#soma mitsuki x reader
artemis32 · 1 year
Yandere Second Affiliate I
For my lovely anon <33 I went the more platonic route, and added Sinu because this took so long (I'm trying to be nice)
I only included four of the members from the second affiliate, if you'd like me to include the other members, let me know :))
art's 21st birthday celebration masterlist
lookism masterlist
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Mitsuki Soma was the first to meet you.
Truth be told, you really weren't anyone important. Not in anyway that matters.
You were some lowly member of another affiliate, or the family member of one. Or maybe you were a young assistant to one of the spectators visiting the circus.
Maybe you were an accidental pick for the circus itself - no, not accidental. They didn't make accidents.
If she thinks back hard enough, Mitsuki might be able to remember. Maybe you were added to the list of people there for entertainment, meant only to add a small shock factor. After all, no one expected some small girl to be involved in such vicious fighting.
But regardless of who you were or how you came to cross paths with the second affiliate, Mitsuki was enthralled the moment she laid her eyes on you.
Something about you was just so alluring, in the most pathetic way possible.
She was surrounded by strong, capable people - people who had the physical strength of ten men, people smart enough to topple world-renowned businesses, people who were all extraordinary and the best at what they did.
So when she saw you - dull, so plain you nearly blended in with the walls, completely unnoticed by those around you - she felt something shift within her.
Her interest in you is intense and obvious, and no amount of shy refusals will get her to back off.
Ryuhei Kuroda took an interest in you because of that. After all, you had to be something worthwhile if his Mitsuki took an interest in you - unlike that stupid Sinu Han.
While his interest may not be as intense or invasive, it still makes you uncomfortable. Something about his gaze, the intensity of his leering stare - it makes you feel as though he knows things you don't even know about yourself.
His playful attitude also throws you off, especially with the business that he's in. Why was he so gleeful while fighting? Beating people half to death couldn't be all that fun.
What started off as interest born of a feeling akin to jealously quickly grows into something else.
Yes, he was jealous in the beginning, he was man enough to admit that - how could someone as plain and unassuming as you catch the attention of Mitsuki? He was right there! And surely ten times more interesting!
But that jealous, burning curiousity had changed somewhere along the line, and now his own interest sat on par with Mitsuki's, not that he'd ever admit it.
Speaking of Sinu Han, you were barely a blip on his radar at first. He was there to do a job, he couldn't give two shits about you.
At least, that was how it had been for the first few months after you'd arrived.
It was all but inevitable that he noticed the attention you garnered from Mitsuki and Ryuhei. That sparked his curiosity.
Two of the most uninterested, cold people he knew, both captivated by the same girl? You had to be something special to be worth their time and attention.
At first, he regarded you coldly, keeping an apathetic distance, but that didn't last long after he spent a bit of time with you.
Something about the warmth of your company, the softness of your presence - it was all achingly familiar, but he couldn't quite recall where he'd felt before.
After many, many months, he latches on to you, growing attached like an abandoned child.
And just like that, you've got another grown child attached at the hip, never giving you a moment of peace.
Kenta Magami tried to keep his personal feelings under lock.
What good would some obsession do him. He had plans for his life, he had to take revenge against Gun. He couldn't very well do that if his mind was preoccupied with some random girl, could he?
But despite his best efforts, he couldn't help his feelings.
Obsession was a slippery slope for all four of them, and just like his colleagues, you charmed him, captured his attention in ways he couldn't understand.
He probably scared you the most, after Mitsuki. Something about the look in his eyes when he caressed your cheek or kept you company while you ate - it chilled you to your core.
The single-minded focus, the intense aura that surrounded him whenever he stared at you, lost in thought - it terrified you.
They all terrified you.
And the times when you weren't scared, shaking from anxiety and exhaustion, you were bored.
They acted as your only source of entertainment, and left you locked up like some show bird when they weren't around.
You had all your needs taken care of, but you couldn't leave, and you couldn't speak to anyone beyond the executives of the Second Affiliate.
