#divers hazel
rozetheeuwu · 1 year
I know that it's strange to look back with such devotion
Rating: T
Fandom: Pokemon Reborn
Category: Gen
Characters: Original Character(s), Ace Featherstone, (Min)Taka Alcantara, Zero (Pokemon Reborn), Lumina Seijaya, Evelynn Seijaya, Solaris | Phoenix Alcantara, Blake Whitaker, Elias Hazel, Luna Hazel
Relations: Original Character(s) & characters mentioned above
Additional: Hurt/Comfort, Hurt No Comfort, Swearing, Reunions, Angst, Not Beta Read, Title from Answer (eng cover)
Word count: 4200+
“It’s me! Heh, I suppose you wouldn’t recognize me?”
The magician frowned and looked down confused at the trainer who smiled at them. The trainer seemed very excited to see them much to the dismay of their green-haired companion.
They had no idea who this stranger was, clearly they had met because he knew their name before they were able to introduce themselves. They also didn’t know anyone with his name, Ordell according the the shorter trainer next to him.
They looked the trainer up and down. The black hair and the strong build weren’t something they remember seeing in anyone they knew, yet his ruby red eyes were familiar. They were the same color as their friend and coworker Divers. Now that they think about it, he looks a lot like the bishop. 
Their eyes widened as they made a realization.
“...Sunshine is that you?!” They gripped the rails of the platform they were on tightly, the boy grinned and nodded. The Meteor gasped and finally returned the trainer’s smile with the same excitement.
“Nice to see you again, Ace! I uh, went through a few chances as you can see, hehe!” The trainer joked. Of course they weren’t able to recognize him. The last time they saw him he was a scrawny looking teen girl, now he’s a buff looking young man. 
“Look at you!” Ace exclaimed “You’ve grown so much Sunshine!” He had changed a lot it seems, and not just his appearance. Before Ordell had fled the region he was angry, insecure, distant and on guard constantly, now he seems more relaxed, happy and social.
“Thanks! You look great as always!” The ex-bishop said with a wink earning a small laugh from Ace. 
They hadn’t seen him in around 8 years. He ran away leaving his twin and uncle, Elias,  heartbroken and in disarray. Ordell’s father, Hiram, was upset as well but seemed to had expected it.
There is so much Ace wanted to ask Ordell, wanted to tell him, unfortunately they simply didn’t have the time to do so. They were on a mission after all.
And Ordell was there to put a stop to that mission.
“No way… [Deadname]?”
Ordell cringed as he turned to the voice, there he was, his old ‘friend’. “Taka.” Ordell Greeted as he walked towards him with a frown, he made brief eye contact with the person standing next to his ex-master. 
Divers, his twin who he abandoned. He felt his stomach turn as Divers glared at him with a disappointed look. He turned to Taka again as he stopped in front of the taller man. “It’s Ordell now, by the way.”
“Right…” Taka smiled at him awkwardly, the man knew about Ordell’s contempt for him. He knows how much Ordell hated being a servant and live the way his family decided for him. How much Ordell fought back against it and eventually ran away from.
Yet, that is what made the admin admire his ex-servant so much. The bravery to fight back, the bravery to leave.
Taka knew he could never do either of those things.
“I like your name, it fits.” Taka started, " It's good to see you again, how have you been?” leaning against the wall with his hands in his pockets. The trainer shrugged “Just kind of chilling really.” Ordell said, completely forgetting the entire plant situation that was going on outside.
“Hmm… Well you look like you’re doing better, so that’s good.” He looked over at Divers who stuck to his side like glue despite begging them to give him space. “So, I’m sure you two have a lot to talk about.”
Ordell silently gulped, he was afraid of this reunion. His twin glared at him a bit longer which sent a chill down his spine. “...” Divers then smiled at him, a familiar warm smile “I knew you couldn’t stay away, you always were dependent on your big sibling.”
Ordell blinked in surprise before letting out a laugh. “Two hours! You're only two hours older !” Divers pinched their brother’s cheek “But you certainly act like you’re younger.” the older twin teased.
Ordell felt relieved, he was worried Divers would despise him after he ran away. Although it’s clear there is some disappointment and annoyance here he’s glad Divers still seems to be happy to see their twin.
A small earthquake brought them back to reality. “Right… Well I suppose this is all your doing?” Ordell asked while his arms were crossed. Taka and Divers looked at each other and then back at Ordell “What do you think?” Divers asked. The trainer sighed and ran a hand through his hair “Well… I’m gonna be honest, you both understand I’m not here to help you guys out, right?”
Divers looked down at their feet while Taka smiled at him and said “Honestly, would be disappointed if you were.” Ordell huffed but smiled at him “Good.” He then looked seriously at him “Right now I’m happily having a conversation with you, but next time we might be at odds with each other, do you understand?”
Taka nodded, Divers didn’t say or do anything. “Good… Now before I go… How are Zero and Father?” Divers huffed “Don’t pretend you care about your father.” Ordell frowned and looked at Taka “Hiram is fine, he misses you of course.” He explained “As for Zero… Well… Something happened, but…” Ordell’s eyes widened in worry “... He’s here on this mission as well, you’ll understand when you see him.” Taka finished, Ordell frowned but nodded. “...How about uncle and Luk-” “Na. Luna.” Taka interrupted. Ordell raised an eyebrow, the gears in his head slowly turning before realizing “Oh! I see… Well how are they?”
Ordell nodded “Good to know… Well, I uh, should get going. See ya, I guess.” 
“Uncle is disappointed in you, as am I.” Divers explained, Ordell sighed “No surprise there.” Taka continued “But he does miss you, even if he wouldn’t admit it.” Ordell had a faith smile on his face. “As for Luna, much like you she strayed from the light and ran away.” Divers explained, Ordell’s eyes widened “Really…? Luna did…?” Taka nodded “If you meet her on your journey, you might find she’s a bit… Uh-” “Delusional?” Divers interrupted, “...Yeah sure, but it’s because of me she’s like that.” Taka said in defense of her. Divers shook their heads “She shouldn’t have faltered at your command. She should’ve stayed as it’s her duty.”
Both Taka and Ordell sighed, Ordell then asked one last thing “I’ve already met up with Ace… How’s Blake? Oh and your dad I guess.” He asked. Taka answered “Chillin. Er- Pun not intended." Ordell snorted “My dad’s- Well he’s still the same so, you know.” 
“See ya around, Ordell.” Taka said.
“...Thank you for saying goodbye this time.” Ordell flinched “...Sorry.” The younger twin turned to leave, but Taka stopped him “Here, for on the road.” He handed Ordell a few potions, pokeballs and a premier ball.
“...Thank you.” With that, the crusader left.
The black cloaked rogue turned away from the Pulse powered Tangrowth to the person calling out his name with a glare.
Suddenly he froze.
Despite being gone for 8 years and going through a lot of changes he recognized his brother instantly. “...[Deadname]?”
Ordell smiled softly at him despite the horrors happening around him “Hey Zero… How have you been?”
“Who’s [Deadname]?” Zero asked, causing Ordell to look confused. “...Right, if I recall that would be agent Mekbuda. agent Mebsuta’s twin sister- Or brother now by the looks of it. Sibling?” Zero said, answering his own question. “...Zero? What’s the matter-”
“Oh- Is that why he’s uh, so quiet that we can’t hear him?” Zero said, his voice softer than Ordell’s ever heard his voice be.
Ordell looked with a worried frown at his brother. “Oh, right he doesn’t know… Uhm, I’m Lumi!”
“It seems so, he must be surprised by Mekbuda’s return… As is Mekbuda by the looks of it…” his voice was more confident but he sounded more calculated than usual.
Ordell walked closer, but didn’t say anything. “I’m Eve, together with your brother we are ZEL.”
Ordell, still confused, stopped in front of what he thinks is his brother. He looked softly at them.
Suddenly his brother reached out and gripped his see through shirt pulling him closer.
“...He’s back.” Eve said, although it were her words coming out of his mouth his expression was 100% his. He was glaring at him and his eyes were filled with anger.
“I told you not to come back!” Zero exclaimed, gripping the shirt tighter. “You have some nerve coming back here after abandoning us!”
Ordell looked devastated “Zero please-” “No!” His older brother interrupted “You don’t know how hard things have been after you left! You can’t just come crawling back after all that! You-”
Ordell reached up and cupped his brother’s face causing the other to freeze up. After what felt like forever their expression softened, then a shaky sigh was let out as the hold on Ordell was released.
“What happened to you…?” Ordell asked, the tone of voice changed signaling Ordell someone else was talking. “Much like the pulse- the machine behind me I created the Pulse Magnezone. There was an accident involving me, my little sister Lumi and your brother Zero causing our minds to fuse into one.” 
Ordell listened as he looked at the Tangrowth behind them, the pokemon looked like it was suffering.
“Your minds… Fused? So it’s not just my brother in there?” Ordell asked, they nodded. “And… The Pulse behind you is what’s causing all these plants to attack the city?” Another nod.
“Eve built it all by herself!” The tone changed again. “...You’re… Lumi then?” Another nod, as well as a small smile “Nice to meet you! What’s your name?” 
The trainer smiled back “Ordell, nice to meet you too.” He greeted, voice shaken up. “Lumi, I know you’re just trying to be polite, but this isn’t the time…” Eve said, “Oh, sorry.”
This was Zero, Ordell knew it.
They moved again, their gaze went to the ground and they held their left arm with their right hand.
“...You’re not back here to join us, are you?” He asked. Ordell shook his head “I came to stop whatever it is you guys are doing…” Zero looked at him, heartbroken “I figured you’d say that… Then you know I have to stop you, right?”
Ordell nodded.
No other words were spoken as a battle commenced. 
After the battle ended the plants started to disappear and everything slowly started to turn back normal.
“...” Zel said nothing as they were ready to run off, only to be stopped by Ordell who grabbed them by the arm “Zero-” 
They were pulled into a tight hug, causing their eyes to widen in surprise.
“I’m sorry…” Ordell whispered “I’m sorry for leaving… And I’m sorry for whatever is gonna happen to us after this…”
His voice was soft like Zero remembered it, it was also filled with regret and sadness.
Zero let out a sigh and slowly hugged back. “I know…” He whispered back “I’m sorry too.” 
Eve and Lumi stayed quiet, Zero could barely even hear them in his head.
They pulled away and Zero gave a soft kiss on his little brother’s forehead. “Bye Ordell…” There was more he wanted to say, but he didn’t. 
He turned and ran off, leaving Ordell behind as he watched his older sibling run off.
“...That was a nice hug… It made me feel all warm and safe…”
“I know Lumi…” Zero said as he held himself “I know.”
Ordell traversed through the Rhodochrine Jungle. He had defeated Taka and freed two of the officers that went missing. 
“Pika pi…” the Pikachu on top of his head mumbled “I know Pineapple, I know.” Ordell answered.
He stopped in his tracks as he saw some team Meteor members sitting around a campfire ahead. “Shit…” he mumbled to himself as he hid in the tall grass. 
He had to get passed them without getting caught, easy enough.
That’s what he told himself as he snuck through the grass, only to step on a branch causing the grunts to look over at his direction. “Shit…”
“C-Circinus, sir?!” 
Ordell’s eyes widened, he noticed the grunts looking slightly away from him. His gaze followed and his eyes widened as he saw a familiar man.
Hiram Hazel, his father.
“Greetings.” His father started, he walked a bit closer to Ordell and stood in front of his covering him from the grunt’s sight. “H-hello sir, why are you here?” One of the grunts asked. “I’ve been told my-...” Hiram trailed off “...There’s someone here that I wish to talk to, that’s all. Is everything going alright?” 
“Of course! Haha!” The grunts then looked at each other and scrambled to get up “Uh we weren’t slacking!” 
