#someday...someday i will have a house. and land. the house will have a cat. the land will have dogs and goats and chickens
oddaesthetin · 3 days
sunny days — yoon jeonghan
“aigoo. you really have got to get out of here.”
awoken from the sound, you grunted as you tried to find where the voice was coming from. just near the bedroom door stands your hannie, with both arms resting at both sides of his hips. you whined and closed your eyes as you felt your energy depleting again.
it was monday, and you really have no plans whatsoever to spend the day. after two weeks of being completely eaten out by a very important presentation at work, your two days off were the only ones you had long anticipated. and it’s not that you didn’t miss spending time with your boyfriend, but he’s mostly been here with you on the two weeks you were killing yourself over work, so you’re pretty sure he’s aware of what you’ve been through.
“no, like seriously, when was the last time you actually went out and just basked in the sun?” footsteps nearing your bed, you raised your head again and looked at him with sleepy eyes.
“don’t know and don’t care, hannie. i’m so tired,” you said in a groggy voice, hoping he’d feel even just a little bit of pity and not make you go out. “besides, since when were you the one to be excited to ‘go out and bask in the sun’? last time i checked, you’re the type to hibernate longer than a dormouse.”
fast forward to 40 minutes later, you found yourself getting dragged by jeonghan outside your apartment complex. something about how you needed the sun’s vitamin D for your bones (because you spent the past weeks sitting and grouching on your work desk) was what made him win the argument. where to, still unknown. but since he’s the one who asked you out, you’re pretty confident he’s prepared for this.
“lovie, don’t you feel much better?”
as much as you wanted to disagree, fortunately, unfortunately, he’s right. after a few quick trips to several cafés on a bread and pastry hunt, you spent the remaining time before sunset walking along the pathways of a small trail near the mountains. indeed, you needed the sun so badly that you started running excitedly as soon as you saw the familiar trail. to give more context, this was the trail you and jeonghan often frequented when you just started dating. you remember considering this place as a hideaway when you were still not used to adjusting to each other’s schedules. 2 years later and everything remains the same— from the fresh smell of the leaves from the pine trees brought by the cold winds to the glowing scarlet orange sky. anyone who would come here, stressed or not, would be delighted in a minute.
“yes,” you answered shortly. childishly plucking off some of the dandelions disseminated along the field, then sneezing right after you idiotically attempted to smell them. jeonghan couldn’t help but laugh at the behavior. you’re just like a cat.
“someday, i’ll build a house on a place like this. sooo refreshing.”
“wow, really saying that while rubbing your nose off your face? couldn’t be more ironic, love.”
sighing, jeonghan went to your side to gently slap your hands away from your face. he pulled out a handkerchief in his pocket and started using that in an attempt to remove any remaining pollen in your hands. despite your complaining about treating you like a child, he won the argument for the second time on this day.
“ooh, but i do get you, tho. remember that piano scene from crash landing on you? wasn’t that in switzerland? the place looks so chilly and vibrant. maybe we could buy a house there in the future.”
feeling lighthearted, you made a joke, “what, like, you proposin’ to me or somethin’?” while annoyingly raising your brow up and down at him. not quite a common sight, but the faint embarrassed expression he quickly hid behind a grin did not escape your eyes. he playfully swatted your face and stood up.
“who said you’re gonna live with me? i’m just planning to include you in the buying process then i’ll leave you alone here.”
“i’ll secretly write my name as the sole owner then. i’d be so quick you won’t even notice me stealing your pen, asshole.”
your boyfriend laughed again; not because of your silliness but because of the happenstance of what you said. such an irony, truly. he shook his head as he thought.
by the time he was finished having an internal monologue, you were already walking far away from him, still preying on the variety of dandelions scattered wildly at the trail. the previous lassitude on your face is now gone. he eventually caught up to you and stopped you from walking by holding your hand as he pointed the other to the sun that is now in its setting glory. as cliche as it looks like, the day ended with you both being completely entranced by the scene.
unbeknownst to you, somewhere along the streets of lake brienz already lies a home unneeding of your clever plan. you must have forgotten already, he deemed. but it’s still clear as day in his mind how you had mentioned of switzerland before. it’s still a secret though. making sure not to mess up an even bigger surprise he plans on giving you, he grinned again at himself.
jeonghan rarely plans dates, but when he does, it always ends up being more than what your heart can long for.
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frankcastleonlyfans · 2 years
pairing: aemond targaryen x lannister!reader
warnings: nsfw headcanons at the end SO NOT FOR MINORS, aemond is a good husband, reader has lannister features, breeding kink, spanking, hair pulling, anyways that nasty stuff but not so nasty.
author's note: i aged the green children so, aemond loses his eye at 15/16.
reblogs, feedbacks and likes are appreciated. support your content creators 💓 please leave a comment if you like my work, and enjoy your reading.
gif by @alicent-hightowers
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· ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · ୨♡୧ · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ ·
— brief story:
When you were a child, your father let you under the guardianship of your uncle, Tyland, who was part of the small council of the King.
That was how you met him. You grew up together.
King's Landing was your home, and the Targaryens were your family.
Helaena was like a real sister to you. You really couldn't remember your own.
Aegon had his sick sense of humor, but he never truly bothered you.
And Aemond... his simple existence brought you comfort.
And you did the same for him.
You would always assure him that he'd find a dragon someday.
He'd always compliment your blonde locks.
You had so much in common with the prince, it was like you were made for each other. It was like destiny.
Queen Alicent looked at you as a daughter, since you treated her family so well.
"Mother says I'll be marrying Aegon." Helaena said, playing with her centipede.
You thought the bugs were gross, but you appreciated the way your friend was so fascinated by it.
"That's unfortunate. I love Aegon, but we both know he's not up to marriage." You said, paying attention to your sewing.
"I wish mother could have betrothed me to Aemond. At least he cares about me." Helaena murmured.
Aemond wasn't anything to you but a friend, and you still felt jealous from his sister's words.
"I wonder when will I get married..." You sighed.
"Don't worry, Y/N. A lion and a dragon shares the same heart." Helaena smiled.
You frowned, grinning awkwardly, "What's that supposed to mean?"
Helaena shrugged. You could take a wild guess, but your friend always seemed to talk nonsense.
After the royal wedding, your father took you back with him to Casterly Rock, where he would be finding you a suitor.
You'd still be in touch with Aemond and Helaena, sending letters to know about their well being.
That's how the young prince told you about his eye incident.
That's how you told him about your possible betrothal to the son of Prince Qoren Martell.
Aemond was quick to beg to his parents to make you his wife.
Lord Jason Lannister couldn't refuse the King, even though he wanted to. After all, he was refused by the King's heir, Princess Rhaenyra.
The ceremony had to wait until your first blood.
No one would guess that it would take years for that to happen.
You and Aemond exchanged letters through the years, and you've seen his personality change in it.
Through his words, you saw the boy prince turn into a man.
And after you turned into a woman, at the age of 18, you married the twenty year old prince.
When you saw Aemond for the first time in years, you couldn't recognize him.
Yes, he was missing an eye. But he was so... incredible handsome. A totally different person.
It awaken something in you.
"It's been a while since we've seen each other. I remember how you used to play with the cats around the Keep and... I have a present for you. I hope you like it." Aemond gave you a red box with a golden ribbon wrapped around it.
You chewed on your bottom lip and opened the box, not expecting a feline to jump on your lap out of it.
"Aemond!" You exclaimed with a large smile in your lips, "You're giving me a lion cub!?"
The prince bit back a smiled to your reaction. It made his heart warm to see you so happy.
"He will be trained so he doesn't get violent in the future. You're the first one of your house to have an actual lion. What are you going to name him?"
"Have you seen a lion named dragon?" You wondered.
The prince frowned, chuckling. "Hm, no?"
"Well, me neither! Probably raising a lion is easier than raising a child."
"Let's test that, shall we?" Aemond smirked.
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— your relationship:
Aemond is possessive. He doesn't like to leave you alone with any man, especially if the man in question is his brother.
He constantly says that he wants lots of children.
Aemond likes to play with your blonde locks between his fingers.
He hopes for your children to have your hair and his eyes.
Most of your time alone with him, he likes to chase you around your chambers, and play like you're both children.
He misses the lost time with you that your father took from him.
He lets you take off his eyepatch, and leave soft kisses on his scar.
You often says how handsome he is.
He often confesses his love for you.
Aemond is a cold-hearted person with everyone, but you.
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— your nsfw relationship:
Aemond is vocal. He growls and moans a lot. And he actually feels really comfortable doing so.
And he notices how your cunt clenches around him when he does so.
He likes to fuck you on all fours. He can easily slap your ass and pull your hair at the same time.
He's obsessed with pulling your hair.
He kisses your arched back, using his hand to play with your clit, watching you turn into a whining mess.
"Can I cum?" You'd ask, having your face smashed against the mattress while your husband is pounding deep into you.
He loves to control your orgasms. And also, to gaslight you.
"I don't know, princess. Can you?" Aemond teased, smacking your ass hard.
And if you cummed without his permission, he'd punish you.
Aemond was trying really hard to get you pregnant.
In the first week as a married couple, none of you left your shared chambers.
He discovered a breeding kink just to the thought of your cunt leaking his cum.
And even when you eventually got pregnant, we couldn't stop fucking you.
Your swollen breasts full of milk, your swollen belly carring his children... everything about it made him hard.
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(Note before I start this one - while most of the everything is the same, this ficlet contains an AU backstory for Missa in which he wasn't always half-skeleton [whatever that means] and the act of becoming one causes both body horror symptoms of rotting and decaying and disintegrating flesh, which in turn causes fluctuating chronic pain. He understands the cause of this to be a curse laid upon his hometown for the accidental desecration of an old temple. The truth... If I play more in this au, maybe someday I'll reveal it.
(Mostly this is just I've been in horrific pain recently thanks to my own disabilities and the weather, so I wrote Missa being a very brave wet cat about it and getting a cuddle and some forehead kisses from Philza. Enjoy?)
Morning comes in a familiar shade of agony. Last time the rot had been this bad, Missa had been living with Roier. Now, however, he is married - governmentally enforced, platonically, for the sake of Chayanne - and he likes to think he and Philza are close. But... They are perhaps not as close as Missa would like them to be, and Philza - brave, strong Philza - seeing Missa destroyed by pain would surely lead to... Missa is not quite sure, but is sure it would be bad.
Certainly, if he had known it was going to be this bad, he would never have stayed the night.
But... If he can just get up, then he can make an excuse, and if he can make an excuse he can hobble back to Roier's house, and if he can get there he can collapse on the kitchen floor in a sobbing heap as his flesh disintegrates at a faster than usual rate and the pain consumes his consciousness.
Unfortunately, any form of getting up is proving impossible. Breakfast must be nearly ready, for there is a knock at their shared bedroom door, and Philza sticks his head around the door.
"Missa? You up yet?"
Missa tries to answer, he really does, but all that he can force from his lips is a desperate, quiet whimper.
Philza, beloved Philza, must hear it regardless; Missa's husband is quickly there, eyes searching as he stands at the foot of the bed.
"Missa?" He asks, more gently this time. "Is everything okay?"
Before Missa can even attempt formulating an answer, little Chayanne pokes his head around the side of the door. He waves a little sign of "good morning papa Missa!" over his head, and a plate of scrambled eggs in the other.
It is just morbid enough that Missa gives a small laugh, quickly turning into pained chokes as the movement shunts his chest.
Philza's face falls, and Chayanne begins to move in a panicked motion.
"Chayanne?" Philza says. "Can you get Tallulah and go see your tio Bad? Don't worry about your papa; I'll take care of him."
Even through the pained haze, Missa can see his little warrior's hesitance. Still, with a little encouragement - and Philza letting him help type the message to Bad that the children would be coming over - sweet little Chayanne settles enough to leave.
Once he does, Philza scoots onto the bed, sitting at Missa's side.
"I'm sorry," he says. "Can I get you anything?"
"I, ah," Missa takes a shape breath, pain rippling with speech and English even harder than usual. "Water?"
"Painkillers?" He asks.
Missa shakes his head; nothing will take the edge from this sort of pain, and he does not want to risk throwing up alongside the rest.
"Alright," Philza looks worried, but scoots back again. "Speak Spanish if its easier; I'll work it out."
Missa is not sure he can speak at all, but has no way to express that as his husband slips out again.
It is too hot and too cold and his very bones are on fire; in a slight haze of forgetfulness, he unties his mask, setting it aside in favour of the illusion of breath.
The motion exausts him; he falls back onto the pillows, landing hard.
The position is hurting his neck; Missa cannot quite find the energy to move.
Philza comes back a minute or two later, bucket of water and a drinking glass both in hand. At the door, however, he freezes a moment, before sprinting over to Missa's side.
