#some castle gossip. but hes like if there cannot be a scandal about my marriage too they
spiribia · 1 year
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the prince. who still doesnt have a name yet
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waltwhitmansbeard · 2 years
my fair lady: drabble #14
*smashes mug on floor* ANOTHER! i simply cannot be stopped. this one takes place after the epilogue of my fair lady, which you can read in its entirety here. this, like all the others, is inspired by @romeoandjulietyouwish's medieval au!
Within a fortnight of the princess's marriage to a common guard—or perhaps a holy man of some kind, the grapevine is getting tangled—some nobility from Vesrah come to visit the Zephran court. It is not unusual for visiting Ashari dignitaries to come to Zephrah, where they consult with the sovereign on matters of political import and enjoy the luxuries that proximity to the crown brings, but it is, to Vax, unfortunate that this visit has been timed so closely to the eruption of gossip surrounding him and Keyleth.
He tries to tell Keyleth that he should not attend the planned events to celebrate their Vesran guests, that he could even resume his post as her guard for the duration of their stay, but she is not having it. She insists that the point of their marriage, clandestine as it was, was to make irrefutable the fact that they love each other, that they have devoted themselves to each other before gods and country, and their countrymen would simply have to accept that which they likely find quite scandalous.
To Vax's relief, shortly before the entourage's arrival, he is called away to deliver last rites to a retired miller, so he is at least able to avoid the initial reception of the Vesrans. He will instead have to be introduced at the welcome gala later that evening, which he also dreads as one would the plague. He dresses for the event in Percy's chambers, as he does not have himself a wardrobe befitting such an elegant occasion, and when he arrives, he is announced not with his wife but on his own, as the Champion of the Raven Queen. Vax knows little about how such courtly matters work—his time here in the castle has been spent solely focused on Keyleth, not the frivolities of court—so he enters when he is told to do so, finding the many eyes on him extremely disconcerting.
Keyleth and her father are announced last, and they enter together to much applause. Even after so many years at court, Keyleth still tinges pink before all these people, never one for the spotlight. From the center of the ballroom, the sovereign welcomes their Vesran guests, which Vax learns consists of a pair of dukes who are brothers and a baroness and her wife, and calls for a moment of silence to commemorate those members of the Vesran nobility who were lost in the attack at Syngorn. Vax remembers that Vesrah suffered greatly during that raid, and he wonders how many of those lost were relatives of their guests.
When the sovereign is done speaking, the gathered lords and ladies and the Vesran guests are left to mingle, a string quartet off in one corner scoring the evening's conversations. Vax immediately makes a break for Keyleth, who is resplendent in a silvery blue gown and beaded cape, but his path blocked by a small gaggle of nobles who are fascinated by the newly-appointed Champion. As this is Vax's first time at court as a titled person and not a guard, he has no idea how to extract himself politely from these curious interviews, and he quickly loses sight of his wife through the sea of gala attendees.
Vax finds her again some time later while caught up half-listening to a conversation between the Vesran baroness, her wife, and Lady Kima. He watches Keyleth from across the ballroom—he's always watching her these days, maybe even more intently than he did as her guard—and sees her, so beautiful he can hardly breathe for looking at her, conversing with one of the dukes whose name Vax will never remember. She has that look on her face, the one of polite intrigue that belies a screaming desire to be anywhere else. Vax smiles in pity; she's never been good at small talk, his wife, but he knows she will look to him for assistance if she truly needs to be rescued from the conversation.
Then the duke places a hand on her upper arm, in a display that is wholly inappropriate and unwelcome. Keyleth's eyes flash, and Vax is moving, completely abandoning Lady Kima in the middle of her sentence. He weaves through the crowd of gathered aristocrats, ignoring any and all attempts at conversation and making a beeline straight for Keyleth. He can see her tensing, body arching away from the duke, and he sweeps up to her, easily knocking his hand out of the way as he cuts between them to slide an arm around her waist.
"There you are," he purrs, pressing his lips to the corner of her mouth. He can see her pulse jackrabbiting in her throat, knows she is on the verge of panic. He keeps his calm. "I've been looking for you everywhere." He turns to look at the duke, whose expression is one of shock and confusion. "Hello, friend." Vax smiles with all of his teeth. "Who are you?"
The duke, a short man who appears to be of human and gnomish lineage, stammers, "I-I am Duke Vallen, grandson to Duchess Uvenda."
"Charmed." He looks back at Keyleth. "My beautiful wife, have you tried the canapés? They are delicious." He delights in the way the duke's eyes bug out of his head. "Come, my love, you must try them." Without another glance at the duke, he sweeps Keyleth away, toward the general direction of food, but he easily navigates her through the crowd and out of the ballroom into a small side chamber, where performers might get ready before an act.
Keyleth is pale, her hands trembling. Vax takes them in his and squeezes. "Are you alright?"
She shakes her head as if to clear it. "Sorry. I'm sorry."
"No, hey." He pulls her in, hooks his chin over her head. "No apologies. He should never have touched you."
Into his doublet, she mumbles, "It was just...the party and then...being grabbed—he didn't grab me, what am I saying—"
Of course. She was snatched from the peace celebration in Syngorn. "Listen to me." He takes her face in his hands and looks her in the eye. "You are safe here. This is your home. I will never let what transpired in Syngorn happen again." He frowns. "What was he talking to you about, anyway?"
She sniffles and rolls her eyes. "He was flirting with me. Apparently he's been on the road so long that no one has filled him in on the good gossip."
