#solid silva x reader
bowandcurtsey · 2 years
AINEEE are you doing well i hope u are? can i pls request solid, nozel and fuegoleon with an s/o who has an overprotective brother and yns brother didnt really approve they boys unless they show how worthy they are even if they are royalty?thank you and ily your works sm😇🌻
Hello lovely bby! thank you for loving my works hehe and also for a little fun fact: I love sunflowers! so thank you for them!
Sorry that I got to your request sooooo late, but I'm finally finally here <3 Bless you for requesting Solid, doing the less popular characters are usually fun! I hope you enjoy!
Characters: Solid , Nozel, Fuegoleon x f! reader TW: unchecked work
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Solid Silva
This boy may look tough and you might think another hard to handle brother might be nothing to him, seeing that he has his own difficult brother as well, but boy oh boy was he on his toes all the time.
This boy was born with a silver spoon in his mouth but he never expected to, for the first time in his life, wish that he wasn't a royal. Or at least a royal that your brother didn't know of.
Your brother thought that royals were all good for nothings and did not know how to do anything in life because they had their servants do everything for them. He thinks that Solid wouldn't be able to take good care of you at all.
Solid was determined to prove your brother wrong.
Being with you made him a little more humble and down to earth, even Nozel saw the changes in his little brother and was secretly happy.
Solid also tried his best to spend more time with you and your family, helping out with chores around the house when needed.
Boy even learnt how to do some knitting from his maids just to help your mom with the spoilt clothes.
He helped your brother chop and carry lumber into the house for fire during colder days.
He even helped to catch the mice in the basement. You name it, he'll do it. He was Mr Solid Handyman.
Your brother would always have his doubts about this man, all the way till you get married to him. But maybe one day Solid would finally understand that it was just how your brother shows his love to you.
No worries, your Solid could take it, he's been an obedient younger brother all his life, this Nozel trained him well.
Nozel Silva
This man was having a tough time proving your brother wrong. Because he is a royal and will always be a royal.
He wouldn't want you to change for him and likewise he couldn't drop his royal titles just because your family didn't like it.
Because that is uNbeComInG of A rOyaL
In the very beginning Nozel would answer everything with the most politically correct answer he could come up with.
"To answer your question Mr L/N, we actually do not take any of the tax payers money.. We actually-"
Until you explained to Nozel that it wasn't really about the answer, it was more of your brother really disliking royals.
"Why though..?"
Well, now you had to explain to a royal about how many of them are stuck up, arrogant, rude, a bully, and all the bad shit that you and your brother have been through.
You thought that he would scoff actually, since Nozel was really the type to be proud to be a royal. But instead he said, "I'm sorry."
"I'll be sure to prove that not all royals are evil. Certainly not me."
He would show your brother that you were always well taken care of, you always have a guard and servant with you. Your clothes always kept you warm, you didn't have a single stress in your life because of how well Nozel took care of you.
The only worry you had were what to wear daily because of the crazy amount of clothes Nozel buys for you.
Your brother would admit defeat in the end, seeing that you were really happy with this man.
Fuegoleon Vermillion
He was first faced with your brother's sarcasm when he visited your place. He was really nice about it though, he never lost his cool.
He understood fully why your brother would think this way. He had seen how the other royals took advantage of their statuses and bullied the civilians.
He always took every sarcasm or scolding from your brother without retorting.
Even you felt bad sometimes and would sometimes nag at your brother to not be too harsh.
But Fue still came over to your place every now and then, showing your over protective brother that he was just a normal man just like everyone was.
Fue was not afraid to make mistakes and admit to them. He was okay with making a fool out of himself and laughing along with everyone.
Most importantly, he showed that he respected everyone, from the postman to even the rubbish collector.
He once went out of the way to help a newspaper delivery boy, because his cart was stuck.
Your brother asked Fue later on why did he even bother with that boy when even a normal person would not necessarily lend a helping hand.
"Behave like you're at the bottom, even if you're at the top. We'll learn much more this way."
Your brother was won over on that day.
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Hello! How are you?? Hope you are doing great!
Could you do some Solid headcanons? Like how is he in a relationship, as the readers’ boyfriend?
Thank you❤️❤️
Hiya~! ^^ <3
I'm doing good thank you for asking ^^ I hope you are too!!
Certainly!! Hopefully you like these
Pairing: Solid x gn!reader Fanfic type: Headcanons Genre: Fluff/general Length: ~0.4k
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He is a strange combination of awkward, affectionate and prideful. In the beginning, he really struggled to convey his emotions, and show you that he does like you. Most of his gestures came in the form of gifts and looking for you, even if he denied it when asked about it. Because he was royalty, and was expected to manage by himself. So, he didn’t want to admit to missing someone, or wanting to be with someone.
But in the end, in private, he caved in and confessed. Though it came out with a sheepish mutter, something one did not expect from a proud member of the House of Silva.
And what you found is that he craves a lot of affection and attention. He wants to cuddle a lot, and whenever you are out, and there isn’t people around, he’ll take your hand to hold. Because he does have a reputation to uphold, but he does want to be close to you.
He is also mindful of your opinion about things. Whenever he finds something funny, he’s eager to show you and include you, but if he can as much as see that you don’t really like something, or aren’t amused, even an apprehensive look to him can make him do a complete 180.
He’ll always have your back, and there is no one more perfect to have walked the earth in his mind.
You’ll receive a lot of gifts, because he’s not very good when it comes to expressing his emotions verbally, so he’ll try to compensate for it in other ways. But he does value you.
He just wants to be loved by you.
And he blushes easily around you. A quick kiss on his cheek, or a wide smile, is enough to make his cheekbones flare up.
When he’s flustered, it’s difficult to get anything out of him, but he also doesn’t want you to leave or move away. He just wants to keep you close, even if he doesn’t know what to say or what to do with the situation.
His cuddles are very secure. Not tight in the sense that he’d be squeezing you too much. But they are the kinds of cuddles that in itself seem to implore you to not leave. Because he wants you to stay, he wants you to be happy.
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yellowgreendinno · 2 months
feel free to request x reader fluff
Love n' sparkles! 💗✨
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lyranova · 29 days
Nozel x reader fashion au where reader is a fashion designer and maybe nebras friend? And nebra calls reader to make a suit for nozel and that's how they met? You can continue the story with creative liberties❤️❤️
Oh and congratulations on 900 followers!!!
Hiya anon, thank you so much! I apologize for the wait, I did incorporate the first half of your request, but I decided to have Nozel and the reader already in a relationship since I couldn’t quite figure out a good scenario for them to meet in with the suit 😅. But I still hope you enjoy~!
Word Count: 1,695
Warnings: None
“ Listen; I have a big favor to ask you-!”
“ No.”
“ Oh come on just hear me out!” Nebra Silva groaned on the other end of the phone, making you sigh and shake your head even though she couldn’t see it.
There were two types of favors Nebra would ask of you; one was that you design a custom outfit for her at a discount, and the second was that you design an outfit for a friend of hers for free.
Which one will it be today, you wondered.
“ Fine, I’ll hear you out,” You muttered as you quietly set your pen down. You could hear Nebra excitedly clap her hands on the other side of the phone, which made you smile a bit.
“ Alright! So, I want you to make a suit for my brother, Nozel,” Nebra began quickly, and your breath hitched in your throat.
This…was a gift for Nozel?
“ His birthday is coming up and I wanted to get him something special, which is why I called you! You’re one of the best designers in the world, there’s no one else I would trust to make a perfect suit for him!” She told you quickly.
“ So, will you do it? Please?” She begged, and that’s when you knew just how much this meant to her.
Nebra Silva never begged, and she most certainly never said ‘please’.
You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose.
“ Alright, I’ll make the suit for him,” You said as you picked up your pen again and began to start some preliminary designs. “ I’ll send you some sketches by the end of the week. Oh, and I’m charging you full price since it’s a complete suit.”
