#solaris alcantara
crimsoncrim · 2 months
"after the stardust settles"
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"a little too close to home"
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happy (belated) two year anniversary to reborn's E19 release! since donations have been finalized I can post the full versions of the pieces I drew for the Another Time zine :>
I had a great time working with everyone, and thank you to anyone who supported the zine and its cause <3
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jazz-kitty · 6 months
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let a man live a little
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rozetheeuwu · 9 months
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redcallisto · 1 year
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some pokemon reborn doodles feat. OC since I'm currently replaying
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animeastronomyangel · 2 years
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Been streaming Pokemon Reborn, and I am very much a Taka enjoyer
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azraels-eden · 2 years
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Taube Alcantara—Polaris, if only ever he got the chance.
Phoenix Alcantara—Ah, but why bother?
Mintaka Alcantara—May he live up to his name one day.
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torment-deviser · 1 year
Some thoughts about Vidar's family, especially his mom.
Basically, Vidar's mom was part of the cult/church of arceus. But after Taubes death and Solaris' new style of leadership there was a schism ideologically. Between those who saw Arceus as more of a benevolent creator/parental figure, and the judgement style we see in game. Eventually, those who disagreed left reborn, most heading towards Sinnoh but she left to Unova
And I had an idea about how, much like Elias had a familial duty. Her family was in charge of the maintaining of the records of the church. Her leaving was abandoning her duty.
I still have yet to decide if the grandpa/ma are still alive. But I think it would make sense as the order became more secretive and solaris more paranoid as things progressed until we got the secret-cult style of organization we see in the game. However, they were excommunicated from disagreeing with the more extreme choices regardless of whether they still live or not.
Now fast-forward, and this unknown heir to this legacy returns to reborn. (Which was partly bc he wanted to learn more about the region in which his recently dead mom grew up/ and he pissed of some important ppl in the criminal underground of Unova so a different region is better.)
The thing is, his mom did pass on some of what she learned when being trained for her role. Except she put her own spin on it. She liked the stories and the messages they conveyed, and so she passed them on as such, in an oral tradition like how ppl used to do instead of a written one. Lullabies and stories that she had told Vidar and his brother Seth. As well as stories she came up with.
So, on the one hand, you have Solaris and El, who embraced their roles so ferociously that their children rejected them. But then you have Vidar's mother, Livina. Who, in leaving, rejected her role but inspired Vidar unintentionally to retake that role when he travels to Reborn himself.
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sharffffff · 2 years
Day 2. Crystal
Aeris has been going around these crystal caves for far too long, with every single turn they took leading them back to the big cavern. The verticality, one might say, of the main cavern of these caves didn't help either, with slopes being too steep to get back up once you went down. Maybe whoever put the Grand Staircase above this cavern knew what they were doing, saving everyone from needing to backtrack a thousand times just because they went the wrong way once again.
Aeris could appreciate the beauty of this place, with light refracting from every single crystal it touched, but they were starting to get annoyed from going in circles, even though that annoyance was mostly directed at themself. So when they finally found a path that looked new, with a ladder that they were sure to be one they haven't touched before, they released a sigh of relief. Finally, some progress, they thought to themself, certain that if they'd been stuck in this loop for any longer they would've left just out of frustration of this being a wild goose chase. It might still be one, but now with a new branch of the cave to explore - and they would take something rather than nothing.
As Aeris climbed down, they've noticed that the amount of crystals around had decreased significantly, with the place becoming much darker as well. They were almost concerned, with following through much more carefully, until the tunnel they were in once again started to have some crystals in its walls - this time, however, they were different. They looked like the walls themself were covered in countless cracks, with crystals inside emitting pulsating light, which sometimes disappeared for a few seconds just to shine anew right after.
Aeris was feeling somewhat unsettled about this whole place, with an almost claustrophobic feeling of air being sucked out of their lungs, even if they were never afraid of caves before. They felt as if they've arrived here too early, as if they needed something else before making their trek here, even though they didn't even know what "here" was.
As the tunnel continued onward, it opened into a larger cavern, which, just like the tunnels, Aeris realized, looked man-made. That was not something that they've expected, and just the look at that chamber made their stomach churn. They weren't supposed to be here, they wanted to run and never return here again, but they had to proceed: they felt like they've finally stumbled onto something important.
After reaching the entrance to this chamber Aeris was entranced with hundreds of glimmering crystals covering the walls and ceiling of this place, as well as a door which looked like it was cut from solid stone, which also featured a symbol that they've noticed to be quite prevalent around the city - the cross with each of the arms being different color, even though colors are always the same - purple, green, red and blue.