Something hot and possessive roils low in Vax's stomach. "He was flirting with you?"
"A bid for the throne, no doubt. It's what they always want."
The roiling turns sour. The very idea that someone could spend even five minutes in her presence and reduce her to the political opportunity she offers makes him sick. "I could kill him." He says it without irony or hesitation. "I'm very talented. They'd never know it was foul play."
She lets out a wet laugh. "I rather think Vesrah has suffered enough loss." She sighs. "I doubt they will take news of our marriage well."
"Why is that?"
She smiles curiously at him. "I forget, sometimes, that you are not Ashari by birth. If my family's line ends, the nation's capital moves to Vesrah and their noble lineage becomes royalty. It's a way to shift the power between the four major cities and a check against tyranny."
Something about that arrangement doesn't sit quite right with Vax, but he picks her hand up to kiss the inside of her wrist. "I suppose we'd better get to work on continuing the family line then. I'm free now."
She rolls her eyes again, this time with a grin. She shoves his shoulder. "You are incorrigible."
"You married a rogue, don't forget."
"About that: I'm sorry, by the way, for our separate announcements tonight." He frowns at her, confused. "We should have been announced together, but because as Champion you are technically not a member of the Zephran court and we have not yet determined what your title in the family is and this whole thing got thrown together so quickly—"
He interrupts her rambling with a kiss. "I don't care. Do I still get to call myself your husband?"
"Of course."
"Then I have all I need." He reaches up to adjust the intricate silver circlet in her hair. "Are you ready to go back out there?"
She takes a deep breath and nods. "Stay with me?"
"There is nowhere else I'd rather be." He presses a kiss to her forehead, then offers her his arm. She snakes hers through it, and together they reenter the gala, their first together as husband and wife.
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vermillionflames · 3 years
hi... idk what this is hehe :)
nozel x oc
word count: 2k+
warnings: language, mention of blood and self-stabbing (non violent)
“There, there, Your Highness,” the guard said as he wiped away the princesses tears, “It must’ve been so scary down there. I’m sorry you had to go all alone this time. If I had permission or the strength to go with you I would. But you’re alright now. I’ll be standing guard outside your door all night if you need me.” 
The guard had a smile so small you would only see it if you knew to look for it. The princess didn’t need to see the smile to know he meant what he said. Out of all the soldiers in the Kingdom hers were the most loyal. 
“Please don’t tell my father I was crying… or the King!”
“I would never, it will be our little secret, alright, Princess Seraphina,” he stuck out it pink to show he meant his promise.
“Thank you,” the young girl crawled back under her blankets as her guard headed towards the door, “Goodnight, Dante.”
You know when you tell your husband for days to not do something because there will be a negative outcome, but he does it anyway? And what you told him would happen, does? And yet he still acts surprised and upset? Sometimes takes his anger out on you via a cold shoulder and glare? No admittance that you were right? That’s what it’s like to be married to the Captain of the Silver Eagles. 
I love Nozel dearly but he is more annoying than my father-in-law and the ladies of the court asking about babies. Actually, now that I think about it, the whole Silva family had something about them… 
“Vice Captain? Are you alright?”
That’s one way to snap me out of a scheme
“Oh, Nils, I’m sorry. A thought crossed my mind and I got lost in it… What were you saying?” Will probably get scolded for that later.
“I was just telling you how I’d improve myself before my next mission with what I learned on the previous one… Do you think Captain will be pleased with my plan?” 
Royalty always wants to improve themselves without much training, but I can’t say that to him without it causing a rile so I just smile at him.
“I think Nozel will be very pleased. Now if you wouldn’t mind, I do have a lot of work to get to,” I gesture to some papers on my desk. 
He nods and takes his leave. I sigh and turn my chair to face the window. Noelle should have gotten her grimoire by now, surely. I do not want to do this paperwork or deal with the hell my in laws will unleash on their baby sister, but if anyone had a chance of redirecting their attention to another failure it was me and my womb. 
I play with the ring on my left hand. It was his mothers, in fact Nozel had gifted me with more jewelry than I could ever wear that had come from Lady Acier’s collection. Sometimes I wondered if he got it all or first dibs and took it all because he was the oldest. Perhaps her collection had just been so expansive I could have a shit load and the other kids could do. The girls didn’t ever bat a lash when I wore her crowns and necklaces. 
There’s a firm knock on my door, they don’t pause before opening it. Husbands, ya know? I looked over my shoulder to see he’s entered my office, not bothering to shut the door (to avoid scandal though I’ve never understood how married people can be scandalous with each other? The policies of this country were difficult to understand). 
“Yes,” I ask, raising my brow at him.
“Noelle has received her grimoire,” his face was bleak.
“And she still cannot control her magic. She’s still a shame to House Silva.”
The fluctuation in his mana told me all I needed to know.
“Don’t try to coddle me, Seraphina. You don’t understand what this means for my family and our reputation.”
I wonder in our 14 years of marriage if he’s ever learned that I can read his mind and emotions. He kept on the mean big brother act and never shut it off. However, I like to take opportunities to argue when I see them. I turn my whole body to face him and cross my arms.
“Like how we don’t have an heir?”
“Don’t start this right now,” his voice was low and serious, “Nebra, Solid, and I will be having dinner with our father and grandparents tonight.”
“Then I’ll join you,” I shot up out of my chair, “It would look bad if I stayed here.”
His stare was cold. I started to prepare an argument in my head.
“Fine. But wear something nice,” he moved his attention to the deep cut of my dress, “Maybe we should get your robes adjusted.”
