#some yn painting i made. idk i think they look cool
windmills123 · 1 year
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wheee.. i love color's!
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jayflrt · 2 years
omg this is such a late reply but yea my grad photos turned out pretty nice! my parents even bought me a flower bouquet with some really nice flowers hehe
i listened to arson! i think i like his daydream mixtape more over the arson album but i love the sound he's using this time! i think my fav bside is equal sign omgomg its so good. im excited for their other solo projs too! and also omg hoseok in lollapalooza was so cool! that clip of his reaction to the audience singing back during daydream is circulating my feed and its just such a cute clip. ALSO TXT IN LOLLAPALOOZA <3333
enha arent coming to my city but if they were i would've considered going! im alr going to a couple so idk if i could afford going to see enha too but my friend is gonna travel out of the city to see them so i told her to cheer double for me haha
yass omg i loved the cheers mv svt leaders are so <3333 it was a fun mv to watch too and pongpong part is actually taking over the kpop community and i love it. also im going to see svt live soon so 😭
the plan was originally to go to some nearby islands but then we checked the prices and it was so expensive 💀 so my parents decided to just go on their own when i resume school again in sept lmao. but also i got quite a lot of uni prep to do so we also decided to do the family trip another time
the potteries are pre-made! we just did the painting portion it was so fun. i painted some frogs on mine they looked super cute after im so happy with it. my friends and i discussed that we should take classes to actually make pottery some day and i can make a cute little bowl or wtv is the most beginner item lol
my birthday is at the end of august! so like in abt a little over 2 weeks from when i send this haha omg im gonna become an adult this is so sad im old </3
also im keeping up with diamond league and omg the chaos. when i saw ynwon broke up i was like <////3 but seeing how downbad won is still for yn i have hope haha
ANYWAYS HOW HAVE YOU BEEEEEEEN omg did you also hear abt tbz + 127 cb soon? and jaehyun solo!!! and bp girlies are finally coming back after 2 years 😭 im probably missing some other upcoming cbs but july was so packed with them im kinda in a daze rn lol
no worries 🌻 anon !! it’s always good to hear from you 🥰💗 also that’s so sweet of them :’) flowers on graduation is so touching like i don’t even like flowers but i was so happy when my parents got me some when i graduated 🤧
omg yes daydream was a cultural reset !! i still loveeee the hope world mixtape like baseline ?? hangsang ???? BLUE SIDE the whole artistry of that album was 💖💖 i do like that hobi switched up his vibe for this album it suits him rlly well !!! he’s so versatile 🫶🫶 omg equal side was my fav bside too :’)) and right ?? he’s such an amazing performer and rlly knows how to get a crowd excited !! when he said “u guys are fucking crazy” ahahahah😄 i rlly wanna see him perform one day omg 😭 TXT DID SO GOOD TOO i’m glad the crowd hyped them up so much
i don’t think i’m going either but we can fall back on tiktok and twitter to see what people upload 🥰 i’m so impressed they’re selling out HUGE arenas for their first ever world tour :o so so proud of them!!! 💘
HAHAH RIGHT hoshi literally blew them up over that (as he should!!) but i’m so sad they didn’t add it to the setlist for the tour :(( i thought they would since they added _world but ig not 🤧 but i still had an amazing time and loveddd everything about it and they’re just incredible performers 💝💝
omg your parents are vacationing without you ?? 😭 no way.. now it’s time to make your own extravagant plans without them just to spite them 🤭 but i feel you omg it’s hard to enjoy a vacation when there’s so much going on 🥲🥲 hope you get to go on your family vacation soon tho !!
