#sol is a boo
roronoacherries · 1 year
𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 | 𝘳𝘰𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘰𝘢 𝘻𝘰𝘳𝘰
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content: fluff, sfw, light angst, fem. reader, established relationship, reader can't look at zoro without a hint of fear in her eyes after he saves her from an enemy.
note: this is a little more straw hat fluff than it is zoro fluff?
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you wanted to pretend that it didn’t faze you. 
it shouldn’t have. zoro was gentle and loving and kind-hearted. you knew this well enough. better than anyone, you understood that there was more to the swordsman than his unwavering, tough demeanor. there was no reason for you to feel afraid with him — much less, any reason for you to be afraid of him. 
and yet, lately, you couldn’t quite meet his eyes. you couldn’t help being jumpier around him than you wanted to be. and you found yourself avoiding him without meaning to. 
all he had done was protect you. you would have been dead if he hadn’t stepped in. but rather than thank him, your reaction had been to cower and step into sanji’s arms instead of his. it wasn’t fair to him and you knew it but the image of the swordsman, eyes crimson with rage, was something you couldn’t erase from your mind. the expression on his face had been one that could kill; it was one that made you understand that he would kill. without a second thought, if it meant protecting you. and that had terrified you. 
it shouldn’t have unsettled you like it did. you were pirates for god's sake! you hadn’t exactly expected him to be a saint, nor could you claim to be one. you had no right to be this cold toward him now. he was still the zoro you knew — the one you loved like you didn’t realize you could — you’d simply seen a different side of him; you’d seen a side of him that told you the lengths to which he would go to keep you safe. 
you loved him endlessly… but you needed time before you could meet his eyes without recalling the terror you’d felt then. 
and the swordsman understood. he didn’t blame you for your reaction, but he didn’t know how to mend things either. all he could do was wait for it to pass. all he could do was give you space. that was what he told himself but all he wanted to do was hold you in his arms and make you feel okay. 
the best he could do was keep his distance, though without straying too far. it didn’t matter to him if you saw him as a monster, he’d stay close enough to be there if you needed him, keeping out of your way while still keeping an eye on you. 
and although he conceals it well, it isn’t lost on anyone that zoro’s hurting too. he minds his own, not quite avoiding anyone but not quite present either. not even the cook’s blatant and shameless flirting is enough to provoke a reaction from him; and despite their rivalry, sanji can’t stand to see the swordsman so apathetic. 
none of the crew can, but they know there’s not anything more he can do but be patient with you; as much as they all want to help – to advise zoro and to comfort you – they all know what you need is time.
although it doesn’t keep them from trying. 
chopper takes it upon himself to cure zoro’s ailment the only way he can think to: keeping him company. he bothers the swordsman with a dozen different things, keeping him occupied and trying his best to lighten his mood, but his attempts are fruitless. nothing could quite erase the trace of melancholy in zoro’s expression. 
nami is the only other to try and pull some semblance of genuine emotion from zoro in the way she knows best — picking a fight with him. if there’s anything the navigator is an expert at (besides everything — for a price), it’s chastising the boys. 
“you’re too intense,” she scolded and despite her tone, zoro knew she meant it as comfort. not that knowing made it annoy him any less. she kept talking and zoro let her, not quite listening but not quite ignoring her either. 
“you lose your cool at the drop of a hat sometimes, it’s no wonder y/n is as shaken up as she is. you’ve gotta learn to keep your calm.” nami’s words were nonchalant and her eyes were no longer on the swordsman; she knew well enough that her words would go in one ear and out the other regardless. 
and though zoro knew that he would only be proving her right, that he should bite his tongue and acknowledge that maybe nami was right, he lost his temper anyway, raising his voice at the navigator a little more than he’d intended to. “how the fuck am i meant to stay calm if y/n’s in trouble?”
everyone’s eyes turned to the swordsman but he could care less about what they might think. “i don’t give a shit how she feels,” he spat, knowing as well as everyone else that this was a lie. 
“i’d do the same thing again if i had to, without a second thought.” 
i’d do anything for her. 
