takethelx3 · 9 months
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Anyway them I think of them I love them I miss them
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nathalielpzart · 16 days
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Finally!! I have something share ajdjjdjd!
Ahahahha, yeah... sorry for going MIA again. I swear when I finally able to post properly, I'm suddenly gone. I also got promoted from my job, so... I was left more busy than usual. Although yay for me! 🎉🥳💕🌻🎉
I was experimenting with my Ohuhu alcohol markers again (great art supplies btw!!!), and Luka and Adrien have become my go to in experimenting with skin tones. So I was suddenly in a Lukadrien mood that I slowly worked on this sketch.
This small sketchbook's first pages are full of incomplete sketches lmao (;^∀^). Which, really, I bought this mostly for experimented ideas, but.... Ahahhaa, sometimes I come up with a good drawing within these experimented sketchbooks. Makes me scream in disbelief with myself!!
Anyways!! Enough with my rambles!! Hopefully I come back to this next week!
Also! Also! Also! Kagurabachi is GREAT!! I found another good ⚫️⚪️ duo I'm becoming VERY attached to. This found family in this manga is great, but!!!! Chihiro and Hakuri keeps grabbing me by the neck!!!!
Sjjdjdjd until next week (I hope!!) everyone! ゚.+:。∩(・ω・)∩゚.+:。
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So, I think what 3 means in the polyship Asks means "when they're lined up in a row" whether than be standing in a line or laying in bed and not on top of each other, who's in the middle holding both of their partners' hands.
As to SoKaiRiku, since I ship that trio, I'll answer that one as I think it could be. Others might differ in their opinion.
1. Kairi tends to give thoughtful gifts, Sora does impulsive gifts. Riku worries all the time about if any gift he gives will be good, so he cooks for his partners instead.
6. Kairi asked Sora out first, but Sora talked things out with Kairi and they asked Riku out together.
8. Riku and Sora are both reckless, but Riku tends to do the more dangerous thing thanks to self-esteem issues. Kairi is the braincell.
10. They might have one or two kids eventually, but not until they've really settled in to having a routine instead of gallavanting off to save people all the time.
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copdog1234 · 2 years
You may be wondering, "gee, copdog, why are you suddenly spamming me with sorikai fanart?"
And to that, my dear followers, I say, it took me 20 years and replaying the older Kingdom Hearts games to realize, hey, Sora, Kairi, and Riku all love each other very much and the dichotomy and separation I had once believed had to exist between Sora being with just Kairi or Sora being with just Riku was but a false narrative conditioned into me by society.
I've been knew polyamory existed and accepted and supported that fact and way of life, but something in me kept me still viewing the characters in these games in the exact same light I saw them in as a kid.
It just took me till recently to be enlightened, so I'm basking in it.
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dalekofchaos · 4 years
So I love Donald and Goofy in Kingdom Hearts, but honestly KH3 should’ve FINALLY had Sora, Riku and Kairi together as a team, while Donald and Goofy would still be there as support roles or would be there in supporting the king. Then we would to play as the 3 big trios. Destiny, Seasalt and Wayfinder Trios all together and get the satisfying conclusion of Sora, Riku and Kairi, Roxas, Lea, Xion, Terra, Aqua and Ventus ending Master Xehanort together
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viradianjedi · 4 years
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joieedevivre · 4 years
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Oh yeah, I don’t know if I’ve ever posted them here, but I’ve written two modern/college AU Kingdom Hearts fanfics that exist in the same universe as each other, and I figured I’d link them here!
Maybe Three Isn’t Such a Crowd?
Tags: Sorikai - Freeform, Mutual, Pining, Alternate Universe - College/University, minor car crash, past trauma, Fluff, SO MUCH FLUFF, like seriously so much fluff at the beginning and end, Riku and Sora are so sweet that reading this will give you an insulin spike, i only peddle the finest toothaches, hopefully, Established Relationship, Polyamory, Polyamory Negotiations, i guess?, Bisexual Riku (Kingdom Hearts), Bisexual Sora (Kingdom Hearts), LGBTQ Character, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting
Summary: College-aged Sora and Kairi have been in a relationship since before high school, and things are going very well. Except... Kairi has also started developing feelings for their housemate and best friend of 10 years, Riku, and is beating herself up about it. But when Kairi's past trauma is triggered and Sora walks in on Kairi crying into Riku's chest, will Kairi learn that maybe, just maybe, she can have the best of both worlds?
The one where Terra almost gives Aqua an ulcer by working on his car
Tags: One Shot, Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Terra is a mechanic of sorts, he's a nerd who names his cars, Aqua is going to school for psychology cuz of course she is, Ven is still trying to find himself, Not Actually Unrequited Love, these two oblivious idiots, poisoning of sorts, Hurt/Comfort, of sorts, PiningTerraqua - Freeform, Fluff, Mutual Pining
Summary: Mechanic-to-be Terra comes in from working on his car, but something's not right. Can Aqua help him? And more importantly, will these two idiots figure out that the other doesn't want to be "just friends"?           
