brilmans · 3 years
Megalieten en meer
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Net Drenthe
Wie, net als ik, tijdens zijn vakantie heel veel zonuren wil en verder weinig tot niets, die zou ik adviseren een reis naar de Vendée te boeken. Zonder meer. Springen bij ons in de provincie de stoplichten nog van rood naar groen hier in de Vendée is echt niets te doen. Tenminste niets noemenswaardigs. Ter indicatie: hier noemen ze een draaimolen, een hobbelpaard en een flipperkast tezamen een attractiepark en beschouwen ze het rondreizend circus als topamusement! Als u de zon, de zee en het strand wegdenkt, is de Vendée net Drenthe, maar dan in het kwadraat.
In de Vandée hoeft u dus niet bang te zijn iets te missen. Dat kan namelijk niet. Er is daar immers niets dat u echt had moeten zien. Als ze u bij thuiskomst vragen wat u op vakantie allemaal heeft gedaan, kunt u zonder gêne zeggen: helemaal niks! De dagen lummelen op het strand buiten beschouwing gelaten natuurlijk.
Megalithische bouwwerken
Mocht u bij thuiskomst toch met iets cultureels wil kunnen koketteren, dan hebben onze vroege voorouders -speciaal voor u- hun sporen in het landschap nagelaten. Net als in Drenthe stikt het hier van de ‘hunebedden’ en andere Megalithische bouwwerken, met dien verschille dat ze er hier in de Vendée niets aan doen om deze dolmen, menhirs en cairns te vermarkten. Ze hanteren hier het uitgangspunt: als u ze kunt vinden, mag u ze bezoeken. Gratis!
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Le Dolmen du Grand Bouillac
Op de kaart
Omdat ik sporen uit het verre verleden buitengewoon fascinerend vind, kon ik het niet laten op zoek te gaan naar de megalieten in de omgeving van ons vakantieverblijf. Omdat ik simultaan ook een beetje wilde kunnen kijken, besloot ik dat per voet te doen. Dan zie je altijd meer. Met behulp Google Maps wist ik een dolmen en een menhir op avondwandelafstand -binnen een straal van 3 kilometer- te lokaliseren. Een voor een zocht ik ze op.
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Menhir de la Pierre-Qui-Viré
Tijdens de wandeling bedacht ik me dat het natuurlijk goed mogelijk is dat onze vroege voorouders niet alleen deze reusachtige stenen hadden achtergelaten, maar dat er in dit landschap misschien ook kleiner spul te vinden moest zijn. Ik hield voor de zekerheid mijn ogen goed open.
Helaas vond ik geen overtuigende artefacten op de akkers langs de route. De twee stukken vuursteen die ik vond hadden wel de schijn, maar niet de overtuigende kenmerken. En bij artefacten luidt de regel: aan twijfelachtige stukken -incertofacten in jargon- heb je niets.
Niet op de kaart
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Een menhir in je tuin, wie wil dat nou niet?
Wat ik wel vond, minstens zo leuk, waren twee onvermelde megalithische bouwwerken. Een, een menhir, bij een fransoos in tuin, de ander, een niet gerenoveerde dolmen, iets verder op. Vooral de laatste ontdekking sprak tot de verbeelding. Deze stenen lagen zoals de tand des tijds het bedoelt had; deze waren niet opnieuw opgestapeld. Toen ik er aankwam waren slechts twee gigantisch dekstenen zichtbaar, maar verstopt onder kruid vond ik al snel meer. Ik heb het bewonderd alsof ik de ontdekker was, daarna liep ik geanimeerd terug naar huis.
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Dolmen zonder naam.
Op het strand
De volgende dag vond ik geheel tot mijn verrassing een vuurstenen werktuig. Niet tijdens een tocht naar een van de megalieten, maar gewoon tijdens een van mijn favorite bezigheden hier: een bezoek aan het strand.
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Een Midden-Paleolithisch werktuig.
Het artefact heeft naar alle waarschijnlijkheid niets te maken met de tussen de 5500 en 4500 jaar oude megalieten. Gezien het uiterlijk, de verwering in het bijzonder, is het aannemelijk dat dit artefact dateert uit het Paleolithicum. Een datering die aannemelijk is omdat een solifluction ofwel bodemstroom in het verleden hier in de regio artefacten uit het Moustérien heeft afgezet. Als ik goed zit betreft het dus een werktuig van een Neanderthaler: een kling met retouches. Daar kan ik bij thuiskomst mooi mee koketteren.