Hiram let out a soft chuckle “Do not worry, everyone needs a break every now and then.” He then looked around a little “Have you seen anyone suspicious walking around?”
“Yeah, some purple haired kid but we caught him and threw him in one of those Nuzleaf cages!” One of the grunts explained.
“Cain!”  Ordell thought to himself. “I see, well good work then. Stay on guard and don’t let anyone else catch you slacking.” Hiram said with a wink. “R-Right! Let’s go guys…” The grunts then scattered.
“...You can come out now.” Hiram said as he walked to the spot the grunts were resting and sat down.
“...” Ordell got up, his Pikachu’s ears droopy with worry. “Come.” Hiram said as he motioned over at a log “Sit down.” 
Without saying anything Ordell walked over and sat across from his father, they finally looked each other in the eyes. Hiram smiled warmly at his son, “Ordell, it brings me great joy to see you again.”
Ordell’s gaze drifted off “Yeah… I’m happy to see you too.” Although he meant it his voice had some bitterness to it, but Hiram understood and payed it no mind “How have you been? It couldn’t have been easy living alone as a teen…” He asked worried. Ordell shrugged “Someone took me in, he’s been like a father to me.”
“...Good.” He sighed with relief “I’m glad you weren’t all alone.” After hearing that Ordell looked at his father again “I- I don’t hate you!” Ordell explained “I just- I couldn’t stay here…”
Hiram stared at him surprised for a moment before smiling again “I know my love, I’m not disappointed nor do I harbor any resentment.”
Ordell felt guilty “I love you, and I love my siblings and Luna and Uncle- I don’t want to hurt you or work against you but-” He bit his lip and he fiddled with his hands, his Pikachu rubbing its face against trainer to calm him down a bit. “Father please…! You’ve got to stop this madness!” Ordell exclaimed as he stood up, he looked pleadingly at his father. 
The first physical contact in 8 years, a tight and reassuring grip. “I understand if you cannot take this path and wish to stop us. If you believe in fighting against us for this city and her people then I’ll support your decision.”
Hiram frowned and sighed “I know it is… But I wish to stay by my master’s and brother’s side.” He stood up and walked over to Ordell, he gently put his hand on his son’s shoulder.
Tears welled up in Ordell’s eyes “Father…” Hiram’s hand moved from his shoulder to his hand “Don’t. Don’t start regretting now, don’t falter. You made your choice, now live with it.”
“...” Ordell wiped his tears and nodded “Right… Thank you father and.. Farewell, next time we meet we’ll…” The trainer looked at his father and stared at him with a stern and expecting expression “...We’ll be enemies.”
Hiram smiled and nodded “So be it, go forth my son. I wish you the best.”
Ordell nodded before running off and not looking back.
“...If only I were as determined and brave as you are, my child.”
Ordell stared at Solars who was standing in front of the sealed door.
“Come closer, Ordell.”
This man always managed to instill fear into him. Not anymore.
He hoped.
He took a deep shaky breath and walked up to his old commander.
“Master Solaris.”
Despite being gone for 8 years the damned way he was raised was programmed into his brain.
Solaris looked the boy up and down “You caused quite a stir when you left.” Ordell simply nodded “Why have you returned, young bishop?” He stared Solaris into his eyes, he couldn’t be afraid anymore “I can’t allow you to terrorize this city and her people anymore. I’ve decided to put a stop to it.”
Solaris stayed silent as he looked back at the gate “Young bishop, do you know what we’re looking at?”
Ordell looked at the sealed door “...This is the gate where the meteor is hidden, right?”
Solaris nods “So you do remember your lessons, and what do you remember of the gate and its keys”
“...Ruby, the seal of pain, Saphira, the seal of love, Emerald, the seal of faith and Amethyst, the seal of the beyond. When the four keys come together this gate will open.”
Solaris nods again “Indeed, so how selfish and utterly foolish does someone have to be to build a city on top of it? For THAT is Reborn.”
Solaris once again turned to Ordell, this time glaring down at him “And how utterly foolish do you have to be to wish to protect it, and how utterly obtuse do you have to be to think you can stop us?”
Ordell glared back “I think you’re the foolish one. The people of Reborn have done nothing to deserve this. Sure, there are some bad apples… But that doesn’t mean all have to suffer for it.”
A deep breath, exhale.
“And perhaps I’m an idiot for trying to take you on… But I know that if I don’t at least try then… Then I’ll feel guilt. Guilt that I didn’t at least try to stop your horrid ways.”
The two glared at each other a little longer.
“...You’ve grown. Good. You might survive a little longer.” Solaris said “You can go, so can your friend. She’s being held up father ahead.”
Ordell nodded “Thank you, Solaris.”
Ordell waited for the footsteps to be fully gone before heading over to save Victoria.
Solaris walked passed him “Farewell, young crusader.”
“Well well if it isn’t Ordell. That is your name now, right?”
The crusader’s eyes widened as he came face to face with his old babysitter.
The blue haired trainer stood there with his hands in his pocket as he watched the trainer chase the rampaging Beartic off “Good job on that pokemon by the way. I was planning on putting a stop on it myself, but you were ahead off- OOF!”
Blake got stopped mid sentence as Ordell hugged him and lifted him off the ground in a tight bear hug. He had a child-like grin on his face.
“Ugh- Yeah yeah- You’re killing me.” The agent said as he patted Ordell’s back signaling him to put him down. “Oops, sorry.” the crusader put Blake down and looked at Blake with bright eyes.
“...You look like a little puppy…” Blake murmured.  “Anyway, damn- I remember you being a  scrawny little shit, what happened?” the bluenette grabbed one of Ordell’s biceps and squeezed “I mean I know you used to love working out but like, you’ve never been this buff.”
Ordell flexed "I worked out ten times as hard! And uh, T helped me out as well."
A snort came from Blake as he unconsciously reached out to ruffle Ordell's hair.
"Hey! Hehe~ Missed me too, huh?" Ordell asked. Blake pulled away "Whaaat? Pff, nah." Blake said "You leaving made my job easier, honestly."
Ordell pouted "Aw… Not even a little…?" Blake hummed and looked away "I guess I did miss your antics."
Ordell grins again “I missed you too!” Blake huffed “I didn’t miss you, anyway… We both know what side we’re on, yeah?” Now the trainer frowned and simply nodded. “Then make sure you’re not so happy to see me, got it?”
Ordell nodded again, clearly upset now. Blake simply shrugged at that “Listen, you either hesitate and get pwned or you take your shot and win.” The crusader sighed “I know… I won’t hesitate.” Then once again a soft smile “Better watch out then, because I will kick your ass.”
Blake sighs before grinning “Yeah yeah, whatever. Stay righteous, champ.”
Ordell watched him walk off, both pushing away any regret they were feeling.
“Prosperitas, Pax Pacis, Obsequium. Blessings of the Lord Arceus upon your house.”
Ordell felt panic settle in as he heard his uncle’s voice, and accompanying him was Ordell’s twin.
Of course they were here. If they weren’t stuck by Taka’s side they were with their father, uncle or with Solaris.
“Oh, you’re here too.” Divers said with disappointment in their voice, Elias looked over and his eyes widened “Ordell… There you are.”
Ordell awkwardly waved “Uncle, Divers.”
“Oh?” the ice leader, Serra stated “Family huh?” 
Ordell sighed and nodded. “I wouldn’t quite call him family seeing as he betrayed and left us.” Divers spat out creating an awkward tension.
“Please Divers, much like my daughter I believe he can still be returned to the light.” Ordell cringed, “...Of course uncle, forgive me.”
Elias explained about his situation and that he was looking for Luna, who just so happened to have lived here in the estate for a little while. Luckily enough she wasn’t here anymore.
Unfortunately his uncle and sibling weren’t leaving quite yet.
“You know your nephew is looking to challenge me, I’m sure it would be interesting entertainment for you.” Serra explained. Elias turned to his nephew “Is that so? I’d love to see how much you’ve grown in your absence young Ordell.”
“...Yeah sure, I have no issue with it.”
He did, but it didn’t matter. As long as they weren’t harming anyone it was fine. Besides… It was nice to be in the same place as his family again without fighting.
He went through the gym easily, he defeated Bennett and El claimed that he should aim higher than simply being a gym leader. 
Just before El left with Bennett and Divers his uncle stopped in front of him “You’ve grown quite a bit, both as a person and a trainer. It’s not too late to return to the light.”
Ordell shook his head “Thank you for having faith in me, Uncle… But I won’t be going back.”
He walked off leaving his uncle behind.
He was so busy thinking about his past that he didn’t realize that his uncle was manipulating Bennett.
“Greetings trainer-” “Luna!”
Ordell smiled happily at his cousin, finally seeing her again after 8 years. She frowned and looked him up and down “...” Her eyes widened “[Deadname]...?”
He nodded eagerly “Ordell now, but yeah!” He held out his arms “Can I…?” She blinked but smiled happily before walking into his arms.
The two shared a tight hug.
Not just a hug that says that they’ve missed each other and loved each other.
But a hug of understanding and a mutual feeling.
They pulled away and they smiled “You look beautiful, Luna. I wish I could’ve been there during your transition.” Ordell explained “Same here, Ordell. You look wonderful.”
Ordell put his hand on her shoulder “Are you alright…? Running away couldn’t have been easy… Don’t worry, I’ll make sure Uncle and the others don’t get to you.”
Her eyes widened “Uncle…?” Ordell frowned “Uncle Elias?” he saidm Luna’s gaze faltered and she started to fidget “I don’t know anyone by that name…”
Ordell opened his mouth to say something when Taka’s and Serra’s words rang through his mind.
“...Well nevermind then, still, I’m happy to see you.” Luna smiled again “I’m happy to see you too, feel free to heal your pokemon and then meet me in the next room. Father will be with us shortly”
Ordell nodded and watched his cousin walk off before sighing. His Vaporeon, Pancake and his Primarina, Star, looked at him curiously. “Father, huh…? We’ve got a lot in common, trans, running away and finding safety in parents that aren’t blood related ....” He grabbed a picture from his bag. It was his adoptive father Hal, a fisherman that took him in when he arrived in Alola.
He healed his team and joined Luna “Chesire!” He scratched the Umbreon behind his ears “Heh, he hasn’t changed one bit, has he?” Luna giggled “No, but don’t fret. He’s very happy to see you.”
Before the two could continue to talk a man with a funny looking hat and a Gardevoir walked in.
“And who have we got here, Luna?” The man, Radomus, asked. Luna giggled “What do you mean father? This is my older brother, Ordell!”
There was silence in the room. Then in the order of Ordell, Gardevoir and Radomus was said:
She grabbed Ordell’s arm “What’s the matter, father, Gardevoir?” The two looked at each other before looking back “Nothing at all, dear.” 
After a moment Radomus send Luna and Gardevoir out of the room to speak with Ordell alone.
They talked about El and how things came to be until Cain arrived.
“Brother? Ordell, I didn’t know you also had a sister?” The purple haired trainer asked, Ordell shrugged and sighed “Me neither…”
“Pardon?” Luna asked, “Don’t worry about it, Lunnie.” 
“Things are a shitshow, Star.”
“Tell me about it…”
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kanerallels · 1 year
Listen guys. I tried my best to read the book that actually won on that poll-- it wasn't available. So I put it on hold and while I wait, I'm reading The Fog Diver!! Live blog to follow
10 notes · View notes
asapeveryday · 5 months
nika smut pleasee
Make a Wish
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Pairing: Nika Mühl x Reader
Warnings: smut (thigh riding), alcohol
Summary: After a good game the team is ready to celebrate with a fun night out…you and Nika have a different kind of fun afterwards
A/n: I’m not gonna lie this lowk sucks 😣 forgive me. I’ll get better at writing for her I promise.
