#some of my acquaintances have stopped answering some of them stay kinda cold and don't talk much
anaalnathrakhs · 2 years
i want IMMEDIATE GRATIFICATION i’ve done the small talk i’ve done the compliments i’ve done the optimism i’ve done the kindness and understanding, i want irl friends NOW or i’m gonna start biting
#i'm tired of waiting for my life to start i want to GO OUT and i want to DO THINGS and i want to have goddamn friends for once in my life#i'm doing my best with what i have but i havent had a close friend irl since i was 11 and i don't like. do things.#i have no idea what i'm doing and i'm TRYING i'm being nice and making small talk and inviting people to do thing on the rare occasion i can#and it doesn't motherfucking work i want a refund i want to start over roll everything back to my birth#everyone already has a friend group and i'm just flailing around like a fish being a moderately nice accquaintance to people#it was so nice out tonight and i would cut off my own arm to have a kinda sucky night under the rain downtown with friends#rather than to be in my mom's car#i can manage it easier now that i'm not depressed anymore and that i have friends online and get along pretty well with people#but it fucking hurts so much seeing people out having fun I WANT THAT I WANT TO GO DO THINGS AND BE SOCIAL#some of my acquaintances have stopped answering some of them stay kinda cold and don't talk much#i was friends with one for a while but we never did anything it sucked and she deleted and stopped talking so there's that#and i have a bunch of numbers or discords and i don't fucking KNOW how to talk to them. i don't have things to SAY#which i guess means ''work on yourself instead of being an empty shell of a person jerkass'' but i have no idea how to do that#and my therapist kinda. didn't help me when i asked.#so fuck me i guess#i'm fine it's fine i had a moderately annoying evening#vent#broadcasting my misery
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echo-three-one · 3 years
Whatever It Takes
Still recovering from the injuries when they rescued Samantha and Maxine, Soap and France er- John and Francine sits out on the next mission and enjoys a little rest and recreation. Comfy right?
Chapter 8 to another story made by Ray (echo-three-one) Comments and Reviews appreciated! I hope you enjoy! Love you all ❤️
Previous Chapter : Alex - Just Like Old Times
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"Experiment 001"
John 'Soap' MacTavish
Task Force 141 - Off Duty
London, United Kingdom
John barely passed the Physical Test and he was excited that he made it just in time with their next mission. But what he didn't expect was that he was already too late to tag along. They were headed to an Augustus base from a lead they got from Alex, who actually convinced the whole local militia to join his cause. He noted not to underestimate him despite the lack of limbs as that was his specialty back in the CIA.
Now, with enough time and approved Rest and Recreation, he can't believe they're driving to London. He didn't know how it happened but a few nudges and teases from France and they were actually driving his trusty jeep on their way to a local coffee shop she wanted to visit.
"You seem happy for someone who sits out in a fight." Soap commented as France's hair blew softly as the jeep sped across the empty highway.
"Well, I can't force myself out there, might as well enjoy the little freedom from the gunfire and chaos." she cheered, raising her hands openly like a tourist or someone from a music video. Soap rolled his eyes toward her behavior but when he thinks of it, he might use some relaxation himself.
"So, we're really driving to London for coffee? We could've just brewed some back at the base, you know?" he informed, eyes turning to the road. 
"Oh come on Soap! Live a little! It's the relaxing background I'm looking for, the one that yells "Rest up Francine and shoot tangos later!"" she teased, Soap was still not convinced about this, he's all too focused on work, living up to the 'elite' part of the task force.
Soap continued driving and couldn't help but momentarily turn to her, how she shook her head when her hair got in the way, how she giggled at the bumps on the road and how she badgered him with a lot of questions. All of those things he seemed to like. She even told him to slow down so she could take pictures of the view and show them to Maxine when she finally remembers her, along with a few selfies with Soap.
"So, Soap, this is your vacation? On your phone with a cup of coffee?" France crossed her arms as she sat in front of Soap. The Scottish looked at him, brows raised.
"Don't call me Soap out here. And I'm actually checking German news channels." he informed while not batting an eye on her.
"Really, what should I call you then, Dove?" She joked, while Soap remained unamused.
"John." he muttered.
"Really?! You don't really look like a John. Maybe... a James.. James MacTavish? Sounds better." she mused as she looked at the problematic mohawk man as he keeped raising his phone looking for a signal.
"Hey check your phone. Do you have reception or something?" Soap finally looked at her and turned to the direction she's looking at. A young woman was raising her phone just outside the cafe.
