#some of my friends aren't even rlly online....
nervocat · 4 months
my discord so inactive it's kinda crazy........
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bandzboy · 9 months
twt stans will always sound so insane to me like....... i don't rlly use twitter except for checking specific things from specific groups, but bc i keep my account logged in i get notifications from random tweets regularly and literally 99% of the time it's just twt moas and stays at each other's throats for THE dumbest reasons 😭 i remember when yeonjun and changbin posted pics with each other on their personal insta accounts and the twt stans were SO annoying about it 😭 there were moas making fun of changbin and stays talking crap about yeonjun and i'm just like ???? do you think your fav will love you endlessly if they log in and see you TRASHING one of their close friends?? 💀 get a life and focus on the people you love instead maybe?? and don't even get me started on their obsession with the idea that you can only stan ONE group or else you're an unloyal bitch they literally just want a reason to fight other ppl online
it's truly insanity! the way i saw a tweet today that was like "the more you distance from stan culture the more you realize how weird everything is" and i was like YEAH... it's truly crazy how people can fight for hours about the most insignificant things on that website! but the changbin and yeonjun thing was so... like these people really think they would care about them more than their close friends like idk... maybe i would not like to see my own fans talk badly about my best friend because they are that miserable 😭 it's crazy... but it's so confusing to me how these people log on every day and basically go at each other for forever and aren't tired 💀 the reason why i left stan twt years ago is because i would constantly get anxious even tho i had friends there i just could not stay on my tl for more than one minute without seeing a fanwar of some kind it's truly very weird i just wish it would end tbh
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theoculus124 · 1 year
Okay first of all just wanted to say... you're an incredible person and the way you stick up for your friends is awesome.
Second of all, I think I'm autistic.
I saw a post once, saying that it stars with relating to memes, then doing some more research, and I've figured out that some of the things I do and feel aren't the same as the things others would.
I didn't know what stimming was for a while, but I stim all the time, and I can recognise it now. I didn't know what sensory issues were, until I realised that most people don't hate water on their skin, and most people don't like things just for their weight on my hands. Most people aren't uncomfortable with dealing with others feelings, but cause of masking I've somehow become the therapist friends and have been mentally and emotionally exhausted because of it.
Sorry to dump this on you, but everything I do makes so much more sense now, even if I doubt I'll ever be diagnosed.
Also is stuff like this disrespectful, I always worry that I'm not rlly autistic and I'm just making it up and it's offensive to people who actually struggle with it.
Once again apologies for the dump, and thanks for reading all this if you did..
First of all, tysm I love each and every one of u so it upsets me alot when someone is mean to u guys cause ur all so lovely <333
you're not being disrespectful and welcome to the community <3 Always remember that self diagnosis is so valid cause of the bias against AFAB people and people of colour and the amount of money spent (like it's stupid amounts) -> to anyone else who's also reading this SELF DIAGNOSIS IS JUST AS VALID U ARE NOT LESS AUTISTIC U ARE APART OF THE ND FAMILY ALWAYS
Also no need to apologise at all and you can talk to me anytime
Icl I did have a suspicion you were one of us.. then again I feel like alot of the people who follow my tumblr is (Just like the gays us NDs find each other online and offline)
Also I know it's very hard but don't feel like you're a bad friend for setting boundaries (For example before I emotionally dump I just quickly ask "do u have the capacity to deal with this rn" and if they say yes I'll continue if no then I won't and let them rest) I know it's hard cause it feels like denying your friends but trust me you need to prioritise your mental health over anything <3
Also once you find out your autistic you'll find little things in your life which points to autism and it helps you understand yourself more it's crazy cause you're like "how did I never notice this" and terrifying at the same time, but you got this and we're all here for u no matter what <33
I hope this helps, and have a fantastic day and take all the self care u need <33
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spurgie-cousin · 1 year
watching my friend (who previously stated she respected people's pronouns and identity, and was a generally supportive and kind person) become slowly radicalized through instagram reels and becoming transphobic. fuck the algorithm. im not sure what to do. i send her info (im not rlly good at debating and making points) and try my best to dissect the video but she doesn't reply. i have a hard time making friends so its hard to distance myself. i also am bad at making points and arguing and finding sources.
