disastrouslyyours · 2 months
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Art Fight attack on a funny lil paranormal investigator character who’s in love with his computer. Neil belongs to @/soltrie!
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Big Music Ask Game:
You like D&D, so how about one of my fave dungeon synth artists? I'm sending the song "Young King" by Soltri but feel free to check out the whole album if you like :)
So I have listened to it and since the ask game has no format for songs, I'll just say that this sounds really cool! It's not at all something I'd listen to on a day-to-day basis, but I think it captures this vibe it's going for really well. I could see myself using this as a background for some of my sessions or putting it on as something relaxing to fill the silence if I don't feel like listening to my usual music. Thanks for the recommendation :)
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albumarchives · 3 years
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Soltri | Excerpts (2016)
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Winter is coming....and so I made a list of some albums I think go well with the upcoming season as well as some vibes for Yule/Christmas/Xmas culture. 
Örnatorpet | Hymner Från Snökulla 
Severoth | Vsesvit 
Krauhl | Familiar Carols 
Moonsorrow | Tämä ikuinen talvi 
Winterhearth | Beneath the Stars 
Isegrimm | Eislandsaga 
Soltri | Winter Songs 
Snowy Hill House | Under the Stars 
Glittertind | Kvilelaus 
Wolcensmen | Songs from the Fyrgen
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we-are-knight · 4 years
Soltri - Cursed Kings (2017) (Dungeon Synth)
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reptileshrine · 6 years
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Winter Songs by Soltri
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mushroomminded · 6 years
wait where did the f!matt signing come from? also imagine: f!tom mixing up some basic signs when he first learns it and when he repeats back what f!matt signed in confusion, f!matt having a good ol chuckle or smth. I also like the idea of tom trying to sign in conversation with f!matt sometimes just bc and they'll sign the silliest (or sickeningly sweet) stuff at each other!! good interactions between them involving sign language is my life source
well the signing comes from emsworld f!matt having an entire (not particularly functional) robotic jaw rather than just a chin
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noweyesee · 2 years
𓁞 Intro to Egyptian Astrology 𓁛
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👁 What are the Egyptian Decans?
   The static zodiac of the Egyptians was formed by the conjunct of the 12 Houses, where the Sun entered according to the passing of the year Sothis*. Those signs are the 12 we know today, but together with them, the old ones used to put in the head the Deities whose influence covered each month of the year. The months were divided in three equal parts of ten days, and those were the Decans — those represent about ten degrees in Space and concomitantly 10 days in our Earth time. 
   So, in each month there are three Decans, and those reveal the Stars that represent the Guardian Deities. To understand the Egyptian decans, and implement them in any astrological reading, is to know a new depth of the intelectual, emotional and conceptual phenomena of a person.
*The Sothic cycle is a period of 1,461 Egyptian civil years of 365 days each or 1,460 Julian years averaging 365¼ days each. 
👁 The Egyptian Decans and their Guardian Deities I
   In total, there are 36 Guardian Deities, those you’ll see, also appear in the Kabbalah — 18 of them have regency over matters that reside above the Earth, and the other 18 have regency of matters that happen on Earth
   The Sun, Moon, Saturn, Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Mercury occupy the space of divine hierarchy, and are called the Interpreter Deities. Those are the ones whose regular movement tended to announce progress and prosperity, though Saturn had a special veneration for it. 
👁 The Egyptian Decans and their Guardian Deities II
   As any Astrological aspect, the *Guardian Deities, or Genies, of each sign adhere to a specific characteristic that can be seen in those born under that particular decan — uniting it with other aspects, a deeper and more meaningful understanding can be reached.   
  *The names of the deities are in brazilian portuguese, as that is my mother language. 
● Aries 
Mars → Chontaré ● Those that have this deity in their head, have a multitude of interests in various areas of life, and express activity in those — either becoming a jack of all trades or feeling frustrated with the lack of One path. .
Sun → Chontacré ● Those born under this decan will find an exaltation with life and themselves — finding in them the skill for leadership.
Venus → Seket ● Those with these specific characteristics carry in them the sign of an Initiator, with a keen affinity for the spiritual, they will find that the paths of life, and the intentions of others, are very clear to them.