FROGGY POT that’s so cute :’)) i’m glad you enjoyed it and hope you can paint some more sometime !! start an etsy business 🤩 omg your bday must be next week then right?? :o idk what day but i’ll try to wish you sometime next week then !! oh gosh welcome to adulthood it’s scary out here 😵‍💫 but yk you’re on the same boat as everyone else so we’re all suffering together
AHAHAH dw i can’t make a sad ending for this 🥲🥲 jungwon is way too down bad but .. y/n is too 😔 AHHH YES I HEARD OF BOTH COMEBACKS IM EXCITED !!!! jaehyuns solo teaser pictures dropped today omg have u seen them ?? he looks incredible 😭💖 i’ve honestly lowkey been experiencing svt tunnel vision but i think 127 comeback will have All my attention
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underoossss · 6 years
More Than A Mission H.O [2/4]
pairing: spy!Harrison Osterfield x spy!reader
SPY!AU | masterlist
A/N: I hope all of you like this second chapter! I love writing this story so much you can’t even imagine 😩❤️ Enjoy some cute tropes and two oblivious fools! Feedback or comments are always nice! (idk if I saw all of my mistakes but I hope I did! If I didn't sorry!)
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Some people say they can’t pinpoint the exact moment they fell in love. You had heard it multiple times, the old “I don’t know when it started” and the “It started long before I even realized” family and friends always seemed to say that about the people they loved. But for you? For you it wasn’t like that. 
When it came to Harrison Osterfield, your feelings were like walking down a long hallway with old and new memories you made together hanging from the walls until you reached a dark room. Its too dark to see anything at first and you’re too unsure and afraid to move until something happens and switches the lights on to reveal your best friend in front of you. You see him there smiling and the ground underneath you crumbles because that smile had never made you feel like that before and you love it. In that moment you let yourself fall and you love him.
In reality, it didn’t happen in a dark room and there was no hallway, there was only a hostage extraction simulation and guns with paint balls in them.
“Lopez, Richards, I need report on the first floor.” You spoke through your earpiece as you ascended the stairs for the third floor of the building. The paint was chipping from the wall on your right which made tiny pieces of paint fall on your shoulder  and the wood under your foot creaked loudly with your next step making you wince. “Johnson, Davis, second floor report. Guys, skip this step.” You spoke to your team behind you as you continued to move.
Four pairs of footsteps followed you upstairs, guns ready and ears sharp for any sounds. After clearing the first two floors and coming to the conclusion that the hostages must be on the third, you had left parties of two behind to give you any updates and took the rest of the team with you to finish the mission. Harrison was right behind you and behind him in a neat line was Nadia Rodriguez, Tyler O’Connor and Stephanie McDougall. The five of you had been together since you started the academy so you trusted each other to complete this mission and pass the simulation.
“All clear in first floor, exists covered.”
“Second floor secure, Davis is guarding the stairs.”
“Good, now Lee, I need eyes on the third floor. What are going up against?” You held your hand up for your team to stop as you heard movement down the hallway. The dark blue walls had concrete spots where the paint was falling from and there were lighter rectangles on them from the paintings that must have been hung there before. Sunlight streamed from a hole in the ceiling and small particles of dust could be seen floating in the air as everyone held their breath and stood still. You lowered your hand once the movement subsided and continued to walk down the hall only to stop when it split into two separate ones.
“The two paths lead towards the same room according to the blueprints.” Lee spoke on your earpieces, “There’s a door to the right and one to the left. There’s a heat signal coming from inside so that’s where the hostages should be.”
“Thanks Lee. Keep me posted.” You lowered your gun and turned to your team, “Alright guys, we’re almost done so here’s what we’ll do. Osterfield, you and Rodriguez come with me to the right and O’Connor takes the left with McDougall. We’ll go in through the right first and the left team enters on my signal. All of you copy?”
Your eyes met Harrison’s and you knew right away that he could read how nervous you actually were, if this went south it was mainly on your head but everyone else could fail because of you. He gave you a nod, his gaze reassuring and his lips moving upwards to form a barely perceptible smile. No one else would’ve seen it but you were best friends, so you noticed small things like that. “Copied.” They all replied in unison and took their place on each side of the wall before stepping into the next hallway.
