#hiram hazel
rozetheeuwu · 1 year
I know that it's strange to look back with such devotion
Rating: T
Fandom: Pokemon Reborn
Category: Gen
Characters: Original Character(s), Ace Featherstone, (Min)Taka Alcantara, Zero (Pokemon Reborn), Lumina Seijaya, Evelynn Seijaya, Solaris | Phoenix Alcantara, Blake Whitaker, Elias Hazel, Luna Hazel
Relations: Original Character(s) & characters mentioned above
Additional: Hurt/Comfort, Hurt No Comfort, Swearing, Reunions, Angst, Not Beta Read, Title from Answer (eng cover)
Word count: 4200+
“It’s me! Heh, I suppose you wouldn’t recognize me?”
The magician frowned and looked down confused at the trainer who smiled at them. The trainer seemed very excited to see them much to the dismay of their green-haired companion.
They had no idea who this stranger was, clearly they had met because he knew their name before they were able to introduce themselves. They also didn’t know anyone with his name, Ordell according the the shorter trainer next to him.
They looked the trainer up and down. The black hair and the strong build weren’t something they remember seeing in anyone they knew, yet his ruby red eyes were familiar. They were the same color as their friend and coworker Divers. Now that they think about it, he looks a lot like the bishop. 
Their eyes widened as they made a realization.
“...Sunshine is that you?!” They gripped the rails of the platform they were on tightly, the boy grinned and nodded. The Meteor gasped and finally returned the trainer’s smile with the same excitement.
“Nice to see you again, Ace! I uh, went through a few chances as you can see, hehe!” The trainer joked. Of course they weren’t able to recognize him. The last time they saw him he was a scrawny looking teen girl, now he’s a buff looking young man. 
“Look at you!” Ace exclaimed “You’ve grown so much Sunshine!” He had changed a lot it seems, and not just his appearance. Before Ordell had fled the region he was angry, insecure, distant and on guard constantly, now he seems more relaxed, happy and social.
“Thanks! You look great as always!” The ex-bishop said with a wink earning a small laugh from Ace. 
They hadn’t seen him in around 8 years. He ran away leaving his twin and uncle, Elias,  heartbroken and in disarray. Ordell’s father, Hiram, was upset as well but seemed to had expected it.
There is so much Ace wanted to ask Ordell, wanted to tell him, unfortunately they simply didn’t have the time to do so. They were on a mission after all.
And Ordell was there to put a stop to that mission.
“No way… [Deadname]?”
Ordell cringed as he turned to the voice, there he was, his old ‘friend’. “Taka.” Ordell Greeted as he walked towards him with a frown, he made brief eye contact with the person standing next to his ex-master. 
Divers, his twin who he abandoned. He felt his stomach turn as Divers glared at him with a disappointed look. He turned to Taka again as he stopped in front of the taller man. “It’s Ordell now, by the way.”
“Right…” Taka smiled at him awkwardly, the man knew about Ordell’s contempt for him. He knows how much Ordell hated being a servant and live the way his family decided for him. How much Ordell fought back against it and eventually ran away from.
Yet, that is what made the admin admire his ex-servant so much. The bravery to fight back, the bravery to leave.
Taka knew he could never do either of those things.
“I like your name, it fits.” Taka started, " It's good to see you again, how have you been?” leaning against the wall with his hands in his pockets. The trainer shrugged “Just kind of chilling really.” Ordell said, completely forgetting the entire plant situation that was going on outside.
“Hmm… Well you look like you’re doing better, so that’s good.” He looked over at Divers who stuck to his side like glue despite begging them to give him space. “So, I’m sure you two have a lot to talk about.”
Ordell silently gulped, he was afraid of this reunion. His twin glared at him a bit longer which sent a chill down his spine. “...” Divers then smiled at him, a familiar warm smile “I knew you couldn’t stay away, you always were dependent on your big sibling.”
Ordell blinked in surprise before letting out a laugh. “Two hours! You're only two hours older !” Divers pinched their brother’s cheek “But you certainly act like you’re younger.” the older twin teased.
Ordell felt relieved, he was worried Divers would despise him after he ran away. Although it’s clear there is some disappointment and annoyance here he’s glad Divers still seems to be happy to see their twin.
A small earthquake brought them back to reality. “Right… Well I suppose this is all your doing?” Ordell asked while his arms were crossed. Taka and Divers looked at each other and then back at Ordell “What do you think?” Divers asked. The trainer sighed and ran a hand through his hair “Well… I’m gonna be honest, you both understand I’m not here to help you guys out, right?”
Divers looked down at their feet while Taka smiled at him and said “Honestly, would be disappointed if you were.” Ordell huffed but smiled at him “Good.” He then looked seriously at him “Right now I’m happily having a conversation with you, but next time we might be at odds with each other, do you understand?”
Taka nodded, Divers didn’t say or do anything. “Good… Now before I go… How are Zero and Father?” Divers huffed “Don’t pretend you care about your father.” Ordell frowned and looked at Taka “Hiram is fine, he misses you of course.” He explained “As for Zero… Well… Something happened, but…” Ordell’s eyes widened in worry “... He’s here on this mission as well, you’ll understand when you see him.” Taka finished, Ordell frowned but nodded. “...How about uncle and Luk-” “Na. Luna.” Taka interrupted. Ordell raised an eyebrow, the gears in his head slowly turning before realizing “Oh! I see… Well how are they?”
Ordell nodded “Good to know… Well, I uh, should get going. See ya, I guess.” 
“Uncle is disappointed in you, as am I.” Divers explained, Ordell sighed “No surprise there.” Taka continued “But he does miss you, even if he wouldn’t admit it.” Ordell had a faith smile on his face. “As for Luna, much like you she strayed from the light and ran away.” Divers explained, Ordell’s eyes widened “Really…? Luna did…?” Taka nodded “If you meet her on your journey, you might find she’s a bit… Uh-” “Delusional?” Divers interrupted, “...Yeah sure, but it’s because of me she’s like that.” Taka said in defense of her. Divers shook their heads “She shouldn’t have faltered at your command. She should’ve stayed as it’s her duty.”
Both Taka and Ordell sighed, Ordell then asked one last thing “I’ve already met up with Ace… How’s Blake? Oh and your dad I guess.” He asked. Taka answered “Chillin. Er- Pun not intended." Ordell snorted “My dad’s- Well he’s still the same so, you know.” 
“See ya around, Ordell.” Taka said.
“...Thank you for saying goodbye this time.” Ordell flinched “...Sorry.” The younger twin turned to leave, but Taka stopped him “Here, for on the road.” He handed Ordell a few potions, pokeballs and a premier ball.
“...Thank you.” With that, the crusader left.
The black cloaked rogue turned away from the Pulse powered Tangrowth to the person calling out his name with a glare.
Suddenly he froze.
Despite being gone for 8 years and going through a lot of changes he recognized his brother instantly. “...[Deadname]?”
Ordell smiled softly at him despite the horrors happening around him “Hey Zero… How have you been?”
“Who’s [Deadname]?” Zero asked, causing Ordell to look confused. “...Right, if I recall that would be agent Mekbuda. agent Mebsuta’s twin sister- Or brother now by the looks of it. Sibling?” Zero said, answering his own question. “...Zero? What’s the matter-”
“Oh- Is that why he’s uh, so quiet that we can’t hear him?” Zero said, his voice softer than Ordell’s ever heard his voice be.
Ordell looked with a worried frown at his brother. “Oh, right he doesn’t know… Uhm, I’m Lumi!”
“It seems so, he must be surprised by Mekbuda’s return… As is Mekbuda by the looks of it…” his voice was more confident but he sounded more calculated than usual.
Ordell walked closer, but didn’t say anything. “I’m Eve, together with your brother we are ZEL.”
Ordell, still confused, stopped in front of what he thinks is his brother. He looked softly at them.
Suddenly his brother reached out and gripped his see through shirt pulling him closer.
“...He’s back.” Eve said, although it were her words coming out of his mouth his expression was 100% his. He was glaring at him and his eyes were filled with anger.
“I told you not to come back!” Zero exclaimed, gripping the shirt tighter. “You have some nerve coming back here after abandoning us!”
Ordell looked devastated “Zero please-” “No!” His older brother interrupted “You don’t know how hard things have been after you left! You can’t just come crawling back after all that! You-”
Ordell reached up and cupped his brother’s face causing the other to freeze up. After what felt like forever their expression softened, then a shaky sigh was let out as the hold on Ordell was released.
“What happened to you…?” Ordell asked, the tone of voice changed signaling Ordell someone else was talking. “Much like the pulse- the machine behind me I created the Pulse Magnezone. There was an accident involving me, my little sister Lumi and your brother Zero causing our minds to fuse into one.” 
Ordell listened as he looked at the Tangrowth behind them, the pokemon looked like it was suffering.
“Your minds… Fused? So it’s not just my brother in there?” Ordell asked, they nodded. “And… The Pulse behind you is what’s causing all these plants to attack the city?” Another nod.
“Eve built it all by herself!” The tone changed again. “...You’re… Lumi then?” Another nod, as well as a small smile “Nice to meet you! What’s your name?” 
The trainer smiled back “Ordell, nice to meet you too.” He greeted, voice shaken up. “Lumi, I know you’re just trying to be polite, but this isn’t the time…” Eve said, “Oh, sorry.”
This was Zero, Ordell knew it.
They moved again, their gaze went to the ground and they held their left arm with their right hand.
“...You’re not back here to join us, are you?” He asked. Ordell shook his head “I came to stop whatever it is you guys are doing…” Zero looked at him, heartbroken “I figured you’d say that… Then you know I have to stop you, right?”
Ordell nodded.
No other words were spoken as a battle commenced. 
After the battle ended the plants started to disappear and everything slowly started to turn back normal.
“...” Zel said nothing as they were ready to run off, only to be stopped by Ordell who grabbed them by the arm “Zero-” 
They were pulled into a tight hug, causing their eyes to widen in surprise.
“I’m sorry…” Ordell whispered “I’m sorry for leaving… And I’m sorry for whatever is gonna happen to us after this…”
His voice was soft like Zero remembered it, it was also filled with regret and sadness.
Zero let out a sigh and slowly hugged back. “I know…” He whispered back “I’m sorry too.” 
Eve and Lumi stayed quiet, Zero could barely even hear them in his head.
They pulled away and Zero gave a soft kiss on his little brother’s forehead. “Bye Ordell…” There was more he wanted to say, but he didn’t. 
He turned and ran off, leaving Ordell behind as he watched his older sibling run off.
“...That was a nice hug… It made me feel all warm and safe…”
“I know Lumi…” Zero said as he held himself “I know.”
Ordell traversed through the Rhodochrine Jungle. He had defeated Taka and freed two of the officers that went missing. 
“Pika pi…” the Pikachu on top of his head mumbled “I know Pineapple, I know.” Ordell answered.
He stopped in his tracks as he saw some team Meteor members sitting around a campfire ahead. “Shit…” he mumbled to himself as he hid in the tall grass. 
He had to get passed them without getting caught, easy enough.
That’s what he told himself as he snuck through the grass, only to step on a branch causing the grunts to look over at his direction. “Shit…”
“C-Circinus, sir?!” 
Ordell’s eyes widened, he noticed the grunts looking slightly away from him. His gaze followed and his eyes widened as he saw a familiar man.
Hiram Hazel, his father.
“Greetings.” His father started, he walked a bit closer to Ordell and stood in front of his covering him from the grunt’s sight. “H-hello sir, why are you here?” One of the grunts asked. “I’ve been told my-...” Hiram trailed off “...There’s someone here that I wish to talk to, that’s all. Is everything going alright?” 
“Of course! Haha!” The grunts then looked at each other and scrambled to get up “Uh we weren’t slacking!” 
Hiram let out a soft chuckle “Do not worry, everyone needs a break every now and then.” He then looked around a little “Have you seen anyone suspicious walking around?”
“Yeah, some purple haired kid but we caught him and threw him in one of those Nuzleaf cages!” One of the grunts explained.
“Cain!”  Ordell thought to himself. “I see, well good work then. Stay on guard and don’t let anyone else catch you slacking.” Hiram said with a wink. “R-Right! Let’s go guys…” The grunts then scattered.
“...You can come out now.” Hiram said as he walked to the spot the grunts were resting and sat down.
“...” Ordell got up, his Pikachu’s ears droopy with worry. “Come.” Hiram said as he motioned over at a log “Sit down.” 
Without saying anything Ordell walked over and sat across from his father, they finally looked each other in the eyes. Hiram smiled warmly at his son, “Ordell, it brings me great joy to see you again.”
Ordell’s gaze drifted off “Yeah… I’m happy to see you too.” Although he meant it his voice had some bitterness to it, but Hiram understood and payed it no mind “How have you been? It couldn’t have been easy living alone as a teen…” He asked worried. Ordell shrugged “Someone took me in, he’s been like a father to me.”
“...Good.” He sighed with relief “I’m glad you weren’t all alone.” After hearing that Ordell looked at his father again “I- I don’t hate you!” Ordell explained “I just- I couldn’t stay here…”
Hiram stared at him surprised for a moment before smiling again “I know my love, I’m not disappointed nor do I harbor any resentment.”
Ordell felt guilty “I love you, and I love my siblings and Luna and Uncle- I don’t want to hurt you or work against you but-” He bit his lip and he fiddled with his hands, his Pikachu rubbing its face against trainer to calm him down a bit. “Father please…! You’ve got to stop this madness!” Ordell exclaimed as he stood up, he looked pleadingly at his father. 
