#solia music
diofasolia · 10 months
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Aftermare Week 2023 Day 5: Fall
Aftermare Week by @bluepallilworld
Original Nightmare by jokublog
Original Geno by loverofpiggies
Original Askoltale Nightmare & Geno by @bluepallilworld
I made sort of a "fall version" of Blue's Askoltale Nightmare and Geno, cuz they're originally dressed in flower-made clothing
It's kinda a thought like: the flowers/leaves will begin to wither in autumn, what will both Nightmare and Geno look like when they're in the season of fall?
So the results are in here
Askoltale! Nightmare & Geno (Fall Version??)
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soliaverse · 2 months
hey y'all!
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my name is solia, (so-LIE-aah) i am fifteen, she + her. i am interested in manifestation, reality shifting, the law of attraction, astrology, astral projection, et cetera...
☾ pisces ☼ gemini ↑ cancer
if that's of any interest to you
i will blog mostly about these things but also other interests i have such as formula one and carlos sainz (love!) i also like country music, racecars, hockey, baseball, and atp/wta tour. looking to make more friends that will discuss shifting with me :)
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zu-is-here · 10 months
Hiiiiii beautiful !
Says the beautiful one ;D How's it going? <3
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Awww I'm happy to hear it! The pleasure was mine, thank youuu (๑>◡<๑) (Intriguing *w*)
OH! \(//∇//)\ Congrats on opening your own shop! ☆ How do you do it with a mug? *0* Good luck with sellings! <3
I'm sure you did it amazing, gotta read (*゚∀゚*) Did something happen to your laptop though? ó3ò
I'm doing great, thankss (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) So hyped for Barbie & Oppenheimer! <3 Are you gonna watch them? *^*
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ヾ(≧∪≦*)ノ〃 Thank you for all the sweet tags! ☆ (I can feel how much time and effort it took to comment each work :'3) (ohoho~ this sounds like a new music composition by Solia? ♪)
Woah! \(//∇//)\ So they're the ones who make a mug with your art and send it? Awwwsome (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
That'll be easier indeed! <3 Step by step╰(*´︶`*)╯
Oh hopefully it'll be fixed very soon! (ówò)
(Ah– this is the film about an American physicist who created a nuclear bomb; despite the "boring" plot, it's made by Christopher Nolan so no doubt it's gonna be grrreat ☆) (Gotta be on time to watch this too! (゚∀゚))
Nothing super exciting so far cause I have a peaceful evening with a fluffy grumpy milady purring nearby ;3 What about you? *^*
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That's a really sweet idea! (ㅅ´ ˘ `)♡
Heheh patted, thank uuu <3
You're doing great already for not giving up and keep going ╰(*´︶`*)╯★ May it be a turn of fate for something better? *w*
Omg how did you prank her?? >:D
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That's the spirit! ᕦ(òwóˇ)☆ And soo nice of her <3
*wheeze* Her reaction was worth it XD
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windy-trickster · 12 days
Karma Favors The Victim
A beautifully decorated room with lights dimmed and curtains drawn, the light of the twin moons causing the perfectly polished floor to glimmer with their natural light. The gentle melody of a piano filled the empty space. The pianist, Rastho Soliae, sat there with eyes closed and back arched ever so slightly as his fingers danced across the keys, pouring his heart into a tune that seemed so full of emotion yet lacking something... Something that the Blueblood had finally come to learn. Rastho's been going through life half-alive, constantly burdened by the weight of someone who didn't deserve him, by someone who took ahold of his heartstrings and played him like cheap fiddle. Like he didn't matter in the slightest to her. That EVERYTHING he did for her was nothing more than a joke, a cruel game played against someone who was struggling. The music swelled as the Cerulean's fingers glided over the keys, harder presses and longer holds to drag out certain notes, the tune's former feathery feel getting heavier by the minute. Through the haze of anguish and limerence, Rastho had met a man who captured his heart in a way that no one else ever had. A warmth that no one else ever brought to him. But he believed himself to still be loyal to the girl he's forced himself to love, forced him to believe was his pale soulmate for the rest of his natural born existence. But oh... The heart shall tell when one's yearning for something new, something more. Something that's worth one's time and efforts. Rastho didn't understand this at first. But the moment this man touched him in a way that no other had done, everything made sense to him. The lies, the betrayal, everything that Rastho had done to build up a proper relationship with this woman was for nothing. He was like Sisyphus, destined to work towards something that would never pay off, destined to struggle for all he's done, even if he wasn't the bad guy in the situation. A cruel set of events that were to play out against him. Oh, how fate can change for the better, how it can favor the victim. The music continued to swell, louder and louder until Rastho was on his feet, eyes wide as his fingers were slamming down on the keys, bellowing out haunting tune after haunting tune. A crescendo of anger and hatred intertwining with his melody as the yellows of his eyes slowly shifted to a bright hue of red. He was doing being the puppet. It was his turn to take control.