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trinnyos · 6 years
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                                              Stream time ! Will be continuing my Kh charms~!
Click here to watch ------>★
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ezra-blue · 5 years
Let’s see. I’m not too far into FFXV myself to ask any questions about it so perhaps Kingdom Hearts?
Kingdom HEARTS! Fill me with the power of fandom!
The first character I first fell in love with: Sora! He’s a cinnamon bun.The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Axel really grew on me by the end of KH2.The character everyone else loves that I don’t: I don’t hate Aqua, but honestly I think her personality is kind of bland.The character I love that everyone else hates: Eh, I think I hate all of the ones that most people hate. Oh, but if this counts, I like Riku’s character design in KH3, though I’ve seen it get some hate. One of my friends said “oh, well, you like Final Fantasy 15, so…” and I’m like bitch.The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Demyx got stupid in the 3rd game. He just got the charm Flanderized out of him.The character I would totally smooch: Can I go with Riku? I love that boy.The character I’d want to be like: Eh, I honestly think I’m a liittle more mature than anybody involved with this nonsense. But if I have to choose, Aqua, the only adult in the room.The character I’d slap: Sora for being a goddamned idiot.A pairing that I love: Soriku, Akuroku, Sokairiku (if that’s a thing. Destiny Island Threesome?)A pairing that I despise: I’m not thick enough in the fandom for this, but if people ship Riku with Ansem in any form I’m absolutely out.
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takethelx3 · 4 months
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I love them... (I'll colour it when I find some time)
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copdog1234 · 2 years
The older I get the more I realize it doesn't have to be just SoKai or just SoRiku, it can be all of them together. Poly and happy as SoKaiRiku <3
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dalekofchaos · 6 years
My Only problem with Kingdom Hearts 3, the fridging of Kairi and Kairi’s wasted potential
I finished Kingdom Hearts 3 and I love it. Though the only issue I have is how they wasted Kairi. She has a Keyblade in 2 and proclaims she wants to fight to help Sora in BBS 2, Coded and DDD. She spent the majority of the game training on a island where time does not exist with Lea(also disappointed we could not see Lea’s new outfit that Yen Sid gave him, like it could’ve looked like this this or this) and despite this, she does not fight for herself at all. Terranort was about to attack her and she does not defend herself, Sora has to save her again despite being trained with a Keyblade. Nor does she defend herself against Xemnas. And she is essentially fridged to raise the stakes in the final battle. All that build up for nothing and in the end all that “this time I’ll protect you” was made pointless. What the fuck happened? What’s even worse is Sora and Riku don’t even care about Kairi all game until it actually happens. Riku went to the damn dark side for Kairi. He was willing to become one with darkness to save Kairi. Sora removed his own heart and became a damn Heartless for Kairi and went through absolute hell just to see her again. And not once do either of her best friends show any interest or care in Kairi all game. Whatever you ship is your business, but whatever side you are on, you know this is bullshit, both these boys would die and do anything for Kairi and not once do either of them seem to care at all for Kairi. That is complete bullshit. Sora and Riku both love Kairi and the fact that they don’t care is as bad as her wasted potential
The only thing I think they did right with Kairi, was the light in the darkness scene.
Instead of pointlessly fridging Kairi and killing her potential. First Kairi draws her Keyblade at Terranort, then have Kairi be the one to end Xemnas, showing how powerful she is as a Keyblade master, even Isa is surprised. Just have Master Xehanort use the Keyblade on himself. You know damn well that will not kill him, he has another form, he is like a snake. Xehanort rises like the phoenix and rises to Kingdom Hearts and we await the final battle in Scala ad Caelum. Only Donald and Goofy do not come with us. It’s Riku and Kairi
What I WANTED. Was to see Sora, Riku and Kairi for once to fight together. I wanted to see Sora, Riku and Kairi in the final battle with Master Xehanort. The best friends now Keyblade Masters together at last. It started with them and now it will end with them. They stop him. Ends the same way, only with Kairi playing apart at Xehanort’s defeat. And finally, they can all go home. We get to see Kairi finally reunite with Namine. We finally have everyone together. Sora, Riku, Kairi, Roxas, Namine, Xion, Lea, Isa, Aqua, Terra, Ven, Mickey, Donald and Goofy. Maybe end it where it begins with Sora, Riku and Kairi together on the island. With the three of them together holding hands. Giving us the poly Sokairiku relationship.
You STILL could tease a sequel. We had Luxu and The Dandelions and the Black Box to go with and the Secret Reports showed there was more to tell. You did not have to sacrifice the potential of Kairi to tease a goddamn sequel.
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copdog1234 · 2 years
You might have better luck finding poly content for Sora Kairi and Riku if you look under sorikai instead of sokairiku. I think that's the generally decided upon ship name, though obviously those things aren't exactly standardized so there's content in both tags.
Oh, did not know that, thanks! Honestly?? Sokairiku rolls better off the tongue, I'm surprised it isn't the "official" name
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