The first physical contact in 8 years, a tight and reassuring grip. “I understand if you cannot take this path and wish to stop us. If you believe in fighting against us for this city and her people then I’ll support your decision.”
Hiram frowned and sighed “I know it is… But I wish to stay by my master’s and brother’s side.” He stood up and walked over to Ordell, he gently put his hand on his son’s shoulder.
Tears welled up in Ordell’s eyes “Father…” Hiram’s hand moved from his shoulder to his hand “Don’t. Don’t start regretting now, don’t falter. You made your choice, now live with it.”
“...” Ordell wiped his tears and nodded “Right… Thank you father and.. Farewell, next time we meet we’ll…” The trainer looked at his father and stared at him with a stern and expecting expression “...We’ll be enemies.”
Hiram smiled and nodded “So be it, go forth my son. I wish you the best.”
Ordell nodded before running off and not looking back.
“...If only I were as determined and brave as you are, my child.”
Ordell stared at Solars who was standing in front of the sealed door.
“Come closer, Ordell.”
This man always managed to instill fear into him. Not anymore.
He hoped.
He took a deep shaky breath and walked up to his old commander.
“Master Solaris.”
Despite being gone for 8 years the damned way he was raised was programmed into his brain.
Solaris looked the boy up and down “You caused quite a stir when you left.” Ordell simply nodded “Why have you returned, young bishop?” He stared Solaris into his eyes, he couldn’t be afraid anymore “I can’t allow you to terrorize this city and her people anymore. I’ve decided to put a stop to it.”
Solaris stayed silent as he looked back at the gate “Young bishop, do you know what we’re looking at?”
Ordell looked at the sealed door “...This is the gate where the meteor is hidden, right?”
Solaris nods “So you do remember your lessons, and what do you remember of the gate and its keys”
“...Ruby, the seal of pain, Saphira, the seal of love, Emerald, the seal of faith and Amethyst, the seal of the beyond. When the four keys come together this gate will open.”
Solaris nods again “Indeed, so how selfish and utterly foolish does someone have to be to build a city on top of it? For THAT is Reborn.”
Solaris once again turned to Ordell, this time glaring down at him “And how utterly foolish do you have to be to wish to protect it, and how utterly obtuse do you have to be to think you can stop us?”
Ordell glared back “I think you’re the foolish one. The people of Reborn have done nothing to deserve this. Sure, there are some bad apples… But that doesn’t mean all have to suffer for it.”
A deep breath, exhale.
“And perhaps I’m an idiot for trying to take you on… But I know that if I don’t at least try then… Then I’ll feel guilt. Guilt that I didn’t at least try to stop your horrid ways.”
The two glared at each other a little longer.
“...You’ve grown. Good. You might survive a little longer.” Solaris said “You can go, so can your friend. She’s being held up father ahead.”
Ordell nodded “Thank you, Solaris.”
Ordell waited for the footsteps to be fully gone before heading over to save Victoria.
Solaris walked passed him “Farewell, young crusader.”
“Well well if it isn’t Ordell. That is your name now, right?”
The crusader’s eyes widened as he came face to face with his old babysitter.
The blue haired trainer stood there with his hands in his pocket as he watched the trainer chase the rampaging Beartic off “Good job on that pokemon by the way. I was planning on putting a stop on it myself, but you were ahead off- OOF!”
Blake got stopped mid sentence as Ordell hugged him and lifted him off the ground in a tight bear hug. He had a child-like grin on his face.
“Ugh- Yeah yeah- You’re killing me.” The agent said as he patted Ordell’s back signaling him to put him down. “Oops, sorry.” the crusader put Blake down and looked at Blake with bright eyes.
“...You look like a little puppy…” Blake murmured.  “Anyway, damn- I remember you being a  scrawny little shit, what happened?” the bluenette grabbed one of Ordell’s biceps and squeezed “I mean I know you used to love working out but like, you’ve never been this buff.”
Ordell flexed "I worked out ten times as hard! And uh, T helped me out as well."
A snort came from Blake as he unconsciously reached out to ruffle Ordell's hair.
"Hey! Hehe~ Missed me too, huh?" Ordell asked. Blake pulled away "Whaaat? Pff, nah." Blake said "You leaving made my job easier, honestly."
Ordell pouted "Aw… Not even a little…?" Blake hummed and looked away "I guess I did miss your antics."
Ordell grins again “I missed you too!” Blake huffed “I didn’t miss you, anyway… We both know what side we’re on, yeah?” Now the trainer frowned and simply nodded. “Then make sure you’re not so happy to see me, got it?”
Ordell nodded again, clearly upset now. Blake simply shrugged at that “Listen, you either hesitate and get pwned or you take your shot and win.” The crusader sighed “I know… I won’t hesitate.” Then once again a soft smile “Better watch out then, because I will kick your ass.”
Blake sighs before grinning “Yeah yeah, whatever. Stay righteous, champ.”
Ordell watched him walk off, both pushing away any regret they were feeling.
“Prosperitas, Pax Pacis, Obsequium. Blessings of the Lord Arceus upon your house.”
Ordell felt panic settle in as he heard his uncle’s voice, and accompanying him was Ordell’s twin.
Of course they were here. If they weren’t stuck by Taka’s side they were with their father, uncle or with Solaris.
“Oh, you’re here too.” Divers said with disappointment in their voice, Elias looked over and his eyes widened “Ordell… There you are.”
Ordell awkwardly waved “Uncle, Divers.”
“Oh?” the ice leader, Serra stated “Family huh?” 
Ordell sighed and nodded. “I wouldn’t quite call him family seeing as he betrayed and left us.” Divers spat out creating an awkward tension.
“Please Divers, much like my daughter I believe he can still be returned to the light.” Ordell cringed, “...Of course uncle, forgive me.”
Elias explained about his situation and that he was looking for Luna, who just so happened to have lived here in the estate for a little while. Luckily enough she wasn’t here anymore.
Unfortunately his uncle and sibling weren’t leaving quite yet.
“You know your nephew is looking to challenge me, I’m sure it would be interesting entertainment for you.” Serra explained. Elias turned to his nephew “Is that so? I’d love to see how much you’ve grown in your absence young Ordell.”
“...Yeah sure, I have no issue with it.”
He did, but it didn’t matter. As long as they weren’t harming anyone it was fine. Besides… It was nice to be in the same place as his family again without fighting.
He went through the gym easily, he defeated Bennett and El claimed that he should aim higher than simply being a gym leader. 
Just before El left with Bennett and Divers his uncle stopped in front of him “You’ve grown quite a bit, both as a person and a trainer. It’s not too late to return to the light.”
Ordell shook his head “Thank you for having faith in me, Uncle… But I won’t be going back.”
He walked off leaving his uncle behind.
He was so busy thinking about his past that he didn’t realize that his uncle was manipulating Bennett.
“Greetings trainer-” “Luna!”
Ordell smiled happily at his cousin, finally seeing her again after 8 years. She frowned and looked him up and down “...” Her eyes widened “[Deadname]...?”
He nodded eagerly “Ordell now, but yeah!” He held out his arms “Can I…?” She blinked but smiled happily before walking into his arms.
The two shared a tight hug.
Not just a hug that says that they’ve missed each other and loved each other.
But a hug of understanding and a mutual feeling.
They pulled away and they smiled “You look beautiful, Luna. I wish I could’ve been there during your transition.” Ordell explained “Same here, Ordell. You look wonderful.”
Ordell put his hand on her shoulder “Are you alright…? Running away couldn’t have been easy… Don’t worry, I’ll make sure Uncle and the others don’t get to you.”
Her eyes widened “Uncle…?” Ordell frowned “Uncle Elias?” he saidm Luna’s gaze faltered and she started to fidget “I don’t know anyone by that name…”
Ordell opened his mouth to say something when Taka’s and Serra’s words rang through his mind.
“...Well nevermind then, still, I’m happy to see you.” Luna smiled again “I’m happy to see you too, feel free to heal your pokemon and then meet me in the next room. Father will be with us shortly”
Ordell nodded and watched his cousin walk off before sighing. His Vaporeon, Pancake and his Primarina, Star, looked at him curiously. “Father, huh…? We’ve got a lot in common, trans, running away and finding safety in parents that aren’t blood related ....” He grabbed a picture from his bag. It was his adoptive father Hal, a fisherman that took him in when he arrived in Alola.
He healed his team and joined Luna “Chesire!” He scratched the Umbreon behind his ears “Heh, he hasn’t changed one bit, has he?” Luna giggled “No, but don’t fret. He’s very happy to see you.”
Before the two could continue to talk a man with a funny looking hat and a Gardevoir walked in.
“And who have we got here, Luna?” The man, Radomus, asked. Luna giggled “What do you mean father? This is my older brother, Ordell!”
There was silence in the room. Then in the order of Ordell, Gardevoir and Radomus was said:
She grabbed Ordell’s arm “What’s the matter, father, Gardevoir?” The two looked at each other before looking back “Nothing at all, dear.” 
After a moment Radomus send Luna and Gardevoir out of the room to speak with Ordell alone.
They talked about El and how things came to be until Cain arrived.
“Brother? Ordell, I didn’t know you also had a sister?” The purple haired trainer asked, Ordell shrugged and sighed “Me neither…”
“Pardon?” Luna asked, “Don’t worry about it, Lunnie.” 
“Things are a shitshow, Star.”
“Tell me about it…”
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lboogie1906 · 5 months
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Hazel Harrison (May 12, 1883 – April 29, 1969) pianist, was in La Porte, Indiana to parents Hiram and Olive Harrison. Hiram was the co-owner of a barber shop and Olive was a hairdresser and manicurist. She began playing the piano at the age of four, and by age eight she was earning extra money for the family by playing at local parties and dances. She was married to beauty product salesman Walter Bainter Anderson (1919-1920) and Alabama businessman Allen Moton in the late 1950s. Both marriages ended in divorce.
Upon graduating high school, she continued to earn money playing concerts and dances in La Porte and Chicago. She was asked to play with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, making her the first American to play with a European orchestra whose entire education had taken place in America. She performed a recital at Kimball Hall in Chicago. She was able to travel to Berlin to study with accomplished pianist Hugo van Dalen. She spent much of her time in Germany studying German painting, literature, and philosophy.
She returned to the US and began a series of recitals and concerts in major cities including New York, Chicago, and Boston. Her fame rose during this period, and though she was recognized for her talent she was not offered any positions with major orchestras because of her race.
She worked at Tuskegee Institute for a short time, when she received the position of head of the piano faculty at Howard University. She guest lectured at Alabama State College and Jackson State College. She created the Olive J. Harrison Piano Scholarship at Howard University in honor of her mother.
She retired from Howard in 1957 and moved first to New York City and then to La Grange, Georgia. At the end of her life, she became immersed in reading philosophy, continued to teach, and played small shows for groups of friends. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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happiestplacehq · 2 years
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OLIVIA FLAVERSHAM is twenty-two years old. She is a Criminology Major. She is the humanized version of Olivia Flaversham from the Disney film, The Great Mouse Detective.
+ Astute, Brave, Sweet - Rumbustious, Naive, Pedantic
The Flavershams aren’t exactly known for staying put. For starters, one night, Olivia’s mother, Hazel, went out for a walk and disappeared mysteriously when her daughter was only three. This experience deeply scarred her and her father, Hiram, who became obsessed with Olivia’s safety and knowing where she was at all times; and when her father went missing as well, during a birthday trip to London, Olivia found herself completely alone in an unfamiliar city. Determined to not let history repeat itself, she convinced private detective Basil Baker to investigate her father’s disappearance. He succeeded in finding her father, but the kidnapper managed to escape, and is still on the loose.
The Flavershams, afraid of the kidnapper attempting to harm them again, moved to Wellington, New Zealand, where Hazel’s family lived, and resided there for a while, before moving back to Hiram’s beloved Edinburgh for Olivia to finish high school. Once she turned eighteen, her father decided to relocate to Redwood Hollow, a supposedly safer town to live in, for Olivia to study Criminology at the Redwood college, after a recommendation from David Dawson, a friend of Basil Baker, with whom the Flavershams kept in touch.
Now, living in quaint little Redwood Hollow, Olivia is thankful for the peace and quiet she and her father are able to enjoy. But now that strange poisonings and mysterious thefts have shook the town, despite being deeply afraid of Hiram being next up in the list, she is secretly excited to be potentially able to catch a criminal of her own and prove herself.
After moving around so much during her childhood, Olivia constantly shifts between an American, a New Zealand and a Scottish accent. This makes it slightly difficult to understand her, especially when she becomes excited and starts talking too fast.
Besides her interest in Criminology, her career of choice, she also has a knack for basic engineering, and loves tinkering with small devices, being pretty handy at fixing all sorts of things. This is the result of years of helping her father around with making little clockwork toys, which he sells as souvenirs from Redwood Hollow.
Olivia is deeply fascinated by true crime, despite her apparent innocence. She has a serious morbid streak, and sometimes forgets that most people don’t really want to hear the details of some grisly unsolved murder from the seventies.
Basil Baker - Met Basil as a young child when he helped find her missing father. He inspired her to pursue criminology, so she could help others the way he helped her. David Q. Dawson - Helped find her missing father. David suggested that she apply for the course at Redwood College. Penny Pomeroy - A friend she met in her first year at Redwood College, after they shared a class together.