“ Thank you~! I’m sure it’ll be perfect, and if it’s not then I just won’t pay you,” Nebra said with a chuckle, but you knew she was completely serious with her words.
You sighed again and shook your head, and just as you were about to hang up she suddenly asked a question that made your heart stop for a moment.
“ Oh, but don’t you need Nozel’s measurements to start sketching?” She asked, her tone curious.
You were quiet for a moment, your brain going a mile a second as you tried to think of what to tell her.
After all, how did one explain to their friend that the reason they weren’t asking for their older brothers measurements was because they already had them due to…reasons?
“ I don’t need his measurements right now; so you can just wait and give them to me later.” You explained quickly, hoping that your friend would accept that and not ask anymore questions.
Nebra hummed curiously for a moment, making your palms sweat and your heart race anxiously.
“ Alright, I’ll try to get Solid to get his measurements tomorrow so I can send them to you,” She said, and you couldn’t help but let out a very quiet sigh of relief.
She bought it…at least for now.
After saying goodbye and making a promise to meet later in the week, you hung up the phone and sighed dramatically before resting your head on your arms.
“ Is something wrong?” A familiar voice asked behind, his tone curious but also laced with concern.
You slowly turned your head to the right and saw Nozel Silva standing there; a towel in his hand as he tried his best to dry his dripping silver locks, his normally braided bangs hanging loosely between his eyes.
Your gaze traveled down to where his usually loose, grey t-shirt now tightly clung to his body; and where his white pajama pants with grey stripes rested loosely around his thin waist.
You groaned as you closed your eyes and moved your head away, how on earth was your boyfriend of over a year able to make even the most casual of clothes look so good?!
“ What’s wrong?” He asked, his tone sounding more concerned as he walked over to you, he set his towel down onto the table before he placed a hand on the back of your chair and the other on your arm.
“ Nothing, it’s just…work,” You muttered, not bothering to lift your head. Nozel’s eyes slowly drifted towards your sketchbook, a critical hum escaping him as he picked up one of the designs.
“ Who is this suit for?” He asked curiously as he raised a thoughtful hand under his chin.
You sighed and raised your head slightly.
“ A very picky client.” You muttered, not daring to give away Nebra’s identity, or who this suit was meant to be for.
He nodded solemnly.
“ I see, I completely understand since I also have my fair share of picky clients,” He admitted with an irritated shake of his head. “ Should I talk to them?”
You shook your head and waved away his concern; the last time he had talked to one of your clients he had completely scared them off!
“ It’s alright, I can handle them on my own,” You told him softly, but your voice was full of gratitude and a gentle smile worked its way onto your face.
Nozel nodded, and you swore you saw a hint of pink on his cheeks.
“ Then, would you like me to help you with these sketches? That way the problem client can’t cause you more problems?” He offered, his eyes still locked on the sketchbook.
You hummed in thought; one the one hand you wanted it to be a surprise, but on the other you thought it might be better that he at least give some input into his own suit.
“ Sure, have a seat and tell me what you think,” You told him, and he nodded before doing as you requested.
You watched Nozel anxiously, looking for any positive or negative expressions; but as always he kept his face neutral, serious, and very focused. He never gave his thoughts away, which both intrigued yet frustrated you.
“ Is this what the client requested?” He asked as he began flipping through the pages, you shook your head.
“ No. This suit is supposed to be a surprise for someone else,” You explained as you fully lifted your head and rested your chin in the palm of your hand. “ I’ll get more information later this week.”
He silently nodded.
The anxiety came crawling back as you waited for his verdict; surely the designs weren’t that bad?
After a moment Nozel set the sketchbook down and looked at you with a serious expression.
“ These all suck,” He told you bluntly, and you swore that you felt an arrow shoot you through the heart.
“ Well that hurts.”
“ Would you rather I lie in order to spare your feelings?” He asked with a raised brow, and you shook your head.
As much as it hurt, you would rather he be honest about his critiques; not only was this suit being made for him, but also because you valued his input as a senior Fashion Designer.
“ No,” You admitted with a sad sigh.
“ Hand me a pencil.” He instructed, and you frowned in confusion but did as he requested.
He took it with a small nod in thanks before he began scribbling and making notes on your sketches.
You watched him silently, the only sound in the room being the scratches of the pencil against the paper. But instead of feeling anxious in this silence like before, you felt this…calmness take over you.
You always loved watching him work; the way his eyes would narrow as he focused, the way a small smile would work its way onto his face as the design came together, and the way his purple eyes would glance up at you to see if you were watching him…
Wait, that wasn’t something he normally did!
You felt your heart skip a beat and your face heat up in embarrassment at having been caught staring. Nozel chuckled softly but didn’t say a word as he went back to your sketchbook.
After another moment he handed it back to you and stood up.
“ I have an early day tomorrow, so I’m going to bed first,” He told you softly as he walked over to stand beside you.
Nozel placed a hand against your cheek, leaned down, and placed a sweet, gentle kiss against your lips. Your heart fluttered in your chest as you kissed him back, your hand reaching up to gently rest against his.
“ Don’t stay up too late.” He told her, his voice quiet but serious, and you smiled a bit.
“ Is that an order?”
“ Yes,” He replied bluntly, making you giggle before leaning forward to place another quick kiss against his lips, making his eyes widen and his face burn.
“ Alright Captain, I’ll follow your order,” You told him playfully, a soft giggle escaping you as you watched your boyfriend roll his eyes at the silly nickname. “ I’ll fix the designs and then I’ll come to bed.”
Nozel nodded before standing up, wishing you a goodnight, and walking towards your shared bedroom.
You let out a quiet, tired sigh and reached out to grab your sketchbook. Better get started on his corrections, you thought.
But much to your surprise, when you opened the sketchbook you didn’t see any corrections; instead you saw tiny little notes.
Positive and encouraging notes…
As your eyes scanned the pages slowly, you felt your heart fill with warmth and love. Nozel wasn’t the best at expressing his emotions and telling people how he felt about them; at least not verbally.
Whether it was through little notes like this or through his clothing designs, he was much better at expressing himself through his art and writing.
And that was one of the many things you loved about him.
You gently closed the sketchbook, stood up, and walked into the bedroom where you slipped quietly into the bed beside Nozel. You wrapped your arms around him, quietly thanked him for the encouragement, and told him that you would make the best suit, most impressive for your client because of it!
He chuckled, rolled over, and sleepily told you how he couldn’t wait to see it as he wrapped his arms around your waist.
Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you all have a good day~!
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redginganinja · 3 months
Nozel x Reader
Hey all.... Slowly trying to get back into writing and adding some fandoms to the list. One I'm into right now is Black Clover....
Anyways, here's a somewhat self indulgent fic for Nozel Silva x female reader.
Hissing in anger, I slammed my fist into the door, the solid oak absorbing the impact with a dull thud. Its imposing presence loomed tall as the ceiling, a formidable barrier that seemed to mock my attempts to escape. Locked tightly, it denied me even a glimpse of freedom, leaving me feeling claustrophobic and trapped within its unforgiving embrace.
“Ahem…” a voice cleared their throat behind me, breaking the suffocating silence.
I groaned, the frustration evident in my tone. “What?” I snapped without turning around, my fist still pressed against the unyielding door.
“We really should get started…” a male voice began, his words carrying a sense of urgency. “Your father instructed me to prepare you for the arrival of the King, and the rest of the royals.”
"What’s to prepare?" I asked the tutor sarcastically, finally turning around to face him, my gaze sharp and unrelenting. "Smile, say pleasant things - I can manage…"
He scoffed dismissively, his demeanor brimming with conviction. “There is far more to it than that, my lady. They will be here in the morning, and you are woefully underprepared.”
