#solar system in pakistan
without-ado · 2 years
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Last Solar Eclipse of 2022 l Anas l Pakistan
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pentoai · 11 months
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rjzimmerman · 5 months
Excerpt from this Op-Ed from the New York Times:
At first glance, Xi Jinping seems to have lost the plot.
China’s president appears to be smothering the entrepreneurial dynamism that allowed his country to crawl out of poverty and become the factory of the world. He has brushed aside Deng Xiaoping’s maxim “To get rich is glorious” in favor of centralized planning and Communist-sounding slogans like “ecological civilization” and “new, quality productive forces,” which have prompted predictions of the end of China’s economic miracle.
But Mr. Xi is, in fact, making a decades-long bet that China can dominate the global transition to green energy, with his one-party state acting as the driving force in a way that free markets cannot or will not. His ultimate goal is not just to address one of humanity’s most urgent problems — climate change — but also to position China as the global savior in the process.
It has already begun. In recent years, the transition away from fossil fuels has become Mr. Xi’s mantra and the common thread in China’s industrial policies. It’s yielding results: China is now the world’s leading manufacturer of climate-friendly technologies, such as solar panels, batteries and electric vehicles. Last year the energy transition was China’s single biggest driver of overall investment and economic growth, making it the first large economy to achieve that.
This raises an important question for the United States and all of humanity: Is Mr. Xi right? Is a state-directed system like China’s better positioned to solve a generational crisis like climate change, or is a decentralized market approach — i.e., the American way — the answer?
How this plays out could have serious implications for American power and influence.
Look at what happened in the early 20th century, when fascism posed a global threat. America entered the fight late, but with its industrial power — the arsenal of democracy — it emerged on top. Whoever unlocks the door inherits the kingdom, and the United States set about building a new architecture of trade and international relations. The era of American dominance began.
Climate change is, similarly, a global problem, one that threatens our species and the world’s biodiversity. Where do Brazil, Pakistan, Indonesia and other large developing nations that are already grappling with the effects of climate change find their solutions? It will be in technologies that offer an affordable path to decarbonization, and so far, it’s China that is providing most of the solar panels, electric cars and more. China’s exports, increasingly led by green technology, are booming, and much of the growth involves exports to developing countries.
From the American neoliberal economic viewpoint, a state-led push like this might seem illegitimate or even unfair. The state, with its subsidies and political directives, is making decisions that are better left to the markets, the thinking goes.
But China’s leaders have their own calculations, which prioritize stability decades from now over shareholder returns today. Chinese history is littered with dynasties that fell because of famines, floods or failures to adapt to new realities. The Chinese Communist Party’s centrally planned system values constant struggle for its own sake, and today’s struggle is against climate change. China received a frightening reminder of this in 2022, when vast areas of the country baked for weeks under a record heat wave that dried up rivers, withered crops and was blamed for several heatstroke deaths.
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mariacallous · 5 days
What would you want to tell the next U.S. president? FP asked nine thinkers from around the world to write a letter with their advice for him or her.
Dear Madam or Mr. President,
Congratulations on your election as president of the United States. You take office at a moment of enormous consequence for a world directly impacted by the twin challenges of energy security and climate change.
Democrats and Republicans disagree on many aspects of energy and climate policy. Yet your administration has the chance to chart a policy path forward that unites both parties around core areas of agreement to advance the U.S. national interest.
First, all should agree that climate change is real and worsening. The escalating threat of climate change is increasingly evident to anyone walking the streets of Phoenix in the summer, buying flood insurance in southern Florida, farming rice in Vietnam, or laboring outdoors in Pakistan. This year will almost certainly surpass 2023 as the warmest year on record.
Second, just as the energy revolution that made the United States the world’s largest oil and gas producer strengthened it economically and geopolitically, so will ensuring U.S. leadership in clean energy technologies enhance the country’s geostrategic position. In a new era of great-power competition, China’s dominance in certain clean energy technologies—such as batteries and cobalt, lithium, graphite, and other critical minerals needed for clean energy products—threatens America’s economic competitiveness and the resilience of its energy supply chains. China’s overcapacity in manufacturing relative to current and future demand undermines investments in the United States and other countries and distorts demand signals that allow the most innovative and efficient firms to compete in the global market.
Third, using less oil in our domestic economy reduces our vulnerability to global oil supply disruptions, such as conflict in the Middle East or attacks on tankers in the Red Sea. Even with the surge in U.S. oil production, the price of oil is set in the global market, so drivers feel the pain of oil price shocks regardless of how much oil the United States imports. True energy security comes from using less, not just producing more.
Fourth, energy security risks extend beyond geopolitics and require investing adequately in domestic energy supply to meet changing circumstances. Today, grid operators and regulators are increasingly warning that the antiquated U.S. electricity system, already adjusting to handle rising levels of intermittent solar and wind energy, is not prepared for growing electricity demand from electric cars, data centers, and artificial intelligence. These reliability concerns were evident when an auction this summer set a price nine times higher than last year��s to be paid by the nation’s largest grid operator to power generators that ensure power will be available when needed. A reliable and affordable power system requires investments in grids as well as diverse energy resources, from cheap but intermittent renewables to storage to on-demand power plants.
Fifth, expanding clean energy sectors in the rest of the world is in the national interest because doing so creates economic opportunities for U.S. firms, diversifies global energy supply chains away from China, and enhances U.S. soft power in rapidly growing economies. (In much the same way, the Marshall Plan not only rebuilt a war-ravaged Europe but also advanced U.S. economic interests, countered Soviet influence, and helped U.S. businesses.) Doing so is especially important in rising so-called middle powers, such as Brazil, India, or Saudi Arabia, that are intent on keeping their diplomatic options open and aligning with the United States or China as it suits them transactionally.
To prevent China from becoming a superpower in rapidly growing clean energy sectors, and thereby curbing the benefits the United States derives from being such a large oil and gas producer, your administration should increase investments in research and development for breakthrough clean energy technologies and boost domestic manufacturing of clean energy. Toward these ends, your administration should quickly finalize outstanding regulatory guidance to allow companies to access federal incentives. Your administration should also work with the other side of the aisle to provide the market with certainty that long-term tax incentives for clean energy deployment—which have bipartisan support and have already encouraged historic levels of private investment—will remain in place. Finally, your administration should work with Congress to counteract the unfair competitive advantage that nations such as China receive by manufacturing industrial products with higher greenhouse gas emissions. Such a carbon import tariff, as proposed with bipartisan support, should be paired with a domestic carbon fee to harmonize the policy with that of other nations—particularly the European Union’s planned carbon border adjustment mechanism.