“Stay alert for any movement.” You turned your head for a second to address everyone before you were shoved to the side at the sound of a gunshot. A perp had been guarding one of the doors and had aimed his shot at you but there was no paint on your vest, Harrison’s however was decorated with a blue stain in the middle of his chest.
The human mind works in odd ways, your brain knew it was only a fake bullet but your heart took a blow nevertheless. Your mouth fell open in shock and anger boiled up in the pit of your stomach while you raised your gun to shoot the perp between the eyes, staining his protective goggles along with part of his nose and mouth. “Rodriguez go to the door, I’ll be right there. You two, be ready.”
You motioned Nadia to move towards the door behind you before instructing the other two 15 feet across from you to do the same with their door. Your right hand was closed in a tight first as you leaned down to Harrison’s eye level as he sat against the chipping wall. “Why would you do that, Osterfield. You knew I needed you to be in there with me.”
“Because the team needs you. You keep all of us going, YN, you’re our secret weapon.” Harrison’s smile was blinding and you felt your stomach do twenty jumping jacks in a row while the ground crumbled underneath you. “Now go and save those hostages.”
You nodded your head, unable to form coherent words as your feelings twisted your throat into a knot the size of your fist. You stood up and walked towards the door where Nadia waited for you, sparing a last glance at Harrison who sent a wink your way. Well shit, I think I just fell in love.You shook yourself out of your thoughts and gave Nadia a signal before you kicked the door open, you had some hostages to rescue.
The cool October air bites at your cheeks as you step out of the taxi and walk towards the hotel in front of you. Your black ankle boots scratch the pavement underneath you and the scarf around your neck hits you in the face as you wheel your suitcase behind you, sunglasses perched on top of your nose and coffee balanced on your left arm. A pattern had been found between the appearances of certain members of Marioli’s cartel that linked them to 28th street and 3rd avenue. According to special intel, their rendezvous point seemed to be in an apartment building conveniently placed diagonally to the Hotel Beatrice. Director Diaz had organized for the hotel to free the room closest to the apartment building  so that Harrison and you could stakeout the location and hopefully find a way to discover the where Folini and Marioli’s deal will take place.  
You push your sunglasses back over your head as you reach the front desk. A tall man in his  mid-forties greets you with a kind smile when you approach him, his hazel eyes hide behind big black rimmed glasses and his hair is covered in a thick layer of gel. “Good afternoon miss, how can I help you.”
“Hello, I have a booking under the last name Roberts.” You smile as you set your suitcase next to you, place the coffee down and lean your elbows on the counter.
“Oh yes, your husband is already upstairs. He arrived about thirty minutes ago, room 408.” He types something in the computer in front of him and clicks the mouse a couple of times before he hands you a key card with a smile. “I hope the two of you enjoy your stay, your room service is already paid for.”
“I’m sure we’ll have a lovely time.” You offer him a smile back, glancing down at his name tag to address him by his name and remember it out of a habit. “Thank you very much Lionel, see you around.”
With a small wave you head towards the elevator and wait for the doors to open while looking at you surroundings. The building has an old ambiance to it, a big staircase with elegant but old golden banisters sits to your left, leading towards the mezzanine and various paintings decorate the dark green walls. You get to notice a beautiful lamp hovering over the lobby’s waiting area before the elevator’s ding takes your gaze away from it as you step inside the cart. Your hands sweat all the way to the fourth floor, and your grip on your suitcase’s handle is so tight your knuckles turn white and your palm hurts. The thought of staying in a hotel room with Harrison for a couple of days wants to send you into a frenzy but you manage to tone down your panic while you find room 408 and open the door. Toning down your panic, however, goes out of the window when you spot the bed in the middle of the room. Only one bed. A queen bed. One.
You take a deep breath to calm down, hearing the shower running inside the bathroom and willing your heart to stop beating so loudly before Harrison saw you. “I’m so screwed.”
