#somehow that translates over into me doing the dishes without being asked and staying awake during the day
newfeeling77 · 11 months
im making healthier choices for my brain every day. for my body thats another story
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wienerbarnes · 4 years
Witch Bitch
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Pairing: Bucky x Witch!Reader
Word Count: 3,943
Warnings: witch stuff, burning at the stake 😳
A/N: this is heavily inspired by american horror story: coven bc i recently watched and ive been binging all of it lately but its not necessary to know anything about ahs lol i kinda just used their fancy magical terminology and concepts bc they were cool🤪 
The best time of the day was breakfast. It was the time when Bucky, Sam, and Sharon were most often together. Sometimes training overlapped and they missed lunch. Sometimes missions ran long or friends were in town and they missed dinner. But the morning? They were all early birds, all awake by seven. They took that shared characteristic and shared breakfast together whenever they could. Bucky usually took care of the coffee, Sam usually took care of the eggs and bacon, and Sharon usually took care of the bagels, toasting them to perfection before slathering on a layer of cream cheese.
It was a moment of peace in their day. Quiet before the noise of the gym or the conference room or the jets or the private trainings or the interviews with prospective agents or anything else they do on a daily basis. It was a time for three friends to just sit and eat and enjoy each other's company as though they are just that: three friends. Not super soldiers or captains or special agents. Just people being normal. Normal doesn’t last long, though. It never does for them.
Bucky’s on dish washing duty this morning while Sam and Sharon chat idly behind him, waiting for him to finish so they can all leave together. A soft voice interrupts them, though, making the three of them stop what they’re doing because no one has access to this floor except for the people that live here - meaning them three.
“Who’s in charge here?” You ask.
“Who the hell are you?! How did you get up here?!” Sharon asks, ignoring your question.
You were in a long, flowy black skirt, slit cut in the left side exposing your leg, and a long-sleeve black shirt, tucked beneath the waistband. Think black boots cover your feet and a black hat sits on your head to complete your look. Bucky almost doesn’t notice the folded black umbrella underneath your arm as his eyes trail down the multiple chains and necklaces around your neck, falling between your breasts.
“I’ve been trying to find someone to help me but the people in this building are not very helpful. I figured I’d find who’s in charge myself, something that you all don’t seem to want to help me with, either.” You explain.
“The only way to even enter this building is through strict appointment and background checks, and no one’s even allowed past the nineteenth floor.” Sam explains.
“Why are you entertaining this? I’m getting her out of here.” Sharon says, moving to walk towards you to take you out of the building herself.
As she nears closer and closer, you wave your hand lazily, without taking your eyes off Bucky, the only one who hasn’t said anything this whole time, and Sharon collapses on the floor soundlessly.
“What did you do!”
Both Bucky and Sam panic as they rush to Sharon’s body on the floor. They frantically run their hands over her body, looking for the point of injury that made her collapse the way she did, but they find nothing. No holes, no blood; she didn’t even make a sound.
“She’s not breathing and she doesn’t have a pulse, what the fuck did you do to her?!” Sam yells at you.
You roll your eyes, “Okay, you got me. I don’t need help finding who’s in charge, I already know it’s you. I still do need your help, though.”
You’re ignored as the two men hover over their friend, unsure of what to do or what even happened to her.
“Oh, alright, move.” You order them, stepping over Sharon’s body.
You stand before her, lifting your hands to hover over her body before closing your eyes and letting out a deep and long exhale. Bucky and Sam watch as it takes only about seven seconds for their friend to suddenly gasp for air, jumping back to life. The boys crowd her once more, checking her eyes, her pulse, everything to convince themselves that she’s actually alive like that, and if she was even dead in the first place.
Sam finally looks back up at you from the ground, as though he just remembered that you’re there, “What are you?”
You smirk in response, ready to finally get what you came here for.
“So, you’re a witch?” Sam asks, the four of them now occupying a private conference room for some privacy.
“A witch who killed me.” Sharon adds.
“And a witch that brought you right back.” You reply, leaning back on your chair, leg crossed over your knee, slit exposing your thigh. Bucky’s eye twitch to look at your bare skin for a second before returning to meet your eyes.
“So… what do you do?” Bucky asks.
You smile at his innocent curiosity, “All witches don’t have one universal power. Some are clairvoyant, some do voodoo, some dabble in pyrokinesis, divination, transmutation, descendum,” You glance over to Sharon, who’s still pouting at you, “Resurrection.”
“And can you do all of those?” Bucky asks.
“Almost all of them, but I’m not here to talk about me.”
“Why are you here?” Sharon asks.
“You guys hunt the Nazi’s, right?” You ask, aiming your question towards Sam, knowing he’s the Captain in charge.
“Hydra, yes.” He confirms.
“Well, your Nazi’s somehow got a hold of my magic. And they are playing with very dangerous fire,” You begin.
Bucky interrupts, “We’re all for taking down Hydra, but, don’t you think you’re a little more… powerful than us?” He asks.
“Bucky!” Sharon slaps his arm, as though she’s shocked that he would ever admit such a thing.
“I am. But I’m not that powerful, either. Not anymore, at least. A group of those Hydra invaded the coven my sisters and I were at. I was the only one that escaped.” You tell them.
“Did Hydra take them?” Sam asks.
“No, they killed them.” You respond, growing irritated as the subject grows touchier and touchier.
“Can’t you just bring them back like you did me?” Sharon inquires.
“No! I can’t. Like I said, I’m not that powerful anymore. Maybe I’d be able to bring back a house full of dead girls when it was me and twelve others but it’s just me now. I wouldn’t come all the way over here if I had other options.”
Silence grows over the group as they process what you’ve gone through. Surviving through the massacre of your fellow witches and not being powerful enough to find the people that did it on your own. You’re vulnerable.
“So what can we do?” Sam asks, ready to join forces with you.
“Help me locate the men who did this so I can handle the magic part.” You tell him.
“What magic do they have?”