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aquariumdrunkard · 1 year
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The Gospel Of John Fahey’s Christmas Soli
As the Turkey-fare winds down and the boxes of Christmas decor make their way from the basement, a transition is needed. Ringing in the holiday season in subtlety requires a look no further than America’s finest composer and most innovative maestro of steel string. With a discography expanding beyond 40 titles, it’s possible to overlook the holiday offerings among masterworks like Fare Forward Voyagers, The Yellow Princess, and those first five Takoma releases. Smack dab in the middle of John Fahey’s first decade shifting around the tectonic plates of traditional music came The New Possibility.
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another-closed-door · 30 days
No había parado de preguntarme ¿Que hay más allá del miedo? Porque este solia pesar en mis hombros y apretar con su mano helada mi cuello, recuerdo tantas noches en las que el miedo se me sentaba en el pecho, me quedaba sin aire y mi garganta pegaba bocanadas mientras la duda me comía las lágrimas ¿Que hay más allá de esto? ¿Hay más allá? Solía pensar que el miedo se encontraba dentro de mis huesos, como si se hubiera incrustado ahí dentro como una espina que se encarna en la piel. Cómo si de niño me hubiera picado un bicho, uno que transmitía la terrible enfermedad del miedo o tal vez este había parido conmigo, si, pienso que el miedo me ha acompañado desde la cuna, como una sombra, silenciosa, eterna, inexorable. Pero siempre ha habido dentro de mi pecho una especie de engranaje, algo como una caja musical que anda y suena y se oxida pero anda. Es curioso como algunas cosas se saben con precisión mucho antes de haberlas aprendido. Esto se llevaba cocinando dentro mío como una especie de juego, el miedo, las preguntas y la necesidad de andar. De mover mis pasos para avanzar a tientas en ese bucle constante. Las respuestas a mis preguntas siendo enunciadas antes de que se planteara ninguna duda, porque mucho antes de que me abrieras tu libreta y respondieras a mi pregunta, yo ya sabía lo que tenía que hacer ¡que va! No lo sabía pero lo estaba haciendo, porque los engranajes de una caja musical de melodía oxidada así lo demandaban, porque mis piernas me pedían andar y mis ojos. Mis ojos no sabían que buscaban averiguarlo. ¿Que hay más allá del miedo? Anda y averigua. ¿Que hay más allá del miedo? Anda y averigua. ¿Que hay más allá del miedo? Anda y averigua. ¿Y que había? Más allá del miedo, detrás y por delante de él, estabas tú y tus ojos, que me miran.
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elgremiomaestro · 1 month
Creencias que tenia en los 90's/10's
"Cuando era joven, yo soñaba poner mi pie en grandes escenarios, tocando canciones que yo hice, escuchando gente cantar mis canciones y tener la admiración del publico. Solia mezclar canciones para que se sincronizaran una con otra como si fuese un DJ, esto lo hacia con una radio cassetera con reproductor de CD. Me sentía como un mezclador de radio en fin de semana cuando pasaban música de fiesta y mezclaban canciones de tal forma que lucia profesional.
