#soga and kirishima are brothers tag
MHA Vigilantes Week 3
Prompt: Light/Soga/Main Series
Growing Pains
Soga is not the best role model, and he knows it. Just this week the school had called his mom yet again because he got into another fight. His mother and him had the same old song and dance. With her, telling him off and admonishing him for fighting while saying that he was being a bad example for Eijirou, and with Soga defending himself, only to fall onto deaf ears.  
He doesn’t regret it though, that guy should’ve keep his grimy little hands off of Rapt’s lunch.
As punishment, he’s not allowed outside today. So, he sits in his room and angsts as much as is physically possible for an 11 year-old. It’s no use throwing a fit and tearing apart everything in his room with his quirk. He might really get grounded for that. So, he spends his day scowling at his books, flipping though the pages, looking at the back covers and not quite reading them.
The day passes slowly without anything to distract him before he picks up a random notebook and starts scribbling. He’s halfway through a drawing when he hears a ear piercing scream ring out from outside his room.
It’s Ei!
Instantly, he’s on alert, heart rate quickening. He throws away his pencil and throws open his door.
He can hear the cries better now. It’s coming from the garage.
Soga flings open the heavy door, fully expecting to see Eijirou hobbling back into the house after falling off of his bike again.  But that’s not what he sees.
Eijirou is partially bent over, one hand holding onto the garage workbench, the other, on his face holding onto a gash that has blood gushing from his forehead.  
Soga rushes to his side, unsure of what to do. He tries to get Eijirou’s attention, but he’s having a hard time keeping his eyes open from both the tears and the blood.
“Hey!” Soga shouts, trying to yell over Ei’s own screams. He puts a hand on his shoulder and shakes him. That seems to steady him as Ei tries to open his other eye to look at his brother. He sniffles and still cries pathetically. 
Soga tries to see how it happened, but all the tools on the tool bench are still hung up and away where Ei can’t get them. His bike is parked in the corner where it should be, and Ei doesn’t seem to be hurt anywhere else.
Eijirou still wails in his grip. There’s a lot of blood.
Soga hears heavy footsteps above him, and he calls out to their mom. A moment later, she bursts into the room and sees little Eijiro holding onto his bleeding face. She rushes to her knees and brings Ei to her.
She looks up to Soga. “What happened?” she asks curtly.
“I don’t know I just heard him crying and saw him here,” Soga explains. 
Their Mom begins to shush Ei while she shoots Soga an unimpressed look. “Soga, seriously, what happened?” She asks, her voice hard.
“I just told you!” he says, huffing.
His mother lets out a loud frustrated sigh. “Soga, I can’t deal with this right now and your brother is hurt. He might need stitches!”
“I told you. I don’t know!” he says in a voice too loud for it not to be defensive. 
“Fine, don’t tell me.” She huffs. “I’m talking Ei to the hospital and you are going to go to your room, and staying there.”
“What? But I didn-”
“Soga!” she barks sternly. It shocks him, and forces him to back down. Her voice cools as she says. “Go to your room we will speak about this later.”
Now it’s Soga’s turn to be angry. He stomps off towards his room and lets the garage door shut with force.
Kaina Kirishima doesn’t know what she’s supposed to do.
She sits in the waiting room of urgent care and carefully measures her breaths. It’s not easy being a single mother, and she just didn’t expect it to get like this. She sighs.
She’s worried for Eijirou. He never been that freaked out ever. Sure, he’s had his fair share of scrapes and tumbles, and she taught her little man it was okay to cry, but still, he had looked scared.
And Soga. She doesn’t know what to do next. The finances just aren’t there to get him the help he needs and the school is no help at all.
Those bastards she grimaces.
They took one look at her kid and said his quirk was villainous. It doesn't help that that the people in this neighborhood seem to have long memories and can recall what happened when Soga's quirk first came in. She wishes she could move them away to another school, but that just isn’t in the cards right now. She can only hope his temper gets better when he goes to high school.