“Although witches control most of the magic, sometimes it can be taken on in… physical forms. Specifically blood. The blood they retrieved was from a witch that was skilled in Vitali Vitalis.”
“The alive within the living.” Bucky translates.
“There are two worlds: the living and the dead,” You begin to explain, “Vitali Vitalis keeps the balance between these two things and it’s one of the most difficult powers for a witch to master. Oftentimes it’s used to give parts of your own life, health, and energy to someone who needs it. But it can also allow you to take life from someone and give it to yourself.”
“Like immortality?” Sam questions.
“Not quite. Any witch can be killed with a knife or bullet. This kind of magic keeps you from dying of age. I’ve only ever known one witch who mastered it.”
“What happened to her?”
“She used it for evil, like this. Took the souls of hundreds in order to allow herself to live for almost three centuries. Until she was killed, of course.” You finish, a small smile on your lips knowing that she got what she deserved.
“What, you burn her at the stake?” Sharon jokes.
“Yes, actually. We did.” You tell her matter-of-factly, becoming more and more irritated at the fact that she doesn’t seem to take this is as seriously as you are.
Bucky interrupts, sensing the rising tension between the two girls, “So when we find these guys, you’re going to burn them at the stake, too?” He asks.
“Yes,” You say, as though it’s the most obvious thing in the world, “The consequence of using magic like this for evil is death by fire. I hope you all don’t think the rules will change on account of these men being Nazi’s?”
“Well, we just have a different way of doing things -” Sam begin to defend
“Yes, I’m aware. The countless destruction caused by you and other militaries, the millions of innocent lives lost yearly, not only in the constant war and irresponsible handling of your nuclear and alien weaponry, but by incorrect prosecution. Not to mention the billions of dollars spent on your ridiculous prison systems that don’t work when actual bad people escape and the death penalty practices in certain states. I just figured my way was easier. And cheaper.” You reply.
Silence crowds over the four of them once more as they think over all their options.
“I’m in.” Bucky speaks first.
“Me, too. Even if I don’t like you.” Sharon follows.
“Feeling’s mutual, dear.” You smile at her.
The three of them look to Sam, waiting for his commitment as well.
“Alright. Let’s get to work.”
Plans were made, theories of location were thought of, and plans to execute the mission were put into place, all of which included you. A temporary room was given to you when the information of your lack of a place to stay was brought to light. Only for the duration of this mission, is what Sam told you, but you can spot the amount of love and light in his heart from miles away.
It was later that night, and you’ve since cleansed the room, going as far as to place a protective spell on the entire floor. You’ve lost too much already, and you’re not about to risk anything.
A knock at the door sounds and the visitor you’d been expecting has finally arrived. You walk towards the door, still in your clothes from earlier but now you’ve removed your shoes, and open the door to reveal Bucky.
“I was waiting for you.” You tell him.
“How’d you know I’d come?” He asks, stepping through the door when you step aside, silently gesturing to him to enter.
“I can hear your thoughts. You've been debating whether or not to come see me for the past thirty minutes. Your mind is very loud.”
“Tell me about it.” He mumbles to himself, thinking about the countless nightmares, voices, and all the other reminders of just how loud his mind was.
“You can ask all your questions, you know. I won’t take any offence. You’re just curious.” You tell him, settling on your bed, hoping he’ll join you and stop hovering near the door.
Luckily he takes the hint and takes a seat across from you.
“I’ve never met a witch before. A real one, I mean. Like, someone born a witch. Like Salem witches -”
“I understand.” You chuckle lightly.
“You don’t seem… afraid of me. Or, hesitant, rather.” You tell him, thinking about how he’s received your presence here compared to his colleagues.
“I was wary when you killed my friend, but… you just need some help, is all. I’m sorry, by the way, I’m not sure if I said it before, but, I’m sorry for what happened to your friends.” He tells you.
He’s very polite. But you supposed that’s not abnormal considering he got his manners from the 1920’s. You like it, though. You give him an appreciative smile before giving him the okay to ask you whatever he wanted.
“So you said that witches can master multiple powers but have one specialty; is yours resurrection?”
“Yes; it was the first power I ever exhibited when I was a teenager. I was about fourteen or fifteen. My next mastered skill is descendum and then clairvoyance, where I was in my twenties, or so.” You tell him as he looks at you with pure fascination in his eyes.
“What is - what is descendum?”
You pause, “The power to descend your soul down into the afterlife - to hell. And return alive.”
His eyes widened, not even knowing that was something someone can do; not even knowing that hell existed in the first place, “So, you’ve been to hell?”
“Yes. I’ve also been able to retrieve people from hell, their soul. A variation of my power of resurrection, I suppose.” You explain, not being too fond of that power; descending to hell.
Bucky sits in silence for a few minutes, and you let him. You can hear the question lingering around in his head; what he’s thinking. But you let him build up his own courage to ask it. You know he’s only scared of the answer; the answer you know he’s not going to like.
“What is hell like?” He whispers.
“It doesn’t matter what my hell is like. Everyone has their own personal hell they experience when they die.” You tell him.
Confusion clouds his features as he registers your answer.
“Is there… Is there no heaven?”
You smirk, “It’s nice that you’ve remained religious after all this time.”
“Yes, there's heaven. But only for the purest and most innocent of souls. And rarely do people escape life without sin. Everyone has evil in them.” You tell him, knowing it’s a harsh truth that no one wants to hear.
The people Bucky’s killed, the crime he’s committed, the families he’s hurt; it all passes through his mind. Everyone has evil in them.
“What was your hell like?”
“I’m not telling you that.” You tell him quickly.
Bucky ponders what his own hell will be like, after seeing the way you’re clearly shaken up about your own. The fall from the train. The man in a lab coat sawing off the rest of his arm. The needles poking through his skin in the middle of some facility. The chair.
He doesn’t realize that he’s looked away from you until he snaps his thoughts back to the present and sees he’s looking down into his lap. He glances up to see your face, your soft features and kind eyes staring at him. He glances from your eyes to your lips and back up again before clearing his throat, not realizing how close he got to you during his time here sitting on your bed.