But there was one more thing in this chamber that attracted their attention the most out of everything else, although it wasn't really a thing - it was a person. A tall man wearing long brown coat, and Aeris could've sworn they've seen him before - but they couldn't quite recall where.
The man didn't give them any time to think, and his voice almost startled Aeris, as he hasn't turned towards them, staring intently to the doorway in front of him.
"Greetings, Trainer. Tell me something. Did you, as a citizen of this city, have any inkling of this place beneath us?" His voice, cold and confident, spread across the room as a gust of mountain wind, making Aeris shiver. They were stunned, unable to answer even if they wanted to. After all, they weren't a citizen of this city, they've arrived here not that long ago - and yet, they still felt like this man shouldn't be corrected. There was an aura of power around him, the aura of a man who has nothing to lose.
"I suspect not. After all, most people don't. They are ignorant to the centuries of history right beneath their calloused feet. And do you know, Trainer, what is beyond that gate?"
This mere question has sent shivers down Aeris' spine, because the feeling of something existing beyond that door, even if obvious, was completely ethereal to them. They didn't want to know what was behind it, and they hoped that they never would find out, yet something was telling them that that wasn't something the destiny would allow them to miss.
"I will tell you. It is the very core of Reborn. This is a sacred place, a place from where the world begun."
No. This couldn't be it. Aeris now understood why they've felt so uncomfortable here - but they didn't quite understand why they were so unsettled by the proximity to what they realized was a birthplace of Arceus. They felt their entire being shiver, their mind telling them to run, their sight pulsating in tandem with crystals covering the walls. They felt like they were on the verge of what they could just assume was a panic attack, yet they couldn't move, frozen in place, unable to run.
And then Solaris turned to them, his cold stare piercing straight through them, filled with hatred directed not to them, but to the entirety of the city above. Yet, somehow, it distracted Aeris from their own thoughts, helped them keep themself together and not shatter to pieces just from the prospect of being close to this place. His stare helped to remind them of their own humanity, to push back their instinct to run away. He was only human, and so were they.
"So tell me, Trainer, how insolent, how utterly ignorant, must one be to build such a wretched city right over a precious holy land? For that is Reborn: the city of insolence. Ironically, the build it from the symbols of that which it occludes." - His gaze turned back towards the gateway, towards the symbol that could be seen all over the city. They forgot their own history, yet kept one of its significant symbols, without any memory of what it was supposed to represent. They buried it all, and yet made it again right above as a crude parody to what came before. Aeris could understand his anger, yet they couldn't agree with his methods - they've realized who he must've been, and the suffering he has caused, the deaths that happened because of his actions, couldn't be redeemed even by justified anger.
"Ruby, the seal of pain." The red arm of the cross caught a glimpse of light from one of the pulsating crystals, causing it to light up for a second, and Aeris' thoughts instantly went to the Ring that Heather had. It... it could be a coincidence, but Aeris doubted that. They felt that they have made a right conclusion, and weren't about to doubt themself on this.
"Sapphire, the seal of love, Emerald, the seal of faith and Amethyst, the seal of the beyond. Each one is a key." Key. Of course. And Corey was certainly very concerned with Heather's Ring being protected. Could it be?..
"When the four keys are brought together, Reborn's true power - its sacred rite - will be restored. We will be rid of this malignant junkyard and beauty can be restored to the world."
"Will it be worth it?"
"Will all the deaths and destruction caused by your attempts at reaching your goal be worth it in the end? Will ends justify the means?" Aeris met his gaze with one of their own, finally being able to move, to talk, to respond to what he had to say. They allowed him to talk, but he couldn't have expected to escape without them responding.
"Their lives were predetermined long ago, as were their deaths. They are all just means to destiny's end, and this sacred place is worth more than all lives in this wretched city combined. Those who survive will be lucky to see it rebuilt, and will be purified in the released light. Those who fall are better being dead than scuttling about in this insolent city and indulging in its endless sins."
His voice was cold as ice, his stare was even colder, and Aeris understood that he meant every word he said. He didn't care about any lives lost as long as he accomplished his goals. What could ever cause a person to be as devoid of compassion as him?
He went across the chamber, towards the way Aeris came through, yet stopped right before leaving it.
"You will walk away safely. Your friend will, too. She is here, and with Borealis gone, there's little point in keeping her. Do as you will to the fool guards who keep her."
Aeris shuddered at the mention of Corey's alias. They felt guilty for his death, for not being able to do anything to stop it from happening... They knew it wasn't their fault, but they couldn't help but blame themself for it.