Olivia is currently unavailable. Her faceclaim is Thomasin McKenzie.
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starlightmonitor · 2 years
My dream is to move to Byron bay and infiltrate it from the inside but still sustain authentic meaningful relationships with the reptilians there .,, like the geckocoded reptilians there, and anyways i would take over hiram lodge style but instead of gaining properties i would gain energiessss Energy is currency.. and create this neo-boho drug lab where me and Simba and Hazel and Moss would come up with new drugs and drink cocktails out of beakers and test tubes and throw raves at the crystal castle our vibrations would get so high we’d flatline into a new timeline.. superspeed pulses matching the bpm of the music.. Full moon above for a disco ball. and like we’d get moonburnt and shit and then we’d have this prismatic orgy made euphoric from all the yoga we’ve been doing….. i’m meant to be studying for maths rn
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Greaser Serpents | Part 2
A/N: I’m planning on doing a five-parter for this one as I love it way too much already. I’ve had a few people asking to be in the tag list, so, if you want to be in the taglist too, just lemme know! :) 
Pairing: Sweet Pea x OC (Luna Simmons) 
Words: 3054
Warnings: none
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It’s been a good week of rehearsals, and Luna has learned to live with the fact that she has to pretend to love the Southside Serpent that’s become her love interest in the musical they’re doing at Riverdale High. To be completely and truly honest, the entire process of rehearsing and singing and dancing with the entire cast has been so much fun thus far. Even with the Serpents.  “Okay, Luna, I absolutely love everything about that!” Kevin comments when they’ve finished the scene at the peprally where Sandy and Danny see each other again, but Danny’s being a dick about it. “You’re all amazing!” the director exclaims, overexcitedly. “Let’s take five and then we’re doing Greased Lightning,” the entire cast nods and Kevin looks at them for a moment, taking everything in. He’s proud of this entire cast. Proud of him for picking out the right people for the right characters.  Luna as Sandy and Sweet Pea as Danny has been the best idea he’s ever had. Even though they hate each other, the chemistry between them is undeniable. Betty’s the perfect Marty, and Rizzo’s the role of Veronica’s life. Toni as Frenchy and Midge as Jan is the most perfect casting ever. The T-birds are well-cast too. Archie as Kenickie, Jughead as Doody, Fangs as Sonny and Reggie as Putzie. Cheryl plays Patty Simcox and Josie would be Chacha. He had never been prouder of a casting as he was of this one. Those roles are made for his friends and there was no lie in that. 
“Can we rehearse lines together tonight?” Betty asks when she and Luna go to sit down in the auditorium. They want to watch the boys perform Greased Lightning and wait for Kevin’s notes on previous scenes too. Luna convinces herself she’s staying to see Archie and Jughead do one of her favorite songs, but in reality, she just wants to see Sweet Pea doing it.  “Yeah, sure! I wanted to ask you to help me with the reprise of Look at me I’m Sandra Dee at the end anyway,” Luna whispers to Betty as Kevin calls action on the boys. Sweet Pea stands in his spot, right next to a block of wood where the car will be during the actual play. For now, the wood would do.  “Why this car could be systematic,” Sweet Pea begins as he takes his Serpent jacket off with the beat of the music that began to play at the same time.  “Hydromatic, ultramatic,” he throws away his jacket and jumps on a table next to the block of wood. Luna’s breath hitches in her throat as she watches him. His biceps flex at every move he makes, and sends shivers down her spine for some reason. Every time he performs one of the songs and his beautiful voice and amazing dancemoves are shown, Luna gets weak in the knees and hates the person he is a little bit less.  “We'll get some overhead lifters and four barrel quads, oh yeah,” Sweet Pea sings in a deep, sultry voice, matching the actual voice of John Travolta. “Keep talking, woah, keep talking” Archie sings his line. “A fuel injection cut off and chrome plated rods, oh yeah,” “I'll get the money, I'll kill to get the money” Archie sings again from his spot on the block. “With a four-speed on the floor, they'll be waitin' at the door You know that it ain't shit, we'll be gettin' lots of tit, greased lightnin'” “Go go go, go go go go go go go go,” All the boys sing as they run towards the wooden block. Fangs, Archie, Reggie and Jughead in front and next to the block, Sweet Pea on top. “Go, greased lightnin', you're burnin' up the quarter mile.” “Greased lightnin', go, greased lightnin'” seeing the boys do the iconic dance moves makes Luna smile a little. This is going to be the greatest musical Riverdale High has ever done. During the instrumental bit, the boys o the choreography Toni had taught them as Sweet Pea hops off the wood and does whatever he’s supposed to do as choreography as well. His eyes meet Luna’s, and he gives her a wink. His biceps flex again, weakening her. They sing the last bit and end up in their pose on the wooden block. “Alright, guys! Let’s get to work!” Sweet Pea says his last line before the girls and Kevin in the audience begin cheering. Luna’s eyes are glued on her Serpent co-star and his glance lands on her as well. He gives her a little smile, and inside even melts a little at the look she’s giving him. Her eyes sparkle. Something has shifted inside her that made her stop looking at him with absolute hatred in her eyes. For some reason, her hazel eyes suddenly look lighter. “Amazing, guys!” Kevin tells them with a wide, toothpaste-commercial-like smile. “Let’s call it a day and assemble tomorrow for the epic dance scene!” he informs them, and everyone starts packing up. Sweet Pea walks up to Luna, leaving all of his friends to head home without him. She smiles up at him as she puts her bag over her shoulder. “How about I treat you to a milkshake at Pop’s and we can go over some lines together?” he suggests with a little smile. Her eyes glance over to Betty, who’s heard what the guy asked, and she gives her neighbor a little nod. They could do their lines some other time. Right now, it’s more important that the two get along. And maybe even a little more. “Yeah, sure,” Luna replies with a smile and the two head outside school together. Outside, it’s chucking down rain, almost making it impossible to see one foot in front of them. “Okay, my car is at the back of the parking lot,” Luna mumbles, annoyed at herself for not coming to school earlier so she’d have a better spot. “Whatever we do, we’re going to get soaking wet,” Sweet Pea mumbles. A smirk appears on Luna’s face as she looks up at the tall Serpent, her glance lingering on the tattoo on his neck. He looks down at her, realizing what she’s thinking, and his expression falters, “Not like that,” he scoffs, rolling his eyes. Luna giggles a little, shaking her head. “Let’s just make a run for it, shall we?” she suggests with a little sigh. Sweet Pea hums in agreement and, as if on automatic, grabs Luna’s hand in his before dashing off into the rain and dragging the Northsider girl with him. Giggles and loud laughs fill the air, almost muting the pattering rain on the pavement. “Get inside!” Luna yells as she lets go of the boy’s hand and clicks the button on her key to open the car. Both of them get inside, each of them soaking wet, but still laughing through it. “Fuck, that’s cold,” Sweet Pea mutters, wiping his hair back that’s now sticking to his head. That beautiful curl that normally sits on his forehead is gone. “Let’s get to Pop’s,” Luna nods and starts her car, driving off through the rain and to their favorite diner.
“Hello, Luna,” Pop greets her with a smile as he arrives at the booth the two had taken a seat in. The blonde girl smiles up at the old man, happy to see him again. “The usual?” Sweet Pea looks at the girl in front of him, a tender smile on his face. Northsiders are so weird with their usual orders at the diner, but it’s kind of sweet too. “Just the strawberry milkshake today, Pop,” she tells him before glancing to the boy. “A vanilla milkshake for me, please,” Sweet Pea orders, looking at the old man now. Luna’s eyebrows furrow. She never expected a serpent like him to be the vanilla-milkshake type. “And some fries to share,” he adds quickly with a smile. Pop nods and leaves the kids alone. Luna still stares at Sweet Pea, the confused look still plastered on her face. “What?” he asks, blushing only a tiny bit. “Nothing, I just didn’t take you for the vanilla-type,” she shrugs and leans back in her seat. “I guess you just don’t know me that well,” Sweet Pea leans forward, his elbows resting on the table in front of him. Luna opens her mouth to say something, but then closes it again. “You might be right. We’re playing the main roles in a musical and have to pretend to be hopelessly devoted to each other, but we don’t even know one another,” she says, more to herself than to Sweet Pea. The guy chuckles and wants to say something, but Pop handing the milkshake and fries interferes with that.   “Thanks, Pop,” Sweet Pea tells the man and Luna gives him a thankful smile before taking the metal straw between her teeth. “So, tell me something about you,” he nudges, staring in her eyes as she looks up from her milkshake. He pops a fry into his mouth. “Why don’t you say what you think about me?” she suggests on playing a game. “Ok…” he mumbles and sips from his beverage once, “I think you’re this clean-cut, straight A-student who has been living on the Northside her entire life. You live in this pastel-pink world where your parents love and pamper you to death and your friends live close to you and you spend every waking hour with them. Or that’s what you want people to think…” he trails off at the last part, his eyes scanning her face. Her flawless face with the freckles decorating her nose and cheeks, and her hazelnut bright eyes. Luna chuckles. “Almost,” she replies and takes a deep breath, “My parents don’t really have time for me as they’re too busy building their empire with Hiram Lodge, which I strongly disagree to, by the way. I tried to stop them, believe me, but I’ve failed,” Sweet Pea shifts in his seat at the mention of Hiram Lodge. He’s the reason why his school was shut down and will be closed soon. “I get straight A’s, but I don’t study that much, I have a gift, people tell me,” she scoffs a little at that. She has no clue how she gets straight A’s without studying for it, but it just happens. “I only ever see my friends at school, except for Betty. She lives next door, so I see her every now and then outside of school too,” Sweet Pea listens intently, a smile tugging at his lips. “Your turn,” he then says and takes another sip from his milkshake while she pops a fry in her mouth. She chews for a moment, thinking about what to stay whilst scanning his face. “You’re this tough-looking guy with the intimidating looks and the aggression and violence, but in reality, you’re actually this big soft teddy bear who cares about his friends and family and would literally die for them,” she rambles, leaving Sweet Pea speechless. “Did I get something wrong?” she asks, raising an eyebrow and grabbing a few fries. “Not at all,” he mumbles, a little shocked she got that spot-on, “I don’t really have a family anymore though, not by blood, I mean. The Serpents are my family. And I know you hate us, and you don’t like our laws, but they took me in when I lost my parents in a tragic accident. I never really thought about leaving them. They’ve raised me and I don’t know anything else but that family and their laws. Even if it makes people hate me,” he explains truthfully. Luna stops in her tracks for a moment and stares at the vulnerable Sweet Pea in front of her. “That’s actually really sweet, Sweet Pea,” she chuckles, “No pun intended.” The boy laughs at that a little and grabs a few more fries. The two talk about their lives for a moment, really getting to know each other. For some bizarre reason, Luna feels attracted to him all of a sudden. It’s like a weird connection has grown between them. Like they now see each other in a completely different light and every single drop of hatred they had towards each other, is just gone. Poof. Like that. With only one milkshake and a shared portion of fries. That’s until a couple of Serpents decide to ruin the party.