Las cosas cambian. Si logre pisar uno que otro escenario en bares y/o festivales. Nada mas alla de ello.
Pero porque no se siente como tal?
En si, no eran mis canciones. Participe en la creación de esas canciones, si, pero no se sentian como mias.
El grupo musical en el que estaba me agradaba mucho, congeniábamos bien, pero después de una guerra de bandas el líder del grupo hizo cambios que no me agradaron. En su momento no dije nada, no hera mi grupo, yo no lo forme, aunque era participe de el, quejarme no haria ningun movimiento positivo en la decision del lider. El líder decidió reducir el numero de integrantes del grupo sin previo aviso.
Soliamos ser 3 guitarras, un bajo y batería. De la nada, el lider (y vocal), decidió sacar a uno de los guitarristas y a su hermano el baterista(este ultimo para reemplazarlo por otro con habilidades de menor grado) [aclaracion: no tengo nada personal en contra de la persona que fue el remplazo del baterista, es una persona muy agradable y conocerla fue un regalo bastante agradable], esto para mi fue una clase de golpe duro y bajo, porque no se hablo con los afectados previamente sobre ello, solo corto la cuerda sin previo aviso. Mas adelante esto me afectaria con los implicados.
Regresando al tema. Mi primer cancion la hice estando en preparatoria. Los instrumentos eran digitales hechos con un secuenciador de sonidos (Fruity Loops), ya que aunque solo tenia una guitarra no sabia como grabarlas en la PC.
Tenia muchas ideas en ese entonces y cada que tenia la oportunidad podia solo encender la PC y hacer la secuencia de lo que traía en mi mente, para que se quedara como ida que posiblemente podria ser util despues. Conforme pasaba el tiempo, se me ocurrían aun mas cosas, que se me olvidaban por no tener el tiempo de poderlas escribir o grabar en alguna maqueta.
Estuve en varios grupos, todos de "Rock" pero cuando yo trataba de hacer canciones se escuchaban como si fueran tipo "Rock-Pop", no se porque.
Con el tiempo desarrolle la habilidad de grabar en PC con instrumentos reales pero sin experiencia en poder mezclarlos correctamente, asi que sonaba horrible. Aun asi seguia grabando y grabando maquetas y pedazos de canciones que podria usar mas adelante, influenciado en la música que escuchaba al paso del tiempo.
Ahora que ya tengo 37 años, no tengo el tiempo para poder grabar canciones o crear pedazos de ello, mi creatividad ya es muy limitada y mis gustos ya cambiaron. Aunque siento que mi experiencia en grabación a madurado sin haberlo puesto en practica, siento que de alguna forma ya no me emociona pensar en hacerlo, me refiero a grabar canciones.
Desafortunadamente lo mismo me pasa con los videojuegos, antes amaba jugar, ahora, apenas agarro un juego y me aburre.
No tengo idea de que es lo que me sucede ahora, toda emoción por lo que antes me gustaba ahora ya no esta, ni siquiera se lo que me gusta hacer ahora y a veces solo quiero quedarme dormido sin hacer nada. Probablemente sea depresión o simplemente me falta algo de participación de una 3ra persona.
