#social listening tools
quickmetrix · 9 months
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How protect your brand's reputation
With the power of social media and online reviews, information spreads rapidly, making it essential for businesses to safeguard their reputation. This article will guide you through effective strategies to protect and enhance your brand's reputation, ensuring that it remains untarnished in the eyes of your customers and the public.
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starksmarketingllc · 11 months
Social Media Crisis Management: Handling Negative Feedback and PR
In the era of social media, businesses face the challenge of managing their online reputation effectively. Negative feedback, customer complaints, and public relations crises can escalate quickly on social platforms, impacting brand perception and customer trust. Social media crisis management is essential for safeguarding your brand’s reputation and maintaining a positive image. By handling…
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1koboafrica · 2 years
Understanding  Social Listening, Its Importance, and 10 Tools to Make it Easier
Understanding  Social Listening, Its Importance, and 10 Tools to Make it Easier
Introduction Social media is a fast-paced, ever-changing platform and to keep track of what is happening you need social listening tools. It’s also one of the best ways to reach customers, build relationships, and drive sales. But with so much going on, it can be difficult to keep track of all your brand mentions. That could mean missing out on opportunities for engagement or even damage…
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ezsale · 2 years
Social listening được biết đến là một công cụ mà bất kỳ marketer nào cũng đều biết đến đặc biệt là những ai làm chuyên về mảng social media. Vậy chính xác social listening là gì? Vai trò nó mang lại cho doanh nghiệp là gì? Nên sử dụng những công cụ nào để đạt hiệu quả công việc cao nhất? Hãy cùng EZSale tìm hiểu mọi thông tin qua bài viết dưới đây
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pesteringchum · 2 years
i think a lot about if jade would ever have been able to live a normal life.
had the kids never played sburb, what would’ve happened to jade? does she have citizenship anywhere? does she have a passport? does she have a birth certificate? if she ever got off the island, does she have any proof at all that she exists?
if she doesn’t and can’t get any, would she just stay on her island? would she die there, without ever being near a human other than her grandfather? would she die there, a distant memory of her childhood friends, who’ve long since grown up and joined society and no longer had time for her? would it be as if she’d never existed at all?
if she does get off the island and is able to join human society, would she even like it?
she grew up alone, aside from bec. she’s smart and curious, so she probably would want to go to university so she could do research. would she be able to live in a city packed with people people people and bricks and concrete and air pollution? would she learn that her social battery is a lot shorter than she thought, that the concrete and brick is colder than she thought, that even the air is more foreign to her lungs than she thought it would be? would she feel suffocated?
she grew up with bec constantly by her side, but many places dont allow dogs. would she feel separation anxiety? would she feel more alone than she ever thought possible, amidst more people she ever experienced in all years of her life combined?
would she return to her island? would she die there, lonely again but content but hungry for something she can’t stand? would she be remembered by her peers and professors? or would they, too, with time, forget her? would it be like she’d never left the island at all? would it be as if she’d never existed at all?
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launh · 1 month
Oh my god I don't have good and fancy words for it but I'm so tired of the fucking polarisation spiral. The whole 'those people and these people and their stupid barbaric selfish people and our good intelligent kind people'. The fucking separation of it all - "I won't do politics unless that guy stops being a politician, I don't want to play until the playing field is fair, I don't want to vote until those people stop voting". Oh my god!! Who do you think has the power to make the playing field fair!!! That's you baby!!! Are you really truly any better than 'those people' who stereotype and judge others? Of course you can disagree with someone, of course you can dislike a politician and their views and of course you can dislike it when someone agrees with those views. And of course you can dislike spending time with a group of people because of their views! But dismissing an entire group of people as barbaric and stupid and not worth your time and even subhuman (?!) because of their views? Be serious. How will that ever fucking help. Do you think separating the good people from the bad people has ever resulted in anything good at all ever? You know what helps? Talking to each other. Finding common ground. Good, you both like baking. Good, you both live on the same street. Good, you both like the name Ruth. Or fucking whatever. And then go from there. Try to maybe listen and understand each other for once. I'm not talking about forgiving people who plan on taking away your human rights or who would rather see you dead. Obviously. I'm not saying you should find the nearest 'bad person' and befriend them. Obviously. But take a good look at yourself pleasseeeeee. What do you mean 'bad person'? If you believe hatred is taught, have you ever caught yourself believing in the innate evil of a trump supporter, have you ever considered them beyond saving? If you believe empathy is human, have you ever checked if your thoughts still mean the same, does "i hate men" still carry the same value, do you still look at men the same way you did before you started saying that? Do you catch yourself stripping away hobbies and feelings and meaningful relationships from 'those' people, do you consider yourself above them? Do you praise and celebrate when people change for the better or do you hold on to what they used to do and put all your focus on what they still need to learn? A homophobe might meet a gay man and consider him one of the good ones, and that's a good start. That's not the end but it's a good fucking start. If your politics are in-group/out-group politics you are not helping and you do not have the interest of your fellow people at heart. If your beliefs have pushed you to the point you hate a certain group so much you think it's better if they're dead? I'm asking you to think about that a little, okay? Maybe go outside. Talk to people. Jesus christ.