“What do we have here?” Fangs asks with a smirk as he and a couple other Serpents reach their table. Luna looks at Sweet Pea for a moment, and she can tell he’s getting embarrassed for being caught with a Northsider at Pop’s. “We’re just rehearsing lines, Fogarty,” Sweet Pea grumbles, his fist clenching on the table. “Over milkshakes and fries?” he asks, “This looks more like a date than anything else,” Fangs laughs, making the other Serpents laugh too as if on cue. Luna rolls her eyes at the Serpents, sick of their attitude all the time. They may be family, but they’re still annoying as hell. And most of all, she hates how they treat Northsiders. How they treat her. “It’s nothing, Fangs. You really think I would go on a date with a Northsider?” Sweet Pea asks, only to break Luna’s heart a little. She actually feels it break then and there. Physical pain courses through her chest, and she’d much rather be at home rehearsing lines with Betty instead of this gross, toxic masculinity-filled asshole. Fangs looks at Luna for a moment, feeling sorry for her. She actually seems nice. Why can’t Sweet Pea stand up for her like he should? He knows they’re only teasing him. “Sorry, bro,” Fangs holds up his hands in defense, “You’re coming to the Whyte Wyrm for a game of pool?” Sweet Pea’s eyes glance over at Luna. She’d sunk into her seat, arms crossed and glaring at him. If looks could kill, Sweet Pea would be bleeding to death now. “Yeah, I’ll be there in a moment,” he replies, his voice low. Fangs and the Serpents go to the counter to grab their order from Pop and leave the co-stars alone in the booth. “Luna, I—” he begins to make up some lame excuse, but Luna isn’t having any of it. “You’re always going to be the same, aren’t you?” she asks, “You open up to me about your family and make me believe you’re actually this sweet, vulnerable guy when in reality you’re just the typical chauvinistic macho who thinks he could make girls go weak in the knees,” Sweet Pea sinks in his seat, head hung low. “Isn’t that true, Sweet Pea? Well, sucks for you, but I’m not one of those girls who would fall for your macho-traits. I’m not Sandy,” she stands up, grabbing her bag and shaking her head at him as he’s sulking into his embarrassment. “See you at rehearsals,” she mumbles before leaving him at the diner. Sweet Pea sighs deeply, shaking his head at what had just happened. He hates himself for letting the girl go. For once, he was opening up to someone, letting someone see a more vulnerable side of him. She finally stopped looking at him  like he was a culprit, a criminal. She finally looked at him like he was human.  “Stranded at the drivin', branded a fool What will they say Monday at school?” he mumbles his lines from his solo song. He wanted to rehearse that scene with Luna, but since that won’t happen anymore, he might as well rehearse the song on his own. “Sandy, can't you see I'm in misery? We made a start, now we're apart There's nothing left for me,” he gets up from his seat, whacks some cash on the table and leaves the diner. Fangs looks at him for a moment, sympathy arising inside of him. This is all his fault. He shouldn’t have come between the two.   “Love has flown, all alone I sit and wonder why yi-yi-yi Oh why you left me, oh Sandy, oh Sandy,” he thinks about the conversation they just had and how he could be so stupid to let Fangs get underneath his skin. He could’ve just told him the truth. He could’ve told her the truth. “Baby, someday, when high school is done Somehow, someway, our two worlds will be one In heaven forever and ever we will be Oh, please say you'll stay, oh, Sandy” He walks towards the Northside and stops at Riverdale High where he sees Luna with her friends, talking. She seems angry, probably yelling at Betty about what had happened at the diner. Tears come rushing down her cheeks, and he’s left wondering whether they’re tears of anger or sadness. “Sandy, my darlin' You hurt me real bad You know it's true But, baby, you gotta believe me when I say I'm helpless without you” The boy now makes his way towards the auditorium where he continues to sing his solo. For once in the entire rehearsing-process, he’s really feeling what he’s singing. For once, he’s truly realizing that the crush on his co-star might not just be a crush. But he can’t date a Northsider, can he? He’s a Southside Serpent. He would be ridiculed, and she would be bullied into joining the Serpents and thus doing the dance. “Love has flown, all alone, I sit I wonder why yi-yi-yi, Oh why You left me, Oh Sandy Sandy, Sandy Why yi-yi-yi” She can’t do the Serpent dance. No one is supposed to see her like that. Not before he has. Not before he has told her what he truly feels for her. How the hatred he felt towards her, has disappeared the moment she began singing that first day of rehearsals. “Oh Sandy,” he mumbles the last words with his hands in his hair. Applause makes him jump out his thoughts, his eyes wide as he looks into the audience. “I’m glad you’re rehearsing on your own, man,” Kevin tells him with a smile, “Wish everyone was as dedicated as you.” He’s oblivious to what had just happened. Oblivious to the feelings Sweet Pea has for Luna. Oblivious to what he sang was actually felt deep inside of him.
Taglist: @iamaunicorn4704, @cvvlxx
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cupcakes-oc-corner · 5 years
Current OC Masterlist
List of all the OCs I have created over time. Each of them is organized into sections based on where they come from story-wise or universe-wise (whichever makes more sense), and each section will have a small blurb describing what it is and why it’s a separate section. 
This list will be updated with links to refs and such when I hopefully make/upload them, and if/when I make more ocs. 
If you have any questions about them, go ahead! I am always open to rambling about these guys, they live rent free in my head. 
Osrean OCs:
[All the ocs who are from/currently live in my island country called Osrea, or exist in the same universe as said island and do not have another specific story to associate with.]
Rodney Andrew Daysen
Elise Siora Wynlamin
Armaudis Lunotte
Aria Lunotte
Allen Daemonne
Aron Rosenfell
“The Maker”
Alma Mori
Lillith Daimon
Avarus "Greed" Daimon
Vanexia "Pride" Daimon
Luxarina "Lust" Daimon
Iraxos "Wrath" Daimon 
Invirix "Envy" Daimon
Revixor "Sloth" Daimon
Edazel "Gluttony" Daimon
Apollonia Rivett
Esther Carmel
Lucian Orion Armstrong
Keto Ikeda
Carmen Emilia Ramos
Josef Nikolas Andwin
Dr. Kian Yang
Violetta Lavoie
Iris Abigail Magana Daemonne
Hiram Sairus Winchell
Orin Altair Swiftbreeze
Zorak “Zak” Orzalus 
Caelera Alvizaus Vilfeu 
Ilzeras Vilfeu 
Arboresian OCs:
[All the OCs who are from/currently live in the island country of Arboresia, originally created by my friends @isa-ghost and @deaths-presence. Isa has an OC sideblog that goes much more in-depth about this place if anyone is interested. It can found here: @isas-oc-asylum.] 
Liam McMurray
Anais Lauren Corbeau
Josephine Carol Freeman
Vera Desdemona Regis
Kyoko Fukuhara 
Mirella Emery Griffin
Lyra Newsom
Theodore Lee Galadan
Sage Adanet
Connie Avery Miller
Daevon Partridge
Fenix Partridge 
Cain Forrester 
Yukito Naichingeru 
Verge Loqui
Carol Amara Windrose
Keishara Artin Liafir
Xerith Rolim Aranea 
Saelihn Edea Ololee
Ilvan Ardryll Ceramys
Ryo Ulacyne Sanguilis 
Anarxia Ruvari
Maeve Duval 
Ginger Egret 
Malcolm Norwood
Marcia Norwood
Duskhaven OCs:
[All the OCs who are from/currently live in the realm of Duskhaven, created by my friend @angsty-prompt-hole.]
Leandra Videre
Cavalier Cove/“The Manor” OCs:
[All the OCs who are from/currently live in Cavalier Cove or the surrounding area. This is notably the same area where “The Manor” (aka the main setting for quite a lot of the OC rp I do with friends) is located. As this region a liminal space, it does not directly connect to any specific universe but includes characters from a wide variety of them, including the other ones listed here.]
Miriam “Cupcake” Elaina Portman
Xena Inovo
Willow May Egret
Avery Keays 
Deranzel Orzalus 
Carter Guerison
Hikari Murakami
Luciel “Luci”
Not so Normal OCs:
[All the OCs who make up the cast of my currently in-progress comic “Not so Normal”. The comic takes place in the same universe that Osrea exists in. It has its own blog which can be found here: @not-so-normal-comic]
Elizabeth “Lizzie” Grace Thompson
Naomi Thompson
Frederick “Fred” Algorn
Xander Rosewood
Jason Torres
Jade Clark
Hazel Li
Kraum “Magician” Vilfeu-DeLuna-Vunamos
Prof. O’Ryan
[All the OCs who make up my SCP Foundation inspired supernatural research organization with questionable morals (because who doesn’t love those). It exists in the same universe and both NSN and Osrea.] 
Dr. Richard Lawrence
D&D OCs:
[All of the characters I have created for various D&D campaigns.]
Minecraft/”Blockverse” OCs:
[All the characters I have created who live in the world of Minecraft (aka the “Blockverse”, based on lore created with several other online friends.]
Ember Violet Ward 
Katherine Renarde 
Austin Wartet
Luisa Cubetto
Sylvia Anne Mall
Roman Tyler Stal
"Jackson" Porcus
Markus Strad
Freya Daleko
Evan Onze
Benjamin Clyde Huntsman
Miera Patisseri
Misc OCs:
[A list for OCs who do not currently have a set universe/story.]
Mae Hallowell
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ineffablelads · 6 years
Sending you a little prompt. A bughead prompt. The prompt is: Betty is sick but tries to put on brave face. Worried Jughead happens and he might make her some soup.
I told myself this was just gonna be a cute lil 500 word one shot… but my finger slipped and 1800 words later… here is a bigger one shot than I once intended. Thanks for the prompt!!!!!
Jughead sat in a crooked hunch behind his desk, head resting in his palm as he gazed at the door in the opposite corner of the classroom. A fleeting hope tightened in his chest; that Betty would walk through the door and tell him he was silly for worrying.. that she just slept in past her alarm or wanted to go get some breakfast at Pop’s before coming in today. 
Mr. Kitely faced away, writing Shakespearean phrases in his messy hooked swoops of what could almost pass as cursive. His voice rose and fell dramatically as he spewed prose- a sure sign that the conclusion of his lecture would come any moment now.
The door remained closed. Her seat remained empty.
Pictures of their dark adventures plastered the insides of his eyelids for a heavy moment. Memories of Betty always distancing herself when things were at their worst for her… of her wanting to take matters into her own hands, by herself. 
No matter how close they’d become and how much of her trust he had earned... he was beginning to see that it was just her nature. Her independent inclinations got the better of her… her hunger to prove her strength to herself. Overcoming dark challenges satiated that hunger.
He rotated his pencil back and forth between his fingers as he thought.
Usually there were some sort of tell-tale signs that would give her away before she began her sleuthing or problem-solving, though. She would get a distant look sometimes in the middle of conversations, she’d make unlikely alliances, propose strange articles, or she would ask seemingly unrelated questions out of nowhere… something.
None of that had been happening, though.
So, where was she?
Jughead’s leg began to shake up and down in a sudden bout of thick anxiety.
Finally, the bell rang.
He stayed in his seat a moment, allowing the crowd to go on ahead of him into the halls. He pulled out his phone.
No messages.
He had already texted her twice before class started. Usually, they met out front and walked to English class together. But this morning there was no sign of her. 
He racked his brain for anything important he may have forgotten.
Was she going to visit Polly and Alice at the Farm? Did she mention anything out of the ordinary? Did he do something that may have offended her?
He tried calling.
No answer.
He left a message, 
Right as he was finishing up, Archie and Veronica rounded the corner of the hallway.
Veronica sized up the empty space by his side. She exchanged a brief questioning glance with Archie.
“Where’s B?” she prodded.
Jughead shook his head.
“You haven’t heard from her?” Archie asked, his eyebrows furrowed in concern.
“Radio silence.” Jughead replied.
“That’s weird.” Archie said, “I didn’t see any light on in her room this morning. But the car’s still there. I even tried knocking to see if she wanted to walk to school together… nothing.”
“Did you guys get in a fight or-” Veronica trailed off when she found she couldn’t stomach the look that was brewing on Jughead’s face.
She wrapped herself reassuringly around Archie’s arm.
“Oh my gosh, look at you two! I’m sure no news is good news. We’re talking about the same Betty Cooper, right? Because the Betty Cooper I know took down three murderers and my gargoyle of a father in the span of two years. I have complete faith that she’s fine.”
She flashed him a smile that was simultaneously sympathetic and vaguely amused.
She was right.
Out of the four of them, Betty was probably the most capable of holding her own. She was smart, she was cunning, she was… giving him a lot of anxiety.
He followed Veronica and Archie to the door of the room with the couches and vending machines then paused. Veronica had begun chattering about her latest Speakeasy plans.
“You know, I think I’m just going to go check on her to be sure. I’ll be back after gym, probably.” He said.
“Yeah, or maybe you can just be a proper rebel and not return after ditching half a day of classes. See you at Pop’s later?” Veronica smirked.
Jughead smiled, “Yeah, I’ll see you guys there.”
He set off down the hall, pushing through an unbearable crowd of his peers. 
Things had improved for the Southsiders at Riverdale High in the past few months, but it still wasn’t perfect. He could tell that people noticed him and the other Serpents a little bit more than their average peer. Their eyes always paused an extra moment whenever one of them entered a classroom. It was clear to him that people were less likely to move out of the way for them in the halls than they were for a couple of Northside pearls like Veronica or Archie.
And anyways, people liked to have an excuse to sneer at him when they forced him to push through them. Big guys like Reggie liked the opportunity to shove him or cast half-witted jeers as he elbowed past, even before he joined the Serpents. But now, especially, that he was their king.
Sometimes he wondered if the only one anchoring him to this place with it’s dirty halls and dirty looks was Betty.
Sometimes he wondered if the only one anchoring him through all the insanity of his life in general was her.
But it was like Zelda Fitzgerald once wrote in a letter to her husband Scott, 
“Why is there happiness and comfort and excitement where you are and no where else in the world?” 
He smiled to himself. Betty Cooper had turned him cheesy. Had it really only been a couple of years since the lonely beginning of sophomore year? Had he really gone most of his lifetime blind to how much more incredible it could be with her not just as his friend he met through Archie, but a warrior Queen fighting by his side?
He swung the doors to the parking lot open and scanned the lot for his bike. The brisk morning air clung heavily to his clothes, leaving dew drops on the faux wool peeking out of his denim jacket. As he crossed the lot, a thin bite of wind shredded coolly at his face.
There was something about mounting his bike and bringing it roaring to life that made Jughead feel a little more alive than he was the moment before. Something about making himself vulnerable to fate and circumstance tickled his poetic existentialism in a way driving a car never could. The tires of the bike skidded precariously over the rain-soaked blacktop as he turned onto the main road. For a brief moment, his mind emptied itself of the morning’s anxieties and he was just a rush of stark senses.
He loved that his motorcycle refused to shield him from the elements. If it was snowy, he’d feel snowflakes caking his clothes, bristling at his skin. If it was hot, he’d feel the sun beating down directly into his flesh. Now that it was rainy, the precipitation soaked right into his clothes and the resulting cold seeped deep into his bones.
In a car you could feel numb. You could turn on a heater on a snowy day and feel as warm as the summertime. You could lie.
On his motorcycle, he was honest. About the weather. About where he was coming from and where he was going. 
On his motorcycle, he was a person who faced things head on.
And so he did, pulling into Betty Cooper’s driveway that drizzly morning. He slid his helmet off and threw it onto the seat. In an instinctual instant, he had his beanie settled over his hair again. He knocked on the front door and pushed a tuft of hair from his eyes. The rain had picked up. He wished he’d brought his serpent jacket instead of his fluffy jean coat. 