i've also had people in my life radicalized online to various degrees, and yea, unfortunately, i don't think there is one set way to address that.
the problem is that the videos your friend is watching are confirming some sort of fear or anxiety they have about trans people, whether that fear is subconscious or not, and that is what is motivating them to interact with that kind of content as opposed to them actually wanting to learn about trans people/issues.
so when people are motivated only by having their biases confirmed, it doesn't matter how many facts you try to share with them. if they were concerned with that, they could very easily test their biases against mountains of documented, scientific information that is available to all of us at any given time of day (esp if your friend is a younger person and knows how to do basic internet research). at the end of the day we're all responsible for our own education, and i feel like if people purposefully avoid doing research on obviously controversial topics, it's for a reason; they want to keep believing the thing they believe (unless it's due to mental illness or something the person can't control, which is a whole 'nother rant).
they way i've dealt with it just depends on the person in question. for friends and acquaintances, it's usually too exhausting for me to have those kinds of people in my life who want to argue all the time and be cruel to minorities, so they just get cut out or put at an extreme distance (and if they ask why, i'm honest with them). if that's not an option for you my only advice is to make your beliefs very clear, and set boundaries as needed, like no political talk if this person is going to dehumanize trans people. or set a boundary for yourself, like if this person crosses this line, then i need to be done with them.
for family that this applies to, i just shut down all political conversations because they're pointless for the reasons i described above. i keep the lines of communication open as long as my own boundaries aren't crossed and am very vocal when they are. it's harder for me to cut them off for a lot of reasons, but mainly because i know i'm the only left-leaning person some of them even interact with and i guess i have this idea that if i can be a person they love who they know holds different beliefs, then maybe they'll connect the dots and realize that people who disagree with them can be worth knowing. and that they aren't the caricatures they've been fed by the conservative media.
anyway, this got way longer than intended sorry, it's a hard subject for sure. the tldr i guess would be: make your beliefs known, try to identify the emotional factor that's motivating their shitty behavior, and protect your own peace at all costs.
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wodenscild · 2 years
I mean I wouldn't do it if i were you cause green hair turns like barf yellow if exposed to too much sunlight- But the fact you aren't allowed to??
So since you have brought me back on the topic of dyed hair i will now talk about it cause well why not.
Every hair color has a weakness! Like elements in a video game! Greens weakness is sunlight (turns ugly yellow if exposed too much), purple = water (turns green??) And for other colours i dont know but i will look it up later!
Back to meanies cause my brain wants to tell people that actually take me serious about how shitty humans can be
So haha yeah remember i said that people don't bully about LGBTQIA? Yeah but trans, poly, Omni, neogender/neopronouns are an exception
Also people tend to go for clothing style, like i get called "emo" by strangers cause i have a black leather jacket. Like what?? Also the word homo (gay in dutch) is a taught curseword and often used as a insult. Even tho people say it's "a joke" also any art is greatly discouraged by the students (the teachers find it awesome)
I don't really have friends at my school but ehh i don't need them anyway, i have friends on a different school and i might even transfer to that school in two years or so. But here's why i didn't go to that school in the first place
So there's a lot of levels of difficulty in schools here, and gymnasium is the hardest, after that VWO then havo (Wich I'm doing) and that school is a gymnasium and they teach latin and Greek there and you can't choose to not do that until year 3 Wich uhh i struggle with languages a lot so no thanks. But also you can do exams in 7 different languages (Spanish, english, french, latin, Greek, deutsch and dutch) there wich isn't standards, also you can graduate in art, music and acting wich also isn't standard, i think you would like the languages since you are rlly good with them- Words hard for me :( that school also has about 3000 people that's the same amount as the people in my village- I'm now at a school with about 700 people Wich is less overwhelming :D
Oh yeah almost everyone is Christian in my village- also sorry for ranting i needed to get that off my chest- am feeling much better :D have a nice timezone (also you don't have to read the whole thing... It's just me complaining) Yeah i should walk my dog bye
-Mystery anon 1
Oh of course never apologise about ranting dear heart ^~^ by the by if you ever need to rant but don’t want the ask posted to my blog, just say so :D I have also gotten around to FINALLY tagging personal weas as #wodensasks so they are much easier to find-
BUT YEAH- I think that is the other reason why I didn’t go for green is cos of the Sun- my slice of the world is like- EXTREMELY SUNNY for no reason & Highkey is transphobic so I can’t do my hair whatever colour I like úwù currently I have black hair, but have kept the ends blonde cos I think that is sexy (before black, my hair was bleached a few months back so it was a whitish yellow & gods was it sexy)- naturally I am brown but :] so before I went to black my roots had a split tone of blonde & brown!