Your ability to build a strong domestic industrial base in clean energy will be aided by sparking more domestic clean energy use. This is already growing quickly as market forces respond to rapidly falling costs. Increasing America’s ability to produce energy is also necessary to maintain electricity grid reliability and meet the growing needs of data centers and AI. To do so, your administration should prioritize making it easier to build energy infrastructure at scale, which today is the greatest barrier to boosting U.S. domestic energy production. On average, it takes more than a decade to build a new high-voltage transmission line in the United States, and the current backlog of renewable energy projects waiting to be connected to the power grid is twice as large as the electricity system itself. It takes almost two decades to bring a new mine online for the metals and minerals needed for clean energy products, such as lithium and copper.
The permitting reform bill recently negotiated by Sens. Joe Manchin and John Barrasso is a good place to start, but much more needs to be done to reform the nation’s permitting system—while respecting the need for sound environmental reviews and the rights of tribal communities. In addition, reforming the way utilities operate in the United States can increase the incentives that power companies have not just to build new infrastructure but to use existing infrastructure more efficiently. Such measures include deploying batteries to store renewable energy and rewiring old transmission lines with advanced conductors that can double the amount of power they move.
Grid reliability will also require more electricity from sources that are available at all times, known as firm power. Your administration should prioritize making it easier to construct power plants with advanced nuclear technology—which reduce costs, waste, and safety concerns—and to produce nuclear power plant fuel in the United States. Doing so also benefits U.S. national security, as Russia is building more than one-third of new nuclear reactors around the world to bolster its geostrategic influence. While Russia has been the leading exporter of reactors, China has by far the most reactors under construction at home and is thus poised to play an even bigger role in the international market going forward. The United States also currently imports roughly one-fifth of its enriched uranium from Russia. To counter this by building a stronger domestic nuclear industry, your administration should improve the licensing and approval process of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and reform the country’s nuclear waste management policies. In addition to nuclear power, your administration should also make it easier to permit geothermal power plants, which today can play a much larger role in meeting the nation’s energy needs thanks to recent innovations using technology advanced by the oil and gas sector for shale development.
Even with progress on all these challenges, it is unrealistic to expect that the United States can produce all the clean energy products it needs domestically. It will take many years to diminish China’s lead in critical mineral supply, battery manufacturing, and solar manufacturing. The rate of growth needed in clean energy is too overwhelming, and China’s head start is too great to diversify supply chains away from it if the United States relies solely on domestic manufacturing or that of a few friendly countries. As a result, diminishing China’s dominant position requires that your administration expand economic cooperation and trade partnerships with a vast number of other nations. Contrary to today’s protectionist trends, the best antidote to concerns about China’s clean technology dominance is more trade, not less.
Your administration should also strengthen existing tools that increase the supply of clean energy products in emerging and developing economies in order to diversify supply chains and counter China’s influence in these markets. For example, the U.S. International Development Finance Corp. (DFC) can be a powerful tool to support U.S. investment overseas, such as in African or Latin American projects to mine, refine, and process critical minerals. As DFC comes up for reauthorization next year, you should work with Congress to provide DFC with more resources and also change the way federal budgeting rules account for equity investments; this would allow DFC to make far more equity investments even with its existing funding. Your administration can also use DFC to encourage private investment in energy projects in emerging and developing economies by reducing the risk investors face from fluctuations in local currency that can significantly limit their returns or discourage their investment from the start. The U.S. Export-Import Bank is another tool to support the export of U.S. clean tech by providing financing for U.S. goods and services competing with foreign firms abroad.
Despite this country’s deep divisions and polarization, leaders of both parties should agree that bolstering clean energy production in the United States and in a broad range of partner countries around the world is in America’s economic and security interests.
I wish you much success in this work, which will also be the country’s success.
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The strangest and main events that happened in 2022
The British Queen Elizabeth II died
Will Smith slapped Chris Rock at the Oscars.
The number of COVID-19 cases exceeded 300 million worldwide
The first successful heart transplant from a pig to a human patient occurred
2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine
An outbreak of monkeypox begins when the first monkeypox virus case is reported in London, the United Kingdom.
A large eruption of Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha'apai, a submarine volcano in Tonga, triggered tsunami warnings in Australia, Canada, Chile, Fiji, Japan, New Zealand, Samoa, and the United States.
A number of large black holes lurking in dwarf galaxies that have previously been overlooked by astronomers were discovered. Our own Milky Way galaxy’s supermassive black hole has been recently discovered by newly discovered black holes.
The UK goes through 3 prime minsters
A series of severe heatwaves from July to August hit Europe, causing at least 53,000 deaths and additionally causing major wildfires, travel disruption, and record high temperatures in many countries
Pakistan declares a "climate catastrophe" and appeals for international assistance, as the death toll from recent flooding in the country exceeds 1,000, the world's deadliest flood since 2017.
A fatal human crush occurs during an association football match at Kanjuruhan Stadium in Malang Regency, East Java, Indonesia, killing 131 people and injuring more than 500
A Hypatia stone from an extra-terrestrial planet could be the first tangible sign of an explosion of type Ia supernova. Among the universe’s most energetic events are these rare supernovas. It is possible that Hypatia is a “forensic” clue from the early formation of our solar system of a cosmic story that spans millions of years.
Those approaching Gatwick Airport were confused after a prankster erected a sign reading “Welcome to Luton.” Air passengers arriving at the UK’s second-largest airport, which is located just over 30 miles south of central London, can make out the 60m (197ft) sign.
A recently developed artificial skin system closely resembles human skin. The system uses electronic signals to sense temperature, humidity, and pressure simultaneously. This is leaning towards more intelligent prostheses being created and also more sensitive robots.
Elon Musk completes his $44 billion acquisition of Twitter.
At least 156 people are killed and another 152 injured in a crowd crush during Halloween festivities in Seoul, South Korea.
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notwiselybuttoowell · 2 years
Meeting the target of limiting heating to 1.5C
At Cop26 in Glasgow, countries agreed to limit global heating to 1.5C above pre-industrial levels. The pledges on emissions cuts they came forward with were not enough to meet this goal, however, so they agreed to return this year with strengthened commitments. Few have done so – only 24 submitted new national plans on emissions to the UN in advance of Cop27.
Likelihood: 0/5
Verdict: There will not be enough progress here to meet the 1.5C goal, but there is a baby step forward – the UN estimates that the improved plans that have been submitted will bring down temperatures by about 0.1C. But we are still heading for a disastrous 2.5C of heating on current policies.
Fulfilling promise of $100bn a year on climate finance
Since 2009, poor countries have been promised $100bn (£87bn) a year from 2020 to help them cut greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the impacts of extreme weather. This target has not been met, and will not be met before next year.
Likelihood: 0/5
Verdict: The rich world has caused the climate crisis, but the poor world – with tiny emissions in comparison – is bearing the brunt. The longer rich countries fail to fulfil their promises, the less trust there is in them among developed nations.