Harrison didn’t make you nervous, he was your best friend for heaven’s sake, youmade yourself nervous. After not seeing him for so long, all your practiced behavior around him was long forgotten and you were lost when it came to not letting him know how you felt. You forgot how to hide it and the thought of him finding out and it interfering with the mission and your friendship was enough to make you crawl into a hole and die. With another deep breath you kick off your boots, set the coffee on the desk and your suitcase next to Harrison’s opened one before you walk towards the table with all of the case’s information. You notice a folder full of pictures and flip it open to check the contents inside. Several men are in the photographs, walking, standing while waiting for the traffic light to change, talking on the phone.
You turn one photograph around, Marioli’s men: subject #16 [12:00am]is scribbled behind it along with the date and place of the photograph. The one you were currently holding was right in front of the hotel as the man in the odd baseball jersey walked into the apartment building. You sit down on the middle of the bed, crossing your legs under you and start organizing the pictures by location in front of you. Your feelings were pushed to the back of your mind as you tried to find a connection between everyone photographed other than them going into the same apartment building or the excessive jewelry hanging from their necks.
“Oh you arrived!” You hear a smile in Harrison’s voice as he opens the bathroom door and walks out towards his suitcase. “Early as usual.” His teasing tone makes you tear your gaze away from the photographs, ready to retort that it was the first time you were late to any meeting when your words get caught in your throat. The sight that greets you is definitely a sight, but not one you were expecting.  
He wore only grey sweatpants that hung low on his hips as his back faced your way. His skin still had droplets of water scattered over his back and his muscles, those damn muscles, moved as he looked for something in his suitcase. Your eyes followed every moment, finally having a close look at how toned he had gotten in two years specially when his biceps flexed as he put a t-shirt on. Thank god. You realize your cheeks are burning and your jaw is about to reach the floor when Harrison starts turning around to face you. With another deep breath you take your thoughts away from his almost perfect body and pretend to concentrate on the pictures in front of you.
“This is the first time I’m late Harrison.” You speak up as you continue to distribute pictures by location  and lining them up from closets to furthest distance from the apartment building. “Besides, I brought coffee.” Your shoulders move up and down and you don’t even dare to look into his eyes in fear of getting flustered and having Harrison ask what was wrong. Oh nothing, just the usual, I’m in love with you and you looked really fucking hot without a shirt one so I think I might blush if we make eye contact.
Harrison looks at the two coffee cups that you had set on the desk before chuckling and looking your way fondly, not that you saw it anyways, since your focus on was on the pictures. “Do you always bring coffee to make up for being late?” There’s amusement in his voice and something else, which makes you look up.
His eyes are soft, like they always seem to be whenever he looks at you nowadays which makes a shy smile appear on your face. “No… I bring it in hopes you’ll forgetthat I was late…” Your eyebrows furrow as you finish speaking while your eyes scan over the pictures and find a connection.
“What’s wrong, what did you find?” Harrison speaks up as he moves to sit next to you but you hold your hand up so he would let you concentrate.
“All of these men… their t-shirt match their original location. Look,” You say scooting closer to your partner, “This guy walked from 23rd street to the 30th and he’s wearing a 23 in his t-shirt. I thought it was a coincidence because they’re not all wearing the same shirt but this guy walked down from 42nd and his baseball jersey has a 42, this one’s t-shirt has a 19 and many of them are wearing the same t-shirt again.
“So they have a sort of uniform to keep track of the people in each location where they have a hideout.” Harrison picks up two pictures of two different guys that were wearing the same t-shirt with a 30 on it.
“And they all report back to the main headquarters that are right in front of us! Those are only Marioli’s men though and half of the pictures in this file, we still need something on Folini to tie everything together-”
“And  find out where the deal will take place.” Harrison nods his head, turning to look at you before his face breaks out into a smile. Yours does the same at the way the two of you still manage to finish each other sentences and put all the pieces of the puzzle together after two years of being apart. “Nice find, Y/N.”