He stuck his hands in his pockets and did his best to dry them. Then he sent Betty a text.
Hey, I’m at your house. Can you let me in?
-Message read.
He let out a defeated sigh and leaned against the door frame, planning his next move.
But the longer he waited for some sort of response… any sort of response, the more out of control his anxious thoughts became. 
What if one of Hiram’s goons was still out there and came to get comeuppance over his arrest? What if one of the Black Hood’s crazy fanatics came after her? What if one of the remaining Ghoulies found her to “create chaos”? 
“One can find so many pains in the rain.”
John Steinbeck’s quote interrupted his thoughts. He remembered reading it over the summer.
He felt the author’s quote spinning around his head, as though to tease him… but maybe also a godsend to distract him from the dark train of thought he had been spiraling through.
Betty’s big, warm hazel eyes peeked through the slightly opened door. A set of sniffles followed.
He moved into plain sight and waved meekly, soaked.
“Oh my god, Jughead!” she croaked, sniffling some more and practically throwing him into the house.
He laughed, looking up at her in starry-eyed relief. She was in her pink, fluffy pajama bottoms. One of his “S” t-shirts hung loosely around her shoulders along with a cozy blanket. She padded away, barefoot on the hardwood floors, and came rushing back with a set of towels and a box of tissues.
Jughead pulled off his boots and left them in the entryway, upside down. 
“What’s wrong?” Betty asked, “Why are you here?”
He gaped at her, incredulous.
“I was worried. You weren’t at school and you hadn’t responded to any of my messages. Archie said he didn’t see you leave this morning and-”
She sniffled once more, head cocked sympathetically to the side in that way Jughead knew all too well. Here she was comforting him when she was the sick one.
He tensed. He knew his anxiety had been getting worse over the years… but ever since the debacle with Hiram Lodge- it was like he couldn’t stop the warning lights from going off in his head anymore.
“I guess I still worry that it’s not over.” he whispered.
Betty took one of his cheeks in the palm of her hand.
“Maybe it’s never over.” she mused, “but we’ll never be able to live happy lives if we let ourselves believe that.”
There it was: Betty Cooper and her brave face.
She smiled at him as she came forward and pulled off his jacket and flannel. She threw them in the drier, along with his socks and hat that he threw in himself.
“Erm, did Chic happen to leave any pants behind here that I could borrow?” he asked.
Betty reddened.
“No, we uh- we burned his belongings after I handed him over to the Black Hood. You know… to be sure.”
Jughead raised his eyebrows.
“But… we could check the guest room Archie stayed in when Fred went to Chicago freshman year. Maybe he left something behind?”
He nodded.
Once he was switched into one of the flannels she had borrowed from him some time ago and pulled on some of Archie’s old jeans, he came downstairs and found Betty leaning in a state of pungent exhaustion against the counter, blowing her nose.
He shuffled forward excitedly and scooped her up into his arms, spinning her around once.
Together, they spun from the hardwood floor of the dining room to the squishy rug of the living room. Jughead collapsed down onto the couch, bringing a ball of sniffling Betty Cooper with him.
They pressed their foreheads together in a gesture of momentary oneness.
Betty pulled away first.
“I don’t want to get you sick, too.” She worried.
“That is the least of my worries.” he responded. “Right now, all I’m worried about is making you feel better.”
She gave him a puzzled look.
Jughead cradled her once more as he stood up and set her back down on the sofa.
“I am going to take care of you for once!” he announced. A self-satisfied smirk crossed his face as he leaned forward, kissed her on the forehead, and tucked in her blanket.
Betty quirked an eyebrow but did not protest. Instead she leaned back into the arms of the comfortable sofa and accepted the oncoming pampering.
Jughead left nothing in his reserves. He set up candles around the room to replace the strain of bright light bulbs. He started up the fireplace. He brought her tissues and cough drops and ibuprofen that he must have found after about ten minutes of frustratedly rummaging through the pantry and cursing Alice’s organization. He even had something cooking on the stove that smelled delicious.
Betty watched with adoration as he doted by whatever he was making in the other room, humming happily to himself.
“Eureka!” he shouted.
Betty did all she could to keep from snorting out her laughter.
She failed.
Jughead waltzed in wearing her mother’s lacy, flowery cooking apron and an oven mitt over his haphazard rain outfit. In the mitt was a bowl of piping hot soup he set on the coffee table before her.
He beamed.
“AND!” he shouted. Before she could say anything, he’d run back into the kitchen and eagerly shuffled back with a steaming tea cup.
“A meal fit for a Queen! Bon appetit.” he said in the worst french accent she’d ever heard. He bowed dramatically, a smile curled joyfully around the sides of his mouth.
Betty sniffed again and made her best effort to inhale a waft of the soup’s smell. It was a homemade tomato soup and grilled cheese- just like what she would get at Pop’s. The tea was her favorite relaxing green tea.
Her eyes flickered up to Jughead’s. She stretched her arms forward, beckoning him to come snuggle her. 
He happily obliged.
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ao3feed-faberry · 6 years
Let Me
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2GVKWS8
by ForForever19
'Rachel Berry is ten years old when she first hears the name. Lucy Fabray, a little blonde girl with deep, hazel eyes has gone missing. She's been taken.' 2-Part AU.
Words: 9838, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Glee
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, M/M
Characters: Rachel Berry, Quinn Fabray, Leroy Berry, Hiram Berry, Santana Lopez, Kurt Hummel, Beth Corcoran, Original Characters
Relationships: Rachel Berry/Quinn Fabray, Santana Lopez/Brittany S. Pierce, Hiram Berry/Leroy Berry
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2GVKWS8
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rozetheeuwu · 1 year
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Hiram Hazel, A team meteor oc of mine!
He's the younger brother of Elias and father of three (His kids will be posted another time!)
More info:
Hiram does believe in Arceus and their religion, but he does not like the way team Meteor goes about things. However he will stay by his brother and master's side no matter what.
When Hiram was younger he wished to run away but ultimately chose to stay.
He (anonymously) helped his son Ordell run away to another region, even if he himself didn't believe that he wasn't allowed to run from his duties, his children should have the freedom to do what they desire.
Much like Elias he serves Solaris and the Alcantaras. His children are trained to serve Taka like Luna is.
He adopted Zero when he was a young teen, much to the protest of his brother and Solaris. (I've changed the timeline from when meteor members joined a little to fit my story.)
He does not have a partner and the person who carried his children is unknown to his kids.
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vitapictura · 2 years
John - Who Gone Be | Music Video Trailer from Vita Pictura on Vimeo.
The official music video for “Fight City” mini-series produced by Vita Pictura and Roll Up Films and directed and performed by John Lee.
John Lee created this series while teaching math at a high school and doing his master’s degree. Fight City was shot in New York, Cleveland, and Tallinn. The film builds on the range of issues one faces while growing up in a community segregated by financial status, class, and race. The production just proved that film has no boundaries, as long as you are convinced to go through all of the ups and downs of the process.
Production Company | Vita Pictura vitapictura.co
Music Video Credits:
Music Video Director | Isam Muhammad Producer | John Lee, Isam Muhammad Music Video Editors | Georgius Misjura, Isam Muhammad, Lev Kovalenko Music Video DOP | Arnold Kaplan Music Video Colorist | Dmitri Morjakin
Series Credits:
Director | John Lee Writers | John Lee, Christina Richardson Creative Directors | Georgius Misjura, Anastasia Zazhitskaya Executive Producer | John Lee, Mark Parson Producers | Imani Louden, Kelsi Paden Production Assistants | Ronnetta Lee, Mason John Lee, Mya Betty Nicole Lee Assistant Directors | Isam Muhammad, Ray Johnson SteadiCam Operator | Arnold Kaplan Stunt Supervisor | Leslie Peterson Casting Supervisor | John Lee Editors | Aleksei Sharapanjuk, Lev Kovalenko Assistant Editors | Mihhail Tkats, Nikita Kurashov, Karl Jakob Vibur Sound Designers | Dmitri Morjakin, Lev Kovalenko Sound Editors | Dmitri Morjakin, Lev Kovalenko Sound Production Mixers | Joe Cantor, Edwin Diagon Series Cinematography | Snyder Derival Colorists | Dmitri Morjakin, Lev Kovalenko Series Makeup Department | Daurisa Tessier Story Contributor | Jemier Jenkins
3rd Unit Cinematographer | Inder Mann First Assistant Camera | Austin Cohlie, Jakub Sztuk Steadicam Operator | Arnold Kaplan DIT | Cullen K Askew Gaffer | Lamont Liquid Burrell Best Boy | Keston Frank Key Grip | Jose del C Martinez Camera Package | Arnold Kaplan Drone Operator | Brad Smolinski Art Director | John Lee Set Designer | John Lee Costume Designer | John Lee Makeup Artists | Melo, Terrell Perkins, John Lee Special Effects Supervisor | John Lee Fight Choreographer | Leslie Peterson
Ace | John Lee Maloney | Patrick Heraghty Javier | Juan Carlos Merino Hiram | David Arquilla NYPD Detective | Chris Scarciotta Aisha | Kiana Suggs Auntie | Candice Whitner Cube | Brady Gilbert Reggie (Boss) | Dewey Bozella Olivia | Natalie Chapman Chanel | Brittany Angelica Chance Sleeze | Richard Bird Joe | Omarr Salgado Hazel | Whitney Holmes Slick Tony | Marco Malgioglio Turtle | Lamar Slaughter Ronnie | Lian Amado Kanwar | Leslie Peterson Bushwick Fight Referee | Artagres Steele Black Rhino | Christopher Barrow FC Gatekeeper | Manuel Belliard White Rhino | Joseph Pierro Jim | John Khinda Gina | Alana Johnson Denise | Desiree Vanessa Lee | Vincent Chan Teenage Ace | Richard Adelaja Teenage Butta | Isaiah Dupree Butta | Justin Jllyfe Thomas Champion Fighter | Jay Feng Cobb Officer Whyte | Jafet Perez Street Bettor | Michael Durgavich Chino | Omar Pelaez Backyard Fighter | Soulo Smith Agent Black | Kevin Benton Ocky | Imani Bruno Frenchie | Bob “Lil Bob” McCall Uncle Kenny | Frederick Nixon Fighter 1 | John Anthony Therapist Steve | Victor Landol Tommy Pickles | Vincent Ford Big Black | Bryan King Maloney Goon | Rob Manning Local Fighter | Jaime Cooper Ace’s Sister | Janelle Black Harlem Boss | Darnell Criggs Yonce | Imani Louden Supreme | Hadassah McGrew Detective | Anthony Reed Man in Estonian Bar (Leather Jacket) | David Gugulyan Man in Estonian Bar | Sergei Uustalu Barman in Estonian Bar | Jürjo Võisula Estonian Man With the Passport | Roman Maksimuk
Special Thanks | Kemet Ojo, Ruth Parker, Jerrell Chesney, Geofferey Taylor, Akram Harrison, Tyrone Mixon, Kellen Walker, Roderick Jackson, Cloud from Philly, Ray, Arnold, Andrew Freedman House, Backstage, Imani Louden, Andre Dre Deuce Smith, City of Cleveland, City of New York
» Connect with Vita Pictura Facebook → facebook.com/vitapictura Twitter → twitter.com/vitapictura Instagram → instagram.com/vitapictura Youtube → youtube.com/vitapictura Vimeo → vimeo.com/vitapictura Follow Fight City the Movie → fightcity.vitapictura.co/
Contact us via E-Mail: [email protected]
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(1) Alex Standall, Alex Nunez, Alan Matthews
(2) Georgia Miller, Grace Cardinal, Gordo
(3) Topanga Lawrence, Toni Topaz, Tiny Bell
(4) Clay Jensen, Chelsea Daniels, Campbell Saunders
(5) Logan Reese, Lucas Friar, Liberty Van Zandt
(6) Marco Del Rossi, Marcus Baker, Matt McGuire
(7) Zoey Brooks, Zoe Rivas, Zane Park
(8) Sweet Pea, Sean Cameron, Susie Rivera
(9) Tessa Campanelli, Tori Santamaria, Tabitha Tate
(10) Jack Hunter, Jack Simpson, Jack Jones
(11) Brian Griffin, Bruce the Moose, Beck Oliver
(12) Dave Turner, Derek Wheeler, Dylan Michalchuk
(13) Kathleen Mead, Katie Matlin, Kate Sanders
(14) Robbie Shapiro, Riley Stavros, Riley Matthews
(15) Hazel Aden, Hermione Lodge, Hiram Lodge
(16) Stewie Griffin, Shay Powers, Sam McGuire
(17) Ellie Nash, Emma Nelson, Eli Goldsworthy
Bonus: Reggie Mantle, Ross Butler's Reggie Mantle, Zach Dempsey
LOL thank you ❤️❤️!