I regarded him with thinly veiled disinterest, my patience wearing thin. “Locking me in here with you will not convince me to listen. In fact…” A mischievous grin danced upon my lips as I extended my hand, conjuring a surge of magic that crackled with energy, freezing him to the floor where he stood. “You can stay here, but I have plans…”
“You cannot! I - “
I cut off his protests with a smirk, reveling in the control I held over the situation. “Do I need to freeze your mouth as well?” I taunted, relishing in the power coursing through my veins.
He clamped his mouth shut, his eyes wide with apprehension, and I couldn't help but smile. “Thank you. I’m leaving - you will not scream for help, or there will be hell to pay later. I will be back tonight…”
“Your father..” he began, his voice meek.
“ - I do not care what my father says. You will keep quiet if you know what’s good for you.” I hissed, my tone leaving no room for argument as I gathered my belongings with purpose.
Ignoring his wary gaze, I swiftly collected my things, tossing a bag out the window in a calculated act of defiance. I strode behind the privacy screen, shedding the confines of my formal attire with a sense of liberation, exchanging them for the simple garments of a commoner - pants and a casual tunic that offered freedom of movement and anonymity in equal measure.
Emerging from behind the screen, I met his gaze head-on, my expression unyielding. “You will keep quiet until you see the sun rising on the horizon. If I’m not home by then, you may worry, and send someone after me. Understood?” I demanded, my words laced with an unmistakable air of command.
He gulped audibly, his compliance evident in the nod of his head, and I accepted it without hesitation, knowing that my departure would not go unnoticed for long.
With purposeful strides, I made my way to the window, summoning a gust of wind to carry me down to the awaiting bag below. The descent was swifter than I intended, and I landed with a huff, the impact driving the breath from my lungs as I dusted myself off.
Draping a cloak around my shoulders, I pulled the hood low over my features, concealing my identity from prying eyes as I ventured into the bustling streets below. The town was alive with activity, preparations for the royal visit evident in every corner as people scurried about, consumed by the chaos of anticipation.
Navigating the labyrinthine streets with practiced ease, I blended seamlessly into the throng of commoners, my stolen cloak affording me the anonymity I sought. With each step, I felt the weight of expectation slip away, replaced by a sense of freedom and possibility that beckoned me forward into the unknown.
As I made my way through the streets, my senses were inundated with the vibrant spectacle of the town adorned in honor of the impending royal visit. Streamers danced in the breeze, and colorful signs adorned every corner, announcing the forthcoming festivities to all who passed by. The air buzzed with an electric energy as people hurried about, their frenzied movements a testament to the meticulous preparations underway - food stalls being erected, clothing stalls bustling with activity, and vendors hawking their wares in anticipation of the influx of visitors. It was a scene of organized chaos, a symphony of sights and sounds that enveloped me as I navigated through the throngs of people.
Despite the lively atmosphere, I found myself indifferent to the spectacle unfolding around me. The prospect of countless eyes upon me filled me with a sense of unease, a blush creeping to my cheeks at the mere thought of so many individuals recognizing me. With a resigned sigh, I pressed forward, my destination beckoning me with the promise of familiarity and solace amidst the chaos of the town.
Pushing open the creaking wooden door, I was immediately greeted by the clamor of the bustling tavern - rowdy men engaged in spirited conversation, tankards of ale clashing against worn wooden tables in raucous celebration. A nostalgic smile tugged at my lips at the familiar sounds, a sense of belonging washing over me as I stepped into the warmth of the bustling establishment.
“Oi, girl! Where ya been?” A booming voice called out, cutting through the din of the tavern.
I chuckled in response, the affectionate banter of the patrons a welcome embrace. “I missed you too, Mort. How’ve you been?”
“Busy,” Mort grumbled, his weathered features creased in a bemused smile. “And the new girl is flailing…” He trailed off, nodding towards a young blonde woman struggling to navigate the crowded tavern with a tray of drinks in hand.
I grinned knowingly, my years of experience in this tavern lending me a sense of confidence in the chaotic environment. “Good thing I showed up when I did. Hand me a tray,” I replied, my tone laced with playful determination.
Mort chuckled heartily, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he passed me a serving tray. “I’ll pay you in beer,” he quipped, the familiar exchange eliciting a fond smile from me.
“Perfect,” I winked, accepting the tray with a grateful nod before making my way towards the beleaguered new waitress.
“Hey new girl, I’m here to help out. I’ll take some of the bigger tables - take a load off your shoulders,” I offered with a warm smile, extending a gesture of camaraderie to the overwhelmed young woman.
Her expression softened with relief, gratitude shining in her eyes as she accepted my assistance. “Thank you,” she replied earnestly, her voice tinged with uncertainty.
“Just you wait - it gets a lot worse…” I reassured her with a laugh, offering a comforting pat on the shoulder. “But I’ve been slinging drinks for years, so I’ve got you covered.”
With a grateful nod, she turned her attention back to her duties, and I set off to tend to the needs of the tavern patrons. Moving from table to table, I greeted each patron with a warm smile, my focus solely on the task at hand as I navigated the bustling tavern with practiced ease. There was no time for pleasantries - the tavern was too slammed for such niceties - but with each drink served and each smile exchanged, I found myself slipping effortlessly into the rhythm of the familiar chaos, the promise of camaraderie and laughter guiding me through the bustling evening ahead.
A small group of imposing figures caught my eye, their attire betraying their status as magic knights - their robes, tattered and worn, spoke volumes of the battles they had faced and the challenges they had overcome. Despite my unease at their presence, I plastered on a smile, reminding myself of the reward awaiting me at the end of the night - cold, refreshing mugs of beer.
“What can I get for y’all?” I asked with forced cheerfulness, dispelling any notion of pleasantries in the face of the bustling tavern.
A large, dark-haired man in a tattered black robe grinned mischievously at me, his eyes alight with amusement. “Lots of beer, girl,” he teased, his words laced with playful banter.
I nodded in response, turning my attention to the thin man clad in a green robe beside him. “More beer than him…” he hissed, his demeanor sending a shiver down my spine. There was something unnerving about him, a sense of darkness that lingered in the air.
Next, I addressed the man in the crimson robe, his red hair framing a polite smile. “Just a beer, please,” he requested politely, his demeanor a stark contrast to the others at the table.
The man in the golden robe, his face concealed behind a mask, nodded in agreement, his silent acquiescence adding an air of mystery to his presence. Finally, I turned to the man in the blue robe, a braid of silver hair obscuring his features. “Water,” he spoke plainly, his voice devoid of emotion.
Suppressing a look at the odd request, I nodded in acknowledgment. “Very well… I’ll be back with your drinks shortly,” I informed them, turning on my heel and making my way behind the bar to fulfill their orders.
With practiced efficiency, I filled as many steins of beer as I could carry, balancing the water on top with ease. Returning to the table, I distributed the drinks with a sense of satisfaction, placing the water in front of the silver-haired man with an amused twinkle in my eye before handing out the beers to the others. “Just holler if you need something else,” I offered with a smile, my tone friendly yet professional.
Turning my attention back to the bustling tavern, I threw myself into the rhythm of the evening, serving patrons with renewed vigor as the night grew busier and busier. With each drink poured and each table served, I found myself growing progressively friendlier, my interactions with the patrons becoming more lighthearted and jovial as I indulged in chugs of beer between rounds.
Teasing and joking with those I served became second nature, my laughter mingling with the lively ambiance of the tavern as I navigated the bustling crowd with ease. However, when it came to the magic knights, I maintained a respectful distance, interacting with them only when necessary - which, given the drinking competition between the big man and the skinny man, was more frequent than I had anticipated.
I was startled from my serving flow when I heard a loud crash!, and the sounds of the tavern were abruptly silenced by the sudden disruption. All eyes turned towards the source of the commotion, which emanated from the new girl. She stood frozen, a tray of drinks scattered at her feet, her expression a mixture of shock and fear as she struggled against the grasp of a particularly loathsome patron who had seized her, pulling her forcefully into his lap as his hands traveled across her person.