● Taurus  
Mercury → Choris ● The Taureans born under this genie are Novitiates, with a flourishing spiritual side to them, they may experience difficulties if no attention is given to the spiritual life as every song of the Universe brings them closer to spiritual elevation.  
Moon → Ero ● Those born under this set have an affinity to acquire knowledge, in a way they find comfort as their wisdom grows and with it comes a sense of responsibility towards themselves and those that are dear to them.
Saturn → Remboucaré ● Saturn and this genie bring for the ones born under them a sense to seek abundance, enrichment and extravagance. There will always be a feeling that you deserve and need more, and with the due effort, you will always be able to achieve it. 
● Gemini 
Jupiter → Theosolk ● Jupiter and Theosolk bring to those born under them a keen intuition — with it comes a sense to seek for spiritual and intellectual elevation, as those are things that attract them most. 
Mars → Oucré ● For those born under these aspects, life could be 8 or 80 — as they find that all areas of life are ones that can be nurtured, they might also find themselves with a constant feeling of stagnation. 
Sun → Phuor ● Those Geminis are very connected to reason — always seeking the why’s and how’s to always keep their knowledge updated and fair. With it, comes a certain sense of exuberance, as they always take what’s in their sights to the max. 
● Cancer 
Venus → Soltris ● Those born under these aspects have some very keen practical skills — always centered more on how to do something and then achieving it. They might find themselves with a multitude of plans and steps to live life and reach their goals. 
Mercury → Sith ● Mercury and Sith bring revelations throughout those born under them — those can be painful or fruitful, but if handled with acceptance and an open mind apt to learn, they will reveal a great potential to realizations. 
Moon → Chnoum ● The Cancerians that have these aspects are ones full of curiosity — they always want to know more and experience more, but also have an affinity to Home, comfort and creating stability. As such, their challenge is to balance those two traits throughout their life. 
● Leo 
Jupiter → Chachnoumen ● Those born under this aspect have a tendency to seek philosophical or religious matters, with an affinity for those areas and a sense of sharing their knowledge, they have an innate ability to convince others. 
Mars → Thepé ● Thepé and Mars spell out one intense word for these Leos: authority. They have an aura that demands attention, as well as a constant need to make themselves be seen and heard.   
Sun → Phoupp ● Leos born under these aspects have a grand ambition — they know their worth and will valiantly go after it. With a taste for power and having the due attention and respect they deserve, they have a great affinity to be leaders and conduct others. 
● Virgo 
Sun → Thomis ● These Virgos have a quick assimilation, with quick thinking and great problem solving skills, they tend to work better under pressure. Together with it comes an active spirituality — seeked or not, their intuition is always present. 
Venus → Ouestriosto ● Those born under these aspects have the chance to experience many things in practice — instead of living and learning vicariously, they are able to apply their thoughts and plans into the material and present World. 
Mercury → Aphoso ● Mercury and Aphoso bring to those born under them a keen sense of empathy — those virgos have a tendency to put themselves in other’s shoes, but still retain the logical side that saves them from sacrificing themselves. 
● Libra  
Moon → Souchoe ● For these Libras, there is a constant pull towards their roots — at some point in life they will feel the need to search those before them as a way to find and understand themselves. With it comes a constant need to have personal initiation rituals, creating a ceremonial way to live their life and making new beginnings a mark.
Saturn → Ptechout ● There is a great tendency towards expansion for those born under these aspects, as they mostly have their sights turned outwards. Life reserves many experiences and discoveries for them, but it also might be harder to look and have accountability for themselves. 
Jupiter → Chontaré ● Jupiter and Chontaré bring to those born under them a great deal of independence — as those natives might find it hard to depend on anyone but themselves, they also have incredible freedom of thought and are always open to new ideas.  
● Scorpio 
Mars → Stochnené ● Those born under these aspects have a grand magnetism, attracting people who seek life and vitality. Thought that might tend to attract energy vampires, it also reveals an opportunity for these natives to excerce their sexual impulses and have muses and outlets for their criativity. 
Sun → Sesme ● For these natives, there is one strong word and it is Responsibility. They might feel responsible for more than is necessary, and though this gives them a great sense of independence early on, it might also carry some self esteem and self doubt issues. 
Venus → Sieme ●  Scorpios that are born under these aspects have a strong image of what they want and of how the World should be, that idealism is exactly what makes them the most crontroled as their instincts are sharp and dynamic. 