“Oh darling, I think that’s the most attention you’ve given my breasts in our whole marriage.” I bit my tongue, a little too late for that, Sera. Oops. 
“Tsh,” Nozel turned and headed for the door, “You should probably have the maids at the castle help you get ready… We both know you won’t be able to braid your own hair.”
“I beg your pardon?”
The door closed and I was alone again. The mother fucker. He was right, but that mother fucker. If he knew what kind of foul language I had stored in my head for him… Maybe tonight will be the night all chaos explodes. Dinner and a show with me as the main actress. 
I started to make a mental list of things to bring up during our argument as I made a spacial magic gate to my quarters at the Silva Castle. 
I opted for an emerald gown with silver jewelry for tonight. Rule number one of House Silva: all the jewelry is silver. If you happen to have gold it was either a gift from House Vermillion or House Kira and you only ever wore it to fit a dress code House Vermillion made for a ball. Same thing for red and blue. Do not wear red or blue unless you want to piss off your husband, which I’ll admit is fun but he threw the poor dress into the fireplace the next morning. We don’t even share a room, he had to wake up early, come in, and find it to do that. 
Rule number two: be very, very good at keeping your thoughts to yourself. Especially when it comes to Noelle, Acier, and your lack of offspring. 
“Seraphina, perhaps you decided to join us because you and Nozel have some good news to share,”  if Nebra was anything it was blunt and to the point. 
I gave Nozel the side eye.
“No,” He said while lifting his wine to his lips, “Just didn’t want to bother socializing with the rest of the squad tonight.”
I gave her a meek smile.
“Well, Seraphina, I have something to show you, Solid rose from his seat and walked over to Noelle who was staring at her food with tears in her eyes. He pulled her grimoire out from her side while she winced. “Look at how thin this is. You’re more a Silva than Noelle could ever be.”
I dropped my shoulders and focused on my plate in front of me.
“I guess...” 
If I got anything from that dinner it’s that I needed to find a way to sneak Noelle out of the castle and get her away; at least for a day. I was sat at my vanity removing all the tiny gems the servant had insisted on putting in my hair. If I couldn’t stand up to her to my in-laws the least I could do was get her away. God how many gems were there? I started at the bell to call a maid… I really hate doing this but if there’s one thing I cannot do it is my hair. 
After a few moments a young girl came to my room and went right to work undoing the braids and taking out the gems. I watched her in the mirror, she never took her eyes off my head.
“So, what’s the hot gossip from the servants quarters?”
She paused.
“I’m sure nothing would be of interest to you ma’am.”
I purse my lips. 
“If I say you can keep all the gems in my hair?”
“That wouldn’t be necessary, the masters pay us kindly.”
“Oh… well surely you heard something that would be of interest to me?”
“Ma’am, I know you don’t stay here often, but typically you wouldn’t speak to me so casually…”
“Who cares about that? It’s late. It’s just you and me here. Everyone else is probably settled into bed,” No budge. Oh. “Lord Nozel won’t be visiting my chambers tonight. It’s alright.”
“Surely the Captain visits his wife every night… You two are in love and you’re so beautiful.”
Great. Not the can of worms I wanted to open. And now I gave her shit to say about me!
“He stays in his room when I am bleeding.” And now I have to stab myself or else she’ll know I lied. Dammit. 
“Oh, the other servant didn’t mention you were… Would you like me to get you some warm towels?”
“No, what I would like is some information that only someone in your position would know.”
“Really, ma’am. There’s nothing happening these days.”
“Um… well I have a friend that works for House Vermillion and she said they’ve been preparing Lady Mereoleona’s room for her return. They expect her to arrive tomorrow afternoon.”
Oh god.
“And Lord and Lady Vermillion had to have meat brought in from the town! The chefs don’t even know how to cook meat!”
“Surely they can just give it to the girl and let her cook it herself…”
“You’re funny, Lady Seraphina.”
“Well, ya know, someone in the family has to be! Thank you for your help. You’re dismissed, go off to bed now.”
The girl bowed and left.
And she had the right fucking idea.
I need to leave too. Mereoleona? No thank you. God only knows what kind of torment she has planned for me. Actually, probably not God. Probably no higher being.
I need to hide somewhere and take Noelle with me. I throw off my dressing gown and scramble to put on clothes, throwing random shit I think I’ll want in a bag. Real manic style. Now if there’s one thing I am not it is a bad liar. I throw the blankets off my bed and lay as if I’m going to sleep. Crossing my leg so it sorta comes to wear my center lays and take out a knife and cut my leg… which heals pretty quickly given my abilities. I’m almost certain it’s not enough to be convincing but I am far more concerned in avoiding the Vermillion to care. 
Next stop, Noelle’s room. I knock on the door. No answer so I help myself. She’s asleep, dry tears around her eyes. I put my hand on her shoulder.
“Hey, wake up. Noelle.”
She gasps and her eyes fly open, instantly putting her arms in defense. I take a step back… They didn’t wake her up to hurt her… did they?
“Pack a bag, we’re going into hiding.”
“Lady Mereoleona is coming back for her yearly visit. I’m taking you and we’re gonna go hide at the beach castle.” Yeah, I married into a two castle family. Had its perks.
“Because you’re my baby sister by marriage and I think we both could use a little vacation. Don’t you agree?”
“Really? But what about Nozel?”
“I’ll deal with him if he notices. Chances are no one will know. So get up, grab your stuff, and let's go.”
She got out of bed quick. I sat at her vanity while she gathered some things. 