"Missa?" He calls. "Missa? Fuck, that's - fuck you need milk and potions Missa, not just water. When did you get hit? We need - here I should have some in my backpack. Why didn't you say? We could have-"
Missa does not quite understand the panicked rambling, especially not in English, but he does comprehend the outstretched hand. It hovers as though afraid to touch him - afraid to hurt him - right beside his cheek.
He knows the touch will destroy him; break his heart, increase the pain, speed up the dissolving of his soft tissues. In the moment, however, he does not care - how long has it been since Missa knew such a gentle touch on his skin, let someone touch him without layers upon layers of enchanted protection between himself and them? His soul craves the contact, and Philza is there, panicked but offering, and Missa-
Missa is very, very weak.
In more ways than one.
With another whine he leans over, pressing his cheek to the outstretched hand. Almost immediately the thumb rubs gentle circles across his cheek bone, Philza taking a breath as he shifts from the panicked rambling to gentle cooing sounds.
Missa knows the second that Philza notices the dust shedding under the contact, that Missa's skin crumbles under even that gentle contact.
He tries to pull away, face horrified, but Missa chases the hand.
Catches it with one of his own, skeletal as they are.
Philza looks at the hand as though seeing it for the first time. Something must click, because he stops trying to pull away.
They stay like that for a few moments, Missa stealing what strength he can as he pants and whimpers from the pain.
It is only then that Missa remembers he took off his mask, and realises just what he looks like. There are patches of exposed muscle, some of visible bone, and some where skin mottled in grey and black whereever it has been exposed to the air. Last time he looked there had still been some healthy skin on his face, but it has been a long time since then.
"Your hands," Philza finally asks. "What did they- but they've been like this since we met?"
"/Curse/," Missa manages to stutter out. "/Not… Not from a wither, just withering. Rotting. Today is… bad./"
Philza takes a moment to translate, frowning at this information he didn't know. Still he swings himself to sit closer, reaching and taking Missa's other hand too.
It's a shame, Missa thinks, that his hands feel nothing any more.
"And there's no way to break it?"
Even the gods have failed to do that - Missa knows that Death has tried.
He shakes his head and watches as Philza hesitates, ready for a broken heart. It is not what he recieves, however; instead Philza drops one hand, only to cup his cheek once again.
Despite the curse, despite the dust, despite the crumbling, Philza keeps his hand there. It is so gentle, so kind, nothing at all what Missa deserves. He the action and the tenderness both… what can Missa do but sob?
"Am I hurting you?" Philza asks, as gentle as he can be even as he pulls the hand away.
Missa nods, then realises and shakes his head - yes, yes it hurts, but next to the agony of the day? He would take the comfort for a little more pain. Take what he never has to soothe what is always there.
The other hand slips of Missa's grasp, and he spends a moment terrified - until he sees Philza's now free hand reaching for the asked for water.
"Sit up or a straw?" He asks.
Missa wants to sit up, to drink under his own power, but he knows well how this goes. On days as bad as these, where the curse and his body fight so hard… he gives in, as he always does, and shakily raises two fingers.
"Alright king," Philza pulls his other hand away for a moment, grabbing a straw from a pocket, popping it in the glass, and positioning both that Missa can drink without moving. "I've got you."
The very idea of that brings tears to Missa's eyes again, the streaking trails taking a think layer of flesh with them as they go.
One of Philza's hands moves from the glass to Missa's hair, gently running over it.
"Shhh," he whispers. "We've got this. You're good, you're so good, just a little more then back to sleep?"
A little more? He hasn't had any of the water at all. Missa sobs a little at Philza's touch, before turning his head to drink. Swallowing sends spasms down his throat and tears into his eyes, but still he somehow finishes the glass.
When he finally finds the strength to open his eyes again, he finds Philza close. Holding tight to his hands. A panicked look in his eyes.
Ah. Never good.
Missa attempts to ask him what is wrong, to get up and help; all he manages is a whine and his husband gently pressing on his shoulder, nudging him back to the bed.
Oh, good, his shoulder is not yet dissolving too.
"Missa," Philza's voice is serious, stern almost. "Do you swear to me that you know what this is? And that you don't need a doctor?"
The question would be exhausting in Spanish; in English it takes Missa a long enough to work out that Philza is reaching for his communicator.
Somehow, Missa manages to slap his hand, drawing back attention, and nod.
Philza does not reply, but he pauses. After a moment he gives a huff through his nose - weirdly like a pig for a man made of a crow - before erasing whatever he had been typing, and putting the communicator away.
"Do you need anything else?" he asks instead.
Missa does not care; he shuts his eyes and turns his face back into the pillow, hoping for oblivion.
It earns him a small laugh. He does not expect any more but, after a moment, he feels the bed shift. An arm snakes under him, another over, and he is gently pulled into a warm chest.
And, as he slips into sleep, he feels the press of lips to the top of his head.
Wakefulness comes again blurry, tucked protectively under giant wings and held in a warm embrace. Fingers are gently pressed into his neck, and that is his first reminder of what is wrong.
"Philza?" he asks, sleep peeling off him.
"You feeling any better?" Philza sounds tired, but still fond; a hand runs over Missa's hair.
Missa hums agreement, begrudgingly pushing himself up, "time?"
"A bit before dawn," Philza answers. "You can go back to sleep."
His stomach makes its objection to that known; Philza laughs, even as he passes him some avacado toast and his mask.
Missa runs a hand over his face in an attempt to wake up, before taking the mask first. Only once it is securely on his face and he is certain the enchantments are soaking back into his flesh does he risk the food.
Philza, to his credit, manages to stay sitting on the bed. "Bad got Chayanne's tasks done, and Tallulah finished a few days ago. We can take it easy today, if you need it?"
"I'm okay," Missa promises. "It's, ah, calmed down now. I will do whatever you want."
Two of Philza's fingers tuck Missa's hair behind his ear, "I want to make sure you are okay."
The sincerity is a little much - faced with the choice between blushing or blushing and squealing, Missa settles on faceplanting into Philza's chest; objectively more embarassing, but nobody can see him there. It only helps so much when Philza gives a confused chuckle, but gently holds him anyway.
"… Can I ask what the fuck that was… Is? Or is that rude?"
"It's rude," Missa just about manages to mumble. "But, you can ask."
Philza still takes another moment to do it - just as Missa is beginning to wonder if he was supposed to answer, he speaks again. "What is that?"
"I'm not sure," Missa replies, trying to sound a little brighter. "My uncle broke into a ruined temple by mistake, and the curse was developing on him by nightfall. By the weekend everyone else was dead."
"Shit," Philza hugs him a little tighter, as though that would keep him together not make it progress faster. "How long-?"
"Err," Missa really isn't sure. "Ten or fifteen years ago?"
Another kiss is placed atop Missa's head. If it were not for the subject matter, Missa might be delighted by it. "Do you… know how you're alive? Not that I want you dead! Just… God-curses don't usually leave survivors…?"
Missa does, sort of, but he isn't quite sure how to phrase it. Rather than reply directly he wriggles one skeletal hand at his husband.
"Spanish?" Philza offers, one hand leaving Missa to grab the translator off the desk.
Missa nods, but gives him a moment to get it set up. He is not inclined to move, but it should be fine enough. "/Life laid the curse, but Death still had use for me./"
It takes Philza a bit of squinting, and grabbing an actual dictionary, to parse, but he gets there much faster than he did when they first met.
"Lady Death is looking out for you?" he asks
Missa unclenches one hand from Philza's shirt, wriggling the bones of his hand at him, "/how else would these work/?"
"Alright," contrary to most people, Philza relaxes at that confirmation. "Still fucking sucks. How about just a chill day about the wall, then? Chayanne's a bit worried after yesterday, so maybe he'll want to cook. We could walk down to the end of the wall and have a picnic?"
"/I'm fine,/" Missa says, even as he adjusts to press his face into Philza's shoulder. "/But, a picnic sounds good./"
"Alright. A picnic it is. If I turn off my tracker, maybe we'll even get to finish it in peace."
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hello-eeveev · 2 months
How to Rest Director's Commentary—Chapter 5
| Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 |
Chapter 5 is all about the vibes and the warmth and little moments that are full of feeling. It’s a short chapter, but it’s a major turning point for Essek and Caleb, even though nothing happens that is terribly surprising or even out of the ordinary. For Caleb, he is integrating his past with his present and trying to reconcile the pride and grief that comes with doing that. He is ready to really settle into his new life, and he wants to make it clear to Essek that he is included in it. And Essek, well… he has some feelings about that :)
Let’s discuss!
(spoiler warning for the entirely of How to Rest)
Going into this chapter, I knew that it was going to be where Essek realizes that he is in love with Caleb. The reason I use ‘in love’ specifically—and frequently with italics—is that I need there to be a distinction between that and “they love each other,” because of course they love each other. This fic is about the development of Essek and Caleb’s relationship, but I feel it would be ridiculous for me to say that they don’t love each other at the start but by the end they do. Love is such a vast word that can encompass so many feelings and versions of feelings, and I think they have felt many things for each other that could be classified as love. But I feel confident in saying that they weren’t in love at the start of this fic. On their way there perhaps, but it’s in this chapter that things start falling into place so that by the end of it, the wizards can land softly and happily in love. 
It was all still quite new to him. His towers in Rosohna had been impressive, but for all their spaciousness, they had never held so much warmth and welcome. He had never had someone he was eager to return to, nor anyone who was excited to see him return, and he had never anticipated how much good it would do his heart.
For all the ways his life is more difficult now, Essek is happier than he has ever been. He has friends who care for him and who he cares for. He may not have a home, but Caleb’s house is as good as, and whenever/wherever he is with Caleb, he feels at home. 
Currently, he sat on a couch in Caleb’s study, eyes half-lidded as he basked in late afternoon sunlight filtering through gauzy curtains—another new warmth Caleb offered him.
Essek has always been extremely cat-coded, and it showed up here. mostly by accident lol 
My mental image of Essek relaxing while Caleb worked plus atmospheric descriptions equaled Essek basking in the sun doing squinty, slow blinks at Caleb. Yes, he’s got sensitive eyes that he must protect from the sun, but he’s also doing the cat “I love you” because parallel play is a love language and Essek loves Caleb very much. 
And with Private Sanctum making it so that no one can see inside their windows, Essek can enjoy the sunlight without fear. And the sunlight is “another new warmth” because Essek’s feelings for Caleb are warm, Caleb’s actions are warm, the space and time they share together are warm. The warmth is essential. 
Caleb stoppered the vial in his hand and set it on the shelf above his desk. He stilled for a fraction of a second, then he reached for one of the gemstones laid out before him and began the process of transmuting it into dust. “I know this cannot be home for you just yet—maybe ever—but I thought that perhaps it could be something close to that. A home base, of sorts. A place you can rest.”
Last chapter, Caleb told Essek that there was a place for him here with Caleb, but Essek’s response of “someday, maybe” seemed to indicate some doubt in that statement. It’s not that Essek doesn’t want that and it’s not that he doubts Caleb, but Essek was in the thick of it, and couldn’t really see Caleb saying that as anything other than a naive hope. 
And Caleb realized that it kind of was, at least with things as they were. So he’s making good on that promise by securing his house even more, so that even if Essek can’t stay forever, maybe he will be able to see this house as somewhere he can always return to. 
Caleb realizes that what he is doing is not a small or casual gesture, which is why he hesitates for a moment and why he is turned away and doing something to occupy his hands while telling Essek. He’s nervous. What if it’s too much? What if it’s not wanted?
Essek stood silently from the couch and drifted to the other side of the room, the sunlight less compelling than the growing warmth in his chest. 
We open with Essek appreciating the sun and its warmth, but ultimately, it is Caleb and the things he does for Essek and the things that he makes Essek feel that draw Essek in.
Were it not for his respect for Caleb’s sorting, knowing it was his own kind of meditation, Essek would have turned Caleb around and kissed him. 
This is another instance of it being pretty obvious when a part of this fic was drafted. Shoutout to that one 4 Sided Dive where Matt said that Essek would generally be an annoying roommate, but that he and Caleb would room well together because they are both very organized. The sorting and preparation of components is a sacred time in the shadowgast household, not to be interrupted by such base things as kissing. 
But seriously, there is a time and place for dramatic kisses, and this is just not the chapter for them. 
But as it was, he merely stepped up beside him, grabbed a knife and licorice root, and began cutting it into long, thin strips for Caleb to use later.  In his periphery, he saw Caleb pause and take a breath. Then there was the increasingly familiar pressure of Caleb’s lips against his shoulder for a second. Two. Then back to work.
This is Essek saying yes. Yes, his home can be here, with Caleb. He’s ready to be more than just a visitor. Caleb recognizes this and has to take a moment to breathe. In another world (another chapter? the next one perhaps 👀?), this would be a time for something big and romantic, but they are talking with too much subtext, even though their understanding of each other is clear. It’s just… not time for that yet. And with the way that they are, a quiet moment like this is big and it is romantic. 
