#luna doesnt normally get angry like this.
spiribia · 1 year
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the prince. who still doesnt have a name yet
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cyberdragoninfinity · 2 years
*stokes the fire* Aporia
thinking about that tweet that's like "i like your funny reply friend! you'll be buried in my pyramid with me when i die"--that's how i feel with you delightful anons who give me excuses to Go Bananas About Aporia. said with so much love in my heart. thank you <3
favorite thing about them: GOD. THERE REALLY IS SO MUCH. Of course I love his design, it's absolutely bonkers in the best way--if you told me two years ago there was a nine foot tall monster robot yugioh character with angel symbolism out the ass i would have been like EXCUSE ME. HELLO. *RUNNING OVER* but also!! his arc is just fucking GOOD. he's just this sad and complex and angry and miserable old old old man in a robot werelion body who's actually three people who are actually just one person. peak yugioh villain nonsense i absolutely adore it. and i LOVE when villains have the face turn and fight back against the Big Bad as much as they can. it goes hard!!! (but also, specific small thing thats one of my favorite things about him--it's like, very implied despite being Gigantic he's fairly dexterous and gentle with how he handles things?? Always grabbing his tiny cards very delicately and doings little tricks with them and in tag force 6 (Citizen Kane for Insane Aporia Girlies) he actively tells you the protagonist that he doesnt make mistakes with how much force to use with things (being a machine and all.) idk it's just very cute to me. it's a sweet detail.)
least favorite thing about them: pained smile. big man proper's literally only in.....about 9-10 episodes total??? <:) crying. wailing. my kingdom for a SLIVER of more screentime. it's also a shame like. 2/3s of his episodes never got dubbed, I would have absolutely adored to see what the dubbed version would have looked like!! (especially since those eps include like. my Favorite 5ds duels. it'd be like having two whole cakes babey!!!!)
favorite line: ok im restraining myself from picking something from Tag Force because all of his dialogue in TF6 makes me sick in the head and i love it but I WILL PICK. SOMETHING FROM THE ANIME. LIKE A NORMAL PERSON. god. it's gotta be these.
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also "I was imprisoned by my feelings, so you can have my feelings" which he says immediately before this, also to Z-ONE. A.) theyre just raw as hell, B.) ooohhhh my god ohhhh my fucking godddddd he loved him so fucking muuuuuch buy my fucking SILENCE
brOTP: when people draw him being friends with leo and/or luna i get soooooo soft ;_____; my kingdom for an AU where aporia got to live and could interact with them for once not under the pretenses of needing to Kill Team 5Ds. WAUUGH. also i guess brotp adjacent but him interacting with his embodiments is so fucking funny and it's apparently just me and the tag force devs who see and know the truth on that.
OTP: ooouugh...oughhhhh you Know im talking bout those old old men!!!!! i am #1 absolute adorer of the Iliaster Four Stars Peepaw Polycule (Aporia/Z-one/Paradox/Antinomy) we know this we know this. but special mention to my most favorite combo of that of all, my beloved Z-ONE/Aporia. see above. it doesnt even have a damn ship name 🤪they just!!!! make me absolutely fucking insane. theyre married theyre divorced theyre god and his most devoted archangel theyre old friends theyre a Fleetwood Mac album and theyre EVERYTHING TO ME!!!!!!! the second i get over worrying about being annoying i will Not shut up about them even more!!!!!
nOTP: i think if you ship with rua/leo you should go to jail and then directly to hell immediately after <3
random headcanon: Aporia Aporiaaaa my beloved bisexual italian/cuban autistic nonbinary dadgirl. i think in another life where he wasnt Extremely Fucked Up and Died Like Five Times he could have been good with kids. also. i think in the implied fixed future where the Four Stars get to live normally he would be a furry. him and eurea both. furcon couple
unpopular opinion: he's a GOOD CHARACTER!!!! HE AND THE EPISODES HE'S IN HAVE MERIT!!!!!! NOBODY BUT LIKE MAYBE 12 PEOPLE GIVE A DAMN ABOUT THIS GUY BUT HE ROCKS AND I THINK MORE PEOPLE SHOULD KNOW ABOUT HIM!!!!!!! drawing my big sword (draw tablet) I Will Make Them Know About Him. >:)c
song i associate with them: i, dana "the mountain goats lover" ninetales of course. keep finding tmg songs to associate with characters. And Genesis 30:3 is one of my favorite songs for Aporia, especially re: his dynamic with Z-ONE. "I will do what you ask me to do/Because of how I feel about you." IS SO!!! MUFFLED WAILING.