1) Alex Nunez
Alex Standall
Alan Matthews
2) Grace Cardinal
Georgia Miller
3) Tiny Bell
Toni Topaz
Topanga Lawrence
4) Campbell Saunders
Clay Jensen
Chelsea Daniels
5) Liberty Van Zandt
Lucas Friar
Logan Reese
6) Marco Del Rossi
Marcus Baker
Matt McGuire
7) Zoe Rivas
Zane Park
Zoey Brooks
8) Sean Cameron
Susie Rivera
Sweet Pea
9) Tabitha Tate
Tori Santamaria
Tessa Campanelli
10) Jack Hunter
Jack Jones
Jack Simpson
11) Brian Griffin
Beck Oliver
Bruce The Moose
12) Dave Turner
Derek Wheeler
Dylan Michalchuk
13) Kate Sanders
Kathleen Mead
Katie Matlin
14) Riley Stavros
Robbie Shapiro
Riley Matthews
15) Hazel Aden
Hermione Lodge
Hiram Lodge
16) Shay Powers
Stewie Griffin
Sam McGuire
17) Ellie Nash
Emma Nelson
Eli Goldsworthy
Bonus: LOL
Zach Dempsey
Reggie Mantle
Ross’s Reggie (I still wonder what it would have been like if he stayed though. I’m so glad they brought him back though for that one episode 😂)
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nadjaofstatenisland · 6 years
Two milkshakes with extra whipped cream, a heartbroken boy, and bravest day of Penelope's young life.
read on ao3, fanfiction.net, or under the cut
The day is humid, the air heavy, but both their milkshakes - and the generous dollops of whipped cream topping them - fare well in the heat. Penelope expects nothing less from a shake from Pop’s Chock’lit Shop.
She takes a small sip from the red and white striped straw in her strawberry milkshake as she steps out of Hal’s Dodge near the shoreline of Sweetwater River. A plump strawberry graces the side of her plastic cup, waiting for the perfect moment to be eaten.
“Pop Tate told me it’s supposed to rain,” she says as she hands him his own double chocolate malt. She squints up at the late afternoon sky. It’s still blue, but some clouds are rolling in from the distance. “I think we’ll be fine.”
Hal licks some whipped cream from the top of his cup when he thinks she’s not looking. She bites the inside of her cheek to hold in a smile. “I have an umbrella in the trunk. Let me get it.”
She grabs his upper arm as he turns away and something in her throat catches. She’s surprised at how toned he is under his polo shirt and has to brush away the thoughts of the chubby kid she befriended in junior high. He’s taller. Still with a broad frame, but muscular now, more defined. His eyes dart down to her hand and she smiles brightly.
“A little rain never hurt anyone,” she insists. Her hand stays on his arm as she takes a few steps from the car and he follows her lead. “I’m sure we’ll get back before it starts.”
“I guess,” Hal says in a low voice. He takes a hard pull off his straw, as if he’s sucking at it for all it’s worth. “I never liked the rain much, but it feels fitting now.”
“I like the rain,” Penelope says simply. Weather. She was wasting her time discussing the weather.  “My hair though. My hair hates the rain. It starts to curl in all the wrong places and looks so silly.”
Hal doesn’t look her at, just stares straight ahead towards Sweetwater River, his steps slow and perfectly paced with hers. Or perhaps she was just matching his own stride.
“Your hair looks fine, Penelope.”
“I mean when it rains and gets wet. That’s when it looks silly.”
“Right.” He slows down a bit and she follows suit. He looks over towards her. “I know that. I was listening, I swear. My head just isn’t here.”
She takes another delicate sip off her milkshake, making him wait for her response. “Your head hasn’t been here in a while, Hal. I’m really worried about you.”
He sighs like he has the whole world on his shoulders and it makes Penelope’s heart ache.
“I like the snow. Snow is nice.” He takes another sip and stares into his cup. “You know who else likes the snow?”
“Alice,” they say in unison. Penelope doesn’t hold back her eye roll - she makes a show of it so Hal will see.
“Alice Alice Alice,” she sighs. “Can I make you a deal?” Hal nods uncertainly at her. “You have sixty seconds to get Alice off your chest, and that’s it. Everytime you talk about Alice after your minute is up, you owe me a milkshake.”
It’s the part where Hal is supposed to smile, but he doesn’t. Just answers with a matter-of-fact, “I have a feeling I’m going to owe you a lot of milkshakes then.”
Penelope clicks her teeth. “Hal, she ended it with you. She’s gone. Just let it go. Trust me, you don’t want to blow all your allowance on me.”
“Why not?” He sticks his straw in his mouth again. “Not like I have anyone else to spend it on.”
Her heart speeds up even though she knows he didn’t mean it the way she wants. She places her hand on his forearm and squeezes.
“Talk to me, Hal. I’ll be generous. A whole two minutes of Alice talk. Go ahead.”
He sighs, straw still in his mouth. He chews on it as he starts. “I saw them together yesterday, after school. Alice and FP. I was walking to my car and they were by the bleachers. It was,” he took a long sip from his malt and scrunched up his face when he was done. “It was worst case scenario.”
Penelope’s eyes bug out. She tightens her grip on Hal’s forearm and pulls until he looks at her. “That’s disgusting. They weren’t -  not right there?”
Hal scoffs. “Exactly. Sharing a cigarette and holding hands. Can you believe that?”
She lets go of his arm and stops walking. When he turns back to look at her, she has one hand on her hip and a smirk on her face.
“What?” he asks, taking the straw out of his malt and using it to scoop some whipped cream into his mouth. Her heart races at the action and her grin widens.
“Harold Cooper,” she laughs. “Are you really upset over hand holding?”
His lips pout out momentarily before he scoops more whipped cream into his mouth. “Shouldn’t I be?”
“Hal, come on now. Hand holding isn’t serious.”
He glares at her and fixes his eyes back down into his cup. He starts walking again as he stirs the remaining whipped cream into the malt.
“It’s intimate,” he mutters as Penelope walks after him. “So much more intimate than kissing or sex or anything.”
She takes another small sip, savoring the sweetness. She only allows herself one milkshake a week and she likes to enjoy every single moment. The strawberry is her special treat at the end. “Children hold hands. I think you’re making a mountain out of a molehill.”
He sighs. “You don’t get it. I know Alice. I know how she is. Public affection? She has to really trust someone for that.” He takes another sip, nearly polishing off his frozen drink. “You know how long it took until -?”
Penelope grabs his hand in hers. “Until this?” She holds their hands up until their level with his face. “Is this the epitome of romance to you?”
He stares at their hands for a few seconds before shifting his fingers so they’re laced between hers. “It was more like this,” he says quietly. Their hands fall between them and Penelope swallows hard, her heart thumping just a little too hard in her chest.
She manages to get out a simple, “Oh.” Their hands hang loosely between them, but Hal is too busy slurping up the rest of his malt to pay them much mind. He’s right. This does feel more intimate than anything she’s done with a Greendale boy in the backseat of a car.
Hal continues slurping loudly through his straw until there’s nothing left. The sound of air getting sucked through the straw normally annoys her, but there is something endearing about Hal doing it. Even with his large frame, he reminds her an innocent child. She squeezes his hand, their fingers still laced together, until he lets the straw fall out of his mouth.
“Sorry.” He lets the hand holding his cup fall to his side. “My mom’s always on me for that. ‘The cup’s empty, stop making that noise.’ It’s annoying, I know.”
“No, no. I wasn’t getting on you for anything.” She extends her cups towards him, still over half full. “Here. Have some of mine.”
“I’m fine. Too many sweets and all. Hiram’s been telling me I need to stop stress eating.”
“Nonsense, Hal. You’re a growing boy.”
“I don’t need -”
“Here then.” She reluctantly lets his hand drop from hers and picks the strawberry off the side of her cup. She dips it in the milkshake and brings it back up with a generous helping of whipped cream topping it. She holds it up to his mouth. “Open up.”
“Pen, I -” She pops the strawberry in, and he bites down on it to take the stem off. A dribble of whipped cream travels down his chin as he chews and she drops the stem to wipe it off before it drips onto his shirt. Without thinking twice, she brings her finger to his mouth. He swallows quickly and opens his mouth, letting her put her finger inside. A fluttering fills her stomach as he closes his lips around her finger, feeling his tongue lick the whipped cream off. She bites her lip as she slowly as she pulls her finger out.
Hal lets out a breath and closes his eyes. “I’m sorry, Penelope,” he whispers. He clears his throat and opens his eyes. She takes another sip from her milkshake. “I shouldn’t. That was inappropriate, it was -”
“Intimate?” she tries, smiling against her straw. Hal rolls his eyes, smiling with her.
“Yeah, intimate.”
Penelope holds her cup up to him, lipstick laced straw inches from his mouth. He takes a sip this time, his blue eyes not leaving her hazel ones.
“Hey Hal,” she says  as he takes another sip. She hopes her voice is playful. “You haven’t mentioned Alice in a few minutes now.”
He breaks their gaze by rolling his eyes and starts walking again. They’re just nearing the edge of the river.
“Thanks for reminding me,” he sighs. “Some days, I swear I’ll never get her out of my head. Like she’d latched herself onto my brain some how. On to my heart.”
Penelope purses her lips. “Sounds like a parasite if you ask me.”
“My mom says it’s called being lovesick. That broken hearts heal and all that. But what if I don’t want to heal?”
“You want to be in love with her the rest of your life? In love with someone who doesn’t love you back?” Her heart aches at her own words.
Hal shoves his hands in his pockets, balancing his empty cup in the crook of his elbow. She’s hit a nerve.
His voice is soft when he speaks again and she can hardly hear him over the gentle rush of Sweetwater River. “You don’t know that she doesn’t love me anymore. No one can know that.”
Her mouth falls slack and she lets her milkshake cup fall to her side. “Hal,” she whispers harshly. She grabs his upper arm and he turns to her. “Stop doing this to yourself.”
His eyes travel to the sky, hiding the tears she can already hear in his voice. Dark clouds are making their way closer and closer towards them. “Do what?”
Penelope’s lips go to the side of her mouth and she stops herself from clicking her teeth. She takes the empty cup from his hand and places it in the dirt next to her feet, along with her own half-empty cup. She extends both arms towards him until he breaks his gaze from the sky to look down at her. His eyes are glassy as he raises an eyebrow at her.
“Hug me.”
“Penelope, I don’t -”
“Hal, trust me. Hug me.”
She takes a step closer as he finally sighs and pulls his hands out of his pockets. Wrapping her arms around his midsection feels more natural, but she laces them around his neck instead. He’s got exactly half a foot on her and the desire to lay her head on his broad chest is strong, but this action feels more appropriate for the situation. More intimate. His arms snake their way under her arms and he leans down so his face is pressed against the side of her neck. She feels his unsteady breath against her.
“Thank you, Pen.” His voice cracks.
She shushes him as she slowly rubs his upper back. Never in her life has she been comforted in this way, but it comes naturally to her. Tears drip down her neck as he sniffles against her, but she just continues rocking him slowly. Minutes pass, she’s not sure how many, when he finally pulls his face away. His red rimmed eyes look down at her, but neither of them break their embrace.
“I don’t know what I’d do without you,” he says earnestly, his voice much steader now. “You’re a way better listener than Hiram. Better hugger too.”
She smiles at him, unhooking her hands from his neck and letting her right one touch his cheek, still damp with tears. “I just want what’s best for you, Hal.”
His eyes don’t break from hers as he nods. “I know you do.”
“Hal,” she whispers. Her hand travels down to his chin and she takes it between her fingers. A small part of her thinks she’s seen Alice do this before, but Hal doesn’t pull away. “Hal?”
She closes her eyes and leans in slowly, waiting for his lips to meet her’s halfway. She’s gone too far by the time she realizes he isn’t moving. At that moment, she does the bravest thing in her life.
She kisses Hal Cooper.
The only problem is, Hal doesn’t kiss her back. His lips stay shut and after a few seconds, she opens her eyes and pulls her head back. His mouth finally opens as he stares at her, wide eyed. Her lipstick didn’t even leave a imprint on him.
His Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows. “I -”
A crack of thunder makes both of them gasp. As if the heavens were opening up, a raindrop falls. Then a couple more. Within a few seconds, it’s pouring.
Hal grabs her hand and they run back towards the car together. To her surprise, he heads to the passenger side door and opens it for her, closing it safely once she’s inside. She pulls down the visor immediately as Hal runs around to the driver’s side. His Dodge Custom has a bench seat and he easily could have gotten in first and slid down, but he chose to open her door instead.
Her makeup fared well, but her hair is a mess. She runs her fingers through it quickly as Hal slams the driver side door closed behind him. She shuts the visor quickly and smiles at him.
“Hal, I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to cross -”
His lips slam against hers before she can finish talking. Her hands cup his face and his find his way into her wet hair, playing with it every which away. She moans into his mouth before she can help herself and she swears she can feel his lips smiling against hers. When he finally breaks away from her, she doesn’t know if it’s been thirty seconds or half an hour. Hal’s leaned her up against the passenger side door and his fingers are still tangled in her hair. Her lipstick has left the faintest shade of red on his mouth.
“Was that okay?” he asks softly.
The “uh huh” gets caught in her throat, so she just nods. She straightens her back and, in one swift motion, swings a leg over Hal so she’s hovering over his lap, keeping her hands on the back of the seat for leverage. Taking his cue, she doesn’t wait for a signal, just moves in to kiss him again.
In her head, kisses from Hal were gentle and sweet. Just a light amount of tongue, but all the passion still there.
But here in his lap - she’s dead wrong.
Their mouths are sloppy together and Penelope already knows her lipstick is probably a mess on both of them. Hal uses tongue - much more than she’s used to - but she finds herself enjoying it. The rhythmic movements stir something in her quickly and all she knows is she want more.