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ivanreydereyes · 6 months
Hoy hace 12 años en BRIGHTON me fotografie con un cartel de EXIT (cancion apocaliptica de cd de JOSHUA TREE de U2 q en la gira x EEUU que acabo en SUN DEVIL Stadium de TEMPE solia fusionar con RIDERS ON THE STORM de the DOORS y G. L. O. R. I. A. de george IVAN MORRISON alias VAN MORRISON.. y de la q decia BONO q era sobre un hombre RELIGIOSO q se convirtio en PELIGROSO).. con un poster de LET IT BE de los BEATLES (ultimo disco q publicaron pero ultimo grabado ABBEY ROAD q incluye SUN KING)
Con el libro LAS MASCARAS DE CRISTO que fotografie por donde hablaba del APOCALIPSIS.. con grafitti de KING y en la fuente de los DEL-FIN-ES entonces no se me pasaba por la imaginacion que 2 semanas despues x mi año 40 iria a ISRAEL con los 600€ q me envio mi madre.. Pues entonces dormia en una tienda de campaña de CAMUFLAJE de auto-montaje
The lyrics, which portray the mind of a serial killer, were inspired by lead singer Bono's reading of Norman Mailer's 1980 novel The Executioner's Song, and other related works.
U2 debuted "Exit" on 8 March 1987 for a broadcast of The Old Grey Whistle Test. Bono introduced it as "a song about a religious man, a fanatic, who gets into his head the idea he calls 'the hands of love'
Robert John Bardo, an American from Tucson, Arizona, became obsessed with actress Rebecca Schaeffer in 1986 after sending her a letter that same year. After witnessing her in a love scene in the 1989 film Scenes from the Class Struggle in Beverly Hills, Bardo stated that the film "ruined this innocent image of her."[48] He paid a private investigator to find out her home address and began to stalk her, and on 18 July 1989, he travelled to Schaeffer's home and murdered her.[49]
Park Elliott Dietz, a renowned forensic psychiatrist who had worked on the case of John Hinckley Jr. following his assassination attempt on President Ronald Reagan, was assigned to work with Bardo.[50] He told the court that Bardo claimed "Exit" had influenced his actions.[50] According to the Associated Press, when the song was played in court "Bardo, who had sat motionless through the trial, sprang to life... He grinned, bobbed to the music, pounded his knee like a drum and mouthed the lyrics."[51] Bardo was convicted of first-degree murder.[50]
Bono said he did not feel responsible that a U2 song was used in a murder defence, but stated "I still feel that you have to go down those streets in your music. If that's where the subject is taking you, you have to follow. At least in the imagination. I'm not sure I want to get down there to live. I'll take a walk occasionally, and have a drink with the Devil, but I'm not moving in with him."[36] The Edge said that the song's defence in the trial was "very heavy", stating "Should any artist hold back from putting out something because he's afraid of what somebody else might do as a result of his work? I would hate to see censorship come in, whether from the government or, from my point of view, personal."[52]
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kay-honor · 10 months
Solias (Kay-Honor featuring Ashesndreams) / あなたはかつて
Music : Kay-Honor・Ashesndreams・24MIDNIGHT Vocal : Ashesndreams
https://www.looperman.com/acapellas/detail/21687/solias-96bpm-reggaeton-acapella Sound source used : Reggaeton Drums 24MIDNIGHT https://www.looperman.com/loops/detail/312873/reggaeton-drums-free-100bpm-reggaeton-drum-loop Photograph : Simedblack Med Ahabchane Khemisset/Marocco Lyrics : Ashesndreams
Cuando te fuiste debo decir No te llore Solo miraba al vacio Las noches que me dabas calor Ya no estan mas Ahora siento frio
Solias tenerme encima de ti Pero ahora no Ya no estas pa' mi Y aunque ha pasado el tiempo yo no Puedo olvidarme de lo que fui para ti
No encontraras quien te ame tanto como yo Sin prometerle nada a cambio Tal vez encuentres quien te guste mas que yo Pero no quien te haga sentir tanto Cuando las noches pases recordando Lo que hacias conmigo y cuantas veces al hacerlo te venias