“even if it means she never speaks to me again.”
despite chopper’s insistence that he rest, despite the wounds on his body that ached with every move he made, zoro left to work out, though not before warning everyone to leave him alone. and while chopper’s words ring in his head, knowing well that his body needed to rest, he’d rather feel the pain of his injuries than think of you. 
the rest of the crew tried to meddle comfort you however they could. 
luffy tried (and succeeded) to bring a smile to your face with his endless antics, usopp joining in. the two went out of their way to pull a laugh out of you. teasingly, your captain made it a point to remind you of the clueless, disoriented fool roronoa zoro could be through theatrical reenactments of the swordsman’s habits and mannerisms. “how can you be scared of an idiot like that?” luffy giggled. 
he balanced himself on the ship’s railing, crouching as he looked down at you with a contagious grin. you wanted to tell him to be careful, but you knew your words would go ignored. 
“besides. i’d ‘ve done the same thing if i was in his place,” he said, teetering on the railing and it takes everything in you not to shout at him. playfully, he questioned you, “would you really be scared of me too, y/n?”
“i’m scared that you’ll fall. luffy, please get down from there.”
giggling, the captain sways a little more before hopping down and you let out a sigh of relief. and though he doesn’t bother to pull a response out of you, his question still sticks with you. 
sanji had said the same thing as you helped him with the kitchen chores, busying yourself in a helpless attempt to push the swordsman out of your mind. you dried the dishes as sanji washed them, a comfortable silence sitting between the two of you. 
and while sanji knew well that you’d offered to help him because you wanted a distraction, he couldn’t help but question you, his gentle voice breaking the silence. softly, being careful not to make it sound like he thought you were reacting unreasonably, the cook asked, “is there a reason this has you so shaken up, my dear?” 
you dried the last dish without looking up at sanji, who’d turned his back to the sink, a cigarette quick to find its way to his lips. “i don’t know…” you whispered. you were being honest; you’d given that question significant thought already, but you weren’t quite sure why this was bothering you like it was.
“you know…” sanji started, lighting the cigarette between his teeth. “any of us would have done the same thing in his shoes. if that idiot went a little too far, it was because of how much he cares, y/n,” it felt strange to defend the swordsman so forwardly, but it was true. “he’d never forgive himself if something happened to you, especially not if he could do something about it.” 
all you could do was nod, your eyes staring vacantly at the dishes in front of you. sanji held a hand to your shoulder in comfort. “and…pardon my language, sweet y/n, but if that idiot hadn’t done what he did, i’d have kicked his ass.”
“thank you, sanji.” you smiled up at the cook. he returned the smile, whispering one last thing before heading for the door. “if you still can’t keep the mosshead off your mind, at least help yourself to a treat. i made your favorite for dessert tonight if you’d like to sneak a bite…”
no amount of sweets could be enough to make you feel any better (but it was worth the try). it helps, though, that nami and usopp find you wallowing at the kitchen counter and join you. these two admit to understanding perfectly what you felt; they agree that zoro, along with sanji and luffy, could be a monstrous trio when need be. it’s pure insanity and utterly terrifying that they’re as strong as they are, even when you’re not on the receiving end of their fury. 
“but they’re a trio of idiots, too,” nami reasoned. “i know it’s easy to forget when you see them like that, but everything they do is out of loyalty… and love.” 
“she's right,” usopp chimes in. “they’re beastly monsters, but they’re our beastly monsters. it’s like having pet guard dogs. they might bite someone’s hand off but never yours… ‘cept maybe luffy.” 
there’s truth to all of their words; you know this. and it helps. although you don’t forget the fear you felt in that moment, you don’t forget all of the love you feel for that big green-haired idiot either. still, you find yourself skipping dinner to avoid him a little longer — perhaps, more from guilt than any lingering fear. 
you lie in bed instead, your eyes staring at the ceiling as you think over your crewmates’ words and try to make sense of your own ceaseless thinking. you hardly notice the sound of the door until robin’s voice meets your ears.
