#somehow I feel like Nace would be the one to really go mad with the booping
mint-ty · 6 months
Nace would really love this boop feature...😔
he should join tumblr (I'd block him)
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j-restlessgeek · 13 days
Hiii :3
Your cat!Jure ask made think and now I'm having so many Thoughts™ sooooo, imagine this:
Bojan is a doghuman (a golden retriever puppy if you may) the same way you said Jure was a cathuman. They both have some dog/cat features even in their human forms, but they can hide it really well unless there's some really strong emotions that make them pop up, and they can turn into their full animal form whenever they want.
Even if they're very good at hiding their animal features, it still takes a bit of energy and concentration to do so, so when it's just them and the boys (who are probably the only ones who know about it), they can finally fully relax and let their ears and tails pop up.
And you just can't tell me Bojan's tail wouldn't be wagging all the time from how happy he is. I can see they guys teasing him about it all the time, like when he gets mad for whatever reason and they apologize to him and give him so head scratches; he pretends to still be mad about it and he goes "you're not going to get me to forgive you just with some pets 😠" "you sure, pup? you're tail is wagging like crazy 😏" "oh shut UP"
(He also gets the zoomies from time to time of course agsjsbsj)
I think they would both LOVE turning into their animal forms to cuddle and take a little nap together. They all find it so funny that Bojan is somehow bigger than Jure when he's a dog, but despite the teasing, Jure loves getting to cuddle with him and it makes him feel so warm and safe. And he knows Bojan will always have his little 5pm nap, so cuddles will always be assured :3.
Whenever they meet up at Jan's, Jure will turn into a cat more than half the time to play with Igor and catch up with him. Igor tells him a lot of stuff - he's actually a really interesting cat, Janči - and then Jure can tell the guys what he said.
That's also why it took Igor a little more time warm up to Bojan because, even in his human form, he still smells like a dog (it's not perceptible to the human senses, but it is to the cat's), but he does eventually and they now all get along pretty well and he joins the cuddles during nap time sometimes 🥰.
I like to think Bojan was one of the first people to meet Pino when Nace brought him home and they immediately warmed up to each other. Sometimes Nace takes both of them on a walk so they can have some quality time together as well, and when they get back home Bojan returns to his human form and tells Nace all the good things Pino says about him – and Nace has probably cried a few times hearing just how much his beautiful puppy loves him 🥹💕
Also, they would definitely love going on little adventures with the band, going on a hike and being surrounded by nature so they can run around freely and have fun together (even more if Igor and Pino join them as well of course). The rest of the guys would have to keep an eye on them so they don't get lost or hurt themselves, but it's definitely worth it to see how much fun they have together <3
(wow you really got my mind going crazy omg 🫣)
Omg omg omg omg, dog bojan 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹awwwwwwwwwwwwww omg the idea of Bojan trying to look angry but his traitorous tail is wagging behind him 😂😂😂😂😂😂.
Omg this is sooooo freaking cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute, omg jure and bojan being Igor and Pino's translators 😭😭😭😭😭 thats so sweet 💛💛💛💛💛💛.
Awwwwwwwwww jure cuddling close to sleeping Bojan, snuggling into the long soft fur, maybe he even purrs. 👀👀👀😻😻😻😻😻
The question is if Nace or one of the others would throw a ball, would Bojan go fetch it? 👀👀👀👀👀👀
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onceuponamirror · 3 years
set after 2x06, character study on ace as i try to figure him out. nace hints. getting in deep with this show lolol 
A sense of purpose.
The words rattle around in the back of his head as he turns off River Heights Drive. As is typical of the incoming Maine autumn, the night has fogged over, bringing with it a smattering of chilled rain. It runs down the pane of the windshield in tiny tendrils as Ace sits at a red light. He turns on the wipers, watching them flick to and fro.
A sense of purpose.
He flicks on his signal even though it’s well past midnight and famously sleepy New England towns are unsurprisingly asleep by 9. He turns left towards Main, which will eventually take him home, even if it’s the long way.
He said it out loud today, standing over a body and pulling on rubber gloves like it was second nature. “Everything we’ve done with Nancy the past few months has given me a sense of purpose. Anyone else miss that?”