In time, the golden glow of late afternoon shifted to a blazing orange, then again to a soft pink heralding the swift approach of night. Caleb stilled Essek’s hand as he reached for a label to affix to a jar and tangled their fingers together.  “I want to show you something,” he said, eyes bright, his smile gentle.
Caleb waited specifically for dusk so that Essek wouldn’t have to deal with the bright sun in his eyes while he showed him his apple trees. 
Caleb scratched at his chin with his free hand. “I have been thinking again. About time and the past and the future,” he said. “My parents were farmers, you know. Every Harvest’s Rise, they would tear me away from my books and make me help with planting that year’s crop.” He chuckled. “I hated it, but there was something special about harvesting them in the fall and knowing all the work and the waiting that went into a meal. And now that I am making a home for myself here, I find that I have missed it. So…” He gestured to his saplings. “Apple trees.” 
I picked apple trees as the meaningful plant for a couple reasons. First, there is the obvious: Caleb loves apple tarts, and the memory of his mother’s is a fond one. Second, apple trees don’t produce fruit for a few years after planting, so he is committing himself to this place and making plans that won’t see results for some time. Time and the past and the future. 
Apple blossoms also apparently symbolize ‘preference’, so there’s that too. (But I didn’t know that while writing this chapter, and I don’t think it adds any significant additional meaning, buuuut it’s kinda cute kinda sweet.)
“I have submitted my application for Soltryce.” “Oh,” Essek said. He hadn’t realized it was time for that already. Still— “That is good.” “If all goes well, ja.” “You think it won’t?” Caleb pursed his lips. “No. But it is good to consider the possibility.” “True enough.”
Another plan for the future, though this one is a little more immediate. It will be a big change though, so it’s nerve-wracking, which is why he’s steeling himself for the possibility of it not working out. 
Figuring out the placement of this section was difficult. I didn’t have a discussion of Soltryce in my plans for this chapter, but I needed to establish that it was happening for the next chapter. I was worried that its inclusion was clunky, but I think applying to Soltryce and having to tell Essek works as a catalyst for why Caleb is having so many thoughts about what brought him to this point and what his life will look like years from now. 
“I have not regretted my decision to destroy the T-Dock, but… I like the life I am building here, and I—” His voice caught. “I wish that my parents could be part of it.”
Caleb realizes that him bringing up the past and his parents could potentially read as regret, so he’s getting ahead of that, but it’s important for him to be able to express grief that he does feel proud of where he is and what he is doing but that his parents won’t be able to see it or celebrate it with him. 
“I know I cannot go back,” Caleb said. “I don’t feel that pull anymore. But I do miss them.” He sniffed. “But this way—using what they taught me—it is like they are here with me. Not just in the Tower in a room frozen in time. A piece of them is moving forward with me, growing as I do. I am not just leaving them behind.”
For so long, Caleb kept his parents alive in his mind through his plan to go back in time and save them, but now that he has let that dream go and destroyed the very possibility of it, he has had to come up with a new way to keep them with him. Yes, there is the Tower, but it is ephemeral and if that’s his only “physical” connection to his family, he’s still living in the past. And again, he likes his life now; he wants to live it. 
So he puts his memory of them into trees that remind him of them, but that will grow and change. 
“Someday, I will be gone. A long while from now, if I am lucky. […] But these trees will remain. And because I helped them to grow, so will I.”
Caleb doesn’t have ambitions of living forever or extending his natural lifespan, but I don’t think it’s out of the question for him to want to feel like a part of him will live on after he dies. And I don’t think it’s unreasonable to assume that Caduceus had a chat with Caleb similar to the one he had with Essek back in Chapter 3, with the
“Missing people is a consequence of loving them; it doesn’t just go away,” Caduceus said. “But a part of them stays here in the flowers they planted, and every day I can go into the garden and see the evidence of them and feel their love—for me, for each other—even if they aren’t here physically.” “It is not the same, though.” “No,” Caduceus said. “But it helps, on the bad days.”
How these apple trees grow will be a direct result of the work Caleb puts into cultivating them, so they will, in a sense, be keepers of his memory. And because Caleb has already designated them as keepers of his parents’ memory, he will live on with them in these trees. 
And I think there is a part of Caleb that hopes that by sharing this thought process, the trees can be a gift for Essek after Caleb is gone. The same way Caleb keeps his parents with him through them, Essek can perhaps feel like Caleb is with him. And even though it won’t be the same, Caleb knows that this thinking helps him and hopes that it may prove true for Essek as well. 
A nascent, premature grief seized Essek’s throat at the thought, forcing itself to be known before he was able to set it aside. He knew this. Had acknowledged it, considered it, and accepted it. It was as Caleb said: there was a long road between then and now, and whatever sadness lay at the end of it was inconsequential to the happiness Essek knew because of Caleb Widogast.
At this point in time, I don’t have much interest in delving into the details of the shadowgast lifespan angst in my own fics, but it’s not something I can just ignore. So this is kind of where I sit with it. I don’t want either of them to be in denial about how this will end, but I also don’t want it to be a constant source of anxiety or fear (kinda goes against the vibes of this fic). One day, Caleb will be gone and Essek will miss him terribly, but Essek’s life is better with Caleb in it now, and will continue to be better as Caleb stays in it. It doesn’t do either of them any good to temper happiness now with grief from the future. It will inevitably show up from time to time, but it does not have to be a constant companion. 
“It will be a good life, I think.” He turned to Essek. “I am glad you are a part of it.”
These lines make me feel insane (tone indicator positive so positive). Like, here’s Caleb, who for so many years had very little regard for himself, imagining the whole of his life and saying “yeah, this is a good thing.” And THEN telling Essek that he wants to include Essek in it??? that he is part of what makes it good??? help me???? 
Essek smiled, not caring to hide it. He brought their intertwined hands up to his chest, hoping Caleb could feel how his heart leapt. “I am glad to be part of it.”
Like shut up he loves Caleb so much and Caleb loves him. The showing and the telling and they’re just HAPPY to have each other it’s cool I’m FINE
Caleb’s eyes crinkled at the corners, the sunset colors bringing out the pink in his cheeks, and Essek had a realization. It hit him with a longing ache that buried itself deep in his bones. He had caught glimpses of it before—during evenings spent reading on the couch, days spent creating spells together—but it had never been so clear as it was in this moment. He wanted more of this. He could have more of this. 
It was important to me that Essek was not blindsided by this realization. This is where they were heading this whole time. He had pieces of the puzzle before, but now he’s seeing the whole image and it makes perfect sense that this is how it all fits together. 
But what does surprise him is how deeply being in love affects him. Before the Mighty Nein and before Caleb, I highly doubt Essek Thelyss imagined himself sharing his life with another person, let alone wanting to. And to have that be a feeling that excites him, that doesn’t scare him anymore, is an incredible thing. 
Caleb was offering this life—his life—to Essek. 
Back on my Ed/Winry FMA:B bs. I mean, how could I not be when “something something hands used to killing becoming hands that care and tend to life something something fullmetal alchemist knew what was upppp” is like, the third sentence in my planning doc for this chapter.
Listen, there’s just something about transmutation specialists offering their lives to someone else that really gets me. I’m not drawing a parallel between Ed/Winry and Essek/Caleb—I don’t think there’s enough there to make a good one—but I won’t deny that the FMA:B train station scene had some influence in phrasing when I realized what was happening here (and some influence on my life in general tbh).
They could tend to these trees and watch them flourish under their care. Caleb would grow old beneath them, and Essek could be by his side, and they could have months and hours and years of being together, utterly and completely in love.
There it is! He’s put a name to it!!! He is in love with Caleb and wants to spend every part of Caleb’s life with him! The thought of Caleb growing old beside him is a good one!
“In a couple years,” Caleb said, unaware that Essek was in love with him, “these trees will produce fruit. And one day when that happens, I will come home from work, and you will come to visit, and we will bake apple tarts.”
This is another way Caleb tells Essek that he expects him to be part of his life for years. And it also shows an acceptance of the fact that Essek perhaps cannot stay with him long-term and that he has found a way to incorporate Essek’s transience into his plans. 
And I love the line “…Caleb said, unaware that Essek was in love with him,” because Essek has just had this huge moment of clarity and Caleb is thinking about them baking together. Nothing has changed except that now Essek Knows. He is having these big feelings, but Caleb reminds us that this is just a small moment, and I love the juxtaposition of these things. 
I adore this chapter. It was a unique challenge to figure out how to write Caleb just talking and Essek just listening while they stand in the backyard, and to make that interesting and engaging and making sure it conveys how important this moment is to both of them despite the lack of action and two-way dialogue.
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ghostcat3000 · 2 years
SKAM Fic Masterpost - Ghostcat
It took me a few years, but I finally have enough stories to put together a SKAM fics master post for myself. Here they are:
Burn Bright
Rated T, 10/10 chapters, 92K, Red Curtains AU written for SKAM Big Bang 2020 featuring art by vanderheijen
Isak Valtersen thinks nothing could be worse than getting accidentally cast in Nissen's production of Romeo and Juliet. Until he gets to know the play's student director, Even Bech Næsheim, who smiles way too much and is a constant, unnerving reminder of everything Isak wishes he could have.
The Boyfriend Experience - co-written with MinilocIsland
Rated E, 21/21 chapters, 177K
Even doesn’t really need a bot.
What he needs is an actor. One who won’t bitch about the concept or the lighting or quit suddenly to follow a hook-up to Barcelona.
He won’t be cruel or irresponsible. Even just has to make some films again soon before he forgets how or gets too scared to.
Later on, when the Bot is sitting on the living room couch, one hand, soft and unexpectedly gentle, at his thigh, Even will think, shit.
It’s more than that.
He’d been lonely.
(An Evak Botfic AU A love story)
The Dull Flame of Desire - co-written with MinilocIsland
Rated E, one-shot, 11K
In general, Even wouldn't consider himself a lucky guy. But, having landed a cat-sitting job in an Alsatian country house for the summer, having to do nothing but lounging in the garden and editing his script, he really feels like one.
If only it wasn't for this tanned, underdressed, hot mess of a problem that is the gardener.
Rest Easy
Rated E, 18/18 chapters, 167K, Nordic Noir AU written for SKAM Big Bang 2021 featuring art by sergiospastries
The body of a teenage girl is found in a Tromsø garbage dump, and it’s up to Kripos police detective Isak Valtersen to solve her murder. He’s tested―by the midsummer sun which never dips below the horizon, the suspect he can’t get out of his head, and the sleep that’s always just out of reach.
A Lord's Sauce
Rated T, 6/6 chapters, 19K
“Hi,” his nemesis says with a twitching sort of wink. “I was hoping we’d meet someday, Isak. But I’d never thought it would be on the job.”
[A rival food critics AU. Told in six courses.]
Adult Film
Rated E, one-shot, 281 words*
Even’s always found porn slightly disappointing. The angles are boring, the lighting is terrible, there is no mise-en-scène and he finds himself zoning out on some unseemly aspect―an ugly bedspread, bad music, or an insistent cell phone going off―mid-jerk. Someone overdoes the moaning or says something ridiculous, and it’s just not believable enough. It's not Isak.
1 Thing
Rated M, 6/6 Chapters, 30K, Friends with Benefits AU
Isak's not uptight. He's…chill. He could totally have a friends-with-benefits thing if he wanted to.
His friend Even agrees.
the red squirrel
Rated E, 6/12 chapters (work-in-progress), 47K and counting
A troubled musician hiding out from his label meets a beautiful amnesiac in San Sebastián. Bad decisions, suspiciously kind campground managers, some sneaky squirrels, and a 21-song playlist about a boy.
*on hiatus until September*
Rated E, 14/14 chapters, 11.7K
Los Losers Even and the very beardy bachelorette party entertainment.
in addition to the currently posting stories above. I've got ten other works-in-progress in various states of construction. I'm a slow writer, but I hope to complete at least half of these. 🤞
*Yes, 200 words. So if you're freaked out about the word count of my stories, that one is doable at least.
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For short fic prompts, maybe Vio and Shadow at a fancy event and they are hiding away somewhere because Vio is being antisocial. Mayhaps it leads to...... kisses 😳
If you wanted to do a modern AU you could have the classic hiding in the bathroom during a house party
i like how i said "short fic," and by no fault of anon, proceeded to crank out 1926 words. my first vidow fic! also on ao3. gotta say, i'd recommend ao3 because they have functional line breaks.
It does strike Vio how bizarre this situation truly is: the same maniac who once personally ordered his execution and nearly destroyed the land of Hyrule, is now sleeping peacefully in his lap. Snoring softly. Contentedly. The guy who once told Vio that he was his first and only friend, the only person he ever trusted, only for Vio to betray him stone-cold and watch him die. That person is currently laying in his lap, defenseless, trusting him to stay.
Read it under the cut:
Shadow feels like an idiot standing around with two glasses. It’s been almost twenty minutes since Vio asked him to get the drinks, and he’s been posted up in the corner of this ridiculously ornate ballroom ever since. 