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veldeia · 4 years
Fic: Solifluction
So, turns out that unexpectedly, I have a new fandom! I got so into The Mandalorian that I wanted to try my hand at writing for it, and here’s what happened:
Fandom: The Mandalorian (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Word count: 15 017 Relationships: Din Djarin & Grogu | Baby Yoda, Din Djarin & Cara Dune & Greef Karga Characters: Din Djarin, Grogu | Baby Yoda, Cara Dune, Greef Karga, Original Characters Additional Tags: Illnesses, Hurt/Comfort, Din Djarin Whump, Whump with plot, Carbonite Freezing (Star Wars), Friendship, Original Character Death(s)
A job gone wrong drives Din to make the last-ditch play of encasing himself in carbonite, placing his life in the hands of his friends.
(Takes place in a vague season-2-ish. Fills the prompt "delirium" for my @badthingshappenbingo​ card.)
Fic on AO3
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ziecoffeebean · 2 years
Dagur þrjú
Day Three
If I could describe day three in one word it would be wet. The weather was horrendous all day. It got to be so bad that we are currently sitting in our hotel at 6:00 pm. The day started with some really intense wind, the weather app said the winds were up to 40 mph! We stayed at the day two hotel until checkout at 11:00 am, hoping the weather would calm down. It didn’t. I think Dr. Barineau got a video of Jacob and me struggling to put out luggage in the car with the wind fighting back, I’ll have to ask him for it. Today we did what Dr. Barineau describes as “car geology”.
We saw everything through rainy car windows. Even through all the “doom and gloom” Iceland is still magnificently beautiful. We had planned to see some really cool things, a ferry ride to a black beach and doing a glacier hike, but the weather just wasn’t going to allow it. I obviously can’t speak on whether or not the planned experience would have been better than what we did today, however, I can say that the things I saw today were still fantastic! We got to see solifluction, the Eyjafjallajökull jökullhlaup, glacial erratics, lateral moraines, more rootless cones, the largest effusive eruption on earth in the last 1200 years, pahoehoe and aa lava flows and got to see a place where a valley is being made to learn about valley formation.
We didn’t get too many cultural experiences today. But we did stop at the Black Beach Restaurant where I tried turnip soup, it tasted like hot baby food, not bad but not great. Let me tell you about these fries though, don’t let anyone bully you for portion sizes in America. I wanted a little side of fries and they basically brought me a bucket! Dr. Barineau and Jacob had to help me eat them.
We did get out of the car once today though. There was one of the historic sod houses on the side of the road. It was like the TARDIS, I didn’t think a person could fit in them, but they were massive on the inside! This hotel is super nice though, this is my first private bathroom on this trip. Overall, while day three didn’t go to plan, it was still fantastic!
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tboftwoft · 3 years
Sound Display (quadraphony): SANS-TITRE (sound of stone) in collaboration with Mika Oki, 2021
In this contribution, Gaëlle Leenhardt presents a soundscape and lyrics. Both are taken from in her solo exhibition Mouvements de Masse, an exhibition that brings together sculptures, photographs and sound, the whole made in situ for the unique, derelict architecture of Brasserie Atlas in Anderlecht, a former brewery with Art Deco style elements. The audio recording presents the sound of a limestone being prepared for lithography (recorded with Mika Oki in the context of a residency at the Frans Masereel Centrum). The lyrics were especially written by Leenhardt for the exhibition. (on view until June 1).
