#sodium chlorite mms
grompf3 · 7 months
Appel à l'aide d'une docteure espagnole : vous vous y connaissez en eau de Javel ?
Je viens de l'apprendre en traînant sur l'ex-Oiseau Bleu : la Dre Nadiya Popel a besoin de vous.
Je cite :
"APPEL : Pour des chimistes qui s'y connaissent en CDS (dioxyde de chlore), Diméthylsulfoxyde (DMSO), Peroxyde d'hydrogène. C'est pour aider à se défendre lors du procès. Veuillez contacter la Dre Nadiya Popel par Telegram. Merci."
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La Dre Nadiya Popel ?
Elle a fait l'objet de pas mal d'article dans la presse espagnole. Mais j'ai trouvé un article en français, remontant au mois de septembre :
Alors pour être tout-à-fait exact, elle ne soignait pas avec de l'eau de Javel. C'est presque pire. Elle soignait, notamment, avec du Chlorite de Sodium, une sorte de détergent industriel utilisé pour désinfecter l'eau des piscines, et à qui certains charlatans attribuent des vertus miraculeuses en le rebaptisant "MMS".
Le MMS bénéficie, hélas, d'une forte popularité en Espagne et en Amérique Latine chez les amateurs de "médecine alternative".
Je vous avait déjà parlé de cette toubib :
Alors on peut rigoler quand on lit qu'elle soignait des mycoses vaginales avec son eau de Javel. Mais essayez d'imaginer sérieusement la situation. Et dites vous qu'avec ses divers remèdes miracles (il n'y a pas que le fameux "MMS") elle est allé jusqu'à traiter des patients atteints du cancer.
Cette dame se retrouve donc au tribunal pour un délit contre la santé publique. Elle ne regrette rien. Elle fustige la "médecine officielle"...
...et elle appelle donc à l'aide. Si vous vous y connaissez en eau de Javel et autres remèdes miracles, vous êtes donc priés de la contacter sur Telegram, afin de l'aider à argumenter sur les bienfaits de ses remèdes devant le Tribunal de Port Mahon (Île de Minorque).
Comme le résume un de ses sympathisants (devrait-on dire "fidèles") aux portes du tribunal :
"Nous sommes ici pour soutenir pacifiquement le Dr Nadia Popel pour son grand courage et son effort pour transmettre la vérité sur ce qui se passe, sur les vaccins. Aujourd'hui, nous savons tout sur ces vaccins. C'est une lutte du bien contre le mal, de la lumière contre les ténèbres. Nous sommes face à l'apocalypse."
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Alors ?
Y'a personne parmi vous qui s'y connaisse en dioxyde de chlore et qui pourrait aller témoigner des bienfaits de ce produit face à un juge baléare ?
Pour conclure, je précise que cette accusation de délit contre la santé publique n'est pas le seul procès qui implique la Dre N Popel. Elle a d'autres procédures en cours.
Notamment parce qu'elle a porté plainte contre la section locale de l'ordre des médecins espagnol ("Colegio de médicos") qui l'avait sanctionnée et suspendue pour ses pratiques charlatanesques.
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cleanplusonlinetn · 2 years
Sodium Chlorite Solution
All of your water purification problems can be solved by using our services. In addition to purifying water for drinking, they can also be used to sterilize water for other purposes, such as brushing one's teeth or washing one's produce.
Chlorine Dioxide Solution, which is very similar to the WPS Kit Water Purification Solution, is what we sell in the form of WPS drops and WPS capsules. Both are equally effective as WPS Kit in eliminating infectious agents such viruses, bacteria, and parasites. CDS, on the other hand, is always on and weaker than the WPS toolkit.
Please be aware that in addition to "MMS," the Miracle Mineral Solution (or Miracle Mineral Supplement) has a few other names.
Sodium chlorite solutions of varying strengths are available from us. We have the answer to the problem of how to clean up your water supply. Water used for brushing one's teeth and taking showers is effectively disinfected by our sodium chlorite solutions. Accept nothing but the very best!
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thewynne · 3 years
Guess who spent the last half hour reporting an Etsy shop for selling homemade drinking bleach
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starseedpatriot · 3 years
Remember when Trump told everyone to drink bleach? That was the msm at its finest. In fact, he was pointing us to Chlorine Dioxide(CLO2). See, CLO2 is a cheap, safe and powerful life saving medicine. It’s been around for 100 years. It’s used for water purification. It’s used in the food and beverage industry extensively. [They]cannot ban it, so they are smearing it by calling it bleach.
If you are like me you heard about Chlorine Dioxide before. I was like meh. I don’t love the name, how great can it be? I already have lots of other medicine. Chlorine?
Listen up- Chlorine Dioxide(CLO2) is the med beds!! I’m not joking. It’s a miracle mineral that solves all diseases that has been proven already. It’s all documented and I’ll provide the links you need to see the proof. It is not bleach, it’s actually much closer to table salt by comparison.
Table salt is sodium chloride
CLO2 is made from sodium chlorite
CLO2 is a gas that is created when the sodium chlorite mixes with an acid
CLO2 is a highly selective oxidizer(important)
It’s a gas that remains effective across a wide ph range
CLO2 does not form chlorinated organics like bleach does
After the CLO2 does its job and oxidizes things the left over chloride will bond with minerals to form simple salts(super safe for the body)
CLO2 oxidizes the protein coating (skin)of bacteria and viruses to kill them.
CLO2 is like a laser guided missile system. It locates it’s target by acidity and electric charge. That’s how it purifies water and that’s how it cleans the body of pathogens.