Tumblr media
As seen above 😌
& gods yeah transphobia & genderqueerness are just- strangely targeted?? I have no idea why but gods does it string when someone attacks you on the basis of that :// my sibling had to leave school Cos of the bullying it was that bad. Now they study online like I do SKFKDKSK
I hope you do find friends but :] they aren’t by any means a necessity, but they are nice to have around! I know I certainly miss my lil group- even though in real life I am a massive introvert XD Was a massive introvert? Idk I feel like my boundaries has grown less & less over the year- maybe I ought to go out to a cafe some time & talk to people UwU
& Oof :(( yeah languages definitely aren’t for everyone. I think the only reason that I am so confident with Spanish despite studying for only a few months is just cos I have friends to use it with! I don’t study it with my university yet (I am considering it next year- but I would honestly be too OP in it DKFKSKFKS I also want to do Chinese cos it is just such a neat language :] & it’ll give me an excuse to study mongol xhel again!) Small schools are great but! My highschool was only like… 1,500 students? All my units at uni are pretty small too! Only like 50 students are doing sociology too (my teacher says this is cos no one really values skills of thinking differently & criticising sociedad. But oh well~~)
& mood- we have Christians in every nook 😔 I am considering wearing a spearhead to work cos while jewellery is not permitted, culturally significant jewellery is! So I could say that it is a symbol of Wōden that I wear- & due to anti-discrimination laws they can’t do anything about it >:3 afterall why do THEY get to wear their crosses & I don’t get my obsidian on twine o_o JDKDKAKD
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springatito-moved · 2 years
do you mind me asking what michael did? I just know he said he died on the smp but It was a joke? did he do something else why are people saying he should be kicked from the smp?
no okay the uhh dying on the smp thing has nothing to do with it but also prefacing with i rlly did like his attempt at a character but he annoyed me and now im bored of him
but in the past he's whined abt things like lack of viewership (which, he streams at ungodly hours where very few people are awake or in a place they can watch. and also he never complained before joining the server which makes it seem like he kinda just views the dsmp as a way of getting attention and not... a server to hang out with his friends on).
he got mad that he couldnt flesh out his character supposedly despite him Never logging on and his two lore streams being 15 minute segments done against a black screen where he just kinda. talked abt the entire plot. but with some stuff (intentionally) being wrong/uninformed. and the other times hes logged on he never even tried to do anything to rlly shine as a character. so its rlly his own fault. (Gestures strongly to foolish who was a consistent presence when he joined and made time to work in a character as he saw other people online and initiated contact)
he constantly airs out the server's dirty laundry in the disguise of being transparent w/ the audience but it rlly just makes him seem snotty and half the time he says things that either aren't true or shouldnt have been said bc clearly the plans changed.
overall he just shows no respect for the server or the other people on it or the viewers who aren't his direct fanbase and it's really annoying and in my mind cmichaelmcchill is dead and gone forever #spien_sweep
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set-in-stardust · 3 years
Do you have any tips on people who just started writing? :>
oh boy oh boy sure!
my top thing i do even before writing is a LOT of planning. Like if i have a vague scene in mind, i plan it out loosely and let the rest come to me. if i have a specific scene in mind, then i plan a lot more carefully and really try to capture each step of the way so when i write, it's less work to try and come up with something while also illustrating it accurately. if theres a gap where you don't know what to do, you could always skip and come back later! dont pressure yourself to plan everything all at once - it can get rlly overwhelming that way
my other top thing is please please PLEASE learn some basic grammar stuff. start new paragraphs when new ppl talk, how to properly use semi-colons/dashes, staying in the same tense, etc... AND CAPITALIZE. if you're going to be publishing it somewhere, a lot of people (myself included) are less likely to be engaged in the writing and it can be confusing to read
my top thing for fiction is, when you're writing from the perspective of a specific character, only describe things the way that character would experience them. avoid stuff like, "i turned my green eyes to the front of the room" and focus on sensations. if a character is blushing, they aren't going to see their blush unless theyre in a mirror. opt for stuff like "his face flushed" or "his face grew warm" instead. it rlly puts you into the characters shoes
when writing dialogue, honestly just go listen to people talk! everyone has certain pacing and quirks with their speech, so if you can include those in your character's speech, it makes it feel so much more alive. also give your character distinct body language! do they mess with their hair often? do they tap on surfaces they pass? what is their posture like? do some people watching (online or irl doesnt matter) and notice how people hold themselves. if you want the reader to pick up on something wrong/different, change up the patterns of your character. someone who makes a lot of eye contact suddenly not looking their best friend in the eyes worries your readers and is a good way to show a change.