“Also, no servants.”
“No servants?!” She turned me so quick she almost snapped her neck.
“You’ll live. This is about survival. Now,” I stand to make a portal to the beach castle, “let’s go.”
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writersrealmbts · 5 years
Painted Crown: Part 3
Description: You have faithfully served the royal family for years. But as reality sets in, Jungkook, a prince from a neighboring kingdom, offers you something you had never dreamed of having.
Warnings: N/A
Posted: 08/26/2019
Tags: Jungkook x reader, Prince!Jungkook, Prince!Taehyung, Prince!Hoseok
?: 1,963 words
A/N: Third part! I have a total of 71 words for the next part, so I’m going to be buckling down here. I just got distracted watching Hwarang again, plus we got a puppy on Saturday and then had to give it back because our dog reacted to it in a really unusual way. So. Yeah. It’s been a rough weekend.
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You quickly guided him another way, seeing Taehyung with the visiting princess. “Apologies, sir, I did not wish to run into—” “Taehyung,” He finished the thought. “I saw. I was about to suggest diverging, myself.” You fixed your gaze on the flowers in bloom. “There is already talk of them getting engaged. A long engagement, as it must be to allow for their parents to work out the details of their wedding, but still.” “They are very much in love, even if he does look to you still.” “I have ways of avoiding his majesty’s presence.” “I can take you away from him so you would never have to be in pain again, and he will no longer be distracted by you. He will do as his country needs,” He said, softly. You looked at him in the corner of your eye. “I would give you time to think about it, but we leave for my country on the morrow.” “Then I should wonder at you courting me at all,” You answered, looking away momentarily. You had enjoyed every moment spent with him, truly, but you weren’t certain you could go with him. “I am, for all intents and purposes, asking you to marry me. You would leave with us tomorrow, and we would wed in my kingdom.” He was almost pleading, but not quite. “I can make you comfortable for the rest of your life.” “There is no assurance you can give me that we would ever wed, nor insurance that our union would be welcomed. There would be no point.” You turned away slightly, surveying the ballroom. “My dowry would be inconsequential to a prince. Should you not marry in a way that benefits your kingdom?” “In marrying you, I would do the kingdom more good than if I were to marry some foreign princess who has never so much as lifted a finger for herself, let alone others. I know we haven’t had suffiecient time to court one another, I know that you do not feel for me as I do you. But I know that as my wife, you and I could help my kingdom in so many ways. I know that comfort is of little meaning to you, so I also offer adventure. I would only ask you to leave my side if the danger to you was greater than what I thought I could defend you from. I often travel throughout my country to help deal with problems, and you could travel by my side.” Your breath was caught in your chest, and you could see the gravity of his demeanor from the corner of your eye. Taehyung was all smiles with her, and you could see that he was in love with her. It was the same look he had when he was with his dogs, or a good tall tale. The same look he had when talking about art, or painting. His only hesitance was you. The kingdom needed a royal wedding. He needed to marry the princess. And you… Prince Jungkook took your hand, placing his ring in your palm. Your eyes widened as you looked up at him, facade completely destroyed by this gesture. “There, now you hold my power in the palm of your hand. My authority.” He was grinning, of all things. Like it was a challenge. Only, you were the prize he was aiming for. Very flattering. You looked down at his signet ring. Your father wouldn’t dare to disapprove, your mother would be overjoyed, were she alive. You’d have to take leave of the royal family, those you had served faithfully for so many years, however you knew that only Taehyung and his sister would truly care. “Well?” You closed your hand around it, and dropped a curtsy. “I would be honored, my prince.” “Truly?” He sounded surprised and excited. You peeked up at him and couldn’t help but smile as well. “I will make sure you never doubt your decision,” He told you eagerly, taking your unoccupied hand into his own and holding it as if it was delicate and precious. You felt your heart melt a little at the expression on his face, the way he looked at you, everything. “I will aim to please, sir.” “Jungkook,” He corrected gently. You bit your lip, then nodded slowly. “Jungkook.” “Y/n,” He said as he gently touched your cheek. “There will be much to prepare. You should pack. May I see you home, that I might ask your father’s permission?” You dipped your head. “We live in the castle, Pr—” His lips met yours ever so briefly, but so sweetly. You looked up at him, slightly dazed and surprised. “I told you, call me Jungkook,” He admonished sweetly. “Yes, Jungkook,” You whispered. He grinned at you. “You live in the castle?” “My father fell ill some years back, ever since we’ve lived in the castle so that the physician can watch his health. Since I’m one of the Princess’s ladies in waiting, it benefits us both if I am located in the castle,” You explained, taking the arm he offered you. “Our lands are far enough away that it was inconvenient for the physician.” He nodded slowly. “I see. Would he be willing to have company?” “I am certain he will.” “Your father, would he wish to…” “My father has little tolerance for travel, and is loyal adviser to the king. He will likely only attend the wedding and visit every now and then when he feels up to it. It will pain him having me so great a distance away, but he will be happy for both of us.” Jungkook nodded, resting his free hand over the hand you had on his arm. “Do you think he would be willing to part with you?” “If he believes I will be content.” “Do you believe you will be content?” You thought for a moment, looking up at him as you walked. “I think…I hope I will be.” Honestly, the prospects for marriage weren’t good for you. It was unlikely that you marry for love, but if your impression of him was a good indication, you could see how you could quickly fall for him. Indeed, you had already begun. His kindness, and his enthusiasm, the way he handled you so delicately