My gaze narrowed at him, fury igniting within me at the sight of his brazen actions. This was not the first time I had warned this troublemaker about his behavior, yet he persisted in his despicable antics, seemingly emboldened with each transgression. Without hesitation, I seized a knife from the bar, my resolve solidifying as I stalked towards the table with determined purpose.
The girl caught sight of me and scrambled away from her assailant, who sat smugly, oblivious to the storm brewing around him as he laughed and took another swig of his beer. My anger surged, my mana pulsating with unrestrained power as I swiftly drove the knife into the table, the blade embedding itself next to his hand with a satisfying thud, drawing a sliver of his blood in its wake.
He turned to snarl at me, his bravado faltering as he registered my presence, his face draining of color with dawning recognition.
Snarling back, my voice unnervingly calm despite the tempest raging within me, I addressed him with chilling precision. “Elaric - I thought I made it abundantly clear that your presence wasn’t welcome here…” I sneered, my words carrying a weight of authority that brooked no argument.
His eyes widened with nervous apprehension. “I hadn’t seen you around lately…” he stammered, his feeble attempt at justification falling on deaf ears.
Glaring icily at him, I continued, my tone laced with thinly veiled menace. “Even so - you shouldn’t be here. You have ten seconds to vacate these premises before you lose that hand,” I declared, my voice a lethal whisper that echoed with the promise of consequences.
With a sense of urgency, he scrambled out of his chair, his bravado evaporating in the face of my unwavering resolve. “You’ll regret this,” he hissed, venom dripping from his words, but I merely laughed in response.
“My only regret is not doing this sooner,” I retorted, my gaze unwavering as I watched him slink towards the door, a defeated shadow of his former self.
Turning my attention to the shaken barmaid, I moved to check on her well-being, aware of the watchful eyes of the tavern's patrons upon me. Sensing the tension in the air, I prepared to address the onlookers, my frustration simmering just beneath the surface.
Before I could voice my reprimand, Mort stepped forward, his authoritative voice cutting through the silence like a clarion call. “Back to your drinks, folks. Just a little pre-celebration excitement from a local troublemaker - nothing for you to concern yourselves with. Enjoy a round on the house!” he declared, his words dispelling the tension with practiced ease.
There were a few grumbles, and then the tavern resumed its lively atmosphere, the incident fading into the background as patrons returned to their revelry, the memory of the altercation quickly overshadowed by the promise of free drinks.
I smiled gratefully at Mort, a wave of gratitude washing over me as he handed me a fresh beer. “Thanks,” I murmured sincerely, feeling supported by his gesture. His pat on the back, accompanied by a knowing smile, spoke volumes, affirming that justice had been served.
Making my way over to the shaken new girl, I approached her with gentle concern, noting the tremor in her hands as she struggled to compose herself. Kneeling beside her, I reached out, brushing a stray tear from her cheek with a comforting touch. “Are you alright?” I inquired softly, my voice laced with empathy.
She looked up at me with wide eyes, her fear palpable, and I offered her reassurance in the form of a supportive arm around her trembling shoulders. “I’m sure you’re frightened - come take a minute in the back to collect yourself,” I urged gently, guiding her towards the sanctuary of the back room, my own beer in hand. Settling in beside her, I engaged her in conversation, offering words of comfort and solidarity until she seemed more at ease.
Returning to the bar, I resumed my duties with renewed determination, serving drinks and indulging in more chugs of beer as I bantered with patrons, the memory of the altercation gradually fading into the background as the night progressed.
As jests and playful banter filled the air, some patrons teased me, their words carrying a hint of caution masked in humor. I responded in kind, playfully warning them of the consequences of crossing me, my tone light-hearted despite the underlying seriousness of the sentiment.
Refilling the knights' drinks, I found them divided - two engaged in rowdy revelry while the other three conversed in hushed tones. The big man, his drunken demeanor evident, spoke up with a teasing grin. “That was quite something…” he remarked, his words tinged with amusement.
I met his gaze, amusement twinkling in my eyes as the alcohol dulled my inhibitions. “I’ve been dying to stab that creep for years,” I quipped, a playful edge to my tone. “He’s lucky I didn’t drive the knife through his hand.”
His laughter filled the air, echoing with camaraderie, while the silver-haired man interjected with a hint of disapproval. “You should leave situations like that to those who are trained to deal with such riffraff,” he remarked coolly, his tone betraying his disdain.
Unfazed by his disapproval, I chuckled, the alcohol emboldening my response. “We don’t get many knights around these parts - are you suggesting I wait on the off chance one appears?” I countered with a playful smirk, my words carrying a sense of defiance tinged with amusement.
Before he could reply, the door burst open, and two men strode into the tavern, their fine clothing and Golden Dawn robes marking them as members of high standing. A sinking feeling settled in the pit of my stomach as I cursed inwardly, hoping against hope that they hadn't noticed my presence. Unfortunately, their sharp gazes locked onto me with unwavering intensity.
Summoning a hesitant smile, I braced myself for the impending confrontation as they approached.
“What do you think you’re doing?” the larger of the two men demanded, his tone laced with agitation. I glanced between him and the drink in my hand, then back to him.
“Drinking…” I muttered, my response dripping with sarcasm as if the answer were obvious.
He scowled at me, his disapproval palpable. “You’re supposed to be at home. Imagine our shock when we found your tutor, iced to the floor of the study,” he retorted pointedly, his frown deepening with each word.
A mischievous grin tugged at my lips as I shrugged nonchalantly. “A little ice never hurt anyone. I just wanted a drink before everything went to shit - care to join me, brother?” I quipped, my tone tinged with hopeful defiance.
His response was immediate and unequivocal. “No,” he stated flatly. “You’re coming home - someone could know you’re here.”
“How? I’ve been careful,” I protested defiantly, the flush of alcohol lending a boldness to my words.
His gaze bore into mine with an intensity that made my stomach churn. “We saw your mana from the road…” he informed me pointedly, the weight of his accusation landing with a crushing finality.
Oops. Busted.
As the gravity of the situation settled upon me, his attention shifted to the table where I had been serving drinks. Recognition flashed across his features, his eyes widening in realization. “Oh, Captain! I was not aware you’d be here…” he trailed off, his tone respectful as he addressed one of the men at the table.
My own eyes widened in surprise. Captain? Did that mean these were all captains…? The implications of their presence sent a shiver down my spine, the realization dawning on me that my impromptu escapade had far-reaching consequences beyond my wildest imagination.
“I apologize for my sister,” my brother addressed, his voice tinged with a mix of exasperation and amusement. “She can be a bit of a handful…” His gaze remained fixed on me, assessing and scrutinizing.
“Did you start a fight?” My younger brother chimed in, his teasing tone accompanied by a playful poke to my cheek. I swatted his hand away with a smirk. “No. I was merely looking out for a fellow worker,” I replied cheekily, a hint of defiance in my words.
He scoffed in response. “You’re no worker. Quit playing peasant and come home. You’re drunk - father will be furious.”
“Father will get over it. Mort, however, needs my help,” I countered, my steps stumbling as the effects of the alcohol began to take hold.
With a roll of his eyes, my younger brother moved swiftly, effortlessly scooping me up and slinging me over his shoulder. “This scene is your fault, sister,” he remarked with a playful grin, his tone light-hearted despite the situation.
I struggled against his grasp, though I knew it was futile. Weakened by drink and outnumbered by my brothers, I resigned myself to defeat with a huff of frustration. “Bye, Mort,” I called out sadly as I was carried away, my voice tinged with regret.
Mort's laughter followed me as I was ushered out of the tavern. “Go easy on her, boys - she means well…” his voice trailed off, the warmth of his words offering a small comfort in the midst of my predicament.
