#solar panel connection diagram
pvmarketofficial · 2 months
How to Install a Hybrid Inverter
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Installing a hybrid inverter involves several important steps and requires careful planning to ensure safety and efficiency. Here’s a detailed guide to help you through the process:
1. Pre-Installation Preparation
Assess Your Needs:
Determine the required size and capacity of the inverter based on your energy consumption and the specifications of your solar panels and battery storage.
Obtain Necessary Permits:
Check local regulations and obtain any required permits for installing a hybrid inverter and connecting it to the grid.
Select a Suitable Location:
Choose a well-ventilated, shaded area for mounting the inverter, away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures.
Ensure the location is easily accessible for maintenance and monitoring.
2. Gather Tools and Equipment
Required Tools:
Drill and drill bits
Wire strippers
Safety gear (gloves, safety glasses)
Required Equipment:
Hybrid inverter
Mounting bracket or panel
Conduits and cables
Disconnect switches
Battery bank (if not already installed)
Solar panels (if not already installed)
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3. Installation Steps
Step 1: Mount the Inverter
Secure the mounting bracket or panel to the chosen location using screws and a drill.
Attach the inverter to the bracket or panel, ensuring it is firmly in place.
Step 2: Connect the Solar Panels
Run the cables from the solar panels to the inverter’s input terminals.
Use conduits to protect the cables and ensure a neat installation.
Connect the positive and negative wires to the corresponding terminals on the inverter.
Step 3: Connect the Battery Bank
Connect the battery bank to the inverter’s battery input terminals.
Ensure correct polarity (positive to positive, negative to negative) to avoid damage to the system.
Use appropriate fuses and disconnect switches for safety.
Step 4: Connect to the Grid
Connect the inverter to your home’s main electrical panel via the grid input terminals.
Install a disconnect switch between the inverter and the main panel to isolate the system when needed.
Step 5: Configure the Inverter
Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to configure the inverter settings, including battery type, charging parameters, and grid connection settings.
Use the inverter’s interface or a connected monitoring system to complete the configuration.
4. Testing and Commissioning
Safety Checks:
Double-check all connections for tightness and correct polarity.
Ensure all fuses and disconnect switches are properly installed and in the off position.
Power Up:
Turn on the battery disconnect switch, followed by the solar panel disconnect switch.
Turn on the inverter and monitor the startup sequence for any error messages.
System Testing:
Use a multimeter to verify voltage and current levels at various points in the system.
Ensure the inverter is correctly managing power flow from the solar panels, battery, and grid.
Test backup power functionality by simulating a grid outage.
5. Final Steps
Monitoring and Maintenance:
Set up any remote monitoring features provided by the inverter for real-time performance tracking.
Schedule regular maintenance checks to ensure the system continues to operate efficiently and safely.
Keep a record of the installation, including wiring diagrams, configuration settings, and maintenance logs.
Provide documentation to local authorities if required for compliance with regulations.
Installing a hybrid inverter can be complex, but following these steps will help ensure a safe and efficient installation. Always refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for specific details related to your inverter model, and consider hiring a professional installer if you are not confident in performing the installation yourself.
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sunnyenergysolar · 2 months
What to Expect From Your Solar Panel Inspection - Sunny Energy
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What to Expect From Your Solar Panel Inspection — Sunny Energy
Your solar panels have been installed, and you are now ready to capture the sun’s energy in your home. Future benefits such as moderately reduced energy bills and the environmental impact that goes with it add to the anticipation of having a smart home.
However, before you can flip the switch on your new solar power system, there’s one crucial step left: the solar panel inspection.
It is not just a routine procedure, but a crucial step toward making sure that your solar installation project complies with all safety regulations and performance standards.
As solar energy has become popular and more adopted in Arizona, it is essential to know the whole solar inspection process to overcome the last step with ease.
In this article, we will explain what is solar panel inspection, who is the inspector, what he or she will do, what will happen after the inspection, and how to prepare for the inspection.
At the end of this article, you will be ready to handle solar panel inspection thus the way forward to the adoption of solar energy.
The Solar Inspection Process
Inspector Qualifications
Solar panel inspections in Arizona are performed by certified inspectors from top rated solar companies in Arizona who have adequate knowledge of solar technology, electrical systems, and construction standards. Some of the inspectors may be employees of the local government while others may be employed with Arizona solar contractors. Their qualifications typically include:
1. Certification: The inspector should have certain accreditations which include certification from the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP) amongst others.
2. Experience: Most of the inspectors have previous experience in their respective Arizona solar company in electrical work or construction, thus giving them a good background in the systems they inspect.
3. Knowledge of Local Codes: There are strict rules and regulations for constructing buildings and electrical systems in every state of the USA including Arizona and the inspectors who are to conduct inspections of solar-related installations should have adequate knowledge and practical understanding of these codes and any changes that may have been made to them.
Documents Reviewed
Before the inspection, the inspector will review several key documents to ensure everything is in order::
1. Permits: Confirmation that all permits for installation such as building permits, electrical permits, and interconnection permits have been acquired, respectively.
2. System Design Plans: Wiring diagrams and plans of the placement of the solar panels, the connection of those panels, equipment specifications, etc.
3. Manufacturer Specifications: Information provided by the suppliers or manufacturers of the solar panels and inverters regarding installation conditions and parameters of the performance.
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Breakdown of What the Inspector Will Be Checking
During the solar panel inspection, the inspector will evaluate several critical aspects of your solar installation.
Visual Inspection
The inspector will conduct a thorough visual assessment of the solar panels, checking for:
1. Physical Damage: Any visible defects, such as cracks, scratches, or discoloration on the panels.
2. Mounting Integrity: Ensuring that the panels are securely mounted and that the mounting hardware is properly installed.
3. Wiring and Connections: Inspecting the wiring for any signs of wear or damage and ensuring all connections are secure.
Electrical Inspection
This part of the inspection is crucial for ensuring the safety and functionality of the system:
1. Inverter Functionality: Checking that the inverter is installed correctly and functioning as intended.
2. Grounding and Bonding: Ensuring that the system is properly grounded to prevent electrical hazards.
3. Disconnect Switch: Verifying that a readily accessible disconnect switch is installed and functioning correctly.
Safety Compliance
Safety is paramount in solar installations. The inspector will check for:
1. Labeling: Ensuring that all necessary safety labels are in place, indicating the system’s components and emergency shut-off procedures.
2. Fire Safety: Confirm that the installation complies with fire safety regulations, including proper spacing between panels and roof edges.
Performance Readiness
While the inspector may not be able to assess the system’s performance fully until it’s operational, they will ensure:
1. Orientation and Tilt: The panels are oriented and tilted correctly to maximize solar exposure.
2. Monitoring Systems: Checking that any monitoring systems are installed and ready for use.
After the Solar Panel Inspection
After the inspection, the inspector will then prepare a report of what he or she has observed and discovered.
This report will indicate whether the installation has been successful or not and what problems may exist. If the inspection is successful, you will get a “Permission to Operate” (PTO) from your local utility and switch on your solar system.
If there is something wrong, your solar installation company will need to fix it as soon as possible.
This may entail providing some corrections, inspecting again, and guaranteeing that all the relevant changes required for compliance with safety and legal requirements have been put in place.