for like general writing, pacing makes a huge difference! use your different punctuation - it can change the tone drastically. there are so many different options. if you want to speed up a scene or have things feel tense, use shorter sentences. avoid long blocks of description in fast scenes, it can ruin the retention. however, when you want to slow things down, lots of descriptors can be good. utilize those commas between adjectives, don't just list. figure out a style you like for different situations and experiment! you're learning, you have time to have fun with it and nobody is gonna care if you switch it up from time to time. its a long process and you're always improving
hope that helps!! I've been writing,,,, a while, so I'm not quite sure if those are beginners tips but they're what i look for when I'm reading others' work
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custom-whats · 3 years
Hello! Love your blog. I’m curious though, what do you look for in custom followers? Like what draws you to specific ones and what makes you keep them around?
under the cut cuz i cant stop talking and its all opinion babe
when it comes to first impressions, i don't really have a lot of expectations that makes me think "man i wanna try that guy". I usually grow a love for the character by directly interacting with them in game. I think the only follower mod i ever felt that immediate "holy shit get in my game rn" feeling about was Khash, but that's because i'd literally been dreaming about a kid follower mod since forever because i wanted to feel like i was ACTUALLY adopting a kid and not just contributing to some random orphan's abandonment issues by never being home.
When i check mod pages for followers, i do have a list of stuff that i tend to avoid for personal preferences tho, and sometimes i check online opinion of some custom followers on places like reddit. Not all these opinions are good of course but u can usually tell who is and isn't biased at a glance, and some reviews have definitely saved me from wasting like 10 hours on a follower that had stuff that wasn't for me.
As for what keeps them in my load order, good humor with good awareness for when not to use it! this may sound silly to some, but when i really get into the Skyrim mood i become one of those immersion roleplay nerds who rlly invests themselves into the character they're playing, so having a follower that is both charming with witty banter and smart enough to know when to get serious in the story (even if it's just for like one throw away line) is my sweet spot. It doesn't even have to be like dark and moody serious, but an acknowledgement of the stakes in the story is nice yknow. Also, i like when followers have banter dialogue with you unrelated to any quest and is solely there to establish bonding. Inigo used this to phenomenal effect and now he's literally everybody's best friend.
On a more technical level, i quite like when followers are quest aware and talk about things as they're happening, but that doesn't make or break my enjoyment in a follower. It's just harder for me to feel motivated to bring around followers who aren't quest aware when there are others that are , weirdly? It's my own mental hurdle to overcome LOL. I also prefer when followers have summon spells and what not for ease of travel, but i travel with Khash just fine and she doesn't have one so it's not a deal breaker by any means.
