going to die. But, e-even if she did, Christopher, I wouldn’t hate you. I could never hate you.”
“You’re mad at me!” 
Buck considers how to respond to this. He is obviously mad. There’s no point denying that, is there?
“Yeah. I am angry with you,” Buck admits. “I’m angry you’d give Cranberry medicine without asking me first, or open the medicine at all. That’s dangerous. But just because I’m mad, doesn’t mean I hate you.”
Chris looks up a little, not totally meeting Buck’s eyes, but not hiding, either. 
“I’m sorry,” he says. “I wanted to make her feel better.”
“I know you didn’t mean to hurt her,” Buck says. “But it can’t happen again, okay?”
“It won’t,” Chris promises. “I promise, Buck. I’m sorry.”
“I know you’re sorry,” Buck says. “I forgive you, Chris.”
“You do?”
“‘Course I do.” Buck tells him. “Listen, Chris… I know I’m not your dad. And we’ve had to adjust a lot living together these past months. But I love you, kiddo. No matter what, even if we make mistakes or get angry with each other.”
Chris twists and throws his arms around Buck. The action takes him by surprise. Buck returns the hug, squeezing Chris softly.
“It’s okay, bud,” Buck says, still rubbing his back. 
“I love you, too, Buck,” Chris mumbles. 
Not even half an hour later, the vet tech brings Cranberry back out. This time, Chris comes out of the car to hear the verdict. 
“She’s going to be just fine,” the vet tech says. “We induced vomiting, gave some IV fluids to flush her system, and we think we’ve avoided any major concerns.”
“Thank you so much,” Buck exhales. The relief is so palpable he feels his legs shaking. “Seriously, thank you!”
“No more Tylenol, okay boys?” The vet tech points a stern look in Chris’ direction. 
“I promise,” Chris mutters sheepishly. 
“Let’s get her home,” Buck says, lifting Cranberry. 
He is more than ready to put this whole thing behind them. 
He obviously has to tell Eddie. He doesn’t want to narc on Chris, but it’s not the sort of incident to let slide. 
“He already feels bad enough, though, and we already talked,” Buck tells Eddie over FaceTime later that night. “So I don’t think he needs a proper punishment or anything.”
“Jesus, Buck. I am so sorry.” Eddie rubs his temples. “How much did the vet trip cost? I’ll send you the money, okay?” 
“Eddie, no. Come on. I’m not going to make you do that.”
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suzukiblu · 5 months
because you have posted more of it, I have now reread the entire pregant Kon fic
I noticed a thing-- Kon was trying so hard not to cry, before he told Clark he was trans. He'll cry when Clark can't see him being pathetic. And then when Clark accepts him, promises to support him... Kon feels safe enough to sob on him.
I think making Kon cry is, like, a fic goal of mine in a lot of these WIPs these days. Or like, just making whoever the POV character is cry, maybe. Sad-cry, catharsis-cry, feel-safe-enough-to-cry . . . all the cries!! MOAR CRIES!!!!
( . . . possibly I need to examine my current emotional state, hahawhoops. )
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gothghostiie · 5 months
Moar pet owner Wesker angsty horny goodness for y’all
The adjustment period after he takes his pet’s voice is BRUTAL. It keeps forgetting it can’t speak anymore and then when it tries, it remembers, and starts sobbing all over again. He has to keep it near to him all the time to make sure it doesn’t completely break down :(
Slowly he weans his pet back off the constant attention though, he has work to do after all. Maybe he rewards it for its behavior somehow, he has to make sure the poor thing isn’t having too horrible a time :((((
poor pet :(((
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anna-hawk · 6 months
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schmem14 · 1 year
 5 Underrated HP Ships (+ Recs!)
@lumosatnight thanks for the tag! I love this! Read Lani’s list HERE
1. Hermione Granger/Remus Lupin
I know what you’re thinking, didn’t Remus make this mistake with Tonks already? And what about Sirius?? (I HC Wolfstar for sure) BUT If Remus were attracted to women, I think that this age gap ship makes more sense than Remadora. I think it has a lovely, erudite feel to it. Hermione needs someone who will challenge her, and Remus needs someone to ground him when he gets insecure (as we know he does.)