Nadie te va a confiar su corazon Su cuerpo ni su tiempo tal como lo hice yo Las noches que me me dabas calor Ya no estan mas Ahora siento frio
Solias tenerme solo pa' ti Pero ya no Ya no soy tuya I wanna say I don't love you anymore You don't have to love me back
Y aunque sabes que tuve razon No me basto una disculpa
Solias tenerme encima de ti Pero ahora no Ya no estas pa' mi Y aunque ha pasado el tiempo yo no Puedo olvidarme de lo que fui para ti
Ashesndreams rompiendo el beat
Kay-Honor from Tokyo JAPAN -
Active all over the world. Kay-Honor Sound Music
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ivanreycristo · 1 year
.. Luego ese 16-1-15 fui desde CORDOBA a JAEN para ver la CARRERA NOCTURNA de Las ANTORCHAS (el publico lleva una x lo q me recordo a una Revuelta MEDIEVAL) de SAN ANTON (navidades son) patron de los ANIMALES y DILUVIO aunque no lo suficiente para apagar las ENORMES HOGUERAS.. y x la CARRERA no encontre ALOJA-MIENTO x lo q pase la noche recorriendome las HOGUERAS y encontre una pintada q ponia JESUS TU ERES BUENO, PERO TE LLEVARON A LA LOCURA..Luego dormi un par de horas en un CAJERO DE LA CAIXA con el gran PARAGUAS haciendo de TIENDA DE CAMPAÑA para q no me diera mucho la LUZ y despues fui a coger el TREN A MADRID donde el tipo que habia al lado mio veia en su TABLET la peli EL NIÑO (sobre narcotrafico en el ESTRECHO y su relacion con una mujer.. Peli en la q debuto ese 2014 JESUS CASTRO junto a LA ISLA MINIMA=sevilla.. Q tiene un FINAL MUY LLUVIOSO.. y q co-protagonizo con LUIS TOSAR al q me encontre eb un restaurant de EL POLIGONO INDUSTRIAL de ALCOBENDAS al q solia ir cuando trabajaba en la empresa de mi padre y cuando él salto a la fama x protagonizar junto Javi BARDEM "LOS LUNES AL SOL" sobre el DRAMA DEL PARO q seria menos DRAMA si mientras tanto se DEDICAN A FOLLAR LIBRE Y GRATIS en vez de TANTO PUTO FUTBOL Y VICIOS O EXCESOS DEL DINERO asi como DIVORCIOS Y DEMAS MIERDA DE LA MUJER DE LA FALSA MORAL O DINERO.. X cierto..en el concierto de PEARL JAM en el MAD COOL'18 sacaron a BARDEM Y TOSAR para hacer un alegato contra el ACOSO SEXUAL y me fui del concierto.. De ese PUTO IDOLO DE ORO MUSICAL al q se le murio en COLOMBIA su BATERIA x DROGAS hace poco)
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diofasolia · 2 months
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In order to celebrate your birthday, Blue, I made a little something something——
Villain Mimosa's theme music: what if everything turning into the worst scenario?
Original Mimosa/Villain Mimosa by @bluepallilworld
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mjohnso · 2 years
Periodic Rookie Groups Report No. 19
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In Periodic Rookie Groups Report No. 18, I predicted that 2022’s rookie groups would face the same problems as their predecessors, but not the same outcome. At the time, I refrained from speculating whether they would fare better or worse, but now six months into 2022 that point is moot. Rookie groups, in comparison to last year, are doing better. A double-digit number of groups have not disbanded. Neither have there been multiple reports of pre-debut groups scrapping their plans altogether. I am happy to report that despite everything, debuts have remained consistent, albeit still low.
I would not go as far as to say that rookie groups are thriving or are back on the upswing. The times remain too unpredictable for such declarations with the COVID-19 pandemic still casting a long shadow over the industry, especially rookie groups. Case and point: the girl groups ILY:1 and Kep1er as well as the boy group TEMPEST all postponed their debuts, following positive tests among the members, or in the case of Kep1er, staff. Likewise, following positive cases in their ranks, the boy group KINGDOM rescheduled a comeback, while the girl group Billlie canceled their showcase and moved a comeback. Both girl groups NMIXX and CLASS:y rescheduled concerts, the former due to positive cases and the latter citing “COVID concerns.”