as if you were a precious thing to be cherished; all were alluring in their own way. But most of all, you trusted him. He was so sincere and open, that it was hard not to. And every story and piece of gossip painted him as a bright, caring prince, who worked hard to ensure that his father’s country thrived. He toured the many cities to ensure they were all stable and safe, review the garrisons, check the buildings to ensure they were warm for winter, and he and his brother had personally seen to one of the old manor’s conversion into a home for children. “Jungkook! There you are. And my lady y/n, a pleasure.” Hoseok grinned as he dipped his head to you. “How are the gardens today?” “Rather romantic, it would appear, Prince Hoseok,” You replied. “You’d best not enter with a lady, lest you be trapped with her forever.” “If I should be so fortunate as to be trapped with a lady such as yourself, I would consider myself exceedingly fortunate, but it appears my brother has earned that privilege.” “Hyung, we’re on our way to meet her father.” Hoseok’s grin, if possible, got even broader. “Father will be pleased. You will travel back with us, y/n?” You nodded. “Unless my father does the unthinkable and refuses. Even then, I cannot stay here.” “You will make a fine princess, y/n,” He said with a bow. “I will let you both be on your way. I’ll make sure Yoongi prepares for you to join us on our return journey.” “Thank you, my lord.” He bowed again as you curtsied and walked off with a bounce in his step. “It is somewhat unorthodox for the younger to be married before the elder,” You pointed out to Jungkook. He shrugged. “My father wishes him to marry the princess of another kingdom we are in good relations with. Hoseok is not quite ready for that, so it has been put off for now.” “But he has no qualms regarding you and marrying a mere lady of the court?” “Our country is strong, as you already know. One strategic marriage is enough for our country. In a test of will, I outlast my father every time, but he already said having a happy marriage will be better for our country than a second strategic marriage which could cause conflict with our current allies. Our people have worried that we are unhappy. They fear it could lead to instability, which ultimately affects their lives.” He guided you indoors, facing you and tilting your chin up to meet his gaze. “My brother was correct. You will make an excellent princess.” You studied his face. “Will I travel with you?” “If you wish to. I will never ask you to part from me, but I would wish that you stay away from the most dangerous of situations.” “I think that sounds like a fair compromise,” You said, looking down with a smile. “But maybe I shouldn’t be a princess.” “You will be my wife, which makes you a princess. You know how a princess behaves. You’ll do well. I know you will. And we can collect ingredients for paints while we travel,” He suggested, brightening up visibly. You grinned. “That could be very fun.” “And maybe I could paint you?” He asked, looking at you with such innocence that it was nigh on irresistible. “Perhaps you may. We would be seeing quite a lot of each other. Nothing quite so modern, though, imagine if someone were to see it.” He chuckled softly. “That would be quite the scandal.” “Don’t laugh, I’m perfectly serious,” You scolded lightly, smiling and laughing a little with him. “Y/n!” You flinched and then dropped a curtsy at the severe tone of the young princess. “Princess, my apologies, I did not see you there.” She gave you a pouty look. “It is Monday, we ride on Monday but you were not there! I had to go with my brother and his…whatever she is.” “The princess your brother is courting may very well be your future sister, try to have patience. I apologize for not riding out with you this morning, something else came up that prevented my enjoying your company. Perhaps we could go riding in the morn?” She grinned, her smile similar to her brothers, yet cute in it’s one way. “Really?” “I would not have said if I could not follow through, my lady. If you could pardon us for now, though, we must go speak to my father.” She nodded, taking on a regal air. “Yes, you are dismissed. Give Lord Henley my regards.” You gave a sharp nod of approval, making her eyes sparkle with delight as she flounced off happily. “I see. They made you her lady in waiting to teach her how to properly conduct herself.” “I’ll have to tell her I’m leaving,” You murmured, looking after her sadly. “And make arrangements for another companion for her.” “Sorry,” He said softly. “No, it would happen eventually,” You replied, taking his arm once more, and looking up at him. “This lighting is very good for you.” He smiled. You stopped him in front of a door. “Ready?” “To make you my wife? Yes.” His shoulders seemed to get broader, and his whole posture screamed ‘Royalty’. You impulsively kissed his cheek, then entered the sitting room. “Father?”
Part 2 ~ Part 4
Masterlist ~ Jungkook Masterpost
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sunshinemiranda · 8 years
First Impressions - Lin-Manuel Miranda x Reader (Chapter V: FINALE)
Summary: Your homecoming is wonderful, but Jasmine still hasn’t gotten over her own heartbreak. An unlikely hero helps along both her happiness, and yours. Mr. Miranda is the perfect gentleman and the love of your life. Happy endings become possible.
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 3,496 (the longest piece I’ve ever posted!)
A/N: We have finally reached the end of this series, and I wanted to post this on the day of Lin’s birthday to celebrate happy endings and contentment! Happy birthday, Lin. This is for you, and every single person who has supported this deliciously crazy idea. 
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The rest of your trip in London was fading into a blur, and fast. Each day was bleeding into the next and the hours you spent simply thinking about that same dark pair of eyes that had pierced you from the very start. To think that this misunderstanding was entirely due to your own prejudice and refusal to believe a good thing about the man made your thoughts whirl down a spiral of shame. Jasmine had been right. There is good in everybody.
By the time your week in the city had come to an end, your aunt had noticed your odd behaviour but had been kind enough not to point it out. As you stood by the door, pulling your uncle into a goodbye hug, she smiled on.
“Safe travels, my love, and don’t forget to write!” She reminded.