Adaptation funding
Most of the money that does go to the developed world in climate finance is destined to help middle income countries with projects to cut emissions, such as wind and solar farms. But what the poorest countries most need is help with ways to adapt to the extreme weather they are already seeing, such as regrowing forests, building flood barriers and putting in place early warning systems. Only about a fifth of climate finance is currently for adaptation, and nations promised last year to double that.
Likelihood: 1/5
Verdict: The Egyptian Cop27 presidency launched an action plan for adaptation as a key focus of its first week, so there will be progress but the target of doubling adaptation finance will not be met yet this year.
Loss and damage
One of the biggest issues at Cop27 is loss and damage. This refers to the most devastating impacts of the climate crisis, so extreme that countries could not adapt to them. Examples include the record droughts threatening nearly 150 million people with severe hunger in Africa, and the record floods that hit Pakistan this September. Poor countries say they need funding for rescue and reconstruction when such disasters strike, but rich countries have so far been reluctant to come up with any way of funding this.
Likelihood: 2.5/5
Verdict: Loss and damage is firmly on the official agenda for this conference – that was assured after a late night of negotiations at the start – but it will not be settled here. Countries have only embarked on the process of setting out what loss and damage means and how help for poor countries can be structured. While a few countries have come up with funding, discussions on how to find the hundreds of billions needed will carry on long after delegates leave Egypt.
World Bank reform
The World Bank is not on the agenda of the UN climate summit – it’s a completely separate institution to the UN. But many world leaders here have called for reform of the bank, which they said had failed to focus on the climate crisis and was not fit for the 21st century. Beleaguered World Bank president David Malpass is attending Sharm el-Sheikh, but his job will be looking a lot more shaky by the end of this fortnight.
Likelihood: 4/5
Verdict: If the World Bank is reformed, which is looking more and more necessary and likely, the pressure brought to bear at Cop27 will be a important factor in achieving it.
Movement on African gas
Many African countries are sitting on large reserves of fossil fuels, and with soaring gas prices around the world would like to exploit those reserves. Oil and gas companies would like to invest in them too, but rich countries and climate experts warn that doing so will just add to the climate crisis that is already having disastrous impacts on the poorest on the continent. African countries scent hypocrisy, pointing out that the rich have already burned their supplies.
Likelihood: 5/5
Verdict: There will certainly be movement on African gas at this Cop, but in which direction? Oil and gas investors are lurking in every corner of the conference centre, and they will be looking to go home with climate-busting deals.
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g--dgdgd123 · 6 months
Exploring Al Jalil Garden: A Fusion of Nature and Modern Living
Al Jalil Garden stands as a testament to the harmonious blend of nature's beauty and contemporary urban living. Nestled amidst the serene landscape of Lahore, Pakistan, this residential community offers residents a unique experience of tranquility coupled with modern amenities. In this article, we delve into the various aspects that make Al Jalil Garden a sought-after destination for those seeking a balance between nature and urban convenience.
Natural Surroundings:
One of the most captivating features of Al Jalil Garden is its lush greenery and scenic landscapes. Spread over vast acres, the community is adorned with meticulously landscaped parks, tree-lined avenues, and verdant gardens. The abundance of green spaces not only enhances the aesthetic appeal but also promotes a healthy and sustainable lifestyle for residents. Walking trails, jogging tracks, and recreational areas provide ample opportunities for residents to connect with nature and lead an active lifestyle.
Modern Infrastructure:
Complementing its natural surroundings, Al Jalil Garden boasts modern infrastructure and state-of-the-art facilities. The residential units, ranging from cozy apartments to spacious villas, are designed to cater to diverse lifestyle preferences. Each dwelling is equipped with essential amenities and built to high-quality standards, ensuring comfort and convenience for residents. Moreover, the community features well-planned roads, efficient drainage systems, and reliable utilities, making it a model of modern urban planning.
Community Living:
Beyond its physical attributes, Al Jalil Garden fosters a strong sense of community among its residents. Various social and recreational activities are organized regularly, encouraging interaction and camaraderie among neighbors. The community center serves as a hub for gatherings, events, and cultural celebrations, further enriching the social fabric of the neighborhood. Additionally, the presence of schools, healthcare facilities, and commercial establishments within the vicinity ensures that residents have access to essential services without venturing far from home.
Commitment to Sustainability:
Al Jalil Garden is committed to promoting sustainability and environmental stewardship. Through initiatives such as waste management programs, energy-efficient infrastructure, and green building practices, the community strives to minimize its ecological footprint. Furthermore, the integration of eco-friendly features such as rainwater harvesting systems and solar panels underscores its dedication to preserving the natural environment for future generations.
In conclusion, Al Jalil Garden emerges as a captivating blend of natural beauty, modernity, and community spirit. With its picturesque landscapes, contemporary infrastructure, vibrant social scene, and commitment to sustainability, it offers residents a distinctive living experience that transcends the conventional notions of urban life. Whether seeking a tranquil retreat or a dynamic community, Al Jalil Garden stands as a beacon of excellence in the realm of residential developments.
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The strangest and main events that happened in 2022
The British Queen Elizabeth II died
Will Smith slapped Chris Rock at the Oscars.
The number of COVID-19 cases exceeded 300 million worldwide
The first successful heart transplant from a pig to a human patient occurred
2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine
An outbreak of monkeypox begins when the first monkeypox virus case is reported in London, the United Kingdom.
A large eruption of Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha'apai, a submarine volcano in Tonga, triggered tsunami warnings in Australia, Canada, Chile, Fiji, Japan, New Zealand, Samoa, and the United States.
A number of large black holes lurking in dwarf galaxies that have previously been overlooked by astronomers were discovered. Our own Milky Way galaxy’s supermassive black hole has been recently discovered by newly discovered black holes.
The UK goes through 3 prime minsters
A series of severe heatwaves from July to August hit Europe, causing at least 53,000 deaths and additionally causing major wildfires, travel disruption, and record high temperatures in many countries
Pakistan declares a "climate catastrophe" and appeals for international assistance, as the death toll from recent flooding in the country exceeds 1,000, the world's deadliest flood since 2017.
A fatal human crush occurs during an association football match at Kanjuruhan Stadium in Malang Regency, East Java, Indonesia, killing 131 people and injuring more than 500
A Hypatia stone from an extra-terrestrial planet could be the first tangible sign of an explosion of type Ia supernova. Among the universe’s most energetic events are these rare supernovas. It is possible that Hypatia is a “forensic” clue from the early formation of our solar system of a cosmic story that spans millions of years.
Those approaching Gatwick Airport were confused after a prankster erected a sign reading “Welcome to Luton.” Air passengers arriving at the UK’s second-largest airport, which is located just over 30 miles south of central London, can make out the 60m (197ft) sign.