Whether any of this portends a more favorable outcome for the rest of the year, or a backslide into what was happening last year, is not clear. Again, as I said above, the current moment is too unpredictable. Even if I did recommend looking at past data to make predictions about the future, it would not help here. This year, as well as the previous two years, have deviated from that pattern of steady comebacks and steady debuts, with the occasional hiccup, that was typical of the industry. Now, rookie group numbers fluctuate dramatically, ready to make a fool of anyone who would try to divine the future from them. All the more reason for me to adopt the stance I have so often throughout these reports, and just wait and see.
2021 Rookies
Of the 59 groups that debuted in 2021, four groups—one boy group and three girl groups—disbanded between January and June. They are as follows:
HOT ISSUE: On April 22nd, 2022, S2 Entertainment announced in a statement on the girl group’s (April ‘21) fan café that following a long discussion with the group members they had come to the mutual decision to disband.
PLAY:MOON: According to an April 12th, 2022 notice posted on their official Twitter account, 4tossy was leaving the male duo (January ‘21) due to his military enlistment, effectively disbanding them due to a technicality. As a duo, the departure of one member renders it a solo act. In this case, the remaining member Sul Chan Woo plans to continue to promote as a soloist under the PLAY:MOON name.
QODES: On May 3rd, 2022, @nugupromoter tweeted that Yukyung, a former member of the girl group (February ‘21), shared with them in an Instagram DM that the group had disbanded. She did not provide a reason for their disbandment.
Solia: Five days after their debut, the girl group (August ‘21) announced on their official Instagram that the group was disbanding as the company could “no longer lead the group.” In a separate statement on August 26th, 2021 Space Music Entertainment provided a different reason for the group’s disbandment, saying that the members wanted to pursue different directions and thus decided to disband the group.
Subtracting these four disbandments brings the total number of active rookie groups to 55 groups—21 boy groups, 31 girl groups, and 3 co-ed groups. Of these 55 groups, 55% or 30 groups released new music at least once between January and June of this year, with 11% or 6 groups doing so more than once.
Those above numbers come with a disclaimer though. While, at face value, they look good, especially if compared to 2020 and 2021’s numbers where 39% and 38% of the groups that debuted in the previous year made a comeback in the first half of the year respectively, they are misleading. Those percentages look good precisely because 2021 was not a great year for rookie groups and saw a significant drop in the total number of rookie groups debuting. This in turn has skewed the percentage, making it appear as if 2021′s rookie groups have overperformed when their improvement has been more modest.
Korean Releases from ‘21 Rookie Groups: January - June 2022
Note: Releases marked with an asterisk (*) indicate an additional release from a group following their initial release
05 OMEGA X - Love Me Like (Mini Album)
12 MIRAE - Marvelous (Mini Album)
20 LUMINOUS - Between Light and Darkness (Self n Ego) (Mini Album)
31 PLAY:MOON - “Planet feat. 정훈, 밤나른” (Single)
14 Rocking Doll - “Heart Rider” (Single)
16 Rumble-G - Dear Hope (Mini Album)
23 Billlie - The Collective Soul and Unconscious: Chapter One (Mini Album)
01 Billlie - The Collective Soul and Unconscious: Chapter One Original Soundtrack from “What Is Your B?” (Mini Album)*
02 PLAY:MOON - “You & I (Kosi Edition)” (Single)*
22 T1419 - “Edelweiss” (Single)