MASS MOUVEMENT take the current like the mist It can’t resist DECOMPOSITION does not mean DEPRESSION take into action the disintegration Mass movement take the current like the mist flows to the east and eat the LAND without HAND the north, too short it doesn’t worth the south, too youth I have my doubt OUT Mass movement take the current like the mist It can’t resist far east east far north north far south south far west west this isn’t a quest just the flow from right to left MASS MOUVEMENT take the current like the mist enters the sea no entrance just the trance MOVEMENT from above fall fall FALL down the hall become the HOLE earth cracking and crows flying SEDIMENTATION without reACTION SOLIFLUCTION get into ACTION MASS MOUVEMENT take the current like the mist It can’t resist OLD land NEW land no END can’t stand DESERT is drying WATER not falling doesn’t mean dying but just not diving MASS MOUVEMENT TAKE THE CURRENT like the mist it can’t resist to the west the quest request no rest the earth falling but nothing TOO much water the ground too round to the DRY POND MASS MOUVEMENT TAKE THE CURRENT LIKE THE MIST IT CAN’T RESIST lyrics by Gaëlle Leenhardt
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ejoycem · 4 years
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@codijmorgan​ @collegerunningprobs​ @plateway​ @dreproach-blog​ @officialouterspace​ @young--states​ @optimisticlandalpaca​ @riley-hansenn​ @zackzakibe​ @wellarentyoujustadahling​ @inatalove​ @aidentodd-blog​ @solifluction​
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kirillkonshin · 4 years
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Inside the glacier ice cave at Matanuska Glacier. Such caves form occasionally in different parts of glacier, they can collapse and emerge in other parts. Most glacier caves are started by water running through or under the glacier. This water often originates on the glacier's surface through melting, entering the ice at a moulin and exiting at the glacier's snout at base level. Heat transfer from the water can cause sufficient melting to create an air-filled cavity, sometimes aided by solifluction. Air movement can then assist enlargement through melting in summer and sublimation in winter. #matanuska #matanuskaglacier #glacier #glaciercave #alaska #travel #roadtrip #natgeo #likes #instalike #instagood #bestoftheday #photooftheday #instacool #instago #all_shots #follow #webstagram #colorful #picoftheday #livefolk #discover_landscapes #main_vision #master_gallery #world_shotz #fantastic_earth #ig_masterpiece #ournaturedays #moodygrams #exclusive_shots (at Matanuska Glacier) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEH5BFKpXTf/?igshid=159b6czhjus2t
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PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY -GEOMORPHOLOGY is the study of the shape of the land and the processes that make those shapes -SLOPE PROCESSES: MASS MOVEMENTS AS GEOHAZARDS certain environments, especiallyy high altitude and mountainous places, have them. Movement of materials downslope, sometimes rapid and a sgnificant geohazard. -Factors that control and trigger mass movements -4 forms, creep, flow, slide, fall -Humans can contribute -Mass movement = Mass wasting -Masses of rock and soil move downhill under influence of gravity -Types include landslide, mudslide, rock avalanche -arise from rock fragmentation through weathering and is a major geomorphological process on slopes (especially steeper ones) that results in a decline in the slope angle over time -Frequently rapid but not always. can be disastrous, a significant geohazard - Important part of land evolution, especially in high relief areas (high elevation) -Relief = Highest point minus lowest point of elevation CONTROLLING FACTORS -Gravity (pulls everything towards center of earth) Increase weight, decrease of friction, increase angle helps it move downslope -Nature of material on slope (slope materials vary according to geology, main division is between unconsolidated and consolidated material. Unconsolidated material has an angle of repose which is the maximum angle at which a slope of loose material lies without movement. It’s unstable if the angle gets steeper.) If particles are smaller and weathered, it’s easier for downslope movement to occur). Size and shape matter. Consolidated material has slope steepness maintained but instability is still possible. Like if it becomes undercut (over-steepened) or vegetation is removed through clearing or fire. Deep weathering alters rock to reduce binding forces and makes slopes more susceptible to movement and prone to failure. -Moisture content of material because surface tension, a cohesive force between water molecules. Enough moisture between particles keeps them together and increases stability. Can also be a trigger factor when too much is there. Saturation of material like rain reduces internal friction and promotes movement. -Slope angle. Underlying geology matters, weathered rocks may lie at or close to the angle of repose but harder and more resistant rocks may fragment into small large blocks that can form steep cliffs. In sedimentary rocks, bedding planes can promote weaknesses through weathering. The attitude of the planes determines the type of movement. -all of this is important that predispose slopes for mass movement, interacting with each other. TRIGGER FACTORS -Earthquakes and Tremors (vibration) -Heavy rainfall (lubrication) -human modification of slopes causes both of these through construction CLASSIFICATION OF MOVEMENT -Loose definitions based on