A recently developed artificial skin system closely resembles human skin. The system uses electronic signals to sense temperature, humidity, and pressure simultaneously. This is leaning towards more intelligent prostheses being created and also more sensitive robots.
Elon Musk completes his $44 billion acquisition of Twitter.
At least 156 people are killed and another 152 injured in a crowd crush during Halloween festivities in Seoul, South Korea.
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workwithspace · 1 year
The Hottest Planet of our Solar System| Deep Information
The Fiery Jewel of Our Solar System When it comes to the hottest planet in our solar system, none can rival the scorching reign of Venus. Proudly claiming its place as the second planet from the Sun, Venus dazzles with its unparalleled heat and mesmerizing attributes. What sets Venus ablaze with such intense heat? The answer lies within its atmospheric composition, predominantly dominated by a staggering 97% carbon dioxide content. This abundant presence of carbon dioxide blankets the planet, trapping heat and creating a furnace-like environment.
As we delve deeper into Venus's mystique, its surface reveals a captivating tapestry of remarkable features. Vast stretches of plains sprawl across the landscape, punctuated by majestic mountain ranges and an army of thousands of volcanoes. These volcanic sentinels bear witness to the planet's tumultuous past, with impact craters offering glimpses of recent volcanic activity. Amongst them, the mighty Mount Mons reigns supreme, soaring to impressive heights of approximately 8 kilometers (5 miles) and leaving an indelible mark on the planet's volcanic legacy.
For complete detail visit
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xtruss · 2 years
National Geographic Reveals Its 2022 Pictures of the Year
— December 02, 2022 | Jaron Schneider
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National Geographic has published its 2022 Pictures of the Year. The headline story of its December issue, these selections are the result of reviewing more than two million photos that were captured in the field this year.
The photos are a selection of images captured by National Geographic photographers from around the world. The publication says that they offer breathtaking glimpses of a shared human journey and serve to remind viewers of the unique elements of the planet.
“From the discovery of the shipwreck Endurance and the impact of climate change on endangered species to the first summit of Mount Everest by an all-Black team of explorers as well as emotional and striking shots of Ukrainian refugees standing in solidarity, National Geographic captures it all in Pictures of the Year 2022,” the publication writes.
This past year, 132 photographers were sent on assignments to 60 countries and National Geographic says they shipped a total of 4,000 pounds of gear into the field. Together, these photographers filed an astounding 2,238,899 images from 120-degree temperatures in Pakistan’s Sindh and Balochistan provinces to days reaching 49 degrees below zero in Canada’s Northwest Territories. National Geographic says that in the process, nearly every continent was covered, resulting in “a robust and diverse look at life across the globe.”
Below are just a few of the images PetaPixel selected from the full list of photos that are featured both in National Geographic’s December print edition and on its website. Many of them may be new to viewers while some might be familiar, such as the photo of Native American Quannah Rose Chasinghorse or the day-to-night photo of the Grand Canyon thanks to lengthy features on each that PetaPixel featured earlier this year.
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Istanbul-based photographer Rena Effendi traveled to Armenia and Azerbaijan in search of Satyrus effendi, a rare and endemic butterfly named after her father, the late Soviet Azerbaijani entomologist Rustam Effendi. While Effendi hasn’t yet spotted the butterfly in the wild, she did photograph a preserved one in the specimen-packed cabin of her father’s protégé Parkev Kazarian, a taxidermist in the mountainous town of Gyumri, Armenia. “I loved that it was still beautiful, even dead,” she says. | Photo by Rena Effendi/National Geographic
A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, launched from Cape Canaveral in the early hours of June 19, streaks above a stand of bald cypress trees. This was the second time in less than a year that a SpaceX rocket unexpectedly made its way into photographer Mac Stone’s frame while he was shooting at night in a remote swamp. Stone says that the increased frequency of launches without fanfare “suggests that we have crossed over into a new era where cosmic missions are simply business as usual.” | Photo by Mac Stone
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Draped in morning mist, NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) looms over Kennedy Space Center’s Launch Complex 39B in March as the rocket awaits testing. The 322-foot- tall vehicle is the linchpin of NASA’s Artemis program, a stepping stone to Mars that also aims to land the first woman and the first person of color on the moon. With two boosters and four main engines, SLS can fling
a crew capsule moon- ward with 8.8 million pounds of thrust—15 percent more oomph than the Apollo program’s Saturn V rocket. Each SLS will be used only once. After this rocket’s launch during an uncrewed test flight planned for this year, its pieces are expected to either fall into the ocean or enter orbit around the sun. | Photo by Dan Winters/National Geographic
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A small refinery on the roof of a laboratory at ETH Zurich pulls carbon dioxide and water directly from the air and feeds them into a reactor that concentrates solar radiation, generating extreme heat. That splits the molecules, creating a mixture that ultimately can be processed into kerosene or methanol. Researchers hope this system eventually can produce market-ready, carbon-neutral jet fuel. One Swiss airline has already announced plans to use the fuel. | Photo by Davide Monteleone/National Geographic
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Visitors ascend the spiraling 150-foot- high boardwalk in the yellowing autumn at Denmark’s Camp Adventure to gain a new perspective on the forest southwest of Copenhagen—and, perhaps, on life itself. “Forest bathing,” among the woods’ most powerful and least tangible benefits, has been shown to reduce stress, improving mental and physical well-being.| Photo by Orsolya Haarberg/National Geographic
Around Vostok and other southern Line Islands, in the remote central Pacific, abundant small reef fish support a thriving population of top predators. Here a gray reef shark swims over Montipora corals in a sea of fusilier damselfish and Bartlett’s anthias. Enric Sala, a National Geographic Explorer in Residence, visited the area in 2009 for his Pristine Seas project, which conducted the first scientific surveys of marine life around the islands and recommended protection. Now the sea around the islands is a reserve, which may have helped it recover from a dramatic coral die-off in the wake of a 2015-16
El Niño warming event. On this more recent trip, Sala captured the reefs restored to their former glory. | Photo by Enric Sala/National Geographic
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Wearing a protective suit, Armando Salazar steps carefully across sizzling rock, carrying a chunk of glowing lava on a pitchfork. It’s just another day on the job for Salazar, a member of the Spanish military, as he helped scientists collect samples during a 2021 eruption at La Palma’s Cumbre Vieja volcanic ridge. Scientists and others also ventured across fresh flows to monitor gases, record earthquakes, and more, hoping to better understand the event, which lasted for almost 86 days. Their findings can help them determine Cumbre Vieja’s potential for future blasts. | Photo by Arturo Rodriguez