Time Taken to Receive the Inspection Results
The timeline for receiving the results of your solar panel inspection can vary based on several factors, including the timeline for receiving the results of your solar panel inspection can vary based on several factors, including:
1. Local Jurisdiction: It is important to note that the time taken by various city or county governments to process the inspection reports may not be the same.
2. Inspector Workload: The number of inspections the inspector is handling at the time could also determine how soon you get your results.
In most cases, you should be able to get the inspector’s report well within three to five business days. If your system is passed through inspection, the activation process can begin right away.
However, if corrections are needed, the timeline may be adjusted as your installation company seeks to address any problems.
Checklist: Action Plan for Implementing Changes
To ensure a smooth solar panel inspection, consider the following preparation steps:
1. Understand Local Regulations: It will be important to acquaint yourself with the specific local checklists of the areas where you operate or live. This way, you will be in a position to know what expectations the inspector has when inspecting a house.
2. Communicate with Your Installer: It is wise to keep in touch with your solar power companies in Arizona to ensure they are ready for the inspection and have all the paperwork available.
3. Clear the Inspection Area: Ensure that the surroundings of the solar panels is open for the inspector to access them easily. Ensure that there are no factors that may prevent them from assessing the system.
4. Gather Documentation: Maintain all documents that would be required as references such as permits, designs, and manufacturers’ specifications.
5. Be Present During the Inspection: You should try to be present during the inspection if possible. It lets you ask questions about the process and get a clearer picture of how it works.
6. Review the Inspection Checklist: It is recommended to get acquainted with possible inspection requirements in advance, so you would better prepare for it if such criteria exist.
Solar panel inspection in Arizona is crucial to guarantee that your installation is safe, conforms to the set standards, and is fit for use.
Knowing who the inspectors are, the papers they examine, and the aspects they scrutinize will help you be better prepared for this crucial checkpoint.
Even at this final stage of your solar installation project, do not take this inspection lightly for it is one of the best ways to ensure that the solar system is ready to operate efficiently and safely for many years to come.
Educate yourself and take time to consult with your solar installation firm so that you can learn the whole process of an inspection.
By taking the above steps, you will be on the right path toward embracing the use of solar energy in your Arizona home.
Being among the best Arizona solar companies, innovation is at the heart of Sunny Energy’s mission. They are constantly exploring new technologies and techniques to improve the efficiency and affordability of solar energy systems. This dedication to innovation ensures that Sunny Energy remains at the forefront of the industry and is considered one of the top solar power companies in Arizona, offering cutting-edge solutions to their customers.
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purehealthpulse · 2 months
Power Up Your Off-Grid Dreams: A Review of "Ultimate OFF-GRID Generator"
Living off the grid has always held a certain allure for me – the self-sufficiency, the connection with nature, the freedom from dependence on the traditional power grid. But the logistics can be daunting, especially when it comes to reliable power generation. That's where the "Ultimate OFF-GRID Generator" eBook came in.
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A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Right Power Source
This isn't your average product manual for a specific generator. "Ultimate OFF-GRID Generator" is a comprehensive guide that dives deep into the world of off-grid power solutions. It starts by outlining the different types of generators available, from traditional fuel-powered options to solar and wind power systems. The explanations are clear and concise, even for someone like me with limited technical knowledge.
Tailoring Your Power Needs: Matching Generator to Lifestyle
The book doesn't just throw information at you. It helps you navigate the complexities of choosing the right generator for your specific needs. It delves into factors like power consumption of various appliances, calculating your daily energy requirements, and even factors in potential future needs. This personalized approach was incredibly helpful, allowing me to move beyond a generic one-size-fits-all solution.
Beyond the Generator: Exploring Alternative Energy Options
While the book focuses on generators, it doesn't shy away from exploring alternative energy sources. It provides insightful information on solar panels, wind turbines, and even battery storage solutions. This holistic approach helped me broaden my understanding of off-grid power generation and consider options that might be a good fit for my long-term goals.
Installation and Maintenance Made Easy
One of the biggest concerns I had about going off-grid was the installation and maintenance of the power system. The "Ultimate OFF-GRID Generator" addresses this head-on. The book offers clear, step-by-step instructions on generator installation, with helpful diagrams and visuals. It also provides valuable tips for ongoing maintenance, ensuring your chosen system runs smoothly and efficiently for years to come.
A Valuable Resource for Off-Grid Newbies and Seasoned Veterans Alike
Whether you're just dipping your toes into the world of off-grid living or are a seasoned veteran looking to optimize your system, "Ultimate OFF-GRID Generator" has something to offer. The wealth of information, clear explanations, and practical guidance make it an invaluable resource. I highly recommend it to anyone considering an off-grid adventure.
This eBook has empowered me to confidently navigate the world of off-grid power generation. It's given me the knowledge and tools to make informed decisions about the best system for my needs, and the confidence to tackle installation and maintenance myself. If you're looking to break free from the grid and embrace a self-sufficient lifestyle, "Ultimate OFF-GRID Generator" is an excellent place to start.
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vishtikblogs · 4 months
Understanding the Basics of Solar Permit Design and Plan Sets
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As the adoption of solar energy continues to grow, so does the need for comprehensive and accurate solar permit designs and plan sets. These documents ensure that solar installations meet all local regulations and building codes, facilitating a smooth and efficient approval process. In this blog, we will delve into the basics of solar permit design and plan sets, exploring their importance, components, and the benefits they provide to solar installers and property owners.
Introduction: The Role of Solar Permit Designs and Plan Sets
Solar energy systems must comply with numerous local building codes and regulations. A well-prepared permit design and plan set ensures that the solar installation process adheres to these standards, avoiding potential delays and complications. Understanding the fundamentals of these documents is essential for anyone involved in the solar industry, from installers to property owners.
What Are Solar Permit Designs and Plan Sets?
Solar permit designs and plan sets are detailed documents that outline the specifications and layout of a solar energy system. They are submitted to local building departments as part of the permitting process to obtain approval for the installation. These documents include everything from the system’s electrical design to structural details, ensuring that the installation is safe, efficient, and compliant with all relevant codes.
Key Components of a Solar Permit Design and Plan Set
Site Plan
Overview of the property layout
Placement of solar panels, inverters, and other components
Accessibility considerations for maintenance and emergency services
Electrical Plan
Detailed electrical wiring diagram
Specifications of electrical components, such as inverters and junction boxes
Connection to the existing electrical system and grid
Structural Plan
Load calculations for mounting systems
Roof or ground mounting details
Engineering assessments to ensure structural integrity
Safety and Compliance
Adherence to local building codes and safety standards
Fire safety measures, including clearances and pathways
Signage and labeling requirements
The Importance of Accurate and Comprehensive Plan Sets
Accurate and comprehensive plan sets are essential for several reasons:
Read More: https://vishtik.com/understanding-the-basics-of-solar-permit-design-and-plan-sets/
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health-products-mns3 · 5 months
Ultimate OFF-GRID Generator 
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Powering My Independence: A Review of the Ultimate Off-Grid Generator
Living off the grid has always held a certain allure for me – the freedom, self-reliance, and connection with nature. But the initial hurdle of reliable power generation seemed daunting. Then, I stumbled upon the Ultimate Off-Grid Generator, and it's become the cornerstone of my dream becoming a reality.