And at that, she cringes thinking of Eijriou. Soga didn’t have any answers for why Eijirou got hurt, and there is... one obvious answer, but she doesn’t want to think about it. She doesn’t want to think that Soga  is capable of hurting his little brother. Still…
She closes her eyes.
Eijirou does end up getting stitches. He sniffles miserably and holds onto her shirt in a death grip as the nurse pokes around his eye and calmly explains how to re-apply the bandage.
It’s then, when she notices that his grip on her shirt… hurts. She hears the tearing of cloth and looks down. Eijirou’s hands look rocky and sharp as he clutches onto her T-shirt. 
He looks over at her confused.
She attempts to reach down and move his hands from her shirt, but quickly pulls back when something sharp bites into her. Kiana watches red flows down from the tip of her finger. 
“Oh!” the nurse reacts looking at Kiana's hand, “You oughta be careful with that quirk young man. You okay mom?”
It takes a moment for Kiana to process what she’s just heard, and the nurse looks expectantly at her as he waits for a response.
It’s his quirk.
It’s all Kiana can do to hold it together as she drives home. Of course, it’s his quirk she should have seen this coming, but Eijirou still felt so young…
He sits in the back seat, buckled up in his booster seat, slumped over and snoring quietly. He was exhausted from cyring his eyes out and the trip to the hospital so she had carried him back to the car. 
"I hate it." he said sleepily. 
"Hate, what baby?" 
"M'quirk." He said muffled into her shoulder. 
She brings the sleeping Eijriou into the house. She calls out to Soga, but receives no response. He’s probably still mad at her.
She tucks Ei into his bed before she goes to find Soga.
She knocks gently, as pushes opens the door, “Soga? Soga, I’m sorry honey-” she says, but stops when she sees she not there. 
A moment of panic flushes through her body as she looks around the room and sees no sign of him. Until she notices a hastily scribbled note on the top of his desk.
It reads: 
At Moyuru’s -S
Her breath stutters. Panic and relief and sorrow all get caught in her throat as she tries to swallow.
She’d been too harsh, too much.
God, she wishes she had some help.
She lets tears silently fall as her large hands clutch onto the back of Soga’s chair.
She lets it out, as her sternum shakes and her hands threaten to crush the wood underneath them.
Then, she straightens her back, wipes away the tears on her face, and goes to call Mrs. Moyuru.
I'm so sorry I'm posting this for your birthday but Happy Birthday Soga!
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A comprehensive guide to why I think Sogoto creates the funniest family dynamic since the Todoroki’s
(Yes, I realize this hinges on two non-canon relationships but fanon babey!!)
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Oh terrible thoughts in the club tonight lads
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The Kirishima family brain scale
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Listen, I am a full believer that Kirishima and Soga are related for many reasons, but one of the best is that if they’re related that means that Eraserhead, Ejirou’s homeroom teacher, was responsible for arresting his brother when Soga was high on trigger and stark nude.
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People who I think are related:
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People who are honestly probably related but I just don’t want to see it:
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I am still insane about this
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If you invert Soga, his hair is red,
like SOMEONE I know
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It all started on that day.
They rescued Yoichi from his prison, and through time, got to know him for who he was. A strong-willed, yet kind and gentle man who valued peace and justice above all else. Though, his health was beginning to fail him, he’d attend every meeting of their ragtag cause. Most of their other members did not know who he was and thought he was just another ally. Only Second and Third knew of his relation to their most hated enemy.
It would kill them both when they were all together discussing plans or simply living, when Yoichi would double over with coughs that wracked through his small frame. They didn’t know how to help him when he refused to speak of what his illness was, and assured them that he’d always been like this. Even then, if they had known how to help, it would have been unlikely that they would’ve had the resources to act.
It was a day like any other in their time, they spent their time planning, scavenging, and hiding from the overbearing power of the lord of darkness himself, when Third got a call.
His daughter was sick.
He had had a child before the state of the world became truly bad. While he went to join the cause, he left her with his partner. He had a good relationship with his partner though they weren’t romantically involved, but Third cared greatly about his little girl.