"What is she doing?" France pointed out and Soap was rendered speechless. Moments later the phone exploded into an EMP blast shattering the café windows causing the two to cover under the tables.
"Shite." John muttered and looked at France who was inches near him. France's hands were covering her ears as the ringing continued.
"Come on! Let's leave here before our ears bleed!" Soap roared, enduring the pain of the ringing as he pulled France to safety. People scattered around looking for a spot to stay which was just a few yards away from the phone. Everyone stood still and murmured as the person holding the phone crippled in pain from the said blast.
Francine forced herself off of John's strong grip and winced as she reached the blast zone, enduring the mental pain as she tried to rescue her. John took a while before he helped her up as his ears started to bleed from the ringing. Halfway through safety the phone exploded and the screeching stopped.
911 immediately responded assisting the three of them as well as those who suffered from injuries because of the blast. While being tended from behind the ambulance, a tall red-headed lady with a slick leather jacket introduced herself to them, flashing her INTERPOL badge.
"Hi. I'm sorry you got caught on the crossfire." she apologized, her tone was strict yet calming.
"Aye. It's alright ma'am. We're kinda used to it." John chuckled and Francine nodded. 
"This is kind of my case. Can I ask you for details surrounding the event that just happened?" she blindly fished her notebook and pen from her back pocket and the duo honestly told their story.
"Oh. Thank you very much. um Mr and Mrs…?"
the two of them looked at each other.
"Oh no no no. You've got it all wrong maam!" Francine quickly interrupted.
"Aye. There's no way I'd ask this woman out." John added causing them to argue and bicker like old people.
"Okay Okay. I'll address this differently. You two don't have to fight, okay?" she scolded as she answered her already ringing phone.
The sun was already setting when they drove back to the base. The ride was cold and quiet and the two of them didn't say a word after they bickered back at the city. Soap momentarily checks in on her while driving but France just crossed her arms and blasted music through her earphones.
John tried to talk to her about it but he hesitated, her body language was enough to tell him that she didn't need any bothering from him today, or maybe ever. So instead of saying words, he quickly turned to a small path just before the Base's entrance and drove seriously.
"Hey hey hey Mister, where are you bringing me?!" She motioned to eject herself from the car by detaching herself from the seatbelts.
"Oi Oi! Calm down. I just thought you needed a breather." he hit the brakes. They were at a small elevated area just below the river that ran behind their base. Francine slowly calmed herself down enjoying the beautiful view as John exited his jeep and walked to a tree stump.
He sat down and faced the river, the moon illuminated his hair and half of his face while France slowly descended from her seat and looked at his blue eye glow as the moonlight hit his face. 
"Cigars aren't allowed at the base. And we're still technically outside." he winked and offered her a light, a sneaky smirk escaped from his perfectly shaped mouth. 
Francine gulped.
"I don't smoke. Thanks." she gestured a no at the Scot and slowly walked toward him as soon as he turned back.
"Mmhmm.. Suit yourself." he teased as he huffed the cigar and released smoke from his mouth, pouting his lips and looked up at the sky. Francine fell quiet, but she could hear her heart thumping, telling her to say the words she wanted to say the moment they met. But she hesitated, there's no time for admiration in the middle of war. She inhaled deeply and sighed.
"This view looks spectacular." she mused, John just chuckled and puffed another breath of smoke.
"What's with you women and beautiful landscapes? Sometimes I don't get it. Like, it's just water and the sky." he complained. Francine smiled telling herself that it's a different view she was referring to. 
'The spectacular view I'm referring to is you, John MacTavish.' she smiled and told herself.
Task Force 141 Base - Lobby
Soap and France just got back inside the base and Shepherd was already looking for them. Word has it that their involvement from events that occurred earlier today alerted the General and called them into briefing.
"Agent Ryder, I believe you've already acquainted yourself with these two members of the force?" Shepherd introduced.
"Yes. It's Mr. MacTavish and Ms. Winters." the redhead nodded to them as a greeting.
"Good." The general seated himself and let the Agent begin talking.
"The case earlier was that of a Jane Doe, an American who used her phone to create a long lasting EMP blast capable of destroying nearby signal receptors at a set range. Coincidentally, one of your members also reported a bigger machine capable of doing bigger blasts back in Germany. While this may be purely coincidental, the interpol assigned me to further investigate this phenomenon as part of my job as Anti-Terror Weapon Division." she briefed, Shepherd had already talked to his higher ups and they already assigned her as part of a joint operation. 