favorite picture of them: oh man. *slams my giant briefcase of aporia screenshots down on the table* ok. ok let's see. just ONE favorite? alright. ok. i got this. hm. this one i think
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A.) aaauuughh i love his 'broken' form i need to draw it sometimes....the Moment energy lines...... B.) TINY TINY FUCKING CARDS!!!!, C.) this is from the exact moment where something in my brain clicked and was like "oh. oh this guy is in my head now for real. maybe i do fuck with his design" and. well. things snowballed <3
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delphiora77 · 3 years
𝘁𝗼𝗺𝗮𝗻 𝗮𝘁 𝗮 𝗳𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗹𝘆 𝗰𝗼𝗼𝗸𝗼𝘂𝘁 !! • a thread of my headcannons <33
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||• warning for slight ch 216 spoilers in senju’s part!! •||
His ass would be parked at the little folding table because he doesn’t know the cousins well enough to hang out with them and also doesn’t wanna talk to the rest of the family
Quietly picking at his food
He does engage in conversation with smiley, but not for long since hes kinda scary
In charge of plates/cutlery (his food is not deemed of proper quality for the cookout though he begs to differ)
Playing tag outside with the rest of the cousins
Pretty normal except he cheats and when he gets tagged he acts like he doesn’t feel it and makes up a rule that if you don’t feel it then youre not it
Eventually gets kicked from the game bc everyone is sick of him cheating so he goes inside to play video games with the younger cousins
Also not allowed to bring food, hes in charge of napkins
He’s the cool cousin everyone wants to hang out with
All the aunties tell him how tall he is, they want all the suga from him
Playing basketball with the older cousins the whole time, but as soon as the meat comes off the grill his ass is the first one in line
In charge of bringing the greens and banana pudding
The cousin inside playing games the whole time
Does not socialize at all
Uses the bathroom every 5 minutes so he can go on his phone unbothered
In charge of drinks
Chases all the little cousins around and plays tag with them or hide and seek
He was the one that kicked mikey out the tag game bc he was fed up
Hes not allowed to bring anything bc hes a menace and messes literally everything up (sorry baji I stil lov you)
His ass is parked right next to the table with all the food
he’s always first in line (if you don’t count draken)
Always asked if he wants to hang with the other cousins and he always says he’d rather eat
Him and mitchy have fun together at the table together
In charge of potato salad
would be the one talking to all the aunties and uncles the whole time abt baking and stuff at a family cookout
he would be marveling with the aunties over some furniture or some new cookware they got since the last time he came over
when they say “go have fun with ur cousins” he pretends he doesnt hear them and tells them about a new recipe he found while looking through some cookbooks bc he wanted to expand mana and luna’s palettes
Hes in charge of assigning everyone a dish, he personally brings mac n cheese and peach cobbler
Attached at the hip to mitsuya (mitsuya brought him bc he wanted hakkai to meet the fam)
Awkwardly accepts compliments from aunties and also is very awkward around the uncles while they talk to him about “their golden days” and “when they were his age”
Very nervous that hes going to get interrogated (spoiler alert he does) and he jumps every time taps his shoulder or like speaks in his direction
Mitsuya has to take him to the bathroom to do breathing exercises so he can calm down (hes nervous and he just wants to make a good impression ok [weep]
Mitsuya wanted him to feel involved so he let hakkai help him with the cobbler and mac n cheese
Smiley is the fun uncle that has lots of funny/cool stories but some of them are highkey concerning
Could talk for hours about him and angry when they were little, some of the stories he tells may or may not spark some conflict
Definitely calls all the kids pipsqueak or like rascal
He is in charge of barbecuing the meat fs
Angry is basically there for damage control
Hes really nice and has candy for all the little kids
“don’t tell your mom but I got candy if you want it”
Was this close to beating smiley up the whole time but kept his composure
Definitely yelled at smiley on the drive back home
Also in charge of grilling
Inupi is the one cousin who is just super quiet but still plays with the rest of the fam
Kinda just goes where draken goes because draken is somehow the only person there that doesn’t wanna make him crawl in a hole and die either from second hand embarrassment or from them invading his personal space and boundaries
Tries to play basketball but is absolute trash so draken has to teach him, but draken does laugh at him for not having any semblance of knowledge when it came to the game
Inupi is in charge of sweet potato pie
Hina takes a more relaxed approach when it comes to the younger cousins
All the girls huddle up in a circle and ask her about her life
Aunties and uncles love her
In charge of fried chicken
Emma is also in the girl talk circle and she teaches everyone how to paint their nails and put makeup on
“do not talk to boys they all stink and they have cooties!!”