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With its Artemis I mission, NASA is kicking off an ambitious plan to return humans to the moon. For the scheduled launch, this uncrewed trip’s commander would be the “moonikin” Campos, named after a NASA engineer who helped save the lives of the Apollo 13 crew. During a trip around the moon slated to last more than a month, Campos is sitting in for crew in the Orion capsule. Sensors in Campos’s headrest and behind its seat track vibration and acceleration, expected to reach four times that of Earth’s gravity. Campos wears radiation sensors and the survival suit that future missions’ flesh-and-blood passengers will use during launch, reentry, and other critical moments. NASA hopes a crew of four will make the next trek aboard Orion as early as May 2024, as part of Artemis II. | Photo by Dan Winters/National Geographic
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Vitale showcased these six- month-old cubs snacking and playing as part of her long-term focus on giant panda conservation. | Photo by Ami Vitale/National Geographic
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Quannah Rose Chasinghorse uses her visibility to advocate for concerns of Indigenous peoples. “We are still here,” the model and activist says, but “our voices, experiences, stories, cultures, and traditions aren’t recognized the way they should be. We carry so much knowledge, strength, and power, not just trauma and pain. And we are so much more than those harmful stereotypes.” Chasinghorse is Hän Gwich’in and Sičangu/Oglala Lakota, but was born on Diné (Navajo) land in Arizona. Here, she stands in Tse’Bii’Ndzisgaii (Monument Valley), a park the Diné administer. | Photo by Kiliii Yuyan/National Geographic
National Geographic shared a few interesting statistics regarding the Pictures of the Year:
The photos in the issue are the top 118 photos from the field. This includes 44 photographers who completed their first National Geographic assignment and the 4000 pounds of gear that Nat Geo staff photo engineer Tom O’Brien shipped into the field
29,032 feet of elevation was attained by Photographer Evan Green as part of the first all-Black team to summit Everest
9,869 feet in depth of the Endurance shipwreck, whose discovery was documented by Photographer Esther Horvath
9 Remote cameras were used by photographer Dan Winters, who had them pointed at Artemis I on Sept. 27 – until its launch was halted as Hurricane Ian formed
4 types of transport, including a powered paraglider that photographer Ben Depp used to document Louisiana’s coast
1 Tripod taken by a hyena when Jen Guyton was photographing hyenas in Kenya
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Along with these photos, National Geographic has also launched its first photo contest in years to support the issue. From now until the end of December, the publication is inviting people to submit their favorite picture for a chance to be included in National Geographic Magazine, as well as get featured on Nat Geo’s Your Shot Instagram page. The details of the contest can be found on natgeopicturesoftheyearcontest.com/. Full coverage of National Geographic’s Pictures of the Year can also be found on natgeo.com/photos.
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earaercircular · 2 years
A tour de force from the Caribbean
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Barbados builds new disaster preparedness hub
Remember the name Mia Mottley, writes Ine Renson. Her proposal to reform the global financial system is the game changer in the climate debate.
When Mia Mottley took the stage in Sharm el-Sheikh on November 7, she had no intention to sweet talk. The Prime Minister of Barbados launched a blistering attack on the industrialized nations. “We are stuck in the imperialist era,” she fulminated. Poor countries depend for their survival on the mercy of the rich, whose power is enshrined in institutions of a bygone era. The human genius has spawned pyramids, put a man on the moon and developed a corona vaccine in less than two years. But the will to save the lives and future of billions of people is not forthcoming. “What will you do? What will you choose to save?”
Despite the punches she threw, the Caribbean is a rising star in the climate debate. Since she attracted attention in Glasgow last year with an equally inspiring speech, she has received invitations from the UN and the World Trade Organization (WTO), she has been asked to give prestigious lectures and she is allowed to have coffee with government leaders. As prime minister of an island state with barely 290,000 inhabitants[1], she punches above her weight. She owes this to her ability to explain complex issues simply. She peppers her argument with references to the Caribbean legends Bob Marley and Jimmy Cliff. She speaks with the urgency of a leader whose country is drowning in failed climate promises. But it is mainly with her revolutionary ideas that she smashes open doors that would otherwise remain closed.
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Barbados prime minister Mia Mottley's defence of Small Island Developing States at COP26 makes her a regional rock star
Mia Mottley came up with a plan this year to radically rewrite the rules of the international financial system. That system is broken, she says. She targets the IMF and the World Bank, that were established after World War II to rebuild devastated countries and stabilise the global economy. Gradually, the focus shifted to emerging economies. That has worked pretty well for decades. But the classic recipes are not strong enough against the cascade of hurricanes, floods and droughts that vulnerable countries are currently experiencing. The rigid rules only push them deeper into the swamp of poverty.
Tighten the belt of austerity
If Pakistan and Mozambique are hit by a climate catastrophe, they will have to look for billions to repair the damage. While rich countries borrow on the capital markets at 1 to 4 percent, interest rates for the South are around 14 percent. They can also turn to the World Bank or the IMF in exchange for strict austerity policies. That forces them to tighten their belts so hard that there is no room left to protect themselves against the next disaster, let alone invest in solar panels, schools or hospitals.
This is how emerging countries become entangled in a spiral of disasters and debt. A hurricane can wipe out 200 percent of the income of a country like Barbados in a matter of hours. Mottley delicately points out that those debts serve to combat climate catastrophes caused by creditors building their wealth on fossil fuels. But she does not get stuck in moral reflections. The reality is simple, she says: no country from the South can survive the climate crisis by sinking even deeper. There is no other way out than to climate-proof the financial system itself.
Mottley puts three interventions on the table for this. The IMF and the World Bank must allocate much more money for adaptation. The money with which countries can make their infrastructure resilient is available: the IMF can release USD 1,000 billion in reserves that it can lend to its members on favourable terms. Debt securities must also contain a clause that allows repayment to be suspended for two years if a climate disaster occurs. This frees up budgets that governments can spend on reconstruction. And to accelerate the transition, she advocates a fund that serves as leverage to tap into private capital. That fund, guaranteed by the IMF, could raise up to $5 trillion a year – a stream of money that could be invested in new technologies or energy infrastructure.
Brilliant proposal
That plan goes well beyond the existing $100 billion climate fund, as well as the climate damage reparations that were won as a trophy in Sharm el-Sheikh. The latter remain transfers from rich to poor countries that will never generate the thousands of billions that are needed every year. Mottley's proposal is more ingenius. It works within the capitalist system, not against it. It uses the IMF and the World Bank as leverage to channel risk-averse capital to poor countries. She links climate policy to development. It looks like she's found the holy grail.
The mastermind behind those ideas is Avinash Persaud[2], a fellow countryman and old college friend. They met at the London School of Economics. While he was making his way to the top of the financial world, she was pursuing her political career in Barbados. When she was economy minister in 2007, she brought Persaud to Bridgetown as a financial adviser. With the approval of the IMF, he negotiated a debt restructuring with the largest creditors in 2018. Barbados became the first country to issue debt with a disaster clause[3].