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A Pioneering Approach to Off-Grid Power
The Ultimate Off-Grid Generator isn't your standard gas-powered generator. It's a revolutionary blueprint that empowers you to create your own renewable energy source. This blueprint details the construction of a hybrid system harnessing the power of both solar and wind energy. The prospect of generating clean, sustainable electricity for my off-grid haven resonated deeply with me, and the detailed instructions made the concept seem achievable.
From Blueprint to Powerhouse: Building the Generator
While I'm no electrical engineer, the Ultimate Off-Grid Generator blueprint is surprisingly user-friendly. It provides clear, step-by-step instructions with detailed diagrams and component lists. The use of readily available materials made sourcing everything I needed relatively straightforward. Following the blueprint meticulously, I was able to construct the generator myself, gaining a valuable sense of accomplishment and a deeper understanding of how the system works.
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Reliable and Sustainable Power Generation
Since completing the Ultimate Off-Grid Generator, I've been consistently impressed by its performance. The combination of solar panels and a wind turbine ensures a reliable source of power, even on cloudy or low-wind days. The system charges a battery bank, allowing me to store excess energy for use at night or during times of lower power generation. This level of self-sufficiency has provided me with the peace of mind that comes from knowing I'm not reliant on the traditional power grid.
A Scalable System for Growing Needs
The beauty of the Ultimate Off-Grid Generator is its scalability. The blueprint outlines how to expand the system by adding additional solar panels or wind turbines as my energy needs grow. This flexibility allows me to adapt the system to my current requirements and future plans, ensuring I have the power I need for a comfortable and functional off-grid lifestyle.
A Rewarding DIY Project and Sustainable Choice
Building the Ultimate Off-Grid Generator was a rewarding experience in itself. The sense of accomplishment from creating my own power source is unmatched. Beyond the personal satisfaction, the system provides clean, sustainable energy, minimizing my environmental footprint and aligning with my desire to live a more eco-conscious life.
It's important to note that I'm not a professional electrician. While the blueprint is detailed, consulting with a qualified electrician for guidance and safety protocols is crucial before embarking on this project. Additionally, local regulations regarding off-grid power generation may vary, so ensure you comply with any necessary permits or approvals.
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Empowering My Off-Grid Dream
The Ultimate Off-Grid Generator has been a game-changer for my off-grid aspirations. It's provided me with the means to generate clean, reliable power, empowering me to live a self-sufficient and sustainable life. The detailed blueprint, scalability, and focus on renewable energy make it an excellent choice for anyone considering an off-grid adventure. If you're looking to break free from the grid and embrace a more sustainable future, the Ultimate Off-Grid Generator is an excellent starting point.pen_sparktunesharemore_vert
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homesweetvanlife · 6 months
The first time Marty needed repairs was almost  two months after Chip left. By that time I had gone past Hope to the north and was considering where I should try to be before winter. I knew all the manuals, front to back, and was sure that I could deal with anything that might happen - as long as I had Marty as my home base, I wasn’t worried about the Big Lights - I wasn’t even tempted. 
Actually, the first time something went wrong, it was just a little thing, and I handled it easily, and maybe I got a bit overconfident. I was still in a big city, and there were still stores open. No one had any problem with just paying the listed price for a few parts, and a few random extras.
This time, it was the solar panel, the most difficult thing for me to understand and the most difficult to find parts for. I noticed the drop in power very quickly in the morning and decided I should immediately head back toward Hope, and the bigger cities if I could make it. This was fine at first, there were gas stations here and there that were still running, and Marty could drive forever on only gas if necessary. The problem was that I knew that couldn’t last forever, and in those days I didn’t have any sort of emergency radio to contact other survivors.
When I made it to Abbotsford I decided I had to focus on whatever might be the issue with the panels, instead of just continuing to rely on gas stations being open. I’d heard from somewhere that Vancouver and the surrounding areas had actually lost less people than any other city in Canada, but that didn’t mean much when the Big Lights still showed up every few days. 
The first step was to find a safe place to park, and I found an elementary school that had a small parking lot at the back of the building, hidden from the road. Then, I pulled out all the manuals and diagrams that Chip’s brother had left behind, reviewed the pictures for a bit, and then went outside to just look at the setup and see if I could figure anything out. There was a feeling I had, something a little bit sentimental, that after all our time together I would be able to notice what was wrong, even though I had no training in that sort of thing. Of course, it turned out that the problem was kind of staring me in the face as soon as I removed the panel on the conversion box at the back end of the roof. No need for any mystical connection between me and Marty, the fired wire would be obvious to anyone. 
I got it fixed, and stayed in one place until the batteries were completely charged. Then I stayed a bit longer - the neighbourhood was almost completely empty and I took the opportunity to stock up on some supplies and do a bit of cleaning in the living space. Again with the sentimentality - I remember thinking that if I take care of Marty, Marty will take care of me.
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sciencestyled · 8 months
Science and Art: The Looney-Tunes-Do-a-TED-Talk Extravaganza!
Alright, buckle up, buttercups! We're diving headfirst into the wacky, wonky world of 'The Psychology of Art Appreciation in Science Education' – or as I like to call it, "When Brainy Meets Artsy: The Odd Couple's Guide to Making Science Sparkle." So, let's crack this nut like a squirrel on double espresso!
Picture this: a science class, but instead of yawning through another yada-yada about mitochondria, you've got Van Gogh's 'Starry Night' spinning above your head, and Newton's apple zipping around like it's in a game of Angry Birds. Welcome to the art-ified science class, where neurons fire up like it's the Fourth of July!
First off, let's talk about the Mona Lisa of our story: 'Art'. Art in science is like putting ketchup on fries – it just makes everything better. Why? Because our brains love a good visual feast. Think about it; you're more likely to remember the 'Mona Lisa' than the formula of sodium chloride. No offense, NaCl.
When art waltzes (whoops, not that word!) into science class, it's like a DJ dropping the bass in a library. Suddenly, the Periodic Table is rapping Eminem-style, and the laws of physics are doing the Harlem Shake. We're talking about turning those snooze-fest scientific diagrams into comic book heroes, faster than you can say "Avengers, assemble!"
Now, let's add a sprinkle of psychology – because, why not? Art stimulates the brain's reward center, like finding an extra fry at the bottom of the bag. It's all about emotional engagement. When students see Picasso's abstract shapes shaking hands with Pythagorean theorem, it's not just learning; it's a brain party!
Art also gives science a storyline, turning a bland textbook into a Netflix binge-worthy series. Imagine learning about gravity through the Star Wars lens – 'May the Force be with you,' and all that jazz. It's like Yoda teaching physics – confusing but utterly mesmerizing.
Let's get real for a moment. We've all sat through classes that felt longer than a Marvel movie marathon. But when art enters the chat, it's like swapping a lecture for a TikTok trend – short, snappy, and oddly satisfying. Art becomes the meme lord of science education, turning complex theories into viral sensations. Newton's laws? More like Newton's LOLs.
And can we talk about the ultimate power couple – Art and Memory? These two go together like Batman and Robin, solving the riddles of forgetfulness. Artsy visuals make science stick in our brains like gum on a shoe. Before you know it, you're dreaming of DNA strands in technicolor.