She is also the tickle monster but is less aggressive with it than baji
In charge of pound cake
She came because mitsuya insisted she come even though she said it felt like an intrusion
Also loved by the aunties and uncles, its in the shiba genes (not taiju tho)
She is new to the girl talk circle so the all the girls are absolutely captivated by her stories
“guys if you see my brother, hes the weird tall one with blue hair, tell him that that he has cooties, but don’t tell him I told you to tell him that.”
Shes in charge of pre-meal snacks and fruit for everyone
Hina and emma begged her to come so she finally gave in
“yeah guys, all boys have cooties and they’re super gross. I should know because I have 2 older brothers.”
“make sure youre kinda sorta nice to them though because if you are they’ll let you buy things with their money”
Lets everyone (including emma, hina, and yuzuha) dress her up and they all have a fashion show downstairs
She opted out of bringing food since shes a horrible cook but she did bring cups and ice!!
this is gonna be my first post on here, so i decided to start off with something more tame and funny!! i hope you all enjoyed, and please feel free to reach out to me and request oneshots/fics/scenarios you may want :))
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clementineesotsm · 4 years
THE KING: ETERNAL MONARCH EP 10, My Appreciation and How It Made Me Feel
KSJ theme song with this guitar is seriously a mood. This scene is so beautiful, where its reminds him of old days with the person that he refers as beautiful dream. Its a bit sad, because jte is literally a dream for him, he is not from Korea, therefore his existence here is not real. He doesnt belongs here. But he is still in denial because this dream is where his heart is
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One of the charm from this series is they always brings us to what happens prior to the ending and also sometimes its a flashback. I really cannot describe the detail but it is well done. If you watch this series you will get what i mean 😬
Here in eps 10, we got to see prior Gon meeting LR. And its beautiful. Gon coming to check the time in space between 0 and 1 (the humming voice and lady noh’s voice gave me chills) , and because he misses JTE he stop by Korea to hear her voice because he doesnt have much time, but ended up meeting JTE because she is also roaming around forest because she misses Gon.
This scene is beautifully made, with the poems that fits well, the longing, the shocking face of each other seeing each other, them hugging. The camera also plays the big part to make ot more dramatic. I love how they blurred Gon face then become more and more clear when he is closer to JTE. It feels like we can see hom through JTE eyes. Saddest part is when Gon ask JTE “have you beed waiting here?” With a worried face and a red eyes kind of holds back tears 😢 Fav part is when JTE holds Gon hand while they hugging, as if she needs reassurance that he is really here. He really exist 😢 i cried though, damn
And the poet by Kim So Wol :
When the sun goes down over the white rapids, I shall wait by the gate.
Between the shadows of the birds singing at dawn, i see the world brightening up in its still calmness.
With my eyes fixated on the traveler passing by at the break of dawn, “is that you?” “Is that you?”
I read somewhere (haters basically) says that this scene is lack of feelings, and they dont feel the longing because there are no clear timeline on how long they have been separated. But if only they think logically, they will realize that JTE and Gon not seeing each other for at least 2 weeks (plus).
We can count it from KSJ. After the revelation that he is from Corea, he took his 21 days leave. The day he took leave was the time Gon about to go back to Corea. The time JTE and Gon meeting in forest is around 7/5 days before new years, so it means Gon have been away for 2 weeks. And 2 weeks is enough for you to misses someone so bad especially when he is coming from a different world and about to face danger
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Move on to JY part in taking JES role. This scene is hilarious because of the sister. She knew that JY is not JES 🤣 people need to appreciate this series and him more seriously
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Back to Corea its also new year. I will said it tirelessly, Gon and fantasia from another dimention is one of the best thing exist in this series. They match perfectly especially in this scene! Its majestic and have a royal vibes. The whole scene could win its own award if its up to me. Also the speech, well written. Kudos to KES
There is 1 scene in between we got to see PM asking Lady Nohs help to wins Gon heart. This short coversation between them is one of my favorite.