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specialagentlokitty · 4 months
Saul Silva x daughter!reader - burning bridges
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Hi, could I request a Saul silva x daughter reader? Can she have shadow manipulation powers? - Anon💜
Standing in front of the mirror in the lounge, you turned to the side so you were able to pull your armour a little tighter so it would fit better.
There was a knock on your door and you glanced over.
“It’s open.”
You watched who walked through before you went back to putting your amour on.
“I never agreed to you coming on this mission.”
“Yeah, well it ain’t your call.”
Your dad sighed heavily, walking over to put your shoulder pads on for you despite the glare you had given him.
“Maybe not, but I’m still your father (Y/N). They should have asked me.”
“When will you give this up dad? Whether you agree to it or not I will still go on these missions. They have nobody else.”
“They can find other people!” He hissed.
You spun around, glaring harshly at him.
“Where?! Where the fuck do you expect them to find other fairies like me dad?! Huh?! I am the only one who can manipulate the shadows! The only one who can take out hordes of the burned ones!”
“You’re still a kid!”
You scoffed, grabbing your other shoulder pad to put it on, and you turned back to the mirror.
“Yeah, guess you forget that sometimes too huh?”
You secured it and walked over to your room, heading to the desk and you looked at the report that you were sent.
You picked it up, walking back out to the fire place and tossed it inside so your dad wouldn’t be able to track you.
You walked over and stood next to the light switch.
“(Y/N) you are not going on that mission.”
“You have no say in my affairs.”
You turned it off and he shouted your name, running over he turned it on but you were gone.
Sighing, Saul ran a hand down his face, looking at the fireplace.
There was no way he could get that paper now, it was long gone.
His relationship with you had been tense since you learned about what kind of powers that you had, a lot of people wanted you thrown out of the realm, calling your cursed.
You needed help trying to control them and he was so busy with Sky at the time he neglected to give you the help you needed.
You got hurt.
You blamed him for it, you always had.
Truth be told he blamed himself as well, and he was trying fix that, trying to make it better, but you wanted nothing to do with him now.
The Queen saw you as a force to be reckoned with, she wanted you to join her army where if you played your cards right you would fly through the ranks.
He didn’t want that.
He didn’t want you to be a solider is some army that wouldn’t give a shit about whether you died on one of their missions.
Saul marched back to his office, hoping he could find somebody to tell him exactly where you were sent.
Your mission was easy, you were to track down and take out a burned one that was getting a little to close to one of the cities.
It wasn’t exactly hard to track, leaving destruction in its wake was a good method of tracking.
When you found it that’s where things become a little more complicated.
Reaching into the shadows, you felt the coldness wrap around your hand before you pulled out two swords.
Grinning from ear to ear, you twisted them between your fingers.
You had the advantage of shadow manipulation, being able to move and jump through them, making avoiding the attacks aimed for you a lot easier.
Finally bribing it down after nearly an hour of fighting, you held your hand out, wrapping shadows around it, making the body vanish.
You didn’t want locals to worry about this, so you hid the body in your own shadow realm, planning on dumping it at a later date.
You took a few extra days, ensuring the surrounding area was clear before you returned to Alfea.
Heading back to your room, you hung your armour back on the stand by your desk.
You laid down on your bed, staring up at the ceiling.
You knew you wouldn’t be able to sleep, for somebody burdened with powers like yours, sleep was hard.
It was easier when you were a child, you had your dad looking out for you. Singing you that same song your mother used to sing when you couldn’t sleep.
Now you didn’t have that, so, you made your way outside to the specialist training ground in order to train instead.
You never realised that you weren’t the only one out there training, you didn’t know your dad was out there was well.
But he noticed you when you came out and he put his sword away.
You began to bend the shadows to your will, forcing them to take shape, surround you, do whatever it was that you wanted them to do.
In all the years of know what your powers were, this was the first time Saul was seeing them.
You had never showed him, never trained with him when he asked you too.
He had been so worried about your safety he never realised how strong you were, how capable.
You were so at peace, so relaxed, it was like you were at home, like nothing else in the world mattered.
Saul quietly made his way over.
“You’re good.”
You didn’t stop, but you did glance at him.
“Watching me now?”
Saul sighed, running a hand over his head.
“I’m sorry.”
You stopped what you were doing this time, looking at him.
“I mean it, I am so sorry (Y/N). I know I should have done right by you, I swore I was. I didn’t, and for that I’m sorry.”
“You think that makes everything better? Makes all the tears of choosing that bastards son over your own daughter just because I was cursed with these powers?”
He reached a hand out but you stepped away, the shadow of a sword forming in your hand as you aimed it at him.
Saul backed away, his hands raised in the air.
“No. No of course not.”
“You think after all these time I’ll just come running into your arms and we’ll play happy families? He is not my brother. He never was. Shit dad, you look after Bloom better than you do me and that girl doesn’t even belong with us!”
“She needs to learn control.”
“And I didn’t?! I shadow travelled myself to the damn roof when I was a kid by accident and nearly fell! I did the same thing into the park and sliced my leg open! You didn’t give a shit then!”
Saul ran his hand down his face, looking away before turning back to you.
“I did!”
“Did you fuck!”
You walked closer, placing the blade of your sword at his throat and he stayed still.
“I am only at Alfea to complete my course. Then I am going to join the queens army, I will leave, and you will never hear from me again.”
“I don’t want that! I never wanted that! You’re my daughter (Y/N), I just want to keep you safe. Do you really think they give a shit about what happens to you?!”
You shrugged a little, pulling your sword away.
“They give more of a shit than you ever did Saul.”
You barged past him back to your dorm.
Saul watched you leave, and you didn’t so much as spare him a single glance.
Saul didn’t know what to do, after all this time you wanted nothing to do with him.
You didn’t care if he was your dad or not, you didn’t care about family anymore.
You just wanted to hurt him, and it was working because watching his own daughter, his own flesh and blood be angry with him, so eager to leave tore him apart.
There wasn’t anything he could do about it either
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sage-thesimp · 10 months
Nozel x Reader Fanfic (Could Not think of a name, writer’s Block has Struck, Wrote this for content)
TW: Fluff, Injured Nozel, cussing ,spelling Eros due to autocorrect most likely, They/Then pronouns, Nozel and reader already together, Kissing Nozel on the forehead, short
Pairings: Nozel Silva x Reader
“Is he ok?” They asked, wearing a calm facade but is worried as hell on the inside.
“Yes Y/N, Nozel is fine for the most part. Just unconscious, no major or fatal injuries.” Solid replied, slowly opening the infirmary door to reveal Nozel, lying unconscious, but the most peaceful he has been in a few weeks.
Y/N closed the door after walking in, sitting on the edge of the bed and holding his hand After kissing Nozel on the forehead. ”Look, I know you may be unconscious, but maybe this isn’t so bad, you’re finally resting. You may be a captain and all, but you still need rest.”
Before I could even take a breath after saying that, he pulled me down on his chest, glancing at the door to make sure nobody was peeping in.
“Thank you for the concern..” He muttered, his face red with blush while looking the other direction.
“I am yours after all. If I don’t look after you who will?”
“I guess you are right…”
The rest of the time was silent, just you and the prestigious royal and squad captain cuddling in each others embraces in complete, calming silence. (the end!)
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mitsuki-komori · 2 years
Black Clover Requests (And Rules)
Hello people. I have come to tell you that I am taking writing requests for on here or AO3. My account name on AO3 is MitsukiKomoriX191. I will only write about Black Clover. For people new who aren’t sure how to do it, just go to my account and press the ‘Request Anything’ button, then type your request.
Requests are: Open
I check tumblr daily and if I close requests I’ll update this post. I do not write on Thursdays.
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So, I will be writing about:
Angst (It can be as sad and depressing as you want it.)