23 MINIMANI - “Puo Puo” (Single)
28 MAJORS - “Giddy Up” (Single)
29 PRITTI-G - “Let Me Out” (Single)
29 Purple Kiss - memeM (Mini Album)
31 KINGDOM - History of Kingdom: Part IV. Dann (Mini Album)
01 Lionesses - “Will you be my groom?” (Single)
04 seasoning - “떨어진다” (Single)
05 IVE - “Love Dive” (Single)
09 Azer - “Trouble” (Single)
11 EPEX - Prelude of Anxiety Chapter 1. ‘21st Century Boys’ (Mini Album)
12 Cookie - “My Love” (Single)
14 JUST B - JUST BEGUN (Mini Album)
27 ICHILLIN’ - Bridge of Dreams (Mini Album)
11 Ciipher - The Code (Mini Album)
18 NIK - “Better Spring” (Single)
20 TRI.BE - “A Kind of Magic” (Coke Studio Session) (Single)
21 LUMINOUS - “Wish You Were Here” (Single)*
24 LIGHTSUM - Into the Light (Mini Album)
13 bugaboo - “POP” (Single)
15 OMEGA X - Story Written in Music (Album)*
15 PIXY - Reborn (Mini Album)
17 Lionesses - “Bon Voyage” (Single)*
27 Beauty Box - B-Step (Mini Album)
28 PLAY:MOON - “Will Be Fine” (Single)*
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Still from TEMPEST's "Bad News
2022 Rookies
Between January and June of this year, 32 groups—13 boy groups, 18 girl groups, and 1 co-ed group—debuted. This is still far below the pre-pandemic numbers of previous years, but a slight improvement over last year.
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zu-is-here · 6 months
(⁠っ⁠˘⁠з⁠(⁠˘⁠⌣⁠˘⁠ ⁠)
Also wouldn't have the music and personalized pumpkins without my partner in crime Solia uwu
@diofasolia Thank you so much for your help and contribution! (〃ω〃) We all appreciate it ♡
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windy-trickster · 10 months
-> The box of explosives was empty, the music sheet was burnt up...
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"BWHAHAHAHAHA! OUT OF Mү WAү, FUCKERS!" A Goldblooded woman suddenly came out from the shadows, her eyes sparking wildly with bi-technicolored bolts of electricity. But she wasn't alone it seemed...
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"(-> A-Argeni.... Please... <-)" -> A much shorter Blueblooded man came out from the shadows with her. Or well... Just walked out from somewhere off screen, clearly anxious and sweating heavily. He really didn't want to be here.
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"STOP CRAMPING Mү STүLE, NERD!!! JUST MAN UP AND LET'S GET THIS OVER WITH! I HAVE THINGS TO GET BACK TO!" "(-> Yes... Argeni... <-)" -> The Cerulean cleared his throat, keeping his expression fairly neutral. "(-> W-Well... I guess I'll go first... I'm RASTHO SOLIAE and the woman beside me is my moirail, Ar- &lt;-)" "ARGENI FUCKING PICRIC BABү!!!! HAHAHAH!!!!" "(-> Y-Yes... Argeni Picric... I um... I'm not sure how these introductions are supposed to go... B-But I suppose I enjoy anything classical... Classical music, arts, writing... A-Anything like that. I-I enjoy making music as well! And... And I like pottery... <-)"
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"HE'S SUCH A NERD! I'M MUCH COOLER!!! үOU LIKE EXPLOSIVES? I FUCKIN' GOT 'EM BABү!!!! I'M AN EXPLOSIVES CONNOISSEUR IF үOU ASK ME. I KNOW WHERE TO GET THE BEST OF THE BEST! I LIKE ROCK MUSIC AS WELL! THE LOUDER THE BETTER! I ALSO HAVE THE CUTEST FUCKING MATESPRITE TO EVER WALK ON THIS MALFORMED PLANET! HAHAHAHA!!!" "(-> Anyways.... W-We're here now and uh.... We're available to talk to! So please don't be shy to approach us! <-)" [Argeni and Rastho are open for asks!] [The sprites were made by @rabbit-trolls <3]
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bluepallilworld · 2 years
I know you're in class right now but I wanna send you the joy song to make you joy even more (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧
THE joy song, I see
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