“the stars are quite beautiful tonight,” she smiles and you know, without her needing to say much else, that this is her way of helping you clear your mind. 
“thank you, robin,” you whisper, as you reach for a thin blanket to take with you on deck. 
and robin is right; the sight of the stars shining above the going merry is enough to take your breath away. their light alone lightens the weight on your shoulders, a reminder that your existence is small and your problems are too. and that doesn’t make them unimportant, but it does make them easier to bear. 
you notice too, though, that robin didn’t send you up here to look at the sky; she wanted you to notice what was under the starlight. his eyes are fixed on the stars above, hands resting behind his head as he laid on the upper deck. 
he notices you without needing to look, catching a glimpse of you out of the corner of his eye. you’re frozen where you stand until you see him sit up, turning his back to you, ready to leave and give you your space but the sound of your footsteps stops him. 
he’s not sure why but he shuts his eyes as he hears you approach; a part of him knows it’s to keep himself from getting his hopes up, too afraid to let himself believe that you might let him hold you in his arms again and he might finally be able to get some sleep — not that he’d admit aloud that he can’t quite sleep without you close to him anymore. 
it’s not until he feels your arms wrap around him and your head rest against his back that the swordsmen lets himself exhale. but the sense of relief is short-lived, as he feels something damp his shirt and it pains him to think that you might be crying. 
he struggles to find the right words to say, scared he’ll say the wrong thing and you’ll pull away, but ultimately it’s you who speaks first. “i’m sorry.”
you whisper, your words muffled against his back and he’s certain he must’ve misheard because what could you possibly have to apologize for. 
and it’s then that he knows exactly what to say to you. “shut up.
“what could you possibly have to say sorry for?” his hand searches for yours and as he holds it, he realizes just how deeply he’s missed having you close. “i’m the one who should be apologizing to you.”
all you can think to do is hold him tighter, but the swordsman pulls away. he turns to you and when his eyes meet yours, there’s no longer any trace of fear and zoro couldn’t be more grateful for it. 
he lies back on the deck again, this time with you wrapped in his arms. the weight of his arms around you makes you feel safer than anything and there isn’t anywhere else you’d rather be. after all, roronoa zoro would go to any lengths to protect you. resting your head in the crook of his neck, you can’t help but whisper another apology. 
“shut up.” the swordsman repeats, his voice almost a whisper but you can hear the smile tugging at his lips nonetheless. he holds you tighter, burying his nose in your hair and breathing in the scent he missed so much. “let me sleep.”
taglist: @zorobraun @maaarshieee @lyriczhou @tinkywinky27 @dimimyth @gaby-chwan @tk6uro @zoros-4th-sword @idiotlittleme @zoronnoa
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chicademartinica · 4 months
Call me Phi Wut’s biggest hater from now on.
Your employee and mentee gets harassed and abused at work by a violent partner AND YOU BERATE THEM ?!!
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Your employee and mentee gets abused AGAIN and is completely desperate for work, even a dangerous one.
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cakesdown · 1 year
oooh!! if you’re up for it can i see mr halloween himself (michael myers) 😹
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ohhhh yeah I still GOT IT
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sorcerous-caress · 8 months
Made a meme with my bg3 OC and @reefman05 Tav
"The first time Sean saw Sol smile"
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motheatencrow · 4 months
actually mildly in love with the fact red candle games added a jumpscare to nine sols
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lividjungle · 1 year
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finally actually getting to designing sol(seeker) for my au
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blackknight-100 · 11 months
Fic for rchalloweekend, an event hosted by @rc-appreciationweeks
Long before she becomes a thief, lost on the road when fleeing from her aunt, Irene meets the undead.
Warnings: Mentions of horror and gore, spooky, implied strangulation
It was a cold, dark night. Little Irene clutched her tattered coat closer to her emaciated body, shivering. From time to time, she lifted her head to gaze up at the sky, heavy with angry black clouds. The year’s first snow was yet to fall, but it often drizzled. Irene had no wish to feel the chill of the drops seeping through her thin clothes and slithering across her spine, so she picked up her pace and shuffled on faster.