"I have but one request: when you leave, take this place with you. Share this place with the world. Remind them: this world which they have undone will, itself, be their undoing."
With these word this man disappeared into the darkness, and Aeris was left alone, in a chamber sparkling with pulsating crystals, left one on one with the doorway separating them from their destiny.
They should better check on whoever this "friend" he mentioned was, though. Would be better than trying to find answers in the crystal-encrusted walls anyway.
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Okay, I decided to retcon some lore about the Chroniclerverse.
Remember I said something about the Alcantara and Hazel families being “descendants”? Screw that. They’re now Aura Wielders, but of the modern variant. Because of that, I’m also retconning the lore about this variant, splitting them into two groups. One that’s actually descended from the ancient clans of the Reborn sect, and the other from the Protectors of Aevium.
The Alcantara and Hazel families belong to the former. Shortly after the Great War, approximately 3000 years before the events of Reborn, the gifts of the surviving Aura Wielders in the land that is now Reborn began to wane and diminish at an alarming rate. The root cause of the phenomenon remains a mystery to this day, though they were able to rectify this by forming pacts with a partner Pokemon instead of relying on the spiritual connection of their inner Pokemon. While it allowed them to retain some of their mystical gifts, they and their future descendants can no longer wield their same level of power their ancestors once possessed.
So here’s their updated profiles and their pact partners’ species: Taube - Fighting/Steel, Lucario Solaris - Ground/Dragon, Garchomp Elias - Flying/Dragon, Noivern Taka - Normal/Flying, Chatot Luna - Dark (formerly Normal), Umbreon Zina - Psychic/Ghost, Lunala Anna - Steel/Psychic, Jirachi Noel - Fairy, Xerneas
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cherubinym · 1 year
Thuban is pt fucked up on Reshiram route tbh
Vague postgame and plot spoilers ahead . Probably
Ok for explanation. Thuban is Solaris's younger sibling. Though they change around their surname to kinda distance themself in a way. But all you need to know is someone is an Alcantara to know fate gives them a giant middle finger. I think that's basically all the explanation needed.
But they also feel some guilt over being part of the league , which yknow kinda ended up being placed over their family's whole thing. And basically left their position as the dragon/fairy E4 over years of guilt tripping and prodding and such from both Meteor and Elias's gang.
Thuban always drifted more towards Elias's side of things in Meteor rather than full-on Meteor itself but was def still an agent. Would def still be classified as a loyalist when it came to the end, tho.
They had two children themself but both perished from being caught in Meteor crossfire. They tried to linger close to Taka, Luna, Ace, and even ZEL sort of later as a sort of coping mechanism and trying to keep them safe but they also held back as they kind of thought themself to be a bad luck charm, with everything.
They're very musically talented, and their design and team reflect this theme. Their main team as of main game events would be Latias/Mega Altaria/Meloetta/Primarina/Ribombee/Noivern.
They fucking hate Sigmund lmfao and def help look after some Orphanage stuff once he's dead.
Despite everything they still Seemed close with Solaris and Elias, though the validity of this closeness considering everything is debatable.
They worry for their nephew, but wished to not bother him too much.
They are very close with Shade, Adrienn, Arclight, Eve, Noel, Aster, and Lumi.
Anna creeps them out a little .
They would not die in either route because they would simply Not Exist within 10 meters of Lin or Terra .
But due to [EVENTS] Reshiram esp is a pretty fucked up one for them mentally lmao
They hate Sirius too
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crimsoncrim · 2 years
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“oh captain, let’s make a deal, 
where we both say the things that we both really feel,
i feel scared and i’m starting to sink,
and i only sink deeper the deeper i think”
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jazz-kitty · 3 months
could i request some elias content pretty please….
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but both of us were lordless, lawless men. he had no purpose to serve but fighting his own, and we found common ground therein
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rozetheeuwu · 11 months
I know that it's strange to look back with such devotion
Rating: T
Fandom: Pokemon Reborn
Category: Gen
Characters: Original Character(s), Ace Featherstone, (Min)Taka Alcantara, Zero (Pokemon Reborn), Lumina Seijaya, Evelynn Seijaya, Solaris | Phoenix Alcantara, Blake Whitaker, Elias Hazel, Luna Hazel
Relations: Original Character(s) & characters mentioned above
Additional: Hurt/Comfort, Hurt No Comfort, Swearing, Reunions, Angst, Not Beta Read, Title from Answer (eng cover)
Word count: 4200+
“It’s me! Heh, I suppose you wouldn’t recognize me?”
The magician frowned and looked down confused at the trainer who smiled at them. The trainer seemed very excited to see them much to the dismay of their green-haired companion.