The ball was Zelda’s idea, an annual event to memorialize the Hero Hyrule lost and celebrate the four (five?) it gained. So naturally, both Vio and Shadow were named guests of honor, and therefore obligated to attend. 
Shadow likes parties enough, despite the awkwardness of it all. It’s only been a few months since everything happened—the four’s decision to stay divided in the sanctuary, Vio’s restoration of the mirror, and Shadow’s resurrection—and for the most part, things are weirdly okay. Most people seem to believe that it was only Vaati and Ganon causing the mass destruction Shadow totally did for them, thank you very much, but he can’t complain when the others cared enough to protect his identity. The only people who know first-hand what Shadow did are Zelda, the four, and the castle knights… but of course rumors spread. Random Hylians must have gotten glances of Shadow atop his dragon, raining fire on the countryside. Shadow wonders if they noticed Vio there, too. 
Anyway, the party isn’t that awkward. All things considered, Shadow’s getting off way too easy for all of the, you know, atrocities. He can handle a few weird looks and rude comments, although resisting the urge to be antagonistic right back is a challenge. Not because the criticism is undeserved, but because Shadow thinks it’s fun to be antagonistic. 
It also doesn’t hurt that Vio is almost always by his side. Despite everything that happened between them, quiet coexistence is surprisingly easy. The living arrangements weren’t even a question when Vio brought Shadow back from the void—it was pretty much a ‘stray cat being brought in from the cold’ kind of deal. Which by the way do not exist in the dark world, and now that he knows cats are a thing, Shadow makes sure to say hello to every single feline he meets. If there was a contest of who could greet, say, twenty cats at the quickest pace, Shadow would easily win that heart piece.
It’s not perfect, though, between him and Vio—they’ve barely discussed the betrayal and fallout, or really anything that happened between them at all prior to Shadow’s death. The first thing Vio said to Shadow after the resurrection was “I’m sorry,” but he has yet to elaborate even months later. 
Shadow channels his apologies into nearly everything he does these days, both around Vio and the rest of Hyrule. The words themselves just haven’t found their moment. Surely someday they will. 
For now, Shadow is perfectly content sharing their tiny cottage at the edge of town, fulfilling their respective duties in the restoration of greater Hyrule. And whether they like it or not, showing up to this ball is one of those duties. And Vio appears to have, for lack of gentler words, totally fucking bailed. 
Beverages still in hand, Shadow straightens from his leaning position against the wall and scans the ballroom for an exit. He recalls which particular doorway leads deeper into the castle from a, uh, very different visit to this location, and makes a beeline through the crowd. 
It shouldn’t be too hard to track Vio down. After all, Shadow’s had plenty of practice. 
Vio found the castle library about twenty minutes ago, but you could have fooled him. 
Usually, lacking the Hero’s memories is a burden in Vio’s practical life—but in instances like this, it’s magical. Surely the Hero stepped foot inside this library before his dissolution, but Vio is seeing it for the very first time. The world could be on fire right now and he wouldn’t notice. In fact, a little warmth would be rather cozy as he sinks his teeth into these heavy historical volumes.  
“I should have guessed,” a voice says from the doorframe. Vio glances up from the first book he grabbed—The Legend of Groose, whoever that is—and grimaces at the person he sees. 
“Shit,” Vio says, shutting the book in his lap. “I found the bathroom, I swear, but then on the way back I just… got a little distracted.” 
Vio still isn’t quite sure what to expect from Shadow in terms of emotional response. It’s clear that Shadow has been putting a lot of work into his own stability, but still… Vio tries to be careful. He would try to elaborate on this cautionary urge, but something always holds him back—the same thing that holds him back from discussing most urges related to Shadow. 
Luckily, in this instance at least, Shadow doesn’t appear to be upset. He places one glass on the table beside the couch and clutches the other as he plops down beside Vio. 
“Careful around the books,” Vio lectures, taking a sip from his glass. “Is this… not root beer?” 
“Apparently they’re out since we, y’know, pillaged the place, so I had to settle for wine instead.” 
Vio gives Shadow a small smile and drinks again. “Probably not the most morally upright thing to hoard our supply, given how it was acquired, but I just can’t bring myself to return it.”
“Cheers to that,” Shadow says, raising his glass. “We almost successfully took over the world, and all we got was a dumb cellar full of evil root beer.” 
They say cheers and it’s not the first time. Vio wonders if Shadow’s experiencing the same deja vu. If he is, he doesn’t show it. 
“You’re in a good mood,” Vio observes, shifting towards the end of the couch to give Shadow more space to spread out. If there’s one thing about Shadow, it’s that he will drape himself onto any surface in the most dramatic, ridiculous way possible. 
“What can I say?” Shadow shrugs, contorting his body in a way that cannot possibly be comfortable. “Parties are fun. Although I’m gathering, not your thing.” 
“I’m still figuring out what my ‘things’ are, honestly. I’ve only really existed as me for half a year.”
“So does that make you a baby?” Shadow teases, flicking Vio’s hat. From the start, Shadow has always seemed perfectly comfortable invading Vio’s personal space. What once felt startling (but not unwelcome) is now just the norm. “Probably should be taking that wine from you, then, junior.” 
Vio holds his glass out of Shadow’s reach. “No take. My wine.”
“Wow, now you’re even talking like a baby. How the mightily pretentious have fallen.”
“Seems like you’ve taken my place, with a phrase like “how the mightily pretentious have fallen,’” Vio quips, opening his book up again. 
Shadow takes the cue, leaning back and elevating his legs on the coffee table. His boots make a loud thump against the wood.
Since the split, Vio has noticed that each iteration of the hero has developed their own personal style. For Shadow, that includes heavy lace-up boots that take him fifteen minutes to unequip every. single. time. For Blue, it was a buzz cut. Red and Green are using new pronouns. Vio is by far the least inspired, but he is growing out his hair. It’s finally long enough to put in a little ponytail when he reads… although his bangs still get in the way. 
It’s fine, though, right now. Vio’s mind refuses to stick to the page. Instead, he struggles to understand why in the world Shadow would abandon a fancy ball to lounge silently beside him as he fake-reads dusty old books. 
Time passes; maybe not for Vio, but he can tell it’s wearing on Shadow. His yawn is so indescribably pleasant, and yet again Vio wonders why the hell he would even think something like that. It’s a yawn. He didn’t even get to see Shadow’s crinkled nose and biiiig stretch and fascinatingly monstrous teeth as it happened— 
Vio puts down the wine. 
“You can go back, you know,” he tells Shadow gently, mustering a reassuring smile. 
“I don’t need to,” Shadow says, eyelids drooping almost cartoonishly. “We did the guest of honor stuff at the banquet already, and besides, wine apparently makes me sleepy.” 
“We could go home,” Vio begins, but then groans. “No, we can’t, because of the—” 
“Wine, yep, not very safe to travel without our wits about us. Who knows what kind of strange encounters we could have in the woods.” 
Vio chuckles and Shadow does a weak fist-pump in the air. 
“Uh, you good?” 
“I made you laugh. Scooore.” 
Vio cocks his head. “You make me laugh all the time.”
“I know, but you usually try to hide it.” 
He’s not wrong. 
“I’m sorry,” Vio says, and he isn’t sure why. 
“I know,” Shadow replies, his eyes drooping shut. “You told me that already, when you brought me back to life.” 
“Yeah, but I just… yeah.”
Shadow yawns again, and Vio’s brain struggles to find the words and wisdom he so desperately needs.
“Don’t stress yourself out,” Shadow says. He can’t even see Vio’s face, but he can just tell how he’s feeling. Hasn’t he always, though? “We have all the time in the world to figure this out.” 
Shadow’s serene expression makes something happen in Vio’s chest, because what he says is so simple yet so true. And Vio feels hopeful about this, whatever this is, in a way that’s terrified him since he first encountered Shadow in those woods. 
“Read your books, nerd,” Shadow murmurs. “I’mma just take a little nap.” 
“Don’t go anywhere, though.” 
“I won’t.” 
And Shadow dozes off, and Vio is finally able to read, and everything is calm and normal until gravity does its work and Shadow’s precarious juxtaposition fails to support his limp, sleeping body. 
In other words, his head falls right into Vio’s lap. 
Gingerly, Vio lifts Shadow’s head and slides a pillow beneath it. He doesn’t, however, even attempt to change his position. Shadow’s unpredictable, Vio reminds himself; who knows how he’d react to a rude awakening? 
It does strike Vio how bizarre this situation truly is: the same maniac who once personally ordered his execution and nearly destroyed the land of Hyrule, is now sleeping peacefully in his lap. Snoring softly. Contentedly. The guy who once told Vio that he was his first and only friend, the only person he ever trusted, only for Vio to betray him stone-cold and watch him die. That person is currently laying in his lap, defenseless, trusting him to stay. 
He does his best to focus on the historical volume, but Vio finds himself absently running a hand through Shadow’s hair. He’s always meant to ask about the purple, actually—does he dye it? Probably not, given the lack of blonde roots. 
Vio is… oddly comforted by that. He likes that Shadow isn’t nearly identical to the Hero, like the others and Vio used to be. Really, the more time passes, the less they resemble each other, or him, at all. 
Should he be touching Shadow like this? How’d he even end up stroking his hair in the first place? Why didn’t he just move Shadow’s stupid head off of his stupid lap back when the stupid idiot fell into it?
Shadow sneezes in his sleep, an objectively scientifically adorable event, and Vio’s eyes go wide. Because of a sneeze.
For once, Vio doesn’t overthink it. He sets aside his book, pushes the hair out of Shadow’s face, and plants a kiss on his forehead.
He can’t know for certain, but he thinks he sees a smile. 
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cartchytuns · 1 year
ooooh i got tagged by @aposemetric lets do a tag game!
rules: if you get tagged in this, answer the questions that are written and make sure to swap out one (1) question at the end of it for the next person to answer. exciting!
#1 Are you named after anyone? yes, the maternal line in my family :) if i were a boy it would've been the paternal line, but instead of including my great grandfather's name, my dad would've used "atticus" because he just loved that lawyer so much
#2 When was the last time you cried? i prefer to keep my cry count private, lest i play into my star sign (extremely cringe sentence)
#3 Do you have kids? someday....... my cousins are having kids now though so i have plenty of nieces and nephews to dote on :)
#4 Do you use sarcasm? no, i am very bad at lying even when it's funny
#5 What’s the first thing you notice about people? maybe their hair?
#6 What’s your eye color? browne....
#7 Scary movies or happy endings? i like scary movies that have happy endings.... like popcorn
#8 Any special talents? its gross but i can blow spit bubbles that actually fly and land. like you know bubble guns? i can do that with my mouth. when i was in fifth grade i read about a character doing it in a book and got so jealous that i spent like five hours just figuring out how to do it
#9 "What trait in others draws you to them?" if we can have fun conversations
#10 What are your hobbies? playing really garbage pokemon fangames, taking care of my cat, watching drag shows, anything creative if i have the energy for it
#11 Do you have any pets? why yes my perfect cat guy stan :)
#12 What sports do you play/have played? i did basketball, tennis, martial arts, and kickboxing as a kid. i tried out yoga and fencing in college. im not really a sports person though so none of it stuck
#13 How tall are you? im like 5'3"-5'6" range
#14 Favorite subject in school? english in elementary and middle school, theatre in high school
#15 Dream job? building, executing, and performing in haunted houses. hell house is an aspirational tale to me
tagging @zoinkszim @snatchinsometeeth @alissocool @goth-dad-666 @slightlymoldybread @infini-tree @k1spiegel do it if u want :)
uhhh im gonna swap out #2 for "Do you ever go window shopping on sites like Etsy, and if so, what kinds of things do you look at?"
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laurasanchez36 · 7 months
MSA X Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island Chapter 20: The rest of the gang is discovered that police have not found the cases, Gardeners are Detectives and undercover investigating the island/They are leaving the island with their own luggages and packages, rest of the gang with their own pets are picked peppers to a basket of peppers and getting back to ferry/Dogs are noticed that Cats and Kitsunes in Dogs forms have their own owners have died and homeless and become loved adopted family
Daphne: I can't believe all this. And without our videotape no one else will, either. I've got nothing for my show.
Me (Laura): Yeah, and the police will never believe this story either
Beau: Don't be so sure. I'm Detective Beau Neville
Ralph: and I'm Detective Ralph, We been working undercover investigating the island disappearances
Velma: Jinkies! So that's why you were digging around
Starla: Beau, um, Detective Neville have you ever been on TV?
Beau picks up Simone's necklace. Daphne bends her knees down to offer Beau a resolution a full interview story for Daphne's season premiere episode. Ralph picks up Icy's necklace. Starla tells him that story.