TL;DR followers who are funny but not totally off the rockers goofy, that have good dialogue interactions with the ldb either alongside main quests or/and entirely separate from them, are my faves. Bonus if they teleport
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inkykeiji · 3 years
Heya! Not a new follower but I never really had the courage to send anything thru your askbox (: i just wanted to say that i really love your works and love the age gaps! Reason why im saying this is bc of one ask i saw and also bc my bf is seven years older than me and literally everyone we know gives us tons of shit for it. Last week he broke down abd told me we should break up bc he doesn't want me to go thru all that bullshit for him. I'm gonna be 21 in late december and he turned 28 in early September and one of my now ex friends sent him a card saying "happy bday old geezer go fuck someone your own age". We'd been together long distance ever since I was 19 and this year he finally managed to move in my town. When we were long distance it was easier to deal w these comments but now that we can't even go out bc we'll bump into someone we know is fuckin awful. Is our relationship really not okay? I have my fair share of traumatic experiences and his family situation is actually pretty similar to Touya (he introduced me to bnha bc he really connected with dabi and before that shouto for slightly diff reasons) but like, idk my therapist says she doesn't think my traumas are influencing me to be w someone older (i cant explain it any better bc it would ve too personal) but yea I'm just so fucking scared and worried and even though your works are helping both of us it's still so hard some days. If we break up I'd rather it be bc we just don't click anymore, not bc someone doesn't like that he's seven years older than me. What do you think? Are we really doing the wrong thing by being together? Is he a bad person for bejng with me when i was 19? Weve always been fully aware of our age difference and didn't just jump in the relatiinship, we rlly talked about it cuz we know we shouldn't fall back on ppl who have too much going on to help us and for us to help them if that makes sense so why is it so bad? Sorry for this long depresing ask i just dont know where else to say it without feeling judged..
hello anon <33
first off, i want to begin by saying that i'm super happy to hear that you can find comfort in my work; that means so very much to me <3
oh gosh anon babie i am so sorry this is causing you both so much stress and anguish!! i have a lot to say so please bear with me, my response will be long!!
first of all, in my opinion, as long as your relationship is healthy and you both are happy, then it is absolutely NONE of anyone else's business. you're both adults. you both took the time to seriously think this out and made an informed decision. no two relationships are alike; they're all unique and they all depend on the participants in the relationship, you know? age gaps aren't always inherently BAD. they can be, but almost anything 'can be' bad (ie too much coffee can be bad for you, too much time spent online can be bad for you, etc.). circumstances and nuances and all of those little details matter A LOT, and they will vary greatly from relationship to relationship depending on a variety of factors. i think that there are so many people in our contemporary world that so desperately wish that moral matters such as these were easily definable and neatly categorized to fit into these tiny little boxes of GOOD and BAD when in reality morality is so extremely grey.
for example, the relationship between, let’s say, a 21 year old student and her 28 year old teaching assistant, or a relationship between a 21 year old worker and her 28 year old supervisor would have a more substantial power imbalance than the more simple imbalance in your own relationship which, based on the information you've given me, seems to ONLY pertain to the age difference. now, those examples i gave above don't automatically make those relationships BAD, it just means that there is a bigger potential for misuse of that power, etc etc. my point here being that there are SEVERAL factors that would influence an abusive or toxic misuse of that power, not always solely the age difference itself. does that make sense?
i think that card your ex friend sent him is incredibly tasteless. once again, your relationship is absolutely none of their business. also, if you've discussed this with your therapist and they don't think that it's harming either of you, i think that's a good sign!
i think it's also important to keep in mind that everyone will have different opinions on this situation, just as everyone has their very own set of morals and opinions and beliefs. everyone will have different feelings and 'truths' towards it. but your opinion doesn't have to align with theirs. YOU know your relationship best. YOU know what is true for your specific relationship and what isn't. just because one person doesn't agree with your relationship or thinks it is somehow 'wrong' doesn't mean it IS. there are plenty of people who think the content i create is 'wrong', and their opinions are fine and valid, and they're allowed to have them. i, however, 100% disagree with them, for several reasons. and that's okay, we can agree to disagree, and move on with our lives. 
i think what i'm really trying to say is: COULD an age gap contribute to some sort of misdoing (ie abuse) in a relationship? sure. does it ALWAYS? no, not at all. COULD a relationship with no age gap experience the exact same misdoings? YES, absolutely. there's so much more that goes into an unhealthy/bad/toxic relationship; so many other factors, you know? an age gap is just one of those things that COULD *potentially* be a singular factor, but is in no means and by no way ALWAYS a factor, or is this ALWAYS the case.
i totally get what you mean when you say you’d rather you break up because you don’t mesh well, NOT because of what others think of your relationship, and i agree!! i think it’s super sweet that he’s so considerate and is worried about what you might go through due to the judgemental people you’re surrounded by, but if you think he is worth the suffering, then tell him so! to answer your final questions: no, i do not think it’s wrong for the two of you to be together: this is a consensual relationship between two adults. i most definitely do not think he is a bad person; what would make him a ‘bad’ person are his INTENTIONS. if he got with you at the age of 19 with the INTENT to use the power imbalance an age gap may sometimes present to HIS advantage, he’d be doing the wrong thing. if he was manipulating you and using your inexperience or naiveness against you, he would be doing the wrong thing. do you see where this is going? his intention matters a lot more than the seven year age gap, in my personal opinion.