Those Who Can, Teach by @inlovewithforever (E, 12.4 k)  Sixty Minutes by @mightbewriting (E, 5.4 k) 
2. Draco Malfoy/Neville Longbottom
This is such a NICHE ship that embodies one of my favourite dynamics--the Slytherin/Hufflepuff relationship. I know Neville is not a Hufflepuff, but he has a lot of those personality traits. He’s soft, thoughtful, and quietly assertive. He’s a good-natured teddy bear who won’t necessarily let you walk all over him but is honest and forgiving in the purest way. Enter post-War Draco, made surly and self-deprecating by his downfall. He’s jagged around the edges, unwilling to accept love willingly. He just needs someone to coax him out of his prickly shell. 
The Ugly Duckling and the Peacock by @vukovich (E, 12.3 k) All This and Heaven, Too by meansgirl (E, 103.7 k)
3. Pansy Parkinson/Percy Weasley
A HOT combination. I almost don’t know how to describe these two. Neither get a lot of love in canon because they’re both intense people in unpleasant ways, but when they’re older and a bit wiser, these traits make them the ultimate power couple. Pansy likes to get under Percy’s skin, and Percy loves playing mind games. These two are also the ones I most picture having a forbidden romance (yes, there’s a rec for that!) Also, Percy is totally a Slytherin in lion’s clothing. That was an incorrect house placement for sure. 
Mile End by @pacific-rimbaud (E, 8.3 k) The Secretary by @pacific-rimbaud (E, 45.9 k)
4. Pansy Parkinson/Luna Lovegood
This ship took me by surprise during the Rare Pair Fest last year, and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since. I see Pansy as someone who is boxed in by expectations, repressed pain, and fear. Luna is the opposite. She’s free-spirited, otherworldly, and she feels everything with her whole soul open to it. It’s a beautiful pairing with lots of healing potential. 
Landlocked, Oceanbound by @nanneramma (T, 7.4 k)
5. Draco Malfoy/Ronald Weasley
Don’t slam the breaks just yet, and hear me out. These two are so dynamic that this ship could go ANY WAY YOU WANT. Throw Harry in there, and you have some peak tension and jealousy and love triangle perfection. Maybe a humbled Draco finding that Ron is actually quite lovely? Or, Draco composing an entire song titled Weasley is our King (the Drarry obsession potential could indeed to extended to include Ron)? Or, forced proximity homoerotic hate fest? OMG, I am all in. Bisexual Ron is one of my new favourite HC’s, so I’m adding as a sub-pairing that Draco/Ron/Hermione is surprisingly delicious. I read this one brilliant fic and then sobbed because I want MOAR of them and it doesn’t exist. 
A Weasel in the Hamptons (has a sequel!) by @peachpety (E, 15.4 k) The Evergreen Game (this is THE Draco/Ron/Hermione that made me go feral) by imaginarium_imperfecta (E, 57.2 k)
Tagging @vukovich, @nanneramma, @the-francakes, @mugsdontlie, @holygnocchi, @broomsticks to do your own list if you’re feeling inspired <3
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thecultoflove · 3 months
I STILL HAVE FREETIMEEEEE here’s moar goobers 4 youu (lucid is so sheep-core the night-sky color palette got to me) snork mimimi
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juiceboxscans · 10 months
Sobbing, yawning, eating leftovers.
Heyyyyy Raise family! It's the weekend. Finally. Whether it's another epic Fri-yay! or you celebrated People Getting Together and Eating Lots of Carbs Day yesterday and are leaning into Native American Heritage Day today, or maybe you’re getting the jump on your holiday shopping, we hope you're doing well. (´• ω •`) ♡
Reminder: Konishi is on hiatus so there is no new Japanese chapter this month! The next Japanese chapter will be released around Christmas and our version will go up January 15th, 2024 when we're back from our holiday travels and celebrations. We appreciate your patience!
More reminder: If you're collecting the licensed English physicals/digitals, Volume 6 will be available on that big site we all use, or your local bookseller/chain bookstore, on January 16th, 2024.