After having a very long night being chased by zombies and only got their lifeforces drained by evil were-cats and were-kitsunes, they spent the night at the house until early morning. Vera has developed an idea of what to do about the house and the pepper fields--convincing Lewinn to open a business by making Moonscar Island Pepper hot sauce and selling to the New Orleans local.
Landon loves the business idea and decides to immediately start on the project, since he is an ultimate food-lover, especially if it's spicy food. But first, he's got a big performance at the Mardi Gras Parade, so he ask them to take him down there before the day's out.
Daphne: You know, Fred, with all the zombies and cat creatures gone, this is a pretty romantic spot
Fred: Yeah, The bayou casts a spell all its own, and no matter how hard you try to solve its mysteries it always keeps something hidden
Marco: Starla, will you be my wife?
Starla: My answer is "Yes" **kisses Marco**
Mystery Gangs will be driving the two ferries back to New Orleans and Vera awaits the others to get on aboard. While she's waiting, she sees Fred and Daphne standing side to side watching the sunrise. Beau was talking Velma into becoming a writer for detective stories and coincidence - Velma owns a mystery book store. Ralph talking to Marco becomes Mystery Bookstore.
Velma: Aw, that was beautiful, Detective Neville. There's a bit of a poet in you
Beau: **chuckles** I don't know about that, ma'am. But I would like to write detective stories someday
Velma: Jinkies! I've always been crazy about a good detective story, that is.
Beau: I even own my own mystery bookstore
Velma: No kidding
Trixie: Muffet, I made something for u
Muffet: Hm?
Trixie: I made this ragdoll and i call her "Mabel"
Muffet: **gasp, was happy and holds Mabel the Ragdoll** Thanks, Grandma
Claude: **cute bark**
Aaron drives the van aboard the ferry and the others are waiting for the Mystery Vans to pull up. While they were waiting, Vicki started the fun.
Everyone has a batch of beignets when they reach New Orleans.
Shaggy drives the Mystery Van into the ferry. Velma checks inside and didn't see Scooby.
Velma: Where’s Scooby?
Shaggy: He's picking a pack of peppers, for the road. Hurry up, Scoob! We're pulling out!
Scooby: Rokay!
Scooby shouted back as he picks out his last pepper. Bart goes back to the captain's deck and starts driving the ferry back to New Orleans. Scooby makes an attempts to jump to the ferry when his leg got caught. He struggles to pull it off and then he flies up in the air, causing Snakebite Scruggs to lose his chance of finally catching Big Mona.
Scooby safely lands on deck and Shaggy gives him a sandwich. Scooby gives a generous amount of peppers inside his sandwich. Before he got to enjoy it, he became surrounded by Simone's cats and Icy's kitsunes in dogs, who are now homeless and will later be adopted into loving families. This freaks Scooby out.
**they are going to the Ferries boat ship, with cats and kitsunes**
Scooby: Rhaggy! Rats and Kitsunes! Yikes!
After the credits, Scooby rips the black screen. He puts milk in the bowl of milk for the two cats are drink. Jaxson puts dog foods in bowls for the two kitsunes in dogs are eat. Scooby and Jaxson are happy.
**The End**
My MSA OCS and My New MSA OCS belongs to Me
Her MSA OCS and Her New MSA OCS belongs to @sfcabanasstarcgs and @mysteryideasgroup
Scooby Doo belongs to Cartoon Networks and Warner Bros
for @sfcabanasstarcgs and @mysteryideasgroup
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space-writes · 1 year
OC interview tag
ty @digitalsatyr23 for the tag!
since i've done this for Sorrow and Vren so far, I think it's about time the third boy of my main Trio of Boys gets to talk, so now it's Lucian's turn! I'm going to set this kinda pre-book, I think.
Are you named after anyone?
No, I don't think my parents chose a hereditary name for me. Everent is our House name, so I share that with them, and all the other relatives I've never met.
2. When was the last time you cried?
I…a few days ago, probably. But I'm not going to again, not about the same things! I'm not. I'm not.
3. Do you have kids?
Oh, no, I'm…young for that, and at any rate, I wouldn't be allowed to.
4. Do you use sarcasm?
Not really.
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
I don't really meet a lot of people, but I suppose…what horns they have? Or how they dress, maybe? Yes, I think how they look.
6. What's your eye color?
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
I like stories with happy endings, especially the Zashi ones, where everyone helps each other to succeed. It's nice to escape for a bit and read something where things turn out okay.
8. Any special talents?
I…I'm not…I'm not special. I'm good at reading! That's not a talent though, I suppose, is it? Well, then, there's nothing important about me. Just a normal infernii.
9. Where were you born?
In Naazgarash, in the Everent estate.
10. What are your hobbies?
I like to read, and I like…liked my swordplay lessons, when I had those. Now I mostly just read. Fiction is my favourite, though history and magic and geography and lots of other things I also enjoy. I've been allowed books from Valloroth too, so I've been teaching myself to speak Common. I expect I'm mispronouncing a lot of things though; it's hard to really know how things sound just from a book.
11. Do you have any pets?
No. It would have been nice to have something - a cat, maybe. I think I would have liked a cat.
12. What sports do you play/have played?
As I said, I did have swordplay lessons before, which is the nearest thing.
13. How tall are you?
I'm 5'6"
14. Favorite subject in school?
History! Or, no, literature; writing and such. No, wait! Planar studies, learning about Valloroth and the other planes; fey, and death, and chaos. Valloroth is the one I want to see someday, though. The sky is blue there, did you know that? And the stars aren't red, and they have Earthbound gods that still walk the land, instead of debateably dead Archdemons.
And there are unicorns there! I read that the other day, Invereid - that's one of the countries they have, they actually have multiple countries, with different cultures, not just one - breeds them, for different purposes. Special types of horn for some, others that are designed specifically for heavy-duty tasks like pulling wagons or barges or farming, some that are better for eating, and...
Sorry, that's not the question. Planar studies, is my answer.
15. Dream job?
I'd like to do something that helps people. I want to keep people safe, and I want to be outside, and I want to write about it too, maybe.
no-pressure tagging @revenancy @eccaiia @tyne-sharrow @memento-morri-writes and @cherrybombfangirlwrites
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so-so-oboro · 2 years
"Cuz when you're gone, everything goes on."~Oboro x GN! Reader
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Summary: Moving on from grief
A/N: Ok first off, this made me cry SO HARD!! I LOVE THIS MAN! Also, sorry it takes me a while to get these out! Also this is my first music fic I guess? And once again, spoilers for Vigilantes
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Don't try to make yourself remember, darling
Don't look for me, I'm just a story you've been told
You smile as you yell out Oboro's name, catching his attention. He turns, smiling as he sees you running up to him. You hug him tightly while the two of you laugh. "You trying to go to school without me?" You tease. "Of course not, Y/N!" He replies with his bright warm smile before the two of you continued to school.
So let's pretend a little longer
'Cause when we're gone, everything goes on
You two take your seats and chat away as class hasn't started yet. After a moment, Hizashi and Shota joined you two. You two talked about random stuff like homework, what to do after school, cats, etc. Shortly after, the bell rings and everyone takes their seat as class begins.
Well, you were staring at the window
And I said,
In the middle of class, a paper airplane lands onto your desk. You glance over at Oboro with a knowing smirk who was pretending he didn't do anything. You opened it up and it read, "I wanna take you to the sea." You silently giggle and then meet his gaze, giving him a small nod.
And when I'm better, we'll do everything"
I gotta stop makin' promises I can't keep
Homeroom finally rolls around and while some of the students stayed behind, others like you, Oboro, Shota, and Hizashi headed out to your internships. You happily chat away with Oboro and Shota as you three make your way to the agency you were interning with. Hizashi went his separate way because he was chosen by a different one.
But if I was gone tomorrow, won't the waves crash on?
Is it selfish that I'm happy as we pass the setting sun?
While you three were out on patrol, you run into a small class of preschool kids and their teacher out and about. The kids all cheered and got happy as they ran over to you three, shouting "Heroes!! Cool heroes!" Over and over, making you chuckle. They were so cute!
Someday I'll be overcast, but you won't have to cry
'Cause we'll do the grieving while I'm by your side, I said
As you said goodbye, a loud crash is heard and a gigantic villain had crashed through some houses and buildings. You three quickly go to help evacuate the kids and their teacher.
"Don't try to make yourself remember, darling
Don't look for me, I'm just a story you've been told"
So let's pretend a little longer
That's when the villain caused a giant nearby building to start crumbling down. Oboro acted quickly. "Cloud!" He shouted as he spawned a blue cloud over the kids and teacher to protect them from the falling debris, causing it to bounce off.
'Cause when we're gone, everything goes on
Before you knew it, you and Shota had looked over at the boy just to see a large piece of debris crash down and hit his head, causing him to fall down. Tears and horror filled your eyes as you and Shota watched your friend and boyfriend get buried underneath the debris. "SHIRAKUMO!!!!" You both scream, feeling a pain in your chest.
And I'm so scared of getting used to this
All the vines that keep you tethered in your room
Aizawa was fighting the villain, telling himself that he had to be rational, listening to the voice of his friend cheering him on. While you had ran over to the pile, crying and screaming his name as you try to unbury him but the debris was too heavy for you.
Well, someday both of us are leaving here
But for now, I'll just bring the sea to you, oh
A wave of rationality washes over you as you realize that the students and teacher were still here. So you glance at the pile before running over to them and continued to evacuate them. Oboro would get them to safety! So I will do that too! You thought, hearing your boyfriend's voice guiding you.
Will you meet me in the daylight like we did before?
Then I felt you on my shoulder and you weren't suffering anymore
After everything was taken care of and Shota took down the villain, the rain started to patter down, starting as a sprinkle. You see Hizashi and Nemuri had arrived. Her back was turned to you while Hizashi seemed to look down at Oboro's busted speaker. "What's the matter, Hizashi?" You ask as he doesn't respond. You look over to where your boyfriend laid, the heartbreak and sorrow returning as you saw a white sheet covering him. You could barely even register what Nemuri had been saying. "You three should come inside. You'll catch a cold."
"Thanks," Hizashi replies. "But the rain kinda fits our vibe right now.."
You said
it'd been a year since his passing. You stood in front of the gravestone where Oboro was laid to rest. You didn't get to go to the sea with him now. "I'm sorry that you worried," You mutter as tears started to fall down your face again. It was almost like you could feel your boyfriend hugging you from behind.
but don't apologize
I told you to forget me, but you stayed by my side when I said
"Don't try to make yourself remember, darling
Don't look for me, I'm just a story you've been told" It was almost like you could hear him say, causing you to try and wipe your tears away.
So let's pretend a little longer
And when we're gone, oh
"Everything goes on."
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isfjmel-phleg · 2 years
Random OC facts: Sir Jowan Mitchett-Scorbrook, Prime Minister of Corege
Born simply Jowan Mitchett, the sixth of nine children from a respectable but not wealthy land-owning family in northern Corege, in 1854.
His eldest brother stood to inherit the property and what little income their father had, but the other brothers had little, if any, expectations of inheritance, so from an early age Jowan understood he would have to make his own living.
Did not grow up close to any of his siblings, most of whom were divided among relatives after the death of his mother when he was five. His eldest brother and sister and youngest sister stayed with their father. An aunt took in his second and third sisters. An uncle took his youngest brother. Their maternal grandparents got his second and third brothers, and Jowan went to a cousin.
Was very much the poor relation to the cousin and his family but got the chance to attend a decent (but not expensive) school.
Worked extra hard academically and won a scholarship to Claverworth University, where he read Law.
Came down in 1875 and embarked on his further education as a barrister the same year. Was confirmed to the bar in 1879.
Generally spoke for the prosecution, often in homicide trials. Was involved in the high-profile case of Ilstyn Osney, "the Boy Butcher of Longley."
Took the name Mitchett-Scorbrook in 1882 as a condition of accepting an inheritance from a distant relation. Doesn't care for the pretentiousness of the name; his friends call him JM.
Took an interest in politics and won a seat in the House of Commons in 1883. Gradually rose through the ranks to become the leader of his party (traditionalists who supported the Phemister dynasty).
Married Winifreda Mollington, sister of a former client whose case he won, in 1885. They have no children.
Joined the Coregean army in 1887 when Corege joined Faysmond in their war against Otionovia. Led a regiment and won a few victories. Was well-respected in this role and knighted after the war.
Returned to politics in 1889, but the opposing party came into power. Supported the continuation of the Phemister dynasty after Andras II's death in 1891, but Parliament, led by the opposing party, gave the crown to the Duke of Gorchester, afterward Talfrin I.
Founded and heads a charity for veterans of the recent war and their families, has donated a scholarship for boys in need to his old school, and publicly supports societies against animal cruelty.
Has a warm relationship with his wife. She tends to keep a low profile, but she is fiercely loyal and supportive, as formidably intelligent as he is, and has provided him with plenty of excellent advice over the years. He greatly values her and her partnership.
Has three dogs, a cat, and a bird, plus an assortment of farm animals at his country estate. Raises rabbits in particular.