It’s an oxidizer like oxygen, but it’s weaker so it leaves your body alone, it only affects foreign pathogens. It surrounds pathogens and electrically rips them apart by stealing electrons
Cancer and all other diseases cannot grow in an oxygen rich environment. Most people know this. The problem is how to get the body super oxygenated. The solution is CLO2. That’s why it’s called the solution to all diseases.
Millions of people have been cured of horrible diseases world wide over the last 25 years. It has successful cure list a mile long with video testimonials. Cancer, Aids, Malaria, Arthritis, Lyme disease, Herpes, Autism, MRSA, and Diabetes to name just a few of the conditions completely healed with the protocols. Suffice to say, you should watch these tutorials, buy some, learn how to use it and become a life saving hero. 1/3
Introduction to MMS in 11 minutes
The Science | The Truth About Chlorine Dioxide
All - MMS Testimonials - Master Mineral Solution, Miracle Mineral Solution
Home - Jim Humble | MMS | Master Mineral Solution | Miracle Mineral Solution | JIMHUMBLE.CO
MMS Documentary Quantum Leap - Full Length
👇Follow here to join the Natural Health Army where we uncover real solutions daily
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xlxcktrx · 4 years
i’m gonna do this since i’ve been tagged. i can’t speak portuguese but i can understand it, so i’m gonna translate to english if someone wants to do it too!
obrigada @b-army013 por me marcar [thank you @b-army013 for tagging me!]
17 perguntas 17 pessoas [17 questions 17 people]
apelido [nickname]: sora, but it isn’t my real name! i liked to be called like that because i don’t like my real name.
zodiaco [zodiac sign]: i’m aquarius! 
altura [height]: 158 cm,i’m short!
última coisa que pesquisei no google [last thing i searched on google]: mms, a very dangerous chemical product [basically a mix of sodium chlorite and citric acid] which some people try to sell as a cure for incurable diseases including autism, AIDS or schizophrenia. they even lied about it curing COVID-19 which is totally false since yes it may destroy the virus but it destroys our own cells too so it kills us too at the same time and the benefits aren’t bigger than the inconveniences of consuming it. please do not consume this guys.
música que ficou na cabeça [a song i have stuck in my head]: your eyes tell, by bts! check it out if you want, it’s really beautiful.
número de seguidores [number of followers]: 9! i appreciate everyone who follows me, i don’t know if my followers read what i post [i’m so thankful if anyone reads me!] but i read everything they post!
quantidade de sono [amount of sleep]: about 6 hours a day in my daily life! on vacation i can either sleep 11 hours or 4, since i distract myself at night mostly reading or watching videos.
numero da sorte [lucky number]: 13 and 7!
trabalho dos sonhos [dream job]: i really want to be a nurse or a doctor! i like better studying medicine, but my sis told me that nursing fits me better since i like to be close with people and i like to help them.
vestindo [you’re wearing]: a black crop top and a pair of black shorts. flip flops on my feet! 
música favorita [favorite music]: i like every music genre! before i used to listen only to metal and rock, but now i like to listen to everything! i still listen metal and rock but i like to listen rap and some pop. i also listen a little bit of jazz! and any music from the 80s and 90s since my sis listens to it very frequently, so i like it too ;)
ruído animal preferido [favorite animal sound]: cats purring and goldfinches singing!
estética(s) [i’m not sure about this one but i guess it’s like clothing style]: well, i’m changing my style! but i’m versatile, so i like to wear different styles. i used to wear only black clothes but now i’m adding colours to my daily outfits! but, i’m fact, i have a very simple style since most of my t-shits are plain colors or with just a sentence in it. like i don’t wear shirts or any clothes with patterns.
autor favorito [favorite writer]: edgar allan poe! i really like his stories a lot! the tell-tale heart is my fave story! since english isn’t my mother tongue i didn’t read them in that language, but i’m planning to do it since i’m now fluent than i was when i discovered it.
aleatório [something random about you]: i’m very indecisive! i tend to struggle a lot when i have to make a decision, even if it isn’t important. another random fact about me is that i always see the glass half full! being optimistic is my daily life. and i’m also very resilient! i know bad things are gonna happen to me, but i have the strength to overcome each and every of them! [and you do too! you can overcome everything you want!]
eu vou marcar [i’m gonna tag]: tag yourself. feel free to do this if you want! i’ll be reading! ;)
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phroyd · 5 years
Parents are making their children drink industrial bleach to “cure” them of autism, with the potentially deadly practice traced back to a cult in the United States.
According to the British tabloid Sunday People, six British police forces probed cases in which children as young as 2 years old were forced to undergo the potentially lethal treatment.
The remedy being administered is CD (chloride dioxide)—or MMS (“miracle mineral solution”)—with a secret Facebook group touting its use to desperate parents in the United Kingdom.
The method was promoted by a controversial U.S. church with a branch in Los Angeles: the mysterious Genesis II Church, founded by Jim Humble, a former scientologist.
A 2016 investigation by Eyewitness News and ABC News found an underground network clustered in Southern California and promoting MMS on Facebook as a cure for ailments including cancer, Parkinson’s and autism in children.
The previous year, the BBC exposed a clandestine conference in which leading figures from the church traveled to the U.K. to promote the use of MMS, which it claims is a non-dangerous religious sacrament.
They believed autism was caused by pathogens and parasites, which chloride dioxide kills. Doctors said claims of adherents were groundless and the solution was untested and could cause serious harm.
The treatment includes two chemicals, sodium chlorite and hydrochloric acid, which combine to make bleach. It is sold to be used orally or as an enema.