“You know, I, uh, I should go. Thank you for, uh, answering my questions, but we head out pretty - pretty early tomorrow, so,” He trails off, standing and patting down his shirt to smooth out the nonexistent wrinkles in a nervous habit.
He makes his way towards the door and his hand touches the knob when he hears your voice, “Hey, Bucky?” He turns slightly to face you again, a hum to indicate for you to continue.
“Thank you for coming to see me. And thank you for all the kindness you’ve shown me. You’re a very good person.” You tell him sincerely.
He gives you a nod of you’re welcome before exiting.
He’s not sure if you told him that because you truly mean it, or if it’s because of the state of anxiety and existential crises you’ve put him in now that he’s going to be thinking about his personal hell, but he appreciates it, nonetheless.
He thinks you’re a pretty good person, yourself.
The mission goes off without a hitch. The combined skill of the Avengers’ stealth, spyware, and experience along with your magic and witchery makes for an easy capture of the men who killed your witch sisters and stole your magic.
It’s not long before the facility they were at was shut down and cleared out, arresting any officers and rescuing any prisoners or hostages, and the five men specifically responsible for the destruction of your coven are in separate custody. What’s left of the blood is returned to you, as well.
That’s where the group of you stand now, a decision to be made about the criminals you’ve captured. To be put in the maximum security prison floating in the ocean, or to be put to death by fire.
“I don’t believe in being the executioner of people.” Sam tries to convince.
You can’t help but let a laugh escape you, “Do you know who you work for?! Do you know who you are?!” You remind him.
“Those guys can’t escape the Raft.” He tries, referring to prison in the middle of the ocean you’ve heard about.
“You did.” You respond, knowing about when Steve Rogers took him out of that prison, along with other superheros.
You see Bucky and Sharon look between the two of you, torn between how these Hydra criminals should receive their fate. Staring into the hot depths of flames or rotting alone in a cell? Both seem to be too merciful, in Bucky’s opinion.
“This isn’t just running the facility or experiments, Sam. This is different. They were using dark magic to commit crimes. Maybe they should face the consequences of a dark-magic-punishment.” Sharon offers.
You don’t have time to be shocked at Sharon agreeing with you and picking your side before Bucky agrees and Sam is outnumbered. He stares at you and gives a single nod, allowing you to do this your way.
You smile, a silent thank you for giving you the closure and opportunity to serve justice to those who did you harm. “Off to Massachusetts, then.” You tell them, and Sam takes his seat in the pilot's chair, Bucky accompanying him in the front of the jet.
You take a seat, making yourself comfortable for the flight to Salem and you feel a body take the seat next to you. You glance up to see Sharon looking at you, but you notice she has something in her hand, offering it to you.
You look down to see a small plastic bag of fruit gummies. But not just any fruit gummies, you realize. Halloween themed fruit gummies. The pictures on the outside show the various options inside: witch’s hat, a broom stick, a melting pot, a vial, and a magic wand. Hilarious.
You take the gummies, though, accepting her attempt at a truce.
It’s not long before you and your temporary teammates find themselves standing before a large, empty field, multiple wooden stakes standing about fifteen feet tall scattered about with plenty of space in between.
You lead the walk to a group of them standing tall in line, so the men can be burned at the same time, as opposed to one by one. A group of large, burly agents lug the Hydra operatives along, behind you and the rest of the team.
Bucky hangs around your left, as to not be in the way of the black umbrella held in your right hand, and Sam and Sharon trail behind you. You can sense their uneasiness and tune out their worried thoughts. Everyone’s first burning is always an experience; they’ll get over it.
Bucky doesn’t seem worried, though. In fact, you can’t hear his thoughts this time around. But he still stands tall and straight, walking with confidence, so you make a safe assumption that he’s okay.
None of the men’s cuffs or shackles are removed, but thick rope is tied on top of it, around the wrist and looped around the waist, tying them to the stake. The cuffs are special grade - high tech Avengers vibranium - and they can be retrieved later once the fire burns out.
“Any last words?” You ask, more for tradition than whether or not you actually care.
They look scared, obviously not expecting their fate to look anything like this. You remember seeing Bucky tackle one of them in the facility, prying his mouth open to rip out a tooth, or what looked like a tooth, like a dog caught eating something it wasn’t supposed to. A cyanide pill.
Silence comes from them, except for one of them, “Hail Hydra!” He yells, as if that cowardly and pathetic phrase would change anything.
With a raise of your hand, seemingly with no effort, you wave it and the stakes all begin to rise up in flames. There’s nothing to spark, no twigs, no gasoline, nothing, and Bucky watches as the flames rise, growing stronger as they engulf the five men. They begin to scream, and Bucky looks over at you, as if to confirm you didn’t bring gasoline or something with you, and he sees a smile slowly grow on your lips.
They haven’t stopped screaming; they’re still alive when you turn and begin to walk back the way everyone came. Bucky follows, and eventually Sam and Sharon do, too, the other agents staying behind until the end to retrieve the cuffs and shackles that will survive the fire.
“So, now what?” Sharon asks, the air quieter as the screams have slowly stopped in the distance.
I can’t imagine what kind of paperwork follows this, “Back to the tower.” Sam responds.
“The coven’s only a short walk from here.” You say, not needing to elaborate much more. The men have been caught and brought to justice, but you still have a broken, battered, and beaten down coven to fix.
A friend of yours was meant to go by and retrieve the… bodies. Which you’re grateful for. But magic won’t help you fix the walls, the floors, mop the blood, or find other witches in need of an escape and a place to improve and master their powers. You have a lot of work to do.
As the view of the jet gets closer, you prepare to bid your goodbyes to the Avengers, your thank you’s as well. Regardless of your attitude towards them before, you couldn’t have done this without them.
A metal hand engulfs yours, pulling you back a bit as Sam and Sharon continue on.