“Thanks, Haz.” You look away from the beautiful blue of this eyes and back at the pictures, your hand pushing a strand behind your ear while you tried to keep your emotions at bay. “Come on, we can use this wall to put all of these and the rest of the pictures up. And grab a coffee I was late getting your favorite.” Your shoulder bumps into his making him chuckle and shake his head before the two of you got up from the bed and got to work.
It took the two of you almost three hours but all of the pictures were finally sorted and taped to the wall. You had found a weekly pattern between all of the men that were photographed, and identified Folini’s men by a tattoo all of them sported on the side of their neck. The tattoo design matched Folini’s cartel’s crest that he always wears on his pinky finger that had been pictured on a different occasion. You and Harrison worked in sync, making notes and connecting pictures and clues with a red string once you saw a pattern. Your heart fluttered every time your hands would touch and your cheeks burned every time Harrison smiled at you when you made a new discovery. It was as if nothing had changed but things had actually changed, you realize now how in love you had been and still are with him. Even after two years, your feelings hadn’t lessened at all, if anything they felt stronger than before and now your heart ached because he was so close but so far at the same time.
“Today was great, I’ve missed this. So much.” Harrison speaks up as the two of you lied in bed. The room was dark except from the light coming from the lampposts outside of the hotel that illuminated the floor next to your side of the bed. Your eyes were tired and your body craved sleep, the clock on the nightstand read 12:35 but you couldn’t go to bed. Not until you got something off your chest, something you worried about every day since Harrison left.
“I’ve missed you.” You say softly, your hands gripping the comforter tightly to keep yourself from tearing up. “I truly have, Harrison, and I need you to know that.”
“No. I-I didn’t write as often when you were gone and I know that but please don’t think it’s because I didn’t want to or because I didn’t miss you. They, um, they told me not to bother you, that this was important to you and to cut all ties with your life here was better… so I followed those orders.” You squeeze your eyes shut and calm your breathing as you talked so that Harrison wouldn’t know you were crying, especially not about something that happened so long ago.
“I know.” Harrison whispers back after a few minutes and shift in his place to face your back. “They said the same thing to me so I guessed you had received similar orders. There wasn’t one second that I thought you had forgotten about me, Y/N. Just like there wasn’t one where I didn’t miss you.” His voice is quiet, also inaudible but you heard it
You felt your shoulders relax at his words, you felt your stomach do backflips and you felt his eyes on you. Without another word you turned around, facing Harrison in the dark but staying at an arm’s length. This doesn’t mean that he’s in love with you, remember that. His hand reaches out until it touches your face, his thumb wiping away the tears that fell down your cheek.
“Don’t cry, we’re back together again. Y/N and Harrison, the FBI’s finest… Bad guys’ worst nightmare.” Although you couldn’t see Harrison’s smile, you knew it was there, unwavering, comforting and never failing to bring one on your face as well.
You let out a soft laugh, both in relief and in response to his dorky self. “Remember that time with the hostage extraction test? We were top of the class… You, um, you took that fake bullet for me.”
“And I’d do it again if I had to, because you’re the one who got our team to the top. I couldn’t let that guy fake-kill you.” Harrison’s thumb caresses your cheek softly once more before he brings his arm back to his side. His eyes are scanning your face, you can feel them on you and you hold your breath at the feeling growing inside of your chest. Why does he make me feel this way, one sentence and I’m a lovesick mess.
“We should- We should probably go to sleep. Big day tomorrow.” You clear your throat and turn back to face the hotel’s door. Your feelings were making their way to the surface and you needed to sleep before you confessed them all to him, well, more than what you already said. “And Haz? I’d take one for you too.”
“I know.” He whispers, waiting a couple of seconds before turning to face the other side as well. “Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Night, Haz.”