Proponents recommend mixing it with fruit juice, but medical experts warned that doing so caused the solution to acidify and produce chlorine dioxide, a potentially lethal bleach used to strip textiles.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration warned that the product “used as directed, produces an industrial bleach that can cause serious harm to health.” It is banned in Canada.
The British Food Standards Authority warned against the use of MMS and said it could cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, reduced blood pressure or damage the gut or cause respiratory failure.
There has been one death linked to MMS and several cases of those taking it reporting serious health problems.
However, the substance remains available to purchase on the internet.
Dr. Jeff Foster warned of the potentially deadly consequences of using MMS.
“Autism is a neurodevelopmental disease which is not amenable to any form of tablet treatment. It’s developed in the womb or early stages of life. You can’t just reverse it, and anyone claiming that does not understand the condition,” he told Sunday People.
“When you have very extreme measures like this to ‘cure’ a condition, it’s just a roulette game,” Dr. Foster said.
These insane religious mentally ill people need to  be  put away, spayed,  and have their  children taken from  them!
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Miracle Mineral Solution
MMS-Supplements provides the best Miracle Mineral Solution. It is the industrial bleach that is made by mixing sodium chlorite solution with an acid.
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tumanina · 2 years
Jim Humble’s MMS 1
The book MMS Health Recovery Guidebook, First Edition (2016) by Jim Humble with Cari Lloyd, came to my attention some time in 2019 possibly. I did not read it then. The book came to my attention again on 24 May 2022. This time I read it. I joined Telegram groups (testimonials and videos), I surfed the website https://jimhumble.co/ and watched a documentary (The Universal Antidonte by an unrevealed reporter). I also read what was too shared with me,  Forbidden Health by Andreas Ludwig Kalcker.
What caught my attention in May 2022 was that I was hearing it from someone who had tested it on themselves, their children, their wife, and their parents. And that specifically had taken it to address Arthritis in the fingers, and that it was successful (I cannot state whether in stopping it or reversing it, am always careful to not get carried away) - a condition a family member has too, and that I care to help where possible.
That person\s wife had taken it before a decision to go to the hospital when COVID symptoms increased at home, no hospital visit ensued or was the story that the visit to the hospital was made and that the drops were taken anyway and symptoms reduced. either way.
June 13, 2022 I was ill, and it was clear it could be of those tested positive for COVID 19. God willing while I had done some research on how to get Sodium Chlorite 22.4 (mind you with a “t” not a “d”) and HCL 4%, it was far from arriving, and a person who had them passed them on to me. And so, I was ready to test it out, in light of what it might do to COVID symptoms but too as a way to test out what I was otherwise intending to pass on to a family member for Arthritis, a buffer, myself.
Did MMS 1 cure me from COVID 19?
In Allah’s will I am getting well, today 19 June, and negative in my rapid test. I cannot tell if MMS 1 intake was a cause to the relief but there is one matter I could feel directly: the “cup“ protocol that is intended to help get mucus out, before the illness hits the chest with congestion, that, I felt clearly, that mucus was exiting even before I could identify that it was there, be it in my breathing channels or chest. 
The protocols I applied
1. Starting Protocol from book: MMS Health Recovery Guidebook
2. The Lung Protocol (The Cup) from book: MMS Health Recovery Guidebook
3. The COVID protocol from a chart the friend shared with me that showed four stages of application depending on the severity of COVID, I applied both second level: COVID positive with no symptoms or low symptoms (one drop per cup, one cup per hour over 8 hours,, + ten drops MMS1 in half cup water: gargle three times, apply twice or three times a day also add on brush teeth with the remaing, with fresh ), and the third level: COVID positive with symptoms to acute symptoms (same as previous except that the 8 dozes are taken one per 15 mn instead of one per hour, ie process completed in 1 hr 45 mn). 
4. Add on that was shared with me and is not on record in the book, as tested by that person (MMS1 in water in cup, quantity handlable, getting the water through in each of the nostrils till it reaches the throat) - I do not recommend the use of this one without familiarly with MMS use and dosages and its effect on one’s own body.
5. Add to that, I was recommended to take pro-biotics, and I did once a day over three days.
Note I used Arwa bottled water. Not free of extras but low enough that it should pass. ie as close to distilled water as I could get my hands on.
What I did over a period of 6 days,
Monday 13 June, (day 1)
Starting Protocol as per the book, day 1/4. The start on Monday 13 was at 10pm because this is when I received the drops, 10pm to 5am waking every hour to take it
Tuesday 14, (day 2)
Rapid test Positive.
Starting Protocol as per the book, day 2/4. Started at 5pm, ended midnight. 
The COVID protocol third level: took that Tuesday 14 June before starting on the starting protocol, it was intense but still felt manageable, even though all this was new to my body.
Also, the Lung protocol for mucus excretion if any.
Wednesday 15, (day 3)
Starting Protocol as per the book, day 3/4. Start 11am to 6pm. And the Lung protocol.
Thursday 16 June, (day 4)
Starting Protocol as per the book, day 4/4. No additional protocols. 
Starting Protocol completed.
Friday 17 June, (day 5)
COVID protocol level 2: Positive, no symptoms or light symptoms, which consists of one drop MMS1 in half cup water per hour, every hour, over 8 hours.
Saturday 18 June, (day 6)
On this day I made a severe mistake: I was well enough though not fully recovered, I did the third level COVID: a drop MMS1 with half cup every 15mn for 1 hr 45 mn. I knew I was pushing but I was tired of the stretch over 8 hours, I felt sick after that, threw up, diarrhea, and so all that I consumed that morning was released and I could barely put anything else in my mouth till the next day, lied down most afternoon and evening not from illness, rather from excess intake. 
Sunday 19 June, (day 7)
Rapid test Negative.