Developed an interest in Faysmondian culture during his time there in the war. Plans to retire there someday. Collects Faysmondian art and antiques from the early 1700s.
Despite the lack of closeness among his siblings in their youth, has been instrumental in trying to reunite them after their father's death.
Has been vocally critical of King Talfrin for many reasons, including Talfrin's personal life--he treats his wife poorly, has not raised properly disciplined children, and is denying Andras II's son his birthright.
Talfrin tried to destroy JM's political career by spreading rumors of immoral personal conduct, but JM's dedication to his wife is so well-evinced that none of the utterly baseless allegation stuck. So Talfrin attacked his political management instead. Nothing was true, but it was somewhat difficult to recover from that.
Nevertheless, was elected Prime Minister in 1906 after leading a successful investigation into treasonous conduct privately endorsed by King Talfrin, who abdicated in the wake of the scandal.
Despite his staunch support of the Phemisters, has struggled to get along with the new king, Delclis V, whom he has found indifferent and uncooperative. Does not have much experience with young people and doesn't know how to get through to someone who doesn't want to be involved in governing.
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wardenred · 9 months
Sapphic September 1: Portal Fantasy
A maybe excerpt, maybe AU from a YA novel I swear I'll finish someday.
I sit cross-legged on the bed, wrapped in a cocoon of towels and blankets, and I can’t believe this is really happening. Everything is so ordinary. The flowers and the white picket fence behind the window. The soft electric light from the lamp on Claudia’s desk. The cat sleeping on the hamburger-shaped beanbag in the corner. The closed laptop, the bookshelves, the Lego clown grinning at me from the nightstand. The pale beige wallpaper in the gaps between indie band posters. Everything here is fabric and wood, messy and cozy. A forgotten dream of a place. I barely recognize it.
The door hinges groan softly, and my attention immediately snaps to the source of the sound. Claudia tiptoes in, carrying a large steaming mug, her lips pursed tightly in concentration. She’s wearing an oversized blue shirt and those bunny slippers I bought for her as a joke. It’s weird to see them still so new. So fuzzy. Just like her sleep-tousled hair.
Everything about Claudia is exactly as I remember her. That can only mean that I’m hallucinating, or dreaming, or under the influence of yet another toxic brew. Because it makes no sense, does it? Something must have changed. Her hairstyle. Her weight. Anything.
The mattress dips as she perches carefully on the edge of the bed. She offers me the mug. “Here. I even found a pack of marshmallows.”
It takes me a moment to figure out how to react. “Thank you.” My voice is hoarse, barely recognizable to my own ears. I clear my throat. Take the mug. Stare into it. Melting blobs of marshmallow float over the chocolate foam, like wave crests on a muddy brown sea. The heat from the mug seeps into my palms. The drink smells like home.
Claudia clears her throat. “So,” she says, “do you want to tell me what happened?”
And I do, so much, but I don’t know what I can tell her. All I know is I’m so grateful she wants to know. That she has let me in. Recognized me.
How is she still the same?
“I…” I draw a breath, and the marshmallow waves shift when I let it out. “Maybe it would be easier if you, um, asked specific questions?”
“Specific questions,” she repeats slowly. “Well, I don’t know, Sarah, let’s see. My girlfriend disappears without a trace for the entire weekend, then shows up in my back garden in the middle of the night, soaking wet and completely out of it. Gee. I don’t even know. I think my most specific question at this point is, What the fuck?”
I open my mouth to answer, and then her words register with me. One word, to be exact. Weekend. My hands go numb. The mug tilts. A few brown drops land on the pastel tartan comforter.
To think I was seriously worried if she still lived in her parents' house and had the same room there. The entire way from the lake, there had been one thought in my mind: Claud may have left for college by now.
One weekend. Jeez. How?
"Sarah." Claudia leans forward and places a hand on the side of my knee. I can barely feel the touch through all the blankets, but I still soak in the warmth of her presence. "Seriously. What happened? I was worried sick. I thought—" She swallows. "I thought you were abducted. Like Sammy."
"Sammy was never abducted," I say automatically.
But I was. Abducted, or kidnapped, or stolen away in the night—whatever words I choose, they won't change the ugly truth of what happened.
"Did you talk to Sammy?" I blurt, before she can ask anything else. For half of my unwanted adventure, Sammy had been the one person I thought of most. Surely my twin will come looking for me. She's the only one who can. And besides, it's her fault. And she is my twin. 
"I tried," Claudia says with a grimace. "I went to your house on Saturday, to see if you've been home. She... wasn't exactly forthcoming."
I swallow. Sammy doesn't like Claud, I know, but. But. There's something about this that makes the tangle of anxiety and fear in my gut tighten up further.
"Could you... elaborate?"
She frowns, and I hate that I'm putting so many sad, hurt expressions on her face. I want to be the reason she smiles. The person who makes her eyes light up and sparkle like the pond waters in the twilight, when all the stars are out already reflecting in them. All this time—all this weekend, apparently—I've been thinking about her smiles. The happy and open ones when she's having fun. The small smug ones when she wins a prize, or gets a compliment for a job well done, or gets singled out in a group for her accomplishments. The soft, hazy, sleep-painted ones in the mornings that she reserves just for me.
"To be honest," Claudia says slowly, and I push myself to focus, "I would much prefer it if you answered my questions first. But, okay, whatever. She was acting super weird. She tried to convince me you came straight home with her after Pete's party, like she was taking me for a fool. Then she said you were asleep. Then she just kept repeating I was unwelcome and overstepping and you would hate me for poking my nose into your business—"
"I would never!"
She squeezes my knee through the blankets, and finally, there's a hint of a smile. "Anyway. Eventually, your Grandma showed up and took over, and then I somehow ended up eating pancakes with Sammy and her on your back porch. That was... not even the weirdest part, to be honest."
Pancakes. My throat tightens. I can't help but remember the last time Grandma sat me down for some oddly shaped pancakes. Right after I first realized Sammy was lying to me about where she'd been all summer. Right when I got close to the truth about the Veil and the Other Places for the first time, only to be shoved in the opposite direction.
"What... what was the really weird part?"
Claud's dark green eyes harden. "The one, I guess, where I left your house utterly convinced that I saw you leave the party with Sammy. That you may or may not be going away to visit some non-existent relatives, but that's none of my business. That you and I have in fact broken up because you did something so terrible I'd better not even try to recall it. And I just walked around believing all this bullshit until I cracked my journal open in the evening, so please, Sarah, will you explain to me what the fuck is going on?"
Her journal. Can it really be so simple? Would any record of pre-enchantment events suffice, or is it all about the power of the written word? I file the thought away for later. I inhale, exhale, exhale again. The steam from the mug curls lower against its rim. I take a few sips and set the rest on the nightstand, then scoot closer to Claudia.
"This is going to be really hard to believe," I warn, my chin on her shoulder. "But I swear I'll only be telling the truth. I should have told you the truth a long time ago."
And then I explain it all: about the Veil, and where Sammy went, and where they took me. If I make it a little too long-winded, it's just because I'm afraid to stop talking too soon.
If she does think I'm crazy, I'd rather not know for as long as possible.
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ratasum · 1 year
have 2, 7, 16, and 25 for vezz mayhaps? :) @kerra-and-company
OC Interview Questions
2. Who is your best friend? Tell us about them!
"I have somehow wound up with so many friends it can be difficult to truly pick one, but I suppose that would be Garrus. He's quite an unusual charr, judging by most of the other charr I'm familiar with, and a good man to boot.
I've never once known him to back down. He was willing to drag me out of the mists by my ears if he had to when we both wound up there, and I have always been able to talk to him about just about anything. He was the first person I told after Rissia that I had to step down from the whole commander business, and wouldn't hear a word of me feeling bad for leaving him to go it alone.
I hope he's doing well in Cantha. I know things have been difficult there."
7. Who do you look up to?
"Tybalt. Even now, with him... gone. He was the only charr I knew more unusual than Garrus! But always ready to listen, a ready laugh... and a damn good man. Someone who deserved far better than the lot he landed in.
He never once thought less of me for my past with the Inquest. Even when I told him what happened at Theta-9, he nodded solemnly, and he was really the first person to recognize that Inquest or not, murderers or not, they were people I'd known for a long time, and it was... difficult. To think about having done it at all.
He made his own mistakes and paid for them, and yet look at the man he made of himself. I can only hope to someday live up to Tybalt's spirit and determination."
16. Describe your perfect day.
He laughs, scratching behind his ear as he shakes his head with a faint grin.
"Oh, it's probably the most dull thing to the majority of people who might ask. Just a quiet day with my wife and my kids- all of my kids. Get Taimi up here, Rox and Braham too. Have Garrus and Qirri come up. Gears, bring the whole of Qirri's krewe.
Sitting around the cottage talking, spinning yarns, reminiscing. The good and the bad. Having apple tarts and remembering those we love that we've lost, and hoping the best for those we have as the future bears its weight on us.
Just... everyone here. Safe. Warm. Content. What a thing that would be."
25. Freebie! Come up with your own question for the character to answer! - What's the deal with Mindless?
"Oh, this little terror?"
Grinning, he reaches down to pick up the bone minion, smaller and fatter than most of the summoned beasties people may have seen. It wiggles and grunts happily.
"This fat little thing was the very first minion I ever summoned as I was learning necromancy. It lacks any sense or bloodthirstiness, and barely listens to a damned thing I say. It's more or less a particularly ugly house cat at this point.
I had started calling it Mindless out of frustration at some point, but it stuck, and now that's just its name. It even responds to it, somewhat! It's become something of a seeing eye minion for me, making up for the vision I lost in my right eye when we faced Balthazar.
Funny enough, though my magic failed on my leg when I died, Mindless somehow persevered. The only thing I can figure is it attached itself to Rissia's necromantic magic as well. It really is a family pet."
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mxllitiam · 11 months
I N T R O D U C I N G . . .
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a m a r a s i l v e r h o r n .
name : amara silverhorn. meaning : amara “everlasting” and "to love". nickname : mara, mar. age : thirty-six. birthdate : may 6th. zodiac: taurus sun, aries rising, taurus moon. gender identity : cisgender woman , she / her. orientation : lesbian. place of birth : district six. current residence : district six (+ the 75th arena, oops). occupation : tribute. blacksmith and manages a factory in district six.
tw: drug abuse, addiction, classism. 
Amara Silverhorn is proof that not everyone has their destiny written in the stars; some of us just have bad luck.
Unlucky – she was born to a burning house. Her mother was a victim of the morphling abuse scene that the higher ups had surreptitiously installed all across the district. Her father was a victim of having a heart too big for his body. He fell in love when they were young and, much to his parents' dismay, she was pregnant before they could arrange a marriage. But they would never arrange a marriage anyway – her mother was only an addict, lost to the streets, while her father had a good name to carry.
The Silverhorns, the only last name Amara still carries, her mother's identity lost somewhere in her history. She was raised by her father and her paternal grandparents, often told the story about how they tried to help the poor young woman who gave her life, but they just couldn't. Amara doesn't believe that, half of the time.
Lucky – they lived a good life. She slept in a comfortable bed and had a house in the best neighborhood of her district. The Silverhorns were old money; not quite royalty within their lands, but well enough off that they could afford a comfortable living in Panem, which is more than most could say. She grew up proper and polite, for some time.
Unlucky – she became the black sheep. Her father remarried, and then she was the oldest of several siblings, and the bastard. This is no evil stepmother story, but Amara always had an inkling that she would always be the odd one out. This was clear when puberty hit her and she started asking questions, too many questions. Her family, their last name heavy with Capitol support, didn't appreciate all the questioning.
She was indoctrinating her younger siblings, her father and stepmom would yell at her. She had ideas that were far greater and better than sitting idly by and clapping as the Games went on. Every year during the reaping they would dress up in their best clothes, and wait with the crowd, only to hear some poorer kid get called. Their Silverhorn names each only once in the bowl, safely hidden in the sea of others. Her family celebrated the Games proudly every year, and hoped for the chance to win a lottery ticket.
Why should they be happy about the Games, when it was their people dying? Her family would insist there was a difference between us and them, but that never made much sense to Amara. They were all in the same boiling pot. When the lights were off in their house, and all of her siblings huddled around her, she told them the truth. All the stories she could remember, all she had ever heard on the outside, about the Games, the families who lost their kids, the districts destroyed, oppressed. Like telling ghost stories around a campfire.
Lucky – she falls in love with the most beautiful, incredible, perfect woman in the world. Yazmin brings light to her life in a way that Amara never expected to feel. It's a breath of fresh air, to be able to love like this. They elope, and move in together, and get a cat, and things feel so much easier now.
Amara had dreams of being a teacher, someday, but those fall through pretty quickly when she knows she could never teach the current curriculum with a straight face. It's not worth it, digging herself into a government she despises. She has no interest in making any waves. So she follows after her family's footsteps and works as the head of one of the manufacturers of transportation from their district. Nepotism gets her pretty far. She likes dabbling in blacksmith work.
