asdeadasasquirrel · 2 years
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What’s gonna be left of the world without you in it? Oh what’s gonna be left of the world
Every minute of every hour, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you more.
Vigilantes Week continued: Shirakumo
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liquid-purple · 2 years
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Late Soggy for day 3
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MHA Vigilantes Day 6
Prompt: Mirror/ Number 6/ Alternate Ending
He begins to pull on the quirk, wrenching it away from the Skycrawler’s body. The Crawler writhes in pain, attempting to escape the villain’s grip, but All for One holds tight on his face.
In the struggle, All for One focuses. He closes his eyes and waits to feel the telltale-deadweight in his hands as the Crawler goes limp, but it never comes. 
Instead, when he opens his eyes, he finds himself in an empty black landscape. The floors and ceiling are indistinguishable from each other in the void, but he can tell he’s still standing on solid ground.
In front of him stands a single figure with his back to him.
“Pretty blank, huh?” the figure asks. 
“What?” All for One snarls, disoriented and confused at being pulled away from the battlefield.  
The figure takes no stock to All for One’s anger as he replies, “This place.” He gestures with a swirling hand above him. “I was surprised. I always knew that that guy was a bit of an airhead, but I didn’t expect his mind to literally be a blank slate. Guess there’s really nothing going on up here after all!” He cheers. 
“Where am I and who are you?” All for One demands. Did he miss something? Was there a hero on the battlefield that he was unaware of that had some kind of illusion quirk?
“Aw come on boss, you really don’t recognize me? I have to say that bites.” The figure leans on the last word, dragging it out into a higher note. 
All for One furrows his brow. 
“I mean, I guess you’d have no reason to think about me,” the man continues, “After all, I am dead,” he chuckles lightly, then turns his head and flashes a terribly creepy smile, “But for some reason, I’m still here.”
In front of All for One stands the image of Number 6. Dressed as he was the day he died, in his hero suit and trench coat.
“Hi boss," he smiles, "betcha didn’t think you’d see me again!”
Questions run through All for One’s head. “Wha- How?” he demands.
“I don’t know,” 6 answers. “I was honestly hoping you knew, but if you don’t that’s okay. I’m honestly not that bothered. It’s been entertaining, watching through his eyes as you guys try the whole ‘take over the world thing’.” He gestures with his hands. “Sucks that I couldn’t be apart of the fun.”
All for One confusion turn to anger now. He stalks up to Number 6 and grabs his collar and holds him in the air.
“This isn’t possible, you burned up along with everything else that night.”
“Apparently not,” 6 shrugs, unaffected by the fact that he’s dangling by All for One’s grip two feet off the ground. He watches the emotions battle across All for One’s face. Confusion, anger, and then...
“You’re afraaaaiiid,” he sing-songs. “You’re worried that something went wrong here, and I honestly can’t blame you because I think it did," he suddenly whispers, low and conspiratorial to All for One like he's sharing a secret. 
“I always did wonder if the Doc was telling the truth about all those quirks he put in me. Though that you migha be lying. That maybe he slipped something extra in as a test. After all, you wouldn’t want your prized pupil to kick the bucket if you discovered there was come complication with holding your quirk.”
He watches All for One’s face turn to horror. The counter of 6's mouth twitches into a smile.
“You had it all figured out.” He continues. “You pulled the wool over my eyes and were ready to let me burn out in one last blaze of glory! But then, something unexpected happened.” 
“I let him live,” he whispers. “You weren’t prepared for that.”
All for One stays silent, but drops Number 6 onto his feet, apparently tired of trying to intimidate him. He scowls and tries to look down on 6 with a face of disgust. 
It doesn't work. 
“Well, you have bigger problems than me to deal with right now, anyway.” 6 finally shrugs as he stares directly into All for One’s eyes.
6 can see it in his eyes. He knows he's lost. 
“Do you remember what you told me?” 6 says quietly, almost reverently. “What you said was the only effective strategy against an opponent such as the Crawler?”