Now, onto the pièce de résistance: creativity. Art in science doesn’t just open doors; it breaks them down like the Kool-Aid Man. Boom! Suddenly, students are thinking outside the box, inside the box, and creating new boxes. They're not just learning science; they're remixing it, DJ-style.
But wait, there's more! Art doesn't just add color to science; it adds perspective. It's like wearing 3D glasses in a flat world. Students start seeing the magic in the mundane, the epic in the everyday. A leaf isn't just a leaf; it's a green solar panel powering the tree – how cool is that?
Let's not forget about emotional intelligence – the secret sauce in this science-art burger. When students connect emotionally with what they're learning, it's like adding WiFi to their brains. They're not just processing information; they're feeling it. Science becomes more than facts; it becomes stories, experiences, and, dare I say, adventures.
And for the grand finale – the ultimate brain twist! Art in science education isn't just about making learning fun; it's about shaping future Einsteins who think like Picassos. We're not just teaching science; we're inspiring the next generation of creative geniuses who'll solve mysteries like Sherlock with the flair of a Broadway star.
In conclusion, the psychology of art appreciation in science education is like a rollercoaster designed by Salvador Dali – unexpected, a little bizarre, but totally exhilarating. So, let's splash some color onto the canvas of science education and watch as our brains do the Macarena in response. Because, at the end of the day, science and art aren't just subjects; they're the dynamic duo of education, ready to take on the world one zany, meme-tastic moment at a time!
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tindosolar231 · 1 year
How to connect a solar panel ?
If you are interested in the topic of how to connect a solar panel, you should study the installation and device features well. It is also worth asking yourself the question - what is a home power plant for, and what is the main purpose of its installation. As practice shows, there are several answers here: the fight against constant power outages, energy savings and the ability to create a completely autonomous power grid. When the main goal is defined, then it is already possible to approach the technical side of the issue. The prepared article will tell you how to connect a solar battery from Energovolt and other Australia of such a system.
Different types of solar power plants ?
In order to understand the connection diagrams well, you need to familiarize yourself with the complete set of equipment for a small Energovolt solar system. It is worth clarifying that solar power plants are networked and autonomous, so their set of equipment is slightly different. For example, the network type of Solar Panel in Australia Energovolt is successfully used in shopping malls, offices, private houses, farms, hotels, and the list of components is as follows:
Solar panels of polycrystalline or monocrystalline type.
A single-core copper cable, always with high-quality double insulation and good resistance to the influence of a rather aggressive environment. The recommended cross section is 6 mm or more.
Switches of direct and alternating current.
Quick connectors for connecting panels.
DOKA sensor.
Fasteners must be ordered separately.
A reversible electricity meter is necessary in cases where it is planned to sell electricity to the state. Autonomous solar power plants Energovolt is supplied in the following configuration:
solar panels of a certain type;
Battery charge controller;
The inverter is not included in every kit;
Several options for batteries (often gel);
Protection devices (fuses, circuit breakers);
Cables with a cross section of at least 4 mm.
Autonomous Energovolt kits are used in most cases for street lighting, motorhomes, yachts, traffic lights, automatic power supply, as well as in houses where there is no central power supply and, accordingly, the possibility of connection. An ideal option that, for little money, allows you to create an autonomous power grid and use various electrical appliances, even far from civilization.
If the solar system is equipped with batteries, then it is important to pay attention to the following parameters:
Rated voltage of panels: 24V or 12V:  open-circuit voltage value (denoted Vic), which characterizes the amount of voltage generated by the Solar energy in Australia when there is no load.
An important parameter when choosing a controller;
Current Imp - current at the maximum possible power of the panel.
Why do you need a network power plant Energovolt ?
To start with, a network solar power plant is a good way to significantly reduce the monthly payment for electricity, given the constant rise in the cost of energy. This equipment does not require drives and is specially tuned for savings. This type of Energovolt power plants are in particular demand among owners of commercial real estate, because the cost of 1 kWh is much higher compared to the private sector.
Private households are also showing interest in network power plants, because electricity can be sold at a "green tariff". That allows you to save well on utility bills, spending the family budget more economically and reasonably. Despite the price of 1 kWh, as well as the price of periodic maintenance and all the costs of installing a solar station, this investment is more than profitable. Indeed, for a long service life (panels up to 30 years), the power plant will pay for itself more than once, however, for more detailed calculations, you need to know the exact configuration.
Wiring diagrams
There are 3 possible schemes that will help connect Energovolt Solar Panel Sydney to each other: parallel, serial, and series-parallel. More on each of the schemes below.
1. Parallel connection
In order not to make a mistake, you just need to connect terminals of the same sign to the outputs and inputs of the panels. The most convenient type Y connectors.
Thanks to this scheme, it is possible to increase the current, while not increasing the voltage of the panels. For example, there are 4 panels from Energovolt and each 12V, at a voltage of 22.48V, the maximum current is 5.42A. By measuring the open circuit voltage and the rated voltage, you can see that the indicators have not changed. However, the maximum power looks like 5.42A * 4 \u003d 21.68A.
 2. Serial connection
It can be seen from the diagram that the negative terminal from the first panel is connected to the positive terminal of the second, and the negative terminal of the second to the third terminal and further according to the same scheme. With this connection, the voltage indicators of the panels are summed up. The circuit will even achieve an indicator of 220V, but this is done extremely rarely.
3. Series-parallel connection
The above diagram contains panels that are partly connected in parallel and partly in series. This feature allows you to select the most optimal mode of operation of the power plant, thanks to the regulation of the output current and rated power.
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aittiii · 1 year
On Grid Solar System: How it Works, Design, and Connection Diagram
With the increasing popularity of renewable energy sources, on grid solar systems have emerged as a reliable and efficient solution for electricity generation. In this article, we will delve into the working principles of on grid solar systems, discuss the important aspects of their design, and provide a detailed connection diagram for better understanding.
1. Introduction
The use of solar power for generating electricity has gained significant traction in recent years, and on grid solar systems have become a preferred choice for many individuals and businesses. By seamlessly integrating with the existing power grid, these systems offer several advantages, including reduced electricity bills and the potential for earning money by selling excess power back to the grid.
2. Understanding How On Grid Solar System Working
On grid solar systems, also known as grid-tied or grid-connected systems, function by harnessing solar energy and feeding it into the local power grid. These systems consist of various components that work together to facilitate the conversion of solar energy into usable electricity.
At the heart of an on grid solar system are the solar panels, which absorb sunlight and convert it into direct current (DC) electricity. The generated DC electricity then flows into an inverter, which converts it into alternating current (AC) electricity, suitable for use in our homes and businesses. This AC electricity is then used to power the electrical loads within the building.
One important feature of on grid solar systems is the bidirectional metering system. This system allows the measurement of both the electricity consumed from the grid and the surplus energy fed back into the grid. During periods when the solar system generates more electricity than required, the excess power is automatically sent back to the grid through this bidirectional meter.
In times when the solar system does not generate enough electricity to meet the demand, electricity is drawn from the grid as needed. This seamless transition between solar power and grid power ensures a continuous and reliable supply of electricity.
3. On Grid Solar System Design
Designing an efficient on grid solar system involves several considerations to maximize its performance and effectiveness. Here are some important aspects to keep in mind during the design process:
Determining Energy Requirements
Before designing an on grid solar system, it is essential to assess the energy requirements of the building. Factors such as average electricity consumption, peak load, and available roof space for solar panel installation play a crucial role in determining the appropriate system size.