You wake up the next day  feeling warm and well rested under the covers, you feel safe and comfortable and you never want to leave the bed again. You want to ignore the alarm going off on the night stand and keep on sleeping. Your pillow is too soft to abandon it, it’s as if it was keeping you close to it, never wanting to let go and you sure as hell don’t want to either. The pillow starts moving underneath you though, it shifts a little to the right and suddenly the alarm stops and silence fills the room once again. You open your eyes slowly, and furrow your eyebrows when you see Harrison’s navy blue t-shirt underneath you. The warm feeling that surrounded you minutes ago were his arms that were holding you close to him. His heartbeat is steady under your ear and he chest rises and falls with every breath he takes. Alarms go off in your head as you realize what was going on, you were cuddling Harrison Osterfield. Your face was buried in his chest, your legs were tangled with each other and your hand was holding his next to your head. What?
“Good morning,” Harrison’s voice is raspy with sleep which makes your chest flutter at the same time your brain tries to find a way to make the situation less awkward. You dare to look up at him, dazzling blue eyes heavy with sleep and a soft smile grazed his features. It was as if the universe was looking for the most cruel ways to make you fall even more for him when you knew it wasn’t the same for him. It’s giving you a glimpse at how it would be like to wake up in the arms of the man you loved, and doing it so while you were awake so that you knew that it was never going to happen. Your heart aches for him while simultaneously breaking because of him.
“Umm… hi.” You offer him a sleepy smile back before letting go of his hand and pulling away from his embrace. This is so embarrassing. “Big day today, I... I gotta pee.” With that you get off the bed and move towards the bathroom to collect yourself and give your heart a break from the torture it was going through. How am I going to survive 5 more days like this?
While you panicked, paced and panicked some more in the bathroom, you were unaware of Harrison’s own racing heart. Unaware of the frown that had come to his face when you had hurried away from the bed. Totally and completely unaware that all your fears and wishes matched his and that whatever hopelessness you felt, he felt it too.
One wall separates the two of you, three words are fighting to be uttered by your lips and the same thought goes through both of your minds:
  I’m so fucking screwed.
tagging: @notimeforthemessenger @stephie-senpai @peeterparkr @katherine-liz @starksparker @upsidedownparker @spiderboytotherescue @girl-in-the-chair @hazhasmycoffee @bisexualupin @valar--m0rghulis @madmadmilk @tom-hollands-eyelash @randomfandom3599 @marvelousxtsh @unmbrellaspidey 
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oh-austin · 7 years
Request: Can you do a thing where the reader is friends with Aaliyah but she's like older than her maybe they have a mutual friend or smth and they become close and yn is just super shy and one day their mutual friend outs her that she can sing and she just goes beet red and later Aaliyah invites her over or smth and they just jam out together to random Shawn songs and Shawn has met her before and had her in his vines or smth and he records them and posts it and yn gets like fake mad at Shawn but in reality she doesn't know what to feel and then idk Shawn fluff idk what I want to happen other than a happy ending can you do that please Word Count: 1874 Requests: OPEN
You’ve known Aaliyah ever since she was ten. You were in training to become assistant coach for a local hockey team and one of your many tasks while training was to help out around the arena with the games and players. You hit it off with most of the girls, but there was this special thing about Aaliyah that really drew you to her. She was always ready to practise and was always focused, but that didn’t stop her from knowing how to have a good laugh with everyone. She was one special little girl.
Over time, you and Aaliyah became really close friends and the age gap of four years didn’t matter at all. It also helped that your cousin Grace was friends with Aaliyah at school. You didn’t expect Grace to blurt out one day that you could sing. You always hated singing, you used to have a passion for it, but when some people began to make fun of you for your horrible voice, you became quite insecure. So, when the three of you were hanging out at the arena one day after training doing homework was when it all started.