Persaud taught Mottley to think big. Begging is pointless, he says. Use the laws of the regular system. And speak for a group the world cannot ignore. Just about all the countries between the two tropics – roughly 3.3 billion people – are in the same boat. Mottley does not speak for Barbados, but for 40 percent of the world's population.
It works. The plan, known as the Bridgetown Initiative[4], is gaining traction. IMF chief Kristalina Georgieva, World Bank president David Malpass, French President Emmanuel Macron[5], German Development Minister Svenja Schulze, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen: they all stumble over each other to stress that the “current model no longer works” ' and that “private money must be tapped”. The Bridgetown proposals will be worked out by the meeting of the IMF and World Bank next spring.
That is a monumental achievement. Mottley puts on the table for the first time a realistic plan with which the world can finance itself from the climate crisis. It shatters a dysfunctional system that cannot cope with climate change, that is unfair and founded on centuries of exploitation. That a politician from a small island state manages to do this is significant. It leaves the mighty of the earth with their back against the wall.
Ine Renson: Een krachttoer uit de Caraïben, in: De Standaard, 23-12-2022, https://www.standaard.be/cnt/dmf20221222_98072569
[1] Barbados is an island country in the Lesser Antilles of the West Indies, in the Caribbean region of the Americas, and the most easterly of the Caribbean Islands. It occupies an area of 432 km2 and has a population of about 287,000 (2019 estimate). Its capital and largest city is Bridgetown.
[2] Avinash Persaud,Breaking the Deadlock on Climate: The Bridgetown Initiative, in: Green 3, issue 3
[3] Fitch Rates Its First Natural Disaster Clause Sovereign Bond, in: FitchRatings, 24-10-2022, https://www.fitchratings.com/research/sovereigns/fitch-rates-its-first-natural-disaster-clause-sovereign-bond-24-10-2022
[4] https://gisbarbados.gov.bb/download/the-2022-barbados-agenda/
[5] Macron backs climate cash trillions. French president calls for a ‘huge shock’ of climate finance.in: Politico, 23-12-2022, https://www.politico.eu/article/emmanuel-macron-backs-climate-cash-trillions-cop27/
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painting-aphrodite · 2 years
Partial Solar Eclipse
At the 2nd Degree of Scorpio
Tuesday 25th of October 2022
Starting 8:58
Maximum 11:00 - UTC
End 14:02
Some cities where partial eclipse is visible
* Stockholm, Sweden
* Helsinki, Finland
* Tallinn, Estonia
* Minsk, Belarus
* Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
* Moscow, Moscow, Russia
* Tbilisi, Georgia
* Yerevan, Armenia
* Astana, Kazakhstan
* Baku, Azerbaijan
* Baghdad, Iraq
* Tehran, Iran
* Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
* Tashkent, Uzbekistan
* Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
* Almaty, Kazakhstan
* Dushanbe, Tajikistan
* Kabul, Afghanistan
* Islamabad, Pakistan
* New Delhi, Delhi, India
A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon stands between the Sun and Earth, blocking off the light of the Sun.
An eclipse of the Sun never comes alone..
always taking place 2 weeks before or after a lunar eclipse. ( Lunar eclipse in Taurus on 08th of November)
A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth stands between the Moon and the Sun, cutting off the light of the Sun from the Moon.
The Zodiac sign Scorpio is associated to:
Other peoples money, taxes, debt, shared resources, armed forces, intensity, secrecy, death, rebirth, healing, concentrative faculties, investigation, digging, power, regeneration, occult topics, taboo, satiation, those who work in the shadows, mafia, letting go and pro-creative systems etc,.
Ruled by the element Water.
Fixed outcomes can be anticipated. Much emotionality.
Both Venus and the Moon are conjoined the Sun at the time of the celestial event.
Venus is associated to relationships, women, children, freedom, beauty and finances etc,. Its known as the lesser benefic. Immense importance of all mentioned.( particular significance of financial systems)
Expect transformative, sudden and moving happenings in the days leading up to the Eclipse + afterwards.
Use this energy to bring about any personal alchemy - worthwhile alterations in order for something new and lasting to emerge.
The ruler of Scorpio - Mars.
Is in the sign of Gemini where it will turn retrograde on the 30th of October - a turning back, revisitation, delays, changing of course for all Martial themes. Fire (Mars) \ in a Air sign - hyperactive thoughts, learning, many discussions, returning paperwork at times manipulation and purging.
Instigating and cathartic unveiling of information. News platforms/ online spheres among other Gemini ruling are emphasised.
A complete opposition between the Law-makers/ religious systems of countries and the masses. A push from the left wing .. - much fraud, lies, obsessions, loss and vice.
‘Currently The Sun (The State, governing bodies) is in the sign of Libra, in its fall.
When the Sun enters Scorpio on the 23rd of October we will see a clear change of approach + status of the rulers - along with converting mundane happenings.’
“An eclipse
in Scorpio denotes ruin of houses and ancient buildings, divisions and hatred amongst the clergy, and they shall excite tumults.
In the watery triplicity, it promises the death of the vulgar and ignoble sort of people, seditions and rumours of wars and eruptions and floods of sea banks.
If a eclipse is in the first Face (Decan) of Scorpio it moves and stirs up wars and tumults, slaughter, hatred, captivities, plots and treachery.”
from the Book Astrology Munda.
Consider the whole chart
Al Mumtaz, signs, rulerships, aspects etc,..
if the 3rd house is ruled by Scorpio…
3rd house. relates to siblings, local community, things revolving around your transport, travel and communication to name a few..
If its your 4th house - then noticeable things related to Home, nurturing and family etc.
If its the 6th then it shall be work related, daily habits, health, co- workers, institutions, confinements, learning etc,..
The relevant life area (house) will be activated..
and Allah (swt) knows best
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With compliments from, the Directorate General of Public Relations,
Government of the Punjab, Lahore Ph. 99201390 
CM Maryam Nawaz Sharif Chairs Marathon Meeting in P&D Board to Decide on Various Development Projects Across Punjab
LAHORE, 19 September 2024:
Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz Sharif chaired a marathon six-and-a-half-hours review meeting being held in the Planning and Development Board in which important decisions were made about education, health, agriculture, livestock roads and other sectors. Under CM Maryam Nawaz Sharif's ‘Suthra Punjab’ program, the largest comprehensive sanitation system in the history of Pakistan will be implemented from mid-November. The launching of ‘Suthra Punjab’ will be started in 100 tehsils of Punjab by 15-October. In two weeks, the cleaning process will be started in 100 tehsils under the outsourced model. Under the second phase of ‘Suthra Punjab’, the cleaning process will also be started in 34 more tehsils from November 15. Approval for Chief Minister Fund for Solar Panel Production and Manufacturing was granted for local production of solar panels in Punjab. In November, people will start getting solar panels under the Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif’s program. CM Maryam Nawaz Sharif directed to complete Pakistan's first official autism school project in Lahore within one year.