Fluff (I love sibling fluff and romance fluff the most.)
Yanderes (With a happy ending if that’s even possible)
Basically anything else that isn’t listed below
I will not write about:
Y/N, (Name), Reader. Yeah, no self inserts
Smut. It’s just that even if I tried to write it I would chicken out
I consider OC’s to be the same thing as Y/N
No words that end with ‘philia’
I’m not making any likable characters homophobic or creepy
Characters I will write best about:
Luck Voltia
Magna Swing
Leopold Vermillion
Mimosa Vermillion
Noelle Silva
Finral Roulacase
Langris Vaude
Mereoleona Vermillion
Marie Adlai
Fuegoleon Vermillion
Gauche Adlai
Kirsch Vermillion
Characters I will not write about:
Nacht Faust
Jack the Ripper
William Vengeance
Julius Novachrono
Charmy Pappitson
Relationships I’ll write about (X means romantic, & means not romantic):
Magna x Luck
Leopold & Fuegoleon
Leopold & Mereoleona
Asta x Leopold
Langris x Yuno
Yuno x Leopold Langris & Finral
Yami & Finral
Mimosa & Kirsch
Noelle x Kahono
Noelle & Mereoleona
Mimosa & Leopold
Mimosa & Noelle
Marie & Gauche
Nozel & Noelle
Nebra & Noelle
Solid & Noelle
Yuno x Mimosa
Asta x Noelle
Noelle x Secre
Leopold & Secre
Leopold x Secre (Yeah, I don’t know. There’s just something about them. I think they would have a great relationship if they interacted more.)
Family Fluff
You are not limited to just those characters and ships, those are just the ones I thought of. I’ll add more as I get more requests. Also, it’d be useful if you had something specific in mind for me to write about. If you just write a character’s name or a ship, I’ll still do it, but specifics would definitely be useful. However, I won’t get mad at you if you don’t leave specifics, so there’s no need to think I’ll be annoyed or anything. 
That’s about all I have for now. Have a good day
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wifeofnozelsilva · 2 years
⋆┈┈。゚❀ུ۪ ゚。 Ven's BC Map 。゚ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆
Black Clover
• How they react to their S/O telling them they are pregnant - William, Fuegoleon, Nozel × F!reader separately
• Your Beauty Never Ever Scared Me – William Vangeance x Reader
Character List
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Magic Knights
Black Bulls
This list is still out of orders...
Yami Sukehiro
Finral Roulacase
Magna Swing
Luck Voltia
Nacht Faust
Henry Legolant
Gordon Agrippa
Noelle Silva
Vanessa Enoteca
Secre Swallowtail/Nero
Charmy Poppitson
Golden Dawn
Yuno Grinberryll
William Vangeance
Mimosa Vermillion
Klaus Lunettes
Langris Vaude
Alecdora Sandler
Silver Eagles
Nozel Silva
Nebra Silva
Solid Silva
Crimson Lions
Fuegoleon Vermillion
Leopold Vermillion
Mereoleona Vermillion
Blue Rose
This list is still out of orders...
Charlotte Roselei
Sol Marron
Green Mantis
This list is still out of orders...
Jack the Ripper
Sekke Bronzazza
Azure Deer
This list is still out of orders...
Julius Novachrono
Rills Boismortier
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The Elves
This list is still out of orders...
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Past Royal
This list is still out of orders...
Lemiel Silvamillion
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Dark Triad
Dante Zogratis
Zenon Zogratis
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one-leaf-grimoire · 3 years
c-could you do fluff b for solid and langris? 🥺🥺 tyyyyy <3
Yes of course Rin!!! Thank you for requesting and thank you for being here for me 😭❤
Beauty-Langris Vaude
Langris values someone who can leave a burning impression on him. Their fiery spirit, a powerful spell, anything like that. Despite how he can seem, he does value the strength of others. Especially if it's enough to knock him off his feet; he won't think of anything else for days.
Beauty- Solid Silva
Solid is similar to Langris in that he values strength, but more than that he admires how his partner carries themselves through adversity. He hardly encounters it off the battlefield, and considers a lot of problems below him, but he can't help but stare in awe at how someone handles themselves through the worst of times.
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bowandcurtsey · 2 years
Hi! I love your black clover stuff, could i request a one shoot were Solid confesses his love for the reader?
Thank you. Have a great day❤️
AHA! Our first Solid! I hope I'll do it well!! ヾ(・ω・´;)ノ
Solid Silva x F! reader
It was a cold winter day when Solid Silva first met you, you looked so beautiful in that long fluffy trench coat. He was just so mesmerised when you walked in with your father, a nobleman who was here to talk business with the Silva Family.
You sat in the huge common room just by the fire, where the servants served you a cup of tea. You tucked your h/c hair behind your ears, showing off your side profile as you sipped some warm tea.
You saw Solid walk by from the corner of your eyes, and you looked up, your e/c eyes meeting his sky blue ones. You gave him a polite smile and a nod of the head, and Solid felt his heart stop for that second.
He never forgot you since then.
The flowers were starting to bloom as spring was here and one day, you came again, with your dad as a finalisation of the business meeting from almost 2 months ago.
You were in florals today, you even wore a red lip stick. When solid saw you, he was so mesmerised, he didn't even realise he was staring with his mouth open until....
"it's rude to stare y'know, brother~" Nebra teased, "Her name's y/n l/n, daughter of Sir L/n, they're here to have a shared business with brother Nozel, a new resort. Hearsay they live in Raque~"
"Shut up Nebra." Solid quickly closed his agape mouth and pursed his lips. He walked away from the balcony.
Your dad was very happy to close the deal today, so he had a few drinks at the house of Silva, leaving you so bored and tired. He was getting old now, so you accompanied him to his business meetings, ensuring he wouldn't over exert himself.
By 9pm, your dad was completely drunk.
"Lady y/n, allow us to send you and your dad home." Captain Nozel called for his brother Solid over, "Solid, could you send Sir l/n and Lady y/n home? It's getting late and it's not safe for a lady at this hour."
You politely accepted the offer and you left with Solid and your dad.
"Thanks for sending us back," you smiled at Solid, "my dad has been looking forward to building this resort for some time now. He's too overjoyed that the Silva family is willing to work with him."
"No trouble at all, Raque is not far from here anyway," Solid quickly said. His heart was almost bursting out from his chest, "H-how about you?"
"Huh? Me?" you raised your brows a little at the young royal.
Shit Solid, what are you saying? He slapped himself internally.
"Oh! I meant, are you happy? About the resort of course!" he stumbled with his words and he felt warmth spread across his cheeks.
"Oh, I guess! Resorts are nice, aren't they!" you gave a little laugh, and Solid thought it was the most melodic sound he's ever heard.
"Say, y/n.." he said as you both reached your place. You called for the maids to bring your drunk father back in as you stood at your door, about to see Solid off.
"Yes?" you blinked at him. He does have beautiful eyes, they shone under the night sky. He didn't seem like those narcissistic or prideful guy like people said he was.
"Do you think I could ask you out on a meal some day?" he said so quickly, his eyes darting from yours to elsewhere, then back to yours again. You could even see the tip of his ears turning red.
You let out a small chuckle, it seems that the young master of the Silva family was shy. And it was kinda cute too.
"Sure" you said before turning around and heading back inside.
I'm sorry it was pretty short! This little scenario just popped up into my mind! hehe <3
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Prompt: “Waking up next to them” Pairing: Solid Silva x gn!reader Genre: fluff Fanfic type: Oneshot Length: ~0.5k
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You cracked your eyelids open.
No thoughts… just a warm, soft bed. A pillow that cradled your head. A blanket that wrapped around you, soft as a cloud. The twilight zone of the early morning when no nothing ran through your mind. No worries, responsibilities, just the blissful state of near sleep.