All for One’s pupils dilate. He does remember what he said, he has to. 
The grin that splits his face is gleeful and manic as he purrs, “Run.”
// You say Run begins to play
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vigilantesposts · 2 years
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For Day One of Vigilantes Week!!
I’m a day behind but oh well have some Pop getting the kisses she deserves ‼️
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vigilantesweek · 2 years
Vigilantes fact of the week: THIS WEEK IS VIGILANTES WEEK!!!!
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asdeadasasquirrel · 2 years
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It’s vigilantes week! And of course I’m late for it. Here’s Pop!
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liquid-purple · 2 years
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Vigilantes Week Day 6: Number 6/Mirror/Alternate Ending
I took inspiration from one of Sonic IDW issue 50’s covers for this one- Poor 6 is stuck in some mirror dimension post death. Poor guy.
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liquid-purple · 2 years
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I am no longer a lurker acc ahahahahah
I’m the moderator for Vigilantes Week, and I didn’t think it’d be fair if I only posted my works on Twitter. 
Vigilantes Week Day 1: Pop/Forgiveness/Sickness +Hospital- Koichi got Pop an All Might hoodie in return for the hoodie she gave him (and he’s still too stupid to know that said hoodie was the one from all those years ago). Now they’re finally catching up after the lockdown.
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asdeadasasquirrel · 2 years
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Vigilantes Week 2022: Number 6
Poor, faceless, number 6.
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MHA Vigilantes Week Day 5
Day 5: Angst/CC/Pro Heroes
One Thank You
The white speckled tiles of the hospital celling stare down at him.
He can hear the beeping of the monitor, a gentle reminder of his own beating heart every time the beep pierces through the room. The hum of the other machinery around him is hard to hear over his own labored breathing. It haunts him with every inhale, a slow, sickly rasp.
He lies in the hospital bed, waiting for time to pass. 
Waiting for his body to stitch itself back together. 
Out of Toshinori’s view, a man walks into the room. His face betrays his age, with wrinkles sagging over a once jovial looking face. His dark hair is patchy both his head and the scruff on his chin. He walks over to All Might’s bedside and takes a seat.
As he does, Toshinori is hit full in the face with a could of smoke that seems to radiate off of the man. He should find it concerning, given the weakened state of his lungs and immune system, but after weeks of surgeries and nothing but the smell of antiseptic, it’s a comforting change.
The old detective sits forwards in his chair, but doesn’t go to speak yet. He lets a hand come up over his face as he scratches at his stubble, staring out into the room.
Toshinori feels the weight of it. The last time he had spoken to Tanuma was right before…
He doesn’t know the man well, but he can see the way years of policing and detective work have taken a toll him. 
Then, Tanuma takes a breath, deciding now is the time to speak.
“I only have one question to ask.” He says.
Toshinori looks up at the officer and meets his gaze. His face normally looks so jovial, so ready to crack a joke or hand-wave something off.
Detective Tanuma looks deadly serious now. 
In a calm, firm voice he asks, “Is it done?” 
Toshinori thinks back. Thinks of how his two fists came down, deadly and powerful onto that monster’s head. He remembers the expression the villain had been wearing milliseconds before impact. The cracking, sickening noise that had resulted, and the red that had covered his hands and gotten between his fingers as he pulled away.
It’s with all that in mind, that he grimly answers:
Tanuma, is quiet for a moment, and takes a deep inhale before he speaks again. His eyes flicker to the wound at Toshinori’s side. He makes eye contact with wounded hero as he stands up firmly from his chair.
“All Might,” he addresses.“I need you to listen close now, because this may be the only time you ever hear this.” 
Toshinori sits straighter in his bed as he listens.
“If we planned this right, no one else will ever know what you’ve done for this country, and for the world…” He suddenly bows deeply, low and reverential to the hero in the hospital bed. “No one will ever know, what you’ve done for us. So, it is because of that, I have to say this; On behalf of the police, the citizens of Japan, the citizens of the world that can now sleep safety because of your actions, and on behalf of me, as a father and now a grandfather,” —his voice shakes at that last word— “Thank you, All Might.”