“You guys want to play secret spill?” Grace looked up from her algebra. “What the hell secret spill?” Aaliyah asked, her eyebrows knitted together. You knew all about secret spill, Grace made it up when she was eight and now at the age of thirteen she had improved massively, even if it was her own game. “Basically, you have to spill a secret about someone else who’s playing, then the other players will decide if it’s worthy of five points all the way down to one. After five rounds whoever has the most points wins” Grace explained. Grace reminded you of a snake in a way, sneaking around, she knew everything about you and that’s why she was so good at the game. “I personally think this game is stupid and immature” You shook your head, continuing with the science questions in front of you.
“That’s only because I beat you every time” Grace argued, “Do you seriously think that kinetic energy and joules are more entertaining than getting to know each other better?”. See? snake. “Come on Y/N, don’t be such a party pooper” Aaliyah poked your upper arm. “Fine” You sighed. After three rounds, it was Grace’s turn again.
“Okay, I’ve got one about Y/N” She began. “Here we go” You raised your eyebrows. “Aaliyah, did you know that Y/N can sing?” Grace turned to the girl. “Boo! One” You shouted, hoping that Aaliyah would agree on the score you chose, so you guys could move on. “Wait you can sing?” Aaliyah’s eyes went wide, “We’ve known each other for three years and you never told me” Aaliyah’s mouth was slightly agape. “Well, it’s not a big deal” You shrugged, wanting the ground to swallow you whole. “Yes, it is! If you don’t want to sing here, you have to come back to mine and we can jam” She suggested. “I- Aaliyah I don’t know if that’s a good idea” You tried to decline politely, but Aaliyah wasn’t having it. “Seriously, we’re going back to mine.”
Going back to Aaliyah’s that afternoon was probably one of the best decision’s you’ve ever made, well best thing you’ve ever been forced into doing. The two of you got back to her place and headed up to her room which used to be her older brother Shawn's. Over the three years you’ve been friends with Aaliyah you have also had the pleasure of meeting Shawn. You two got along and he was always nice to you whenever you came over, the three of you would always camp out in the lounge and have movie nights together while Aaliyah would make jokes about how the two of you should ‘get together’. Shawn was as nice as he seemed and you liked that, he was one of those genuine people.
“Okay, what song next,” You asked, quickly strumming up and down twice, before stopping the sound with your hand on the neck of the guitar. “What about Treat You Better?” Aaliyah glanced over at you before looking back at her laptop. “Are you a fake fan of your own brother?” You laughed at her basic song choice, even though it was an amazing song. “Ha ha, you’re so funny” She rolled her eyes playfully. “You give me the tab notation and I can try,” You told her. Aaliyah quickly googled the chords for the song and then set the laptop right in front of you. “Here we go” You began to pluck the strings for the first notes, while Aaliyah ad-libbed over the top, you wondered if being a Mendes automatically gave you the vocals of an angel because Aaliyah had a great voice. What you didn’t know is that listening in on the other side of Aaliyah’s bedroom door was Shawn and he was recording everything you were singing.
After the song Shawn thought he would make himself known, so he knocked on Aaliyah’s door three times before he was answered with a ‘come in’. “Hey” Shawn walked into the familiar room that he used to own, “Love what you’ve done with the place,” He said sarcastically. “Well, I didn’t like the colour of the walls so I re-painted” She shrugged. “No hug? No, wow Shawn you’ve been gone for a couple of weeks now, I really missed you” Shawn shook his head. “Nope,” Aaliyah shook her head. “Oh, I see, Y/N is here, so you’re too cool for me now?” Shawn laughed walking over to you. “No hug from you either, wow I’m really feeling the love now guys” You laughed at his words, getting up from your seat and giving him a quick hug that he returned. “Get a room!” Aaliyah shouted jokingly. “Calm down, it’s not like we’re kissing off each other’s faces” Shawn shook his head while letting you go. “But, yeah I love you and all. But can you go? Because we’re busy” Aaliyah told him. “I’ve been back home for five minutes and I’m already getting kicked out of my room” Shawn emphasized ‘my. “Sorry to break it to you Shawn, but I don’t think this is your room anymore” You shook your head slightly. “You’ve changed this girl, Aaliyah” Shawn pointed at her before he walked away. The two of you laughed as Shawn exited.