“Do you need any help?” Bucky’s warm and gentle voice floods your ears, hand still in yours.
“You guys have been more than enough help, now, really.” You try to tell him, but he has none of it.
“You may be tough, but you can’t fix up that house by yourself,” He tells you, “I can be pretty handy, fixed up a few things back in my day.” A soft smile grows on his face.
You glance over his shoulder as Sam and Sharon wait by the entrance of the jet, “Don’t you have to go back?”
“They won’t miss me.” He tells you, not even looking back to confirm with his teammates, hand dropping to run it through his hair.
You giggle at him, before giving him a shy nod in answer to his offer to help you fix up your big house.
“I’m going to hang out here for a few days.” He yells over his shoulder.
“We figured.” Sam calls out, and Sharon throws you a wave as they board the jet, the opening close after them.
“Lead the way?” Bucky offers you, taking your hand once more, interlocking the fingers this time.
And so the two of you are off, one of your hands still clutching the umbrella, holding it above your head, and the other hand interlaced with the one of a handsome and kind super soldier. This wasn’t the way Bucky expected the last two days to transpire, but he’s glad they led to holding the hand of a very pretty witch.
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delaneytveit · 4 years
Satellites Part 15
Wow so I ended up getting some really good reviews on the last one! Thanks for the comments guys! Its great to see that ya'll are enjoying this story as much as I am
Which reminds me, read a really good fic, or just any fic? I have a challenge for you, go back and write a comment about something you liked in the fic, it can be anything, the title, the pace, the language, ANYTHING! Writers thrive off of comments, and your kind words just might make someone's day (it definetly made mine!) 
Spread positivity and genuine enjoyment! because at the end of the day, we're all people with crazy lives who just want to be able to come back to our stories and lose ourself in worlds galaxies awayAlright, now i'm reigning in the preacher moment and am simply here to say, follow me on twitter!
 Twitter - sfw -> @/spacemom_laney | nsfw -> @/15_agentwash
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(Part 14) (Masterpost) (Part 16) 
“Maybe a cake, Lance likes red velvet cake. Though it's basically just chocolate with food colouring. Or those pseudo-chocolate chip cookies, he can wolf down an entire batch of them. Or maybe…” Hunk had momentarily turned around to face Pidge, the dish he was currently scrubbing still in hand. “Pidge?” 
“Hmm, what?” Pidge looked up from her computer, completely oblivious.
After the meeting on the bridge, tensions had been high in the castle. Knowing as much as they knew about Project Leo had put them all on edge. It had been a week since then and the unease still hadn’t settled. So of course, Hunk in all his anxiety had decided he would cook something to cheer up the team, or at least Lance. He had it the worst, clearly the information wasn’t as shocking to him, but the confirmation of it somehow made it all real for him.
He had been closely monitored by Coran. Though it was a larger question of it was helping at all. He never really admitted it, they’d have to be blind to not notice the far off stares, the decrease in appetite, and the heavy bags under his eyes.
Lance wasn’t doing too well, and though Hunk knew there wasn’t much he could do for his best friend, he could at least cheer him up even if it was for just an instant.
Hence the sweets. Hunk had been in the kitchen attempting to decide what to make, and considering he always thought better without still hands, had taken to cleaning the entire kitchen from top to bottom. Pidge had walked in about an hour into his cleaning frenzy, perched upon the island counter and opened her computer.
Having another person in the room, Hunk had begun talking out loud, wondering what he could make out of the space ingredients he had.
Of course, she wasn’t paying attention at all.
“You know, you could at least pretend to be listening.”
“Look, I don’t see you looking through hundreds of data files!” she retorted.
Hunk turned back to the sink and continued scrubbing the plate. He shook his head. “You know, Shiro said to stop. We already know enough.”
“Do you always do what dad says?” Pidge joked.
“Pidge, seriously. What good is it going to do?” Hunk hand turned around fully, crossing his arms over his chest.
“What do you mean, what good? Hunk, I’m on the verge of something!”
“What about Lance? Does he know you’re doing this?”
“I’m doing it for him! The more we know about the experiments, the better. We can help him!”
“Help who?” the man in question asked as he walked into the kitchen. Both Pidge and Hunk jumped at the sudden sound.
“O-oh, hey Lance!” the Yellow paladin greeted, as Lance made his way to the fridge. They watched him closely as he opened it, grabbing a juice pouch from a shelf.
He closed the fridge and leaned against it, sticking his straw into the pouch.
“So, what are you guys arguing about this time?” he asked, taking a sip of his juice pouch.
Hunk and Pidge looked at each other in question, a silent argument unveiling before the Blue paladin, until finally Pidge sighed in defeat.
“Hunk is mad because I think I found something while going through the data files again.”
They didn’t miss the uneasiness that washed over Lance’s body. Though he was still leaning against the fridge, the tenseness in his now more distinct muscles was apparent.
“Didn’t Shiro tell you to stop?” Pidge lowered her head at that.
“He did. But when does Pidge ever listen?” Hunk admitted.
A small smile played on Lance’s face, though it was gone in a moment. “So, find anything useful?”
Pidge perked up at the question. Grabbing her discarded laptop, she opened it up and pulled up the file she was looking at previously.
“Of course I did!”
“Wait, so there’s another experiment?” Keith was pissed. Besides the fact that one of his teammates go directly against orders, but apparently whatever was happening to Lance wasn’t over.
Pidge nodded, “Yeah, well not an experiment exactly. It's called Phase Two.”
“Phase Two?” Keith repeated.
“Lance was the first of four successful tests. I guess that was enough for them to move on to Phase Two. Which is basically to see if they would be able to recreate the serum without the manufacturing part.”
“I’m confused, what do you mean without the manufacturing part?” Lance asked. He had never heard of Phase two, though then again he hadn’t really stuck around to see it. All of this was absolutely new territory for him.
“That, I couldn’t get. It was difficult to translate, and the parts that I could read were vague. What I did get is that the point of Phase Two was to see if the serum would stay in your body for a long period of time.”