“Of course.” You managed a faint smile. “I cannot thank you enough for letting me stay.”
“Anytime you’re in London, my dear, come here! Our pleasure.” Your uncle grinned, and with a wave, retreated into the parlour. Your aunt stayed.
“Come, sweetheart, let’s get your bags onto the carriage.” She picked up your case and handed it to a servant as she took your hand and led the way out to where the horses pawed impatiently at the ground.
“Tell my sister to send a letter. She doesn’t write often enough.” She chuckled, and you nodded a response.
“And do not give up, dear niece. There is hope.” As she said this, she gave your hand a squeeze.
Brow furrowing in confusion, you turned to her, confused. “I don’t understand.”
She raised a mischievous brow and propped a hand on her hip. “You mean to tell me that you haven’t the slightest warm feeling for this lovely Mr. Miranda?”
So there was the relation to your mother; both Gardiner girls were unafraid to speak their minds. You coloured horribly and found yourself at a loss. Denial couldn’t work and accepting the statement would simply embarrass you more.
She gave a laugh. “As I said, dear niece, there is hope. Indeed, so much hope that I could barely believe we escaped Pemberly without a marriage proposal.”
You gasped in shock, a smile tugging at your lips. Her brazen speech never failed to delight you. She only grinned back.
“In fact, Mrs. King has told me that he plans to visit Netherfield very soon. Very soon, meaning, he leaves today.” She looked you right in the eye, tightening her grip on your hand. “Take advantage of that, sweetheart. There is no way a man of that intelligence could be ignorant enough to turn my beautiful niece down.”
As you stood there, utterly taken aback, she took the chance to usher you into the carriage, tuck your cloak around you, close the door and signal the footmen in what seemed like a second. You shook yourself out of your stupor and leaned from the carriage window. Truthfully, you would miss that extraordinary woman.
“Thank you!”
“Anytime, my dear!” She was smiling as you pulled away.
It would be a long journey, with Longbourn in the distance, and thoughts, as ever, consumed by Lin-Manuel.
Coming home was everything you had wished for. The entire house was ablaze with a thousand questions at the same time; it seemed even the chickens were stirred into a frenzy. You welcomed every bit of it with wide arms. Your family was not a calm one, but you loved them dearly, unashamedly and happily.
The moment Jasmine’s head of familiar curly hair appeared, you ran toward her and leaped, hands encircling her waist in a hug you had needed from the moment you two had parted.
“I’ve missed you!” She laughed, and you were glad to hear her sounding so much happier.
“Stealing my lines now, are we?” You grinned at her and she only laughed again.
Lexi and Sasha were trailing behind, tugging at your dress, asking again and again if you had had a scandalous romance with an officer who was too poor for you to marry, but one you had completely fallen in love with.
You raised an eyebrow. “Oh, yes, of course. No trip to London could be complete without such a story.”
Lexi pouted. “(Y/N), you’re no fun! Tell us, did you see anyone of importance?”
You paused at that. “Well…yes. I dined at Pemberly Hall with the Miranda siblings. Phillipa is a wonderful girl.”
Sasha’s mouth dropped open. “What? You dined at their mansion?”
“Don’t be silly, Sasha! It’s not a mansion.” You chided, but a grin came into place soon after. “It’s a castle.”
Had there been a settee for Lexi to swoon onto, you were sure she would not have wasted a moment.
“Oh, my Lord! You are so unbearably lucky. It is unfortunate you had to share the experience with that horrible man.” She wrinkled her nose disgustingly.
Stopping in the hallway, you froze, and then turned slowly. “Be careful, Lexi. Our family knows nothing about him. We are in no place to judge the man.”
As you climbed the stairs to unpack, Sasha turned to Lexi who had stopped short in shock. Jasmine frowned, curiosity tingling at her fingertips.
“Something’s changed.” And by God, was Jas right.
After luncheon had come and gone, with your mother going on and on to describe, in scintillating detail, the gossip of the town in your absence, for the duration of the meal, you had sat down to catch up with Jasmine as she took care of some needlework she was stitching. You had picked up a book. Indeed, it was a play, rather. Much Ado About Nothing, a work of Shakespeare that had become incredibly special to you.
“I’m so glad you enjoyed your time away, but it is so much better to have you back. I thought I’d go mad without someone to talk to.” Jasmine giggled, pulling a stitch through the embroidered pink roses.
“I’ve felt the same way.” You smiled at her from above your book, and then paused, setting the script down. “Yet, I can’t help but ask: are you feeling better?”
She knew immediately what you were referring to. Her heartache couldn’t have simply disappeared, but perhaps the hurt had dissipated slightly.
“Of course,” she dismissed you, but there was fault to be found in her small smile.
“Jas, really, are you-“
“I’m quite over him, (Y/N).” She interrupted, looking up quickly. “Honestly. My trip was so diverting, I could hardly think of anything else.”
You had no choice but to accept that answer. Jasmine was a sweet girl but very stubborn in showing emotion. She refrained from doing so for the purpose of causing less worry from family members, so incredibly selfless that she made sacrifices that affected her deeply.
“Any news from the Gardiners?” She asked, voice softer than before. It was her peace offering.
“They miss our mother’s letters, though I can’t imagine why.” You shot her a grin. “She manages to send an entire novel every time she writes.”
She laughed, the tension dissolving from the room. “Our mother is easily carried away. But come now, you cannot avoid telling me of this change in your opinion for Mr. Miranda!” Her eyes gleamed and she leaned forward conspiratorially.