Toshinori’s eyes begin to water at the genuine gratitude in the old detective’s voice. Because it’s true, no one else will ever know what happened to cause All Might’s injuries.
Hell, no one will ever find out that All Might was injured in the first place.
So despite the pain, despite the hole in his side and the feeling that he'll never truly leave this hospital bed, he strains his head and returns the bow.
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MHA Vigilantes Week 3
Prompt: Light/Soga/Main Series
Growing Pains
Soga is not the best role model, and he knows it. Just this week the school had called his mom yet again because he got into another fight. His mother and him had the same old song and dance. With her, telling him off and admonishing him for fighting while saying that he was being a bad example for Eijirou, and with Soga defending himself, only to fall onto deaf ears.  
He doesn’t regret it though, that guy should’ve keep his grimy little hands off of Rapt’s lunch.
As punishment, he’s not allowed outside today. So, he sits in his room and angsts as much as is physically possible for an 11 year-old. It’s no use throwing a fit and tearing apart everything in his room with his quirk. He might really get grounded for that. So, he spends his day scowling at his books, flipping though the pages, looking at the back covers and not quite reading them.
The day passes slowly without anything to distract him before he picks up a random notebook and starts scribbling. He’s halfway through a drawing when he hears a ear piercing scream ring out from outside his room.
It’s Ei!
Instantly, he’s on alert, heart rate quickening. He throws away his pencil and throws open his door.
He can hear the cries better now. It’s coming from the garage.
Soga flings open the heavy door, fully expecting to see Eijirou hobbling back into the house after falling off of his bike again.  But that’s not what he sees.
Eijirou is partially bent over, one hand holding onto the garage workbench, the other, on his face holding onto a gash that has blood gushing from his forehead.  
Soga rushes to his side, unsure of what to do. He tries to get Eijirou’s attention, but he’s having a hard time keeping his eyes open from both the tears and the blood.
“Hey!” Soga shouts, trying to yell over Ei’s own screams. He puts a hand on his shoulder and shakes him. That seems to steady him as Ei tries to open his other eye to look at his brother. He sniffles and still cries pathetically. 
Soga tries to see how it happened, but all the tools on the tool bench are still hung up and away where Ei can’t get them. His bike is parked in the corner where it should be, and Ei doesn’t seem to be hurt anywhere else.
Eijirou still wails in his grip. There’s a lot of blood.
Soga hears heavy footsteps above him, and he calls out to their mom. A moment later, she bursts into the room and sees little Eijiro holding onto his bleeding face. She rushes to her knees and brings Ei to her.
She looks up to Soga. “What happened?” she asks curtly.
“I don’t know I just heard him crying and saw him here,” Soga explains. 
Their Mom begins to shush Ei while she shoots Soga an unimpressed look. “Soga, seriously, what happened?” She asks, her voice hard.
“I just told you!” he says, huffing.
His mother lets out a loud frustrated sigh. “Soga, I can’t deal with this right now and your brother is hurt. He might need stitches!”
“I told you. I don’t know!” he says in a voice too loud for it not to be defensive. 
“Fine, don’t tell me.” She huffs. “I’m talking Ei to the hospital and you are going to go to your room, and staying there.”
“What? But I didn-”
“Soga!” she barks sternly. It shocks him, and forces him to back down. Her voice cools as she says. “Go to your room we will speak about this later.”
Now it’s Soga’s turn to be angry. He stomps off towards his room and lets the garage door shut with force.
Kaina Kirishima doesn’t know what she’s supposed to do.
She sits in the waiting room of urgent care and carefully measures her breaths. It’s not easy being a single mother, and she just didn’t expect it to get like this. She sighs.