The little legs of an impoverished girl were not, however, meant to outrun the vagaries of nature, and when freezing et drops began falling, all Irene could think of was how stupid she was for running away from the shelter of her aunt’s home.
‘There I would have a roof over my head,’ she thought miserably, ‘and perhaps hot soup to warm up.’
But there was none to be found here. A light mist rose from the ground, and Irene stumbled around a corner and into the gap between two houses. It was quieter there, and damper, though she found there was a dry little nook at the very end she could fit herself into.
Irene stuffed herself into it, folding her legs under her and tucking her little hands into her armpits for warmth. A soft, stinging breeze whistled through the gap, chilling her to the bones. A dog’s long, plaintive howl filled the air.
The mist thickened. Something fell on her head – soft, like a moth landing – and Irene jumped. She touched her hair, but it was wet from soaked in snow and she could not feel anything, so she settled back again.
The dog howled again – high and mournful. Far away, a girl screamed. The mist thickened. Irene shivered. Then, something fell on her head again.
Irene lifted her hand up and patted her head. Nothing.
“Hello?” Irene called out.
Something wet and sloppy fell on her hand. A chill ran down her spine. Slowly, she looked up. Above her two glowing eyes blinked. As her eyes got used to the dark, Irene noticed the stringy hair and the gaping mouth. Yellow, rotting teeth gleamed. A drop of saliva dripped on her face.
Irene screamed. She jumped up and crawled out as fast as she could, scraping her hands on the ground. The dog howled, much closer. Faraway, a horse neighed. The creature dragged itself out of the alley.
“Reeeeee!” it cackled. Irene screamed again. Horror paralyzed her legs. Her heart pounded like drums and her brain begged her body to move, but all she could do was stand there, frozen. The monster before her stepped out into the light.
She – if it could be called such – was big and bloated, with a hollow for her nose and long, wet, stringy hair. Rags clung to her body, and above her left breast, right where her heart must have once been, was a gaping hole that wept blood. Her gleaming eyes were the same colour as her rotting teeth.
“Kekekeke!” she shrieked in delight, baring her jaws and holding out her hand to the little girl.
Irene screamed again. Her legs nearly gave out under her, but she righted herself, turned around and ran. Tears filled her eyes, blurring the sight of cobbled paths already treacherous with melting snow. Footsteps followed her, quickening to a run. Somewhere ahead, she heard hoofbeats.
“Help!” she screamed, praying it was a passing carriage. “Please, help me!”
Hands tangled in her hair, then pulled. Irene fell on her knees, choking on sobs. The sweet, sickening smell of rot filled her nostrils. A drooling, savage face peered into her. Claws wrapped around her neck and squeezed. Irene’s vision blackened. Just before she lost consciousness, she heard a horse neigh.
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bihansthot · 9 months
Actually played MK1 for the first time since my parents came up last week, it was nice spending time with my girlfriend. 🥰 I put her in her blue outfit so she’s all cute and matches Bi-Han now, too bad Bi-Han is maxed so I’ve been using Smoke but it’s the thought that counts lol I know no one will but send me asks about my self ship. I wanna ramble about it but not sure what to ramble about. Syzoth is definitely the shyest of the four of us mostly because he’s not fully confident in his human form.
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fuckthemforthis · 10 months
In my head I keep referring to Bojan as momče Makedonče today, and I'm sure it will transfer to rest of the boys as well
I have listened to this like seven times already in the last half an hour send help!!
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I don't even hate will solice in a genuine way just in a old woman yells at cloud way
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i-am-very-heck · 2 years
thinking abt these two (+ extra dialogue under the pic bc i couldn't fit it all on the paper w my handwriting lmao)
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"You're pathetic."
"Hmm... Maybe. You're no better, though."
"And what does that mean?"