The drink burns your throat on its way down, but the warmth it brings to your body makes it worth it.
Fingers tingling, mind racing and body moving. The music was loud and the place was bustling. The girls usually kept it lowkey, but this win was so big it deserved something more, so when you suggested clubbing nobody objected.
Being Nika’s girlfriend meant you were automatically invited to these things. You felt awkward at first, seeing as you two were a fairly new couple and this was a team celebration, but she never failed to reassure you.
“You’re my girlfriend…there’s no way I’m going to a club without you.” She said with a smile. Who were you to argue?
Seeing her like this was something else. The lights were flashing, her hair was swaying against her moving body, her eyes closed and enjoying the music. You needed to be closer to her.
Dancing with Nika was something out of a dream. She was upbeat, singing along to songs, pouring shots into your mouth and spinning you around. It was all fun until you took it upon yourself to really dance. Slowly moving, pressing your backside against her front and tilting your head so her own could fit above your shoulder.
The look in her eye immediately changes. You’d never had a situation like this before. That point in the relationship hadn’t been met yet, so being pressed against her like this, your ass basically grinding into her? It was nerve-wracking, and turning you on to no end.
When her hands find your waist you can’t help but smile. You can feel her breathing on your neck and it sends goosebumps down your spine. Her eyes are burning holes into yours as you grind together to the music.
The moment is interrupted by a tap on her shoulder. A very amused KK whispers something in Nika’s ear, and she parts from you. “Paige just puked everywhere, so we have to head home.” She yells over the music. You’re disappointed, but there’s nothing you can do. The three of you join the others outside. You, Nika and KK call an Uber as you were all a little too tipsy to drive.
The quiet inside of the car is is shocking in comparison to the pounding noise of the club you’d just been in, you and Nika were squeezed in the back together while KK was in the front. Your knee was bumping into Nika’s, and although it was nothing to think twice about, your skin was tingling. Perhaps it was the tequila, or the memory of her calloused hands strong on your hips.
You almost choke on your breathing when she reaches out a hand to wipe your cheek. After shooting her an inquisitive look she says “There’s an eyelash on your face.”
On her finger there is in fact an eyelash, and she holds her hand in front of your mouth with a smirk. “Blow, make a wish.”
Nika’s eyes are stuck to you like honey, when you blow on her finger and hold her stare you don’t miss how her vision darts to your lips.
Lowering her hand casually to grip your thigh, she whispers “I played pretty good today, didn’t I?”
“So good.” You mumble, nervous at the change in atmosphere. She’d never touched you like this, possessively, and her usual cute and almost awkward voice had turned quiet and serious.
“I don’t think I can stay at my dorm tonight.” She murmurs into your ear. It’s less of a statement and more of a suggestion, one that you’re willing to take.
“Stay with me.” You look up at her. “That’ll make one wish fulfilled.”
You can tell that if it weren’t for KK and the Uber Diver in the front, Nika would’ve kissed you by now. Her hazel eyes keep darting to the mirror upfront, KK is on the verge of passing out and the driver is pretending not to notice anything. You and Nika share an understanding look between each other, one that says “just a little longer”
The lights are still off in your apartment when the two of you tumble inside, and you slam the wall multiple times before you actually hit the switch. Nika’s lips are too distracting, and she’s been dying to taste you all night.
Being flush against the wall, one hand is beside your head and the other on your face as her mouth clashes with yours. It’s urgent and fiery from your combined drunkness and Nika’s confidence from the earlier victory. You can feel yourself get wetter by the minute.
Her leg is positioned between yours, and her lips are trailing from your face to your neck. She sucks and licks at the sensitive skin, smiling at your breathy moans. You can’t help but lightly grind against her leg in hopes for any type of pressure.
At that, you’re moving around the apartment again, tangled in one another as you crash into things before finally landing on the couch. You scramble to sit on top of her, straddling one of her almost bare thighs as your lips connect again. One hand grips your ass and the other gropes your breasts, pinching at your nipples which causes you to gasp.
Your core is pulsing and she can feel it on her skin. Suddenly both her hands find your hips again, and she slowly manipulates you to grind onto her.
You pull away from the kiss to look at her, hair wild and makeup smudged. You don’t care how you look, you just want her to see how she’s ruining you, puppeteering your movements as you make a mess on her thigh. Her tongue occasionally wets her lips, muttering in Croatian and whispering praises.
When Nika starts to flex her leg muscles you feel the knot building gradually. You’ve fully soaked through your underwear now, and the skirt you wore to the club was riding up to no amend. Your breathy moans turned to louder ones with her help.
“C’mon baby, keep going.” She sweetly murmurs, your forehead pressed against hers, her eyes glued to your body grinding against her skin.
You’re tired but determined to chase your high. Nika had preformed for you all day so you were happy to put on a show for her, rocking your hips to achieve that heavenly friction as she slapped your ass and kissed you sloppily.
When you cum it sends shivers down your spine, the deep knot inside your stomach unraveling. You can’t help but slump over her, sticky, hungover and exhausted.
“So good.” You mumble against her neck.
Nika traces on your back and places a soft kiss on your cheek before saying “You looked so sexy.”
You lift your head to meet her eyes, her expression is tired but satisfied. You can’t help but laugh as as you swipe her cheek with your finger and show her the stray eyelash you’d captured.
Holding your hand to her lips, you smile.
“Blow, make a wish.”
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allbark-no-bite · 3 months
the night shift.
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jake seresin x bradley bradshaw (wc: 3k)
summary: jake’s a cop working the night shift and pulls over a mildly drunk (and very interested) firefighter. chaos ensues.
warnings: mature, *driving while under the influence of alcohol, some sexual references
*if this bothers you, just don’t read, simple as that. you don’t have to come into my inbox to tell me that it bothers you <3
author’s note: i’ve never written anything faster in my entire like. this was so much fun! i came across this post again and couldn’t let it go. all credit to @squiddosss for their amazing artwork
It's slow nights like these that make Jake question why he prefers the night shift.
The gravel of the lonely backroad crunches beneath the tires of his cruiser as he makes the curve and slowly pulls to a stop. The sirens on his cruiser give one last whoop before he shuts them off. The back of the beat up vintage blue Bronco gleams in the shine of his headlights. He sighs and shifts the car into park before he tips his radio towards his mouth and mumbles his whereabouts, informing Javy that he's making a traffic stop.
"10-4. Keep me updated."
He climbs out of the cruiser and makes his way towards the vehicle, keeping one thumb tucked into the front of his belt, fingers ready to reach for his gun in an instant. The diver hadn't given him any trouble thus far other than what he had pulled him over for— swerving all over the road, but Jake had been trained to err on the side of caution. He runs his finger tips over the tail light as he passes it by, a habit he had picked up from working alone.
For being such an old model, the car is in pretty decent shape. It has what appears to be brand new tires and the powder blue paint job has been restored to perfection. It was obviously well cared for. He wonders briefly the story behind it being as he doubts you could buy such a car these days. This was the kind of car that you handed down.
The window rolls down just as Jake approaches it.
"How's it goin' Officer?"
Jake blinks.
The driver is a younger guy, probably close to his own age— Jake likes to think that thirty-one is still plenty young— with shoulders so broad that it's a wonder he even fits in the front seat. His skin is a dark olive, which is pretty typical for someone who lives around here, but what catches Jake's attention the most is the perfectly groomed mustache the guy is sporting on his upper lip. It's thick and matches the caramel color of his otherwise brunette head of hair.
"Is there something wrong?"
The guy smiles and his dusty rose lips frame his perfectly aligned white teeth.
Jake tells himself it's his job to notice these kinds of things.
Jake clears his throat and leans in to peer into the cab of the truck, doing his best to avoid the lingering stare of the guy's warm hazel eyes. When he's satisfied that there's nothing worthy of his immediate attention in the car, Jake focuses back on him.
"Can I get your license and registration?"
It takes him a moment of fumbling around in his glove box and then his pocket, but he hands both documents over. The guy watches him so intently while Jake reads over them that it almost makes him uncomfortable, and he's glad for the excuse to look away.
"You had much to drink tonight, Bradley?" Jake asks as his eyes skim over the name. Bradley Peter Bradshaw. He almost laughs. If Jake didn't know better, he'd think it was a fake.
Jake knows the answer before he asks it but he figures he'll give him the benefit of the doubt for now. He doesn't necessarily reek of alcohol but Jake can defiantly pick up the fermented smell of yeast on his breath. If the guy hadn't been staring at him so intently and Jake could look at him for longer than two seconds, he's sure his pupils would be dilated as well.
"Just a little, Officer. I'm sobered up now."
Jake has to hold back his disbelieving snort. If he had a dime for every time he heard that, he'd be rich. "Well, Bradley. I find that a little hard to believe. You were all over this back road here. You know you're only supposed to drive on the right side, right?"
Bradley's mouth twitches, as if he found Jake's comment more amusing rather than condescending. "I didn't, but I'll sure take your word for it."
Jake, on the other hand, doesn't share his humor. "You seem like a funny guy, Bradley. But unfortunately, I don't find drunk driving to be very funny."
And then his eyes land on the emblem on Bradley's navy blue t-shirt—N.I.F.D. —the one his swollen biceps are nearly bursting out of.
"You work for North Island Fire Department?"
Jake watches as Bradley's slightly drunk grin widens. "I sure do."
Jake hands him back his license and the rest of his paperwork. "I've got a couple friends down at the station. You know Trace, Fitch?"
If his pupils weren't already blown wide, Jake would say they lit up in recognition. "Yeah, actually. Natasha is the one who got me the job there. I just finished a deployment out in the Pacific."
It's then that Jake notices the dog tags looped around his thick neck and hidden beneath his shirt. "You're enlisted," Jake says aloud, and then to conceal his surprise follows with, "I was too."
That's the kind of thing that you do when you're eighteen and more scared of not living than dying. If anything it was exciting. Anything that meant getting the hell out of Texas was exciting. He misses it now, but at the time when he was standing alone in that recruiters office, he didn't think for a moment that he would. He felt like a man.
The navy made him a man, is what his daddy said. It was probably one of the only times the old bastard ever told him he was proud of him, and the only time he didn't feel bad for making his mama cry.
The reason he got out was for the reason most do. You realize you don't stay twenty forever and life doesn't wait around until you figure that out. He didn't want to retire one day and have nothing to come home to but an empty apartment. San Diego seemed as good of a place to settle down as any.
Javy's voice crackles through on the radio strapped to his chest, breaking up their conversation.
"Unit-16. Checking in on your traffic stop. You need back-up?"
He hadn't realized they'd been talking so long. Jake mentally reprimands himself for getting distracted and picks up the radio while pressing it to his mouth. "This is Unit-16. No back-up necessary. Over."
"10-4. Over."
Jake releases the radio and looks back up to Bradley. Get back on task, Jake. Bradley smiles coyly at him. Jesus, focus, Jake.
"Sir, I'm going to need you to step out the vehicle."
The hopeful look in Bradley's big hazel eyes falters.
"Look, Officer uh— " The Bradley leans towards his open window so that he can squint at the gold engraved name plate on Jake's uniform. "—Seresin." Jake watches as his tongue darts out to wet his bottom lip before he cocks his head a little to the side and smiles, looking up at Jake. "You look good."
Oh. Oh.
That's what this is all about.
It's then that Jake realizes that this guy has been flirting him the entire time. He'll admit it's not the first time someone's hit on him while on the clock. Jake is aware he's an attractive guy, it's just that this is the first time he's been tasked with turning down at very handsome, drunk stranger. But drunk or not, the compliment makes his cheeks burn. Jake prays that the red and blue lights of his cruiser are enough to conceal the way his face flushes.