She’s worried for Eijirou. He never been that freaked out ever. Sure, he’s had his fair share of scrapes and tumbles, and she taught her little man it was okay to cry, but still, he had looked scared.
And Soga. She doesn’t know what to do next. The finances just aren’t there to get him the help he needs and the school is no help at all.
Those bastards she grimaces.
They took one look at her kid and said his quirk was villainous. It doesn't help that that the people in this neighborhood seem to have long memories and can recall what happened when Soga's quirk first came in. She wishes she could move them away to another school, but that just isn’t in the cards right now. She can only hope his temper gets better when he goes to high school.
And at that, she cringes thinking of Eijriou. Soga didn’t have any answers for why Eijirou got hurt, and there is... one obvious answer, but she doesn’t want to think about it. She doesn’t want to think that Soga  is capable of hurting his little brother. Still…
She closes her eyes.
Eijirou does end up getting stitches. He sniffles miserably and holds onto her shirt in a death grip as the nurse pokes around his eye and calmly explains how to re-apply the bandage.
It’s then, when she notices that his grip on her shirt… hurts. She hears the tearing of cloth and looks down. Eijirou’s hands look rocky and sharp as he clutches onto her T-shirt. 
He looks over at her confused.
She attempts to reach down and move his hands from her shirt, but quickly pulls back when something sharp bites into her. Kiana watches red flows down from the tip of her finger. 
“Oh!” the nurse reacts looking at Kiana's hand, “You oughta be careful with that quirk young man. You okay mom?”
It takes a moment for Kiana to process what she’s just heard, and the nurse looks expectantly at her as he waits for a response.
It’s his quirk.
It’s all Kiana can do to hold it together as she drives home. Of course, it’s his quirk she should have seen this coming, but Eijirou still felt so young…
He sits in the back seat, buckled up in his booster seat, slumped over and snoring quietly. He was exhausted from cyring his eyes out and the trip to the hospital so she had carried him back to the car. 
"I hate it." he said sleepily. 
"Hate, what baby?" 
"M'quirk." He said muffled into her shoulder. 
She brings the sleeping Eijriou into the house. She calls out to Soga, but receives no response. He’s probably still mad at her.
She tucks Ei into his bed before she goes to find Soga.
She knocks gently, as pushes opens the door, “Soga? Soga, I’m sorry honey-” she says, but stops when she sees she not there. 
A moment of panic flushes through her body as she looks around the room and sees no sign of him. Until she notices a hastily scribbled note on the top of his desk.
It reads: 
At Moyuru’s -S
Her breath stutters. Panic and relief and sorrow all get caught in her throat as she tries to swallow.
She’d been too harsh, too much.
God, she wishes she had some help.
She lets tears silently fall as her large hands clutch onto the back of Soga’s chair.
She lets it out, as her sternum shakes and her hands threaten to crush the wood underneath them.
Then, she straightens her back, wipes away the tears on her face, and goes to call Mrs. Moyuru.
I'm so sorry I'm posting this for your birthday but Happy Birthday Soga!
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MHA Vigilantes Week Day 2
Prompt: Family/Knuckleduster/Timeskip
Tags: Family Feels, Vigilantes as Found Family, Angst
Cold and Empty House
The house is cold and still. The only light in the room comes from the blue-tinted glow of the old box TV. The room smells starkly of ash and beer and empty cans pile up on top of each other on the floor.
There sits a man in the room.
He looks to the clock, ticking idly on the wall.
Not time yet.
It didn’t used to be like this. This house used to be full of noise. Loud music, the clinking of dinner plates and cutlery, and the dissonant sound of shouting and slammed doors.
Now the house is still, with only the buzz of the TV and the ticking of the clock.
The man in the arm chair sometimes swears he can still the other sounds. The loud music, the dinner plates, and the sound of shouting and slammed doors that still haunts him.
He takes a swig of his beer.
Sometimes there would be laughter, he thinks, though that seems so far away now.