At the very least, your life was more comfortable now than it had been. You no longer had to worry about keeping a roof over your head, or when your next meal would be, or your safety while walking to and from work. Hell, you didn't even have to exhaust yourself working more hours than you had to at a job that payed below minimum wage, nor did you have to stay up till the sun rose studying for classes you couldn't afford.
Despite all that, you couldn't bring yourself to feel grateful for your situation. Trading in one hardship for another was hardly cause for celebration.
The second affiliate executives are horrible yanderes - you have no peace, no personal space, no autonomy.
You're forced to give up bits and pieces of yourself in exchange for their protection, if you could even go as far as to call it that. Truly, you have to have a great deal of mental fortitude to be able to deal with their mind games and not-so-subtle manipulation.
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x-xsunlightx-x · 2 years
hey, can i request reader spending more time with mitsuki?
bonding time?
Melody ( Reader x Mitsuki )
in break time , When everyone is in the cafeteria , you always go to hide in your favorite place . The Music room . it always looked so peaceful in this time of the day , the light shining through the window , the instruments beautifully placed on the shelf , and the huge piano that is placed in the middle of the room just made you feel like you are in a movie , but looks like the lead role is taken today . When you walked into the room , You already found someone else playing the piano , Mitsuki soma , Which is weird because usually no one comes here expect you .
You wanted to say something but you decided to wait for her to finish playing
" Wow "
" ? oh you're here "
" You were playing my least favorite song. "
" and here i was thinking you were about to say something nice. "
Mitsuki moved a little to give you some space on the chair and you came and sat next to her
" Well What brought you here today ? "
" i realized that i actually never saw you in the cafeteria , and some of your classmates told me that you're probably here "
" Assholes "
Mitsuki chuckled a little and started playing again
" You're really good -"
" Thank you "
" -Cant believe youre wasting all your talent on playing this song tho "
" The fact that you hate it made me just love it more "
" Your smile is really frustrating "
You just sat in silence , and after a while you noticed that the song isn't actually this bad . and then mitsuki finished playing
" i guess its your turn now "
" finally "
Usually when you play on this piano , You won't even notice if anyone is around , it's like an entrance to your own world , but for some unknown reason you couldn't help but feel nervous while mitsuki was staring at you , but you still did a good job
" Wow "
" am great aren't i? "
" You were playing my least favorite song."
" oh please shut up "
" haha , if you only looked so cute and relaxed all the time just like now "
" huh? "
Mitsuki got up and looked at her watch
" looks like the class has already began- "
" -it was nice spending time with you "
" look at you acting nice-"
and then Mitsuki gave you a quick kiss on the cheek and a hug
" Can we hang out like this again ? "
" Nope "
" oh come on "
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k-dokja · 2 years
hello !! can i have 🧡🎁❣💓🎇🌻👁😎 for vivi and mitsuki ? (i love my affiliate girls sm)
EMOJI MEME | Vivi & Mitsuki
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🧡 How do they confess that they like someone?
Vivi's honestly pretty straightforward about it once she notices that you might like her back too. Given the chance, she'd probably try to drop it super casually, hoping to not make things awkward between the two of you. Yeah, she likes you but she also likes you as a friend. The idea of losing your friendship because of her romantic feeling is horrible to her. She'd detest it.
Though... there's no saying she won't be weird about it if you turned her down and continue to be friends.
🎁 What gift would they get their s/o?
Anything you want! You'll get it! She's not really in any shortage of money, you just need to show interest and she might (definitely) get it for you. She errs more on the side of fun and hobby gifts, something really personalized. Like if you're into gaming, she will get you a new set-up, a new chair, or maybe even a new console.
Whatever it is, it will have a huge Vivi logo slapped on. You know, just staking a claim and everything.
❣️ What makes them blush/gets their heart pounding?
She gets this weird little fuzzy feeling when you smile at her sincerely. It's just that she received a lot of pampering from people around her all the time. The niceness of another is nothing she's unfamiliar with. But the genuine flavour of it... she just doesn't really know how to deal with it, just make her all warm and blushy.