material (rock or unconsolidated), velocity, and how it moves -Usually a combination -creep is extremely slow movement of soil material under the influence of gravity, promoted by cycles of wet and dry, heat and cool, freeze and thaw, to produce heaving. Moves between 1mm and 10 mm per year. Deformation is clear in fences, trees, telephone poles etc. in cold climates Solifluction or gelifluction is a special case of accelerated creep restricted to high latitude tundra. surface layers thaw in summer and saturated soil flows across frozen subsoil (permafrost). This is at a rate of 1-10 meters per year. -flow is the earthflow or mudflow (fine-grained material) and debris flow. Fluid mass movements as fast as 100 km per hour. Mudflows are often associated with rainstorms. Volcanic conditions have pyroclastic flow (lahar) which is a mixture of hot volcanic gases and ash (Mt Vesuvius in AD 79 was an example of this in Pompeii). -slide or landslide. Slumps, debris slides, and rock slides. Involves rotational movement as a single unit along a slippage plane thats well defined.usually tilts backwards and is separated from original plan by a curved (arcuate) incision scar (spoon-shaped). Rate is variable, slower than flow but fasterthan creep. Could reach 50km per hour. -Fall, feature of cliffs and by definition associated with consolidated parent materials. Rockfall is the detachment of individual blocks that free fall instantaneously from a cliff. Rocks accumulate at base of slope, called a talus or spree. -Human activity has environmental implications . Excavation and dam construction promote mass movement. Human activity is then affected by it like high magnitude low frequency events. -Concrete dam in Vaiont Italy impounds large reservoir-volume of this promotes further instability. Debris slide of 240 million cubic meter (2km x 1.6km x 150m) on October 9th 1963. Caused spillover into river after filling dam. 70m flood wave moves down. Almost 3000 deaths. Limestones and shales were weak around it. Scar of ancient slide  on valley slide above the reservoir. Small rockslide in 1960 too. They should have known not to build it. LANDSLIDE HAZARD ASSESSMENT -careful observation and monitoring of risk factors -assessment of historical mass movement activities -avoid construction in vulnerable areas, no over-steepening of slopes and manage drainage (mitigation) -Geo-engineering solutions (adaptation) -Early-warning systems WATER: a key element in geomorphology -Running water is by far the most important agent in landscape formation. Other agents are wind, ice, and groundwater, are locally dominant depending on locality. -Viewed from space, water dominates earth. stream valleys dominate most of earth’s terrestrial landscapes. -Freshwater is 3%, Ocean (Saline) water is 97%. 68.7% of freshwater is in glaciers, 30.1% is groundwater, 0.9% is other, Surface water is 0.3% (2% Rivers, 11% Swamps. 87% Lakes).   GLOBAL WATER -most freshwater is frozen but it still plays a vital role in river systems and in preserving life -A lot of water, distributed differently due to hydrological cycle HYDROLOGICAL CYCLE -Precipitation, clouds form due to ascent (forced or spontaneous) of saturated air parcel and associated cooling. Rain and snow come from coalescence of cloud water droplets. Fog/Mist is the same, except the cooled air is found close to ground surface. Creates spatial variation. Distribution and intensity of rain is highly variable. Rain shadow, high spacial variability, Some places get more rain than others. Temporal variability is the differences over time in this. Intensity is also variable. Arid regions have lower and more variable and less reliable precipitation values. -Interception, rain doesn’t fall directly into the ground (most falls into oceans( it falls on vegetation, that vegetation is what intercepts it. Vegetation protects land surface from direct impact of rainfall. It also protects soil through binding action of plant roots -Evapotranspiration is the process by which water is transferred from the land to the atmosphere and transpiration by plants. There’s usually a difference between precipitation inputs ad outputs due to evaporation and transpiration. It accounts for 87% of precipitation in Africa, 57% in Europe.  Ratio of total rainfall to total runoff in a catchment is the runoff ratio or coefficient, Values are LOW in semi arid and seasonal rainfall climates such as across large areas of Southern Africa. -Infiltration, when some precipitation enters soil. Maximum rate of absorption is the infiltration capacity, if exceeded surface water runoff occurs. Soil conditions matter, as coarse textured soils are more freely-drained then clay soils and land thats being used have lower infiltration capacities. Runoff is more likely on less permeable surfaces and the outcome could be erosion or transport of material. Water that does not evaporate or run across the land surface infiltrates (percolates) downwards to become groundwater. -Zone of saturation/water table is where precipitation that passes soil to underlying bedrock lands.It follows the shape of surface topography and the seasonality of precipitation produces fluctuations in elevation of water table. RUNOFF -Hortonian overland flow is the main cause of the rapid rise of river levels or flooding during storms -but surface runoff rarely is simultaneously widespread in a landscape and rainfall intensities rarely exceed infiltration capacity even during storms. -Saturation overland flow is an additional mechanism, when rainfall duration is initiating factor. -subsurface flow across large portions of the drainage basin is important. lateral movement of water within soil is known as throughflow/interflow and can produce pipes or even tunnels which transmit water at considerable speed. -movement of water on slopes is a combination of all these.  