In the meeting, 482 schemes of construction and repair of 11 thousand km roads in Punjab were reviewed. Revamping of 581 primary health centres of South Punjab has started and the target of completion has been set by next January. Proposals for health screening of students and establishment of thalassemia centre were also reviewed. The Chief Minister directed to ensure cleanliness in the hospitals acorss Punjab. She directed to undertake immediate steps for the construction of Nawaz Sharif Cardiology Institute Sargodha and Nawaz Sharif Cancer Hospital. She directed to ensure cardiology treatment facilities in every city.
CM Maryam Nawaz Sharif sought a deadline for the police body cam program. 11000 cattle will be given to women in the villages of 17 districts at a cost of Rs. 2 billion. Punjab's first livestock card for farmers will be launched next month. 20,000 farmers will be able to get food, medicine and equipment etc. through the Farmer Livestock Card.
In the meeting, agroforestry project was approved on government waste land under which onions, potatoes and olives etc. will be cultivated. It was decided to conduct a wildlife census for the first time in Punjab for the wildlife protection. The launch of "eco-tourism" project in Changa Manga and the proposal to build the first model fish market of the province in Lahore were reviewed. It was agreed to form a ‘Shrimp Farming Export Company’. A briefing was given about the shrimp pilot experimental farm on 100 acres in Muzaffargarh. A principle approval was given to establish a ‘Special Directorate’ for shrimp farming. It was also approved to increase the area for shrimp farming to 50 thousand acres along with conducting farmer training and establishing value added chain. Approval was given to establish hatcheries for Pangasius and other fish species in Lahore and DG Khan.
In the briefing, it was informed that ‘Plant for Pakistan’ is being monitored by drones. A ‘body cam pilot project’ has been launched in Sheikhupura with 30 cameras. The deadline for the completion of the second phase of ‘Smart Safe City’ has been set for next March. Monitoring of entrances and exits, free Wi-Fi, pink buttons have also become functional in Sheikhupura.
The Chief Minister directed to increase the number of cameras in all cities as per need. In the meeting, it was approved to start ‘Dastak’ services in 9 more districts of Punjab and for the issuance of ‘carbon credit scheme’ for the first time in Punjab. A project of demarcation of smog area through ‘Geographic Information System’ mapping will also be launched. A detailed briefing was given on Laptop Scheme, Undergraduate Scholarship program. The CM directed to ensure payment of fees for talented children. She approved the establishment of Punjab's first ‘film fund’.
The CM directed to undertake steps to provide employment for the first batch being passed out under ‘CM Skills Development Initiative’. CM Punjab ordered the early completion of metro track for all cities. A briefing was given on Margalla to Jhika Gali Tourist Glass Train Project. 3D footage of ‘Model Agriculture Mall’ was presented. Approval for a uniform design for Multan, Bahawalpur, Sargodha and Sahiwal was given.
It was informed during the briefing that more than 35 thousand farmers have received Kisan cards in Punjab. It was decided to solarize 7500 tubewells in the first phase in Punjab and it was agreed to complete it by next June. It was decided to implement the Chief Minister Agriculture Graduate Program in the concerned Union Council. Measures to increase export of agricultural produce along with utilizing government land to increase canola cultivation in Punjab were reviewed. Approval for design and other aspects of the first phase 9500 green tractor were given. Green tractor will not be sold due to certain features, colour and number and March 31st deadline has been fixed.
CM Maryam Nawaz Sharif directed to undertake measures for the construction of airstrip for air ambulance landing along with carrying out mapping to ascertain the need for rescue services. She directed to provide rescue ambulance service in every city after determining its need. The scope to further extend rescue training in universities and colleges was reviewed.
A comprehensive review on the progress of 7 programs, 70 projects, 77 Chief Minister's Initiatives and 770 Schemes was made in the meeting. CM Maryam Nawaz Sharif said, “Five years have been given to serve the people instead of holding processions. Alhamdulillah, Punjab is taking the lead in every sector.”
Senator Pervaiz Rasheed, Senior Minister Marriyum Aurangzeb, Provincial Minister for Information and Culture Azma Zahid Bokhari, Ministers Chaudhry Shafay Hussain, Mujtaba Shuja ur Rehman, Khawaja Salman Rafique, Khawaja Imran Nazir, Ashiq Hussain, Rana Sikandar Hayat, Bilal Akbar, Sohaib Malik, Zeeshan Rafique, Sohail Shaukat Butt, MPA Sania Ashiq, Brigadier (Retd) Babar Alauddin, Chief Secretary, IGP, Chairman P&D, Secretaries and other relevant officials were also present.
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epages · 14 days
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In a world increasingly focused on sustainability, SkyElectric has emerged as Pakistan’s leading Smart Solar Energy Company, revolutionizing the way energy is consumed across the country. By offering an innovative Smart Solar solution that integrates solar, grid, and battery technologies, SkyElectric is empowering residential, commercial, and industrial customers to take control of their energy needs. Innovative Smart Solar Solutions: SkyElectric’s hallmark is its advanced Smart Solar System, a state-of-the-art solution that combines solar panels, grid electricity, and battery storage to provide an uninterrupted power supply. This system is designed to optimize energy usage, reduce electricity costs, and provide energy independence. The Smart Solar System intelligently switches between solar, battery, and grid power, ensuring that users always have the most efficient and cost-effective energy source available. Catering to Diverse Energy Needs of Residential, Commercial and Industrial Clients: One of the key strengths of SkyElectric is its ability to cater to a wide range of energy needs. For residential customers, SkyElectric offers systems ranging from 3 kW to 30 kW, providing reliable and sustainable energy for homes of all sizes. Whether it’s powering household appliances or ensuring a consistent energy supply during grid outages, SkyElectric’s residential solutions are designed to enhance the quality of life while reducing dependence on the national grid. For commercial and industrial clients, SkyElectric offers robust systems ranging from 30 kW to over 3 MW. These systems are ideal for businesses and industries that require large-scale energy solutions to power their operations efficiently. By adopting SkyElectric’s Smart Solar solutions, businesses can significantly reduce their energy costs, improve operational efficiency, and contribute to environmental sustainability. Empowering Pakistan’s Energy Future: SkyElectric’s mission goes beyond providing energy solutions; it is about empowering Pakistan’s energy future. With the country facing frequent power outages and rising electricity costs, SkyElectric offers a viable and sustainable alternative. Their Smart Solar System not only addresses the immediate energy needs of their customers but also contributes to a greener and more sustainable future for Pakistan. Cutting-Edge Technology and Support: At the core of SkyElectric’s success is its commitment to innovation and customer support. The Smart Solar System is equipped with an intelligent Energy Management System (EMS) that allows users to monitor and control their energy usage in real-time through a user-friendly app. This level of control ensures that customers can optimize their energy consumption, reduce wastage, and make informed decisions about their energy usage. Moreover, SkyElectric provides comprehensive after-sales support, including maintenance services and system monitoring, ensuring that their customers enjoy a hassle-free experience. Their dedicated support team is always ready to assist with any technical issues, making SkyElectric a reliable partner in the journey towards energy independence. A Leader in Sustainability: SkyElectric’s commitment to sustainability is evident in its approach to energy production and consumption. By harnessing the power of the sun, SkyElectric is helping to reduce carbon emissions and promote the use of clean, renewable energy in Pakistan. Their solutions are designed to minimize environmental impact while providing long-term energy savings, making them a preferred choice for environmentally conscious customers. Why Choose SkyElectric: As Pakistan’s leading Smart Solar Energy Company, SkyElectric is setting new benchmarks in the energy sector. Their innovative Smart Solar solutions, combined with cutting-edge technology and exceptional customer support, make them a leader in the transition towards a sustainable energy future. Whether for residential, commercial, or industrial use, SkyElectric offers reliable, efficient, and sustainable energy solutions that empower their customers to take control of their energy needs and contribute to a greener Pakistan. Read the full article
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tehrymijaz · 16 days
Battery price in Pakistan
The demand for batteries in Pakistan has been steadily rising due to the increasing use of backup power solutions for homes, vehicles, and industries. In 2024, battery prices in Pakistan have seen fluctuations driven by the rising demand for uninterrupted power supply, especially in light of frequent load-shedding and the growing shift toward solar energy systems.