Even innocuous actions like holding her hand and giving her a squeezing hug make her heart race. Just give her those honest and sincere affections, she loves it!
💓 How do they act when they realize they’re in love/have a crush?
Scream it out in her pillow and get super giddy about it until she realizes that the crush needs to be two ways for this to work. Usually, she tries to keep mum about it but she's horrible at secrets. You will notice her intentional stare at you immediately.
She spends a humongous amount of time around you afterwards. If you don't notice it then, you must be blind or awfully oblivious because she has spelt it out so clearly for you. Do you even want her to say it, too? You're lucky you're so cute.
🎇 Are the feelings they have like a whirlwind or are they able to keep it under control?
Definitely a whirlwind. She won't be able to hide it when she realizes her feelings for you is what it is. It'd not be long before you notice that she has grown to be kinder and sweeter to you. Might even weird you out with how eccentric and entitled she often acts, but it does show her favouritism for you.
And if she's jealous, everybody will feel it. The entire room will feel it. Maybe you will feel it but based on how you're acting, you need to take a better hint!
🌻 Will they do anything for their s/o? Will the crocodile tears win them over or are they stubborn about not giving in?
Bold of you to assume she won't use the crocodile tears back on you. She grew up spoiled, you bet your pretty behind that she has employed this trick more than once on her dad. It always works, too! Anything for his little princess.
Because of that, you turning this trick on her won't work. However, if you ask her nicely about it and maybe bribe her with a promise of affection or two, maybe she'll think about it. Just maybe. (Yes, you will most definitely get what you want, just shower her with compliments later)
👁 What’s their favourite part of their s/o?
In terms of personality, she'd like somebody who's sincere and open about their feelings. It'd probably help if you are a good friend to her. She likes that she can always either have fun or relax around you. She loves that sense of safety and comfort she gets from you.
She's also... one of those people who will literally fall for a smile and a random act of kindness so take that as you will.
😎 How do they impress their s/o?
By getting you to have as much fun with her as possible. There's no point in it if the two of you aren't having a good time. She wants you to associate her with positivity, which means you'll always get giddy to meet her. If you don't know about her drug business, she'd actually try to keep you steering clear of that altogether.
Her idea of fun is mostly dragging you on exciting adventures with her. She'd love to go to places where the two of you can do a lot of activities and take a bunch of pictures together. Although... don't let her drag you shopping, you'll either become a valet or her new favourite doll as she makes you change in and out of like 50 outfits.
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🧡 How do they confess that they like someone?
There's like, a fifty percent of chance that the moment Mitsuki knows her attraction to you is romantic, she will immediately tell you about it. However, if you showed to be less inclined to that approach, she will try to get closer to you and get to know you better before confessing.
Her feelings likely won't change during that time, but she does like the more easygoing friendship the two of you developed at that point.
🎁 What gift would they get their s/o?
She likes getting you gifts that you can get a lot of occasions to use. Mostly practical, day-to-day things like your favourite cologne or an accessory that can match your work attire. She gives a lot of thought to your preference in picking the gift for you.
It's the look of delight on your face when you received the gift that makes her the happiest. If you pointed out how she had picked the exact thing you like, she might smother you with kisses.
❣️ What makes them blush/gets their heart pounding?
She's not easy to fluster, to be honest. Not a lot can faze her, and usually, anything too risque makes her deadpan instead of blushing. However, small, gentle acts of chivalry can make her a bit giddy. Like when you help her put on her heels or when you wash her hair after a long day at work.
She has no love for the grandiose displays of love. Most of the time, she finds them ridiculous and showy. Unless you're trying to sell her something, she'd prefer the quieter intimacy. Small kisses on the back of her hand, her palm, or her fingers can fluster her much more than a garden full of roses.
💓 How do they act when they realize they’re in love/have a crush?
A bit confused, if anything. Romantic love is not something she comes across often. When it does come to her, she gets confused immensely. She doesn't like it when she gets mushy feelings. It compromises her calculative mindset.