Solar Panel Selection
Selecting the right solar panels is vital to ensure optimal energy generation. Factors such as efficiency, durability, and warranty should be considered while choosing solar panels for the on grid system. Additionally, the solar panels should be compatible with the inverter and meet the specific requirements of the project.
Inverter Selection
The inverter is a critical component of an on grid solar system as it converts the DC electricity produced by the solar panels into AC electricity for use in the building. When selecting an inverter, factors such as its capacity, efficiency, and advanced features like maximum power point tracking (MPPT) should be taken into account to optimize system performance.
Mounting and Positioning
Proper mounting and positioning of solar panels are crucial for maximizing energy generation. The solar panels should be securely mounted on the roof or ground in a location that receives ample sunlight throughout the day. The angle and orientation of the panels should be optimized to capture the maximum amount of sunlight.
4. On Grid Solar System Connection Diagram
To provide a better understanding of how the components of an on grid solar system are connected, below is a detailed connection diagram:
5. Conclusion
On grid solar systems offer an efficient and sustainable means of generating electricity while staying connected to the local power grid. By understanding the working principles of these systems and considering important design aspects, individuals and businesses can harness the benefits of solar energy and contribute to a greener future. Incorporating an on grid solar system not only reduces electricity costs but also helps reduce carbon emissions and promote environmental sustainability.
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powerenerjicom · 2 years
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Solar Panel Solar Energy Installation Guide E– Book Step by Step Process Writer: Power EnerjiWhat will you learn in this book?Welcome to "Solar Panel Solar Energy Installation Guide – Step by Step Process"! In this comprehensive guide, you'll find everything you need to know about installing and utilizing solar panels to generate clean and renewable energy. Our book covers a range of topics including:An introduction to solar panels and how they workUnderstanding the benefits of solar energyFactors to consider before installing solar panelsChoosing the right solar panels for your needsUnderstanding the different types of solar panel mountsStep-by-step guide to installing solar panels on your roof or groundUnderstanding off-grid solar energy electricity generationComponents required for off-grid solar energy electricity generationStep-by-step guide to setting up an off-grid solar energysystemTips for maintaining and troubleshooting an off-grid solarenergy systemUnderstanding the importance of solar lithium batteries in solar energy systemsHow to choose the right solar lithium battery for your systemStep-by-step guide to connecting solar lithium batteries to your systemUnderstanding the role of solar panel charge controllers in solar energy systemsHow to choose the right solar panel charge controller for your systemStep-by-step guide to connecting solar panel chargecontrollers to your systemUnderstanding the role of solar energy inverters in solar energy systemsHow to choose the right solar energy inverter for your systemStep-by-step guide to connecting solar energy inverters to your systemWith our easy-to-follow instructions, detailed diagrams, and expert tips, you'll be able to install and maintain your own solar energy system with confidence. Let's get started!E-Book Content Examples
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solarmaxxau · 2 years
Choosing the Right Wire for Your Installation of a Solar Panel
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When you installation of solar panel, you are making a big investment. It pays off over time, and it is a smart way to reduce your carbon footprint.
Before you start, make sure you have all the materials and tools you need. It’s also important to wear safety gear and stay on the ground.
If you are going to install solar panels on your roof, it’s essential that you do it properly. If you do it could lead to serious problems down the road.
To ensure a safe roof installation, you should work with an experienced contractor. They will be able to determine where to attach the solar mounting brackets on your roof.
They will also be able to determine the correct size for your roof and panels. It’s also a good idea to check with your local building department and the state electrical board to make sure that the installer is licensed.
To begin the installation, you will need stanchions, rails, and mounting brackets. You will also need PV wire, a drill, and screws.
The installation of a solar panel on the ground is a great way to increase your power generation and decrease your energy bills. This is especially important if you live in an area where the sun is always high enough to produce solar energy.
Typically, a ground-mounted system requires a strong foundation to hold up the panels and other components. This makes it more expensive than a rooftop install.
Standard ground mounts are anchored with steel poles driven into the ground. These are often found in places where ground conditions are not ideal, but they can be used in many other areas as well.
Some ground-mounted systems can be manually adjusted, allowing them to be at a steeper or gentler angle depending on how much sunlight is available. These adjustments can increase your total solar electricity production, but they need to be performed carefully and accurately.
If you are considering installing a ground-mounted solar system, be sure to work with a professional who understands the design and engineering considerations. This is important for a number of reasons, including:
Solar panels are an essential part of off-the-grid systems. They allow you to harness the sun energy to power appliances and devices, so you can live without having to pay expensive commercial energy prices.
In addition to solar panels, you also need accessories to help make the installation process easier. These include MC4 connectors, extension cables, monitoring systems, AC/DC disconnects and racking mounts.
Edge skirts are also a good accessory to have for any solar panel setup. These help prevent ice, snow and other debris from getting into the roofline behind the panels and reducing their efficiency.
Other popular solar accessories include outdoor lighting and docking stations for charging your cell phone or tablet. Some even have suction cups that attach to your car windshield so you can charge your portable electronics on the road.
Choosing the right wire for your install solar panels Brisbane is essential to making sure it runs efficiently. Using wire that is not rated to handle your system amperage can cause it to run slow or fail to charge your battery bank fully.
The correct wire thickness is also important. If your wire is too thin, it will likely heat up and cause damage to the panel.
Once you have the proper wire selected, it is time to connect your panels together. This can be done in series or parallel.
To wire a series, connect each of the positive terminals on one panel to the negative terminal of the next panel. This creates a line of solar panels, as shown in the diagram above.
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reliablesolar · 2 years
How to Choose the Right Commercial Solar System for Your Business
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When it comes to having a commercial solar system installed, there are a number of factors to consider. Some of them include whether you want it to be grid-tied or off-grid, and how much maintenance and permitting will be required.
Grid-tie commercial solar system is a photovoltaic system that connects to the power grid. It's an efficient system that can save you money on your monthly energy bills. With a proper design, you may be able to get zero net electricity usage charges.
When you choose to go with a grid-tie system, you can have the option to import and export power. This lets you use your own electricity and also sell any surplus power to your utility company. You can then put that credit toward your electricity bill.
One benefit to grid-tie solar systems is that you won't have to worry about running out of power in the middle of the night. The system is designed to shut off automatically when there isn't enough sunlight for your solar panels to produce power. In addition, you won't have to pay for a backup battery system.
Hybrid commercial solar systems offer a number of advantages and benefits. They provide a safety net during power outages, provide a guaranteed electricity supply, reduce your dependence on the utility grid, and provide a scalable energy source for future needs.
In addition to the typical components found in a grid-tied system, hybrid systems incorporate the latest advancements in battery technology. Lithium batteries are not only smaller and less bulky than traditional batteries, but they also have better energy storage capabilities.
The main advantage of a hybrid system is that it can reduce your dependence on the utility grid. As a result, you have more control over your electricity use. And, with clever controls, you can maximize your usage of the solar power your system generates.
Another advantage of a hybrid system is that you will have a battery backup - a nice perk when the weather is not cooperating. During outages, your system will keep the lights on and the refrigerator running.
Permitting a commercial solar system can be an expensive and time-consuming process. It's important to have a complete understanding of the requirements. This can help ensure a smooth installation.