“Well we know that worked.” Keith stated quietly.
“Yes, but why would they need to discover a way to recreate the serum without actively formulating it?” Allura was beyond confused. Why would someone go to such lengths to create something, only to search for alternatives?
None of it made any sense.
“Pidge, were you able to find the ingredients of the serum?” Lance asked.
Pidge shook her head. She had been searching for days and couldn’t find a thing. Not only that but every blood test Coran had taken had yielded little to no results. They had no idea what the serum was, nor any of its long term effects.
“The lengths that they’ve gone to hide that, it's possible that they only were able to make a few of them. That or the ingredients are too costly to keep making them from scratch.” Lance reasoned.
“So what would they use then?” Keith asked, voicing everyone’s question.
In all honesty, Lance didn’t know either. What could they use? He knew they needed him, more importantly they needed him alive. So what could they use?
It was almost like a lightbulb had flashed above his head at the realization.
“Stem cells!”
Lance’s mention of the testing facility had sparked a realization in Allura. If there were more ships, then the likelihood of there being more subjects was incredibly high. There could be others, stolen persons just like Lance, being experimented on, tortured.
How many had families?
How many were taken from their homes?
How many were like Lance?
The longer she thought about it, the more she came to the conclusion that they had to do something. They were Voltron after all. The defenders of the universe. If for even a second they suspected that someone may be in danger of the Galra, it was their duty to protect them. They may not have been able to rescue Lance, but maybe they would be able to save those still being held in the facility.
So away she went, to the other side of the castle where the Paladin’s chambers were. She walked past the doors until she came to the one she needed.
She stopped in front of it, and knocked softly. It was only a few seconds before the door opened, and she was greeted by the one person who she knew would help her.
Bright blue eyes met hers. Eyes that even heavy with sleep, held a look of determination, a desire to protect.
“I have a proposition for you.” her voice was soft so as not to wake the others, though she knew he could hear her as he now seemed more awake. “May I come in?”
Lance nodded, turning on the light and moving aside so that she could enter the room.
Allura had never been inside one of the Paladin’s rooms previously. Though she did have to admit that it was a lot cleaner than she thought it would be. Lance had somehow managed to combine clutter with organization. There were books and pens on his desk, his bed piled high with pillows and blankets. Pictures adorned the walls and a set of blue lights on a string were taped to the shelf above his bed.
It looked...homey. Comfortable.
“So, what was it you wanted to talk about?” Lance asked, taking a seat on his bed. He gestured for Allura to take a seat at the chair in front of his desk. She did so, crossing her legs and bringing her posture up to a more poised position.
“I’ve been speaking with Coran, and though it seems you still have quite a ways to go in terms of mental stability, I believe that keeping you from missions would do more harm than good in the long run.”
“So, you woke me up at…” Lance looked over to the clock next to his bed, “3 in the morning to reinstate my mission privileges?”
“Well, yes and no. I’m only doing this for one mission.”
“Yes, one I’m sure you’d be very adamant about going on, even if I were to refuse you.” Allura leaned forward. “A rescue mission, at the testing facility you were held at.”
“Wait, you found it?”
Allura nodded. She had been searching for it since the issue was brought up.
“Okay, rescue mission. When do we leave?”
“I’ll make the announcement tomorrow. After I talk it over with Shiro, we can come up with a sound plan of attack. Lance, are you sure you will be okay?”
Lance took a second to think about it. He knew what she was doing, giving him an out. He was thankful for it, but this was something he had to do.
He was one of the lucky ones, he had got out. But there were so many of them that didn’t. He owed it to them to do everything in his power to free them.
“I’ll be fine, Allura. I promise. Now, let's go save these guys.”
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cheesetrap0113 · 6 years
Me Against The World English Translations
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News Anchor : And after the fierce battle between Mad Trigger Crew VS Matenrou, Matenrou took the glory! Matenrou received the prize money and the Division Rap Battle-
*switches off TV*
Jakurai : We managed to win somehow but, Samatoki's team sure have skills. We won this time but, how about the next? Both Ichiro and Amemura's team were excellent. That's how strong they are. *drinks* If Dirty Dawg gathers once again, perhaps the Chuuoku will... hmm, what am I saying? Though me myself haven't forgiven him yet.
*Door bells*
Hifumi : Sensei! Good day~ Are you awake?! Doppo : Stop it, Hifumi! What are you gonna do if he's still asleep?!
*Door opens*
Jakurai : Good morning to you both. Something happened?
Hifumi : Sensei! We really won right?! This is not a dream, right?!
Doppo : Sorry Sensei. Hifumi was like this from the moment he woke up, saying that he won't believe it unless he confirmed it with you.
Jakurai : It's because you two gave it your all. The won who took all the glory is without a doubt, us.
Hifumi : REALLY?! WOHOO!
Doppo : Hifumi! There are other people as well! Don't shout!
Jakurai : Let's not keep standing here, come inside.
Hifumi : Thankies!
Doppo : Please excuse us.
*inside the room*
Hifumi : This is really crazy. We're the winners!
Doppo : Even though one night has passed, I can't clearly tell the time.
Jakurai : Here, have some coffee.
Doppo : Thank you very much.
Hifumi : Thank you~
Jakurai : Oh, I am keeping the prize money. I will hand it out afterwards.
Hifumi : Prize money... by the way, how much is it?
Jakurai : 100,000,000
Doppo : *spits out coffee* O-o-o-o-o-one hundred million?!
Jakurai : Splitting it by 3 won't do, so I'm fine with 30 million, so I'll give 35 million to you each.
Hifumi : Thank you~! Maybe I'll get presents for my customers, since it's just easy money.
Doppo : 35... million...it's about 6 times of my annual income...
Hifumi : And we get control of the other divisions as well, yes?
Jakurai : That's right, but even though with that, the Chuuoku doesn't accept it as a part of it.
Doppo : But even so, having control over them is... then I can kick my annoying bald boss out of the office branch, huh?
Hifumi : Woah, Doppo-kun so savage!