However, if she can see that her feelings for you won't hamper any of her plans, she'd be far more interested in pursuing you. In fact, by then, there's not a lot stopping her from going after you. She'd be pretty straightforward about it, too. You'd have to be really overlooking her to not notice her intention.
🎇 Are the feelings they have like a whirlwind or are they able to keep it under control?
It's a hit-or-miss. If the feeling isn't reciprocated, she will have a much harder time keeping it under control due to her incessant need to stay in charge. However, once you show any sign of returning her feeling, she will manage it much better.
She's more subdued and demure around you, but only to you. Anyone else can go burst for all she cares.
🌻 Will they do anything for their s/o? Will the crocodile tears win them over or are they stubborn about not giving in?
Ugh, yes, don't even need to burst out crocodile tears, just give her a name and that person will be dead soon as possible. She's not shy about her devotion to you, long as you show the same in return. Although... it's a give-and-take relationship, everything she's willing to give, you should be prepared to give in return to.
She's not one without expectation and to have her entirety, her demands can get pretty high. She won't ask for anything out of your capability, but she won't hold back from asking for extreme deeds either.
👁 What’s their favourite part of their s/o?
On the innocent side, she likes how resilient and caring you are. Genuine and honest kindness is not something she comes across often. Seeing somebody so readily give their all for the sake of others makes her quite shaken and enraptured.
Outside of that, she also loves sincerity and the goodness of heart. It's not something she has of her own, so she feels oddly drawn to it by the nature of opposite attracts. She gets really soft when you do things for her without asking for anything in return, it makes her really believe that your feeling for her is true and pure.
😎 How do they impress their s/o?
You'd be surprised by how much she knows about you once the two of you are together. She keeps track of your preferences and often has better memorization of your schedule than you do. It's not... exactly controlling, not in her mind, anyway.
From how she rationalizes it, she just cares a lot and wants your life to stay on the path. Honestly, if you ever forgot anything, just ask her about it and she will immediately bring it up like it's something you mentioned yesterday. She takes pride in knowing you better than anyone, that's how she stays a permanent fixture in your life.
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tickling-giggles · 3 years
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Update: 10/20/23
Up coming fics
2022 TT
TT day 1: Interrogation
TT day 2: Begging
TT day 3: Non-Human parts
TT day 4: Spidering
TT day 5: Ghost
TT day 6: Feet
TT day 7: Don’t Laugh
TT day 8: Nibbles
TT day 9: Raspberries
TT day 10: Drawn on
TT day 11: “I’m not even touching you”
TT day 12: Sneak attack
-Assassination Classroom
Dirty work: Ler assclass Lee karma
Loosen up: Ler 3-E staff Lee Gakuho
The best of the best: Switches Karma & Nagisa
Give me attention: Lee Isogai Ler Maehara
Not so funny now huh?: Lee karma Lers Isogai & Maehara
Stone Cold what?: Lee itona Ler terasaka
Your big and bad Huh?: Lee Nagisa Ler Terasaka
Tutoring with Isogai: Lee Maehara Ler Isogai
Stretch it out: Lee Sugino Ler Korosensei
You aren’t hardcore: Lee Karma Ler Korosensei
-Black butler
Bad attitude:Ler Soma Lee Ciel
Handicap:Ler Bakusquad Lee Bakugou
Little Hero: Lee bakugou Ler Dabi,Toga
Funny joke: Lee todoroki Ler Tsu,Baku,Kami
Not the deal: Leebakugou Ler Kaminari
Sandy shrieks: Lee bakugou Ler kirishima
Grumpy Gus: Lee bakugou Ler Mitsuki,Masaru
Coincidence: Lee todoroki Ler Compress, Twice
Date Night: Lee Jirou Ler Momo
You Cheater!: Lee Reader Ler Sero ft.Deku
Manly-est: Lee Kiri and Sero Ler Sero, Denki, and Bakugou
Birthday Tradition: Lee Deku Ler Kiri, Denki, Bakugou