First, a local utility may need to conduct an on-site inspection of the site for the installation. They will also require a wiring diagram and spec sheet.
Next, the installation contractor will obtain the required permits. They will include the cost of the permit in the total cost of the system. Depending on the jurisdiction, the cost of a solar permit could be a few hundred dollars.
Finally, the AHJ will review the solar permit application and approve or deny it. The process may take a day, a week or more.
While the process is complex, the actual permit can be as simple as sending an email to your local utility. Some towns have made the permitting process automated.
If you are thinking about investing in a commercial solar system for your business, you will want to make sure you are protecting your investment. A properly installed system should be in good condition for many years. However, it is important to maintain it regularly to ensure that it performs at its best.
The best way to ensure your system operates at its best is to perform routine inspections and maintenance. There are a number of factors that can impact a solar energy system's performance.
Solar panels are relatively inexpensive, but they may degrade over time if not maintained correctly. For example, a thick film of dust can severely impact the panel's ability to capture sunlight. This is why it is a good idea to have a professional clean your panels each year.
An off-grid commercial solar system is a cost-effective way to reduce energy costs. It can also be an environmentally friendly way to run your business. Whether you are a large corporation or a small business, an off-grid system can help you lower your power bill.
Unlike on-grid solar systems, off-grid systems are independent of the utility grid. They are designed to produce excess electricity during the day, and store the power in batteries. The stored energy can be used during the night.
Off-grid solar systems are ideal for those living in rural areas, and for businesses that are not connected to the electric grid. However, they are not for those living in urban areas. While they are often less expensive than on-grid systems, they are still more expensive than traditional grid-connected systems.
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ironnahas · 2 years
Anylogic 7
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Live class (Teacher assistants): 3:00 pm to 5:00 pmģ. Live class (Teacher assistants): 1:00 pm to 3:00 pmĢ. Pedestrian modeling (Airport) – exercise Live class (Teacher assistants): 9:00 am to 12:00 pmġ. Material handling modeling (Solar Panel Production line) - exercise Live class (Teacher assistants): 2:00 to 5:00 pm Java basics for AnyLogic modelers – theory Live class (Teacher assistants): 1:00 pm to 5:00 pmĤ. Call center model – Discrete Event exerciseģ. A group of model settings is called an experiment, and experiments are displayed at the bottom of the model. Discrete Event (Process-Centric) modeling – theory Model simulation has a set of specific settings. Getting familiar with AnyLogic model development environment – demoģ. Introduction to multimethod simulation modeling – theory and demoĢ.
*We reserve the right to cancel the training up to one week before the start of training.**AnyLogic reserves the right to limit and make changes to registrations.ĪnyLogic Software Training Agenda*Training materials and learning platform information will be sent via email one week prior to training.ġ. Be prepared to share your specific simulation needs with your AnyLogic trainer –- bringing your own models is encouraged! Professional assistance in solving your business problem using AnyLogic 8 software is included in the training. The training is geared to both new users looking to vault past the learning curve and the experienced modelers who may not be aware of all AnyLogic's features. This includes building models in 3D, using special wizards and our extensive drag & drop library. You are guided through structuring a simulation problem, knowing which modeling paradigms to select, building models in each paradigm, and finally connecting them into a larger hybrid model. Our training focuses on solving problems rather than theory.
Join us for an online training course to learn AnyLogic software.ĪnyLogic Fundamental training is a full three-day immersive experience in problem-solving and modeling using AnyLogic 8.7 Setting up flights from MS Excel spreadsheet. Defining the simple pedestrian flow Phase 2. AnyLogic is complete modeling and simulation software that allows simulation, behavior and performance analysis, optimization and visualization.
Modeling pallet delivery by trucks PEDESTRIAN MODELING AIRPORT MODEL Phase 1. AnyLogic 7 Professional is an advanced multimethod simulation and dynamics modeling tool where a modeler can implement any of his ideas quickly and easily. Calibration experiment DISCRETE-EVENT MODELING WITH ANYLOGIC JOB SHOP MODEL Phase 1. Adding a plot to visualize dynamics Phase 3. Creating a stock and flow diagram Phase 2. Comparing model runs with different parameter values SYSTEM DYNAMICS MODELING SEIR MODEL Phase 1. Adding a chart to visualize the model output Phase 4. CONTENTS: Modeling and simulation modeling AGENT-BASED MODELING MARKET MODEL Phase 1. All the examples have been updated to conform to the latest version of the software, AnyLogic 7.3.4. You can consider this book as your first guide in studying AnyLogic 7. We also give some theory on different modeling methods. The book is structured around four examples: a model of a consumer market, an epidemic model, a model of a small job shop, and an airport model. AnyLogic is the unique simulation software that supports three simulation modeling methods: system dynamics, discrete event, and agent based modeling and allows you to create multi-method models. The book is struc AnyLogic 7 in Three Days Japanese Edition THIRD EDITION, with a new discrete-event model of a small job shop and demonstration of the built-in AnyLogic database. Being the biggest release for 7 years, it featured many updates aimed at simplifying model building, including support for multimethod modeling, a decreased need for coding, renewed libraries, and other usability improvements. AnyLogic 7 in Three Days Japanese Edition THIRD EDITION, with a new discrete-event model of a small job shop and demonstration of the built-in AnyLogic database.
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smartlife · 3 years
WEN 56200i 2000-Watt Gas Powered Portable Inverter Generator
Analysis  WEN 56200i:
I currently have a Yamaha EF2000is. Saw the WEN 56200i on specials recently and couldn't pass it up for the price. I could have bought two and changed what I paid for the Yamaha.
 The reason I bought the WEN 56200i is that the motor is a Yamaha clone, it's very similar inside and the wiring diagrams are pretty much the same, so I think I can connect the two generators in parallel. 
It is made in China, but the Yamaha has a label on the inside indicating that it is also made in China. The smartest tools also have the Yamaha engine, but they are all "Powered By Yamaha". 
I don't know if WEN 56200i has a license for this engine or if it is a counterfeit. I bet both units can be made side by side in the same Chinese factory.
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Review  WEN 56200i:
I received it and let it run for a few days and I really liked it. First, it is very attractive. Inside, it almost seems to have the quality level of the Yamaha, although there are differences. 
The engine has the same design but has a dipstick, while the Yamaha only has a plug. Spark plugs use different sized wrenches. The Yamaha inverter has a shell, but the components on the circuit board are open on the WEN 56200i . 
One thing I like about the Yamaha that is missing from the WEN 56200i is the small door that allows you to access the oil fill hole without removing the entire side cover.
I greased it, gassed it, and then slowly pulled the starter rope a few times. Then I shot twice and it started. I ran it through several short cycles with alternating loads and then refrigerated it to break it down.
 Then I got it to work next to the Yamaha testing it with the same loads. I think the Yamaha is a little quieter, but not by much. When the automatic throttle is engaged, Yamaha responds more quickly to charging, while the WEN 56200i flashes its overload light for a few seconds as it reaches a 1500 watt charge from idle mode. But there really seems to be very little difference in the performance or noise level of the two units. The WEN also weighs a few kilos more.
Update 01/04/2017 - A few years ago I gave away my Onan generator in my Class C motorhome and replaced it with more batteries, an inverter/charger, and solar panels. I always get lost and never get addicted. 