"Furthermore, Our team wants to quickly eradicate traces of such weapons in order to restore peace and order across Europe." she added. Soap nodded in agreement, he was one of the few ones who witnessed the weapon's power and would like to take part in destroying such machinery. 
"Well Ms. Ryder. We have already discussed this. Welcome to the 141. These two will escort you around, make sure you feel comfortable and well fed with all the data you need." he muttered and shook hands with her. She nodded and thanked him as Soap and France gave her a quick tour of the base.
The tour consisted of mostly France talking, she actually got close with Agent Ryder quickly, and Soap was just there following like a dog. And he hates dogs.
"It's good to have someone like you in a place full of men. It eases off the pressure." the Agent thanked her as they dropped her off her quarters. France smiled and held her hand.
"Don't worry. These men may look tough, but then you get to know them, they're actually sweeter than us. Right, Soap?" she turned to him. 
"What are you talking about?" he easily dismissed rolling his eyes, looking everywhere but their direction.
"See?!" France giggled and Agent Ryder laughed along.
"It's a pleasure to be part of this team. Call me Alexandra. Alexandra Ryder." She said.
"Welcome to the 141, Alexandra." France shook hers and smiled. It may feel like a simple handshake but Soap felt that it was going to be an alliance that's going to last for a long time.
Next Chapter : A surPRICE Visit
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quackeroos · 4 years
locker notes pt.2 | p.parker
Pairing: peter parker x reader
Summary: peter confronts the wrong person he sent the love note to. 
Warnings: None
Words: 1k
Notes: originally posted on my wattpad account @aestheticarii. i’ll most likely post some of my other works on here soon! part 2 will be published soon! also, gif is not mine.
General Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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His throat became dry. His eyes were glued to the piece of paper held in between her fingers. Peter couldn't seem to bring his eyes up. He was too embarrassed. Even if it was just the two of them in the gym, he blood turned cold. This was Liz's cousin! What happens today could be the hot topic tomorrow. "Hey." He was pulled back from his train of thought with a snap in front of his face.
Y/n still stood in front of him. Her face was neutral, but he can tell that she was getting a little impatient. "I asked you a question Parker. Did you or did you not wrote this?" He struggled a bit to even form the words, but he had to answer her. "Y-yeah. Yeah, I wrote that."
She stayed quiet for moment, only staring at Peter. Y/n watched him with sharp eyes. She observed him while thoughts ran through her mind. This was the guy Liz was talking about? The cute, puppy dog-eyed batch mate of hers that had a crush on her cousin?
"Might I ask, Parker. What's a love note doing in my locker?"
"Oh-uhm yeah, about that. That's for someone else. My friend slipped it in the wrong locker."
She sighed irritably. "Of course he had. Here take your stupid note." The piece of paper was shoved into Peter's hand. Y/n gripped the straps of her backpack and turned on her heels, walking back to the gym doors. Peter's eyes followed her retreating figure, heart racing a bit. Before Y/n could even push through the doors she turns back and calls out to him. "Next time you send a love note to my cousin, make sure to slip it in to the one on my right." She flashed a fake smile and exits the gym.
Peter only stood there with shock. If she knows about his crush on Liz, then there might be a possibility she would tell her before he could even confess. "Shit!" he cursed loudly. His sneakers bolted out of the gymnasium and he looked left and right to find the mop of h/c hair and denim jacket. No where in sight. This made him panic even more. He runs to the school doors and searches for the same girl earlier. From a far distance he saw her, about to exit the school gates. He could make a run for it, given his heightened abilities, he might be able to just reach her in time.
"I'll take my chances." He muttered, giving no fucks, whatsoever. He bolted across the field as fast as he could, he could almost feel his legs give out, but his dignity depended on it, and his planned out confession. Y/n was already out of the school, and just as she was about to make a turn, a hand grabbed her shoulder and she jumped at the sudden contact. Turns out, the stranger who had held her back was the boy whom she had met moments ago.
When she stood to face him, Peter noticed something that changed. Her eyes and nose were red, and her cheeks were glistening with wet stains. And because of the sight of her, the first thing that came out of Peter's mouth was, "Are you all right?"
Y/n nods, "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"
"Because you're crying." he pointed out.