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rotationalsymmetry · 8 months
Ok, you know what? I do 100% agree with the complainer there.
There is a widespread genuine belief that health is largely under people's individual control and if you're not healthy it's because you're Doing Something Wrong. (This is an ableist belief.) Not everyone who shares posts about things people can do to help with their personal health believes that, but it's also not obvious to anyone who doesn't see into anyone else's brain that people posting or reblogging that sort of thing DON'T believe that and logically, some people posting/reblogging are doing so BECAUSE they believe that nobody will be sick for long if everyone just does the right thing.
There is especially a predominant culture on the mental health recovery/positivity regions of tumblr that recovery is possible for anybody and that a positive attitude is a necessary and helpful condition for recovery.
3 this bleeds over into victim blaming really easily and is hella discouraging for people who don't have a realistic prospect of recovery (or think they don't) including I gotta say for people who have non-mental health shit that they don't expect to recover from and it's annoying as hell. And you know what? I've had lifelong mental health issues and while they're overall better than they have been in the past, that doesn't mean I've "recovered" it means I've learned how to live with my fucked up brain better. In spite of the fact that I keep running into assholes who assume if I'm looking for more mental health resources I must be "at the start of my journey" ffs and this is ableist. The idea that people will get better quickly, inevitably, within a short period of time after they first start trying is ablist and just not based in reality.
4. there is also a culture that makes it almost impossible to talk about this -- have a dialog about this -- without being dismissed as being overly negative, having poor reading comprehension, or being told well of course this didn't mean you therefor your complaint is invalid and meaningless.
5. there may be a case to be made about when it is and isn't appropriate to disagree with other people's posts on social media, especially when you're not mutuals or otherwise some foundation of trust and basically liking each other. But nobody ime ever talks about it in these terms. They say "bad reading comprehension" (also ableist btw, some people actually do have poor reading comprehension mostly related to either difficulties with accessing education or medical conditions/disabilities that they don't control, and don't expect to see an improvement in that any time soon, and could use some patience and understanding around that and not "you suck for having bad reading comprehension (and by implication just aren't trying hard enough to be abled)" and yeah I get nobody really thinks that the people they're accusing of "bad reading comprehension" can't help it but even if that is the case there's a lot of collateral damage here) and argue that the responses are INCORRECT, factually and/or morally, not that whether the response is right or not it's impolite. This is not a useful fault analysis because people generally don't say things that they think are factually or morally incorrect. so the message that comes across is "you can call someone ableist or whatever if other people think you're right, but not if they think you're wrong" which kind of implies that the nature of oppression can accurately be arrived at by sort of polling what most people think? Which is clearly not correct.
treat people like people dammit.