In her free time, she worked with nonprofits – and mostly underground – organizations who helped part of the population addicted to morphling. She gave them her time and she cared for her people, in the only way she knew how. Silently, but with her whole self.
Unlucky – her name is plucked from a bowl. The air feels hot around her. Her wife's hand slips from hers as she's taken up to a stage. This is not supposed to happen – this does not happen to people like her. She's done everything right, she's played by their awful rules even when she didn't want to. She has a name and a hundred years of Capitol support under its belt, she's never spread her distaste very far, she's been a faithful servant until now. Her father is in the crowd, watching with mirrored horror in his eyes. This does not happen to them.
Unlucky – it has happened to her.
Unlucky – she's going to die.
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hungrydolphin91 · 2 years
Guess who randomly told me they wanted to play Xillia 2?? Yep, it's my lovely 30 year old overworked and stressed sister, who said she didn't want to start a long game just a week ago. Caught me by surprise but onto the next title, hurrah!!!!
An account of our let's play beginning below the cut:
I gave her a bit of a warning of how this game is a departure from the first game (and series in general) so she had some slight spoilers going in. She also saw me play it a bit my first time, remembering Elle and Nova's annoying voices in particular
I asked her why she wanted to play the sequel. Her: "I want to see more of the jazz land." She was disappointed you rush through Elympios, and X2 does at least add a little to it.
Got to laugh at her a little when the game opened immediately on a fight. Her: "Who am I fighting, my shadow self??"
Already her hearing issues are causing problems. "What'd he say his name is, 'Liquor'?"
She hates his name, "Ludger." It would be a fine for an actual person but for a character it's silly, you could have picked a better name.
Her: "I'm gonna call him 'Clout.'" Me: " ....... like 'posting-on-the-internet-for-clout' Clout?" Her: "Yeah, he's an influencer, look at his hair! He has an ombre!"
I told her it's dyed, and that I couldn't remember whether the black or the white was the dyed part. It's a little spoilery to talk about yet, but she noticed how Nova and Rideaux have it too. Her: "It must be the fashion." Me: "Cause he's an influencer."
Also heard Ludger saying "Okay!" as "Croquet!" Me: "Why would he be saying that after a battle??" Her: "I don't know, he's weird, he makes tomato cupcakes!!" Me: "Touche."
Her: "Whoah, Elle's dad turned into a monster?? Are we going to fight him someday?" Me: [silence]
We were talking during the bit after failing the test. Her: "Bro, stop humming." Me: "That's plot-relevant humming [it really is]. But we should probably pay attention to the TV that's giving exposition."
She loves the cat already. Who doesn't, Rollo is the best 😸
Seeing that we are in Trigleph she immediately tried to visit Balan. Me: "Why would we even go there, he doesn't know us." Her: "He's going to kickstart our adventure, I just know it."
You can actually go into his apartment which I didn't know, but no one is home. Her: "Does he know he left his house unlocked??"
After running into Jude, she immediately picked the non-affinity building choice. Me: "None of your friends are going to like you if you always pick the mean choice." Her: "I have decided to be mean. I am Aloof-ger."
Also decided she doesn't care about her friends, just Julius. Me: "There's actually an ending like that." Her: "Oh, a bad ending?" Me: "And then you rule the world together. Just kidding." Her: "Aww..." [this was me being an idiot and lying to cover my tracks. It's too early for spoilers]
She immediately hated Elle, as I knew she would. I just can't get myself to like Elle much either, so I am also dog piling the Elle-hate train. Sorry Elle lovers :(
Calling Bisley and his squad "the new Chimeriad." They are at least the new villains, but not as memorable to me as the Chimeriad. Calling Nova's sister (I forget her name) the new Presa just for having glasses and being serious.
Her: "His name is 'Bisley'? Seriously?" Me: "He's the bee's lees."
Devastated to learn the shops don't expand in this game. Me: "They don't in any game except Xillia to my knowledge." Her: :(
"Did we just go back in time?" Given how the power comes from a pocketwatch that's a very logical conclusion to make, I thought the same thing.
Her: "Everything's weird here. There's like a sepia filter. He really is an influencer."
Learned Julius and Ludger are only half brothers. Upon seeing Julius's fractured form, asked "Was the other half demon??"
But Ludger has a weird form too. Maybe he's quarter demon.
I forgot how easy that Julius fight is, compared to the later ones. Also, he drops tomato omelette. He should have dropped mabo curry, since that's what Ludger offered to make for breakfast [though of course this is a fractured dimension]
Upon seeing Rideaux in the bar: "Who is this clown? He looks like the Joker." Believes he might also be a vampire, as he has orange eyes and weird hair
You can apparently go behind the bar counter and just start taking alcohol. Me: "Let's get Rideaux drunk so he forgets about our debt."
Characters are talking about Canaan and Kresnik. Her: "Is he the Lance of Kresnik? Should I start calling him Lance?" Me: "Please don't, that's such a dude bro name."
Getting annoyed at Nova for too for calling to collect the debt money. Her: "Just try to collect my money, I have two swords!" Me: "One for each annoying girl." [I despise Nova too.]
It is satisfying to cut her off. Imagining hanging up by snapping shut the flip phone.
She wants to pay her debts back one gald at a time. Me: "Oh no this is like the shop expansion all over again."
I forgot the debt also keeps you from traveling. It's pretty fucked up actually, especially since Ludger literally can't go home now.
So we're back in the field with the sexy sax music. Alvin is playing it here with us in spirit 😔.
We left off by finishing the first chunk of our loan. Next time we'll board a train home and see what happens, maybe more party members?? 👀
Masterpost link for X2 and Xillia 1 here.
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mahoutoons · 2 years
Sonic Dimensions: Chapter 6 - Alternative Amy - Amethyst
yes, i gave the alternate version of amy two moms because i can. and yes, i made her south asian coded too, also because i can.
if you're confused by some of the south asian dresses described here:
amethyst's dress is a lehenga.
priya's dress is a sari.
layla's dress is an anarkali.
alright i hope you enjoy
AO3 link
The place the group landed in this time was in front of a fortune telling house. The sign in front of it read, in big bold letters “Amethyst Rose’s Fortune Telling.” This immediately caught Amy’s attention. 
“Look guys there’s a fortune telling house here!” Amy exclaimed. “And it looks like its run by an alternative version of me!”
“Amy, we don't have time for this,” Knuckles said. “We have to find Eggman and Eris before they wreak havoc in this dimension too!”
“Oh but maybe the alternative me is a really powerful magician! Maybe she can help us!” Amy tried to convince them.
“Oh all right Amy,” Sonic relented. “Lets meet this alternative version of you.”
The group went inside the fortune telling house. The place had purple curtains from floor to ceiling. A translucent purple curtain revealed a figure not much taller than Sonic and friends and with long hair. 
“Welcome,” a voice said, very similar to Amy’s. She opened the curtain and the group could now see her clearly. She looked just like Amy, but also had some differences. Her quills were longer and she wore a purple lehenga with gold decorations. She also wore a gold necklace. Amy stared at her open mouthed.
“Wow, the alternate version of me sure is beautiful,” she commented. 
“Why, thank you,” the hedgehog twirled. "Would you people like to know your fortunes?"
"Oh I'd love to!" Amy's eyes were glowing.
"Then follow me into my chamber, and I, Amethyst Rose, will tell you your destiny!"
Amy followed Amethyst into the room. There was one table with a purple tablecloth and a crystal ball in the middle. Amethyst put her hands on the crystal ball and closed her eyes. The crystal ball glowed.
"Ah, I see," Amethyst smiled. "You're in love with someone in your group, aren't you?"
"What? Uh… well…. its that obvious huh?" Amy blushed.
"My crystal ball tells all. Now who is it you're in love with? Is it the purple cat with the bindi?"
"Well…. she's cool too," Amy blushed again.
"Oh I know then," Amethyst smiled. "It is the blue hedgehog, is it not?"
Amy's blush became even deeper. She was silent. 
"I guessed right," Amethyst said. "Don't you worry, alternate version of me. Your love will someday end in full bloom."
"Yes. You just have to be patient."
Amy and Amethyst came out of the chamber.
"So, how was it?" asked Sonic.
"Well, uh, she's the real deal alright," Amy said.
"A-Are you alright Amy?" Serena asked. "Your…. your f-face is a-all red."
"Oh its fine, I'm fine. Amethyst's fortune telling just hit a little close to home."
"There's something I've been meaning to ask you," Amethyst said. "You all are from an alternate dimension, are you not?"
"Whoa how did you know?" asked Sonic.
"Half because Amy already told me. She called me the alternate version of her. Half because my crystal ball also confirmed it."
"Wow, you're really good," Knuckles said 
"Thanks," Amethyst said. "My mothers are the best magicians around. Its only natural that I learn from them."
Well, yeah, we're from another dimension," said Sonic. "We're looking for two people, a human and a cat girl. Have you seen them?"
"I don't think I have," Amethyst said. "But my mothers may be able to predict their location. They're great magicians, even more powerful than me. Why don't we meet them now?"
"Oh I'd love to," Amy said.
"Great! Then lets go to my house! My moms love visitors! And they're gonna love extradimensional visitors even more."
The Rose household was large and ornately decorated. Amethyst led them to the living room. A huge chandelier hung from above the ceiling. There was a sofa near the wall with a little table. The walls were filled with pictures of Amethyst with her mothers.
"This is my home," Amethyst said.
"Wow… its huge," Amy stood gaping at the large living room.
"Your alternate self is quite rich, Amy," Knuckles commented.
"This is all built thanks to my mothers' hard work," Amethyst said. "Speaking of which, where are they?"
"Amethyst darling," a voice called out. "Is that you?" 
"Yeah mother, its me," Amethyst called back.
Someone came into the room, a purple hedgehog wearing a green saree. Her quills were tied in a ponytail and she wore some jewelry on her head.
"Amethyst, how did fortune telling go today?" the hedgehog asked. "Oh, you've brought guests too! Are these your friends?"
"Well… kinda. They were guests at my fortune telling house. Is mom around?"
"Oh she's just in the garden."
The hedgehog stood at the window and called, "Layla, Amethyst has brought friends!"
"Oh! I'll be there in a minute!"
The other hedgehog appeared. She was a red hedgehog with long quills that reached her waist. She wore a black anarkali dress that seemed to flow on the ground. The dress had gold decorations, much like Amethyst’s lehenga.
"Oh, Amethyst, its rare that you bring people over! Are they your friends?" asked Layla. 
"Like I said, they were guests at my fortune house. Mother, mom, meet Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Blaze, and Serena. Guys, meet Layla and Priya, my mothers."
"Nice to meet you," Sonic said. 
"Oh thank you for being good to Amethyst," Priya said. 
"We only met her today, but you're welcome," said Amy.
"My my, aren't you a spitting image of our Amethyst? I didn't know we had a twin," Layla said, looking at Amy.
"Well, close. I am Amethyst from another dimension," Amy said.
The two women took a close look at Amy.
"Why don't you explain over some tea and snacks?" asked Layla. 
"Sure," Sonic said.
Priya and Layla served Sonic and friends some tea and cake while they explained what was happening. The two hedgehogs along with Amethyst listened intently. 
“Alternate dimensions, huh?” Priya said after Sonic had concluded explaining. “Very interesting. I should tell our next door neighbours, the Prowers, about this. They’d be very interested in research.”
“Speaking of which, the two tailed one looks like the Prowers’ son,” Layla commented.
“Well…. I am Miles Prower, just from a different dimension. And I have two tails.”
“Do you also have a sister?” asked Layla.
“No, I’m an only child,” Tails replied.
“Ah. Because the Prowers here have two children, Miles and Melody. They’re twins. Interesting how alternate realities work.”
“So, mom, mother, can you use your magical powers to predict the location of this Eggman and Eris?” asked Amethyst.
“Why sure. Its a piece of cake for us,” said Priya.
“Can I….” Amethyst began.
“No my dear. You’ve not advanced to that kind of magic yet,” Layla said. “Priya, lets do it shall we?”
Priya nodded. Amethyst’s shoulders sagged. 
Layla and Priya held hands and closed their eyes. An aura formed around them and their quills began to flow. Sonic and co looked on in awe. Amethyst had a sad look in her eyes. An image appeared on the crystal ball before them - one of Eggman and Eris in a forest like area, looking for something.
“There they are,” Layla said. 
“Sweet! Now lets stop them before they throw this dimension into chaos as well!” exclaimed Sonic.
“Thank you very much. Your magic was admirable!” Amy said. “You need to teach me some time!”
“In time, dear,” Layla said.
“I’m going with them!” Amethyst declared. “If these Eggman and Eris characters are a threat to us I want to help stop them!”
“Sure dear,” Layla began. “But-”
“You can’t come with me!” Amethyst asserted. “I want to do something myself for a change.”