The girl wipes her tearstained face with her sleeve and seethed out the words, "I'm fine.", When in fact, she really wasn't. And Peter could tell because it was obvious, no matter how hard tries to hide it. "Are you sure you're alright 'coz-"
"I said I'm fine!" she yelled out. Peter backed away, afraid to overstep his boundaries even further. Y/n looked away, sniffling a bit, and in a low voice she said. "Look, just because I'm Liz's cousin doesn't mean I'm a one way ticket to her heart. So if you're here to ask me for help then I suggest you walk away now, because I don't do that. I may be related to her but we have a complicated relationship. So good luck at reaching out to her."
"Actually, it wasn't that." Y/n craned her neck, meeting him eye to eye again, but with the same expression she wore before. "I was actually going to ask you to not tell anyone about this? Specially Liz. I-uhm, I was kinda planning to do my own thing."
"Don't worry, I don't tell Liz anybody's secrets, nor mine. Like I've said; we have a complicated relationship."
Peter lets out a sigh of relief, "Great, Thank you, Y/n."  The girl only nods before turning on her heel and proceeds her walk back home. Before he forgets, Peter called out her name again, making her stop in her tracks.
"I'm sorry about the love note, and for overstepping my boundaries earlier. I know we're not friends but I just thought you needed one because you're upset so I-"
"Stop talking."
Her tone was so venomous Peter had inwardly sealed his lips. She fully turned, but still stood at her spot. Although she was a few feet away, Peter could still make out the falling trail of tears and how she would hold back sobs. She was even worse than before. "Let me be clear with you, okay? We are not friends, nor do I need one even if I'm crying myself to shit. Just because I returned what isn't mine doesn't makes us friends nor acquaintances. Any person with a decent mind would've done the same for you. And don't worry about the note, just be sure to give it to her."
Y/n turns on her heel and muttered, "I gave up all of my hopes on you anyway." before walking away. Despite the few feet between them, Peter heard exactly what she had said. He didn't knew why but his heart quickened and his eyes were wide. Was he hearing it right or imagining things? Peter was bewildered.
"She gave up... all of her all of her hopes... on me?" He trailed off in confusion, a thousand thoughts running in his head.
What did she mean?
part 3 of Locker Notes
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First night at the Asylum
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This has been in my inbox (the old lab's inbox orz) for a looooong time and it's not even the oldest question LOL. I postponed my answer bc I wanted to incorporate some art here and I haven't had the chance to draw Shaun and Lo together in ages but man I feel like answering this after all this time cause their story is important even though it's been eclipsed by the story between Shaun and Ani ;__; (Girl look what a mess you've made smh)
Shaun and Loan's story is gross I'll tell you right away. If you want something cute or even remotely decent and healthy, better go on your way.
That question would actually require me to review all Asphyxia and Asphyxia Unplugged from A to Z, so I guess I'll only cover the encouter, from Loan's perspective here. Trigger warnings : violence, sex, drugs, French, and obscenely long post.
Loan is 18 when he meets Shaun for the first time. He recently left the family home to move to the big city. After a few weeks in university he realises he has absolutely no interest in pursuing an academic career and drops his literary studies. He begins to live at night and makes a few acquaintances; Madame Charlie, a drag queen and a retired sex worker owning a pub in Camden town quickly takes Loan under her wing and the Ace of Hearts becomes Loan's rehearsal place for him and his newly formed band, Asphyxia. Loan also finds a part time job as an apprentice tattoo artist thanks to his connections ; it amuses him for a while, less boring than uni but he doesn't take it very seriously either. Loan has a brief affair in the end of the year with a guy called Adrian, the only contact he kept from university. Adrian had a brand new kind of stress reliever he would use before his finals, and he generously offered to share some with Loan one night after an okay fuck. That's when Loan takes his first bite in the poison apple. 
It was just a few puffs but the feeling heroin gave him was so amazing it got Loan coming back for more, and more and even more. His growing lust for the substance probably scared Adrian away cause the guy stopped answering Loan's calls eventually. That's when he thought it'd be a good idea to get wasted and drag his skinny ass up to the North of London in the middle of the night to get some by himself. 
He was walking down your typical film noir stinky dark alley when two guys approached him and started to molest him. Loan never knew what sobriety and subtlety meant so he would always go outside dressed like a glam punk whore and it never failed to get him into trouble of course.