A breath escaped your lungs then. What could you say? That your family had been completely responsible in ruining his opinion of you? That he had considered a proposal to you? That your sister’s hurt could be led to burden your shoulders?
“I-I don’t know.” You murmured truthfully. “I’ve been so blind, Jasmine. This man…he…he’s so different from what I assumed. I’ve been so proud; I couldn’t see anything past my own selfish want, it’s-“
“Mr. Ramos!” Lexi’s voice shook the walls with its decibel level. Jasmine and you looked up immediately.
“He’s here! He’s here, he’s here, he’s here!” Lexi all but sprinted into the room, Sasha hot on her heels as she looked around wildly for Jasmine. She ran to her immediately, taking her hands and pulling her up from her seat.
“What do you think he wants?” Sasha squealed, face pressed up against the window.
Woodenly, you force your stiff limbs to push yourself up and look outside. There you saw a familiar face, accompanied by a dark head of long hair. Lexi had been wrong. It wasn’t just Mr. Ramos. It was Mr. Miranda too.
Jasmine had paled as Lexi’s endless words washed over her. Firmly, you pulled Lexi’s hands away and led your elder sister to sit on the love seat, directing Lexi and Sasha to sit down and find something to do. Your mother’s arrival was twice as loud.
“Act natural! We must simply act natural. Sasha, the ribbons. Mandy, take up a book, please, no piano while we have company. Oh my Lord, whatever could he want?” She was beyond wild.
“A Mr. Ramos and a Mr. Miranda, ma’am,” called the maid and by the time the two men walked in, the Bennet girls had all found something candid-looking to do.
Jasmine looked up, eyes meeting Anthony’s and you knew in a second what he had come here to do. Your own gaze was drawn to Mr. Miranda’s and your eyes met, ultimately charged and you had to rip yourself away, for fear of him seeing the colour of your cheeks.
“Oh, Mr. Ramos! How lovely it is to see you again.” Your mother gushed.
“Yes, thank you for receiving me on such short notice.” He swallowed nervously, hands fiddling with the hat he had taken off as he entered the house.
“Mr. Miranda,” you blurted and winced at the way your voice shook. “Hello again.”
A small smile tugged at the corner of his mouth and he bowed, all manners. “Ms. Bennet, a pleasure. We keep meeting.”
Lexi looked as if she would burst without mentioning something you were sure would ruin both yours and Jasmine’s prospects of marriage in one sentence, and as she opened her mouth to speak, you quickly cut in.
“Will you be here long?”
His gaze moved from the wooden floors to your own eyes. “I’m afraid not. We leave the day after tomorrow.”
“So soon.” You murmured, and his eyes softened. Just as he took a breath to say something else, your mother interrupted.
“Alas, Mr. Ramos, I am so sorry we do not have a meal prepared for your arrival. Is there anything at all you need from this visit?” At this, she very obviously, nodded toward Jas and Anthony coloured badly.
“Ye-Yes, I’d like to speak with Ms. Bennet, please.” His voice was softened and nervous. “Alone.”
The entire room went silent and for what seemed like an entire lifetime, all eyes were on Anthony. His blush only worsened.
“Everyone out.” Your mother murmured, practically breathless with excitement. “Except you, Jasmine dear.”
She bustled the group of you out and just as your mother went to close the door, you turned to meet eyes with Jas. You gave her your best reassuring nod, and then moved away from the doorway where Lexi, Sasha, and your mother had their ears pressed to the door. Mr. Miranda mumbled something about waiting outside but you were too embarrassed from your earlier outbursts to attempt conversation with him.
Time dripped slowly, like molasses. The entire house was holding its breath. Footsteps were heard walking toward the door and your sisters and mother jumped away from the door so as not to be caught.
Jasmine stepped out, smile lighting her face like sunlight. She had entered that room heartbroken, and emerged both happy and engaged.
It was official. In three months time, Jasmine Bennet became Jasmine Ramos, and though you were incredibly happy for your dear sister, it was hard to pretend that seeing Mr. Miranda again hadn’t worsened your feelings. It was past the point of being sick for him. Now, you were mad about the man. And you had a feeling that that wouldn’t change any time soon.
“I don’t think I’ve ever felt this way in my life before. It’s like walking on air!” Jas gushed, traipsing around the room in her white nightgown.
You laughed, sitting down on the bed to braid your hair, a nightly ritual to keep tangles to a minimum. “Really Jasmine, I hate to say it but…I told you so.”
She stuck her tongue out, grabbing a pillow to smack you with it playfully as you let out a squeal. “Oh, you would never hate to be right, my dear sister. Besides, I know now that this whole time it’s been that horrid sister of his that tried to convince him of my being indifferent.”
It was the first time you had ever heard Jasmine speak badly about anyone. Wide-eyed, you stood up and gave a round of dramatic applause.
“Oh, well done Jazzy! It’s about time you told the truth about that woman.” You shot her a grin, which she returned.
“Throughout my happiness, (Y/N), I only wish there was someone in the world who made you feel such a way.” She breathed a sigh, sitting next to you to take your hand.
Biting your lip, you squeezed her palm appreciatively. A flash of dark hair and brown eyes appeared as you closed your eyes momentarily. There was no escaping that man.
“I-I…I think not.” Pulling up your best fake smile, you pretended to tease. “I’m a lost cause, Jas. Spinner in the making.”
She giggled at that, and it made the lie worth it. You could never drag your sister down with your own troublesome feelings for someone leagues above your status. She deserved to be happy right now. That’s all that mattered, and you would say and do anything to keep it that way.