Ignoring him, Jake grabs the door handle of the Bronco and tugs it open. "C'mon, pal. Outta the car."
A little begrudgingly, Bradley slowly steps out of the car. Jake doesn't miss the way he grabs onto the door to steady himself.
Now that he's out of the car and in the beam of his headlights, Jake gets a good look at him. Bradley is over six feet of lean tan muscle. His long legs are encased in blue jeans that fit a bit too snug around his narrow waist, but from there he only gets wider all the way up to his shoulders. He's got some height on Jake and if he weren't in shape himself, Jake would probably be a little intimidated.
Jake steps up to him. "Go ahead and turn around for me. Put your hands flat on the hood."
For a moment Jake thinks he isn't going to listen, but then Bradley smirks a little and does as he's told. "Normally I'd ask you to buy me dinner first, but whatever you say, Officer."
This time Jake is glad that he's turned around. He steps forward and uses one of his feet to knock Bradley's legs a little further apart so that he can pat him down. He's not surprised to find that there's nothing on him, but he always has to check.
"Are you always this forward, Bradley? Or just when you're drunk?"
"No, sir," Bradley promises him, refusing to flinch even as Jake's hands come dangerously close to his crotch. "Just when the officer is nice to look at."
Jake pulls away as Bradley turns around. He specifically remembers telling him to keep his hands flat on the cruiser but Jake is getting the impression that Bradley doing something that could hurt either one of them isn't something he needs to worry about so he lets it go. Typically a stupid decision but he trusts his gut.
Bradley leans back just slightly to prop himself up against the car and crosses his arms in front of his chest while giving Jake a smile. His big brown eyes are warm and dopey, his smile impish.
"You gonna cut me some slack?" he asks.
Habitually, Jake curls his fingers through the front of his belt. The familiar weight of his kevlar vest is heavy and comforting and somehow he finds that it settles his fluttering heart in his chest.
"You know it's considered an offense to flirt with an officer?" Jake tells him, trying to remain professional and stand his ground. If his eyes drop to observe the way the other man's pecks fill out his t-shirt, that's his business.
Bradley smiles, ducking his head a little abashedly. Jake doesn't miss the way his teeth release the pout of his bottom lip. "Does that apply to when you're off duty as well?"
Jake pokes his tongue into the side of his cheek to keep from smiling. It's not funny, and he shouldn't be flattered by the advances of a drunk stranger but he is. And maybe he does have some sympathy for the guy. He knows what it's like coming back to the states and trying to adjust back to civilian life. But that doesn't mean that he's above the law.
"Bradley," he begins, his voice firm but sympathetic. "You know you can't be driving around like this. As much as I'd like to, I can't let you go."
As far as he's concerned, Bradley doesn't seem to be hearing him at all.
"Y'know, of all the places I imagined myself being handcuffed, none of them were in the back of a cop car."
"Jesus Christ," Jake mutters, his hand coming up to pinch the bridge of his nose. Really, he has no words. "Okay, that's enough," he announces, giving up on getting Bradley to actually take this seriously. "Turn around for me."
Smiling as if feeling a little too pleased with himself, Bradley obediently shuffles around so that Jake can then walk up behind him and clasp his wrists together. He uses his other hand to retrieve his cuffs from his belt and clips them on.
They're a little tight but that's only because Bradley's broad shoulders prevent his wrists from fully meeting, his shoulder blades seemingly obstructed by the wide expanse of his back.
Jake is definitely not staring. 
If the cuffs are uncomfortable, Bradley doesn't say anything, and Jake walks him by one of his elbows to the cruiser.
"Watch your head," Jake instructs him as he opens the door for Bradley to step in. It's a tight fit but somehow he manages, scooting over the seat until he's sat in the middle, his long legs spread to either side in order to accommodate them. The denim of his jeans strain at the awkwardness of the angle and gives Jake a front row view of the bugle of his crotch.
Jake clears his throat, looking away. If it were for the fact that he was drunk, Jake would say he's doing it on purpose.
Before Jake can shut the door and leave with what little is left of his self preservation, Bradley's voice stops him.
"Wait, what about my car?"
When Jake leans down to poke his head into the backseat of the cruiser, the look on Bradley's face is actually concerned. That's a first, Jake thinks. "I'll call someone to tow it. It'll be impounded until you can come and pick it up from the station." When the worry on Bradley's face only increases, his mustache emphasizing the action, he follows with, "They'll take good care of it for you, I promise."
Bradley's eyes flicker to the old Bronco anxiously. "It's just that it's my dad's car. He, um, he died when I was a kid. So, y'know..." he explains, trailing off.
Of fucking course it is.
Jake sighs, hangs his head in defeat for a second, and then looks back into the car at Bradley. "Look, I'll make a deal with you. Promise me we won't meet like this again and I won't have them tow your car. You can just come get it in the morning."
Bradley grins. "Well I'd certainly like to meet you under different circumstances."
Jake slams the door shut.
The drive back into town is quiet. When he glances at the clock on his dashboard, he realizes he only has about an hour left to his shift. As he pulls into the little suburban neighborhood, having memorized the address on Bradley's license, he glances into the backseat through his rear view mirror.
At first he thinks that Bradley's knocked out in the backseat, head lulled back as he breathes slow and steady, but then he sees the whites of his hazel eyes illuminated by the occasional red and blue flash of his overhead lights. Their gazes meet through the mirror and the corner of Bradleys mouth lifts up in a half drunk smile. Jake shifts his gaze away to instead peer at the numbers on the houses. Finally he finds the address he's looking for and slows the cruiser as he pulls into the driveway.
He brings the car to a stop and slides out of the driver's seat, walking around the car to open up the side door. Bradley stares at him quizzically from the backseat.
"C'mon, hop out before I change my mind," Jake prompts, gesturing with his head for Bradley to get a move on. The tall brunette climbs out with as much ease as one can muster in a pair of handcuffs before he's once again standing face to face with Jake.
He's on the downside of his drunken stupor, more sleepy than buzzed if his drooping eyelids are anything to go by. His mustache lifts as he smiles down at Jake. It's still ridiculous looking but it makes more sense now that Jake knows his occupation. It's the only type of facial hair that's considered to be within regs.
Jake clears his throat. "You want me to take those off?" he asks, motioning towards the cuffs holding Bradley's hands behind his back.
"I might do something stupid if you do."
Jake freezes. "What?"
Before he knows it Bradley's kissing him. He connects their mouths with surprising ease. It's so smooth and he moves relatively quickly for someone who's mildly intoxicated that Jake doesn't even see it coming. Between Jake's surprise and Bradley's lack of hands, they're a bit top heavy and Jake has to fist the front of Bradley's t-shirt, his back hitting the side of the cruiser, to keep them from toppling over.
Bradley's mouth is warm, his lips pliant and soft, but he's firm in the kiss, unrelenting in the way that Jake couldn't have pulled away even if he wanted to.
He doesn't want to— he does— but he doesn't want to.
When he comes to his senses, Jake flattens a palm against Bradley's chest and shoves him away. Immediately his chest aches at the distance. He stands there, still half shocked, with his palm holding Bradley away at arm's length.
Really, he's not too sure what to do in this situation.
Bradley’s hazel eyes shine in amusement. He doesn’t even have the decency to look ashamed.
Again Jake clears his throat. "Ahem— um, glad you got that out of your system," he says with a pat to Bradley's chest. And before anything else can occur, he swiftly steps around the other man and uncuffs his wrists.
Bradley groans in relief, bringing his hands in front of him to rub at his sore wrists. “I think your bondage play needs some work. Not that I’m complaining—”
“Go inside. Get some sleep, Bradley.”
Taking the not so subtle hint, Bradley straightens and fixes Jake with a mocking salute before he turns and makes him way to the front porch. He watches as Bradley unlocks the front door and turns to give him one last look before he steps inside.
“Until next time, Officer Seresin.”
Jake just shakes his head in disapproval, but he can’t disguise his smile. “There better not be a next time,” he calls up the driveway.
He doesn’t pull out the driveway until Bradley’s shut the door and he sees the porch lights flicker off.
Maybe he does like the night shift.
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mermaidgirl30 · 4 months
✨Deep Blue Part 1: Into the Deep✨
Diver! Joel Miller x marine biologist! OFC
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Series Masterlist
A/N: Here is my submission to my ocean writing challenge! I originally thought this would be a one shot, but I thought of other parts I want to write, so I hope you enjoy part 1! 💙
Summary: Cleo gets more than she expects when she is gifted a spot on a great white shark diving experience. Little does she know, her friend, Jenna, was trying to play match maker all along with a certain hot diver named Joel Miller.
Rating: 18+ Only MDNI
Word Count: 6.4k
Tags: Cleo is the original female character of this story, diver! Joel, switching POVs, flirting, a little bit of grumpy Joel, feelings, eventual smut, diving with great whites in California, Joel owns a boat, no use y/n, no outbreak au
Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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The California sun beats down on Joel’s tanned skin, the summer breeze throwing around his tousled curls from the wind of the calm seas. He walks along the wooden deck, hauling some diving gear to his boat called Deep Blue. She was one of his most prized possessions, the first boat he got to make a business out of. Nothing beats sailing out to sea and diving with the beautiful creatures of the deep. Call it a sport or a hobby, but he’d stay out on the tides all day if he could, and sometimes he did.
   He grunts as he hoists the expensive, heavy gear over the edge of the boat, tossing some brand new fins and regulators over the side. As he starts walking back to his white Chevy for more gear, he hears a high pitched voice calling his name down the dock. 
   “Joel, wait up!” Jenna yells loudly, her flip flops flopping against the sturdy deck.
   He groans and stops in his tracks, turning around to face the nuisance of his day. “Hi, Jenna,” he mutters as he rolls his eyes.
   “So, will you do it?” she asks with big hazel eyes, pushing him to say yes. 
   “Do what?” he scowls.
   “Will you take her out?”
   “Take who out?!” he barks.
   “The girl I told you about! Come on, Joel. She’s dying to dive with some great whites, and you’re the only guide I trust to do that,” she whines pathetically.
   He sighs with an annoyed expression and crosses his large arms over his broad chest. “Why doesn’t she just buy a ticket like a normal person then?”
   “She’s not just a normal person, she’s my friend!” she laughs out, stomping her purple flip flops into the edge of the deck.
   “Well, tell her to get on the list. I’ve got customers waitin’ to be taken out on the water.”
   He starts moving again, brushing past her until she grabs his bicep and holds him back. “But Joellll, she’s wanted to do this ever since I met her. She deserves a private tour. Can’t you just give her a chance?”
   “Are you tryin’ to set me up on a date or somethin’?” he asks with one eyebrow cocking up high on his forehead while his dark eyes narrow at Jenna. 
   “Duh! She’s like my best friend. And she’s totally your type,” she smiles, her blonde ponytail blowing softly in the salty breeze.
   “No,” he says harshly. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have things to get done.” 
   He tries to walk past her, but she steps in front of him with her arms crossed over her aquamarine colored tank top. He pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs defeatedly. “You’re not gonna stop askin’ until I say yes, ain’t that right?” 
   “Nope!” She laughs loudly as she twists her hips in place. 
   “Christ,” he mutters. “What’s her name?”
   “Cleo, and she’s a total babe! Like she’s a knockout. Totally your type, like I said earlier. She’s a new marine biology graduate. She’s a killer diver, extremely smart, gorgeous, and she’s super sweet,” she beams.
   “I don’t know, Jenna. I don’t really…”
   “You don’t really what? Date? Well, you should! Come on, do it for Jonas,” she begs, puppy eyes simmering into his skull.