No MMS intake.
Fever up to 38.6 but mostly within the 37s choppily over two nights, daytime was mostly clear.
Every rise of fever the feeling was in my back, acutely, to the point that I could not find restfulness in a position lying down almost no matter the surface, floor, mattress, hard soft..
Flu like sensation around the nose ducts areas
At times beginning sensation of weak chest with some mucus from throat or nose.
الحمد لله. الشافي.
No matter the steps actively taken for an attempt to heal, I trust my healing to be from Allah.
I cannot tell if MMS1 is a curer of COVID symptoms, but I can tell like mentioned above it is likely it helped to the least with the mucus extraction. I have had in the past weakened moments in my chest from bronchitis to coughing heavily in flus, and that this time did not continue onto my chest could have - I say could have - been stopped through Allah’s will by MMS1 Lung protocol. No one will know.
I at least took it, MMS1, familiar with it, and if need be, someone with severe illness can at least ask me and I can reply about the process and flow, but I can’t answer to it being a cure to what I experienced this week, nor to other illnesses, at least not yet.
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grompf3 · 7 months
Les enfants autistes, le chlorite de sodium, le chimiste et l'Université d'État de l'Ohio
Il faut que je vous parle d'un célèbre chimiste portoricain, Gregorio J Placeres, actif aussi en Europe, qui soigne l'autisme.
Parce qu'il paraît que l''autisme ça se soigne.
Si, si.
Et Gregorio J Placeres n'est pas le seul à vous le dire. En Espagne et en Amérique Latine, pas mal de gens vous le diront.
L'autisme ça se soigne donc très bien grâce à une solution de chlorite de sodium, appelée MMS ("Miracle Mineral Supplement" ou "Miracle Mineral Solution").
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C'est du bullshit ?
Oui. Bien-sûr.
Et du bullshit qui a des conséquences.
Le produit lui-même, bien que très dilué, n'est pas anodin. Le dioxide de chlore c'est une sorte de détergent utilisé pour désinfecter l'eau et des trucs du genre; c'est pas tout-à-fait de l'eau de javel, mais pas loin.
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Et les parents qui s'embarquent dans ces histoires, finissent pas s'enfermer dans une sorte de logique sectaire, avec de forts relents complotistes où il s'agit de ne pas être un mouton asservi à la "médecine officielle" et à "Big Pharma."
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Faites un truc maintenant.
Servez-vous d'un traducteur en ligne et lisez cet article de El Periódico. C'est pas trop long.
Et ils racontent entre autres ce qu'ils ont découvert en s'infiltrant sur le groupe Facebook animé par Gregorio J. Placeres à l'attention des parents d'enfants autistes.
Je vous dis, l'article est assez bref. Lisez le.
Essayez de vous imaginer à la place des pédiatres lorsqu'ils découvrent qu'un de leur petit patient boit régulièrement une sorte d'eau de javel diluée pour "soigner" l'autisme.
Et pour compléter, je précise que le MMS n'est pas le seul remède anti-autisme préconisé par Gregorio J Placeres. Selon lui, quelques gouttes d'urine dans l'oreille sont aussi très salutaires.
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Je devais vous parler de l'Université de l'Ohio. Parce que oui, Gregorio J Placeres a mené des recherches là-bas. Des recherches qui tendent à légitimer ses affirmations sur les bienfaits du MMS (il aurait par ailleurs mis au point une méthode pour améliorer l'administration du produit miracle).
Du moins, c'est ce qu'il raconte et ce qui est indiqué dans des sites web vantant son remède.
Les journalistes de Recacción Médica ont voulu en savoir plus et ont contacté l'Université de l'Ohio ainsi que l'Université d'État de l'Ohio.
Aucune de ces 2 universités n'a trouvé la moindre trace d'un passage de notre marchand d'eau de javel miraculeuse.
Vous me direz que ce n'est pas le pire dans cette histoire.
Mais le CV bidonné, ça va bien avec le reste, non ?
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Pour compléter un fil Twitter, en espagnol, consacré à ce personnage, apparemment assez connu des deux côtés de l'Atlantique.
Et aussi un communiqué d'une association de professionnels actifs dans le domaine de l'autisme, dénonçant les conférences de Gregorio J Placeres associé à un guérisseur espagnol, Josep Pàmies.
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wpspurewater · 3 years
Searching to purchase sodium chlorite Jim humble in the USA? Wpspurewater.com is a top supplier of Jim humble MMs solution and MMS 2 capsules for water purification and cleaning. To learn more, visit our site.
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foxxp46 · 3 years
Sodium Chlorine
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Sodium Chloride Formula
Sodium Chlorine Formula
Sodium Chloride Ionic Bonds
Sodium Plus Chlorine
Sodium + Chlorine = Sodium Chloride
Sodium, a very reactive metal which reacts with chlorine gas and produces sodium chloride, the neutral salt. https://foxxp46.tumblr.com/post/653771676997287936/drum-roll-sound. Sodium is oxidized to sodium cation (Na+) and chlorine gas is reduced to chloride anions (Cl-).