they all end up in water channels -runoff is measured in discharge, volume of water flowing through the stream per unit time. = cross sectional area times velocity.. Cubic meters per second. Extreme cases of discharge = a flood. Changes are recorded in a flood hydrograph. Shape varies based on catchment conditions. Peak occurs faster and larger in urban areas. Lag time is the delay between maximum rainfall amount and peak discharge. HYDROGRAPH SHAPES -surface conditions affect them. Different surfaces have different infiltration capacities due to differences in interception (evaporation) and infiltration. -Natural vegetation, agriculture, urbanization (catchment hardening) affect this. so does size of drainage basin, soil type, and slide steepness. WATER CHANNELS -Erosion-following precursors of weathering (physical and chemical) running water erodes rock and soil by abrasion (knocking together of particles) and undercutting actions of currents. Stream ability to erode dependent on type of flow either laminar or turbulent. Laminar flow is basically smooth and parallel but turbulent is irregular.   -Transport- once eroded, material is transported in direction of flow, called entrainment. Finest particles dispersed throughout flow, a dissolved load. Finer particles are temporarily suspended in flow, suspended load. Coarsest particles rolled and slid on bottom as bed load. Overall, turbulence lifts particles from stream and carries them downstream as suspended load. Ability to transport sediment is known as competence and is dependent on velocity of flow, volume of flow, and periodicity of flow. -Deposition results from a loss of stream competence that can arise from changes in discharge or in gradient of bed. Within drainage basin there are zones of predominant erosion (headwaters) transport (middle reaches) and deposition (lower reaches like flood plains and deltas). THE HJULSTROM MODEL -nature of relationship between particle size and velocity of flow determines whether particles are eroded, transported, or deposited. HUMAN IMPACT ON RIVERS -human dependence on water means that fluvial systems are severely impacted -environmental impact processes include land use changes, urbanisation, dam construction -impacts a wide range of stream characteristics so that all aspects of the hydrological cycle are modified. such as discharge, channel form, and sediment load.   -land use changes causes annual and seasonal discharge (example is fynbos catchments increases biomass and reduces runoff). flood characteristics increase/decrease, water quality worsens (fertilisers), erosion increases. -Dams decrease sediment load downstream of the impoundment. Results in clearwater erosion, incision of stream below dam wall due to increased competence. Impacts beach and dunes because of sediment starvation. Deltas shrink (compounded by accelerated sea level rise and land subsidence). Mass of water and increased pore water pressures in underlying geology can increase slope failure. WIND -Physical laws of fluid motion also control winds, except they can go uphill. -it’s generally less effective than water for erosion transport and deposition except for arid zones. Water still matters in arid zones too tho in ROCKY environments. Wind is more important in sandy environments. DESERTS -arid zones with limited water. creating unique arid zone geomorphology -aridity is a combination of low moisture input and high moisture output due to low precipitation and high evaporation. -Aridity Index=P/PET is the ratio between precipitation and evaporation. PET is potential evapotranspiration aka if there was unlimited water. -Aridity is characterized as net surface water deficit caused by global atmospheric, oceanographic, and topographical factors. Atmospheric stability due to global air mass dynamics and cold ocean currents and continentality -Air mass dynamics: arid areas form in zones of dry, descending, stable air over the sub-tropical high pressure belts. -ocean currents: cold ocean currents associated with descending stable dry air. -Distance from oceans prevents penetration of rain-bearing winds. Rain-shadows where mountains act as barriers to the penetration of rain-bearing winds. -47% of the world is desert. 10% is dry-subhumid, 18% is semi-arid. 12% is Arid. 7% is Hyperarid. 1/3 of all arid zones are in Africa. Southern Africa has a mean annual precipitation of 350 mm and a global average of 800 mm. WIND EROSION -wind doesn’t do much to directly erode solid unweathered rock by itself. but is an important agent weathering fragments rocks and makes transportable material available at the surface. -Landform features shaped by the wind are found where winds blow frequently at high velocities and where entrained particles are blasted against easily disintegrated surfaces. -Quite widespread process as shown by satellite imagery. LANDFORMS MADE BY WIND EROSION -deflation hollows, some vegetation can protect against it. mostly hollowed out ground. ground deflates bc wind takes away sand and silt particles. Blow-out may expand over time due to collection of runoff and intensification of weathering associated with fluctuating groundwater. -desert pavements, deflation leaves behind a “lag” layer of gravel as finer-grained particles are selectively removed -ventifacts, abrasive action of entrained