“A-Alright dear. As long as Sonic and his friends are with you,” Priya said. 
“We could use some of Amethyst’s magic anyways,” Sonic said. 
“Well then, farewell,” Blaze said. 
“Goodbye dears. Be careful,” Priya said. 
“By the way, little butterfly and other Amethyst,” Layla called to Serena and Amy. “I sense you both have a spark for someone in this team. Will you tell them about it?”
Serena and Amy suddenly turned red.
“I-I-I-I don’t know what you’re talking about….” Serena stuttered.
“Yeah, us? Crushing on someone? No way!” Amy stammered.
The two girls laughed nervously. 
“Be courageous, dears,” Priya said. “And take care of our Amethyst for us.”
“We will!” Serena and Amy said unanimously
“Wow, the alternate me has a crush on someone?” Amethyst asked. “Whoever could it be?”
“Amethyst this isn’t the time for that!” Amy said quickly. 
“Whatever you say,” Amethyst teased.
“By the way its me,” Sonic said.
“SONIC! Come on now!”
Amy chased him around while Sonic ran while teasing her. 
“Do those two every give it a break?” asked Knuckles.
“What a lovely couple!” Amethyst commented.
“Y-Yeah, they sure are,” Serena agreed.
Amy soon ended up behind Serena. 
“He can be so annoying sometimes,” Amy commented. 
“Eh heh heh, yeah.”
“So Serena,” Amy whispered. “When are you gonna confess to Blaze?”
“W-W-W-Whaaaat?!” Serena blushed.
“Serena, are you okay?” Blaze went over to her to check on her.
“I-I-I-I’m f-fine, your h-h-highness!” Serena stammered.
“If you say so,” Blaze went back to the front.
Serena looked back at Amy. 
“W-what? What are you l-looking at?” she asked. “H-How did you-”
“Come on, Serena, its so obvious. I’ve seen the way you blush around Blaze. The way you act more nervous than usual when she’s around. I know what a crush looks like.”
“A… Ahahaha. I-I’m really…. That obvious huh?” Serena asked.
Amy just nodded.
“W-Well you’re right…. I… I do have a crush on the princess….. And actually…. It goes f-further. You see…. When I was little I was s-slow at everything. I o-only learned to fly w-when I was three…. And I l-learned to fly when I was five. I…. I was r-really shy…. And because of that th-the other kids would tease me. Th-They’d make f–f-fun of the w-way I talked…. And b-because of that I r-rarely went anywhere. Th-Then one day… a c-couple of older kids w-were bullying me…. And the p-princess happened to pass by. Sh-She told them to l-leave me alone. P-P-People didn’t r-respect her back then…. B-because they’d think she d-didn’t have control of her powers…. So they b-bullied her as well…. But she was u-undeterred…. She t-t-told them to l-leave me alone…. And e-eventually they listened to her. Sh-She then made sure I was alright. Sh-She was the f-first person to treat me with respect besides my p-parents…. And ever since then I looked up to her. She p-probably doesn’t remember at all… but it s-stuck with me forever….”
“Well I can’t say I blame you,” Amy said. “Blaze is cool and confident and beautiful… if it wasn’t for Sonic I think I’d be your romantic rival.”
“Eh heh heh…. B-but she probably w-won’t notice me…. I mean…. She’s a p-princess…. And I’m j-just a nobody. I-If it wasn’t for the Rings of Light…. She’d p-probably forget I exist”
“Now don’t say that,” Amy said. “I’ve read plenty of stories where a princess ends up with a commoner. You and Blaze could be one of those stories. You just have to give it a go.”
“Y-You really think so?”
“I know so! So be courageous, Serena! Just give it your best shot!”
“Yeah…. Y-you and Sonic too…. Y-y-you guys give it your best shot! I’ll b-be cheering y-you two on”
“Well…. Thank you” Amy said softly. 
“What are you two whispering about back there?” asked Blaze.
“Ah…. n-nothing ahahahaha” Serena laughed nervously.
“Well, looks like we’re almost there!” Amethyst said. “I can sense their auras!”
“Auras?” asked Sonic. 
“Everyone has a different aura,” Amethyst explained. “And Eggman and Eris give me bad vibes all around! They’re close everyone!”
Indeed just a few feet away were Eggman and Eris. 
“Can’t we just throw this dimension into chaos and be done with it?” Eris asked.
“Patience my dear,” Eggman said. “We must wait for Sonic and his friends first. Once we defeat them you can cause all the chaos you want!”
“We’ve been doing that for all these dimensions,” Eris complained. “And those annoying pests have beaten us every time. I have only four of the Chaos and Sol emeralds with me. I’m still plenty powerful, lets just throw this dimension into chaos and be done with it. There’s no way Sonic and that little princess can stop me!”
“Wow you’re acting like a spoiled child now,” Eggman chided. “Didn’t I promise to help you? You must do as I say to get maximum results.”
“Alright Dr Eggman,” Eris sighed. “Lets just wait around for Sonic and friends.”
“You don’t have to wait any longer!” Sonic exclaimed. “We’re here!”
“Ugh, finally!” Eris groaned. “Lets fight them now.”
“You guys and your bad auras are going down!” Amethyst declared.
“Amethyst, maybe we should strike together,” Tails suggested.
But Amethyst was already ahead. 
“You’re not destroying this dimension as long as I’m here!” she asserted. “Take THIS!”
She closed her eyes and willed the leaves to form a tornado around Eggman and Eris.
“Yes! My magic is getting better!” she said to herself.
But Eris did away with the tornado by lifting her finger.
“Heh! This is nothing,” she said in a mocking tone. “Watch what I learned from Hecate!”
She closed her eyes and willed the trees around her to stretch their branches and trap Amethyst. 
Amy jumped into the fight, summoning her hammer. She tried to slash away the branches but they just regenerated.
“I see the rest of you pests have also made it here,” Eris said.
“See, Eris. I told you patience pays off,” Eggman said.
“As if you have ever been patient, Egghead!”
At this point, the rest of the group rushed out of hiding.
“Butterfly girl, there you are,” Eris said. “This time I will make all of you perish!”
She willed the trees to form a circle around the group, effectively trapping them.
“Amethyst are you okay?” Tails flew to her.
“My magic isn’t working on these branches!” Amethyst cried. “Whatever magic Eris is using, its too strong!”
“She’s like that because she has the Chaos and Sol emeralds with her!” Blaze said. 
The fight began between the group and Eris. While the rest were fighting, Amy and Serena tried their best to free Amethyst. But even Serena’s photokinesis was not enough to break through the branches Amethyst was trapped in. 
“These branches are just too strong!” Amethyst said. “And after I wanted to prove myself too!”
“Prove yourself? Why?” asked Amy. 
“Because no matter how strong I get I’ll never live up to my mothers! Their magic is super powerful. The only reason I’m known is because I’m their daughter. And my mothers still think my magic isn’t powerful enough! No matter how much I practice, no matter how much I grow, they never let me do the harder spells with them! How can I prove myself to them if they never give me a chance to?”
“Amethyst, you don’t need anyone’s approval!” Amy said. 
“But these are my mothers! If they don’t let me prove myself then-”
“You don’t need to do everything to impress them!” Amy stressed again. “You love doing magic, right?”
“Yes! I love it! I love telling people their fortunes and seeing the happy looks on their faces! I love the feeling of getting a spell right! I love seeing the way things float off my hand just by lifting a finger!” Amethyst asserted. 
“Then don’t do it with the thought of proving yourself to someone! Do it because you love it! That’s when you’ll really shine!” Amy persuaded. 
“Because I…. love it…”
The next thing they knew, a gust of wind distracted the group. The circle they were trapped in was opened and two figures emerged - none other than Layla and Priya. 
“Mothers!” Amethyst exclaimed upon seeing them.
“Who are you?!” Eris shouted.
“We are Layla and Priya Rose,” Layla announced. “And as renowned magicians we will not let you destroy this realm!”
“Great, more annoying pests!” Eris sighed.
Priya went over to where Amethyst was and with her magic, freed her.
“Mother, what are you doing here?” Amethyst asked.
“Oh we tried staying at home like you said but we were so worried about you kids,” Priya explained. “So we just had to come out here.”
“I wanted to do this alone!” Amethyst cried. “To prove that I can be a powerful magician like you two!”
“But darling, we already believe in you!” Priya assured her. 
“No, you don’t! You never let me do any of the harder spells because you say magic isn’t strong enough and I keep practicing every day to become a good magician like you two! But you never let me because you think I’m still a little kid and want to hold me back!”
Priya looked pained.
“Hold you back…. Is that what we do?”
Meanwhile the rest of the group along with Layla was fighting Eris. 
“Sweetheart a little help please?” Layla asked.
“Mom…. please, you’ve got to believe in my powers. Trust that I’ve grown,” Amethyst pleaded. “Let me do something for once.”
“Eris has the power of the Chaos and Sol emeralds within her,” Amy explained. “She isn’t as strong as before since we have three of the seven with us. If we can knock another one out of her, we can weaken her further.”
Priya pondered for a while.
“Mom, please let me do this at least,” Amethyst begged again.
“If that’s what you want, then alright dear,” Priya agreed. “I will help Layla and the rest of your friends while you three think up a plan.”
Priya went to where Layla was to help her. 
“S-So…. How should-we get th-th-the next set of e-emeralds from Eris?” asked Serena.
“I already have a plan,” Amethyst said. “Listen….”
She whispered something to Amy and Serena. The other two listened intently and nodded.
“You sure this will work?” asked Amy.
“Just trust me, okay?” said Amethyst.
While the rest of the group was still fighting Eris, Serena shot a light ball at her. Eris looked her way.
“Butterfly girl,” she said, contempt dripping from her voice. “I’m going to make you regret the day you were born!”
“Wow, she really hates you,” Amethyst commented.
“I… I have her rings…. But th-that isn’t m-m-my fault,” Serena said.
Eris now took small steps towards Serena and Amethyst. 
“You know, you may be powerful at magic,” Amethyst said. “But you clearly don’t have the love for it!”
“What are you saying?” for a moment, Eris looked genuinely hurt which made Amethyst feel bad. “I love magic! It was taught to me by a dear friend of mine.”
Then her voice turned back to the hateful, resentment dripping voice they had all become familiar with.
“But she was taken too soon. And her gift - the Rings of Light - were stolen from me! And that butterfly girl has them! She, and everyone who wronged me will pay for this!”
Before she could do anything, Amy whacked her on the head from behind with her hammer. It was powerful enough to drop one of the Chaos and Sol emeralds. Amy and Blaze quickly raced to retrieve them.
“Wow that was easier than I thought,” Amethyst said. 
“B-But… Eris seemed g-genuinely sad… I f-f-feel a little s-sorry for her,” Serena said.
 “I’m not done yet!” Eris screamed. “Butterfly girl, I will come for you!”
Eris rushed to Serena, her hands at Serena’s throat. But a fireball hit her just in time. It was Blaze.
“You’d better leave her alone, Eris,” Blaze said. 
“Princess…. I’ll get you too…. You and the butterfly girl…. I’ll make you both suffer!”
“We have nothing more to do here, Eris,” Eggman said. “Lets leave.”
“Ah, yes,” Eris said. “I will be back for you all.”
Eris opened up another hole and she and Eggman left. 
As soon as they left, Amethyst’s mothers ran up to her.
“Amethyst dear, are you okay?” asked Layla.
“I’m fine,” Amethyst replied.
“That was something else though,” Priya said. “The other Amethyst hit that cat girl on the head and some sort of gemstones came out of her? Were those the Chaos and Sol emeralds you talked about?”
“They are indeed,” Blaze confirmed. 
“It was Amethyst’s plan,” Amy said. 
“I see. Well you all did a great job holding off against her,” Priya said.
“She was powerful even for me,” Layla admitted. “But Amethyst dear, Priya found time to tell me what you told her while we were fighting. We’re sorry we’ve been holding you back.”
“That’s right. From now on, you practice magic with us,” Priya said. “And then you’ll be as good as us. Maybe even better.”
Amethyst’s eyes sparkled.
“Moms, thank you,” she beamed. “Thank you so much!”
Dontcha just love a happy family?” Knuckles said.
“I wish my parents were like that,” Amy said.
“Well, we’ve gotta go,” Sonic said. “We have another dimension to save!”
“It was brief but it was nice meeting you all,” Amethyst said.
“Do come and visit again,” Priya said. “And maybe I can teach you guys magic too.”
“You will?!” Amy’s eyes sparkled. “I’d love that!”
“Amy, we gotta go,” Sonic said.
“Oh, yeah. But I’ll surely visit! I wanna learn all the magic I can!” 
“Well, we better get going now,” Knuckles said. “Goodbye Rose family.”
“Goodbye other Amethyst! Everyone, do come visit again!” Priya said.
After waving goodbye to the Rose family, the group jumped into the hole to the next dimension.
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