Jakurai : Doppo-kun, now that you said it...
Doppo : Oh no Sensei.That was a joke, a joke.
Jakurai : There might be a restriction, but there's a possibility for that. That's why, I have a propsal. May I?
Hifumi, Doppo : What is it? / Yes?
Jakurai : If we use this control for selfish desires, it will result in utter disorder. But on the other hand, you can use it on a different way.
Doppo : In other words, it will keep the order if we use it on good things?
Jakurai : Yes, for the mean time, I plan to establish hospitals in each division in places medical care hasn't reached yet.
Hifumi : That's true. Ever since the Chuuoku became the authority, it seems that some area are still in pieces.
Jakurai : Our victory in the next tournament is not assured. So why not use this for a desire that will result in improvements?
Hifumi , Doppo : Roger! / Of course!
Jakurai : Thank you, both of you.
Jakurai : Now then, I know that you're still tired from yesterday, so let's go home and rest-
Hifumi : What are you saying, Sensei? Today we'll prepare a feast!
Doppo : Hey hey, Hifumi. Sensei is tired. At least let him off for today-
Jakurai : Doppo-kun, you don't have to worry. Hifumi-kun, since we have a reason, let's do it!
Hifumi : Yay! Then let's do it in the apartment. Both of us will do the cooking!
Doppo : Eh? Hey, I can't cook!
Hifumi : Hahaha! No more arguing. It's fine if you'll just assist me.
Doppo : Well, if that's it, then even I, can do it.
Jakurai : I'm looking forward to your dishes.
Hifumi, Doppo : Okay!
Jakurai : Well then, you two can go ahead.
Doppo : Eh? You're not going home, Sensei?
Jakurai : Yes. There's somewhere I need to go to first.
Hifumi : Okay, Sensei, then later! Now then Doppo-chin, let's go~
Doppo : Oi, Hifumi, stop pulling me!
Hifumi : Let's go, let's go!
Doppo : I can walk
*door closes*
Jakurai : Yesterday at the staff seats, I wonder if Ichiro-kun and Samatoki-kun noticed it.
Juto : *sighs*
Riou : What's the meaning of that sigh?
Juto : Samatoki calling for us early in the morning, it just wanna make me sigh. For sure it's about us being defeated yesterday.
Riou : Hmm... that's for sure. But why are you sighing?
Juto : Why you ask? Don't you get it? It's "THE" Samatoki. For sure he'll be making a fuss out of the result. If you think about how to calm him down, for sure you'll understand what I'm saying. *Sigh*
Riou : Hmmm, I tried to think of it, but I don't get it. Tell me.
Juto : I'm wrong for thinking that you'll understand it. Please forget about it.
Riou : Is that so? Then let's forget about it.
*door bell rings*
Samatoki : Oh, the door's open, so come in.
*door opens*
Juto : We're going in.
Riou : Sorry for the trouble.
Samatoki : My bad for calling you early in the morning.
Juto : Eh..Ah... Yes, there's no problem at all.
Riou : Yeah, no problem with me, too.
Samatoki : Then that's good. Why the hell are you just standing there? Sit over there.
Juto : A-ah.
Riou : Yeah.
Samatoki : Coffee?
Juto : A-a-ah... Thank you.
Riou : Sure. Let's have it.
Samatoki : 'Kay.
Juto : What's happening? I thought he'll be rampaging but, he's in a good mood?
Samatoki : Here, drink up.
Riou : *sips coffee* Ooh, tasty.
Samatoki : Haha! Cause I'm a pro in coffee making.
Juto : *sips* It's true. This is delicious.
Riou : Since you treated me to a drink, I will prepare a feast when we get back to Yokohama Division.
Samatoki : O-o-oh. I'm counting on yah.
Juto : Samatoki.. you, are you sick? Do you have a fever?
Samatoki : What the hell? I don't have a fever. Stop touching my forehead so casually.
Juto : You... are you not mad?
Samatoki : Huh? Why do I have to be mad?
Juto : I-it's because we lost in yesterday's battle. We thought you're gonna lash on us...
Samatoki : Are you stupid? There's no way I'm gonna lash out on you. On the contrary, I'm grateful.
Juto : G-grateful, you say? You.. to us?
Samatoki : Yeah, just like my battle with that bastard Ichiro, I could have not make it up to here, to battle Sensei if you two are not with me. That's why... how should I say it... Well, thanks.
Juto : Eh?!-- Ah...
Riou : No need to be grateful. Because fate united us and we are a team. Besides, if I'm just more powerful, things won't turn out like this.
Samatoki : Don't say that to me as well. We won't lose next time.
Juto : Ahem, as expected, we can't just stay as losers, huh.
Riou : Ah, I sullied the name of the army. There's no way I'll back down now.
Samatoki : Haha! Now this is getting interesting.
*phone rings*
Samatoki : Sensei? Sensei, what's up?
Jakurai : Samatoki-kun, there's something I want to talk about. Can you spare a little time here in the lobby?
Samatoki : A talk? Is talking through phone not good?
Jakurai : There's something that piques my interetest...
Samatoki : Oh well, I think it's okay. If that's so I'm coming down.
Jakurai : Thank you. Then, later.
Riou : Something happened?
Samatoki : Sensei called for me so I'm going down for a bit.
Juto : We need to check out soon so make it short. We can't get out unless we are all complete.
Samatoki : I know.
Juto : From Jinguji Jakurai, huh? Just what is it he wants to talk about?
Ichiro : Oi, Jiro, Saburo! Are you awake?
*door opens*
Jiro : Good morning, Nii-chan...
Ichiro : Oh. Morning-- that's some eyebags you have there. You didn't sleep?
Jiro : E-eh. For now, let's come inside.
Saburo : Ichi-nii... good morning.
Ichiro : Good morning. What's this, you haven't slept as well, Saburo?
Saburo : Ehehe...
Ichiro : What's with you two?
Jiro : The result of yesterday's battle... that's one hell of a battle, huh?