He remembers the giggles of a little girl that once ran around his feet. The worried whispers of someone after he came home too late after a mission. The way this house used to be warm and inviting before the bitter chill moved in, and sucked the life away from it.
He remembers the feeling of holding her, once so small she could fit into the palm of his hand, and the terrifying, anxious feeling that came with wanting to protect her. How he had blinked and seemed to miss so much.
The trill of the clock hitting the hour shocks him out of the past. 
It’s time.
This apartment is small, and loud. No part of it is free form noise.
There’s noise from the kitchen where the young man clatters in the kitchen and works at the stove.
There’s noise from behind him where the young woman fiddles with something unseen behind the curtain, but certainly no one can say this house is quiet.
There’s no clock here, no place to watch the time idlily tick away. Instead he finds himself sitting on the floor and thinking.
Just thinking.
He plans and tomorrow, and the next day after that. Always in an attempt to keep his mind on the mission. 
He knows he can leave at any time, but then he’ll have to return to that house. The one echoes with the sounds of his mistakes. 
He much prefers this noisy, but cramped apartment. Even with all the steps it takes to get up to it.
“All rightly!” says Koichi. “Dinner’s done!” There's the clacking of ceramic on tile and he plates the curry and spoons out the rice from the rice cooker.
“It’s about time,” says Pop, emerging from behind the curtain, “I was starving,” she drawls. 
He rolls his eyes at the teenagers’ dramatics, but also has to stop a small grin from appearing on his face. It reminds him of someone.
They sit together at the low table, and say a thank you. Then the kids launch into an animated conversation about the next event their holding on the supermarket rooftop. 
He says silent tonight. There’s nothing he really needs to talk about. He just sits and enjoys the noise.
This house is frozen and dark. The only light in the room comes from the blue-tinned glow of the TV. The room smells of decay, which mixes unpleasantly with the pungent odor of honey.
Everyone in the house is quiet, but the buzzing sound fills the room and rattles the walls.
She sits in the room, idly flicking through channels on the TV, disappointed at the selection.
She yawns as she takes a bite of her dinner, bored and apathetic to the corpses that share the couch with her.
She'll stay here for a few more nights and leave once the hive needs feeding again. But for now she’s content to call this strangers' house her home.
But, not so far away, a man once again vows that he will save her from that cold and empty house.
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MHA Vigilantes Week Day 1
Prompt: Forgiveness/Pop/Sickness
Tags: Koipop, Fluff and angst, Confessions Pop wakes up after the events of the Nightmare Night, and has to adjust to the changes that comes from it.
What needs to be said
Kazuho fades in and out of consciousness. It feels like there’s this heavy weight on her chest and in her head, holding her down as it lulls her back to sleep, but a voice is calling out to her. The weight of the bed shifts as a body sits down next to hers.
“Kazuho?” the voice asks. Then it takes on a happy lilt as she tries to blink open her eyes. “Kazuho!”
She’s disoriented as she wakes, the world seems like it’s spinning, and she has a splitting headache.
It takes a moment for her to orient herself. The back of her bed moves up from behind her and helps her into a sitting position. Someone holds a cup of water up to her lips to drink, and as the first sip hits the back of her throat, she grabs the cup from their hand and voraciously drinks down the rest of the glass.
Her vision comes into focus at different lengths. She blinks as she tries to focus on the space in front of her. Soon the chair next to her comes into focus, but her periphery is still fuzzy. Half of the world is blocked off by a bandage over her left eye and the light of the room is blinding. She winces at the overstimulation and closes her eyes again as pushes back into her bed, away from the light.
The person on the bed next to her notices and gets up. Suddenly the brightness of the room fades, and some of the noise in her head quiets. Her bed slumps once again as the figure comes to sit next to her.
“Kazuho, you’re awake!” says the voice. “I just pressed the button, the doctors should be here in a sec.”
She relaxes as the voice next to her talks, almost instinctually.  
Everything’s staring to come into focus now, but it’s a bit hard to make out with the light of the room. She sees a face close to hers, dark hair, dark eyes and-
Kazuho’s heart sinks to her stomach.