PM “what can crush Pyeha’s heart?”
Lady Noh “the normal question would be, what makes his heart flutter?’ Yet you are asking what can crush his heart”
Damn Lady, love you a lot!
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After the speech PM walks with Gon, fav line here from Gon, and PM startled face
PM “will you also be rooting for me every step of the way?”
Gon “as i said before, i always have. Of course I hope you dont have a bad sense of direction”
If we hear it in korean, the words actually sound a bit sarcastic. Loved it.
Also this line is superb, because it shows me how Gon is good at reading people personality 🤣
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Gon is coming to police station and saw Luna face finally on the report. I love Gon glances to the detective when he says she is terminally ill, as if he sense something. And yes we got the answer that he assume, the balance that the traitor keep metioning means “those with the same face are stealing the lives of their counterparts” then we see his eyes going to Luna again. Means its also possible to happens to her. Because he knew that she has motives.
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He also realize that LR obelisk located in different place. Here i catch something important, Gon has never been aware that familiar faces has always been his weakness. He realized it only in eps 13 and 15. But i realized it actually on eps 5 when he meet seung ah, he greets her as if they knew each other. Also now in eps 10, he calls her directly asking to make public invitation of him going to haeundae (to provoke LR). Familiar faces makes him feel too comfortable, later we knew that it brings him danger and sadness
Now we back at the ending of eps 9 scene, Gon saw LR alone, try to confront him with all royal guard but his judgement is wrong this time, of course LR have minions and attacking the people. Gon ended up letting LR go because he has ability to hurt people and also because he is startled that LR is actually still have the same faces and also because JES got shot, damn its so tense. I need to give LMH, LJJ and the one who play Ho Pil, standing applause for their acting! Very good, i can feel Gon angry, i hate LR was very calm, and Ho Pil angry voice and expressions, COOL!
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While Corea was in chaos, JY in Korea was investigating KSJ, finally he knows that KSJ mom’s doppelgänger is working at the palace, thats explain a lot of things. But JY is in Korea what can he do? He cannot inform this to Gon 🥺 but at least he join forces with JTE and KSJ to solve this mess at Korea side.
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I think up to this point where viewers will have confusion, because one scene we are in Korea and next its in Corea, poeple need to pay attention to be able to follow. Thank god i can so i still pretty much following this story okay.
Gon is now talking to PM on phone where she is - as usual - crossing the line asking Gon to be honest and inform her whether its really LR or his follower. I love love Gon expression here, very subtle and detail, its like “im having a very rough day got terror attack yet this person is being annoying and not helping at all” 🤣 i love how he claps back to PM
Gon “Hence, i beseech you, PM Koo. Do not pull the gag. Do not use the word ‘honesty’ as your weapon. Please focus solely on the safety of the people”
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The Royal family actually furious about the terror attack and asking Prince Buyeong to act, actually i found it very realistic when they blame the PM because she is woman. This world is flowing like that 😅 its not even relevant but people love to blame it to woman and also because they want to get rid of PM for a political reason. Jeez. Disgusting.
Gon is coming to visit Prince Buyeong, as you know their conversation always deep and meaningful. Sometimes it feels like im watching some different movies because of how high quality their scene most of the time. Both acting superb, makes me teary eye when Gon asking hows sejin’s doing? And how Gon also wants to do a good job as her.
Gon “will i do a greta job too?”