It’s not like he was in denial, exactly, that everything that’s happened the past few months had woken something up in him—but he hadn’t quite put it into words, either. All his life, he’s been known as a lot of things—slacker, hacker, dishwasher, stoner, townie. Purpose has never really been among those.
His mom, perhaps a bit too kindly, says it’s because he picks things up too quickly and then gets bored. Even his childhood nickname—Ace—comes from his tendency towards acing the basics and moving on. Maybe it’s gifted child syndrome, or whatever new think-piece Twitter is floating, or something. But it’s not even an issue of attention span. He knows that too well; after nearly failing freshman year, his parents tested him for ADHD—twice.
Ace exhales, and directs Florence down the main drag of town, his fingers drumming against the wheel of the car. The old video rental is the only storefront with the lights still on, as if they hadn’t gotten the memo of the digital age. Rain continues to rumble over the hood of the car.
His guidance counselor had a meeting, the three of them, at the end of that year. It’d been Nancy’s mom, he realizes, surprised to have connected the dots only now. Mrs. Drew had said it kindly, but bluntly, just like Nancy would. “Ace is bright, and I do believe he can catch up on the work, but I think what he’s missing is the motivation. Some sense of purpose.”
He remembers looking up at Mrs. Drew lowly, halfway melted into his chair. His mother looked concerned. His father looked furious. Ace had just sighed and slouched further into his seat. By the time he graduated, his grades were fine, enough for State, anyway, but he didn’t bother applying. The very thought of it made him nauseous. He told his mom he wanted a gap year, and then it became another, and another. He got a job at The Claw to make enough money to cover the occasional joint—his father had initially seemed pleased until he found out he was only washing dishes.
He just—well, Mrs. Drew had put it right. He wasn’t motivated. He’d rather be outside, in the woods, where it was quiet. He’d rather be working on knots. He’d rather be practicing coding. He’d rather be anywhere but home—but he couldn’t quite bring himself to drift too far away from it, either. Deep down, Ace was afraid if he went to college, if he moved out of town, even—
Snow drifts across his memories. Sirens, blood, and snow.
It hadn’t always been that way. Growing up, he and his father had been inseparable. Tom was the local Scout leader, and most of Ace’s childhood was filled with camping outings, puzzles in the woods, and trivia nights. That was all before his dad’s accident—before his dad had almost died.
Tom stepped down from force. He’d stepped down from the Scouts, too. Parents wanted someone who could hear a boy shouting if there was trouble; Ace had overheard the conversation with the parents of kids he’d once considered friends. They didn’t feel like that after the accident.
The house grew quiet, like all sound was smothered. Slowly, they built back a new normal. Everyone took ASL classes, and his dad perfected lip reading. McGinnis helped his dad get his pension early. His mom picked up more shifts at the library.
And Ace—got bored.
After all, his dad had been motivated. He was a good cop, following good hunches. And all it did was get himself nearly killed. And the one time Ace got curious, started poking around in his dad’s files during some late night coding sessions, he got caught and nearly wound up in juvie for hacking federal databases. He remembers thinking that the meeting with McGinnis had felt a lot like the one with Mrs. Drew. Nothing good comes from a hunch, so why did he bother?
And then, Nancy.
He blinks, bringing himself back into the present. He’s almost home despite going out of his way to take the long way—the downside to living in a town the size of a snow globe.
A sense of purpose.
He has it now. Ever since Tiffany died and the wormhole of creepy crawlies opened up and nearly swallowed him whole, ever since Nancy started working at The Claw, really, something’s shifted. He finds he doesn’t argue as much with his dad; he has a crew now. Even when the Aglaeca curse was hanging over them, even when he’d been brought right back to that scared kid, about to lose everything all over again, he didn’t give up like he used to. Instead, he was mad.
Not only did Nancy bring puzzles back into his life, he thought she might be one herself, maybe more than she realized. He liked solving the steps of her. It felt like old times, like the Scout outings following treasure maps his dad made, only—electric, somehow, and alive under his skin.
He’s good at it too. He likes solving mysteries. He likes the mystery of Nancy, too.
Maybe that’s what scares him. But it’s a sense of purpose, and he thinks he might wait it out. See where it goes.
  He pulls into the drive, home.
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