Was it too early to get out of bed? You really hoped that it was. Because this… was so warm and snuggly, and cozy and… Couldn’t you just stay for a moment longer?
There was an arm that wrapped around you, pulling you closer.
A lock of curly, silver hair tickled your cheek, making you let out a faint giggle. But all it did, was make his hold of you grow stronger. His chest was pressed against your back, and his breath, glided over your neck, as if he didn’t want to wake up either.
An alarm went off, which made the man who had wrapped himself around you let out a grown, from which you could practically taste the frown on his brows.
His hold of you loosened, and her rolled onto the other side to turn the alarm off, only to roll back to you. His arms wrapped back around you, but along with it, he threw one of his legs over yours too, in an effort to tangle himself to you even more.
“Shouldn’t we be getting up?” You asked, more to tease him than anything else, since you weren’t eager in getting out of the bed either.
“We can stay for a while longer,” he uttered, barely awake.
“Won’t your brother be mad if we miss breakfast?”
His hold of you grew stronger, as he nuzzled into the crook of your neck. “Nozel-oniisama will understand,” he insisted.
“Good to know,” you whispered back, settling in to his embrace.
The pillow was still soft and fluffy under your head, and the blankets were as if a cloud. But this time warmth was brought by Solid’s embrace, and tranquillity came with the way you felt his chest rising and falling against your back, along with the sound of his steady breathing.
His hold of you seemed imploring, like he was asking you to never leave. His mere hold of you, pleaded, nearly begged, you to stay by his side.
It seemed like this time of the day, these sacred passing moments, were when he dared to be vulnerable. Something you didn’t imagine him to be. But. You supposed that even the proud Solid Silva, could be vulnerable with the right person.
There was something satisfyingly amusing in it, in the disbelief of being there, and in that moment. But you wouldn’t have traded it for anything, that disbelief. Because that moment, was perfect.
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Silva's Revenant
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Summary: You left the Clover Kingdom for 5 years to go to an adventure, upon your return things you left starts to crawl back. A certain silvered captain is one particular you want to go back to, but it is not going to be easy.
This is going to be a multi-chapter fanfiction.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
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lyranova · 3 years
Hello my beautiful mutual! Can I request parental headcanons for solid?? Nor pressure and thank you💕
Hello my darling Joy 🥰! Of course you can I hope you like them and I’m sorry for the wait! (I couldn’t find any good pictures of him lol 😭)
Black Clover Characters as Parents HC’s:
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• Is also a strict parent
• Like Nebra he believes his kids are the absolute best and no one can change his mind!
• He doesn’t mind having to discipline his kids
• Is the type of parent who takes his kids stuff away when they’re in trouble
• But he does give it back, especially if they start crying, he hates seeing his kids cry.
• Out of all the siblings he tries his hardest not to treat his kids like he did Noelle. He regrets treating her like he did.
• Makes Nozel train his kids, he wants his kids to be the best so he has the best train them!
• He does spoil his kids, although not as much as some of the others do.
• Really loves his kids, although he only shows them that, strangers probably think he doesn’t really care about them or finds them annoying. He also takes them to family dinners!
• Also very protective of his kids, but, 9 times out of 10 i feel like its his kids that protect him instead of the other way around lol!
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tokimihyachi · 3 years
Light Me Up
BC Christmas Special #2
Pairing: Nozel Silva X Reader
Warnings: None
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The brilliant vibrance that the flickers of the Christmas lights created in the Noble Realm was truly a sight to behold. To its left, House Silva shone iridescently in shades of blue and gray, and on the other end of the street, House L/N was in a colorful spectrum of the rainbow itself.
The rivalry of House L/N and House Silva, if boiled down has been ongoing for almost several generations already. Y/N, eldest of the L/N's was more than willing to do anything to finally bring victory to them.
Even if that included flirting with the coldest hearted man in Clover Kingdom-- her rival, and House Silva's eldest, Nozel. Just the thought of being in single room with the man sickened her to death, but Nozel's mother once mentioned that love blooming between them may end their rivalry.
Though everyone was sure that Lady Acier meant that literally, she took it rather figuratively and is now using it as a weapon to make the silver-haired man drop on his knees and beg for her love. Which was proven difficult over the past few years in her stay at the Silver Eagles much worse than being in the netherworld.
Footsteps thumping loudly along the hallway of the room made Y/N fix her posture as the door was slammed against the wall making her flinch, 'Be brave!' Nozel eyed the woman who seemed to not even bother and greet him as he entered the room.
"Will you not greet your Captain, Y/N?" shooting him a glare of the same intensity, "Welcome back to our Captain. Any new recruits, sir?" she inquired , changing the subject.
Fortunately for her, the man was in no mood to play so he said not a word about her behavior, "As a matter of fact, there is. Solid, Nebra, bring him in." the door swings open one more to reveal a man, a very handsome boy, Y/N thought, who's eyes were as dark as the night sky as if piercing any obstacle on the way.
Nozel sighed, a hand gesturing to the new recruit. "O-Oh, hi! The names Zealous nice to meet you.." the boy trailed off as he catches a glimpse of the maiden standing in front of him who's eyes glimmered brightly.
"Please to meet you, Zealous. I'm Y/N, Vice-captain of the Silver Eagles. May I call you Zel instead?"
"Excuse me? That's-"
"Y-Yes! Please. Thank you, my lady!” a hand reached out, awaiting Y/N's own but was interrupted when Nozel coughs, violently might one add.
Daubing his face with the usual expression he wore, he looked at Y/N, who rolled her eyes knowing well that he meant to 'know your place' and stood beside him, "I don't believe further introductions are needed. You are dismissed. Both of you escort him to his chambers." Nebra's mouth opened, but the aura Nozel gave off was something she'd rather not mess with.
As the door closes Y/N took it upon herself to gather her things and head back to her room, not until Nozel grabs a hold of her wrist. She raised her eyebrows before chuckling to herself, "A good night kiss, my love?" she teased, resulting for the man to scowl and blush at the same time.
"Tch. You may leave uncivilized woman I wish not to see." laughing at his cold demeanor, Y/N pulled the collar of his robe and planted a kiss on his cheeks, like she usually does, but this time, it felt tender and warmer than the usual. 'Is is the weather? That would be a logical explanation.' he inwardly thought.
Feeling her shivering figure under his touch and acting without his thoroughly thinking, he placed his robe around her body and held her close, "H-Hey, what do you think you're doing!?" she basically screamed.
"I don't like it when other men ogle at my Vice-captain." he quietly stated making the girl he embraced giddy and smirk, "No need to worry about that, Sir. I can handle myself as I am the Silver Eagle's Vice-captain." she retorted, face more smug than what Nozel had imagined.
She wriggled her way out of his grasp to hug him upfront, surprising him even more so. Despite the surprise, like water reflecting the surface, he did the same and sighed heavily as he buried his head on the crook of her neck, "So you've finally surrendered under my command?" a snort escapes the man lips.
Both of them now look over at the window, showing how beautifully the lights of their respective Houses blended together despite, like the two of them, being total opposites.
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poundstonaira · 3 years
Solid x Reader Barely Bothered 2
 contains limey content
Word Count: 1940
I made it downstairs to the front door of the base as I saw the captain standing there. Captain Nozel started at me with a blank face of confusion, seeing that I was the only one here when it’s supposed to be me and Solid.
“Hello, captain Nozel.” I gave him a small wave with my normal emotionless face, pretending like I didn’t just knock his little brother out moments ago by sucking the oxygen out of his lungs.
“Good morning, Y/N. Where’s Solid?”
Oh shit. I didn’t think he would ask me that and I don't have a lie to tell him… fuck.
“I don’t know… but when I saw him in front of my door, he did look a bit malnourished… he then passed out and I kissed him to see if he would wake up but he didn’t so Nebra is probably taking care of him…” I lied with the same expression on my face, hoping that my captain wouldn’t think of anything suspicious from me.