Loan fought back quite honourably, he even managed to give a nice black eye to one of his aggressors thanks to his armour ring. But he eventually ended up being kicked to the ground, curling himself up like a louse. He heard the loud barking of a big dog and the beating suddenly stopped. A voice coming from afar shouted across the alley "Aren't ya fucktards supposed to be working?" – Silence. The dog growled.- "'The hell are you lookin at? Get the fuck out of here." They left in a hurry, their tail between their legs. Loan heard the ferocious barks again when the two guys ran away, then he heard the panting breathing of the dog and its claws on the pavement ; it was coming near him. Loan opened an eye and despite his blurry vision he could distinguish the big, drooling face of an adult rottweiler being busy sniffing his jacket.
« Aika. » The dog immediately left Loan alone, going back to its owner’s side. He could see a long shadow stretching on the ground. He was only a few feet away, slowly getting closer.
Loan was still shuddering on the pavement when he saw a hand reaching out to him. His brain was too dizzy from the beating and the alcohol he didn't hesitate one sec before grabbing that hand. He was freezing and that hand was oddly warm. Loan stumbled as he got back on his feet. "Hey, easy there." Then he spat out some blood before finally looking at his accidental saviour. 
And there he was. Shaun Myers. If only Loan had known all the trouble this man would bring upon him he would probably have run away like the devil was chasing him the second he met those eyes. He first noticed his height ; being 6'3'' and always wearing big combat boots Loan wasn't used to have to look up to meet the eyes of whoever he was talking to. 
Shaun shamelessly rose Loan's chin with his hand, wiping some blood off with his thumb, suddenly noticing Loan's pretty features. The dog was staying still, only its tail wriggling slowly.
"You. You're definitely not a whore." He said scrutinizing Lo's bruised face. Loan said nothing. 
"And you're far from home, aren't ya?"
"What brings you here?" 
"I don't know. What do you think brings people here?"
The dog didn’t seem very convinced by Loan’s answer and snarled, baring its teeth.
« Aika… » Its owner said, in a low but firm tone. The dog calmed down, sat reluctantly at Shaun’s feet, still visibly suspicious about Loan.
Shaun smiled, amused by Loan’s wit and his dog’s animosity towards him, then he lit up cigarette and Loan was instantly struck by Shaun's bicoloured gaze. Every single detail about his face set his insides on fire. But it only lasted for half a second- when the lighter swallowed back the flame the image got lost into Loan's numb mind and quickly faded into oblivion. 
"Follow me."
Loan followed Shaun for what seemed like an eternity. The streets were poorly lit but he felt like everyone was looking at them -the hobos, the hookers, the creeps at their windows-  it was like everyone was staring at his open lip and smudged makeup. Little did he know that people weren't staring at him because of his looks, but because of the tall dark stranger beside him walking with a huge rottweiler on the loose.
They arrived near what seemed to be an abandoned facility - probably used to be a school a few decades ago- some walls were partly demolished and the area was surrounded by Portakabins covered with graffitis that the builders must've been using by the time they were working on the site but now they were mostly squats for hobos and junkies. Shaun led him to a wobbly spiral service staircase and Loan almost fell a couple times trying to get down. "Watch your step" they ended up in a narrow alley - a smell of puke and liquor in the dry cold air - Shaun locked the staircase behind them as Loan started to hear some noise coming from nearby ; indistinct people chatting, dull basses, other big dogs barking... 
« You wait here. »
He whistled and left with the dog. Loan noticed the animal was strangely calm and didn’t respond when it heard the other dogs barking from afar. Shaun came back five minutes later, without his beast beside him.
"This way."
He led him to the opposite direction the noises were coming from, to what seemed like a fire door. Shaun pushed it and suddenly Loan was overwhelmed by the harsh neon lights and the infernal hubbub saturating the air of what oddly resembled a hospital corridor. "You're gonna stay here or what? Move your ass." The high pitched, crass laughter of a girl almost broke one of Loan's eardrums as Shaun got him into another staircase. Dirty walls covered with obscene caricatures, tags, spray paint, a guy with his hands inside the panties of the girl he was making out with at the third flight of stairs...
They must've been two floors underground when Shaun stopped in front of one of the doors with a red "Keep out" sign on it. While he was searching for  the right  key inside of his hoodie, Loan lost himself contemplating the graffitis. He noticed a used condom sticked to the tread of his boot. "Putain fait chier. Merde." Then a few 'clicks' and the door opened. Shaun held it open for him as Loan got inside. Never in his entire life had he heard basses so fucking loud. He could barely see in front of him. The atmosphere reeked of sex and marijuana. He could glimpse some sweaty naked bodies kissed by the electric blue neons lights as the DJ was blasting the beat even louder. For a second he lost sight of Shaun and bumped into an obscenely obese guy making him spill some of his drink "I'll cut you motherfucker!" Loan felt a hand grabbing his shoulder and taking him away before the guy could do anything "Better not get lost, Alice, we're already late."