A dark scar runs down the man's face, one that looks far too familiar.
She blanches as panic rises quickly in her chest, and the steady beeping of the machine next to her becomes a persistent thumping noise. 
No, she thinks. No no no no no-
She lies against the pillows, body in panic mode but still not able to respond properly. She reflexively closes in on herself and shuts her eye.
Not him, anyone but him! She thought she was safe. She swears that she had know Ko- No no no!
A hand holds onto her shoulder.
“Pop?” the voice asks. “Kazuho, you’re okay here, I swear. Just look at me, please?” he pleads.
She fights through the panic as it forces her breaths to come in quick fluttering bursts sucked through her teeth. 
Slowly, tentatively, she peaks though her lashes and looks at the man next to her. 
Koichi is there, tears in the corners of his eyes, but smiling and safe. He has the same big brown eyes, same dark hair, but on the side of his face there's a dark scar that comes up and across his cheek.
Instinctually, she reaches for his face and runs her thumb across the red, aggravated skin. 
At her touch Koichi’s grin spits open wider. He puts his hand up over hers and stutters over the words as he says, “Hey Pop.”
Tears start to stream from Pop’s eyes and her breathing stutters again as he realizes that he’s here. “Koichi.”
She dives into his chest, and he wraps his arms around her as sobs cause her frail body to shake. He strokes the back of her head and mumbles comforting words.
“You’re safe now Pop. You have no idea how worried I was. Thought about you the whole time you were in here. I just didn’t know how I would feel if you never yelled at me again-“
He says his comforting ramblings into her hair and his beating heart provides her with a pillar as she leans into his firm chest. 
For the first time in a long time, Kazuho feels safe in his arms.
After awhile she calms down enough to pull away, but Koichi keeps talking. 
“-and there were so many heroes here Pop you shoulda seen it! I don’t think I've seen that many heroes in Naruhata since the first big trigger outbreak. You remember that one right? Anyway, and apparently All Might showed up. In Naruhata! Can you believe that?” 
It’s there, in that moment, in dim light of the hospital room that Kazuho interrupts Koichi’s rambling by pulling his face to hers and kissing him.  
Koichi is startled for a moment, but then leans into it and closes his eyes. They break slowly, foreheads coming to rest against each other as she grabs his hand and says “Koichi, you’re an obvious blockhead, and the kindest, most caring person I've ever met. So, you probably haven’t realized it yet, but I’ve been in love with you this whole time.” 
And then the words are out there, real and in the world.
Pop watches Koichi’s face as the gears turn in his head. His face crunches up like it usually does when he's thinking really hard, and Pop begins to panic a bit.
Then he says, “There was this really pretty moon I wanted to show you.” 
Kazuho raises her brow, though Koichi seems to relax as he gets his thoughts in order.
“And I wanted to show it to you, but you weren't there. I was so, so worried the whole time. I couldn’t sleep right, knowing that you were still in danger. I wore the same underwear for like two weeks. And I realized that I didn't want to be without you, that I wanted to show you the pretty moon everyday if I could.”
Koichi stops, satisfied that he’s said what he needs to say.
Pop face then splits into a smile, real and blinding with tears still in her eyes. She laughs the first genuine laugh she’s had in a long time.
“You idiot.”
// If your confession doesn’t include a part about underwear you’re not doing it right.
Fun fact: I wrote the initial draft of this before Koichi was actually scarred in the manga, so I had his and 6's scars be identical.
Happy Vigilantes Week!
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vigilantesweek · 2 years
Also! Vigilantes Week has been extended to encompass all of next week. The prompts for each are all the same, just so that anyone who wanted to participate that couldn’t has a fairer chance. Even after next week, late works will still be reblogged, I’ll just be checking the tag less.
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vigilantesweek · 2 years
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Don’t forget to tag your works with #VigilantesWeek2022 if you’re planning on participating
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