They had no idea who this stranger was, clearly they had met because he knew their name before they were able to introduce themselves. They also didn’t know anyone with his name, Ordell according the the shorter trainer next to him.
They looked the trainer up and down. The black hair and the strong build weren’t something they remember seeing in anyone they knew, yet his ruby red eyes were familiar. They were the same color as their friend and coworker Divers. Now that they think about it, he looks a lot like the bishop. 
Their eyes widened as they made a realization.
“...Sunshine is that you?!” They gripped the rails of the platform they were on tightly, the boy grinned and nodded. The Meteor gasped and finally returned the trainer’s smile with the same excitement.
“Nice to see you again, Ace! I uh, went through a few chances as you can see, hehe!” The trainer joked. Of course they weren’t able to recognize him. The last time they saw him he was a scrawny looking teen girl, now he’s a buff looking young man. 
“Look at you!” Ace exclaimed “You’ve grown so much Sunshine!” He had changed a lot it seems, and not just his appearance. Before Ordell had fled the region he was angry, insecure, distant and on guard constantly, now he seems more relaxed, happy and social.
“Thanks! You look great as always!” The ex-bishop said with a wink earning a small laugh from Ace. 
They hadn’t seen him in around 8 years. He ran away leaving his twin and uncle, Elias,  heartbroken and in disarray. Ordell’s father, Hiram, was upset as well but seemed to had expected it.
There is so much Ace wanted to ask Ordell, wanted to tell him, unfortunately they simply didn’t have the time to do so. They were on a mission after all.
And Ordell was there to put a stop to that mission.
“No way… [Deadname]?”
Ordell cringed as he turned to the voice, there he was, his old ‘friend’. “Taka.” Ordell Greeted as he walked towards him with a frown, he made brief eye contact with the person standing next to his ex-master. 
Divers, his twin who he abandoned. He felt his stomach turn as Divers glared at him with a disappointed look. He turned to Taka again as he stopped in front of the taller man. “It’s Ordell now, by the way.”
“Right…” Taka smiled at him awkwardly, the man knew about Ordell’s contempt for him. He knows how much Ordell hated being a servant and live the way his family decided for him. How much Ordell fought back against it and eventually ran away from.
Yet, that is what made the admin admire his ex-servant so much. The bravery to fight back, the bravery to leave.
Taka knew he could never do either of those things.
“I like your name, it fits.” Taka started, " It's good to see you again, how have you been?” leaning against the wall with his hands in his pockets. The trainer shrugged “Just kind of chilling really.” Ordell said, completely forgetting the entire plant situation that was going on outside.
“Hmm… Well you look like you’re doing better, so that’s good.” He looked over at Divers who stuck to his side like glue despite begging them to give him space. “So, I’m sure you two have a lot to talk about.”
Ordell silently gulped, he was afraid of this reunion. His twin glared at him a bit longer which sent a chill down his spine. “...” Divers then smiled at him, a familiar warm smile “I knew you couldn’t stay away, you always were dependent on your big sibling.”
Ordell blinked in surprise before letting out a laugh. “Two hours! You're only two hours older !” Divers pinched their brother’s cheek “But you certainly act like you’re younger.” the older twin teased.
Ordell felt relieved, he was worried Divers would despise him after he ran away. Although it’s clear there is some disappointment and annoyance here he’s glad Divers still seems to be happy to see their twin.
A small earthquake brought them back to reality. “Right… Well I suppose this is all your doing?” Ordell asked while his arms were crossed. Taka and Divers looked at each other and then back at Ordell “What do you think?” Divers asked. The trainer sighed and ran a hand through his hair “Well… I’m gonna be honest, you both understand I’m not here to help you guys out, right?”
Divers looked down at their feet while Taka smiled at him and said “Honestly, would be disappointed if you were.” Ordell huffed but smiled at him “Good.” He then looked seriously at him “Right now I’m happily having a conversation with you, but next time we might be at odds with each other, do you understand?”
Taka nodded, Divers didn’t say or do anything. “Good… Now before I go… How are Zero and Father?” Divers huffed “Don’t pretend you care about your father.” Ordell frowned and looked at Taka “Hiram is fine, he misses you of course.” He explained “As for Zero… Well… Something happened, but…” Ordell’s eyes widened in worry “... He’s here on this mission as well, you’ll understand when you see him.” Taka finished, Ordell frowned but nodded. “...How about uncle and Luk-” “Na. Luna.” Taka interrupted. Ordell raised an eyebrow, the gears in his head slowly turning before realizing “Oh! I see… Well how are they?”
Ordell nodded “Good to know… Well, I uh, should get going. See ya, I guess.” 