I don't want to turn on a generator every time I want to microwave or make a cup of coffee. I carry the WEN56200 on the bus for when the solar energy isn't enough and I don't drive enough to charge the vehicle's generator battery bank. I turn on the WEN and let it run for a few hours at 90% load (with a tachometer included).
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 I never carry extra gas with me because I have never returned from a camping trip where he used half of his tank. After a year, the WEN 56200i still works very well and starts up all the time. My Yamaha EF2000is is collecting dust in my workshop.
I ran it for several hours yesterday with a 40 amp battery charger that charged both 12-volt batteries in my big truck. It spun at 1/4 throttle and was barely audible from 15 yards away.
I just received the WEN Parallel Kit and yesterday tested the WEN56200i in parallel with my Yamaha EF2000is. Both generator sets ran in parallel without any problems. They split the load well with nearly identical RPMs. 
Both gensets independently or coupled maintained a good constant speed of 60 cps. The maximum the gensets could charge in parallel was 3,000 watts before the overload light on the WEN 56200i came on. 
The Yamaha is a bit stronger. See attached image. I've used them with two 1,500 watt heaters in different settings, as well as my air compressor. The little-known secret is that any brand name inverter generator capable of parallel operation can be paralleled with any other brand. Honda, Yamaha, WEN 56200i , smarter tools, etc.
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Pattern Name: Generator
Brand WEN 56200i
Power 1600 watts
Item Dimensions LxWxH 18 x 11 x 18 inch
Item weight 48 lbs
Black and orange color
Voltage 120 volts
Engine type 4 stroke
Displacement 79.7 cubic inches
Output power 2000 Watts
Tank capacity 1 gallon
About this article
Dimensions: 18" x 11" x 18" | Weight: 48 lbs.
Noise level: 53 dB in operation
EPA III and CARB compliant 79.7cc 4-stroke OHV engine produces 2000 peak watts and 1600 watts nominal
Ideal for campsites, construction sites, back doors, and power outages.
Produces clean energy to work safely and prevent damage to sensitive electronic devices such as phones, tablets, televisions, and computers.
Includes two three-pin 120V receptacles, one 12V DC receptacle, and one 5V USB port.
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I am really happy with this generator as it suits this purpose. We still have all of our food, not struggling to find gas or ice, and we're sleeping cool and have hot coffee and the DirecTV is getting us news. I can't speak to the long-term reliability of the unit and some of the negative reviews had me nervous, but four days of constant use have me writing this positive review. Very pleased. Hate Irma, love the WEN 56200i.
If you want to know more information about WEN 56200i 2000 Clock it
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yeet-imma-skeet · 4 years
Oh There’s The Sky
(Based on @starr-fall-knight-rise ‘s unique universe. Part 4 of the story.)
(Part 1: https://yeet-imma-skeet.tumblr.com/post/613232997621202944/the-sky-is-falling)
“Holy shit.”
“What a big ass spaceship!”
“Looks like right out of Star Trek.”
“Doesn’t it look like it’s broken though?”
The crewmen and marines gathered in the mess hall to recuperate murmured to each other in agreement as a wide projection of the strange vehicle outside spread throughout the ship like wildfire.
It slowly grew closer to them as they fumbled through space with what was left of their thrusters, showing evidence of damage to its hull. A jagged line the size of their own ship cut through its back end, nearly cutting off a winged structure.
"I bet the ones who built it are tiny."
Someone choked on their drink, "Pfft, how do you know that?"
"Well usually the smaller the alien, the bigger they make their stuff. You seen a Celzex ship? They're fucking huge."
"It’s best not underestimate whatever is in that monstrosity," A bright yellow Drev joined in, cradling a slinged arm.
The resting humans begrudgingly agreed until a sudden sense of caution flowed through them as the pearly ship towered close to their own. The few injured Drev in the room felt unease at the sudden restlessness the humans shown, especially those who were marines.
The yellow one asked, "What's wrong?"
"That." A young marine pointed at the display, "The vibes feel weird."
"The vibes."
"Don't underestimate the power of vibes, too."
The Drev shook their head in disbelief, but then again, humans were known for their strange power of prediction...
Thunk! Galia’s vision erupted into black and white splotches as she held her throbbing head. Dizzy and quite mad, she slid out from under a techy floor table on the fritz.
"Yerras! What?!"
"Report to the command room immediately!"
Sensing something wrong, she ignored the fading pain and ran out one of the gathering decks. Within a few minutes, she flew through the corridors to burst into the command room. The hovering orb projected a few panels of information around it as it connected to the master control panel. Then she heard it. It was a mix of lilting tones along with short hisses and abrupt humming not unlike her own voice. Curiously, she opened an arial, listening to the disconcerting yet beautiful sound.
Remembering why she came there, she asked, "What is up with that noise?"
"We've encountered another dolmier through short range communication. The noise you are hearing is an unknown language sent from it. It also sent data which I am working to translate by looking through their own systems. Their security is surprisingly weak, almost ancient."
Her eyes widened in shock, "Doesn't that mean—"
"We have met another sentient species."
A bombshell could almost be heard inside her head. Scientists theorized that there could be others in the vastness of space but no one found any interest outside their solar system. They had plenty of resources and had no shortage of companionship. The few who gazed towards the stars were only seen as eccentric and mostly worthless. Why would they look past their reach? Why would they try to find anyone else? What worth is there in another people?
Now that Galia is about to encounter another, she had no idea how to react. The past fifty cycles of training and combat did nothing to prepare her for meeting a whole nother alien species. Sure, some diplomacy would probably help but how would she know that it was appropriate for them? She sighed as she remembered that her comatose friends could've helped as they were taught to be the best diplomats. As numerous thoughts and improvised ideas past through her mind, the orb made a revelation through its translation.
"They are asking for assistance. Their dolmier is critically damaged and they have injured."
"What?" She was knocked out of her thoughts, "Show me the dolmier."
With a few moving around of its projections, a large image appeared. She was prepared to see something mysterious and powerful. Maybe discover a giant behemoth of a dolmier or one decked out in countless weapons. Instead, she found a stumpy, gray brick. A very beat up brick. Chunks of space rock were stuck in its hull. It was... quite small. She couldn't imagine living in such an enclosed space.
"Despite its appearance, it has a powerful engine called a 'warp core' made for deep space exploration."
"Exploration? Why?"
"After looking through some of their data, the makers seem to be an unusually curious species. Their dolmier's directive is to purposely find and record unknown things."
"Hmm." Her tail swished around in concentration, "We have no shortage of rooms but we have next to no food for others."
"...Our directive to keep the Royals safe and search for others. They may jeapordize our purpose."
"Yes, but we can't really do that in the middle of nowhere when we are running out of food and have a broken thruster. If we save them, they may offer us some assistance in return."
"...They ARE omnivores like yourselves and seem to have a better handle on food production."
She walked to the control panel, "Then we agree to assist them?"
"I shall send an affirmed message and instructions on docking. Though the translation isn’t perfect, they should get an understanding."