   “Jonas ain’t the one houndin’ me about this, you are. You beg your boyfriend this much for things? Jesus Christ,” he mutters while he pinches the bridge of his nose in mere frustration.
   “Well, sometimes,” she giggles, “but this is about you!”
   “Jenna, I’ve got a business to run. I’ve got payin’ customers waitin’ for me to call ‘em back. I can’t jus’ take one of your friends out on a dive for free jus’ ‘cause you want me to,” he hisses.
   “I promise you I’m not asking for no reason. This would mean the absolute world to her. And hello, she’s single and hot, and you need to get laid! You’re rotting away on that boat, Miller. Pretty soon you’re gonna shrivel up and…”
   “Jenna,” he warns with the tick of his jaw. 
   “Joel Miller, please! Come onnnn, just take her out once. Promise it’ll be worth your while. Please, please, pleaseeeeee,” she whines.
   “Alright, alright!” He holds a hand out to stop her from running her mouth anymore and sighs, carding his fingers through his slicked back tousled curls as another groan escapes him. “This Sunday. Have her here, at my boat by 9:00 in the morning, no later than that.”
   “Yes! Thank you, Joel! You’re the best!” She throws her arms around his neck and gives him a big squeeze until he pushes her off annoyed, readjusting his button-up shirt by the blue collar. 
   “She doesn’t even know you’re tryin’ to set her up, does she?” he huffs.
   “Nope!” she giggles.
   “Goddamn it, Jenna,” he groans. “You owe me big time.” He points an accusing finger at her, and she just gives him a big toothy grin in return.
   “Yeah, yeah. Just wait till you meet her. I won’t owe you a damn thing after that!”
   She runs up the dock to go find Jonas, and Joel just stands there and sighs, muttering curse words under his breath while he hauls himself back to the truck. 
   “She better be worth it, Jenna,” he mutters to himself, shaking his head while he clenches his jaw. 
   This would be a long week. 
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   Joel sets the scuba gear out on the back of the boat, preparing the oxygen tanks and BCDs all while getting ready for the trip out to Catalina. Right on the outskirts of the island is a little alcove where the great whites love to hang out early in the day. 
   He sighs while he checks the air in the tanks, cursing under his breath from Jenna getting under his skin. He should be having a fully booked tour today, not taking some girl he doesn’t know out on the water for free. It was a favor he was doing, a nice thing he shouldn’t be doing. Even though Jenna was his friend, he didn’t need her begging him to take out one of her friends. 
   He’d thought about canceling all day yesterday, paced up and down the dock while clenching his jaw and flexing his fingers into tight fists. Jonas had asked what was up, but all he had to say was Jenna’s name before Jonas started rolling his own eyes, too. 
   It’s not that Joel is against dating or taking girls out, but taking just one out on a private tour is going to cost him later. He likes to do the great white tours with big groups. He’s never done a private one yet. This would be his first, and he wouldn’t lie that he was nervous as hell that it was a woman he was taking out. But the bit about you being a marine biologist made him feel a little better. Maybe today wouldn’t be as bad as he was expecting it to be.
   He lines the colorful fins up next to one of the white leather seats and hoists the anchor up on the deck. As he leans over to stock the ice chest full of waters, he hears light footsteps down the wooden dock and then a young woman clearing her throat. 
   Just when he dumps all the waters into the ice chest, he hears your voice for the very first time. “Excuse me. Sorry to bother you, but I’m looking for Joel? I think this is where I’m supposed to be, but I just wanted to be sure I was in the right spot.”
   He stops what he’s doing and pushes himself off the ice chest. “That would be me,” he murmurs from the floor. When he gets a strong hold on the back of the boat and pulls himself up, he gets a good look at the woman that stands in front of him. 
   “Are you here to…” His mouth parts open and he chokes on his own words. His eyes go wide when he sees you standing there, a pink beach bag over your shoulder with a nervous smile splayed across your pretty face. 
   He can’t believe his eyes, blinking once, twice to make sure you’re even really standing there in that short blue summer dress that barely grazes your tanned thighs. His eyes slide down your body, taking in the beauty that stands before him. 
   Your hair reaches your shoulders, summer kissed highlights coating your beachy waves. Your eyes are absolutely stunning, shimmering diamonds that remind him of the deep blue sea. The sun hits them at just the right angle, making them sparkle like the glistening ocean surrounding him. Your body is tanned, toned, mesmerizing like the siren call your voice gives off when you speak. And your smile. God, your beautiful smile. He thinks you look like an angel, like you were sent just for him. He doesn’t know you, not yet, but now he’s thinking he shouldn’t have given Jenna such a hard time because he thinks he’s just found the most beautiful girl in the world. 
   He blinks a few times, slowly registering that he’s just standing and staring like a mad man when he should be helping you onto the boat. He clears his throat and holds out a hand, waiting for you to take it. “I’m Joel Miller, captain of the boat and also your diving guide. And you must be…”
   “Cleo,” you finish for him with a slight blush to your warm cheeks. 
   “Cleo…” he repeats slowly, memorizing the color of your aquamarine irises entirely, mapping out starfish in your deep blue ocean eyes. 
   You latch your hand with his, and he swears he stops breathing for a couple seconds as your soft fingers mold to his rough, calloused hand. You seem to lose your words as you just stare up at him, blinking those thick, long eyelashes his way. 
   Jenna’s really done it this time.
   He helps you up onto the end of the boat, leading you to the edge of one of the white leather seats where you set your bag down.
   He glances at the waterproof watch on his left wrist and looks at the time. You’re fifteen minutes early. What a good girl you are. “You’re early,” he says with surprise in his voice, looking up from his watch to the beautiful girl that stands before him.
   You shrug your shoulders and give him a half smile. “It’s only considerate to be early. Besides, I wanted to get a good spot before anyone else showed up in case I lost out on a good seat.”
   He cocks an eyebrow at you and leans against the metal railing. “Other people?”
   “Yeah, aren’t these tours usually fully booked?” you ask, confused at the question.
   “Sure are, but looks like you’re the only one today. It’s jus’ you and me, darlin’.”
   Your mouth drops open, wide eyes landing on his while you look totally baffled by the statement. “No other people booked?”
   “Nope,” he half smirks, crossing his arms all proudly as he watches the gears in your head grind and tick.
   “Oh. That’s ummm… wow,” you stutter, still baffled at the response. Jenna clearly didn’t tell you anything other than you had a ticket for a great white shark dive tour. 
   “Is that a problem?” he asks, trying not to laugh at your shocked expression. 
   “Oh, no! Not a problem at all! This is just kind of incredible that I even got a spot today and that no one else booked. Lucky me,” you laugh.
   “Lucky you,” he smirks, deciding he won’t tell you the real reason you got a free tour. At least not yet he won’t. He’ll let you enjoy the afternoon without bringing up Jenna. 
   “Oh, wait a second. I have something for you.” You dig in your little beach bag, reaching in and pulling out a plastic container. “I made these last night. Thought I could indulge everyone in a little snack for the trip, but looks like it’s just you. So, these are for you.”
   You hand him a small container of fresh chocolate chip cookies that look delicious. The soft cookies looking like they could melt on his tongue. He takes one look at the batch of cookies, then back at your shy smile. He thinks you’re so sweet. “Now, how did you know chocolate chip cookies are my favorite, darlin’?” he asks with a crooked smile.
   “I dunno. Guess it’s just your lucky day,” you beam, eyes all starry and dreamlike. 
   He carefully opens the clear lid and snatches a fresh cookie from the top, popping it in his mouth slowly. The cookie is warm, gooey, the chocolate melting on his tongue. He silently groans as it slides down his throat, his taste buds coming to life. He’s never tasted anything quite this good, especially for something being his favorite dessert. He has a major sweet tooth, but he thinks he might be sweeter for you now. 
   He finishes it off and swallows, licking his bottom lip clean as he closes the container and grins your way. “These are the best cookies I’ve ever tasted. Thank you. Think they might all be gone by the time we get back to shore.”
   You giggle, flipping your long locks over your shoulder as you bask in the moment. He thinks you’re absolutely breathtaking with the sunlight glowing down on you right now. “Glad I made them then,” you smile.
   He sets the cookies down inside the helm and walks back out, stopping right in front of you. “So, you been divin’ before?” he asks with a curious expression.
   “Mhm. Loads of times. I’ve been certified for a while, just haven’t had the opportunity to do something like this before. It’s really exciting! And great white sharks of all things? I’m so lucky,” you gush.
   He chuckles to himself, admiring your wide grin and big beautiful eyes. He would have a hard time saying no to this one. “Yeah, nothing like gettin’ up close to those beautiful creatures. Definitely incredible,” he replies softly.
   “So you’ve been doing this a while now? Doing shark diving tours?” you ask curiously, crossing a tanned leg over your knee while you patiently await an answer from him.
   “Sure have. A little over three years, but been divin’ way longer than that.”
   You nod your head, a small smile curling over the edges of your glossy pink lips. He thinks he could look at you all day long. 
   Another moment passes and he almost forgets he has a schedule to make. “Well, should probably get goin’. We’ve got a long day ahead of us.”
   “Yeah, probably should,” you reply.
   He smiles shyly at you and nods to the red cooler in the back of the boat. “Got some cold waters in there for you if you need anything to drink. Snacks are up in the cabin. Oh, but before we go, let me show you around the boat.”
   He leads you around his boat, showing you all the safety and emergency procedures, showing you the bathroom underneath the first level, giving you a tour of inside the cabin and a quick rundown on how the steering works in the boat in case there was an emergency.
   He finds that you’re a quick learner, knowing your way around a boat pretty well. Impressed is an understatement, he’s quite enamored with you already. A beautiful marine biologist who’s definitely a knockout, just like Jenna had told him. Maybe he should start listening to her ramble about things more often. 
   When he finally sets off to Catalina Island and gets out far enough to where there’s no one around, he glances back and sneaks a peek at you. He watches you looking in awe out on the blue horizon, catching sprinkles of ocean water in your sun kissed hair, getting lost in your gentle smile when you see a dolphin jump out of the wake of the water behind the boat. Yeah, he’s hooked already. 
   The water is calm today, barely any waves that rock the boat back and forth. It’s just a peaceful Sunday morning, one that might turn his world upside down. 
   When he looks back again he freezes, eyes blowing wide when he sees you slipping your sundress down your thighs, only now wearing a revealing coral pink bikini that accentuates the curve of your ass, the cleavage of your full breasts. 
   He chokes on his own spit, having to tear his eyes away from the tanned beauty that stands before him. But he still watches you with the flick of his eyes in the mirror, spreading sunscreen all over the soft skin of your body. He wishes he could help you spread the lotion on your back, run his fingers over your long neckline, lather it down your long legs, tangle his fingers with your hair, kiss the delicate skin of your collarbone…
   Cleo, Cleo, Cleo.
   He shakes his tousled curls and runs his fingers down his jawline, catching the edge of his greying scruff. He needs to pull himself together, has to stop getting distracted by you. Jenna was more than right, he’s a fucking goner.  
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   The salty ocean breeze kisses your tanned skin as you stand at the back of the boat, your hair tangling from the wind blowing against your shoulders. The water is crystal clear, shades of vivid blues bouncing over the soft waves. Today was the big day, diving with great white sharks along Catalina Island. The moment you’ve been waiting for your entire life. 
   You’re a recent graduate of Scripps Institution, getting your Master’s degree in Marine Biology, specializing in sharks. You never even imagined swimming with great whites would be possible, that was until you were introduced to Joel Miller. A dreamy boat captain and dive master that took people out on excursions to dive with the beautiful creatures of the deep. 
   He’s easy on the eyes. Sandy brown tousled curls threaded with silver locks, a trimmed salt-and-pepper beard he likes to slide his fingers through. His shoulders are broad, toned abs glistening in the sun over smooth, tanned skin. And his eyes. God, those big, beautiful brown eyes. Golden honey irises that glitter like gold in the ocean sunlight. He’s such a dreamboat.