Ichiro : Yeah, you're right. That was an amazing battle.
Jiro : Looking at that... it was really frustrating.
Saburo : If we are just stronger, we will advance to the finals. We can't sleep thinking about it...
Jiro : We are the ones who held you back... we're pathetic... so pathetic.
Ichiro : Jiro... Saburo. Sorry!
Jiro, Saburo : Eh?
Ichiro : It's my fault for making you guys feel like this. If I just got myself together more properly, we won't lose, and you guys won't be feeling sad like this.
Saburo : I-ichi-nii! Please stop it!
Jiro : He's right, Nii-chan!
Ichiro : No, please listen to the very end. This time, I got too obsessed with that bastard Samatoki, it blinded me from seeing what's around me. If I just managed to be composed at that time, and cooperated with you guys more, we won't have this results. So stop blaming yourselves.
Jiro : Nii-chan...
Saburo : Ichi-nii...
Ichiro : You guys are deepening the wounds. That's what we get to feel in this battle. That makes me happy cause, it made me realize that I really need to get myself together more.
Ichiro : That's why in the next battle, let's put all of our strength and win the battle! You two, although I'm an immature brother, will you come with me to the very end?
Jiro : Of course! I will follow to anywhere you go!
Ichiro : Jiro...
Saburo : Of course! I will devote myself so you don't have to lose anymore!
Ichiro : Saburo... Yosh! This is our great start!
Jiro, Saburo : YES!
*high five*
Jiro : But that being said, it's really a pain that we can't get out unless we're all together.
Ichiro : Ah, it's one thing we should expect from the Chuuoku's side.
Saburo : I wonder why we have freedom during our stay, but not during check in and check out.
Jiro : Checking out flies so fast. Ha... I want to sleep more.
Saburo : Tch. You're really saying that, huh?
Jiro : HUH?! I can fucking hear you Saburo!
Saburo : HAHAHA! For an imbecile, you sure do have good ears! Haaa, I came here when he shouted.
Ichiro : Why?
Saburo : Cause he's been murmuring to himself for a while now. In the end, that is one reason why he wasn't able to sleep.
Jiro : OH!! Saburo you bastard! We promised to keep it a secret! If that's what you're up to, I'll tell yours as well!
Saburo : Ack!
Jiro : This guy's been crying all night under his blanket!
Saburo : S-stop it!!
Jiro : What the hell are y ou doing?!
Saburo : SHUT UP! I'll shut that blabber mouth of yours forever!
Jiro : Oh, oh, oh! Bring it on! Show me your guts!
Saburo : Shut up, you idiot!
Jiro : Shut up, you're the idiot one!
Saburo :You're the idiot!
*continues to insult each other*
Ichiro : Huh? Jakurai-san? Hey, you two! I'm gonna make a call so keep it shut!
Jiro : S-sorry...
Saburo : I'm sorry...
Ichiro : Hello?
Jakurai : Ichiro-kun can you spare a minute?
Ichiro : Yeah.
Jakurai : Can you come here in the lobby?
Ichiro : It's okay, but what's up?
Jakurai : There's something I want to talk directly. It won't take too long.
Ichiro : Got it. Then I'll go down now.
Jakurai : Then, later.
Gentaro : Well then, we should be checking out soon, huh? That Dice... is he still asleep?
Dice : *snorks* I, I finally did it... the jackpot is mine...I'm rich...
Gentaro : What a leisurely face he's making. He's having a pleasant dream, huh? *whispers to Dice* Haaa.. when you thought about obtaining the price at last, you bet it all on the next game... and ended up losing.
Dice : Wha... uh... T-thats...w-why would I do something stupid like that...
Gentaro : Ahahaha! What a simpleton you are Dice! Dice-han~, time to wake up~ leave your dreamland already~ it's all just a dream~
Dice: Hmm... Ha, ha! A d-dream!
Gentaro : Good morning, Dice.
Dice : O-oh. Morning. G-gentaro. I just had an amazing dream.
Gentaro : Oh, what kind of dream?
Dice : When I thought that I finally won after a gamble, the next moment, I realized that it was just all a dream...
Gentaro : Now that's... but are you sure with this?
Dice: About what?
Gentaro : When you tell other people about your dream the moment you wake up, it will never happen.
Gentaro : Well, it's a lie.
Dice : Haaa, thank goodness it's just a lie.
Gentaro : Oh, you're not mad?
Dice: I'm so thankful that it's just a lie that I don't feel like getting mad.
Gentaro : *Oh well, you've been such a barking dog, that it makes me pissed.
Dice : Wow, this guy's saying something uncomprehendable.
Gentaro : Well, then playtime is over. Dice, get ready to leave.
Dice : Oh, it's time to leave now, huh. If I just have more time, I wanted to get revenge in the gambling den here.
Gentaro : Hmm. Speaking of gambling den, aren't you forgetting something, Dice?
Dice : What are you talking about?
Gentaro : Money. The one I lend you.
Gentaro : Why are you laughing trying to cover it up?
Dice : By the way, shouldn't we wake Ramuda?
Gentaro : Ah, a there's a message from Ramuda earlier. He said "I have something to take care off, so I'll be out for a moment! Wait for me at the lobby~!"
Dice : Heh... leaders have a lot to do, huh?
Gentaro : A lot, huh?
Samatoki : Tch, that's some smug I don't want to see early in this morning.
Ichiro : Tch. Samatoki
*lights up cigarette*
Samatoki : *blows smoke* it's "-san" in the end, you dimwit.
Ichiro : Why do I have to do that for someone I can't respect?
Samatoki : Shall I kill you again, right here, right now? Though the result's will be completely the same.
Ichiro : Tch.
Samatoki : What? Nothing to say back at me, you chicken bastard.
Ichiro : We may be lost for this round's battle, but don't think that the next will be the same.
Samatoki : Huh... nomatter how many times, I'll beat you up.
Ichiro : Huh, you only have this time to talk highly.. you... SISCON BASTARD!