at the end of the day, it's your decision, and your morals, and your relationship. i can only offer you my opinions here, but you in no way have to agree with them, you know? it isn't my place (or anyone else's!!) to tell you whether or not your relationship is 'bad'. that's up for the two of you to decide. ultimately, i can only give you my thoughts based on the information you’ve given me; i don’t know either of you or your relationship, but YOU DO!! work together to make an informed decision based on the unique details of YOUR relationship, and try not to care what others think. there will always people who disagree with you, no matter what you’re doing, no matter how good you’re striving to be, and honestly that’s their problem, not yours. what matters is that YOU know the truth.
i hope this all makes sense anon, and i hope it helps a little <3 these are my personal thoughts on the issue!
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f1owermoon · 2 years
hi, im kinda experiencing rlly bad anxiety. u don’t have to answer this, i just needed to let this out. there’s this group of people who are so chronically online and they have these false assumptions on me. i was lurking on their pages because i was wondering what they were doing, and my heart kinda dropped at the sight? for context, they used to write these big google docs/essays “exposing” people for their wrongdoings (even tho they have done worse, fucked up things? hypocritical). maybe i am overthinking it, but some of their posts implied making a post “exposing” me… and now im so anxious :< ik if they actually made a post, i could just ignore it since their stuff on me is just speculation (from what i heard) and it’s mainly @ my other friend. but it still makes me upset because i hateee drama and false accusations.
thank you for listening to my ted talk . ❤️
oh dear anon, i'm so sorry :( i think its understandable that you're anxious about it, especially if the things they say about you are just assumptions and speculations :( i really wish there was something i could do. i hope if they do make that post you keep in mind that those things are just that, assumptions they're making about you and that they aren't true. i'm glad you decided to tell me though, i hope that venting at least made you feel a little better 💕
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blehbobs · 3 years
tw// rant / sh
istg istg, i feel like throwing up & screaming & pulling out my hair. not being able to trust someone is ass. ( & this isn't abt my gf js ppl/ friends in general ). i literally started my period so i think that's a f f e c t i n g my emotions rn. one second im reading this cute lil GL & kicking my feet & squealing & the next im thinking of picking up a blade & slitting my wrists. like i want to sh so bad but i don't want my gf to feel bad abt it & get sad over me abt that, even though i don't even think they care & idk how that makes me feel, cs i mean they love me, but what does that entail, anyways i'm probably being dumb rn, idk i be needing reasuresnce.
but back to it i feel like my gf mental health has been doing pretty good lately, even though there's been some slips, im really proud of them, for getting a job trying their hardest at stuff even though everything so hard & i js want them to want to get better & feel better. i don't know how to put it into words i just love them so extremely much & i want them to experience everything they want to & have fun & be happy.
idk it's valentine's day & im over here plotting my suicide. kind hating i cut my hair now but also i love it short, like i wanted to start crying over how ugly i felt i looked cs of my hair, but i actually looked in the mirror & i looked perfectly fine, c u t e even. so it rlly be like SEE IM FUCKING INSANE OMG. & all my thoughts make me want to kms cs i can't process & keep up with all my thoughts. & i feel as if i'm being a shitty friend rn, but i quite srsly don't know what advice to give, & i feel like i'm avoiding them & my other friends in general too. but yet i'm still feeling left out when im doing some avoiding. but when i talk/ ask question online or in a call they like don't even listen, but in person they be stg they love me./lh. but i hope they mean well & aren't actually ignoring me.