The next morning your phone was blowing up with all sorts of notifications, some were texts from your friends, some were emails from companies, but most of them were social media notifications of people giving their opinions about your voice. You woke up a lot quicker than usual, unlocking your phone and looking at the video that people had been tagging you in.
@shawnmendes: who knew that @y/t/n could sing so well, I like how you’re repping my songs 
Shawn had recorded some of what you sang last night and posted on twitter to his 12.2 million followers. Some people were tweeting about how amazing you are, most were hating on you for either being a so-called ‘shit singer’ and being Shawn’s supposed girlfriend. People knew that you and Shawn were friends through Aaliyah, most loved you, but there was always that line between love and hate. People were saying exactly what you feared. That you couldn’t sing, that you were possibly one of the vilest singers they had ever heard. You hated this and you were going to let Shawn know. You switched all of your social media to private and it got to the point where you reported the video Shawn posted, part of you hoping that it would just disappear.
That day you trudged to hockey training, hoping the world would just leave you alone. You knew that all of the girls at training would have seen the video and probably have the same opinion as the rest of the world. You pushed open the arena doors with the same amount of energy that you had, almost none. The girls were already stretching, something you made it a point for them to do once you became assistant coach last year. The truth was you didn’t know how to feel. Should you feel mad? Probably. Should you be happy that there were some people who actually liked your voice. You didn’t know.
You walked over to the girls and they all attacked you with praise and love. You were shocked at how much they enjoyed the video when most of the people online hated it. “You sounded amazing Y/N!” Eliza, your right wing hugged you. “Thanks, Liza,” You said, your voice quiet. More praises kept coming from the girls from left, right and centre, it made you forget about the whole the entire internet hates me right now thing, it made you feel better. You went out to the spare hockey sticks out of the shed outside you saw a familiar blue jeep.
“Hey, Mr superstar, you and I are gonna have words” You raised your voice when you saw Shawn leaning against his car, he must be picking Aaliyah up, but no matter how cute of a brother her is you weren’t about to get side-tracked. “Ah, did you see my video?” He smiled at you. “Yeah, yeah I did and so did all of your fans that now hate me, so thanks for that,” You said, your voice was dripping frustration. “Look Y/N, I’m sorry, but I thought you sounded amazing so I thought everyone else needed to hear it,” He said, trying to persuade you. “Everyone else should be a group chat or something, not all of you freakin’ Twitter followers” Your voice became louder, “I don’t like singing for other people, Shawn, it was one time thing for Aaliyah” You tried to make your point clear, “I don’t need all of your fan-base telling me I’m shit at singing, because I know, so if you were trying to get the message across, I got it, twelve million times” You referred to his amount of following.
“Who cares what some people on the internet think?” He asked. Shawn’s words took you aback. Who cares what some people on the internet think? And you hated to say this in your moments of anger, but he was right. “The only opinions that should matter to you are the people who love you and are close to you and from what I could see from in there is that all of those girls look up to you, their opinions should matter. Not some trolls who couldn’t care less about you, okay?” Shawn told you. “Shawn I- Shawn I’m really sorry” It took you a minute to get the words out, but they got there eventually. “It’s okay, I should be sorry, I mean I did expose you to every one of Twitter” He laughed slightly, his eyes meeting the ground. “If it means anything,” Shawn’s eyes met your briefly, “I thought you sounded wonderful.” He told you. “Wow, thanks, Mr International Sensation, it means a lot” You laughed and you swore you saw a blush rise to his cheeks.
You made a mental note to thank Grace later.
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