   You don’t know how you got so lucky getting a private tour with him, but you were eternally grateful for this rare opportunity. Great white sharks and a handsome, broad diver? What more could you possibly ask for? 
   You slide your skin tight wetsuit on and peel the thick layers over your bright pink bikini. You can feel Joel’s eyes on you, even when he’s throwing the anchor out into the cold blue water. A couple minutes later and he’s right at your side, flicking his eyes over your figure. 
   “Need a hand with that?” He nods to the back of your wetsuit, and you slightly turn for him. 
   You gasp when he places his large hands on you, one gently sliding around the curve of your hip and the other slowly zipping you up. His warm breath blows down your neck, clouding your mind as his meaty hand lingers for just a few seconds too long on your hip. 
   He circles around and starts handing you your buoyancy compensator. “So, a marine biologist, huh?” he asks, flicking his honey eyes over you again. 
   You blush and nod. “Mhm. Just graduated this spring with my master’s actually. From Scripps Institution of Oceanography.”
   He cocks an eyebrow up and lets out a low whistle. “Impressive. That ain’t an easy college to get into. I guess congratulations are in order.”
   You laugh while you adjust the straps around your buoyancy compensator. “Thanks. I definitely worked hard to get in.”
   “I’m sure you did, sweetheart.” He flicks his amber eyes up to yours and then gets back to work on feeding the oxygen tank into the back of your BCD while you try to fight off another deep blush to your cheeks.
   After he gets your gear aligned on your back, he sheds his white t-shirt and throws it to the side. You have to avert your eyes from staring at the toned, tanned abs that appear in front of you, have to bite your lower lip when he slides on the skin tight black wetsuit and grabs his own BCD and oxygen tank, gearing up without as much as one grunt from him. Strong. He’s so strong.
   “Check my oxygen tank, will ya?” he asks nicely, turning his broad back to you while you assess the tube and all the cords, making sure none were tangling around each other.
   “Looks good, Joel.”
   “Thanks, sweetheart.”
   Sweetheart. You absolutely love that nickname, but maybe he’s just being nice. He doesn’t sound like he’s from California, but from down south somewhere. Maybe that was common there, just some southern hospitality. 
   You smile up at him and brush it off. “No problem.”
   “Your computer workin? he asks, checking out the digital numbers on it.
   “Mhm,” you nod.
   “Good. Now check your regulator,” he instructs.
   You click on the button where air blows out, showing him the equipment is up to speck. “Check,” you reply. “You’re very vigilant, you know that?” 
   He chuckles and shakes his head. “Have to be, sweetheart. It’s my job to keep you safe. I know you signed a waiver, but it’s still my responsibility to keep you safe out there. The ocean is dangerous, even if you are an excellent diver. Anything can happen, jus’ gotta be prepared for the unknown. And I’ve dealt with a lot of stupid, irresponsible guests on my boat. But you won’t be one of those, will ya?” 
   He cups your chin for two seconds too short, making it a point to say you’re not those stupid divers. And the way he looks at you all invested and adamant makes your thighs clench together. “No, sir. You won’t catch me slipping out there. I wouldn’t dare,” you say confidently.
   “Didn’t think so, darlin’.”
   Darlin’. Jesus, you’re sunk. 
   He hands you a clean scuba mask and leads you over to the metal ladder at the back of the boat. He stops you for a second, putting a large hand on your shoulder as he turns you to look him straight in the face. “Before we go in, I wanna make somethin’ clear. Want you to stay real close to me. Don’t stray off. This is great white territory, their territory. You make one wrong move and you could be in a world of trouble. You don’t mess with them, they won’t mess with you. We clear?” he asks in a deep, serious tone, eyebrows fused together as his eyes stay fully focused on you. 
   You nod and give him a thumbs up. “I got it, Joel. Promise I won’t stray off, and I’ll respect their territory.”
   “Attagirl,” he smiles, patting you softly on the back of the shoulder while you fight to keep your voice composed.
   Attagirl. He just called you a good girl basically. Damn it, you weren’t supposed to fall for the shark diver, but look at you. You’re basically soaring off the cliff at this point. 
   He takes his large hands and starts double checking your gear, making sure all cords are secure and that you’re safe during the dive. You can see he’s very protective already. You watch him slide his hand over your regulator, watch the way he’s so careful with the equipment, with you. It makes butterflies start again low in your stomach. 
   “Do you ever get customers that freak out in the water?” you ask, watching his eyes flick to yours and a small smile tug at his plush lips.
   “All the time,” he chuckles, shaking his head. “It’s kinda crazy that they pay all this money, and then some just decide to stay on the boat. I had this guy that freaked out under the water before, had to get him out quick ‘cause he was attractin’ a large female shark. And I can’t tell you how many have climbed back on the boat after jus’ five minutes out there. I’ve had a lot of ‘em bail. A bit disappointin’, but what can you do? Guess it’s their money and their experience. They can choose how they wanna spend it,” he sighs, running a hand back through his wild sandy curls.
   “That’s too bad. They missed out on a great experience,” you say, eyes still locked on his.
   “Sure did. You’re not gonna bail on me are you, sweetheart?” He cups your chin, running his calloused fingers smoothly over your skin, making you gasp when he smiles warmly over at you. 
   “Wouldn’t dream of it,” you smile.
   “That’s my girl,” he murmurs, dropping his hand from your chin and turning back to the vivid blue water.
   That’s my girl. Oh no, you’re hooked. Hook, line, and sinker. He’s got you right where he wants you, like a baited fish.
   You step closer to the back of the boat, letting the salty sea water spray your teal colored fins. The air is calm, waves barely lapping against the top of the water. It’s an absolutely perfect day to dive. “So, you’ve been coming around this area a lot?”
   “Mhm. This is one of my main diving areas. It’s perfect. Not too far off from a colony of sea lions, a coral reef just a little north of here, and this is the main area great whites come to feed,” he says, leaning against the edge of the sturdy boat.
   “That means you’re familiar with the sharks?” you ask with hope filling your eyes.
   “I suppose so,” he smiles, slicking back his curls with ocean water. “There’s a large female great white that has stayed close to the area. And there’s a couple of juvenile ones that stay near her. I reckon those are her pups.”
   Your eyes light up, and you smile widely at him. “That’s incredible! Have you named her? The female.”
   He flicks his eyes once over you and chuckles to himself, surprised you’re so eager to learn about the sharks. “As a matter of fact, I have. I call her Wavebreaker.”
   “Why’d you pick that name?” you ask, leaning your head to the side to assess his soft features. 
   “She likes to breach a lot when she’s huntin’. Comes up to the surface a lot to say hi, I suppose. Maybe she recognizes my boat,” he shrugs, smiling out to the crystal clear water.
   “Guess she recognizes when she’s safe around someone,” you say shyly, fighting yourself for throwing in anymore compliments, like his honey colored eyes.
   “Guess so,” he smiles, the soft breeze of the salty ocean blowing against his slicked back hair.
   “Alright, c’mon. Let’s go in. You ready?” 
   “Yeah, let’s do it,” you smile giddily. 
   He leads you to the very edge, flippers almost submerged by the cold water. “Remember, stay close to me. Keep those pretty eyes on me.” Before you can choke a response, he nods his head to the water and jumps in, causing a big splash to form around the bubbling water. 
   You waste no time and go after him, jumping in to feel the breath of icy water slide down your entire body. You pop your head above the surface for just a couple seconds, adjusting your mask and fixing your regulator, then you follow him into the dark depths of the sea.
   You start to glide through the clear blue water, following after Joel as you dive deeper and deeper, bubbles from the regulator blowing above your head. You pass thick spots of green seaweed, swim past large schools of colorful fish, take in breathtaking sights of pink and orange shaded coral reefs, and glide past a few sea lions that seem to be in a hurry. It’s all so beautiful, so magical under the water. Like a breath of fresh air, somewhere where you could stay forever if you could.
   You follow Joel to a wide open area, making sure to stay on the heels of his rubber flippers. He makes sure to look behind himself every few seconds, making sure that you’re alright, safe. Just the sight of him checking on you makes your heartbeat pick up and your mind reel around impossibly fast. You decide right now that Joel is a protector, period. 
   You lose sight of him as an assortment of calico bass pass you by, getting lost in the flurry of bright colors that hypnotize your mind. Out of the corner of your eye you see a dark shadow lurking beneath you, but when you look down it’s gone. You gasp. That must’ve been a shark, but it was too quick to catch a glimpse because you were too involved with the other school of fish. 
   A few seconds later Joel grabs your shoulders and turns you to the right, letting his fingers linger there on the wetsuit, but you swear his fingertips imprint down to your skin. His touch even burns like fire in the sea.
   Before you know what’s happening your eyes grow wide, your mouth would’ve dropped open if you weren’t sucking in oxygen from the regulator. Right there in the near distance is a beautiful, giant great white shark. That must be Wavebreaker.
   She swims with grace in the water, her pectoral fins wide and almost shimmery under the glow of the sun shining down into the water. You watch her make circles in the distance, finally see the other juvenile sharks join in the shadows.
   You can’t stop yourself from being so giddy, watching them swim in the salty water, large black eyes scanning the area, assessing the waters for prey. 
   You try to go a little closer, but Joel grabs your hand and pulls you back behind him like he’s shielding you from the inevitable. He takes his time letting go of your hand, keeps the space between you closed up, feeling his body heat reverberate right down your veins, like Joel seeps through your skin. 
   Jesus. He really did have a strong effect on you. He might as well just toss you to the sharks at this point. You’re completely hooked on him.
   You stay idle in place, gently kicking your legs while you breathe through the regulator, captivated by the enormous beauties in front of you, watching them swim with no thoughts of the two humans in their realm.
   You’re speechless, watching your dreams come to life in front of you. This is everything you’ve ever wanted, and you don’t think anything else will ever live up to this beautiful, encapsulated moment right now. And it’s all because of Joel.
   Your eyes flicker over to him, but he’s not watching the giants that peacefully swim through the clear water, he’s looking at you. If you weren’t underwater, you’d probably drop your mouth open and blush at the sight of him staring at you. His regulator is in the way of seeing his mouth, but you see he’s smiling just a little at the girl in front of him. That girl being you. 
   He takes your hand in his and leads you forward, silently gliding through the water while you take in this perfect moment. He keeps his hand in yours this time, not letting go until the oxygen is almost up and the two of you head towards the boat, where you can breathe fresh air again. 
   When you breach the top of the water, you drop the regulator from your mouth and shout at the top of your lungs. “Joel, that was incredible! Did you see them? They were ginormous! And the juvenile sharks? Oh my God that was so amazing! The size of Wavebreaker and how docile they were in the water! I mean, fuck!!” You can’t keep your excitement in, and Joel just smiles and stares at you with these captivating brown eyes, ones that say he’s completely enamored by you and wants you to keep talking because obviously he is enjoying your enthusiasm for the love of the ocean.
   You go on and on, and he doesn’t stop you one time, not until you’re completely done blabbering on. “Glad you had fun, darlin’,” he smiles, helping you up out of the water, his hand lingering on the side of your hip softly. 
   You take your fins and gear off, peeling the suctioned wetsuit from your sun kissed skin and watch him do the same, more gracefully than you. He sets the BCD and oxygen tank down on the deck with ease, carefully setting yours next to his and dismantling the oxygen tanks. You just stare at him, watching his big hands work while you stand in a foggy haze.
   Salt water drips from his slicked back sandy locks, his huge biceps flex every time he twists and turns the tops of the oxygen tanks. You think he’s just the perfect diver and boat captain. Seriously, how did you get so fortunate?