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curiosity-killed · 1 year
Not to be like a crotchety old grandpa waving my cane at middle school hooligans but I do wish (especially) young, very online queer folks would take a sec to learn a little more about like political movements and social change
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dany36 · 4 months
i'm watching a podcast talking about one of the most famous missing persons cases and they have the sister of this missing person as a guest. at the beginning she was talking about how, after 20 years of her sister's disappearance, she made a podcast with the help of another true crime victim in hopes of getting people to keep talking about her sister's case and also to like see if any new leads will pop up (and also to dispel a lot of the false information that has been spread throughout the years). and she said that yes, thanks to her putting out this podcast, they've had at least two new reliable leads come because of it. and she seemed so pleasantly surprised when she said this, because why wouldn't she be happy that at least something new has come out of it!
like yes, there are A LOT of scummy and terrible true crime youtubers/podcasters AND consumers out there but there's also some that do try to help the victims and spread awareness in the most respectful possible way and idk i just keep thinking about that one post i saw on tumblr a while back dissing on people that consume this type of content. i've heard of at least two other cases of people doing podcasts on missing people that have actually helped solve cases or bring new information to light, so while you DO have to be careful on which youtuber/podcaster you do listen that just doesn't treat it as some sick source of entertainment and YES those types of people are absolutely disgusting and shouldn't be supported and should actually be denounced for it, there are also podcasters out there who are trying to make a difference in these cases and help in any way they can.
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darthvaporwave · 1 year
old man yells at cloud but i do actually hate texting as a means of connecting to people because it’s not good for long involved conversations; the whole setup is just for bytes of information you’re both just half paying attention to
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starsailorstories · 2 years
At this point everyone’s probably put this together from various stories but I haven’t posted the stories chronologically so in case anyone thought her coldest strictest phase holds steady by the time of vol. 2 I want to be absolutely clear: DT calls everybody’s shares of the town’s supplies “rations” to give the illusion that it’s all sparing and bureaucratic; it super is not. She will give you extra if she’s worried about you. She will claim something is impossible to swing and then get it anyhow, swearing about what a bad idea it is the entire time. If you ask she will call this ‘clerical error’ but everybody knows DT a. doesn’t make mistakes and b. wuvs them they just don’t say it because she’s like ‘disgusting. i don’t have feelings. i’m trying to Objectively Fix society. how dare you.’ 
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confeusa · 11 days
Social Listening Tool
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Our goal is to simplify and enhance social media management while incorporating AI (Artificial Intelligence) to support business growth and streamline their workflow.We aspire to become the ultimate solution for social media management, eliminating the need for businesses to juggle multiple tools. With our dedicated team and intelligent AI agents, we're committed to supporting businesses at every stage of their journey.
Social Listening Tool
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simplifysol · 20 days
How to Choose the Right Social Media Listening Tool for Your Business?
In today’s digital age, social media has become the heartbeat of modern communication, where brands and consumers engage in real-time conversations that shape perceptions and drive business outcomes. To stay ahead in this dynamic landscape, businesses must harness the power of social media listening tools. These powerful platforms enable organizations to monitor, analyze, and respond to online discussions about their brand, competitors, and industry trends. However, with a myriad of social media listening tools and social media monitoring tools available, selecting the most suitable one for your business can be a daunting task. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the key considerations to help you choose the right social media listening tool that aligns with your unique business objectives and empowers you to make data-driven decisions.
1. Clearly Define Your Social Media Listening Goals
The first step in selecting a social media listening tool is to clearly define your goals and objectives. Ask yourself:
What do you aim to achieve with social media listening?
Are you looking to monitor brand mentions, sentiment, and reputation?
Do you want to identify influential voices and potential brand advocates?
Are you interested in tracking industry trends, emerging topics, and competitor activities?
Do you need to enhance customer service and support through social media?
By clearly articulating your goals, you can narrow down your search and identify the features and functionalities that are most important to your business.
2. Evaluate Data Sources and Coverage
Social media listening tools gather data from a wide range of sources, including:
Major social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.)
Blogs, forums, and online communities
News websites, media outlets, and industry publications
Review platforms, rating sites, and e-commerce channels
Consider the data sources that are most relevant to your industry and target audience. Assess the tool’s ability to collect data from these sources and the depth of coverage it provides. Look for tools that offer a comprehensive view of the social media landscape and can adapt to emerging platforms and trends.
3. Analyze Features and Capabilities
Social media listening tools offer a variety of features and capabilities. Evaluate the tools based on the following criteria:
Real-time monitoring and alerts
Advanced sentiment analysis and topic modeling
Influencer identification and audience segmentation
Customizable dashboards and reporting
Integration with other marketing tools and platforms
Multilingual support and global coverage
Prioritize the features that align with your business objectives and ensure that the tool can provide actionable insights and data-driven decision support.