I cants, he is just so scared and insecure 🥺 he ask his uncle to stay in the palace as the second in line. Like, at this point he is ready to sacrifice anything as long as he can get LR. Most heartbreaking words was when he promise to protect himself and he is asking his uncle to also protect himself too, thats the king’s order 😭😭 i cry a river
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To be continue
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F(x) As Sisters
Now this sister is probably going to make you feel a bit insecure, since she has so many talents and excels at them also. Don’t worry though, rather then comforting you shes just going to take this as a compliment and point out your attributes also. That might not be what you want but its not going to change. If you dont mind being in the limelight she often posts pictures of you two and short clips of you guys doing aegyo. You guys are bound to fight but as the “mother” of F(x) shes not going to stay angry for long, instead she will come back within a few minutes, not wanting to fight, and apologize. The main reason you guys might fight is because shes brutal honest. She will tell you if you have horrible fashion taste, two left feet, smell like feet, etc etc. Shes actually trying to help so you dont get made fun of or embarrass yourself or her. Victoria is the best person to go to when your upset, she will baby you and do aegyo trying to cheer you up. When you come to visit her around the rest of F(X) it’s like you grew four sisters, then lost one after Sulli left. When you start dating Victoria is never going to think anyone is good enough for you. She will point out other people that she approves and try to get you to date them even if their not your style. If anyone ever messes with you though they will quickly meet the icy glare of Victoria. She normally restrains from causing a scene but she will yell at the person, putting them in their place and you cheering her on in the background. You stop the cheering as soon as Victoria turns to you though because you know she wouldnt approve you encouraging her telling strangers or in general others off.
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Amber is another sister that might make you feel insecure because she excels at everything. She will always encourage you though, and the two of you often dance, rap or sing together. Actually you guys basically do a lot of hobbies together, probably why your so close to the llama. You guys game and basically just hang out together. Amber will occasionally take you out to eat if your spirit ever seems down to pick you back up. Easily brushing you off when you try to pay. Since your american your not used to a lot of South Koreas culture so she has to remind you often not leave a tip or take off your shoes when you enter someones house. After begging your parents they allowed you to move to South Korea one year after Amber has been staying there. Therefore Amber is often the station for complaints from your parents and your guide to making sure your not in trouble and getting used to Koreas culture. You guys fight often because Amber gets stuck between your parents and yourself when your in a fight. Being in the middle ground isnt enjoyable and Amber will make sure to let you know. If it was actually your parents fault she will apologize and direct her attention at them. If its your fault you will have to apologize and actually show your changing for her to forgive you. When your upset Amber will kidnap you for the day, making you spend the day with her. Her days are often fun and full of work so you will be in a good mood by the end of the day. Once you start dating Amber is so excited, gossiping about your date with you the whole time. When she first meets them they will be give the glance over as she judges them in her head. If she doesnt approve she will make sure your confident about this relationship, but pursue you to drop the relationship. She wont go overboard though so she knows when to stop.
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Sunyoung is a tortured sister. You constantly tease her and poke fun at her, which Sunyoung yells at you for such things and being the childish person you are you just laugh and run away. Sometimes she will get angry over this and you have to go apologize but this isnt major fights. Major fights come in when Sunyoung gets busy with her idol life and you parents get worried and she wont even call them back because shes busy. Its a very bad habit and you often have to call her and yell at her to get her to call back your parents. Later she apologizes but it happens again eventually. Just stay on her and it should stay good though. When Sunyoung keeps doing it though sometimes you get tired of having to tell her to remember to call your parents. It takes a third party eventually to make you guys talk and work it out. Shopping is a thing you often do, whether thats something Sunyoung drags you along to do or you go willing. Your always her number one shopping friend. You have a animal, I’m going to say a dog but go ahead and change it, if you dont like dogs.....I have no clue what you have against dogs then, BUT Sunyoung comes over often and you guys just treat that animal like your baby. Sunyoung just hangs with you at your place then because honestly having a dorm with four(three when Sulli leaves) other girls gets horrible. Whenever you get upset Sunyoung grabs your animal and does cute things with it to cheer you up, it always works, one hundred percent. Dont deny it! When you start dating she takes this as a chance to get revenge on all your teasing and tells your date all your embarrassing stories. 
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Krystal/Soojung(Slight Trigger warning!) 
Soojung is the devil in disguise. She will often hit you, tease you, and yell at you. This is just a normal sibling relationship though. You guys fight ALL the time. When you see a caring relationship between siblings you cant understand at all. The biggest bight you’ve had was when she was also angry with you, poking at you she said, “pudgy pudgy!” Almost like her iconic aegyo saying but this time it was very hurtful. After storming away, being really hurt Soojung went back to her dorm. After explaining what happened out loud she realizes what she exactly did, feeling horrible she rushed over apologizing over and over again. Of course you didnt forgive her for a while but she can be a real devil when it comes to fights. Know that she never really means it though. Most of the time that wont lessen the blow though. When you start dating nothing really changes in your relationship. If you ever break up though she is right by your side with a pint of ice cream and your favorite movie. If Soojung ever sees you upset, not caused by her, she will immediately be ready to attack, asking the cause of you being upset. When you guys actually get along she and you often do each others makeup, yet even if your a boy because its common for boys to wear makeup in south korea. At times it even gets fun as you both try to make each other look horrible and it turns out hilarious how you two look. When f(x) goes out for karaoke(which surprisingly is a lot)  she always drags you along. 