Mentioning this because it has one of the best covers. In case you needed to be reminded of how hot these two are. ☆*:.。.( ̄﹃ ̄)
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Meanwhile back at JBS HQ: We're chillin' like villains and chatting with our new member, Boudicea, who has mad skills. She did a great job updating CH37.1, which included several Twitter sketches Konishi made in 2021 featuring Shouma. Poor sweet boy has a shitty memory. Riiiiip Morisaki-san. (*ノωノ)
One more month to go until the new chapter!
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ikoarts · 8 months
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April 2023 Art
a month without digital art!!!!! wow!!!!
vvv dates + info under the cut vvv
1 - 01/04/2023 : the murder mystery sonic game thingy came out, uh, probably april 1st, i wanted to draw Toni in Rouge's fit :)
2-5 - 14-15/04/2023 : was drawing past 1am here.. oo hard lad... sum Robins, was figuring out his design again, both pre and post escape (dramatic), also some koopaz coz they were on my mind
6, 7, 8 - 16/04/2023 : Pumpkin in his gamer fit, a random Cheryl, and a doodle of Iggy n Lemmy which i love, like why are they like that
9-13 - 19-20/04/2024 : ig i was doing a lot of nightly drawing, i will just stop mentioning it now x ,, moar Lemmies, Caspians which i love, and another Shape Japer hehe..... weirdgirl...
14-17 - 20-21/04/2023 : some more Maeda doodles, Robin wiv da gun, one of my fave doodles of the year i think, then him with his little sisters, and an Amelia bc i wanted to see how id draw her now, aaand lastly, a Toni which im in love with.. like madam......... blushes and sobs furiously on the floor
18, 19 - 24/04/2023 : a lammy aaand a link, i wanted to draw lammy with some kinda wacky expression, i think i delivered x ,, 2nd is Link i think in the mario movie version of peach's wedding dress, i thought it was funny, like yea go save the world in that gayboy
20-24 - 24-25/04/2023 : sum blood..... and a nice one of Robin getting his hair cut by Raven :) a Cheryl being a girlboss (fucking horrible in every way), a Noah which i love.. little gamer boy thinks only of sans... and a little classic lemmy. what is he doing
25 - 26/04/2023 : a lemmy i looove, i love the pose and his expression and so on, if theres 1 thing id change it would just be his eyebrows, just like swap them over coz it makes more sense with his expression, but other than that, slay?
26, 27 - 27/04/2023 : Heidi n Caspian, tbh ik theyd be besties.. i rly like this Heidi, shes so.... u kno..... also i like to imagine Cass turns his life around and starts working at a bakery, he discovers a hidden skill :) bad boys changing for the better and being gentle despite their hard exterior >>>>
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somer-writes · 4 months
Hi! i´m the same anon of the wip ask...is this the list you were talking? it's from the wip game post.
pestilence > side stories
treasure hunter au > idk my bff jill
modern au > shadlink; time meets twi (breeze from the south); wolves
vampires i guess > wild does things with confusion
panic baby panic
uh oh spaghettio/oof ouchie my bones
moar puppo
high school au > intros; beginnings
ghost hunter au
alt timeline > intros (twilight prince)
angy griefy poutine
sick boy (signs & symptoms)
jas recovery
collabs :D > sibling rivalry
yes! sorry anon!
jas recovery has been FIGHTING ME as have all creative endeavors that aren't building houses in sims 4
The veteran drew in a tight breath as Twilight leaned his damp head into Legend’s chest docilely. Legend pushed his fingers into Twilight’s hair in a few even pets. Twilight closed his eyes, savoring the gentle touch. His body anticipated pain. Shocks of horrible, frightening pain. The sort he could never imagine, the kind his brain refused to recall even as he dwelled on it. All Twilight knew was danger and misery and the taste of cigarettes and salt in his mouth and those gruff fingers on his tongue–
Legend startled as the wet rancher grabbed him in a hug. Twilight hid his face in the veteran’s chest, shuddering through a few sobs. Legend frowned. It wasn’t a request for comfort, it was a pitiful display of apology.
lol "comfort"
so much angst is prepped for this fic. locked and loaded to do more bad things to my loveliest of blorbos without laying a single finger on him <3
the horrors persist
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