   “So, how’d I get so lucky to get a private tour with an experienced shark diver? Aren’t these things usually sold out?” you ask, leaning against the metal railing, your fingers dancing over the cool edges.
   He chuckles and shakes his head. “They are usually fully booked, but your friend might’ve pulled some strings.”
   “My friend…?” you ask, pondering just who could’ve pulled these kinds of strings. You think and think, knitting your brows together and crossing your arms over your chest.
   “Mhm. A blonde, annoying, intolerable girl sometimes,” he chuckles to himself, shaking out cold water droplets from his slicked back curls. It suddenly dawns on you, only one certain person would have the nerve to pull this kind of stunt. Jenna. 
   “You mean Jenna?” you ask, cocking your head to the side.
   “Yep. That’s the one,” he nods.
   “Wait, how do you know Jenna?”
   “I work with her boyfriend, see her around the docks all the time.”
   “Oh, I see. She didn’t tell me she was friends with you.”
   He shrugs and smiles over at you, the salty breeze catching his slicked back sandy curls. “Known her for a while now. She was real adamant about gettin’ this tour booked. Persistent little thing, ain’t she? The girl’s been houndin’ me about it nonstop for weeks now. Couldn’t get the girl to shut up. Didn’t know what all the fuss was about until she told me she was tryin’ to book it for her pretty marine biologist friend that happened to be single.”
   “Uhhh, oh.” Fucking Jenna. “Shit, Joel. I had no idea. I’m so sorry,” you apology hurriedly. He puts a large palm out to silence the rest.
   “Ain’t gotta be sorry, darlin’. Consider it a favor that doesn’t need repayin’.”
   “But… are you sure? She just asked you for a lot, giving your Sunday up for me. I…”
   “Hey, it’s fine. Really. She didn’t tell me jus’ how smart and attractive you’d be. My, you’re even more gorgeous than she said. Words don’t do you justice, sweetheart. Absolutely breathtakin’.” 
   You stand there speechless, your mouth slightly parted open as you inhale the salty sea air. “Oh. That’s… well… thank you,” you gulp. “She didn’t tell me how handsome my diving guide would be,” you blush. 
   He cocks an eyebrow up and a crooked grin spreads wide across his mouth. “Oh, stop. Darlin’, you’re gonna make me blush,” he laughs. 
   You shift your weight and cross your arms across your damp low cut bikini top. “So, what do I owe you? I know you missed out on extra business today. Let me repay the favor.”
   He shakes his head and laughs. “Consider the favor paid. I got to take out a pretty girl on the waves. Your company is enough for me.”
   Your wide-eyed stare doesn’t falter when those words rush out of his mouth. God, Jenna really did you a huge favor. “You’re sweet, Joel. At least let me buy you a drink?”
   One eyebrow cocks up, and he crosses his large arms over his broad chest, tanned skin shimmering in the sunlight. “I mean, I could take you out for a drink,” he smirks.
   “Joel!” you giggle.
   “Cleo!” He mocks you, playfully jutting his bottom lip out at you as you give him large puppy eyes.
   “I’m being serious here,” you laugh, shaking your head back and forth. “Please, let me buy you a drink. You’ve been so kind and had to put up with Jenna. I owe you,” you say adamantly, not going to take no for an answer.
   He smiles a wide grin and nods your way. “Alright. Sure, sweetheart. I’d love that.”
   “Then it’s settled.” You smile at him, watching the way his eyes flick over your bikini clad body, a bit of a deep blush coloring his cheeks while he gets back to work putting away the diving equipment. 
   When he finishes up, he turns back to you before disappearing into the cabin of the boat. “You know that bar called Waves on the Rocks right by the boat docks?”
   “Yeah, what about it?” you ask, wrapping your teal towel around your shoulders to block out the chill of the sea. 
   “How ‘bout we go for that drink when we get back? That is, if you’re not busy after this,” he says with hope threaded in his warm caramel eyes, his thick fingers hooked behind the back of a metal pole.
   “Let’s do it,” you smile, making yourself stay still to keep from showing just how excited you are. You’re going on a date with Joel Miller, the hottest diver you’ve seen. You’d have to thank Jenna later. 
   “Great, it’s a date,” he muses, turning back into the inner cabin before you can get your own words out.
   “It’s a date,” you whisper to yourself, smiling like an idiot the rest of the ride back as you glide across the dark blue ocean with the wind blowing through your long locks. 
   You didn’t just get to see a great white today, but you just might’ve also caught the hottest diver around. You were ready to see where this would go. 
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lullxby · 3 months
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please read before sending a request!!
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
i do not write:
aged-up characters (depends for what reason, but overall it’s typically for something weird.)
poly relationships (no hate, just not my thing!)
mainly just those, if i don’t feel comfortable with writing it, i won’t write it!
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
i do write:
different !readers
mainly anything as long as it isn't on the do not list!
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
fandoms i write for:
higher ground (scott barringer, auggie ciceros, open to others!)
life as a house (sam monroe)
outerbanks (jj maybank, john b routledge, kiara carrera, sarah cameron, pope heyward)
anne with an e (gilbert blythe, moody spurgeon, MAYBE billy andrews, anne!, diana barry, jerry baynard)
baby (niccolo govender rossi, damiano younes)
riordanverse (percy jackson, jason grace, frank zhang, leo valdez, hazel levesque, piper mcclean, reyna ramirez, connor stoll, travis stoll, luke castellan, MAYBE chris rodriguez, annabeth chase)
dominic fike
harry potter (mattheo riddle, theodore nott, maybe more, NOT draco malfoy {i just. i just can’t.})
if it’s not listed, send in a request anyway! there may be some i forgot to list!
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please comment under here if you’d like to be added to a taglist for ANY fandoms mentioned!
divers made by h-aewo!
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lilislegacy · 5 months
Ok i'm sorry i'v been asking a lot i'm just curious but we all know what Annabeth wants her job to be but what about the other characters even the one's that died or went away
thanks for the ask @aphrodite-coquettegirl!
don’t apologize! ask away!
and good question. assuming you are talking about the 7 + nico…
leo, obviously a mechanic.
percy i love the idea of him being a marine vet, becasue he could use his abilities to talk with sea creatures to figure out what’s wrong with them and help them. (also it’s a big “fuck you” to all his teachers and classmates who called him dumb or told him he wouldn’t be successful.) i also like him volunteering as a rescue diver and marine life rescuer on the side
frank, i don’t know. but honestly, i could see him going into the military. i could also see him teaching. if i remember right, he doesn’t have dyslexia, and he’s gentle and has a lot of patience.
hazel, maybe a horse trainer or jockey?
piper, i got nothing. let me cook.
jason, idk maybe a pilot? i’ve seen a lot of people say lawyer
nico, maybe like a funeral director or mortician. because of his abilities involving the dead, it could be a super interesting job for him
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sweetonsugden · 23 days
Ok, I get that Abigail Roux had always pictured Karl Urban as her book character Ty Grady, but I’ve watching Supernatural and Dean has SOOOO many of the same characteristics and habits of Ty Grady. It’s uncanny!!
1. Dean’s deep, gravelly voice
2. Dean is about 3 inches shorter than his partner (his brother Sam)
3. Dean frequently poses as an FBI agent
4. Wears a brown leather jacket or canvas jacket
5. Has no patience for people
6. Jokes through every thing
7. Always picking up women
8. Short cropped hair, hazel eyes, full lips
9. Black diver watch one wrist and thin leather bracelet on the other
10. ALWAYS giving people nicknames
11. Charismatic and has the same type of humor as Ty Grady
12. Is in love with his vehicle and treats it like family.
13. Affinity for pie
I’m sure there’s a lot more. I’m only on S6 of Supernatural.
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ace-writer-lani · 4 months
What are the other wips in the vault about?
Hii I'm so glad you asked! I don't want to spoil them entirely (because ajsjhd I want them to be a surprise) but here's a little brief on each!
The Undeserved and Unfinished
Solangelo multchapter fic based on this post by @come-on-valdez where Nico navigates his new life after becoming the God of Undeserved Death, and Will suffers through more grief and pain than any 13 year old should
It also features Hazel, cause she's such a gem (pun intended)
(Very angsty but will have a happy ending)
Acrobatics, Aquatics, and Athletics
High school AU with Diver!Annabeth x Swimmer!Percy
(This will be part of a series with a second part centering around Diver!Nico x Lifeguard!Will cause obvi I need to write gay shit)
A Final Revelation
This is a Valgrace fic based on this post by @lavenderfairiez
Love and Lists
Solangeloweek2024 Day 2 with the prompt "I could make him worse"
It'll be a college AU oneshot where Will is trying to find a s/o
Lavender Tea
One shot where Silena bullies Clarisse into becoming her friend and how she affects Clarisse's life
I definitely have more ideas in the Vault, but these are the ones I've written an outline for and have started at least a draft on!
(Hopefully I'll be able to post some of them soon but like, I have so many)
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50calmadeuce · 1 year
Ch. 1: Coronado Beach
You've moved to San Diego to pursue your aquatic veterinarian degree, but to pay for school, you got a job as a San Diego Lifeguard for the summer as you work on your residency in laboratory animal and comparative medicine.
After completing a day of training, you go for a run and meet a sexy pilot playing football on the beach. Will you have time for a relationship with all of your training and schooling?
Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the Top Gun: Maverick world, trademarked by Paramount Pictures Corporation. I do not claim ownership of the characters and the world that I am borrowing.
The story and situation I am creating are a work of my imagination and I do not ascribe them to official story canon. This work is for entertainment only and is not a part of the storyline.
I am not profiting financially from the creation and publication of this story, but I do hope it gives you happy thoughts.
These stories are my own, so please do not take them and use them for yourself without my permission. If you see them somewhere else, please let me know. :)
*No smut. Just meeting a hot guy on the sunny Coronado beach.
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The sun beat down on you as you and a group of fellow Coronado Beach lifeguards ran down the sandy Coronado beach.
Your hazel eyes squinted as you realized there were four other lifeguards in front of you and the finish line wasn't far ahead. You pushed yourself into high gear since you realized you were that close.
"Five!" one of the senior lifeguards yelled as you crossed the finish line. You slowed to a jog and then to a walk as you let your heart rate slowly get back down to its resting rate.
"Nice job," a muscular blond said to you with a nod.
"You too," you reply as you continue to walk around.
"Alright! Listen up!" one of the head lifeguards' yells. "All of you over here have made it to the next phase. We meet tomorrow back at the building for more training. Holloway! Where are you?"
You raise your hand. "Right here!"
"Stay where you are. The rest of you are dismissed."
The rest of the lifeguards start walking to the Coronado Fire and Lifeguard station as the head guard walks up to you.
Behind his dark sunglasses, he looks at the clip board and then back at you. "We got your information from your high school and college in Wisconsin. Captain of the swim team in high school and college. Master Diver, Search and Rescue Diver certified and an EMT?"
"Yes, sir."
"And you're attending the University of California San Diego?"
"What are you majoring in?"
"I'm working on my doctorate in aquatic veterinary medicine."
His eyes got wide. "Wow!" He uses the clip board to point towards the fire and lifeguard station. "Walk with me."
The two of you begin walking towards the building.
"I'm sure some of this will be boring to you, but you'll be a great asset to the station."
"Thank you, but I'll never be bored. I enjoy learning."
"Good to hear." He stopped and so did you. He looks at you over the top of his sunglasses and smiles. "Then let me be the first to welcome you to the San Diego Lifeguards."
You smile back. "Thank you, sir.
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The next day after CPR and First Aid training, you headed up to the locker room to change into your swimsuit for an evening jog on beach.