She releases the pressure from her knees and lets herself slowly rest her thighs on Hal’s lap. He moans lightly into her mouth at the action and shifts his legs slightly under her. His fingers finally untangle themselves from her hair and he runs his hands down her back, stopping over the hook to her bra and resting there. She waits for him to make another move, but his hands seem content where they are.
She lets go of the back of the seat and takes his face in her hands again. A lot of boys in their grade had already gotten into the habit of growing facial hair, but Hal typically kept himself clean shaven. He had a few days worth of scruff and she couldn’t help but rub it for all it was worth.
His fingers twitch on her back and finally move downward. Down. Her blouse is tucked into her skirt and she can almost feel him tugging it out when he suddenly stops at her hips and rests his hands there, giving her the lightest squeeze.
She rolls her eyes and reluctantly lets go of his face. All at once, she takes either of his hands and places them on her breasts while letting herself fully fall onto his lap.
He breaks their kiss with a gasp and opens his eyes, staring at his hands on her chest. She smiles coyly at him and he lightly squeezes them before sliding his hands down to her ribcage.
Lipstick stains his face. “I am so sorry,” he pants. “I didn’t mean to do any of that.”
Penelope grabs his hands again, but he doesn’t let her move them this time.
“Why are you sorry?” She wraps her arms around his neck. “You didn’t do anything wrong. Did that feel wrong?”
He slowly shakes his head. “No. No, I guess it didn’t.”
His eyes start to wander towards the window. The rain is still coming down hard and it looks like the middle of the night, not late afternoon.
Penelope did one brave thing today and she decides then and there to do another. She leans down to Hal’s ear and whispers even though they may as well be the only two people in the world right now.
“Do you want to?”
She doesn’t specify what, but the look in his face when she pulls back tells her he knows exactly what she’s talking about. And something pressing into her thigh tells her he want the same exact thing.
Only he doesn’t say yes. Hal licks his lips and looks to the side, eyes focusing on the steering wheel. His mouth opens and closes a few times unsurely but nothing comes out. Penelope takes his chin in her hand and tilts his face towards hers. She smiles kindly.
“Hal,” she says in the softest voice she can manage. She wants to sound sexy, but still herself. She wasn’t entirely sure if that was possible. “I don’t mind.”
His mouth is still hanging open when she lets go of him. She hears his gulp plain as day, even over the rain.
“I couldn’t - I couldn’t take advantage of you like that.”
“I’m offering. I wouldn’t do that for just anyone, okay?” She reaches out and gently rubs the scruff on his cheek. “You’re special.”
Hal pulls away from her and screws up his face. He lets his head fall back against the seat. He muttering something garbled under his breath.
“What was that?”
“I don’t,” he sighs. “I don’t have a condom on me. Sorry.”
The fluttering in her stomach stops immediately, along with quick beating of her heart. She slumps down, letting her hands fall to her side. “Oh,” is all that comes out and she knows she sounds just as disappointed as she feels. A dozen questions sit on her tongue. Her heart feels like it’s sinking into her stomach and she wonders if that strawberry milkshake is going to come back up.
One of Hal’s eyes peek open and he immediately closes it again when he gets a look at her face. He takes his hands off her midsection and runs them through his hair.
“I am so stupid,” he mumbles. “I am a grade A idiot. Alice is right. I can’t do anything right. This is why she dumped me.”
“No no no.” Penelope shakes her head quickly and puts her hands back on his shoulders, pulling him straight. “I’m the one who’s stupid. You’re a wreck and here I am throwing myself at you.”
Hal rubs both of his eyes. “No, you’re just trying to help.” When he uncovers his eyes, he smiles at her. “That was a really, uhhh, generous offer though. I have my head back on straight though. We’re good.”
It’s Penelope’s turn to swallow the lump in her throat. “We’re good?”
“I just, I lost myself there for a few minutes. I wasn’t thinking. Hell, I really might have taken you up on your offer if I had something on me.”
Penelope purses her lips together as she nods. “Right.”
His fingers drums against her hips. The words are in her mouth, waiting to pour out. She wants to scream that she likes him, maybe even loves him. That he deserves better than to have his heart broken into a million pieces by that no good scarlet woman Alice Smith. That he deserves to be center of someone’s world for once. That she can be that for him. She wonders if she can say all that with a kiss. Not the needy, wantful kissing from a few minutes ago, but a different kind. The kind you see in movies and read in books. Where one simple kiss is all it takes to explain years of feelings.
“Penelope?” His voice brings her out of her thoughts and back to the front seat of his car. His fingers are still tapping at her hips. “Do you mind?” His eyes dart to the passenger seat.
“Oh. No. Of course not.” She puts her weight back on her knees and swings her leg back, his hands still on her sides to keep her steady as she sits back down. Despite the warmth of the car, she immediately feels cold when his hands come off her.
“I should - you need to get home, right?” Hal asks her. He’s already starting the car as she nods. She clicks on the radio to drown out her thoughts and a Wilson Phillips song comes blasting through the speakers.
I've had this dream that you'd always be by my side Oh, I could've died But now I see that you're so happy And ooh, it just sets me free And I'd like to see us as good of friends As we used to be
She pulls back down the visor. Her lipstick is almost completely gone, save for some smeared around her lips. She wipes the excess off and applies a fresh coat. Her hair is knotted in places, a combination of getting wet in the rain and his fingers working their way through it.
Her stomach drops again. Had it really only been five minutes since she sat on his lap, breathing the same air as him, with everyone opportunity to express herself?
And how did she blow it? By offering her body to him.
God, she made herself sick sometimes.
“Your hair looks fine.” Hal’s hand reaches out and is suddenly on her shoulder. “Really. It’s a little more wild than usual, but it looks nice like that.”
Wild. Penelope catches herself before she cringes at the word. Wild was a word for Alice’s hair.
“Thank you,” she says softly. Hal gives her shoulder a squeeze.
“You’re a terrific friend, Penelope. Terrific. I don’t know what I’d do without you. You’ve been amazing these past few weeks.”
She itches to place her hand over his, but doesn’t. “I just want what’s best for you, Hal. And - and I really think you’re better off without her.”
“Without who?”
“Without Alice, of course!” She looks to him incredibly and sees a smile playing on the corner of his lips. She always loved his smile.
“I guess you owe me a milkshake next time, huh?”
And just when she thinks she’s free, he sucks her right back in.
She rehearses the words over and over again in her head during the short ride to her home. She’ll quickly lean over and kiss him on the cheek, sure to leave a fresh lipstick mark there. Just as she turns to leave, she’ll tell him to make sure he has a condom on him next time they hang out.
If that didn’t tell him all he needed to know about her feelings, she didn’t know what else would.
He pulls up in front of her house and goes to open his door. “I’ll get the umbrella out of the trunk and walk you to the door.”
“No!” she says quickly, grabbing his arm. Her parents were home and she didn’t want to chance them seeing him.
“But you’ll get wet again.”
“It’s fine. I’ll run. I just - you know how strict they are.”
He chuckles. “Your parents know me though.”
“Not well enough. I don’t want them to - to you know.”
“To get the wrong idea.”
To get the right idea, she thinks. “Exactly. I’m not allowed to have a boyfriend.”
“I know, I know. It’s just, I think a lot of people aren’t allowed to date and still do. Everyone needs to be just a little rebellious sometimes, you know?”
“I don’t want a boyfriend,” she blurts out. She doesn’t know where it comes from because a real boyfriend is exactly the kind of thing she thinks she’d love. Especially if it was present company. “I mean, I’m so selective about everything. I don’t know how I’d ever find someone, you know?”
“No.” Hal shakes his head. “I don’t know. But I’m sure there’s a perfect guy - a perfect anyone for you somewhere out there.”
She presses her lips together, sure she’s smearing her lipstick again. “I need to get inside. I’ll see you at school tomorrow.”
All at once, Hal slides over and wraps his arms around her in a hug. She hugs him back, all at once forgetting about the cheek kiss, and lets her head fall against his chest this time, listening to his stead heartbeat.
When they break apart, she grabs her bag off the floor and slides to door, ready to run to her front door.
“Hal?” she asks tentatively. When he looks up at her, doe eyed and innocent, she forgets her words entirely. “Lipstick.”
He cocks an eyebrow. “Lipstick?”
“On your face. I’m so sorry. It’s all over your mouth.” She mentally kicks herself as he wipes his mouth clean with a tissue from the glove compartment. “I don’t want to get you in trouble. Your mom would probably kill you if you went home like that.”
He smiles, stretching his lips out to make sure they’re clean. “Not if I told her it was you. She really likes you. Way more than she likes Alice.”
She swallows hard. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Penelope, I -”
She slams the door shut and takes off at a run to up the walkway and to the front door.
No way could she follow up such a sweet sentence with something as perverse as what she was thinking. So she ran. Like she always did.
Tomorrow. She’d talk to him tomorrow.
Or perhaps at Ricky Mante’s big party this weekend. Parties always put people in an excellent mood.
Yes. That was it. She’d put it off until the weekend. After all, what could happen before then?
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nelly-sang · 6 years
The Future Beats Show 171 Featuring Thunderstone Radio by Complexion Welcome to Episode 171 of The Future Beats Show My co-pilots this week @thunderstone-radio Artwork by the incredible instagram.com/paulconley.works ➤ Facebook.com/DjComplexion | Twitter.com/Complexion | instagram.com/Complexion Onra - TFBS Intro Asal Hazel - Make Love Kid.Mellow_ - Late N I G H T S Asal Hazel • عسل - Only Reason Kling - U Can Pretend U Don't Miss Me Drnrdx - When She Call You, Papi (งツ)ว Clara La San - Lloyd - Want U (Cls Remixxxxx) Brookes - Miata W_ Joe Nora Elijah Scarlett - Nvr The Kount - Teknology (The Kount & Lege 伝説) Rilla Force - On The Radio Bloom Child - Pold X 92Elm - Flowers Jakarta Records - Bluestaeb - Mind Feat. Noah Slee & Maïa Ladi6 - 02 Ikarus Kid.Mellow_ - Soul S T A R Point 5 Aka Navigate - Point 5 - Pick Up The Pieces Kid.Mellow_ - My O N L Y Fortune - Finesse K, Le Maestro - Amber Olivier - When It's Over (K, Le Maestro Dance Edit) Thunderstone Radio TFBS Mix Dia De Role - Dkvpz Movida - Smooth Operator 3000 Las Naranjas - Hiram El Chaval - Vlien Boy Baile Con Tumbao - Austin Lebrón & Baile Bear Lindeza - Limabeatz Anoitecer - Vhoor Quer Faser - Longmountain Varnished Dick - Soppa Sou Foda Gang - Pmm Curriculum - Drae Da Skimask Anaconda Freestyle - Drae Da Skimask Bonde Dos Mineiros - Neguim. & Jlz Night Owl Collective - Chromonicci. - Rise April + Vista - Own2 Exhale - Aqua Sango - Implications Imari - Take Care (Feat. Katone) Kid.Mellow_ - T A L K To [ Y O U ] Future Vibes - Wylse X 대한 X Shay - Waning Sad Savior - Isn't She Lovely Antonio - F€€R Ðʶ€M Hanz - On The Other Side Ooze. - Beach Waves Zensat - Sarrando Sad Savior - Too Little, Too Late Ayelle - Rush Ft. Nakala Asal Hazel • عسل - Only Reason Kid.Mellow_ - Late N I G H T S
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isaiah-lee · 3 years
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FLASHBACK: Jakarta, Indonesia
ISAIAH: This is not his first time that Graham invited him to join the oldest children's annual meeting in every family. A nurturing environment made by Hiram resulted to makes him conscientious every time he turned up to Jakarta to fulfilled his grandfather's every expectation. During the trip, Isaiah never stops thinking about his performance to show up throughout his studies at MIT. He has to fortify his position in the family but has nothing to eager the blood.
A few hours later, Isaiah's plane touches down at the airport then makes his way to the car. In the car, on the way to the mansion, his private servant gives out an idea.
"Should I talk about that? Pointless."
KIANA: “Miss Kiana, I’m afraid you’ll hurt your cheekbones if you keep grinning like that.” The young lady emitted a clear laugh upon hearing the butler's words. The kind of laughter that will brighten up your mood even on the worst of a day.
“I couldn’t help it, Alfred. I’m so happy to know that I get into my dream university, ” her voice a fraction softer. Kiana has been anxious about her college submission. She was confident at first, but then she found out that the University of Southern California decrease its acceptance rate, which means an international student like her have a lower chance to get in. It was so hard to convince Graham that studying communication instead of business is a better selection for her. There’s no way Graham will continue to let Kiana make her own education choices if she fails the only chance he gave her.
But today, that fat acceptance letter finally came. The moment she lay her eyes on it, Kiana could felt her heart skipped a beat and her head got lighter. Her name is written boldly and proudly on the paper.
Not long after she got her hand on the acceptance letter, Graham Lee summoned her for a meeting. Alfred, the head of butler who delivered the news, aided Kiana to the room her grandfather chose to hold the meeting.
”It’s the annual meeting for the first-born, Miss Kiana,” Alfred added. She nodded as their enter the main hallway of The Lees Mansion. Kiana never felt this kind of excitement when her grandfather requests a family meeting. Aside from special occasions like Christmas Dinner or weekend cruising in Bahamas, just like all of her cousins, she tried to keep the encounter minimum.
But today is different. She. Got. Into. Her. Dream. Universe.