Lessons with Best Jeanist: Lee bakugou Ler Best Jeanist
A magician never reveals their secrets: Lee Compress Ler Izuku and Kurogiri
Running Errands: Switches Iida and Self insert (Ginger/Em)
Good vibes only: Lee Compress Lers Toga and Twice
You’ll fit in just fine: Lee reader Lers bakugou Todoroki, and Deku
i ain’t no snitch:Ler Huey Lee Riley
Express your emotions:Ler Jasmine Lee Huey
-Demon Slayer
How come I ever knew: Lee reader Ler Tengen, Rengoku, Sanemi
Your posture is important: Lee Tanjiro Ler Giyuu
Appreciation: Lee S/O GN Ler Rengoku
Need a hand or two?: Switches Camilo & Mirabel Ler Luisa
Laugh it up princess: Lee Isabela Ler Mirabel
Love & Affection: Lee Camilo Ler Pepa
Responsibility: Lee bruno Ler camilo
Cooking antics: Lee Mirabel Ler Julieta
Up to the task: Lee Natsu Lee gildarts laxus
April Fools!:Ler karasuno Lee Hinata
What’s so funny:Ler kageyama Lee Hinata
Ohoo it’s on brother: Ler bokuto Lee Kuroo
-Hunter x Hunter
Bad Hisoka:Ler Gon (Brief Illumi)Lee Hisoka
You’re still the same: Lee!femreader Ler!illumi
-Seraph of the end
Sh-shut up: switch mika switch yuu
-Spider-Man: ATSV
Cool? More like Cute: Lee Hobie Lee Miles and Pav
-Spy x Family
Say it!: Lee Loid Lee Franky
Mission…Failed?: Lee Loid Ler Damian
I’ll always love you: Lee anya Ler Loid ft Yor
Evil master: Ler Gumball Lee Rob
I pinky promise:Ler Penny Lee Gumball
-Teen Titan
Lighten up man!:Ler Starfire beastboy Lee robin
Berry!!:Ler!Raven Beastboy Lee!robin
Cocky attitude: Ler!Beastboy Lee!robin
-The promise Neverland
Smarty pants: Switches Ray, Don, and Phil
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x-xsunlightx-x · 2 years
【as sweet as cake】
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" hmm Should I break this door or should I not break this door "
You still can't believe that you are actually doing this . When Ryuhei came begging at your knees to help get mitsuki out of her room Because he have to go to a meeting on behalf her , you didn't think it will be this hard. It had already been 2 hours and you still haven't made any progress
" Leave me alone , am not going anywhere with you "
" I think I should break this door "
" wait-"
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" I Can see why Samuel seo hates you "
" Sweetie , That freak hates everybody"
After you finally dragged mitsuki out of her room , you forced her to come with you to the small bakery you always go to and try every single cake they have . You were eating your cheesecake when you noticed mitsuki still hadn't touched anything yet
" oh Look at you , Its so sad to see that your victim finally escaped from you , must've been traumatizing"
" You wouldn't understand "
You stole a piece from her red velvet cake without her knowing
" understand what ? The reason why you drugged an adult man and tricked him into loving you "
" You-"
" but hey , we won't talk about that now because we are here to cheer you up ♡"
You dramatically went and hugged her while she tried to push you away from her . Even though you will never admit it you do feel bad for her sometimes and she may be a bad person but hey most of the people you know are bad people , I mean you are a part of workers . Luckily after some time Mitsuki seemed to enjoy the cakes you recommended at least a little
" Soo , which flavour is your fav-"
You felt your phone vibrates and saw that Ryuhei is calling you
"oh wait , Ryuhei is calling . Heeeyy ♡"
" Why is mitsuki's room door broken you piece of-"
you hanged up on him , it was probably nothing important anyway
" So what is your favourite flavour "
" I really liked the carrots one . Looks like your taste isn't as bad as your attitude "
you decided to keep your mouth shut this time . Just this Time because mitsuki smile was so cute
" Actually , you aren't that bad yourself "
" gasp are you falling for me "
" I take it back "
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x-xsunlightx-x · 2 years
K-12 by Melanie Martinez but instead its lookism characters
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