Captain Silva sat hunched over in his quarters, head in his hands as a heavy sigh slid from his lips. If anyone was with him, they would've smelled the faint aroma of rum from his breath. Granted he only had a sip, a shot-sized sip, but one nonetheless. He wanted to keep sipping, maybe from the bottle itself as the thought of the many deaths he caused weighed on his mind. As mich as he craved the feeling of freedom in the form of alcohol, he promised his crew that he would be back after a break. They wouldn’t find it very comforting to find their captain inebriated and he needed to do all he could to prevent panic.
A voice called from his com, “Captain, please report to the command deck. We have a reply.”
He heaved his heavy body off his untouched bed, combing his hair into place to look like he hadn’t just been pulling at it a few moments ago. Looking into a mirror as he almost left, he swiftly washed his face of any tear stains. He can’t let them see him like this just yet.
The weary officers on deck perked up at the sight of their captain entering the bridge, looking tired yet stern as always. A lingering medic, the head doctor in fact, narrowed her eyes at his flushed cheeks but paid no mind once he started giving orders as usual.
“What’s the reply?”
The communications officer stood as she reported, “They have accepted our ask for help and showed diagrams on how to board their ship. They apparently have a docking bay that can fit half of the ship though it is normally used for smaller craft.”
“Have you gotten anything about what kinda alien we are dealing with?”
“Well we received a bulky package of medical data. Some of it is unintelligible but we do have an image. It’s—um, well see for yourself. You too, doctor.”
The room grew still as the hologram of something not unfamiliar showed. The first thing they noticed was the face. It was very much like their own except for a lack of a mouth and nose, only a smoothened white face with red eyes which seemed to stare into nothing. They then saw the noticeable differences. The most apparent thing they all noticed was a long reptilian tail on their rump, ending with a tuft of hair the same yellow hue as the mane on their head. Something like bird wings grew from the sides of their head where ears would usually be. They were also bipedal, with legs resembling a prehistoric raptor’s.
Latinar stepped back at the sight, eyeing their three toes ending with sharp claws. He shivered at the thickness of their arms and even sharper looking claws from their six fingers.
“A predator species!” He exclaimed.
The room erupted into a flurry of whispers of surprise and awe as a few muttered in unease. Silva gazed at the rotating image as shock rolled into his mind. The commander and his crew were the only other ones to find a predator species. They were only just barely sentient with a young civilization but a predator species nonetheless. And he, Captain Silva, and his crew discovered another one!
“Now, now. Everyone quiet down.” He motioned with his hands, “Are they safe to approach?”
The officer read through the incoming message as she said, “The message they sent was cordial though some words were a bit off. Plus, they sent us their anatomy and medical records. I don’t see why not.”
“Hmm. Doctor?”
“Whoever is doing the translating is appearing to be accurate. The records are changing as I’m reading it and it shows biologies similar to us.” She answered, not looking up from her screen, “I suggest we wait a bit until everything is translated so we can produce vaccines as needed.”
Silva nodded, “Alright then. Send a message that we’ll wait for the medical records to fully translate and secure our safety before we come. Also, send some of our information to their side.”
“We received a message back and a data bank of biology records.” The orb wrote on a screen.
Galia stopped her pacing as she asked, “What did they say?”
The orb relayed the message as multiple squares of information projected from its form. The foreign characters on them changed into Farrisan ones as she skimmed through. Then her gaze landed on a 3D image of the dolmier’s creators within. They were almost like her own species! They had forward facing eyes with strange protrusions on their face and had small, strangely-shaped arials on their heads. Their legs were almost straight and gangly along with their arms. They also seemed to be clawless and only had five fingers on each hand. What surprised her the most was their lack of a tail. How the heck do they stay balanced without a tail?
She tilted her head at the sight of the strange creature, looking into its blank eyes. The image seemed empty, devoid of life. She couldn’t imagine it being real if it wasn’t for the fact that they were within orbiting distance of multiple. Another projection caught her eye, one completely different from the first creature.
It looked like a shiny, armored bird. They stood like Farrisans, with strong legs that ended in two stubby toes. They also had no tail, making her flick her arials in disbelief once again. What made up for the lack of one was an extra set of arms. An interesting thought crossed her mind as she imagined the creature in front of her. It would be quite interesting to fight with one, especially because of their extra arms and large stature like their own males.
“The first species which makes up the majority of their group are called humans. The one you’re looking at now are called drev.”
The unknown sound it said aloud for their names sounded almost musical. It would be quite hard for her to pronounce ‘drev’ but found saying ‘human’ much easier on the tongue.
An icon appeared next the the orb, “They are requesting for a live video call, caldat. Do you want to answer?”
Her arials perked up as her tail flicked around in thought, “You’ll translate?”
“Of course.”
“...Accept the call.”
The room of humans and a drev stood uncharacteristically quiet as the centuries old dial tone rang in the air. Captain Silva sat on his chair, dressed with his cap and uniform jacket as he anxiously waited for anything to happen.
Then it did.
The image almost blinded him with the sheer amount of white on the other side of the call. The room inside seemed to be of the same material one the outside of their ship, an almost obnoxiously bright pearly white. When his eyes adjusted, he finally saw what inhabited it. The creature was almost as white as the room with long dark hair. One of its golden eyes was closed as a pink scar ran down the left side of its face. Though he hadn’t seen them for long, even he could tell that they looked weary and cautious.
They hummed and hissed as words crossed below the screen, showing a translation, “Greetings human. I am Galia. May I know who this is?”
He spoke with practiced ease, “I am Captain Silva of the UNSC Esperanca. I’m glad to speak with you as we need immediate help.”
The being paused as they read their own translation, “Yes, I have seen but I also am in need of aid.”
“We have seen the damage to your ship as well. In exchange for sheltering in your ship, we can help fix it. There is next to no room left for our crew and we need to contact our allies.”
“That is a sound exchange though may I ask for help with provisions? My food supply is almost empty and its procurement is slow.”
“How many are in your crew?”
“...It is only me.”
Silva’s eyes narrowed slightly in suspicion, “You are alone in that giant ship?”
“Yes, there were more but...” Her strange ear-wing-things drooped, “A sickness has killed them.”
The nearby doctor’s head shot up from her readings. Without any regard to the captain, she butted into the video, “A lethal sickness?”
The creature looked at her in surprise, “Yes, but the onboard AI has found a preventative medicine to combat it from my own blood. I was fortunate enough to be naturally immune to it. I will mention, however, that there is no cure at the moment if one does get infected.”
The captain and doctor looked at each other, a silent conversation passing through their eyes. The white being looked between them, confused yet intrigued at the staring contest.
The doctor asked with a serious expression, “Can you send us all the information about it?”
For once, Galia had no clear answer. Who would want to help them if they knew about the Infection? Saying ‘well you’ll find that it killed most of our population right after they gone mad and infected others and there no cure so please help’ is going to make them run for the hills. She did the best she could to not visibly look panicked but she had to say something, the hesitation was starting to show.
The orb interrupted, “I’ll send every known instance of the disease and my progress in its eradication. Forewarned, it can be graphic.”
The humans looked at the orb in shock as information poured into the doctor’s tablet, causing her to brush off her shock as she scanned it.
Galia openly gazed at the floating ball in disbelief, “Orb! What the h—“
“After looking through their data, I have concluded that they will not leave us behind.”
“Because they are human...”
(Part 5: https://yeet-imma-skeet.tumblr.com/post/616966577516150784/the-sky-is-in-pieces)
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