Types of Batteries Available in Pakistan
Lead-Acid Batteries: These are the most common type of batteries used in cars, UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supplies), and small solar systems. They are affordable but require regular maintenance.
Dry Cell Batteries: Dry cell or maintenance-free batteries are popular for their longer life and ease of use. They don’t require the same level of upkeep as lead-acid batteries.
Gel Batteries: These are an advanced type of lead-acid batteries that use gel electrolyte. They are often used in solar power systems because they last longer and perform well under deep discharge conditions.
Lithium-Ion Batteries: With the rise of solar energy and electric vehicles, lithium-ion batteries are gaining popularity due to their high efficiency, lighter weight, and longer life. However, they are significantly more expensive than traditional lead-acid batteries.
Factors Affecting Battery Prices
Battery Type: The type of battery significantly influences the price. Lead-acid batteries are more affordable but require frequent maintenance, while lithium-ion batteries, though costly, are more efficient and durable.
Brand: Several brands dominate the battery market in Pakistan, including Phoenix, Osaka, AGS, Exide, and Volta. The reputation and warranty offered by the brand can also affect pricing.
Capacity: Battery capacity, measured in ampere-hours (Ah), also impacts the price. Higher capacity batteries, such as those used for solar systems, cost more than smaller ones typically used in UPS systems.
Market Demand: The demand for batteries spikes during the summer months due to frequent power outages. Additionally, with the increasing adoption of solar energy systems in Pakistan, the demand for larger capacity batteries is rising, influencing prices.
Exchange Rates and Import Costs: Many components of batteries, especially lithium-ion ones, are imported. As a result, fluctuations in exchange rates and import duties directly affect the prices of batteries.
Battery prices in Pakistan are influenced by various factors, including type, capacity, and brand. With the increasing demand for power backup solutions and solar energy systems, understanding these factors is essential for making an informed purchasing decision. Whether you’re looking for an affordable solution for a UPS or a high-performance battery for a solar setup, it’s important to consider the long-term benefits, including maintenance costs and lifespan.
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cricketimage · 17 days
Title: The Future of Cricket: Trends, Technologies, and Emerging Talents
Cricket is no longer just a sport; it's a global phenomenon that connects millions of fans worldwide. The evolution of cricket in the 21st century has introduced new formats, revolutionary technologies, and emerging talents, reshaping the future of the game. Let’s take a look at some of the most exciting trends in cricket today.
1. Rise of T20 Leagues
The advent of T20 cricket has transformed the way the game is played and consumed. From the IPL to the Big Bash, T20 leagues are now a breeding ground for talent and entertainment. These leagues have pushed the envelope with shorter, faster-paced games, attracting a younger audience and bringing in sponsorships worth millions.
T20 has made cricket more dynamic, with players specializing in different formats. Not only does it provide entertainment, but it's also become a launchpad for young talent to showcase their skills on the global stage.
2. Innovative Technologies in the Game
Technological advancements have made a significant impact on the game. From DRS (Decision Review System) to Hawk-Eye and Snickometer, these tools have enhanced the accuracy of decisions. Fans now experience the game more intimately with real-time data and visuals that explain every aspect of a match.
Another major development is the introduction of player-tracking technology, which allows teams to monitor player performance, fitness, and strategy on a deeper level. This trend will only grow, allowing teams to analyze match situations and performances with even more precision.
3. Cricket Analytics and Data-Driven Decision Making
Cricket has embraced the power of big data. Teams now rely heavily on analytics to make decisions both on and off the field. Using data to analyze player strengths, weaknesses, and potential matchups allows teams to strategize more effectively.
From field placements to bowling strategies, data plays a crucial role in modern cricket. Fans are also engaging with these analytics, diving deep into player stats to enhance their understanding of the game.
4. Emerging Cricket Talents
The future of cricket looks bright, with a new wave of talent emerging from different parts of the world. Players like Shubman Gill (India), Harry Brook (England), and Shaheen Afridi (Pakistan) are redefining the game with their exceptional performances.
These youngsters bring a fearless brand of cricket, showcasing innovation and aggression. With more opportunities at the domestic and international levels, the pipeline of talent is stronger than ever.
5. The Global Expansion of Cricket
Cricket is no longer confined to the traditional powerhouses like India, Australia, and England. The sport is spreading to newer regions, with countries like the USA, Japan, and Germany investing in the game. The expansion of T20 leagues to these countries is sparking interest among new fans, and the possibility of cricket in the Olympics could further boost its popularity globally.
6. Sustainability in Cricket
In recent years, sustainability has become a growing concern in cricket. Several teams and stadiums are adopting green initiatives, focusing on reducing their carbon footprint. From solar-powered stadiums to eco-friendly pitches, the game is taking steps to address environmental issues.
Cricket is evolving at a rapid pace, and its future is filled with excitement. The rise of new formats, technological advancements, and the emergence of young talent ensure that cricket will continue to captivate audiences globally. As the game grows, Cricket Khabri will be here to keep you updated on the latest trends and stories that shape the future of this beautiful sport.
More information :- https://cricketkhabri.in/
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