When you reached your locker, you work the combination lock and open it. You grabbed your black TYR one piece and begin to change when two female lifeguards enter the locker room and stop when they see you.
"You're Y/N Holloway?" the blonde asks.
"I am," you respond as you continue to put on your swimsuit.
"It's nice to meet you. I'm Chloe Matthews." She puts out her right hand for you to shake.
You finish putting on your suit, reach out with your right hand and shake it.
"I'm Jericho Adama," the red head says and puts out her hand. You shake that one as well.
"We've heard about you," Chloe says.
"Search and Rescue diver and working on your aquatic veterinary degree. Impressive," Jericho states.
"Thanks." You put your shoulder length, wavy brown hair up in a ponytail, close your locker and grab your sunglasses. "It was nice to meet you guys. I'm going for a jog, so I'll see you around." You walk by them and head out the locker room and down the stairs to the beach.
You put on your sunglasses, place your earbuds in your ears, set your apple watch, do a few stretches and then begin to jog down the beach.
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"Not today, Hangman!" Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw yells as he held one of the two footballs required to play Dog Fight football.
"In your dreams, Rooster!" Jake 'Hangman' Seresin replies grinning.
"Don't let your head get too big, Hangman!" Natash 'Phoenix' Trace adds in to the conversation.
"Very funny, Phoenix!" Jake yells and throws the football, but he realizes he throws it too hard and far and it's going to hit the brunette running on the beach. "Watch out!"
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You feel something hit your back and stop. You take out one of your earbuds as a dirty blond-haired guy in black board shorts Ray bans and muscular chest comes running over to you.
"Are you okay?" he asks, concern on his face.
You pick up the football and toss it to him. "I'm fine. I don't even think I'll bruise."
"Come on, Hangman!" someone yells from the group he separated from.
The guy throws the football to the group. "I'll be right there!" He turns back to you as you hear the others say: "Yeah, right."
"Hangman?" you ask as you raise an eyebrow.
"It's my call sign. I'm a naval aviator."
"A pilot."
"Yes. For the Navy."
"Oh. So, you go to Top Gun?"
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A sexy grin shows up on his face. "Yes, Ma'am."
"Well, it was nice meeting you, Hangman." You start to put your earbud in when he stops you.
"Let me make it up to you."
"It's no big deal."
"The Hard Deck. Eight tonight."
You look at him. "I'll think about it," you say as you pop the ear bud in your ear and jog off.
Jake watches you as your run off and then turns around and heads back to his group.
"Did you get her number?" Rooster asks.
"What?" Rooster replies surprised.
"I didn't exactly have my phone and I didn't see one on her, but I invited her to The Hard Deck."
Rooster throws Hangman the football. "I got twenty bucks that says she doesn't show."
"Count me in," Phoenix says, her right arm resting on Rooster's shoulder.
Jake grins. "You're on."
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rozetheeuwu · 1 year
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Himbo and fucker duo <3
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kanerallels · 1 year
Whaaaat? Robots became intelligent and tried to kill all the humans? It's almost like you shouldn't try to make robots with artificial intelligence
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sweetfire01 · 5 months
my short attention span could never sit me patiently through crochet. pls show us your creations when you do. also, projects :0 I've always wanted to make a visual novel myself but i don't even know where to start lmao. the most i did was try and learn programming but you can imagine how that went hahaha
also also, new ocs? :000 can we. cann we sneak peak? character desrripition? oc lore bls - apple anon
Hi apple🍎, I think I'll crochet mostly granny square at first, just to learn the basic stiches. But I'll show you for sure the stuffies! I also have a problem with the short attention span, however I find myself focusing a lot while doing a repetive task, so I think I can handle this.
About the visual novel, I know there are online some maker that could help us, but I never tried them.
Aaand now, about the projects...👀 First of all, those are all concepts I'm still working on, so they could change in the future.
The book one is a fantasy children book for adults. Like I said in the previous post, it doesn't specifically have anything to do with agere, but I always read and hear "In Disneyland adults can return as a kid too", "Eveyone has an inner child" and so on. And I once found a video recommending books for children going through some difficult situations, like divorce of their parents, getting bullied...So, why not for adults too?
I want to try to address some "adult" themes through the main character, a little elf called Hazel. He's a kid that just moved to a new realm and he's adjusting to the new life, thanks also to the help of an adult elf, Hyacinth, that took him under his care.
That's it for the first project.
The second one in more complex, is also a fantasy and it follow the story of 13 charachters that stood out for their brave, loyality, fortitude ecc... and become "Holy knights", a special force to defend the country.
My idea was to make 13 different VN/book/whatever, each one focusing on a character, on how they became knights or how they solve a mission with the whole group.
I jut need to think the last character but I have to define better also the others one.
At the moment I have:
a former warrior called "The Immortal"
a god that love humans
a bard whose tongue was cut out
the father of the first "holy knight"
a pearl diver
a guy who killed another one (No, he isn't yandere)
a sorceress (There is here a yandere in her story)
a girl who was "reincarnated"
Those are the ones I'm sure about their story. Let's see if the dreams can suggest me other things. 😂
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imsparky2002 · 9 months
Batraculous: Diver Bat
Character Name: Missy Rutherford
Miraculous Hero Name: Diver Bat
Appearance: Missy, known as Diver Bat, stands on the shorter side with tanned Caucasian skin that highlights her athletic physique. Her chin-length dirty blonde hair, adorned with bangs clipped back, frames her face. She possesses narrow hazel eyes and a chip in one of her front teeth, a remnant from a diving accident. Missy's style reflects a slight punk edge, with chains, spikes, and bright colors adding a touch of rebelliousness to her appearance.
Personality: As Ondine's best friend since childhood and a fellow member of the swim team, Missy carries a bit of a chip on her shoulder. Her personality is characterized by a sharp wit and a sarcastic demeanor, often ready with a biting comment. She tends not to warm up to people quickly, but she is fiercely protective of Ondine. Missy took some time to accept Kim, and while she still enjoys teasing him, she has a begrudging respect for him.
Batsuit Description: Diver Bat's batsuit embodies Missy's swimming prowess, her protective nature, and her rebellious spirit, featuring a sleek and functional design.
Cowl: Missy's cowl has a streamlined and hydrodynamic design, resembling a diving mask. It includes built-in sonar and underwater navigation systems for precise movements in water-based battles. The cowl also features enhanced vision modes for navigating in various underwater conditions.
Cape: Her cape is a vibrant and dynamic shade of aquamarine, symbolizing her affinity for water and swimming. The cape is designed to resemble flowing water, with wave-like patterns and intricate designs inspired by aquatic creatures. The cape can transform into a set of fins that enhance her swimming speed and agility.
Armor: Diver Bat's armor is flexible and water-resistant, allowing for fluid movements underwater. It includes reinforced panels around vital areas and joints for added protection without compromising mobility. The armor incorporates sleek and aerodynamic designs, resembling the streamlined form of a swimmer.
Gadgets: Her utility belt contains a range of aquatic-themed gadgets. Missy carries underwater breathing apparatuses for extended periods submerged, along with miniaturized water propulsion devices for swift underwater travel. She also has aquatic-based explosives and distraction devices for underwater combat.
Diver Bat's batsuit encapsulates Missy's expertise in swimming, her protective instincts, and her rebellious nature, adding an aquatic edge to the Miraculous heroes of Paris. With her proficiency in underwater battles and protection of her friends, she plays a critical role in defending against threats lurking beneath the surface.
Thanks to ChatGPT for assistance. Make sure to reblog, reply, post and ask for more. @artzychic27 @msweebyness
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ncisfranchise-source · 10 months
Three episodes into NCIS: Sydney, and AFP forensic scientist Bluebird “Blue” Gleeson (Mavournee Hazel) has become a permanent member of the team!
But first, Blue’s planning her own farewell party after taking a call from the forensic scientist she’s been filling in for; sadly, no one bites during her initial request. NCIS Special Agent Michelle Mackey (Olivia Swann) remarks to AFP Sergeant Jim “JD” Dempsey (Todd Lasance) that she loves Blue’s initiative and quirkiness, but her people skills aren’t the best. “This is NCIS, not a refuge for misfits with personality disorders,” she argues, but as JD asks, “You sure about that?” (And let’s be fair: The franchise has shown before that it is a “refuge for misfits.”)
Blue tries to talk to AFP Forensic Pathologist Dr. Roy Penrose (William McInnes) about her farewell party — “You’re leaving?” he asks — and while Mackey, the first time, focuses on the case, she does later tell her she’s impressed and is the one to get on JD’s case as Blue’s packing her stuff: “You didn’t tell her, did you?”
NCIS Special Agent DeShawn Jackson (Sean Sagar) is the one who finally has enough. “I can’t do this anymore. You Aussies, you’re cruel,” he says and wheels out a Welcome Aboard cake for her. “As Supervisory Special Agent of NCIS Sydney, having discussed it with the Indo-Pacific chain of command —” Mackey begins before handing over the NCIS hat. (“With a great cap comes great responsibility,” she says.) The others want Blue to be a permanent team member; JD had left the other forensic scientist a message that the position had been filled. With that, they take a team selfie.
“We had a lot of fun writing that episode, and Blue was so great,” showrunner Morgan O’Neill tells TV Insider. “I’m biased, totally, but I find she’s so watchable on screen, and I love her character from the moment she walks in. But Episode 3 is that classic case of office miscommunication, and she’s not confident enough to actually put her foot down and say, ‘Hey, guys, I’m going away. I know I’m going away. I’m having a party. I’m having to organize it myself. Can you just tell me if you’re coming or not?’ And everyone’s so busy that they don’t really get the chance to explain exactly what has happened, which is that they’ve all decided that she’s amazing and that they want her on the team. They’ve just never got around to talk. And maybe the Australians have had a little bit of fun by not telling her as promptly as they should have.”
He continues that the response he got from someone else who watched the episode was “kind of telling and pretty exciting. They were really moved by the fact that the team had embraced Blue in this way, and they were surprised at how we were able to garner that level of emotional connection from an audience’s perspective in such a short period of time. And that’s a testimony to how great Blue is, but it really made me excited because part of the thrill of this show is that you come for the crime, but you stay for the characters. And if people are already rooting for this team to get together and stay together by the end of Episode 3, then we’re on a good trajectory there.”
Something else worth noting from this episode is that fans should keep the case — the discovery of a severed arm with a US Navy dive computer on it leads them to investigate a group of former Navy divers — in mind. “It’s not entirely wrapped up with a neat bow,” O’Neill notes. “We get the guys that we think have perpetrated the crime, but there seems to be more to it than what we wrap up, and we will work out exactly what the relationship is between the mystery of Episode 1 and the mystery of Episode 3, and then the second half of the first season will kind of bring those two strands together in a way that hopefully is surprising, but should definitely be climactic.”
In the series premiere, a boat was rigged to explode so the guys couldn’t be interrogated, and there was a woman still in the wind. “We will be trying to unpack exactly what happened at the end of Episode 1 across multiple episodes in the first season, and it will actually culminate in the climax to the first season,” O’Neill explained. “It’s an absolutely cracking climax to the first season. And it definitely involves unpacking what happened in that first episode, where that blonde woman ended up, who she is, maybe who she’s working for.”
So keep paying attention to cases: Even ones you don’t realize are connected very well might be!
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mynameis-a · 1 year
good night to everyone except:
multilingual parents who refuse to teach their children any language other than english and then proceed to get mad at the children for not learning the language on their own time
people from island countries who are afraid of crabs
colorist spaniards
people who were born and raised in cuba but aren’t cuban racially/ethnically
virgo men with greenish-hazel eyes
people who work at a tech company that used to make bubblewrap
ex-professional cave divers
people who call normal headaches “migraines”
and fathers who forget their first-born’s birthday
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