Uses & Benefits. Sodium chloride is essential to maintain the electrolyte balance of fluids in a person’s body. If levels of electrolytes become too low or too high, a person can become dehydrated or over hydrated, according to U.S. National Library of Medicine. Sodium chloride has been used to flavor and preserve foods for thousands of years. Large quantities of sodium chloride are used in many industrial processes, and it is a major source of sodium and chlorine compounds used as feedstocks for further chemical syntheses. A second major application of sodium chloride is de-icing of roadways in sub-freezing weather. Sodium Chloride is a metal halide composed of sodium and chloride with sodium and chloride replacement capabilities. When depleted in the body, sodium must be replaced in order to maintain intracellular osmolarity, nerve conduction, muscle contraction and normal renal function. Great buy if you want to make chlorine dioxide MMS solution. You will end up with 3 four ounce bottles of 30% sodium chlorite solution. You need the acid based activator, citric acid at 50% solution works great. Better than paying the same price for 1 bottle from MMS sellers. Sodium Hypochlorite replaces many other forms of chlorine because of the ease of use and relatively safe handling and storage requirements. There is a trend by many municipalities to convert gas chlorine systems to liquid systems because of the hazards associated with gas chlorine use. Sodium Hypochlo.
Mechanism of the reaction
We know sodium is a very active metal and chlorine is also a very reactive non-metal. Usually, metals like to eliminate electrons and non-metals such as halogens like to accept electrons.
Sodium readily eliminate its last shell electrons become Na+ cation and chlorine accepts that electron to form Cl- anion.
Balanced chemical equation of Na + Cl2 reaction
Na + Cl2 → 2NaCl
Two moles of chlorine gas reacts with one mole of sodium to produce two moles of sodium chloride.
It is easy to balance this reaction by inspection method than redox method. Redox method will take much time. But it is useful in balancing large redox equations.
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How to balance the reaction from redox method?
This is a so easy redox reaction to balance and if you are beginner to balancing equations, this is also an good example to start your redox reaction balancing.
Sodium is oxidized from 0 oxidation state and to +1 oxidation state. Chlorine is reduced to -1 oxidation state from 0 oxidation state. Write oxidation numbers if each atom close to the atoms.
Check the number of atoms of oxidized and reduced in the reaction (left and right side) and balance them if they are not balance, as the next step. In left side, there are two chlorine atoms. To balance them, make two sodium chloride in the right side. Then there are two sodium atoms in the right side of the reaction, but only one in the left side. Therefore, make two sodium atoms in the left.
Next, find oxidation number differences of oxidized atoms (sodium to sodium ion) and reduced atoms (chlorine to chloride). Oxidation number difference of sodium is two and for chlorine it is two. So they are same and cancel out each other.
Physical changes of the reaction
The solid reactant, sodium reacts with green-yellow gaseous chlorine and produce solid sodium chloride which is a white crystalline solid.
Reaction rate
This reaction occurs in a rapid rate because both reactants are very reactive. Sodium is a group 1 metal which likes to remove its outer electrons and chlorine desired to take electrons from outside.
Enthalpy of sodium and chlorine reaction
Reaction of sodium and chlorine is an exothermic one (heat is released from the reaction). Enthalpy of the reaction is taken as enthalpy of formation of two moles sodium chloride.
Standard enthalpy of reaction = -411.12 kJ
Entropy of the reaction (2980C) = 72.10 J/(K mol)
Let's do a simple calculation.
You are going to mix 4 mol of sodium and 2 mol of chlorine gas. How much energy is released from the reaction? Standard enthalpy of formation of sodium chloride = -411.120 kJ/mol
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Definition of Standard enthalpy of formation of sodium chloride: When 1 mol of sodium chloride is formed, 411.120 kJ is released to the outside. If 2 mol of sodium chloride is formed, 411.120 * 2 kJ is released to the outside.
Now you know, released heat depends on the formed sodium chloride amount. Now you now we have to find out how much sodium chloride is produced in this question.
According to the stoichiometry, to react with 1 mol of chlorine gas, 2 mol of sodium is required. Because of this, to react with 2 mol of chlorine gas, 4 mol of sodium is required and there is 4 mol at the beginning of the reaction.
Released heat = 411.120 kJ/mol* 4 mol
Released heat = 1644.480 kJ
How to know, reaction was occurred?
If you mix considerable amount of chlorine gas and sodium, you can see the reaction is being occurred beacause reaction beaker will be red colour due to emission of large heat. If amount of reactants is low, perform qualitative analysis testings for sodium ion and chloride ion.
the product metal sodium reacts with clorine gas in a composition reaction
When sodium reacts with clorine gas, sodium chloride (NaCl) is given as the product. Yes. This is a composition reaction because two compounds combine together and produce one compound as product.
I want to prepare sodium chloride by a reaction. I have studied several reactions possible for sodium chloride production. One way is reaction of sodium and chlorine gas. Other way is reaction of hydrochloric acid and aqueous sodium hydroxide reaction. I want to know, what is the best method to prepare sodium chloride from these two methods?
First thing is, in which phase sodium chloride want? Solid or aqueous or liquid NaCl? You have to plan your method according to the physical state of sodium chloride.
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Reaction of sodium and chlorine is the direct way to prepare sodium chloride if you need solid NaCl. But, this reaction is too dangerous because it emitts large amount of energy and chlorine is a deathly toxic gas.
In the second method, you can prepare sodium chloride in aqueous state. So you need to remove water by a separation method, if you need solid sodium chloride. If you need aqueous sodium chloride, this is the best way to do.
What's about potassium and chlorine? Is it similar to sodium and chlorine reaction?
Yes. Potassium reacts with chlorine and produce potassium chloride.
2K + Cl2 → 2KCl
sodium and chlorine word equation?
Sodium + Chlorine gas → Sodium chloride
lithium metal reaction with chlorine gas equation
Lithium reacts with chlorine gas as sodium does. So equation is very similar to sodium and chlorine gas reaction.
2Li + Cl2 → 2LiCl
solid sodium reacts with chlorine gas to produce solid sodium chloride, is this true?
Yes. reaction happens.
what is the reaction equation for sodium metal and chlorine gas
Na + Cl2 → NaCl , this is not the balaced equation. This equation denotes only reactants and products.
na cl2 which is toxic?