Ichiro, Samatoki : HUH?! AH, YOU WANNA GO?!
Ichiro : SISCON
Ichiro, Samatoki : Huh?! SISCON! BROCON! COME HERE!
Jakurai : You two, please calm down.
Ichiro, Samatoki : Tch!
Jakurai : Sorry for making you wait when I'm the one who called you out here. There's no much time left, so I'll get to the point.
Ichiro : Osu.
Jakurai : Nurude Sasara-kun, Harai Kuukou-kun, these two were here yesterday.
Jakurai : You formed team with them before, right?
Samatoki : Why...?
Jakurai : There are other conspicuous men who stood out in the crowd as well.
Ichiro : Kuukou is... in Chuuoku...?
Samatoki : Sasara... that bastard...
Jakurai : Also, my old friend was here as well. Perhaps there is something here in chuuoku that's why those people, who are connected to us, appeared. It might not be the case, but there is nothing wrong in being vigilant, right?
Also, about Amemura-kun...
Ichiro : Is there something with Ramuda?
Jakurai : Hm... No... This is just my justification. Please forget about it.
Samatoki : For sensei to keep his mouth shut, that's quite rare.
Jakurai : But, just remember one thing.
Jakurai : Please be careful of Amemura-kun.
Samatoki : From Ramuda, that bastard...?
Ichiro : Just what do you mean...?
Jiro : Nii-chan, it's almost parting time!
Saburo : I brought your things!
Ichiro : Oh, thank you!
Juto : Geez, I told you not to be late, didn't I?
Riou : Samatoki, as a soldier I can't turn a blind eye on you for not keeping track of the time.
Samatoki : Tch. How annoying.
Jiro : You guys...
Saburo : Iruma Juto, Busujima Mason Riou.
Juto : Oh, the students are here. What a coincidence, being together at check-out.
Jiro : You can look down on me just this time. We won't lose next time.
Saburo : I'll let you know, that the ones on top, were once standing at the bottom.
Riou : That's a good look in your eyes. Much better from when me first met.
Doppo : Sensei, it's almost time.
Hifumi : Sensei, did I brought all of your things?
Jakurai : Thank you, you two. It took longer than I expected.
Dice : Why is everyone gathered here?
Gentarou : My, my, everyone is here. Izanami Hifumi, Kannonzaka Doppo, we've been in your care.
Doppo : G-good morning.
Hifumi : Fufu, same here as well. Please pardon us.
Gentarou : Well, I'm sensing a different aura.
Hifumi : I am me. But if that's how it looks to you, then maybe you can see right through me.
Gentarou : What the hell is this guy saying?
Doppo : AH! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! He just turns into a different person when he wears this suit.
Gentarou : Well that's another shady story.
Dice : I can't believe you're saying that. Hey you salaryman. I told you before, that lowering your head holds no worth no matter how many times you do it.
Doppo : S-sorry!
Dice : Haaa.. it seems like I can never get along with you even if we got reincarnated.
Doppo : Haha... even though a guy in his 20's is making fun of me, is lowering my head the only thing I can do? I wonder why am I like this. But wait, we are the winners right? If you compare it to the ranking in a company, he's just a mere employee and I stand as the president, right? Meaning, if I act like I'll punish him, for sure it will take him down. Alright, I'll do it. I'm doing it!
H-hey, bashtards!I- i'll teach you how to speak to people higher than y-you...
Hifumi : Hahaha! Calm down, Doppo. If you were to be gone, it would bring me great despair, so please don't disappear!
Doppo : I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
Jakurai : You two, let's end the goodbyes here and let's go home. Well then, goodbye everyone. Until the next battle...
Hifumi : Very well.
Doppo : Yeah, well then. Iruma-san, until next time.
Juto : Yes. I won't lose next time.
Gentarou : Now then, Dice. Shall we wait for Ramuda over there?
Dice : A'ight. Riou-san, I'll come to eat again.
Riou : Okay. I'll be waiting.
Juto : Shall we go as well?
Riou : Yeah, let's.
Samatoki : Ichiro, you're skill is the only thing I'll acknowledge.
Ichiro : Hmph.
Samatoki : But, I'll never forgive you for what you did to Nemu.
Ichiro : What I did to Nemu-chan...? What the hell is he saying?
Ramuda : Ya, ya! Ichijiku onee-san, it's me!
Ichijiku : Amemura? Sit over there.
Ramuda : Okay~! *Ramuda sits*
Ichijiku : How's the battle this time?
Ramuda : *cries* I lost! Comfort me, please~?
Ichijiku : Hmph. You know what will happen when you try to ridicule me, don't you?
Ramuda : Ehe! You can't even take a joke. Boring~!
Ichijiku : The earnings of the first division battle exceeded the expected. You can say that this show is a great success, in terms of amusement and business, and above everything else, these foolish men are battling each and other divisions, and not with us, the Chuuoku.
Ramuda : Right? And for that, you'll let the new force participate in the next war, right?
Ichijiku : It seems that the seeds you scattered in the past, will bloom again.
Ramuda : Ahem, I'm so great!
Ichijiku : Then, here's the next thing I need you to do.
Ramuda : Okay~! I got it!
Ichijiku : There's no second chance, so you better succeed.
Ramuda : Okay~! Oh right, the Hypnosis Canceler, it's been completed right? Does it affect new Hypnosis Mics, perhaps?
Ichijiku : I'll have one thing to say to you. It's not something you need to know.
Ramuda : Eh~ why won't you answer me?
Ichijiku : Amemura... don't get ahead of yourself. We have a lot to replace you any time-
Ramuda : Onee-san is so scary~ *stands* See you again Ichijiku- oneesan~
Ichijiku : A failed creation, as expected.
Ramuda : That damn woman, I'll kill her someday. No... not just her, but them all humans...
*evil laughter*
*The thing Gentarou said is so deep, I can't even translate it in english. He said something like "You're so annoying recently I am annoyed as well."
Well.. I did my best :3
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