“Oh… malnourished? I wouldn’t say malnourished… he ate like seven lamb chops last night.” My captain casually said.
Seven lamb chops… for one meal… chile… these royals are something else. That isn’t my business but I hope he isn’t planning to eat me tonight. I will be empty. But it’s not like I’ll let him touch me anyway.
“Oh… well maybe he had food poisoning…” I said aloud, pretending to think.
“That may be it. I believe you on Solid passing out so I’ll let you go on this mission yourself. I think that you are strong enough to go by yourself.” He continued.
Wow… he believed me? But what if he goes check?
“Thank you, captain.” I bowed at him.
“No need to thank me. You worked hard. Besides that, your mission isn’t really that much, all you need to do is kill a giant serpent before midnight in the town of Hel.” He finished before flying away.
Oh really? Cool.
I made a transportation spell using my earth magic then started to migrate to Hel, the town that wasn’t far from the royal capital. I think that this mission should be quite easy to do. Killing a giant serpent shouldn’t take long nor should be much to think about.
I just finished killing the giant serpent that the captain told me about. It didn’t take long nor did it take me to use that much mana. All I did was use an earth spell of mine and then it got cut in half and the purple blood started oozing out of it. Poor serpent.
It was time for me to go back when I suddenly felt sleepy. I was confused about why I felt so sleepy all of a sudden when I’m not anemic nor do I have any other sickness.
Why do I feel so sleepy? Was it Solid when I made out with him? No… I didn’t taste any type of poison, I only tasted fresh mint. Or was it an odorless poison only used when transmitted from mouth to mouth?
So many questions are running through my head right now I don’t even know what’s going on. I might just find a tree to fall as sleep at so I can lay my head there; that might be a very stupid and idiotic plan of me but my alerts on are on high senses even when I’m unconscious so I knows going on. 
I moved my slugging body towards a large tree and sat down beside. I felt my eyes give into my craving for sleep and drifted off.
I just hope that no one tries to take advantage of my sleeping state or there will be another death caused by me.
All of a sudden, I heard footsteps approaching, I don’t know who it was but I hoped that they were just passing by and not wondering what a woman was doing sleeping in the forest.
“So you think you pull such an act on me and act like nothing happened? Oh, Y/N... you’ll be in for such a big treat tonight.”
As I am still in my sleep, the feeling of the tree behind my back is no longer there, instead there is a more of a comfortable and fluffy comfort feeling supporting my back. At this, I carefully open my eyes to a room that I am not familiar with at all.
I looked around to see decorated green walls and paintings. I know for a fact that this is not my room, someone must’ve taken me when I was asleep.
Did I get kidnapped? No… this must be the room of a noble or royal- wait… No… don’t tell me… FUCk!
“Good evening, Y/N.” I heard a familiar sadistic voice from beside me. When I turned around, I saw the familiar figure of Solid sitting down on his sofa, giving me that same sadistic smile.
“So I’m guessing that it was you who brought me here while I was asleep?” I asked him with a dead look in my face.
“Correct.” The blue-eyed boy simply replied, still giving me that same smile.
I let out a huge sigh, wondering how my life has gotten so difficult since I’ve joined the squad even though the only problem was Solid himself. He has just made me so annoyed and uncomfortable for God knows how long. If I really think about it, Solid is probably the only one in my existence of living who has broken me out of my emotionless self in a bad way.
I looked down to see that the only thing that has changed from my appearance was that my Silver Eagles robe was gone, everything else was the same. I was a bit surprised by this because I would’ve expected him to strip me completely, knowing how thirsty this boy is for me.
“Why’d you only take off my robe? What were you trying to do?” I questioned Solid. Instead of an answer, the silver-haired royal lets out a chuckle instead.
“I was trying to make you comfortable while you were sleeping, so I was going to change you into one of my shirts but, if I did that, I would’ve completely forced myself on you and that wouldn’t have been good for you nor me so I only took off your robe.”
Well thank goodness I woke up in time. It would’ve been an ugly sight seeing him on top of me, doing whatever he pleases.
“Damn… you really are a sucker when it comes to me, huh?” I let out a groan, not giving him any eye contact right now because of a blush which was plastered across my face because of how embarrassed I was. I don’t know why I was embarrassed because that comment is really fucking perverted. But, should I even be surprised?
“Ha! You are very correct…” I heard Solid laugh, making me look at him. “I am a horrible sucker for you but, can you blame me? You are probably the hottest woman I’ve ever seen, you have the perfect body and the perfect personality. Anyone with common sense would fall for someone like you…” He continued his statement. My face started sweating and began to become more red. I swear, this sadistic bastard will be the end of my emotionless phase.
“I get it… is that what you want from me?” I wondered aloud looking at him with dead eyes this time, seeing if he would get what I’m saying.
“”That?” What do you mean by “that”?” Solid gave me a weird look as he walked over to the bed.
“You know… sex…” I said.
Solid lets out another chuckle but this time it sounded like it had more sadistic and evil intent in it.
“I don’t just want to use your body as my pleasure tool… I want you.” Was all Solid said before climbing on top of me and connecting his lips to mine, automatically using his tongue against my lips, foring my mouth to open.
“Wha-” I was quickly interrupted by our lips fully connecting by the pressure of him pushing himself on me. I felt Solid harshly grab my right leg and put it around his lower back all the while he was still making out with me. His tongue was completely dominating my mouth and lips as I sat there, underneath him, taking advantage of my confused state.
“Come on…” I heard him groan against our lips. “Kiss me back with that same energy you had earlier… take my breath away once more. Make me want to crave you...”
Well, his wish is my command. I will gladly do so.
I used most of my strength to flip our positions so that I was on top of him. I had a full look of Solid’s flushed face, the sound of his pants, and the small sadistic smile on his face. I could tell that this was going to be a long night for the both of us and at this point, I don’t even mind. I have now changed my opinion on this sadistic royal who had broken my emotionless personality; I find his love for me quite creepy but at the same time, I find it very adorable of how much he is a sucker for me. Maybe if I give him a chance I can find a soft spot in his heart.
A small smile finally plastered across my face at Solid’s facial expression. Mindlessly, I snaked my left hand down towards his stomach before it reached his crotch, I felt his phallus touch the tips of my fingers as it twitched.
“I will gladly take your breath away, Solid Silva.” 
“Wow…” I heard Solid pant as he flopped his body onto mine. “You were incredible…I’m guessing this isn’t your first time?” I heard Solid ask me as he pulled the covers over our bodies.
“No… It’s not.” I breathed out my last few pants before sighing. 
“Damn it… I was hoping to be your first…” I heard Solid groan aloud, playing with a few strands of my hair.
“Yeah…about that... my ex-boyfriend was a loser so I broke up with him not so long ago. He didn’t phase me or break my emotionless personality at all so I ended our relationship. And he wasn’t even that good in bed.” I replied, looking up at the ceiling, ignoring Solid’s weight on mine.
“Oh… Was I good?” Solid asked me with an innocent smile on his face.
“I guess. I don’t really experience sexual attraction anyways. It’s not that big of a deal but if you want an answer then I would say that you aren’t bad at all.” I answered him, now looking out the window.
“Heh. That makes me happy.” I heard him chuckle as I just gave him a small smirk in return before focusing my attention on the evening sky which was on top of the Royal Capital.
“Are you mad at me? I finished inside you…” I heard Solid mutter before turning his head the other way. I felt my heart drop to my stomach before realizing something.
“It’s okay. Like I said, I had recently broken up with my boyfriend and I’m on birth control. The effect is still working.” I answered him, yawning out of relief. I felt Solid move over to me, I felt his arms embrace me tightly, I gave in and hugged him back.
“I love you so much. Will you be my girlfriend?”
“Sure. Whatever.”
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