Chlorine (Cl2) is very toxic and should be worked very carefully to avoid any injuries to people?
burning sodium metal in chlorine gas to form sodium chloride is what type of reaction
It is a combining reaction. Two reactants combine together to produce one product. Sodium and chlorine are the two reactants and sodium chloride is the only product.
word equation for sodium and chlorine
Solid sodium metal+ Chlorine gas → Solid sodium chloride
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a chemical element, atomic number 11, atomic weight 22.990, symbol Na. (See Appendix 6.) Sodium is the major cation of the extracellular fluid, constituting 90 to 95 per cent of all cations in the blood plasma and interstitial fluid; it thus determines the osmolality of the extracellular fluid. The serum sodium concentration is normally about 140 mEq/L. If the sodium level and osmolality fall, osmoreceptors in the hypothalamus are stimulated and cause the release of antidiuretic hormone from the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland. This hormone increases the absorption of water in the collecting ducts of the kidneys so that water is conserved while sodium and other electrolytes are excreted in the urine. If the sodium level and osmolality rise, neurons in the thirst center of the hypothalamus are stimulated. The thirsty person then drinks enough water to restore the osmolality of the extracellular fluid to the normal level. A decrease in the serum sodium concentration (hyponatremia) can occur in a variety of conditions. It is often associated with deficient fluid volume due to diarrhea or vomiting when water is replaced faster than sodium. It can also occur in syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone, in the late stages of congestive heart failure or cirrhosis of the liver, in acute or chronic renal failure, and in diuretic therapy. An increase in the serum sodium concentration (hypernatremia) occurs when insensible water loss is not replaced by drinking, as in a comatose patient with diabetes insipidus.
sodium acetate a source of sodium ions for hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis, as well as a systemic and urinary alkalizer.
sodium ascorbate an antiscorbutic vitamin and nutritional supplement for parenteral administration. It is also used as an aid to deferoxamine therapy in the treatment of chronic iron toxicity.
sodium benzoate an antifungal agent also used in a test of liver function.
sodium bicarbonate NaHCO3, a white powder commonly found in households. It has a wide variety of uses in chemistry, in pharmaceuticals, and in consumer products. It is sometimes taken in water as a remedy for acid indigestion but should not be used regularly since when taken in excess it tends to cause alkalosis. It can be mixed with water and applied as a paste for relief of pain in treatment of minor burns and insect bites and stings. A cupful in the bath water may help relieve itching caused by an allergic reaction. Called also baking soda and bicarbonate of soda.
sodium carbonate a compound now used primarily as an alkalizing agent in pharmaceuticals; it has been used as a lotion or bath in the treatment of scaly skin, and as a detergent.
sodium chloride common table salt, a necessary constituent of the body and therefore of the diet, involved in maintaining osmotic tension of blood and tissues; uses include replenishment of electrolytes in the body, irrigation of wounds and body cavities, enema, inhaled mucolytic, topical osmotic ophthalmic agent, and preparation of pharmaceuticals. Called also salt.
sodium citrate a sodium salt of citric acid, used as an anticoagulant for blood or plasma that is to be fractionated or for blood that is to be stored. It is also administered orally as a urinary alkalizer.
dibasic sodium phosphate a salt of phosphoric acid; used alone or in combination with other phosphate compounds, it is given intravenously as an electrolyte replenisher, orally or rectally as a laxative, and orally as a urinary acidifier and for prevention of kidney stones.
sodium ferric gluconate a hematinic used especially in treatment of hemodialysis patients with iron deficiency anemia who are also receiving erythropoietin therapy. Administered by intravenous injection.
sodium fluoride a dental caries preventative used in fluoridation of drinking water or applied topically to teeth. Topical preparations include gels (sodium fluoride and phosphoric acid gel, also called APF gel) and solutions (sodium fluoride and acidulated phosphate topical solution, also called APF solution).
sodium hydroxide NaOH, a strongly alkaline and caustic compound; used as an alkalizing agent in pharmaceuticals.
sodium hypochlorite a compound having germicidal, deodorizing, and bleaching properties; used in solution to disinfect utensils, and in diluted form (Dakin's solution) as a local antibacterial.
sodium iodide a compound used as a source of iodine.
sodium lactate a compound used in solution to replenish body fluids and electrolytes.
monobasic sodium phosphate
1. a monosodium salt of phosphoric acid; used in buffer solutions, as a urinary acidifier, as a laxative, and as a source of phosphorus in hypophosphatemia, often in combination with potassium phosphate.
2. a monosodium salt of phosphoric acid; used in buffer solutions. Used alone or in combination with other phosphate compounds, it is given intravenously as an electrolyte replenisher, orally or rectally as a laxative, and orally as a urinary acidifier and for prevention of kidney stones.
sodium monofluorophosphate a dental caries preventative applied topically to the teeth.
sodium nitrite an antidote for cyanide poisoning; also used as a preservative in cured meats and other foods.
sodium nitroprusside an antihypertensive agent used in the treatment of acute congestive heart failure and of hypertensive crisis and to produce controlled hypotension during surgery; also used as a reagent.
sodium phenylbutyrate an agent used as adjunctive treatment to control the hyperammonemia of pediatric urea cycle enzyme disorders.
sodium phosphate any of various compounds of sodium and phosphoric acid; usually specifically dibasic sodium phosphate.
sodium polystyrene sulfonate an ion-exchange resin used for removal of potassium ions in hyperkalemia, administered orally or rectally.
sodium propionate a salt used as an antifungal preservative in foods and pharmaceuticals and as a topical antifungal agent.