"Your cheeks are flushed and you haven't socked me yet. I may just say you're goofy~"
"Hmph. So what? You're the roach with the crush. I'm honestly surprised you haven't given in and asked to neck already-"
"... Well then. If you wanna, I'll gladly oblige~"
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pequenosol · 1 year
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mutantfactor · 2 years
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League of Legends - Aurelion Sol “Before me, existence was empty. Barren. By my will, I filled it with wonder. Mortals strive to construct their own adorably inadequate “marvels”. But true power is only found in the cosmos! You thought you could wield it. That you could tame me. But how do you tame greatness? Oh, that's right. You can't! With every crack, your hold weakens. Every fracture brings a galaxy of strength! And while I long to return to my stars... First, I shall be unleashed!”
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4stra6henna · 1 year
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d5, s5 (d33): Okay a partir desse post eu acho que eu vou começar a postar semanalmente (toda sexta feira) pq ta fogo msm
Vão ter bem menos bagulhos mas a chance do desenho do post ser spoiler vai aumentar bastante
Tuntil then!!
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soliloquet · 1 year
this blog: the point
okay girlies i am fighting back against years of internalised misogyny and not-like-other-girls-isms and finally indulging my latent interest in dating sims/visual novels. i'm completely new to the genre, with the exception of that one time i went fucking feral over mystic messenger for like three months when i was seventeen, but those were dark times 😔✊
i though it'd be fun to blog my journey, since from my brief foray into the mysmes fandom it seemed like people in this sphere of the internet are honestly lovely. i'm planning on starting with the obey me series, since i know it's pretty popular at the moment, maybe do a bit of live-blogging, but if anyone has any suggestions i'd be happy to hear them!!
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magalhaessims · 3 months
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Hey guys! I'm here with another apartment building! Slowly but surely, I'll add more of them to every world. This one is in Del Sol Valley. I've always wanted a starter apartment there, and now I have it! There are six units in total, with three different floor plans. I've fully decorated one for the beloved Venessa Jeong. There's a fully equipped gym, a refreshing pool area, and a fun playground for kids. I hope you guys like it!
Lot Type: Residential | Rental
Size: 40x30
World: Del Sol Valley
Enable bb.moveobjects before placing in your game!
Origin ID: MagalhaesSims (remember to enable custom content on!) DOWNLOAD
NOTE: For convenience, some of the CC is included in the Download Folder. Please put it in your Mods Folder along with the CC linked below.
Charly Pancakes @charlypancakes : Chalk | Miscellanea | Modish | Smol || TheClutterCat: Baby Boo | iCare | Snuggle Set | Sunny Sundae | Water Vibes || Felixandre: Colonial (2022) | Fairylicious | Grove | Soho || Harrie: Brutalist Bathroom | Coastal Collection | Country Kitchen | Klean | Shop The Look 02 || House Of Harlix: Baysic Bathroom | Kichen | Livin'Rum || LittleDica @littledica : Greasy Goods | H&B Store | Modern Kitchen | Rise&Grind Cafe | Sleek Slumber || Max20: Closet Collection | Garage And Storage | Garden At Home | Poolside Lounge || MyshunoSun: Lottie Bedroom | Flow Storage || Peacemaker: Beaming Celling | Bowed Bedroom | Bowed Living | Hinterland Kitchen | Post Modern || Pierisim: David Apartment | Domaine Du Clos | MCM House | Oak House | Pantry Party | Stefan | Teeny Weeny | Unfold | Woodland Ranch || SixamCC: Home Improvement | Home Office | Privite Schools || SurelySims: Kitchen Of Tomorrow | Office Space || Syboulette: Cheap And Chipped | Crossfit Reborn | Neighbourly || Tuds: BEGIN
The CC Sets above are the main ones I used to decorate this specific building and you can find all the links to the creators’ sites on my Resource Page. However, if you can’t find something specific, you can send me a WCIF and I’ll try to help you find it!
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My content will always be free and right away available to everyone, but if you want to, you can show your support through my Ko-Fi Page. Your donation will always be much appreciated!
Thank you for reblogging: @maxismatchccworld @mmfinds @mmoutfitters @s4realtor @coffee-houses-finds and everyone else for helping me boost this post!
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