He tried to act like it didn’t affect him, and went along with his duties as Second's right-hand as usual, but Yoichi and Second noticed. They would see how his eyes would wander and become unfocused like he was far away from the task in front of him.
It eventually all came to a head when he slipped up on a mission. Nothing major, just a second, a moment of hesitation wherein he thought of what would happen if he didn’t survive the mission, of how he would never see his daughter's face again. His leader had covered for his momentary setback and leap forward himself, but the damage had been done. Second had seen the hesitation from his right-hand and gave him a stern look and said, “We are discussing this later.”
When they returned, Third had to confess what was going on. That he was concerned for his daughter’s health, though he insisted that he knew that what they were doing here mattered more. Second looked at him unimpressed and Yoichi looked on with kind understanding.
Eventually, despite his protest, Yoichi and Second convinced Third that his mind was not on the mission or the cause, and that it wouldn’t fix itself until he went and checked up on his daughter himself. His leader assured him that they would be fine without him for a few days, and told him in no uncertain terms that he was to be with his daughter until he could come back “with his head screwed on right”. Yoichi just smiled and said he should go. They both insisted, and so, Third went.
“Be careful out there.” They said.
“I should be saying the same to the two of you.” Third replied.
He made it to the house without incident and it was all worth it to see his daughter's smiling face. Despite her sweat-slick hair and her little body bundled up in a mountain of blankets, her eyes lit up when she saw her father and he couldn’t come to regret abandoning the mission.
After that, her fever started to break. He stays with his partner and his daughter as she recovers, until his mind eventually returns to his worries about the others.
A feeling he can’t shake crawls down his spine and refuses to leave. His partner looks at him and knows it’s time for him to return.
He says his goodbyes to his daughter, though he is loathe to leave, he needs to do this. For her sake. For her to live in a world that isn’t ruled by fear and hate.
He comes back too late.
As he returns the other partisans come to him panicked and frantic. The enemy has overrun one of their hideouts and Second went there to stop them. Third blanches when he realizes that that’s the hideout that Yoichi was staying at.
He gets there too late, but just in time to witness blood splatter across Second’s already bleeding face.
Yoichi’s blood splatters as he is cut down by one of All for One’s highest lieutenants. Second’s fight seems to have drained out of his body as he stays there, wide-eyed and on his knees looking forward at Yoichi's corpse. With an expression Third has never seen on his face.
Third manages to get them out of there, despite Second barely recognizing that Third was even there, over his determination to cling to Yoichi’s body.
(That lieutenant is tortured for his actions, as expected.)
After that, Second is quieter than he's ever been before, and Third deals with the immediate aftermath. Eventually, they hold a funeral for Yoichi, the others mourn him as a member of their cause, while Second and Third stay at the back of the procession. Eventually, after all the others have cleared out and Second finally breaks down. Only in the presence of his right-hand does he feel safe enough to let it out. He cries and screams into the air, cursing All for One’s name and swearing revenge.
Second gains a new resolve. He becomes more ferocious with every mission which only makes him a more deadly opponent. And despite the blood and the lives lost, he knows that every step he takes will bring them to a better future.
Third stays by his side the whole while and follows his leader into every single fight.
While this is happening, Third recognizes that something has changed about Second. In battle, he is faster and stronger than all other opponents, burning brighter, with more ferocity, running into the fray and cutting down the enemy like a myth from an old legend. Always first on the ground and the last man fighting. Nothing seems to tire him, as he turns from task to task.
Third could just chalk it up to his new determination, but he suspects it has to be more than that.
Second dismisses him when he tries to bring it up, too focused on the next mission. And so it goes from the next mission to the next mission, to the next. Until, one day, when Second picks up a small car and throws it at the enemy with nothing but his own strength, it becomes clear that he can no longer deny that something has happened to him.
Word of this catches fast, and eventually reaches All for One's ears. He becomes enraged at the news.