sodium sulfate a cathartic and laxative.
sodium thiosulfate a compound used intravenously as an antidote for cyanide poisoning, in foot baths for prophylaxis of ringworm, and as a topical antifungal agent for tinea versicolor. Also used in measuring the volume of extracellular body fluid and the renal glomerular filtration rate.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
sodium chloride
Minims Sodium Chloride (CA), Slo-Salt, Slow Sodium
Pharmacologic class: Electrolyte supplement
Therapeutic class: Sodium replacement
Pregnancy risk category C
Replaces deficiencies of sodium and chloride and maintains these electrolytes at adequate levels
Injection: 0.45% sodium chloride-25 ml, 50 ml, 150 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1,000 ml; 0.9% sodium chloride-2 ml, 3 ml, 5 ml, 10 ml, 20 ml, 25 ml, 30 ml, 50 ml, 100 ml, 150 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1,000 ml; 3% sodium chloride-500 ml; 5% sodium chloride-500 ml; 14.6% sodium chloride-20 ml, 40 ml, 200 ml; 23.4% sodium chloride-30 ml, 50 ml, 100 ml, 200 ml
Tablets: 650 mg, 1 g, 2.25 g
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Tablets (slow-release): 600 mg
Indications and dosages
➣ Water and sodium chloride replacement; metabolic alkalosis; to dilute or dissolve drugs for I.V., I.M., or subcutaneous use; to flush I.V. catheter; as a priming solution in hemodialysis; to initiate or end blood transfusions
Adults: 0.9% sodium chloride (isotonic solution) with dosage individualized
➣ Hydrating solution; hyperosmolar diabetes
Adults: 0.45% sodium chloride (hypotonic solution) with dosage individualized
➣ Rapid fluid and electrolyte replacement in hyponatremia and hypochloremia; severe sodium depletion; drastic body water dilution after excessive water intake
Adults: 3% or 5% sodium chloride (hypertonic solution) with dosage individualized, given by slow I.V. infusion with close monitoring of electrolyte levels
➣ Heat cramps caused by excessive perspiration
Adults: See product label.
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• Normal or elevated electrolyte levels (with 3% and 5% solutions)
• Fluid retention
Sodium Chloride Formula
Use cautiously in:
• renal impairment, heart failure, edema or sodium retention, hypoproteinemia
• surgical patients.
☞ Be aware that sodium chloride injection is a high-alert drug.
• Dilute I.V. dose per product label. Infuse slow I.V. to minimize risk of pulmonary edema.
☞ Don't confuse normal saline solution for injection with concentrates meant for use in total parenteral nutrition.
• Avoid salt tablets for heat cramps; they may pass through GI tract undigested, causing vomiting and potassium loss.
Adverse reactions
CV: edema (when given too rapidly or in excess), thrombophlebitis, heart failure exacerbation
Metabolic: fluid and electrolyte disturbances (such as hypernatremia and hyperphosphatemia), aggravation of existing metabolic acidosis (with excessive infusion)
Respiratory: pulmonary edema
Other: pain, swelling, local tenderness, abscess, or tissue necrosis at I.V. site
Drug-diagnostic tests.Phosphate, potassium, sodium: increased levels
Patient monitoring
• Monitor electrolyte levels and blood chemistry results.
☞ Watch for signs and symptoms of pulmonary edema or worsening heart failure.
• Carefully monitor vital signs, fluid balance, weight, and cardiovascular status.
• Assess injection site closely to help prevent tissue necrosis and thrombophlebitis.
Patient teaching
☞ Teach patient to recognize and immediately report serious adverse reactions, such as breathing problems or swelling.
• Instruct patient to report pain, tenderness, or swelling at injection site.
• As appropriate, review all other significant and life-threatening adverse reactions and interactions, especially those related to the tests mentioned above.
McGraw-Hill Nurse's Drug Handbook, 7th Ed. Copyright © 2013 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved
so·di·um chlo·ride
the chief ionic component of blood and other bodily fluids, and urine; used to make isotonic and physiologic saline solutions, in the treatment of salt depletion, and topically for inflammatory lesions.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
so·di·um chlo·ride
(sōdē-ŭm klōrīd)
Major ionic component of blood, urine, and other bodily fluids; used to make isotonic and physiologic saline solutions, to treat salt depletion, and topically for inflammatory lesions. Synonym(s): common salt.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012
Sodium Chlorine Formula
sodium chloride
Common salt. A compound ubiquitous in the body. Used in the preparation of SALINE. The drug is on the WHO official list.
Collins Dictionary of Medicine © Robert M. Youngson 2004, 2005
saline, physiological
A 0.9% sterile solution of sodium chloride in water. This concentration of sodium chloride is considered approximately isotonic with the tears. It is used to store and rinse soft contact lenses, to irrigate the eye, etc. Syn. normal saline; NaCl 0.9%. Seeeyewash; irrigation; isotonic solution.
Millodot: Dictionary of Optometry and Visual Science, 7th edition. © 2009 Butterworth-Heinemann
so·di·um chlo·ride
Sodium Chloride Ionic Bonds
(sōdē-ŭm klōrīd)
Chief ionic component of blood, urine, and other body fluids; used to make isotonic and physiologic saline solutions, in the treatment of salt depletion, and topically for inflammatory lesions. Synonym(s): common salt.
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Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012
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Sodium Plus Chlorine
<a href='https://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Sodium+chlorine'>sodium chloride</a>
Sodium + Chlorine = Sodium Chloride
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techmaqofficial · 4 years
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Florida man and his sons charged with selling toxic chemical as a coronavirus cure to thousands Mark Grenon, 62, and his sons, Jonathan, 34, Joseph, 32, and Jordan, 26, all of Bradenton, Florida, supposedly manufactured, promoted, and sold "Miracle Mineral Solution" (MMS), a chemical solution containing sodium chlorite and water, the criminal complaint affidavit says.