“Uncle is disappointed in you, as am I.” Divers explained, Ordell sighed “No surprise there.” Taka continued “But he does miss you, even if he wouldn’t admit it.” Ordell had a faith smile on his face. “As for Luna, much like you she strayed from the light and ran away.” Divers explained, Ordell’s eyes widened “Really…? Luna did…?” Taka nodded “If you meet her on your journey, you might find she’s a bit… Uh-” “Delusional?” Divers interrupted, “...Yeah sure, but it’s because of me she’s like that.” Taka said in defense of her. Divers shook their heads “She shouldn’t have faltered at your command. She should’ve stayed as it’s her duty.”
Both Taka and Ordell sighed, Ordell then asked one last thing “I’ve already met up with Ace… How’s Blake? Oh and your dad I guess.” He asked. Taka answered “Chillin. Er- Pun not intended." Ordell snorted “My dad’s- Well he’s still the same so, you know.” 
“See ya around, Ordell.” Taka said.
“...Thank you for saying goodbye this time.” Ordell flinched “...Sorry.” The younger twin turned to leave, but Taka stopped him “Here, for on the road.” He handed Ordell a few potions, pokeballs and a premier ball.
“...Thank you.” With that, the crusader left.
The black cloaked rogue turned away from the Pulse powered Tangrowth to the person calling out his name with a glare.
Suddenly he froze.
Despite being gone for 8 years and going through a lot of changes he recognized his brother instantly. “...[Deadname]?”
Ordell smiled softly at him despite the horrors happening around him “Hey Zero… How have you been?”
“Who’s [Deadname]?” Zero asked, causing Ordell to look confused. “...Right, if I recall that would be agent Mekbuda. agent Mebsuta’s twin sister- Or brother now by the looks of it. Sibling?” Zero said, answering his own question. “...Zero? What’s the matter-”
“Oh- Is that why he’s uh, so quiet that we can’t hear him?” Zero said, his voice softer than Ordell’s ever heard his voice be.
Ordell looked with a worried frown at his brother. “Oh, right he doesn’t know… Uhm, I’m Lumi!”
“It seems so, he must be surprised by Mekbuda’s return… As is Mekbuda by the looks of it…” his voice was more confident but he sounded more calculated than usual.
Ordell walked closer, but didn’t say anything. “I’m Eve, together with your brother we are ZEL.”
Ordell, still confused, stopped in front of what he thinks is his brother. He looked softly at them.
Suddenly his brother reached out and gripped his see through shirt pulling him closer.
“...He’s back.” Eve said, although it were her words coming out of his mouth his expression was 100% his. He was glaring at him and his eyes were filled with anger.
“I told you not to come back!” Zero exclaimed, gripping the shirt tighter. “You have some nerve coming back here after abandoning us!”
Ordell looked devastated “Zero please-” “No!” His older brother interrupted “You don’t know how hard things have been after you left! You can’t just come crawling back after all that! You-”
Ordell reached up and cupped his brother’s face causing the other to freeze up. After what felt like forever their expression softened, then a shaky sigh was let out as the hold on Ordell was released.
“What happened to you…?” Ordell asked, the tone of voice changed signaling Ordell someone else was talking. “Much like the pulse- the machine behind me I created the Pulse Magnezone. There was an accident involving me, my little sister Lumi and your brother Zero causing our minds to fuse into one.” 
Ordell listened as he looked at the Tangrowth behind them, the pokemon looked like it was suffering.
“Your minds… Fused? So it’s not just my brother in there?” Ordell asked, they nodded. “And… The Pulse behind you is what’s causing all these plants to attack the city?” Another nod.
“Eve built it all by herself!” The tone changed again. “...You’re… Lumi then?” Another nod, as well as a small smile “Nice to meet you! What’s your name?” 
The trainer smiled back “Ordell, nice to meet you too.” He greeted, voice shaken up. “Lumi, I know you’re just trying to be polite, but this isn’t the time…” Eve said, “Oh, sorry.”
This was Zero, Ordell knew it.
They moved again, their gaze went to the ground and they held their left arm with their right hand.
“...You’re not back here to join us, are you?” He asked. Ordell shook his head “I came to stop whatever it is you guys are doing…” Zero looked at him, heartbroken “I figured you’d say that… Then you know I have to stop you, right?”
Ordell nodded.
No other words were spoken as a battle commenced. 
After the battle ended the plants started to disappear and everything slowly started to turn back normal.
“...” Zel said nothing as they were ready to run off, only to be stopped by Ordell who grabbed them by the arm “Zero-” 
They were pulled into a tight hug, causing their eyes to widen in surprise.