material causes grooving and polishing of surface rocks and ‘wind-faceted’ stones. result from impact by suspended particles, sandblasting. Complex shapes and sculpturing can occur. -yardangs, irregular ridge of sand lying in direction of prevailing wind in desert. formed by wind erosion of less resistant material, -abrasion or attrition is the key process WIND TRANSPORT -similar to water -maximum transport is about 0.04 to 0.4 mm grains. -grains are rounded -wind turbulence promotes uplift and entrainment -sand movement is through creep and saltation. -Dust, fine particulates, 10-100 microns, can be carried 10,000km+ like dust from Sahara could be the main supplier of nutriests to amazon rain forest. Could remain suspended for a very long time. AEOLIAN DEPOSITION -reduction in wind energy/loss of competence, leads to deposition of entrained material. -sand sized particles may form discrete landforms like dunes -dunes may occur locally in response to certain wind and sediment combinations of supply conditions, or may cover very large expanses (sand seas and ergs). -controleld by sand supply grain size velocity, frequency and direction -dune types include barchan (crescent dunes in groups. upside down crescents. most common) transverse (can result from barchan coalescence to form irregular/perpendicular ridges to prevailing wind. Found in places with abundant sand supply and no vegetation. Migrates slower than barchans).longitudinal (or linear, long straight ridges parallel to prevailing wind. form in areas f moderate sand supply. migrate slowly and may be vegetated. accumulates sediment) star (very large mounds of sand with a central peak and several radiating ridges. forms when multiple winds in different direction blow in areas of high sand supply. Non-migratory) and parabolic (mirror barchan) ENVIRONMENTAL IMPLICATIONS: DESERTIFICATION -humans can induce the spread of deserts as mobile dune forms invade non-desert areas or stable dunes are reactivated. -many causes like drought grazing and crop mismanagement and climate change. impacts are often severe like a famine and bad consequences. -desertification globally is exaggerated but still widespread. -Kalahari   is the largest area globally of inactive sand dunes (vegetated or fossil dunes). Active in drier and windier past. LANDSCAPES OF THE SW CAPE -landscape as an illustration of relationships between different components of physical environment like geology, geomorphology, climate, soils, natural vegetation, and people. -SW Cape has malmesbury shales at the bottom, cape granites above, then table mountain group sandstone, then recent sands. 
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attractthecrows · 7 years
Geographical names? No you misheard me, I like geological names. now if you'll excuse me I have to pick up my children, Fjord, Karst, and Solifluction sheet from soccer practice
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eurekamag--com · 7 years
Soil development on sandstone solifluction deposits with varying contents of loess materials
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essayeditorblr-blog · 7 years
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ejoycem · 4 years
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@codijmorgan​ @collegerunningprobs​ @plateway​ @dreproach-blog​ @officialouterspace​ @young--states​ @optimisticlandalpaca​ @riley-hansenn​ @zackzakibe​ @wellarentyoujustadahling​ @inatalove​ @aidentodd-blog​ @solifluction​
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kirillkonshin · 4 years
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Inside the glacier ice cave at Matanuska Glacier. Such caves form occasionally in different parts of glacier, they can collapse and emerge in other parts. Most glacier caves are started by water running through or under the glacier. This water often originates on the glacier's surface through melting, entering the ice at a moulin and exiting at the glacier's snout at base level. Heat transfer from the water can cause sufficient melting to create an air-filled cavity, sometimes aided by solifluction. Air movement can then assist enlargement through melting in summer and sublimation in winter. #matanuska #matanuskaglacier #glacier #glaciercave #alaska #travel #roadtrip #natgeo #likes #instalike #instagood #bestoftheday #photooftheday #instacool #instago #all_shots #follow #webstagram #colorful #picoftheday #livefolk #discover_landscapes #main_vision #master_gallery #world_shotz #fantastic_earth #ig_masterpiece #ournaturedays #moodygrams #exclusive_shots (at Matanuska Glacier) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEH4-dZJNQu/?igshid=13gs4yzzva0vn
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geologicalpoetryslam · 10 years
When many lobes are in sequence, the appearance is like a staircase in profile.
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ejoycem · 4 years
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@codijmorgan​ @collegerunningprobs​ @plateway​ @dreproach-blog​ @officialouterspace​ @young--states​ @optimisticlandalpaca​ @riley-hansenn​ @zackzakibe​ @wellarentyoujustadahling​ @inatalove​ @aidentodd-blog​ @solifluction​
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ejoycem · 4 years
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@codijmorgan​ @collegerunningprobs​ @plateway​ @dreproach-blog​ @officialouterspace​ @young--states​ @optimisticlandalpaca​ @riley-hansenn​ @zackzakibe​ @wellarentyoujustadahling​ @inatalove​ @aidentodd-blog​ @solifluction​
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