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(Former Member)Sulli
Now Sulli is a very childish sister, you will often be taking care of her instead of the other way around. Shes very mischievous and curious so you will have to keep her out of trouble when she goes adventuring. Also, protect her from the birds! She becomes a mess around the birds, you must protect! When she laughs its contagious and loud. When you start dating she makes friends right away with your date, even if you rather she not. If your ever upset though she will do aegyo and take you out to eat, or try to use her charm and charisma to make you happy again. When she left f(x) she received a lot of hate. This is when you two really become close, because of all the hate she grew tired and depressed but you were always there to cheer her up. Of course f(x) was there also but you knew her longer and f(x) couldnt always be there like you, You managed to get her moving and happy again, making sure she ignored all the hate and you protected her when you guys went out, you will always be her number one fan to cheer her on. Sulli occasionally still hangs out with f(x) and you go along, your almost like another member. Surprisingly if you were ever to date anyone in f(x) Sulli would cheer you on. She would love you to date someone in f(x), maybe a bit too much because a lot of times she pushes you towards Victoria and Amber with hopes high and never giving in. 
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lilacponds · 7 years
Cosmos, shooting star, eclipse, spacedust, luna, blackhole, galazy, milky way!!
thanks for sending some and sorry for the lateness omg ahhh!! ♥
cosmos: what are you like when you’re angry at someone?
okay so it takes serious shit to get me pissed off to the point of anger, right? like someone can piss me off and ill start being annoyed and petty but not right out angry unless serious shit. and my family doesnt think so because im constantly angry with them but lmao they dont realise there might be a reason for that.
so, my parents - especially my dad - have a pretty loud voice, and unfortunately i got that from them even if i hate people yelling. i hate yelling myself too even when angry actually, but if people dont let me talk or ignore me or disregard what im saying i can get to the point of yelling because i cant find any other way to get my voice and message heard!! its frustrating!! but again, that happens when talking normally doesnt work for whichever reason, esp when others are yelling too, so in a normal argument i wouldnt start yelling right from the start
this... is actually hard to describe because ive only really been angry at my parents directly (ive been angry at friends family for being awful but didnt directly argue with them for various reasons) and more often than not i end up just leaving and trying to get less angry by listening to music and ignoring any fuck that comes to bother me, because they dont listen to me at all, they just keep on yelling
like... legit i cant think when was the last time i was actually angry at a friend (or someone that wasnt my family or friends family i guess??) like... i just... dont. get angry at people unless for serious shit. so i dont know how id be when angry at someone that doesnt act like my parents??
shooting star: what are you like when you're sad?
i close up, usually. i get in my bed, under the covers - even in summer, its comforting - and plug in my headphones to my phone. i find the song that fits more with how im feeling and just lay there. sometimes i end up falling asleep.
when i feel too depressed, which is different than sad but ill mention that too, theres more anger towards myself as well, so i do other stuff to do but also i ask a dear friend of mine to hang out sometimes too, and hope theyre free and want to hang out. being around them always helps a lot, and that counts for when im sad too.
eclipse: what are you like when you're happy?
o shit bro!! i light up like a goddamn firework!! im all smiley and giggly and sometimes dance or hop on the spot, i cant stay still! im at least somehow swaying, and giggling, and sometimes im listening to happy songs as well and singing along, if im walking somewhere and i need to get down the sidewalk i hop down sometimes as well, im just all bouncy and smiling!!! i love being happy man
space dust: are you happy?
atm? no
with my life? no
luna: favorite names?
oo theres a lot?? i like alex and max a lot, then theres jake, juniper, travis, nico, rachel... theres a lot of names i like!
black hole: do you have any diagnoses?
i have depression and social anxiety for mental illnesses, and psoriasis for other illnesses. i think thats about it? for now, at least?
galaxy: are you a sun, moon or star person?
moon and stars!!! i love them all. although if i really had to choose, i think id go for moon. i especially love the full moon!
milky way: do you prefer math or humanities?
already replied, math!
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