"Late for what? What the fuck is this place??" 
"That's the Asylum babe, the only safe place for someone like you."
Loan was probably too wasted to understand that the Asylum was the actual name of this underground Babylon and he would learn later that Shaun wasn't exactly the type to make jokes anyway. 
Crossing the dancefloor of the Asylum was like swimming into the dark waters of the Phlegethon. A long time ago that place used to be an olympic swimming pool, the echo and even the tiles on the walls were still here- but now it was just a gaping black hole swarming with the broken souls of the fallen ones. 
As they arrived near the bar some girl, visibly quite drunk, made her way to Shaun and lasciviously wrapped her arms around his neck, Loan barely saw her murmuring a word to his ear before Shaun pushed her away with a rare violence. She fell on a  guy who was sitting at the bar, spilling all the drinks and breaking some of the glasses. Her head hit the counter as she fell down, her ankles twisted in what must've been an awfully painful position. Loan stared at her unconscious body in shock - Shaun didn't even flinch when he brushed her off and started to make his way upstairs, without even looking back. "You coming or what?" It was only now that Loan actually considered whether he should really follow that guy or not. He looked at that girl - he could read the words she was muttering on her lips "help me... One hit... Just one fucking hit..." as a some blood was running down her forehead.
Loan shook his head and climbed up the stairs. Some fucking stairs again. Everyone was staring at him, was staring at Shaun, but Loan was honestly too busy staring at Shaun's ass through his Levi's to notice any of that. 
Five minutes later this whole freak show seemed like a distant dream; the room where Shaun had taken Loan was quiet, so quiet it was hard to believe it was actually located in the same building. But here it was ; low ceiling, dim lighting, nothing on the walls where the yellowish white paint was partly bloated because of past inundations, no windows, just one queen size bed with messy sheets, a coffee table with an ashtray filled with cigarettes butts, a door half opened on what seemed to be a bathroom, and one big wardrobe facing the bed. 
"Make yourself at home." 
He sat on the bed as Shaun took off his jacket, beanie and hoodie, tossing them on the chair by the coffee table. Loan was ogling at each of his movements with impunity ; he was way too fucked up to give a damn about decorum. 
"I'll be back in a minute."
Less than a minute later Shaun was back into the room, opening his big hand under Loan's nose. A tiny freezer bag, containing a tiny amount of what could've easily been mistaken for flour or icing sugar.
"Your poison, Snow White."
Loan took the bag, observed it in the light of the bedside lamp as if he had any fucking clue about what he was doing. 
"That's 80£."
Shaun sighed "Jesus, you first timers are the worst. If you don't have the money I'm taking that back, also do I need to mention the house doesn't take credit cards nor cheques?"
"Fine." Loan glared at him shoving the bills into that greedy hand. Shaun hastily put the money inside his jeans' back pocket.
"Now do you wanna fuck?"
"Excuse me?"
"I said do you wanna fuck, like me and you."
"I-I'm not a whore."
"I know, that's why I'm asking you nicely."
Where the fuck was that guy coming from? Loan stared back at Shaun dead in the eye and saw he was serious. He tilted his head, pouted.
"Depends on what you have to offer."
In the blink of an eye Shaun pounced on him like a beast on its prey and before he knew it Loan was nailed to the bed, his face buried in the pillow. He could feel Shaun's hand pressing on his neck with a terrifying strength and he knew he could just snap it at any moment if he liked. He felt all his bulk lunging at his frail body as he leaned forward, until he was close enough so that Loan could feel the warmth of his breath against his ear.
"Just let me get this clear ; I don't have anything to offer. I'm gonna use you. I'm gonna take everything I want from you like it's my fucking birthday. And you're gonna love it even if in the end, you'll regret it, cause that's how it goes. You're probably gonna cry but it won't stop me. I'm not gonna give you my number, I'm not gonna give you a ride home, I'm not even gonna give you my name. Now if you're okay with that say yes." 
"Y-yes. Please." Loan panted. 
"Great." He said thoughtlessly before roughly pulling down Loan's jeans. 
If you read this then it means you have vanquished this monster post, YAY! Here's a cookie to help you recover from that exhausting and traumatizing experience : 🍪
And ofc, special thanks to @ramblingpolkadots for the question! 😁 it was probably not the answer you expected but hey, it was fun to write this at least
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