● Sagittarius 
Mercury → Reouo ● Those born under these aspects carry within them an infinite fascination, and perhaps even love, towards humanity. They see the good in it and all that it provides as a chance to live. With it comes an affinity towards religion, as worship comes naturally when their passion is alive. 
Moon → Sisme ● These aspects bring a constant sense of seeking and searching for answers, experiences and belonging — in all planes, be it physical, mental or spiritual. These characteristics announce a sense of living and experiencing everything that they can.
Saturn → Choncaré ● Sags born under these aspects have the aura, and even portray themselves, as teachers and guides. They have a keen sense of responsibility that goes hand in hand with the need to share their knowledge and experience to others. 
● Capricorn 
Jupiter → Smot ● These Capricorns have a high ideal, with a clear sight of how they want to live their lives, as well as a concrete opinion of how others should best live their lives, they tend to plan and manifest those ideals in a concrete way. 
Mars → Sro ● Those with Mars and Sro in their heads have a very keen sense of organization, tending to visualize and plan their steps which lead to a steady constant of realization and progress in their lives. 
Sun → Ino ● Caps born under these aspects tend to feel stagnated if they do not find themselves in constant activity — those mostly being related to their work and social life. With it, thought, comes a certain stubbornness to what they believe to be right.  
● Aquarius 
Venus → Ptiaû ● Those born under these prosperous aspects will be full of originality — always coming up with new ideas and inventions, they will have intellectual independence and be very in tune with their interests. 
Mercury → Asen ● Mercury and Asen grant to those born under it a very vivid and colorful imagination — as ideas bubble up in their minds, the mystic world opens its doors and grants them inspiration in all areas of life. 
Moon → Ptelviou ● For these Aquarians, there is a conscious level of understanding about their Shadow — due to that, they will constantly seek to voluntarily repress their desires (either for feeling they are wrong or they are not worthy). Another aspect is a tendency to seek for platonic connections that make them feel comfortable to wish for more for themselves.
● Pisces 
Saturn → Abiou ● The ones born under these aspect find themselves in a constant search for the metaphysical truth, as early on they have a more encompassing view about the World and its phenomenon, so do their interests point towards the answers to it all. 
Jupiter → Chontaré ● masoquismo espiritual, necessidade de realizar uma missão espiritual, auto-sacrifício
Mars → Ptebiou ● Tireless in psychic quests, easy adaptation
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xrvmoved · 7 years
hihi! this is sorta random but i love your older tally hall art and your buddy holly art and?? i see that you like those two plus the beatles (i believe!) too and :o idk! im excited bc i dont see many people that like any of the three around lots!
YEAP THATS ME I LOVE THOSE THREE A BUNCH I really appreciate that you like my tally hall art even tho it’s so old now! I did do something recently but I really hope I get to draw those boys more again soon....they were always super fun to make art of :”) but yeah music is.......my continual interest, it’s really nice to meet someone who likes the same type of stuff - especially such a specific combination dsjkfhskjdh
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djieqa · 4 years
Soltri - The Rising of the King Arthur
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walters-playhouse · 6 years
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There's lots of pretty people here
Sharing soltries and passing letters and
There's lots of questions answered and
Metaphysical astronomical songs
Words printed all on papers
That seemed too mystical
It's so magical
People that dance and compute that
No one's better then you
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albumarchives · 4 years
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Soltri | Winter Songs (2019)
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dailydungeonsynth · 7 years
Soltri - XV. Atra Mors (2017)
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mcfrickingheck · 7 years
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hey so this is an art collab thing i did with @soltries , he did the sketch nd i did the lineart nd coloring nd stuff.
feminine matt is my aesthetic
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cybrtrawn-remade · 7 years
the world and you - tally hall" theres lots of pretty people here sharing soltries and passing letters and theres lots of questions answered and metaphysicals astronomical songs "
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mushroomminded · 7 years
edd rarely cries, but since all of this has started happening, he's started to cry along with tom. matt is confused and lost and feels so far away from one of his dads, it almost feels as if he's not there anymore. it scares him, way more than any monster ever could. he feels stuck between all of this, and guilt strikes him every time tom is having a hallucination, especially when he calls out to the hallucination. matt feels like it's his fault
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