All for One personally tracks down the leader of the opposition. He lays a trap and watches them fall into it. In the ensuing fight he grabs ahold of Second, holds him up and confirms that “Yes I can feel it in you. The quirk I gave to my brother- but how?. Somehow- it was transferred to you.” He says and looks at Second’s pained face with disdain. “No matter, I’ll be taking it back now.” And when he tries to pull it away, the quirk doesn’t budge. In fact, it resists him, a burning sensation spreads from his fingertips where he holds Second by the neck. It shocks him enough that he lets go and reels back.
They escape that time, and in the interim, they try to make sense of Second’s new abilities.
It isn't long before All for One comes after them again, and he comes with a new resolve this time. He tears through the other partisans, before rushing towards Second and knocking Third aside. Second fights, but it’s not enough alone, and All for One slashes through him and leaves him bleeding out on the floor.
Second is left to die after AFO delivers a killing blow. Before he can, Second tells Third that all hope is not lost, that he can take the power and continue the fight. Second brings his bloodied hand up from his wound and spreads it across Third’s lips.
Their leader dies, but Third continues the fight as much as he can.
In this time, superheroes are becoming a legitimate thing and All for One's forces are lessened day by day by actual heroes, and not vigilantes like Second and Third himself. The will of the people is on their side and the governments are taking action against the villains.
Third can feel Yoichi and Second’s power flowing under his skin and helps out in every way he can.
It becomes clear that All for One is going to be forced into deep hiding, but not before he kills the new holder of his brother’s power.
Third goes to see his daughter again.
He stays with his daughter, in what he knows are his final days. He looks down upon her as she sleeps peacefully and realizes that this would not be a fight that they could win now, but one that would last for generations.
It was then, that he made his plan on what to do with the power. They would bide their time, finding worthy people, willing to take on the burden of the power, ones that would continue the fight against a great evil.
Third found his own successor, and when the time came for him to meet his end, he died with the knowledge that his plan was in place, with the hope that the fight would continue on, fueled by the hearts and strengths of the worthy people after him.
When he comes to consciousness again, it’s from within One for All. Yoichi and his leader are there. Yoichi says to them both that he’s been watching over them from within the quirk all this time, and he could not be happier with what they have done with the power.
More people join them eventually, and finally, all awaken when the boy activates the final form of the power.
From within the boy, Third looks out of his eyes and smiles. For he sees that his plan has been working all this time. The quirk was passed down through the generations and gained power, power almost enough to defeat the demon lord himself.
But he also smiles for he sees two faces that look very similar to his daughter and himself. One shares his name, Kugizaski, and the other has taken on the mantle of hero. Both have become protectors in their own right.
And finally, Third smiles in the knowledge that after he was gone his daughter found enough peace in her life to be able to have children, in the new age of heroes. He sees her smile in his descendants.
(Though, he has no idea why it looks like one of his descendants decided breeding with a shark was a good idea but that’s beside the point.)
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These three are all related and you cannot convince me they are not
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Things to add to the “Kirishima and Soga are brothers or most likely related” pile:
When Kirishima awakens his quirk for the first time he accidentally cuts his eye. When Soga’s quirk first awakens he accidentally cuts someone else. These are both founding events for their worldviews/ personalities.
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When Soga is being introduced as “The Legend” by Samazu he described as:
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Further evidence here
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Rapt: You have a BROTHER?
Moyuru: Bro, we’ve known you since like 1st year. You never mentioned you had a brother!
Soga: You never asked.
Makoto: Oh hi! You must be Eijrou! It’s so nice to meet you!
Rapt and Moyuru, whipping around: HOW DID YOU KNOW?
Makoto: Oh, I asked!
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another reason I like Soga and Kirishima as brothers is that their quirks are literally sword and shield
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so ochaco__urarakaa made this edit on instagram
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and i’m sorry but Kirishima is just:
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These are the same.
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I think, I am a Soga stan and I don’t know how to feel about it
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Kaminari: So what’s your brother like?
Kirishima: You know how i’m nice and generally tolerable to be around?
Kaminari: ..yeah..?
Kirishima: He is not.
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All the older brother characters in MHA aka Koichi’s harem.
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