4. Consider Scalability and Flexibility
As your business grows and evolves, your social media listening needs may change. Look for tools that offer:
Scalability to handle increasing data volumes and user traffic
Flexibility to adapt to new data sources and platforms
Customization options to tailor the tool to your specific requirements
Mobile accessibility for on-the-go monitoring and analysis
5. Assess Pricing and Support
Pricing and support are crucial factors to consider when selecting a social media listening tool. Evaluate the pricing models, including per-user, per-feature, or enterprise-wide plans. Look for tools that offer:
Transparent and flexible pricing structures
Free trials or demos to test the tool’s functionality
Comprehensive customer support, including phone, email, and chat options
Educational resources and training materials to help you maximize the tool’s potential
6. Prioritize User Experience and Collaboration
The success of your social media listening efforts depends on the ease of use and collaboration capabilities of the tool. Look for tools with:
Intuitive and user-friendly interfaces
Customizable workflows and alerts
Seamless collaboration features for team members
Reporting and presentation tools to share insights with stakeholders
Choosing the right social media listening tool is a strategic decision that can significantly impact your ability to monitor, analyze, and respond to online conversations about your brand. By considering the factors outlined in this guide, including goals, data sources, features, scalability, pricing, and user experience, you can navigate the landscape of social media listening tools and select the one that best fits your business needs. Remember, effective social media listening is an ongoing process that requires continuous evaluation, adaptation, and collaboration across your organization. By embracing the power of social media listening tools, you can unlock valuable insights, drive business growth, and stay ahead in the ever-evolving digital landscape.
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In this infographic you will learn more about social media listening.
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itsbeginningtostart · 3 months
A roommate got bitchy at me bc I've like. Spoken to the host several times. And why wouldn't I because I'm the newest here and I need to know what is happening? Anyway I told her this basically and asked why she doesn't just like. Talk to them on her own?? She then went on a rant about this imaginary ranking system I didn't see in the rules and it was never mentioned at all while I was here. That bc they are the host they are on the top step and she is is a few steps down so "talking up" is disrespectful. I later literally flipped through the booklet after this conversation and it was not there. Not even remotely.
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quickmetrix · 7 months
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Top 10 Point Checklist for Effective Social Media Analytics
Define Goals and Objectives: Clearly outline your social media goals and objectives. Whether it's increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, or boosting engagement, having defined goals will guide your analytics efforts. Identify Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):
Determine the specific metrics that align with your goals. KPIs could include likes, shares, comments, click-through rates, conversion rates, and follower growth. Choose metrics that directly reflect the success of your social media strategy.
Use Analytics Tools: Utilize social media analytics tools provided by platforms (e.g., Facebook Insights, Twitter Analytics) and third-party tools (e.g., Google Analytics, Hootsuite, Buffer). These tools offer in-depth insights into audience behavior, engagement, and content performance. Track Audience Demographics:
Understand your audience by analyzing demographics such as age, gender, location, and interests. This information helps tailor your content to better resonate with your target audience.
Monitor Engagement Metrics: Regularly track metrics related to engagement, such as likes, shares, comments, and retweets. High engagement indicates that your content is resonating with your audience.
Evaluate Reach and Impressions: Measure the reach and impressions of your posts to assess how far your content is spreading. This provides insights into the effectiveness of your social media campaigns in terms of visibility.
Analyze Content Performance: Evaluate the performance of different types of content (images, videos, links) and identify trends. Determine which content resonates best with your audience and adjust your content strategy accordingly.
Monitor Conversion Metrics: If applicable, track conversion metrics to assess the impact of your social media efforts on business goals. This may include website clicks, form submissions, or product purchases.
Competitor Analysis: Conduct regular analyses of your competitors' social media performance. Identify strategies that are working well for them and assess how your brand compares. This can provide valuable insights for refining your own approach.
Generate Reports and Insights: Compile regular reports summarizing key analytics data. Use these reports to identify trends, successes, and areas for improvement. Reporting helps in making data-driven decisions for optimizing your social media strategy.
Remember, social media analytics is an iterative process. Regularly review and refine your strategy based on the insights gained from analytics data to continually improve your social media presence and achieve your business objectives.
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