“I’m sorry…” Ordell whispered “I’m sorry for leaving… And I’m sorry for whatever is gonna happen to us after this…”
His voice was soft like Zero remembered it, it was also filled with regret and sadness.
Zero let out a sigh and slowly hugged back. “I know…” He whispered back “I’m sorry too.” 
Eve and Lumi stayed quiet, Zero could barely even hear them in his head.
They pulled away and Zero gave a soft kiss on his little brother’s forehead. “Bye Ordell…” There was more he wanted to say, but he didn’t. 
He turned and ran off, leaving Ordell behind as he watched his older sibling run off.
“...That was a nice hug… It made me feel all warm and safe…”
“I know Lumi…” Zero said as he held himself “I know.”
Ordell traversed through the Rhodochrine Jungle. He had defeated Taka and freed two of the officers that went missing. 
“Pika pi…” the Pikachu on top of his head mumbled “I know Pineapple, I know.” Ordell answered.
He stopped in his tracks as he saw some team Meteor members sitting around a campfire ahead. “Shit…” he mumbled to himself as he hid in the tall grass. 
He had to get passed them without getting caught, easy enough.
That’s what he told himself as he snuck through the grass, only to step on a branch causing the grunts to look over at his direction. “Shit…”
“C-Circinus, sir?!” 
Ordell’s eyes widened, he noticed the grunts looking slightly away from him. His gaze followed and his eyes widened as he saw a familiar man.
Hiram Hazel, his father.
“Greetings.” His father started, he walked a bit closer to Ordell and stood in front of his covering him from the grunt’s sight. “H-hello sir, why are you here?” One of the grunts asked. “I’ve been told my-...” Hiram trailed off “...There’s someone here that I wish to talk to, that’s all. Is everything going alright?” 
“Of course! Haha!” The grunts then looked at each other and scrambled to get up “Uh we weren’t slacking!” 
Hiram let out a soft chuckle “Do not worry, everyone needs a break every now and then.” He then looked around a little “Have you seen anyone suspicious walking around?”
“Yeah, some purple haired kid but we caught him and threw him in one of those Nuzleaf cages!” One of the grunts explained.
“Cain!”  Ordell thought to himself. “I see, well good work then. Stay on guard and don’t let anyone else catch you slacking.” Hiram said with a wink. “R-Right! Let’s go guys…” The grunts then scattered.
“...You can come out now.” Hiram said as he walked to the spot the grunts were resting and sat down.
“...” Ordell got up, his Pikachu’s ears droopy with worry. “Come.” Hiram said as he motioned over at a log “Sit down.” 
Without saying anything Ordell walked over and sat across from his father, they finally looked each other in the eyes. Hiram smiled warmly at his son, “Ordell, it brings me great joy to see you again.”
Ordell’s gaze drifted off “Yeah… I’m happy to see you too.” Although he meant it his voice had some bitterness to it, but Hiram understood and payed it no mind “How have you been? It couldn’t have been easy living alone as a teen…” He asked worried. Ordell shrugged “Someone took me in, he’s been like a father to me.”
“...Good.” He sighed with relief “I’m glad you weren’t all alone.” After hearing that Ordell looked at his father again “I- I don’t hate you!” Ordell explained “I just- I couldn’t stay here…”
Hiram stared at him surprised for a moment before smiling again “I know my love, I’m not disappointed nor do I harbor any resentment.”
Ordell felt guilty “I love you, and I love my siblings and Luna and Uncle- I don’t want to hurt you or work against you but-” He bit his lip and he fiddled with his hands, his Pikachu rubbing its face against trainer to calm him down a bit. “Father please…! You’ve got to stop this madness!” Ordell exclaimed as he stood up, he looked pleadingly at his father. 
The first physical contact in 8 years, a tight and reassuring grip. “I understand if you cannot take this path and wish to stop us. If you believe in fighting against us for this city and her people then I’ll support your decision.”
Hiram frowned and sighed “I know it is… But I wish to stay by my master’s and brother’s side.” He stood up and walked over to Ordell, he gently put his hand on his son’s shoulder.
Tears welled up in Ordell’s eyes “Father…” Hiram’s hand moved from his shoulder to his hand “Don’t. Don’t start regretting now, don’t falter. You made your choice, now live with it.”
“...” Ordell wiped his tears and nodded “Right… Thank you father and.. Farewell, next time we meet we’ll…” The trainer looked at his father and stared at him with a stern and expecting expression “...We’ll be enemies.”
Hiram smiled and nodded “So be it, go forth my son. I wish you the best.”