Kiana bit her bottom lip and refrain herself from screaming out of excitement. She doesn’t remember exactly how many times she glanced at the letter. Kiana sure it’s already more than ten times, but she does it again anyhow. That was when Alfred faltered in his steps. ”Oh, I forgot to tell you something, Miss,” he remarked. They were only a few steps away from the room when Alfred suddenly stops walking. It annoyed Kiana that the man is slowing her down. Doesn’t he notice that telling Graham the acceptance news is an important agenda for her?
”Tell me, Alfred!” she chimed rather impatient.
”Isaiah is coming home.” His lips curled into a thin smile, and as if on cue, Kiana squealed like a little girl.
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?!!”
”My apology for—” Alfred couldn't finish his words because the young lady left her to strode the hallway.
Alfred saw Kiana looking so happy. Well, maybe today is about feeling and witnessing all the things one never had before.
Acceptance letter. And Isaiah.
She already arranged numerous plans for how they’re going to spend the weekend. Brunch at Isaiah’s favorite restaurant, horse riding, movie date, and so on. A perfect weekend for the two of them.
Kiana and her favorite man in the family.
It’s unusual for Kiana not to knock before opening a door at The Lees Mansion. Especially when she knows Graham is the man behind the door. When she successfully swings open the heavy wooden door, Kiana called out a name that lit up her every nerve on fire.
ISAIAH: Isaiah arrives on the terrace with a lot of thought in his mind. The idea of his private servant to talk about his participation in volunteering. But, it does not support the central vision of Graham to excel in business. After all, after him being accepted in MIT Sloan. He not sure about what else to brag about in the meeting.
Another idea of his private servant gave is about his current closeness with a friend, Anastasia, which he supposes is another pointless mark to be served. Even though their closeness is worth brag since her family was all known in the United States and academically, she is a top honor in Harvard. But, talking about this might end up raising Graham's expectation about him having a partner anytime soon. So, he wouldn't talk about this at all.
He spends a few minutes moving along the lines before he ends up at the huge mansion that he supposes to call home, but as always, it feels like a throne of judgment. A maid serves him a cup of coffee in a tray as he takes a few minutes to rest after the long exhausting thought. A while later, the sound of Kiana echoes through the room, calling his first name. The sign of weariness that appears a moment later swiped away through her arrival as his eyes glanced immediately toward Kiana and flashed a smile.
"You come? Any good news?"
KIANA: Kiana knows that she looks silly right now, but being under the same roof with Isaiah completely overwhelmed. She couldn’t wipe the stupid grin off her face. Being part of The Lee means you must always be the best amongst your peers. The expectations the elders set for the kids are unbelievably high, and people from outside their family don’t understand the struggle Lee’s heir is going through. No. Sometimes not even her cousin could understand what kind of burden their grandfather put upon the firstborn of the family. But just like any other bad things in life, one could always find the good thing from an unfortunate fate. Isaiah and Kiana bonded through their struggle.
That’s the reason why Isaiah's presence brings so much joy to her.
“Guess what comes to the mailbox today!” she chimed full of glee. Kiana plopped to the sofa next to Isaiah before handing him the heavy, brown envelope. She darted her gaze between Isaiah and the envelope. “I give you a clue. I’m going to Cali.”
“You’ll be so proud of me once you read this,” she declared confidently with her gaze fixed on his... -and their eyes met. And her big hazel eyes stared at him adoringly.
No matter how hard Graham tried to create a competition between his two eldest grandchildren, Isaiah always managed to find a way to let Kiana know that he is her friend rather than her opponent. As far as Kiana could remember, Isaiah had always been someone she looked up to. The way he never showed fear no matter how hard the challenge he had to face as the oldest grandson and hire of The Lee is the fuel that keeps Kiana going. He is her reason never to give up.
That’s Isaiah to her.
ISAIAH: The silences upon his empty chamber suddenly filled with an indescribable feeling. But one thing he was so sure of, it was a fine one. Kiana, as expected, successfully to bring down all the tense expectancy that his grandfather demand among the firstborns for a while.
People don't have to remind him how these forbidden feelings are slowly growing within him. He knew and always knew about this better than anyone.
Just for a moment, let him relish the presence of Kiana, just, for now, Kiana as a whole to him.
Isaiah adjusts his position to move upfront to face Kiana before received the letter. He doesn't have to tear open the letter, easily his finger could take up the letter while putting the paper away but nearby.
"Congratulation! I am pleased to offer you admission to the University of Southern California." He slowly recites everything in the letter. "Damn, that's where you're going? Cali?" He exclaimed. Eyes widen. Hearts open. "Congratulation." Isaiah's hands fondle her hair. Other than being discouraged with his situation by now, he feels so proud.
"God, you will—" Before he finishing the sentences, the arrival of Graham successfully shut him down in a blink of an eye.
KIANA: ”Am I interrupting something?”
The younger turned her ahead to the direction of a low baritone voice that interrupted Isaiah. On the contrary to her cousin’s worried expression, the corners of her lips are curled heavenward and her eyes filled with joy. She usually gets nervous at every first-born meeting for Graham always demand an achievement announcement or at least report progress of their current project.
But tonight might be one of the night she’d earn praises from her grandpapa.
“Isaiah..” she softly uttered while she took the brown envelope from his hands. Anyone in the room could tell that she couldn’t wait any longer to tell her grandfather about the acceptance.
“No!” She chimed full of glee, “you didn’t interrupt anything, grandpapa.”
That’s HOW MUCH of a self-centered person she is. Deep down, she knew that Isaiah has a lot going on inside his head, yet she refused to adjust and go for what she wanted. Without a second glance, she strode across the room and sat on the arm of the couch where Graham sit.
He probably had heard about the news from his team that is keeping track of each family member. But Kiana knows better than anyone that she’s a good storyteller and Graham is the biggest fan of her accomplishment tales. He’d love to be reminded about his overachiever granddaughter day and night, over and over again.
Her heart pounds against her rib cage. Excitement went through her veins.
”I hope you’re not bad at a long-distance relationship because I’m going to California.” She declared in a cocky-cute voice.
Letting out a breath, she settled her back on the couch and looked down at her hands. A smile formed on her cherry-colored lips as she admires the ring on her right index finger.
Her mom gave it to her on the day of the entrance exam. She said the crystal would bring good luck to her life. And her mother wasn’t wrong at all.
”They even offered a full-ride scholarship?” She drifted her attention back to Graham. ”Yes. And I’ll be giving the speech at the faculty party as an outstanding freshman.” Just when Graham thought his golden child couldn’t impress him further, Kiana proves him wrong.
”But are you okay with staying at the dorm for one semester?” ”Do you want me to talk to the faculty and arranged the condition?” Oh, how easy her life is.
Her lips were pressed into a thin line for a moment. She was hesitant about sharing a room with a stranger she never met before.
”Well...” she’s unsure about whether she should say the next words or not. ”It’s okay. I’ll manage. It’d be an interesting experience to know how middle-class kids live.” But she said it anyway. Kiana's description of how living in a dorm room is equal to a social experiment elicits a laugh from her grandfather.
”You never cease to bring joy into my life, sweet child.”
He said with a wide smile on his wrinkle face.
ISAIAH: The moment his grandfather presents a wide smile on his wrinkled face, it irritated him, somehow, but he never angry because it is Kiana, the reason why his grandfather made his lips drawn smiles. However, he later regretted being irritated for her achievement because he has nothing to be shown off to his grandfather.
"I believe you didn't sit there without having anything to tell me, right?" He was gazing at Isaiah with those wistful and sharp eyes.
"I have nothing to say, Father." He said. Willful enough to make declarations which his grandfather loath to listen to it. However, it didn't make Graham stop digging into his situation.
"How about university life?"
"Everything went well. I excels in everything."
"That boring."
"I know."
He found the situation preposterous. All his life has been devoted to the family, never lack for a single bit to make them proud. He knew that this wasn't right for asking praises in this family. But maybe a thank you won't hurt. He has been in Kiana's place, but he didn't get the commend still. As if getting into MIT Sloan was easy.
And now, he has nothing to say because everything went perfectly. But, for Graham, perfect doesn't mean enough.
"Then you shouldn't be here." Graham said. A small part of him felt relieved somehow; yes, perhaps he should leave.
KIANA: She once read about what favoritism is.
The term is pretty self-explanatory, but the article said that the correct definition would be "favoring someone not because they're doing a great job but for reasons outside of their achievement." But it doesn't explain the treatment Isaiah received from their grandfather just now.
If anything, the man who's sitting across the table, is an absolute overachiever. Isaiah aced in so many things and got into MIT Sloan without the family's help.
He's more than capable than Graham believes.
Or perhaps, the bias occurs because Graham and Kiana have developed a friendship through their similar interests. Party, spotlight, luxury, they both valued those things which Isaiah has zero interest in.
Amongst her cousins, Kiana is seemingly the only one looking forward to showing up at parties and business gatherings their grandfather forced them to attend.
“It’s in my blood. I got it from you, grandpapa,” that’s what she always said. But that still doesn't justify how Graham treated Isaiah.
The man dedicated his spare time to fly back home, and (supposedly) the least his family can do is not to treat him like shit.
"Grandpapa, I planned to take Isaiah to our new country house and-" Graham cut her off, and she couldn't do anything but stare at Isaiah with a tearful gaze.
"Don't even bother. He doesn't deserve leisure time." He said it so calmly while sitting stoically on the couch. "But grandpapa!" Kiana mustered up her last courage and got off for her seat. "He is visiting us! His family," her voice is shaking when she tried to stress the word 'family.' The fact that they have to beg for decency from their grandfather is far from the concept of family Kiana knows. Does the word 'family' she just said cringed Isaiah the way it did to Kiana?
"Isa deserves to get some rest.” ”I’m taking him to our clubhouse.”
ISAIAH: 'As the future heir of the Lee, you shouldn't let yourself loosen up even for a minute.' That's what's his father always said to him, with a high tone, right at the exact moment he went it right now. The apple doesn't fall far, but he will never get used to it. The indignity after all the hard work to shape himself better than anyone around him. He deserves the praise above all. His tearful eyes turned into a furious stare, and his eyes redden with hands holding a fistful of outrage toward his grandfather as if he was ready to beat his aged face in second.
"You mad? Really? Isaiah?"
His breath getting heavier, heavier.
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themortallivinggod · 7 years
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Hazel Lucile Harrison (1883-1969) Hazel Harrison, pianist, was born on May 12, 1883 in La Porte, Indiana to parents Hiram and Olive Harrison. Hiram was the co-owner of a barber shop and Olive was a hairdresser and manicurist. Hazel Harrison began playing the piano at the age of four, and by age eight she was earning extra money for the family by playing at local parties and dances. Harrison graduated from La Porte High School in 1902. She was married to beauty product salesman Walter Bainter Anderson from 1919 to the late 1920s, and to Alabama businessman Allen Moton in the late 1950s. Both marriages ended in divorce. Upon graduating high school, Harrison continued to earn money playing concerts and dances in La Porte and Chicago. In 1904 she was asked to play with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, making her the first American to play with a European orchestra whose entire education had taken place in America. After she came back to the United States Harrison performed a recital at Kimball Hall in Chicago in 1910. A music critic issued a plea to the music community to sponsor her to go to Germany to continue her education, and she received financial assistance from several prominent classical musicians. She was able to travel to Berlin in 1911 to study with accomplished pianist Hugo van Dalen. Van Dalen encouraged his students, including Harrison, to improve their music skills by exploring the local cultural scene. On this advice, Harrison spent much of her time in Germany studying German painting, literature, and philosophy. Harrison returned to the United States and began a series of recitals and concerts in major cities including New York, Chicago, and Boston. Her fame rose significantly during this period, and though she was recognized for her talent she was not offered any positions with major orchestras because of her race. A 1922 Chicago reviewer said “She is extremely talented…it seems too bad that the fact that she is a negress may limit her future plans.” She played for special events with orchestras, such as the Minneapolis Symphony and the National Association of Negro Musicians convention. Harrison worked at Tuskegee Institute (now University) for a short time until 1937, when she received the position of head of the piano faculty at Howard University in Washington, D.C. She also guest lectured at Alabama State College in Montgomery and Jackson State College in Jackson, Mississippi. In 1945 she created the Olive J. Harrison Piano Scholarship at Howard University in honor of her mother. Harrison retired from Howard in 1957 and moved first to New York City and then La Grange, Georgia in 1965. At the end of her life she became immersed in reading philosophy, continued to teach, and played small shows for groups of friends. She passed away on April 28, 1969 in Washington, D.C. after suffering from congestive heart failure.
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iconicblur · 7 years
Lois and Clark
send me a pair name and I’ll tell you what I think it would be like if they had a child.
I’m doing boy and girl because I can’t choose.
Name: Chloe Ella KentGender: FemaleGeneral Appearance: Dirty blonde hair, bright green eyes.Personality: Talkative, happy-go-lucky, stubborn and protective.Special Talents: If she has abilities, then all of Clark’s abilities.Who they like better: Equal? Who they take after more: LoisFace Claim: X
Name:  Jonathan Hiram KentGender: MaleGeneral Appearance: Dark brown hair, hazel eyes.Personality: Quiet, secretive, loud and sarcastic.Special Talents: If he has abilities, then all of Clark’s abilities.Who they like better: Equal? Who they take after more: ClarkFace Claim: X
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