also i hate how much i use the word love. cs i don't want it to lose its meaning. like ive told ppl i don't even know like that i love them, like as a thank you or js a complement or js lh stuff like that. so i think imma stop saying it to give it a break. & even with tv shows/ animes i think imma stop saying it even though when i'm talking abt anime i always mean it in the max srsnes, idk maybe i'm overthinking too much. no i know i'm overthinking. i js need to have a talk with someone cs idk when's the last time i actually talked to someone abt my feelings, like i do & i don't cs i don't even know what my true feelings are & how i rlly feel. im too much of a joke tbh. i don't even wanna post on my spam/ instagram anymore, & i don't have to, i can js post on here or write it down or whatever,
i d k i js needed to get that out
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gumilac · 3 years
hi aki <3 this is the anon who sent that 2am essay a while back hahah thank u sm!! big hugs and kisses for u too friend💗 pls I'm a total gremlin too lmao one of my friends compared me to nishinoya 😭 and no worries I don't mind u answering that ask, it was rlly rlly heartwarming <333
My lost ass came here for some advice today hahah,, soo I've been feeling a little disconnected from my major for a while now 🥲 I feel like I'm falling behind bec I haven't properly studied in soo long and it's so hard to be attentive in online lectures 😭 and I just feel rlly disinterested in general, which is sad bec I used to absolutely love my major :(( what should I do to at least start getting back on track?
I'd love to come off anon someday, but for now can I mayhaps claim an emoji?
oh, hi again loveee !! gosh golly i took so long to answer this ask, im super sorry about that !! i was really busy today, i had classes, attended an event, and made a powerpoint that's due for tomorrow... yeah, i'm okay LMAO
listening during online classes is hard, i have like the shortest attention span when it comes to things i don't like LMAO but, i try my best to keep up and listen even if it makes me want to scream. i also do my tasks earlier because i tell myself that if i get this done today? i'll have more time for myself and maybe megumi PFT NO ANYTHING YOU LIKE,,, whatever comforts/relieves your stress (reading, drawing, painting, cooking, sleeping, anything really !!) altho, i do have my lapses sometimes and that's okay !! as long as we're trying and trying then that's more than enough
oof this is super relatable :< anw, advice hmm? im not really sure i'm the best person for it? and idk if this'll help but, whenever i feel like giving up on studying i try to look ahead and picture myself living my dream job. also, since it's a major you (used to) love, i'm sure you see yourself doing the job you like in the future, no?? and, i'm sure you'll enjoy it as well?? set small goals for yourself and take baby steps too, don't overwhelm yourself too much love. also !! rewards, reward yourself, take a break every now and then because you deserve it ♡ sometimes, you have to set aside school works to focus on yourself (it helps with relieveing burnouts?) it may feel like you aren't doing much, but hey !! you'll see eventually how far you've come, and the smallest progress is always better than having none at all, i'm still proud of you okay??
(and yes, lovely !! you can most definitely claim an emoji)
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tartagliaxx · 4 years
i quite literally did cry while reading it lololol idk i haven't been celebrating my birthday since i was like, way younger, and then you come and write up something so pretty for me, thank you ;-;
and dw, i don't rlly feel pressured to write anything! it's about two months away so some inspiration should strike me about that time, i hope anyways lmao
luckily, the new challenges aren't the hardest so it's pretty easy. the one that i rlly struggled with are the bosses. two samachurls that make tornadoes, one ruin guard and one ruin grader. i almost died if not for diona and my friends hard carrying me lololol
if you/ven/🥖 nonnie wanna coop bc it's the biggest pain, just message me whenever i'm online. these are the times where i wish i had zhongli bc his shield would be insanely helpful, but i also have diona's shield so i'm happy :)
— r. anon
p.s. i didn't notice it bc i'm an idiot, but vaporize does a lot of dmg. my diluc does abt 50k when i tested it with my friend's mona.
aww you’re very welcome, love. i’m glad my little drabble reached your heart! i’ll appreciate anything you’ll do but the fact that you’re willing to make smth for me already makes me so, so happy. if you end up lacking inspiration by the time the day arrives, dw and really dont beat yourself up over it bc having you around is already a very special gift.
im just about to start the new challenges. honestly i really, really hate ruin graders. they’re not particularly hard and i can beat them up easy but i cant aim for shit and when they start flying im just there going🧍🏻‍♀️
i’d love to co-op even if its just for fun. if any of you wanna play together, dont be shy and hmu bc most of the time im just jumping around aimlessly trying to find more primos.
and yes! vaporize and melt do + dmg on enemies. thats why diluc showcases always have mona/xingqiu/any hydro w him. early game, i had chongyun w him almost all the time but mona does especially good bc aside from the elemental reaction, she also buffs the burst itself.
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