You fell asleep feeling unsatisfied. 
Dawn had just broken when you awoke. Sleep wasn’t an option. You were too unhappy and muddled to clear your mind for slumber. So you walked; left the house with a quiet click of a door, coat tucked around you, and stepped over the dew-dropped grass in the dark of a morning that hadn’t gotten a touch of sun yet. The quiet of the world put you at peace, let your mind recover from the awful cluster that had been stuck in place for days. Every feature of someone you had tried to despise had been seemingly hammered into your eyelids, so that every time you closed them, you saw his face. And what an infuriatingly beautiful man he was.
You knew that, sooner or later, Jasmine would realize that something was really quite wrong but you intended to delay that conversation at least to her wedding. Letting her know how unhappy you were would simply provide another thing for your dear sister to worry about, bless her heart. Then again, keeping this mess tucked away in a corner of your brain would drive you mad if you couldn’t discuss it with someone. Your light corner of Longbourn had turned dark, and all because your heart had gone and betrayed you in wanting someone you simply couldn’t have.
Movement caught your peripheral and your head turned abruptly to identify the smudge of brown you had glanced. A figure was walking, eyes trained on the ground ahead, toward you with a steady, purposeful pace. It was a rhythm you knew, a step you had become familiar with and it all led to a flutter in your heart and stomach that you had become very accustomed with.
When Lin-Manuel had left his Netherfield house early that morning, it was as if another force had took hold of his direction and pointed, with the tenacity of his younger sister, right in the direction of the Bennet household. He had no choice but to comply with, what seemed like, the universe’s wishes.
In the space of three days he had fallen completely in love with the second eldest of the Bennet girls and there was no denying it now. He hadn’t been able to sleep, no, not for a while, due to his hours spent lying in bed, painting the details of your person onto the dark ceiling in his head. Every second he spent sitting in silence seemed to encourage the roar of his mind, go, it said, and so he did, without complaint. Surely none of the household would be out before the sun had risen. He wasn’t sure whether he was happy to be wrong, or incredibly horrified.
He stopped short, close enough to see that you had only grown more beautiful in his time away, but far enough that he could control the desire he had to take your hand.
“I couldn’t sleep.” He mumbles.
You, standing there, with the sun casting a golden glow around the fields, had remained speechless until now. Saying he was beautiful could not possibly do the real vision justice.
“Nor I.” You reply.
He is looking at you, no frown this time, eyes lightened with the same happiness you had recognized in his features at Pemberly. It was a sad sort of joy, as if dampened somehow. You could not have that.
“Mr. Miranda, I-“
“Call me Lin. Please. I cannot bear the thought of you thinking yourself beneath me.” It came out in a rush.
“Yes.” You breathed, gaze landing on your hands and staying. “Yes, of course. Lin.”
The effect of saying his name threw a thousand butterflies into your stomach and from the way his eyes softened, he had felt it too.
“Please, allow me to thank you. For what you have done for Jasmine. I cannot believe I was so blinded by my own prejudice to think that yo-“
“It was a pleasure, Ms. Bennet, believe m-“
“(Y/N). Please.”
“Yes. Yes of course. (Y/N). I have realized that the only fault to exist is my burden. Your sister…she has turned Anthony into the happiest I have ever seen him. I apologize profusely for thinking such horrible things.”
Shaking your head, you stepped closer, still dizzy from the breathless way he had said your name. “No. No more apologies. You and I have many misunderstandings but it’s about time we stop spending all our time in regret.”
A tired look of relief washed over his face, and he breathed out, tension leaking from his shoulders. 
“Thank you.”
Swallowing, you paused. Gathering your thoughts and courage took time. “Lin, I…you…you told me once that you had come to ask for my hand. May I ask…why you felt compelled to do so?”
His hands dropped to his sides, curling into fists and relaxing repetitively, a nervous tick you had noticed. “My words may sound indelicate, for I seem to have forgotten the speech I prepared at home.” At this, he summoned a sad smile, glancing at you.
“But as you deserve the honesty, I will not delay that. My mission in visiting Longbourn with the notion of proposing can only be summed up in our first meeting. It was horrible. I was horrible, and I spend so much time wishing I could have a second chance to redeem myself to you. You see, Ms. Bennet,” he steps forward.
“(Y/N).” It is phrased in a breath. “You have enchanted me, body and soul. Every part of you has bewitched my mind and I can think of nothing else than the beautiful girl who must, by now, simply despise me. And if I may announce feelings that must disgust you…I love, I love,” his voice shakes. “I love you.”
The sun was climbing the hills by now, illuminating his face and the dark circles under his eyes with the sweetest warm glow. He looked angelic. You closed the distance between the two of you, reaching for his hand and revelling in the feeling. Leaning down, your lips brushed against his knuckles and a breath fell from his lips.
“Then I can only say that I must be the luckiest woman in the world.” Your voice is barely louder than a whisper as you look up at the man who had consumed your heart in one motion. “And that you must know…surely, you must know that I have all but gone mad for you.”
His eyes close for a moment, something you see as a pause to recollect his thoughts but when he opens them, his gaze has turned warmer than molten lava. That was not to recollect his thoughts. It was to show them, unfettered, truthfully, to you. He leans down, so close that your lips brush but no pressure is added. As he speaks, you feel the slight movement of his mouth.
“Marry me.”
The inches of distance are thrown away as you press your mouth to his in a loving hurry, making up for all the lost time. It is all you have craved since the moment you met him and that is clear now. There is only one thing left to do.
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