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latestnewstable · 4 years
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Florida man and his sons charged with selling toxic chemical as a coronavirus cure to thousands Mark Grenon, 62, and his sons, Jonathan, 34, Joseph, 32, and Jordan, 26, all of Bradenton, Florida, supposedly manufactured, promoted, and sold "Miracle Mineral Solution" (MMS), a chemical solution containing sodium chlorite and water, the criminal complaint affidavit says.
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dipulb3 · 4 years
Florida man and his sons charged with selling toxic chemical as a coronavirus cure to thousands
New Post has been published on https://appradab.com/florida-man-and-his-sons-charged-with-selling-toxic-chemical-as-a-coronavirus-cure-to-thousands/
Florida man and his sons charged with selling toxic chemical as a coronavirus cure to thousands
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Mark Grenon, 62, and his sons, Jonathan, 34, Joseph, 32, and Jordan, 26, all of Bradenton, Florida, supposedly manufactured, promoted, and sold “Miracle Mineral Solution” (MMS), a chemical solution containing sodium chlorite and water, the criminal complaint affidavit says.
The men sold the toxic bleach under the guise of Genesis II Church of Health and Healing, an entity they allegedly created in an attempt to avoid government regulation, the US Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Florida said in a statement.
They’ve been charged with criminal contempt, conspiracy to defraud the United States and conspiracy to violate the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act for their alleged actions, the US Attorney’s Office said.
Appradab hasn’t been able to reach the Grenons or their lawyers for comment.
The men allegedly claimed that MMS could prevent, treat and cure Covid-19, according to federal prosecutors. They’re accused of telling customers to orally ingest the chemical, “which causes the solution to become chlorine dioxide, a powerful bleach, typically used for industrial water treatment or bleaching textiles, pulp, and paper,” federal prosecutors said.
The affidavit also alleges that the Grenons had previously marketed MMS as a miracle cure-all for dozens of other serious diseases and disorders, including cancer, Alzheimer’s, autism, multiple sclerosis, and HIV/AIDS.
The Grenons allegedly sold tens of thousands of bottles of MMS nationwide, including to consumers throughout South Florida.
The US Food and Drug Administration has not approved MMS for treatment of Covid-19, or for any other use, but has received reports of people requiring hospitalizations, developing life-threatening conditions, and dying after drinking MMS, according to the US Attorney’s Office.
“The Genesis II Church of Health and Healing has actively and deliberately placed consumers at risk with their fraudulent Miracle Mineral Solution, and Americans expect and deserve medical treatments that have been scientifically proven to be safe and effective,” said Catherine Hermsen, assistant commissioner of the FDA’s Office of Criminal Investigations.
“We commend the efforts of our law enforcement partners for vigorously investigating this matter. The FDA will continue our efforts to make sure these and other like-minded sellers do not jeopardize the health of Americans during this pandemic and in the future,” she continued.
In April, the FDA had already sent a warning letter to Genesis II Church of Health and Healing and multiple websites associated with the firm.
The agency has also issued previous warnings that chlorine dioxide poses a significant risk to health and is not shown to be safe and effective for any health use.
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bangkokjacknews · 5 years
Drinking BLEACH will NOT cure CORONAVIRUS activists are warned
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#Coronavirus conspiracy theorists claim drinking bleach can cure deadly disease
The coronavirus has killed dozens of people in China as the disease continues to spread across the globe. Bonkers far-LEFTIST conspiracy theorists have claimed they can cure the deadly coronavirus if they drink bleach. QAnon - a conspiracy theory group - dubbed the cleaning liquid a “Miracle Mineral Solution” or “MMS” and has also been claimed by them to be a cure for AIDS and autism. Obviously, doctors and health care professionals warn against drinking bleach due to the toxic chemicals inside. QAnon influencer, Chief Police 2 urged his 17,800 Twitter followers to use “20-20-20 spray”, an MMS mix, to in a bid to protect themselves against the virus. He tweeted: “New followers protect yourself with the 20-20-20 spray.”
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The coronavirus has spread across the globe (Image: AFP via Getty Images) In another Twitter post, he said: “Go watch this video. The website where you can get the 20-20-20 spray is in the video and in the description. “I use it all the time to protect myself and my family. It kills viruses quick.” He also added a link to a website that has directions for how to take bleach, which told users “spraying this mixture in your mouth and swishing it around and swallowing”. Drinking bleach is extremely dangerous and can cause vomiting, diarrhoea and life-threatening low blood pressure due to dehydration.
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Bleach can be extremely dangerous if drunk (Image: Universal Images Group via Getty Images) The main ingredient in MMS – sodium chlorite – can also cause acute kidney failure if consumed. The group made the bizarre and dangerous claim as Chinese authorities announced that 132 people have been killed by the disease so far.
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The coronavirus has killed dozens of people (Image: AFP via Getty Images) While the virus has mainly affected China, there are fears the flu-like disease could put the UK capital at risk. A major study found that London was expecting more than 142,000 tourists from China between January to mid-March. It comes as European and American citizens in Wuhan, the Chinese city at the epicentre of the outbreak, remain stranded in the quarantined city. Wuhan has been on lockdown along with other cities in Hubei province for almost a week. – You can follow BangkokJack on Instagram, Twitter & Reddit. Or join the free mailing list (top right) Please help us continue to bring the REAL NEWS - PayPal Read the full article
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