Ordell nodded before running off and not looking back.
“...If only I were as determined and brave as you are, my child.”
Ordell stared at Solars who was standing in front of the sealed door.
“Come closer, Ordell.”
This man always managed to instill fear into him. Not anymore.
He hoped.
He took a deep shaky breath and walked up to his old commander.
“Master Solaris.”
Despite being gone for 8 years the damned way he was raised was programmed into his brain.
Solaris looked the boy up and down “You caused quite a stir when you left.” Ordell simply nodded “Why have you returned, young bishop?” He stared Solaris into his eyes, he couldn’t be afraid anymore “I can’t allow you to terrorize this city and her people anymore. I’ve decided to put a stop to it.”
Solaris stayed silent as he looked back at the gate “Young bishop, do you know what we’re looking at?”
Ordell looked at the sealed door “...This is the gate where the meteor is hidden, right?”
Solaris nods “So you do remember your lessons, and what do you remember of the gate and its keys”
“...Ruby, the seal of pain, Saphira, the seal of love, Emerald, the seal of faith and Amethyst, the seal of the beyond. When the four keys come together this gate will open.”
Solaris nods again “Indeed, so how selfish and utterly foolish does someone have to be to build a city on top of it? For THAT is Reborn.”
Solaris once again turned to Ordell, this time glaring down at him “And how utterly foolish do you have to be to wish to protect it, and how utterly obtuse do you have to be to think you can stop us?”
Ordell glared back “I think you’re the foolish one. The people of Reborn have done nothing to deserve this. Sure, there are some bad apples… But that doesn’t mean all have to suffer for it.”
A deep breath, exhale.
“And perhaps I’m an idiot for trying to take you on… But I know that if I don’t at least try then… Then I’ll feel guilt. Guilt that I didn’t at least try to stop your horrid ways.”
The two glared at each other a little longer.
“...You’ve grown. Good. You might survive a little longer.” Solaris said “You can go, so can your friend. She’s being held up father ahead.”
Ordell nodded “Thank you, Solaris.”
Ordell waited for the footsteps to be fully gone before heading over to save Victoria.
Solaris walked passed him “Farewell, young crusader.”
“Well well if it isn’t Ordell. That is your name now, right?”
The crusader’s eyes widened as he came face to face with his old babysitter.
The blue haired trainer stood there with his hands in his pocket as he watched the trainer chase the rampaging Beartic off “Good job on that pokemon by the way. I was planning on putting a stop on it myself, but you were ahead off- OOF!”
Blake got stopped mid sentence as Ordell hugged him and lifted him off the ground in a tight bear hug. He had a child-like grin on his face.
“Ugh- Yeah yeah- You’re killing me.” The agent said as he patted Ordell’s back signaling him to put him down. “Oops, sorry.” the crusader put Blake down and looked at Blake with bright eyes.
“...You look like a little puppy…” Blake murmured.  “Anyway, damn- I remember you being a  scrawny little shit, what happened?” the bluenette grabbed one of Ordell’s biceps and squeezed “I mean I know you used to love working out but like, you’ve never been this buff.”
Ordell flexed "I worked out ten times as hard! And uh, T helped me out as well."
A snort came from Blake as he unconsciously reached out to ruffle Ordell's hair.
"Hey! Hehe~ Missed me too, huh?" Ordell asked. Blake pulled away "Whaaat? Pff, nah." Blake said "You leaving made my job easier, honestly."
Ordell pouted "Aw… Not even a little…?" Blake hummed and looked away "I guess I did miss your antics."
Ordell grins again “I missed you too!” Blake huffed “I didn’t miss you, anyway… We both know what side we’re on, yeah?” Now the trainer frowned and simply nodded. “Then make sure you’re not so happy to see me, got it?”
Ordell nodded again, clearly upset now. Blake simply shrugged at that “Listen, you either hesitate and get pwned or you take your shot and win.” The crusader sighed “I know… I won’t hesitate.” Then once again a soft smile “Better watch out then, because I will kick your ass.”
Blake sighs before grinning “Yeah yeah, whatever. Stay righteous, champ.”
Ordell watched him walk off, both pushing away any regret they were feeling.
“Prosperitas, Pax Pacis, Obsequium. Blessings of the Lord Arceus upon your house.”
Ordell felt panic settle in as he heard his uncle’s voice, and accompanying him was Ordell’s twin.
Of course they were here. If they weren’t stuck by Taka’s side they were with their father, uncle or with Solaris.
“Oh, you’re here too.” Divers said with disappointment in their voice, Elias looked over and his eyes widened “Ordell… There you are.”
Ordell awkwardly waved “Uncle, Divers.”
“Oh?” the ice leader, Serra stated “Family huh?” 
Ordell sighed and nodded. “I wouldn’t quite call him family seeing as he betrayed and left us.” Divers spat out creating an awkward tension.
“Please Divers, much like my daughter I believe he can still be returned to the light.” Ordell cringed, “...Of course uncle, forgive me.”
Elias explained about his situation and that he was looking for Luna, who just so happened to have lived here in the estate for a little while. Luckily enough she wasn’t here anymore.
Unfortunately his uncle and sibling weren’t leaving quite yet.
“You know your nephew is looking to challenge me, I’m sure it would be interesting entertainment for you.” Serra explained. Elias turned to his nephew “Is that so? I’d love to see how much you’ve grown in your absence young Ordell.”
“...Yeah sure, I have no issue with it.”
He did, but it didn’t matter. As long as they weren’t harming anyone it was fine. Besides… It was nice to be in the same place as his family again without fighting.
He went through the gym easily, he defeated Bennett and El claimed that he should aim higher than simply being a gym leader. 
Just before El left with Bennett and Divers his uncle stopped in front of him “You’ve grown quite a bit, both as a person and a trainer. It’s not too late to return to the light.”
Ordell shook his head “Thank you for having faith in me, Uncle… But I won’t be going back.”
He walked off leaving his uncle behind.
He was so busy thinking about his past that he didn’t realize that his uncle was manipulating Bennett.
“Greetings trainer-” “Luna!”
Ordell smiled happily at his cousin, finally seeing her again after 8 years. She frowned and looked him up and down “...” Her eyes widened “[Deadname]...?”
He nodded eagerly “Ordell now, but yeah!” He held out his arms “Can I…?” She blinked but smiled happily before walking into his arms.
The two shared a tight hug.
Not just a hug that says that they’ve missed each other and loved each other.
But a hug of understanding and a mutual feeling.
They pulled away and they smiled “You look beautiful, Luna. I wish I could’ve been there during your transition.” Ordell explained “Same here, Ordell. You look wonderful.”
Ordell put his hand on her shoulder “Are you alright…? Running away couldn’t have been easy… Don’t worry, I’ll make sure Uncle and the others don’t get to you.”
Her eyes widened “Uncle…?” Ordell frowned “Uncle Elias?” he saidm Luna’s gaze faltered and she started to fidget “I don’t know anyone by that name…”
Ordell opened his mouth to say something when Taka’s and Serra’s words rang through his mind.
“...Well nevermind then, still, I’m happy to see you.” Luna smiled again “I’m happy to see you too, feel free to heal your pokemon and then meet me in the next room. Father will be with us shortly”
Ordell nodded and watched his cousin walk off before sighing. His Vaporeon, Pancake and his Primarina, Star, looked at him curiously. “Father, huh…? We’ve got a lot in common, trans, running away and finding safety in parents that aren’t blood related ....” He grabbed a picture from his bag. It was his adoptive father Hal, a fisherman that took him in when he arrived in Alola.
He healed his team and joined Luna “Chesire!” He scratched the Umbreon behind his ears “Heh, he hasn’t changed one bit, has he?” Luna giggled “No, but don’t fret. He’s very happy to see you.”
Before the two could continue to talk a man with a funny looking hat and a Gardevoir walked in.
“And who have we got here, Luna?” The man, Radomus, asked. Luna giggled “What do you mean father? This is my older brother, Ordell!”
There was silence in the room. Then in the order of Ordell, Gardevoir and Radomus was said:
She grabbed Ordell’s arm “What’s the matter, father, Gardevoir?” The two looked at each other before looking back “Nothing at all, dear.” 
After a moment Radomus send Luna and Gardevoir out of the room to speak with Ordell alone.
They talked about El and how things came to be until Cain arrived.
“Brother? Ordell, I didn’t know you also had a sister?” The purple haired trainer asked, Ordell shrugged and sighed “Me neither…”
“Pardon?” Luna asked, “Don’t worry about it, Lunnie.” 
“Things are a shitshow, Star.”
“Tell me about it…”
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crystal-archives · 4 years
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Balancing his duties and with a wife teasing him, can be very tired for Solaris depending of what do you think 🥱📑🖊
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pinkdreamscape1 · 1 year
Mono cat, Solaris 1
LET'S GOOOO. First try baby.
Got lucky with the Fire Fang missing (I mean yeah I sand attacked it, but still)
Get cat'd idiot.
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the-aonuma-luca · 6 years
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battle with Taka in WTC, Reshiram route
Shade is ready to ruin their relationship soon
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